Full text of "Incunabulic treasures and medieval nuggets from the Trivulzio Library of Milan, Italy., part the second [electronic resource]: including vellum manuscripts of the thirteenth to the seventeenth centuries illuminated with painted miniatures, floridated borders, and initials in gold and colors" Skip to main content

Full text of "Incunabulic treasures and medieval nuggets from the Trivulzio Library of Milan, Italy., part the second [electronic resource]: including vellum manuscripts of the thirteenth to the seventeenth centuries illuminated with painted miniatures, floridated borders, and initials in gold and colors"

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CATALOGUE, price Seventy-Five Cents. 


on the Mornings and Afternoons of 
FEBRUARY 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, I Oth & I Ith, I 888, 


787-789 Broadway, New York City, 



Session, Monday, February 6th, at 10 A M. 

Lots 1 to 129 inclusive. 

jnd Session, Monday, February 6th, at 2.30 P. M. 

Lots 130 to 214 inclusive. 

uird Session, Tuesday, February 7th, at 10 A. M. 

Lots 215 to 346 inclusive. 

Fourth Session. Tuesday, February 7th, at 2.30 P. M. 

Lots 346 to 465 inclusive. 

Fifth Session, "Wednesday, February 8th, at 10 A. M 

Lots 466 to 591 inclusive. 
Sixth Session, ... - Wednesday, February 8th, at 2.30 P. M. 

Lots 592 to 790 inclusive. 
Seventh Session, .... Thursday, February 9th, at 10 A. M. 

Lots 791 to 981 inclusive. 
Eighth Session, .... Thursday, February 9th, at 2.30 P. M. 

Lots 982 to 1,110 inclusive. 

Ninth Session, Friday, February 10th, at 10 A. M 

Lots 1,111 to 1,230 inclusive. 
Tenth Session. .... Fridav. February 10th, at 2.30 P. M. 

Lots 1,231 to 1,355 inclusive. 
Eleventh Session, - - - Saturday. February 1 1 th, at 2.30 P. M. 

Lots 1,356 to 1,498 t the End). 

tW For "Conditions of Sale," see the third page of this cover. 
Orders to purchase executed frer or charge by the Auctioneers. * 

The Entire Collection will be on exhibition from g.30 A. M. until 5.30 K M., on Wednesday,- 
Thursday, Friday and Saturday, February 1st, 3d, 3d and 4th, 1888. Admission by Card only. 

The supply of the edition of this Catalogue being limited, purchasers are requested to bring iheir 
copies with tbcm to the Exhibition and Sale of the Collection. 

The " Bookmart " Publishing Company, of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, will publish a I kiniru 
Prick l.ivr of the Trivhmuo Sale. Copies, price Fifty Cents, can be obtaiucd of the " Boukmart," 




'I 1 r i v ii f 3 i o k i & r a r g 




or THK 

Thirteenth to llio S«T«utt»-Dlli Oiiturln*. 












Popes, Monarch* and Historical Fir- 
wonaKCH of Fame, 


Engravings, Etchings, Original Sketches, Etc.. 




M This Books is not (or every rode Bod uoconnynje roaa to tee. bat let tierkr* «*d 
rccy jtentylmen that untlcrvande gentlene» sod «crence."— Wiluam Caxtoh 


787 AND 789 BKOADWAV. 


Frick Art Reference Library 

Douglas Taylor, Prjntsh, 
89 Nassau Stout. 

" Livres nouveauU, livrea vicl/ et antiques." — Etibnni Dolet. 

)NSPIGOOUS among Private Libraries of international re- 
pute, such as the " Hibliotheca Spenccriana," over the biblio- 
graphy of which Dibdin so lovingly lingered, was that of 
the Trivuliio, at Milan. This bad long been the " Sacred 
Kaaba " of Italian bibliophilistic pilgrims, as the Althorp 
collection is still of British bibliognostes. Its celebrity has 
been such that the fame thereof has found its way into the encyclopedias. 
Thus we read on page jSgof the eleventh volume of Appleton's " New American 
Cyclopedia " that "the most extensive private library in Milan, is that of 
the Marquis Trivuliio." 

As a number of the illuminated vellum treasures of this library are to be dis- 
posed of in New York, under the auctioneer's gavel, perhaps a brief account 
will not be uninteresting of the former owners of these precious gems which are 
so rich in literature, so resplendent in color, so glorious in art. and so hoary 
with antiquity. 

* # 

The annals of the Trivulzio family are a portion of medievalism. The raid- 
die ages can no more be divorced from this house of Milanese patricians, than 
from association with the Mcdicis and Sforzas, with whom it helped to make 



tip the wondrous historic pageant of Italy during the fifteenth and sixteenth cen- 

The Trivulzio genealogy is a marvel. Authors whose names are unknown 
to most of our expert bibliographers have elaborated its charts and chanted its 
peans. Francesco Scauro, A. Callimachus Siculus, Antonio Crasso, Antonio 
Maria Storione, Arcangelo Madrignara. Martinus Bovolinus, Antonio Tilesio, 
Alessandro Porro and Andrew Assaraci Sarrachi, are a few of its lesser authorities. 

Muzio in the " Ilistoria Trivultia " asserts that the family is indigenous to 
Milan and that A. D. 941-1011 a certain " Regifredo d'Ingone da Trivulzio," 
lived, moved, and had his feudal being. 

Litta devotes four double folio sheets in the " Famiglie Celcbri Italiane" 
to the Trivulzios. He commences their tabulated pedigrees with Ambrosio 
Trivulzio, living about the year 1 170, and concludes the generations in 1819 
with two brothers— the Marquis Alessandro Trivulzio, General of the National 
Guard of Milan, who assisted at the coronation of Napoleon Bonaparte, and 
the Marquis Gerolamo Trivulzio who was decorated with the Iron Crown by 
Napoleon, and whose wife Vittoria, daughter of the Marquis Maurizio Ghcr- 
ardini, of Verona, was remarried after his death to the " Marchese Alessandro 
Visconti d' Aragona." 

But if any greater evidence were wanted of the aristocracy of the Trivulzios, 
what more need be said than that they allied themselves with the most noble 
houses of Visconti, Uorromeo, Doria, Colonna, Grimaldi, Palavicino, and others 
equally blue-blooded ? 

And they were I.ordsof Formigara and Casteldidone, Counts of Muzo, Melzo 
and Musocco, Marquises of Trivulzio, Sesto, Vigevatto and P izzighettone. 

But of all the Trivulzios "the Great Trivulzio" was the Trivulzio of 
them all. The full name of this distinguished character was Gian Giacomo 
Trivulzio. His biography was ably written at the beginning of this century 
by Carlo Rosmini. This great Italian soldier and contemporaneous compatriot 
of Columbus stands out in bold relief from the period of the Renaissance, as 
Governor of Milan, where he wielded the baton of a Marshal of France. 

The parents of " Trivulzio the Great " were Antonio Trivulzio and Frances- 
ebina di Domenico Arcardi Visconti. The Marshal was thus maternally the 
descendant of the old Dukes of Milan, where he was born in 1447. He was 



appointed by Galea no Maria, Duke of Milan, one of the Council of Regency 
of bis son and heir, Gian Galeazzo Sforza. Trivulzio played a leading part in 
the troubles brought about by the many treacheries of Ludovico Sforza, who — 
" copious in gallantry, splendid patron of an incomparable Leonardo da Vinci — 
holding the ducal crown of Milan in his grasp, and wanting to put it on his own 
head, rather than let it rest on that of a feeble nephew who would take very 
little to poison him, was much afraid of the Spanish-born old King Ferdinand 
and the Crown Prince Alphonso, of Naples, who, not liking cruelty and treach- 
ery which were useless to themselves, objected to the poisoning of a near rela- 
tive for the advantage of a Lombard usurper." For some time Trivulzio was a 
general in the service of King Alphonso, but, having had considerable difficulty 
with Duke Ludovico in his diplomatic complications and murderous Macchiavell* 
isms, he joined forces with the French army. The results were the eventual 
destruction of the Sforza dynasty and the occupation of Milan by France. " The 
Great Trivulzio " fought under three French monarchs — Charles VIII., Louis 
XII. and Francis I.— and was the commander of their armies. In 1490,, after 
the death of Charles "the Courteous," and on behalf of Louis XII, he returned 
to Milan at the head of the legions of France. It look him twenty days to 
conquer the Milanese, and make the French King their Duke, instead of "the 
Moor " Ludovico, who exchanged his Italian palace for the prison in France 
where he died. Trivulzio was given the governorship of Milan as a reward for 
mining his country. At the battle of Agnadello he led the vanguard of Louis 
the Twelfth's army, and, by his victory of Marignan, reconquered from Massi- 
miliano Sforza the dukedom of Milan for Francis the First, " the Father and 
Restorer of Letters, and of the Arts." 

The Marshal Trivulzio died at Chartres in 1518. He is buried in the family 
sepulchre of San Nazzaro Maggiore, at Milan, where, upon his tomb, can be 
read the lines he ordered to be inscribed thereon : — " Johannes Jacobus Mag- 
nus Trivultius Antoni hlius quo nunquam quievit quiescit tace." 

* * 

There are no less than twenty different Trivulzio medals engraved in Litta's 
work, where also are given views of the monuments in the family chapel an- 
nexed to the church of San Nazzaro. They are of those erected (o " Trivulzio 
the Great," and his two wives Margaret de Colonna and Beatrix de Avalos de 
Aquino"— to his father Antonio — to his eldest son " Io. Nicolaus," Count of 
Muzo, and other immediate descendants. Litta has likewise added four por- 
traits, illustrative of his genealogical text videlicet: — Camillo Trivulzio, General 
in the service of France ; Theodore Trivulzio. Marshal of France ; Ambrose 



Trivulzio, Bishop of Bobbio ; Gio. Giac. Theodore, Cardinal Trivulrio and 
Governor of Milan. 

One of the principal Milanese show places for tourists is the " Ospisio 
Trivulzi," where six hundred aged people are fed, clothed, and housed, by an 
eighteenth century charitable endowment of the house of Trivuliio. 


Besides having a famous library filled with heirlooms, no small portion of 
which was very probably the " loot " of the " Great Marshal," the Trivulrios 
have always had a penchant for literature. 

Girolamo Porro, of Padua, dedicated the 1576 Venice Edition of the " Isole 
Piv Faraoso del Mondo"of Thomaso rorcacchi, as follows :—" All' Illvstre 
S. Conte Georgio Trivltio, Dottore, Cavalicrc, Conte di Mclzo, Regio, e Dvcal 

The year 1617 saw the publication at Venice of a volume, which, for many 
a year, proved quite a bugbear to bibliographers. This was " II Brancaleone," 
written under the pseudonym of " Latrobio filosofo." The "philosopher 
Latrobius had no existence as such, and some hebctudinous cataloguers bap- 
tized the author " Signor Brancaleone." Huet, in the " Originc des Romans," 
states that the entertaining and witty Italian novel " II Brancaleone," is, with 
out doubt, an adaptation of " The Golden Ass " of Apuleius, or of the " Lucius, 
or Ass " of Lucian. 

" Latrobio Filosofo" was really Geronimo Trivuliio. 

Other Venetian fiction brings a Trivulzio forward as a lover of books. The 
" Tre Novelle" of Luigi Lollino were reprinted at Milan in 1822, and the 
edition, limited to twenty copies, was, according to Brunei, executed at the 
expense of the Marquis G. Giac Trivuliio. 

The member of the family who seems, however, to have been most pains- 
taking in matters bibliomaniacal, was the archaeologist, numismatist and anti- 
quarian essayist, the Marquis Carlo Trivuliio, who died at Milan in the year 
1784, aged seventy-four. The deeply interesting bibliographical notes in nearly 
all of the ancient and medieval manuscripts of the library in the " Palazzo 
Trivulzio " prove incontestably that this ardent dilettante was one filled with 
the enthusiasm of " the scholar " described by Chaucer over five hundred years 

For him was leuer han al hii bed'i hed 
Tweotie boolces, dad with blacke or red. 
Of Aristotle, and of hit Philosophic, 
Than robea rich, or fiddle, or gay saulrie. 



I', it all be that he wat a Philosopher, 
Yet had he but little gold in cofer. 
But all that he might of his friends heat. 
On bookes and on learning he it epent." 

• # 


With beauteous examples of illuminated art from the " Trivulzio Collection " 
spread before me, I can readily imagine what a marvelously fine library the 
whole, as a unit, must have been. Like the other great princes and nobles of 
medieval Europe, the Trivulzios patronized such illuminators as Giulio Clovio, 
Franco Bolognese, and Bcncvenuto da Imola. Mr. M. Digby Wyatt, in " The 
Art of Illuminating as 1'racticcd in Europe from the Earliest Times," writes as 
follows: — " For the Gonzagas, Sforzas, d'Estcs, Medici, Strozzi, Visconri, and 
other groat families, the best artists were constantly employed in decorating 
both written and printed volumes, in which portraiture is freely introduced, and 
picturesque and historical subjects are represented with great vivacity and 
attention to costume and local truth. Thus in the truly exquisite ' Grant of 
Lands ' by Ludovico il Moro to his wife Beatrice d'Este, dated Jan. 2Sth, 1494, 
and preserved in the British Museum, speaking portraits of both Ludovico and 
Beatrice are introduced, with their arms, and beautiful arabesques- Again, in 
the Haiirot ' Sforziada,' the first page contains exquisite miniatures of three 
members of the princely family of the Sforzas, by the hand of the all-accom- 
plished Girolamo dai Libri." 

Many of the Trivulzio manuscripts are of thus exceedingly high order of art 
work, and one can easily recognize the evolution of the " Madonna dclla Sedia," 
and similar paintings on wood or canvas, from the illuminated miniatures in 
Missals and " Heures " of the " Moycn Age." Kaffaele Sanzio and the early 
great masters simply enlarged the conceptions and followed in the wake of their 
predecessors in the "scriptoria." 

And thus not only the development of painting, but the growth of literature, 
the enthusiasm of religion, and the march of history, can be studied and appre- 
hended, in the open pages of these volumes, bright with gold and toned with 
color in illustration of the black and red Gothic text of the medieval tran- 
scribers, who : — 

" Some with antiquated flyle 

On waxen tablet! promptly write: 
Others, with finer pens the while 
Form lecten lovelier to the tight." 

# ♦ 




The preceding was written by me in October, 1886, and appeared in the 
preface to the I-'irst Part of the "Trivulzio Collection," which portion of that 
magnificent Milanese Library was most satisfactorily disposed of at auction in 
New York for over eight thousand dollars. 

The Second I'art thereof — containing many rarities from the book-shelves 
of the famous " Palazzo Trivulzio," with literary treasures added from other 
sources — is fully described in the following pages, and is thus arranged in five 
divisions : — 

I. Early Typography, consisting of Incunables, Black Letters, and other 
Rare Books printed before the year 1600— also Aldine and Elzevirian 
Imprints Numbers 1 to ng 

II. Vellum Manuscripts, including Illuminated Treasures and Later 
MSS., etc Numbers 130 to 214 

III. Bibliotheca Curios A, including Rare Illustrated FacctLv, Books of 
Emblems, Alchemy, Witchcraft, Freemasonry, Jesuits, etc. . Numbers 215 to 591 

IV. Prints and Sketches Numbers 592 to 981 

V. Art ano Hellfs Lettr ks, comprising Galleriesof Painting and Sculpture; 
Art Authorities and Biography; Collections and Albums of Prints, Portraits and 
Views, also Original Drawings; Books Illustrated by Bewick, Cruikshank, Bar- 
tolozzi, Callot, Durer, etc ; Unique and Extra-illustrated Works; Statuary; 
Bindings of Interest and Value; Ornament; Costume; Architecture; Arche- 
ology; Antiquities; Egyptology; Ceramics; Americana and Mexicana; Fabulists; 
Krcemasonry; Bibliography; Numismatics; Ornithology: Genealogy; Drama; 
Poetry; Fiction; Travels; History; Ancient Classics, etc.— many of which were 
printed by Baskerville, Whittingham, Didot, Bulmer, etc., or are Large Paper 
Copies and Limited Editions. Numbers 082 to 1498 


Those who seek bibliophilistic riches will find them in the numbers exploited 
hereafter, and 1 leave this catalogue and its choice contents, without further 
comment, to the tender mercies and the acute discrimination of the cultured 
collectors and appreciative connoisseurs of America. V alt. 


New York Prf.ss Club, 
January, 188S, 

( Frontispiece to "Terentius," Lyons, 14^;. I 



iVUnitstriptsr, £avly 'gvinUA ilciohs 

anb ofbrr 

ftave, (Envious and StblioptiiUstic 
il itc va vn % vcasu vcs. 

The sizes of books in this catalogue are defined relatively to signatures and 
according to the following page, height and inch measurements : 
Maximo, over 24 inches. Minimo, below 6 inches. 

Larc.k Folio, helow 24 inches and over 18 ; F01.10, below 18 and over 13 ; 
Small Folio, below 13 and over II. 

Large Quarto, below 15 and over 11 ; Quarto, below 11 and over 8 • 
Small Quarto, below 8 and over 6. * 

Large Octavo, below 11 and over 9 ; Octavo, below g and over 8 ; Small 
Octavo and Twelvemo, below S and over 6. 

These twelve designations preserve the important part of the nomenclature 
formerly used, and do away wiih the old technical paper prefixes, such as 
" Royal," " Foolscap," "Crown," etc.. as well as the confusing smaller sizes 
of the past. These represented in all, both big and Utile, some two hundred 
possible book sizes, ranging from an " Antiquarian Folio," to a " l'ot 

As the old specific definitions are now gradually becoming almost obsolete 
this new schedule was formulated. It was wisely recognized that the present 
time is inopportune for ilic measurement of books by the metric system. 

c. s. 



[The printing press of Jodocus Badivs vtl "Ascensivs" of Paris, in 


consisting of 

Incunabi.es, Black Letters and other Rare, Books 
printed before the year 1600 — also aldine and elze- 
VIRIAN Imprints. 


r tflacfc ttetter.— psalterium et hymnarius, 

rubricated and with lines for music. 4to (eight and three- 
eighths inches by six and a quarter), old stamped leather, 
gothic brass bosses, rebacked. 

(? M aye nee, Fits t ami Schocffcr, circa 1457-70) 
Excessively rare, but imperfect, torn and stained. Some pages arc added 
in manuscript. 

When rebacked a long lime ago the following lettering pieces were placed on 
the book — " Psalterium Antiquum" and "Supposed with types of Fllst and 
Schoeffer." On the fly-leaf are the following memoranda This Psalter 
was printed with Fust and Schoeffer's types by Caxton and is of extreme rarity. 
See Krelhoff, Cologne, and the Capitals in the Index of his 'Chronicle.' ^15 



15s. Similar to the Metz Psalter and one of the same scries. Was not this 
printed by Schoefler alone ? Home, p. 57, Appendix." 

Anent the current value of books printed by \ list and Schoeffer, the follow- 
ing paragraph in " The Book mart " of February, 1887, is assuredly pertinent: — 
" In Mr. Quaritch's last catalogue is offered at the moderate price of TWENTY- 
vellum of Kllst and Schoefler's Psalter of 1451), the second book printed with a 
date and one of the very rarest of the earliest monuments of printing. By the 
side of this incunabule the Mazarine Itible is a comparatively common book; ihis 
is the only copy that has turned up for nearly a century." 


MALE et in toto suo processu mebre. editum et quodaz 
sagre pagie pfessoe ordis pdicatoru. Leonardo Itai.ico 
qd. et suo auctore sertum fidei ititulatur eo q. I. omnes 
articuli fidei luculentissime sparsim per sermoes. etc. 4to 
(eleven inches by eight), old calf. 

(?Cologne, Ulric Zell or John Vtldetur, circa 1460-65) 

Extremkly rare. Consisting of over four hundred pages, of two columns 
and thirty-eight lines to the page. The initial letters and finials are added by 
hand. Over each page is written a chapter heading descriptive of the con- 

The paper maker's mark is a kind of " H " or " B," with two prongs at the 
top of the letter. Some pages are wormed. The volume has neither place of 
printing, name of printer, nor date of issue. The types are not unlike some of 
those of the first English printer William Caxton. All the biographers of 
Caxton previous to William Blades, speak of Ulric Zell as his preceptor and 
believe that he supplied the English mercer with his tirst types. The volume 
is most probably one of the earliest works printed in Cologne by Ulric Zell, 
who had been one of Schoefler's printers at Mayence. Bigmore and Wyman 
write concerning Zell: — " He was an industrious printer there [at Cologne] for 
more than forty years, but never printed a book in Herman, nor did he adopt 
any nf the improvements of the printers of Italy, lie adhered rigidly to the 
severe style of his master, Schoeffer, printing all his books from three sizes of a 
rude face of a round Cothic type. Madden supposes that he went to Cologne in 
1462, and was engaged by the brotherhood of the Life in Common at Weidenbach, 
near that city, to assist ihem with his new art of printing in their pious task of 
making books. Zcll's name appears for the first time in a book dated 1466, 
which date may be accepted as indicative of the time when he left the monastery 
and began to print on his own account." 

The "Cologne Chronicle "of 1499 has the following: — "The origin and 
progress of the art was told me verbally by the honourable master Ulric Zell, of 
Hanau, state printer at Cologne, anno 1499, and by whom the said art came to 
Cologne. . Moreover, the first inventor of printing has been a citizen 

of Mentz, and he was bom at Straissburch, and was named Sir Johan Guden- 

Leonardo de Utino, vcl I-conardus Italicus, author of the above work, was 
one of the most celebrated Italian preachers of the fifteenth century. He died 
about 1470. Leonardo was Prior of the Dominicans at Bologna and Provincial 
of Lombard)'. He preached with great success at Venice, Milan and Rome. 
His " Sermons " and '' Quadragcsimalc " are known as the " Golden." Veldcner 
of Cologne printed one edition in two columns with thirty-eight lines to the 
page about 1475 Ulric Zell. we know, printed another about 1472 two columns 
and thirty-six lines to the page, and there were several cditiuns printed in Venice 
about 1471-75 by Francis de Hailbrunand Nicolas de Frankfordia, vidt Brunet, 



3 STRABO. Geographia, Latine, ex Versione corumdem. 

Folio (fifteen and one-eighth inches by ten and an eighth). 
Splendidly bound by Roger Payne, in crinkled morocco 
gilt, edges gilt, (Venice, per Vindelinum Spirensem), 1472 

Excessively rare and magnificent copy with broad margins, the large 
initials are added by h.ind in colors, and the small capitals throughout in red. 
On the verso of the fourth leaf the initial letter "S" is illuminated by hand, 
with a border in gold and colors, and at the bottom of the same page is another 
large illumination with donations representing a psaltery within a wreath. 

Brunei calls this an: — "Edition encore precieuse." It consists of 217 
leaves, with 51 lines to the page. The colopion reads— "Anno Domini 
MCCCCLXXII.." and below are the following nine lines showing that the 
work was printed by Vindelin Spira: — 

" R. Zouenzonius poeta: Reuerendissirao. d. 
Jacobo zeno Kpiscopo parauino. 

Orbis noscere lector uniuersi 
Si tractus cupis: bos emas libellos 
Strabonis: tibi nomine dicatos 
Zeni presulis.optimi sacriqz. 
Quo nil doctius Eniditiusqz 
Nunc anlenorei aidant prnates: 
Impresses digitis uidelianis." 

Dibdin, in his " Greek and Latin Classics." writes of this edition of Ktrabo: 

" The first edition with a printed date is that of Vindelin de Spira in 1472." 

This remarkable specimen is from the press of the second Typographer of 
Venice, and who was the brother of the first printer there. Nearly all their 
earliest works were printed like the above in Roman letter. Later they only 
used the Gothic character. This copy has the following MS. memoranda on a 
fly-leaf: — "Payne's sale. M. Wodhull, Mar. 26th, 1791. Hib. Instruct, No. 
4181; Bib. Gaignat, No. 2602; Panzer V. 3, p. 85, No. 77, Collat. and complete." 
A few pages are wormed. 


4 Ulacft H CttCC— THOMAS A'KEMPIS.— De Imitatione 

Christi et de contemptu omnium vanitatum mundi et 

incipit liber primus Johannis Gerson cancellarii Parisi- 

ensis. Small 4to (seven and seven-eighth inches by five 

and three-quarters), boards. 

Venice, per Petrum Leslein de Langeneen A/ema/iu, 1483 

Extremely R^RE and with the capital letters added by hand in red or blue. 
This fine large copy is an admirable example of the first edition of the " Imita- 
tion of Christ" with a date. It is perfect. For a notice of the edition, see 
Gence., p. Lxxx; Dibdin, p. I.xxi and xcv: and Kettlewell. p. 406. On the 
recto of the first leaf is the following manuscript note :— " l.ibeilus hip, erronee 
adscribitur Joanni Gerson vel Thomae a Kempis, vertis enim illitis Author est 
Magnus et Vincrabilis Vir Dei Jannes Gersen Abbas Vercellensis Ord. S. Patris 
Hencdtcti. P. Bonifacius." 





accedunt interpretationes Hebraicorum nominum. Thick 
4to (eight and one-eighth inches by nine), calf, gilt edges. 

Venice, per Eranciscum Rcnner de Hailbrun, 1483 

Extremely RARE, with occasional MS. marginalia. This volume, which is 
beautifully primed in Gothic types, has the capitals colored in red and blue. It 
is a fine specimen of the early Venetian press with the exception of a few unim- 
portant stains. 


6 Ulactt BLctttt. — BIBLIA INTEGRA: Summata: dis- 

tincta: supemedata: vtriusqz testameti, accordatiis illus- 
trata. Small 8vo (six and three-eighths by four and a 
quarter inches), calf, blind tooled red edges. 

Basle, per Johanem Froben de Hammdburth, 1491 

Excessively RARE and the first edition of the Bible printed in octavo. The 
initial letters are added in red by hand, and there are a few marginalia. On the 
last and first pages are some curious manuscript memoranda, etc., by former 
owners. The ends are a portion of an ancient vellum MS. 

"Among the eminent printers of Basle must not be unnoticed the learned 
John Froben, the beauty and correctness of whose editions are highly com- 
mended by Krasmus. Froben printed here the first octavo edition of the Latin 
Bible in 1491. Even so late as 141)6, after that he had practiced the art of 
printing during five or six yenrs, Froben, with a modesty unusual among those 
of his trade, simply calls himself 'artis impressoriae studiosum.' It must never 
be forgotten that to the press of Froben at Basle we are indebted for the first 
published edition of the original Greek of the New Testament, which appeared 
in the year 1516, edited by Erasmus. It is true that the Complutensian edition 
bears an earlier date (1514). but the caution of the Tope would not suffer it to 
be made public until 1522."— Cotton. 


7 HAEDUS (Petrus). De Amoris Generibus. Small 4to 

(seven and five-eighths by five and five-eighths), old 
sprinkled calf, gilt. Treviso, Girardus de Lisa, 1492 

Vf.ry rare. A fine example, with the exception of a few of the earlier 
pages slightly stained, of the first printer at Treviso, in Italy. The colophon 
reads: — "Accvratissime impressum Tarvisii per Gerardvm de Flandria Anno 
Salvtis. CCCCXCII. Die XIII Octobris. svb magnifico practore Avgvstino 
Foscarini. Kinis " The I .a Vallitre copy sold for 72 francs. 

On a fly-leaf is the following MS. note: — " De Bure. ' Ce livre et un petit 
Roman spiritucl, trts singulier. dont les exemplaires sont devenus fort rare. 

Quelques Bibliographes ont fait mention d'une autre edition de ce 

livre, execute'e dans la mcme Ville et par le mrme imprimeur, en 1498, mais il 
est actuellement reconnu que cette scconde edition est suppose'e.' " 

" Ouvrage de theologie mystique dirigecontre 1'amour. L'edition est impr. 
en petits caraclcres. fort nets et les exemplaires en sont rares. Ce livre a e'te 
reimprimc sous le litre 'de ' De Contemnendis amoribus libri tres. ' Coloniac, 
1608, in 12, mais d une manierc def ectueuse. " — Brunet. 





8 BRANDT (Sebastian). Das Naren Schyff. A series of 101 

fine old wood engravings, many very strange, including a 
human vivisection, matly mounted on drawing paper. Thick 
4to, morocco gilt, edges gilt. 

Very RARE. Good impressions of the early Herman woodcuts from the first 
edition of lirandl's "Ship of Fools," 1494. This date will be found on the 
fourth example. 


9 JJlacft ILlXXlX. — [SCHEDEL.] Liber Cronicarum cum 

Figuris et Ymaginibus ab Inicio Mundi usqz. nunc tem- 
poris. Illustrated with over 2,000 woodcuts by Pleyden- 
wurff and Wolgemuth. Thick small folio, old stamped 
pigskin. Augsburg, Johannes Schensperger, 1 497 

Black LRTTER and VERY RARE. This is the second ljtin or Augsburg edi- 
tion of the Nuremberg Chronicle, of which the first was printed by Anthony 
Kobcrger at Nuremberg in 1493, and of which an example will be found fur- 
ther on. and being No. 119 of this Catalogue. 

All the wood blocks are illuminated by hand, a few pages are stained, and the 
first leaf is mended and imperfect of the above copy of the second edition. 

10 UlncU Urttcr. — Epistole Francisci Philelfi. Thick 
small 4to, embossed leather on wooden boards. 

(Paris) circa 1498 

Rare example of the early French press. This volume is incorrectly let- 
tered on the back. This date will be found thrice repeated on the last page 
of text, but it is only that at the end of three letters written by Philelfus from 
Milan. The printer's mark on the last page has at the bottom the name of the 
typographer, "Felix Baligavlt." Around another printer's mark on the title, 
which bears the arms of France as well as the city and 1'iiivcrsitv of Paris, are 
the words " Honncvr av Roy et a la Court Salvt Alvniversitie Dont nre. llien 
IVocede et Sovrt Diev Cart dc Paris La Cyte." At the commencement of the 
book are some sixteenth century marginalia. 


ti Jjlacti TiCttCC. — La Mcr des Histoires. Illustrated by a 
vast number of elaborate woodcuts of battles, coronations, 
marriages and other historical events, portraits, genealogical 
tables and ornamental borders, besides magnificently decorated 
initials of a very large size, several of which are colored. 2 
vols, thick large 4to, (thirteen and seven-eighths inches 
by ten and a half), old calf. 

Paris, Imprime four Ant hoi nt I'erard Demourant a 
lymaige saint Jchan leuagcliste: devant la Rue neufut 



nostre dame, ou au palais at* premier piilier Deuant la 
ehapelle ou Ion chante la Messe de messeignrs. les 
Presidens • [15 00 ] 

Excessively rare and very early edition of this curious work, splendidly 
primed in Gothic types. The above is a tine copy with the exception of being 
slightly wormed, the blank portion of the last leaf being torn off, some borders 
cut into by the bookbinder's plough and one of the last named torn. It came 
from the (Jalwick Library, and has the inserted heraldic book plate of that col- 

The Bibliotheca Spenceriana contains only the subsequent edition of 1506. 
which is inferior in beautv and interest to the present one. This singular " Uni- 
versal History." blending sacred with profane events and extending from the 
Creation to the year 1500. is a translation of the " Kudimcnta Novitorum " of 
John Colonna or John Columna, made by a canon of Mello, in Beauvoisis It 
is remarkable for its numerous and spirited woodcuts, and its popularity is 
attested by the numerous editions put forth during the fifteenth and sixteenth 

Antony Verard wxs one of the most celebrated Parisian printers, and ranks 
with Thielmann Kerver, Joducus Badius, the Hardouins and Galliot du Pre. 


1: Ulacfc Tirtttr.— BOUCHET (Jean). Histoire et Cron- 
ique de Clgtaire. Small 4to (seven inches by four and 
seven-eighths), sheep. 

Poictiers, Imprimee par sire Enguilbert de tnarnef li- 
braire iure de lad Vniuersite, demourant a lenseigne du 

Pellican deuant le pa/It's qud poietiers. Le 

jour du ntoys de Lan mil cinq cens. Et sunt 

a vendre au pellican and' poictiers et aussi a part's [1500] 

Extremely rake and good example of this very curious book, which is full 
of strange woodcuts. But a few margins are cut down. 

The Bertin copy sold at auction for 735 francs and the Pressac in 1857 for 
200 francs. Early specimens of the Poictiers press are of great rarity, only 
three works having been executed there in the fifteenth century, and those at a 
monastery. A volume printed at Poictiers in 1532 by Jacques Bouchet, says 
Cotton, " may be seen in Marshall's Library at Dublin." 


13 OI IDII NASONIS Libri de Tristibus cum luculentis- 
simis commentariis Rcuerendissimi domini Bartholomei 
Merui..*: apostolici protonotarii et aliis additiobus nouis 
nuper in luce, emissis aptissimisqz figuris ornati: necnon 
castigntissima tabula que omnia vocabula: omnesqz his- 
torias: et queqz scitu dignissima szm alphabeti ordinem 
diligentissime complectitur. Large 4to, cloth. 

n. p., circa 1500 

RARE, with many very curious wood engravings in the text and charming 
initial letters. Some of the pages are full of MS. corrigenda and marginalia. 
The title is mended. 



14 JJlttCfc Hcttrr. — Ly liure de la femme forte et ver- 
tueuse declaratif du catique. de salomones prouerves au 
chapitre final qui se comence. Mulicrum fortcm quis 
inuentet. laquelle exposition est extraicte de plusieurs 
excellens docteurs vtile et prouffitable a psonnes. religieuses 
et autres gens de deuotion fait et copose par vng reli- 
gieux de la reformation de lordre de foteurault.: a la re- 
queste de sa soeur religieuse reformee dudict ordre. 
Imprime pour Symon Vostre libraire: demourant a Paris 
en la rue neufue nostre dame a lenseigne sainct Jkhan 
LEUANGEL1STE. Full- page woodcuts and floriated initials. 
Small 8vo. Beautifully bound in crushed levant morocco, 
inlaid with colored leathers, rounded corners, inside gold 
borders, edges gilt on marble, by Lortic. 

Paris, Si won Vostre, isoi 
Very RARE and fine example of the Vostre press. Though published anony- 
mously the author, Francois Le Roy, avows himself in a subsequent work — 
" Le Miroucr de Penitence." The last page is occupied by the large and pic- 
turesque printer's mark of Philippe Pigouchet; and that of the publisher, Simon 
Vostre, is on the title-page: 

OF TYANA, 1501. 

15 PHILOSTRATVS de Vita Apolonii Tyanei Scriptor. 

Lvcvlentvs a Philippo Bf.roai.do Castigatvs. Small 4to, 

Bologna, impressum al> impressori Optimo Benedicto 

Hectoris Bononiensi bibliopola, 1501 
Rare with every page ruled around with red lines. There are occasional 
MS marginalia and in the same hand under the colophon are the words—" Pro 
Iohannc Grolicr Lugdunem." On the first page are two signatures, one of 
which is of " G. E. Wagner," whose book-plate is inserted. This is the first 
edition of the " Life of Apollonius of Tyana " by PhiloStratus and antedates 
that of the Aldi. 


16 BADIUS — Jodoci Badii asif.sii Stultifere Nautcule seu 

scaphe. Fatuarum mvlierum: circa sensus quinqz. ex- 
teriores fraude nauigantium. Stultifere naues sensus 
animosqz. trahentes Mortis in exitium. Extremely curious 
woodblock cuts. Small 4to, calf, gilt edges by Aitken. 
Strasburg, Impressit honestus Johannes pritsz Ciuis 

Argentinnensis. Anno salutis, 1502 
Vkry rare. With the autograph signature of Henry Green, the Shake- 
spearean writer and authority on emblems. Douce in his '' Illustrations of 
Shakespeare" says that this work on women fools is "of much rarity and far 
exceeding that of the ' Ship of Pools ' by Sebastian Brandt." At the Edwards 
sale a copy of Geylcr's " Ship of Pools " sold for ^43 sterling. 

The design of this most curious and amusing work was to ridicule the pre- 
vailing follies and vices of every rank and profession, under the allegory of a 
ship freighted with fools There are a variety of characters satirized with ad- 
vice to the various fools. 



17 M. Annei Lucano civilis belli Caesaris et Popei. libri dece. 
suo ni to rirestituti. Interpretibus Ioanne Sulpitio 
Verulano & Omnibono Vicentino uiris 'clarissimis 
Additus est praeterea uocabulorum Index. Hvacinthus 
Arpinas recensuir. Portraits on title. Large 4to, vellum, 
(cover loose). 

Milan, per Magistrum LeonaJum Pachel, 1508 
Very rare and good codex of Lucan, printed by one of the earliest and best 
typographers of Milan, and to whom Timpcrley alludes in the following— 
" Philip de Lavagnia, Antony Zarot, Christopher Valdarfer, I^eonard Pachel 
and Ulric Scinzenzeller, were printers at Milan from 1469 to 1500, and to whom 
the republic of letters is not a little indebted." 

rS HILARY (St.)— Opera complura SANCTI HYLARII 
Episcopi hac Serie compressa. Vignette on title and 
many (harming initial letters. Thick 4to, stamped pigskin 
on beveled wooden boards. 

Paris, impressa sunt in edib. Ascensianis Parrhisiis, 15 10 
EXTREMELY RARE and editio princf.ps of the works of St. Hilary, with 
rubricated title and the vignette on which is the press of the printer Jodocus 
Badius, vel Ascensius. Some pages are wormed. 

This copy came from the library of the Benedictine monastery of SS. Ulric 
and Affra at Augsburg. On the title is a contemporary MS. note to that effect, 
and there is also a very old heraldic book plate of the same conventual institu- 

•9 UlflCtt ?ictttr. — M. Philelphi epistole octogita episto- 
Iarum genera coplectentes. acriori luna nuper leu gate: 
omni reiecta aspredine quarum singula genera in fria 
membra parti fa sunt. Quibus preponuntur eiusde, non 
nulla artis Rhctorices precepta epistola riarti non parum 
vtilitatis asserentia. Rubricated title and handsome large 
printer's mark. Small 4to, old Italian stamped calf. 
Paris, denum exponutur a Dionysio Rucio bibliopola 

comorante. in vico sancti Jacobi sub inter signio 

diui M artim\ 1511 

Very rare and from the Sunderland library. The above, but slightly 
Stained, is yet a fine example of the typography of the celebrated P.iris printer 
Denis Roce. Some of the pages at the commencement are rubricated. 

Bound up with the above is the first edition in Latin of a curious early six 
teenth century medicinal work full of charming initial letters and MS. margin 
alia. The title to the volume reads—" Hoc in Volvmine Actvarii Grceci 
Avthoris Medici prcstaiissimi, digesti sunt de vrinis libri septera de Graeco ser- 
mone in I.atinu. conuersi; in quibus omnia que de vrinis did possunt; sue 
practica, siue Theoricum. siue cognitione. siue prognostica quaesiueris: doc- 
tissime tractata cotinentur. Vndc lector optimc, si diligcnter his libris insud- 
aucris: glumam paucam ex alioru. lectione, ex hac ipsa gnmum multum te 
collegisse cognoueris. Parisiis Ex officina Simonis colinaei. 




title. 410, boards. n. p., 15 12 

Very rare. Brunct calls this " Pasquiile fort rare." The text is terminated 
by the following four lines: 

" le Pasquin le malheureux 

Destre tombe es mains dang loys 
Iaymaisse myeulx estre foireux 
Et tomber en main des francoys." 


half sheep. Florence, 15 12 

Rare. A fair example, in Italic type, of the Giunta press. 


22 UlncU JLctttt. — I>iui Ambrosii Episcopi Mediolanensus 

omnia opera accuratissime reuisa : atqz in tres partes niti- 
dissime excusa. Eiusdem Sanctissimi Amrrisii vita: a 
Paulino episcopo eleganter conscripta. Repertoriu. in 
tripertitum opus Bkatissimi Ambrosii alphabetica serie: 
certimissoqz folio ru. numero exquisitissime digestu. 
Thick large 4to. Old stamped pigskin on wooden boards 
with brass clasps. Basle, 15 16 

VERY RARE. With two fine engraved titles on wood, one of which has the 
monogram V. G. The first title is rubricated. Some of the pages arc stained- 
The colophon preceding the second title reads: — " Basileae, ex officina Adae 
Petri Bibliographi. Ilj. Cal\ Iun. Anno M. D. XVI." 


23 Ulacfc TLttttV. — BIBLIA MAGNA. Biblia cum concor- 

dantus veteris et noui testamenti et sacrorum canonum: 
necnon et additione in marginibus varietatis diuersorum 
textuum ac etiam canonibus antiquis quator euangeliorum 
insertis: et accentu omniu vocabulorum difficilium signato: 
summa cum dilgentia a reui saccorecta; nuperrime emen- 
data. Emendata magis saturit nunc Biblia tota. Que 
fuit in nullo tempore visa prius. Square folio, russia 

Lyons, impressum per Johamum ntoyline aPs Je Cam- 
bray Impotsis honesti viri Stephani gurynarde al 's 
pinert eiusde a'uitafis ciuis et bibliopola, 1520 

Excessively Rare and from the library of Lord Leigh with his heraldic 
book-plate inserted and coat-of-arms, coronet, etc., stamped in gold on back of 
the binding. The fore edge has colored vellum tags The volume is rubri- 
cated throughout and full of numerous quaint and curious wood engravings, 
initial letters, borders, etc. Some of the illustrations, including ihe tille, are 
colored by hand. 

The illustrations in this splendid edition were engraved after those of the 
Venice Bible of 1498. They are found in many other reprints of the Bible 
made at Lyons. For further 1 information concerning the sixteenth century 
Bibles printed at Lyons, vide the nole to the 1521 Bible following, viz.: No. 




24 JJIatfe Urtttr.— BIBLIA cu. concordantiis veteris noui 

testamenti sacrorum canonum: necnon et additionibus in 
marginibus varietatis diuersos textuum: ac etiam canoni- 
bus antiquis quattuor euangeliorum, Nouissime autem 
additc sunt concorclatie et viginti libris Josephi deantiqui- 
tatibus et bello excerpte. Large 4to, stamped pigskin on 
wooden boards with brass clasps. 

Lyons, impressa aitt. Lugduni: per. Jacobutn Sacon. 
Expesis. notabilis viri Antonii Koberger Nureburgensis. 

Felicitur explicit. A two nostrc salu/is, 1 5 2 1 

Extremely rare, with autograph on title of Michael Lingg. 1709, and 
other previous owners, also MS. marginalia. The device on the sides shows 
that the volume formerly belonged to some Jesuit conventual house, and on an 
end paper is inserted a book-plate with the following legend : — *' Insignia 
Capitula Fridbergensis Ad. Bibliothecam." There are numerous woodcuts, 
some full-page and very curious, also title with borders and printer's mark. 
There are also borders around every page. Concerning Lyons editions of the 
Bible Brunet writes: — "On pcut voir par cettc souscri|>tion et par celles de 
cinq autres editions de la Bible impr. dans la meme ville en 1518, 1520. 1521 et 
1522. que le celcbre imprimeur de Nuremberg a cu plusieurs fois recours aux 
presses lyonnaiscs et nous remarquons meme qu'apres avoir employe l'atelier de 
Sacon pour ses editions de 1 516, et 15 1 S il se sert de celui de Jean Marion pour 
les deux edit, faites en 1520 l une a la date de 19 aout, l'autre a la date du 12 
decembre; puis pour une autre edition de la Bible sous la date du 24 juillet 
1 52 1, i! a de nouveau recours a Jac. Sacon, et de meme pour I'edition du 15 
decembre 1522, la dernicre qu*il ait fait imprimer a Lyon. II est probable que 
les derniers dates que nous venons dc donner appliquent plutfit a des irages par 
ticulicrs d'une meme edition, qu'a des editions vtritablement distinctes." 

Cotton refers as follows to Luther's copy of this edition of the Bible : — " In 
1521 an edition of the Latin Vulgate Hible was printed at Lyons, a curious 
copy of which is mentioned by Fortia in his ' Travels in Sweden.' as being in 
the royal library of Stockholm; it is the copy used by Luther, and the margin 
and every part which could be written on is covered with notes in that Re- 
former's handwriting." 


25 Blatft ILcttcr.— PETER LOMBARD, Textus magistri 

sentetiacum. in quattuor sectos libros partials. Small 4to, 
fine old stamped leather binding, gold-gauffered edges 
(binding most carefully mended). 
Lyons, Impressa per Johancm. Moyiin al's de Cambray, 1525 

Extremely rare and a fine example with rubricated title of the Lyons 
press. It was published at the shop of " Vincentius de Portonarijs." It is full 
of charming iniiial lelters. On the title is the autograph of Tho. Hutchinson 
and there are a few MS. marginalia. 

" The work of Peter Lombard, which afterwards constituted the great text- 
book of the scholastic theologians, and which established to that writer the title 
of ' The Master," or ' The Master of the Sentences,' was exactly such an ex- 
position of Christian doctrine as we might have expected from that conflict 
between reason and authority which existed in the Latin Church" . . [it] 
"was regarded with the highest veneration as the precious depository of the 


Sentences of the Great Fathers and luminaries of the Church, and became 
itself an authority of the Church." 

" Lombard's work on the Irish Church — ' was ordered to be suppressed and 
prosecuted by Lord Deputy Strafford, at the direction of the King, in 1633 ; 
but the author was already dead." — ■ Bibliothtca Grenviltiana. 



26 BIBLIA SACRA LATINA, e versione Sancti Pacnini, 

cum Interpretationibus Nominum Hebraicorum. Hand- 
some title with woodcut borders and numerous charming initial 
letters; also rubricated title. Thick 4to, vellum, sprinkled 

Lyons, impressa per Antonium du Hy. calcographttm dili- 
gentissimu. impensis Franeisei Turehi et Dominici Ber- 
ticinium Lucesium et lacobi de Giuntis bibliopolae ciuis 
Floretini. Anno dni. 1527-28 
Very rare. The first edition of the Bible with the verses numbered and 
concerning which vide the "Christian Remembrancer," of October, 1S42. The 
copy of this rare and interesting edition belonging to the Duke of Sussex sold 
for over lifty dollars at the auction sale of his library in 1844. 


27 MARINEO (L.). — MARINEISI Cvli Regii Historiagraphi 

opus de Rebus Hispanioe Memorabilibus modo castigatum 

atqz Caesareae male statis inssu, in lucem aeditum. 

Handsome engraved title and initial letters. 4to, morocco 

elegant, gilt edges. 

Alcala de Henraez, per Michaclem de Equia, 1533 
Very rare and early edition of the Chronicles of Lucio Marinco, who was 
born at Hedino in Sicily about 1460 and died after 1533. He was the historio- 
grapher and chaplain to Ferdinand the Fifth and Charles the Fifth. The 
binding is a fine example of sixteenth century reliure. The sides and back are 
one mass of golden decoration ; it is stamped on both sides with a shield " paly 
of seven argent and gules," above is a coronet. These arms arc not unlike 
those of the Trivulzios, but the tinctures arc different. 


28 FRANCISCUS NIGER de modo epistolandi : vna cum 

Libanio eandem materiam tractante nouiter ex greco in 
latinum traducto interprete Pontico Virunio : nouissime 
recogniti cunctisqz mendis expurgati. Minimo, limp 

Venice, in aedibus Franeisei Bindoni ae Maphci Pasini 
socii accuratissime impressurn, 15 34 
Very rare and sixteenth century complete letter writer with curious wood- 
cuts on the first and last pages, also with charming initial letters. Somewhat 




29 FRANCIS the FIRST. Divo Francisco Primo, Gallorum 

Regi Christianissimo, Caesaris Delphini Parmen. naliu. 
Doctoris Muriados Libri Tres. Small 4to, embroidered 
blue velvet, gilt edges. 

Venice, impressus per Bernardino de Vitalibus, 1537 

Extremely rare. This most interesting volume is the dedication copy to 
Francis tiie First, King of France. In the centre of the old blue velvet bind- 
ing are embroidered the royal lilies of France within a shield. Above is. the 
regal crown. The borders on each side of the cover are also embroidered with 
goldthread. The color of the velvet approaches in shade the allegid new 
tint known as electric blue. The precious stones in the crown are woven in 
by colored silks. The volume, which is an admirable example of the Venetian 
press is printed in Italic types, with commentary on the margins. The edges 
are slightly gauffered. This volume was presented to the King ten years 
before his death at Kambouillet in 1547. 

Another writer says : — " It is not difficult to estimate the character of this 
monarch. Gay and voluptuous (it was the physical consequences of an amour 
which cost him his life), he was still capable of heroic impulses and acts of 
splendid generosily. But no amount of chivalry could compensate for the 
lack of political sagacity ; it could not even save him from acts of cruelty. His 
persecution of the Vaudois and other 'heretics' has left a dark stain on his 
memory which all his patronage of arts and letters will not efface. Francis 
was himself a writer of verses ; but these were so bad that even French critics 
pronounce them almost intolerable." 


30 Blaclt JlCtttC — BOCACE (J.). Livre Intitule des Cas et 

Ruynes des Nobles Hommes et Femmes renversez par 
Fortune depuis la Creation du Monde jusques a nostres 
Temps, translate de Latin en Langage Francoys par 
Laurens be Premier. Curious woodcuts, the title enclosed 
by an elaborate woodcut border which was evidently not 
originally designed for this volume. Small folio, calf. 

Paris, noucllcmeiit imprime" par Nicolas Couteau Imprimeur 
demourant au dit lieu et fut achcue de imprinter le 
pen ut 'time de Decembre, 1538 

Very rare, with the heraldic book plate of James F.lwyn Millard, D.D.. 
inserted. This is a good sound copy of this early and rare edition of one of 
the most popular medieval works. The initial letters are large and floriated 
and the illustrative woodcuts are evidently the production of more than one 
artist. Ceo. A. Leavitt & Co. sold a MS. copy of this work on vellum for 
several hundred dollars at the Dorman sale. Among the episodes narrated 
iu this volume by the author of the "Decameron" are some of the most 
horrible and terrifying in history. Boccaccio exhibits and wallows here in a 
very carnival of blood and torture — murder and suicide — rapine and rack — dis- 
embowelling and gibbeting— war and waste— in fact, everything that could 
tend to make one quiver with horror. Many of the incidents are, however, 
very pathetic, and the loves of troubadour and " fayre ladye " are sometimes 
told, but generally with a tragical finale. 


31 PITOCCO.— Orlandino per Limerno Pitocco du Mantoa 

Composto. Minimo, Spanish calf gilt. 

Venice, per Merchio Sessa, 1539 

Very RARE. Printed in Italic types with numerous curious woodblock cuts, 
including that of the printer's mark of the Hessas. Some pages are stained. 



Poetae et Medisi, Ac Divi Maxmilliam and Avgsti 
Oratoris, de Caesaribus atqz Imperatoribus Romanus opus 
insigne. Dedicatio Operis ad Invictissimum Impera- 
torum Carolvm QuiNTUM.pcr Christophorum Scheurle 
L V. D.; Vita Ioannis Cuspiniani, et de Vtilitate huius 
Historie, per D. Nicolaum Gerbelium Iureconsultum. 
Thick small folio, handsome mottled calf gilt. 

Strasburg, 1540 

Rare. Fine copy with elegantly executed woodblock cuts of emperors from 
Julius Cesar to Maximilian, charming initial letters and fine printer's marks on 
the title and last page. With MS. name of former owner on top of title and 
inserted heraldic book-plate of G. D. Mandrc. The real surname of John Cus- 
pinian was Spieshammer. He was a privy councillor to the Emperor Maxi- 
milian L, was born in 1473 and died in 1529. 



33 Blatft ILcttcr.— LA MER DES HISTOIRES Auquel est 

Contenu tant du Vieil Testament que du Nouveau toutes 
les Hystoires, Actes et Faictz dignes de memoire, puis la 
Creation du Monde. Illustrated by hundreds of very curious 
woodcuts comprising portraits, genealogies, etc., some folding 
(one badly cut down). 2 vols, in 1. Folio, newly and 
sumptuously bound in crushed levant morocco super extra, 
elegantly tooled with Groliercsque design on the sides, 
inside gold borders, edges gilt (a few pages carefully 

Paris, en la rue des Mathurines a lenseigne de la cage 
dor par Jean bon hommc — Les Angeliers, 1543 

Rare and splendid copy of this grand chronicle reprinted by Nicholas Cous- 
teau from the original edition printed at Paris in 1488. It was written by John 
Colonna, as already stated in a previous note in this catalogue, vide No. 11. 

34 GVAZZO (M.). Historiae di M. Marco Gvacca di Tutti 

I Fatti Degni di Memoria Ncl Mondo Successi dell' Anno 
1524. Small 8vo, half roan. Venice, 1546 

Rare. With printer's mark on title and above colophon of Gabriel Giolito 
of Fcrrara. On page 142 of the work and following pages will be found some 
information about Francesco Pizzaro and Peru. 



35 ARIOSTO. Orlando Furioso di M. Ludovico Ariosto 
Ornato di Varie Figvre, con Alcvne Stanze et Cinqve 
Canti d'vn Nvovo Libro del medesimo nuoumante agiunci 
eo ricorretti. Con Alcvne Allegorie, et nel fine vna brcuc 
esposaione et Tavola di Tutto quelle), che nell' opera si 
contiene. Handsome woodblock title and numerous curious 
illustrative woodcuts. Large 8vo, bound by Roger Payne 
in dark blue crinkled morocco, inside gold borders, gilt 
edges. Venice, appresso Gabriel Giolito de Ferrari, 1548 

Very r irk. with the inserted book-plate, coronet and initials of Earl Grey. 
On a fly-leaf is the following MS. note: — " This Ariosto was given to mc on 
the 16th August 1845 by my sister as a memorial of my dead friend her husband 
Charles, Earl Grey, to show it belonged and was constantly read by him — 

Chatto. in Jackson's " Wood Engraving," says: — " Among all the Venetian 
printers of that age, Gabriel Giolito is entitled to precedence from the number 
ami comparative excellence <»f the woodcuts contained in the numerous illus- 
trated works which issued from his press." 


36 iJIacU 7ittter.— BYBLE in Englyshe after the Transla- 

tion Appointed to be Read in the Churches, with a Pro- 
loge Thereinto Made by Thomas (Cranmf.r, Archbys- 
shop of Canterbury), Oversene and Perused by Clthbert 
(Tunstal, Bishop of Duresme) and Nicolas (Heath, 
Bisshop of Rochester). Thick small folio, old calf. 

London, Edward Whitchurch, 1549 

Very rare, but imperfect, lacking png.-s at the beginning and end of this 
curious black letter Bible. There is inserted the heraldic book plate of Edmund 

"A reprint of Cranmer's edition of 1541, with his prologue in black letter, 
which, according to Dr. Cotton, was certainly printed at two different presses. 
Some copies appear with the name of Richard Grafton as the printer, others 
Grafton and Whitchurch. Copies are in the Bodleian, Exeter, College {on 
yellow paper), All Souls College Libraries, Oxford, in the Haptist Museum, 
Bristol, and many other collections." Sothcby (Stevens). August, 1857, im- 
perfect, £\2 15s.; Duke of Sussex, pt. L, 1430, £21; Pickering, £23 10s.; 
Gardner, 1854, £44 " — LowNDBS. 

37 ACCOL'IT ARETINO (Benedetto). La Gverra Fatta da 

Christiani Contra Barbari per la Ricvpedratione del Sepol- 
cro di Christo et della Givdea. Small 8vo, half vellum. 

Venice, 1549 

Rare, printed in Italic types with curious initial letters. An early work on 
the Crusades. 



38 CHARLES V.— Coronatio CAROLI V. Caesaris Avg. AQvd 

Aqui sgranum. per Hartmannum Maurum Hkrmami. 

Archiepiscopi Colonien. Consiliarium, qui ei coronation! 

interfuit, descripta. Minimo. 

Cologne, Hfttriius Mamcranus excudebat, 1550 

Very x are and with curious initial letters. Bound up with the above are the 
following: " Entry of the Grand Duke of Tuscany into Florence," with the 
arms of the De Medici on title. Bologna, 1608; " Triumphal Entry into Mantua 
of Eleonora Goniaga with the Emperor Kcrdinand." imperial arms on title. 
Bologna, 1622; " Method of Electing the Doge of Venice," printed at Venice, 
1613; " Account of the Coronation of Mary de Medici," Milan, 1610; " Entry 
of the I'rince of Spain into Milan," arms, Milan, 154$; and other entries of the 
same in 1549. 


39 IMiUft ILftttr.— The Rule of Reason. Conteining the 

Arte of I.ogique. Set forth in English and ncweley cor- 
rected by Thomas Wilson. Wherevnto is added a table, 
for the ease of the Reader. Minimo, old calf. 

London, imprinted by Richard Grafton, Printer to the 

Kynges Majestic, 1552 

Extremely rare and antedating by one year the 6rst edition mentioned by 
Lowndes. With inserted heraldic book-plate of Thomas Jolley and name of 
former owner in MS on title A few pages are stained. Sir Thomas Wilson, 
in illustration of various logical precepts, introduces a great deal of controversial 
matter, the pretence of — teaching the " arte of logique " being but a cloak to 
cover the real design of the work. This is the real first edition, but was sup- 
pressed, although dedicated to "Our most redoubted Souereignc I-ord Edward 
the Si*t." In his preface to the second or 1553 edition. Sir I nomas mentions 
that he was on account of hi* writing the *' Art of Logic and of Rhetoric," 
imprisoned at Rome by the Inquisitors of the Holy See, as a presumptuous and 
dangerous heretic, and observes, " If others never gette more by Books than I 
have doen. it were belter to be a carter than a scholcr, for worKllie profit." 

40 Chronicle of Yeres, from the begynnyngc of the Worlde, 

wherein ye shal fynde the names of all the Kynges of Eng- 
lande, of the Mayres and Shyriffes of the Cyticof London, 
and briefly of many noble Actes don in & sens the reigne 
of K. Henry IV., etc. Minimo, half morocco, uncut. 
Impnttted at London in Fletestrete at the sygne of the 
George nexte to Saynte Dumtones Churche by Wyl- 
iyam Powell, Anno, MDLII. 
Limited fac-simile of too copies. 


48 SOLIS (Virgil). Biblische Figuren desz Neuwen Testa- 

ments gar funstlich gerissen. Illustrated with numerous 
page wood engravings after the celebrated designs of Virgil 
Solis. Oblong small 4to, vellum, gilt. Nuremburg, 1562 

Extremely rare and with the monogram V S on the fore sides of the bind- 
ing. This is an admirable copy of these precious and most rare plates. Some 
are stained somewhat and others are mended. Vide inserted catalogue cutting 
of a copy, priced 500 francs, which, like the above, contained both parts. 


49 GIOVANNI FIORENTINO. II Pecorone Di Ser Gio- 

vanni Fiorentino Nel Qvale Si Contengono Cinq Vanta 
Novelle Antiche, Belle D'Inventtione et Di Stile. Minimo, 
vellum, gilt. Venice, Appresso Dontcnico Farri, 1565 

Very rare. Printed in Italic types, with printer's mark on title and charm- 
ing wood block initial letters. This copy was once in the libraries of Charles 
Nodier, Viollet Le Due and Edward Cheney. It has their inserted book-plates. 
There are the following MS. notes on a fly-leaf — Formerly in Kitson's. The 
first edition is asserted to bear date 1554 (n. b. a forgery')- That of Milan in 
1559 is better known. This therefore, is the third and last. I'iile Rorromeo, 
p. 24. who says the forged edition was printed from this of 15^15. The original 
edition was printed in 155S, though some copies have 1559 m the title." 

This work has been called a component of " Shakespeare's Library." Roscoe 
says: — "Shakespeare's liveliest vein in his ' Merry Wives of Windsor' and 
' Merchant of Venice ' may be traced to the rich mine of incident contained in 
this famous Novelist," that Giovanni gave this work to the world a few years 
after the death of Boccaccio, and it is very much in the style of that great 
writer. It consists of fifty short novels, which are supposed to be told in 
twenty-five days in the parlor of a convent by a young chaplain to a nun. Each 
story winds up with a love song. 


50 FI.ORILEGIUM diuersorumepigrammatuin veterum in sep- 

tem libros diuisum.Magno epigrammatu. e duobus indicibus 
auctu. Henr. Stlph. de hac sua editione disMcho. Large 
8vo, bound by Derome in red morocco, edges temoins. 
(Paris), Excudebat Henricus Stephanas i! lust r is viri 

. Hvldrichi Fvggeri typographus, 1566 

Very rare. Printed in Greek types and a good example of the Estienne or 
Stephens press, with a large printer's device of the same on title, " an old man 
beside an olive tree with the motto ' Noli altvm sapere.' " Brunei calls this — 
" Belle edition qui prcsente un texte enticrcment rev\.." 

- • » - — _ w» d_IWW * JUUU\rO III Id | 11 111, . .... 

Clement Marot and Theodore de Bezc." With autograph on fly-leaf of Sophia 


52 PICCOLOMINI— Ai.exandri Picolhominei de Sphaera 

Libri Qvatvor, ex Italico in Latinum sermonem conuersi. 
Eivsdem Compendivm de cognoscendis stellis fixis; et de 
magnitudine Terre et Aquae liber vnus, itidem Latinus 
factus. Ioan. Nicol. Stxpano. Rhf.to Interprete. 4to, 
mottled calf gilt, inside gold borders, citron edges. 

Basle, 1568 

Rare. A fine copy elegantly bound by W. Pratt of this rare astronomical 
work, with woodcuts, charming initial letters and printer's mark. It is dedicated 
by the editor to several peisons, among them being members of the Froben and 
Iselin families. 

53 AMMAN (Jost). Stande und Handwerker mit Versen von 

Hans Sachs. Illustrated on every page with the curious 
designs of the celebrated Jost Amman. ' Small 4to, stamped 
morocco, red edges. Frankfort, 1568 

Number 255 of the limited edition of 500 copies of the fac-simile reproduc- 
tion of George llirth, published at Munich, in 1S84. 


54 BEZA. — Thkouori Bezae Vezelii Poetmatum Editio se- 

cunda, ab eo recognita. Item, Ex Georgio Bvchanano 
aliisque variis insignibus poetis excerpta carmina, preser- 
timp. epigrammata. Small 8vo, magnificently bound by 
Cape in olive morocco super extra, rounded corners, inside 
gold borders, edges gilt. 

(Paris), Excvdebat Henr. Steph. Ex cuius etiam epigram- 
matis Graecis e Latinis aliquot caetcris 
adiecta sunt, 1569 

Very rare and a magnificent example of Cape's reliure in the Grolicresque 
style. The tooling is as fine an example of modern French binder's work as can 
be found in any bibliophile's collection, the circular and geometrical work being 
particularly effective. As an example of typography in Italic, Greek and He- 
brew type from the Estienne press, it is as splendid a specimen as can be seen . 
It is a book for a Grolierite and is a veritable chef-d'eeuvre. 


2 1 


55 SERLIO (Sebastian). De Architectvra Libri Qvinqve, 

Quibus cuncta fere Archectonica facultatis mysteria docte, 
perspicue vberrimeqz explicantur, A' Ioanne Carolo 
Saraceno ex Italica in Latinam linguam nunc primum 
transiati atque conuersi. In quibus, prater orationis per- 
petuam continuatamqz. seriem, et propria aedificiorum per- 
quam eleganter insertse accomodatseqz. fuerunt. Necnon 
extraordinarius quinquaginta portarum libellus in operis 
calce adiunctus hie demum conspicitur. Numerous fine 
early Italian woodcuts. Large 4to, old calf, gilt. 

Venice, Apuii Franciscum dc Franciscus Senensem, 

ft Joannem Chriegher, 1569 

Rare. From the library and with the book-plate of the Right Honorable 
Robert James, I.ord Pctre. Thorndon in Kssex. A few lower margins rire a little 
water-stained, otherwise the above is a very clean copy. Although only five 
books are actually specified above, the volume includes a sixth with a separate 
title at the end. A seventh book was printed, though it does not belong to the 
present edition. The author wrote eight, and of this last, not known to have 
been printed in Italian or Latin, an English translation in MS. was soli] among 
Dr. I<aing's books, Books I-V were published in English in 1611. Along 
account of the works of Serlio is to be found in Brunet. 

56 GUALTERUZZIDA FANO (Carlo), l.ibro Novelle et di 

Bel Parlar Gentile. Nel qual si contengono Cento Nou- 
elle. Small 4to, vellum. 

Florence, Nella Stamper in de % Giunti, 1572 

Rare. An admirable example in good condition of the celebrated ( '.iunta 
press, with many curious initial letters and fine printer's mark. This copy has 
the inserted book-plate of Edward Cheney. The text differs considerably from 
that of the preceding editions. 

57 (FOLENGO). Opvs Mkklini Cocaii Poetae Mantvani 

Macaroni corum-Zani tonnella, Phantasire, Moschese et 
libellvs. Numerous facetious cuts and initial letters, etc. 
Minimo, old sheep. 

Venice, Apud lacobum Simbcniun, 1572 

Extremely rare and an excellent edition, being an exact reprint of that of 
1 521 with the exception of the cuts and three pieces. The title is carefully 

Teofilo Folengo [Merlinius Coccaius] entered the Order of St. Benedict at 
the age of eighteen, but after introducing great disorders into the monastery 
where he lived, he finally emitted it, in company with a very beautiful girl in his 
own station of life, and they, for sewral years, traveled about together. He 
has long had the credit of being the inventor of the " Macaronic" Poetry— a 
mixture of Latin, Italian and the Mantuan dialect. He frequently recounts his 
own adventures, and, says the " Riographie Univcrselle" — " Sous cette enveloppe 
bouffnnnc- on trouvc des pensees et des maximes d'un grand sens, des traits 
satiriques sur les grands, sur la vanite des litres, &c, et ces traits originaux et 
piquants sont presque toujours sans amcrtume." 




58 JORDANUS LAELIUS (Bishop). Tractatvs de Maioribvs, 

Rervmqve Capitalivm Episcoporum causis ad Papam def- 
erendis, et Romana; Sedis origine atqz authoritate. Small 
4to, mottled calf gilt, sprinkled edges. 

Venice, apud Dominicum Nicolinum, 1572 
Very rare and stamped in gold on both sides of the cover with the arms, 
quarterings, ducal coronets, etc., of John, first Duke of Marlborough, to whom 
the volume belonged. 

59 HARMAN. A Caueat or warening for Common Cursetors 

vulgarely called Vagabones, set forth by Thomas Har- 
man, Esquier, for the vtilitie and profit of his naturall 
Country. Augmented and enlarged by the first author 
hereof. Whereunto is added the tale of the second taking 
of the Counterfet Crank, with the true report of his be- 
hauior and also his punishment for his so dissembling 
most maruelous to the hearer or reader thereof. Very 
curious cuts and colored tail pieces. 4to. 

London, Henry Middleton, 1573 
Very rare and the fac-simile reprint of 100 copies only by Benslcy, 
with rubricated title and dedication to Joseph llazlewood. This copy which is 
as good as new. has the heraldic book plate of John Deurdin. It includes the 
woodcut of "the Counterfeit Crank," found only in the earlier edition of 1573. 
All editions of this work are of great rarity. 

60 S. GELAIS. (Mellin de) CEvres Poetiqves, minimo, calf 

gilt, red edges. Lyons, Antoine de Harsy, 1574 

Very rare. Stamped on the sides with heraldic bearings surmounted by 
ducal coronet. This celebrated author was librarian at fontajnebleau and 
Etienne Pasquier wrote of him as follows — " II produi sait de petites fleurs et 
noil fruits d'aucune duree; e'estoient des mignardises qui couroient de fois a 
autres par les mains des courtisans et dames de la cour.'' 

61 Ulatfe Tittttr. — Hoi.iK Uiblk. Fine initial letters. Thick 

4to, calf, red edges. London, Richard Jug;ee, 1575 

Very rare, but imperfect. This edition was a joint undertaking, copies 
being known to exist as " Printed by R. Jugge, R. Kele, J. Walley, L. Harri- 
son, J. Judson, \V. Norton, F. Coldock. S«e Lea Wilson, Nos. 40, 41, 43. 
Cotton p. 3<); Bibl. Harl No. 177. Cotton mentions an edition of the Genevan 
version, 4to, 1575. as in Dr. Gilford's Collection, and one by C. Barker, Svo, 

62 STIMMER. Neue Kunstliche Figuren Biblischer His- 

torien gruntlich von Tobia Summer gerissen: Vnd zu 
Gotsorchtiger ergetzung andachtiger hertzen mit artigen 
Reimen begrissen durch J. F. G. M. Et>ery page illus- 
trated with fac-simile wood engravings and borders. 4to, 
bound in old vellum from an early manuscript. 

Basle, Thomas Grvarin, 1576 
Very Rare. Foxed and some pages loose. This is the original edition and 
was reprinted in fac-simile by George Hirth. in Munich and Leipsic. 1881. 
These religious cuts by Tobias S'.immcr were commended by Ktibens. who de- 
clared that he had studied them with attention and derived much instiuction 




63 MACHIAVELLI.— Les Discovrs de 1' Estat de Paix et de 

Gverre, de Messire Nicolas Machiauelli, Secretaire et 
Citoyen Florentin, sur la premiere decade de Titre Liue, 
traduict d'ltalien en Francoys plvs vn Livre dv mesme 
aucteur intitule le Prince, thick minimo, beautifully bound 
in crushed maroon levant morocco with Grolieresque de- 
signs on the sides, rounded corners, inside gold borders, 
edges gilt on marble. 

Paris, Pierre Cai/ellai, rue S. laques, a V enseigtie de 

la Fleur de Lys, 1577 

Extremely rare and a beautiful copy of this very rare work of Machiavelli. 
" We are told in the House of Commons by Mr. Kox that the authority of 
Machiavel is great. The founders of the French Republic and refounders of it 
seem always to have had Machiavel's ' Discourses on I.ivy ' in their view. 
— " Pursuits of Literature !" 


64 RAMUS. — Petri Rami ver Omandvi, Philosophise, et 

Eloquentivae Regii Professoris Celeberrimi, Comentariorum 
de Religione Christiana, Libri Quatuor. Eivsdem Vita 
A. Theophilo Banosio Descripta. Small 8vo, morocco 
gilt. Frankfort, Apud Andream Wechelum, 1577 

Very Rare, with the printer's mark on title and last page. This volume was 
printed five years after the murder of the author in the " Massacre of St. Bar- 
tholomew." He was more popularly known as Pierre de I -a Ramce. Nearly 
all his works were suppressed, more particularly those written against the tcach- 
nf Aristotle, and for attacking which he was accused of impiety. This great 




66 A1TSINGER. — Michaelis Aitsingeri Avstriaci Penta- 

ptvs Regnorvm Mvndi. Curious folding plates and cuts. 
Small 4to, calf gilt. Antwerp, Christopher Plantin, 1579 

Very rare and not mentioned by Brunei. This copy came from the Sunder- 
land Library. The above is a work of extraordinary labor and ingenuity on the 
" Chronology of Empires and Peoples," curiously arranged in tables with de- 
scriptions in prose and verse, symbolical pla:es, chronograms, etc. 

67 SACRO BOSCO (Giovanni). La Sfera Tradotta. Emendata 

et distinta in Capitoli da Pier Vincenzio Dante de' 
Rinaldi con molte et vtili Annotazioni del Medesimo. 
Many charming curious initial letters, cuts and portrait. 
8vo, limp vellum. 

Florence, nella stamperia de'' Giunti, 1579 
Rare. On the title is a curious emblematic design showing a globe with 

America, Europe and Asia thereon, over all are the six balls of the De Mcdicis 

The volume is dedicated to Cliovanno de Medici. At the end is a fine printer's 

mark of the Giuntas. The volume is slightly foxed. 
At the end are two other works both issued in 15*3 by the Giuntas, one of 

which is " La Sfera di Proclo I.iceo," and the other ** Trauato Dell" -Sfera." 

68 GACI (Cosimo). Poetica Descritione d' Intorno all' Inuen- 

tioni della Sbarra Combattuta in Fiorenza nel cortile del 
Palagio de' Picci in honore della Sereniss. Signora 
Bianca Cappello, Gran Dvchessa Di Toscana. Small 
8vo, vellum. Florence, nella Stamperia de Giunti, 1579 
Rare. A fair example of the Oiunta press. 


70 BRETONNAYAU. — La Generation de L'homme et Le 
Temple de 1,'Ame avec Autres oeuures Poetiques extraittes 
de 1'EscuLAPEde Rknk Bretonnayau Medecin, natif de 
Vernantes en Anjou. 4to, beautifully bound by Thibaron- 
Jot.y in dark blue crushed levant morocco, extra gilt, 
rounded corners, inside gold borders, edges gilt on marble. 
Paris, pour AM/' Angelier, au premier pillier de la grand 

salle du Pa/ays, 15X3. 

Extkkmki.y k v k 1 ■'. and a lirst edition will] handsome engraved title, head and 
tail pieces and initial letters. Brunet calls this a remarkable poem on account of 
its excellent versification and by the details given on the mysteries of generation. 
On the back of the title is a table of contents. Among the subjects treated are 
"the Effort of Venus," the " How of Cupid," the " Conception of Man and 
Sterility," " Hemorrhoids," the " Monkey," etc., etc. 

72 SANDER (Nicolas). De Origine Ac Progressu Schismatis 
Anglicanis. umo, vellum. Cologne, 1585 

Rare. Title mounted, and on back of same heraldic book-plate of — "Sir 
Richard Newdigate, of Arbury, in the County of Warwick, Baronet, 1709." 

ne I Tempi del Popolo E Signori Scaligeri. 4to, bound 
by Duru in yellow calf gilt, inside gold borders, red edges 
(washed and mended). Verona, Gieronimo Discepoli, 1586 
Very rare, printed in italic types, and dedicated to Massimiliano Pellegrini. 


75 PETRONII ARM TRI, Satyricon : Adiecta sunt veterum 
quorundam poetarum carmina non dissimilis argumenti : 
ex quibus nonnulla emendatius, alias nunp. primum edun- 
tur. Cum notis doctorum virorum. Minimo, red morocco 
gilt, inside gold border, edges gilt. Paris, apud Mamerrum 
Patissionum Typhographum Rrgium, 1587 
VERY rare. The notes, collectanea and annotations are separately paginated. 
On the sides is the heraldic emblazonment in gold of " Carolus de Castillani, 
1663." The motto " Fiat " is above his coronet, abbot's mitre and crozier. 
On the back of the book are his initials C. C. and on the title is a MS. inscrip- 



77 GVIDO MELLINI (Domenico di). Dell' Origine, Fatti, 

Costvmi E Lodi di Matelda La Gran Contessa d'ltalia 
diuiso in due Parti. 4to, old calf (binding damaged). 

Florence, per Filippo Givnii, 1589 

Rare, and printed in Italic types. Stamped in gold on the sides with the arms 
and supporters of a mitred abbot. 

78 AMMAN (Jost). Wapen und Stammbuch. Profusely illus- 

trated with armorial bearings, nude figures, armor, cost unit, 
etc. Small 4to, stamped morocco, red edges. 

Frankfort, 1589 

Limited edition of the fae-simile reproduction in 1881 by Hirth. 

79 [DAVNCE (Edward.)] A Briefe Discourse of the Spanish 

State with a Dialogue annexed intituled " Philobasilis." 
Printer s mark on title. Small 4to, red morocco gilt, edges 
gilt. I^ndon, imprinted l>y Richard Field dwelling in 

the Blacke-Friers neere Ludgatt, 1590 

Rare. Dedicated " To the Most High Mightie and Vertvovs Princesse 
Elizabeth by the Grace of God, Qveenc of England, France and Ireland, etc., 
be a most prosperous, long and victorious raigne." Title slightly soiled and 

80 VALENTIA. Index Errorvm Gregorii de Valentia, 

Monachi Hlasphemae Societatis. Ex eo Libro Qvem in- 
scripsit, Examen pra;cipui Mysterij Doctrjane Clunistarum, 
etc. Confectus a nonnullis Theologiie & Philosophia; 
Candidatis in Schola Genuensi Errores sunt Nvmero 
Sexaginta qui crasiores visi sunt, acproinde Transsubstan- 
tiatione digniores. 2 vols, in 1. Small 8vo, calf. 

Geneva, apud Ioannem le Prerx, 1590-91 
Very rare, and both parts of this celebrated work by Gregory de Valencia 
and which was universally suppressed by all the governments of Europe. 


81 APPIAN I ALEX AN DRINI Rom. Historiarvm, Punica, fiiue 

Carthaginiensis, Parthica, Iberica, Syriaca, Mithridatica, 
Annibalica, Celtica; & Illyrica; fragments quaidain. Item 
Debellis ciuilibus libri V. Hknr. Steph. Annotationes in 
quasdam Appiani historias, et in conciones pertotum opus 
sparsas. Thick folio, handsomely bound in mottied calf 
gilt, edges gilt on marble. 

Paris, excudfbat Henricus Stephanus, 1592 

Rare. This volume is stamped on the sides and back with the insignia of 
the Golden Fleece frequently repeated. On an end paper is inserted the heraldic 
bearings of John, Uaron Carteret of Hawnes. 

The life of the publisher and commentator of the above, 1 lenri Estienne, " the 
Second" (or Stephens), is one of the most painful in the annals of bibliography. 
A man of wonderful classical abilities, an author furnishing the greater part of 
the manuscript for his compositors — he wasted through intemperance his paternal 
patrimony, became insolvent, and an indigent wanderer on the face of the earth. 



After 1578, we are lokl — " his life was that of a hanger-on to the Court of 
Henry III. of France — a weak nnti narrow-minded king, but a patron of liter- 
ature and art. The rest of the life of this eminent printer is a very painful one 
to recount. .... He was seized by his last malady at Lyons and died in the 
public hospital there. He was interred in the common cemetery, near the 
Hotel Dieu, and a detachment of the burgher guard was obliged to turn out to 
protect the funeral from the violence of the Catholic mob. This was at the end 
of January, 1598 — not the beginning of March, as the old biographers say. 
Henry's books are divided into three classes:— Editions of the classics, original 
writings on the (Jreek and l.atin languages, and writings on the French lan- 
guage. He used as a device the olive-tree adopted by his father." 

82 CON EST AGGIO (Geronimo). Dell* Vnione Del Regno 

Di Portogallo Alia Corona di Castiglia, Istoria. Minimo, 
red morocco gilt, leather joints, edges gilt on marble by 
Kalthcf.rer. Venice, Pavlo Vgnilino, 1592 

Rare. Printed in Italic types and formerly the property of Beckford the 
author of " Vathek," by whom there is an MS. note on an end paper. 

83 ALPINUS (Prosper). De Plantis Aegypti. Numerous wood 

engravings of plants, 4to, vellum Venice, 1592 

Rare. Dedicated to a member of the Morosini family, jiV — "ad lonnm-m 
MavTocenvm Antonij Filium I'atricium Venetum Clarissimum." 


84 BIBLIA SACRA VULGATAE Editionis Sixti Qvinti Pont. 

Max. Ivssv recognita atque edita. Thick 4to, handsome 
dark brown morocco, blind tooled, gilt edges by De Cov- 
er ly. Rome, Ex Typographia Apostolica Vaticana, 1593 

Rare. With inserted heraldic book plate of James Gibbs. Some pages are 
slightly discolored. 

" Cette troisieme edition de la Bible impr. au Vatican, rrnferme de nouv. 
variantes qu'ils la font recherchcr; elle apparticnt d'ailleurs a la collection 
Aldine." — Kkunet. 

85 QUEEN ELIZABETH.— A Trve Report of Svndry Hor- 

rible Conspiracies of late time detected to haue (by Bar- 
barous murders) taken away the life of the Queenes most 
excellent Majestic; whom Almighty God hath miracu- 
lously conserued against the treacheries of her Rebelles, 
and the violences of her most puissant Enemies, Small 
4to. smooth red morocco extra, rounded corners, inside 
gold borders, gilt edges. 

London, Printed by Charles Yetswiert, Est/., 1594 
Rake. Containing accounts of Spanish plots to poison <^ueen Flizabeth, 

Cardinal Allen's conspiracy, etc. With confessions of the culprits. One page 

is carefully mended. 


86 GALI.ONIUS— De SS. Martyrvm Crvciatibvs Antonii 

Gallonii Rom. Congregationis Oratorii Presbyteri Liber 
Quo potissimum instrumenta et modi, quibus ijdem Christi 


martyres olim torquebantur, accuratissime tabellis expressa 
describuntur. Numerous spirited and strange woodcuts of 
tortures of every possible description inflicted on Christian 
martyrs. 4to, calf, gilt. Rome, 1594 

^ Very hark. This copy was once the property of Beckford the author of 
" Vathek." It had previously belonged to Chancellor de Thou and has the 
monogram of himself and wife Marie Brabancon on the back. It also has the 
implied shields and monograms of De Thou and Marie Brabancon stamped in 
gold on the sides. The back is somewhat rubbed. The woodcuts in this 
volume depict with startling vividness the most terrible and diabolical tortures 
that human malignity could conceive. Were it not for their value from an his- 
torical point of view, the cuts would be repulsive bv their horriii realism ami the 
fiendish ideas conveyed. 


87 IAMBLICHI Chalcidensis ex Syria coele de Vita Phytag- 

orae et Protrepticaf. orationes ad Philosophium I.ib. II. 
Nunquam hactenus visi. nunc vero Graece et Latine 
primum editi cum neccssariis castigationibus et notis, 
IoHANNE Arcerio Thf.odoreto Frisio Authore et Inter- 
prete. 2 vols, 4to, citron morocco (rubbed) 

Franeca, Holland, 1598 

Rare. This copy was once the property of Beckford the author of "Vathek." 
It had previously belonged to Chancellor De Thou and has the monogram of 
himself and wife Marie Brabancon on the back. It also has the impaled shields 
and monograms of De Thou and Marie Brabancon stamped in gold on the sides. 


88 PTOLEMY. — Geografia civk. Descrittionnk. Vniversale 

de 1 a Terra di CL. TOLEMEO uncon- 


MAGINI dal Latino nell' Italiano CER- 

NOTI, etc. Maps, cuts and flenrons. Thick small folio, 
vellum. Venice, 1598 

Very rare, and a splendid copy handsomely bound in vellum gilt, with 
GroIiereKjuc designs on the sides. On the front cover a former owner " G. 
Branca " has written his name. Published by " Gio. Battista E Giorgio Galig- 
nani. fratclli." Chapter 34 is devoted to a description of America, to the map 
of which, as well as others where the New World appears, attention should be 
given, as they show the evolution of 16th century cosmography. New Guinea 
and Terra del Fuego are given as one enormous continent across the entire bot- 
tom of the mip and appear to be separated from the mainland of South America 
by a channel below the Isthmus of Panama. 

89 SVFFERINGS and Victory of Christ, London, 1598; A 

Toile for Two-Legged Foxes, London, 1600; Harrison 
and Lf.yoii's Funeral Sermons at Buriall of Mistris 
Katerin Brettergh, London, 1602; Christian Life of 
Mistris Katherin Brettergh, London, 1601. 4 vols, 
in 1. Square minimo, old calf. 

RARE, with book plate of Sir Richard Ncwtiigatc on the back of first title. 



