Passage - Definition, Meaning, Synonyms, Etymology
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Dictionary Definition of 'passage'

A physical or metaphorical journey or transition from one place, state, or condition to another.
"The passage from childhood to adulthood is filled with challenges and growth."

Detailed Meaning of 'passage'

In its literal sense, a passage denotes a route or pathway that allows movement from one location to another, such as a hallway, corridor, or tunnel. It can also refer to a specific section or segment of a written or spoken work, such as a book, speech, or musical composition. In this context, a passage represents a distinct portion or excerpt that conveys a particular idea, narrative, or theme. Moreover, "passage" can describe the act or process of progressing through time, development, or stages of life. It embodies the notion of transition, movement, and transformation, whether it be physical, intellectual, emotional, or spiritual. The concept of "passage" encompasses the idea of movement, progression, and change, lending itself to various interpretations and contexts in both literal and figurative realms.

History and Etymology of 'passage'

The noun 'passage' has a diverse etymology that encompasses both Latin and French influences. It stems from the Latin word 'passagium,' which denotes a journey or a crossing. 'Passagium' is derived from 'passus,' meaning 'a step' or 'a pace,' reflecting the idea of progress through movement. As the word entered Middle English, it incorporated elements from Old French, where 'passage' referred to a physical or metaphorical journey from one place, state, or condition to another. This blending of Latin and Old French influences gave rise to the modern understanding of 'passage' as a transitional or connecting journey, whether in a physical or metaphorical sense. The etymology of 'passage' highlights its historical connection to the concept of movement and progression, encapsulating the idea of transitioning from one point or state to another.

Examples of 'passage' in a Sentence

1. The underground passage provided a secret escape route for the spies.
2. The hiker discovered a hidden passage that led to a breathtaking view.
3. The composer crafted a beautiful musical passage that evoked emotions in the listeners.
4. The passage of the law brought significant changes to the healthcare system.
5. The flashlight illuminated the dark passage as we ventured deeper into the cave.
6. The passage through the forest was filled with mystery.
7. Life is a continuous passage of learning and growth.
8. The narrow passage led us to a hidden cave.
9. The author's words offered a passage to another world.
10. His artistry captured the essence of passage of time.
11. Navigating the underground passage was challenging.
12. The passage of time is evident in the changing seasons.
13. Each chapter in life is a unique passage to explore.
14. The ancient passage was filled with ancient hieroglyphs.
15. Our journey through adversity strengthened our passage.
16. The passage of history holds many untold stories.
17. The passage to success is often paved with hard work.
18. We embarked on a spiritual passage of self-discovery.
19. The passage of the river was serene and picturesque.
20. The passage from childhood to adulthood is transformative.
21. In literature, a passage can evoke powerful emotions.
22. The underground passage connected two hidden chambers.
23. His eloquent speech marked a significant passage in time.
24. The passage of a comet is a rare celestial event.
25. The passage from darkness to light is a universal theme.






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