Hotels in Kalamazoo | Discover and Compare Kalamazoo hotels

Hotels in Kalamazoo

Need some inspiration on where to stay? Top rated cheap hotels in Kalamazoo include Avid Hotel Kalamazoo East, an IHG Hotel, Quality Inn I-94 Near Wings Stadium and Clarion Inn I-94 Near Expo Center based on user reviews. Skyscanner hotels is a fast, free and simple way to organize your stay. In a few clicks you can easily search, compare and book your Kalamazoo accommodation by clicking directly through to the hotel or travel agent website. No fees are added to your stay by booking with us. To get started, simply add your chosen travel dates to the search box above and let us find cheap hotel deals for you. Or alternatively, select from the hotel options above.


The least expensive month is March, with an average of $58 per night. The most expensive month to stay in Kalamazoo is September, with an average price of $128 per night.
The average price of a hotel in March last year was $107 per night. This is 1% less than the average nightly price of $108 seen over the previous 12 months.
In Kalamazoo, the expected average temperature in March is 1.8°C/35.2°F. The warmest month is typically July, which averages 28.6°C/83.5°F. The coolest month is January, with temperatures averaging -7.7°C/18.1°F.
The nearest airport to Kalamazoo is Kalamazoo (AZO) (4.19 miles). Other nearby airports include: Grand Rapids (40.85 miles)
We use indicative prices on this page to help you choose from a large number of options. This month's estimated lowest price is based on the average of the lowest prices found for hotels in this destination on Skyscanner from March last year.