90 Brief Discovrs dv Voyage et Entrees Faictes par la Royne 

d'Espagne En Italie, Auecq les triumphes et pompes 
exhibees tant en la ville de Ostia, Ferrare, Mantoue, 
Cremone, Milan que es autres Bourgades et Villettes 
d'ltalie. Small 4to, boards. Brussels, 1599 

Rare, with curious design on title of the eagle of the Holy Roman Empire, 
surmounted by a crucifix. 

91 ROSARIE of OUR LADIE. Curious engravings. Minimo, 

calf, red edges. Antwerp, 1600 

RARE, cut down and lacks leaves at end. Bound up with the above is a 
rubricated missal in English and Latin printed in the year 151)9 but imperfect. 

CRAFT, 1603. 

92 JJMtii 7Irttfl*. — Dialogve concerning Witches and 

Witchcrafts, In which is l.ayed Open how Craftily the 
Diuell Deceiuth not onely the Vvitches, but many other 
and so leadeth them awrie into manie great Errours. By 
George Giffard, Minister of God's Word in Maldon. 
Small 4to, half morocco (MS. name on title and some 
pages stained). • London, 1603 

Very rare. This Black Letter, on account of its excessive scarcity as well 
as curiosity, was reprinted by the Percy Society. Anthony A Wood gives an 
account in the " Athcnae Oxoniensis " of this " very noted preacher," and a list 
of his works, most of which were controversial . 


93 JBlartt 7iCtttr.— Das SCHACH Oder KONIG-SPTEti 

von GUSTAVO SELENO. In vier untersehieden 
Bucher mit besonderm flcisz grund-und ordentlich abgcf- 
asset Auch mit dienlichen Kupfer-Stichen gezieret; Des- 
gleichen vorhin nicht ausgangen. Diesem ist zu ende 
angefuget ein sehr altes Spiel genandt Rythmo-Machia. 
Handsomely engraved title, plates, some folding, and numerous 
other illustrations in the text. 4to, red morocco gilt, edges 
gilt. I.eipsic, Homing Gross, 1616 

Very rare. This is a fine copy of the first edition of the celebrated 
" History of the Game of Chess" written by Augustus, puke of Brunswick, and 
Luneburg under the pseudonym of "Gustavus Sclenus." The engravings are 
splendid impressions and admirably show the careful work of J. Ab Heijden. 



94 iiincU iLCttCC. — Spiegel de Ehren des Erhauses Oess — 

terreich erstlich verfassct durch J. J. Fugger nunmehr 
aber umgesebyt durch S. von Birchen. With numerous 


portraits of emperors, dukes of Austria, etc., historical cuts, 
coats of arms, etc. Thick folio, vellum (somewhat foxed). 

Nuremburg, 1668 

Rark. This grand work, which gives a complete account of the Emperors 
of Germany and the Holy Roman Empire, was once the property of lieckford. 
the author of " Vathek." It is full of portraits, coats of arms and tabulated 


95 33lfltfe &CttEt\— An Act to Prevent the Planting of To- 

bacco in England and for Regulating the Plantation 
Trade, anno XXII. et XXIII., Carloli Regis; and 
several other Acts, some relative to the Great Fire of 
London. Small folio, rough calf. 

London, in the Savoy, printed by the Assigns of fohn 
Bill and Christopher Barker, 1670-7 i 

Rark, with autograph signature on title of Bishop Juxon who attended 
Charles I. on the scaffold. 


96 tflacft 7itttCl\— TUSSER (Thomas). Five Hundred 

Points of Good Husbandry as well for the Champion or 
open Countrey, as also for the Woodland or Several, 
mixed in every Moneth, with Housewifery, over and be- 
sides the Book of Housewifery. Small 4to, bound by 
Riviere in stamped morocco, gilt edges. London, 1672 

Rark. with autograph of W. Tomltn on title. The orthography in this 
edition is considerably modernized from that of the preceding issues. The 
sub-title reads : — " Corretied belter ordered and newly augmented to a fourth 
part more with divers other lessons, as a diet for the Karmer, of the properties 
of Winds, Plants, Hops, llearbs, Hees and approved Remedies for Sheep and 
Cattels with many other matters both profitable and not unpleasant to the 
Reader. Also two tables one of Husbandry and the other of Housewifery, at 
the end of the Book for the better and easier finding out of any matter con- 
tained in the same." 

97 Ulatti TLrtttr.— No Jest Like a True Jest: Being a 

Compendious Record of the Merry Life and Mad Ex- 
ploits of Capt. James Hind, The Great Roberof England. 
Together with the close of all at Worcester, where he was 
Drawn, Hang'd and Quartered for High Treason against 
the Common Wealth, September 24, 1652. Frontispiece. 
4to, sewed, uncut London, 1674 

Limited Facsimile Reprint of 200 copies, 1815, from the rare original 
edition . 


98 iJlatb 7iCttCr.— CAXTON. Syx Bookes of Metamor- 

phoseos in whiche ben contained the Fables of OVYDE. 



Translated out of Frensshe into Englysshe by WILL, I AM 
CAXTON. Printed from a Manuscript in the Library of 
Mr. Secretary Pepys, in the College of St. Mary Mag- 
dalen, in the University of Cambridge. Page facsimile 
plates of wood blocks, text printed in old English in black 
and red. 4to, half morocco, uncut, Roxburghe style. 

London, Bulmer's Shakespeare Press, 1819 

Very RARE, and limited edition of 43 copies only printed for presentation 10 
the members of the Roxburghe Club. The Hartley copy of the above sold for 
£S 15s., i.e.. nearly $44. 

99 UlacU 7irttrr.— La FLEUR des CHANSONS, les grands 
chansons nouvelles qui sont en nombre Cent, a Dix ou est 
compriuse la chanson du roy, la chanson de Pauie, la 
chanson que le roy fait en espaigne, la chansondu Romme, 
la chanson des Brunettes et Teremutu. et plusieurs 
aultress nouvelles chansons, lesqueles trouueres par la 
table ensuyant. Engraved vignette on title. Small 4to, 
red morocco, inside gold border, gilt edges. 

Oand, chez Duquesne, 1 856 
R are. Twenty copies of this only were printed on this paper out of a limited 
edition of 194 in all. It is a fac-stmile on thick laid paper of a very rare edition 
printed without imprint about 1530 and which was priced 350 francs in the liullc- 
tin de Techner. 

100 iilatU 7iCttCC — Sermon Nouueau'et Fort loyeulx Au- 

quel Est Contenu Tous les Maulx que l'Homme a en 
Mariage Nouuellement Compose a Paris. Large 8vo, 
boards. Paris, 1830 

LIMITED Edition and beautifully printed on thick paper in Gothic letter by 
Crapelet. It is one of the series — " Poesies Gothiques Francoises." 

101 ASHBEE (E. W.). Occasional Fac-simile Reprints. With 

numerous grotesque and curious cuts. 24 pieces. 4to, 
uncut. • London, 1869-72 

Limited Edition of i(jo copies printed for subscribers only at a subscription 
price ranging from 3 to 10 shillings each. This set includes : — " The Actor's 
Remonstrance," 1 643 ; " The Assyse of Breade," 1 540 ; "An Ordinance for 
the Suppression of Stage -Playes," 1647; Edw. Webbe's "Travels," 1590; 
|ohn Taylor's (the Water Poet) "The Carriers' Cosmographie." 1637 ; "The 
Debate and Stryfc Betwene Somer and Wynter " ; " The Humors of Bottom 
the Weaver," 1661 ; "A Treatyse of this Galaunt wilh ihe maryage of the 
Bossee of Byllyngesgate " ; A New I'lay, called Canterburie His Change of 
Diot," 1641 ; "A certain Relation of the Hog face Gentlewoman called Mistris 
Tantiakin Skinker," 1640; " Drinke and Welcome," by John Taylor, 1637; 
Lady Eleanor Audeley's Sirange and Wonderfull Prophesies," 1649 " The 
Generous Usurer," 164 1 : " The Primrose of London." 1585 ; "Mad Fash- 
ions, Od Fashions," by John Taylor, 1642 ; " The Poet's Blind man's Bough," 
1641 ; " A Three-fold Discourse," 1642 ; " Heads of all Fashions," by John 
Taylor, 1642 ; "The English Mountebank," 1(152; "Today a man, To- 
morrow none," 1644 ; " The Sea-man's Triumph," 1592 ; " The Last Will and 
Testament of Charing Crosse," 1646 ; " Grete Wonders Foretold," 1647 I 
" Historia Histrionica." 1699,. 



" Manucia gens erudita nem. ignota 
Hoc loci arte typographica excelluit." 

— Ecitai'H of Aldus the eujer at Venice. 

2Ucliue Imprints. 

102 ALDUS. — Scenecae Tragodias. Small 8vo, calf. 

Venetiis, in Aedibvs Aldi et Andreae 

Soceri mense Octobri, 1 5 1 7 

Very rare. The following MS. note appears on a fly-leaf : "This edi- 
tion sold at Dr. Askew's sale for 2 guineas, v. Hanvood, Editio rariss." This 
excellent example of an Aldine has MS. marginalia at the commencement of the 

103 ALDUS. — PLAVTI Comoediis. XX. Qvarvm Carmina' 

Magna Ex Parte in Mensum svvm restitvta svnt. 8vo, 
vellum, gilt. 

Venice, in Aedibvs Aldi, et Andreae Asvlani Soceri, 1522 

Very hake and fine example of this scarce Akline Plautusin Italic types, with 
the mark of the Aldi on the first and last pages. T, V . Dibdin says: — " This 
edition, compiled by Aldus's partner and father-in-law Asulanus, professes to be 
corrected alter an amended copy by Aldus and Erasmus. . . . The finest 
copies I remember to have seen are that in the royal library at Paris, which was 
Grolicr's, and that in the library of Earl Spencer. 

104 ALDUS.— CL. CLAVDIANI Opera Qvam Diligentissime 

Castigata Qvorvm Indicem In Seqventi Pagina Reperies. 
Small Svo, half sheep. 

Venice, in Aedibvs Aide et Andreae 

Asvlani Soceri, mense tnartio, 1523 

VERY rare, with the Aldine device on both the title and last page. Printed 
in Italic or Venetian letter. On a fly-leaf is the following note by a former 
owner: — " A valuable and scarce edition and sells high when in fine condition." 

105 ALDUS.— EVSTRATII et Aliorvm Insignvm Peripatett- 

corvm Commentaria in Libros Decern Aristotelis de 
Morievs ad Nicomachvm, Vna Cvm textv Svis in Locis 



Adiecto. Large 4to, red crinkled morocco, super extra 
gilt, with the Aldine device in gold on the sides, edges 

Venice, in irdibvs haeredvm Aldi Mant'tii, 

et Andreae Asvlani soceri, mense ivlio, 1536 

Verv rare, and editio princeps with a very few carefully written marginalia. 
This line copy has inserted the Syston Park book-plate, and also that of the 
late Master of Trinity, W. H. Thompson. The binder has misjated this excel- 
lent specimen of Aldine Greek typography 1526, instead of 1536. 

106 ALDUS.— Le Epistole Famicliari di Cicerone tradotte 

secondo i ueri sensi dell autore, & con figure proprie delia 
lingua uolgare. Ri stampate di nuouo et con molto 
studio rtcorette. Small 8vo, old calf gilt, edges gilt. 

Venice, in Casa d'figlivoli di A/do, 1552 

Extremely rare and remarkahly fine copy, with handsome Aldine 
printer's mark on both the title-page and last leaf. Every page is ruled round 
with red ink lines. The volume is printed in Italic types. On the sides are 
stamped in gold the heraldic emblazonment of the noble family of Vouhct. 
Later it was the Osterley Park copy, and has inserted the heraldic book plate of 
V ictor Albert (jeorge Child Villiers, Earl of jersey. 

107 ALDUS. — Eleganze, Insieme con la Copia Delia Lingva 

Toscana, e Latina. Scielte da Aldo Manutio, utilisime 
al comporre nell 'una e l'altra lingua. Square minimo, 
half calf. Venice, Aldus, 1565 

Very rare. Printed in Italic types, and with the autograph on title of I,. 
Kulenkamp, 1775. Embellished on the title page with the Aldine Anchor. 
This was the first literary production of the younger Aldus, and is a piece of the 
highest merit. It is said to have been composed by him at so early an age as to 
place him — were the fact undisputed — in the very first rank of children cele- 
brated for their precocity. 

[The device ok the Elzevirs.] 


108 ELZEVIR.— CVRTII RVFI Historiarum libri, accura- 
tissme editi. Engraved title and map. Minimo, vellum 
(stained). Leyden, ex offleina El&eviriana, 1633 

Rare, with buffalo head-piece, wormed slightly and inserted heraldic book 
plate of William Pole of Ballyfinn. 



109 ELZEVIR. — C. CORN. TACITIVS ex L Lipsii Editione 
cum Not. et Emend. H. Grotii. Engraved title, portraits 
and table. 2 vols, in 1. Minimo, handsome vellum gilt, 
edges gilt (MS. name on title). Leyden, 1640 

Rare. The Firmin Didot copy of this edition sold for eighty francs. 
" L'edition de 1634 est fort-belle et tres recherchee, cependant peut-etre devratt 
— on preferait celle de 1640, qui est egalement belle, a cause des notes que 
Grotius a jointes a la fin du second volume. . . . Le format de l'edition de 
1640 est un peu plus grand que celui de l'edition de 1634." — Bf.rard. 

no ELZEVIR. — SENAVLT, Vsage des Passions par Le 
R. P. I. F. Sknavlt Prestre de l'Oratoire. Derniere Edi- 
tion. Engraved title. Thick minimo, elegantly bound in 
red crinkled morocco gilt, inside gold borders, gilt edges. 

(Leyden) 1643 

Rare, with the imprint — " suiuant la Copie Imprimce a Paris," 1643. 

in ELZEVIR. — VERUS (Ioannes Baptista). Rervm Vene- 
tarvm Libri Quatuor ad Illustrissimum Petrum Conta- 
RENUM Francisci F. Handsome engraved title of armor, 
battle scene, arms, etc. Minimo. Bound by Roger Payne 
in red crinkled morocco, edges gilt (MS. on title). 

Amsterdam, Apud Ludovicum Elzevirium, 1644 

Rark. With the "buffalo's head" cut over both dedication and first page 
of text. 

112 ELZEVIR.— Viri Illustris Flavii Vegetii Renati, et 

Sex Ivui Frontini Viri Consuiaris, de re Militari Opera 
Ex recensione Petri Scriverii, engraved title. Rare. 
Leyden, ex Officina Ioannis Maire (sed typis Ehevirii). 1645 

113 ELZEVIR.— M. ACCI PLAVTI. Comoediae Superstites 

XX Accuratissime editae. Minimo, calf, red edges (cut 
down, etc.). Amsterdam, typis Ludovici Elzevirii, 1652 


114 ELZEVIR.— CHARRON (Pierre). De la Sagesse— Trois 

Livres. Handsomely engraved title. Minimo, red morocco, 
gilt, blue watered silk ends, gilt edges, by Derome. 

Leyden, chez les Elseviers, 1656 

Rake, a beautiful Elzevir and " suivant la vraye copie de Bovrdeavx," with 
the book plate inserted — " Ex Libris P. Guy Pcllion. ' The title represents 
four females tied to a pedestal on which stands a naked woman, whose visage is 
seen reflected in a mirror, held by a hand proceeding from a cloud, Pierre 
Charro's work on " Wisdom" is really an abridgment of Montaigne. On 
account of its scepticism it was threatened with suppression by Parliament. 





oribus correctior. Engraved title. 2 vols, small 8vo 
(seven and five-eighths inches by four), handsomely bound 
by Bozerian, crinkled morocco gilt, inside gold borders, 
edges gilt, leather joints, vellum ends, gilt edges. 

Amsterdam, 1664 

VfiRY rare and a mac.nikicf.st copy. The full imprint reads — " Amstelac- 
dami. Apud Inanncm HIacu. I.udov. et I 'an. Elzeviiioft«i l.ug'lnni B ttta voc um . 
Apud Kranciscum llackium." 

" Ces deux volumes sont imprimcs avec unc grandc perfection et fort rechcr- 
ches. lis ne sont pas dus aux presses des Elzevirs, puisqu'on lit a la fin du 
second volume, ex typograpliia Joannis Bleav; cependant on a 1 habitude de les 
leur attribucr, et ces habiles imprimeurs out coneouru a leur publication, du 
rooins commc associes. En l68l, Bleau donna, avec la veuve de Daniel Elze- 
vir, une oouvelle edition de cct ouvragc. I.e prix de ce livre, quand les exem- 
plaircs en sont beaux, est considerable. Cclui de M. Caillard fut vendu 122 
francs; celui de M. de Cotte, qui venait du comte d'Hoym, 181; et celui de 
Firmin Didot, 183." — Bekard. 


116 ELZEVIR. — Essai Bibuographique sur les Editions des 

Elzevirs les plus Precieuses et les Plus Recherchees pre- 
cede d'une Notice sur ces Imprimeurs Cclcbres [par S. 
Berard]. Front, of coat of arms and vignette on title. 8vo, 
half morocco. Paris, Firmin Didot, 1822 

Large paper, thick paper and totally uncut. A thorough bibliography and 
history of the Elzevirs. It is now rare in any state. 

117 ELZEVIR (Les), de la Bibliotheque de L'Universite Impe- 

rial de Varsovie par Stanislas Joseph Siennicki. Plates 
of Elzevirian devices, arms of bibliophiles, etc. 4to, boards. 

Warsaw, 1874 

117* Ulacli ILcttCr. — l)i v* Cassandra Fidelis Virginis 
Zlenciae in Gymnasio Patauino pro Bertutio Lamiierto 
Canonico Concordiensi Liberalium Artium Insignia Sus- 
cipieme. Small 4to, sewed. 

Modena, impressum per M. Dominica Rocociola, 1494 

Rare. " The earliest known book printed at Modena (Mvtina) is an 
edition of Virgil, executed by Johannes Vmster de Campidona;, in J475. 
Several other printers were settled in this city during the XVth century." — 

118 FAUSTI ANDRELINI de Sciolorum Arrogantia Prouerb- 
ialis Epistola. Small 4to, sewed 

[Paris], Venundatur in aedibus Ascensianis, 15 19 

RARE. With the typographical map, i.e., printing press of Jodocus Badius 
on title, also handsome initial letters. 


118* JOVIUS. Commentario de la Cose de Tvrchi, di Pavlo 
Jovio, Vescovo di Nocera, a Carlo Qvinto Imperadore 
Avgvsto. Minimo, half vellum (cover loose) //. /. 1538 

Rare. A fair specimen of typography in italics, probably by the Giunti. 
The page border on title is very curious. 

119 ORATIONE del S. Pif.tro Ancelio da Bakga, fatta in 
Fiorenza nell' esseqine del Re Arrigo Valesi, Re di 
Francia a Od' Agosto, 1559. Tradotto in Volgare. 
Small 4to, sewed Bologna, 1559 

RARE. With' coat-of-arms of France on title and curious initial letter. 
Printed in italic types. 

VENICE IN 1483. 

119* ttlacft Hcttrr. — BIBLIA SACRA LATINA. Thick 
4to, old calf, gilt, marbled edges. 

Venice, per Franciscu. Rentier de Hailbrun, 1483 

Very rare, with illuminated initial letter on the first page and the capital 
letters throughout the volume inserted by hand in red. The index at the end, 
which lacks two pages, has been completed in M.S. by hand. Some pages are 
stained and mended. There are also MS. marginalia. 


12° Blatft ILCtter.— fSCHEDEL (Hartman).]— [ Registrum 
I huius ope- I ris libri cro- | nicarum | cu. figuris et imagi- 
| bus ab inicio nuidi. [ Illustrated with over 2,000 wood 
engravings, and executed by William Pleydenwurff and 
Albert Durer's master, Michael Wolgemuth. Thick 
folio (seventeen and five eighths inches by twelve), half 

Nuremburg, Ad in—tuitu. atttetn et preees 

providom, ciuiu Sebaldi Schrf.yer | et Sebastian 
Kamf.rmaister hunc librum dominus Antho | nius Ko- 
bergf.r Nuremberge impressit. Adhibitis tame vi \ ris 
matht matids pingendiqz arte peritissimis. Michaf.le | 
acu- I ratissimaqz animadversione turn ciuitatetn turn illus- 
trium I virorum fgure inserte sunt. Consummatii. autem 
duodeci- \ ma mensis Julij t nno saalutis nre. 1493. | 


This copy contains the unpaginated ten pages of — " De Sarmacia regione 
Europe " lacking in so many copies, as well as the cut of " Joannes Septimus," 
i.e., 1'ope Joan and her baby on the verso of folio " CLXIX," which is gene- 
rally either destroyed by cutting out or by erasure. The blank folio leaves 



CCLVnil, CCLX. and CCLXI are in their places. A few pages have MS. 
marginalia and others are carefully mended. 

Timperlcy, partly quoting Ottley, records under the year 1493:- " The 'Chron- 
icle of Nuremburg,' illustrated with more than two thousand woodcuts, reckon- 
ing (how that are given more than once over, was published and embellished 
by Michael Wohlgemuth, a celebrated engraver and painter. It professes to 
furnish figures ' from the beginning of the world,' and contains views of Scrip, 
ture hislories and of cities and scenery, the latter bearing scarcely any resem- 
blance to the places mentioned. Michael Wohlgemuth was born at Niiremburg 
in 1435. and died in 1 5 1 1>. He is thought to have invented etching; but the 
chief honor of Wohlgemuth is that of his having been tutor to Albert Dnrer, 
the most celebrated artist in the annals of engraving. His mark is " M. W.' or 
' W.' only. 

" It appears to have been the ancient practice of those masters who furnished 
designs for the wood engravers to work from, carefully to avoid all cross hatch- 
ings, which it is probable, were considered as beyond the power of xylographists 
to represent. Wohlgemuth perceived that, though difficult, this was not impos- 
sible; and in the cuts to the ' Nuremburg Chronicle,' the execution of which, 
besides furnishing the designs, he doubtless superintended, a successful attempt 
was first made to imitate the bold hatchings of a pen-drawing, crossing each 
other, as occasion prompted the designer, in various directions. To him belongs 
the praise of having been the first who duly appreciated the powers of this art; 
and it is more than probable that he proved with his own hand, to the subordi- 
nate artists employed under him the practicability of that style of workmanship 
which he had acquired." 

120* VITA deli Sancti Patri nouamente con molte addi- 
tione Stapara: & in lingua toschadi ligentemente correcta 
& historiata. Two page and numerous smaller euts. Small 
4to, vellum. 

Venice, imf>resso per industria espesa de Nicolo Zopiiw 
ct Vimezo. Compagni in la ehasa de Maistro Jacomo 
peci da lee lio, 1517. 
Rare. This curious volume in Italian is slightly foxed, but perfect. 


121 iil.ltfe &CttCl\— Scriptum JOANNIS DUNS SCOTI 
doctoris subtilis: ordinis minor super quarto Sentctiuru. ; 
nouissime ab iniuneris ruderibis expurgatu: etabegregio 
doctore Antonio dk Santis ad rectam incolunini tatem 
reuoratum recenterciz excussum. Engraved and rubricated 
titles. 3 vols, in 2, thick small 4to, old stamped morocco. 

Lyons, per Jaeobum Myt, 1520 

Rark, with MS. notes on end papers also a few on margins, with printer's 
mark at end of one volume. One title is slightly damaged. 

The Franciscans gloried in Duns Scotus. as their rivals, the Dominicans, ex- 
tolled St. Thomas Aquinas. Aquinas was the more orthodox, and Scotus was 
at least semi-pelagian. Scotists and Thomists divided the medieval schools, 
and the former, as being realists, were opposed to the Occamists, who were 
nominalists, or held that universal terms were simply names, and not the signs 
of actual existence. Nothing, it is said of Duns Scotus, was so dark but he 
was able to enlighten it, nothing so enigmatic but, like another tKdipus, he was 
able to resolve it. 



122 iJIacft 7irttft. — ROSARIUM BUSTI : Rosariu. ser- 

monuz predicabilium ad faciliorem predicantium commo- 

ditatem nouiter compilatum : in quo quicquid preclarum 

et vtile in cunctis sermonarijs vsqz in vodiernu. editiscon- 

tinetur. hie ingeniose enucleatum atqz solerti cura 

collectu. inuenies. Engraved and rubricated title, and 

woodcut initials. Small 4to, old sheep. 

Lyons, Antonius du Ry impemis Jacabi ct 

Francisci de Giuncta, Flore ntini, 1525 

Rare, with MS. notes on last page and on end paper. Some pages foxed 
and stained. 

123 PAGANI (Antonio). I] Discorso Delia Salvtifera, et 

Frvttvosa Penitenza ; also— Rime spritvale di Pagani. 
Engraved titles and curious illustrations. 2 vols, in 1. 
Thick small 4to, stamped calf on wooden boards, brass 
clasps. Rare. Venice, 1570 

124 CHOUL (G.). Discorso della Religione Anticade Romana. 

Numerous numismatic and other illustrations. 4to, vellum. 

Lyons, 157 1 

Rare. Bound up with the above is— " Discorso Soprala Castrametatione et 
Misciplina Militare de Roman i," by the same. With many illustrations, but somc- 
what stained. 



tutto il mondo di CESARE VECELLIO. Di nuouo ac- 
crescui ti di molte figure. Vestitvs Antiquorum recenti- 
orum que totius Orbis per Svlstativm Gratiliakum 
Senapolensis Latine declarati. Numerous page illustra- 
tions. Thick small 8vo, fresh vellum, gilt. 

Venice, appresso I. Sesso, 1598 

Rare edition of this valuable work containing 506 full-page engravings, 
some with two figures and views of Venice, and numerous charming initial let- 
ters, also engraved title-pages. The designs are traditionally ascribed to 
Titian. An absolutely uncut copy, bound by Trautz, produced a.dSo francs at 
the sale of R. M. S. Turner. 


126 OFFICIUM REAT/E MARINE Propriis Temporibus Reci- 

tandum. Numerous illustrations colored by hand. Small 
8vo, mottled calf gilt, and gilt edges, in drop case. 

Antwerp, Plantin, 161 1 

Unique, with eighteen page engravings illuminated by hand in gold and 
colors, also numerous capital letters, etc. Some pages are lacking and a few- 
are stained and mended. 




127 VITE DEI DEODECI VISCONTI | che signo rec gia- 


I HONORATO VISCONTI | Archivescovo di La- 
RISSA. I Numerous portraits, also engraved title with coats 
of arms. \\.o, vellum (a few pp. stained). Milan, 1645 

Very rark. , These portraits were engraved by Campo, one of the best 
Italian copper-plate engravers. A few pages arc stained. 

128 CAMPO (Antonio). Historia di Cremona. With numerous 

portraits. Vellum (binding loose). Milan, 1645 

RARE. Bound up with the above is Campo's" History of the Lives of the 
Dukes and I >uchesses of Milan, " with numerous portraits. 

129 TRIVULZIO. — Monete Dei TRIVULZIO Descritte ed 

Illustrate da Francesco ed Ercoi.e Gnecchi con 13 
Tavole a Foto incisione Sistema Turati. Profusely illus- 
trated laith facsimiles of the arms, medals and monies 
of the Trivui.zios, and with numerous head-pieces. Large 
4to, sewed, uncut. Milan, 18S7 

Limited edition of ioo copies. It is to be hoped that this volume will be 
considered satisfactory evidence of there having been a noble Milanese family 
of Trivulzio. When the previous portion of the Trivulzio manuscripts was sold 
last year, a sapient American bibliopole asserted that the family of Trivulzio 
was evoluled out of the inner consciousness of the bibliographer who compiled 
the catalogue. 



II. Vellum %$hxnmztipt& f 




"3° jWA.— ANTIPHONALIA, wri/len in Latin .;//,/ Mack 
and red heaxy old Gothi( letter, with the musical score, and 
consisting of hoo hundred and forty leaves (480 pages), with 
numerous large and small capitals in red and blue. Large 
(olio. (23 inches by 15L) Old leather 011 wood, with cop- 
per bosses and ornamentation. S*C. XIV. 

1'SH.il t AM) FXI KV>R|)|N\KY SI'Kt'IMKN of 3 !' url i-rnth < i-lltm V A !>!i|)llo 
nalia. The opening initial letter is a large " H" in gold and colors. Some 
of the leaves are torn and mended. 

The binding offers a curious specimen of genuine Fourteenth century copper 
work, pureed metal of liuihic design. At the corners are trefoil ornamentation 
in old copper, which also surrounds the sides. Frequently repeated are the 
" Agnus Dei," the "I US" with cross, " St. John " with letters " M. B," a 
Saint with letters " X. X." and various letters repeated several times. On the 
back and edges of the binding are 2; copper nails. 




religious MS , written in black Gothii letter on eighty-seven 



leaves (174 pages) of paper. Minimo (5^ inches by 3$), 
stamped morocco on wooden boards. S/tc. XV. 

Unique original manuscript, written in Latin and consisting principally 
of readings from the Fathers and ecclesiastical authorities. A few pages are 
wormed and stained. • Two are slightly torn. The binding is loose and lacks 

The autographs of Fabricio and Carlo Francesco Pelsinone will be found in 
the centre of the book. There are two distinct manuscripts and in different 
handwritings — the first commencing as above and the second beginning with the 
"Pater Noster " and concluding with a rather spirited dialogue between St. 
Bernard and the Devil, in which Mis Satanic Majesty naturally comes out second 



in red and black, old Gothic text, on two hundred and eleven 
leaves (422 pages) of vellum, with numerous initial letters in 
red and blue, fat minimo (4.J inches by 3$), old stamped 
leather on wooden boards, brass clasps. S.tx. XIV. 

UNIQUK original vf.li.um MANUSCRIPT of the Fourteenth century, written 
in a rude, early Gothic hand. The brass clasp, of which the connecting leather 
strap is broken, has upon it the word " Ave." At the end of the volume on the 
inside cover is a large Romanic letter in gold and colors and of the Thirteenth 
century. There is also an early wood-block astrological cut. Some pages are 


133 JR.*.— MANSCRITTO TURCO. An Oriental manu- 

script written in black and red Turkish characters on one 
hundred and ninety-four leaves (388 pages), minimo (5 £ 
inches by 4$), vellum. Sjec. XVI. 

Unique original manuscript prohably consisting, as stated in a note by 
the Marquis Carlo Trivulzio, of extracts from various works. The margins are 
rather wide, but some are stained as if with chemicals. A few pages arc wormed 
and mended. Three are torn. 

The note by Carlo Trivulzio makes om- page at the end of the manuscript, and 
on one of the margins is the following in Italian — " Al Signor liiovanc Batisia 

TORE M AM HL1SSUM. A beautifully -written manu- 
script, consisting of 174 pages, having many carefully ex- 
ecuted illustrations of sculptures and monuments. 4to (9 
inches by 7), limp vellum. S^c. XVIII. 

Unique original arch.*ologicai. manuscript, with 39 pen illustrations. 
It is an exceedingly fine example of closely written text, many pages having 49 
lines. From the colophon on the last page of text we learn that the actual scribe 
of the manuscript was " Franciscus Cicercius." It was doubtless executed at 
the beginning of the eighteenth century. 



'35 Jtt-S. — BREVIARIUM ROMANUM. Consisting of hvo 
hundred and thirty -six leaves (472 pages) of vellum in old 
Gothic script, with numerous capitals in red or blue, occa- 
sional fabrications, miniature of Kino David and eight 
illuminated initials with page borders. Minimo (3^ inches 
DV 3 : J)> mottled sheep, red edges. S.sc. XV. 

Unique original manuscript on vellum finished in the year 149,1, accord- 
ing to date given at the end of the last page. The vellum is of a very fine and 
thin quality. The borders which are somewhat cut into by the binder's plough 
are very ornate, and in them are delightfully worked birds, insects and flowers. 
The donation is Gothic and the rubricated calendar is complete. At the begin- 
ning are four end papers covered with German and l<atin hymns and prayers. 
On another end paper is the signature — " Soror Maria Edmunda, Gachct 1772." 


136 — BREVIARIUM LATINUM. Written on three 
hundred leaves (600 pages) of thin white vellum in black and 
red Gothic text, with beautifully executed gold or colored 
initials on every page, fine large initials illuminated in colors 
and heightened with gold, two large capitals with miniatures 
and borders. Minimo (5I inches by 4$), red morocco, gilt 
on back with very handsome large silver pierced clasp. 

S*c. XV. 

Unique original manuscript of the Fifteenth century on extra fine white 
vellum. One of the miniatures represents the Saviour, and the other a Saint 
attended by two boys with musical instruments. Both have handsome borders 
depending from them that clearly show the Italian origin of the illumination. 
No page is without capitals in blue or burnished gold. Most of these have 
ornaments lightly traced in violet or red ink. A gold and blue initial letter com- 
mences the various months of the calendar which is written in red and black. 
The large illuminated initials, other than those referred to. have gold and colored 
donation proceeding from ihcm. The manuscript is in excellent preservation, 
but three leaves, on which were miniatures, have been extracted. Some pages are 
wormed very slightly and one is mended. The blue and gold finials to the Litany 
demand attention. On the inside of the handsome Gothic clasp arc engraved 
the letters " R. E." " R. K," The margins to the Breviary are of a good 
relative width. 



of ninety- five leaves (190 pages) of vellum written in red and 
black Gothic text. 7i»'th blue and red initial letters. 4to (8^ 
inches by 6y 2 ), old stamped leather on wooden boards, 
rebacked. Site. XV. 

UNIQUE ORIGINAL MANt.SCRirT executed in a good bold hand with pen scroll 
work around the capitals, of which there are 432 large ones in all. Two pages 
are wormed slightly and some are discolored by age. The leaves are numbered 
by a later hand. The tooling on the sides consists of acorn and other dona- 
tions. The ends have later MS. on them, that on the page opposite the first 
month of the calendar which is in red and black, telling the story of the owner- 
ship of the manuscript in the Sixteenth century. It also states that it was 
wriiten between the years 1400 and 1430. 




ANUZ qod FECIT Fieri Dns. Presbyter ANTONIUS 
DE ROCIJS Ry Rector Ecclesie Sancte Marie Pe- 
donis ad Honorem Uirginis Marie. Written on ninety- 
five leaves ( 1 90 pages) in black and red Gothic script, with one 
large miniature (over three inches by four) of " King Da- 
vid," nine large initials with flowered ornaments and colored 
leaves, also numerous other initials in red and black, many 
with pen scroll work. Large 4to (12^ inches by 9^), old 
Stamped leather on wooden boards, rebacked, and with 
eight large brass bosses and corners. Smc, XV. 

Unique original manuscript on vellum. This ancient Psalter according 
to the Ambrosian use was written as stated in the above title by an ecclesiastic 
of the name of Antonio de Roccius. It is full of the curious musical score of 
the Fifteenth century in which the notes are given on one line only and are much 
intermixed. Preceding the first page on which is a fine miniature of " King 
David " and handsome floriated border, somewhat rubbed, is the " Te Deum. 
The other large initial letters heightened with gold are handsome examples of 
Fifteenth century work. The book has seen active service in the choir where it 
belonged, many of the pages having been torn and worn by use into the text. 
Three or four pages have apparently been cut out and the calendar after the 
month of August is lacking. There is a manuscript index of the Psalms on 
paper written in a Seventeenth century hand. 


139 0lSk.— ANDRE/E DAXI SYLUA. Consisting of thirty 

leaves of vellum written in Roman type, with illuminated or- 
naments, initial letters, borders and papal arms. Small 4to 
(7^ by 5/4 inches), limp vellum. S^ec, XVI. 

Unique original manuscript on vellum and presentation copy to the 
famous Pontiff Leo the Tenth, one of the greatest members of the House of De 
Medici. The handsome illuminated gold border on the first page of the poem 
takes up the whole of the margin of the inside and a portion of the upper page. 
The large initial letter " Q. " beginning the text is rubbed, but the magnificent 
coat-of-arms of the Pontiff and its accompanying floriated borders are in ad- 
mirable condition. Above the shield which bears the six balls of the De Medici 
on a golden ground is the papal tiara and behind it are the crossed keys of St. 
Peter. The first page of the book itself has these words in gold upon a red 
ground — " I.eoni Decimo Pont. Max Andreas Daxius." Above the word " Ar- 
gumentum," likewise in gold on a colored ground, is the date " Pridie Kl. 
Aprilis, MDXV." At the end of the Argument which extols the Pope and the 
House of De Medici are these three lines : — 

" Andree Daxij Sylua cui titulue 
Virbius. in leonis decimi pontificie 
Maximi laudem enarrata." 

In the margins are many MS. notes explanatory of the persons referred to in 
the poem and which were not unlikely wrilten by ihc great Pope himself. The 
Marquis Carlo Trivulzio has written a note of Seven lines on the cover. From 
it we discover that Andrea Dazzi was a Florentine poet and orator, that the 



above was written'at Parma, and that the author died in i 550. On an inside page 
will be found pasted further MS. notes of the Marquis and which add consider- 
able interest to this work in which this literary eulogist compares Leo the Tenth 
to the greatest men who had ever preceded him. He winds up by styling the 
Pontiff the heir of Augustus Casar. 


i4° J«S— ANTIPHONARIUM. Consisting of one hundred 
and sixty leaves (320 pages) of fine, thin white Tfllum, with 
large miniature and border of birds and flmvers in colors and 
gold, and numerous colored capitals with red and violet ink 
pen scroll work. Minimo (4'J inches by 3$), old leather on 
wooden boards, gauffered edges and in mottled calf drop 
case. Sjec. XV. 

Unique original manuscript of the fifteenth centuary on vellum which 
once belonged to a member of that great Italian house which gave birth to 
Franceses da Rimini, whose sad fate is told in the pages of Dante. 



on twenty-two leaves (44 pages) of vellum in Gothic script, 
with occasional rubrications, some initials in blue and fine 
miniature and coatof-arms on the first page. 4to (8i inches 
by 6J), vellum. S;ec. XV. 

Unique ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT. At the commencement of the volume, the 
Marquis Carlo Trivulzio has written four pages of interesting information rela- 
tive to the work and its author, whom he shows was Hertucci Gabrielli cf a 
noble Venetian house ' whose arms — " or a fesse checquey azure and or " held 
by two cherubs will be found on the first page of the manuscript, as well as a 
portrait within the opening initial letter. The memoranda of the Marquis are 
signed at the end—" Carlo Trivulzi quesso di 13 Maggio 1773 in Milano." The 
colophon of the vellum manuscript reads — " Ciuita quests opera in Cataro adi 
XV del Mense dj Decembrio MCCCCLXX." Three leaves are restored by the 
addition of new vellum at the bottoms and some are slightly wormed. 

'I his finely and carefully written manuscript, with wide margins, tells the 
story of the taking of Negroponte in the Egean Sea by the Turks in 1470 and 
from the Venetians who came into possession of it in 1204, when it was known 
by its ancient name of Euboea. The author's description is couched in lan- 
guage showing the deep humiliation the Christian world felt at the loss of one 
of its strongholds to the Moslems. 



ing of 'two hundred and fourteen leaves (428 pages) of vel- 
lum, written in black and red Gothic text with three page 
miniatures illuminated in colors heightened with gold, five 
other miniatures with page borders, thirteen smaller capitals 



in colors on golden background with arabesque pen scroll 
work and hundreds of yet smaller capitals in gold and colors, 
with colored ink borders extending the length of the page. 
Thick minimo (s£ inches by 3 1 ), elegantly bound in red 
morocco extra gilt, tooled on back and sides, and stamped 
on the sides with " Crucifixion," in sprinkled leather drop 
case. S/ec. XV. 

Unique, original and beautifully illuminated " Hours " of the Fif- 
teenth century. This choice example of Italian illumination was finished, as 
the colophon tells us, on the 27th of May, 1446. The page miniatures, which 
are elegantly illuminated in gold and colors, are : — [. " The Annunciation " — 
with God the Kather and a cherub on each side of Ilim sending the Holy Ghost 
to the Virgin, a curious example; If. " The Crucifixion " — with the Virgin Mary 
and St. John on the sides of the Crucified Savior — this miniature is fastened on: 
HI " The Youthful David " — holding his sling in one hand and the head of 
Goliath in the other — he is standing on the dead giant. The live page borders 
with miniatures are of — I. ''Madonna and Child," and in the border of the 
same page is another miniature of an angel within a wreath; II. " Ecce Homo" 
— border rubbed; HI. "A Calvary Cross"; IV. "Pallida Mors" — skeleton 
head and bust — this border is mended and finished by a later hand; V. " David 
with I'scdtery " — the border similarly mended, the thirteen small capitals are ele- 
gant examples of illumination in gold and colors with dependent floriated work. 
The calendar, which is complete, has the initial letters " K. L.'' at the com- 
mencement illuminated in gold with blue floriated scroll work. One hundred 
and sixty pages have fine blue and red pen ornamental borders on one side, 
which are always united with an illuminated capital with similar ornamentation, 
some with burnished gold. Some pages are blurred and stained, but the Missal 
is a very beautiful example of fine Italian work, notwithstanding these minor 


AMBROSiANA. A monastic manuscript of sixty-four 
leaves (128 pages) in black and red Gothic script, with two 
illuminated miniatures, numerous capitals in red with pen 
scroll work. 410 (10 J inches by 7|), old stamped calf 
(wormed) on wooden boards, rebacked. S^ec. XV-XVI. 

Unique original illuminated vellum manuscript, and being the Rules 
of the Confraternity of St. Ambrose dedicated to the worship of the Madonna 
and in the city of Milan, of which the Trivulzios were Governors. On the 
second page is a miniature some four and a half by five and a half inches repre- 
senting — The Adoration of the Infant Savior by St. Joseph, the Virgin and a 
Shepherd." In the background are a walled city, water and mountains. On 
the page opposite this miniature is another some five and a half inches by three 
and a quarter, exhibiting St. Ambrose seated on his archiepiscopal throne and 
before him six media;val persons. The saint, with one hand upraised, is in the 
attitude of benediction, and the other holds a crozicr. Two of those kneeling 
in front hold a book bound in blue between them. The borders of these mini- 
atures are of crimson and gold, and although of Italian workmanship, somewhat 
resemble later Spanish illumination. There is one capital in green and red. and 
the other capitals in red arc adorned with pen scroll-work Towards the end are 
some pages in Italian and others like the rest of the work are in Latin. These 
arc of later date, one having reference to the death of a member of the order 
on — " May 7, 1550." On the inside fore cover is written — " S. Liberata." 



There is a small pamphlet printed at Milan in 1740 on the inside of the back 
cover, and facing it are some eleven lines written by the Marquis Carlo Tri- 
vulzio in reference to a print with the " Madonna, Child, St. Ambrose and St. 
John the Baptist," by Bergognani, which is pasted in the book. Although 
soiled by use and a little stained in a few places, this is a good example of 
Milanese Fifteenth century manuscript. 



'44 fttS.— VIRGILIUS, OPERA. A fine early codex of one 
hundred and ninety-three leaves (386 pages) of vellum, with 
seventeen illuminated capitals in colors heightened with gold 
and many smaller capitals in red and blue. 4to ( 1 o.{ inches by 
7&), old sheep. S/EC. XV. 

UNIQUE ORIGINAL VELLUM MANUsCRIIT of Italian workmanship, with hand 
some interlaced initials of the Renaissance style in colors and burnished gold. 
The first has a few gold donations on the side, but is restored. Each line 
throughout the entire bonk begins with a capital letter, so that the first letters 
form a vertical line. The margins are wide and the vellum is of fine quality. 
There are some MS. marginalia. The last leaf is mended at the bottom, some 
margins are torn and a few pages are wormed. 

This antedates the first edition of Virgil, which was printed in 1460 at Rome 
by Sweynheym and Pannartz. Ucloc in his " Anecdotes of Literature " writes, 
respecting a copy of an early edition of Virgil which was discovered in a Sua- 
bian monastery, whence it found its way into the collection of Lord Spencer, as 
follows: — " The anecdote which belongs to it is rather ludicrous. The good 
old monks to whom this and other valuable books belonged were not to be pre- 
vailed upon In money to part with 11 ll h ap pened, howewr, that the) were 
remarkably fond of old hock; and for as much of this same hock as was worth 
seven I'.nglish guineas, they paned wiili this Virgil to a kind friend and acquaint- 
ance. This gentleman sold it again to an English dealer in books for £50. and 
doubtless believed that he had turned his hock to a good account. ' I have 
nevertheless heard.' adds Mr. B. . ' that the nobleman above alluded to did not 
obtain possession of this literary treasure for a less sum than ,£400.' " 

Query. If a printed edition of Virgil was worth $2.0 >o nearly a century 
ago, what should an illuminated codex of Virgil on vellum, written by hand 
before the invention of printing, be worth to-day ? 


'45 ittS.— BREVIARIUM I.ATINUM. A vellum manuscript 
of four hundred and thirty leaves (S60 pages) of thin vellum 
with wide margins and in black and red Gothic text, with 
nineteen capitals and miniatures with borders, illuminated 
in colors and heightened by gold, three of these being with full- 
page borders, twenty illuminated capitals with borders nearly 
all larger than those with miniatures, one being very much so, 
and thousands of colored capitals with red and violet pen scroll 
work. Thick 4to (9J inches by 64J, old calf (rebacked). 


Unique original vellum manuscript in Latin, with lovely miniatures 
fully equal to the best work of Clovio. Among the subjects represented in this 
beautiful medieval example of illumination are — " Adoration of the Magi "; the 



"Ascension"; " Descent of the Holy Ghost"; " The Trinity "; the -'Blessed 
Sacrament within a Monstrance "; " King David "; " St. Bernard"; " St. John 
the Evangelist "; "St. Saturninus"; " B. V. M." "Christ, Virgin and St. 
Joseph"; "St. Anthony"; "St. John the Uajitist " ; "Sts. Peter and Paul"; 
" St. Lawrence "; the " Assumption "; " St. Ludovic "; " St. Francis "; " All 
Saints "; etc. The calendar is perfect but a few pages are stained, two or three 
are worm-eaten, a few are imperfect by incision, and others seem lacking. 

Carlo Trivulzio has written a history of this Missal on a sheet of paper which 
faces the first page of the calendar, and he shows by internal evidence that the 
volume was written about the year 1450, The Marquis's note is signed " C.T. 
10 Julio 1754." The Hreviary was doubtless written by some scribe of the 
Order of St. Francis, which was founded in 1208, At the first general assembly 
of the Franciscans, who were also known as Minorites, or Lesser Brethren, 
5,000 members were present, and 500 were claimants for admission. In less 
than half a century after organization the Order had increased to 200,000 souls, 
who made their homes in 8, 000 Conventual houses. As a Literary Order the 
Franciscans have ranked very high. Duns Scotus was their greatest author, 
and he was followed in theological science by St lionaventure, Alexander de 
Hales. Ockham. Roger Bacon and Cardinal Ximenas. Popes Nicholas IV.. Alex- 
ander V. , Sextus IV. , and Clement X 1 V. , as well as the celebrated Lope da Vega, 
all wore at one period of their lives the brown tunic of coarse woollen cloth, 
girt with a hempen cord. 

[A Sforza Cognizance,] 


PVNlCPi consisting of seventy-eight leaves (156 pages) of 
vellum with three large illuminated capitals, one of which has 
a full-page border with armorial and symbolical illuminations 
in gold and colors. 4to (%\ inches by 5;), original stamped 
morocco binding on wooden boards (rebacked). Sjec. XV. 
Unique original vellum manuscript, with wide borders and written 
for a member of the great ducal house of Milan. It is the work of Leonardo 
Aretino, whose name thus appears at the heading of the three chapters of the 



work, but on the last pagd his real name and the date of his finishing the manu- 
SCr A? t . is .S iven . namely;— " Lavs Deo. P. Milanum Burrum, 1444." 

1 his is an exceptionally fine example of manuscript and does honor to this 
celebrated author and scribe, whose penmanship is so much sought after in 
Europe but few libraries having anything by him. The vellum is of the finest 
quality, and the first page is a magnificent example of medieval Italian painting. 
The borders around it are composed on two sides of foliage and donation — 
among which is the pomegranate— in colors, heightened with gold. At the top 
of the page are the letters " I. H. C." surmounted by a ducal crown. In the 
centre of the bottom of the page is an armorial shield, upon the helmet of which 
is the crest of a woman holding in her hands the legend " Sic necesse est." On 
one side of the crest are the letters " I. O." and on the other the letter " M," 
above which is a ducal crown. A Cupid is plowing on the left of the emblems, 
etc., just described, and another to the right has a heavy basket on his back. 

The large initial letter commencing the text bears the same motto as that 
which accompanies the crest. The two large initial letters at the commencement 
of the second and third portions of the book are glorious specimens of burnished 
gold and colors, At the beginning of the volume are two quarto pages in the 
handwriting of Carlo Trivulzio, who goes thoroughly into the authorship as well 
as the ownership of the work. In them he refers to the ancient Dukes of Milan, 
and particularly to Giovanno Maria Visconti and Giovanni Galeazo Maria 
bforza, the first-named of whom was succeeded by his brother, 1 Filippo Maria 
Visconti, who was the last of the Dukes of Milan of his house, and was suc- 
ceeded by his son-in law Francesco Sforza. Full information respecting these 
persons will not only be found in the Encyclopedias but in the Dorman cata- 
logue where manuscripts from their libraries added greatly to the value of that 
collection. Leonardo Aretino, vel Leonardo liruni, was born in 1369 and died 
~ 1444- Brunet devotes over two pages and a half to his works. His "Lives 
?, -~ ante and Petrarch," his "Loves of Guiscard and Sigismunda," and his 

History of the People of Florence," are among the rarest and most popular 
ot lnciinables. The last named is generally found when printed bound up with 
the History of Florence," by Poggio Bracciolini. 


Consisting of one hundred and fourteen leaves (228 pages) 
of vellum, written in Italian and in Roman characters, with 
two gold and illuminated initials, with borders in gold and 
colors. 4to ($1 inches by 6£), old calf on wooden boards, 
with four brass ornaments at the back. Smc. XV. 

Unique original vei.lum manuscript, beautifully written in Italian, with 
marpns. I he first page has a very fine initial letter " C." with a three-quarter 
border around the page. The fourth side has been cut and repaired with new vel- 
lum, following the poem after the proem is an initial letter " E," depending from 
which is a border on one side of the page. It is handsomely floriated and jeweled in 
gold, but unlike the first page of the MS., lacks the Cupids and birds, with which 
that is decorated. I here is another illuminated capital in the book, but it is 
rubbed. 1 here are also some capitals in blue only. There are MS. marginalia, 
some written, without doubt, by the transcriber of the MS., a few leaves are 
stained and some are wormed. The text of this manuscript was printed at 
Florence by Francesco Bonaccorsi in 1485, but there was an earlier edition 
printed previously without date or place of publication, which Brunet thinks is 


older than that just named, and states that a copy of it is in the " Kibliotheca 

This, however, is the original manuscript, from which these, the only editions 
known, were printed. It was executed for Lorenzo El Magnifico, 1'rince of 
Florence, son of Piero de Medici and grandson of Cosmo de Medici. He is 
best known to us through the celebrated work of Roscoe. Lorenzo the 
Magnificent was born in 1448 and died in 1492. He was highly distinguished 
as a patron of art and literature, founded at Florence an Academy for the study 
of the aniique, and expended large sums in the erection of public edifices 
and in the collection of libraries. He also attained considerable eminence as a 


on one hundred and eighty -nine leaves (37 8 pages) of vellum in 
Latin and in black and red Gothic text, with twenty-four illu- 
minated capitals in gold and colors, two of the same on the first 
page, with illuminated coat of arms and thousands of other 
capitals in blue or red, with violet or red scroll work, and with 
broad margins. Thick large 4to (11^ inches by 8), limp 
vellum. SjEC. XV. 

Usiquf. original manuscript, beautifully written in two columns, with wide 
margins on fine vellum, 'the volume, which is in very fine preservation, has ex- 
ceptionally fine illuminated capitals, most of which are on a heavy golden 
ground, with most delicate arabesque work on the body color; some of these are 
two inches square, others are of oblong, elongated and curious shapes, running 
away into the margins. The title page has a border running one whole side of 
the page. At the bottom, surrounded by conventional Gothic ornamentation of 
a fioriaied character, is a coat of arras — " or a wyvern vert in chiefvert a five 
pointed star or." Every page is a mass of coli r, owing to the frequtnt repeti- 
tion throughout of the colored capitals, with delightful colored pen scroll 
work. There are some marginalia, one capital is rubbed and a few leaves are 
holed or stained, but these imperfections are so slight that they hardly derogate 
from the beauty of this very delightful specimen of Fifteenth century illumina- 
tional work. At the end of the volume are four pages and a quarter in a later 
hand. There are written two columns to the page as in the rest of the volume, 
and consist, as the following five lines tell us, of : — " Elegantic Ciccronianc 
Matcrna lingua in qottidianu. Usum. Georgium Valagussam cxposite : ad 
Johannc Antoniuzde Girardis. Ticiuensez ducaiem Canzellariiim." 


149 JtI<Ss. — LIBER ORATORII. Consisting of thirty-one leaves 

(62 pages) of vellum, twenty nine full-page miniatures, and 
every other page in the volume surrounded with illuminated 
borders in colors and jeweled with gold, also handsome finials. 
Small 410 (62 inches by 45}), calf, extra gilt on the sides. 

S.-EC. XIV. 

Unique original vellum manuscript, with miniatures of great beauty and 
delicacy of execution. The backgrounds of some are noticeable on account of 



the landscapes, damascening, or brilliantly illuminated details. These minia- 
tures are twenty-nine in number, and with their elegant borders full of conven- 
tional donation, some with birds and grotesque animals, take up entire pages. 
They represent : — I. " Christ on the Cross," with Cod the Father in a glory of 
vescica piscis shape ; II. " Madonna and Child " ; III. The " Flagellation of 
Christ" ; IV. " The Crucifixion with the Virgin and St. John" ; V. "The De- 
scent from the Cross," — Christ in the arms of the holy women and St, John ; 
VI. "Angel with Palm and Crown"; VII. " St. Michael Destroying the 
Dragon"; VIII. "Archangel Gabriel"; IX. " Archangel Raphael " ; X. St. 
lohn the Baptist " ; XI. " St. John the Evangelist " ;Xlf " St. Peter" ; XIII. 
"St. James 1 ' ; XIV. "St. Paul" ; XV. "St. George " ; XVI. "St. Julian" ; 
XVII. "St. Anthony"; XVIII. " St. Casimir and Dalmanvs" ; XIX. "St. 
Nicholas"; XX. "St. Anthony "; XXI. "Si. Christopher with Infant Christ "; 
XXII. "St. Catherine"; XXIII. ' St. Suxana"; XXIV. "St. Barbara"; 
XXV.f'St. Ursala"; XXVI. "St. Mary Magdalen": XXVII. "St. Ambrose"; 
XXVIII. "St Augustine "; XXIX. "St. Francis." A few of these are a little 
rubbed and some leaves are stained. 

Each miniature has a prayer or description on the opposite page. These are 
surrounded with borders in gold and colors and tinials. On the last page the 
name of the illuminator and date of execution is given : — "' Liber oratinvm 
Antonii Galine Hospitis Capeliervbi mediolani MCCCI." 

A large heraldic book-plate of the Maderna family, executed in 1745 by Cajet 
Bianchi, is inserted on the inside cover. Above are the following lines in the 
handwriting of the Marquis Trivulzio : — " Comprato dal p. Curato Maderna I 
Ottobri del 1745, Carolo Trivulzio." 



manuscript written and illuminated on one hundred and 
eighty-eight leaves (376 pages) of vellum in Latin, with wide 
margins and in red and black Gothic script, the calendar in 
French with thirteen page miniatures with capitals under- 
neath and the entire margins illuminated in colors, heightened 
with gold, ht'o large capitals with three-quarter page borders 
of illumination, two hundred and four ornaments and col- 
ored capitals with golden backgrounds, sometimes three and 
^four on a page, and hundreds of smaller capitals and finials 
in gold and colors on nearly every page. Small 4to (7 inches 
by 5^), bound in fine old brown morocco, sides blind 
stamped with crosses and "SS," edges gilt and with fine 
silver chain for the wrist. S^.c. XV. 

UNIQUE original VELLUM MANUSCRIPT " Hours " of French workmanship 
and wonderful splendor, with the complete calendar and names of the saints in 
old French. This and the two following "Hours" are wonderfully fine 
examples of Fifteenth century work. There is hardly a page of the bold Gothic 
text and wide margins of the above but what is irradiated with burnished gold 
and brilliant colors. Both the large and small capitals as well as the finials are 
of exceeding beauty. They are floriated Gothic and are mostly delicately 
worked out in white on the colored ground. The intermingling of squares, ob- 
longs, etc., give a captivating appearance to the work. The miniatures were 
executed in metals and colors by a master of his art. They arc of — I. "The 


Annunciation" — Virgin kneeling. Angel with legend " Ave Maria," etc. , and 
God the FathLT in the clouds and glory with the Holy Ghost proceeding from 
Him — the background is somewhat Byzantine and imparts a good mosaic effect: 
II. " The Visitation" — Virgin habited in blue, St. Elizabeth kneeling, an angel 
holding robe of the Madonna, trees and buildings in the distance; III. " Birth 
of Christ " — Virgin in bed, Christ in tub. St. Joseph holding swaddling robe, 
young female attendant kneeling, ox and ass in background, with stable, blue 
firmament, etc.; IV. "Angel appearing to Shepherds" — angel in Byzantine 
background holding legend " Puer Natus," one shepherd gazing upwards, 
another playing shepherd's pipe, sheep, dog and trees — curious hillside effect; 
V. '"Visit of the Magi" — Madonna in blue, with nude Christ, St. Joseph 
seated, three crowned Wise Men holding frankincense and myrrh; VI. "The 
Circumcision " — Virgin habited in blue, kneeling in front of altar on which 
Infant Christ is standing and held by High l'riest, attendant with sword and 
basket; VII. " Flight into Egypt" — Madonna and Child on donkey. St. [oseph 
leading; VIII. " Coronation of the Virgin " — Cod the Father seated and bless- 
ing kneeling Virgin, who is attended by an angel, another holding crown; IX. 
" David Kneeling" and Christ appearing to him in the heavens; X. " Cruci- 
fixion "—Christ on cross and St. John and holy women on one side and Roman 
soldier on other; XI. "Descent of the Holy Ghost" — Virgin seated and sur- 
rounded by Apostles; XII. " Madonna and Child " — three angels in attendance, 
one kneeling holds golden bowl in which fall drops of blood from the hands of 
the Infant Savior; XIII. " Resurrection Day " — Christ in centre holding up his 
hands and showing stigmata, on one side of llim the Virgin and John the Bap- 
tist on the othor. in front four naked souls rising from open graves, above two 
angels on mosaic background blowing the last trump. 


151 ^ttJ3s. — HOR^E BEAT^E MARINE VIRGINIS. A very 
splendid manuscript on vellum, consisting of one hundred and 
fourteen leaves (228 pages) of black and red Gothic script, 
with eighteen most beautiful page miniatures, six large capi- 
tals floriated in gold and colors, one large capital with pen 
ornamentation, and hundreds of smaller capitals and finials 
in colors, all heightened with burnished gold. Small 4to 
(j% inches by 5), bound in original dark gray velvet on 
wooden boards, gauffered gilt edges and pierced silver 
clasps. S.*:c. XV. 

Unique original vkixum manuscript of exceeding beauty and the best 
Flemi>h miniature painting. The margins are very wide and the entire volume 
is beautifully executed down to the hundreds of initials and linials in gold and 
colors ornamenting the beautiful clear Gothic script. The miniatures, eighteen 
in number, are gems of art and display the greatest merit, if not genius. The 
text throughout is almost entirely in Latin, but at the end are some pages in 
old French. The miniatures arc as follow: — I. "Crucifixion " — face of Christ, 
an excellent piece of work, at the feet of the Crucified Savior is a skull — He is 
supported by two angels entirely blue, the Virgin to the right, St. John to the 
left, the borders are very chaste — this miniature, like the last described (/. e. t 
XVIII). has been transferred to the inside cover; II. "The Annunciation" — 
Virgin habited in blue, kneeling before prie-dieu on which is a book, beside her 
a vase of lilies and an angel holding Latin motto, above is the Holy Ghost, a 
dove proceeding from the Father, border like the first; III. "St. John at Pat- 
mos" — handsome gold and colored border around the page, also capital letter; 


IV. "Madonna and Child "—curious orange background, floriated border, 
capital "O" in gold and colors — the whole of the following miniatures with 
the exception of the last are similarly treated; V. " Crucifixion, " with Virgin 
and St. John; VI. "Descent of the Holy Ghost," Virgin seated and sur- 
rounded by apostles; VII. "The Annunciation "—Virgin under green canopy 
kneeling, angel and God the Father in the clouds at left hand corner; VIII. " Vis- 
itation of St. Elizabeth "; IX. " The Nativity "—Christ in the open fields, amid 
glory, on cushion, God the Father breathing the Holy Ghost into the Child, 
Virgin kneeling to left, St. loseph with burning candle in hand and habited in 
scarlet gown and black headdress; X. "Angel Appearing to Shepherds "; XI. 
"Adoration of the Magi"; XII. "The Purification "; XIII. "Judgment of 
Solomon " — very tine, soldier in rear armed cap a pic in medieval armor and 
black surtout; XIV. "Flight into Egypt"; XV. "Death of the Virgin"; 
XVI. "David before the Lord"; XVII. "Medieval Burial Scene " — three 
priests before bier with blue pall, in the rear two mourners habited in black; 
XV 1 1 1 . "St. Dominic " — very fine, habited in white, book in one hand, crazier 
in the other, before him kneeling worshipper holding scroll on which is a legend 
in low Dutch. 

This superb " Hours" is in excellent preservation throughout, including the 
calendar, which is perfect. There are several blank leaves, and on seven which 
were so have been written prayers in later Roman character and a portion of the 
hymn of St. Bernard. 


>5- 5H<S .— LIVRE D'HRURES. A mamelous/y fine manu- 
script, consisting of one hundred and ten leaves (zzo pages) of 
black and red Gothic script with broad margins, complete 
calendar, and illuminated with twenty full-page miniatures 
with broad borders of conventional Gothic f/oriation in gold 
and colors, and large illuminated capitals beneath, sixteen 
smaller miniatures with three-quarter page borders and hun- 
dreds of gold and colored capitals, mostly with pen and ink 
scroll work. Small 4(0 (7^ inches by 5 J), old sheep, gauf- 
fered edges. S/ec. XV. 

Unique original vellum manuscript of very great beauty of workmanship, 
wuh broad borders and other desirable characteristics. The vellum is partic- 
ularly line and but one or two pages are wormed and those are not worth con- 
sidering. 1 he decorative work is in the highest and best style of Burgundian 
illumination. I he borders are worked out in lovely conventional Gothic floria- 
tion. Some of these entirely surround the page. Others are on three sides 
only. Near y all are delightfully jeweled with gold. The finials and smaller 
capitals are. like ihe largerones, of great merit. The miniatures exhibit evidence 
of the best talent, if not genius, of the illuminator who ornamented this glorious 
example of Renaissance art work. 

The miniatures are of— I. "St. John at Patmos "; II. " St. Luke "; III. *' St. 
Matthew"; IV. "St. Mark"; V. " The Crucifixion "—the Virgin Mary, St. John, 
and two other figures, one with turban and medieval armor; VI, " Descent of 
the Holy Ghi>st"; VII. " Madonna and Child "—with Attendant Angel, Virgin 
seated and within dwelling: VIII "The Madonna and Child and Attendant 
Angel "—Virgin standing and in the fields; IX. "The Descent from the Cross " 


—Virgin holding Savior in her arms, St. John kneeling; X. " St John the 
Baptist"; XL "St. Peter"; XII. "St. Paul"; XIII. " St. John the Apostle J 
XIV. "St. Andrew"; XV. "St. James the Apostle"; XVI. "St. Stephen ; 
XVII. "St. Lawrence "; XVIII. " St. Vincent "; XIX. " Sv Victor ' ; XX. 
"St Anthonyof Padua"; XXI. " St. Agatha "; XXII. "St. Barbara "; XXIII. 
"St. Margaret;" XXIV. "St. Mary Magdalene "; XXV. " St. Anne "; XXVI. 
"The Annunciation "; XXVII. " The Visitation "; XXVIII. "The Nativity ' ; 
XXIX. "Angel appearing to Shepherds"; XXX. "Visit of the Magi ; 
XXXI. "The Circumcision"; XXXII. "Judgment of Solomon'; XXXIII. 
"Flight into Egypt"; XXXIV. " Coronation of the Virgin " ; XXXV. "The 
Resurrection"; XXXVI. "Office of the Dead." 

This is one of the handsomest missals that have been offered for sale in 
America for a long time and none have had brighter or more beautifully pre- 
served miniatures than this volume which is one of the gems of the religious 
manuscripts in the collection. 



tury manuscript written in Italian on seven leaves (14 pages) 
of vellum, with Ike original signature and seal of Cardinal 
St. Charlks Borromeo. Small 4to (8 inches by 5 1), 
morocco extra gilt, edges gilt, with silk ties. SjEC. XVI- 

Unique original vellum manuscript of great and precious value, with the 
original signature and armorial archiepiscopal seal of this great saint of the 
Catholic Church. It is dated—" In I'alatio nostro archiepiscopali. Mini (Milan) 
die 16 Mcnsis, Aprilis MDLXX1J." Then follows the signature in a bold hand 
— " Carlis Borromeus archieps." Below is the quartered seal of arms of the 
Saint—" First and fourth, the six balls of the de Medici; second and third, six 
quartering*; over all a shield of maintenance." The whole is surmounted by a 
Cardinal's hat and surrounded hy a legend. The signature is attested by—" Jo. 
Petrus Scottus notarius." There are nine blank leaves of vellum to the volume 
which is " the Regulations of the Confraternity of St Ambrose attached to the 
Church of Santo Roccho of Milan." The sixteenth century binding is a mass 
of gold on both sides. In the centre is a three-quarter portrait of St. Carlo 
Borromeo with nimbus in front of a crucifix. He is depicted previous to canoniza- 
tion, as below this stamped portrait is the inscription—" B. C. Borromeo. " 

The holy St. Carlo Borromeo, an Italian cardinal, who was illustrious for his 
virtue and piety, was born at Arona in 1538. He was a nephew of I'ope Tins 
TV., by whom he was made a Cardinal and Archbishop of Milan in 1560. He 
devoted himself to reforming the morals of the clergy and providing charitable 
institutions for the poor. During the prevalence of the plague at Milan in 1576, 
he gave his personal attendance to the sick at the risk of his life and spent all he 
possessed in administering to their wants. He died in 1584 reverenced as a s:iint 
and martyr. He was canonized in 1610 by Pope Paul V. He was the author of 
several theological works and an exposition of the doctrines of the Catholic 
church, entitled • ' Catechismus Tridentinus," or the Catechism of the Council 
of Trent. 

His uncle Pius the IV. was born at Milan in 1499 and was a member of the 
great house of de Medici, whose arms appear on the above described shield. 


(.Biscia of Milan.] 



1619, consisting of thirty leaves (60 pages) of vellum, two 
leaves (4 pages) of paper and large folded chart, illuminated, 
4to (<)'\ inches by 7^), old stamped leather on wooden 
boards. S*c. XV-XVII. 

Unique original collection and series ok manuscripts, being the 
original " Statutes of the Milanese Guild of Shoemakers and Leather-workers." 
thehrst document, measuring over eighteen inches by twelve, is the original 
confirmation of the Statutes by Francis Sforza, Duke of Milan. This is a 
handsomely illuminated piece of work, full of the devices and armorials of the 
^? r . 2 f s - Between the letters " F. S.", handsomely illuminated, is a quartered 
shield surmounted by a ducal crown. In the first and fourth quarterings Is— 

or, a crowned eagle sable"; in the second and third is "the biscia of Milan.'of 
which a cut will be found above this number. In a large initial " F." nearly 
five inches tall, the "biscia" (or serpent swallowing child) is repeated, and 
a . tt Jf " a three-quarter griffin, with the head of an old man and holding a 
nng. There are other devices, notablv that of a white greyhound tied to a 
pomegranate tree, with a hand issuing from the clouds. The first line of this 
deed is beautifully illuminated, and reads " Franciscv s Sfortia rice comes dvx 
Mediolam et Papie Anglirie Comes et Cremone Dominus." This warrant is 
dated November 3, 1461, eleven years after Francis Sforza was elevated to the 
Dukedom of Milan, and five years before his death. Thislis followed by a two- 
page copy of the document just referred to. Then there are five pages, written 
in ted, 01 Index to the Statutes." Then follow the Statutes, thirty two pages 
of vellum wntlen in black and red, with initials and pen scroll work ' These are 
dated the 22d of November, 1461. They commence with a very handsome 
Renaissance C of Italian style. Above is a ducal crown. Other confirma- 
tions of the Statutes follow. The first of these is that of Phillip II. of Spain. 
Duke of Milan, on August 6, 15G2. It has the seal of the Dukedom affixed. 
Following ^mc blank leaves is a copy of a document dated December n. 1562. 
The next deed is one written on three pages of vellum, and is the confirmation 


of Philip III. of Spain, Duke of Milan, on December 2. 1606. Below the 
official seal of the Duchy of Milan is the signature of " Jo. Baptista del! Aqua. " 
The last confirmation is dated 1619. The ends, which are of vellum, are of a 
yet older MS. 

This is one of the most interesting numbers in the collection, and being the 
Statutes and Confirmations of a medieval guild or trades union should commend 
itself to all those who are interested not only in the secret societies of the past 
but in the great living questions of the day, that of the industrial and economical 
revolution of society now going on around us. It is an evidence coming to us 
from the past, and proves that there is nothing new under the sun. not even an 
assembly or union of workingmen, or syndicate of capitalists. 


1 55 IDEA CRONOGRAFICA Sopra la Correzione 


VECCHIA Sacerdore Venero e Dedicata alla San- 
tita del Regnanre Sommo Pontefice CLEMENTE 
XIII, MDCCLIX. Consisting of two hundred and fifty-five 
leaves (510 pages) written in red and black, with two drawings 
of the Eastern and Western hemispheres, numerous as/ronomi- 
cal calendars and the coat of arms of Clement XIII. on the 
title-page. Thick folio, red morocco. Si«c. XVIII. 

Original VELLUM manuscript of the Eighteenth century, and written in 
Italian. This unpublished manuscript was dedicated to I'opc Clement XIII., 
and was presented to that pontiff, who in 1702 condemned Rousseau's " Kmile" 
as heretical, and who was deprived of Avignon and Bencvento by the Kings 
of France and Naples. The volume is full of important information not only 
relating to the calendar, but to astronomy. It is rich in calculations of the 
highest scientific importance and which can probably be found nowhere else. 
The author corroborates his deductions by numerous notes to which are added 
many in the handwriting of the Marquis Carlo Trivulzio. 



PENTHECOUSTE. A splendid Fifteenth century manu- 
script written in black and red Gothic text on a hundred and 
fifty -nine leaves (318 pages), with five blank leaves of 
vellum, and superbly illuminated in metals and colors, with 
148 coats of arms and devices in their proper heraldic tinc- 
tures, with one hundred and sixty-six large illuminated 
capitals and some smaller ones. Thick 410, ( 1 of inches by 
handsomely bound in crushed maroon levant morocco, 



rounded corners, leather hinges, gilt edges, and in leather 
lined drop case. SjEc. XV. 

Unique original and grand heraldic manuscript on vellum, written in 
old French, in bold Gothic text. On the thirty-eighth folio is a second title 
commencing: " C'est la seconde Partie de la Deuise des Mceurs ct codicios. 
des Chlrs de la Table Rode." 

This glorious Fifteenth century manuscript is one of the richest ancient 
heraldic manuscripts extant. The blazon is here given of all the knights of 
King Arthur's court, many of whom were not mere legendary personages, but 
Z° m . whom some °f the most distingushed British families yet claim descent. 
Clothing in the shape of armorial emblazonment of such quantity and quality 
has ever been offered for sale in the United States. There are nearly one 
hundred and fifty of these most carefully executed shields, crests, supporters, 
and mottos which are delineated in a most spirited manner in colors and metals. 
I hey include the arms of Sir Lancelot, Sir Galahad, and all those other lords 
and knights whom we find described in English in the pages of Sir Thomas 
Mallory, first printed by Caxton in 1485, and made popular to us in these days 
by the genius of Alfred Tennyson. As a manuscript, the volume has great 
merit, with its broad margins and bold script. A few leaves are mended most 
carefully by the original illuminator, where the skin was cut slightly through the 
~5rf" Some pages are spotted and two leaves are slightly holed. On the first 
and last pages is the library stamp of the " Bibliotheque Publique de Oinan." 

~?. r . on i,: belonged to the Baron Seielliere who had it handsomely rebound. 

I his manuscript consists of more than a mere heraldic codex. The history 
and exploits of the Chevaliers are given at length. It is the original French 
text of one of the romances from which Sir Thomas Mallory compiled his cele- 
brated " Morte d' Arthur," which Sir Walter Scott entitled— " the best prose 
romance the language can boast." The first literary work of the Trouveres is 
the versified romance of the fabulous history—" of the early kings of England, 
beginning with Brutus, the grandson of Aincas, who, after passing many en- 
chanted isles, at length establishes himself in England, where he finds King 
Arthur, the chivalric institution of the Round Table, and the enchanter, Merlin, 
one of the most popular personages of the Middle Ages. Out of this legend 
arose some of the boldest creations of the human fancy. The word romance, 
now synonymous with fictitious composition, originally meant only a work in 
tne modern dialect, as distinguished from the scholastic Latin; there is little 
uoubt that these tales were originally believed to be strictly true. One of the 
nrst romances of chivalry was 'Tristam de Lconois.' written in nqo. This 
was soon followed by that of the' San Graal' and 'Lancelot.'" Mrs. Anne 
. °otta, from whom we have just quoted, writes further in her " Uni- 
versal Literature " : 

H ^P 061638 kn own as Marie of France made copious use of British materials 
ana addressed herself to a king supposed to have been Henry VI. Her twelve 
ia>s winch celebrate the marvels of the Round Table, are among the most 

En r h ^ ° f thc Middle A K es > and were freel y used b y Chaucer and other 
gush poets. The romances are, many of them, in parts at least, delightfully 
ginative, spirited or pathetic, and their history is important as illustrating 
meaixval manners and customs, and for their connection with early English 
literature. Among the oldest of these romances is ' Havelok,' relating to the 
early ^orse settlement in England, the ' Gest of King Horn,' and 'Guy of 
VV arwicK but of all the French romances, thc most interesting by far are 
those that celebrate the glory and fall of ' King Arthur and the Knights of 
the Kound table The order in which they were composed seems to have 
been the same with that of the events narrated. First, comes the romance of 
the baint Uraal, relating the history of this sacred relic which was carried by 
Joseph oi Anthmea, or his descendants, into Britain, where it vanished for 
ages trom the eyes of sinful men. Second, the romance of ' Merlin.' which 
derives Us name from the fiend-born proohet and magician, celebrates the birth 


and exploits of Arthur, and the gathering around him of the ' Knights of the 
Round Table' The historic origin of this story is from Geoffrey of Monmoulh, 
though it is disguised by its supernatural and chivalrous features. In the third 
romance, that of Lancelot, the hero nourished by the Lady of the Lake in her 
fairy realm beneath the waters, grows up the bravest champion of chivalry, 
admired for all his virtues, although guilty of treachery to Arthur, and from his 
guilt is to ensue the destruction of the land. Fourth, the ' Quest of the Saint 
Graal,' relates the solitary wanderings of the knights in this search, and how 
the adventure is at length achieved by Sir Gallahad, who. while the vision passes 
before him, prays that he may no longer live, and is immediately taken away 
from a world of calamity and sin. Fifth, the ' Mort Artus.' or the 1 Death of 
Arthur.' winds up with supernatural horrors, the tale into which the fall of the 
ancient Britons had been transformed. Arthur, wounded and dying, is carried 
by the fairy of the lake to the enchanted Isle of Avalon, there to dream away 
the ages that must elapse before his return to reign over the perfected world of 
chivalry. Sixth, the 'Adventures of Tristan), or Tristan, is a repetition of 
those which had been attributed to Launcelot of the Lake. These six romances 
of the British Cycle, the originals of all others, were written in the latter half of 
the twelfth century for the English Court and nobles, some of them at the 
suggestion of King Henry II. Although composed in French, the authors 
were Englishmen, and from these prose romances, the poets of France con- 
structed many metrical romances, which in the Fifteenth century, reappeared as 
English metrical romances.*' 

All authorities unite in accepting the fact that the source of these British 
legends, which were as popular on the Continent of Europe as in England, were 
derived from the lays of the Welsh bards. They are supposed to have been 
sung by them as early as the sixth and seventh centuries, although no Arthurian 
manuscript is extant of older date than the twelfth centnry. Nennius, and the 
so-called Armoric collections of Walter, Archdeacon of Oxford, first narrates 
the marvellous and supernatural elements which enter into later accounts of the 
Hound Table and its sworn Knights. Geoffrey of Monmouth professed to 
translate the last named, and his work apparently gave birth to a multitude 
of fiction which came to be considered as quasi historical traditions. From 
these, exaggerated by each succeeding age, and recast by each narrator, sprang 
the famous metrical romances of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, first in 
French and afterwards in English, from which modern notions of Arthur are 
derived. In these his habitual residence is at Caerleon, on the Usk, in Wales, 
where, with his beautiful wife, Guinevere, he lives in splendid state, surrounded 
by hundreds of knights and beautiful ladies, who serve as patterns of valor, 
breeding, and grace to all the world, Twelve knights, the bravest of the throng, 
form the centre of this retinue, and sit with the king at a round table, the 
" Knights of the Round Table." From the court of King Arthur, knights go 
forth to all countries in search of adventure — to protect women, chastise oppres 
sors. liberate the enchanted, enchain giants and malicious dwarfs, is their 
knightly mission. 

157 iH<3s. — Dieci Meditazioni Familiari Sopra la Vita e 
Miracoli del Glorioso Patriarca S. BENEDETTO. 
Per celebrare con frutto La Santa Novena o pure 
1 Dieci Martf.di al Mi-demo Per proprio uso df.lla 
dedicata D.D.A.M.D.R. Nell' Anno 1734. Minimo 
(jjj inches by 4^), old calf, gilt. S^ec. XVIII. 

Unique original manuscript of ninety-six pages. These Benedictine 
meditations are stamped on the side with a ducal crown supported by two 
angels. Beneath these is a shield charged with two crossed swords and three 
five-pointed stars. 



CALENDARIO. A sumptuous manuscript, written in 
black and red Gothic script on vellum with broad margins, 
with fifteen full-page miniatures with very broad borders 
and illuminated capitals underneath, thirty-eight smaller 
miniatures with broad borders and numerous illuminated cap- 
itals and finials in gold and colors. 4to (8| inches by 6), 
bound in blue velvet, red silk watered ends, gilt edges. 

Sjec. XV. 

Unique original manuscript on vei.lum of very line quality, with broad 
margins and probably executed for one of the royal family of France, as in one 
of the beautifully painted borders are introduced golden fleurs-de-lys on a 
blue ground. It subsequently belonged to " Ant. Moriau Procureur et 
Avocat du Roi et de la Ville." His heraldic " ex libris" is on the first and last 
pages of the manuscript. This very choice and desirable specimen, which is 
beautifully painted and illuminated in the style of Anne de Hretagne, has the 
calendar complete, the saints' names, etc., being given in old French. 

The rich beauty of the coloring has a freshness and clearness only to be seen 
in the finest royal or princely manuscripts. The exquisite ornamentations in 
the borders, which number over fifty, are the work of a French artist. They 
represent flowers, fruits, birds, including peacock, blackbird, swan, duck, etc.; 
various quadrupeds, such as monkeys, etc.; insects, etc. 

The fifty three miniatures are quaintly conceived and exhibit the careful artistic 
technique of a master of the brush in the shading, landscapes and physiognomi- 
cal characteristics, in the details of the various paintings, which are: — I. "St. 
John at Patmos"; II. "St. Luke"; III. "St. Matthew"; IV. "St. Mark"; 
j. "The Arrest of Christ "—very curious, Judas is kissing the cheek of the 
Savior and St. I'eter has just cut off the ear of the high priest's servant, the 
soldiers are in medieval red and gold armor and are armed with pikes, in their 
midst is a naming cresset — the officer in command of the Roman troops is 
turbaned, Jerusalem is seen in the distance; VI. "The Annunciation" — in the 
border to this painting are a parrot, a butterfly and a zany in parti-colored robe 
and fool's cap; VII. "The Visitation "—church in the background, squirrel 
eating strawberry in border: VIII. " The Crucifixion "—Jerusalem in distance, 
^t- John and Virgin on one side, high priest with sceptre holding fleur-de-lys 
and soldiers— Merman holding sword in one hand, decapitated head in other, 
cock eating strawberry in border; IX. ' 1 Descent of the Holy Ghost "—Virgin 
surrounded by apostles, some seated under portico of Gothic building— grass- 
hopper, butterfly and marigolds in borders; X. "The Nativity "—with dia- 
mond-shaped fleurs-de-fvs. bird and (lower border; XI. "Angel appearing to 
Shepherds' —Shepherd' with pipes in border: XII. "Coronation of the 
Virgin —who is kneeling before the Trinity; XIII. "Visit of the three Kings " 
—bat, blackbird, etc., in border; XIV. " Presentation in the Temple "—high 
priest with papal tiara— in border monkey with red hood, etc. ; XV. "Flight 
into Egypt —cat, snail, etc., in border; XVI. "The Immaculate Concep- 
tion "—extremely curious— the Virgin is kneeling in the middle of an island 
around which are snake-shaped legends, sun, moon, castle, fountain, etc., aTe 
on the island— Peacock and monster, half-snail, half-boy, holding mirror are in 
the border; XVII. " David before the Lord "; XVIII. " Raising of Lazarus" 
— Swan and miniature of death and woman in margin — Skull within initial let- 



ter; XIX. " The Trinity "; XX. "Christ holding Orb"; XXI. " The Holy 
Ghost"; XXII. "St. Veronica, with Veil "; XXIII. "Madonna and Child"; 
XXIV. " Virgin holding Dead Savior"; XXV. "St. Michael"; XXVI. "St. 
John the Baptist "; XXVII. "St. John the Evangelist"; XXVIII. "Saints 
Peter and i'atil"; XXIX. "St. James"; XXX. "St. Stephen"; XXXI. "St. 
Lawrence"; XXXII. "St. Christopher and Infant Savior"; XXXIII. "St. 
Sebastian"; XXXIV. " St. Adrian "; XXXV. "St. Roche"; XXXVI. "St. 
Hubert"; XXXVII. "St. Benedict"; XXXVIII. "St. Nicholas"; XXXIX. 
"St. Claude"; XL. "St. Anthonv"; XLI. "St. Martin": XLII. "St. 
Prejectu": XLIII. "St. Anne"; XLIV. " Mary Magdalene "—In border a 
green parrot; XLV. "St. Catherine"; XLVI. "St. Margaret"; XLVII. 
" St. Barbara "; XLVIII. " St. Apollonia "; L. " St. Gregory "; LI. " The An- 
nunciation": LII. "The Flagellation of Christ"; LI II. " St. Barbara 
very curious — this shows Dioscurus beheading his daughter — St. Barbara 
beheaded — the saint between two angels in heaven — her father going into and 
also tortured in hell — in the border there is a duck. 


