fons et origo in English - Latin-English Dictionary | Glosbe

Translation of "fons et origo" into English

the spring and source is the translation of "fons et origo" into English. Sample translated sentence: In circumstantiis difficillimis per totam historiam Ecclesiae, semper sancti et sanctae fuerunt fons et origo renovationis. ↔ Men and women saints have always been the source and origin of renewal in the most difficult circumstances in the Church's history.

fons et origo
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  • the spring and source

    "The fountainhead and beginning". The source and origin.

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In circumstantiis difficillimis per totam historiam Ecclesiae, semper sancti et sanctae fuerunt fons et origo renovationis.
Men and women saints have always been the source and origin of renewal in the most difficult circumstances in the Church's history.
A quibusdam autem scholis recentioribus tam extollitur libertas ut habeatur aliquid absolutum, veluti bonorum fons et origo.
Certain currents of modern thought have gone so far as to exalt freedom to such an extent that it becomes an absolute, which would then be the source of values.
Quasi manum iungentes cum Christi manu eique innitentes, ad gubernacula navis, quae est Ecclesia, tractanda et Nos accessimus; quae quidem navis firma est ac tuta, etiam inter procellas, quia Filius Dei in ea praesens adest, solacii et victoriae fons et origo.
Placing our hand in that of Christ, leaning on him, we have now been lifted up to steer that ship which is the Church; it is safe and secure, though in the midst of storms, because the comforting, dominant presence of the Son of God is with it.
Ita Litteris Nostris Encyclicis Quod Apostolici muneris aggressi sumus Socialistarum et Communistarum portenta convincere: aliis deinceps Arcanum veram germanamque notionem societatis domesticae, cuius est in matrimonio fons et, origo, tuendam et explicandam curavimus: iis insuper, quarum initium est Diuturnum, potestatis politicae formam ad principia christianae sapientiae expressam proposuimus, cum ipsa rerum natura, cum populorum principumque salute mirifice cohaerentem.
Thus, in Our encyclical letter, Quod Apostolici Muneris, We endeavoured to refute the monstrous doctrines of the socialists and communists; afterwards, in another beginning "Arcanum," We took pains to defend and explain the true and genuine idea of domestic life, of which marriage is the spring and origin; and again, in that which begins ''Diuturnum,"(11) We described the ideal of political government conformed to the principles of Christian wisdom, which is marvellously in harmony, on the one hand, with the natural order of things, and, in the other, with the well-being of both sovereign princes and of nations.
1155, fuit clericus, mythistoriarum scriptor de originibus Britanniae, et fons insignis fabularum de Rege Arthuro.
1155) was a British cleric and one of the major figures in the development of British historiography and the popularity of tales of King Arthur.
Huius rei veluti origo et fons esse videntur plura, quae praesens peperit aetas: cuiusmodi sunt, doctrinarum artiumque incrementa, efficaciores opum gignendarum rationes, excultius inter cives vivendi genus.
Scientific and technical progress, greater productive efficiency and a higher standard of living are among the many present-day factors which would seem to have contributed to this trend.
Cui interrogationi ut rite respondeatur, mente repetenda est longinqua illa hereditas iuris, quae in libris Veteris et Novi Testamenti continetur, ex qua tota traditio iuridica et legifera Ecclesiae, tamquam a suo primo fonte, originem ducit.
To reply adequately to this question, one must mentally recall the distant patrimony of law contained in the books of the Old and New Testament from which is derived, as from its first source, the whole juridical - legislative tradition of the Church.
Descripta origine commercii, Turgot disseret rationem Quesnay secundum quam terra est sola fons divitiarum et partitur societatem in partes tres: agricolae, artifices et domini.
In the Réflexions, after tracing the origin of commerce, Turgot develops Quesnay's theory that land is the only source of wealth, and divides society into three classes, the productive or agricultural, the salaried (the classe stipendiée) or artisan class, and the land-owning class (classe disponible).
Ibi enim inde a gloriosis Sanctorum Patrum temporibus floruit spiritualitas illa monastica, quae dein ad occidentales partes manavit et ex qua religiosum Latinorum institutum tamquam e suo fonte originem duxit ac deinceps novum vigorem identidem accepit.
From the glorious times of the holy Fathers that monastic spirituality flourished in the East which later flowed over into the Western world, and there provided a source from which Latin monastic life took its rise and has often drawn fresh vigor ever since.
Hanc tamen disceptandi libertatem nonnulli temerario ausu transgrediuntur, cum ita sese gerant quasi si ipsa humani corporis origo ex iam exsistente ac vivente materia per indicia hucusque reperta ac per ratiocinia ex iisdem iudiciis deducta, iam certa omnino sit ac demonstrata; atque ex divinae revelationis fontibus nihil habeatur, quod in hac re maximam moderationem et cautelam exigat.
11] Some however, rashly transgress this liberty of discussion, when they act as if the origin of the human body from pre-existing and living matter were already completely certain and proved by the facts which have been discovered up to now and by reasoning on those facts, and as if there were nothing in the sources of divine revelation which demands the greatest moderation and caution in this question.