slump verb - Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage notes | Oxford Advanced American Dictionary at

Definition of slump verb from the Oxford Advanced American Dictionary



    Verb Forms present simple I / you / we / they slump
    he / she / it slumps
    past simple slumped
    -ing form slumping
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  1. 1[intransitive] to fall in price, value, number, etc., suddenly and by a large amount synonym drop Sales have slumped this year. slump by something Profits slumped by over 50%. slump (from something) (to something) The paper's circulation has slumped to 90,000.
  2. 2[intransitive] + adv./prep. to sit or fall down heavily The old man slumped down in his chair. She slumped to her knees.
See slump in the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary

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