159 HORjE BEATjE MARIy4i VIRGINIS. Consist- 

ing of one hundred and thirty-seven leaves (274 pages) of 
black and red Gothic script in old Dutch, 7vith four illumi- 
nated page miniatures in borders, six illuminated capitals 
with page borders, twenty-eight capitals with border on one 
side of the page and many colored capitals in text. Small 
4to (6 J inches by 4^), mottled calf, gilt. S-tc. XV. 

Unique original vellum manuscript of Fifteenth century origin. The 
page borders and miniatures are of floriated Gothic conventional work, height- 
ened with gold. The miniatures are very quaint. They represent: I. "The 
Annunciation " — angel with Psaltery and two men with caps of maintenance In 
border; II. "The Resurrection"; III. " Descent of the Holy Ghost"; IV. 
" The Crucifixion." 


. DARIO. A grand manuscript on vellum, written in red, 
blue and black in Gothic script of large size, with full page 
miniatures, many large illuminated capitals and hundreds of 
smaller capitals, mostly illuminated in gold and colors. 2 vols, 
thick 4to (ioi inches by 7^), old mottled sheep, red 
edges. S*c. XIV. 

Unique original vellum manuscript in Latin and of English origin. As 
the manuscript is in two volumes, they will be described separately. Each of 
them includes two parts separately paginated. The first volume contains 507 
leaves (1014 pages) of Gothic script on vellum, numbered in Roman letters, with 
two columns to the page, and written in red and black. There are fifteen blank 



pages. A very curious page miniature, measuring five and a half inches by eight 
and a half inches, will be found at the centre of the volume. It is divided into 
three sections, the first of which is surmounted by some castellated buildings; 
the Savior with nimbus and orb, half figure, is represented in the clouds in the 
attitude of blessing; the background is red and gold chequer work, in the centre 
of each red square being a white dot. The second division gives us three fig- 
ures holding legend scrolls. They are habited in Fourteenth century costume; 
two have crowns on their heads. The background to this division is a heavy 
plate of gold. The lower section of the painting represents the Savior with the 
stigmata on His hands and feet. He is in the attitude of benediction. Two 
fingers of one hand are upraised and in the other hand lie holds a staff. 011 the 
top of which is a large Maltese cross. He faces a curious delineation of the 
mouth of hell representing the head of an animal with fiery eyes and mane, in 
whose wide open mouth are standing five or six stark naked souls, and who can- 
not escape, owing to the cross bars which hold them prisoners. The diapering 
on the background is lozenge shaped— gold and white fieur-de-lys on a blue 
ground constituting this very handsome division of the painting, the margins of 
which are decorated on three sides with red, blue, white and gold ornamentation 
and floriation. 

There are also six large miniatures within capitals that have full page borders. 
These are— I. " King David," with golden background, all within large letter 
"B," illuminated border of birds and floriation around the text; II. "The 
Savior," red and gold mosaic background within letter " D," and in borders 
parrot, greyhound hunting hare, etc.; III. "King David Kneeling," Christ is 
appearing to him, gold and colored damascened background, birds and animal 
in background; IV. '• Baptism of Christ "—Jesus nude to the middle in river, 
above, descent of Holy Ghost, golden background; V. " King David Maying 
the Bells "—the king seated, in front of him six bells which he is striking with 
two mallets, golden background; VI. "Christ Enthroned holding Orb, ' with 
gold, red, and blue background. 

In this volume are three other illuminated letters with gold borders, eight 
large colored capitals with intricate pen scroll work, 1927 capitals with elaborate 
pen scroll work of various colors and numerous other smaller initial letters, 
also very many finials in red and blue On the first page has been drawn a large 
coat of arms in trick. Facing this is the inserted heraldic book-plate of 
"R. Dyneley." A few leaves are sewed, two are a little torn at edges, a few 
are holed slightly, and! some are stained somewhat. 

The other volume of the Breviary has two parts in one. There are five 
hundred and fifty-eight leaves (11 16 pages) of vellum, with red and black 
Gothic script. There are eight large illuminated capitals with miniatures and 
full page borders, and represent— I. "David Playing the Harp"; II. "King 
David, ' rabbit and bird in the golden floriated border; III. "The Lord Ap- 
pearing to David " ; IV. "A Knight in full Silver Armor"— over armor is a 
violet surtout. bearing a shield — " or, a chevron gules between three roses (cinq 
foils) '; V. "Baptism of Christ "—similar to that in other volume; VI. 'David 
Playing the Bells"; VII. " Five Monks Singing from Lectern on which is 
an Open Book "—chequered background in gold and colors; VIII. " God the 
Father and Son " — engraved golden background. The first page has animals 
within the border, such as the hedgehog, greyhound and rabbits, also greyhound 
pursuing hare. There arc also — a large capital in red and blue with ornate pen 
work; fifteen capitals illuminated, one with page gold border, and the rest with 
long border, the side of the page; 2017 capitals in red and blue with floriated 
scroll work and numerous smaller capitals. A few leaves are sewed a little and 
some have marginalia. 

The date of the execution of this manuscript is given thus — " Versus ad Pascha 
iinveniendum sive ulla difficultate. Anno dni. MCCCLXXIIL," and it is truly 
a wondrous specimen, both as to size and execution, but more particularly so 
when wc come to consider it was finished five hundred and fifteen years ago I 




Consisting of one hundred and eighty leaves {360 pages), 
in medieval script, with some portion of the text rubricated 
and tivcnty leaves toivards end blank. 4to (8£ inches by 5 J). 
Original leather binding on beveled wooden boards, at- 
tached to which are four iron links and a ring, probably 
for the purpose of chaining it to the pulpit. S.ec. XIV. 

Unique original manuscript divided into five parts, the first of which is 
an alphabetical arrangement of sermon subjects commencing with " Abstinen- 
ces. " Then follows a rubricated index, at the end of which is a colophon 
showing that the work was one of the " opuscula " of the most Excellent 
Doctor and Cardinal, St. Boniface. This is followed by three other MSS. in 
different hands, one by Andreas de Portos and the otlter on the Holy Land. 
The volume is partially composed of matters for the use of or 011 the authority of 
the Benedictine and Franciscan orders. St. Boniface, the Apostle of Ger- 
many, was an Englishman. He was made archbishop and primate to all Ger- 
many and later on papal legate, lie founded the Abbey of I'ulda, but is most 
celebrated on account of the canons he promulgated for the discipline of those 
churches and bishoprics which he had brought into existence. 



RIE. Handsome manuscript, written on eighty-two leaves 
(164 pages) of vellum in red and black large Gothic script, 
with the musical score, seventy-two large illuminated capitals 
in colors on a golden background, two of these being very large, 
hi>o hundred and ninety-eight smaller illuminated capitals, 
numerous Jinials and ornaments in the text, also in colors 
heightened with gold. Large 4to (13^' inches by 10), calf. 

S*C. XV. 

UNIQUE original manuscript of the Fifteenth century and office book, 
being *' Preparations before Mass." This was at one time in the library of the 
Right Hon'ble, William Lord Viscount Charlemount, and his heraldic book- 
plate is inserted. The vellum is white and of excellent quality, and the numer- 
ous lustrously brilliant initial letters and finials throughout are superb examples 
of the best conventional Gothic illumination. Rarely do we find an '' Office 
Book " finished in the magnificent style of the above chaste decoration. The 
text is altogether in Latin, and the manuscript is of early English workmanship. 



Consisting of one hundred and seventy leaves (340 pages) of 


fine vellum, with two blank leaves, five large illuminated cap- 
itals, sixty-two large capitals in red and blue, very many 
smaller initial letters — all with very elaborate pen scroll work 
in red, blue and violet, and numerous still smaller capitals 
throughout the text in red and blue. 4to (9^ inches by 7), 
stamped calf rebacked on the original wooden boards. 

Sjec. XIV. 

Unique original vellum manuscript. An excellent specimen of the 
caligraphy of the Fourteenth century and in good preservation. One initial 
letter has within it the miniature of a " bambino " or infant Jesus in swaddling 
clothes. The rubrics are in red and the musical notes on three red lines. 

There are two columns to the page, a few leaves are slightly discolored and 
stained. In a few places the rubrications have been blurred and some leaves 
are wormed. On one of the ends is an inscription dated January 2. 1584, show- 
ing that it was presented at Rome on that date to the Dominicans by Master 
Matteo Aquario. 


164 JWS— MISSALE ROMANUM. Consisting of eighty leaves 

(160 pages) 0/ vellum AfSS. in red and black Gothic type, 
with seven page miniatures and floriated borders in gold and 
colors, thirteen large capitals with page floriated borders, two 
with half page borders and numerous other illuminated capi- 
tals, some with pen work scrolls and red and blue finials. 
Small 4to (7;' inches by 5^), stamped morocco, gilt edges. 

S.tc. XV. 

Unique original vellum manuscript of great artistic merit, particularly 
the conventional (iothic borders and initial letters, many of which arc large and 
brilliant. The handsome miniatures are — 1. "St. Christopher and Infant 
Christ," with gold, silver and red background; II. "The Annunciation," red 
and gold background; III. "St. Veronica with Veil": IV. "Betrayal of 
Christ ' ; V. " Burial Scene " — three priests, two mourners and coffin with 
black pall; VI. "The Resurrection" — very curious, two angels holding three 
naked fi-maV -mis in a v|,,-<-l ; VII. "St.' Jerome "—the Saint, in < final's 
robes, sealed in a chair with hat suspended therefrom. This missal, which is of 
undoubted English origin, has some marginal and other notes consisting of 
prayers and hymns in early English. The calendar is imperfect and a few leaves 
are cut, restored or discolored. 


165 jWS.— ANTIPHONARIUM LATINUM. Consisting of 

fifty-six leaves pages) of vellum, forty large capitals, 

with grotesque heads, animals and flowers, also many others 
smaller, and musical score throughout. \\.o (8± inches by 
5|), crimson plush, gilt edges. S^c. XV. 

Unique original vellum manuscript and most interesting as an early 
example of musical notation. The grotesque heads are very fantastic. There 

6 4 


are quite a number of manuscript notes and marginalia scattered throughout the 
volume. Some leaves are sewed, holed or spotted. There are several dates In 
the volume, among others 1538, I540and 1623, also autograph signatures, one 
being of " Jean Sautheran," who was probably one of the early Lords of Mitton 
in Yorkshire. 


166 giitwrinatrtf Vtact iLtttrc— heueres alusaige 

DE ROME TOUT AU LONG sans rien requerir ont 

dor Pour GERMAIN HARDOUYN libraire demou- 


saincte marguerite. Illuminated illustrations and bor- 
ders. Small 8vo (7^ inches by elegantly bound in 
red velvet, with beautifully enamelled filigree golden clasps. 

Pans, Hardouyn, 1518 

Unique illuminated Hours, printed on vellum by the Hardouyns. This 
beautiful volume, which is so charmingly illuminated that it has the appearance 
of one of the finest vellum manuscript Hours, has a magnificent page illumina- 
tion of the arms of Claude Bayard—" sable and semee of fleur-de-lys, a griffin 
rampant argent, beaked and clawed or." Around this escutcheon of arms hangs 
from the branch of a tree a golden and green wreath. On the title are the 
arms of Claude Bayard impaling those of his wife— " azure, a bend or between 
two mullets or. " Two cherubs support this coat of arms depending from a 
tree in which another cupid is seated among the branches. Illuminated in gold 
on an azure ground is the name " Clavde Baiard." The volume subsequently 
belonged to Louis de Vigier and Rose de Pestils his wife, and afterwards to 
Jacques de Vigier and Marguerite de Montal his wife. It contains entries of 
their marriages and births of their children. It is a most desirable specimen both 
of early printing on vellum and of the illuminator's art. 

The richness of the coloring and gilding is remarkable. There are seventy- 
seven leaves (158 pages) in all. exclusive of two blank leaves. Every page is 
surrounded by a border illuminated in gold and colors. The first two and the 
last are on a dark blue or purple ground. There arc thirty-one miniatures in all 
in gold and colors, of which three are full page, six are half page and twenty- 
two are small, including four at the beginning of calendar, and two of " _ David 
and Bathsheba " in a border. There are upwards of thirteen hundred illumi- 
nated initial letters. The velvet cover has been placed on the old oak boards, 
three leaves are restored at the bottom and the upper edge of one is cut. 

The miniatures represent — I. " Anatomical and Astrological Figure," between 
the legs of which kneels a jester; II. III. IV. and V. Emblematic figures of the 
four quarters of the year; VI. "St John at Patmos" — attended by eagle with 
ink horn, Madonna and child in glory above; VII. VIII. and IX. " Sts. Mat- 
thew, Mark and Luke"— they are writing their gospels; X. *' Betrayal of Christ " 
— Peter cutting off the ear of the high priest's servant, Judas kissing the Savior; 
XL " David embracing Bathsheba " — he is escorting her to his palace; XII. 
" Visit of the Magi"; XIII. "Presentation in the Temple"; XIV. "Corona- 
tion of the Virgin — God the Father is depicted as an old man with white hair; 
XV. " King David " — attended by two courtiers and with kneeling warrior be- 

the TRn rf.y/o catalogue. 

fore him; XVI. " David with Sceptre"; XVII. " Bathsheba Naked to the 
Hips"; XVIII. "Job and his Friends"; XIX. "The Trinity"; XX. "The 
Resurrection XXI. " Descent of the Holy GttOSl "j XXI 1. "St M icha. I " ; 
XXIII. " St. John, the Baptist "; XXIV. "Sts Peter and Paul "; XXV. " St. 
Stephen"; XXVI. "'St. Sebastian"; XXVII. "St. Nicholas" XXVIII. "St. 
Anne"; XXIX. "St. Catherine": XXX. " St. Barbara "; XXXI. "St. 

Thomas Frognall Dibditi writes as follows respecting the printers of the above 
beautiful " Hours ": — "The Hardouyns, Gillet and Germain, are among the 
most ancient and most respectable printers of the period we are about to visit. 
Their Missals are sometimes enchanting; and their red and black, as well as the 

texture of their vellum, denote the skill by which they are executed 

1'hey were both unquestionably very beautiful printers, and maintained a pro- 
digious traffic in the sale of devotional volumes; their productions being, upon 
the whole, fully equal to those of Kerver, Pigouchet, or Vostre." 


167 £UuminatrV ijiacft ?irttcc ,— horae b. m. vir- 

gin! s. Engraved borders and large woodcuts, a/so initial 
letters with finials colored by hand. 8vo (83 inches by 5$), 
antique stamped calf. Paris, Kerver, 1506 

L'snjt'K [].i.iTMisATKl> Black Letter, PRINTED on VELI.UM, with the calen- 
dar in Latin and French and the text in Latin, There are in all seventy one 
leaves (142 pages) of printed text, also two blank leaves. Every page has a 
curious engraved, floriated or arabesque border, representing scenes from the 
Bible or episodes in ihe lives of the saints. Hardly any two borders are similar. 
There are nine page illustrations, some having beneath them large capitals 
illuminated by hand. There are other small cuts in the text and the numerous 
capitals are illuminated by hand in colors. The finials are in red. blue and gold. 
Many of the inscriptions under the cuts in the borders are in French. The first 
and last leaves are lacking. A few pages toward the beginning and the end 
are stained, and two leaves arc otherwise slightly damaged. 

The calendar commences with the year 1506 and ends with 1530. Kerver 
began printing " Hours" at Paris in 1497. In the year 1506 his address was — 
" Rue Sain; Jaques, ad intersignium Craticuke," where he died in 1522. The 
" Ileures *' printed by Kerver are far rarer than those of Vostre and the Har- 
douyns. He is mostly celebrated for his grotesque borders to his " Hours," 
which are in that respect infinitely superior to those of Pigouchet, Vostre. Tory, 
Verard and the other great typographers of France at the time he nourished. 



Consisting 0/ five hundred and forty-four pages of hymns in 
black and red Gothic text' with music, twenty pages prepared 
for the score, six large capitals and many smaller ones in red. 
4to (Si inches by 5^), bound in the original oak boards 
covered with stamped leather, brass corners and bosses 
(back damaged). Sjec. XV. 

UNIQUE original manuscript and an interesting example of Fifteenth 
century plain song, showing the musical notation and hvmnology of the Catho- 
lic Church over four hundred years ago. 



[Facsimile of number 160 and reproduced from the illustration of 
the same in " hookwndings ancient and modern, edited by joseph 



169 ^ . — CHANSONS ET MOTETTS. Consisting of 
three hundred and ninety-six pages, of which the larger por- 
tion have the words and score written out in French and 
Latin, table of contents at beginning, with the composers' 
names written at the head in various colors, full-page letter 
" B " executed in blue and olive interlaced scroll work, also 
eleven large capitals of the same character in black, red, blue, 
olive and yellow inks, with one hundred and four initials 
someiuhat smaller and many ether initials yet smaller, oblong 
minimo, measuring (5$ inches by 7$), superbly bound in 
the original French binding, richly gold tooled and mo- 
saiced, and gauffered edges, in modern purple velvet, 
leather lined drop case. S-ec. XVI. 

Unique, original, royal and magnificent manuscript in sumptuous 
binding . This number consists of a volume of a collection of '* Chansons and 


Motctts." which was arranged for five, six and eight voices in Latin. French. 
Italian and Dutch, with the music. It is written on paper and was executed 
for Henry II. of France and Diana of Poitiers. 

The date, 1552, is inserted in a large ornamental capital at folio 145. 

This volume from the fineness of the design of its binding, and the interest of 
its original ownership, is one of the most important examples of its kind that 
has ever occurred for sale. It was purchased at the sale of M. Leopold Double 
in 1863 for five thousand two hundred and fifty francs, and thus cost its late 
owner, with " les frais," about twelve hundred and fifty dollars. In addition 
to its acquired historical interest, the book is of considerable importance in itself 
in regard to the history of music, on account of its table of contents which 
gives the names of various French composers of the Sixteenth Century, among 
whom will be found — Phil, de Wildre, Cresquillon, Ch. Chastelain, Ciprian 
de Rose and Anthoine Gaily. 

The heraldic "ex tibris*' of the celebrated bibliophile. M. Double, will be 
found on the front inside cover, where arc the following MS. notes in his hand- 
writing— " Voir la date de 1552, page 145, p. 9,7. hyrnne par Charles VIII., p, 
75. 77, 82, 186 Clement Marot. p. 172, Diane a Henri II.. p. 187, Francois I. _ 

This marvellously beautiful and original French binding, of a semi-Maiob, 
semi-Grolicr style was doubtless designed for King Henri II. by " Le Petit 
Bernard." The sides and back are painted and inlaid in colored enamels and 
Lathers mosaiced and gilt. Both the front and back sides are covered with 
green, floriated, conventional. Gothic ornament, and an intersecting design in 
black and white, the parallel lines of which are pointille in the centres. The 
middle of the fore side has a large heraldic and allegorical design of circular 
shape, in the centre thereof is a shield of the royal arms of France, above 
which is a regal crown. Depending from the upper portion of the shield arc 
a collar o{ " SS " and cockle shells, from which also hangs the jewel of the 
Order o( St. Louis. Amid silver pointille ornamentation are — the mongrams 
" H. D." interlaced, three silver half moons, a large crescent silver moon, 
allusive to the chaste goddess Diana, and the king's initial "H" twice 
repeated. On the back, in the middle of a circle and upon a square scroll is 
the word " Bassvs." The back is enameled in black and white and tooled in 
gilt. The design is lozenge-shaped, chequered, There are, also, four floriated 
ornaments and running across the entire back. These are in black and gilt. 
The edges are as fine a specimen of gauffered work as can be found in any 
collection. It is a floriated and interlaced design, pointille throughout. 

The illustration above of this glorious example of binding is fac-similed from 
plate XI. in Joseph Cundall's "Bookbindings, Ancient and Modern." It is 
there styled — " Recueils de Chansons ct Motetts, with the Arms and Mono- 
grams of Henri II. and Diana of Poitiers. Binding of the Middle of the XVI. 
Century," and is presented in that authority as a representative example of a 
Diane de Poitiers reliure. The eminent bibliopegist, Cundall, writes: Diana 
of Poitiers, the mistress of Henri II. of France, devoted much attention to the 
binding of her books; perhaps those executed for her are the finest specimens 
ever produced; probably they were designed by ' Le Petit Uemard ' (Bernhard 
Salomon of Lyons) who also made drawings for her jewels. They were usually 
engraved with a bow and crescent, sometimes with an arrow rising from a tomb 
with the motto ' Sola vivil in illo.' On the love offerings from the king an ' H ■ 
is worked in with a crown and fleur-de-lis. The practice of inscribing mottoes 
on books was very usual. There is a beautiful book mentioned in Dibdin's 
' Decameron.' which was published by Aldus. It is bound in fine Italian olive 
binding with the device of a serpent entwining a ring and a motto 1 Scilicet es 
superis labor est,' On many of Henry's own books arc stamped and interwoven 
the initials ' H ' and ' D,' of his own and mistress's names, with crescents, 
bows, quivers, and other symbols of the chase, appropriated to a lady bearing 
the name of Diana. (Many of the ornaments on the pottery of Oiron known 
as Faience de Henri II. were evidently stamped with bookbinder's tools.) On 
some of his books the ' H ' is interwoven with a ' C,' and in this case, the latter 
nitial is that of his wife, Catherine de Mcdicis. There are few bindings of the 



early part of Henry's reign which have his medallion in the centre. '1 his 
stamps them, in all probability, of Italian work. The marks upon books form 
a subject of some difficulty. Even those who are well versed in heraldry, will, 
if they are not also versed in bibliography, make great mistakes in deci- * 
pherin'g them. Some writers still maintain that the ' D ' spoken of above, on 1 
the books of Henry II., as representing ' Diana,' is really meant for two ' Cs, 
representing ' Catherine.' ... 

" Diana possessed a splendid library at the Chateau of Anet. At her death it 
was preserved, its treasures, however, being unknown. In 1723, when the Trin- 
cess de Conde. to whom Anet belonged, died, the books were put up to auction. 
Their description attracted amateurs, amongst others. Monsieur de Sardieres, 
son of Madame Guyon. He bought several volumes at this sale, as was seen 
in 1759. when, after his death, his books were sold. In the catalogue the 
librarian, Barrois, did not forget to mention which volumes came from Anet. 
We find from his catalogue that many of the magnificent books which Henry 
II. had inherited from his predecessors he gave to Diana. Amongst others, J 
she thus became possessed of the ' Bible Ystoriaux, ' of Guyart des Moulins. 
presented to King John, and upon the fly-leaf of which was written, ' A moi ■ 
Jehan rov.' This valuable book passed to the library of the Due de Berry, and 
was thence restored to the royal library, until Henry II. gave it to Diana of 
Poitiers. She also possessed the beautiful manuscript on vellum containing the 
first four decades of ' Titus Livius,' translated by Pierre Bercheux, prior of St. 
Eloi, Paris, the binding of which is somewhat eccentric. In the centre of the 
boards is placed the scutcheon of Charles de Bourbon in bronze relief, and his 
monogram, also in bronze, at the eight corners, the book having fiist belonged 
to him. In 1555, Denis Sauvage, Seigneur du Parq, published two folio 
volumes at Lyons, being a translation of the ' Histories of Paolo Jovio. He 
had a copy bound for the king, with his bust engraved in gold on a medallion at 
each corner, with ' Ex vote publico, 1552.' placed round each. This book 
passed at once into the possession of Diana of Poitiers at Anet. where M. de 
Sardieres discovered and bought it. In M. Cigongne's library there is a Psalter 
stamped with Diana's arms, and having chased and gilt edges. Books of the j 
most varied description were to be found at Anet ; side by side, for instance, I 
are copies of ' Saint Basil' and ' Saint Epiphanius,' bound in lemon morocco, 
with Diana's arms, silver clasps and knobs, and profane works such as three 
collections of ' Chansons ct Motetts.' (See illustration.)" 

Diane de Poitiers made use of other emblems than those tooled on this his- 
toric volume. Mrs. Burv Pallisser says, that in memory of her deceased j 
husband, the amorous Diane—" bore an arrow entwined with green branches, 
and issuing from a tomb, upon which lay a cross. Motto. ' Sola vivit in illo, 
'She lives only in him,' expressive of the constancy of her love: but Paradin 
gives the motto a higher signification, rendering it, ' Alone on that she lives 
«.<■., in the hope of a glorious resurrection. On the walls of the chateau of 
Anet was the device of an arrow, with the motto, ' Consequitur modcunque 
petit.' ' She attains whatever she seeks.' There is a medal of Diane having on 1 
the obverse, her bust, and on the reverse, she is represented trampling Cupid 
under her feet, with the motto, ' Omnium victorem vici,' ' 1 have conquered the 
conqueror of all.' '' 

Diana of Poitiers was born in 1479 and became a widow in 1531. Not long 
after she gained the affection of the second son of Francis the First, who in 
1547 ascended the throne as Henry II. The above volume was therefore given 
to her five years after her lover became a king and made her Duchesse of Valeti- 
tinois and granted to her the Comte de Valentinois in Dauphiny for life. Diana 
obtained a complete ascendancy over the king, who allowed her to exercise royal 
power and to control even the foreign policy of his government. De Thou, in 
his " Historia Sui Temporis," attributes to her all the misfortunes of Henrys 
reign, and the persecutions of the Huguenots. By her grace and talents, she , 
retained her influence over her lover until his tragic death in 1559. 

Diana died seven years afterwards, in 1 ;6f>. One of the best accounts of her j 
will be found in the " Femmes Gallantes " of Brantomc, a proper place for a 
woman who only obtained a niche in history through her amours. 




170 MISSAL COVER made of SOLID SILVER. Minimo 
(3^ inches by 4J, the back two inches wide). S.ec XVI. 

Unique. This solid silver binding once covered, doubtless, a missal of the 
Sixteenth century. It is not only an admirable specimen of ancient repousse 
work, but of the engraver's art. It weighs six ounces. The design is princi- 
pally floriated (iothic. The front and back are decorated with strawberries, 
llowers and foliage. On the centre of one side is a design, two inches in dia- 
meter, of "an imperial eagle displayed," above which is a crown. On the other 
are " two extended hands," which are below another crown. The back is flori- 
ated, and has a border representing jewels. The clasp is pierced and chased. 
The inside rims are so arranged that the book, with an ordinary binding of no 
great thickness, could be easily slipped into this beautiful piece of silver work. 



traordinary Collection of Autograph Signatures and Sen- 
tences written during the years from 1540 to 1640, for 
John Michael Heyse (or Heuse), and for his two Sons 
John Frederic and John Chari.es Heyse, by their 
Friends and Acquaintances (amongst which will be found 
Pages written by Dr. Martin Luther, Philip Melanc- 
thon, and other Persons eminent in Literature). Orna- 
mented with very curious paintings (including at folio 47 a 
Dance of Death), and numerous coats of arms, richly em- 
blazoned in their proper heraldic tinctures. Small 4to (7 J 
inches by 5I), magnificently bound in contemporary Gro- 
lieresque binding of morocco, richly gilt and gold tooled, 
edges gilt. S*.c. XVI. et XVII. 

UNIQUE and most remarkable COLLECTION of autograph signatures and 
original manuscripts 

The binding is a magnificent piece of work, and it is tooled in the best style 
:'i la (Jrolier. It is paneled on the sides. Around the outer borders is an inch 
of conventional (iothic donation. The tooling in the centre panel on both sides, 
which have an oval in the middle of each, is — " seme'e of fleurs-de-lys.'' From 
two grotesque heads spring the usual tooling so familiar to students of biblio- 
pegy as being of the (irolier and Maioli "genres" of interlaced decoration. 
Between the outer border and inner panel are the initials " I. M. H. A., 1557." 
and " I. F. II. A., 1589" — and which stand for the dates of ownership of J. 
M. Heyse and his son J. F. Heyse. Between the five bands on the back "is 
golden tooling of Oolieresque design. 

There arc five hundred and fifty-live pages in all of this extraordinary collec- 
tion, sixty full-page paintings, ninety-one painted coats of arms, independent of 
those just named and including a full-length picture of a Indy holding a heraldic 
emblazonment, two inserted portraits of Luther and Mclancthoti, and a sixteenth 
century armorial book plate. 

To describe the contenls of this truly important album in order to do full 
justice to them, would take many pages, to say nothing of the most curious 



drawings and autographs contained therein. An inspection of the volume is 
therefore recommended, which must be seen to be fully appreciated. 

At the beginning are the arms of Heyse, as confirmed by Charles V. in 1541 
and 1560. On Folio I. Autograph Motto and Signature of Joachim Sigismunrj, 
Margrave of lirandenburg, Duke of Prussia, etc. , dated 1620. 2. Motto and 
Signature of George William, Margrave of Brandenburg, Duke of Prussia, etc. 
6. Sentences in Greek and German by P. Latomus, 1599. having on the reverse 
a drawing of Shooting Deer, with autograph of J. Keuscher, 1561. 

The volume contains numerous other colored drawings, including " Daniel in 
the Lion's Den"; "The Good Samaritan"; " Lot and his Daughters "; "Judg- 
ment of Paris " ; " Sleeping Venus "; " The Three Graces " ; " The Parable of 
the Prodigal Son," in four compartments; " Judgment of Solomon"; " Joseph 
and Mrs. Potiphar"; a very curious " Dance of Death " (commencing with the 
Pope and ending with the Fool, each led by a Skeleton, whilst Death in a Car- 
dinal's Hat is beating the Dram); " Rape by Tarquin of Lucretia "; David and 
Bathsheba"; " Tell Shooting at the Apple "; etc., etc., besides the numerous 
paintings of the various coats of arms, which render it most important to the 
heraldic collector. 

Amongst the many valuable autographs attention must be called to the follow- 
ing :— 

Martin Luther, with a long quotation from I. Cor. vi., dated Martii, 1546 
(with engraved portrait): Philippus Melancthon. 18 Martii. 1556 (with engraved 
portrait); Joannes Seggerus Eques, Austriacus, 1558; Joannes Piscator; A. 
Welser; A. Ebner, 1563; A. Rhenanus, 1566; J. Mosbach; J. Wachter; M. 
Lochner; C. Schramm; L. Glasser; J. Rediger; Otto ab Houell; D. Schram; 
Joan Sturmius, 1570 (the friend of Roger Ascham); S. Kefelius; Paul Melissus, 
1599 (the poet); J. Heresbach; R. Hake; G. Liebler; A. Coppichius (a Latin 
poem of five pages); D. Tossanus, 1599: Q. Reuter, 1599; L. Fsthius, 1599; 
P. Denaisius (author of " Jus Camerale," etc.); J. Kirkpatrik; D. Pareus and 
J. Pareus (his son); M. P. Beuther; N. Dobbin; P. Tossanus; J. W. Rausch 
Exul, 1636; C. Schoppius; Pauli Theodori (Israelite, in Hebrew); M. Masius; 
J. Eberhard; J. Gaeddseus; P. Curterius; L. von Ortenberg; J. Bouillet; C. 
Gobelius; J. J. Hermann, 1602; J. Cisnerus; J. Wigandus; L. Hazelius: >f. 
Faber; D. Ktigler; C. Gebhardi, 1594 (Epicedia on the Death of J. M. Heysius, 
to pages); C. Peucerus, 1599. son in-law of Melancthon; J. Fabricius, 151)4); G. 
Wittich; J. Schoppius; C. Hemer; D. Herold; J. N. Chytra_'us; Ab. Scultetus, 
1599, and numerous others. 


IX. and INNOCENT XII. and dated respectively 
"November 4, 1668," and "November 9, 1692." On 
vellum, with numerous signatures of cardinals and other 
officials 0/ the courts of the pontiffs. Ss.v. XVII. 

Unique original manuscripts of the Seventeenth century and both with 
pontifical leaden seals attached, the inscription on one of which is " Clemens 
Papa IX." On the verso are the heads of Sts. Peter and Paul between a cross. 
The seal on the other bull has the same heads but the inscription reads " Inno- 
centivs Papa XII." The bull of Clement IX. is addressed to " Joanni Baptisti 
Archiepo Cla-idioplotani, " and relates to a monastery of the Cistercian Order, 
dedicated to the " Blessed Mary de Aqua Bella." 

The bull of Innocent XII., of which two copies in Latin and one in English 
accompany it, commences; — 

" Innocent the Bishop, Servant of the Sen-ants of God, to (our) beloved son 
Offali I'nlio Firezini. llishop of Venice. Health and Apostolical Benediction. 
A petition presented recently to us, on the part of (our) beloved son Jacobus 



Moysan, laic and (our) beloved daughter in Christ L'atharina Cadoret, Venetian 
woman, contained (the statement) that they— knowing for the rest that they were 
mutually related or connected in the second and third degrees of consanguinity 
or affinity deriving from a common stock, but not indeed purposely committing 
sin that this, by the incurment of crime, should be a cause to render us and the 
Holy See more easily disposed to mercy and forgiveness towards them — have 
lived together, without, however, any copulation of the flesh resulting between 
them. And, nevertheless, a false suspicion has arisen that they had carnally 
known each other. Since also, as the same petition added, unless matrimony 
be contracted between them, the said Catharina would remain defamed and un- 
wedded, and grave scandals might probably arise therefrom, the aforesaid per- 
sons desire to be mutually joined in marriage; but, as an impediment exists, 
such their desire in this matter cannot be carried out by I hem without the dis- 
pensation of the Apostolic See: Wherefore the same persons have caused us to 
be humbly supplicated in order that we might condescend opportunely to pro- 
vide for them in the premises, out of our apostolic benignity. We therefore, 
absolving and holding absolved the same persons from whatsoever of excommu- 
nication, suspension and interdict, and other ecclesiastical sentences, censures 
and penalties, etc., etc 

" Dated at Rome, at Santa Maria Maggiorc in the year of the Incarnation of 
our Lord 1(192, ninth of November of our Pontificate, the second year." 

The two bulls are enclosed in a contemporaneous wooden box covered w ith 


173 HI — LIFE OF EDWARD II. (in verse), etc Consist- 

ing 0/ two hundred a nd ninety pages of manuscript in English 
and sixty-eight blank pages. Small 4to (7J inches by 5$), 
old calf. With Groliercsque design stamped in gold on 
the sides. S^c. XVII. 

Original manuscript written at the beginning of the Seventeenth century. 
This interesting collection consists of some fifteen different manuscripts, mostly 
in the same hand, and which are as follows: — 

1. " Life of Edward II." in verse, an unpublished poem of five hundred and 
eighty one verses; II. " Treasurer Burleigh to his Son "; III. " On Sir Walter 
Rawleigh "; IV. " Ur. Dun vpon the Death of ye Duke of Lenox "; V. Son- 
net," Passions arc likened best to floods andstreames"; VI. Another " Sonnet," 
dated 161 5; VII., VIII and IX. Various - Poems." one signed V H. H." 
and one to the " (ientle Whispering Wind "; X. " Poems " signed by 
" Francellina Stapleton" and " Vpon a Ioynted Ring "; XI. Earles "Para- 
doxes." very curious, forty-eight in all. include chapters on a " Sceptick in 
Religion," " An Alderman," " An Antiquarie." '' An Attorney," " A Church 
Papist." " A Shark," " A Bold Forward Fellow," " A Vpstart fond Knight." 
"A Serieant or Catchpole," "A She Puritan," "A Cookie," "A Handsome 
Hostesse," ' ' A Player," " A Tobacco Seller," " A Pott Poet," etc. , the whole- 
dated April, 1627; XII. Dr. Donne's " Paradoxes and Problems "; XIII. "On 
the Death of Mistress Fallowfield, Who Died in Childbed "; XIV. " In Com 
mendation of Orey Eyes"; XV. " Poems " of Mr. Clifton, "To my Cosin, 
An Willoughby." 



174 iW<S.— ST. FRANCIS DE SALES, Introduction to a 

DbVOOT Like. 4to (9 inches by 6J), fine old morocco 



blading, tooled with regal crowns on the borders, gilt 
edges S*c. XVIII. 

Unique original manuscript of two hundred pages of distinct caligraphy 
and in good condition. The title reads—" An Introduction to a Devout Life, 
written originally in French, by the Rt. Rev. Francis de Sales, Bishop of 
Geneva. Translated and Abridged for the Use of my Dear Niece and Hod- 
Daughter Miss Martha Baker, by her Affectionate Aunt, Martha Cossins, 
August 20, 1749." 

'75 ifH<S. — A Charge delivered to the Clergy ok the 
Diocese by the Right Reverend JOHN HOUGH, 
D.D., late Lord Bishop of that Diocese, at his last Visita- 
tion in May, 1 73 1 ; from his Lordship's own copy, written 
by himself; to which is prefixed a short account of his 
Lordship's life. Small 4to, old calf gilt, edges gilt. 

Sjec. XVIII. 

UMOUE original manuscript, consisting of eighty two pages in 
Eighteenth century script and thirty-three blank pages. It includes copies 
of charges and correspondence written to Lord Digby, etc. John Hough was 
born at London. April 12. 1651, and died May 8, 1744. F-ope refers to him in 

the line " Such as on Hough's unsully'd mitre shine." On the inside cover 

is inserted the heraldic book-plate of Thos. Lucas. 


176 ftt^.— CONJECTURES upon the BRITISH and 

SAXON COINS, etc. Anno D. MDCCXX by I. C. A. 
M. (Taylor Combe). Consisting of ont hundrtd and 
thirty-six pages of eighteenth century serif t, very neatly 
written, and illustrations of coins drawn in ink; also six 
pages entirely or partially colored by hand, and hvo coats of 
arms, one tricked and the other properly emblazoned. Small 
4to (6jj by 5$ inches), handsomely bound in dark blue 
morocco, extra gilt, sides paneled and crown and other 
floriation in the centre, rims and inside border gilt, tooled. 

Sax. XV 111. 

Unique eighteenth century manuscript, with inserted heraldic book- 
plate of Robert Stearne Tighe. This interesting numismatic volume contains 
colored and pen and ink drawings of eighty-three British and Sixty-two Saxon 
coins, with blanks for additions. There are also addenda of coins of 1 ' \ e 
English Monarchs from William ye Conqueror down to Our Present Most 
Gracious Sovereign Lord King George." 


177 <H i. — COLLECTION OF LAW CASES, partly wrote 

by Ld. Chan. Hyde, consisting of five hundred and four 
pages of legal manuscript mostly in Norman Erench, fifty- 
fire blank pages and two inserted portraits of Lord Chan- 



cellor Clarendon Small 4to ij| inches by 65), old 
vellum (wants rebinding). S^ec. XVII. 

Uniquk original mani'Script, mostly in the autograph of the celebrated 
Edward Hyde, Lord Chancellor of England. Falher-in law of King James the 
Second, and author of the "History of the Rebellion.'' The first forty two 
pages and last f. urtcen are without peradventure in the handwriting of this dis- 
tinguished author and jurist. Most of these law cases do not appear in the 
English Law Reports. The volume belonged at one time to ** D, burgh, Earl 
of Clanricardc," and his heraldic book plate is inserted in the volume. 
^ John Evelyn writing to Samuel Pepys spoke as follows anent Lord Clarendon: 
" His lordship died in exile, and in ihc displeasure of his majesty, and others 
who envied his rise and fortune — "tarn breves Populi Romani amores. ' But 
I shall say no more of his ministry and what was the pretence of his fall, than 
that we have lived to see great revolutions. The buffoons, p irasites. pimps and 
concubines » ho supplanted him at Court came to nothing not long after and were 
as little pitied. 'Tis something yet too early to publish the names of his 
delators for fear of one's teeth. Hut time will speak truth, and sure 1 am the 
event has made it good. Things were infinitely worse managed since his 


178 ittS. — MAGNA CHARTA. A very remarkable manuscript, 
consisting of one hundred and forty- five leaves ( 290 pages) of 
Anglo-Norman Gothic script, with eight illuminated capitals 
in gold and colors, thirty capitals in colors finished with ink 
scroll work, and numerous smaller colored capitals throughout 
the text. Minimo (over inches by 2%), purple morocco, 
blind tooled beveled sides, gilt edges. Sjec. XIII. 

UNIQUE original MANt.'SCRIlT on vellum, and of very ancient date, having 
been written in the same century that King John and the Barons signed Magna 
Charta at Runnymeade. 

Outside of its legal and historical character, this manuscript is of extreme 
interest from a paleographical standpoint, as we have here script and illumina- 
tions over six hundred years old! 

The initial letters are of great beauty, considering the period in which they 
were executed. In one is a coat of arms— " azure, an eagle displayed argent. 
In another is a shield charged with " a lion rampant," and in various portions 
of the volume are marginalia. At the end is a contemporaneous index of the 
various chapters or sections of Magna Charta, and following are pages in very 
early, but not as well written script. 

This historic nugget of literature and jurisprudence is most probably one of 
those copies which was executed shortly after the signing of the famous charter 
and which was sent to the Cathedra] Churches of England with the order that it 
be read publicly twite a year. The Lincoln Cathedral copy, which was executed 
about the same date as this codex, is in sheets; but this is as described in book 
form. The Lincoln copy is regarded as the most accurate and complete, having 
the solemn ratifications required by the barons both from Kings John and Henry 
III. The fac simile of it was engraved by the order of the Record Commission. 
The Great Charter and Charter of the 1'orests are printed with English trans- 
lations, and prefixed to the edition of the Statutes of the realm, also published 
by the Record Commissioners. The codex now for sale is simply the text and 
necessarily does not include the signatures which were affixed afterwards. 

This number is one of the most interesting historical manuscripts in this col- 



lection, representing as it does — "the basis of English liberties The 

oppressions and exactions of a tyrannical and dastardly sovereign called into 
existence a confederacy of the barons or tenants in-chief of the crown, who took 
up arms for the redress of their grievances. Their demand was lor the restora- 
tion of the laws of Henry I. ; laws which might probably be characterized as an 
engrafting of Norman feudalism on the ' ancient custom of England ' or pre- 
viously existing Saxon and Danish free institutions, in which * ancient custom 
were comprehended the laws of Edward the Confessor. . . . John signed and 
sealed the charter with great solemnity on June i, 1215. The great Charter 
reared up a barrier against the abuse of the royal prerogative by a series of pro- 
visions for the protection of the rights and obligations of the feudal proprietor, 
ft redressed a variety of grievances connected with feudal tenures, some of 
them now so long obsolete as to be with difficulty intelligible. The liberties of 
the cities of London and other towns, burghs and ports are declared inviolable. 
Freedom of commerce is guaranteed to foreign merchants. Justice is no lunger 
to be sold, denied or delayed. The Court of Common l J leas, instead of as 
formerly following the king's person in all his progresses, is to be permanently 
fixed at Westminster ; assizes are to be held in the several counties and annual 
circuits are established. Regulations are made for the efficiency of the inferior 
courts of justice. The protection of life, liberty and property from arbitrary 
spoliation is the most important feature of the charter. ' No freeman shall be 
taken or imprisoned, or be disseised of his freehold or liberties, or free cus- 
toms, or otherwise be damaged, nor will we pass upon him, nor send upon him, 
but by lawful judgment of his peers, or by the law of the land ' — a provision 
which recognized a popular tribunal as a check on the official judges and may be 
looked on as the foundation of the writ of Habeas Corpus. No one is to be 
condemned on rumors or suspicions, but only on the evidence of witnesses." 


of sixty-seven leaves (134 pages) of vellum, written in black 
and red Gothic script, with large illuminated capital at the 
commencement and oilier initial letters in colors. Small 4to 
(7-J inches by 5I), bound in old oak boards, covered with 
original stamped leather, rebacked (hinges broken), brass 
clasps. S^c. XV. 

Unique original vellum manuscript of the Fifteenth century and of 
English caligraphy in Latin, The colophon reads — " Expliciut omelie Effrem 
dyaconi edissene ecclie Anno dm. Mo. CCCo. Ixi. octii Epve." A few leaves 
are holed, stained or mended. 

Ephraim the Syrian, the eminent ecclesiastical writer, flourished in the fourth 
century. He adopted the conventual life at an early age and devoted the whole 
of his existence to the literary work which gives him so distinguished a place 
among the early patrologists. He was one of the most bitter enemies of 
Arianism and carried on a continuous warfare with both voice and pen against 
it. He was considered a prophet during his lifetime. " His sermons or homilies 
and treatises are of an exegetic, dogmatic and ascetic nature. Photius records 
that he wrote more than a thousand such sermons; Sozomenos speaks of ' 300 
myriads.' . . . Both the praise and the blame which have been indiscriminately 
bestowed upon him as a writer are exaggerated. His chief merit lies in the 
glowing fervor and the deep piety which he infused into all he wrote, more par- 
ticularly into his clegaic hymns. Diction and form are poetical throughout, and 
when not soaring into the infinite, of no mean beauty. The effect is heightened 
by the matchless simplicity and awing grandeur of theSyriac idiom." 





written in Italic script and in Latin on two hundred and 
eighty-eight leaves (576 pages) of pure vellum, seven blank 
leaves, with handsome Renaissance illuminated letters on title, 
with border ingold and colors, and numerous capitals in color 
throughout the volume. Small 410 (io| inches by 4}f ), bound 
in original old oak boards, covered with stamped leather. 

Sjec. XV. 

, Unique original manuscript, written in red and black on vellum, with 
same marginalia, a leaf holed and one cut, but otherwise in admirable and clean 
condition. The manuscript is dated 1464 and is dedicated: — "Ad gloriosum 
et illustre comitum urbini montis, feretri, durantisque, domimis federicus." At 
the end is a copy of the Sanction given by the Roman Curia, ending as follows : 
— " Dat. Ancon anno incarnationis dmis. millio cccc sexagesio quarto K.1. Augi. 
ponlificatus uri. anno sexto G. D. Piccolomini de Curia." This Piccolomini 
would probably be some relative of /Eneas Silvius Piccolomini. Pope Pius II., 
during whose pontificate the MS. was written and whose name appears in the 
preface below the dedication. 



DE VOLTAIRE, elegantly written on fifty-eight leaves (116 
pages) of fine paper, with eight blank pages. 410 (8jj inches 
by 6;), bound in smooth crimson morocco gilt, rims and 
inside borders tooled in gold and gilt edges. 

Svtc. XVIII. 

Unique original manuscript of great rarity and being a manuscript 
written entirely in the handwriting of Voltaire. This fact is also corroborated 
by the celebrated French bibliopolist Fontaine. Facing the first page of the 
MS. is the following note : — " Cet ouvrage est de M. de Voltaire. Une lettre 
dc M. Voltaire a M. de Cidiville Consr. du Pari, du Rouen prouve que M. de 
Voltaire a cent de sa main le Manuscrit de la Vic de Moliere. M. de Cidevillc 
s'etonnert du soin qu'il y avaie mis et de la beaute de la copie. M. de Voltaire 
lui en fit cadeau. Ce manuscrit a la mort de M. de Ciddiville a ete recueilli par 
M. Dornay son confrere, prete par M. Dornay a M. Noel qui m'en a fait 
1'homage tandis que J'etatis tresor de Rouen." 

Hallam writes of Moliere : — " In the more appropriate merits of comedy, in 
just and forcible delineation of character, skillful contrivance of circumstances 
and humorous dialogue, we must award him the prire. . . . Shakespeare had 
the greater genius, but perhaps Moliere has Written the best comedies. ' 

Lord Brougham, in his " Lives of Men of Letters and Science," thus speaks 
of Molicre's biographer, whose very hand wrote the beautiful script of the above 
number : — " The homage of every class and of every rank was tendered to him; 
and it seemed as if one universal feeling prevailed — the desire of having it here- 
after to say, ' I saw Voltaire.' His carnage was drawn by the populace, who 
were inspired with ihe wildest enthusiasm. At the theatre his bust was crowned 
with laurels and garlands of roses, amid the shouts and tears of the audience. 
He exclaimed, ' Vou will make me die with pleasure; you will stifle me with 
roses.' " 

7 6 



CONFESSIONES, consisting of one hundred and twenty- 
nine haves (258 pages) of carefully written Gothic script in 
black and red and in Latin on excellent vellum, with an illu- 
minated capital in gold and colors, thirteen large capitals in 
colors, two on the first page with full border, and the rest 
with borders at the sides. Thick 4to (8J inches by 6^), 
fine old stamped calf on original wooden sides, beveled 
sides with rounded corners, brass clasps. Site. XV. 

Unique original vellum manuscript, with two columns to the page and 
on white vellum. There are some marginalia. A few leaves are holed and 
mended and one capital is rubbed slightly. 

The influence of St. Augustine's literary labors has been felt for over 1500 
years, lie compacted the truths of the Christian religion into a system, with a 
logic, the severity of which is relieved by the glow of his eloquence and the fer- 
vor of his piety. His ''Confessions " arc as much read to-day as they were in 
medievalism, and both Protestants and Catholics unite in honoring this wonder- 
ful book, of whose author Villemain says : — "Of all the Fathers of the Latin 
Church, St. Augustine manifested the most imagination in theology, the most 
eloquence, and even sensibility in scholasticism. 


consisting of four hundred and two leaves {804 pages) of red 
and black Gothic script, with three illuminated miniatures 
within capitals and with page borders, two large colored capi- 
tals with colored borders, thirteen hundred and sixty- five 
capitals with red and violet ink pen scroll work, and thou- 
sands of other capitals with pen colored scroll work. Thick 
4to {io| inches by 7}), bound in red plush, with leather 
joints. Site. XV. 

Uniquk original manuscript of early Fifteenth century Italian execution, 
and measuring fully three inches in thickness. This grand Latin missal is a 
splendid specimen, and the vellum is of superior quality. The text is written in 
a clear, bold hand, and is rubricated throughout. The thousands upon thou- 
sands of initials arc most admirably drawn, and the scroll work which decorates 
them exhibits the best characteristics of the illuminational school of Lombardy. 
The opening page following the calendar has the sacred letter^ "J. II. S." in 
black and gold. A large initial letter has within it a figure of our Savior show- 
ing the stigmata and holding a torch downwards. At the bottom of the page 
is a heraldic shield— " on a chief or an eagle displayed sable in base azure two 
crossed jambes. or." the last named being finished at the top with a three-quar- 
ter cross. The whole pige is >urrounded by a bold (iothic border in gold and 
colors, and on the right hand side is a kneeling tonsured ecclesiastic holding in 
his hand a berelta. lie is habited in black and is overshadowed by a tree in 
blossom. On folio CCVII. are two other initial letters with a border. The 
upper one, which is heightened with gold, depicts the Savior rising from the 
tomb. Me is in his grave clothes and shows the stigmata. One hand is in the 
attitude of benediction and the other holds a banner, displaying '■ argent, a 


cross gules." A very fine miniature of St. Bernard is on folio CCCXL. This 
is painted within the letter " D," heightened with gold. The Saint is in a white 
robe. His head is surrounded with a wide golden nimbus, and in one hand he 
holds a red covered chained book, and in the other a golden crozier. On the 
last blank page is written in a Seventeenth century hand a l,atin devotional 
hymn of eight lines. Two of the paintings are slightly rubbed. 


184 fttS.— FIRDUSI, SHAH NAM AH, consisting of six 
hundred and thirty leaves ( 1 260 pages) of paper in Persian 
characters and in four columns separated by crimson and 
green lines, with the headings written in red on gold, some of 
lozenge shape, with forty- five large paintings, some taking up 
a/most the entire page and illuminated in gold, iilrer and 
colors, and with four magnificent decorations above the various 
books of the " Epic" Thick folio (14J inches by S|), mo- 
rocco, in a loose Persian raw silk cover. 
Unique original manuscript of exceeding beauty and being an early 

codex of Firdusi, the Persian Homer's " Epic of Kings," and which has been 

popularized among English speaking peoples by the spirited translation of Helen 


The most noticeable features of this manuscript of the original text are the 
remarkably well executed miniatures depicting the events narrated in the poem 
and which in some respects remind one greatly of the miniature painiing of early 
European manuscripts— the gloss on the paper assisting the illusion of the gen- 
eral vellum appearance of the volume. The physiognomies of the personages 
of the Epic are wondrously executed and would greatly interest an admirer of 
Lavatcr. Tin- brilliant tints and the metal effects of the gold and silver used 
in these large paintings, which number forty-five, prove the incontestable value 
in the world of art of the Oriental illuminators. Curious as the pers|>eetive is of 
many, yet there is a snggestiveness and bold character in these paintings which 
show that Europe and Asia were not so very far apart a few centuric> ago in 
.-esthetics. Many inferior miniatures are to be found in monastic missals produced 
by the skill of the enthusiasts who labored in the " scriptoria " during the Middle 
Ages. Among these miniature;, may be noticed the following which give a gen- 
eral idea of the remainder of the subjects depicted: — " Kudabah gives Birth to 
Kustem "; " The Interference of the Simurgh *'; ' ' Slaying of the White Demon 
by the Hero Rustem "; " K'aus cherished by four ravens, his ascent to the sky 
and his pleasure thereat " ; *' Fight between Rustem and his Son"; "Recital 
of the Capture of the Khahau i Chin, Emperor of China, by the las-o of 
Rustem "; " Slaughter of the Simurgh by Isfandiyar at the fifth table "; " Cap- 
ture of the Khahau i Chin, Emperor of China"; and " Arrival of a Messenger 
from Sheroinh to Shirin, giving her the Tidings of the Death of Khrusru l'arvez 
her father." 

Nothing more beautiful in the domain of polychromatic decoration can be 
imagined than the glorious and beautiful headings to the varr 'us books of this 
manuscript. They partake of all the oriental splendor and glorious combinations 
of colors so familiar to those who are acquainted with the examples of Persian 
and Moresque ornamentation in gold and colors given by Racinet and Owen 
Jones in their works. The treatment of these four headings, all of which arc 
equally delightful, is somewhat different in the details and any one poring over 
this volume with their eyis reveling in the delights of these triumphs of the Per- 



sian illuminator's art, can almost picture mentally the whole romance of the 
Alhambra. the narrations of the "Arabian Nights ' ami the wonders of Moslem 
Persia, Egypt and Hindostan. 

The transcriber of this codex of the Shah Namah has written the following 
verses at the end of the manuscript, which have been thus translated: — 

" When I began (the transcription) of this (World) renowned poem, the earth 
became as it were filled with "language. Henceforth I reck not of my life, for 
I have accomplished the sowing of the seed of my speech. All that have dili- 
gence and wisdom and religion will repeat a rcquiescat over me after my death. 
A thousand, aye, and two thousand salutations from me to Mahommed upon whom 
be peace! All is ended and my worlt. my work is fulfilled! .... The 
fourth volume of the Book of the Shah Namah, composed by Firdusi (upon whom 
be peace), was completed at the command of the Emir of Emirs Shah Kinnat (?) 
(may rest be upon him!), by the hand of Babah Khalil Ullah on the eleventh 
day of the month Ramzau, the blessed in the year one thousand and two hundred 
and sixty." 

" The first of Persian poets, the Homer of his country, is Abdul Kasim Man- 
sur, called Kirdusi or ' l'aradise,' from the exquisite beauty of his compositions. 
He flourished in the reign of the Shah Mahmud, 940-1020 A. D. Mahmud 
commissioned him to write in his faultless verse a history of the monarchs of 
Persia, promising that for every thousand couplets he should receive a thousand 
pieces of gold. For thirty years he studied and labored on his epic poem, ' the 
Shah Namah ' or Book of Kings, and when it was completed he sent a copy of 
it, exquisitely written, to the Sultan who received it coldly, and treated the work 
of the aged poet with contempt. Disappointed at the ingratitude of the Shah , 
Firdusi wrote some satirical lines, which soon reached the ear of Mahmud. who, 
piqued and offended at the freedom of the poet, ordered sixty thousand small 
pieces of money to be sent to him, instead of the gold which he had promised. 
Firdusi was in the public bath when the money was given to him. and his rage 
and amazement exceeded all bounds when he found himself thus insulted. He 
distributed the paltry sum among the attendants of the bath and the slaves who 
brought it. 

" He soon after avenged himself by writing a satire, full of stinging invective, 
which he caused to be transmitted to the favorite Vizier who had instigated the 
Sultan against him. It was carefully sealed up, with directions that it should 
be read to Mahmud on some occasion when his mind was perturbed with affairs 
of state, and his temper ruffled, as it was a poem likely to afford him entertain- 
ment. Firdusi having thus prepared his vengeance, quitted the ungrateful 
court without leave-taking, and was at a safe distance when news reached him 
that his lines had fully answered their intended purpose. Mahmud had heard 
and trembled, and loo late discovered that he had ruined his own reputation for- 
ever. After the satire had been read by Shah Mahmud, the poet sought shelter 
in the court of the Caliph of Bagdad, in whose honor he added a thousand 
couplets to the poem of the Shah Namah, and who rewarded him with the sixty 
thousand gold pieces which had been withheld by Mahmud Meantime Firdusi's 
poem of Yussuf and his magnificent verses on several subjects, had received the 
fame they deserved. Shah Mahmud's late remorse awoke. Thinking by a tardy 
act of liberality to repair his former meanness, he dispatched to the author of 
1 Shah Namah ' the sixty thousand pieces he had promised, a robe of state, and 
many expressions of friendship and admiration, requesting his return and pro- 
fessing great sorrow for the past. But when the message arrived. Firdusi was 
dead, and his family devoted the whole sum to the benevolent purpose he had 
intended, the erection of public buildings and the general improvement of his 
native village, Tus. He died at the age of eighty. The 1 Shah Namah' con- 
tains the history of the Kings of Persia down to the death of the last of the 
Sassanide race, who was deprived of his kingdom by the invasion of the Arabs 
during the caliphat of Omar, 636 A. D. The language of Firdusi may be con- 
sidered as the purest specimen of the ancient Parsee. Arabic words arc seldom 
introduced. There arc many episodes in the ' Shah Namah ' of great beauty, 
and the power and elegance of its verse are unrivaled." — Botta. 




185 — MISS ALE ROMANUM, consisting of two hundred 
and forty-eight leaves (496 pages) of Latin text in black and 
red Gothic script on vellum, with six miniature capitals and 
page borders in colors, heightened with gold, thirteen illumi- 
nated capitals of varying sizes, all with borders, some full- 
page with minor capitals in red and blue, and numerous smaller 
initial letters throughout the text. Fat minimo (4^ inches 
by 3£), vellum. S*C. XV. 

Unique original vellum manuscript in good condition and bound in a 
leaf of an old office book. This is a very excellent specimen of Fifteenth cen- 
tury illuminational work of the German school. It originally belonged to a 
Franciscan conventual house, as on an end is the inscription "Ad T'P. : Fra- 
ciscan: I'faffcnhovij Bibliothec." 

The miniatures and borders throughout are very fine. The golden back- 
grounds are heavy and engraved, as is much of the work in gold on the borders. 
These illumine the conventional Gothic floriation in brilliant colors as also the 
carefully shaded work in the larger capitals. There is some MS. in a later hand 
on the last le;if. There are tabs to the margins of the fore edge and a leaf is 
holed. The miniatures represent: — I. "The Annunciation of the Virgin "; II. 
"St. Andrew"; III. "St. UdaJicus "; IV. "Mater Dolorosa Clinging to the 
Cross"; V. " St. Simpcrt, Bishop of Augsburg"; VI. "A Church" — from one 
of the windows of the steeple flies a flag charged — "argent a cross gules." 



CALENDARIO, consisting of one hundred and fifty-six 
leaves (3 1 2 pages) of vellum, written in black and red. 
Minimo (5 inches by 3<j), calf, gilt edges. S*C. XV. 

Uniquk original manuscript of the Fifteenth century and of German 
origin. It is bound in a very handsome Seventeenth century rcliure. The sides 
and back are one mass of gold tooling. Within an oval on one side of the centre 
of the volume is lettered in gold— " Roglet, 1611," and on the other "Tovs 


187 jtt& — BREVIARIUM ROMANUM, consisting of three 

hundred and twenty-sa'en leaves (654 pages) of thin 7'eltum, 
the text written in two columns in Gothic script and in black 
and red, with twenty-seven illuminated capitals with floriated 
borders, six of which are larger than the others, and numer- 
ous smaller red and blue initial letters throughout the text. 
Fat minimo (53 inches by 4*), half morocco gilt, edges 
gilt. S«C, XV. 

UNIQUE original manuscript on a superior quality of vellum. The illu- 
minated work is very charmingly executed and the illuminated initials are all 
heightened with gold, mostly diapered with gold. The borders are of the con- 



venlional Gothic floriated order and are jeweled in gold. A leaf is slightly cut 
on one of the margins. At the commencement is an inserted letter, which states 
that the Breviary: — 'seems fairly illuminated and is a clearly written Brev. 
after the style of the Roman Curia. It includes calendar, temporale. psalter, 
sanctorale. communis, litany, etc.. etc., and is so far complete," This was 
written to Mr. Toon, the well-known Knglish authority. 


iSS riegola del venerabele e sanctis- 

consis.i/ig of fifty-seven lan es (114 pages) -written in Mack 
Gothic script^ with rubrications, and one capital in red and 
blue with border, qiso some smaller initial letters throughout 
the text. Minimo (si inches by y}). original leather bind- 
ing on wooden boards, with brass bosses on each side and 
leather strap with catch and pin. Svec. XIV. 

Unique original manuscript of the Fourteenth century, neatly written in 
a clear, Gothic script. The first leaf and the four last are slightly wormed. The 
end at back is a portion of an early manuscript. This volume consists of the 
" Rules of the Order of St. Benedict " and was executed for the use of an 
Italian conventual house. St. Benedict composed these monastic rules in the 
year of our era 515. His aim was to repress the irregular and occasionally licen- 
tious life of nomadic monks, by introducing stricter discipline and order. The 
" Regula " eventually became the common rule of all western monachism. The 
Conventual houses which St Benedict founded were simply religious colleges, 
intended to develop a high spit itual character. By his injunction of copying 
manuscripts for the library, the Saint helped to preserve many of the literary 
remains of antiquity; for this mandate, which he gave only with regard to reli- 
gious books, was extended afterwards to many secular productions, 

St. Gregory the Great described his brother Saint as "scienter nesciens et 
sapienter indoctus," learnedly ignorant and wisely unlearned. 


189 $VlSb. — GEBET BUCH, consisting of ninety leaves (180. 

pages) of vellum, written in black and red German text, with 
seventy two other pages on paper, also in German. Minimo 
(5* inches by 4), old black morocco, red edges, with two 
brass clasps, S/EC. XVI. 

Unique original mani'Script, mostly on vellum. On the inside cover is 
pasted a painted miniature of the Madonna and Child. 




B VNTER WEISSUNG . . . geistlichen menschenzu 
pesskrung DES lebens. Consisting of two hundred and 
sixty leaves (5 20 pages) of old Gothic script in German and 
in red and black, with capitals in crimson, some with borders 
and numerous capitals in red throughout. Small 4to (6 \ 


inches by 4i), old stamped leather on wooden boards, re- 
backed. Si£C. XV. 

U.N10UE ORIGINAL MASUSCKUT written about the year 1450, and with the 
inserted book-plate of — " Georgius KIoss, M.D. Francofurti ad Moenum." 
TIil' fore-edge lias metal, vellum or leather tabs, and two pieces of manuscript 
have been inserted in the volume. There is a six-page index to the contents of 
the book, which consists of devotional readings from the writings of St. Bona- 
venture. John Gerson and others. The old German title commences— In 
this bookstand ntf many useful teachings for the instruction of spiritual men, 
for the bettering of life, ' etc. 


Large 4to (12.$ inches by 8|), limp vellum. Smc. XVI. 

(JMIQBI ORIGINAL manuscript on twenty pages of vellum. 

This imperial document is written in Gothic script, and is the original patent 
of nobility granted by the Emperor Charles the r'ifth to the noble Spanish 
family of Palacios. It is dated Valadolid, February 4th, 1531, and com- 
mences — " Don Carlos por la Diuena Clemencia Emperador sempe Angus y rey 
de Alamanna." It then gives the famous Emperor's numerous minor titles at 
great length — King of Castile, I^on and Arragon, of the Two Sicilies, of 
Jerusalem, Granada, Toledo, Gallicia, Mallorcas, Grand Duke of Austria, etc., 
etc., etc. On the first page of the text is a magnificent border illuminated in 
gold and colors, with the arms of the Emperor and Don Pedro Palacios, to whom 
these letters of nobility were granted. The borders are jeweled in imitation of 
set gems, are also decorated with flowers and foliage. At the base of the border 
are the arms of Palacios — "within a border gules charged with St. Andrew's 
crosses or, a shield quarterly — first and fourth barry of seven or and sable, 
second and third argent a tree proper." Above the shield, which has as sup- 
porters two lions rampant proper," with the motto " Ave Maria," and on the 
left hand corner of the page, is a large initial letter " D" within which are the 
arms of the Emperor. It consists of a shield of fifteen quarterings, in the 
centre of which is an impaled escutcheon of pretence. 

Charles the Fifth's arms are placed upon the breast of — "a double-headed 
imperial eagle sable," over which is an imperial crown. There are three other 
illuminated capitals in the text, as well as an illuminated label twice repeated, 
in which is the word—" Palahios." Every page is attested by a notarial mono- 
gram. There are many signatures, among them being those of Rybadnerra and 
Padilla. At the end arc two pages of MS. in a later hand. The volume is 
bound together by a parti-colored silk cord and tassels. 

MAXIMES CHOISIES, consisting of four hundred and 
forty-eight pages, written in a fine hand, with the titles and 
tables of contents rubricated. 4to (8± inches by 6J), calf, 
gilt. S*C. XVIII. 

Unique original French manuscript, with inserted engraving by 
Fdelinck, after De Champagne. The volume is alphabetically arranged, and 

6 - 


among the subjects we find — Love, Beauty, Crime, Curiosity, Duels, Women, 
Play, Libertinnge, Marriage, the Passions, Chicanery, Religion, etc. The 
collection consists of many short sentences under the different subjects, as well 
as longer original paragraphs, or from such authors as La Rochefoucauld, 
Machiavelli and that ilk. 


ERINO, granted June 17, 1750. Small 8vo {\~ t % inches 
by 5 J), sewed paper. S^ec. XVIII. 

Unique original Eighteenth century manuscript of eight pages, 
written in Roman characters. It has the signatures of the officials of the 
University of Camerino. which was founded by Benedict XIII. in 1727. The 
text is partially illuminated in gold and at the commencement of the diploma, is 
the coat of arms of the University within a floriated border and below a crown. 
The shield is an heraldic terror andean be described as — "the sky and sea 
charged in chief with the sun in its glory, in the centre a double-headed tower 
on which is a flaming heart, in the base three bee-hives from the top of two 
of which spring palm branches." The opening letter is "C" which is 
given an illuminated appearance by the addition of a colored woodcut. The 
exterior cover is red and gold and the end papers are green, white and gold. 
On the last page is the seal of the University of Camerino. 



eighty-one numbered pages in black and red bold Roman 
letter, with two large illuminated coats 0/ arms, seven vignettes 
representing the seven deadly sins, seven illuminated capitals 
in gold and colors and other capitals in red. Small 4to 
(7& inches by 6), old calf gilt, sprinkled edges. 


Unique original manuscript and very charmingly executed with heraldic 
illustrations and other delightful original designs. The title-page represents a 
triumphal arch, on the top of which are numerous instruments of war. Krom 
these proceed two banners, one with the royal lilies of lrance and the other 
with a cross. Between them is a coronet charged with seven balls and below 
are emblazoned la color and metals the arms of Keydeau of Bron, lutein taut of 
Montaubon, in [dSb, and of his wife Marie Anne Voisin, grand daughter of 
Ch. Voisin, Keeper of the Seals. The arms of the first named are " azure, a 
patriarchal cross between two mullets in chief and a crescent moon in base all 
argent," and of Voisin " azure a chevron or between three palmer's shells of 
the same." The second leaf is a large device in colors in which a coronet is re- 


prated above a monogram below two palm branches, the whole on an oval in 
centre of ornamentation composed of flowers, birds, heads, etc. The seven 
deadly sins are depicted by emblematical female figures in the centre of tinted 
donation. The illuminated capital letters are excellently finished. They are 
all in gold, some with a colored miniature below them, one being an union of the 
charges on both shields, another of "a lion rampant," and still another of St. 


CENTURIES: Registered public and private acts, ad- 
ministrative reports, original decrees, and various judicial, 
ecclesiastical and civil papers. The larger number of 
these are original, stamped, sealed and signed documents, 
many relating to historical personages of the highest 
importance— others give genealogical and legal informa- 
tion of the greatest value, particularly the marriage settle- 
ments of Noble Mexican families, etc., and will be found in 
this collection, which formerly was a portion of the archives 
of the Holy Inquisition of Mexico. 

(A very large bundle, containing hundreds of documents 
Bad thousands of pages of MSS.) 

UNIQUE, and of the greatest historical value. Many are illustrated and 
contain original drawings and plans. This large collection might have been 
advantageously broken up, but it was deemed desirable to keep it together as 
an unit in the hope that it would be purchased and preserved by some American 
Historical Society or l'ublic I.ibrnry. 


t 9 6 piS.- OSORIO (1.. de S. ). Auto de Real Visita 
hecha por DON LOPE DE OSORIO en el Pueblo de 
Chiapa de la Real Corona a Favor de los Indios de dicha 
Comunidad, fecho en Guatemala a 24 de Junio de 1665. 
Large 4to, half sheep. S*:c. XVII. 

Unique manuscript, on officially stamped paper, of the 17th century. 
This original document contains curious details about the Chiapa Indians of 
that period. The writer narrates their complaints against the extraordinary 
persecutions which the Spanish authorities imposed upon them. 

From the Urasseur de Bourbourg and Pinart Libraries. 




ciones en Ydioma Tzotzil de Cinacantlan. 4to, half roan. 

$m6. xvii. 

Unique original manuscript of 14 leaves. It is an abridged grammar 
of the " Tzotzil" language of Cinacantlan, Mexico, and formerly belonged to 
Brasseur de Bourbourg and Alph. Pinart. 


198 JH.S.— MONTESINOS (El Lie. Don Fernando). Me- 

morias Antiguas Historiales dai. Peru, Seguidas de 
los Anales del mismo Reyno, Sacadas que Fueron del 
Archivo dela Real Academia de Historia de Madrid. 
Folio, half morocco. S.cc. XIX. 

Unique manuscript. A faithful copy made by two pupils of the School 
of Charts, of Madrid, for M. Brasseur de Hourbourg, from the original in that 
city. The two parts are in one volume. Collation : title, ten pages of " Unas 
cartas relativas al I.icenciado Don Fernando Montesinos noticia biogratica y 
sumario de capitulos," 1st part 230 pp. ; 2 part, 359 pp. 

Montesinos was a native of Ossuna, in Spain. He twice went to Peru as 
Royal Visitor, and resided there nearly lifteen years, traveling all over the 
country. Father Rodriguez, in his " Histoire du Maragnon," describes 
Montesinos as " Hisioriador Dilligentisimo " adding that no one had a better 
knowledge of Peruvian antiquities. In the first part of his work "Memorias 
Antiguas" Montesinos begins the history of Peru four thousand years before our 
era, and carries it down to the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus. 
The second part, the "Anales," contains the history of Peru from the year 
■493 to 1546. As to the treatise relating to Ophir, which Pinelo attributes to 
him with the date of 1530, that composes the first book of "Memorias 

This valuable MSS, has the library book-plates inserted of Brasseur de 
Bourbourg and Alph. Pinart. 



lection of one hundred and ninety original sketches illustrat- 
ing the ornithology of the orientals, beautifully drawn and 
most accurately painted in water colors, 2 vols, thick large 
folio; also — MANUSCRIPT LIST of the same in Latin 
and English, small 8vo. Together three volumes, hand- 


somely bound in crushed red levant morocco extra, beveled 
sides, inside gold borders, gilt edges. S.tc. XIX. 

UNIQUE ORIGINAL drawings, with manuscript index. These most delight- 
fully painted sketches were formerly in the collection of the famous bibliophile 
Mr. J. H. Gurney, who wrote the manuscript index above referred to. The 
following species or birds are included: 

1. " Accipiter badius," Dussumieri; 2. " Tinnanculus alaudarius," Kestril I; 
3. " Elanus melanopterus "; 4. " Accipiter Subbateo "; 5. " Accipiter Badius ; 
6. "Tinnunculus Alaudarius." Female Kestril; 7 and 8(?); 9. " Spizaetus 
Cristatellus"; IO. " Haluetus Macei ": II, " Pernis Apivorus' ; 12, "Tin- 
nunculus Cenchris," male; 13. "Tinnunculus Alaudarius," Male Kestril; 14. 
"Pandion Haliaetus " ; 15. " Cacatua Moluccensis," Greater Red-Crested 
Cockatoo; 16. " Trichoglossus Swainsonii." Swainson's Parrakeet; 17. " Pal.x'- 
arnis"; 18. " Palicornis Torquatus," Ringed Parrakeet; iq. " Pala?ornis Tor- 
quatis," variety; 20. " Eclectus Linnsei," Great Lory of the Phillipine Islands; 
21. " Eos Rubra," Molucca Lory; 22. " Palcornis Alexandria' Alexandrian 
Parrakeet; 23. " Trogon Fasciatus," variety; 24. " Trogon Fasciatus," variety; 
25. " Electus Polychlorus "(?); 26. " Platycerus Scapularus," Tabuan Parrot; 
27. " Strix Flammea." Harn Owl; 28. " Otus Brachyotus." Short- Eared Owl; 
29. " Athene Scutulata "; 30. " Ketupa Ceylonensis '; 31. " Merops Viridis." 
Green Bee- Eater; 32. " Malacocercus Malcolmi," Malcolm's Soft-Tailed Thrush; 
33. •'Gracula." species; 34(?); 35. " Sturnus." Albine variety: 36. " Lanius 
Nigriceps." Black-headed Shrike; 37- " Ruticilla Leucoccphala," lower figure, 
upper figure perhaps the female of same; 38. " Lanius Krythronotus."^ Male 
Rufous-backed Butcher Bird; 39- " Lanius Erythronotus," female; 40. " Nil- 
tava." species; 41. " Philornis Hardwickii"; 42- " Gracula," species; 43. 
" Timalia Pileata"; 44. " Cryptolopha Cineres-Capilla " ; 44. \ Dic-cum," 
species; 46. " Nectarinia," species; 47- " Carpadacus." upper figure female, 
lower male; 48. " Acridothcres Cristatellus"; 49- "Pitta Llcgans, ' l.lcgani 
Ground Thrush: 50. (?); 51. " Rhipidura." species Broad-Tailed Hy-catcher; 
52 "Copsychus Saularis," upper figure. Dial Bird. " Rhipidura Fuscoventns. 
lower figure; 53. " Nemura. Blue Red Start; 54. " Phamicornis, species, 
female; c; 5 . Sturnopastor " ; 56. "Merops Phillipinus." Phillipine Bee-Eater; 
57. (?); 58. "Paradisea Apoda," Great Bird of Paradise; 59. " Tanpptera 
Dea," Long-Tailed Kingfisher; 60. " Sturnia Pagodanim," Pagodah Bird; 61. 
" Ploccus, Baya Bird; 62. " Amadina Punctularia," White-Spotted Red Finch: 
63. " Iora Tiphia"; 64- " Cissa Venatoria," Hunting Jay; 65. " Dicrarus Hot- 
tentottus," Chrishna Crow-Shrike; 66." Dicururs Hottcntottus," Chrishna Crow- 
Shrike; 67. "Lanius Canicieps." Grey-lleaded Butcher Bird; 68. "Coracias 
N-.evia," Streaked Roller: 69, " Corvus Splendens ": 70. " Oxylophus," species; 
71. " Oxylophus Melanolencos," Black and White Crested Cuckoo; 72. " Cucu- 
lus Canoroides." Indian Cuckoo; 73. "Baza Lophotes "; 74. " Eurylaimus 
nasutus," Great-Billed Tody; 75- " Acridotheres, " species; 76. " Picus Ben- 
galensis," Bengal Woodpecker; 77. " Picus Bengalensis," Bengal Woodpecker; 
78. " Picus," species, young; 79. " Halcyon Smyrnensis," Smyrna Kingfisher; 
80. " Sturnus Vulgaris," Starling; 81. " Merops Iavenicus.' Javanese Bee- 
Kater; S2. "Gracula." species; 83. " Megalaimus Asiaticu," Asiatic Barbet; 
84. " Turnix Maculosus. Crescent Quail ; 85. " Coturnix Argoondah " (T), Rock 
Quail; 86. "Pcrdix Chukar," Chukar Partridge; 87. " Ptcrocles Fasciatus/] 
variety; 88. " Pterocles Fasciatus." Banded Sand Grouse; 89. " Columba." 
species: 90- "Treron St. Thomx," St. Thomas Pigeon; 91. "Treron St. 
Thome." St. Thomas' Pigeon ; 92. " Euplocomus Horsfieldii " (?) ; 93. " Calae- 
nas Nocobarica." the Nicobar Pigeon; 94. " Coturnix," species; 95. " Cryp- 
tonyx Coronatus," Crested Rouloul; 96. "Suppositious Bird": 97. Species 
allied to " Phasianus Reevcsii" ; 98. " Menuera Superba," Australian Lyre- 
Bird; 99. " Malurus Cyaneus." the Superb Warbler; 100. " Fringilla Spinus "(?), 
The Siskin; 101. " Bykha n Bengalensis,"' Short Winged Painted Snipe; 102. 


" Euplocomus Vieillati " (?), Vieillet's Fire-backed Pheasant; 103. " Cursarius 
Coromandelicus." Coromandel Courser; 104. " Cypsclus Affinis," Allied Swift; 
105. " Picus." species; too. " Picus Badius," Indian Rufous Woodpecker; 107^ 
" Malacocercus, Soft-Tailed Thrush; 10S. " Parra Hydrophasianus Sinensis," 
Chinese Iacana; log. "Sterna Caspica " (?), Caspian Tem(?); no. " Ardeola 
I.eucoptera," Malacca Heron; lit. " Grits Antigone," Indian Crane; 112. 
" Herodias," species, Egret; 113. " Ardea Cinerea,' variety of Common Heron; 
114. " Ardeola." species; 115. Mussoorah Pheasant, a species known only from 
drawing; 116. " Pelecanus Onocrotalus " White Pelican; 117. " Sphenorhynchus 
Bucephalus. " Violet Stork; 118. "Ardeola Russata"; 119. " Ardetta Flavi- 
collis ' (?). Yellow-Necked Little Bittern; 120. "Ardeola Leucoptera," variety 
of .Malacca Heron; 121. "Herodias," species. Great Egret; 122. " Falcinellis 
Igneus," Glossy Ibis; 123. " Numcnius Arquata," Common Curlew; 124. 
"Otis Bengalensis." Indian Bustard; 125. " Euplocomus Vieilloti," Vieillot's 
Fire-Backed Pheasant; 120. " Phoenicopterous Antoiquorum," Flamingo; 127. 
" Fulica Atra," variety of Coot; 128. " Sarciaphonis bilobus," Bilobate Plover; 
129. *' Leptoptilos Argala," Adjutant or Gigantic Crane; 130. " Himantophtis 
Menalopterus," Long lagged Plover; Ml. " Fuligula," species; 132. " Himan- 
tophus Melanopterus," Long-Legged Plover; 133. " Platalea," made up figure 
of Spoonbill; 134 " Phajnicopterus Antiquorum," Flamengo; 135. "Ardeola 
Rissata," variety; 136. " Himantopus Candidus." Long Legged Plover; 137. 
" Totanus"; 138. " Ardea Purpurea," Crested Purple Heron; 139. " Otis Ben- 
galensis," Indian Bustard, male; 140. " Buceros Panayensis "(?), Panayan Horn- 
bill; 141. "Otis Bcngalensis "(?), Indian Bustard, female; 142. " Lcptoptilus 
Javanicus "(?), Adjutant of Java; 143. " Limosa," species of God wit; 144. 
'"Grust," species of Crane; 145. ' Syphotides Auritus," Passarage Bustard; 
146. " Lobivanellus Goensis," Goa Sandpiper; 147. " Leptosomus "(?), Cuckoo; 
148. " Centropus Phillipensis." Red Winged Cuckoo or Coucal ; 149. " Peri; 
crocotus Speciosus; 150. "Picus," species of Woodpecker; 151. " Sterna, jj 
species of Tern; 152. " Turtur," species of Turtledove: 153. " Columba,^ 
variety; 1 54. " Cryptonyx Coronalus." Crested Rouloul; 155. "Pea Hen/| 
Hybrid, with maimed feet; 156. " Gallinula Chloropus "; 157. " Francollinus, ' 
species allied to F. Pictus; 158- " Mirafra," species Thick-Billed Lark; 159. 
'■ Alanda"; 160. " Tchitrea Paradisea," Paradise Fly Catcher; 161. "Gracula"; 
[62. " Acrocephalus Dumetorum; 163. " Pterocles Exustus," Singed Sand 
llrouse; 164. " Phasianus Wallichii," Wallich's Pheasant; 165. " Satyra Cor- 
nuta," Tragopan or Horned Pheasant; if)6. " Thaumelea I'icta," Painted 
Pheasant; 167. " Phasianus Torquatus." Kinged Pheasant; 168. " Argus Gigan- 
teos," Argus Pheasant; 169. " Polyplectron Bicakaratum," Iris Peacock; 170. 
•' Pavo Javanicus," Javanese Peacock; 171. " Lophophorus lmpeyanus." Monaul 
or Impcyan Pheasant; 172. "Euplocomus Vieillotti," Viellot's Fire- Backed 
Pheasant; 173. " Euplocomus Lineatus," Lineated Pheasant; 174. " Euplocomus 
Lineatus." I.ineated Pheasant; 175- " Euplocomus Vieilloti," variety of Vieillot's 
Kire-Backed Pheasant; 176. " Lophyrus Coronatus," Great Crested Pigeon; 177. 
" Threskiornis Melanocephalus," Black Headed Ibis; 178. " Tantalus," species; 
179. " Larus," species of Gull; 180. " Larus." species of Gull; 181. " Plotus 
Melanogastor," Black-bellied Darter; 182. " Otis. " species not described; 183. 
" Catasarka Rutila." Ruddy Goose; 184. " Dendrocitta Vagabunda," Indian 
Magpie; 185. " Cairina Moschata," variety of Muscovy Duck, white; 186. 
"Buceros Cingitanus," variety; 187. "Buceros Convexus," Convex Hornbill; 
1S8. " Halcyon Leucoccphalus," Grey Headed Kingfisher; 189. " Ardeola Leu- 
coptera"; 190. " Lophyrus Coronatus, " Crested Pigeon. 


as regards the Accuracy of their Drawing, or the Beauty and Correct- 
ness of Til kir Coloring ; to say nothing of the scientific and interesting char- 
acter of the Descriptions. 

one which from their commencement brought them into high popularity — and 
one which will ever secure for them the favor of all classes, whether scientific 
or not — is the unequalled skill displayed in the Attitudes, Groupings, Move- 
ments and Accessories of the Birds. In these animated pictures we indeed 
look upon them "in their habits as they lived" — seeing not one. but in most 
cases both the Male and Female in various attitudes, sometimes sitting, 
sometimes on the wing ; as well as the Trees which form their homes, and the 
Plants, Flowers and Insects upon which they feed. In the Work on 
" Humming Birds," the number and variety of the Orchids introduced are 
additional attractions. 

