Meta Business Help Center

Create a Facebook Page for your business

Facebook Pages let you grow your business on and off Facebook. Pages come with a suite of free business tools that help you achieve your business goals.

Before you begin

  1. You must have a Facebook profile.
  2. See what you need to create a Page.

Create a Page (desktop)

To create a Page:

  1. From the Pages section, click Create new Page.
  2. Add your Page name and category.
  3. Add your Page’s bio and click Create.
  4. (Optional) Add information, such as Contact, Location and Hours, and click Next.
  5. (Optional) Add profile and cover photos, and edit the action button, and click Next.
  6. (Optional) Invite friends to connect with your Page, and click Next.
  7. Click Done.

You have created a Page in the new Pages experience. Learn how to grow your Page audience and engagement.

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Create & Manage Pages