Acerbity - Definition, Meaning, Synonyms, Etymology
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Dictionary definition of acerbity

A sharp, bitter, or harsh quality of speech, tone, or behavior.
"The acerbity of his remarks left the audience stunned and uncomfortable."

Detailed meaning of acerbity

It describes the state of being sharp or cutting in one's remarks or attitudes, often displaying a critical, caustic, or sarcastic nature. Acerbity is associated with a strong and often unpleasant intensity, conveying a sense of harshness, acidity, or biting wit. When someone displays acerbity, they tend to use biting words or a sharp tongue, often aimed at expressing dissatisfaction, disdain, or irritation. Acerbity can arise from a range of emotions, including frustration, resentment, or anger, and it is characterized by a biting quality that can be hurtful or offensive to others. It is important to exercise caution and mindfulness in communication to prevent acerbity from damaging relationships or causing undue harm.

Example sentences of acerbity

1. Her acerbity towards her coworkers made the office environment tense.
2. The professor's acerbity in the classroom intimidated students.
3. His acerbity in responding to criticism only worsened the situation.
4. The politician's acerbity in debates alienated potential supporters.
5. The customer's acerbity towards the salesperson created an unpleasant shopping experience.
6. Despite his reputation for acerbity, he had a loyal following who appreciated his honesty.

History and etymology of acerbity

The noun 'acerbity' finds its etymological origins in the Latin word 'acerbitas,' which is derived from 'acerbus,' meaning 'bitter' or 'harsh.' The term 'acerbitas' conveyed the idea of sharpness and bitterness, and it was often used in both a literal and figurative sense. In the context of language and behavior, 'acerbity' evolved to describe a sharp, bitter, or harsh quality in speech, tone, or behavior. This etymology highlights the connection between the bitter taste and the biting, harsh nature of words or actions that is characteristic of acerbity.

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Further usage examples of acerbity

1. The writer's acerbity in her articles reflected her frustration with societal issues.
2. The boss's acerbity towards his employees caused high turnover rates.
3. The judge's acerbity in the courtroom intimidated both lawyers and defendants.
4. The critic's acerbity in his reviews gained him notoriety in the entertainment industry.
5. Her acerbity in online comments earned her a reputation as a cyberbully.
6. The professor's acerbity during office hours deterred students from seeking help.
7. The comedian's acerbity in his routine kept audiences on their toes.
8. The editor's acerbity in rejecting manuscripts discouraged many aspiring writers.
9. The manager's acerbity towards mistakes created a culture of fear in the workplace.
10. The coach's acerbity towards his players undermined their confidence on the field.
11. The author's acerbity in her memoir exposed the harsh realities of her upbringing.
12. The customer's acerbity in the restaurant led to a heated argument with the server.
13. The politician's acerbity in political debates polarized public opinion.
14. The teacher's acerbity towards students who asked questions discouraged classroom participation.



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