URAL HISTORY, 1. f..:— 

I. — GOULD. A Monograph of thf. Odontophorir*, 
or Partridges of America (with Copious Descriptions). 
Illustrated with 32 plates, colored by hand. 

London, published by the Author, 1850 
Dedicated to Prince Charles Lucien Bonaparte. Published at j£S 8s. un- 
bound. Sotheran's present price for the above in half morocco is £\o 10s., 
;'. $52.50. 

" This.'' says Mr. GOULD, " the result of twenty years' investigation of the 



subject, is perhaps the most perfect as well as the most important of the Au- 
thor's Ornithological Monographs." 

He further says : ' ' The interest which attaches to this work is threefold. 
First, it displays, even to the most unpracticed eye, the broad distinction which 
subsists between the Partridges of America and those of Europe ; secondly, 
the species are all remarkable for the elegance of their forms and for the chaste 
beauty of their coloring ; and thirdly, at no distant date these birds will be 
regarded in America, as our partridges in Europe are, as game, and perhaps 
preserved by law — their flesh being as delicate for the table as that of our ordi- 
nary bird, from which, however, they differ considerably in the structure of the 
beak, and in general habits and economy." 

With regard to the COLORING of the plates, some have supposed that it has 
been produced by a mechanical process or by chromo-lithography. So far from 
this being the case, every sky, with its varied tints, and every feather of each 
bird, has been colored under the most careful superintendence, by hand. 
The artists and colorers employed by Mr. Gould worked under the immediate 
direction of Mr. W. Hart, the celebrated English water colorist and painter of 
birds, who has also supervised the volume recently completed and issued for the 
first time in 1887. 

It is well to call attention here to the fact that upon the death of the late 
John Gould, the whole of the copyrights and stock of his published works, the 
copyrights and manuscripts of his unpublished works, his correspondence, etc., 
etc., were purchased by Henry Sotheran and Co., of London and Manchester, 
for some £60,000, I, t., $300,000. Their price in London for a set of thirty- 
seven volumes of Gould's works (exclusive of the " Hirds of New Guinea and 
the Papuan Islands," hve volumes, and " Supplement to the Humming liirds") 
is £1,000, 1. e., $5,000. This docs not include the U. S. duty of 25 per cent, 
on those volumes which have been published within the last twenty years. Such 
a set includes : — " Hirds of Europe," with 449 colored plates, 5 volumes ; 
" Birds of Australia," with the " Supplement," 681 colored plates, 8 volumes ; 
" Mammals of Australia," with 180 colored plates, 3 volumes ; " A Century of 
Birds from the Himalayan Mountains," with 80 colored plates, I volume ; 
"Birds of Great Britain," with 367 colored plates, 5 volumes : " Trochilida;, 
or Humming Birds," with 360 colored plates, 5 volumes ; " Kamphastida.*, or 
Family of Toucons," with 52 colored plates, 1 volume; " Trogonida.', or Family 
of Trogons," with 50 colored plates, 1 volume; " Odontophorina;, or Par- 
tridges of America," with 32 colored plates, I volume; " Birds of Asia," with 
nearly 500 colored plates, 7 volumes. These are published in unison with each 
other, in imperial folio size, with the plates and descriptions in the same style, so 
as to form in themselves a regular series. The publishers have lately stated that 
very few copies of any of Mr. Gould's earlier works remain for sale, and that 
they cannot be reproduced. 

II. GOULD. A Monograph of the Ramphastim:, or 
Family of Toucans (with Copious Descriptions). Illus- 
trated with 51 plates, COLORED by hand. 

London, published by the Author, 1854 

Second and enlarged edition, with all the plates re-drawn. Dedicated to 
Professor Teniminck, of Leyden. Sotheran's present price for the above in 
half morocco is £12 12s., i, t., $63. 

The Toucans form a most curious and interesting group of American birds, 
and Mr. Gould has illustrated the different species in his usual splendid manner. 
When we mention that all the plates were executed by his late wife, we need 
add nothing to recommend them. 

" An edition of this work," says the author, " was published in 1834; but the 
extensive researches since carried on among the great Andean ranges of South 
America having led to the discovery of many additional and beautiful species 



belonging to this extraordinary group of birds, a revision of the work not only 
became necessary, but an entirely new edition was deemed imperative; and 
accordingly one. with the whole of the former plates re-drawn, was pub- 

The Toucans (family A'amphastida) constitute a group of birds confined to 
the tropical portions of America. They are at once to be distinguished by the 
enormous size of their bills, by the feathered character of their long and slender 
tongue, by the parrot-like arrangement of the toes (covered with broad plates), 
which are formed as close graspers; by a broad naked space around the eye, 
and by the richness and strong contrasts of the coloring of their plumage. 

III. GOULD. A Monograph of the Trogonid* or 
Family of Trogons (with Copious Descriptions). Illus- 
trated until 47 plates, colored by hand. 

London, published by the Author, 1875 

Second and enlarged edition, dedicated to the Duke of Argyll. Solheran's 
present price in London for the above in half morocco is £12 I2S., L t., 
which does not include the U. S. duty of twenty-five per cent. 

Mr. Could has illustrated this work in the most beautiful manner, giving 
examples of the male and female of each species of the .natural size, each 
bird being exhibited in the full display of its gorgeous coloring. Anent this sec- 
ond edition Mr. Could wrote: — 

"The same reasons which induced the author to publish a new edition of the 
Monograph of the Ramphastida; also rendered another edition of this Mono- 
graph desirable; accordingly the present one has been prepared, comprising all 
the New Species, and information acquired respecting this family of birdsduring 
the last twenty-five years." 

" The Trogons may dispute the palm of beauty with the Humming Birds. 
Their plumage in certain parts shines with metallic brilliancy, and exhibits all 
the colors of the rainbow. —GRIFFITH'S Edition of Cuvier. 

IV. GOULD. A Monograph of the Trochilid^, or 
Humming Birds (with Copious Descriptions). Illustrated 
with 360 plates, colored by hand; and comprising about 
1 ,000 representations of those charming birds. 5 vols. 

London, published by the Author, 1S61 

Published at £,7%. 15s., unbound, i. <., nearly $395. Rev. II. \V. Beecher's 
copy sold a few weeks ago in New York for over $600. 

This is undoubtedly the most universally attractive of all Mr. Gould's publi- 
cations. He himself thus speaks of it: " Having from an early period devoted 
myself to the study of these beautiful birds, and acquired a most valuable and 
extensive collection of a group peculiar to America and its adjacent islands, I 
determined upon publishing a monograph of a family unequalled for the gor- 
geous and ever-changing brilliancy of their hues, the variety of their form, the 
singularity of their habits, and the extent of their territorial distribution." 

" Altogether we consider this publication to be Mr. Gould's magnum opus; 
and we strongly recommend all who can afford the cost to possess themselves of 
the work." — C. R. W. (in Fritters Magazine). 

" As winged gems of unsurpassed glory do humming birds claim our admira- 
tion. On them the great Creator has bestowed the gift of rare and wondrous 
beauty, clothing them in colors that can only be rivalled by Emeralds and 
Rubies, Topazes and Sapphires." — Fraser's Magazine. 

V. GOULD. Supplement to a Monograph of the 
Trochilid.*, or Family of Humming Birds, by JOHN 
GOULD, F.R.S. Completed after the Author's 


Death by R. BOWDLER SHARPE, F.L.S., ktc, 
Zoological Department, British Museum. Illustrated 
with 59 plates, colored by hand. 

London, Henry Sotheran &■* Co., 1887. 

Published at ^£"15.1 5s. , unbound in 5 parts as issued, i. <•., $73-75, exclusive 
of 25 per cent. U . S. duty. 

Mr. R. Bowdler Sharpe, the erudite editor of this volume, states in his 
preface: — 

" It fell to my lot, on Mr. Gould's death, to complete the present work, to- 
gether with the others left unfinished at the time of his decease. The plates 
for this ' Supplement ' were nearly all drawn during the lifetime of Mr. Gould; 
to these 1 have added certain others as representing species well worthy of 
illustration, the specimens having been lent to me by Mr. Osbert Salvin. It 
will be noticed that a large number of species are included in the present 'Supple- 
ment ' without the accompanying plates. Whether it was the intention of Mr. 
Could to have enumerated these in the work I know not; but as he originally 
meant to complete the ' Supplement ' in four parts, I fancy that he would only 
have figured the most striking of the species described since the completion of 
the ' Monograph.' I have, however, endeavored to conclude in this supplemen- 
tary volume descriptions of all the species of Trochilidcc discovered since 1S61, 
when the ' Monograph ' was finished; and this course will, I trust, commend 
itself to ornithologists. My thanks are due to Messrs. Soihernn for allow ing me 
thus to render the work as complete as possible, notwithstanding the pecuniary 
loss involved by such a proceeding. It is scarcely necessary for me to record 
here my obligations to Mr. Elliot's admirable ' Synopsis of the Humming 
Birds,' as the pages of this book reveal how much I have been indebted to his 
volume; and to Mr. Salvin I owe the deepest acknowledgement for his advice 
in planning the present work, and for having supervised the proofs of each Part. 

" R. Bowdler Shari'E. 

" British Museum (Natural History). 

" South Kensington, 

"March, 1887." 

VI. GOULD. The Birds of Asia (with Copious Descrip- 
tions), Dedicated to the Honourable East India 
Company. Illustrated with 530 plates, colored by hand. 
7 vols. London, published by the Author, 1 850-83 

This was completed under the superintendence of Mr. Bowdler Sharpe, of 
the British Museum. Sol heran's price in London for the above in half morocco 
is ^120, i. e., $600, which does not include the U. S. duty of twenty-live per 
cent. The present publishers stale that as very few complete sets can be made 
up, it will be advisable for purchasers to make early application for them; more 
especially as they will, before long, become as scarce and valuable as Mr. Gould's 
other works. 

'• To no portion of the globe," says the author, " does there attach so much 
interest as to that vast extent of the Old World which we designate Asia. It is 
there that all the productions of Nature essential to the well-being of man occur 
in the greatest abundance. . . . That the zoology, then, of such a country 
should have called forth the notice and study of able minds cannot be surprising; 
and yet it is remarkable that no one has attempted a work comprehending a gen- 
eral history of its ornithology. This hiatus in Ornithological literature has been 
tilled up by the present work on ' The Birds of Asia.'" 

" The later works of Mr. Gould have been distinguished for the exquisite 
finish of the illustrations, but none is so remarkable in this respect as ' The 
Birds of Asia.' Drawn with all the fidelity which characterixes his earliest pro- 



ductions, the birds represented in this work may be seen in the romantic beauty 
of their native haunts, and many of the bright-hued flowers of the East will be 
found figured in these magnificent illustrations." — Naturt. 

VII. GOULD. The Mammals of Australia (with 
Copious Descriptions). Illustrated with 180 plates, 


London, published by the Author, 1863 

Sotheran's price for the above is^42, i. r., $210. This work was dedicated 
to the late I'rince Consort. 

The author's visit to Australia had enabled him to procure so much valuable 
information respecting the habits and economy, and many new species, of the 
singular and interesting Mammalia of that country, that he determined upon 
publishing a work on the subject. 

" In this work, the animals themselves are not only figured, but portraits of 
them from life are delineated, of which we cannot but notice one of I.andseerian 
vigour — the physiognomy of the Tasmanian wolf. In the publication of such 
a work Mr. Gould confesses that he has departed from his original purpose of 
confining himself wholly to Ornithology, and owns that, with such profusion of 
materials at his command, he was tempted to overstep his self-assigned limits. 
The scientific world ought to be grateful to him for having yielded to a tempta- 
tion which, contrary to the normal rule, is productive of good." — The London 

VIII. GOULD. The Birds of Great Britain (with 
Copious Descriptions). Illustrated with 367 plates, colored 
by hand. 5 vols. London, published by the Author, 187 3 

Published unbound at ,£78 15s., i, r., nearly $395, exclusive of twenty-five 
per cent. U. S. duty. Sotheran's present price in London is ,£75, i. t„ $375, in 
half morocco. 

The most complete book of reference to the ornithology of Europe and one 
that should be in every Public Library, for besides being beautifully illustrated 
it gives, in a concise manner, a complete description of each bird. Every 
plate is a picture in itself, and the birds — admirably drawn by the author, his wife 
Mrs. (lould, and Mrs. Lear — are represented in the most life-like and character- 
istic attitudes, while the large sine of the work has enabled the artist to depict 
almost all of the natural size. To the naturalist it is indispensable as a work 
of reference, while by the collector it will be found a most handsome library 
book, and one which for beauty of illustration will never be surpassed. 

" No work of greater beauty will be produced than that on which John Gould, 
returning in his later life to his first love, bestowed the fulness of his energy and 
the acme of his artistic talent. We allude to his ' Birds of Great Britain.' The 
care bestowed on the plates of this work was remarkable, the aim of the author 
being to produce a picture of the birds as they appeared in their natural haunts, 
and especial pains were bestowed on the young, particularly those of the Wad- 
ing Birds and Natators. In this fine work most of the drawings were developed 
and placed on stone by Mr. W. Hart, who also executed all the plates of the 
later works." — Naturt, 1881. 



This splendid cabinet, which cost some two hundred dollars to make in Lon- 
don, measures forty-two inches in height, seventy inches in length and twenty- 
four inches in depth. There are three plate glass and lock doors to the three 


departments, which are entirely separated from the inner casings that are 
brought flush up to the door frames so as to expose the whole of the volumes, 
the book case is made of English oak, and presents a somewhat similar appear- 
ance to the illustration above this number. The carving is, however, slightly 
different. At each end is a carved pillar, elegantly festooned with ivy. These 
support a very heavy carved cornice, upon which is elegantly carved floriated 
scroll, Tudor roses and other conventional ornamentation. Below is a fillet of 
somewhat similar character. The top consists of a movable flap (hinged) and 
with rests so as to form two reading-desks or portfolio stands. 

All the beautiful carving is executed by hand, and the cabinet just holds the 
twenty-four volumes of this valuable set of Gould's grand works. 

TOGETHER 24 volumes, square large folio (21J inches by 
14J). Uniformly and newly bound by Zaehnsdorff in 
half dark green morocco extra gilt, cloth sides, gilt edges, 
with English oak cabinet for the same. 

London, 1850-87 

This magnificent collection of twenty-four volumes, including oak 
cabinet, will he started at an upset price of $i,50o, and will be sold 
as one lot, 

If no bid, however, be offered of that amount, the collection will be sold in 
nine lots as laid out in the catalogue description. 

"Mr. Gould has produced a series of magnificent works without a rival in 
the Cabinets of Science, and the gem of every rich man's library, to which, un- 
fortunately, works of such artistic beauty, from their great costliness, must 

necessarily be conrined In taking a review of Mr. Gould's labours, we 

cannot fail to be impressed with the benefits conferred by them on Ornithological 
Science. These benefits are not merely con lined to the introduction of new 
species to our knowledge, nor yet to the elucidation of points involved in doubt, 
or the extrication of species or groups from a maze of confusion, — tliev also 
result from the plan of the Works themselves, which constitute, as far as" they 
go, a complete pictorial Museum of Ornithology, to which the student may refer 
at once, and without the trouble of searching for the description of one species 
in one publication, and of another in a second, and so on, before he is able to 
satisfy himself as to the novelty or the contrary of the Kuropean Bird Toucan 
Trogon, or the rest, under examination." — Prof. Macgillivrav. 

"The works of Mr. Gould constitute a new epoch in the history of Ornithol- 
ogy. The boldness of the plan on which they were executed; the number of 
new species added to science, and of doubtful species cleared away from pre- 
vious obscurity; the unadorned fidelity of the descriptions; the exquisite accu- 
racy of the plates, in which the utmost adherence to nature is united with that 
felicitous effect which stamps the artist, and proves that grace and truthfulness 
may meet together. Again, Mr. Gould's Works form in themselves an Ornitho- 
logical Museum, pictorial we grant, but of such a character as to obviate the 
necessity of a collection of mounted specimens obtained at no trifling cost and 
preserved, even where room can be afforded for them, not without the greatest 

trouble Let it not be supposed that we deny great credit to others— 

to writers on certain departments of Ornithology who have admirably illustrated 
their subject. But from all these Mr. Gould's grand works stand out in bold 
relief— they are themselves alone." " — The tendon Timts. 


201 SELOUS (H. C.) Twenty-one Original Drawings in out- 
line illustrative of the Life of Moses, beautifully executed, 
carefully laid down on card-board mounts (20^ inches by 


14!), with MS. quotations descriptive of them ; Also, a set 
of the engravings after the same (23$ inches by 17}), Proof 
Impressions before Letters. Together, 42 plates. 

Unique Collfxtios of the extremely spirited original pen and ink drawings 
executed by the celebrated English arlist and book illustrator Selous and with 
proof impressions of the same. These show the difference between two 
sketches as originally executed by the artist and the change made later in de- 
tails. In the engraving of "Moses and the Decalogue," the tablet is blank, 
but in the original are Roman numerals thereon. The original sketch of Mr. 
Selous of "Moses and the Burning Bush " has an angel depicted amid the 
flames but which is left out in the engraving. The artist of these original 
drawings, illustrative of the Bible, has achieved an international reputation. No 
man has more popularized the writings of Uunyan and Goldsmith through the 
medium of the pencil than Selous. The sale of the editions of those writers 
illustrated by him and which were published in parts for popular distribution 
was as large in America as in Great Britain. 


202 CHARLES KEMBLE. An ivory miniature of, by the 
eminent English artist W. H. Nightingale. In old- 
fashioned gold frame, with bronze and wooden 

Original miniature, and as stated on visiting card of the artist, on back 
of frame of "Charles Kemble by W. H. Nightingale, iq Princes Street. 
Stamford Street." This excellent miniature in pencil on ivory represents the 
head and bust of the great actor when he was in the prime of life. 

Charles Kemble the brother of Sarah Siddons and John 1'hilip Kemble. was 
born in South Wales in 1775- * as educated at Douay, in France, and be- 
came an actor at the age of eighteen. In i 7 Q2, he performed at Drury Lane 
Theatre I,ondon, as -'Malcolm " in " Macbeth" and continued upon the stage 
with the' highest success until 1840. Charles Kemble died in 1854. 


illumination on vellum in gold and colors, Gothic Text ik 
red, sold and blue, with four capital letters and broad 
border, illuminate J. Small 8vo. (74 by in fine old 
frame, with glass. . S^ec. XVI. 

UNIQUE vellum manuscript of the Sixteenth century. It consists of the 
text of a Papal Indulgence of the celebrated Pontiff Ugo Buoncompagni, 
Gregory XIII., who succeeded Pius V. in 1572 and is celebrated as the founder 
of the (iregorian College at Rome and as the reformer of the Julian Calendar, 
which resulted in the " New Style," as it is called, being generally adopted. 

This illumination is surrounded by a border an inch in width on three sides, 
and over half an inch on the fourth. The illuminated work within this border 
represents flowers, insects and birds, including the peacock, peahen and 
pheasant. These rest on red and white scroll work, upon which also stands a 
grotesque figure, half bird, half animal. At the bottom is a landscape, with a 
church and buildings in the distance. Two of the Apostles, one praying, the 
other preaching, are also depicted in the border. The text which takes up the 
centre of the illumination is decorated with capital letters in colors and gold, 
finials insects and flowers. It reads as follows : 

" Gregorius Papa XIII. concessit dies indulgcnticc curlibet. dicenti, ante 
missam sequentem oratiunem. Ago volo raissam celcbrare el conficere corpus 



et sanguinem D. A. I. C. junta vitum sanctse Roman* Ecclesire ad laudem 
omnipotentis Dei. totiusque curia; triumphnatis ; ab utilitatem meam totiusque 
Ecclesis railitantis et patientis pro omnibus qui se commendaverunt oralionibus 
meis in genere et in specie; et pro Felici statu sanctae roman.v Ecclesia; Amen. 
Gaudium con pace emendationem vitia? spatium verx- peniienlia; gratiam et 
consolationem Sancti Spiritus perseveriantiam in bonis operibus, cor contritum 
et humilitatum et que felicem vita; men: consumationem tribuat. migi. on- 
nipotens et misericors Dominus. Amen." 



ticulieres. Nearly 200 pages of exquisite medieval 
ornamentation, chromo-Uthographed in gold and colors 
after ancient missals, together with large miniatures, etc. 
Small 4to, fresh claret colored velvet, gilt edges, with metal 
corners, clasps, and lettering on back. 

Paris, Leroy, Secail & Cie., n. d. 



204 FOUCOUET (Jehan). (CEuvre, contenant le Livre 

52 exquisite Miniatures illuminated in gold and 
colors, and numerous elegant borders, woodcuts, etc. 2 
vols. 4to, beautifully bound by Lortic in brown morocco 
extra gilt, with inserted colored leathers mosaiced on the 
backs and the sides of Maioli-Grolier design with water- 
ed silk linings, gold borders within the covers, morocco, 
joints, gilt edges, and leather bound drop case. 

Paris, Curmer,i &G6--} 

A splendid copy. A Chef d'CEuvre of Art. Sotheran's price for a copy 
of the above in a late " Price Current " was .£25. The illuminated miniatures are 
the size of the page. The second volume with the text of M. L'Abbe Delaunay 
is finely decorated with illuminations, ornamental borders, woodcuts, etc. 
The 250 pages of the text of volume one are surrounded by illuminated borders 
selected from various celebrated manuscripts each of a different pattern. 

This is one of the most magnificent and interesting productions ever pub- 
lished, and all the resources of the Chromolithog.-aphic Art have been lavished 
upon fac-similes of painlings in every way worthy of them. 




CHES ET FETES DE L'ANNEE. Superbly illu- 
minated after ancient missals, with other illustrations, 
woodcuts, etc. 2 vols, thick large 4to. Bound by Belz- 
Niedrke — The volume containing Parts 1 and 2, in red 
crushed levant morocco, inside gold borders, rounded 
corners, inside gold borders and green watered silk ends, 



gilt edges ; the other ( Part 3 ), half red crushed levant 
morocco to match, cloth sides, gilt edges. 

Paris, Curmer, 1864 

Rf.MARKAHI.f. SET OF BOOKS in two volumes and in silk lined case with brass 
handles and calches. 

One volume is the letterpress text with lovely wood engravings, etc., woodcut 
borders, head and tail pieces, etc. Many are taken from missals, others from 
Holbein's "Dance of Death," medieval manuscripts, paintings, etc., coats of 
arms, emblems, saints, etc., etc. 

The other volume consists entirely of superb chromo-Iithographic illumina- 
tions in metals and colors, of miniatures, initial letters, borders, etc. There 
are one hundred fac-simile reproductions of miniatures from the most beautiful 
manuscripts known, and every page to the number of 400 corruscates with a 
characteristic ornamentation of the principal periods in the history of 
palseographical art. 

In a "Morgand et Fatout" catalogue (No 328) the sum of 1,500 francs was 
asked for an ordinary copy in morocco. The following was the description 
given of that copy :— " Helle publication chromo-lithographique, contenant la 
reproduction de cent miniatures, tirees des plus beaux manuscrits connus, et 
dont chacune des pages, au nombre de 400, est encadree dans un omement 
caracte'risant les types des principales epoques de l art des miniatures. In- 
dependamment du me rite de I'execution, cet ouvrage est curieux et inicressant 
pour le cunnaissance et la comparaison des anciens manuscrits et peut etre 
d'une grandc utilite pour leur itude." 


DE IESVS CHRIST Qu'aucuns attribuent a Iessen, 
d'autres a Gerson, et d'autres a Thomas a Kempis, 
fidellement traduits. Nouellement mis en Francois 
par M. R. G. A., et reueu par le mesme Autheur en 
ceste derniere Edition A Paris Chez Nicolas Gasse, au 
Mont St. Hilaire pres la Court d'Albret M.DC.XXVI. 
Avec Approbation; also — 

Notice de M. Jui.es Janin; sur Limitation de Jesus- 
Christ Auteurs Presumes de limitation par M. L'Abbe 
Delaunay, Chanoine de Meaux, Cure du Diocese de 
Paris; Histoire de L'Ornamentation des Manuscrits par 
M. Ferdinand Denis Conservateur de la Bibliotheque de 
Sainte-Genevieve; Catalogue Bibliographique Indiquant 
Les Manuscrits Reproduits dans limitation et les Im- 
primes Cites dans THistoire de l'Ornamentation des Man- 
uscrits Index des Manuscrits Avec Lindication des Noms 
des Dessinateurs et des Chromographes Grande Danse 

Magnificently illuminated from ancient manuscripts 
in chromo-lithography by Le Mfrcier and numerous wood- 
engravings, a vols, thick large 8vo, superbly bound by 
David in embossed maroon crushed levant morocco, 


broad inside gold borders, green watered silk, gilt edges, 
and in morocco rimmed, leather lined drop cases. 

l'aris, Curmer, 1856-58 

QUITE SCARCE. This glorious triumph of the chromo-lithographic art is one 
of the best works produced by the celebrated Parisian bibliopolist Curmer. He 
has united examples of almost every school of Ktiropean medieval illumination 
and from the Sixth to the Fifteenth century as well as any quantity of wood-en- 
gravings from ancjent manuscripts and printed books, among the last named 
of which arethe Hours ok Vostre and Kervkr, and illustrations of the "Dance 
of Death," etc., by Seebald Beyham, Hans Holbein, etc. There are also por- 
traits of the presumed authors of the Imitation of Christ. There are also 
examples from oriental manuscripts. But Curmer's edition of the " Imitation " 
must be recognized above all as a grand art work illustrative of paleography 
and the reproduction in the best style of chromolithograph) - ever accomplished 
in the wonderful borders and page plates illustrative of the 1626 l'aris edition, 
which was chosen by M. Curmer for its text. The page colored illustrations 
that are executed in gold, colors and metals include portraits of Anne of Brit- 
tany, Louis XIV. and other grand designs, notably those on the false title, the 
dedication and the other titles. The borders which are around every page of the 
first volume described aie marvelous in their workmanship and include example* 
as stated, from the Sixth to the Fifteenth century inclusive. 

The grand illuminated manuscripts in the British Museum, Bibliothcque 
Nationale, Musee des Souveruins and the most celebrated collections of Europe 
have b^en utilized to bring together a wonderful gathering of the finest ex- 
amples. Among them are fac similes from " St. Augustine's Psalter " illumi- 
nated in the Sixth century, the " Kvangelists of Charlemagne," Anglo-Saxon 
and Celtic manuscripts, the " Psalter of St. Louis and Blanche of Castile," the 
" Hours of Anne of Brittany " and other celebrated paleographic marvels which 
are exhibited in this volume so as to bring almost before the eyes at a glance 
what a student in bibliophilism would take years to get an idea of except from 
two or three other works which are in this division of the Trivuliio Catalogue. 
The wealth of color, the gorgeousness of decoration and the beauty of minia- 
ture have never been excelled. Grotesque and serious, rural and domestic, 
sacred and profane subjects are intermingled in a manner that charm the eye 
and delight the imagination. 

207 suuminatcK Blacft ILcttrr.— rallades, fabli- 
the curious and grotesque vignettes and initial letters, colored 
and heightened with gold. 8vo, half morocco, gilt (a few 
pages slightly torn at top). Paris, Firmin Didot, n. d. 

Unique Blaik Letter and limited edition with forty-eight pages of 
notes and glossary at end. The illustrations admirably take off the grotesque 
aspects of medieval miniatures. They illustrate such facetious stories as " La 
Dame Sans Mcrci"; I.e Franc Manger"; "La Veielle des Fileuses"; " Du 
Jouvencels qui se roani a Madame Marie Mere de Dieu "; " De la Femme 
Lige de la F'ausse Monarchic du Diable "; " A venture merveillcuse d'un Eveque 
qui prit le Diable a son service," etc. 

ao8 Joliment (T. de). Notice Historique sur la Vie et les 
CEuvres de Jacques le Lieur, PoL : te Normand du XVIe 
Siecle. En son Temps Conseiller-Echevin de la Ville de 
Rouen, Secretaire et Notaire du Roi, etc. Publiee pour 



la Premiere Fois. Colored plaits. Half morocco, top edge 
gift. Moulins, 1847 

Rake. Privately printed in limited issue and plates colored by hand. 
I MM represent:—!. " The arms of Jacques Le Lieur "; 2. " Kac-simile of his 
writing and signature "; 3. " Houseof Jacques Lc Lieur in 1525 "; 4. "Jacques 
Le Lteur offering to the town of Rouen his Livre des Fontaines." The last 
named is heightened with gold. 


209 WESTWOOI) (J. ()., F.L.S.). Illuminated Illustra- 
tions copied from Select MSS. of the Middle Ages. 
Illustrated with numerous plates, ILLUMINATED BY HAND IN 
gold and colors. Large 4to, old red morocco gilt, edges 
gilt- London, William Smith, 1846 

Large paper, with the forty beautiful plates richly executed in gold and 
colors. The miniatures in this work have been copied from some of the rarest 
manuscripts, among which may be named — Queen Mary's " latin Psalter "; 
" Bible Historiale" of the Duke de Berri ; Henry the Eighth's " Praver Book "; 
Henry the Sixth's " Psalter": " Tresorsdes Histoires"; " Missal of Lucas Van 
Leyden and scholars"; "Latin Prayers "with miniatures by Perugino; "the 
Sforza Missal "; " Prayer Book " of Queen Mary de Mcdlcis : Cardinal Wolsey's 
" Leccionarium"; "Psalter of St. Louis," etc. The above named and other 
manuscripts from which these miniatures have been taken were from the follow- 
ing collections— the British Museum, the Soanean Museum, the Delafosse and 
Westwood Libraries, I^ndon ; the Bodleian and Christ Church Libraries, Ox- 
ford; Trinity College Library, Cambridge: the Arsenal and Institute Libraries, 


2,0 WESTWOOD (J. O., M.A.). Miniatures and Ornaments 
of Anglo-Saxon and Irish Manuscripts. With a Descrip- 
tive Text to each Plate, serving as a History of British 
Palseography and Pictorial Art. Illustrated in a series of 
over fifty superb plates, most elaborately executed in exact fac- 
simile of the originals in gold and colors— drawn on statu by 
W. R. Tvman, and chromo-litlwgraphed by Day and Son. 
Thick large folio, fresh half crushed levant morocco extra 
gilt, cloth sides, edges gilt, by F. Bedford. 

London, Quaritch, 1868 
Rare. The entire edition of this valuable work was limited to 200 copies, 
and the stones were then destroyed. The price to subscribers was £\ 7 1 7s. and 
to non subscribers £21. This is one of the most sumptuous works ever executed 
and illustrates a phase of art unique and absolutely wonderful 

"To most persons this ' dark age ' (1. from the Roman Occupation of 
England to the Norman Conquest), as it has been termed, will scarcely be sup- 
posed capable of affording materials for such a history; and indeed with the 
exception of a very few examples given by Strutt. Astle, and Shaw, no oppor- 
tunity has been afforded to the public of judging of the marvellous beauty and 
excessive intricacy of the ornamentation and designs of Anglo-Saxon and Irish 
. Manuscripts, until the publication of mv ' I'aWraphia Sacra Pictoria ,' in 
which 1 devoted many plates to these marvels of art. The study of these Manu- 


scripts has, indeed, brought out the singular fact that, at a period when the fine 
arts may be said to have been almost extinct in Italy and other parts of the Con- 
tinent — namely, from the fifth to the end of the eighth century— a style of art 
has been established, cultivated, and brought to a wonderful state of perfection 
in these islands, absolutely distinct from that of all other parts of the civilized 
world, and which was adopted and imitated in the schools founded on the Con- 
tinent by Charlemagne, as well as in the monastic establishments founded or 
visited by Anglo-Saxon and Irish missionaries, many of which subsequently 
became the most famous seats of learning." — Westwood. 


an SILVESTRE (M. J. B.). Universal Paleography, or a 
Collection of Fac -similes of the Writings of every Age, 
taken from the most authentic Manuscripts existing in the 
Libraries of France, Italy, Germany, and England, by M. 
Silvesi're, accompanied by an Historical and Descriptive 
Text and Introduction by Champollion Figkac and 
Amie Champoi.lion, Fils. Translated ftom the French 
and edited with Corrections and Notes by Sir Frederic 
Madden, K. H., F.R.S., M.R.LA. Containing upwards of 
300 large and most beautifully executed fac-simii.es, most 
richly illuminated in gold, silver and colors, the finest style 
of art, from the best and most interesting Papyri; Persian, 
Indian, Chinese and other Oriental MSS.; Hebrew, Greek 
and Latin MSS. of the Holy Scriptures; Missals, Previa ries, 
etc., the Picture Writings of the New World, and other Doc- 
uments, many of the greatest importance no less for their 
artistic beauty than for their historical value. 2 vols, folio, 
the text in 2 vols, large Svo. Together 4 vols. Fresh half 
red levant morocco extra, gilt edges. London, 1S50 

Quite uncommon and rarely offered for sale. It was published at 
^63, i-.. $315. The best work on the manuscript literature of ancient and 
medieval times. The finest possible specimens are given of MSS. in every 
European and Oriental language; of such languages as Creek and Latin many 
specimens of every century and every style are represented. The number of 
reproductions of Italian, French and Cerman Miniatures is very con- 

This is, perhaps, the finest book in the world, and the most interesting to the 
scholar and the man of taste. Three hundred fac similes of the choicest manu- 
scripts in Europe need no other recommendation than to state the fact. The 
French edition of this work cost nearly twenty thousand pounds in getting up. 
Only 250 copies were printed, of which the King of France took 66 for libraries 
in the various departments, and the remainder were subscribed for in Russia 
and (lermany. 

212 SHAW (Henry). Alphabets, Numerals, and Devices of the 
Middle Ages; [Selected from the Finest Existing Speci- 
mens.] 48 fine plates, 26 of which are finely colored and 
heightened with, gold in facsimile of the originals. Large 
4to, half morocco, top edge gilt, others uncut. 

London, Quaritch, 1845 
Large paper, and published at ^4. 4s. Printed by C. Whittingham at the 
Chiswick Press. 



All the illuminated works of Mr. Shaw are of great beauty in their details. 
Nearly all are extremely rare, and the above is in splendid condition. ^ 

The " lxjndon Spectator," in a criticism of Shaw s " Illuminated Ornaments," 
says: — " The design of this work is unique, and its execution beautiful. The 
elaborate richness of decoration, and the splendor of the combinations of color 
and blazonry, which render illuminated missals so curious and valuable, afford 
many useful hints for embellishment in color and design." 



Desir ou de Noeud Institue a Naples en 1352 par 
LOUIS D'ANJOU, Premier du Nom, Roi de Jerusalem, 
de Naples et de Sicile. Manuscrit du XlVme Siecle Con- 
serve au Louvre dans le Musee des Souverains Francais, 
Avec une Notice sur la Peinture des Miniatures et la 
Description du Manuscrit par M. Lf. COMTE HORACE 
de VIEL-CASTEL Conservateur du Musee des Souv- 
erains Francais au Musee Imperial du Louvre. Illustrated 
with a /tic-simile of this manuscript of the fourteenth century 
in seventeen plates on large vellum paper, with the miniatures 
and borders finely illuminated in metals and colors. Square 
maxtmo (24+ inches by 18A), red morocco, super-extra, 
blind tooled, beveled sides, gilt edges. 

Paris, Engelmann et Graf, 1853-54 

Large taper and vellum paper, of which but a limited issue was printed. 
The text was executed from the types of Claye, and the plates in metals and 
colors were by I he eminent Parisian chromo lithographers Engelmann and Graf, 
under the scientific direction of Count Horace de Vicl-Castel, after the fac 
simile designs of MM. Schultz and Racinet, executed on stone by M. H. 

This was the Hamilton Palace copy, and was purchased at the sale of that 
collection. Copies of the work are now quite scarce, as it was published by 
subscription, and the stones were then cleaned off. 



this Illuminated Manuscript of the First Part of 
the Fourteenth Century. Communicated by JOHN 
GAGE ROKKWODE, Esq., in a Letter to the 
EARL OF ABERDEEN. Illustrated with very beauti- 
fully illuminated plates, heightened with gold and silver, and 
hundreds of figures. Large folio, morocco gilt, gold inside 
borders, leather hinges, edges gilt. [London, 1839.] 

Unique and very rare. This consists of lithographic plates, with texts 
privately issued by the London Society of Antiquaries, and in this copy the 


plates are most beautifully illuminated by hand in gold, silver and colors — the 
metal work being damascened in places. The title is a beautiful piece of original 
illumination, and is most chaste in its design and execution. 

" The ' Louterell Psalter,' so valuable for the illustrations it affords of English 
manners and customs during the first part of the Fourteenth century, is a thick 
folio on vellum measuring 14 inches by 10, and contains 301) leaves, besides a 
fly-leaf at each end. The text is black letter nearly half an inch long, each 
page having fourteen lines. The margins throughout the greater portion of the 
Manuscript are variously painted, many with foliage and a mixture of grotesque 
figures of men and animals, some with chivalrous subjects, and others with 
domestic and rural scenes and sports. The gold used in the initial letters and 
in other parts of the Manuscript is solid, and often diapered or dotted in 
burnished patterns. Some silver is also used in thedecorations." — Rokewode. 


III. gJiMitftttcat ©uritfsa, 


Rare Illustrated Facetiae, Books of Emblems, Alchemy, 
Witchcraft, Freemasonry, Jesuits, etc. 

' BECKETT (Gilbert Abbott). The Comic 
Blackstone. Revised and Extended by Arthur 
Wm. A' Beckett. With ten full-page colored 
illustrations, andothers by Harry Furniss. 8vo, 
fresh polished calf gilt, top edge gilt, others 
uncut. I-ondon, 18S7 

316 ABBOTT (George, Archbishop of Canterbury), Briefe De- 
scription of the Whole World, wherein is Particularly De- 
scribed all the Monarchies, Empires and Kingdoms of the 
same with their Academies as also their severall Titles 
Scituations thereunto Adjoyning. Engraved title by Mar- 
shall {mended). Minimo, calf, re backed. I-ondon, 1656 

Rare. The author devote* some eighty pages to a very curious account of 
North and South America. 

217 ACADEMICIANS of 1823 or the Greeks of the Palais 
Royal and the Clubs of St. James by Charles Persius. 
Colored front. Small 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1823 

Very scarce and dedicated to the Dulce of York. This very eccentric 
work on gambling has an account annexed of numberless suicides, robberies 
and murders committed in gambling hells. 

a 18 ACAJOU et ZIRPHILE, Conte. Plates. Minimo, half 
crushed maroon levant morocco gilt, top edge gilt by 
v - Champ. A Minutie, 1744 

RARE. This strange little work is illustrated with facetious plates, where 
witches, dragons and spirit hands play a weird part. 

Touchant ce qui s'est Passe dans les Villages de Bode 
grave et Swammerdam, et les Cruautes, Inouies que les 
Francois yont Exercees avec un Memoire de la Derniere 



Marche de l'Armee du Roy de France en Brabant et en 
Flandre. Folding plates. 4t0, mottled calf gilt, inside gold 
borders, red edges. n. p., 1673 

Very Rare. This work was rigidly suppressed, exhibiting as it did the 
horrible massacres, frightful rapine and infamous conduct of the royal French 
troops in Holland. No more terrible scenes of human deviltry committed upon 
man and woman have ever been depicted than those exhibited in the terrible 
etchings in this frightful volume. No American Indians or any other savages 
were ever guilty of worse crimes than those perpetrated by those diabolical 
fiends, the soldiers of the Most Christian King I,ouis the Fourteenth, the 
wretch whom Macaulay said— "succeeded in passing himself on his people as a 
being above humanity." 

220 ALBERTVS MAGNVS. De Secretis Mvlierum item de 

Virtutibis Herbarum Lapidum et Animalium. Handsomely 
engraved title. Minimo, calf. 

Amsterdam, apud Iatobum Iansonium, 1655 

Rare. The engraved title represents Cupids, Diana and her nymphs, one of 
whom is possessed. 

221 ALBUM of LOVE : Containing Love Thoughts by Many 

Contributors. Engraved false title. Small 8vo, half calf. 

London, n. d. 

With inserted heraldic book plate of Alfred Uraithwaile. 

222 ALCHEMY. — A New Light of Alchemy: Taken out of 

the Fountain of Nature and Manual Experience. To 
which is added a Treatise of Sulphur written by Michkk.l 
Sandivogivs: i. e., Anagrammatically " Divi I.eschi Genus 
Amo." i2mo, half morocco, cloth sides, red edges. 

London, 1674 

Hark. The sub-title reads — " Also Nine Hooks of the Nature of Things, 
written by Paracelsvs, viz., of the ( icnerations, Growths, Conservations of Life, 
Death, Renewing, Transmutation, Separation and Signatures of Natural 
Things: also a Chymical Dictionary explaining hard places and words met 
withal in the Writings of Paracelsus and other obscure Authors, all which are 
faithfully translated out of the Latin into the English tongue, by J. F. M. D." 
The title is mended and some pages arc soiled. 


223 ALK.MAR (Heinrichs von). REINEKE her FUCHS mit 

Schonen Kupfern nach der Ausgabe von 1498 ins Hoch- 
deutsche ubersetzet und mit einer Abhandlung, von dem 
Urheber, wahren Alter und grosscn Werthe dieses Gedichtc 
versehen von Johann Christoph Gottscheden. Pro- 
fusely illustrated. 4to, half sheep (stained). 

Leipzig and Amsterdam, Peter Sthtnck, 1752 

Rare OUOIMAX edition, with good impressions of the illustrations, and 
one of the most sought-after editions of " Reynard the Fox," on account as 
Brunei states, of the 57 engravings of Alb. von Ewerdingcn, and some by Fokkc, 


illustrations which, while most exact from the standpoint of natural history, 
truthfully tell the subject of the various fables. 

The original designs of this work were sold at the White Knight's sale in 
iSti), and were purchased by Mr. Hibbert for nearly jfiyo sterling, i. e,, $450. 

Alkmar lived at the end of the Fifteenth century. Kollagen asserts that 
" Henry Alkmaer " was only a pseudonym of Nicholas Baumann, who revenged 
himself on the Duke <ic [uliers by writing the above as a satire on the manners 
of his time. It is certain that the " bas-allemand " edition of " Reinecke Vos " 
of Alkmar was a translation of ancient Flemish versions, probably derived from 
the original French. Alkmar. in his preface to the I4<j8 edition, says that he 
had — ■" traduit le present livre du Welche et du Francais." 

224 ALMANACH PARISIEN, en Faveur des Etrangers et des 

Personnel Curieuses Indiquant par Ordre Alphabetiqtie 
tous les Monumens des Beaux-Arts, Repandus dans la 
Ville de Paris et aux Environs; celui a pour objet les 
Lieues Remarquables ou par le Grandeur du Dessein, ou 
par les Morceaux du Peinture et de Sculpture qu'on y voit; 
Edifices Sacres, Chateaux et Maisons Royales, Palais, 
Hotels, Ouvrages Publics ; Maisons de Plaisance, etc. 
Minimo. Paris, 1772 

225 Almanach des Dames pour les Ans 181 1 et 1820. Vignette 

titles and plates after eminent masters, also portraits of 
Madame de Maintenon, La Valliere, Madame Sevi- 
Gn£ {one plate short). 2 vols, minimo, calf, gilt edges (not 
uniform). Paris, 181 1-20 

226 AMADIS OF GAUL. The Famous and Renowned 

History of. Translated out of French into English by 
Francis Kirkman. Small 4to, half calf. 

London, Printed by Jane Bell, 1652 

Kakk, and — " Conteining the lleroick Decdes of Armes and Strange Ad- 
ventures as well of Amadis himself as of I'erion his Son and I.ipvart of Greece, 
Son to Efplandim, Emperor of Constantinople, wherein is shewed the wars of 
the Christians against the Turks, the death of Armato, King of Turkey, and 
the strange death of Melea Enchantress, the love of Perion de Gaule, otherwise 
the Knight of the Sphere to Gricilcrca, Daughter to the Emperor of Trebisond 
and of Lifvart of Greece, sometimes called the Knight of the True Cross, to 
Onlurea another Daughter of the Emperor of Trebisond, together with the 
Acts and strange Adventures of many other great Lords and l'rincesas well 
Christians as l agans. Being the sixth part, never before published." 

227 AMADIS DE GAULE. Traduction Libre Par M. le 

Comte de Tress. „, * * 2 vols. i2mo, mottled calf, 
gilt. Amsterdam and Paris, 1779 

Stamped in gold on the sides with the coronet, supporters and arms of the 
Duke de Montmorenci. This translation was made from the text of Nicolas 
d'Herberay, Seigneur des Essarts by the Comte de Tressan, the friend of 
Voltaire, and who was educated along with Louis XV. 

228 AMfENITATES POETICS sive Theodori Bzzm, 

Marci-Antonii Mureti, et Joanis Secundi Juvenilia, 
turn JOANis-BoNEFONii Pancharis : Joachim-Bellau 


Amoris, etc. Engraved portraits by Ficquet. Mininio, 
bound by Derome in red morocco gilt, edges gilt. 

Leyden, 1779 

Rark. and printed on tinted paper with inserted heraldic book-plate by S 
Kalle of "Ex Hibliolheca Warcklenensi comit: de Borch." 

229 Amory (Thomas, Gent.). The Life of John Buncle, Esq. 

A New Edition. 3 vols, small 8vo, half calf, sprinkled 
edges. London, 1825 

Rare. Handsomely printed edition with heraldic book-plates of "John 
Jebb, D.D., F.R.S., Bishop of Limerick, Ardfert and Aghadoe.'' 
" The soul of Kahelais passed into Thomas Amory."— II azlitt. 
" This amusing and singular work is a sort of sketch of his own (Amory 's) 
life." — Lowndes. 

230 AMUSEMENS de la CHASSE et de laPeche ou 1'on En- 

seigne la Maniere de Prendre toute sorte d'Oiseaux et 
d'Animaux a Quatre Pies. Numerous plates. 1 vols, 
small 8vo, mottled sheep gilt, red edges. 

Amsterdam, 1743 

Very scarce. The sub-title reads further — " avec des Instructions sur la 
Volerie et les Oiseaux qui y servcnt : les plus beaux Secrets de la Chasse et 
de la I'cche ; la maniere de faire les Rets et les Filets ; la connoi sance des 
Chiens et des Chevaux de Chasse ; la maniere de les elever et de les instruire 
avec les Remedes qui conviennent a leurs maladies : on y a joint un grand 
nombre de belles Figures, et un Dictionnaire de tons les termes usites pour la 
Chasse et la Peche." 

231 ANACREON, Odes, translated by Thomas Moore. With 

54 illustrative designs, mostly of nudes, by GlRODET DE 
Roussy. Oblong minimo, illuminated cloth, beveled sides, 
gilt edges. London, n. d. 

Girodet de Roussy, inspired by a genius altogether Greek in its character, has 
translated Anacreon better by his pencil than he could have been by words. 
One might fancy that his designs had been executed under Anacreon's own eye 
by some Greek artist, who had himself witnessed that soft and voluptuous exist- 
ence, where song and pleasure are one. 

232 Anecdotes Sf.crettes pour Servir a l'Histoire Galante de 

la Cour de Pekin. 2 vols, in 1. Minimo, old calf gilt, 
marbled edges. A Pekin (Paris), 1746 

Ykry scarce, with coat of arms stamped in gold on the back. The Court of 
Pekin is really that of Versailles. 

233 APOLLON et les MUSES. Beautifully illustrated with 

tinted plates. 8vo, smooth morocco gilt, inside gold borders, 
edges gilt. Paris, «. 

Rark. The text of these beautiful plates, which are after the style of ISarto- 

lo2zi and Cipriani, but colored by hand, is by Dorat, Danchet, Demoustier, La 

Motte, Rousseau, etc. 

234 APPARITIONS. — Reci/eil de Dissertations Anciennes 

et Nouvelles sur les Apparitions, les Visions et les Songes 


avec une Preface Historique par M. L'Abbe Lenglet 
Dufresnov. 6 vols, small 8vo, mottled calf gilt, red 
edges. Avignon, 1751-52 

This set at one time belonged to the Irish Catholic library of Douay, which 
was founded in 1596 by Christopher Cusack. 


lated with Copious Notes by E. W. Lane. Many hundred 
beautiful engravings by Williams, Jackson, Landells, 
etc., from designs by William Harvey, and with illuminated 
titles by Owen Jones. 3 vols, small 8vo, half calf gilt, 
marbled sides and edges. London, fohn Murray, 1847 

Scarce. A fine copy, with brilliant impressions of the cuts. 

" The Notes of Mr. Lanethrow more light upon the mystery of Arab life than 
perhaps all other works in the language." — Atkenaum. 


236 ARETINO. — Les Ragionamenti ou Dialogues du Divin 

Pietro Aretino — Texte Italien et Traduction Complete 
par le Traducteur de " Dialogues de Luisa Sigea," por- 
trait; also — a set of twenty etchings on Holland paper, de- 
signed by L. Dunki and etched by H. A. Prunaire in illus- 
tration of the Dialogues of Aretino, loose in portfolio, with 
explanatory text. Together 7 vols. Paris, 1882 

Limited EDITION of ioo copies, for "• Isodore Liseux et ses amis. " The 
portrait is by Titian, and engraved by E. Iiurney after Marc Antonio's ecle 
brated print, a copy of which sold for .£1,000, i.e., $5,000. This edition is 
arranged in six volumes, as follows — L La Vie des Religieuses; II. La Vie des 
Femmes Marices; III. La Vie des Courtisanes; IV. Le Education de la Pippa: 
V. Les Rouerics des liommcs; VI. La Ruffianerie. This set is No. 4 of the 
" Musc'e Secret du Bibliophile." 

" He [Aretino] began to write prose and verse satires, indelicate dialogues, 
heroic cantos, sonnets, comedies, besides an immense quantity of letters, 
which he addressed to all the princes, great men and ladies of his lime, 
sometimes flattering them or praising himself, and at others even threatening 
them with the lash of his satire; and from them all he received presents, which 
enabled him to lead a dissolute life. He had the impudence to style himself 

' II Divino Aretino,' and boasted that he was the scourge of princes. 

He died suddenly in Venice, in 1557, by overturning his chair in an immoderate 
fit of laughter at hearing an indecent story of his two sisters, who led a life as 
infamous as his own." — Rose. 


237 ARIOSTO. — Orlando Furioso di Ludovico Ariosto. 

Portrait and plates. 4 vols. 4to, half red morocco, top 
edges gilt (rubbed slightly). Paris, Plassan, 1795 

Very rare, large paper, unique and with two sets of plates, both 
PROOFS BEFORE Lf.TTERS. These beautiful engravings are by or after:— Titian. 
Eisen, Ficquet. Cipriani. Martolozzi, Cochin, Ponce, Moreau le jeune, De 
Launay, De Ghendt, I.ingee, Massard, Henriques. Fte'vost, Monnet, Duclos, 
Martini, etc. A few are slightly stained. 
" Ariosto has been, after Homer, the favorite poet of Europe. His grace 



and facility, his clear and rapid stream of language, his variety and beauty of 
invention, his very transitions of subject, so frequently censured by critics, but 
artfully devised to spare the tediousness that hangs on a protracted story, left 
him no rival in general popularity. Above sixty editions of the Orlando Furioso 
were published in the Sixteenth century. There was not one, says Hcrnardo 
Tasso, of any age, or sex, or rank, who was satisfied with a single perusal." 
— Hai.lam. 

238 ARPE (P. F.). De Prodigiosiis Naturae et Artis Operibus 

Talismanes et Amuleta Dictis cum Recensione Scriptorum 
Huius Argument! Liber Singularis. Curious frontispiece 
and vignette title. Small Svo, vellum. Hamburg, 1 717 

Very scarce work, principally relating to talismans and amulets, and contain- 
ing an interesting account of the superstitions of Northern Europe. 

239 ASHLEY. — Case and Appeal of James Ashley, of 

Bread-Street, London : Address'd to the Publick in 
General, Interspersed throughout with many Interesting 
Particulars. Portrait. Small 8vo, half morocco. 

London, 1753 

Very scarce, with inserted heraldic book plate of James Comerford. The 
sub-title also reads that the volume is in relation to — "I. The Apprehending 
Henry Simons the Polish Jew, on a warrant issued out against him for Per- 
jury; II. His Trial and Conviction of a Capital Misdemeanor, last Lent 
Assizes, held at Chelmford for the County of Essex; III. His Second Trial at 
the subsequent Assizes for the same Offence and Surprising Acquittal ; IV. An 
Action brought, and the Cruel Verdict obtained, against the said James Ashley, 
and others." 

240 ATTIC MISCELLANY, or Characteristic Mirror of Men 

and Things, Including the Correspondent's Museum. Il- 
lustrated with numerous caricatures, mostly folding, and by 
Cruikshank, Collincs and others. 3 vols, small Svo, 
fresh calf gilt, beveled sides. London, 17S5-91 

Rare and a fine copy, with good impressions of the caricatures, among which 
are — "Meeting night of the Club of Odd Fellows," " Samsonic Ledge," 
*' Magnetic Dispensary," " Pugilistic Club," "Struggles of Virtue, Fhe 
Levee of Scrubs and Scaramouches," " Gretna Green," etc. With dramatic 
and other caricatures of Tom Paine, Priestley, Peter Pindar, etc. 

241 iTjr— y^l A L Z AC (H. de). Les Contes Drolatiques Col- 
Ify jj& r 1 ligez et Abbayes de Touraine et mis en lumiere 
1 &2Kb| P ar le Sieur de Balzac pour I'Esbattement des 

Pantagruelistes et Non Aultres. Illustrated 
with 425 designs of facetious and grotesque charac- 
ter, after the designs of Gustave Dore. 4to, bound in 
half morocco, uncut. Paris, n. d. 

Limited edition, entirely printed on India paper and with very broad 
margins. This copy includes all the wood engravings of Gustave Dore, illus- 
trative of this famous work. 



242 BALZAC. Resources de Quinola, Comedie en Cinq Actes, 

et Precedee d'un Prologue. 8vo, half crushed levant 
morocco, top edge gilt, others uncut. Paris, 1842 

Oricinai. edition and first represented at the Odeon Theatre, Paris, 
March to, 1S42. 

243 BALZAC. Le Pere Goriot. Small 8vo, sewed, uncut. 

Paris, 1881 

244 [BARHAM (R. H.).] Ingoldsby Legends, or Mirth and 

Marvels. With illustrations by George Cruikshank, John 
Leech and John Tf.nnifx. Thick 410, cloth, gilt edges 
(a few pp. foxed). London, 1865 

" For originality of design and diction, for quaint illustration and musical 
verse, they are not surpassed in the English language .... From the days of 
Hudibras to our lime, the drollery invested in rhymes has never been so amply 
or felicitously exemplified." 

245 BASEGGIO. Dissertation sur l'Alcibiade Fanciullo a 

Scola, traduite de l'ltaliende Giamb. Basf.cgio et accom- 
pagnee de notes et d'une postface par un Bibliophile Fran- 
cais. Small 8vo, morocco extra gilt, edges gilt. 

Paris, /. Gay, 1861 

Number 216 of limited edition of 254 numbered copies. It is an extraordinary 
book on another extraordinary book on an extraordinary subject. It may be 
considered one of the psychological and physiological curiosities of morbid liter- 
ature. It came from the library of itic Marquis J. Gomez dc la Cortina. His 
coronet and eight quartcrings are repeated on the back and front sides of the 
book, which is also decorated at the eight corners with his coronet and mono- 
gram. There is a smaller heraldic "ex-libris " on the inside of cover. 

246 BEKK.ER (Balthazar). The World Bewitched, or an Ex- 

amination of the Common Opinions concerning Spirits : 
their Nature, Power, Administration and Operations, as 
also the Effects Men are able to produce by their Com- 
munication. Small 8vo, new half calf gilt, citron edges. 

London, 1695 

Rare, with MS. name on title. The author was pastor at Amsterdam and 
lx>wndes says—" that no more was published than the first volume which was 
translated from a French copy, approved of and subscribed by the author's own 

"The best account of the power of devils is that given by the celebrated and 
persecuted Dr. Bekkcr in his work entitled ' Lc Monde Enchante. 1 "^Rttro- 

sptctivt Review. 

247 BERANGER (P. J. de). Oiuvres Anciennes, 1815-33; 

Nouvelle Edition revue par l'Auteur avec les Dix Chansons 
publiees en 1847, 2 vols.; also — Dernieres Chansons de 
Beranger de 1834 a 185 1 avec un Preface de l'Auteur. 
Illustrated with portrait, engraved title and steel plates by 
Charlet, A. de Lemud, Johannot, Grenier, Jacque, 
Pauquet, Penguilly, de Rudder, Raffet, Sandoz, 


Balin, Brunet, Colin, Darodes, Doherty, Goutieres, 

Massart, Moret, Lalaisse, Nargeot and Palee, also 

foe-simile letter. Together 3 vols. Large 8vo, old half 

calf. Paris, 1860-63 

Bright impressions of the delightfully designed and beautifully executed 

" The great peculiarity of Beranger is the mixture of gayety and pathos which 
he combines with the happiest effect. lie indeed mingles 1 the grave and the 
gay, the lively and severe with a very original and singular felicity. "— Quarterly 

248 BERANGER, Chansons Anciennes et Posthumes. Large 

8vo, half morocco, top edge gilt. Paris, 1866 

NEW edition, illustrated with 161 original designs and numerous vignettes 
on wood by Andrieux, Bayard, Crepon, Claverie. Darjou, (',. Durand, Ferat, 
Giacomelli, Dorsay, Morin, Pauquct, Riou, Sauvageot, Viollat and Worms. 

249 BERESFORD. Miseries of Human Life or the Groans of 

Samuel Sensitive and Timothy Testy; with — a Few Supple- 
mentary Sighs from Mrs. Testy in twelve Dialogues as 
overheard by James Beresford, Fellow of Merton College, 
Oxford. Folding facetious colored plate and cuts. 2 vols, 
in 1. Small 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1807 

Rare. From the library and with the inserted heraldic book-plate of John 
Pavin Phillips. This copy includes the rare second volume or the — " Last 
Groans of Timothy Testy and Samuel Sensitive with which are now for the first 
time interspersed varieties incidental to the principal matter, in prose and verse, 
in nine additional dialogues as overheard by James Beresford." 

250 BEROALDE DE VERVILLE. Moyen de Parvenir, 

CEuvre Contenant La Raison de ce qui a este, est et sera 
avec demonstrations certaines selon la recontre des effects 
de vertu, nouvelie edition, collationee sur les textes anciens, 
avec Notes, Variantes, Index, Glossaire, et Notice Biblio- 
graphique par " un Bibliophile Campagnard.'' Numerous 
facetious illustrations. 2 vols, small 8vo, half morocco, top 
edge gilt, others uncut. Paris, Leon IVillem, 1870 

Rare. This edition was privately printed and issued to subscribers only. 
The " Moyen de Parvenir" is justly classed as one of the Shandy library. 

" Extremely curious, from the striking pictures which it offers of the manners 
and knowledge of the age. From him, I suspect, Sterne took Mr. Shandy's 
repartee to Obadiah." — Ferrtar. 

251 [BEROALDE de VERVILLE.] Le Moyen de Parvenir. 

2 vols, minimo, old calf, gilt. n _ p_ t «. 

Very scarce. This was doubtless printed by the Elzevirs at Leyden, as 
their printer's mark of " an old man beneath an olive tree " is on both titles, and 
of which the imprints only read " A ***** * 100070057." There 
is an admirable frontispiece to the first volume, showing a group of ecclesiastics 
and semi-nude women, one of whom is holding an oval portrait of the author 
bead downwards. 


252 BIBLIOPHILE FANTA1SISTE ou Choix de Pieces Deso- 

pitanteset Rares Reimprimees en 1869. i vol. in 12 pieces 
(all published), small 8vo, sewed. 

Turin, /. Gay et Fils, 1869 

Very SCARCE. Number 1 1 of a limited edition of 175 numbered copies in 
all on "papier verpe," "papier du Chine" and "papier velin fin.' The 
•' Bibliophile Fanlaisiste " contains reprints of rare facetious pieces, and a 
chronicle of the publication of free and satirical works of interest to the Biblio- 


ACCORDS; avec les Apophtegmes dv Sievr Gavlaru 
et les Escraignes Dijonnoises, derniere edition de nouueau 
augmentee de plusieurs Epitaphes Dialogues et ingenieuses 
Equiunoques. Curious cuts and music. 

Paris, chez Esticnne Mavcroy, 1662; Also — 

trait . Paris, Arnolvd Cotinet, 1662, 

Together two volumes in one. Mintmo, old calf gilt, red 

Rare editions of these facetious works with the inserted heraldic book- 
plate, coronet, motto and shield of—" Ex Bibliotheca Warclanensi comit: de 
Borch," engraved by J. Kallc. 


254 BOCCACCIO. Contes de J. Bocace, Traduction Nouvelle 

Enrichie de Belles Gravures. Illustrated with facetious 
plates engraved by Vidal, after the originals of H. Grave- 
lot. 10 vols, small 8vo, bound by Dlromk in morocco 
gilt, lemon edges. Londres (Paris), 1779 

Larce paper copy of one of the most handsomely and spiritedly illustrated 
editions of the Decameron of Boccaccio. The binding is a fair example in sage 
morocco, of Heroine. With coronet, coal of arms and supporters on inserted 
book-plate of — " Ex libris de Kor|uencour." 

255 BOCCACCIO.— Le Decameron de Boccace, Traduction 

complete par Antoine Le Macon, Secretaire de la 
Ri iNi de Navarre (1545). 6 vols, minimo, imitation 
vellum, uncut. Paris, 1879 

Charming edition, printed on " papier verge, " with head and tail-pieces, 
etc. This is a fac-simile reprint published by Isdior Liseux of the 1551 edi- 
tion of Lyons. It has a modern preface by Alcide Bonneau. 

256 BOCCACCIO.— Contes et Nouvelles de Boccace Floren- 

tin, Traduction libre, Accomodee au gout de ce temps 
dont les figures sont nouvellement gravees par les Meil- 
leurs Maitres, sur les desseins de Mr. Romain de Hooge. 
Illustrated with the engraved title and numerous facetious 
engravings of Romain de Hooge. 2 vols, small 8vo, old 
calf. Cologne, Jacques Gaillard, 1702 

Rare, with early and brilliant impressions of the famous illustrations of Ko- 
main de Hooge and which are of the same order as those by the same artist in 
La Fontaine's " Contes et Nouvelles." 

I 10 


257 BOCCACCIO. — Another Edition of the Same. With the 
same illustrations, but mere or less different in their details. 
2 vols, small Svo, old calf. 

Cologne, Jacques Gaillard, 17 12 

25S BODIN (Jean, Angevin). De La Demonomanie des Sor- 
ciers. Small 8vo, half morocco. 

Anvers, Arnould Conitix, 1586 

This verv rare work on witchcraft is not only noticeable on account of its 
curious character, but also because it was suppressed and burned by the common 
hangman. Vapereau says that Jean Hodin — " fut quclque temps dans l'inti- 
mite de Henri III. et quand la jalousie lui cut alicne le roi, il sc trouva dans les 
bonnes graces du Due d'Alcncon, qui le tit secretaire de scs commandements." 



259 [BOILEAU (Jacques).] Historia Flagellantium de Recto 

et Perverso Flagrorum usu apud Christianos, ex antiquis 
Scripturae Parum, Pontilicum, Conciliorum et ricriptorum 
Profanorum monumentis cum cura et fide expressa. 
Small Svo, calf, sprinkled edges. Paris, 1772 

Very rare. With inserted book-plate, coronet, arms and motto of—" Bib- 
liotheque de M. Rene Amedee Choppin (de Villy). 

This famous work was written by James Boileau de Despreaux, Doctor of the 
Sorbonne. Grand Vicar of Paris and Canon of Saint Chapelle. An analysis of this 
work will be found in the Analecta Biblion, Vol. 2, p. 316. The Abbe Uoileau 
proves that voluntary flagellation was unknown among Christians during the 
first ten centuries, and it is not only dangerous for health, but for morals, and 
that it gave rise to the era of the Flagellants who attributed to flagellation more 
virtues than the sins incurred by its use. When the Abbe Boileau was asked 
why he wrote his works in Latin, he said—" It is tor fear that the Bishops do 
not read me, but would persecute me." 

260 BOILEAU. — Memorials of Human Superstition Imitated 

from the " Historia Flagellantium " of the Abhe Boileau, 
Doctor of the Sorbonne, Canon of the Holy Chapel, etc., 
by one who is not a Doctor of the Sorbonne. Facetious 
plates. Small 8vo, half morocco, cloth sides, gilt edges. 

London, 1785 

Very rare. This volume was compiled and translated from the French by 
J. L. De Lolme. who is best known as the author of a work on the English 
Constitution. One plate represents— devils flagellating St. Francis of Assissi 
and his monks; another, the flagellation of King Henry II. for the murder of 
Thomas A'Hecket; and still another of a society lady preparing to receive 
flagellation at the hands of her father confessor. 

261 BOJARDO. Orlando Inamorato di Matteo M. Bojardo 

rifatto da Francesco Berni. Fine portrait. 4 vols. 8vo, 
elegantly bound in crushed red levant morocco extra gilt, 
inside gold borders, gilt edges. Paris, Molini, 1768 

Fine copy of the best edition. The "Orlando Inamorato" holds the first 
place in Italian literature. The author was born in 1430 and died in 1494. 


1 1 1 

262 BONNET (Jacques). Histoire General de la Danse Sacree 

et Profane; ses Progres et ses Revolutions depuis son 
Origine, jusqu'a present; avec un Supplement de 1'His- 
toire de la Musique et le Parallele de la Peinture et de la 
Poesie. Small 8vo, old calf gilt, red edges. Paris, 1724 
Verv scarce and dedicated to the Regent Orleans. 

263 BOREL. Madame Putiphar, par Petrus Borei., le Ly- 

canthrope. Seconde Edition conforme pour le texte et les 
vignettes a l'edition de 1839; preface par M. Jules 
Claretie. Fronts. 2 vols. 8vo, sewed, uncut. Paris, 1877 

Petnis Borel was the nom-de-plume of Pierre Bore! d'Uauterive. who was 
born at Lyons in 1S09 and died in 18513. He is distinguished as a poet as well 
as an author and editor. The above is his most celebrated work. 

264 BORGIA. — Vita Francisci Borcia: Tertij Societatis Iesv 

Generalis a P. Ribadeonejra Hispanice scripta; Latine 
vero ab And. Schotto Antverp vtroq. eiusdem Societatis 
Sacerdote: accesserunt nunc primum pia Opuscula Fran- 
cisci Borgi/E. Fat minimo, old calf gilt, edges gilt 
(stained somewhat). Mayence, 1603 

Rare. Stamped in gold on the sides with ihe arms of the France family 
above the date 1626. I he crest is " a flcur-dc-lys " on a helmet and a shield— 
" barry of six chargsd with six flcurs-dc-lys, three, two and one." This is a 
presentation copy to a member of the France family and has a MS. inscription. 
The volume has references to Florida, Brazil and Peru, and the labors of the 
Jesuits there. 

265 BOUCLIER d'ESTAT et de Justice contre le Dessein 

Manifestement decouvert de la Monarchic Universelle, 
sous le vain pretexte des Pretentions de la Reyne de 
France. Minimo, bound by Simier in crushed levant 
morocco gilt, inside gold borders. Paris, 1667 

Very Rare and suppressed. This was probably printed by the Elzevirs as 
the buffalo's head cut appears over the first chapter. It is, howeier, a variation 
of that generally used. 

266 BOUFFLERS (Stanislas, Chevalier de) CEuvres, avec les 

(Piuvres du Marquis de Villette avec des Reponses 
de Voltaire. Minimo, fine old red morocco gilt, gilt 
edges. Londres, 1782 

Rark. This volume was printed at Paris, and its contents show that the 
Chevalier tie Boulflers — " excellait dans de petits badinages, des blucttes bril- 
liants, que Chamfort apptllait de la crtme foucttee." Boufflers was one of the 
lovers of Napoleon's sister Eliza, and was made by the Emperor, librarian of the 
BibliotMque Mazarin. 

267 BOUGEANT (G. H.). Le Voyage Merveilleux du Prince 

Fan-Feredin dans la Romance, contenant plusieurs Ob- 
servations Historiques, Geographiques, Physiques, Criti- 
ques et Morales. Small 8vo, old sheep. Paris, 1735 
RARE and curious. From the library of the Earl of Ancram and with his 
inserted heraldic book-plate. 


268 BRAITHWAIT (Richard). Drunken Barnaby's Four 

Journeys to the North of England, in Latin and English 
Metre: Wittily and Merrily (tho' an Hundred Years ago) 
composed; found among some old, musty books that had 
lain a long time by in a Corner, and now at last made 
public together with Bessy Bell. Very humorous plates. 
Minimo, calf. London, 1774 

Rare, with inserted heraldic book plate and the autograph signature of W. 
Hunter on title. 

" Braithwait's merits are undoubtedly very considerable. Some of his pieces 
are capable of affording instruction and delight. He was a most extraordinary 
man in poetry and prose." — DlBMN. 


269 BRATHVVAIT. English Gentleman and the English 

Gentlewoman Both in one Volvme Couched and in one 
Modell portrayed: to the living glory of their Sexe, the 
lasting story of their worth being presented to present 
times for ornaments; commended to Posterity for Presi- 
dents with a Ladies Love-Lectvre and a Svpplement lately 
annexed and Entituled the Tvrtle's Trivmph. Engraved 
title. Small folio, paneled calf gilt, red edges (binding 
slightly inked). London, printed by Ion Dawson, 1641 

Very RARE. A remarkably clean and sound copy, with a good impression 
of the frontispiece by Marshall. It also contains the folded description of the 
frontispiece which is often wanting as well as that at the end of the •' Ladies 
Love-Lectvre," entitled " The Contents, Disposition and Order of this Ladies 

Each of the four articles, " The English Gentleman," " The English Gentle- 
woman," "A Ladies Love Lecture" and the "Turtle's Triumph," have dis- 
tinct titles. 

270 BREBOUEF (Guillaume de). G^uvres, Nouuellement mises 

au jour. Engraved title. 2 vols, small 8vo, bound by 
" Petit Succr. de Simier " in light yellow calf gilt, inside 
gold borders, gilt edges. Paris, lean Baptisic Loyson,\bG$ 

Scarce. This little work is remarkable as containing one hundred and fifty 
various Epigrams, written for a wager against ladies who rouged. 


271 BROWN ( Thomas). Works, Serious and Comical, in Prose 

and Verse, the Fifth Edition, Corrected from the Errors 
of the Former Impressions with the Life and Character of 
Mr. Brown, and a Key to all his Writings (by N. Drake). 
Portrait and plates, mostly /tumorous. 4 vols, small 8vo, 
fine old crushed red levant morocco gilt, inside gold bor- 
ders, tooled gilt edges. London, 1720 

Scarck. and an excellent copy, with the inserted heraldic book-plates of 
" Richard Morhall." 

" Tom lirown is now usually described as a buffoon and a mere merry fellow: 
but he had great shrewdness and observation, and was a droll of the first order. 
The great fault is his indecency, a fault which seems almost inseparable from a 
humorist."— Burnet. 



272 BUSSY-RAHUTIN— Memoires tie Messire Roger de 

Rabutin Comte de Bussy, Lieutenant General des 
Armees du Roy, et Mestre de Camp General de la Cava- 
lierie Legere. 3 vols, minimo, half red morocco, gilt. 

Paris, Jean Anisson, 1696 

Very rare and original edition of these curious memoirs by the author of 
the celebrated " Amorous History of the Gauls," a work which has been 
described as worthy of Petronius Arbiter, and was written for the author's mis- 
tress, the Marquise de Montglas. He describes the gallant adventures and in- 
trigues of the great people of his own time, not forgetting his cousin. Madame 
de Sevigne. 


273 BUTLER (Samuel). Hudibras, with Doctor Grey's Anno- 

tations. A New Edition, Corrected and Enlarged. Por- 
traits, facsimiles, engravings and vignettes on wood, by 
Hogarth, also title-page on India paper. 3 vols, elegantly 
bound in green morocco gilt, inside gold borders, edges 
gilt by J. Mackenzie. 

London, Charles and Henry Baldwyn, 1819 

Rare. A splendid copy of the best edition of Hudibras, or in the exact 
words of Lowndes — " best modern edition, with portraits, plates and numerous 
woodcuts. " Dibdin says — "The best critical edition of this author (Butler) was 
by Dr. Grey in 1 741; a performance replete with curious, interesting and accu- 
rate historical and bibliographical intelligence. I rarely open this book without 
rising gratified by its perusal." 

Concerning Hudibras there is but one sentiment — it is universally allowed to 
be the first and last poem of its kind. The learning, wit and humor certainly 
stand unrivalled. Various have been the attempts to describe the two last; the 
greatest English writers have tried in vain— Cowley, Barrow, Dryden, Locke,' 
Addison. Pope and Congrevc, all failed in their attempts: perhaps they are more 
to be felt than explained, and to be understood rather from example than pre- 
cept; if any one wishes to know what wit and humor are, let him read Hudibras 
with attention, be will there see them displayed in their brightest colors. 


274 BUTLER. Hudibras, in Three Parts; written in the time 

of the late wars, with Select Notes by Zachary Grey. 
LL.D., the Author's Remains and his Life, by Dr. Samuel 
Johnson. Portrait engraved by Heath, and fronts, by tin- 
same, after Robert Smirke. 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco 
gilt, marbled sides and edges (foxed slightly in one or two 
places). London, John Sharpe, 1810 

Largf. paper copy of Sharpe 's elegant edition, printed by Davison on thick 
paper, with the inserted heraldic book-plate of Edwin Lucas. Voltaire thus 
speaks of the Hudibras — "There is one English poem, the title whereof is 
Hudibras; it is Don Quixote — it is our Satyre Menippe blended together. I 
never met with so much wil in one single book as in this." 


275 BUTLER. Hudibras in Three Parts, Written in the Time 

of the Late Wars, corrected and amended with additions, 
to which are added Annotations and an exact Index to the 
whole. Portrait by Vander Gucht, and humorous plates, 
many folded, and which were designed and engraved by 
Hogarth. Small 8vo, calf gilt London, 1785 

Scarce edition, nice copy, with the inserted heraldic book-plate of Charles 

276 BUTLER. Another Edition of the Same. With portrait 

and Hogarth plates [one torn). Minimo, old calf, gilt. 

London, 1732 

277 Butler Poetical Works (Hudibras, etc.). 2 vols, small 8vo, 

half calf gilt, marbled sides and edges. London, n. d. 
Printed at the Chiswick Press. 

278 BYRON (Lord). Don Juan. XIV. Cantos. 5 vols, small 

8vo, boards, uncut. 

London, John Hunt and Thomas Davidson, 1820-23 

Rare original editions of Cantos III. -XIV. and second edition of I. -II. 
Some vols, slightly foxed and one title a little damaged. 

ABINET du BIBLIOPHILE. 22 vols, small 
8vo, sewed, uncut. 

Paris, Librairie des Bibliophiles, 1868-76 

Very scarce and limited edition of numbered copies on " papier verge," 
" papier du Chine " and "papier Whatman," all beautifully printed with charming 
initial letters by Jouaust and edited by Paul Lacroix and others. The set 
includes:— La Chronique de Gargantua et de Pantagruel; Tahureau (Jacques), 
Poesies de, 1554; Sonnet (Courval) Poesies de, 1626-27; Desroches (Mme.), La 
Puce, 1610; La Bruyere, Le Premier Textc de, 1688; La Rochefoucauld, Le 
Premier Texte de. 1665; Amusements Serieux et Comiqucs, 1705; Lettres Tur- 
ques, 1744; Sable (Mme. de), Maximes, 1678; Doublet (Jean). Elegies, 1559! 
La Chronique de Gargantua; Labe (Louise), GLuvres. 1555; Le Disciple de 
Pantagruel; D'Aubignc (A.), Le Printemps; Huit Lettres de Mme. de Lafay- 
ette a Mme. de Sable; Voltaire, Lettres et Poesies lncdites de; Dulorens. Satires 
de, portrait of author, 1646; D'Aubignc (A.), L'Enfcr; Traicte de Getta et 


280 CABINET DES FEES, ou Collection Choisie des Contes 
des Fees et Autres Contes Merveilleux. Illustrated with 
120 plates by Marillier. 41 vols, small 8vo, mottled 
sheep gilt, red edges. 

Paris, Geneva, Amsterdam, etc., 1785-89 
Very scarce. " Vend. 230 francs, v. /. t.d. Piexerecourt."— Bruset. 
A very complete and curious collection of fairy tales, folk-lore stories, etc., 
comprising not only the compositions of such authors as Perrault, but also the 
Oriental writers. It embodies all the fairy tales and popular stories of Europe, 
with the continuation of Arabian Nights, etc. Marillier's illustrations are 
characteristic and in many cases excessively humorous, curious and facetious. 


281 CAREVV. An Apology for the Life of Mr. Bampfylde- 

Moore Carew, commonly call'd the King of the Beggars. 
Large folding portrait. Small 8vo, old calf. London, n. d. 

Rare. The sub-title reads — " Being an impartial Account of his Life, from 
his leaving Tiverton school at the Age of Fifteen and entering into a Society of 
Gypsies to the present Time, wherein the motives of his Conduct will be ex- 
plam'd, and the great number of C haracters and Shapes he has appeared in, 
through Great Britain, Ireland and several other places of Europe be related: 
with his Travels Twice through great part of America. A Particular Account 
of the Original Government, Languages, Laws and Customs of the Gypsies, 
their Method of electing their King, etc. , and a Parallel drawn after the manner 
of Plutarch between Mr. Ilampfylde- Moore Carew and Mr. Thomas Jones." 

282 CASANOVA (Jacques de Seingalt). Memoires Ecrits par 

lui-meme. Edition Complete. 6 vols, thick 8vo, half red 
crushed levant morocco, top edge gilt, others uncut. 

Brussels, 1872 

Edition Rozi z, printed on a thick laid paper. Casanova's Memoirs trans- 
cend in interest those of all other adventurers from Gil Bias downwards, with 
the added merit of being genuine and not fictitious. Accomplished, generous, 
and of an audacity that never failed him in the most critical moments, he vis- 
ited every Court of Europe, conversed with the most famous men, and intrigued 
with women everywhere. lie relates all these transactions with a cynical pre- 
cision that is sometimes frightful, and only to be forgiven in favor of the terse- 
ness of the style and the brilliancy of the narrative. 


Exemplarium, Fidem Recensiti, cum MSS. Codicum 
Variis Lectionibus Margini Appositis ad Celsissimum 
Aurelianenstum Ducem. 4to, old calf. 

Paris, Cousiclier, 1723 
Very rare edition of these Latin erotic poems and dedicated to the Regent 
of France, Philippe d'Orleans. A few pages are foxed. 

284 CAWLEY (William). The Laws of Queen Elisabeth, K. 

James and K. Charles I., Concerning Jesuits, Seminary 
Priests, Recusants, etc. Small folio, old sheep (MS. name 
on title). London, 1680 

Rake and partially lilaclc Letter, slightly water-stained, and MS. name on 
title. The volume includes — "the Statute XXV. Car II., Cap. 2 for prevent- 
ing Dangers which may happen from Popish Recusants." 

285 CAYLUS (Comte de). Faceties avec une Notice Bio-Bib- 

liographique par Octave Uzanne. Portrait by Lalauze 
after Cochin, etchings and vignette cuts, one facsimile. 
Small 4to, bound by Courmont in half red crushed 
levant morocco, top edge gilt. Paris, Qua n tin, 1879 

" Tirace A petit nombrk." The full baptismal name of the Comte de 
Caylus is given below his portrait as follows: — ' ' Anne-Claude-Philippe de 
Tubieres de Grimoard de t'estels de Levy Comte de Caylus." This celebrated 
author, notwithstanding his reputation as a facetious writer, was celebrated on 
account of his having rendered — " des services reels a 1'erudition, fonda des 
prix acade'miques et protegea effaccment les aristes, tout en s'efforcant d'exercer 
sur leurs travaux, une direction plus erudite que vraiment eclairee." 


286 CAZOTTE (Jacques). Le Diable Amoureux, Preface de 

A. J. Pons, Variantes et Bibliographic Portrait after 
If ASSON, fat-simile and etchings by F. Buhot. 8vo, totally 
uncut. Paris, 1878 

Edition Quantum, rubricated borders and tinted paper. The volume also 

contains— " L'Honneur perdu et recouvre"; "La Prophetic de Cazotte"; 

" Variante du Diable Amoureux." 

287 CENT NOUVELLES NOUVELLES (Les), suivent les 

Cent Nouvelles contenant les Cent Histoires Nouveaux, 
Qui sont moult plaisans a raconter en toutes bonnes Com- 
pagnies; par Maniere de Joyeusete. 2 vols, minimo, 
sprinkled calf gilt, inside gold borders, gilt edges, by 
" Pktit succr. de Simier." 

A La Haye, chez P. Gosse et J. Neaulme, 1733 

Rare, from the library of and with the heraldic book-plate of " Thos. For- 
rest Betton." 

Sir Walter Scott in " Quentin Durward " thus speaks of Louis XI. and the 
above work: "He [Louis] even mingled in the comic adventures of obscure 
intrigue with a freedom little consistent with the habitual and guarded jealousy 
of his character, and he was so fond of this species of humble gallantry that he 
caused a number of its gay and licentious anecdotes to be enrolled in a collection 
well known to book-collectors, in whose eyes (and the work is unfit for any other) 
the right edition is very precious." 

288 CERVANTES.— Nouvelles Exemptaires de Michel de 

Cervantes Saavedra, Auteur de Don Quichotte Tra- 
duction et Edition Nouvelle Augmentee de Trois Nou- 
velles qui n'avoient point ete' traduites en Francois et de la 
Vie de PAuteur, par M. 1'Abbe' S. Martin de Chasson- 
VILLE. Portrait by Kent and plates engraved by Gentot 
and Aveline after Folkema. 2 vols, small 8vo, half 
sheep, uncut. Lauzanne et Geneve, 1744 

Rare and in the most unusual state to find this edition of the " Exemplary 

Novels." It is not mentioned by Brunet. This copy has the inserted heraldic 

rjook-plate of Edward Cheney. 

289 CERVANTES SAAVEDRA.— Life and Exploits of Don 

Quixote de la Mancba, translated by Jarvis. Steel por- 
traits, and fronts, by Wainwright. 4 vols, minimo, ele- 
gantly bound in light blue crinkled morocco extra gilt, 
inside gold borders, gilt edges (MS. name on titles). 

