Where can Deep Blue Sea 2 be seen online, and can it be found on Netflix, Hulu or Prime? Deep Blue Sea 2 is the belated sequel to 1999 cult-favorite Deep Blue Sea. That big-budget b-movie saw a team of scientists working on a cure for Alzheimer's that involves making the brains of mako sharks bigger. This has the unfortunate side effect of making these sharks ultra-smart, and not only do they engineer the destruction of the lab they're contained in, they set about picking off the scientists one by one.

Deep Blue Sea was a modest success upon release and is best remembered for Samuel L. Jackson's infamous death scene, where he's eaten midway through a dramatic monologue. The movie's cult status has only grown over the last two decades, but despite the rise of tongue-in-cheek shark movies like Sharknado, it took a long time for a direct sequel to arrive. Patient fans were rewarded with 2018's Deep Blue Sea 2, which was released straight to video.

Related: Deep Blue Sea Movies Ranked, Worst To Best

Deep Blue Sea 2 sticks fairly close to the template set by the first movie, though this time, it's five bull sharks that are on the rampage instead of three mako sharks. The sequel doesn't have any real ties to the original, however, and it received fairly bad reviews. However, for those who loved the original and wish to dive into the sequel, Deep Blue Sea 2 is easy to find online. That said, the killer shark movie is not currently available to stream on platforms like Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime.

deep blue sea 2 shark lab

Deep Blue Sea 2 can be rented or purchased at prices starting at $2.99 from iTunes, Google Play, Redbox, Vudu, Amazon and many more. While the follow-up may have been a disappointment to some, 2020's Deep Blue Sea 3 received a warmer reception. This sequel actually did have some ties to the events of the second movie and in general, was considered more in keeping with the spirit of the original Deep Blue Sea.

It currently appears Deep Blue Sea 3 has closed out the trilogy, as there's no talk of a fourth entry. Given the lack of major franchises centered around sharks in recent years - outside of The Meg or the 47 Metres Down shark movie duology - followers of the series likely wouldn't mind a Deep Blue Sea reboot or even legacy sequel, but that doesn't appear to be on the cards either. Still, for those who want to check out the movie's belated follow-ups, Deep Blue Sea 2 is the place to start.

Next: Deep Blue Sea 3 Homages Samuel L. Jackson's Shock Death From The Original