AP Euro ch. 15 study guide Flashcards | Quizlet

AP Euro ch. 15 study guide

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Define absolutism and determine to what extent France's government in the seventeenth century can be labeled an absolute monarchy.
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Define absolutism and determine to what extent France's government in the seventeenth century can be labeled an absolute monarchy.
-king held all power
-power came from God (divine right)
-they held sovereign power (make laws, tax, determine foreign policy, etc.)

How France reflected absolutism
-Louis XIV kept his nobles close to him to distract them from politics, giving Louis more power
-Louis made the edict of Fontainebleau which said everyone must be Catholic
-Louis had control of foreign affairs and led France into many wars

How France differed from absolutism
-Despite what Louis XIV thought, France still had overlapping authorities (Provinces had their own regional courts, local estates, and laws)
-Louis did not have enough power to control the lives of his subjects so he had to bribe people to execute his policies (this meant people could obstruct the execution of his policies if they wanted)
Why have some historians labeled the Thirty Years' War as the "last of the religious wars," while others have called it the "first modern war"? Which do you believe is the more accurate assessment? Why?
..? Opinion
Compare the reigns of Frederick William of Brandenburg-Prussia and Peter the Great of Russia. How are their policies similar? How are they different?
Frederick William
-deprived the provincial estates of their power and in return he gave nobles unlimited power
-reinforced serfdom
-built a competent and efficient army

Peter the Great
-used vicious punishments
-reorganized the army
-created a navy
-reorganized the central govt.
-used the table of ranks to create opportunities for non nobles to join the nobility
-sought to gain state control of the Russian Orthodox Church
-his policies were beneficial for women
-his policies were detrimental to the average people

-used many taxes to support the military
-used mercantilist policies
-military was a main priority
Assume that you are a nobleman and also a merchant of the following countries: England, France, Prussia or Poland, which country would you prefer to live in? why?
If you were a nobleman you would want to be in Prussia where nobles were favored at the expense of the middle class.

If you were a merchant you would probably want to be in France where there were many opportunities as they stressed mercantilism and new economies.
How did the literature and art of the second half of the seventeenth century reflect the political and social life of that period?
-The triumph of French classicism reflected the shift in 17th century French society form chaos to order

-the brilliant flowering of Dutch painting was paralleled to the supremecy of Dutch commerce in the 17th century
By 1700 it had become evident that Western Europe and Eastern Europe were moving in opposite directions in terms of their basic social structures. Explain.
In Eastern Europe the peasants were under strict control and serfdom was brought back. Many monarchs had limited power. nobles had more opportunities and power.

In Western Europe, peasants and serfs were free. There was no serfdom for the most part. The nobility had restricted power and monarchs were enlightened. People had mor control of their everyday lives.
Compare and contrast the policies of Peter the Great and Louis XIV in creating absolute monarchies in their countries?
-Louis kept them busy at Versailles and distracted them from politics
-Peter issued the table of ranks (nobility based on merit)

-both used heavy taxes
-Louis had a finance minister to help
-both used mercantilist policies

-both were successful
-wars brought both of them financial issues

-Louis used the Edict of Fontainebleau to make everyone Catholic
-Peter used religious toleration ?
Why did the structure of eastern Europe society change drastically, if slowly, during the 16th and 17th centuries to the disadvantage of the peasant majority? How does this contrast with what was happening in the West at the same time?
The nobles were given more power over the peasants which led to the returning of serfdom. Peasants were also faced with heavy taxes that the nobility were exempted from. Peasants were very oppressed in Eastern Europe.

In Western Europe, peasants were given more freedom although they still faced heavy taxes.