London, 1821 


290 CHARLES the FIRST.— Eikon Basilike, le Portrait dv 

Roy de la Grand Bretagne ; Faict de sa Propre Main 
Durant sa Solitude et ses SoufTrances ; seconde edition 
corrig^e et augumetce de plusieurs pieces de la facon de 
sa Majeste. Engraved plates, representing the King in his 



oratory. Minimo, mottled calf, extra gilt, inside gold bor- 
ders, edges gilt (margins cut down somewhat), 

Rouen, lean Bcrthclin, 1649 
Rare and the first edition of the work published by Gaudcn immediately 
after the execution of the monarch. Malcolm Laing says : " Had it appeared 
a week sooner, it might have preserved the King." So great was the interest 
this volume excited, that forty-seven editions— forty eight thousand copies — 
were speedily absorbed. It is now generally accepted that Charles the First 
was not the author of the book. Arthur, Karl of Annesley, in his copy of the 
work, wrote that King Charles the Second and the Duke of York had both 
assured him, that the work in question — " Was none of the said King's compil- 
ing, but made by Dr. Gauden, Bishop of Chester, which 1 here insert, for the 
undeceiving others in this point, by attesting so much under my hand." 

291 CHARLES II. — Prediction ov se voit comme le Roy 

Charles II. Roy de la Grand Bretagne dit estre remis 
aux Royaumes d'Angleterre, Escosse et Irlande aprcs 
la Mort cle son Pere avec la Conference de feu Roy et le 
Docteur Henderson Escossois Touchant le Gouuerne- 
ment de 1'Eglise Anglicane. Minimo, bound by Ai.lo in 
brown crushed levant morocco, inside gold borders, edges 
temoins and gilt on marble. Rouen. 1650 

Extremely rare and at the end are many pieces of poetry, such as " Meta- 
morphoses des lies Fortunces a la Reyne Dovairicre de la Grande Bretagne," 

292 CHARLES II.— Sereniss. Principi Carolo Secundo Mag. 

Brit. Fran, et Hib. Regi Votum Candidum Vivat Rex 
Avtore Mauritio Neoporto Anglo. Small 8vo, crinkled 
red morocco gilt, edges gilt. London, 1676 

Rare and good example of Bozerian's binding. The volume is a clean copy 
of Latin Verses, several hundreds of pages in number, to the honor of Charles 
the Second. 

293 CHATEAUBRIAND (Rene de). Atala, le Dernier Aben- 

cerage, preface de Mario Proth. With four etchings and 
portrait by Los Rios and fourteen vignettes by Fr. Reg amy. 
8vo, totally uncut. Paris, 1882 

Edition Quantin, with rubricated borders and tinted paper, also with fac- 

294 CHATTO (William Andrew). Facts and Speculations on 

the Origin and History of Playing Cards. Profusely 
illustrated with plates, many colored, also woodcuts in the text. 
Thick 8vo, half calf gilt, marbled sides and edges. 

London, 1848 

All the fac-similes in the above, " with the exception of the French Valets 
at p. 250 and the Portuguese Chevaliers at p. 252, have been copied by Mr._ F. 
W. Fairholt; and all the wood engravings, with the exception of the tail-piece 
by W. J. Linton at p. 330, have been executed by Mr. George Vasey." 


295 CHEVERS (Norman). Did Jamf.s the First of England 

die from the Effects of Poison or from Natural Causes ? 

Large 4to, sewed. Calcutta, 1862 

Large paper, and of which only six copies were printed for distribution 
among the friends of the author, who was the Principal of the Calcutta Medical 
College. This was a presentation copy, and on the title is the following in the 
handwriting of the author— " William J. Thorns. Ksq., F. S. A., with the 
Authnr's Sincere Compliments." There are many manuscript notes in the 
margins in the handwriting of the late Mr. Thorns, Editor of Notes and Queries 
and author of numerous works. 

296 CHIABRERAE (Gabriello). Poesie. 3 vols, in 1. Small 

8vo, boards (stained slightly). Florence, 1627 

Rare, and includes his facetious poems. 

297 CHIUSHINGURA or the Loyal League, a Japanese 

Romance translated by Fredkrick Dickins, with Notes 
and an Appendix containing a Metrical Version of the 
Ballad of Takasago and Specimens of Original Text in 
the Japanese character, illustrated by numerous engravings 
on wood, drawn and executed by Japanese artists and printed 
on Japanese paper. 8vo, half morocco gilt, top edge gilt. 

Yokohama, Japan Gazette Office, 1875 

298 CLARK (Richard). First Volume of Poetry. Revised, 

Improved and Considerably Enlarged, containing the 
most Favorite Pieces as Performed at the Noblemen and 
Gentlemen's Catch Club, the Glee Club, the Harmonists' 
Society, the Argyle Glee Club, the Lodge of Antiquity, 
the Somerset House Lodge, the Lodge of Inverness and 
the Lodge of Prudence 122 of Freemasons, the Amateur 
Glee Club, Evening Parties and all Public Societies in 
General. Small 8vo, calf gilt. London, 1824 

All published of this volume of Catches and Glees. With inserted heraldic 
book-plate of William M. Maude. 


299 COCKBURN (John). History and Examination of Duels. 

Shewing their Heinous Nature and the Necessity of Sup- 
pressing them, with the Edict of the King of France 
against Duels and an Abridgement of that of the King of 
Poland. Large 8vo, fine old red morocco gilt, inside 
gold borders, edges gilt (carefully rebacked). 

London, 1720 

I.ARGF. PAPER, and rare, with inserted heraldic book-plate of Lord Leigh of 
Stonelcigh Abbey. 

300 Codk df. l'Amour ou les Decisions de Cithere. 2 vols, in 1. 

Minimo, bound by Camu.i.e, in half red russia gilt, edges 
gilt. Amsterdam and Paris, 1 7 76 

Rare. Very curious work on Love, with poems of a facetious character. 



301 C0MMEN1US (J. A.). Visible World, or a Nomenclature 

in Pictures of all the Chief Things that are in the World. 
Very curious portrait and illustrations. Small 8vo, old 
calf (repacked). London, 1705 

Very scarce, and translated by Charles Hoolc. 

302 CONTES en VERS et Quelques Pieces Fugitives. Face- 

tious plates. Small 4to, old half sheep. Paris, 1797 

This volume of erotic poetry was formerly the property of King Louis 
Philippe, and has on title the library stamp of M Bibliotheque du Chateau 
d'Eu,' with monogram " L. P." On the back is stamped in gold a regal 
crown, and below it is a monogram " I,. P. O." 

303 COSTARD. — Lettres en Vers et Opuscules Poetiques, etc. 

With very charming engravings by Df. LongUEVILle and 
Le Mire after Eisen. Small 8vo, crinkled morocco, 
inside gold borders, gilt edges by Girardet. 

Londres et Parts, 1789 

Rare, including the author's " Love Songs " and " Vaudevilles." 

304 COURT DE GEBELIN (Anthoine). Allegories Orientales 

ou le Fragment de Sanchoniathon qui contient 1'Histoire 
de Saturne, suivie de celles de Mercure et d'Hercule et de 
ses Douze Travaux avec leur explication pour servir a 
rintelligence du Genie Symbolique de l'Antiquite. Plates 
and vignettes engraved by Marillier. 4to, half russia, 
red edges. Paris, 1783 

Scarce. " Allegories orientales. est une explication de la mythologie 
ancienne, considerec d un bout a l'autre comme une allegoric ayant a la fois 
pour base les travaux des champs et les phenomenes astronoraiques." — 

305 Cousin (Le), de Mahomet. Plates. 2 vols, minimo, sewed, 

uncut. Facetious. A Constantinople (Paris), 1781 

306 CRIES OF ROYAL BLOOD. Small 8vo, mottled calf. 

London, 1722 

Very rare. The sub-title continues — " Being a History of the Kings and 
Queens of England who were most barbarously murder'd by their own Sub- 
jects, viz., John. Edward II, Richard II. Henry VI, Edward V, Ann of 
Bologne. Catherine Howard and Charles I: the Whole interspcrs'd with Political 
Remarks, and Original Letters, not inserted in any of our Chronicles, which 
passed betwixt Oliver Cromwell, Hugh Peters and Sergeant Bradshaw, whilst 
the Royal Martyr was a prisoner in Carisbrook Cattle and St. James Palace." 

307 CREBILLON (C. P. J. de,_/fA). Collection Complete des 

OZuvres. 14 vols, in 7. Small Svo, half crushed levant 
morocco extra, contents lettered, top edges gilt. 

Londres (Paris), 1777 
Rare edition of the works of Crebillon fils, and including — Le Sylphe; 
Lettres de la Marquise de M. . . au Comte de R. . . . ;Taniai et Neardarne; 
Les Egaremcns du Cosur et de I'Esprit; I-e Sopha; Ah Quel Conte; Les lleureux 

] 20 


Orphelins; La Nuit et le Moment; le Hasard du (Join du Feu'; Lettres de la 
Duchesse de . . au Due de ; Lettres Atheniennes. 

The younger Crebillon, wc are told — " was a gay companion so foil of wit 
and humor, and he wrote a series of licentious novels which pleased Miss Staf- 
ford, a young, handsome and rich Englishwoman, so much that she came to 
France and married him." 

One of Crebillon 's earliest works caused the imprisonment of the author at 
Vincennes, it being; claimed there were satirical concealed allusions to the Tapal 
bull " Unigenitus." Cardinal de Rohan and the Duchesse de Maine. 

" Crebillon (tils) was born in Paris in 1707, and died at the age of 70. It is 
related that his father, who was a noted dramatist, being asked one day which 
was his best production, pointed at his son and said: 'I don't know which is 
my best, but there is my worst.' If his father was called the /Kschylus of France, 
surely the son might be called the l'etronius. M. d'AIembert once said: 'Cre- 
billon, the father, paints in the blackest colors the crimes and wickedness of man. 
The son draws with delicate and just pencil the refinements and shades, and even 
graces of our vices, that seductive levity which renders the French what is 
called amiable, but which does not signify worthy of being loved, in short our 
manners, at once frivolous and corrupt, wherein the excess of depravity com- 
bines with excess of ridiculousness.' He was for a time in high repute for his 
wit and gaiety, which made him a pleasant companion, and for his clever, but 
licentious novels, which are best forgotten." — Cates. 

308 CREBILLON, fits. Another Copy of the Same Edition. 

14 vols. Sewed, uncut. 

309 [CRUSIN (Y. P. R.).] Amour au Grand Trot ou La Gau- 

driole en Diligence. Manuel Portatif et guide tres-precieux 
pour les voyageurs, offrant une serie de Voyages Galans 
en France et a Petranger, ainsi qu'une foule de revelations 
piquantes de tous les larcins d'amour, bonnes fortunes, 
espieglieries, aventures extraordinaires dont les voitures 
publiques sont si souvent le theatre, par " M. Velocifere " 
grand amateur des messageries. Facetious folding front. 
Minimo, cloth, marbled edges. Paris, 1820 

Rare and curious. 

310 CROCE (Giulio Cesare della). Venttsette Piacevolissime 

del Croce: Dalle quale pigliandosi I'lnuentioni, si pos- 
sono fare Concerti diletteuoli, et gratiosi, per passa tempo 
in Carnevale Nuouamente date in luce aggiontoui nel sine 
due Villanelle Pastorale. Minimo, smooth morocco, inside 
gold borders. Venice, Ghirado Imberti, 162 1 

Very rare, like all the curious little bibelots of this author, who wrote his 
own life in verse. This copy has the ex libris of Charles Nodier and the 
heraldic book-plate ill white and gold, coronet and shield, "ex libris Car. 

311 CRUIK.SHANK — Smollett (T., M.D.). Adventures of 

Peregrine Pickle, in which are included Memoirs of a 
Lady of Quality. With illustrations by George Cruik- 
shank. 2 vols, small 8vo, half morocco gilt, top edge 
gilt, others uncut. London, 183 1 

Original edition, with brilliant impressions of the plates, edited by 
Thomas Roscoe. 


12 J 

312 CRUIKSHANK. The Cat's Tail, being the History of 
Childe Merlin, a Tale by the Baroness de Katzleben. 
With three etched plates by George Cruikshank. Half 
morocco, top edge gilt, others uncut. 

Very scarce. Edinburgh, 1831 

313 p^r^ANCE OF DEATH.— La Grande Danse Ma- 
I c A,1RK des llommes et des Femmes, Precedee du 
iflNjPjfi diet des trois Mors et des trois Vifz, du debat 
jJEaleH du Corps et de I'Ame, et de la Complaincte de 

I'Ame Dampnee. Curious wood block facsimiles. 
4to, half morocco, top edge gilt, others uncut. 

Paris, Ballieu (1850) 
Printed on rough paper in imitation of the old block books. 
" Ayant acquis il y a plusieurs annces les bois graves de la Danse Macabre de 
Troyes, nous en donnons unc nouvelle edition conforme quant au texte a 1'ecU- 
tion de i486, dont 1'edition de Jehan Lecocq, E. Troyes, 1539. etait la copie et 
qui fut copice a son tour par Gamier de Troyes, en 1641." — Preface. 

314 DEMOUSTIER (C. A.). Lettres a Emilie sur la Mytholo- 

gie. Engraved fronts, and plates by Queverdo. 6 vols, 
in 3. Small 8vo, mottled calf, gilt. Paris, Dessenne, 1792 
Large paper. Scarce edition and in excellent condition internally. 


3 rs DENON (Vivant, ancien Directeur G/n/ral des Hfus/es). 
L'CEUVRE GENERAL de, avec une Notice Trf.s 
Detaillke sur son CEuvre par M. D'ALBERT DE 
LA FIZELIERE. Being a collection of 317 etchings, 
mostly designed and engraved by this celebrated artist, the 
■whole forming the most complete and varied album possible 
for the study of engraving and etching — also portraits. 
2 vols, large 4to, half morocco gilt, top edges gilt. 

Paris, A. Barraud, Libraire Editcur, 1873 

Very scarce. Limited edition, printed on heavy paper, and of which this 
copy is No. 89. 

A series of 317 etchings by the gifted artist who executed the admirable 
drawings for Honaparte's great work on Egypt. The etchings arc mostly 
original, but include some copies of Rembrandt and other Old Masters. The 
eleventh (suppressed) series, and which is included in the above, consists of 
over thirty etchings of priapic and very erotic subjects. Among these is the 
celebrated " Nun's Dream.' •' The Thirteenth Labor of Hercules," ■' Offerings 
to the God IViapus." etc., etc. 

316 DESCHENEL (Emile). Bien Qu'on a dit des Femmes. 
Square minimo, bound by Bertrand in crushed levant 
morocco, top edge gilt. Paris, 1856 


317 DIDEROT (Denis). Neveu de Rameau texte revue apres 

les manuscrits — notice, notes, bibliographic par Gustave 
Isambert. Portrait after J. G. Wille, facsimile and two 
etchings by Sainte-Elme Gauthier. 8vo, totally uncut. 

Paris, 1883 

EDITION Quantin with rubricated titles and tinted paper. 

Diderot was the chief of the Eighteenth century writers known as Encyclo- 
pedists, and it has been asserted he was a professed atheist. Genin says, how- 
ever, that he taught his daughter to read the Bibtc. in regard to which Voltaire 
wrote — " I am displeased with ' Tonpla ' (anagram of ' Platon,' Plato), they say 
he permits his daughter to be educated in the principles which he detests. " 

318 [DORAT (Claude Joseph).] LES BAISERS, precedes du 

Mois de Mai, pocme (par DORA'!'), Frontispiece and en- 
graved plate by Eisen, engraved title, 22 vignettes, and 22 
tail-pieces £y Charles Eisen, 2 by Marillier. Small 8vo, 
half cloth, uncut. La Haye et Paris, chez Dclalain, 1770 
Very rare. In splendid condition. One of the most charming books 
issued from the press in the last century. Priced 3,000 francs, uncut, by Mor- 
gand-Katout. and another copy by the same, bound by Trautz-Bauzonnet, 2,200 
francs (vide inserted catalogue slips). Also priced 35 guineas in a late London 
catalogue and bound in ordinary calf. 

319 [DORAT. I Les Fables Nouvelles. With front, vignette 

title, hvo engraved titles, also head and tail pieces designed by 
Marillier. 2 vols, in 1. Small 8vo, magnificently 
bound by Thivet in crushed green levant morocco, extra 
gilt, rounded corners, inside gold borders, gilt edges. 

La Haye et Paris, chez Dclalain, 1773 

Very rare in such beautiful condition and binding as the above with all the 
illustrations of Marillier. With inserted page of MS, relating to Dorat. Priced 
4,000 francs in late Paris catalogue (vide inserted catalogue slip). 

320 [DORAT.] Mes Reveries contenant Erato et L'Amour 

Poeme suivi des Riens. Etchings by Chatelain and 
Sailliar after Desrais. 8vo, half blue morocco, top 
edge gilt on marble. Londres (Paris), 177 1 

Original edition. A tall copy but slightly stained. This is one of the 
rarest of Dorat 's works. 

321 DOUZE FACETIES. 12 facetious pieces, with cuts repro- 

duced in facsimile and of " I'ordre des cocus rt'forme's " and 
" la patente des cocus. Small folio, paper. 

Brussels, Gay et Douce, 1881 
Very facetious and amorous. Limited edition of 500 copies, of which the 
above is No. 429. The bibliographical notice before the preface shows that 
only two of the patents in the above were known before the reprint, viz., that 
of Bavarde" and that of " Curieuse." 

322 DRAKE. The English Hero, or Sir Francis Drake 

Reviv'd. Portrait and curious cut. Minimo, sheep. 

London, 17 16 

Rake chap book edition and containing, as the sub title states — " I. His 
Voyage in 1572, to Nombre de Dios in the West Indies, where they saw a 


Pile of Bars of Silver, near 70 foot long, 10 foot broad and 12 foot hich. II. 
His Encompassing the Whole World in 1577. which he perform "d in two years 
and ten months, gaining a vast quantity of Gold and Silver. III. His Voyage 
into America in 1585 and taking the towns of S. Iago. St. Domingo, Cartha- 
gena and St. Augustine. Also his Worthy Actions when Vice-Admiral of Eng- 
land in the Spanish Invasion in 15S8. IV. His last Voyage in those Countries 
in 1595, with the manner of his Death and Burial. - ' 

323 DUBOCCAGE (Marie Anne I.opayc, Madame Fiquef). La 

Columbiade, ou la Foix Portee au Nouveau Monde Poeme 
par Madame Uuboccage. Portrait engraved by Tardieu, 
vignette on title, numerous plates, some of nudes, and exqui- 
sitely engraved tail-pieces. Small 8vo, half crushed levant 
morocco gilt, edges gilt. Paris, 1756 

Rark, and should be classed among the Americana, it being ■ poem on the 
alleged adventures of Europeans among a nation of American Indians and of a 
tribe governed by a Queen who has an army of Amazons. 

Madame Duboccage was the friend of Voltaire and Fontenellc. An epigram 
describes her as " forma Venus arte Minerva." Yarlanca also made this epi- 
gram on her: — 

" Sur cet ecrit, charmante Du Boccage, 
Veux-tu savoir quel est mon sentiment ? 
Je comptc pour perdus, en lisant ton ouvrage, 
Le paradis, mon temps, t a peine et mon argent. " 

324 [Dubois (F. N.).] Histoire Secrette des Femmes Galantes 

de l'Antiquite. 3 vols, small Svo, half purple roan. 

Paris and Rouen, 1726 
Original edition ami very rare. This is the work upon which the Abbe 
Vart wrote the epigram: — " Ce llvre est l'histoire secrete, si secrete, que pour 
lecteur clle n'eut que son imprimeur et M. Dubois qui l'a faite." There are 
four pages of MS. respecting this at the beginning of the volume, which has the 
inserted book-plate with coronet, arms and motto of the " Bibliotheque de M. 
Rent Amedie Choppin |(dc Villy)." 

325 DUDEVANT (A. L. A.,;, e., George Sand). CEuvres Ulus- 

trees avec Preface et Notice Nouvelle par l'Auteur. Illus- 
trated with numerous wood engravings by Tony Johannot 
and Maurice Sand. 4 vols, large Svo, half calf (two 
bindings rubbed and lacks title). Paris, 1856-78 

326 DUMAS (Alexander, fils). Lady with the Camelias. A New 

Translation with a New Preface by the Author. Illustrated 
with forty photogravures and etchings by Albert Lynch. 
Thick large 410, fresh cloth, top edge gilt, others uncut 

London, privately printed, 1SS7 
No. 300 of LIMITED EDITION of 550 numbered copies printed on heavy paper. 
" Alexander Dumas's novel of ' La Dame aux Camelias ' is well known as the 
subject of the opera ' l.a Traviata,' whilst the drama, bearing the same name as 
the novel, was a great success on its first appearance in Paris, brought a fortune 
to its author, has been translated or remodelled in nearly every European lan- 
guage, and is represented on almost every stage of the civilized world. The 
novel 'The I,ady with the Camelias,' which has gone through many editions 
in French, appears now newly translated, in a sumptuous dress, beautifully 
printed and gorgeously illustrated. The author, though describing illicit love 
and its fatal consequences, does not pretend to be an apostle of vice, but to use 
his own words, ' tells an exceptional tale which would not have been worth the 
trouble of writing if it had not been exceptional.' " — Translator's PREFACE. 


327 DUMAS. Dame aux Camelias, preface par Janin. Small 

8vo, half russiagilt. Paris, 1852 

328 DUPLESSIS-BERTEAUX (J.). Vie de 1'Enfant Prodigue. 

12 plates, and the text, title, etc., all engraved. Oblong 
minimo, half calf. Paris, n. d. 

These etchings are fully equal, in minutia' of detail and treatment, to those of 


329 DUPUY (Pierre). Traittez concemant l'Histoire de France 

Scauoir la Condamnation des Templiers auec quelques 
Actes : l'Histoire dv Schisme, les Papes tenant le Siege 
en Auignon et qvelqves Procez Criminels, composez par 
Monsieur Dvpvy Conseiller du Roy en ses Conseils, 
Garde de sa Bibliotheque. Fine portrait by Nanteuil 
and vignette on title. 4to, elegantly bound by Petit- 
Simikr in red crushed levant morocco, inside gold 
borders, edges gilt on marble. Paris, 1654 

Very rare. A magnificent copy of this most valuable work on the Vail of 

the Knights Templar, with lists of names, separate trials, papal bulls, etc., to 

be found in no other work. 

GAN (Pierce). The Finish to the Adventures of 
Tom, Jerry and Logic in their Pursuits through 
Life in and out of London. With numerous 
illustrations by Robert Cruikshank and colored 
in imitation of the originals. Large Svo, half 

morocco, top edge gilt, others uncut. London, 1887 

An extraordinary picture of " London by Night," in the days of George IV. 
All the strange places of amusements around Covent Garden and in St James's 
«re fully described, and very queer places they were, too. One of the most 
popular books ever issued. It was an immense favorite with King George IV., 
and as a picture of life in London fifty years ago, was often quoted by '1 hackc- 
ray, who devoted one of his " Roundabout Papers " to a description of it. 

331 EISEN. — Rkponsf. de Valcour A Zeila, Precedee d'une 

Lettre de l'Auteur a une Femme qu'il ne Connoit pas. 
With vignettes and plate by ElSEN. Large 8vo. Paris, 1766 
Large paper and very rare. 

332 ELITE des BON MOTS et des Pensees Choisies Recueil- 

lies avec soin des plus Celebres Auteurs et Principalement 
des Livres en Ana. Minimo, 2 vols, old calf gilt (re- 
backed). Amsterdam, Jacques Desbordes, 1709 

Scarce, with inserted heraldic book-plates of Edward Cheney, and stamped 
in gold on the sides with his monogram and motto. 



333 EMBLEMS.— CIVITAS VERI Sive Morvm Bartholo- 

mei Delbene Patricii Fuorentini Ad Christianissimvm 
Henricvm III. Francorvmet Polonise Regem, Aristo- 
telis de Moribus doctrinam carmine et picturis complexa 
et illustrata Commentariis Theodori Marcilii quentise 
Rejij. Handsome engraved title and numerous cofper-piate 
engravings by Thomas de Lev, also initial letters, head and 
tail-pieces, ete. Small folio, old vellum, gilt edges (MS. 
name on title). 

Paris, apud Ambrosium et Hieronymum 

Drouart sub scuto Solar i via Jacobea, 1609 

Very rare. This beautiful volume is dedicated to Henry III. of France, 
and like alt the other works illustrated by Thomas de Leu, it is very high 
priced and rarely occurs for sale. De Leu was born about 1560-70. There 
are a number of portraits by him and a few other plates, executed with the 
graver in a neat finished style resembling that of the Werixs. which possess 
great merit. They are generally signed with his name like the engraved title of 
this volume. It is supposed that he died about 1620. 

334 EMBLEMS.— KOLB (J. C). Lvx Clavstri— La Lumiere 

du Cloistre — Das Kloster-Liecht. Small 4to, boards. 

n. d. 

Rare. The 27 plates of emblems in this volume are by Callot. They are 
printed on one side of the page only from engraved plates, including the text 
which is in Latin, French and German. 


HOVII L C. Goudani, Partim Moralia partim ctiam 
Civtlia. Cum latiori eorundem ejusdem Auctoris interpre- 
tatione accedunt et alia qusdam Poematia in alijs Poema- 
tum suorum libris non contenta. Engraved title and nu- 
merous curious engravings of emblems, allegorical dex'ices, 
etc., also fine portrait. Small 4to, vellum. Gouda, 16 18 

Rare. This is one of the most popular books of emblems extant and was a 
great favorite of our ancestors on account of the beauty of the plates. In 
many are nude figures. 


dryderley gesang, Geheel anders inder vvaerheyt verthoont, 
als de selve voor desen by sommi ghe uyt enckel mis- 
verstant verkeerdelyck is ghee gheoordeelt Door verschey- 
den treffelijcke Zeeusche Poeten by een ghebracht ; ende 
verciert met Copere pla:ten hier ist noch by ghevought 
een Poeti schvverck ghenxmt Taffereel van Sinne-Mal. 
With numerous curious emblematical plates, very handsomely 
engraved on copper. 4to, vellum. 

Middleburg, by Jan Picters van De Venne, Anno 1623 
Rare. This is one of the most uncommon books of emblems and is very 
scarce. It is separately paginated in divisions throughout, although there is 


only one general title. It shows the great excellence to which copper-plate en- 
graving had arrived in the year that the first folio Shakespeare was printed. 
The page illustration which precedes the first page of the text is particularly 
noticeable. It would be hard to find an engraver in our days who can equal 
that example in carefulness of detail and in general effect. 


Avctore Silvestre Petra Sancta Romano E. Soc. lesv. 

Portrait, engraved title after Rubens, emblematical and 

symbolical plates. 4to, vellum, gilt edges. 

Antwerp, Planting 1634 
Very scarce. This book of curious emblems and symbols, all of which are 
admirably executed and are good impressions, was dedicated to Bishop Carafa. 
whose portrait adorns the volume and whose pedigree takes up eighty pages of 
the preface. Upon this copy is stamped in gold on the sides an ecclesiastical 
hat, cardinal shape, with six tassels on each side of the coat of arms, which 
is charged with — ' ' three swords to the sinster and three rleurs-de-lys on a 

338 EMBLEMS. — FARLEY (Robert). Kalendarvm Hvmanae 

Vitae — the Kalundar of Man's Life; Authore Roberto 
Farlai-.o Scoto Britania. Engraved front, by Glover, and 
numerous curious woodcuts. Square minimo, old morocco 
gilt (MS. names on title and soiled slightly). London, 1638 

Rare. Dedicated to King James the First's Favorite, Robert Carr, Earl of 

339 EMBLEMS.— MVNDI LAPIS LYDIVS siue Vanitas per 

Veritate Falsi accusata et conuicta opera D. Antonu A. 
Bvrgvndia Archi-Diaconi Brugensis. Engraved title and 
numerous copper-plate engravings of emblems by Van Mer- 
len. Small 4to, vellum. Antwerp, 1639 

Rare, and stamped in gold with an heraldic escutcheon of crest, helmet, 
motto and impaled shield with quartering*. A few pages arc stained slightly. 


VVICK'S Schat der Gesontheydt Met veerfen verciert door 
de Hcer IACOB CATS, Ridder, etc. Handsome portrait 
on title and numerous fmbletnatic engravings in the text — 
also several false titles. Thick 4to, fine old red morocco 
gilt, tooled gilt edges. 

Amsterdam, Jan Jacobsz Schipper, 1652 

Rare. The emblems and other works of Cats have for two centuries been 
household books in Holland, both for their moral doctrine and the ingenious 
designs with which Adrian Van de Vcnnc symbolized their teachings. 

341 EMBLEMS. — SAAVEDRA-FAXARDO (Don Diego de). 

Idea de un Principe Politica represcntada en Cien Era- 
presas. With engraved title and too designs of emblems in 
the text. Thick minimo, old calf (MS. name on back 
of title). 

Amsterdam, apud loh. lansonium fuoniorem, 1659 
Very Scarce edition of this famous work on emblems. 



342 EMBLEMS. — HOOGE (Romain de). Het Voorhof de Ziele 

Behangen met ledrzaeme Prenten en Zinnebeelden Door 
F. V. H. With numerous plates of emblems by Romain de 
Hooge. Small 4to, vellum. 

Rotterdam, by Francois van Hoogstraeten, Boekrcrkooper, 

Anno 1668 

Rare. This collection is dedicated to Johan de V'res bv the author and 
publisher Hoogstraeten, to whom there are addressed several poems published at 
the commencement of the volume. The great merit of the work is. however, in 
the engravings of Romain de Hooge, of whom Bryan says:—" Few artists have 
handled the point with more spirit and facility than Romeyn de Hooghe." 


sous Divers Emblesmes-Garlans et Facetieux; a Paris 
chez Cupidon. Illustrated with curious engraved title and 
92 facetious plates. Oblong minimo, vellum. Paris (1687) 

Vrrv rark, and very remarkable book of emblems. Facing each plate is 
the French text, and below the emblematical illustration are two verses, one in 
Latin, the other in German. On the last page is the following quatrain :— 
' ' I-c Centre de l'Amour est icy decouvert 
On a de cet Amour tire la Quintescence 
Si dans quelques endroits in paroit trop ouvert 
Iloni soit il qui mal y pense. 
Vide catalogue cutting inserted of a copy of the above, priced zoo francs. 


agines Deorum, qui ab Antiquis colebantur, una cum 
earum declaratione et Historia in qua Simulacra, Ritus 
Ceremoni;e magnaque ex parte Veterum Religio explica- 
tur. Opus non solum Antiquitatis Amatoribus, sed et 
Liberalium Artium cultoribus, imo et Concionatoribus 
valde utile et proficuum hinc inde a D. D. Paulo Hachen- 
berg. Numerous curious illustrations. 4to, vellum. 

Frankfort, 1687 

Very rare. This celebrated work on the Gods of antiquity is most notice- 
able on account of its curious emblematical and allegorical plates, in which are 
monsters, mermaids, etc., etc. 


Complet des Allegories Emblemes, etc., Ouvrage utile aux 
Artistes aux Amateurs, et pouvant servir a 1'education des 
jeunes personnes par MM. GRAVELOT et COCHIN. 
Illustrated with a very beautiful collection of some 350 alle- 
gorical and emblematic plates engraved after the designs of 
GRAVELOT and COCHIN by Gaucher, St. Aubin, 
Simonet, Rousseau, De Ghendt, Le Mire, Masquelier, 
De I jAUnay, Prevost, Massard, etc. 4 vols. 8vo, mot- 
tled calf gilt, inside gold borders, edges gilt. Paris, n. d. 

LAXGX pai'ER and rare. With fine portrait of Gravelot by Gaucher, after 
De La Tour, and plate ' ' a la memoire de Cochin " by Monnet. 



346 ERASMUS. — Eloge de la Folif. traduit du Latin d'Eras- 

me par M. Guf.nof.ville. Nouvelle Edition, revue et 
corrig^e sur le Texte de ['Edition de'Bale avec des Notes. 
Charmingly illustrated with engraved front., plates and vig- 
nette title after the designs of Eisen by Le Mire and Tar- 
dieu. Small 8vo, bound by Deromf. in old Spanish calf 
gilt, edges gilt on marble. «•/•> 1 75 2 

Very scarce, with ri;<x>rs hei-oke letters of the charming Eiscn plates. 

The frontispiece is slightly stained and one page is torn without interfering 

with the text. 

347 ERASMUS. Le Pelerinage, traduction nouvelle par Vic- 

tor Develay. Curious frontispiece. Minimo, half 
crushed levant morocco gilt, top edges gilt, others uncut. 

Paris, Libraire des Bibliophiles, 1872 
Limited edition of 510 copies, of which the above is one on "'papier 

348 ESSEX — Robert, Earl of Essex, his Ghost sent from 

Elizian to the Nobility Gentry and Commvnaltie of Eng- 
land. Small 4to, russia. 

(London), printed in Paradise in 1624 
Rake. Hound up with the above is—" A Postscript or a Second Part of 
Robert Earle of Essex his Ghost." 


I'Annee 1786, Presentees a Madame pour la sixieme fois 
en Decern bre 1785. Engraved plate after Cochin by 
Gaucher. Minimo, bound by Derome in red morocco 
gilt, edges gilt. Paris, 1786 

Rare, with musical score to a number of the pieces, among which are in- 
cluded poems by Dorat, Florian, etc. 

350 ESTE. — My Own Life, by C. Este, Clerk. 8vo, half mo- 

rocco, gilt edges. London, 1787 

Rare, and hound in Fonthill binding with the author's autograph letter to 
Beckford, author of " Vathek," with inserted and MS. notes by the last named. 
Mr. Este, in this curious volume, endeavors to refute calumnies as to his per 
sonal repulsiveness, greed, etc. 


EN'ELON (F. de S. dela Mothe). Les Aventures 
de Telemaque. Magnificently illustrated with the 
plates of Monnet and Tilliard, superb impres- 
sions, engraved title, etc. 2 vols, large 4to, russia 
gilt, marbled edges. 

Paris, de I'lmprimerie de Monsieur, 1783-85 

Larue paper, printed on vellum paper by Didot, and brilliant impressions 
of the plates. With heraldic book-plate inserted of Eliza Gulston. This, one 
of the grandest editions printed in the Eighteenth century, selli at very high 
figures. Drunet quotes the Detienne example having brought 110 less than 395 
francs, and copies have gone still higher, the Renouard copy of the plates alone 
having fetched 341 francs. 



352 FEREOL (M. V. de). Mysteres de l'lnquisition et autres 

Societes Secretes d'Espagne, avec Notes Historiques et 
une Introduction de M. Manukl de Cuendias. Illustra- 
ted with 200 designs, elegantly engraved on wood. Large 8vo, 
half morocco. Paris, 1845 

Very scarce. A few pages slightly soiled- A terrible book on a terrible sub- 

353 FEUILLET DE CONCHES (F.). Causeries d'unCurieux 

Varietes d'Histoire et d'Art tirees d'un Cabinet d'Auto- 
graphes et de Dessins. 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco gilt, 
marbled sides and edges. Paris, Plon, 1862 

Scarce and with fac-similes. This valuable work is of the greatest utility- to 
collectors, more particularly of autographs. 

354 FERRIAR (John). Theory of Apparitions. Small 8vo 

(title torn slightly). London, 1813 


355 FIELDING (Henry). Works, Edited with a Biographical 

Essay by Leslie Stephen. With portrait and plates on 
India paper. 10 vols, large 8vo, crushed olive green 
morocco, inside gold borders, beveled sides, gilt edges. 

London, 1882 

No. 311 of Limited kuition printed with broad margins and India proof 
impressions of plates. 

"What a master of composition Fielding was! Upon my word, I think the 
(Ellipsis Tyrannus, The Alchemist, and Tom Jones, the three most perfect 
plots ever planned : and how charming, how wholesome Fielding always is I 
To take him up after Richardson is like emerging from a sick room heated by 
stoves into an open lawn on a breeiy day in May." — Coleridck. 

356 FIELDING. Tragedy of Tragedies or the Life and Death of 

Tom Thumb the Great, as is Acted at the Theatre in the 
Hay-Market with the Annotations of H. Scriblerus 
Secundus. Small 8vo, half roan, cloth sides. 

Rare. . London, 1731 

357 [FIELDING.] History of Tom Jones the Foundling, in 

his Married State. 121110, old half calf. London, 1786 

SCARCK. '"The author should scarce think it necessary to trouble the reader 
with a preface was it not his intention that the world should be satisfied that 
Henry Fielding, Ksq., is not the author of this book nor in any manner con- 
cerned in the composition or publication." — Prtfate. 

358 FISCUS PAPALIS, a Part of the Pope's Exchequer that is 

a Catalogue of the Indulgences and Reliques belonging to 
the seauen principall Churches in Rome, laying downe the 
spirituall riches and infinite treasures which (assure as the 
Pope is holy and true) are to be found in the Catholike 
Roman Church, whereof the poore Heretickes in England 


have not one mite. Taken out of an Antient Manuscript 
and translated, together with certaine Notes and Comments 
explaining the more difficult places, for the ease and helpe 
of good Catholikes, who had best goe to Rome, to trie the 
vertuc of the glorious indulgences. By a Catholic Diuine. 
Small 4to, half russia. London, 1617 

Very rare, with the autograph on title of Nicol Beale. 

359 FITZGERALD (David). Narrative of the Irish Popish 
Plot for the Betraying that Kingdom into the hands of the 
French, massacring all English Protestants there, and 
utter Subversion of the Government and Protestant- Re- 
ligion as the same was successively carryed out on from 
the Year 1662. Small folio, sprinkled calf. London, 1680 

Very rare. Bound up with the above are the following : - Information of 
Thomas Lander, another of the witnesses in the Trial of the late Lord Stafford, 
1681; Information of Thomas Dangerfield, 16S0; Further Information of Mr. 
Steven Dvgdale; Mr. Tho. Dangcrtield's Particular Narrative of the late Popish 
Design to Charge those of the Presbyterian Party with a pretended Conspiracy 
against his Majesties Person and Government, 1079; L'Estrange, a Papist, 
proved by the Depositions upon Oath of Miles Prance. Mr. Lowr. Mowbray, 
Mrs. Jane Curtis, Mr. Richard Fletcher and Mr. Joseph Bennett, 1681; Exami- 
nation of Captain William Bedloc, Dec'd, relating to the Popish Plot, taken in 
his las: Sickne-s by Sir Francis North, Chief Justice. 16S0; Information of 
Edward Turberville, 1080; the Narrative of LawYence Mowbray, of Leeds, in 
the County of, York, Gent, concerning the Bloody Popish Conspiracy against 
the Life of his Sacred Majesty, the Government, and the Protestant Religion; 
the Several Informations of Simon Wright, Thomas Launders, Richard Perkin, 
concerning the Horrid Popish Plot in England; the Popish Damnable Plot 
against our Religion and Liberties, fairly laid open and discovered in the Bre- 
viats of Threescore and Four Letters and Papers of Intelligence past betwixt the 
Pope, Duke of York, Cardinal Norfolk, Cardinal Cibo, Cardinal Barbarini, 
Nuntio and Internuntio for the Pope in Italy, France and Flanders, and the 
Lord Arundel, Mr. Coleman, Mr. Cooke and Mr. Conne, and also the said Mr. 
Coleman. Albany, Sr. German, Lybourn, Sheldon, Throgmorton and several 
others, 16S0; Substance of the Information of Richard Perkin, 16S1; Elymas 
the Sorcerer; or, a Memorial towards the Discovery of the Bottom of this Popish 
Plot and how far his R, Highness's Directors have been Faithful to his Honour 
and Interest or the 1'eace of the Nation, publish'd upon the Occasion of a Pas- 
sage in the late Duchesse of York's Declaration for changing her Religion, 1682; 
An Answer to Elimas the Sorcerer, 1683; A Modest Vindication of Titus Oates, 
the Salamanca Doctor, from Perjury or an Essay to Demonstrate him, only 
Forsworn in several Instances, 1682. 

360 FITZ-HERBERT (Mary Anne). Memoirs of Mrs. Fitz- 
herbf.r t, with an Account of her Marriage with H. R. H. 
the Prince of Walks, afterwards King George the 
Fourth, by the Hon. Charles Langdale. Portrait 
{slightly inked). 8vo, half calf, cloth sides. London, 1856 
Rare. This remarkable volume not only shows George the Fourth to have 

been as bad as Thackeray described him, but a bigamist also. 


361 FI.EURIOT (Zenaide). Monsieur Nostradamus. Illus- 

trated with 36 wood engravings, some full-page, after the 
original designs of Adrien Marie. Large 8vo, cloth gilt, 
beveled sides and gilt edges. Paris, 1875 

362 FLORIAN, (J. P. C., Chevalier de). Estelle, Roman Pas- 

toral. Illustrated with plates after Queverdo. Minimo, 
mottled calf, citron edges. 

Paris, de Vlmprimerie de Monsieur, 17S8 

OF THE YEAR 1742. 


LICHE GEMEINEN JESU Aus der Reformirten Re- 
ligion in Pennsylvania Die sich zum alten Berner Synodo 
halten. Herausgegeben von Johannes Bechteln Diener 
des Worts Gottes. Minimo, beautifully bound by F. Bed- 
ford in crinkled purple morocco, extra gilt, inside gold 
borders, edges gilt. 

Phila., Gedruckt bey Benjamin Franklin, 1742 
Excessively rare. This was Francis Bedford's copy, was bound by him- 
self and sold at the sale of his library in London. There is an inserted portrait 
of Franklin and the following well-known epitaph on the gTeat printer, statesman 
and philosopher. " The body of Benjamin Franklin, Printer (like the cover of 
an old book, its contents torn out, and stript of its lettering and gilding), lies 
here food for worms; yet the work itself shall not be lost, for it will las he 
believed) appear once more, in a new and more beautiful edition, connected and 
amended by the author." There are altogether forty-two pages printed on thick 
paper of this bibelot, which is one of the rarest of .he rare Franklin impnnts. 
When published, the above could be obtained as stated, on the back of the 
title:— 1 ' In 1'hiladelphia, bey Stcphan Bennezet; In Germantown. by Bachteln; 
In Falckner Schwamm. bey II. Antes; In Oley, bey Johannes Leimbach dem 
Altera; In Lancaster Town, bey Daniel Maquenet; In Schippach, bey G. 
Mcrckcln; In Socken, bey Jacob Bachmann; In den Forks, bey Eyseck. 
The third page, facing the extract just quoted, commences — " Die XII. Haupt- 
Artickel Des Grossen Synodi zu Bern in der Schweii, gehalten im Januario, 
1532; Damahls auf handes-Obri^kcitlichen H esehl publicirt. und aselbst aber 
mahls ausgelegt im jahr, 1728." 



SONS, nouvelle edition, revue, corrig<5 et augmentee. 
Vignette on title, of master mason's apron with Masonic 
symbols. Minimo, elegantly bound by Padeloup in red 
morocco gilt, inside gold borders, edges gilt. «./., 1744 
Extremely rare. Beckfords copy sold for £$ 5s.. but it was not bound like 
the above, which is by Padeloup. This earliest of the French works on Free- 
masonry is dedicated— "au Tres Venerable Medecin et Franc-Macon I'un des 
Venerables des vingt deux I-oges etablies i Paris." 

Bound up with the above is a twenty-four page brochure of " Vers et Chan- 
sons de la Maconnerie." These poems and songs are by Gobm, Procope. 
Ricaut, Naudot, Freron, etc. 


365 FREEMASONRY.— Etat duG. 0. de France, Tome 

Premier de la Reprise de I'An 5804. 2 vols, in 1, thick 
4to, morocco gilt, inside gold borders, edges gilt, with 
brazen clasps. 1804 
Large paper and privately printed on tinted paper: — "A Paris, de 
I'iraprimerie de G. O. de France au local du Grand Chatelet." The early 
volumes of the Transactions of the Grand Orient of France are of great rarity. 

366 FREEMASONRY. — LYON (David Murray). History of 

the Lodge of Edinburgh (Mary's Chapel). No. 1, em- 
bracing an account of the rise and progress of Free- 
masonry in Scotland. Numerous portraits and facsimiles. 
4to, cloth gilt. Edinburgh, 1873 

367 FREEMASONRY. Proceedings of the District 

Lodge of Bombay and its Territories from February 19, 
1862, to July 2, 1870. Small folio, half calf, cloth sides. 

Calcutta, 1862-70 

Privately printed and very scarce. It consists of the foolscap reports 
issued by the Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Bombay — "for Private 
Information only." 

368 FREEMASONRY. Constitutions of the Antient Fra- 

ternity of Free and Accepted Masons, containing the 
Charges, Regulations, etc. Plates {foxed). 8vo, cloth. 

London, 1841 

With original signature of Grand Secretary — " William II. White." 

369 FREEMASONRY— Oliver (G.) Theocratic Philosophy 

of Freemasonry in Twelve Lectures on its Speculative, 
Operative and Spurious Branches. 8vo, cl. London, 1840 

370 FREMICOURT (Guerin de). Tributs de l'Amour et de 

1'Amitie ; Bagatelles Galantes, Dedies aux Yeux d'Iris. 
Small 8vo, old sheep. Rare. 

A Cy there et se trouvant ,\ Paris ches Duchesne, 1757 
Rare. This little volume of erotic poetry is stamped on the back in gold, 
with a crown five times repeated, below which is "a dolphin naiant." 


9 vols, small 8vo, sewed, uncut. Geneva, 1867-72 

Rare. All of the above are limited to an issue of 100 copies with the ex- 
ception of two that are limited to 102 copies. The two following are printed 
on China paper, the lirst named being limited to four copies and the second to 
six: — Estienne (A.) Remonstrance Charitable aux Dames et Damoysellcs de 
France stir Lenrs Ornemens Dissolus, isSs.and Les Portraits par De Rosset, 
1660; The seven following which are either edited bv Paul Lacroix or Gustave 
Brunet arc on Holland paper : — Rabelais Ressuscite recitant les Faicts et Cotn- 
portements Admirables de Tres-Valeureux Grandgosier Roy du Place-Vuide, 
16] I. S'Ensuyt Plusieurs Belles Chansons Nouvelies, with fac-simile vignette 
title. 1542 : La Navigation du Compaignon a la Bouteille suivie de Maistre 
Hambelin, 1576; Voyage du Puvs Sainct Patrix auquel Lieu on Voit les 
Paines de Purgatoire et aussi Les Joyes de Paradis ; Couvent du Dragon Vert 
Comedie Japonaise ndaph-e a la Scene Francaise pour la Fete Annuelle de 
I'Athcnee Oriental par Leone d 1 Albano ; Le Carabinage et Matoiserie Sol- 
datesque, 1616: La Bataille Fantaslique des Roys Rodilardus et Croacus tra- 
duction du I.atin d'Elisius Calentius altribuee A Rabelais. 



372 FRENCH FACETIOUS REPRINTS of the " Librairie 

des Bibliophiles." 9 vols, small 8vo, sewed uncut. 

Paris, 1872-76 

Scarce. The above are either limited to iso, 200, 300 or 500 copies, and all 
are printed by Jouaust with the exception of one by Lernerre. They com- 
prise Millaud (Albert), "Petite Nemesis": Souchier (Adele), "Branches de 
I.ilas offertes a mon Fays"; Marsand (E.), " Poesies, Stances Poemes " ; 
"Odes d'Anacreon" Traduite en Vers par Henry Vesseron ; Jacques (Leon) 
"Griffcs Roses," Poesies; Marchant, " I a Constitution en Vaudevilles." 
Paris, 1792, Reimprimee avec une Notice par J. Kergomard ; Bauge (Ach. 
Maffre de) " Diezes et Bemols," Poesies; Bazin (Henry) "Les Illusions Per- 
ducs," Sonnets et Poemes Divers ; Le Livre de Bibliophile. 

373 FURETIERE (A.) Roman Bourgeois, preface de M. 

Emilf. Coi.ombey ; Variantes et Bibliographic Portrait 
of the author after Mongin, facsimile anil etchings by 
Dubouchet. 8vo, sewed, totally uncut. Paris, 1880 

Edition Quantin. with rubricated borders and on tinted paper, of this 
celebrated Seventeenth century romance, of which the first edition was pub- 
lished in 1666. vide Bibliography at the end of above. 

374 |S3j53 S I ALANTERIES de la COUR de FRANCE 
Depuis le Commencement de la Monarchic 
Eatetious plates. 3 vols, minimo, half calf, red 
edges. Cologne, Pierre Marteau, n. d. 

Rare and contains many very curious particulars concerning the Kings and 
Queens of France that will not be found in any of the regular histories. 

375 GAUTIER (Theophile). Les Jeunes-Frances, Romans 

Goguenards. Minimo, half morocco gilt, top edge gilt. 

Paris, 1 88 1 

With two portraits fac-similed after the original sketches of the author, one 
being of himself in 1S31 and the other of " Jacinta." 

376 GAVARN1. Masques et Visages. Portrait of Gavarni 

etched by Nargkot, and numerous wood ent;rai<ings of a 
facetious character by the author. Large 8vo, cloth, gilt 
edges. Paris, 1868 

Verv SCAKCF. With prefatory p.igcs by II. de Villcmcssant. Henri Roche- 
fort and Jules Claretie. 

377 GEORGE IV.— The Genuine Book, an Inquiry or Delicate 

Investigation into the Conduct of Her Royal Highness the 
Princess of Wales. 8vo, old calf (foxed slightly and 
MS. name on title). ' London, 18 13 

Rare. This is the volume reprinted some years ago by Banvard, and for 
which a very large alleged reward was offered. 

378 Germaine de Foix. Reine Espagnole Nouvelle Histo- 

riquc Minimo, old sheep (cover loose). 

Rare. Amsterdam, Hans Henry, 1800 



379 GESTA ROMANORUM. The Old English Versions, 

Edited for the First Time from Manuscripts in the British 
Museum and University Library, Cambridge, with an In- 
troduction and Notes by Sir Frederick Madden, K. H. 
Rubricated title. Thick 4to, half morocco, totally uncut, 
Roxburghe style. 

London, W. Nicol, Shakespeare Press, 1838 
Very rare and privately printed in an extremely limited edition 
for the members of the Roxburghe Club. 

Shakespeare, Chaucer, and others, are said to have taken many of their plots 
from this celebrated work. 

" They (the Monks) might be disposed occasionally to recreate their minds 
with subjects of a light and amusing nature; and what could be more innocent 
or delightful than the stories of the Gesta Romanomm?" — Douce. 

" The Gesta Romanorum in its original form is a collection of fictitious narra- 
tives in Latin, compiled from oriental apologues, monkish legends, classical 
tales, stories of chroniclers, popular traditions, and other sources, which it would 
now be difficult and perhaps impossible to discover. Its object was undoubtedly 
to furnish a scries of entertaining tales to the preachers of the day or to monastic 
societies, accompanied by such allegorical forms of composition as to convey, 
according to the taste of the age. information of a theological character or moral 
tendency."— Madden. 

380 GODWIN (William). Lives of the Necromancers or an Ac- 

count of the most Eminent Persons in Successive Ages 
who have claimed for themselves or to whom has been im- 
puted by others the Exercise of Magical Power. 8vo, 
boards. London, 1834 

This volume devotes some attention to the cases of witchcraft in New Eng- 

381 GONCOURT (Jules et Edmond de). La Femme au Dix 

Huitieme Siecle — Nouvelle Edition, Revue, Augmentee. 
Must rated with 64 reproductions on steel by Dujardin 
after the Eighteenth century originals. Thick 4to, sewed, 
half morocco gilt, cloth sides, gilt edges. 

Paris, Einnin-Didot, 1887 
Many of the plates are colored by hand. Among the artists and engravers 
whose works are reproduced in the above are — Vanloo, Moreau. Basan, Joulain. 
Canot. Le Bas. Desmaisons, Leclerc, Dupin, Eisen. (laillard, Saint-Aubin, 
Lancrct. Duclos, Cochin, Greujie, Coypel, Le Beau, Watteau, and others of 
major or minor importance. 

The work is in twelve chapters, showing the life of a woman of the Eighteenth 
century from the cradle to the grave, exhibiting such phases as marriage, 
society, dissipation, love, beauty, etc., not forgetting " la fille galante." 

382 GONCOURT (Ed. et J. de). L'Amour au Dix-huitieme 

Siecle. Exquisite engraved frontispiece, etched by Boilvain 
and every page surrounded with facetious borders designed by 
Meaulle, vignette head and tail-pieces. Small 4to, half 
green crushed levant morocco, top edges gilt, others un- 
cut. Paris, 1875 
Limited edition and printed on Whatman paper by Claye. 



383 GOULD (Robert). Poems Chiefly Consisting of Satyrs and 

Satyrical Epistles. Rubricated title. Small 8vo, old calf 
(rebacked). Very scarce. London, 1689 

384 GRAND-CARTERET (John). Raphael et Gambrinus ou 

l'Art dans la Brasserie. Illustrated with etched front, by 
M Akt.Ki.UN Di.siiOU iin and numerous other ill a si rations by 
De Pille, G. Jeanniot, Dantan, Felix Rf.gamey, 
Mars, Jules Adeline Augusts Viollier, Coll-Toc 
and Fernand Fau, some colored. Small 4to, bound by R. 
Affolter in half crushed blue levant morocco, top edge 
gilt, others uncut, with the covers bound in. Paris, 1886 
This curious work is full of information and illustrations of taverns, 
cabarets, brassierics, lager bier gardens, saloons, public houses, gin mills, wine 
rooms, bars, cafes, hosieries and their artistic decorations in Europe and 

385 [GRAVES (R.).] Spiritual Quixote, or the Summer's 

Ramble of Mr. Geoff ry Wildgoose; a Comic Romance. 
Engraved fronts, by Grionion after Wale. 3 vols, small 
8vo, sheep. London, Dodsley, 1792 

Rake. The author of this work was a clergyman, the Rev. Richard Graves, 
who wrote under the nom de plume of " Peter Pomfret." 

386 CRESSET (J. B. I..). OEuvres (*•« Ver-vert," etc.). 2 vols. 

mottled sheep gilt, marbled edges, titles cut. 

Londres (Paris), 1766 
Scarce, with inserted heraldic book plates. 

387 GREVIN (A.) and HUART (A.). Les Parisiennes. 

Profusely illustrated with facetious wood engravings in the 
text and colored plates. Thick large 8vo, half roan. 

Paris, n. d. 

388 GUISE. — Memoires of Henry, Duke of Guise. Relating 

his passage to Naples and heading there the Second 
Revolt of the People; Englished. Small 8vo, old calf. 
Scarce. London, 1669 

AMILTON (Antoine, Comte). OSuvres. Nu- 
merous portraits. 3 vols, small 8vo, half morocco 
gilt. Paris, Renouard, 181 2 

Rare. A handsome edition printed by Crapelet, including the " Memoirs 
of Grammont," " Songs," " Fairy Tales." etc. At the end of the third volume 
is bound up:— "Suite des Quatre Facardins et Zeneyde," " Contes d'Hamilton 
terminus par M. de Levis. " The Memoirs of Grammont, which are fully illus- 
trated in the above by portraits, are universally admitted to be among the most 
witty and entertaining that have ever been written. It was described bjr 
Gibbon as " a classic work, and the delight of every man and woman of taste, ' 
praised and edited by Sir Walter Scott, printed in almost every language and 
every form, and found in ever)- good historical library. Some have said that it 

>3 6 


is too much imbued with ihe spirit of Charles II. 's days to suit the severer code 
of the present age. But the reasons which would keep these volumes away 
from the great mass of readers would be equally applicable to nearly all writers 
of Charles ll.'s period, and to Pepys as well as Ariosto, La Fontaine, Beau- 
mont, Fletcher, Slassinger, Pope, and even Shakespeare. 

390 HAMILTON. Memoirs of the Life of the Count de 

Grammont, containing the Amorous Intrigues of the 
Court of England in the Reign of King Charles II. 
Translated from the French, tamo, cloth. 

London, Thomas Pay ne, 1760 

" II pcut revenir un Condi*, 

II peut revenir un Turenne; 
Un Comte Grammont est en vain demande. 
La Nature aurait trop d« l'eine."— St. Evremond. 

391 HANNOX (Theodore). Rimes de Joie avec une Preface 

de J. K. Huysmans. Rubricated (no etchings). Small 8vo, 
boards. Brussels, 1881 

392 [HEAD (Richard) and KIRKMAN (Francis).] The Eng- 

lish Rogue Described in the Life of Meriton Latroon, 
A Witty Extravagant, being a compleat History of the 
most eminent Cheats of both Sexes. Portraits and plates. 
4 vols, small 8vo, calf gilt, marbled edges. 

London, 1665-80 

Fac-similk reprint of the rare original editions, with fac similes of the 
twelve copperplates and portraits of the authors. Richard Head, who was 
drowned in 1678, was the author of Parts 1 and 2 of the above; 3 and 4 were 
by Francis Kirkman. 

393 HENRY IV., of France. La Chemise Sanglante de Henri 

Le Grand. Small 8vo, mottled calf, gilt. Paris, 1615 
Excessively rare, and from the library of J. Renard, and previously in the 
"Collection deCoulon," when was written the MS. notes at the commencement 
of the volume. This very rare pamphlet, priced $75 in a Paris catalogue, 
cutting inserted, is the original edition of the celebrated and cruel pamphlet in 
which Marie de Medicis was accused of the murder of Henry the Fourth. The 
MS. note referred to at the commencement of the volume was reprinted in i860, 
so rare was the volume considered. 

Bound up with the above is: — " Ia Mort de La France ov la France en 
Croix avec la consolation au pauvre peuple affligce M. DC. XXIII. "; also — " La 
Fram-e Mourante, Dialogve; le Chancelicr de l'Hopital; le Capitaine Bayard, 
dit le Cheualier sans reproche; la France Maladc." The last named which is 
written a^ain-t the Due de I.uynes, is asserted to have been composed by Car- 
dinal Richelieu while Bishop of Leucon. 


394 HERCULANEUM et POMPEII; Recueil General 

des Peintures, Bronzes, Mosaiques, etc., decouverts 
jusqu'a ce jour et reproduits, d'apres tous les ouvrages 
publics jusqu'a present, avec un Texte explicatif par M. 


Barrk. With 700 fine engravings by H. Roux, ain£. 8 
vols. large 8vo, boards, totally uncut. Paris, Didot, 1861-62 

This is the MOST complete work on the discoveries at Hcrculaneum and 
Pompeii, exhibiting all the paintings, bronzes, miniatures, etc.. hitherto pub- 
lished in rare or expensive works, with the addition of many others which have 
not previously appeared. The eighth volume, containing the " Musec Secret," 
is curious and uncommon; exhibiting the lascivious indulgences of the ardent 
Pompeians as depicted upon the walls of their baths and private apartments. 

"We ncd nol regret the departure of those times when modesty had no 
cloak; when, like the brute, man and woman stood before each other unabashed 
at their nakedness. The facility of enjoyment gave birth to satiety and disgust. 
A frightful corruption of morals was the inevitable consequence of this state of 
things, for excess of debauchery could alone reanimate desire, the prime mover 
of enjoyment. Eternal glorv to the religion which, overturning these impure 
idols into the mire, and unrofling the code of chastity before our eyes, has made 
our sensations purer and our pleasures keener." — Fakis. 



NUM, ou les Plus Belles Peintures Antiques et les Mar- 
bres, Bronzes, Meubles, etc., Trouves dans les Excava- 
tions d'Herculanum, Stabia et Pompeia, Gravies, par F. A. 
David, avec leurs Explications par P. S. Marechal. 
Profusely illustrated with plates, also engraved titles. 12 
vols. 4to, old half calf gilt. Paris, David, 1780-1803 

I.ARUE rAPER, with broad margins, and from the library of, and with the 
heraldic inserted book plate of. John Dendy. 

396 HEYWOOD (Thomas). England's Elisabeth: her Life 

and Troubles during her Minorite from the Cradle to the 
Crown Historically Laid Open and Interwoven with such 
Eminent Passages of State as Happened under the Reigne 
of Henry the Eight, Edward the Sixt, Q. Mary; 
all of them aptly introducing to the Present Relation. 
Front. 0/ Elizabeth (torn slightly). Minirao, old sheep 
gilt. Cambridge, 1632 

RARE. Thomas Hey wood, who was a contemporary of the " Bard of Avon," 
tells us that there were nn less than two hundred and twenty plays in which he 
had •' either an entire hand or at least a main finger." Charles Lamb calls him 
" a sort of prose Shakespeare." 

397 HISTOIRE AMOUREUSE de Pierre Le Long et de sa 

Tres Honoree Dame Blanche Bazu: Ecritte par ice luy 
La Musiquc de Mr. Philidor. Engraved title, front, and 
music, printed front plates, also engraved vignettes. Small 
8vo, old half sheep. A Londre's (Paris), 1765 

VERY SCARCE. First edition and printed on heavy paper, liound up with 
the above are the two following: 'Fanni ou l'lieurcux Repentir. Uistoire 
Angloise. A Ixjndres, MDCC.LXIV.;" and — •• Lettres (Jalautes et Historiqucs 
d un Chevalier dc Malte, A Avignon, M.DCC.LXVl.'* 


39S Histoire des Amours de Cleante et Belise avec le Recueil 
de ses Lettres. Minimo, old calf, gilt. «. 1696 

Very scarce piece of facetiae. 

399 Histoire de Madame la Comtesse des Barres et Madame 

la Marquise de Lambert. Small 8vo, old calf gilt, red 
edges. Rare. Brussels, Francois Foppens, 1736 

400 History of Mr. John C. Decastro and his Brother Bat, 

commonly called Old Bat; The Merry Matter written by 
John Mathers; The Grave, by "a Solid Gentleman." 
4 vols, in 2. Small 8vo, half calf London, 18 15 

Very scarce, curious and facetious, with the inserted heraldic book-plate of 
John l'avin l'hillips. 

401 History of Lord Belford and Miss Sophia Woodley 

in a Series of Letters. 3 vols, small 8vo, shp. London, 1784 

402 HIVE (The), a Collection of the Most Celebrated Songs. 

Fourth Edition, with Alterations and Additions. With 
frontispieces by J. J. Clark. 4 vols, small 8vo, calf, mar- 
bled edges. " London, 1732 
Very rare, containing a number of facetious and humorous songs to be 
found in no other collection. 

403 HIVE (The). Second edition revised. 3 vols, small 8vo, 

calf gilt. London, 1724-25 


404 HOGARTH (William). Works of Mr, Hogarth, Moral- 

ized by Trusler. Charming vignette illustrations in the 
text and with engraved title and portrait, 4to, elegantly 
bound in maroon morocco gilt, edges gilt. 

London, J. Goodwin, n. d. 

Rare. . A good copy of this excellent edition and with splendid impressions 
of the engravings. 

William Hogarth was one of those few original and extraordinary characters 
with whom it has pleased i'rovidence occasionally to bless the world, to enlighten 
mankind, and to carry the arts and sciences necessary for their comfort, pleas- 
ure and improvement, nearer to perfection. Moved by the impulse of genius 
rather than the tuition o( man. he traveled in a path unexplored by any before 
him, and which remains closed to succeeding artists, i'ossessing by early prac- 
tice the knowledge of the art of engraving, he was enabled to disseminate by its 
means the ingenious inventions of his mind in a manner more perfect than those 
of other painters have been presented to the world, or than probably ever again 
will be done, till another painter shall be his own engraver. Hogarth was one 
of those great men whose works are destined to survive all the changes of taste 
and all the caprices of fashon; for valuable and interesting as they would be did 
they do no more than preserve a faithful picture of contemporary manners, they 
are to be still more highly estimated for containing those strokes of nature and 
of genuine wit that are intelligible in every country and in every age. In dignity 
of subject, in grandeur of composition, in the technical beauties of execution, in 
designs, in chiaro-oscuro, in exactness of imitation, in elegance and in graceful- 
ness, Hogarth has b--en excelled by several; but no artist has ever yet produced 
works that rival in expression and in character those of the great ethic painter- 
works that will always continue to be admired in proportion to the care with 
which they are studied. 


405 HOGARTH MORALIZED: a Complete Edition of all 

the most Capital and Admired Works of William 
Hogarth, Accompanied by Concise and Comprehensive 
Explanations of their Moral Tendency by the late Rev. 
Dr. Trusler, an Introduction and Many Additional 
Notes. Portrait, numerous steel plates of Hogarth's 
inimitable designs and woodcuts. Small 8vo, half crushed 
levant morocco gilt, top edge gilt, others uncut. 

London, John Major, 1831 

Very SCARCE and good impressions, although a few are slightly foxed, of the 
admirable engravings, several of which were executed by George Cruikshank. 
This is the litst edition of Major's issue and contains the first impressions of the 
new set of plates. The Washburn edition of 1841 is very much inferior. 

406 HOGARTH ILLUSTRATED by John Ireland. 133 

fine plates, proofs before letters. 3 vols. 8vo, sprinkled 
calf gilt. London, 1804-6 

RARE. An excellent clean bright copy, with good impressions of the plates. 
Vols. I and 2 are the " Third Edition Corrected," and Vol. 3 the second edition. 

407 HONE (William). Popular Works, viz. :— Every- Day Book, 

a vols.; II. Table Book; III. Year Book. With several 
hundred woodcuts by G. Cruikshank, S. Williams, etc., of 
old customs, remarkable characters, curiosities, etc. 4 vols. 
8vo, fresh half morocco gilt, marbled sides and edges. 

London, 1878 

" Reader, did you ever see Hone's Every-Hay Hook ? You cannot do belter 
than buy it directly. You will meet with spirit . . telling descriptions of 
old customs, delightful woodcuts of old buildings, as well as many a fine secret 
learned among the woods and fields, and whispered by the ' season's difference.' 
. . He has deserved well of the naturalist, the antiquarian, and the I'oet, by his 
Every-Day Hook, and also by his Table Book." — Christopher North. 

408 HOWELL (James), Poems upon Divers Emergent Occa- 

sions. Small 8vo, calf gilt edges. London, 1664 

Verv rare and priced in the " Hibliolheca Anglo Poetica " at £3 6s. The 
above has the autograph of " Thos. Heywood." It is stained slightly and the 
title is in fac-simile. 

409 HUARTES. Examen de Ingenios, or the Tryal of Wits, 

Discovering the great Difference of Wits among Men and 
what sort of learning suits best with each Genius, pub- 
lished originally in Spanish by Doctor Juan Huartes 
and made English from the most Correct Edition by Mr. 
Bellamy. Small 8vo, old calf gilt. London, 1698 

Very scarce and with MS. name on title. 

410 HUGO (Victor). Le Roi s'Amuse, Drame. Small 8vo, 

half cloth. Paris, 1832 

Oricinai. edition, rare, and with frontispiece engraved on wood, by Andrew, 
after Tony Johannot, on China paper. 


411 HUMOURIST (The), Being Essays upon Several Subjects 

with a Dedication to the Man in the Moon [by T. Gordon). 

Minimo, cloth. London, 1720 

Very scarce. Includes — " News Writers, Enthusiasm, the Spleen, Country 
Entertainment, I.ove. the History of Miss Manage, Ambition and Pride. Idle- 
ness, Fickleness of Human Nature, Prejudice. Witchcraft. Gliosts and Appari- 
tions, the Weather, Female I lisguises, the Art of Modern Conversation, the 
Use of Speech, the Punishment of Staying at Home on Sunday, etc., Criticism, 
Art of Begging. Anger, Avarice, Death, Grief, Keeping the Ten Command- 
ments. Travel Misapplied, Flattery, the Abuse of Words, Credulity, Eating, the 
Love of Power, the Expedients to get Kid of Time, Ketirement, the Story of 
Will Hackett, the Enthusiast." 

412 HUTCHINSON (Francis). Historical Essay concerning 

Witchcraft, with Observations upon Matters of Fact tend- 
ing to clear the Texts of the Sacred Scriptures and con- 
fute the vulgar Errors about that Point, and also two 
Sermons— one in Proof of the Christian Religion; the 
other concerning the Good and Evil Angels. Small Svo, 
old Spanish calf. London, 1 7 1 S 

Very scarce. The fifth chapter is devoted to the " Witchcrafts at Salem, 
Boston and Andover in New England." 

4 t 3 | ^ w ^| LLUSTRIOUS HISTORY OF WOMEN. Front, 
[mended). Minimo, old half calf. 

London, 1686 

Rark. Includes — " Examples of Warlike Women, their 
noble Exploits and Victories with the Prophecies and Pre 
dictions of th^ Sybils in relation to the Incarnation ... the whole work is 
enrich'd and intermix'd with Curious Poetry and delicate Fancy, suitable to so 
charming a Subject." 

414 || T^jj p"] A MESON (Anna). Court Beauties of the Reign 
of Charles II., with Memoirs. Illustrated from 
the original paintings in the Royal Gallery at 
Windsor by Sir Peter Lely and others, engraved 
in the highest style of art by Thomson, Wright, 

Scriven, B. Holl, Wagstaff, and T . A. Di ank. Large 
4to, cloth, red edges. London, n. d. 

Presentation edition. Proofs kekore letters of the plates. Printed 
at the Chiswick Press. 

415 [JEPHSON.J — Confessions of James Baptiste Couteau, 

Citizen of France, written by himself and translated from 
the original French by Robert Jephson. Illustrated 
with engravings. 2 vols. 1 2mo, mottled calf gilt. 

London, 1794 

RARE, and with inserted heraldic book plate of Christopher lSeauchamp. This 
curious volume, which is facetious in parts, is a covert attack on Robespierre, 
the Duke of Orleans, Marat, Tom Paine and other revolutionists. 

l.owndes says : " This severe satire on the depravity of French manners was 
written by Kobert Jephson." 


416 JESUITS.— Some very Remarkable Facts, Lately Discov- 

ered, Relating to the Conduct of the Jesuits with regard to 
Mr. Bower, which will greatly Contribute to Unravel the 
Mystery of that Affair, by " a Clergyman of the Church of 
England." 8vo, old half sheep, back broken. 

London, for the Author, 1758 
Rare. Bound up with the above is — " One very Remarkable Fact relating 
to ihe Conduct of the Jesuits, etc., by Mr. Bower." 

417 JESUITS, Moral Practice of, by "the Doctors of the Sor- 

bose. " Minimo, calf gilt (rebacked). London, 1670 

RARE, and " Demonstrated by many remarkable Histories of their Anions in 
all parts of the World, collected either from the Books of the greatest Authority, 
or most certain and unquestionable Records and Memorials." 

418 JESUITS. — Corrections Fraternelles aux ivrevrs, re- 

nievrs, et blasphemateurs. Minimo, bound by Allo in 
crushed dark brown levant morocco, inside gold borders, 
gilt edges. Paris, Scbastien Cramoisy, 1625 

VERY bare, with vignette woodcut on title of the Jesuit monogram, etc. 

4*9 IjW ''iTT flEACH (Benjamin). Grand Imposter Discovered: 
or the Quakers' Doctrine, Weighed in the "Bal- 
lance and found Wanting : a Poem, by way of 
Dialogue wherein their Chief and most Con- 
cerning Principles are laid down and by the 
Authority of Gods Holy Word clearly Refuted by " B. K." 
Minimo, sage morocco gilt. London, 1675 

Rare. This author was a member of the Particular or Calvinislic Baptists, 
and Allibone says — " was cruelly persecuted for the bold advocacy of his opin 

A CHAMBRE (M. C. de). Characteres des 
Passions par Sr. de i.a Chambre, Medecin et 
Monseigneur le Conselier, Amsterdam, Antoint 
Michel, 1658; also— L'Art de Connoistre les 
Hommes par le Sr. de la Chambre Conselier 
du Roy en ses Conseils et son Medecin Ordinaire, Am- 
sterdam, Jacques le Jeune, 1660. Together 3 vols, in 2. 
Bound by Brany in crushed levant morocco, inside gold 
border, edges gilt on marble. Amsterdam, 1658-60 

Rare. La Chambre became a member of the Academic Francaise upon its 
institution. He is one of the first French writers who wrote in his tialivc lan- 
guage on the sciences. His work on the " Passions " was of great service in 
turning the attention of people in the higher circles towards philosophical mat- 
ters. The engraved titles of these two works as well as the letter-press remind 
one much of Elzevirian imprints and they were probably printed bv the Elicvirs. 
Both of the title-pages are of a somewhat allegorical character and the last 
named, which is dedicated to Foucqnet, shows that its author held the same 
views in regard to physiognomy that Lavater did. 


421 [LACLOS (Pierre Ambroise Francois Choderlos de).] Liai- 

sons Dangereuses: Lettres Recueillies dans une Societe" et 
publiees pour Instruction de quelques autres, par C . . . 
L . . . With facetious plates by or after Monnet, Fka- 
gonard, Berteaux, Le Mire, Pauquet, etc. 2 vols, 
small 8vo, half red morocco, gilt edges. 

Londres (Paris), 1796 

Rare. The success of this Eighteenth century novel was owing to its — 
" immoralitc conforme au gout de I cpoque." The character of the principal 
personage, the enemies of the author insisted, he had based upon his own pecu- 

422 [LACLOS.] Les Liaisons Dangereuses. Plates. 2 vols. 

8vo, old half morocco (foxed and titles mended). 

Londres (Paris], 1796 
With the inserted heraldic book-plates of Henry Burt. 

423 LACLOS. Les Liaisons Dangereuses. 2 vols, minimo, 

sewed, uncut. Brussels, 1869 

424 LA FARRE (C. A., Marquis de). Poesies. Front, after 

Marillier by De Launay. Minimo. Bound by Derome, 
in crushed red levant morocco, inside gold borders, gilt 
edges. Geneva, 1777 

Rare. Includes the celebrated translations from Horace of the Marquis de 
la Farre, and to whose " Opera de Panthee," the Duke d'Orleans wrote the 
music. Chaulieu said this amorous poet and noble was — " Forme de sentiments 
et de voluptc, rcmpli d'une aimable mollesse." 

425 LA FAYETTE (M. M. Pioche de la Vergne, Comtesse de). 

Memoires de Hollande: Histoire Particuliere en Forme de 
Roman. Quatrieme edition, revue sur l'Edition Originale 
par J. P. Parison et publiee avec des Notes par A. T. 
Barrier, ancien Secretaire des Bibliotht-ques de la Cou- 
ronne. Portraits of Mme. de la Fayette and Mme. de 
Sevigne. Small 8vo. Bound by David in crushed green 
levant morocco extra, inside gold borders, edges gilt on 
marble. Paris, Techener, 1856 

Scarce. Broad margins printed on thick paper with the portraits on India 
paper. Madame de Sevigne was, next to her lover the Duke de la Rochefou- 
cauld, the most intimate friend of the Countess de la Fayette. Boileau said to 
the author of the above that she was — " La Femme de ( ranee qui avail le plus 
d'esprit et qui ecrivait le mieux." 

426 LA FAYETTE. Memoires de la Cour de France pour les 

Annies 1688 et 1689, par Madame la Comtesse de La 
Fayette. Small 8vo, old sheep, gilt. 

Amsterdam, fean Frederic Bernard, 1731 
Rare. Stamped in gold on the sides with the arms of Lord Rothsay. The 
volume also has inserted heraldic book-plate of Edward Cheney. This is the 
first edition and a copy was lately sold in Paris for 325 francs. Yapercau says— 
" Les Memoires de la Cour de France pour les annces 1688 et 1680, remar- 
quable par la precision el la vivacitc du rtcit, sans divagations et presque sans 



427 LA FIZELLIERE (Albert de). Histoire de la Crinoline, 

suivic de !a Satyre sur les Cerceaux, Paniers, etc., par le 
Chevalier de Nisard et de l'lndignite et I'Extravagance 
des Paniers, par un Predicateur. Small 8vo. Bound by 
Cape in half morocco gilt, top edge gilt, others uncut, 
covers bound in. Paris, Aubry, 1859 

A CURIOUS Volume on that monstrosity, the crinoline, and showing it was 
worn eight centuries before Christ, in Hesiod's time, and that Helen, when she 
fled with Paris to Troy, wore a primitive kind of hoop skirt. 

428 LA FIZELLIERE. Another copy of the same, bound by 

Cape, in half crushed green levant morocco gilt, top edge 
gilt, others uncut. 
LarcIf. tater and one of ■ very limited edition printed on pink paper. 


429 LA FONTAINE (Jean de). Contes et Nouvelles en Vers 

de Monsieur de La Fontaine. Nouvelle Edition enri- 
chie de taillc-douces. With engraved title and engravings 
on copper from the designs of Romain de la Hooge. 2 vols, 
in 1. Sm. Svo, vellum. Amsterdam, Henry Desbordes, 16S5 

Very rare and best edition of the "Tales" of La Fontaine with the 
copperplates of Remain de la Hooge, with exceptionally brilliant impressions 
thereof, it being the original edition. 

Brunet devotes considerable space to proving that there were three editions of 
the " Cunt' s de la Fontaine " under the same date, 1&S5, and at the same place, 
and says that the first is the most sought after as it contains first proofs of the 
plates and is the best printed of the three. The test of the first and real original 
edition when applied to the above copy, proves it to be so without doubt, it 
having eleven lines of text on page 2it, Vol. I., etc.. thus showing that this 
copy is correctly styled the original edition. 

430 LA FONTAINE. The same. With the Romain de Hooge 

engraved title and illustrations. 2 vols, small 8vo. Bound 
by Riviere in crushed red levant morocco gilt, inside gold 
borders, edges gilt. Amsterdam, Henry Desbordes, 16S5 

Very r \re. This is the second of the original editions illustrated by the 
famous designs of Romain de Hooge. It has 16 lines on page 211 of Vol, I, 
and has not "' 221 " instead of 211 on the last line of the table in the third edi- 
tion also issued by Desbordes in 1685. 

431 LA FONTAINE. The Same. With the Romain de 

Hooce engraved title and illustrations. 2 vols, in 1. Small 
8vo, bound in lemon morocco, inside gold borders, gilt 
edges, by Hammond (some pages stained). 

Rare. Amsterdam, Pierre Brunei, 1699 

432 LA FONTAINE. The Same. With the Romain de la 

Hooge engraved title and illustrations. 2 vols, small Svo, 
old calf gilt, sprinkled edges. 

Rare. Amsterdam, Pierre Brunei, 1709 

MS. name on titles and binding rubbed. 



433 LA FONTAINE. Contes et Nouvelles en Vers. 2 vols. 

small 8vo, calf, gilt edges. Amsterdam, 1764 

Rare edition of La Fontaine, with good impressions of the portrait and 
numerous erotic plates by Eisen, charming head and tail pieces, etc. This is a 
fair copy, with .1 few pages, however, slightly discolored. 

Among the " Livres de luxe" of the Eighteenth century ihcre is one which is 
a marvel and a chef d'oeuvre, an example without an equal in the richness of a 
book. This work, the great monument and triumph of the " vignette," which 
rises above and crowns all other illustrations of the day, it is needless to state to 
all amateurs, is the Tales of La Fontaine, known as the edition of the " I'erniicn- 
GhUniux," a truly royal book of the last Mecoenean financiers; one of the 
grandest of the intelligent and sensual outlays of money of the reign of Louis 
the Fifteenth, and an inimilablc model of gallant engraving applied to the illus- 
tration of light narrative, 

434 LA FONTAINE. Contes et Nouvelles. Illustrated with 

facetious wood engravings, some full-page, others vignettes, 
by Tony Johannot, Cham, Roquepi.an, Deveria, C. 


Laville, Ed. Vattier and Adrien Feart. Large 8vo, 
half morocco, gilt (foxed slightly). 

Paris, Ernest Hour din et Cie. n. d. 

Rare. An excellent text, with facetious illustrations and \* Fontaine's 
preface to the first editions of his "Stories," 1665. 


par J. DE LA FONTAINE avec la Vie de l'Auteur 
par De Montenault. Illustrated wit/t 276 large and 
beautiful engravings by Cochin and others, after the spir- 
ited and masterly designs of Oudry. 4 vols, square folio, 
handsomely bound in fine old contemporary mottled calf 
gilt, tooled, a la Df.rome, inside gold borders, edges gilt 
on marble. Paris, de I frnprimeric de Charles Antoitie 

Jombert, 1755-59 

Large papfr copy of a very limited issue, with fine early impressions of the 

C- tes. This is the original edition with Oudry 's magnificent designs. The 
bedoycre copy of this work sold for 691 francs and the Montbmn for 415 
francs in 1861. Since then the extremely few copies that have come upon the 
market i old far higher, and it can be safely said that not one of them could 
have l>ecn in finer condition as to the brilliancy of the plates and general state 
than this rem.irkahly handsome number. 

At the De Bure sale in 1853 1,800 francs was paid for the 277 designs which 
illustrate the work. It appears that Oudry' executed the originals about 1729. 

Jean Bapliste de Oudry, the eminent French painter and engraver, according 
to Bryan, was born at Paris in 16SO. lie was a scholar of Nicholas Largillierc, 
under whom he became an able designer and colorist. For some time he 
painted historical subjects and portraits, and gave proof of considerable ability 
in his picture of the " Nativity." in the church of St. \jt\x, and the " Adoration 
of the Magi." in the chapel of St. Martin des Champs. lie afterwards 
adopted a different branch of the art. in which he acquired considerable reputa- 
tion. He painted hunting pieces and cavalcades with great success, in which 
the animals are designed with correctness and spirit, and touched with facility 
and vigor. There are many of his works of this description in the royal palaces 
in France We have several etchings by this artist, from his own compositions, 
executed in a bold and masterly style. 


436 LA FONTAINE. Fables. With numerous charmingly en- 

graved plates, one to each fable, by Simon and Coiny, after 
designs by Vivif.r and others. 4 vols, small 8vo, red mo- 
rocco gilt, inside gold borders, edges gilt. 

Paris, Bossange, Massonet Besson, 1796 

Large paper and elegantly printed on thick paper, with excellent impressions 
of the plates. A few pages are very slightly foxed. 

437 LA FONTAINE. Fables now First Translated from the 

French by Robert Thomson. Numerous plates by Per- 
doux, Olympe, Neveu. 4 vols, in 2. Small 8vo, old 
Spanish calf, gilt. Very scarce. Paris, 1806 

438 LA FONTAINE. Fables. Profusely illustrated. 2 vols. 

8vo, half morocco, gilt edges. Paris, 1838 

Vi:ry scarce original edition, with first impressions of upwards of 120 
exquisite full-page engravings on wood, designed by J. J. Grandville, and with 
the frontispiece on India paper. 

439 LA FONTAINE. Fables. Illustrated with portrait and 

the numerous page- plates and vignette woodcuts after the 
original designs of Gustave Dore. Thick large 4to, 
half morocco gilt, beveled sides, marbled edges. 

Paris, Hachette, 1868 

" Of Dore's genius, it seems almost a work of supererogation to say much. 
Every one who turns over these pages will at once acknowledge the profundity 
and versatility of his imagination, the brilliancy of his fancy, the power of his 
pathos, the- richness of his poetry. His figures are as individualized as Sterne's 
wise buffooneries. His landscape is luminous with picturesque beauty, and 
radiant with local truth." — Glorge W. Thornbury. 

