Quiz & Worksheet - Function of Hair in the Integumentary System | Study.com

The Integumentary System | Function & Structures - Quiz & Worksheet


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question 1 of 3

Which part of the structure of the hair and its follicle is made up of dead cells.

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1. Which of the following is NOT a function of hair?

2. What is a root hair plexus?

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About This Quiz & Worksheet

This quiz and corresponding worksheet will help you gauge your understanding of what function hair fulfills within the human body's integumentary system. Topics you'll need to know to pass the quiz include the makeup of hair and its follicles and the functions of hair.

Quiz & Worksheet Goals

Use these assessment tools to assess your knowledge of:

  • All the functions of hair
  • Which part of the hair and follicle structure is composed of dead cells
  • The root hair plexus
  • The structure responsible for producing goose bumps
  • The reasons for baldness in males

Skills Practiced

This worksheet and quiz will let you practice the following skills:

  • Defining key concepts - ensure that you can accurately define main phrases, such as root hair plexus and arrector pili
  • Reading comprehension - ensure that you draw the most important information from the related lesson on the function of hair in the integumentary system
  • Interpreting information - verify that you can read information regarding the various functions of hair and interpret it correctly
  • Knowledge application - use your knowledge to answer questions about hair's structure

Additional Learning

To learn more about the role that hair plays on our bodies, review the corresponding lesson on the Function of Hair in the Integumentary System. This lesson covers the following objectives:

  • Know what the integumentary system comprises
  • Define accessory structures
  • Explore the functions of hair
  • Examine the structure of hair and define related terms
  • Understand what causes hair loss