Deadly Rivals (Movie, 1993) -
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Deadly Rivals (1993)

Action | 92 minutes
1,60 15 votes

Genre: Action / Drama

Duration: 92 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: James Dodson

Starst: Andrew Stevens, Francesco Quinn and Joseph Bologna

IMDb score: 4,2 (110)

Releasedate: 30 June 1993


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Deadly Rivals plot

"In Miami, The Only Thing Hotter Than The Days Are The Nights."

Kevin Fitzgerald (Andrew Stevens) finds himself caught up in a web of betrayal and deceit. He's looking for his sister, who has cheated a powerful mob boss and is the target of a manhunt.

Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Kevin Fitzgerald

Bunny Wedman

Anthony Canberra

Agent Peterson

Agent Linda Howerton

Rachel Richmond

Agent Altieri

Detective Grogan

The Interrogator

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