440 LA FONTAINE. Amours de Psyche et de Cupidon avec 

le Pocme d 1 Adonis. Exquisitely illustrated with portrait 
and charming engravings of nudes, etc. Small 8vo, bound 
by Cecil and Larkins in tree marbled calf extra, inside 
gold borders, citron edges. Paris, 1804 

Large paper copy of this charming edition of one of La Fontaine's most 
delightful works. 

441 LARCHER (L. J.). La Femme jugee par les Grands 
Ecrivains des Deux Sexes ou la Femme devant Dieu, 
devant la Nature, devant la Loi, et devant la Soctete 
Riche et Precieuse Mosaique, Nouvelle Edition entiere- 
ment Refondue ct considerablement augmentee, seul 
ouvrage qui reunisse un ensemble aussi complet et varie 
sur la Femme avec une Introduction de M. Bescherelle 
ain£. illustrated with steel engravings (some foxed slight- 
ly). Large 8vo, three-quarters crushed levant morocco, 
top edge gilt. Paris, 1855 

Scarce. The sub-title tells us the volume also contains—" Toutes les opin- 
ions emises sur la femme, dcpuU les siecles. les plus recules jusqu'a nos jours, 
par les philosophes, les moralistes, les pdres de l'Eglise, les conciles, les politi- 


ques. lea legistes, les historiens, les poetes, les socialistes, les economistes, les 
critiques, etc. ; et ou V on trouve : la definition de la femme — son caractire. 
ses moeurs, ses habitudes, ses qualites. ses bons et ses mauvais instincts, ses pen- 
chants, ses defauts, ses vices, ses passions, son influence en un mot, son passe, son 
present et son avenir." 

442 LAVATER (Ludovicus). Spectris I.cmuribus et Magnus 

arque insolitis fragoribus, vatlisque praesagitionibus, quae 
plerumque obitum hominum, magnas cladcs,mutationesque 
Imperiorum praecedunt. Engraved title. Minimo, vellum. 

Leyden, 1659 

Rare, with curious scene on title, of witch in churchyard stirring bubbling 
pot. surrounded by devils, death, etc. The volume is printed, in the style of the 
Elzevirs, by Baron of Leyden. 


443 LE BAILLY (A. F.). Fables Nouvelles, suivies de Poesies 

Fugitives; par M. Ll Bailly, Avocat en Parlement, du 
Musee de Paris. Minimo, bound by DtkOME in red crushed 
levant mo.r, inside gold borders, gilt edges. Paris, 17S4 
Rare. This copy belonged to King Louis Philippe and is stamped on the 
title with his monogram " L. P.," and library mark " Bibliotheque du Chateau 
d'Eu." It has curious little vignette cuts and head and tail pieces. The vol- 
ume is dedicated to " Monseigneur le Due de Valois et Monseigneur le Due de 
Monlpensier." Le Bailly dedicated the second edition of 1814 to Napoleon, 
but the third of 1 S23 be rededicated to the Bourbons. 

444 LE BAS (J. P.). Traits de 1'Histoire Universelle Sacre et 

Profane d'apres les Plus Grands Peintres et les Meilleurs 
Ecrivains. Engraved titles and front., also 223 plates printed 
on one side only, and entirely engraved with both French and 
Latin text by or after Le Bas, Lf. Mer, Rakkaei.lo, Pous- 
sin, Guido, Gaucher, etc., many of nudes, etc. 2 vols, 
small 8vo, boards, uncut. 

Paris, chez Le Bas, Graveur du Roi, 1771 
Rare. Le Bas "was bom at Paris in 1708, was instructed in the art of en- 
graving by N. Tardieu and was one of the most ingenious artists of his time. 
He excelled in landscapes and small figures, which he touched with infinite 
spirit and neatness. He availed himself much of the freedom and facility of 
etching which he harmonized in an admirable manner with the graver and dry 

445 LECOCQ (Ad.). Empiriques Somnabules et Rebouteurs 

Beaucerons. 8vo, half morocco. Chartres, 1862 

LIMITED edition of 100 copies only. The work is divided into eight chap- 
ters as follows — 1, Les Charlatans et les Beaucerons; 2, Ecrouellcs, >cn>fules, 
Strumes; 3. Somnambules, Dormeuscs; 4, Medecins aux urines, Uromantes; 5, 
Charbon, l"ustule maligne, Kuroncle charbonneu x ; 6, Rebouteurs, Renouers, 
Khabilleurs; 7. Gucrisseurs, Empiriques. Secrets de Famille; 8, Conclusion. 

446 LEGOUVE (Gabriel). Merite des Femmes, Nouvelie Edi- 

tion augmentee des Poesies Inedites. Engraved plates by 
Pourvoyeur Minimo, calf gilt, edges gilt, inside gold 
borders. Paris, 1825 

Rare. Includes his " Lucrece, " Anecdotical Poems and "Chansons." 



447 LE GRAND. Fabliaux; or, Tales abridged from French 

Manuscripts of the izth and 13th Centuries, Selected and 
Translated into English Verse by the late G. L. Way, with 
Preface, Notes and Appendix by the late G. Ellis, Esq. 
Woodcuts by Bewick. 2 vols, bound by Roger Payne in 
red crinkled morocco gilt, inside gold borders, edges gilt. 

London, printed by W. Bulmer, 1 796-1 800 

Rare. First edition and brilliant impressions of Bewick's cuts. 

" Many of these tales have been translated in the happiest manner by the late 
Mr. Lewis Way." — Mitfori). 

" The Fabliaux are as frequently revolting for their naked grossness. as they 
are interesting for the lively pictures which they present of life and manners. 
Yet these were the chosen literary pastimes of the fair and gay during the limes 
of Chivalry." — Sir W. SCOTT. 

448 LE NOBLE (Eustache). Abra-Mule ou l'Histoire du 

Dethronement de Mahomet IV., Troisieme Nouvelle His- 
torique. Portrait of the author by Truvain after Simon. 
Small 8vo, fine old red morocco gilt, inside gold borders, 
edges gilt on marble. Paris, 1696 

Vkky rare. Eustache Lc Noble was distinguished as an author and notori- 
ous as a forger. He was Procureur General in the Parliament at Metz. but 
having committed several forgeries to enable him to luxuriate in his dissipated 
inclinations and refined lecheries he was condemned to incarceration in the 
Chatelet and banishment. While imprisoned later in the Conciergerie he came 
in contact with Gabrielle Perreau, " la belle epicicre," who became his mistress 
and by whom he had several illegitimate children. His satirical dialogues on 
the affairs of his time display great talent, and Bayle considered them " In- 
finicment d'esprit et de lecture.' 

449 LE PAYS (Rene). Amitiez Amours et Amourettes, Der- 

niere Edition corrigee de plusieurs fautes qui se sont 
glissees dans les precedentes. Minimo, old calf gilt. 

Amsterdam, 1686 

Very scarce, with engraved false title and printer's mark of Abraham 
Wolfgang on title. On an end paper is the note—" Iiought at the sale of Dr. 
A. Clarke's library. February, 1833." Boileau in his third satire thus refers to 
the author this Seventeenth century poet — ' ' Le Pays, sans mentir, est un 
bouffon plaisanl." 


450 LE SAGE (Alain Rene> Histoire de Gil Bias de Santillane. 

With proof impressions ON India paper of the celebrated 
designs by Smirke, Raimbach, etc. 4 vols. 4to, elegantly 
bound in red morocco extra, inside gold border, gilt edges. 

Londres, 1809 

Large paper corv, very scarce, with India proof impressions of the 
plates, and originally published at 10 guineas in boards. 

" The fancy, the lightness, the spirit and the vivacity of the enchanting pen 
of Le Sage."— Walter Scott. 


451 LE SAGE. The same edition, but small paper. 4 vols. 
8vo, half calf gilt, marbled sides and edges (a few pp. 

45a LE SAGE. Histoire de Gil Bias de Santillane. Profusely 
illustrated ivith wood engravings, front, and numerous vig- 
nettes, all by Jean Gigoux. Large thick 8vo, half green 
morocco gift, top edge gilt. Paris, 1835 

A good copy of this scarce and handsome edition. 

453 LE SAGE. Twenty plates, India paper proofs in illustra- 

tion of " Gil Bias," engraved by Outhwaite, Wilmann, 
Nargeot, Gervais, Colin, Delannoy, after the original 
designs of Gavarni. Folio, in portfolio. 

Paris, Lemercier, n. d. 

454 LE SAGE. Gil Bias. Small 8vo, cloth. London, n. d. 

455 LE SAGE. Le Diable Boiteux, precede d'une Notice sur 

Le Sage par M. Jules Janin. Illustrated with the 
facetious plates of Tony Johannot, with the front, on 
India paper. Large Svo, half crushed red levant morocco 
gilt, top edge gilt. Paris, Ernest Bordin, 1845 

EXCELLENT COPY of this scarce edition. Some critics have pronounced the 
" Diable Boitcaux " superior to Gil Bias. ... 

Sir Walter Scott says of this delightful romance — " T here is no book in exist- 
ence in which so much of the human character, under all its various shades 
and phases, is described in so few words, as in the ' Diable Boiteaux.' The 
fancy, the lightness, the spirit and the vivacity of the enchanting pen of Le 
Sage are everywhere visible. To quote examples would be to qu. >tc the work- 
through almost everv page. No work has afforded a greater stock of passages, 
which have been generally employed as apophthegms; or illustrations of human 
nature and actions. 

" If there is anything like truth in Cray s opinion, that to lie upon a couch 
and read new novels was no bad idea of Paradise, how would that beatitude 
be enhanced, could human genius afford us another ' Gil Bias or a ' Devil on 
Two Sticks ! ' " 

456 LILLY (John). Euphues. Small 4to, sewed. London, 1580 

Clifford says that the " Euphuist " did incalculable mischief by vitiating the 
taste correcting the language and introducing a spurious and unnatural mode 
of conversation and action." 

457 LILLY (William. Student in Astrologie). An Allegoricall 

Prediction of the Occurrences in England, Part of the 
Yeers 1648, 1649, 1650. Small 4to, old russia. 

London, 1648 

Very rare. Title mounted and slightly soiled. The sub title reads on — 
"Concerning these Particulars Viz. I. The Effects depending upon the late 
conjunction of the two malevolent planets Saturn and Mars ; 2, What successc 
mav be expected from the present intended Treaty between His Majesty and 
the' Parliament; 3. The standing or falling of this Parliament under the com- 
mand of his Excellency, the Lord Fairfax; 4. Our imminent distuibances gener- 
ally handled together with many contingencies to the whole Kingdom, London 
especially; ?. The product of the Scots Army ; With some ubservations upon 
Duke Hamilton's Nativity: 6, What may succeed the Apparition of three Suns 
in Uincashirc seen of many, the 28 of February last." 




45 s LIPSIVVS (Jvstvs). Discourse of Constancy. Engraved 
front. Minimo, old calf. London, 1654 

Rare. Mitford's copy and with his autograph, "J. Mitford, 1810, and MS. 
in his handwriting. The great value of this little volume is. however, in the 
original inserted sepia drawing of the author by Sir Anthony Vandyck. It is 
signed " V. dyck " and is a fine piece of work, exhibiting all the peculiar 
characteristics of the brush of that great master. Below in Seventeenth century 
script and in the left-hand corner is the following—" Clarisimus Justus Lipsius 
Histonagraphas Regias professor Conscilarius, etc." 

459 LIPSIUS — Ivsti Lipsi Epistolarvm Qune in Centutijsnon 

extant Decades XIIX quibus accidunt Poematia Eivsdem. 

Minimo, vellum. Harderwyck, 1621 

Justus Lipsius was born in 1547 and died in 1606. His influence on the 
literature of the Sixteenth century was very considerable. Brought up by the 
Jesuits, he became a Proteslaiit, was a Lutheran at Jena, a Calvinist at Leyden 
and became a Catholic once more at Lou vain. In all three places he held 'pro- 
fessorial chairs. 


460 LOUVET de COUVRAY. Aventures du Chevalier de 

Faublas, pnJcdd^e d'une Notice sur 1'auteur par V. 
Phillipon de la Madelaine. Illustrated with 300 wood 
engravings by Baron, Francais and C. Nanteuil. 2 vols. ' 
large 8vo, half morocco gilt (rubbed and some pp. foxed). 

Paris, 1842 

Rare, like all the editions of these celebrated adventures. 

461 LOUVET de COUVRAY. The Same. With plates after 

the designs of Marilmer, Blanchard, etc. 4 vols, small 
8vo. half calf gilt, marbled sides and edges, Brussels, 18S1 

ACKAV (Charles). Memoirs of Extraordinary 
Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds. 
Illustrated with numerous woodcuts. 2 vols, small 
8vo, cloth, top edges gilt. London, 1852 

Full of information relating to the Alchemists. Modem Prophecies, Fortune 
lelhng. the Magnetizcrs. the Witch Mania. Haunted Houses. Slow Poisoners. 
Duels, etc. 

463 Maniere de Bien Penser dans les Ouvrages d'Esprit 

Dialogues. Curious engraved frontispiece. Minimo, bound 

by Simikr in ted russia gilt, edges gilt. 

Very scarce. Amsterdam, Pierre Mortier, 1705 

464 MAN OF SIN; or, a Discourse of Popery, wherein the 

Numerous and Monstrous Abominations in Doctrine and 
Practice of the Romish Church are bv their own hands, 
exposed so to open Light, that the 'very Blind may see 


them, and Antichrist in Capital Letters engraven on them; 
particularly in the infinite Drove of their Adored but lying 
Wonders and Miracles. By no Roman but a Reformed 
Catholick. Small 4to, old calf. London, 1677 

Rare. On the false title is the following MS.: " Manne of Synne, col- 
Iccted by John Ilarryson and imprinted at Zurik by Olyver Jacobson, anno 
1543." The volume contains curious account of I'ope Joan, etc. 

465 MANUEL des INQUISITEURS a 1'usagedes Inquisitions 

d'Espagne et de Portugal ou Abrege de TOuvrage inti- 
tule: Directorium Inquisitorum Compose vers 1358 par 
Nicolas Eymf.ric, Crand Inquisiteur dans le Royaume 
d'Arragon; On y a joint une courte Histoire de 1'etab- 
lissement de l'lnquisition dans le Royaume de Portugal, 
tiree du Latin de Louis a Paramo. Small 8vo, mottled 
calf gilt, marbled edges. Lisbon, 1762 

Very rare work on the Spanish Inquisition. 


466 MARGARET, Queen ok Navarre, — HEPTAMERON 

FRANCOIS, Les Nouvellks de Marguerite Reine de 
Navarre. With false engraved titles by Eichler after 
Dunker, beautifully engraved plates, fine impressions by the 
best Eighteenth century Parisian engravers after charming de- 
signs of S. Freudenburg, and exquisite vignettte head and 
tail-pieces after Dunker. 3 vols, small 8vo, sumptuously 
bound by Thibaron-Joly in red crushed levant morocco 
extra gilt, rounded corners, inside gold borders, edges gilt 
on marble. 

Berne, chez la nouvelle Societe' Typographique, 1780-81 
Very rare and a splendid tall copy on thick paper, with brilliant 
impressions of the plates and vignettes of the best Eighteenth century edition. 
At the end of the " Avert issement sur cettte edition" is found the following 
references to the lovely illustrations: " I,e sieur Krcudenburg. ennnu pour son 
talent pour ce genre de peinturc agrcablc, qui represente les actions et la cos- 
tume de la vie privee et dont la main legere repand des graces sur tous les objets, 
est I'auteur des figures dont chaquc conte est acconipagnc. Le sieur Dunker 
connu par les gravures du cabinet de Monsieur le due de Choiseul et d'autres 
ouvrages, a dessine les ornemens, vignettes et culs-de-lampc. Les mdlleurs 
gravures de Paris ont etc charges d'executer tout cela an burin. On ose done 
mettre ce livre au rang de ceux qui meritent 1'applaudissemcnt des amateurs des 
arts et les figures seules. independammenl du texte pourront orncr des cabinets 
et des portc-feuilles." 

Brunei speaks as follows of this edition: " Jolic edition publiee sous la direc- 
tion de J. Rodolphe de Sinner qui a retouche assez maladroitement la prose de 
ces contes; les estampes, fleurons et vignettes (ces dcrnicrcs gravies par Hunker) 
sont d'une fort belle execution. A peu pres la moitic des cxamplaires portent 
des litres rcfaits en taille-douce. a la date de 179s; cependant, conune les 
gravures de IVdilion entiere onl Lie tirecs cn mime temps, il n'ya point de choix 
a fair.- entrf l'une et I'autre date, mais entre Irs exemplaires qu'il faut s'attachcr 


a choisir des meilleures epreuves. Cette observation nous a ete communique* 
par M. Renouard, et depuis Ton nous a objecte qu'il etait difficile de croire que 
les epreuves vendus en 1792 valussent celles de 178c a inoins de supposer que 
I'editcur est mis en reserve, une partie ties premier cents de tirage, ce qui est 
peu probable de la part d un hommc qui a eu assez de bonne foi pour ne point 
antedaler un titre qu'il a fait graver plus de dix ans apres la publication de son 

467 MARGARET of Navarre. Contes et Nouvelles. Illus- 

trated with 75 engravivgs by JouRDANtf/7w Freudenberg. 
8 vols, in 4. Minimo, half morocco gilt, top edge gilt. 

Paris, Duprat-Duverger, 1708 

Rark and pretty edition of the Heptameron, with some of the plates, proofs 
before letters. 

468 MARLBOROUGH (Sarah, Duchess). An Account of the 

Conduct of the Dowager Duchese of Marlborough from 
her first Coming to Court to the year 17 10 in a Letter 
from Herself to My Lord. Small 8vo, old sheep (MS. 
name on title). London, 1742 

Very scarce. " Written by Nath. Mooke, the Roirlan historian, on behalf 
of the Duchess, by whom he is said to have been handsomely paid." — Lowndes. 

469 MAROTTESa VENDREouTribouletTabletierdont laGib- 

eciere apres avoir eti egar^e pendant plusieurs Siecles.nous 
est enfin heureusement parvenu munie d'un rare assemblage 
de Hochets, Breloques, Colifichets et Babioles, de toutes 
especes; d'un travail non commun et possedant mille Fro- 
prietes et Vertus, non moins utiles et recherchees que 
delectables et difficiles et trouver. Curious vignette title. 
Minimo, calf gilt, marble edges by Clarke and Bedford. 

London, 1812 

Very scarce, and with the imprint " au Parnasse Burlesque Ex Officina de 
la Hanque du Del Esprit, a l'Enseigne de la Faceciosite I an premier de la 
nouvelle ere." Lowndes says the above is selected from many works of great 


470 MARTIAL. — M. Valerii Martialis Epigrammatum Libri; 

ad optimus codices recensiti et castigati. With erotic vig- 
nettes by Eisen. 2 vols, minimo, bound by Deromi. in red 
morocco gilt, edges gilt Paris, Joseph Barbou, 1754 

Larcf. PAW r. rare and heautifully printeii on thick paper with the 

mark of the Elzevirs on the title. This is one of the celebrated fake Elzevirs. 

With the ex-libris, crest, coronet and shield of—" Ex Bibliotheca Warclanensi 

comit: de Horch." 

471 MINVCIVS FELIX. Loctavivs, seconde edition (in 

French). Vignette on title. Minimo, vellum. Paris, 1640 
Rare. This work consists of a dialogue between a fagan and a Christian. 
It was written in the Third century and defends Christianity, not from the 
standpoint of revealed religion, but from that of philosophy, politics and his- 


47a MONDE DE L'AMOUR. Histoires Galantes— l'Opera, ses 
deeses et ses Danseuses Chroniques Secretes du Foyer 
Depuis le i7me Siecle jusqu'a nos Jours. Minimo, half 
morocco, cloth sides, top edge gilt. Geneva, n. d. 

Scarce. This work is divided in five chapters as follows—" Temps fabuleux 
et heroiques de l'Opera; it Sophie Arnould, sa Vie Galantc ct ses ISon Mots; 
III. La Beaumenard— Histoire qui pourrait bien etre celle de plus d'une Deesc 
de l'Opera au Dix-Neuvieme siecle; IV. Silhouette dc ces Demoiselles au Dix- 
Nuiiieme siecle — Miles. Laguerre, Guimard, Gaussin, Grandi, Hus, Bau- 
court, etc.; V. L'Opera de nos Jours— l,ola Monies, Ellsler, Dumilatre, Fabri. 
Blangy. Frisettc — Anecdotes— le Foyer des Danseuses." 



MON TAIGNE nouvclle edition exactement pvrgee des 
Defavts des precedentes, selonle vray original: Etenrichie 
et augmentee aux marges du nom des Autheurs qui y sont 
citez et de la Version de leurs Passages avec des Observa- 
tions tres importantes et necessaires pour le soulagement 
du Lecteur; ensemble la Vie de 1'Autheuret deux Tables, 
1'une des Chapitres, et I'autre des principales matieres, de 
beaucoup plus ample et plus utile que celles des dernieres 
Editions. Two engraved portraits of Montaigne, one 
inserted and by Houbrakkn, the other on false title by 
Ci-ouet. Minimo, elegantly bound by Cuzin in crushed 
levant morocco, rounded corners, inside gold borders, 
edges gilt on marble. Amsterdam, Antlwine Michiels, 1659 

Very rare and an exceedingly kine copy stamped in gold on the sides 
with coronet, quartered shield and supporters. The blazon of the arms is—" first 
and fourth, azure a wheat sheaf proper, second and third ermine noir." The sup 
porters are — "a savage man holding a club and a lion rampant." These are 
stamped on both sides of the three volumes. 

Some copies of this edition are printed in three volumes like the above, but 
with the imprint " Hruxelles, Francois Foppens, libraire et imprimeur." The 
buffalo head cut of the Klzevirs will be found in the edition. Hrunet devotes 
half a page to an argument to show that this edition was not printed by the 
Elzevirs at l.eydcn, to whom it has been attributed. Whether it was or not, it 
is generally recognized as the F.lzevir edition and is fully equal in beauty, with 
its rubricated titles, to any works issued from their presses. 

" Montaigne is the earliest classical writer in the French language, the first 
whom a gentleman is ashamed not to have read. No writer of the XVlth cen- 
tury has given so much delight." — Hallam. 

474 MONTAIGNE. Another Copy of the Same. With pot- 

trait of Montaigne by Clouet. 3 vols, minimo, bound 
by Derome in olive morocco gilt, inside gold borders, gilt 
edges on red. Brvxelles, chez Francois Foppens, 1659 

Very rare and equally valuable with the preceding number, in the note to 
which, the Foppens imprint is referred to. L.ike that, it has the buffalo's head 
and is claimed by many bibliographers to be a true Elievir. 



475 MONTAIGNE. Essais Accompagne d'une Notice sur sa 

Vie et ses Ouvrages, d'une Etude Bibliographique de 
Variantes, de Notes, de Tables et d'une Glossaire par E. 
Courbet et Ch. Royer. 4 vols, thick small 8vo, sewed, 
totally uncut. Paris, Alphonse Le/netre, 1872-77 

Limited edition and handsomely printed on Holland paper by Claye. 



476 MONTPENSIER. — Memoires de Mademoiselle de Mont- 

pknsier. Fille de Gaston d'Orleans, Frere de Louis 
XIII., Roi de France. Nouvelle Edition. Ou l'on a 
rempli les lacunes qui etaient dans Ies Editions preceden- 
tes, corrige' un tres grand nombre des fautes et ajoute" divers 
Ouvrages de Mademoiselle, tres curieux. 8 vols, small 
8vo, elegantly bound in dark green crushed levant 
morocco, inside gold borders, gilt edges. Maestricht, 1776 

Best kdition and rare. A splendid copy of these important memoirs, 
written by the famous Duchess de Montpensier, commonly called Mademoiselle, 
and who was born at Paris in 1627. and was the daughter of Gaston, Duke of 
Orleans and cousin of Louis the Fourteenth. Of a bold and energetic charac- 
ter, she became a zealous adherent of the party of Conde in the wars of the 
Fronde. She rendered several services to that faction, among which was that 
of the capture of the town of Orleans. About 1670 Mademoiselle married 
Count Lauzun and died in 1693. Her unhappy marriage was the cause of the 
writing of her valuable memoirs, which she undertook to alleviate the despair- 
ing throes of a broken heart. 

477 MOULTON (Thomas). Compleat Bone-Setter, wherein 

the Method of Curing broken Bones and Strains and Dis- 
located Joynts, together with Ruptures vulgarly called 
Broken Bellyes, is fully demonstrated, whereunto is added 
the Perfect Oculist and the Mirrour of Health, treating of 
the Pestilence and all other Diseases incident to Men, 
Women and Children, also the Acute Judgment of Urines. 
Minimo, sprinkled calf gilt, lemon edges (title mended and 
MS. name thereon). London, 1656 

Very rare. This was printed by "J. C. for Martha Harrison, at the Lamb 
at the east end of Paul's." 

478 MUSEE. Hero et Leandre, Notice par A. Pons. With 

tinted vignette engravings by Meaulle, after the designs of 
Pfnor, borders colored in light yellow. Minimo. bound by 
S. Kaufmann, in red crushed levant morocco, inside gold 
borders, gilt edges. Paris, 1S79 

Edition Qoantin. A more thoroughly charming series of volumes than the 
" Collections des Chefs d'CEuvres Antiques " from the press of M. Quanttn, it 
would be dimcult to name. In size the volumes range with the celebrated 
editions of Horace and Virgil, etc., of M. Didot. 



479 MUSICAL MISCELLANY. Being a Collection of Choice 

Songs, set to the Violin and Flute by the most Eminent 
Masters. Engraved frontispieces and rubricated titles. 6 
vols, in 3. Sm. 8vo, calf gilt (rebacked). London, 1729-31 
Very Scarce. The work includes lyric poems, and with the Basses to each 
Tune and transposed for the Flute. The Goldsmid copy sold for £3 3s. 


480 MUSSET (Alfred de). CEuvres Completes, 9 vols.; CEu- 

vres Posthumes avec lettres inOdites une notice biogra- 
phique par son frere; also— Biographie de Alfred Musset, 
Sa Vie et Ses CEuvres par Paul de Musset avec fragments 
inc^dits en prose et en vers et lettres incites. Illustrated 
with 29 steel engravings after the designs of Vida, one after 
Emii.e Bay ard, portrait of Alfred de Musset, engraved 
by Flameng after Landelle, and of Paul de Musset, 
engraved by Dubouchet. Together n vols. 8vo, fresh half 
green morocco, gilt. Paris, Charpentier, 1877-79 

BEST library edition of the works of Alfred de Musset, and arranged as 
follows:— I and 2, Poesies; 3, 4, 5, Comedies; 6 and 7. Nouvelles et Contes: 
S, Confessions d'un Enfant du Siecle; 9, Melanges de Litterature et de Critique; 
10, CEuvres Posthumes; n, Biographie. 

481 Mythological and Erotic Subjects after Apuleius 

" Cupid and Psyche." 31 copper-plate engravings, some in 
two states. Oblong 4to, old vellum (cover broken). 

Rome, «, d. 

Rare. This collection of facetious copper-plate engravings arc signed 
" Ant. Sal, exc." The engraver was probably Antonianus Silvius. 

ATIONAL MINSTREL, or Songster's Com- 
panion. Containing 400 of the most approved 
Modern Popular Songs, as sung at the places of 
public amusement. Colored portrait of Mrs. 
Wood. Minimo, boards. London, n. d. 

RAM; chap book ediiion. 

483 NEWGATE CALENDAR. Comprising Interesting Me- 
moirs of the most Notorious Characters who have been 
convicted of outrages of the Laws of England since the 
commencement of the Eighteenth Century, with Occa- 
sional Anecdotes and Observations, Speeches, Confessions 
and Last Exclamations of Sufferers, by Anduew Knapp 
and William Baldwin, Attorneys at Law. Numerous 
illustrations, some of which were executed by George Cruik- 
shank, and being striking and sensational woodcuts of crimes 
and criminals. 4 vols. 8vo, half red calf gilt, cloth sides and 
marbled edges. London, 1824-28 

Best edition, and an excellent copy. 



484 NEW FOUNDLING HOSPITAL for WIT, being a Col- 

lection of Several Curious Pieces in Verse and Prose. 

Humorous front, umo, old calf. London, 1768 

Facetious and consisting of pieces by — " Lord Chesterfield, Lord Hard- 
wicke, Lord I.yttelton. Sir C. H. Williams, Mr. Wilkes, Mr. Churchill, Mr. 
Garrick, Mr. Potter, Dr. Akenside and other eminent persons." 

485 NUG.f£ VENALES sive Thesavrvs Ridendi et Iocandi ad 

Gravissimos Severissimosque viros, Patres Melancolicorum 
Conscriptos. With curious vignette title. Minimo, roan. 

«./., 1663 

Rare, with portrait, following title. The imprint reads — " Prostant apud 
Neminem; sed tamen Vbique." Bound up with the above is — " Stvdentes 
sive Comoedia de viti Studiorsum Autore Ignoto Peereklontio." 

^LIVIER (J.). Fencing Familiarized, or a New 
Treatise on the Art of Sword Play. Folding 
plates. 8vo, old calf. London (1772) 

With the French and English text on opposite pages. 


487 OVID. — METAMORPHOSES d'OVIDE traduites en 

Prose Francoise et de nouueau soigneusement reueues 
corrigees en infinis endroits et enrichies de figures a 
chacune Fable avec XV. Discovrs contenans l'Explication 
Morale et Histonque de plvs outre le Jugement de Paris 
augmentees de la Metamorphosz des Abeilles, traduite de 
Virgile, de quelques Epistres d'Ovyde et autres diuers 
traitez. Illustrated with numerous curious plates, many 
erotic. 2 vols, in 1. Thick folio, mottled sheep, extra 

Paris, pour rAutheur chez la veuve Langelier au pre- 
mier pilier de la grande Salle du Palats Avec 
priulege du Roy, 1618-19 

Very rare. This is the original edition of the translation of Nicolas Re- 
nouard, which has always been celebrated for the beauty of its illustrations, 
initial letters and head and tail pieces. The impression of the beautifully en- 
graved title is very brilliant, but is mended. The ' 1 Judgment of Pans. ^ at the 
end of which is Renouard's translation of Ariosto's u Orlando Funoso and 
" Lc Deveil de la France a la Mort dv Grand Henri II II," etc., are separately 

488 OWEN.— Epigrammatum Joannis Audoeni Cambro-Bri- 

tanni Oxoniensis, Editio nova, libello duodecimo auctior 
Quibus accesserunt in fine elegantis nonnulla recentions 
cujusdam Poetae Epigrammata. Engraved front. Minimo, 
old sheep (MS. name on title). Scarce. London, 1659 


APESSE JEANNE.— Poeme en Dix Chants. 
Small 8vo, dark blue morocco, broad inside gold 
borders, edges gilt on marble. La Haye, 1778 
Very rare and a remarkable volume relating to Pope 
Joan, on whom was written the distich : — 
" Femina Joannes triplici precincta corona 
Promisa cclebrat Papa puerperium." 

490 PARNASSE SATYRIQUE du Dix Neuvieme Siecle Re- 

cueil de Pieces facetieuses, scatologiques, piquantes, pan- 
tagrueliques, gaillards et satyriques des Meilleurs Auteurs 
contemporains Poetes, Romanciers, Journalistes, etc., 2 
Dix-Neuvieme Siecle pour faire Suite, au Parnasse, 
Satyrique Edition Revue, corrig^e, completee et aug- 
mented de nombreuses Pieces Nouvelles Inconnues et 
Inedites. Together 3 vols. Small 4to, half morocco gilt, 
top edges gilt. Brussels, 1881 

Limited edition of 175 copies only— " Reserve aux Membres de la So- 
riete.'' The first named is published "sousle manteau," and the last "avec 
l'autorization des compromis." Both wotks have rubricated titles and are 
printed on toned paper. 

491 PARNY (Evariste). tEuvres, 4 vols.; also — La Guerre des 

Dieux, poeme en Dix Chants par Evariste Parny. To- 
gether 5 vols. Minimo, tree marbled calf, extra gilt, 
inside gold borders. Paris, Debray, 1808 

RARE. Elegantly printed by DMot. This copy has the gilt book-plates of 
" Ex libris James Hartraann." 

492 PEACHAM (Henry). The Worth of a Penny, or a Caution 

to Keep Money, with the causes of the scarcity and mis- 
ery of the wants thereof, in these hard and merciless 
Times, as also how to save it in our Diet, Apparel, Recre- 
ations, etc., and also what honest Courses men in want 
may take to live. Rubricated title and every page rjtled with 
red ink. 8vo, old calf. London, 1667 

Limited rkprint of 75 copies printed at Leeds in 1813. On the back of 
the titles are the following NfSS. — " John Sheepshanks presented to Mr. Bell — 
Jno. Bell, Novo Castro 1814— Only 75 Copies of this Edition Printed." 


493 PETRONIUS ARBITER— SATYR1CON qvae supersunt 

cum integris Doctorum Virorum Commentariis et Notis 
Nicolai Heinsh et Guilielmi Goesii nunc primum 
editis Accedunt Jani Dousje Prajcidanea d. Jos. Ant. 
Gonsali de Salas Commenta Varias Dissertationes et 
Pnefationes qtiarum Index post pnefationem exhibitur 


Curante Petro Burmanno. Curious facetious -frontis- 
piece. 2 vols, calf gilt, red edges. Utrecht, 1709 

Rare best edition of Petronius, with the inserted heraldic book plate of 
" The Right Hon'blc Robert James Lord Petre, Thorndon in Essex." 
Thomas Frognall Dibdin, speaking of the Hurmann editions of 1709 and 1743. 
writes — " Some years ago." says Dr. Harwood. " I read through this edition of 
Petronius Arbiter, published by Hurmann at Utrecht in 1709. and can affirm it 
to be one of the best edited of the Dutch classics. Burmann, by his immense 
erudition and critical sagacity, hath so wonderfully illustrated this difficult 
writer, that it is almost impossible for the best scholar to read Petronius in any 
other edition.' According to the same authority, the curious prefer the first 
edition of 1709. This, however, is not true ; the second, although esteemed 
rather incorrect, contains additional notes, and excerpta from various uncon- 
sulted MSS., which has always given it a precedence in price to the edition 
of 1709." 


nuper Tragurii reperto, accedunt diversorum Poetarum 
Lusus in Priapum, Pervigilium Veneris, Ausonii cento 
nupatialis, Cupido crucifixus, Epistolse de Cleopatra et 
alia nonnulla Omnia Commentariis et Notis Doctorum 
Virorum Illustrata Concinnante Michaele Hadrianide. 
Small 8vo, old calf. Amsterdam, Blaev, 1669 

Rare. This edition was marked by Thorpe 2 guineas. Brunet says:— 
' ' Edition belle, assez corrects et dont on recherche les exemplaires complets." 
Three volumes arc bound in one in the above, of which the second is " Priapeia 
sivc Diversorvm Poetarvm in Priapvm Lvsvs," and the third, published 1671, is 
— " Integrvm titi Petronii Arbitri Fragmentvm Ex antiquo codi cc Tragvriensi 
Roma; exscriptum cum Apologia Marini Statilii L. V. D." 

495 PILOUST (La Sieur). Le Tableav des Deserts Er.chantes 

auquel 1'Amour modain est naiuement depeint auec vraes 
coulleurs diuises en cinq histoires le tout a lexaltation du 
vray amour par le Sieur Piloust Auec Priuilege du Roy. 
Curious engraved title. Minimo, old calf rebacked. 

Paris, Daiud G/llcs, 161 5. 

Brunet. speaking of the Sieur Piloust's " Cerceuil des Amants," says that 
Paul Lacroix stated that the author—" ne savait pas ce que e'etait qu'ecrire en 
prose ou en vers, et son roman cache sous un titre qui promet bcaucoup, un 
incroyable et Iaborieux entassemcnt dc sottises." This copy is stamped in gold 
on the sides with the crest, a demi-lion rampant holding a sheaf of arrows. 


CONDITORUM, being Notes Bio— Bidljo— Icono— 
graphical and Critical on Curious and Uncommon 
Books by PISANUS-FRAXI. Front., plates and fac- 
similes. Thick 4to, half turkey morocco, top edge gilt, 
others uncut. London, privately printed, 1879 

Very rare and high priced, the Falconer copy having sold for $59.00. 
Limited edition of 250 copies. 

"The present volume is a sequel to the ' Index Librorum Prohibitorum, ' 


which I had privately printed in 1877, and might with propriety have formed 
a second volume of that work, had I not for several reasons preferred rather to 
alter the first part of the title, and to let each volume stanJ by itself, the more 
so as each volume is complete in itself." — Pisanus-Fraxi, Preliminary Remarks 
in above. 

" This book for men alone is meant, 
Book worms or bibliophiles anent, 
Of solid mind, of serious bent, 
On curious, hidden books intent. 
On odd research and learning. 

497 PORTA (John Baptista, a Ncapolitaint). Natural Magick 

in Twenty Books. Wherein are set forth all the Riches 
and Delights of the Natural Sciences. Engraved title 
and euts. 4to, calf gilt, red edges (rebacked). 

London, 1658 

RARE. The twenty books consist of: — 1, the Causes of Wonderful Things; 
2, the Generation of Animals; 3, the Production of New Plants; 4, Increasing 
Household Stuff; 5, Changing Metals; 6, Counterfeiting Gold; 7, the Wonders 
of the Load stone; 8, Strange Cures; 9, Beautifying Women; io, Distillation; 
11, Perfuming; 12, Artificial Fires: 13, Tempering Steel; 14, Cookery; 15, 
Fishing, Fowling, Hunting, etc.; 16. Invisible Writing; 17, Strange Glasses; 
18, Statick Experiments; in, Pneumatick Experiments; and 20, Chaos. 

498 POSTEL. — Victoires des Femmes du Nouveau Monde sui — 

vi de la Doctrine du Steele Dore par Guillaume Postel, 
avec une Notice Biographique et Bibliographique par M. 
Gustave Brunet. 4to, bound by Lanscelin in half 
crushed levant morocco gilt, top edge gilt. 

Turin, Gay, 1869 

LARtJE PAPER AND limited edition of loo copies, of which the above is 
No. 86. Postel was one of the most profound savants of the Sixteenth century. 
Francis the First made him Professor of Mathematics and Oriental Languages 
in the College Royal. I^ater he pretended to have power to explain, by reason, 
the dogmas and mysteries of Christianity. He was charged with being a 
visionary and a fool because he had prophesied the reunion of all religions into 

499 PRINCESSE DE CLEVES. 2 vols, in 1. Small 8vo, 

old calf gilt, red edges. Paris, 1741 

Very SCARCE. This curious work contains a full account of the intrigue of 
the Hue de Nemours with the Princess of Cleves. It also enters into details 
respecting the amours of Diane de Poitiers, Marie Stuart and other members of 
the French royal family and aristocracy. 

500 PROMENADE DE SAINT CLOUD, ov la Confidence 

Reciproque. 2 vols, in 1. Small 8vo, half morocco, cloth 

sides (MS. name on title). Paris, 1736 

Scarce. There is the following MS. note on an end paper of this facetious 
volume: — " Edition originate — Livre curieux sous le rapport des moeurs des 
temps et surtout sur les intrigues des femmes." 


velle Edition Considerablement augments et 
corrig£e. Vignette on title engraved by Riollet, 
also plate and tail-piece by the same. Minimo, red 
morocco gilt, edges gilt. Paris, 1784 

Rare, with the heraldic book-plate inserted of " Ex libris bibliotecae Domini 
J. B. Powis." 

502 QUEEN CHRISTINA. — Histoire de la Vie de la Reyne 

Christine de Suede, avec un veritable recit du Sejour de 
la Reyne a Rome et la Defense du Marquis de Monal- 
deschi contre la dite Reyne de Suede, seconde edition 
revue, corrigt5e et augmented. With rare portrait of 
Christina. Minimo, crushed levant morocco gilt, inside 
gold borders, edges gilt on red by Thouvenin. 

Stockholm, chez Jean Plein de Courage, 1CS2 
Very rare edition of the life of Queen Christina of Sweden, who in 1654 
abdicated her throne and. according to Voltaire— " preferred to Hve.witfc men 
who think, rather than reign over men without learning or genius." Distin- 
guished as she was in the promotion of the arts and sciences, her memory will 
ever remain infamous in consequence of her murder of Monaldeschi, her grand 
equerry, at Paris in 1656. 

503 QUEVEDO.— Visions of Don Francesco de Quevedo 

Villegas, Knight of the Order of St. James, made 
English by R. L. Small 4to, old calf (stained somewhat). 

London, 1667 
Scarce, first edition and translated by Sir Roger 1'Estrange. 

504 [QUINCY (Thomas de).] L'Anglais Mangeur d'Opium 

traduit de 1'Anglais et augmentee, par A. D. M. (Alfred 
de Musset), avec une notice par M. Arthur Heul- 
hard. 4to, half crushed levant morocco, top edge gilt, 
others uncut, by Pouillet. Paris, 1878 

Large paper copy, elegantly printed on toned paper. With fancy head 
and tail-pieces and initial letters. 

" II est difficile de determiner le part dc collaboration d'Alfred de Musset 
dans 1'Anglais Menageur d'Opium. " Nous avons fait venir de Londres une edi- 
tion des " Confessions of an English Opium Eater," date'e de 1823, c'est-A dire 
anterieurc de cinq annees a la traduction de Musset. Nous avons remarque des 
passages qui n'existent plus dans le teste Francais et d'autres, au contraires. 
qu'on ne retrouvepas dans le texte anglais." — HeuLHARD. 


hfgyy COIS RABELAIS avec des Remarques His- 

toriques et Critiques de Mr. Le Duchat. Nou- 
|:IbX&| velle Edition, Ornee de Figures de B. Picart, 
*^^=^ ctc > Augments de quantite de nouvelles Remar- 
ques de M. Le Duchat, de celles de l'Edition Angloise 
des (Euvres de Rabelais, de ses Lettres, et de plusieurs 
pieces curieuses et interessantes. Profusely illustrated 


with plates of humorous character, and vignette head and tail- 
pieces by Bernard Picart. 3 vols. 4to, handsomely bound 
by Deromk in olive morocco gilt, inside gold borders, 
edges gilt on marble. 

Amsterdam, Jean Frederic Bernard, 1741 

Rare, and one of the finest modern editions of Rabelais, with a splendid im- 
pression of the portrait of Rabelais, by Tanje, executed in 1731). Brunei 
quotes copies of this edition, having sold as high as a thousand francs, notably 
that of Cotte. The Labedoyere copy brought 746 francs. 

"Beyond a doubt Rabelais was among the deepest as well as boldest 
thinkers of his age. His buffoonery was not merely lirutus' rough stick, which 
contained a rod of gold; it was necessary as an amulet against the monks and 
legates. . . . The caricature of his filth and zanyism show fully he both 
knew and felt the danger in which he stood, f could write a treatise in praise of the 
moral elevation of Rabelais' work, which could make the church stare and the 
conventicle groan, and yet would be truth and nothing but the truth. I class 
Rabelais with the great creative minds of the world, Shakespeare, Dante, Cer- 
vantes, etc." — S. T. Coleridge. 

506 RABELAIS. — CEuvres. Teste Collattonne sur les Edr 

tiones Originates avec une vie de I'auteur, des Notes et un 
Glossaire. Several hundred illustrations by Gustave Doke. 
2 vols, thick square folio, handsomely bound in dark green 
morocco super elegant, broad inside gold borders, edges 
gilt. Paris, Gamier Freres, 1873 

Original folio edition of Dore's Rabelais. 

"Cardinal Duprat was so enamored of Rabelais' works that he was never 
without a copy of them. Wherever he went, his Rabelais went with him. Car- 
dinal Jean du Bellay was possessed of the same feeling; he admired Rabelais 
so much, that he refused a learned individual of the day a seat at his table 
because he had not read The Book, for so Rabelais' singular narrative was 
called " — VentouillAc. 

507 RABELAIS. — (Euvres. With portrait and numerous spirited, 

curious and facetious wood engravings, mostly full-page. 3 
vols, minimo, bound by Thouvenin in crinkled morocco 
gilt, inside gold borders, edges gilt. 

Paris, Th. Desoer, 1820 

Very scarce edition. Elegantly printed on ribbed paper by Plassan. It 
is a verbatim reprint of the original edition, with a I'antagruelian glossary. This 
handsome copy is in admirable condition and is bound by the famous French 
relieur Thouvenin. 

508 RABELAIS.— The Whole Works, or the Lives, Heroic 

Deeds and Sayings of Gargantua and Pantagruel. Done 
out of French by Sir Thomas Urchard, Knight, Mr. 
Motteux and others, with a large account of the Life 
and Works of the Author. Particularly an Explanation 
of the most Difficult Passages in them; never before pub- 
lished in any Language. Portrait. 2 vols, small 8vo, 
old calf. London 1708 

Rare. With the inserted heraldic book-plate of Thomas Inman, M.D. The 
first volume has two distinct title-pages, the second is of the first edition of — 


' Pantagruel's Voyage to the Oracle of the Bottle with the Pantagruelian Prog- 
nostication and other pieces in Verse and Prose by that Author. Also his His- 
torical Letters. Completing all his works that are extant, never before printed 
in English." A few pages are stained. 

' The English version of Rabelais by Urchard or Urquhart, Motteux and 
Ozell maybe considered one of the most perfect specimens of the art of trans- 
lation." — Tytler. 

509 RABELAIS. Songes Drolatiques de Pantagruel ou sont 

Contenues cent vingt figures de 1'invention, de Maitre 
Francois Rabelais copies en facsimile par Jules 
Morel sur l'Edition de 1565, pour la Recreation des Bons 
Esprits avec un Texte Explicatif et des Notes par Le 
Grand Jacques (Gabriel Richard). Profusely illus- 
trated and on almost every page, b\> very humorous plates. 
Small 8vo, bound in half red levant morocco, top edge 
gilt, others uncut, with the covers bound in. Paris, 1S69 
Rare and limited edition of these curious illustrations, with the text from the 
original and reprinted from the 1565 edition, printed at Paris by Richard Breton, 
and of which the title read— " Les Songes Drolatiques de Pantagruel ou sont 
contenues plusieurs figures de 1'invention de Maistre Francois Rabelais; et der- 
nierc ceuvre d'iceluy, pour la recreation des bons esprits." 

510 RABELAIS. — Le Rabelais Moderne ou les Q2uvres de 

Maitre Francois Rabelais, Docteur en Medicine Mises 
a la portee de la plupart des Lecteurs avec des Eclairces- 
semens historiques, pour ['intelligence des allegories con- 
tenes dans le Gargantua et dans le Pantagruel. 6 vols, in 
8. Minimo, mottled calf gilt, red edges. 

Amsterdam, Jean Frederic Bernard, 1752 
Very scarce. With the inserted heraldic book-plates of M. Webb. 

Si 1 RABELAIS. — Francois Rabelais par Guillaume Col- 
letet, Extrait des Vies des Poetes Francois public par 
Philomneste junior (Brunet). Minimo, bound by 
Trioullkr in half lemon morocco, top edge gilt, covers 
bound in. Geneva, /. Gay et fils, 1867 

Number 42 of limited edition of 100 copies only, of which ninety-six are on 
Holland paper and four on China. 

Poetes Francois depuis Marot jusqu'a present avec des 
Notes historiques et critiques et un Traite de la vraye et 
de la fausse Beaute dans les ouvrages d'esprit; traduit du 
Latin de Messieurs de Port-Royal, et un Traite sur les 
Regies de I'Epigramme par Feu M. Richelet, avec les 
Bergeries de Monsieur de Racan (par M. Breugiere). 
2 vols, small 8vo, bound by "BelzSuc. Niedree" in red 
crushed levant morocco, rounded corners, inside gold 
borders, edges gilt on marble. Paris, Nicolas Le Clerc, 1698 
Rare. This is one of the best collections of facetious French epigrams and 
contains some of the choicest and most sparkling witticisms of Clement Marot, 
Saint Gelais, Scarron, Furetiere, Deshoulicres, Bussy-Rabutin, Racine, etc 



513 RESTIF df. la BRETONNE. Les Nuits de Paris ou Le 

Spectateur Nocturne. Plates. 15 vols, in 8. Small 8vo, 
elegantly bound by Chambolle-Duru in red crushed 
levant morocco gilt, rounded corners, inside gold borders, 
edges temoins and gilt on marble. 

Parish Londres, 1788-90 

Very rare and limited edition, and one of the most curious of the works 
of Restif. The eighth volume of this set consists of — " La Scmaine Nocturne, 
Sept Nuits de Paris qui peuvent scrvir de Suite aux iii-CLXXX deja public'es. 
Ouvrage servant a 1 liistoire du Jardin du Palais- Royal." 

One of the strangest features of Restif's works (vult abovel is the list of all 
his eccentric works then published, as well as all he calculated that he intended 
to. These amounted to 777 Novels in IOOI Histories. A thorough analysis of 
Restif s projected mastodon literary labors is given. 

" Restif's books are now very rare; they will become more so. as they are 
now sought after by the great amateurs of bibliographical curiosities. These 
books contain the most interesting documents for the history of the manners of 
the time. The peasants, the working men, the men of the people never had a 
more faithful or more sympathetic painter than Restif de la iiretonne. His 
works, in which, as in a mirror, the various aspects of French society from 1760 
to 1805 arc reflected, will be monuments of the manners and morals of that 
period, as the works of Petronius and Apuleius are of the Roman antiquity." — 
Paul Lac&olx. 

514 RESTIF de la BRETONNE. Le Menage Parisien ou 

Deliee et Sotentout. 2 vols, in 1. Small 8vo, elegantly 
bound by Chambolle-Duru in crushed red levant mo- 
rocco, extra gilt rounded corners, broad inside gold 
borders, edges gilt on marble. La Haie, 1773 

Very rare. This is one of Rcstif's most fantastic works and in which, like 
most of his books, he narrates the vicissitudes and amours of the members of 
his own family. The dedication is " A Mes Pairs en Sotise " and commences 
" Sotissimes et tres-nombreus confreres." This is signed " Je suis avec une 
stupide admiration, chers Sotissimes et confreres, votre etc. Morille Dindonet." 
The dedication, "epigrafe " and table is printed wholly in red. The two title- 
pages and opening pages of the volumes are rubricated. 

515 RESTIF de la BRETONNE. La Prevention Nationale 

Action adaptee a la Scene; avec deux Variantes et les 
Faits qui lut servent de base. Many plates, of a more or 
less humorous character. Small 8vo, half morocco. 

La Haie and Paris, 1784 

Very rare, with the inserted heraldic book-plate of Ludovic Halevy. In- 
cludes other stories and plays such as " Le Chevalier d'Affas." ''Charles 
Dulis." " Les Deux Anglais," " Le Fils Obeissant." " Le Prisonier deGuerre," 
" La Prevention Dramatique," " La Prevention Particuliire," "Analyse de la 
Dernicre Avanture dun Homme de 45 ans," "Jeanne d'Arc." 

At the end of the third volume are letters to the author from Voltaire, Milrain, 
etc., also " Supplement et Suite aux Quarante cinquenaire." 



516 RESTIF de la BRETONNE. Le Nouvel Abeilard ou 

Lettres de Deux Amans qui ne sont Jamais Vus. 4 vcls. 
small Svo, limp morocco, marbled edges. 

En Suisse, chtz les librairts associ/s, 1779 
Very rare. The work is dedicated— " A Madame M. A. D. A- D. L. R. 
D. F." and the author signs himself " Voire, etc, N. E. R. D. L. B. D. S. t. 
B. B." 

517 RESTIF de la BRETONNE. La Malediction Paternelle, 

Lettres Sinceres et Veritables de N. . . . a ses Parens, ses 
Amis, ses Maitresses; avec les Reponses: Recueilhes et 
pubises par Timothee Joly son Executeur testamentaire. 
Engraved fronts, by Berthkt after Binet. 3 vols, bound 
by Pagnant in half crushed levant morocco, top edge 
gilt, others uncut. Leipsick, Buschel, 1780 

Very rare. At the end of the third volume are advertisements ? and notices 
of the author's other works, more particularly his " Nouvel Abeilard" and " Vie 
de Mon Pere," of which there are eight pages, among which is the following 
notice from the " [ournal de Paris," February 11, 1779— "Cette nouvelle pro- 
duction de N. E. Retif-de la-Bretone, annonce unc imagination riche et beaucoup 
de sensibilite. II a sur-tout deployc son talent dans les Modcles, ou on trouve 
des morceaux de la plus grande force. . . . Nous n'hesitons pas a dire, que ' Le 
Nouvel Abeilard,' est peut-etre le plus utile des Livres qui aient paru depms long 
temps . . . tout y est honnete, et il est egalement fait pour les Peres et les Mercs 
de famille et pour les Jcune-gens." 

518 RESTIF de la BRETONNE. L'Ecole des Peres. 3 vols. 

bound by Bertrand in half crushed levant morocco, 
marbled sides and edges. 

Paris, chez la Veuve DuscJune, 1776 
Very rare and equally curious and facetious as the other works of thisextra- 
ordinary author. 

519 RESTIF de la BRETONNE. Les Contemporaines ou 

Avantures des plus Jolies Femmes de l'age present, 
Recueillies par N. E. R. . . . d. 1. B. . . . et pubises par 
Timothee Joly de Lyon, Depositaire de ses Manuscnts. 
With numerous plates by Freudenburg and the other illus- 
trators, of the remarkable works of the author. 42 vols, 
small 8vo, half calf. Leipsick, Busche., 1781-85 

Vehy rark. This is one of the most curious sets of the works of Restif de 
la Bretonne. To get an idea of the contents of the author's writings, one has 
only to lo >k at the last pages of the forty-second volume, which also contains a 
list of the author's projected volumes, many of which never saw the light. 1 he 
last leaf commences: " M.iirobert: mon Ami sous les auspices de qui j ai com- 
mence ses Nouvelles; tu n'es plus; miis recois 1'homage de ma reconnoissance 
et de mon amitie. qui ne s'eteindra qu'avec ma vie; Je brave la rage impuissante 
d'un Linguet, qui t'a caloranie; A la face de l'Univers je t'avouepour mon ami; 
tu ne m'as jamais montre que des vertus; et si tu m'as montre des vertus, elles 
etainent dans ton Coeur." 

520 RESTIF de la BRETONNE. Les Francaises ou XXXIV 

Excmples Choisis dans les Moeurs Actuelles, Propres a 
Diriger les Filles, les Fetnmes, les Epouses et les Meres. 
Many plates, some of a humorous character. 4 vols, small 8vo, 



bound by Bertkand in half red crushed levant morocco, 
marbled sides and edges. Neufchatel et Paris, 1786 

Very rake, and with the inserted bookplate of Ludovic Halevy At the 
back of the title of Vol. I. Restif says: " Je donne pour litres a ces IV. volumes, 
Les Francaises.' parceque les trenle quatre Exemples qui les component. ofTrent 
un tableau general de nos moeurs. ou les Jeunes Pcrsonnes et les Femmes de 
tout age, trouveront reunis et les devoirs de leur Etat et les moycns d'etre ver- 
tueuses, arables a ses Parens, a leurs Epoux, respectables a leurs Enfans, 
chenes de leurs Concitoyens." 

521 RESTIF de la BRETONNE. AnotherCopy of the Same. 

4 vols, mottled sheep gilt (slightly foxed). 

522 RICHELIEU. Testament Politique d'Armand du Pi.es- 

sis, Cardinal Due de Richelieu, Pair et Grand Admiral 
de France, Premier Ministre du Conseil d'Etat sous la 
Regne de Louis XIII., Roi de France et de Navarre, 
Commandeur de Ordres de sa Majesty, Eveque de Lusson,' 
Confondateur et Bien-faiteur de la Maison et SocitSte' de 
Sorbonne. 2 vols, in 1. Minimo, old calf gilt. 

Amsterdam, Henry Desbordes, 16S8 

Rare. Stamped in gold on the sides with impaled and quartered arms over 
which is a ducal coronet. The authenticity of the "Political Testim-nt " of 
Cardinal Richelieu is discredited by Voltaire and defended by Foncemague. 
Upon the Cardinal's death in 1642, the people expressed by bonfires their joy at 
his having gone to another world. Perhaps they kindled bonfires in allusion to 
the place in which his soul may have taken up its abode. 

523 ROBINSON. — Memoires de Mistriss Robinson celebre 

Actrice de Londres contenant les details curieux sur sa 
carriere dramatique et litteraire ; ses amours avec le 
Prince des Gali.es; son voyage en France et ses relations 
avec le Due d'Orleans et plusieurs personnages celfcbres 
ecrits par elle meme. Portrait. 8vo, sewed, uncut. 

Paris, 1802 

SCARCE. The celebrated actress " Perdita" Robinson, the daughter of an 
American sea-captain, was one of the first mistresses of George the Fourth, 
while Prince of Wales. 

524 ROCHESTER Some Passages of the Life and Death of 

the Right Honorable John, Earl of Rochester, who 
died the 26th of July, 1680. Portrait by White. Small 
8vo, old calf (MS. names on title). 

Rare. London, 1680 

525 ROCHESTER and ROSCOMMON. Works of the Right 

Honourable the Earls ok Rochester and Roscommon, 
with some Memoirs of the Earl of Rochester's Life by 
Monsieur St. Evre.mont: In a letter to the Duchess of 
Mazarine. Portrait. 2v0ls.ini. Small 8vo, old paneled 
ca ''- London, 1709 

Rark. Third edition, to which is added a " Collection of Miscellany Poems 
by the most Eminent Hands." 

" Lord Rochester's Poems have much more obscenity than wit, more wit than 
poetry, more poetry than politeness. "— Wai.fole. 


526 ROCOLES (Jean Baptiste de). Les Imposteurs Insignes ou 

Histoires de Plusieurs homnies de neantde toutes Nations 

qui ont usurpe la qualite d' Empereur, de Roi, et de Prince 

des Gu'eres qu'ils ont cause: leur evenement leur regne 

et leur mort: accompagn^es de plusieurs circonstanccs 

curieuses. With numerous portraits of celebrated impostors, 

also engraved titles. 2 vols, small 8vo, bound by " Petit 

Succ'r de Simier," in half morocco, top edge gilt, others 

uncut. Brussels, 1728 

Very scarce. This work by the historiographer of France is not only 
interesting, but curious, as it gives the fullest account we have of those cele- 
brated impostors who usurped the titles of Emperor, King or Prince. 

527 ROUSSEAU (Jean Jacques). CEuvres. With portrait by 

St. Aubin and plates by Moreau lf. Jeune, engraved by 
Le Mire, etc. 12 vols, 4to, half morocco, gilt. 

Londres (Paris), 1774-83 

Splendid edition of the works of the Philosopher of Geneva magnificently 
illustrated, and titles rubricated, with the exception of the first, of which some 
lines have been traced over. A few pages are foxed. In addition to the plates 
are engraved vignette titles also by Moreau. Some pages have the musical 
score as well as plates entirely of music and folded. 

"Still is the impression of his [Rousseau '#] works vivid and strong. The 
charm which cannot pass away is there — life breathing in dead words — the 
pulses of passion, the thrillings of the frame still are there — the fresh beauty, 
the undimmed lustre — these, light and vision-like as they seem, endure as mar- 
ble."— Edinburgh Review. 

AINT AMANT. Moise Savve, Idyle Heroiqve 
dv Sievr de Saint Amant a la Serenissime 
Reine de Pologne et de Suede. Minimo, old 
red crushed morocco gilt, edges gilt. 

Leyden, 1654 

Rare. This long heroic idyll, incorrectly styled an epopee, is of a different 
order to the poems he wrote — ' ' durant sa jeunesse et son age mur, il hanta les 
cabarets avec de joyeux compagnons, et e'est dans le vin, la bonne entire et le 
bruit qu'il ecrivait ses pieces bachiques, comme 'les Cabarets,' ' La Chambre 
du Debauche,' ' La Crevaille,' ' Le Fromage,' ' La Vigne,' ' Les Goinfres.' 
d'une verve si joyeuse et d'un style si haut en couleur." 

529 SAINT-MARC (J. P. A. de). CEuvres. Beautifully exe- 
cuted engraved portrait, engraved title and head-piece, vignette 
by Eisf.n. 8vo, three-quarter crushed levant morocco 
gilt, top edge gilt, others uncut. Paris and Geneva, 1775 

Rake. A beautiful copy of one of the favorite works of the eighteenth cen- 
tury French boudoirs and containing the author's anacreontic pieces. 



530 SANCHEZ (Thomas). Dispvtationvm de Sancto Matri- 

monii Sacramento. Engraved printers mark on title. 3 
vols, in 1. Thick folio, old vellum (back broken). 

Antwerp, api/d Henricvm Aertssivm, 162G 
Very rare. See Baylc's lone account of this very singular performance, 
from one of the notes to which the following is extracted: — How odd it seems, 
that these men, who would have us think them mines of chastity and inexhaust- 
ible springs of modesty, should, notwithstanding, vomit up such ill humours, 
such an Ili ad of impurities ! The treatise of Sanchez is a true library of Venus. 
If Horace or Martial were to come again into the world, thoy would write line 
odes and epigrams upon those operators who have been desirous of castrating 
them. In live hundred Martials or Horaces, there is not so much room for cas- 
tration as in one page of Sanchez." 

The President Le Jay had search made after this book, and prohibited the 
booksellers of Paris from selling it, under penalty of death. 

531 Scandale d'Hikr — Le Comedien par un Journaliste (Oc- 

tave Mirbeau) suivi de L'Entrefilet de M. Vitu, La 
Lettre a M. Magnard, L'Ordre du Jour du Chateau 
d'Eau; also La Reponse de M. Coquelin de la Comedie- 
Francaise, Les Comediens par "un Comedien." Small 
4to, sewed, uncut. Paris, 1883 

Limited edition of 25 copies on Japan paper, of which the above is No. 3. 

532 SCARRON (Paul). CEuvres, Nouvelle Edition revue, cor- 

rigee et augmentee de quantite de Pieces omises dans les 
editions precedentes: on y a joint une Epitre Dedicatoire 
a l'Auteur, l'Histoire de sa Vie et de ses Ouvrages, et. un 
Discours sur le Style Burlesque. Portraits and fronts, by 
Folkema. 10 vols, minimo, fresh half morocco, contents 
lettered. Amsterdam, chez J. IVetstein et G. Smith, 1737 
Rake and best edition and known as that of Brazen de la Martiniere. Scar- 
ron's love of burlesque, of malicious buffoonery, of profane gaiety, was simply 
a way of escape through the gates of mockery from the ' 1 Tourmens vchemens 
of an incurable ailment brought about by a life of very gross pleasure, the con- 
sequence of which was that, in less than four years, he was seized with perma- 
nent paralysis of the limbs. Mazarin gave him a pension of five hundred 
crowns, but he quarreled with the Cardinal and, joining the Krondeurs, lam- 
pooned the prime minister with spleenful virulence. Koucquet, later on, 
granted him a pension of sixteen hundred crowns, and it Is said that this most 
consummate beggar that ever lived, if he could not get a benefice or purse of 
gold, or a lodge at court, he would take a load of firew.xxi, or a carriage, 
pasties, capons, cheese, poodles, etc. — nothing came amiss, and his ample 
acknowledgments showed how thoroughly he had mastered the art of expressing 
gratitude. His wife, Francoise d'Aubigne, after his death became the mistress 
of Louis XIV., and was known in history as Madame de Maintenon. 

533 SCARRON. CEuvres de. Nouvelle E iition plus correcte 

que toutes les precedentes. Portrait (stained). 7 vols. 

small 8vo, old sheep, marbled edges. Paris, 1786 

Rare edition, with the library stamp on titles of " M. Pattison, Line. Coll.. 
Oxon." One half of the first volume is taken up by a dedication — '' Aux Maues 
deScamn;" an Epistle from Eutrapelophile; Letter from M. de Halzac to 
M. Costaronthe Works of Scarron and " Discours sur le Style Burlesque en 
General et sur eclui de Scarron en Particulier." 



534 SCARRON. Le Romant Coroique. Engraved f ront, and 

vignette titles. 2 vols, in \. Minimo, old calf gilt. 

Amsterdam, Pierre M artier, n. d. 
Scarce edition, and with the inserted heraldic boolc-plate of Mansfeldt Car- 

535 SCHEUFELEIN (Hans). La Danse des Noces reproduce 

par Johannes Schratt et public par Edwin Tross avec 
une Notice Biographique sur Hans Scheufelein par M. 
Le Dr. A. Andresen. Curious facsimile plates. Folio, 
cloth. Paris, 1865 

Printed by Jouaust. Hans Leonard Scheufelein was among the German 
painters of the first half of the Sixteenth century. He was one of the most 
celebrated pupils of Albert Durer. His grotesque yet important "Wedding 
Dance " has always been celebrated on account of the value that it has in deter- 
mining the costumes of his period. 

536 SECUNDUS (Johannes Nicolaius). Kisses, a Poetical 

Translation of the Basia, with the Original Latin and an 
Essay on his Life and Writings. Engraved front, and por- 
trait of Secundus by Baktolozzi. Large 8vo, old calf 
(rebacked). London, 1778 

I -A roe PATS* copy of the rare third edition, with additions and the " Epith- 
alamium," also rubricated title and some of the headings in red. The beautiful 
front and engraved title by Bartolozzi are slightly foxed. One great value of 
this edition is that the original Latin text and English translation are on oppo- 
site pages. At the end of the volume are fragments and other poems in the 
same style by Bonifonius, Dorat, Marigny, Guarini and others. That of Do rat 
has the French and English text. 

538 Select Epigrams. 2 vols, in 1. Small 8vo, sprinkled calf 
gilt, top edge gilt, other uncut. London, 1797 

Very scarce. This volume of ancient and modern epigrams was printed by 
and for Sampson Low. With inserted heraldic book plate. 

eta SENOFONTE EFESIO. Gli Efesiaci di, Volgarizzati da 
Anto. Maria Salvini. Small 8vo, crinkled morocco 


gilt, inside gold borders, watered silk ends, edges gilt by 
Bozerian. Paris, Renouard, i8co 

Rare, with engraved frontispiece by Roger, after Prudhon, in two states, one 
an unfinished proof, the other a proof before letters. Editions of the writings 
of Xenophon of Ephcsus are very uncommon. This ancient Greek romancer 
must not be confounded with the historian of the same name. 

540 SERCY (Charles de). La Bovssole des Amans, dediee a 

son Altesse Royale Mademoiselle. Engraved front. Min- 
imo, bound by Duru in crushed levant morocco, inside 
gold borders, edges gilt on marble. Paris, 1668 

Rare. A curious little work. The " Lover's Guide," decorated with a 
frontispiece representing a Cupid aiming his arrow at a flaming heart held by a 
winged figure of l'"ame, from whose trumpet depends a shield with the ducal 
coronet and arms of the Orleans Bourbons. 

541 Sermon pour la Consolation des COCUS prononce au 

Sujet de A . . . B . . . Cocu par Arrest. Minimo, half 
crushed levant morocco gilt, top edge gilt. 

A Rouane, c/icz Dominique Vendu,a la Sage Femme, 1833 

Rare, with curious frontispiece representing a horned cuckold, under whom 
are the lines : 

" Quand on l'ignore ce n'esl rien, 
Quand on le sait c"est pcu de chose. * 

542 SHAPIRA FORGERY— Mein Buch mit Facsimilirten Ge- 

dichten von Carmen Sylva und Randzeichnungen von 
C. M. Seuppel. Quaintly illustrated. 4to, bound in imita- 
tion sack or munny cloth, with iron ornaments and lock. 

Dusseldorf, n. d. 

fusely illustratea buajwm*,, ««./y ^ ffWM , wrwtl) „„ 
and other illustrations of incantations, magic etc Thick 
4to, calf gilt. London, 1790 

Very rare and dedicated to the Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free 
and Accepted Masons with three other title-pages separately dated, 1784 'oo 
and 01 although the volume is paginated continuously throughout. There are 
four distinct parts, the first of which is-an Inquiry Into and Defense of Astrol 



ogy with the Discourse on Natural and Occult Philosophy; the second contains 
examples for— Acquiring a Practical Knowledge of Astrology: the third is on 
Meteorological Astrology and part four exhibits — "the Distinction between 
Astrology and the Diabolical Practice of Exorcism; in which the methods used 
for raising up and consulting Spirits are laid open with various instances of their 
Compacts with Wicked Men. Account of Apparitions and Spirits; including a 
general display of the Mysteries of Witchcraft. Divination, Charms and Necro- 
mancy, compiled from a Series of intense Study and Application and founded 
on real Examples and Experience. " 

544 SIBLY. A Key to Physics and the Occult Sciences, open- 

ing to Mental View the System and Order of the Interior 
and Exterior Heavens; the Analogy betwixt Angels and 
Spirits of Men; and the Sympathy between Celestial and 
Terrestial Bodies from whence is deduced an obvious Dis- 
crimination of Events. With colored front, and plates mostly 
botanical. 410, old calf (back broken). London, ti. d. 

Rare. At the end of the volume is an appendix with Culpepper's " British 

545 Sincerity and Hypocrisy or the Sincere Christian and 

Hypocrite in their Lively Colours, standing one by the 
Other, very Profitable for this Religious Professing Time, 
by W. S., Serjeant-at-Law. Minimo, old sheep. 

Oxford, 1658 

Rare, with inserted heraldic book-plate of " Sir Richard Newdigatc, of 
Arbury, in the County of Warwick, Iiaronet, 1709." 

546 SOVORCANO (Don Alonzo de Castillo). The Spanish 

Pole-Cat, or the Adventures of Seniora Rufina in four 
books. Being a detection of the Artifices used by such of 
v->ir Q«T nc Aim mnrp at the Purses than at the 

Gonzales, the most Arch and Comical ot Scoundrels, to 
which is added a Play, call'd an Evenings Adventures 
Tlnck small 8vo, old calf gilt. London, 1707 

Rare, and "All Four Written by Eminent Spanish Authors, and now first 
made Eng.ish by Captain John Stevens." 

haren optoy, en toeft tel naar yders tyd de derde Druk; 
vermeerdert met de vyf Zinnen Aan Lisidas de gadelooze 
Klimene, etc. Etched portraits. Small 8vo, vellum. 

Gouda, i;ro 

Very rare, with French and Dutch text. The portraits are of the following 
famous courtesans : " M. Margery of Richmonde "; "Mademoiselle V C E 


Ml^'-^aMle A^iese'V'LaBellc Marotte"; "'Belie Jeanne de Wur- 
^"witeTp^"; V.La Bell. Cato de Praag"; "Mane de 
Nanci " ; " Charmante Jeane de Aras. 

r„n a tf Trials or a Collection of the most Interesting 
549 Trials^ Reviewed and Illustrated by .Samuel March 
Phillips of the Inner Temple. * vols, m ^ 

instructive observations on legal questions in which Mr. Phillips rejudges 
detennination of past times.' -Mackintosh. 

ceo STAVELEY (Thomas). Romish Horseleech, or an Impar- 
55 tfal I Itountof the intolerable Charge of PoperYto to 
Nation in an Historical Remembrance of some of those 
prodigious sums of Money heretofor extorted from all 
Degrees, during the Exercise of their Papal Power he e 
to which is annexed an Essay of the Supremacy of the 
King of England. Small Svo, calf. London, 1769 

Vfry scarce and with inserted heraldic book-plate of Rev. C. BucVcndBe. 

Thomas Stavely of Cussington, 1 xjcestcrsh^e itattdo £ e ,. Inncr iCmp ' e 
2d July. 1647; called to the Bar 12th of June, 1654; died, 1683. 

552 STERNE (Lawrence). Works. S vol, small 8vo tree 

marbled calf gilt, lemon edges. Montrose 1795 

Sterne's wit is poignant though artificial^ and ^ 
S l StSS^t 23S^4BSiKS ™t, thrown 
into them, are not to be surpassed. 

«T, Stfrne Voyage Sentimental suivi des Lettres d'Yonck a 

553 ST ESa 3 S^inimo, elegantly bound in brown morocco 

extra gilt, inside gold borders, edges gdt. Pans 180. 
Elegant |£S «*rr*W printed by Didot, but lacking a leaf of the Aver 


554 Sterne. Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, with Life 

of the Author. 3 vols, small 8vo, half sage morocco gilt, 
top edges gilt, others uncut. London, 1818 

Scarce edition of this celebrated work. 

555 STEVENSON (John Hall). Crazy Tales and Fables for 

Grown Gentlemen. Folding view of Crazy Castle. Small 
8vo > calf - London, 1780 

„ ( u AR . F "-t- • The au 'J lor ' wh ,° was a kinsman of Lawrence Sterne and the Eugenius 
?il wi ■ TnStI ; am ^andy. published the above anonymously. Sir Walter Scott 
TST'-a awl "y, and indecent collection/and Tom Moore, in his 
HllT^evenson 6 " s P eaks of *** " *>ut licentious productions of John 

556 SUE (Eugene). The Wandering Jew. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth 

uncut London, 1844 

557 SUE. Another Copy of the Same. 

-t---> «• ~- — o — \ • — -" 

London, 1820 

Very scarce. The notes to this rare and curious gastronomical work were 
written by the Abbe Macquin. This was a presentation copy. On a fly-leaf is 
the following — "John Gough Nichols, Esqr. , with G. K. Beltz's kind complts., 
Oct. 1S40." There is also an inserted letter to the same from the same. 

560 Tant Mieux pour Elle, Conte Plaisant. Minimo, mottled 

calf gilt, marbled edges. ». n. d. 

Rakk, with inserted heraldic book-plate of John Chamier. On the title-page 
is " the author I.aborde " and below the title is the MS. note " par L'Abbe de 
Voisinon." On an end paper is the following MS. — " On dit que ce conte est 
ecrit par M. de Calomme.' The imprint reads — " A Viile-Neuve de l'lm- 
primerie de l'llynien, cette Annee." 

561 TAPLIN (William). Sporting Dictionary and Rural De- 

pository of General Information upon every Object Apper- 
taining to the Sports of the Field. Engraved fronts. 
2 vols. 8vo, marbled calf, lemon edges. London, 1803 

562 TASSO — L'Aminte Pastorale Heroique du Tasse. Minimo, 

half morocco gilt (no title). 

Rake edition, illustrated with charming pfates of nudes, etc. 



563 TENON (Claudine Alexandrine Guerin de). Memoires de 

Comte de Comminges, le Siege de Calais, Notice et Notes 
par M. de Lescure. Portrait and etchings by Dubouchet 
Svo, totally uncut. p ar j Si l88 ^ 

Edition Quantin, with rubricated borders and on tinted paper with fac simile 
Madame de Tencin, author of the above, and a celebrated French courtesan 
was born at Grenoble in 1681 and died in 1749. She became successively the 
mistress of the Duke d'Orleans, Chancellor d'Argenson, Lord Bolingbroke and 
other distinguished men of her time. She was the mother of the celebrated 
d Alembert, whom she abandoned. Madame de Tencin subsequently attained 
distinction for her literary tastes and was the author of several novels. She 
numbered among her friends Fontenellc and Montesquieu. 

564 THACKERAY (W. M.) The Students' Quarter, or Paris 

Five and Thirty Years Since. With original colored illus- 
trations. Small 8vo, half morocco, top edge gilt. 

London, n. d. 

First and only edition. Not included in Thackeray's collected writings. 

3 66 TRESSAN (L. E. de la Vergne, Count). Histoire de 
Gerard de Nevers et de la Belle Euriant sa Mie. Illus- 
trated with plates engraved by Simonet, Dupreei., de Gon- 
DET, and Malbette, after the originals by More a u le 
Jeune. Minimo, bound in the style of l5erome in red 
morocco gilt, edges gilt. Paris, Didot, iyg 2 

Rare. Tressan was born 1705 and died in 1783. He was a predecessor of 

Walter Scott in the same line of romance and in which he endeavored to 

accommodate the ideas of his time to that of ancient chivalry through the 

medium of fiction. 

567 Trial of John Donellan, Esq., for the Wilful Murder of 
Sir Theodosius Edward Allesley Boughton, Bart, at 
the Assize at Warwick on Friday, March 30th, 1781. 
Folio, sewed (damaged somewhat). London, 1781 

Rase and original edition. This is one of the famous English causes 
celehres. Captain Donellan murdered his brother-in-law with a decoction of 
laurel water. After the murderer was hung, his widow married Barry O'Meara 
and later. Sir Egerton Lei^h, Bart., which led the good people of Shakespeare's 
county to say that My Lady's first husband was pendant, her second depend- 
ant, and her third independent. Upon this famous poisoning case (J. R R. 
James founded his. novel of '* Broughton Hall." 


568 TRYON (Tho.). Wisdom's Dictates : or Aphorisms and 

Rules, Physical, Moral and Divine ; for Preserving the 
health of the Body and the Peace of the Mind, fit to be 
regarded and practiced by all that would enjoy the bless- 
ings of the present and future World. Minimo. 

London, 1691 

Very rare and early work on Vegetarianism with the heraldic book-plate on 
back of title, of Sir Richard N'ewdigate. 

"To which is Added a Hill of Fare' of Seventy-five Noble Dishes of Ex- 
cellent Food far exceeding those made of Fish or Flesh, which Banquet I 
present to the Sons of Wisdom or such as shall decline that depraved Custom 
of Ealing Flesh and Blood." — Snb-title, 

569 TUER (A. W.) London Cries. Illustrations, some tolored 

(and a few short) by Rowlandson, Cruikshank, etc. 
Large 4to, boards. London, n. d. 

ZANNE (Octave). The Frenchwoman of the 
Century. Fashions, Manners, Usages. Illus- 
trations in water-colors by Albert Lynch and 
engraved in colors by Eugf.ne Gaujean. Large 
8vo, cloth, top edge gilt, others uncut. 

London, t886 
Limited edition of 500 copies' and " no more will be printed." 

ADE (J. J.) Lettresde La Grenouillere suivies 
de Quatre Bouquets Poissards, Reimpression des 
Editions Originates avec notice par Georges 
D'Heylli. Etched f ront. by Guillamot, fils in 
hvo states, one on vellum and the other on satin. 
Small 8vo, sewed and in case. Paris, 1885 

Number 2 0/ a limited edition of 214 copies in all, of which the al>ove is on 
peau de relin. This edition is— "dedie'e aux amis des lirres." 

The original title of the first work named, reads "litres de la Grcnonillere 
entre Mr. Jerome Dubois Pecheux de Gros-Caillou et Mile. Nannette Cubut 
Planchisseuse de linge 6n." 

These celebrated works in the " poissard argot " made the reputation of Vade, 
and shortly after their publication, as Vapereau says — " Les salons se dis- 
puterent Vade; les grands seigneurs et les grandes dames parlerent la langne 
poissarde, et de nombreuse poesies parurent, pour rivaliser avec celui qu'on 
avail surnomme le Callot de la Poesie, le Teniers de la litterature, le Corneille 
des llalles. Vade mourut A trente-huit ans de ses exces." 

572 VADE MECUM for Malt Worms: or, a Guide to Good 
Fellows. Illustrated with cuts. 8vo, half morocco, cloth 
sides. London, n. d, 

A very limited edition of this reprint. The following MS. note is on fly leaf 
— " Presentation copy from J. H. Viglis, Esqr., to W. P., Jr. . . A reprint from 



J. B. Inglis' copy 45. Bound by G. W. Pratt, woodcuts and letter press of 
pa^es 50 and 52. Misprinted versi-versi." 

" Dedicated to the Hrewers," and being — "A description of the manners and 
customs of the most eminent Public Houses, in and about the cities of London 
and Westminster, with a hint on the props(or principal customers) of each house 
in a method so plain that any thirsty person (of the meanest capacity) may easily 
find the nearest way from one house to another." 



TIQUIS. With over 70 plates of Priapie gems from the 
antique. 8vo, calf gilt. Leyden, n. d. 

Large paper and very rare. " This small collection, singular in the matter 
is more so by the manner in which it is done; it may be considered not only as 
a masterpiece of the fancy of the Antients, but as a very rcmaikable monument 
of thtir talents and taste in engraving and designing. My real opinion is, that 
the greatest part of these stones have not been executed before the empire of 
Augustus and Tiberius. ... I am certain that the original stones, from which 
I had the designs taken, have been done by some excellent Greek artists. I 
thought, I should not displease the public in reducing them to a foim easy to be 
procured, and which could at the same time shew how elegant was the noble 
simplicity of the ancients, and how far they carried that point of perfection 
which none of the moderns have yet attained." — Preface. 


574 VOLTAIRE (Francois Marie Arouet de). La Henriade 

Profusely illustrated with magnificent plates and vignettes b v 
or after de Troy, Surugue, Micheux, Dupuis, Dfs- 
places, Meughels, Tardieu, De Poilly, Fletcher" 
Cochin, Le Moyne, Vleughels, Jf.aurat and Lepicir 
Large 4to, old calf, rebacked. Londres, 1728 

Very rark. This edition was printed during the time that Voltaire was 
resident of London, and is dedicated to the Queen. Thurc are 10 pages of a 
list of subscribers, all of whom are English and mostly members of the British 
Houses of Lords and Commons. Brunet says — " Plus tard, Voltaire e'taxtt a 
Londres, y lit lui-memc imprimer son pocme, divise en ro chants, et avec des 
Changements considerables. 

" Cette edition de Londres, 1728, gr. in 4 avec des gravnres portc pour litre ■ 
La Henriade dc Monsieur de Voltaire, pocme cpique ! Ce titre est suivi d'nn 
dedicace, e'erite en anglaise et adressc a la rcine d'Angleterre. L'ouvrage parut 
par souscnplion au prix d'une guince par exemplaire. On a pretendu que cette 
souscription avait produit 150.000 francs a 1'auteur. Cependant, Beuchot en 
fait la remarque, cette edition de 172811'etait pas encore epuisee en 1741, epoque 
4 laquelle on la fit reparaitre avec un nouveau litre sous cette derniire date en v 
ajoutant divcrscs pieces prcliminaircs et, 4 la fin, des arguments, des notes el 
des variantes . ." 

575 VOLTAIRE (F. M. A. de). La Henriade en Dix Chants 

preceded, accompagnee et suivies des toutes les pieces rela- 
tives a ce Poeme et a la Poesie Epique en general; Aux- 
quelles on a joint, le Temple du Gout les Discourses sur 
1'Homme, les Poemes de Fontenoy, sur le Desastre de 


Lisbonne, sur la loi Naturelle, etc. Portrait and plates 
after Gravei.ot. Small 8vo, half roan, uncut. 

Geneva, 1771 

Vkrv kare edition, and from the library of Joseph Barrett Jacques, with 
his heraldic book-stamp on title. 

576 VOLTAIRE. — La Henriade, divers autres Poemes et 

Toutes les Pieces Relatives a l'Epop£e. Portrait by 
Martinet after De la Tour, and frontispiece and plates 
by Eisen and Martinet. Small 8vo, bound by Derome 
in red crushed levant morocco, inside gold borders, edges 
gilt. (Paris) 1775 

RARE. ''Cette edition contient des variantes, des notes. 1'Essai sur la 
Potsie epique, et divers pieces poetiques de l'auteur. C'etait la meilicure que 
Ton eut alors de ce poeme."— Brunei. 

