indictment - definition of indictment in English from the Oxford dictionary

Definition of indictment in English:


Pronunciation: /ɪnˈdʌɪtm(ə)nt/


1mainly North American English a formal charge or accusation of a serious crime: an indictment for conspiracy
More example sentences
  • The appellant was charged on a separate indictment with criminal involvement in the two drug importations in April and May 1996.
  • What obstacle would there then have been to the presentation of an indictment for the extradition offence?
  • Under the agreement, the military is not obliged to turn over personnel accused of crimes until a formal indictment has been made.
  • They presented the indictment and brought the charges on behalf of the Commonwealth.
  • He failed to secure an indictment for public nuisance from the county grand jury and was denied damage awards by two trial juries.
  • You will remember that the date on the indictment for the commencement of this alleged conspiracy is the date that appears on the rent book.
  • Originally, it was intended that the charge should feature on and be tried at the same time as the indictment for murder.
charge, accusation, arraignment, citation, summons;
allegation, imputation;
British  plaint;
North American  impeachment
North American informal beef
archaic inculpation
1.1[mass noun] the action of indicting or being indicted: the indictment of twelve people who had imported cocaine
More example sentences
  • This offence is punishable with up to ten years' imprisonment following conviction on indictment.
  • It is my submission that the matter is, at its simplest level, where a person is not convicted on indictment he is convicted summarily.
  • In many of these instances, there was no trial, or even indictment - the suspects were detained nevertheless.
  • If they are convicted on indictment before a higher court they can be hit with an unlimited fine and/or up to five years in jail.
  • That policy changed following the government's indictment, he said.
  • The count on which he was convicted was the first count of a three count indictment.
  • Conviction on indictment can attract a fine of £10,000 or two years in prison.
2a thing that serves to illustrate that a system or situation is bad and deserves to be condemned: these rapidly escalating crime figures are an indictment of our society
More example sentences
  • I have never and would never advocate violence as a solution to any problem but it is a sad indictment of our system that in the end it was the only way out for us.
  • It's a woeful indictment of a hopeless situation.
  • A powerful indictment of the system, it errs on the side of cartoonish overstatement once or twice but overall is well worth seeing.
  • The documentary seemed more of an indictment of the star system.
  • That appears to be a strong indictment of the situation which has developed over the past few years.
  • It is a terrible indictment of the system that she has felt unable to report the crime to the police.
  • ‘These are outrageous figures and a sad indictment of the society we are now living in,’ he said.
  • He produced numerous pieces that are bitter indictments of the health-care system and the pharmaceutical industry.
  • Later in the year a young woman rower committed suicide because not enough people cared and of all indictments of a sporting system this was the most tragic.
  • Needing to prove that compassion is not a luxury but a fundamental requirement of a healthcare system is a damning indictment of our current ways of thinking.
  • This situation is an indictment on the communities we all live in, and the ball has bounced back to within the walls of Parliament.
  • It is an indictment of our childcare system that the childcare debate only makes the news when there are allegations of abuse.
  • Whether you take that as an indictment of the school system, or of the world, depends on your point of view.
  • More than anything, however, it is a damning indictment on the legal system at that time.
  • As a statement of fact, it is a shocking indictment of our society after a period of relative wealth by comparison with other nations.
  • It is an indictment of the society, but of course there are individuals who are not corrupt, but there is always a shaving off factor.
  • I feel that it is a sad indictment of our society that prostitution, in its current form, is considered a satisfactory form of social remedy.
  • Its existence is not an indictment of society, nor are there any massive social transitions which could abolish it.
  • It is an indictment on our society that we are pigeon holed when we reach 60-65.


Middle Englishenditement, inditement, from Anglo-Norman French enditement, from enditer (see indict).

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Line breaks: in¦dict|ment