deborah falconer是什么意思 deborah falconer的读音、翻译、用法-一站翻译
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deborah falconer是什么意思 deborah falconer的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-03-28 08:24:10
  • 9

deborah falconer是什么意思 deborah falconer的读音、翻译、用法

1. 意义:Deborah Falconer是一个人名,是一位演员和音乐家,她是美国演员·唐尼·朱尼尔的前妻。

2. 全称:Deborah Falconer

3. 缩写:无

4. 相关知识:Deborah Falconer曾出演《感性风暴》(1992)等多部电影和电视剧,在音乐方面也有一些成就,曾发行过两张个人专辑。


1. Deborah Falconer and Robert Downey Jr. were married from 1992 to 2004. (《People》)

2. Deborah Falconer played the character of Donna in the film The Doors directed by Oliver Stone. (《IMDb》)

3. Deborah Falconer is a singer-songwriter and musician, born on August 13, 1965, in Sacramento, California. (《Famous People》)

4. After her marriage to Robert Downey Jr. ended, Deborah Falconer focused on her music career and released her second al Brave Like Me in 2003. (《AllMusic》)

5. In the film The Score (2001), Deborah Falconer played the character of a customs officer. (《Rotten Tomatoes》)

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