577 VOLTAIRE. — La Pucelle d'Orleans Poeme, Divise en 

Vingt Chants avec des Notes, nouvelle edition corrig^e, 
augmented et collation^e sur le Manuscrit de I'Auteur. 
With facetious plates. Small 8vo, bound by Derome in 
red morocco gilt, inside gold borders, edges gilt on red, 
white and gold end papers. (Paris) 1762 

Very RARE EDITION of this famous work. Prince Demidofl's copy, lot 914 
of the Durman Sale, was sold by George A. Leavitt & Co. for some $14°- The 
plates are those of liojchct. Vide Lc Guide de ('Amateur de Livres et 
Vignettes," par Henri Cohen, the fourth edition, page 20. 

578 VOLTAIRE. Romans et Contes. Edition Conforme a 

celle de Kell. Portrait and plates. 6 vols, minimo, fresh 
mottled calf gilt, marbled edges. Lyons, 1790 

• ; Very scarce and charming edition of the stories of Voltaire, and illustrated 
with facetious plates. 

579 [VOLTAIRE]. Le Vieillard du Mont Caucase aux Juifs 

Portugais, Allemands et Polonois, ou Refutation du livre 
intitule-Lettres de quelques Juifs Portugais, Allemands et 
Polonois in 12. Paris, 1776. Portrait of Voltaire. 
Elegantly bound in Spanish calf extra, inside gold borders, 
edges gilt on marble. Rotterdam, 1776 

Rare and original edition wilh the ex libris coronet, arms and motto of — 
" Hibliotheque de M. Rene Amedee Choppin (de Villy)." 

580 VOLTAIRE. (Euvres Poetiques contenant les Chef- 

d'oeuvres Dramatiques, La Henriade, La Pucelle, Le 
Temple du Gout, Les Poemes. Discours en Vers, Contes, 
Satires, Epitres, et Poesies Melees. Portrait on India 
paper by Pourvoyeur and numerous handsomely engraved 
plates by Moreau Le Jeune. Thick large 8vo, crinkled 
calf gilt, paneled sides, edges gilt by Bibolet. 

Paris, Deveure, 1824 

Fine copy of this handsome edition, printed by Firmin-Uidot, and with the 
heraldic ex libris of L. Pasquier. 

i 7 6 


581 VOLTAIRE. Recueil de DifTerents Pocmes contenant le 

Temple du Gout, la Loi Naturelle, le Desastre de Lisbonne, 
et la Bataille de Fontenoy. Minimo, red crushed levant 
morocco, bound by Derome. Rare. Geneva, 1773 

582 VOLTAIRE. Chef-d'CEuvres Dramatiques. Portrait and 

frontispieces (MS. names on backs). 4 vols, minimo, calf 
gilt. Paris, 1822 

583 VOLTAIRE. 22 plates, including two portraits by Louis 

MoNZlES, and etched after the original designs in illustration 
of his "Romans et Contest after M arillier, Moreau, Mar. 
tinet and Monnet. Large 4to, and loose in portfolio. 
Bkautifi-l proofs before letters on Holland paper. 

584 Vues d'un Solitaire Patriote. Etched frontispiece by 
Martinet. 2 vols, in t. i2mo, mottled sheep gilt, red 
edges. La Haye et Paris, 1784 

Rake AND curious work and more or less of an attack on the regular orders 
of the Catholic Church. 

I ALKER (Alexander). Intermarriage or the Mode 
in which and the Causes why, Beauty, Health 
and Intellect, result from certain Unions, and 
Deformity, Disease and Insanity from Others. 
Plates. i2tno, cloth. Phila, 185 1 

The author demonstrates his position by delineations of the structure and 
forms and descriptions of the functions and capacities, which each parent in 
every pair bestows on children — in conformity with certain natural laws and by 
an account of corresponding effects in the breeding of animals. 

586 WALKER. Woman Physiologically Considered as to Mind, 

Morals, Marriage, Matrimonial Slavery, Infidelity and 
Divorce. i2mo, cloth. N. Y., 1840 

587 WALPOLE (Horace, Earl of Orford). Castle of Otranto, 

a Gothic Story with a Critical Introduction. Engraved 
t'ignetie title. Large 4to, boards, uncut. 

Edinburgh, 1 Si 1 

Rare, large type edition. " The first romance in our language." — Byron. 


588 WEBSTER (John, Practitioner of Physick). The Display- 

ing of Supposed Witchcraft. Small folio, calf rebacked 
gilt (MS. names on title). London, 1677 

Very r\KE and a good copy of this Seventeenth century work, written in 
opposition to the treatises of Casaubon, Glanville and More, the Platonlst. The 
sub title reads further — " Wherein is affirmed that there are many sorts of De- 
ceivers and lmposters, and divers persons under a Passive Delusion of Melan- 
choly and Fancy, but that there is a Corporal League made betwixt the Devil 
and the Witch or that he sucks on the Witches Body, has Carnal Copulation or 



that Witches are turned into Cats. Dogs, raise Tempests or the like, is utterly 
denied and disproved, wherein also is handled the Existence of Angels and 
Spirits, the Truth of Apparitions, the Nature of Astral and Sydereal Spirits, the 
force of Charms and l'hihers; with other abstruse matters." 

Coleridge, in his *' Table Talk," writes — " Look at Webster's admirable work 
on Witchcraft." 

589 WILSON (Harriette). Memoirs of Herself and Others. 
With facetious plates. 3 vols, in 1. Small 8vo, half calf. 

London, 1825 

Rare ash facetiovs. These memoirs relate the story of the intrigues of 
Harriette Wilson and her sisters with the Duke of Wellington, Marquis of 
Worcester, Duke of Argyle, the Marquis of Hertford, Lord Byron, Lord Pon- 
sonby and other distinguished members of the British aristocracy. 

On the first page of text to the first volume is the following MS. note — " The 
name of these sisters was Dubouchet, their father was a Swiss, Sophia married 
Lord Berwick Feb. 12, 1812 — there was no issue and Lord B.'s brother suc- 

OLA (Entile). Ed. Manet, Etude Biographique 
et Critique. Etched portrait by Bracquemond 
{other etching short). Large 8vo, sewed. 

Paris, 1867 

591 ZOLA. La Faute de 1'Abbe Mouret. 

Small Svo, paper, 
Part;;. 1885 

i 7 8 


IV. I^tfittts ituil jilvctdxts. 

592 ABRAHAM (T.). " Landscape." 

Original Etching, concerning which, see Ilamerton. 

593 AI.IAMET (Jacques, born 1728 and died 1788). "Arriv£e 

au Sabat." 

Rare. Satirical print after Teniers. 

5g4 ALLAIS (J. A.). " La Lecon d'Henri IV." 

Fine line engraving after Fragonard, folio, and "epreuve avec la lettre 

595 ALTDORFER (Albert, born 1488 and died 1538). " Land- 


Original TEN AND INK sketch by this famous painter and engraver, who is 
said to have been a scholar of Albert Durer. 

This drawing represents a mountain landscape with trees in the foreground, 
a river flowing through a valley and crossed by a bridge with two villages at the 
base of mountains in the distance. This example came from the "Cabinet J. 
Ciigoux," and is stamped with the monogram of that collection. 

Some of the paintings of Altdorfcr are preserved with great care at Ratisbon 
in the Town House, where is a complete collection of his engravings on wood 
and copper, which number one hundred and seventy. 

596 ALTDORFER. " Le Petit Porte Enseigne." 

Bartsch No. 52. 

597 APPIAN (A.). "Fishing Boats." 


master of tub needle. Gold frame. P. O. Hamf.rton says: — " My admira- 
tion for Appian's work as an etcher (he is a charming painter also) was already 
great several years ago. but the more I sec how rare his qualities are in contem- 
porary art, or in any art, the more I feel disposed to value them. His work is 
always quite easy and graceful in manner, never strained; never betraying an 
effort, and it hardly ever fails to charm by a most delicate feeling for the poetry 
of natural landscape." 

59S APPIAN. "Fishing Boats." 

Proof on Japan paper, neatly framed, of this original etching. 



599 APPIAN. " Fishing Boats." 

Proof on Japan paper, in a companion frame to the above. 

600 APPIAN. " Fishing Boats." 

Proof before letters, and fine impression on thick paper. 

601 APPIAN. "San Remo, Italy." 

Proof on Japan paper. One of the artist's large plates, and con- 
sidered ONE OF HIS BEST. 

602 APPIAN. "Un Soir Bord nu Rhone a Rix." 

Proof on Japan taper. " Fine in feeling and quite masterly in execution. 
One of those scenes which ought to make anybody a poet, at least until the 
light has died out of the west, and the shining river is finally darkened for the 
night." — Hamerton. 

603 APPIAN. « Fusain." (2) 

Fine PAIR, and neatly framed. 

604 APPIAN. " A Path by the River." 

Proof on Japan paper. 

605 APPIAN. " The Water Mill." 

Proof on Japan paper. 

606 APPIAN. " The Anglers." 

Proof on Japan paper. 

607 APPIAN. "Au Valromey." 

Proof on Japan paper. 

608 APPIAN. " Gorge de Loupe." 

609 APPIAN. "A Rocky Road— Environs of Creys." 

610 APPIAN. " Drawing the Net." 

Proof on Japan paper. 

611 APPIAN. " Rocks by the River.'' 

Proof on Japan paper. 

612 AUDOUIN {Pierre, born 1768). " Duchesse de Berri." 

Rare and folio portrait by this famous Engraver to the King. 

613 AUDRAN (BenoJt, "t/if elder," darn 1661 and died 1721). 

" Jean Baptiste Colbert," after Lefebvre. 

Benoit Audran was the pupil of his father and also of his uncle, the celebrated 
Gerard Audran. lie engraved several fine portraits which We justly estab- 
lished his reputation. His style is bold and elear, his drawing is correct; and 
there is a fine expression of character in his heads. This portrait of Colbert is 
considered to be one of his best plates. 

614 BAROCCIO (Federigo, born 1528 and died 1612). "Holy 


ORIGINAL sepia SKETCH. This superb and spirited design depicts the Infant 
Christ on his Virgin Mother's knee, with St. Joseph bending over the pair and 
partially supporting the Diviuc Uabe. One arm of St. Joseph rests upon a limb 


of the tree at the foot of which they are resting. The Virgin is bare-headed. 
The Infant Savior is nude, and St. Joseph wears a pilgrim's hat. 

Baroccio was a native of Urbino, and upon the invitation of Pope Pius IV. 
assisted in the ornamentation of the Belvedere Palace, where he painted the 
Virgin Mary and Infant Savior with several saints and a ceiling in fresco 
representing the Annunciation. 

" In the works of Baroccio, we admire an elegant taste, and there is great 
amenity and harmony in his coloring. He seems to have adopted the manner of 
Correggio and succeeded in giving a graceful air to his figures." — Br van. 

615 BARTOLOZZI (Francesco, born 1727 and died 1815). 

"Cupid Crowning Mother and Child with Flow- 
ers," after Guercino. 


" Bartolozzi's engravings have literally had their ups and downs: first ascend- 
ing to the drawing-room, later climbing to the bed-room, and eventually to the 
attic or lumber-room, where they remained half or perhaps wholly forgotten 
until a revival of the taste for his fine work brought them down by the same 
stages to the drawing-room and boudoir. That they never again will be ' skyed ' 
is tolerably certain." — Turk. 

616 BARTOLOZZI. "Woman Reading." 

617 BARTOLOZZI. " The Writer." 

Proof before letters. 

618 BARTOLOZZI. " The Music Lesson." 

619 BARTOLOZZI. " St. John." 

Proof before letters. 

620 BARTOLOZZI. " The Music Lesson." 

621 BARTOLOZZI. " Study of a Head." 

622 BARTOLOZZI, ZOCCHI and GUERCINO. " Studies of 

Heads." ( I4 ) 
Rare old impressions. 

623 BAUER (William C, born 1856). " Green Brook, New 


Fine etching printed on satin. 

624 BEAUVERIE (F.). " Parc A Mouton." 

Fine original etching. 

635 BECHARDE, Sc. " Voluptas Voluptatu.m." 

626 BEHAM (Hans Sebald, born 1500 and died 1550). " Adam 

and Eve." 

Fine old impression. Passavant, No. 172. 

627 BELLA (Stephano della, born 1610 ami died 1664) 

"Camels' Heads." 

Pair of spirited etchings of heads of camels. They are signed " Stella Dell* 
Bella fecit. ' 



628 BERGHEM (Nicholas, born 1620 and died 1683). "Cow 


Original etching. Bartsch No. i. 
The great industry of Berghem. and his accurate knowledge of cattle, give 
him a certain firmness and precision with the point, which are amongst the chief 
reasons for his reputation as an etcher." — P. G. HamertoN. 

629 BERGHEM. "Une Vache." 

Original etching. Bartsch No. 2. 

630 BERVIC (Charles Clement, born 1756 and died 1822). 

"The Education of Achilles," after Regnault, and 
"L'Enlevement de Dejanire," after Guido-Reni." 

Fine OLD impressions of these beautiful and celebrated prints. Bervic. the 
most eminent of modern French engravers, was a pupil of the famous J. G. 
Wille. but he early emancipated himself from that master's peculiar style. A 
portrait which he executed in 17S3 first revealed the power which Bervic pos- 
sessed of freeing himself from the influences of his early education and of ren- 
dering most fully and characteristically the varied details of his subject. This 
talent soon met with its due reward. In 1784 he was elected a member of the 
Academy. Sovereigns and nations hastened to do homage to his talents. 
Louis XVI. gave him the apartments in the l.ouvrc which had been vacant since 
the death of the painter Lepicie. The Order of the Reunion was conferred 
upon him in 1813, and the Legion of Honor in 1819. Most of the academies 
of Europe enrolled him among their members, and he became a member of the 
Institute of France. He established a school of engraving, in which his con- 
stant aim was to warn his pupils against the baneful influence of servile imita- 
tation, and guide each one according to the bent of his own individual genius, 
Toschi and Oupont, both famous engravers, were his scholars. 

631 BERVIC. " LTnnocence," after Merimee. 

Exquisite nude, neatly framed and fine impression. 

632 BINDING. Photo-Chromo of a mosaic binding by Pade- 

loup, formerly in the library of Madame de Pompadour. 
Neatly framed. 

633 BLANC (Charles). " The Chevalier," after Meissonier. 
Proof on India paper. Etched by Charles Blanc, the celebrated 

art critic, and signed by him with the needle. 

634 BLANCHARD (Auguste). "La Madonne de Saint 


Open letter proof after Raphael. Folio. 

635 BOCOURT (E.). "Vielle Femme." 

Parchment proof. 

636 BOCOURT. " L'Education d'Achille," and " L'Enleve- 

ment de Dejanire." 

637 BOILVIN. "Femme au Perroquf.t." 

Proof on Japan, in oak frame. 

638 BOLSWERT (B. A., born about 1580). " The Hermits." (14) 

Set of interesting old copper- plates, finely engraved by Bolswert, after 
Hlocmaert, neatly mounted. 



639 BOLSWERT (S. A., born about 1586). " Destruction of 


Fine impression after Rubens, and bearing the autograph on the back of 
the celebrated collector " P. Mariette, 1660." 

640 BOLSWERT. " Diana at the Chase." 

Rare. Superb folio line engraving after Rubens. 

641 BRACQUEMOND (Felix, born 1833). "Wild Ducks." 
Original etching. Proof on Holland paper. Rare. 

Kmile Bekgerat says: — " He (Hracquemond) stands, by good right, as an 
etcher Iwrs Hgae, having no worthy rival except Jules Jacquemart. A proof of 
a plate by Bracquemond is a precious object, and sells for the highest price. 
The English consider them as choice tidbits, and rarely allow one to escape 
them when sold." 

642 BRACQUEMOND. "The Mirror," after Chaplin. 

Fine specimen of Bractjuemond's method of treating the female 
nude figure. 

643 BRACQUEMOND. "L'Inconnu." 

F.ARLV impression with Delatre imprint. " If M. Bracquemond had pur- 
sued etching regularly, there can be little doubt that he would have taken a 
decided rank amongst the best etchers of the age. Unfortunately, however, for 
this particular branch of art, he accepted an engagement at Sevres, which has 
since occupied all his time." — HamertoN. 

644 BRAUWER (Adrian, also spelt " Brower," born 1608 and 

di(d 1640). " Orgy of Dutch Boors." 

Original India ink sketch. Three Dutch peasants are seated around a 
barrel indulging in beer and tobacco. A fourth, with bended body and his face 
to the wall, is disposing of his potations. 

This is a very spirited sketch in the style of Tcniers and Van Ostade, the 
latter of whom aided Brauwer in escaping from Frans Hals, whose greed and 
rapacity held him a prisoner, locked up in a garret, that he might profit by 
Brauwer's remarkable talents. Rubens was one of the principal patrons of this 
artist, whose dissipation brought him to an early grave. 

"The subjects of Brauwer were of the lowest order, representing the frolics 
of his pot-companions; but his expression is so lively anil characteristic, his 
coloring so transparent and brilliant, and the passions and movements of his 
figures so admirably expressed that his works have justly elicited the applause of 
the world. They are highly valued, and in consequence of his irregular life arc 
exceedingly scarce." — Spooner. 

645 BRUNET-DESBAINES (A,). "Church of St. Mary 

le Strand, London." 
Original etching. Proof before letters on Japan paper. 

646 BUHOT (FeUix). "Boulevard de Clichy, Paris 

National Fete, June 30TH." 

Original etching. Proof on India paper. 

647 BURGKMAIR (Hans, born 1473 and dud 1559). "Mar. 

Hans Burgkmair was the friend and fellow-laborer of Albert Durcr in the ser- 
vice of the Emperor Maximilian I. His prints are principally, if not entirely 
on wood, and are designed with extraordinary spirit and fire. Indeed the endless 
imagination and richness of suggestion, as well as truth to the life of his time, 
and dramatic value to be found in his works, place him in the highest rank of 
the illustrative artists of the world. 


648 BURGK.MAIR. "The Emperor Maximilian on his 


649 BURGKMAIR. "The Emperor and Empress in thf 


650 CALAMATTA (L.). " Napoleon." 

The rarest and finest engraved portrait o{ Napoleon the First. Fine 
impression with the engraver's sea], 

651 CALAMATTA. "Portrait of George Sand." 

Exquisite proof of this celebrated engraver. 

652 CAMI'EN (Jacques van, Lord of Jiambrock, died 1658). 

" Farm-Yard." 

Original sepia and crayon sketch by this celebrated Dutch artist and 
architect, who was a member of one of the noblest families of Holland. He 
followed painting as an amusement. The palace at Amsterdam, the finest edifice 
in his native country, was erected by him and is said to have cost over thirty 
million florins. 

The above, which is signed "C. V.," represents atypical Dutch farm-yard 
with cows, pigs, farmhouse, hayrick and the like. 

653 CARAVAGGIO (Polidoro Caldara da, born 1495 and died 

1543). "Bas-relief on Greek Sarcophagus." 

Original India ink sketch of Sarcophagus, now in the museum of the 
Capitol and in which the I'ortland Vase was found. On the friexe are some 
nine human figures, among them is an old man seated, probably Zeus, helmeted 
Creek warriors with horses and two robed women. It is somewhat of the char- 
acter, in etfect, of the Parthenon frieze. 

Raffaello Sanzio rescued Caravaggio from the occupation of a hod carrier, in 
which he had passed a youth of misery and want, took him into his school and 
later selected him to paint the friezes in his great master's works. Caravaggio 
was murdered in his forty-eighth year by his Sicilian servant for the sake of his 

654 CAREY (Ch.). « L'Audience," after Meissonier. 

Fine proof in a neat bronzed frame. 

655 CASTAGNO (Andrea del, born 1409 and died 1480). " The 


Original sepia sketch from the "Cabinet Gallozzi." and stamped with the 
monogram of that collection. At the foot of the cross, to which the Savior is 
nailed, are the Blessed Virgin in a bowed position, and a kneeling Roman soldier, 
who in one hand holds a spear and in the other a chalice into which blood is 
spurting from the wounded side of Christ. 

Andrea del Castagno, whose memory was rendered infamous by his crimes, is 
still interesting to art by his extraordinary merit. He was a pupil of Masaccio, 
and we are told that — " he was in possession of a high reputation when Domcnico 
Venetiano visited Florence who had learned the new method of painting in oil 
and varnish from Antonella da Messina, till then unknown in Tuscany. Tbe 
novelty and splendor of the new mode of coloring was extremely admired; and 
Castagno, by a pretended friendship for Domenico, was the only person to whom 
he communicated the secret. To be the sole possessor of so valuable a discovery 
was a temptation his ambition could not resist, and his principles were not proof 
against the most atrocious means of securing it. He conceived the horrid pro- 
ject of assassinating his rival which he effected and escaped suspicion. He sur- 
vived ihis murder a few years, and practised his ill-acquired art with great suc- 
cess. Tormented by remorse and terror, he made a full confession of his guilt 
previous to his death." 



656 CASANOVA (A.). "A Terrible Temptation." 

Japan proof. 

657 CAVALLERIS (Joannes Baptista, born about 1530). "Ado- 

ration of the Shepherds." 

Rare old print. 

658 CAYLUS. "Saturne," after DB Marteau. 

Very scarce. Trial proof printed on both sides of the paper. 

659 CHAIGNEAU. " Moutons, Berger et Chien." 

Original etching. 

660 CHEREAU (Francois, born 1680). " Louis Antoine de 

Pardaillan i>e Gondrin.'' 

Superb portrait, after Hyacinthe Rigaud. Fine old impression. 

661 CLARIS. Original Sketch of the principal group in the 

painting called " Pendant le Repas." 

662 CLAUDE LORRAINE {born 1600 and died 1682). " Le 

port de mek au fayal." 

Dumesnil, No. II. " The position of Claude as a landscape painter may be 
brieliy defined. He was the lirst artist who made landscapes thoroughly charm- 
ing by means of artistic and harmonious composition, and beautiful effects of 
light. By these means he captivated the connoisseurs of his time, and became 

the father of modern landscape His superiority as an etcher is chiefly a. 

technical superiority: he could lay a shade more delicately, and more perfect 
gradation, than any other etcher of landscape; he could reach rare effects of 
transparency, and there is an ineffable tenderness in his handling. These are 
his chief claims to our consideration, and he is so strong on these points that 
such accomplished moderns as 1 laden and Samuel Palmer have a great reverence 
for his name." — Hamerton. 

663 CLAUDE LORRAINE. " Le Dessinateur." 

R. Dumesnil, No. 9. 

664 CLAUDE LORRAINE. "Le Pature et la Bergere." 

R. Dumesnil, No. 25. 

665 CLAUDE LORRAINE. "Bouvier." 

Rare. Hamerton says of the above that — " For technical quality of a cer- 
tain kind, this is the lincst landscape etching in the world. Its transparency 
and gradatioa have never been surpassed." 

666 CLOUET (Peter). " Farm Life." 

RARE, fine line engraving after Rubens. 

667 COBL1TY (E.). " The Flower Girl." 

Fink original painting signed. 

668 COCHIN (C. N. G., " the elder)?' " Bal Masque donne" par 

Le Roy dans la grande Gallerie du Chateau de Versailles a 
l'Occasiondu Mariage de Louis Dauphin de France avec 
Marie Therese Infante d'Espagne." 
Extremely rare Eighteenth century print and a fiue impression. Folio. 


669 COOPER (Thomas Sidney, R.A., born 1803). " Cattle." 
Original pencil drawing signed "T. S. C." 

It represents two cows and calves an.1 exhibits the meritorious features of the 
art work of this famous English artist who, in certain specialties of animal paint- 
ing, has been generally considered the superior of Edwin l.andseer. His works 
sell for extraordinary prices in England. 

On the back of the sketch is the following manuscript note : — ' ' Original 
sketch by Thos. Sidney Cooper, R.A., from his painting of the Queen's favorite 
Guernsey cow, now at Osborne. November, 1S48." 

670 COROT (Jean Baptiste Camille, born 1796 and ditd 1875). 

" A Souvenir ok Italy." 
Proof impression on Japan paper ok this celebrated "painter- 

Hamerton says; — " The few etchings of Corot have one merit and charm — 
they do certainly recall to mind, by association of ideas, his charming work in 
oil, so full of the sweetest poetical sentiment. All sins are forgiven to the true 
poet, Corot may not be a great poet, as Turner was, but he is a true one. He 
feels the mystery of nature; he feels the delightfulness of cool, grey mornings 
and dewy evenings; he feels the palpitating life of gleaming river-shores and 
the trembling of the light branches wherein the fitful breezes play. He has an 
intense sense of the glimmering indecision and mystery of natural appeamnces, 
and he does not, as it seems to us, draw and paint with precision simply because 
his attention does not lix itself on that which is precise. It is a remarkable 
proof of the value of direct expression, however defective in its manner, that 
Corot's etchings, with all their faults, should convey a better notion of his 
genius than the far cleverer plates which Bracquemond executed after Corot's 

671 COROT. "View in Italy." 

Original etching. First state. Rare. 


Original sepia sketch of much merit and on dark paper. 

673 COURTRY (Charles). "Au Bord de la Mer." 

Japan PROOF. Female study and tine etching. Folio. 

674 COUSEN (I.). " View near Jubbera " and " Falls near 

Source of Jumna." (2) 
Beautiful India proofs of these fine cngrayings, from the original paint- 
ings by J. M. W. Turner, with his private stamp on each. 

675 COUTH, (Leon). " The Evening Hour," after Millet. 

Artist's prook on Japan paper, signed. Neatly framed. 

676 CRUIKSHANK (George). "Cakes and Ale," 1842— set 

of four etchings. Artist's proofs on India paper and 
undivided as issued. (4) 
Very rare and splendid impressions of these famous etchings which 
illustrate Douglas Jenold's renowned stories of — " The Preacher Parrot ; " The 
Mayor of Hole-Cum-Corner " ; " Perditus Mutton"; and "The Baron Von 
Boots. " 

Cruikshank may be considered — "the modern Callot. A never ceasing, still- 
beginning source of amusement. Unlike most representations, his works never 
tire, nor does his humour fail. Look at them a hundred times, and the same 
laugh is sure to follow. To turn his designs into words, each print would 
require a vol u me. so wonderfully does he condense his creative powers. Yet in 
each a stern moral is afforded, and that in the most powerful and attractive 


677 CURRAN (C. C, of Ntw York). "The Smoker." 

Original fainting, 6% by 10% inches. 

678 DARLEY (Felix O. C, National Academician, bora 1822). 

Original Drawings in passe-partouts. (3) 

679 DARLEY and THORPE. " Big Bear of Arkansaw." 

Original sketch in India ink, drawn by T. B. Thorpe and finished by F. 
O. C. Darley. The above was drawn for Thorpe's work, entitled "Big Bear 
of Arkansaw," It is in an imitation bronze frame with mount, and represents the 
big bear attacked by half a dozen dogs. Coming to the fray is the "Arkansaw 
Traveler " and hunter, rifle in hand. 

680 DELBOS. " On the Champs Elysees." 

Original etching. Proof on Japan paper. 

681 DENON (Dominique Vivant, born 1747 and died 1825). 

" Sweet" Dreams." 
Original Etching. 

" Denon was one of the train of artists and literary and scientific men who 
accompanied Napoleon Bonaparte to Egypt. His great work on the Egyptian 
expedition, the numerous drawings for whicli were made by himself, is alone 
sufficient to immortalize his name. Napoleon was warmly attached to him, 
made him Director-General of the Museums, and consulted him on all matters 
relating to the fine arts. Denon died in Paris universally beloved and admired, 
lie resembled Voltaire as well in his wit as in his features." — Bryan. 

682 DENON. "Girl IN the Harem." 

Original etching. 

683 DEQUERAUVILLIER. " Suzanne au Bain." 

Proof of exquisite line engraving. 

684 DEQUERAUVILLIER. "Portrait de Nicolas 

Kratzer, Astronomer," after Holbein. 

685 DEQUERAURILLIER. « Portrait of Erasmus." 

Fine line engraving, after Holbein. 

686 DESNOYERS (A. B). " Ste. Catherine d'Alexanorie," 

after Raphael. ' 

A beautiful engraving. 

687 DESNOYERS. "Laviergeau berceau," after Raphael. 

Companion to the abo^ve. 

688 DETAILLE (Jean Baptiste Edouard, born 1848, and pupil 

of Meissonier). " The Cuirassier." 

Remaroue proof on Japan paper. Op excessive rarity; probably 
UNIQUE. Hamerton, in " Etching and Etchers," says: — "Detaille, who has 
become celebrated as a painter very early in life, etches with consummate ease 
and skill, which may be attributed to his habit of making elever croi/uis of what 
he sees for subsequent use in his pictures. His two plates, ' Un Uhlan ' and 
' Tiompette de Chasseurs,' are as good as anything well can be in that light- 
handed, sketchy manner, being full of the closest observation expressed with 
admirable ease. Any critic can say that these are ' mere sketches,' because all 
the paper is not blackened ; but he who knows what good drawing is, and where 
to look for it, will find more of it in a horse's leg by Detaille, sketched from 
memory in a five minutes, than in many a labored engraving." 


689 DETAILLE. "The Cuirassier." 

Fine proof before letters on Japan taper. 

690 DETAILLE. " The Uhi.an." 

Proof before letters on Holland paper. 

691 DETAILLE. " The Uhlan." 

Original painter's etching, in gold frame. 

692 DETAILLE. " The Trumpeter." 

Original etching. 

693 DETAILLE. " The Cuirassier." 

694 DEVERIA. Original India ink drawing of mythologi- 

cal subject, framed. 

695 D00 (J.). " Shylock and Jkssica." 

Fine etching in proof state, after the painting of G. S. Ncutory. 

696 DREVET (Pierre, u the Elder" born 1663 and died 1738). 

"Cardinal de Fleury," after Rigaud. Folio. 
Fine old impression. 

697 DREVET. " Robert de Cotte, Architect to the King," 

after Rigaud. 

698 DREVET. u Nicholas Boileau," after Rigaud. 

Fine old impression. 

699 DUDENSING (B.). Portraits of "Mozart" and 

" Beethoven." 

A fine pair of folio portraits in antique oak frames. 

700 DUJARDIN (Karel, born 1625 and died 1678). " Le MULET 

aux clochettes." 
Fine impression. Bartsch, No. 29. 

" Karel Dujardin evidently loved the life of the fields. He strictly followed 
Paul Potter as long as he remained in his native land. He engraved numbers of 
animals, illustrating their habits and explaining their natures. Some sleep in 
sheer idleness, stretched on their sides or wallowing in the mud: others, accus- 
tomed to work, ruminate peacefully, or browse carelessly on the grass. Dujar- 
din's engraving is clear, the outlines bold and distinct ; he never betrays weari- 
ness." — Duplessis. 

701 DUJARDIN. "Sheep." 

Uartsch, No. 35. 

702 DUJARDIN. " Le Mouton et les Mouches." 

Bartsch, No. 38. 

703 DUJARDIN. "Hogs." 

Bartsch, No. 15. 

704 DUJARDIN. "Dogs." 

Bartsch, No, 5. 


05 DUJARDIN. " Le Bercer Derrierf. l'Arbke " (1656). 

Bartsch, No. 23 — before the No. — first state. 

06 DUJARDIN. " La Paysanne dans l'Eau." 

Bartsch, No. 27. First state. 

07 DUJARDIN. "Two Horses." 

Bartsch, No. 4. 

08 DURER (Albert, born 1471 and died 1528). " Jesus Christ 


Bartsch, 1 2, in an antique oak frame. 

09 DURKR. "VlRGIN CROWNED BY AN Angel (1520)." 

Bartsch, 37, superb impression. 



In an antique carved oak frame. 

11 DURER. "Eccf. Homo (1512)." 

Bartsch, No. 10, in an antique oak frame. 

12 DURER. " Lr. portement df. Croix (1512)." 

Bartsch, No. 12. 

13 DURER. "Jesus Christ saisi par les Juifs (1508)." 

Bartsch, No. 5. 

14 DURER. "Jesus Christ .\ i.a Croix (1511)." 

Bartsch, No. 13. 

15 DURER. "La Vierge A i.a Couronne d'Etoiles et 

au Sceptre." 

Bartsch, No. 32, 

16 DURER. "Jesus cried by the Virgin." 

Bartsch, No. 13. 

17 DURER. "La Supplice des Dix Mii.le Martyrs." 

Bartsch, No. 117. 

18 EARLOM (Richard, born 1743 and died 1822). "Venus 

and Adonis.'' 

Superb Mezzotint from the original picture by Nicholas Poussin in the 
Reynolds collection. Rare. 

19 EARLOM. "Danse des Muses," after Cipriani. 

Fine croup of females. 
ao EARLOM. " Landscapes," after Claude Lorraine. 
Fine original impressions. 

21 EDELINCK (Gerard, bom 1627 and died 1707). " 1>hili pi . k 
de Champagne," after a painting by himself. 

Neatly framed in First Empire cherry frame. A line impression of this 
anious engraver's masterpiece. Charles Sumner in his article on " The Best 


Portraits in Engraving," says: — " llerard Edelinck excelled Nanteuil in genuine 
mastery. It- requires no remarkable knowledge to recognize his great merits. 
Evidently he is a master, exercising sway with absolute art, and without attempts 
to bribe the eye by special effects of light." LoNCHI in his valuable work. 
" La Calcografia," is very enthusiastic in his praise. He remarks: " He [Ede- 
linck] is an engraver whose works deserve the first place among exemplars,"' 
and he attributes to him all perfections in his art: designs, chiaro-oscuro, ariel 
perspective, local tints, softness, lightness, variety, in short, everything which 
can enter into the representation of the true and beautiful without the aid of 
color. Of this particular portrait he writes: — ' ' The work which goes the most 
to my blood, and with regard to which Etlelinck with good reason can congratu 
late himself, is the portrait of Champagne. I shall die before I cease to aon- 
template it with wonder always new. Here is seen how he was equally great as 
designer and as engraver,'' 

722 EDELINCK, "Charles le Brun, Painter to the 

King," after Lakgillierk. 

723 EDELINCK. " Chari.es, dug de Bekri," after de 


Fine impression, antique oak frame. Folio. A beautiful specimen of the 
master's manner, particularly in his exquisite treatment of the lace-work at the 
neck anil wrists, and the gold embroidered coat. Charles, Duke de Berry was 
the third son of the Dauphin, and grandson of l.ouis XIV. He was born in 
if>86 and named by Charles II. of Spain successor to the throne of that 
country. He died in 1714. This plate, which is undated, was probably en- 
graved for Louis XIV. while the artist was in the service of that monarch. 

724 EDELINCK. " Philippe, duc d'Anjou," after Trove. 
Fine impression of this rare line engraving in a companion frame to the 


725 EISEN. " Les trois Graces." 

Original and extremely rare. 

726 ETRUSCAN VASES; Ivory and Wood Carvings; Arms and 

Armour; Bronzes; Intaglios; Gold and Silver Ornaments; 
Antique Ceramics and Glass; Ancient Aztec and Peru- 
vian Antiquities; Mural Painting from Pnsstum; etc. 
Prints, many in gold and colors. (113 pieces.) 

727 EVERSHED (Arthur). "On the Banks ok the Thames." 

Original Etching, proof. 

728 EVERSHED. "At Twickenham." 

Original Etching. 

729 FACETIOUS. — Series of plates after Moreau and Maril- 

lier. Illustrating " Venus," Beranger, Voltaire, etc. 


730 " FARMHOUSE by the Riverside." 

Original" ckavon sketch unsigned, of a farmhouse and outbuildings, with 
trees and rushes in the foreground and two men sculling in boat. 

731 FERRIS (Gerome). "The Guard ok the Harem." 
• Fine impression on satin. 



732 FICQUET (Etienne, born 1719 and died 1794). "Jf.an i>b 

la Fontaine," after Rigault. 

Fkquet was an eminent French engraver, a pupil of (1. F. Schmidt. Il e 
acquired great reputation by the small portraits which he engraved of the dis- 
tinguished literati of Krance. They are executed with extraordinary neatness 
and delicacy, and arc very correctly drawn. Two of his best plates arc the 
portraits of l.a Fontaine and Eiscn, the celebrated artist. 

733 FLAMENG (Leopold, born 1831). "Christ hf.ai.im; tiif 


Known as the " Hundred Ouilder" print. An extremely fink 
i opy ti y Leopold F lament. Oak frame with deep French mat. Of this copy 
ILimerton says: — "lie (Flameng) produced a copy ol one of Kembrandt's 
most difficult and complicated etchings— a copy which certainly far exceeds the 
most perfect photograph in accuracy, whilst at the same time it possesses as a 
piece of execution in etching all those technical merits for which Rembrandt 
himself was famous. It is not an exaggeration of the truth to affirm, that there 
exists in Europe in our own day a man who may he said to possess the hand 

and eye of Rembrandt It may be difficult to convey to the reader 

that full apprehension of the wonder of such a work as this. In a certain sense 
it may be boldly affirmed that, as a technical performance merely, such a copy 
as this is even more wonderful than the original plate itself." 

734 FLAMENG. " Ronde de Nuit," after Rembrandt. 

Framed as a companion piece to the above. 

735 FLAMENG. "Portrait of Madame of. Pompadour.' 1 

India proof. 

736 FLAMENG. " La Halte," after Meissonier. 

737 FLAMENG. "Artillery Charge." 

Fine proof of this etching. 

73S FORSTER (Francois, born 1790 and died 1872). "La 
Viergk a la Lf.gende," after Raphael. 

Unique. From the original in the possession of the Hon. A. J. 
Ward. A brilliant trial proof, and thf. ELEVENTH IMPRESSION 
from the plate of this celebrated engraving. Oak frame. 

" Forsler was a pupil of l.anglois. At the age of twenty-four he obtained 
the first prize at Paris, by which he was sent to Rome; and after his return he 
soon gained a reputation, his plates being remarkable for the skill with which 
he represented the originals, lie handled the graver with great ability, and 
his faculty of imparting both vigor and tenderness in the execution gives to the 
whole a beautiful and harmonious effect." — Bryan. 

739 FORSTER. " Thf. Three Graces," after Raphael. 
From the original in the collection of Lord Ward. Open Letter 

proof, neatly framed. This print sold for $56 at the Morgan sale. 

740 FORSTER. " Raphael Sanzio." 

Rare, open letter proof, after Raphael's portrait of himself. 

741 FORSTER. " La Vierge de la Maison d'Orleans."' 

Open letter proof. 



742 FORTUNY (Mariano, bom 183S a//</^/> 4 / 1874). "The Sere- 


Original etching, trial pkoof, first state, previous to the edges of the 
plate being cleaned, 

743 FORTUNY. *' Arabe Veii.lant le Corps df. son 

Ami. * 

Original etching in early statf. on toned paper. 

744 FORTUNY. " Morocan Assis." 

Rarf.. Original etching, very fine impression. 

745 FORTUNY. '< Kabvle Mort." 

Fine original etching, very early state of the plate. 

746 FORTUNY. " Le Choix du Modele," etched by Cham- 


Fine original impression, open letter proof on India paper. Neatly 
framed in gold. 

747 FRAGONARD (Jean Honore, bom 1733 and died 1806). 

" Les Jets d'Eau." 

Proof on India paper of an etching by anonymous artist of one of 
the free subjects of this famous painter. 

748 FRAGONARD. " Le Villageois qui Cherche son 


Facetious and rare proof. 

749 FRANCOIS (Alphonse). " The Birth of Venus," after 

Cab an el. 

Fine impression of this exquisite nude subject, neatly framed. 

750 FYT (Jean, born 1625). " Dogs." (1642.) 

fiartsch, No. II. 

751 FYT. "Dogs." (1640.) 

Hartsch, No. 13. 

752 GAVARNI (G. S. C, bom 1804 and died 1S66). " Une 


Original and signed drawing in frame by the celebrated Gavanii. 

753 GAUCHEREL (L., born 1816). " Le Golcotha." 

Fine Etching, after Rembrandt. 

754 GAUJEAU. " Portrait de Femme," after Chapun. 

Exquisite nude, Japan proof, printed in color, in an antique oak and gold 

755 C.AUTIER (Lucien). " La Sainte Chapelle." 

Fine folio etching. 

756 GILBERT. « Un Nuage." 

Etching, after Rongee. 


757 GIROUX (Ch.). "Angel Appearing to the Shep- 


India proof. 

758 GIROUX. " Etude deTetf. de Vieh.lard." 

India proof of a fine original etching. Folio. 

759 GIRODET. "Ariane," " Egine," "ThaIs" and " Eri- 


Rare set of beautiful nudes. Exquisite line engravings. 

760 GOLTZIUS (H.). " Jesus entre deux Canons." 

Rare old wood engraving. 

761 GOYA. " Bull Fight." 

Original etching, rare. 

762 GOYA. "Buli.Fight." 

Original etching and another scene. 

763 GRAVESAND (Storm van). "Scene in Holland." 

Original etching. Proof on Japan paper. 

764 GREUXSE. " Les Bibliophiles." 

765 GREENWOOD (John). "Marine View." 

Original black and white, signed "J. Greenwood, 1702." In the distance 
are two three-masted ships, house, etc., and in the foreground fishing smacks. 

John Greenwood, the English engraver and artist, flourished, says Bryan 

" about the year 1780. He scraped some plates of portraits and other subjects 
and etched some landscapes." 

766 GUERCINO (Giovanni Francesco Barbieri, calif J " Guer- 

cino," 1 born 1590 and died 1666). " Female Study." 

Original sepia drawing by Guercino of a delightfully executed three-quar- 
ter figure of a young woman, who is somewhat decollete. The pose of the 
head, the nude breast and arm all exhibit the strong peculiarities and boldness 
of drawing of this great Italian master. • 

Guercino was always famous for his pictures of women, of which his Petro- 
nilla, Aurora, St. Helena, and Madonnas are most celebrated. The first 
picture he painted when he was only ten years old, was on the facade of his 
father's house and was a figure of the Virgin. 

767 GUERCINO. " The Disputants." 

Original sepia drawing much after the style in execution of the prccedine 
number and reminds one very forcibly of the best of his work engraved by 
llartolozzi, Irom tne " Guercino Collection," formerly in the possession of Kintr 
George IV. 

This represents two Doctors of "the Law and the I'rophets " discussing 
The one to the right with turbaned head has his hand upraised and the index 
finger pointing upwards. The other whose features have all the dignity and 
repose given by art to St. Paul, has one hand on his breast and the other out- 
stretched. Between the old men is a boy with bowed head listening intently. 

Till-. TRll'Vl.ZlO CATALOGUE. 

768 HADEN (Francis Seymour, born 1818). "Egham Loch." 

First State and in elegant oak frame. 

" Francis Seymour (laden is an artist of rare endowment and consummate 
practical skill. . . . I n □ few weeks one of the busiest surgeons in London 
found himself one of its most celebrated artists. ... A never-ending 
subject of wonder to me in I laden's work is that it is not only art, but pure art 
—art reigning unopposed in its own realm." — HAIIERTON. 

769 HADEN. " Old Chelsea, out of Whistler's Window," 

First State, and in a companion frame to the above. 

770 HAIG (A. H.). "An Old German Mill." 

Very fine proof on Holland Paper. 

771 HENRIQUEL-DUPONT. " Peter the Great," after 

Paul Delaroche. 
Superb open letter troop of the celebrated line engraving. Folio. 

772 HENRIQUEL-DUPONT. " Portrait of Rachel." 

Very fink portrait of the celebrated tragedienne. 

773 HERKOMER (H.). "Wonderland." 

Proof before letters on Holland Paper. 

774 HESS (B.). " Landscape with Trees." 

Original Water Color of this well known Dusseldorf artist and in neat 
bronze frame. 

775 HOLLAR (Wenceslas, born 1607 and died 1677). Portrait 

after Holbein. 

776 HOLLAR. " English Court Lady." 

777 HONDIUS (H.). "Theodore de Beza." 

Rare old portrait with the autograph of lieia attached. 


Original crayon drawing representing mounted Arabs fighting lions. 
The turbans of the hunters give a very Kcmbrandtesque effect to this original 

779 INCUNABLE. " Scenes d'Amour." 

Rare old wood engraving. 

780 INCUNABLE. "Jesus Porte la Croix— St. Jean Sou- 

jient sa Mere Defaillante." 


781 INCUNABLE. "Jesus devant Pilat— Des Soldats le 

Deshabillent — Simon les Aide A Porter la Croix." 

782 INCUNABLE. "The Four Seasons." 

783 JACQUE (Charles Emile, born 1813). "The Guitar 


Superb Japan proof. 



784 JACQUE. "The Drinkers." 

After Ostade and on Japan. 

785 JACQUE. " The Cottage." 

Origin ai. Etching. 

786 JACQUE. "The Smoker." 

Original Etching. 

787 JACQUE. "Le Dessespere." 

Original Etching. 

788 JACQUE. " The Farm House." 

Original Etching, proof bbfore letter on India Paper. 

789 JAZET (P.). « Le Priseur." 

Original etching. 

790 JONGKIND. " Canal df. Hollands. " 

Original ETCHING in an antique oak frame. 

791 JONGKIND. "Rotterdam." 

Original etching, framed as a companion to the above. 

792 JONGKIND. "Anvers." 

1'roof on Japan paper. One of the best etchings of this celebrated etcher, 
and in oak frame. 

793 JWILL. " Baie de Dinard (Bretagne)." 

Original pen and ink drawing. Signed, framed. 

794 KESSEL (John Van, born 1626 and died 1708). "The 

Coming Storm." 

Original sepia sketch, signed and dated "J. V. K.. 1661." This came 
from the Woodburn Collection. It represents a river scene with houses on the 
banks, shipping, trees, etc., all overcast by the dark clouds which presage a 
storm . 

John Van Kessel was so famous, not only in his native Holland, hut through- 
out Europe, thai Philip IV., King of Spain, invited him to the Court at 
Madrid and made him painter to the Queen. 

795 KLAUS (I.). " Mann in Schaekertracht." 

796 LALANNE (Maxime). " Maison de Victor Hugo." (12) 

Set of beautiful etchings illustrating the Home of Victor Hugo, with por- 
trait of the author of " Les Miscrables," seated in his garden." 

797 LALANNE. " Vikw of the City of Bordeaux." 

Superb India proof before all letters. Folio. 

798 LALAUZE (Adolphe). " The Halt," after Meissonier. 

A capital rendering of Meissonier's famous picture. Kine impression on Hol- 
land paper. 

799 LALAUZE. " La Jolie Soubrette," 

Japan proof. 



800 LAX (HER. " Lf. Zkphyrk." 

Open letter proof, after Prudhon. 


Fine line engraving after Gerard. Folio. 

802 LARMESSIN (Nicholas de, the " younger"— born 1684 W 

died 1755). "Guili.aume Couston." 

Rare portrait, engraved by I.armcssin, in 1730, for his reception intothe 

803 LAUNAY (R. de). " J v Pf.asskrai." 

Facetious Eighteenth Century trint. Small folio. 

804 LAURENT (Henri). "Portrait de Rembrandt." 


805 LAW (David). " Fishing Boats off Whitby." 

Fine proof on Holland paper. 

806 LE BEAT. "Tetf. d'Ane." 

Original etching. 

807 LECOMTE (Narcisse). " La Vierge au Coussin Vert." 

Exquisite line engraving, after Andre Solario. 
80S LECOM TE. " Laissf.z Vknir A moi les Petits En- 


Fine line engraving. 

809 LEFEVRE (Achille Desire, born 1798). " General Foy," 

after Horace Vernet. 

Exquisite specimen of line enjrraving. 

810 LEFEVRE. '* Femme Nue Couchee." ■ 

Original pencil drawing. Framed. 

811 LELOIR (Alexander Louis). " Un Gentilhomme." 

Original etching, the only one ever executed my this distinguished 
artist. Proof on Japan paper. 

812 LELOIR. " Lb Trompette." 

Original etching. 

813 LEMPEREUR (Louis Simon, born 1725). "After the 

Bath," after Tringuessk. 

814 LEROLLE (A.). " Le Repos." 

Original etching. 

815 LEROY (Alphonse). " Tete d'Homme." 

Fine PROOF after Rembrandt, neatly framed. 

816 LEWIS (Ed.). Original water-color of this celebrated 

American artist, neatly framed. 

817 LIGNON (F.). "Portrait de Leon X." 

Fine line f.ngraving after Raphael, folio 


S18 LLOYD (H. L.). "English Landscapes." ( 2 ) 
Original water-colors, neatly framed, a tine pair. 

819 LONGHI (Giuseppe, born 1766 and died 1831). " Bona- 

parte at the Battle of Arcole." after Gros. 
Fink old impression. Kakf.. 

820 LOSSOW (Henry). "Only for Friends." 

821 LOUIS (Aristide). "Napoleon I.," after Paul Del*.. 


TRIAL PROOF HEFORK ALL letters, statf, before, the graver marks 
original painting, which is known as ihe "SourJ-Box" Portrait, is iD the Stan- 
dish collection. Superbly framed. 

833 LUCAS VAN LEYDEN {born 1494 and died 1533). 
" L Adoration des Mages." 

Superb impression, 16 x 11 inches, in perfect condition. This is the best 
example of the works of I.eyden. See Hartsch, No. 37, Vol. VII., page 357. 

823 LUCAS VAN LEYDEN. " Adam and Eve." 

Hartsch, No. 9. 

824 LUCAS VAN LEYDEN. " Loth enivrk par ses Dkux 


Bartsch, No. 16. There are but few pieces of the works of Lcyden which 
are engraved in such a finished manner as this one. 

825 LUCAS VAN LEYDEN. "Jesus Christ presents au 


THIS MAGNIFICENT PRINT contains more than one hundred figures, and w as 
engraved by Lucas in 1516 when sixteen years old. See Hartsch, No. 71. 

826 LUCAS VAN LEYDEN. " Couronnement d'Kpines" 


Hartsch, No. 69. In an ebony frame. 

827 LUCAS VAN LEYDEN. " Joseph Explaining Pharaoh's 


Hartsch, No. 23. 

828 LUCAS VAN LEYDEN. " The Crucifixion '* (1521). 

Hartsch, No. 52. 

829 LUCAS VAN LEYDEN. "Jesus Carrying the Cross" 


Bartsch, No. 51. 

830 MAES (Dirk, born 1656, died 17 15). " Hunting Scene '» 

signed " D. Maes." 

Original water-color sketch by this artist and who is sometimes c ;l l| et i 
■' Theodor Maas." In the foreground are a number of mounted hunters with 
do^s. In the distance are buildings and mountains. 

" Happening to see some of the works of John van Huchlenburg, be quitted 
lierghem for that master whose slyle and subjects he adopted and painted ever 



afterwards: battles, skirmishes, huntings, horse fairs, etc. His pictures are 
ingeniously composed nnil Touched with an intelligent and spirited pencil. He 
particularly excelled in his horses, which he designed and drew in various 
attitudes with surpassing spirit and correctness." — SrooNER. 

831 MANET (E.). " Execution of Maximilian, the Mexican 

Usurper and Emperor." 

India troop and rare. Original lithograph by the celebrated French 
painter M:tnet. Folio. 

832 MARCENAY (Guy de). " Portrait of Pius VII." 


833 VAN MARCKE (Emile). " Vaches en Repos." 

Japan crook. 

834 MARTIAL (Ap.). "Water Nymph." 

Fine proof revoke letters on Holland paper. 

835 MARTINET (Achille). " Portrait of Rembrandt." 

Fine impression os Holland pater. 

836 MATSYS (Quintin, born 1450 and died 1529). "The 

Mother Abbess." 

ORIGINAL BLACK CHALK drawing by the famous " blacksmith of Antwerp " 
and signed "Master Quynlyn." It represents a female religious, halt figure, 
praying with outstretched hands. The face shows all the characteristics of the 
Flemish type as it peers out of the coifed head dress. On the back of the 
drawing is a portion of a sketch of " A Madonna " doubtless also by the great 
master. Until this famous painter was twenty years of age, he followed the 
laborious calling of a blacksmith. The cause of his quitting the anvil for the 
palette is said to have originated in his having conceived a strong attachment 
to the daughter of an artist of that time, who had determined she should marry 
no other than a painter. Finding her father inflexible in his resolution, he 
abandoned his devotion to Vulcan and became an humble worshipper at the 
shrine of the Muses. 

837 MEER (John Van der, called " Vandtr Meer de Jonge "). 

" Landscape, Cattle and Shepherd." 
Original and beautiful drawing in pen and India ink. signed and dated 
by the artist—" J. B. der Meer de Junge, 1704." This is a very rare auto- 

Hryan gives the birth and death of Van der Meer " the younger" as 1665- 
1688, but Balkcma as 1665-1722. This sketch represents a cluster of buildings 
and a bridge over a river, that winds through a vatlev located amid well-wooded 

Van der Meer studied under Nicholas Berghem, and his pictures " are found 
in the best collections, particularly in Holland, where they are highly esteemed." 
It is said he was " so successful in painting sheep, that he equalled, if not sur- 
passed, his instructor Herghem." 

838 MEISSONIER (Jean Louis Ernest, born 1813). " Le Rap- 


This and the twh foi.lc»vini; summers are original etchings by 
this pre-eminent master. Proof on India paper, one of very few 
etched by Mkissonii;r. Philippe Baktv says:— The etchings of Mtissonier 
are few, and the proofs of them arc singularly rare. There is scarcely a cabinet 


which offers them to the curiosity of amateurs. They arc engraved with an ex- 
tremely line point, one would almost say with the point of a needle. But the 
effect is large, because the niceness of the detail loses itself in the mass, and 
renders, with most astonishing skill, the appearance of everything, the epidermis 
of each object." 

839 MEISSONIER. " Punchinello." 

Ork;inal ETCHING, neatly framed. 

840 MEISSONIER. "UnLansquf.net." 

Etched by Le Rat. 

841 MEISSONIER. "Lecture." 

Etched by Flameng. 

842 MEISSONIER. Proof, wood-engraving on India pa- 



843 MERYON (Charles, born 1821 and died 1868). " The Old 


Proof on blue paper, in ebony frame. Rare. Tins and the four 


Me'ryon, early in life, was a naval officer — "he visited remote shores, sailing 
even round the world, and always employing his leisure hours in sketching 
everything ol interest that came in his way. " It was while on one of these 
voyages he mailt! i he drawing of San Francisco, from which he afterwards exe- 
cuted his wonderful etching of that city described below. His health, however 
did not allow him to follow the sea, and on his return to Paris he studied engravl 
ing under Blery and became one of the best etchers of his day. His work 
however, did not meet with the appreciation which it deserved and he fell inio a 
melancholia, which finally ended in insanity and death. It is much to be 
regretted that during one of the paroxysms of his madness he destroyed some 
of his linest plates. Hamerton says of him : " Me'ryon was one of the greatest 
and most original artists who have appeared in Europe ; he is one of the im- 
mortals ; his name will be inscribed on the noble roll where Durer and Rem- 
brandt live forever." 

844 MERYON. " Passerellf. Pont au Change." 


845 MERYON. " Tourelle, Rue de L'Ecole df, Medecine." 


846 MERYON. "La Pompe Notre Dame." 

Kakf old impression (1852) in antique gilt frame. 

847 MERYON. " San Francisco." 

Original etchino. Very rare. 

848 MERYON. " Adside dk Notre Dame." 
Fine impression on Holland paper. 

"The breath of the Universe breathes through his ( Meryon's) works, and 
makes his etchings more than pictures— visions." — Victor Hugo. 

849 MICHEL (Jean Baptiste). " The Three Graces," com- 

monly called " Rucens's Three Wives," after Rubens. 
Fine impression in bistre, folio. 



S50 MILLET (Jean Francois, born 1S14 and died 1875). " r - A 
Veillee (The Watchers)." 
Proof on Japan paper, neatly framed. 

" This plate was over-bitten, so that in places the lines run together. Very 
few impressions were taken when Millet destroyed the plate which was of line. 
Very rare (1S56)." — Alfred Lebrun's " Catalogue of Millet's Etchings." 

851 MILLET. "Mother Feeding her Child." 
Original etching. 

Millet's daughter, Madame Heyraann, and her baby served as the models for 
this plate. Neatly framed. 

852 MILLET. " Retour des Champs." 

Trial Proof on parchment. Etched by Leon Coutil. 

853 MILLET. "The Sower." 

Fine original etching on bi le paper. 

854 MINIATURE ON PARCHMENT. " Consolatrice des 

Afflig£s — PRIEZ POUR NOUS." 

Finely painted miniature, representing "Virgin and Infant Jesus." In 
ebony frame. 

855 MONZIES (L.). " Le Joueur de Mandoline." 

Original Etching. 

856 MORDAUNT (Daniel). "Sous le Directoire." 

857 MORGHEN (Raphael Sanzio, born 1758 and died 1833). 

" Apoli.o and the Muses on Mount Parnassus," after 

Fine old impression " before the fig-leaf," in antique gold frame of the 
epoch of the first Empire. 

Raphael Morghcn, the best known and one of the most celebrated engravers 
of modern times, needs no eulogy here. He was at an early age instructed in 
the elements of his art by his father. In 1778 he entered the studio of Volpate 
at Rome. His first work of importance was a copy of Sadeler's print of "Christ 
and Mary Magdalene in the Garden." This was looked upon as a remarkable 
performance, and, considering the artist's youth, it gave considerable promise of 
his future greatness. The well known "Aurora" of Guido was his next large plate. 
His fame now rose to a great height, and he received many commissions from 
the Royal Family of Florence and others. In 1795 he commenced the celebrated 
"Transfiguration "of Raphael, but it was not completed until 1S12, when it 
appeared with a dedication to Napoleon. This print was originally sold for 
twenty scudi, but its value has so much increased that certain impressions have 
sold of late years for several hundred dollars. All the prints of Morghcn have 
been described in a very able manner by Mr. F. R. Halsey in his "Catalogue 
Raisonne," to which exhaustive book we refer those of our readers who may want 
any information on this subject. Many years since the late Duke of Buckingham 
paid one thousand two hundred pounds for a collection of the works of Raphael 
Morghen. What would such a collection sell for now ? 

858 MORGHEN. " Lot and his Daughters." 

Superb proof, rare. Folio. 

859 MORGHEN. "St. John." 

Fine proof. Folio. 



860 MORGHEN. "Portrait de Jeanne d'Arragon." 

Fine impression, rake, folio. 

861 MORGHEN. " Mother and GhiLU" 

Open letter proof, rare. 

862 MORGHEN. "Diana Hunting." 

A superb impression and framed as a companion piece to the above. 

863 MORIN, Sculpsit. " Anne d'Autrkhe, Reine Regente 

de France et de Navarre." 
Fine and rare portrait, after Phil, de Champagne. See R. Dumesnil, 40 

864 MORIN. " Portrait," after Phil, de Champagne. 

Robert Dumesnil, 40. 

865 NAIWJNCX (H.) "Landscape." 

Bartsch, No. 10. 

866 NANTEUIL (Robert, born 1630 and died 1678). "Por- 

trait of Philippe dk Champaignf," Folio. 
R. Dumesnil, No. 54. 

" The Golden Age of Engraving " says :— " Nanteuil's abilities were refined 
by a classical education, and his correct taste restrained him from running into 
the prevailing fashion of meretricious ornamentation. 1 le usually represents his 
personages within a neat oval of about seven by nine inches. His works illus 
trate Hie reign of Louis XIV., and are all, without exception, line." 

867 NANTEUIL. " Petrus du Camboul." 

Superb folio portrait in antique gilt frame. 

868 NEUVILLE (A. de). " Soldiers Camping." 

Original Etching. 

860 ORIGINAL COLORED DRAWING and evidently de- 
signed as a pattern for an Eighteenth Century sampler. It 
consists of birds, flowers, etc., very well executed and in 
the centre is a rude landscape. S^ec. XVIII. 

870 OSTADE (Adrian Van, born 1610 and died 1685). " I jA 


Battsch, No. 23, 

871 OSTADE. " Les Harangueurs (The Night Piece)." 

A CAPITAL piece in original impression. Bartsch, No. nj. 

87a OSTADE. " Coin de Taverne." 

Bartsch, No 24. 

873 PAUQUET (L.). "HeLoise pleurant sur la Tombe 


NEEDLE PROOF of this fine line engraving. Folio. 

874 PAUQUET. " Louis XIV. and Mlle. de Lavalliere." 

Proof before all letters. Folio. 


875 PELEE " Sainte Ckcile," after Raphael. 

Open letter proof. 

S76 PICART (Bernard, bom 1663 and died 1738). "Italian 

Original water color sketch, neatly framed, representing an Italian 
peasant. In the background is a group of horses. 

Bernard Picart was the son of ■■ I'icart the Roman " and early received in- 
struction in design from his father. At the age of sixteen he gained the prize 
at the Academy of Paris. Bryan says—" He distinguished himself not less as 
a designer th.in an engraver, and he executed a multitude of plates, which 
evince the fertility of his genius, and the excellence of his taste. His drawing 
is correct and his prints have a very pleasing appearance. In lyiohe left 
Paris and settled at Amsterdam where he found abundant employment." 

877 PICART. " A Sybil." After Raffaelo Sanzio. 

Original RED chalk drawing by the famous engraver of "Les Impostures 
Innocentes," and who was the son of the equally celebrated "Picart. the 

878 PIQUET (R.). "Femme du Manchon." 

Fine remarque prook on parchment, neatly framed. 

879 PIQUET. "Girl with a Muff." 

Remarque proof etching on parchment. 

880 POPE (John M., born 1856). "The Reprimand." 

Fine etching, printed on satin. 

881 PRADIER (C. S.). " Flore Caressek par Zephvre." 

Exquisite nude, after Gerard. 

882 PRUDHON. " Venus Surrounded bv Cupids." In oak 


883 PIRANESI (Giovanni Battista, bom 1713 and died 1778). 

. View of the Rovine del Sisto." 
" Piranesi devoted his life to etching the magnificent ruins and edifices of his 
native country. I lis plates are of large size, and are etched with so much 
picturesque boldness and ruggedness that he well deserves his sobriquet of the 
Rembrandt of Architecture."—" The Golden Age of Engraving." 

884 PIRANESI. "Castello." 

885 PIRANESI. " The Curia Ostilia, Rome." 

886 PIRANESI. " View of the Portico of Octavia, Rome." 

887 RAFFAELO SANZIO D'URBINO. Set of 48 fine line 

engravings illustrating the Old and New Testament. 
Portrait of Raffaelo and frontispiece. All neatly 
mounted. Drawn by Bartolozzi and engraved by 
BIANCHI. A rare set (48). 

888 REMBRANDT VAN RHYN (Hermanszoon, born 1606 

and died 1665). " At the Fountain." 
Original sepia sketch, signed " Rernbrant," and representing a kneeling 
man with uncovered head, holding in one hand a sword, in the other a cloak. 
This is a very rude sketch and was most probably executed at an early period 
of his life when " the capricious fantasy of his mind supplied the place of the 
beautiful ideal." 



889 REMBRANDT. "A Naked Woman Sleeping." 

Bartsch 205. Sold kor $38, in the Morgan sale. " Every Art has 
its great representative master, and the representative etcher is Rembrandt. 
. . . . Rembrandt is what the French call a god of art. The phrase 
sounds a little blasphemous to English ears ; but whether blasphemous or not 
it describes with perfect accuracy the relation of certain famous artists towards 
their admirers. Rembrandt and one or two others are. in a very strict sense, 
the gods of connoisseurs, and the kind of homage they receive is not critical 
but has the nature of worship or adoration." — Hamerton. 

890 REMBRANDT. "Landscape with Sheep, Horses, 

Figures, and Farm Buildings." 

Fine original etching. 

891 REMBRANDT. " Roadside Cottages." 

Fine original etching and an excellent specimen of this great master. 

892 REMBRANDT. "Veillard A Grand Bonnet." 

Bartsch 290, Wilson 292. 

893 REMBRANDT. "Rembrandt avec un Echar pe 

autour du cou (the master's own portrait)." 
Bartsch 17, Wilson 17. 

894 REMBRANDT. " Pavsagk. avec Femme et Enfant. '» 

Bartsch 131, Wilson 134. 

895 REMBRANDT. " Martvre de St. Etienne." 

Bartscb 97, Wilson 102. 

896 REMBRANDT. " L'Ange Disparait Devant la 

Famille de Tobie." 

Bartsch 43, Wilson 48. 

897 REMBRANDT. "Christ Healing the Sick." 

Known as the " Hundred Guilder " print. An extremely rare 
original etching by Rembrandt. Uartsch 74. 

898 REMBRANDT. " The Three Trees." 

Heliogravure of this capital piece. 

899 RENI (Guido, born 1575 and died 1642). "Virgin and 


Second State. Bartsch No. 3. 

900 REYNOLDS (S. W.). « John Kemble as Cato." 

901 RICHOMME (Joseph Theodore, born 1785). "Triumph 

of Galatea," after Raphael, and " Thetis hearing ti ie 
Armor of Achilles,'' after Gerard. ^ 

A fine pair of brilliant impressions of these well-known and charrninu 
prints. K 

902 RIDINGER (John Elias, born 1695 and died 1769). "Wild 


Original red crayon drawing of sleeping wild boar and executed in the 
peculiar style of this celebrated Suabian artist. Bryan says that Kidingex's 
works as a painter are few and are little known except in his own country, and 
that his compositions arc ingenious anil animated, lie has given to each annual 
its peculiar character and attitude with surprising expression and exactness. 


903 RADOS DE I'ARME. " Ai.f.xandk.r I" Emperkur de 


Rare. Full length portrait and open letter proof. 


Original pen and ink and skpia sketch, unsigned. This represents an 
ancient Roman rending from a tablet which he holds in his lap. This is executed 
on a piece of drawing paper which did service for a red crayon study. It is 
stamped with the monogram seal of the collection to which it formerly belonged. 

905 ROMANET (A.). "Garrick as Richard the Third." 
Exquisitely engraved portrait, after Hogarth, in antique gilt frame. 

906 ROMANET. "Robert Nanteuil, Dessinateur et 


Rare portrait in old gilt frame. 

907 ROPS (Felicien). " Portrait de Femme." 
Original pkn and ink drawing, signed, and in an ebony frame. 

908 ROSA (Salvator, born 1615 and died 1673). "Group of 


909 ROSA. " Italian Nobleman." 

910 ROULLET (Jean Louis, 1645-1698.) " Messire Edouard 


Fine folio portrait, after Cirardon. 

911 ROUSSEAU (Jean Jacques). Portrait and View of his 

Tomb in gold frame. 

This has the autograph on back of the celebrated poet Ducis, and four lines 
by him on Jean Jacques Rousseau's grave is on the plate. 

912 RUBENS (Peter Paul, born 1577 and died 1640). "The 

Rout of the Sabines." 

Original pen drawing finished in crayon by the immortal Rubens and 
which was doubtless the original sketch for one of the eight pictures he painted 
in the royal palace at Madrid, for King Philip the IV., to whom the great 
painter had been sent on a diplomatic mission by Marie De Medicis. These 
were executed hy him in 1628. and represent the " Rape of the Sabines," the 
" Battle between the Romans and Sabines," " Diana and her Nymphs Rain- 
ing," " Perseus and Andromeda," "the Rape of Helen," "the Contest be- 
tween Juno, Minerva and Venus," " the Judgment of Paris," and " the Triumph 
of Bacchus." 

In the foreground of this study — for the second of the above-named paintings 
— are armed and mounted Roman soldiery driving before them the half-clad 
Sabines. among them being a woman in semi-recumbent position at the feet of a 
corpse. In the distance the battle is raging furiously. 

913 SADONY. " Hotel de Ville de Paris." 

Beautiful etching of this "chef d'ecuvre " of architecture. 

914 SADONY. " Chateau de Chantilly (Vue de TEntree)." 

915 SADONY. " Chateau de Chantilly (Vue des Jardins)." 

Companion piece to the preceding number. 



916-SAI.VADOR-CAR.MONA (Emanuel, bom 1740). "Fran- 
cois Boucher; Painter to thk King," after Suedois. 
Fine. His Reception print at the Academy. 

917 SCHMIDT (George Frederick, born 1712 and died 1775). 

" David Splitgerber," after Falbe (1764). Folio. 
Very kink impression and rare. 

918 Schmidt. "Pierre Mignard, Painter to the King," 

after Rigaud. 

Fine LINE engraving, in antique oak frame. 

919 SCHUPPEN (Peter Van, born 1628 and dicdiyio). " Max- 

imilien Henri, Archveque Electeuk de Cologne." 
Very fine. Folio, and engraved 1671. 

920 SCHUPrEN. " Francois Van der Meui.en, Painter 

to the King," after Largilliere. 

921 SCHWEICKHARDT (Henry William, bom 1746 and died 

1797). "Cow Crazing." 
Original red and black crayon drawing. This German painter was a 
native of Brandenburg. He painted landscapes and cattle, and particularly 
winter pieces, which were held in considerable estimation. He etched and 
published a set of plates of animals which he dedicated to West in 17SS. This 
sketch came from the Hroderip Collection. 

922 SHARP (William). " St. Cecilia," 


923 SHARP. " Lucretia." 

924 SHARP. " The Doctors of the Church." 

925 SLOCOMBE (Frederick). " Stratford Church." 

Splendid large etching, on Holland paper, of this interesting subject to 
all Shakespearean admirers. 

926 SLOCOMBE. " The Rookery. ' 

Fine large etching on Holland paper. 

927 SMITH (I.). " The Lord Bury." 

Rare Mezzotint, after Kncller. 

928 SOLIS (Virgil). " Pacientia," old wood engraving. 

929 SOMM (M.). "Une Parisienne." 

Original and characteristic water-color drawing in fine gold and 
velvet frame. Mr. Sotnm is the well known dry paint etcher. 

930 SOUTMAN (P.). " Hunting Scenes." ^ 

VERY rare pair of old line engravings, after Reubens. Folio 

931 SPILMAN (Henry). "Scene in Holland." 

Original India ink sketch, representing coast scene with wayside inn 
trees, wagons, boat, etc. The biography of this :irtist is somewhat 'mixed up' 
Strutt miscalls him John. Bryan gives the date of his birth as 173S and other 
authorities as 1721. This is roost probable, as a print of his was published j n 
1 745- 


932 STRANGE (Sir Robert, born 1721 and died 1792) 

" L'Amour," after Carle Vani.oo. 

Brilliant old impression of this fine print. " Sir Robert Strange, born in 
the distant Orkneys in 1721 , abandoned the law for engraving. As a youthfir 
Jacobite he joined the Pretender in 1745, sharing the disaster of Culloden, and 
owing his safety from pursuers to a young Udy dressed in the ample costume of 
the period, whom he afterwards married in gratitude, and they were both 
happy. lie has a style of his own, rich, soft, and especially charming in the 
tints of Mesh, making him a natural translator of Titian/* — Charles Sumner. 

933 STRANGE. " Vanity and Modesty," after Guido Rem. 

Beautiful old impression of this celebrated subject. Folio. 

934 STRANGE. " The Infant Jesus. 1 ' 

935 SWAN EVE LT (Herman van, born 1620). "Forest 


Original India ink landscape sketch, drawn by Swanevelt in 1654. and 
afterwards engraved by him, it being the original drawing for number five of the 
history of Venus and Adonis, but with an alteration in the figures. This came 
from the Oe la Motte Collection." 

Swanevelt was a pupil of Claude Lorraine and " he made the works of that 
great painter his model, and followed his precepts and became one of the most 
celebrated landscape painters of his time. His works were held in such estima- 
tion that he could scarcely supply the demand for them." 

936 SWANEVELT. "Landscape." 

937 SWANEVELT. "Landscape." 

938 SWANEVELT. "Landscape." 

939 TARDIEU (P. A., born 1756). "Marie Antoinette, 

Queen of France." 
Fine full length portrait of the Queen. Rare dedication print to the 
Duchesse d'Augouleme. Neatly framed. Tardieuwas a pupil of \Ville. 

940 THEW (Robert). " Siiakspeare— Kino John, Act IV.," 

after Northcote, R, A. 

Fine impression. Folio. 

941 TURNER (Meszotinto Engraver to his Majesty). "The 

Richt Hon'" 1 F. J. Robinson." 

Rare proof. Folio. 

942 UNGER. " Pa ysaoe," after Rembrandt. 

943 VALPERGA (L.). "Conjugal Correction," after Ger- 


A characteristic engraving of the French school of the period of I. ouis XV. 
Love is represented as be:iting the almost nude wife with roses, while the hus- 
band compels her to submit to a punishment less than she deserves. 

944 VAN DYCK. (Sir Anthony, born 1599 and died 1641). " The 

Descent from the Cross." 

Original sketch in sepia, signed " A van Dvck," and from the "Cabinet 
Desprez ct Crepet." This is the original sketch made by Van I)yck for one of 
bis most admired works and whkh was formerly in the church of the Kccollets 



at Antwerp. In this painting he appears to have had in his mind the famous 
dead Christ by Annibale Carracci. There is an anecdote told of Van Dyck that 
he repainted the face of the Virgin and the arm of the Magdalene in a picture of 
the " Descent from the Cross " by his master Rubens, which some of his fellow 
pupils had injured. It is said that Rubens, on the day after this occurrence, 
entered his painting room attended by his disciples and regarding the picture, he 
observed — '* There is a head and arm that arc by no means the worst of what I 
did yesterday " ; and though on approaching nearer to the picture he discovered 
the alteration, he was so satisfied with what had been done, that he did not 
think it proper to change it. 

On the verso of the above is another study of the " Descent from the Cross " 
by Van Dyck, in which the positions of the various figures arc altered. 

This is one of the most important pieces in the collection. 

945 VAN DYCK. " Hercules rescuing Dejanira from 


Original India ink and sepia sketch. A grand conception. Hercules 
with his foot on the body of the Centaur, is just about to deliver the fatal blow' 
in revenge for the attempted outrage of his wife on the banks of the Kvcntts' 
Dejanira, semi-nude, is standing bv, watching the death throes of the jjuilty 
monster, whose face, arms and hands are expressive of his awful agony. 

Van Dyck did not content himself with painting portraits, and as Spooner 
says — " he painted also many historical pieces, and he never at any time ceased 
operating in this department. Inferior to Rubens in boldness of conception and 
fertility of invention, he never could have equalled him in historical paintintr- 
but his compositions are arranged with judgment and propriety; he surpassed hirn 
in correctness of design, the delicate expression of his heads, and the truth 
purity and harmony of his coloring." 

946 VAN DYCK. " Petrus Brengel." 

This and the three following numbers are original etchings by the celebrated 
portrait painter. Van Dyck was not content merely to look over cngravinw 
after his works by Bolswert. Pontius or Vostermans; he used the etching needle 
himself, and has left brilliant proofs of his skill in this kind of work. llamerton 
says: — " He (Van Dyck) is one of the great princes of the art. Van Dyck's etch- 
ings have greatly increased in value of late years. At M. Siguier's sale, in 
1S44, they averaged from three to eight pounds each, and were thought to' be 
very dear. At recent sales they have produced sums varying from eight to 
thirty pounds. It may be considered certain that, as etching becomes better 
appreciated, the plates of Van Dyck will attain still higher prices." 

947 VAN DYCK. "Joannes Brengel." 

948 VAN DYCK. "Judocusde Momper, Pictor." 

949 VAN DYCK. "Joannes i>e Wael."' 

950 VAN DYCK. "Joannes von Ravesteyre." 

Fine OLD IMPRESSION. Engraved by Haul Pontius (151)0), afler Van Dyck 
This and the next number are of the same size, and uniform with the original 
heads by Van Dyck described above. " In his fine portraits after Van Dye-k 
Pontius seems to have adapted his style to the character of the persons rcprel 
sented. His plates are executed with the graver in a clear bold style; and they 
will be ranked among the ablest productions of the Flemish engraver."—. 

951 VAN DYCK. "Constantinus." Engraved by Pontius. 

952 VAN DYCK. "Caspf.rius Gevartius." Engraved by 

Pali. Dui-ont. 


953 VAN DYCK. Portrait after, engraved by Sommelin. 

954 VAN SICHEM. "The Last Supper," after Goltzius. 

955 VAN SICHEM. "Holy Family." 

Rare old wood engraving. 

956 VAN SICHEM. "Crucifixion." Rare. 

957 VAN SICHEM. " JESUS Christ, Virgin Mary and the 

twelve Apostles." 

95S VELDE (Adrian Van de, born 1639 an J died 1672.) "Cross- 
ing the Ford." 

Original India ink sketch, representing oxen and sheep in charge of a 
herdsman and female peasant fording a stream. Bryan says — "His animals, 
particularly the cows, sheep and goats, are designed with a correctness and per- 
fection which has never been surpassed. His pictures are deservedly held in 
the highest estimation, and, as he died in the prime of life, the number of 
them, though always very highly finished, establishes his indefatigable applica- 
tion as well as his uncommon facility of execution." 

His " La Chassc Royale," sold in the Lormier sale in 1763 for 265 dollars, 
was bought by Baron Rothschild, in that of the Count of Perregaux, for $5,625. 

959 VELDE (William van de,"//ie Old" born \b\aand died 1693). 

•■ Battle between the English and Dutch Fleets."(2) 

Original drawings in black and white, heightened with India ink. 
This was originally one drawing and represents a great naval battle between the 
English and Hutch fleets. Along the top of the drawings are descriptions rela- 
tive to the positions of the \*arious men-of-war. Beneath some of the vessels are 
given their names. 

Van de Velde's talents, says Spooner — " recommended him to the notice of 
the States of Holland, and Descamps says, they furnished him with a small 
vessel to accompany their fleets that he might design the different manoeuvres 
and engagements — that he was present in various sea fights, in which he fear- 
lessly exposed himself to the most imminent danger while making his sketches ; 
he was present at the severe battle between the Hutch and English fleets, under 
the command of Admiral Opdam and the Duke of York, in which the ship of 
the former, with five hundred men, was blown up. and in the still more memora- 
ble engagement in the following year, between the Knglish, under the Duke of 
Albemarle, and the Dutch Admiral lie Ruyter. which lasted three days. It is 
said that during these engagements he sailed alternately between ihe fleets so as 
to represent minutely every movement of the ships and the most material cir- 
cumstances of the actions with incredible exactness and truth. So intent was 
he upon his drawing, that he constantly exposed himself to the greatest danger 
without the least apparent anxiety. He wrote over the ships their names and 
those of their commanders, and under his own frail craft, ' V. Velde's Gallijodt,' 
or ' Myn Gallijodt.' " 

Van de Velde's picture, known as " Le Coupe de Canon," brought in 1786 
L 52, and in 1790 only ,£36. At the sale of Jeremiah Ilarm.m's Collection, in 
1844, it was resold for 1,380 guineas, «. e., $7,395. 

960 VELDE (William van de, " the Younger," born 1633 and died 

1607). " Men ok War." 

Original marine by the younger Van de Velde and son of the preceding, 
depicting in sepia and India ink two war ships of the time of Charles II. 

" The palm is not less disputed with Raffaelle for history than with Van de 
Velde for sea-pieces." — Horace Wai.PoLe. 

" The compositions of the younger Van de Velde are distinguished by a more 
tasteful arrangement of his objects than is found in the productions of any other 
painter of marines." — SpiKJNEK. 


961 VERONESE (Paolo Cagliari, called 1 ' Paul Veronese"— born 

1532 and died 1588). " The Crucifixion." 

Original skit a sketch by the most distinguished painter of the Venetian 
school. Christ and the two thieves are depicted crucified on the left of the pic- 
ture. At the foot of the central cross is the " Mater Dolorosa." and kneeling 
ha front is a centurion in armor, with outstretched arms, imploring forgive- 
ness. In the centre is a group of disciples, holy women and Roman soldiers. 
In the front is a curious group of figures who appear to be coming out of the 
bowels of the earth. One figure seems to be rising from the tomb to look at 
the awful spectacle. To the right of the picture is a Roman officer in armor, 
whose horse is pawing the air. The walls of Jerusalem are in the background, 
and gathering clouds are darkening the sky. 

962 VERSCHURING (Henry, born 1627 and died 1690). 

u Riding Party." 

Original India ink sketch by this eminent Dutch artist. It represents a 
mounted cavalier and lady accompanied by another riiler who is about to nvunt 
his horse, held by a boy. A gTeyhound is standing by and two other dogs are 
held in leash. In the centre of the picture is a statue of a saint garbed in mo- 
nastic habit. To the left is a fountain, and to the right trees, with buildings in 
the distance. 

This was doubtless painted during Verschuring's residence in Italy, where he 
designed the most remarkable and picturesque views, in the vicinity of Rome, 
with the remains of ancient architecture, with which he enriched the background 
of his pictures. His works were greatly admired, not only at Rome, but at 
Florence and Venice, where he passed some time. 

963 VEYRASSAT (J.). " Le Repos des Moissonneurs." 

Original etching. 

964 VTDAL, Sc.: MONNET, inv ! " Aux Manes l>k J. J. 


Rare. Fine allegorical Eighteenth Century print of a group of 
nudes surrounded by cupids. Small folio. 

965 VION. " Femme Etendant du I.inge.'' 

Fine etching, after Millet. 

9C6 VOLTERRA (Daniele Ricciarelli, called "di Voltcrra," horn 
1509 a »d died 1566). "The Virgin Mary.'' 

Original crayon sketch. This very beautiful drawing depicts the Virgin 
on one knee, with hands clasped across her bosom and bended head. This is a 
beautiful example, and the head of the Holy Mother is a remarkably fine piece 
of drawing- Volterra's " Deposition from the Cross " was considered after the 
" Transfiguration " of Kaffcello and the "Communion of St. Jerome" by Do- 
menichino. the finest picture at Rome. The above is probably one of the 
designs for his series of frescoes in the Capella Orsini in which he was assisted 
by Michael Angelo, through whose influence in 1 547 he was appointed by Pope 
I'aul in. superintendent of the works in the Vatican. His last great work as a 
painter was his celebrated picture of the "Murder of the Innocents " for the 
Church of St. Peter at Volterra. which was afterwards purchased by the Grand 
Duke Leopold and placed in the tribune of the gallery at Florence. 

967 WALTNER. " Dans i.a Rosee," after Caroi.us Duran. 

Proof. A beautiful specimen of Waltner's method op treating the 
nude female FIGURE. Neatly framed. 


968 WARTELL. " Portrait of Marie Antoinette, Queen 

of France." 

Rarest portrait of the Queen, especially interesting for the costume and 
the extravagant way of hair-dressing of her period. In a neat ebony frame. 

969 WATERLOO (Anthony, born 1618 and died 1679). " Her- 

maphrodites and the Nymph"; and " Pan Pursuing 
the Nymph Syrinx." (a) 

Landscapes with trees; the classical legends introduced. Spoon er says— "As 
an engraver, the works of Waterloo have long been the admiration of artists 
and connoisseurs. They are etched with great spirit and facility, in a very 
masterly style, and usually retouched with the graver to harmonize the lights 
and invigorate the shadows. They consist of landscapes from his own designs, 
frequently embellished with figures from sacred and profane history and mythol- 
ogy, lie etched the whole design with equal strength, but slightly, and then 
finished in a bold manner those parts which he desired to be most effective." 

970 VVATTEAU (Antoine). Original Pencil Drawings. (2) 

Signed and neatly framed. 

