Cogent - Definition, Meaning, Synonyms, Etymology
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Dictionary Definition of 'cogent'

Clear, logical, and convincing, of an argument, reasoning or evidence.
"His argument was cogent and well-supported by evidence."

Detailed Meaning of 'cogent'

It is characterized by its ability to clearly and effectively support a particular point of view or conclusion. It's often used to describe an argument or reasoning that is well-structured, sound, and effective in persuading others. An example of a sentence using the word cogent would be "The lawyer presented a cogent argument that convinced the jury of the defendant's innocence."

History and Etymology of 'cogent'

The adjective 'cogent' has its etymological origins in Latin. It is derived from the Latin word 'cogens,' which is the present participle of 'cogere.' 'Cogere' combines 'co-' (meaning 'together' or 'with') and 'agere' (meaning 'to drive' or 'to lead'). Therefore, 'cogent' etymologically signifies something that 'drives or leads together' in a logical and convincing manner. In modern usage, 'cogent' describes arguments, reasoning, or evidence that is clear, logical, and compelling, effectively driving the listener or reader to a particular conclusion. The etymology of 'cogent' emphasizes the persuasive and forceful nature of well-structured and compelling arguments or evidence.

Examples of 'cogent' in a Sentence

1. Cogent reasoning is crucial in forming sound judgments.
2. The lawyer's cogent closing statement swayed the jury.
3. A cogent business plan is essential for securing investors.
4. The professor's lecture was filled with cogent insights.
5. Her cogent critique highlighted the flaws in the proposal.
6. Cogent feedback helped improve the project's quality.
7. The journalist's article provided cogent insights into the issue.
8. The politician delivered a cogent speech outlining his policy.
9. A cogent summary of the research findings clarified the results.
10. The historian's book presented a cogent narrative of the era.
11. Cogent communication is vital in leadership roles.
12. The detective presented a cogent case to solve the mystery.
13. Cogent reasoning can bridge gaps in understanding.
14. The teacher encouraged students to make cogent arguments in their essays.
15. She made a cogent case for her position in the debate.
16. The report was cogent and well-written, making it easy to understand.
17. He presented a cogent analysis of the current economic situation.
18. She gave a cogent explanation for her decision.
19. He gave careful thought to provide cogent answers to the media's questions.
20. The lawyer's cogent argument convinced the jury.
21. He made a cogent point about the flaws in the current system.
22. She gave a cogent critique of the proposed legislation.
23. The researcher's cogent findings were published in a prestigious journal.
24. He made a cogent observation about the challenges facing the industry.
25. She provided a cogent summary of the key points discussed at the meeting.
26. The scientist's cogent presentation on the topic was well-received by the audience.






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