971 WILLE (John George, born 1717 and dud 1807). "The 

Little Physician,'' after Gaspar Netscher. 

Fine ORIGINAL impression, neatly framed. " But Paris soon again became 
the centre of the art. which he quickened into new life by an engraver of orig- 
inal genius, who attracted to him pupils from all parts of Europe, so that he 
became the father of the great school of engravers that flourished in France, 
Germany and Italy al>out the end of the last century. This eminent master was 
John George Wille, who was born at Konigsberg in 1 71 7. but establishing 
himself in Paris, he devoted his long life of ninety-one years to the art in which 
he so greatly excelled. His neat and careful style was well adapted to pictures 
of the school of Gerard Dow. as well as to elaborate portraits, and there is no 
engraver whose works are more eagerly sought and more universally ad- 
mired."— The Golden Age of Engraving. 

972 WILLE. "Abel Fran<;ois Pojsson, Marquis de Marig- 


Very fine impression of the plate engraved by the artist for his reception at 
the Academy in 1761. 

973 WILLE. " I. a Liseuse" et " La Tricoteuse." (i) 

Pair of superb impressions of these exquisite line engravings— the master- 
pieces Ot the artist. Neatly fr:imcd in white and gold. 

974 WILLE. "Jean Baptiste Masse." 

Superb portrait. 

975 WHISTLER. "Street Scene in Paris." 

Original etching. " Whistler may be fairly estimated now. He has very 
rare and very peculiar endowments, and may, in a certain sense be called great — 
that is, so far as greatness may be understood of faculties which are rather 
remarkable for keenness and originality than range. The faculties which he has 
are pre eminently of the artistic order; he is essentially a painter and etcher; 

he is never literary, but always pictorial It is unfortunate, 

I think, that etchings like those of Mr. Whistler and Mr. Haden should be 
published at such a very high price and in such a small edition."— Hamertos. 



976 WHISTLER (James Abbott M'Neill, born 1834). "Lime 


Original etching. Fine impression. In an antique gold frame. 

977 WIVELL (A.). "James Northcote." 

Proof. Rare. Fine mezzotint portrait after Harlow. 

978 WOUYVERMANS. (Philip, born 1620 and died 166S). 

" Call to Arms." 

Original India ink drawing by this most popular of the Dutch landscape 
painters. In the centre of the sketch are two horses, both inevitably white, 
without which Vv'ouwcrmans never painted a picture. A group of seated soldiers 
are carousing at a hostelry by the side of which are ships at anchor and of which 
only the masts are seen. Two soldiers are mounted and a bugler is trumpeting 
to arms. 

At the back of the above is an MS. note to the effect " from the Barnard 
Collection, No. 207." 

"The pictures of Wouwermans are held in the highest estimation; they 
usually represent hunting and hawking parlies, horse-fairs, encampments, halts 
of travelers and other subjects, into which he would introduce horses which he 
designed with a correctness and spirit, which has never been equalled." — 

979 WOUVERMAN. " Mounted Cavalier." 

Original sepia studies, consisting of two drawings on the same sheet. 
The upper one is of a soldier in armour, sword in hand on rearing horse, 
Helow is a spirited sketch of a horse's head and neck. 

980 WYNANTS (Jan, born 1600). " Hovel in the Woods." 

Original India ink sketch, depicting a woodland scene with trees, felled 
timber, rural building and river dam. 

John Wynants was one of the most distinguished artists of his time, and es- 
tablished an academy which has produced some of the ablest painters of the 
Dutch school. He has the credit of ranking among his disciples Adrian Van de 
Velde, Philip Wouverman, and other eminent masters, who occasionally con- 
tributed to the embellishment of his landscapes by the addition of their admir- 
able figures and animals. 

981 DURAND (A. B.). " The Declaration ok Independence 

of the United States of America, July 4th, 1776 " 
after the original painting of JOHN TRUMBULL. , 

Early impression of this splendid plate which was copyrighted " Decem- 
ber 20, 1820." In gold frame, with " Key Plate" framed to match. 



V* <Xxt atxil Relies %citxcs. 

comprising — 

Galleries of Painting and Sculpture ; Art Authori- 
ties and Biography ; Collections and Albums of Prints, 
Portraits and Views, also Original Drawings; Books 
Illustrated by Bewick, Cruikshank, Bartolozzi, Callot, 
Durer, etc.; Unique and Extra Illustrated Works; 
Statuary; Bindings of Interest and Value; Ornament ; 
Costume; Architecture; Archeology; Antiquities; 
Egyptology ; Ceramics ; Americana and Mexicana ; 
Fahulists ; Freemasonry; Bibliography; Numismatics; 
Ornithology ; Genealogy ; Drama ; Poetry ; Fiction ; 
Travels; History; Ancient Classics; etc., — Many of 
which were Printed by Baskerville, Whittingham, Didot, 
bulmer, etc., or are large paper copies and limited 

BERT (J. W.). New Mexico, 1846-47. Maps 

and plates. 8vo, half morocco (rubbed). 

Bound up with the above is— Nicollet's " Basin of the 
Upper Mississippi." 


983 XSOV. Fables, with the Life of the Author. Embellished 
with 1 1 2 engraved plates by or after Stothard, Clarke, 
Granger, Bromley, Cooper, Martin, Barrett, 
Smith, Wilson, Audeniet, Landseer, and others. 2 vols, 
large 8vo, tree marbled calf gilt, edges gilt. 

London, John Stockdale, 1793 
Larue paper and a handsome clean copy of this edition. 




984 AINSLIE (Sir Robert) and MAYER (Luigi). Views in the 

Ottoman Dominions in Europe and Asia, Palestine, Cara- 
mania and Egypt, with Historical and Descriptive Letter- 
press, in English and French. 167 large plates of ancient 
architecture, sculpture, scenery, manners, customs, costumes, 
etc. — RICHLY COLORED LIKE DRAWINGS. 4 vols, in 2, 

square large folio, superbly bound in red crinkled morocco, 
extra gilt on the backs and sides, broad inside gold bor- 
ders, gilt edges (binding somewhat rubbed). 

London, Bensley, 1S03-10 

Splendid copy of this superbly illustrated scries of w..rks in which the plates 
ue beautifully colored in imitation of the original water color drawings. The 
above copy is stamped on the sides with the quartered shield, supporters, motto 
(" nil despcrandum ") and coronet of a British Earl. 

This grand work was published in boards at upwards of ^40 i. e. $200. 


985 A'KEMPIS (Thomas). Limitation de Jesus Christ, Tra- 

duction Nouvelle de M. L'Abbe Dassance. Illuminated 
frontispiece and title in gold and colors — also every page sur- 
rounded with an elegant woodcut border — numerous vignettes, 
fancy initial letters, etc. Large 8vo, fresh half crushed red 
levant morocco gilt, top edge gilt, others uncut. 

Paris, 1835-36 

Curmkr's beautifully illustrated edition of the " Imitation of Christ," in 
splendid condition, with margins equal to large paper. 

986 ALBERTI (Leon Battista). Architecture in Ten Books; 

Of Painting in Three Books; and Statuary in One Book; 
Translated into Italian by Cosimo Bartoli. The Second 
Edition and Divided into Two Volumes by James Leoni, 
Venetian Architect. (Text in Italian and English in 
parallel columns.) Numerous fine plates. 2 vols, in 1. 
Folio, half morocco, cloth sides, marbled edges. 

London, Thomas Edlin, 1739 
Rare. With inserted book-plate of George John Vulliainy. 


987 ALBUM CARANDA— Sepultures Gauloises— Les Fouilles 

de Trugny, Breny, Armentieres et Chouy. A collection of 
manx beautifully executed ehromo-lithographic plates of pre- 
historic Gallic jewelry, ceramics, weapons, etc. — all veiy ex- 
quisitely colored after the original objects of antiquity — with 
descriptive text from " Le Journal des Fouilles." Large 410, 
loose in 5 portfolios, boards. St. Querrtin, etc., 1879-84 
Privatf.I.y PRINTED for limited circulation only by Frederic Moreau, Sr. 
The above is a presentation copy and bears the signature of M. Moreau. 



988 Album de i.'Alliance des Arts. Illustrated itith so 

plates, some on India paper, by or after Vegrassav, 
Decamps. Schavet, Rousseau, Rembrandt, Masson, 
Marvy, Diaz, Troyon, etc. 

989 Album Evfnemf.nt. With 300 illustrations by Bocourt, 

Couverchel, Decamps, Gustave Dore, etc. Square 
folio, half morocco. Paris, n. d. 

990 Album de Paleontolocie de Basstn Parisien (La Seine 

aux Ages ante-historiques'i. 78 photo-lithographic plates. 
Large 410, loose in portfolio. Paris, n. d. 

991 Alkord's Queen's English; Moon's Dean's English and 

Bad English; Hall's False Philology. Together 4 vols. 

992 Algarotti (Francesco, Count). An Essay on Painting. 

Minimo, old sprinkled calf gilt (MSS. on title). 

Rare. London, 1764 


993 Amaro (J.). Doctrina Extractada de los Catecismos Mexi- 

canos de los Padres Pa redes, Carochi y Castano Au- 
tores Muy Selectos. Traducida al Castellano para Major 
Instruccion de los Indios, en las Oraciones y Mysterios 
principates de la Doctrina Cristiana por el Presbitero Capel- 
lan Don Juan Romualdo Amaro. Square minimo, half 
morocco, top edge gilt. Mexico, 1840 

Very SCARCE and with parallel columns in Spanish and Mexican. A most 
curious work on the language of the ancient Mexicans. 


994 AMES (Joseph ). Typographical Antiquities, or an Histori- 

cal Account of the Origin and Progress of Printing in 
Great Britain and Ireland. Containing Memoirs of our 
Ancient Printers and a Repister of Books printed by them 
from the Year MCCCCLXXI to the Year MDC. With 
portraits and engravings. 3 vols, large 4to, russia gilt, re- 
backed with morocco, marbled edges. London, 1785-90 

Very SCARCE. " Begun by the laic Joseph Ames, Secretary to the Society 
of Antiquaries, Considerably Augmented both in the Memoirs and Number of 
Books by William Herbert of Cheshunt. Herts." — Sub-title. 

995 ANCIENT ENGRAVINGS. A collection of 82 prints, 

mostly of religious subjects and of saints by or after Callot, 
Durer, Le Brun, Guido Reni, etc. 4to, vellum. 

996 Ancient Metrical Tales. Printed Chiefly from Original 

Sources. Edited by Charles H. Hartshornf. Small 
8vo, calf gilt, edges gilt (one joint broken). 

London, W. Pickering, 1829 
Large papf.r and very scarce. 


997 ANGRAND (I.eonce). Antiquites Americaines; les An- 

tiquites de Tiaguanaco et l'Origine Presumable de la plus 
Ancienne Civilisation du Haut Perou. 3 folded double 
pieties. Large 4to, sewed, uncut. Paris, 1866 

Presentation copy from the author. 


998 ANTI-JACOBIN, The Poetry of, {the celebrated Political 

and Satirical Poems, Parodies, etc., of the Right Hon. G. 
C. Canning, the Marquess Welleslf.y, J. Hookham 
Frf.re, G. Ellis, etc., with Introduction and Explanatory 
Notes), Fourth edition. With 254 extra illustrations, 
consisting of colored caricatures, many folding, fine steel por- 
traits, MOSTLY ON India paper, cartoons, caricatures by 
Gillray and others, views of battles, etc. Large 4to, hand- 
somely bound in crushed red levant morocco gilt, beveled 
sides, inside gold borders, top edge gilt, others uncut. 

London, IV. Bulmer, 1 80 1 

UNIQUE and CHOICE copy, with many rare and important engravings added, 
among ihem being — portrait of Margaret Nicholson, attempted assassin: Tom 
Pmlne, by Sharpe, after Romney; colored portrait of George III., engraved by 
Cardon; Talleyrand; King Alfred, mezzotint; Dr. Priestley; Iohnnn Andre, by 
Bcrgcr; Death of General Wolfe, by Grignion; William Shakespeare, hy R. 
Earlom from the Janscn portrait, etching by George Cruikshank, to illustrate 
" liallynahinch" ; Lafayette, colored portrait; etc., etc. 



Containing a series of over 600 Elegant Vines of the most 
interesting objects of curiosity in Great Britain, from origi- 
nal Drawings by %. Prout, J. Storer, J. Fenton andothers, 
and engraved by Greig, Higham, etc. 6 vols, large 8vo, 
sprinkled calf, gilt. London, 181 7-19 

Lar«E PAPER, and with brilliant impressions of these unrivalled plates. 



vrage d'Art public avec le Concours Artistique de 
tous les SocieTaires, Texte par les Principaux 
Critiques d'Art. Illustrated with plates in photogravure 
ON India paper and with designs in facsimile. 2 vols, in 
8 sections, square folio, and loose in portfolios (complete 
as published). Paris, Goupil 6" Co., 1883 

These volumes — representing the best art work of the " Societe des Aquarel- 
listes," or French Society of Water Colorists — are printed on magnificent vellum 
paper from the mills of Marais. The work of each artist in the volume or 
t'tude is composed of five subjects in color both in text and separate plates. There 
are twenty four in all of these ttudes or studies. They each form a delightful 
series of illustrations, and include a frontispiece, vignettes and plates imlc 


pendent of the text. A number of pen designs, studies and crayon sketches 
profusely illustrate the text, which is thus collaborated by the artist whose water- 
colors are given. 

The artists represented and described in this magnificent work are — Louis 
Leloir, Edouard Detaille, Gustave Dore, Ernest Duel, F. Louis Francais. Mau 
rice Leloir, Ferdinand Heilbuth, Mme. Madelaine Lemaire, A. de Neuville, 
Georges \ trxrt, Lupine l.amhi, Roger Jourdain, L. Eugene Lambert. -Jules 
Worms, Julien Le Hlant, Jules Jacquemart, Charles Dclort, James Tissot, Henri 
Harpignies, Edouard de Beaumont, Baronne Nathaniel de Rothschild, Henri 
Baron, Eugene Isabey and Gustave Jacquet. 

1001 [ARBUTHNOT (Dr.)] Law is a Bottomless Pit, or the 

History of John Bull, Published from a Manuscript 
found in the Cabinet of the famous Sir H. Polesworth, 
in the year 1712. Minimo, sheep. London, 1776 

Rare. Attributed to Dean Swift, and always included in his collected works. 
Bound up with the above is a — " History of the Proceedings in the Case of 
Margaret, commonly called Peg only, lawful sister of John Bull, Esq.," 1776. 



PRE-H1STORY, and the allied Sciences. A remarkable 
collection of 366 volumes and brochures by the most dis- 
tinguished modern savants and authorities on these sub- 
jects in Europe, particularly of France. 4to, 8vo and 
i2mo. (366 pieces) 

An unique and important collection. The above could have been made 
into a number of lots, but it was deemed desirable to give an opportunity to 
public libraries and collectors to have these valuable works kept together as an 
unit. They cost several hundred dollars, and duty had to be paid on most of 
them. Many are presentation copies to M. Boban, the famous archaeologist 
and antiquary of the late Emperor Maximilian of Mexico. Most bear the sig- 
natures of tln.ir author?. 

1003 ARCHITECTURE.— Examples ok Building Construc- 

tion. Intended as an Aide-Memoire for the Professional 
Man and the Operative. Being a series of 360 Working 
Drawings to a large scale exemplifying the arrangement and 
details adopted in carrying out the several branches of trade 
requisite for Public and Private Edifices. 2 vols, square 
maximo, half morocco, uncut. London, n. d. 

RARE. Among the contributors to the above are Sir Charles Barry. P. \V. 
Wyatt, Geo. Morgan, H. I-axton, John Shaw and other eminent architects. 

1004 ARCHITECTURE— Glossary of Terms used in 

Grecian, Roman, Italian and Gothic architecture. With 
1,500 fine woodcuts. 3 vols 8vo, half calf gilt, marbled 
sides and edges. Oxford, /. H. Parker, 1S45-46 

1005 ARINGHI (P.). Roma Subterranea Novissima in Qva 

post Antonivm Bosivm Antesignanvm, Jo: Severanum 
congreg. Oratorii Presbyterum et Celebres alios Scrip- 


tores Antiqua Christianorum et Praecipue Martyrum 
Coemeteria Tituli Moniiuenta Epitaphia, lnscriptiones ac 
Nobiliora Sanctorum Sepulch ra sex l.ibris Distincta 111 us- 
trantur. With large map and several hundred plaits and 
engravings in the text. 2 vols, in 1, thick folio, stamped 
vellum. Cologne and I'aris, 1659 

Kark, with inserted heraldic book-plate of John Dendy. This valuable work 
enters pretty thoroughly into the antiquities of ancient liome and is more par- 
ticularly devoted to the sculptures and tombs of the Catacombs. 

1006 Art-Metal Workers' Pattern Hook — a collection of over 

120 plates of designs, loose in large 4to cover. 

London, Fischer, n. d. 

1007 ARUNDELL (F. V. J.). Cothele, on the Banks of the 

Tamar, the Ancient Seat of the Right Honorable, The 
Eari. of Mount Edgcumbe. Title and 17 fine plates in 
litlwtint drawn on stone ly Nicholas Condy. Large folio 
half roan, cloth sides. London, n. d. 

Scakck. From the library of the Duke of Marlborough, with his fac simile 

signature on title, book-plate and heraldic bearings stamped in gold on the side 

of cover. 

1008 AUBERT (Edouard). Tresor de l'Abbaye de Saint 

Maurice d'Agaune. Large 410, half morocco, top edge 
gilt Paris, Jouast, 1872 

With 45 plates of antiquities, many of them highly finished in gold and 


1009 AUDSLEY (George A.) WBOWES (James L ). Ceramic 

Art of Japan. Containing 63 plates (35 oj which are in 
gold and colors) and nearly 200 pages of text, with numerous 
wood engravings printed in colors, the whole being produced 
from the original Japanese works of the greatest beauty, and 
representing the entire range of Japanese Ceramic Art, ancient 
and modern. 2 vols, folio, half red morocco gilt, cloth sides 
edges gilt. London, Henry Sotheran 6* Co., 1875 

Scarck. Containing a comprehensive introductory essay upon Japanese Art 
in all its various branches, illustrated by 13 photo-lithographic and autotype 
plates, and numerous wood engravings printed in colors. Also a concise dis- 
sertation on the ceramic productions of Japan, from the earliest records up to 
the present day, with sectional articles on the pottery and porcelain of the 
various provinces of the empire in which manufactories exist. Fully illustrated 
by 35 plates, superbly printed in full colors and gold, and 15 plates in autotype 

1010 Audsley (W. and G.). Polychromatic Decoration as 

applied to Buildings in the Mediaeval Styles, with Intro- 
ductory and Descriptive Text. Illustrated with 36 plates 
in colors and gold. Square folio, fresh cloth, beveled sides 
gilt edges. London, Henry Sotheran 6- Co., 1882 

Published at £3. In addition to the descriptive letter press, the introductory 
text contains a brief historical essay and practical hints on the process of paint- 


21 7 

ion AUTOGRAPHS.— A Collection of Three Hundred Auto- 
graph Letters of Celebrated Individuals of all Nations, 
from the Sixteenth to the Nineteenth Century. Comprising 
fae-similes of entire Utters of royal and noble personages, 
statesmen, eminent divines, lawyers, generals, authors, artists, 
etc 410, half roan, gilt top edge, others uncut. 

Stuttgart, 1846 

ACHELET et DEZOBRY. Dictionnaire General 
des Lettres des Beaux Arts et des Sciences, 
Morales et Politiques. 2 vols, thick large Svo, 
half morocco. Paris, 1862 

1013 BACON (Francis, Lord Verulam). Of the Proficience and 

Advancement of Learning. Edited by B. Montagu. 
Engraved title. Small 8vo, cloth, uncut. 

London, William Pickering, 1851 
Printed at the Chiswick Press by C. Whittingham. 


1014 BAKER. Chronicle of the Kings of England from 

the time of the Romans Government unto the Raigne of 
our Soveraigne Lord King Charles, containing all Pas- 
sages of State and Church with all other Observations 
proper for a Chronicle Faithfully collected out of Authours 
Anciente and Moderne, and digested into a new Method 
By Sr. Rd. Baker, Knight. Engraved title, containing 
portraits of King Charles and the author, views and other 
figures by Marshall, also the very rare portrait of King 
Charles the II. while Prince of Wales by Van Dalen. 
Thick small folio, calf gilt. London, 1643 

Rare, with the autograph of John Stuteville on back of portrait, which is not 
to be found in later editions, also with " Errata " carefully mended. This 
edition is not mentioned by Lowndes, who gives 1641 as the first, and 1653 as 
the second. This contains many curious documents and interesting particulars 
omitted by Kdward 1'hillips and his followers who edited the above. This 
Chronicle was the historical treasury of the English people before the publication 
of Rapin's "England." It was a great book for the country squire's round 
table — the companion of the family Bible, the dog-eared, pie-crusted Shakespeare 
and Fox's " Hook of Martyrs." Sir Roger de Coverley knew and loved it, for 
AdJison tells us in the " Spectator," that he found — " Since 1 was with him in 
the country, he had drawn many observations together out of his reading in 
Baker's Chronicle." The above copy is stamped in gold on the sides with a 
coronet above a label on which is the motto " Vigilantibus." in the centre of 
which is a cock roosted on a trumpet. 


1015 Baker (W. S.). The Engraved Portraits of Washington. 

4to, cloth, totally uncut. Phila., 1880 

Limited edition of five hundred copies. 


1016 BAR (J. C). Recueil de tous les Costumes des Ordres 

Religieux et Militaires avec un Abrege Historique et 
Chronologique, Enrichie des Notes. Magnificently illus- 
trated with about 500 plates all richly colored dy hand. 
Vols. 1 to 4 inclusive. Folio, half green morocco, cloth 
sides. Paris, ches PAuteur, 1778-85 

Unique copy with all the plates finely colored by hand. This work was 
published at some 375 dollars unbound. The Techtner copy sold for 895 francs, 
vide Krunet. Bar does not only content himself with giving all the costumes of 
Ihe religious and military orders — such as the Knights Templar and of St. John 
in their various habits — but also those of semi-civilized and barbarous nations. 
A few plates are stained. 


1017 BARADERE (H., rAbbe"). Antiquites Mexicaines relation 

des Expeditions du Capitaine Dupaix Ordonne par le 
Roi d'Espagne en 1806. Engraved fronts, and separate 
volume of plates. Together 3 vols. Square large folio, old 
half russia. Paris, Jules Didot I'aine, 1834 

Rare. MS. over dedication and some pages slightly stained. The first 
volume consists of an account of the three expeditions of C'apiain Dupaix, 
ordered by the King of Spain, with " Notes et Documents Divers sur les An- 
tiquites Mexicaines." In the second volume — " Parallele des Ancicns Monu- 
ments Mexicaines avec ceux de I'Egypte, de 1'Inde et du Reste de l'Ancien 
Monde par Alexandre Lenoir "; " Les Antiquites de l'Amerique du Nord et du 
Sud par Warden. " 



EDIFICES OF ENGLAND. The Text by S. C. Hall, 

F. S.A. With 71 finely colored lithotints, reproduced in fac- 
simile from the original drawings by J. D. Harding, 

G. Cattermole, S. Prout, W. Muller, J. Holland, 
F. W. Fairholt, T. Allom and others. Also with numer- 
ous finely executed wood engravings of archways, porches ; 
windows, fireplaces, furniture, etc. 2 vols, folio, half mo- 
rocco, cloth sides, gilt edges. 

London and Manchester, Henry Sot he ran & Co., 1881 
The Baronial Castles and Mansions exemplified in these handsome volumes 
are the following :— Holland House, also Interior of same; Blicking Hall ■ 
Burghlcy House ; Castle Ashby; Kirby Hall ; Wollatton Hall; Uenthall Hall' 



Pitchford Hall ; Montacute Great Chamber ; Caverswall Castle ; Ingestrie 
Hall ; The Oak House ; Throwlcy Hall : Trentham Hall j Helmingham Hall; 
Hcngrave Hall ; West Stowe Hall : Ham House ; l.oseley House ; Arundel 
Church; Boxgrove Church; Ashton Hall; Beauchamp Chapel; Charlecote. and 
interior of the same ; Combe Abbey ; Warwick Castle ; Wroxhall Abbey : 
Brougham Hall: Sizcrgh Hall; Charlton House, Wilts; The Duke's House; 
Westwood House ; Fountains Hall ; Hclmsley Hall ; Sawstone Hall; Brereton 
Hall; Crewe Hall; Dorfold Hall; Moreton Hall; P!is House ; Naworth. also 
I>ong Caller)- of the same ; Haddon Hall, also Interior of the same; Hardwick 
Hall; Ford Hall ; Sherborne Ijidge ; Audlcy End, also Interior of the same; 
Feering House ; Horcham Hall ; St. Osyth's Priory; Berkeley Castle : Brams- 
hill ; Hatfield House ; K neb worth ; Hinchinbrook House ; Charlton House, 
Kent; Cobham Hall; Cobham Church (Interior); H ever Castle; Knole Gallery; 
Penshurst, also Courtyard of the same ; Hall i' the Wood; Smithclls Hall ; 
Speke Hall, also Interior of the same; and Turton Tower. 

1019 BARTLETT (John Russell). Dictionary of Americanisms, 
Glossary of Words and Phrases Usually Regarded as 
Peculiar to the United States. Thick large 8vo, cloth. 

Boston, 1859 

«02o BARTOLI (P. S.). Gli Antichi Sepolchri ovvero Mausolei 
Romani et Eruschi Trovati in Roma ed in altri luoghi 
celebri nelli quali si contengono molte erudite Memorie. 
Profusely illustrated witlt copper plates of ancient Roman 
sepulchres, sculpture, frescoes, tessellated pavements, etc. 
Large 4to, calf gilt. Rome, 1727 

Rare and from the library of and with the inserted heraldic plate of — " the 
Right Ilon'ble Robert James Lord Petre, Thomdon in Esse*." 


1021 BARTOLOZZI and his Works Illustrated. Biograph- 
ical, Anecdotal and Descriptive. By Andrew W. Tuer. 
Being an Account of the Life and Career of FRAN- 
CESCO BARTOLOZZI, R. A.; with remarks on his 
Prints: Why sought after; increasing rise in value; modern 
reprints from worn-out plates, and how to distinguish; 
falsely tinted, and how to distinguish; a list of copper- 
plates known to be still in existence; Bartolozzi's Pupils; 
Sketches of their Lives; Collecting Prints as a hobby, and 
as a profitable hobby; How to judge Prints; Proofs and 
"states" of Prints; How to handle Prints; Deceptions 
with Prints; Stipple Engraving, with Descriptions and 
Illustrations; Print Sales; Art Auction Rooms, general 
gossip, and including the most extensive list of this great 
master's works yet compiled. Finely printed in old-face 
type, numerous fine plates printed in red and bistre, with 
duplicate impressions of the principal engravings on satin, 
from the original plates engrai'edby BARTOLOZZI. 2 vols. 


large 4to, antique vellum binding, top edges gilt, others 
uncut, and interleaved for additions. 

London, Field and Tuer, n. d. 
Rare. One of limited edition of 25 copies. Mr. Tuer has succeeded in 
cataloguing upward of 2,000 examples of these fashionable prints; the largest 
list hitherto compiled — Lc Blanc's — contained only 700. Among the illustra- 
tions are a pair of beautiful and exquisitely finished fancy subjects in stipple, 
from copper-plates engraved by Bartolozzi in 1 783, in brilliant condition, en- 
titled: "A St. James's Beauty, ' and "A St. Giles's Beauty," printed in red and 
bistre on old paper, and duplicate impressions in the two states on satin; and a 
pair of highly-finished portraits, from the original cupper plates, of Sarah. Count- 
ess of Kinnoul, and Robert Auriol, Karl of Kinnoul, engraved by Caroline 
Watson in 1779.. also in brilliant condition, printed on old paper and satin in 
two states, red and bistre ink; a charming -vignette of Cupid printed, in red and 
bistre on paper and satin; a ticket for the Mansion House ball, 1773, etc., all 
printed direct from the plates. 


1022 BARTOLOZZI (Francesco), One Hundred Examples of 

Engraving by Francesco Bartolozzi, R.A., with brief 
memoir by Louis Fagan and Descriptive Annotations. 
Portrait of Bartolozzi after Reynolds and too autotype 
reproductions. 2 vols, square large folio, fresh half green 
morocco gilt, cloth sides, top edges gilt, others uncut. 

London, Henry Sotkeran 6f Co., [1886-87] 

Published at £12 12s. in four parts and boards. These examples were se- 
lected from rare impressions in the Department of Prints and Drawings, British 
Museum, and illustrate the characteristic variety of Bartolozzi 's genius in the 
methods of his art. The illustrations comprise subjects after Guercino, Guido 
Reni, Correggio, etc., and are rich in transcripts of the work of Sir Joshua 
Reynolds, G. B. Cipriani, Angelica Kauffman, and other eminent painters 
contemporary with Bartolozzi. 



numerous plates of monograms, etc., 21 vols, in 18; also 
separate volume of plates containing 16 plates etched by 
Bartsch after various masters and belonging to the above 
work, oblong folio. Together 19 vols, boards. 

Leipsic, 1854-70 

This work, which is, beyond dispute, the most exact and perfect production 
of its kind, fetched, in shabby German hoards, at the Rev. Dr. Wellesley's sale, 
Nov., 1866, £13 5s. ; 1867, Carpenter's copy, equally poor, £l\. 

It is a most complete account of Painters' Etchings and Engravings from the 
earliest period. The descriptions are so minute that any plate may be immedi- 
ately recognized. Vols. I to 5 comprise the Flemish and Dutch Schools ; 
Vols. 6 to 11, the German School ; Vols. 12 to 13, the Italian School ; Vols. 
14 to 15, Marc Antonio Kiniguerra and his School ; and Vols. 16 to 21, the 
suile of the School of Italy. 

A very skilful and, indeed, invaluable production, illustrated with some 
Curious fac-similes. Hartsch was himself an artist of no ordinary ability, 
and his engravings, especially after some of Rubens, are quite admirable. 

" A literary performance, in the graphic department, of really solid merit and 
utility."— Diatom's " Jour in Germany" Vol. 3, p. 303. 





I. Quintus Horatius Flaccus. With charming 
plates after Gravelot by Henriquez, Godfroy, Voyer- 
laine, Leveau and Levasseur (foxed slightly), also 
vignette title. 1770. 

II. D. Junii Juvf.nalis et Auli Persii Flacci Satyrae, 

III. Publii Virgilii Maronis Bucolica Georgica et 
Aeneis, 1757. 

IV. Catulli, Tibulli et Propertii Opera, 1772. 

V. C. Crispus Sallustius et L. Ann^us Florus, 

VI. Publii Terentii Afri Comoediae, 1772. 

VII. Titi Lucretii Cari de Rerum Natura Libri 
Sex, 1772. 

Together 7 vols, large 4to, elegantly bound by De- 
rome in red crushed levant morocco gilt, inside gold 
borders, edges gilt on marble ("one scratched on side). 

Birmingham, Tyfis Johannis Baskerville, 1757-73 

VERY RARE. A splendid set of these I-atin classics printed by Baskerville 
and bound by Derome, with the inserted book-plate of " Ex libris James Hart- 

" The typography of Baskerville is eminently beautiful ; his letters are in 
general of a delicate and slender form, calculated for an octavo or even a 
quarto, but not sufficiently bold to fill the space of an imperial folio, as is 
evident from a view of his great Bible. He united, in a singularly happy 
manner, the elegance of Plantin with the clearness of the Elzevirs ; his quarto 
and twelvemo Virgil, and small prayer book, or twelvemo Horace of 1762. suf- 
ficiently confirm the truth of this remark. He seems to have been extremely 
curious in the choice of his paper and ink. In his italic letter, whether capital 
or small, he stands unrivaled ; such elegance, freedom and perfect symmetry 
being in vain to be looked for among the specimens of Aldus and Colinaeus. ' — 

1025 BASSINET (A. J. D ). Histoire Sacree de l'Ancien 

Testament et de Nouveau Testament Contenant la Vie 
du Jesus Christ, Representee par Figures avec des 
Explications Historiques et tiroes des Saints Peres par 
Bassinet. Illustrated with maps, 8 portraits, and about 
600 engravings representing the principal occurrences de- 
scribed in the Bible, engraved by Voysard after Raphael, 
Rubens, Guido, and many other of the great masters of 
painting. Together 8 vols, large 8vo, half morocco, top 
edges gilt (some rubbed). Paris, Crapetet, 1804-6 

Large paper copy and stamped with a regal crown, below which a letter 
"S." The plates are early and brilliant impressions and have the Latin and 
French text engraved bel<jw the illustrations. 



1026 BATTY {Robert, Lieut. Col., F.R.S). Select Views of 

Some of the Principal Cities of Europe, with Descriptive 
Text. Engraved title, dedication and 30 fine steel plates 
engraved from the original paintings, by R. Graves, F. B. 
Becker, E. Goodali., W. R. Smith, H. Le Keux and 
others. — Proofs on India paper, also 30 key outline plates 
engraved by the author. Large 4to, half morocco, gilt 
edges (a few plates foxed slightly). 

London, Moon, Boys &* Graves, 1832. 

Remarkably fine copy, and with the inserted heraldic Book-plate of 
George Priestly. Published at £& 8s., i.e., $42. 

1027 BEATTIE (William). Switzerland. Illustrated with a 

map and a series of 106 beautiful steel plates, engraved by 
Lacey, Fisher, Wallis and others, from the original 
drawings by W. H. Bartlett. 2 vols. 4to, half morocco 
gilt, edges gilt. London, 1836 

1028 Beattie. The Waldenses; or, Protestant Valleys of Pied- 

mont and Dauphiny. Portrait, map and 70 brilliant steel 
plates, from drawings made expressly for the work by Bart- 
i.ett, Brockkdon, Stanfield and Harding. 4to, half 
morocco gilt, edges gilt. London, '1837 

With inserted heraldic book-plate of George Tempest Rowland. 

1029 Beattie. Scotland Illustrated. Map and 120 fine steel 
plates, engraved by Sands, Allen, Smith and others, front 
the original drawings by Allom, Bartlett, 2 vols. 
4to, half morocco gilt, edges gilt. London, 183S 

1030 Beattie. The Danube: Its History, Scenery and Topo- 

graphy. Portrait, map, vignette title and 81 beautiful steel 
plates and numerous woodcuts from original drawings by 
W. H. Bartlett, and engraved by Cousen, Brand- 
ard, Hinchcliffe and others. 4to, half morocco, cloth 
sides, gilt edges London, n. d. 

1 03 1 Belgium and Nassau ; or, The Continental Tourist. Map 

and 62 beautiful steel engravings. Proof on India paper 
by Warwick, Brice, Shury and others, from the designs of 
Fuseli, Salmon and others. 4to, half morocco gilt, cloth 
sides, gilt edges. London, «. d. 

I.ARCiE paper, and published at ten dollars, unbound. 

1032 BERGERET. Catalogue des Livres Anciens Rares et 

Curieux composant la Bibliotheque de M. Bergeret. 
2 vols, in i. Thick 8vo, half crushed levant morocco] 
marbled sides and edges. Paris, Teekener, 1S58-59 

Scarce. With the prices added that the 2,948 lots brought. 



1033 BERKLEY (Sir John). Memoirs Containing an Account 

of his Negotiation with Lieutenant General Cromwel, 
Comissaky General Ireton, and other Officers of the 
Army, for Restoring King Charles the First to the 
Exercise of the Government of England. 8vo, half roan. 
Rare. London, 1699 


1034 BEURNONVILLE.— Catalogue des Tableaux An- 

ciens de tous les Ecoles composant la Tres Importante 
Collection de M. le Baron de Beurnonville. Illus- 
trated with full-page engravings and etchings after works of 
the most celebrated masters, some erotic. Thick large 4to, 
cloth, totally uncut. Paris, 1881 

Large MPtt and limited edition. Handsomely printed on heavy toned 
paper, and with beautiful impressions of the plates. 


1035 BEWICK (T. and J). Select Fables. Together with 

a Memoir and Descriptive Catalogue of the Works of 
Messrs. Bewick. Fine inserted portrait of Thomas Be- 
wick, and numerous cuts designed and engraved by Thomas 
and John Bewick and others. 4to. Magnificently bound 
by Tout in brown crushed levant morocco, antique style, 
broad inside gold borders, watered silk ends, morocco 
joints, top edge gilt, others uncut Newcastle, 1820 

Largest paper and very rare. A splendid copy, with brilliant impres- 
sions, of these unrivaled woodcuts, which include nearly all the best work of 
the famous Bewicks. 

All the various works published, of the eminent wood engravers. Thomas and 
John Bewick, are now very scarce. In the beautiful and spirited drawings of 
their cuts, they have never been excelled. 

" The matchless, in milabk- Hi wick, his books arc never out of place or time ; 
the delight of childhood, manhood and decaying age ! a moral in every tail- 
piece — a sermon in every vignette," — Pkof. WILSON. 

1036 BEWICK (Thomas). History of British Birds. Profusely 

illustrated with cuts by Thomas Bkwick. 2 vols. 8vo, half 
calf gilt, cloth sides, sprinkled edges (a few pp. slightly 
foxed). Newcastle on Tyne./or T. Bewick, 1826 

Verv scarce and good copy of the sixth edition, with very clear impressions 
of the cuts. 

"I have seen how his (Bewick's) volumes are loved and treasured, and re- 
verted to, time after time, in many a country-house: the more familiar, the 
more prized; the oftener seen, the oftener desired." — Howitt. 


L" The Bookbinder." a Sixteenth Ce.vtury cut by Jost Amman.] 

JUncUtuje at Interest auci JJatue. 


1037 Uhttnitfl. Conciones et Orationes ex Historicis 

Latinis Excerpta Argumenta Isingulis Fraefixa sunt, que 
Causame cujusque et Summara ex rei Gestae Occasione 
Explicant Opus Recognitum Recensitumque in usum 
Scholarum Hollande et Westfrisiae. Thick minimo, morocco 
extra gilt, edges gilt. Amsterdam, 1641 

Louis the Kourteenth's copy, anJ a splendid piece of Seventeenth century 
work. It is profusely decorated on the sides and back with floriated pointille 
ornamentation. In the centre of a wreath, between a regal crown and the initial 
letter "L" and on each side, is stamped the inscription — " Ex Dono D, 
ClavJii Tapin, 1655." Above ait is the arms of the king, three fieurs-de-lys and 
at the bottom a shield bearing double annulets. 


1038 jjnttHllfl. — Regi.e BibliothecjE Matritensis Codices 

Gneci iVISS., Joannes Iriarte Ejusdem Gustos, Manu- 
scriptorum Museo olim propositus, idemque Regis Inter- 
presintimus excussit, recensuit, Notis, Indicibus, Anecdotis 
pluribus evulgatis illustravit Opus Regiis auspiciis et 
sumptibus in lucem editum — Volumen Prius (all pub- 
lished). Folio, fine old red morocco, extra gilt, edges 
gilt. Madrid, e. Typjgraphia Antonii Perez de Soto, 1769 
Rare, and a tine example of old red Spanish morocco binding, and which 
formerly belonged to King Charles III. of Spain, whose arms are stamped upon 
the sides in gold, with all their quarterings, regal crown and collar of the Golden 
Fleece. The tooling is much after the style of Dcrome. 



1039 UttluT'itfl. — Ceremonials Episcoporum Clkmkmi- 

VIII., Primum nunc denuo Innocentm Pap,* X. Aucto- 
rita Recognitum, Omnibus Ecclesijas, praecipue autem 
Patriarchlibus, Metropolitanus, Cathedral ibus, et ColJegi- 
atus per utile et necessarium Editio Prima in Belgio multis 
Figuris vEneis excornata et juxta ultimum Exemplar Vati- 
canum Typographia: Apostolicae revisa et Impressa. 
Illustrated with numerous engravings of the rites of the 
Catholic Church, vignettes anil rubricated. Folio, calf su per 
extra gilt, edges gilt. Antwerp, 1713 

Pope Clement the Eleventh's copy. A very tine specimen of binding and as 
bright in its golden ornamentation as when executed. The whole of tie sides 
and back are most elaborately gold tooled with floriated and other ornamenta- 
tion, which covers every inch of the leather. In the centre on both sides are a 
papal tiara and crossed Leys of St. Peter supported by cherubs. Below these 
is also a golden orb surmounted by a cross. On the back are crowns. 


1040 Utntitnrj. — /Eoyptii Imperatorii Prostantes in Museo 

Borgiano Vebtris Adiectis Prreterae quutquot Reliqua 
Huius Classis Numismata et Variis Museis Atque Libra 
Colligere Obtigit. Engraved vignette title and numerous 
plates 0/ Egyptian coins, ato, calf gilt. Rome, 1787 

Rare. This valuable Egyptological and numismatic work was formerly the 
property of Pope Pius the Sixth. Angelo Braschi is celebrated in history as the 
Pontiff who refused to sign away his temporal sovereignty at the dictation of 
Napoleon the Kirst. The volume is stamped on both sides with an armorial 
achievement. Above is the Papa] tiara with the cross keys. The shield is 
blazoned — '* Boreas blowing on a lily and on a chief three mullets." Around 
the sides of the cover is heavily embossed ornamentation, consisting of flona- 
tion, vases, etc. On an end paper is the note — " With the Papal arms, stolen 
from the Vatican Library." This is probably an error, as the Pontiffs have 
always been allowed to donate their private property. 


1041 lit ilftiuj). — Bkaniuno (Alessandro) Historia delle 
Guerre di Portogallo Succedute per I'Occasione della 
Separaztone di quel Regno dalla Corona Cattolica. En- 
graved title by Fariat. 4to, fine old red morocco gilt, 
edges gilt. Venice, 1689 

RaRK. This copy belonged to Ueckford, the author of Vathek, and later to 
the Uon'ble Frederick North, whose heraldic book plate is inserted. It is 
stamped in gold on the sides, with the arms of Queen Christina of Sweden, to 
whom the volume belonged shortly before her death, as it was printed in the 
year of that occurrence. The blazon on the shield is the well-known arms of 
Sweden, "azure three crowns or." Above is the regal crown of this great 
monarch whose eccentricity developed itself in the extravagant patronage of 



literary men, pedants, buffoons, artists, etc. Among her most intimate friends 
were Descartes, Grotius, Salmasius, Naude, Voscius and Bochart. After her 
abdication of the Swedish crown in 1654 she principally resided in Rome. 
Queen Christina was the authoress of a volume of Maxims and Sentences. 


1042 iimttUlfl.— VITRUVIUS. Dix Livres d'Architecture 
de Vitruve, Corrigez et Tradvits nouvellement en Fran- 
cois avec des Notes et des Figures. Illustrated with plates 
and other illustrations in the text, also engraved title by 
Scotin. Folio, red morocco, gilt. 

Paris, Jean Baptiste Coignard, 1673 

Rare, i I andsomely bound in crushed red levant morocco, extra gilt, inside 
gold borders, edges gilt. Stamped on the back thirty tiroes, repeated with ducal 
coronet and monogram, also at the four corners of the panel, on each side, with 
coronet and monogram. In the centre, two large escutcheons of arms, quartered 
and impaled, measuring some four inches square. Above the impaled shields is 
a ducal coronet, with strawberry leaves, and around them a mantling covered 
with heraldic devices and the gTand collars and crosses of two orders, one being 
of the " Saint Esprit." Two impaled shields are side by side, baron et fenime. 
That on the dexter is blazoned first and fourth, " a fesse gules" ; second and 
third, " scmee de lys." The shield to the sinister, first and fourth, " a St. 
Andrews cross "; second and third, " erminuis per fesse gules." 

This volume belonged to the ancient house of the Dukes of Montpensier. 
llerr von Hepp, who, next to M. Frank d'Aulte, is the best authority on French 
heraldry in America, says that the arms on the book undoubtedly belonged to 
the Montpensier branch of the Bourbon family. Henry, last Duke of Mont- 
pensier ot the elder branch, was born May 12, 1573, at Paris, and died there Feb- 
ruary 27, 1608. He presided over the assembly of notables held by Henry IV., 
at Rouen, in 1506. He bore the title of the Prince of D'Oubes during his 
father's lifetime. His only child was the wife of (Jaston d'Orlcans, the mother 
of "La Grande Mademoiselle," or Mademoiselle de Montpensier, who died 
after having purchased the liberty of her husband, the Count de l.auzun. by 
giv ing up all her wealth to the Due de Maine. This younger branch was de- 
scended from John II. de Bourbon Count de Vendome and Isabella, heiress of 
Beauveau. He was the grandfather of the iirsl Duke of Vendome, who was the 
grandfather of Henry IV, This branch passed through four generations. The 
Prince of l.a Roche-sur-Yon, 1520, married the paternal aunt of the Constable 
dc Bourbon, and was killed at Rome. Their second son left no male issue by 
the heiress of Montespedon, widow of the Marshal tie Montepan. This lady 
was the Princess de la Roche-sur-Yon, the maid of honor to Catherine de Med- 
icis, mentioned by Brantome. 1 1 er mother-in-law, to whom we have just referred, 
afterwards married Antoine de Chauvigny, Lord of Chateauroux, and outlived 
him. The three last generations were I )ukes of Montpensier. The first married 
the heiress of Hungary. Their daughter was the famous abbess, who escaped 
from her convent by scaling its walls She became a Protestant and married 
the Prince of Orange, the founder of the Dutch Republic. William III., Ring 
of England, was descended from her. The second married the heiress of the 
Bastard d'Anjou-Mezieni. The third became the husband of the heiress of 
Joveuse Henrietta Catherine, daughter of the Count du Bouchaye, brother of 
Aiine, Due de Joyeuse (one of Henry Ill's, favorites). She also married Charles 
fourth, Due de Guise, son of Balafre, and was the grandmother of the last 
Duke de Cuise, husband of the granddaughter of Elizabeth d'Orlcans, Mad- 
emoiselle d'Alcncon, third daughter of Gaston d'Orleans by his second wife 
Marguerite, Princess of Lorraine. This lady was the daughter of Francis II., 
father of Charles the third, Duke of Lorraine and last of his branch. 




1043 iJfntffnfl. — Le Bravo, Melodrame Tragique en Trois 

Actes de Gaetano Rossi Musique de Mercadante. 
Small 8vo, red morocco gilt, inside gold borders, gilt 
edges. Paris, 1853 

This volume formerly belonged to the Emperor Napoleon the Third, and has 
his stamp on the foreside in gold with his imperial crown and the imperial eagle. 
The text is Italian and French, on opposite pages. 

1044 JJfjtWn/J.— Semaine Sainte. Small 8vo, bound in red 

morocco extra, gilt edges on marble (lacks title). 

Paris, 1745 

This volume formerly belonged to the Duke of Orleans, and is stamped on the 
sides with his heraldic emblazonment— a ducal crown, the royal arms of France, 
with a label for difference, and the collars and insignia of the Saint Esprit and 
golden fleece- Five times repeated are a ducal crown, three fleurs de-lys and a 
differential label. 


1045 UfntUltfl.— Fabriche Antiche Disegnate da Andrea 

Palladio Vicentino edate in Luce da RiccardoConte 
m Burlington. Tinted engraved tide, frontispiece and 
architectural plates by Fordrinier. Large folio, elegantly 
bound in red crushed morocco, extra gilt on the back and 
sides, inside gold borders, edges gilt. London, 1 730 
Very limited edition, privately printed for presents only. This 
copy came from the library of and has the inserted heraldic book-plate of the 
Right Hon'ble James Lord Petrc, Thorndon, in Essex. It was a presentation 
copy to that nobleman from Lord Burlington, and has the following inscriptions 
on both sides of the cover — " R. I. P. Ex dono Kicardi Comitis de Burlington." 
This is a magnificent example of old English binding in red morocco and in the 
Harleian style which partakes somewhat in effect of the character of the work of 
Le Gascon. It is " fan-fare " and " pointille," and the decorations most fre- 
quently employed in the wonderful interlaced tooling are coronets and pilgrims' 
shells, the latter of which are the principat charges in the coat armor of Lord 

1046 UfnUhtfl.— Hugo (A.). Histoire de 1'Empf.reur Na- 

poleon. Illvstrutcd with 31 wood engravings by Charlet. 
Svo, red morocco, gilt (title slightly torn). Paris, 1833 

Very scarce. On the foreside are a number of imperial insignia, crown, 
arms, mantle, sceptres, collar and cross of the Legion d'Honncur. On the back 
side is an imperial crown and the ;ietter " N," on the back are three imperial 

1047 AJuitJt'nfl — Almanach Imperial pour L'Annee, 

M.DCCC. X. presente A. S. M. L'Empereur et Roi par 
Testu. Thick small 8vo, bound in red crinkled morocco 
gilt, with the imperial eagles and bees stamped on the 
back. Paris, 18 10 



104S MtlCKi llfl.— Indicatelr de la Cour de France. Por- 
trait of Charles X. Minimo, old morocco gilt. 

Paris, 1826 

Stamped in gold on the sides with the royal arms of France. 


ad Proprietam, Elegantiam et copiam Graci sermonts 
parandam vtillissima concinnata a Iohanxe Posselio 
Abeodem Denvo Recognita at Qve Ampi.ivs Tenia Parte 
Aucta. Thick small Svo, morocco extra gilt, marbled 
edges (MS. name on title). Hanover, 1605 

Karf.. — This volume is stamped in gold on the sides anil back with a mass of 
fleurs de lys, in the centre are two heraldic escutcheons, over one of which is a 
ducal coronet, and behind the shield two crossed marshals' batons. The arms 
are impaled; the principal coat being "a Hon rampant." The female side has 
four quartering*. The otheT escutcheon bears the same arms, but they are 
painted in gold by hand. There is a crest above this shield of " a woman 
naked to the hips, holding in her dexter hand a fleur-de-lys." The volume has 
four green silk ties. 

1050 CdtUt'nrj. — St. Francis de Sales. — Introdvction a la 

Vie Devote du Bien-heureux Francois de Sales Evesqve 
de Geneve. Engraved vignette title, head and tail pieces. 
Thick 8vo, old morocco gilt (few pp. stained). 

Paris, de I Imprimerie Eoyalr, 1 65 1 

Rare. The four corners or the paneled sides have " an eagle displayed, hold- 
ing mullets in his beak and talons." The same heraldic device is repeated on 
the back live times. The volume is dedicated by Sebastian Cramoisy — " \ 
la Reyne Mere dv Roy." This was Anne of Austria, whose quartered arms 
appear on the title and elsewhere in the volume. Every page is ruled with red 


• 051 13 1 lifting. — GALERIE LITHOGRAPH I EE de Son 
Altesse Koyale Monseigneur le Hue d'Orleans, dediee 
a son Altessee Royale Madame la Duchesse n 'Orleans, 
publiec par Ch. Les Motte. Illustrated with nearly i6 
magnificently executed lithograph plates on India papkr 
after the works of the greatest French artists (a few slightly 
foxed). 2 vols, in 1. Thick large folio, superbly bound 
by Lortic in crushed red levant morocco extra gilt, inlaid 
on the sides and back with colored leathers, after the style 
of the finest Grolieresque specimens, rounded corners, 
broad inside gold borders, edges gilt. Paris, n. d. 

Large paper copy and one of the HmiteJ edition which was issued to sub- 
scribers. The above are open letter proofs on India paper, and every impression 
is stamped with the seal of the Due d'Orle.ans. afterwards King I.ouis Philippe. 
This magnificent work, whii-h was publish'.-! in hl;y parts, contains numerous 
portraits of the royal family of France, historical scenes, views, etc.. after 
Gerard. Horace Vernet, 1'icot, Michallon. kegnier, Girodet. Ducis. Isabey 
Gros, Vcrbeckh'Fvcn, f lerscnt. Scheffer, etc. 


1052 Jj ill 113, — BIBLIA SACRA Vulgate editionis Sixti V. 

Pont. m7 Iussu recognita, et Clementis VIII., auctori- 
tate edita. Engraved title, carefully mended. Small 8vo, 
bound by Bauzonnet-Trautz in crushed levant morocco, 
inside gold borders, edges gilt marble. Cologne, 1647 

The border of the title is composed of eight separate illustrations of a Bibli- 
cal character. 


1053 iiniti 1*113. — FRANCORVM REGVM SIMVLACRA a 

nantem per Temporvm Seriem Distribvta Ab eorum 
Numismatibus Statuis, Picturis, atqu einsignioribus mon- 
umentis tarn a'neis, quam. marmoreis, quia in Galliarum 
Regino asseruanter primum. eruta nunc accurate, in- 
sculpta. With 64 fine portraits designed and engraved frdm 
most authentic sources by J. J. de Rubeis. Folio, red 
morocco, extra gilt by Padeloup. Rome, 1685 

Rvre. The impressions of these beautifully executed plates are very brilliant. 
They have been carefully mounted and inlaid, and are partially written, par- 
tially engraved title been supplied to make the volume a complete book. It 
contains the two blank leaves at end which are of excessive rarity. J. J. de 
Rubcis is the latinized form of the surname of the celebrated engraver J. J. 
Rossi, who was born at Rome about the year 1630. 

1054 H (it "01113. — Office dela Semainf. Sainte en Latin et en 

pnnjvuc >i I'licaorp Hp Rome et de Paris aver: des Exolica- 

1056 BfntrftTB, — ERASMUS {Desiderius). Magni Des. 
Erasmi Roterodami Vita, Accedunt Epistolas Illustres. 
Engraved title and portrait. Also— Lingua Sive, de Lin- 
gua; usu atque abusu Liber utlissimtis; also— Dialogus de 
Recta Latini Gnccique Sermonis pro. Nuntiatione. De 


Sarcienda Ecclesiae Concordia, Querela, Pacis. Together 
5 vols, in 4. Minimo, elegantly bound in by Duseuil in 
red morocco extra, gilt edges. 

Leyden, Ex Officina loannis Matte, 1741-43 
Very Rark. Every page ruled with ink and the inserted bookplates of 
Emanuel Martin. An excellent example of Duseuil's binding, and of whom 
Cundall says — " Ik-ttcr taste was to be found chiefly amongst amateurs and 
among these was Duseuil, the most prominent binder in Paris next to I.e 
Gascon. His skill was only exercised for pleasure, since he was a priest, not a 
bookbinder, by profession. Duseuil was an abbe, but it is not possible to ascer- 
tain tn which diocese he belonged, though it seems possible that he was attached 
to that of Paris. He is well known by the catalogue of the library belonging to 

Count Lomenic de Briennc which cost 80,000 livrcs According to MM 

Michel ' La Reliure Francaise,' P. 96, most of the bindings attributed to the 
Abbe Duseuil were done by Augustin Duseuil, a native of Provence. Augustin 
was born in 1673, and coming to Paris perhaps learned his art under Philippe 
Padeloup, whose daughter he married in 1699. The date of his death is un- 
known. . . Alexander Pope refers to Duseuil as follows in the fourth of his 
' Moral Essays ' — 

' His study; with what authors is it stored ? 
In books, not authors, curious is my lord; 
To all their dated backs he turns you round, 
These Aldus printed, those Duseuil has bound." 

selon que Elles Sont Conservees en 1'Eglise de Saint 
Denis en France publiees par M. Paulin Paris. Vig- 
nettes. Small 8vo, crushed levant morocco gilt, edges 
gilt, inside gold borders. Paris, Techener, 1836-38 

CHARMING COPY beautifully bound by Simier, in the style of Padeloup. 



1059 Unit! (HQ. — HORATII FLACCI Opera, cum Variis Lec- 
tionibus, Notis Variorum et Indice Loclupletissimo. With 
fine portrait of Lord Mansfield by Jones, after Gri- 


maldi [slightly foxed). 2 vols, thick large 410, bound by 
Roger Payne in red crinkled morocco gilt, inside gold 
borders, edges gilt. London, 1792 

VERY RARE. " This sumptuous and celebrated edition is the joint produc- 
tion of Dr. Combe and the late Rev. Henry Homer; tile labors of the latter 
editor do not extend beyond the fourth book of the " Odes," the remaining part 
of the work is therefore Dr. Combe's. The text is formed on the base of 
Gesner's edition, and the work is enriched by a careful collation of the cditio prin- 
ceps (in his Majesty's library) and seven Harleian MSS. The notes are taken 
chiefly from Cruejuius, Lambinus, Torrentius, Sanadon. licntley, Cunning- 
ham, Baxter, Gesncr, kloUius, Janus. Waddelus, Wakelield and others. Some 
very few copies were struck off on large paper, which are now rare and bring a 
considerable price. The large paper copies of this edition of " Horace " and of 
Wakefield's Lucretius," are among the most magnificent publications of 
ancient classical literature which this country has for many years produced." — 

1060 ijtllTjilirj. — Mkmorie Storiciie dell' Antichissima Basil- 
ica dis. Gio. Batista di. Fiienze. View. 8vo, half russia, 
gilt edges. Florence (1782J 

GOOD EXAMPLE of the reliure known as the Fonthill binding. The four 
leather corners are rectangular with narrow gold lines, according to the favorite 
design of " Vathck" Beckford. 

tSTBlNDING. The preceding are a few bindings of interest, but those 
executed by the great relieurs will be found under the names of those authors, 
etc., whose works they beautify. There are also other historic heraldic bind- 
ings scattered throughout this catalogue. 


1061 BIRCH (Thomas). The HEADS of ILLUSTRIOUS 

PERSONS of Great Britain, engraved by Mr. 
HOUBRAK.EN and Mr. VERTUE. With their 
Lives and Characters. Large folio, old hall red mo- 
rocco gilt, cloth sides, gilt edges ( a few pp. foxed). 

London, 1813 

LARGE PAPER copy of this magnificent series of 108 portraits engraved through- 
out by those masters of portraiture, Houbraken and Vertue- The set comprises 
those Englishmen who were pre-eminent in literature, science, war, statesman- 
ship and theology. The series includes: — Chaucer. Buchanan, Raleigh, Ben 
Jonson, Lord Bacon, Milton, Otway, Sir W. Temple, Boyle. Locke. Newton, 
Sir Philip Sidney, Shakespeare, Uryden, Addison, Steele, Pope. Sydenham, 
Garth, Willis, Cr..mwell, Hampden'. Pym, Sir Thomas More, Sir Nicholas 
Bacon, Sir Francis Drake, Sir Edward Coke, Thomas Wentworth, Lord Fair- 
tax, Wolsey, Archbishop Abbot, Archbishop Williams, Archbishop Usher, 
Bishop Morley. Samuel Clarke, etc., etc. 

1062 BRIZOT. Histoire Metallique de la Republique de Hol- 

lande. Profusely illustrated with numismatic plates on cop- 
per, some in the text, aiso vignettes, initial letters, engraved 
title, etc. Folio, old calf, gilt. Paris, 1687 

Hark, with the inserted book plate of "Ex Bibliotheca Rcnessiana." 


1063 BLANC (Charles). Histoire des Peintres de Toutes les 

Ecoles depuis la Renaissance jusqu'a nos Jours. Illus- 
trated with numerous Jim portraits and engravings on wood 
of the chief masters. Large 4to, half morocco gilt, cloth 
sides, gilt edges. Paris, n. d. 

This volume consists of thirty seven of the lives of the painters, principally 
of the Patch and t rench schools. Some of the text is in Knglish. 


1064 BOILEAU-DESPREAUX (Nicolas). CEuvres. Edition 

dediee au Rot. Charming vignette illustrations. 2 vols, 
in 1. Square large folio, magnificently bound by Cape in 
red crushed levant morocco, super gilt on back and sides 
broad inside gold borders, rounded corners, green watered 
silk ends, edges gilt. Paris, Pierre Didot L'Aine, 1819 

Splendid edition, limited to an issue op 125 copies only. 

" Magni!io,ue edition ornee de 9 vignettes et tirce a 125 exempl. seulement." 

" Hoilcau is the analogue of Pope in French literature. ' The Art of Poetry ' 
has be*m the model of the ' Essay on Criticism.' Few poems more resemble 
each other. Both arc uncommon efforts of uncommon good sense, and both 
are distinguished by their short and pointed language which remains in the 
memory. The ' I.utrin ' is the most popular of the poems of Boileau. Its sub- 
ject is ill-chosen. , . Hut the poignant wit and satire, the elegance and correct- 
ness of numberless couplets, as well as the ingenious adaptations of classical 

passages, redeem this poem and confirm its high place in the mock-heroic line." 




y Estadistica de la Republica Mexicana. 11 vols, in 10. 
Large 8vo, half red roan. Mexico, 1861-65 

RAM. £7 12s. 6d. for Vols. 3 to 10 only, Puttick and Simpson. 1869. 
"VVc know of no work that contains such a vast amount of Geographical, 
Stati>tical and Philological information regarding Mexico as the present. The 
Society enjoys a reputation equal to that of any European Society of the same 
class."—" HiHiothcca Alejitana," London, l86g. 

1066 Book of British Ballads— First and Second Series, edi- 

ted by S. C. Hall., F.S.A. Charmingly illustrated on 
wood from the designs of Gilbert, Warren, Meadows, 
M'Ian, Corbould, Crrswick, Paton, Frith, and other 
eminent artists. 2 vols. 4*6, cloth, top edges gilt, others 
uncut. London, 1842-44 

Original edition of both series complete. 

1067 Book of German Songs from the Sixteenth to the Nine- 

teeth Century, translated and edited by H. W. Dui.ckkn. 
Profusely illustrated. Cloth, gilt edges. London, 187 1 

1068 Bowles (S.). Across the Continent. Small 8vo, cloth. 

Springfield, 1865 


1069 BREES (S. C). Portfolio of Rural Architecture. A 

series of Drawings in the Italian Style for Villas, etc., 
Practical Working Plans, Specifications, Estimates, etc. 15 
plates. Large folio, loose in half roan portfolio (soiled 
somewhat). London, 1841 

1070 Britton (J.), Brayley (E. W.), Rose (T.), and others. 

The Counties of England. Maps and some 500 fine steel 
engravings of all tlie principal objects of interest, from origi- 
nal drawings by Allom, Bartlett, Austin, Pyne, etc., 
and engraved by Heath, Wallis, LePetit and others. 5 
vols, in 3. 4to, half calf gilt, marbled edges. 

London, 1829-32 


107 1 Browning (Elizabeth Barrett)— Poetical Works, with fine 

portrait. 5 vols, 8vo, boards, uncut. New York, 1884 
Large papkr. No. 94 of limited edition of 150 copies on Holland paper, 20 
on Japan and 2 on vellum beautifully printed by DeVinne. A new fresh copy, 
in the original wrappers. 

" Lovers of Mrs. Krowning have long wished for a complete and satisfactory 
American edition of her works. There has indeed been a positive need of such 
an edition. That need is now filled by the five beautiful volumes published by 
Dodd, Mead & Company. It is not often even in this age of good book- 
making that a handsomer set of volumes comes under the eye of the reviewer 
than these. Altogether this edition will take its rank with the most satisfactory 
an J permanently valuable publications of the season." — Christian Union. 

1072 BRUSTOLON (G. B.). Collection of 100 plates, charmingly 

engraved after antique and medieval cameos, intaglios and 
gems. Large 4to, boards. 

Scarce. Contains an important collection of Greek and Latin Gods, Em- 
perors, Empresses, Philosophers, Authors, etc. 

1073 BRY (J. T. de). Florilegium Novum hoc est : Vario- 

rum Maximeque Rariorum Florum ac Plantarum singu- 
larium unacum suis radicibus et cepis, Eicones diligenter 
sere sculptae et ad vivum ut plurimum expressse. With 
numerous botanical plates. Small folio, vellum. 

Oppenheim, 1612 

Rare. One of the volumes bound up with the above is dated 1614 and both 
have the imprint " Vltrae Vltraiccti, Officina Calcographica Cr. Passaei." 


1074 BRYAN (Michael). A BIOGRAPHICAL and CRITI- 

ERS, from the Revival of the Art under CIMABUE, 
and the alleged Discovery of Engraving by Finigoerra 
to the Present Time : with the Ciphers, Monograms and 
Marks used by each Engraver : and an ample list of their 
works. Together with two Indexes, Alphabetical and 



Chronological ; to which is prefixed an Introduction con- 
taining a brief account of the Painters of Antiquity. 
Fine original impression of the portrait of Bryan (stained 
slightly). 2 vols, thick large 4to, beautifully bound in red 
morocco, elegant inside gold borders, gilt edges, by J . 
Wright (binding rubbed). London, 1816 

1075 BRYAN. The same. With the Ciphers, Marks and Mono 

grams and Marks used by each Engraver, also Portrait. 
Thick large Svo, cloth. London, 1 849 

New edition, revised, enlarged and continued to the present time, comprising- 
above one thousand Additional Memoirs and Large Accessions to the Lists of 
Pictures and Engravings, also new plates of ciphers and monograms by George 


1076 BRYANT (William Cullen). Thanatopsis ; and a Flood of 

Years. Beautifully engraved text and illustrations by W. J. 
Linton, from the designs of Scott, Blake, Taylor and 
others — Proofs on India paper. Large 4to, loose in half 
morocco portfolio with flaps. New York, n. d. 

No. 22 of Limited edition of 75 copies, each copy numbered and signed by 
the publishers. "The Illustrations— indebtedness acknowledged to David 
Scott, William Blake and (almost unknown as an artist) Isaac Taylor." — Pre- 

1077 BURE (Guillaume de, Fits Aine). Catalogue des Livres 

de la Bibliotheque de Feu M. le Due de la Vai.liere, 

priemiere partie contenant les Manuscrits, les premieres 

Editions, les Livres imprimes sur velin et sur grand papier 

les Livres rares et precieux par leur belle conservation' 

les Livres d'Estampes et dont la Vente se sera dans les 

premiers jours du mois de Decembre, 17S3. 3 vols, thick 

small 8vo, old calf gilt. Paris, 17S3 

Rare, with fine portrait of the Duke de la Valliere by Cochin and many fao 
similes of Incunables. 

1078 Burnet (John). Practical Essays on Various Branches of 

the Fine Arts. To which is added a Critical Inquiry into 
the Principles and Practice of the late Sir David Wilkie. 
Fine original etchings by Burnet after Wilkie. Small 
8vo, cloth, uncut. London, David Bogue, 1848 

1079 BURTON (Robt.). Anatomy of Melancholy. What it is, 

with all the Kinds, Causes, Symptoms, Prognostics, and 
the several Cures of it. Vignette portrait. 2 vols, thick 
8vo, half calf. London, 1827 

The great Johnson has praised the "Anatomy of Melancholy" in the 
warmest terms and the ludicrous Sterne has interwoven many parts of it into his 
own popular performance. Milton did not disdain to build two of his finest 
poems on it; and a host of inferior writers have embellished their works with 


beauties not their own, culled from a performance which they had not the 
justice even to mention. 

" The book, in my opinion, most useful to a man who wishes to acquire the 
reputation of being well-read, with the least trouble, is 'Burton's Anatomy of 
Melancholy.' " — LORD BvRON. 

1080 BYRON (Lord). Works, with his Letters and Journals, and 

his Life by Thomas Moore. With portraits and vignettes 
after Turner, Stanfield, etc. 17 vols, small 8vo, half 
smooth morocco gilt, marbled edges (some plates foxed). 

London, John Murray, 1833 
Uniform with the favorite editions of Scott, Moore, Cowper, etc 

108 1 BYRON. Poetical Works. Fronts, and vignette titles after 

Turner, Stanfield, Cattermole and others. 10 vols, 
small 8vo, fresh crushed blue levant morocco, contents 
lettered, inside gold borders, gilt edges. London, 1879 
Uniform with the favorite editions of Scott, Crabbe, Wordsworth, etc. 




and Works of Lord Byron, with Original and Selected 
Information on the subjects of the Engravings by W. 
Brockedon, With 1 26 highly finished engravings. 3 vols, 
large 4to, calf gilt extra. London, 1833-34 

Large rAPER and extra fine impressions of the plates. 
These beautiful and interesting engravings are from drawings by Turner, 
Stanfield, Roberts, Harding, Cattermole, Calcott, Copley. Fielding. Prout, etc. 

1083 BYRON. Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, a Romaunt and 

other Poems. 8vo, tree marbled calf gilt. 

London, John Murray, 181 2 

1084 BYRON. Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, A Romaunt. With 
portrait, numerous charming steel engravings by or after 
Finden, Creswick, Warren, Aubrey, Aylmer, etc. 
Thick large 8vo, elegantly bound in vellum gilt, inside 
gold borders, gilt edges (MS. name on title). 

London, 1841 

Scarcs and a beautiful copy. 

ADART (A.). Catalogue Complet d'Eaux- 
Fortes Originates. With etchings. 2 vols, 
small 8vo, sewed. Paris, 1876-78 

1086 CALLOT. — Salvatorjs Beat,* Mart v. Vircinis Sane- 
torvm Apostolorvm Icones A. L CALLOT Inuentae 


Sculpts et a Ifersete alico suo in fucem editae. 16 etched 
plates. Small 8vo, old half calf, gilt edges. Paris, 1631 

Rare and original impressions. With inserted heraldic book plate of 
Thomas I leywood. Complete set of this very scarce series which includes title- 
page, " Christ." 14 Virgin Mary." and the rest of the pDtes as issued. Spooncr 
Says of Callot: — " The fertility of his invention was wonderful and his style 
was remarkably varied. He frequently made several designs (or Ihc same plate 
before he was satisfied, and Watelet says that he saw four different drawings by 
him for the celebrated ' Temptation of St. Anthony.' His drawings are greatly 
admired and are even more spirited than his prints. Heinecken gives a full 
list of the plates of this indefatigable artist; they amount to over fifteen 

1087 CALLOT. — Series of 18 curious etchings by Callot on 

India paper, representing itinerants and imposters of 
varions kinds, burlesque performers, etc. Mounted in a 
small folio vellum volume. 
India paper and rare collection of these plates, executed about the year 

1640. From the library of and with the inserted heraldic book-plate of Boyce 

Harvey Combe. 


1088 CARTER (John, F.S.A.). Specimens of the Ancient 

Sculpture and Painting now Remaining in England from 
the Earliest Period to the Reign of Henry VIII., Con- 
sisting of Statues, Bas-reliefs, Busts, Sculptures, Brasses, 
Monumental Effigies, Paintings on Glass, Walls and 
Panels; Missal Illuminations; Carvings on Cups, Croziers, 
Chests; Seals; Ancient Furniture; Architectural Orna- 
ments, etc., Designed to show the Rise and Progress of 
Sculpture and Painting in England; to Explain Obscure 
and Doubtful Parts of History and to Preserve the Por- 
traits of Great and Eminent Personages. Illustrated with 
1 20 large engravings, some colored and fine original impres- 
sions. 2 vols, in t. Thick large folio, half morocco, cloth 
sides, top edge gilt (binding rubbed). London, 1838 

New and IMPROVED EDITION, arranged in topographical order and illustrated 
with copious notes by Dawson Turner. Sir Samuel Rush Meyrick, John Britton 
and other Distinguished Antiquaries. The critical and historical illustrations in 
the above, like those in the original edition of 1780, were written by Francis 
Douce. Richard Gough, John 1-enn, J. S. Hawkins, William Bray and Rev. 
John Milner. The above copy came from the library of and has the inserted 
book-plate of Arthur Wilcoxon. 

" Mr. Carter was the first to point out to the public the right way of delineat- 
ing and representing the component and detached parts of the old buildings of 
England. His national work on English Architecture occupied him in etching, 
drawing, arranging and publishing, more than twenty years. It is highly 
valuable."— URiTTON. 

1089 Catalogo deli.a Libreria Capponi O Sia de Libri 

Italiani del su Marchese Alk.ssandro Grecorio Capponi 
Patrizio Romano, e Furiere Maggiore Pontificio con Annot- 
azioni in diversi luoghi, e coll' Appendice de, Libri Lattini 



dclle Miscennanee e dei Manoscritti. Fine vignette and 
rubricated title. Thick 4to, old calf gilt, edges gilt on 
marble. Rome, 1747 

With inserted heraldic book-plate. 

1090 Catalogue de Tableaux Modernes provenant en partie 

de la Collection de " M. S." Illustrated with etchings. 
Large 8vo, sewed, uncut. Paris, 1881 

1091 CELLINI (Benvenuto). Memoirs of, a Florentine artist 

Written by himself, containing a Variety of Information 
respecting the Arts and the History of the Sixteenth 
Century, translated by Thomas Roscoe. Portrait. Small 
8vo, half calf gilt, marble sides and edges. London, 1850 
With inserted Heraldic Book-plate of John Pavin Phillips. 
'* Cellini was one of the most extraordinary men of an extraordinary age; his 
life, written by himself, is more amusing than any novel I know." — HORACE 

1092 CHAMPOLLION (Le Jeune). Monuments Historiques 

au Musee Royal Egyptien de Turin. Hieroglyphical plates. 
Large 8vo, half calf, uncut. Paris, Didot, 1824 


1093 CHANTILLY. — Promenades ou Itineraire des Jardins de 

Chantilly Orne d'un Plan et de vingt Estampes qui en 
representent les Principales Vues, Dessinees et Gravees 
par Merigot. With plates, to which are added 34 inserted 
and inlaid others. Small 8vo, half crushed levant morocco, 
top edge gilt, others uncut. Paris, 1791 

Unique and Rare. This volume, which has an added interest through the 
magnificent presentation of the domain of Chantilly and its contents by the 
Due d'Aumale. to the French people, has many important inserted plates, 
some proof before letters and on India paper. Among the illustrations are 
"Conde," by St. Aubin ; " Louis XIII., by Jones; " Corncille," " Piron, 
"Voltaire," : ' Henry IV.," Joan of Arc," " Cleopatra," etc. 

1094 [Chastellux (F. J., Marquis de).\ Essai sur l'Union de 

la Poesie et de la Musique. Small 8vo, Spanish calf gilt, 
red edges. Paris, 1765 

Rake. This celebrated author and friend of Voltaire fought in our Revo- 
lutionary War along with Lafayette as Major-General. 

1095 CHESS.— Traite Elementaire et Complet du Jeu d'Echecs 

a I'usage des Commencants par Jacques Francois 
Mouret. Plates of chess problems.. Small 8vo, half 
morocco. Paris, 1836 

SCARCE with the inserted heraldic book plate of " Ribliotheque de M. Rene 
Amt'dc-c Choppin (de Villy)." The author styles himself on the title " Profes- 
seur d'echecs et Petit — Neveu de Danican — Phillidor." 


1096 CHOUL. — Discovrs de la Religion des Anciens Romains 

Escript par Noble Seigneur Guillaume de Choul, Con- 
seiller du Roy et Bailly des Montai^nes du Daulphi'ne et 
illustre d'un grand nombre de medailles et de plusieurs 
belles figures retirees des marbres antiques qui se treuvent 
a Rome, et par nostre Gaule. Profusely illustrated with a 
large number of engravings of coins, medals, and das reliefs. 
Large 4to, half sprinkled calf, red edges. 

Lyons, Guillaume Rouille, 1556 
Larre paper, rare, and every page of the text ruled in ink. This splendid 
volume, which is also illustrated with head-pieces and charming initial letters is 
dedicated to Monsievr Dvrfe, Chevalier de l'Ordre, Govvernevr de Moiiseirmevr 
le Davlphin " 

" Edition originate sur bois." — Brunet. 

1097 CHOUL. — Discovrs de la Religion des Anciens Romains. 

Pofusely illustrated with plates and in the text, of coins 
medals and bas-reliefs. Small 4to. vellum (holed title). ' 

Wessel, 1672 

Rare, with the inserted heraldic book-plate of Charles I lenry Turner. Bound 
up with the above by the same author is " Discovrs sur la Castrametation et 
Discipline Militairc des Romains. des Bains et Antiques Exercitalions Crecaues 
et Romains." s 




lection of 300 Prints, after the Original Designs of Claude 
in the collection of his Grace the Duke of Devon- 
shire, Richard Payne Knight, the British Museum, etc 
engraved by Richard Earlom, in the manner and taste 
of the Drawings. Descriptive Catalogue of each Print 
with the names of those for whom, and the places for 
which, they were first painted (from the handwriting of 
Claude), and of the present possessors of many of the 
Original Pictures. 3 vols, folio, half levant 

morocco gilt 

cloth sides, gilt edges. London, 1777 -1819 

-r^ RE 1( t 0nC °(.' he choicest c °P ie s of Claude Lorraine ever offered at auction 
1 he difference between these fine impressions and those from ihe worn out 
plates which are ordinarily sold is greater than can be believed, except by com- 
parison. Uhde the proofs arc truly valuable and beautiful works of art the 
worn-out plates arc simply worthless and an eyesore 

The above, which has the portraits inserted of Earlom and Boydell, is a verv 
early copy of the i 77 7 issue of Vols. I. and II.; of Vol III. the impressions^ 
original and very fine, but the title is dated 1819. Vol. L also has the portrait 
of Claude. i~»m«h 

The text of this issue was printed on a coarse hand-made paper bv Bovdpll 
The text of Vols. I. and II. was printed by W. Bulmer. 

The issue of 1830, was made by Henry G. Bohn, whose copies usually appear 
in " half red morocco ' in the market. ft"-" 

Those modern impressions were not taken off till after the plates had been 
partially destroyed, and in attempting to restore thero the sunlight biilliancv of 
Claude in many instances was entirely lost. 



1099 CLAUDE LORRAINE. — Beauties of Claude Lorraine 

selected from the " Liber Veritatis." Portrait by Ward, 
and 24 splendid steel plates printed in sepia, engraved by 
Phillips, Every and others, from a brilliant copy in the 
possession of the Duke of Bedford. Large folio, old half 
roan (foxed slightly). London, 1825 

Rare. " The landscapes of other great artists, as Gaspar Poussin and Sal- 
vator Rosa, engage little of our time and contemplation to run over the scanty 
confines of their scenery compared with the august and boundless expanse of 
C laude. "— S poo N er, 


1 100 CLOUET (Francis). Three hundred French portraits re- 
presenting personages of the Courts of Francis L, Henry 
II. and Francis II., auto-lithographed from the originals at 
Castle Howard, Yorkshire, by Lord Ronald Gowf.r, a 
trustee of the National Gallery of Portraits. 2 vols, thick 
square folio, cloth. London, 1875 

LIMITED edition, " It is a common error to call the works of the French 
Holbein (as Francis Clouet may justly be styled) ' Janet's,' for that was only 
the soubriquet of the second artist of the family of Clouet, whose father Jean 
was a native of Itrussels, and Court Painter to the Duke of Hurguntiy, as a 
receipt dated 1495, for payment of works executed for that personage, proves. 
His second son also named Jean established himself in France and became 
painter in ordinary to Francis the I. In 1522, he obtained, by purchase, the 
post of ' valet dc ehambre ' to the king, and about this time we find the name 
of Jean Clouet corrupted into that of Jehan, Jeanct, Jehannot, Jehannet, or, as 
it is vulgarly known * Janet:' following a custom not uncommon in those days 
of giving the son the father's Christian name. Jean or Janet Clouet died in 
1541, without leaving any works that can be traced as his, and it was the son, 
Francois Clouet, to whose facile pen we owe undoubtedly the greater portion 
of the drawings copied in these volumes, and so many other portraits illustrating 
the courts of the Valois. . . . Indeed these faitu chalk drawings on the stained 
and coarse old paper are full of history; we can, while looking on them, almost 
imagine we see defile before us all the pomp and chivalry and beauty of old 
France, we see a^ain with our own eyes the brave knights who jousted with 
Francis 1. or with Henry II., who (ought with Monlnorency and Coligny, 
Guise and Comic, or who fell in the streets of Paris in the bloody daysof August, 
1572. Here, too, are brought before us the great ladies whose lives Itrant&me's 
pen has rendered notorious; prelates and statesmen whose deeds are chronicled 
by D'Aubigny; royal infants, some fortunate in meeting an early death, others 
again doomed to support the uneasy weight of a crown, and of these, who will 
not look with interest upon Mary of Scotland." — Preface. 

i toi COBBOLD (T. S.). Entozoa, an Introduction to the Study 
of Helminthology with reference more particularly to the 
Internal Parasites of Man. Profusely illustrated with 
colored plates, also numerous woodcuts. Thick large 8vo, 
cloth. London, 1864 

no: COCHIN (C. H.). Estampes Allegoriques des Evenemens 
les plus Connus de l'Histoire de France. 26 plates with 
portraits of various monarchs, scenes in their lives, allegorical 


representations with text below engraved by Prevost, Alia- 
met, Delaunay and Rousseau, after the original designs 
of Cochin. Large 4to, boards. Pans, 1767 


1103 COCHRANE (Alexander Baillie). Theatre Francais in 

the Reign of Louis XV. Extra illustrated with some 66 
inserted and inlaid plates, some of which are very rare. 
Thick 8vo, half crushed levant morocco gilt, top edge gilt, 
others uncut, by Tout. London, 1879 

Unique and ex ira illustrated with a large number of important views, 
historical subjects anil portraits, among the latter being those of " Henry IV.," 
" Savonarola." " Mazarin," "Colbert, ' " Racine," "Garrick," " Louis XVI.," 
" Kemble in Hamlet," etc. 

1 104 COHEN (Henry). Guide de 1'Amateur de Livres a 

Vignettes et a Figures du XVIIIe Siecle, Quatrieme 
Edition revue corrig6e et enrichie de pres du double 
d'Articles, de toutes les Additions de M, Charles Mehl, 
et donnant la Texte de la Deuxieme Edition Integrale- 
ment Retabli. Large 8vo, three quarter morocco, top 
edge gilt, others uncut. Paris, 1880 

Limited edition, with numerous vignette illustrations and charming initial 

1 105 COLERIDGE (S. T.). Biographia Literaria or Bio- 

graphical Sketches of My Literary Life and Opinions. 2 
vols, in 1. Small 8vo, fresh half calf gilt, citron edges. 

London, 1817 

Very scarce and original edition. 

1 106 Coleridge. Constitution of the Church and State. Small 

8vo, fresh half calf gilt, top edge gilt, others uncut. 

London, 1830 

1107 COLLIER (J. Payne). Poetical Decameron, or Ten 

Conversations on English Poets and Poetry, particularly 
of the Reigns of Elizabeth and James I. 2 vols, small 
Svo, half calf gilt, marbled sides and edges. 

Edinburgh and London, 1820 

Original edition, with occasional marginalia. 

" Few books lately published contain so much valuable and original informa- 
tion." — Hai.LaM. 



1108 COMBE (William). The Tour of Doctor Syntax in Search 

of the Picturesque. Engraved title and 30 characteristic 
etchings by Thomas Rowlandson, colored by hand. 
Large 8vo, half calf. London, 1813 

Very scarce. Fine copy with broad margins equal to large paper. The 
illustralions to " Dr. Syntax " have kept the name of Thomas Rowlandson alive 
among those who are not specially students; and among those who are, there is 
not much danger of its ever perishing. 



1 109 Comkdikns et Comediennes, La Comedie Francaise, 
Notices par F. Sarcey. Etched portraits of Actors and 
Actresses by Leon Gaucherel. 4to. half morocco, top 
edge gilt (side externally damaged). 

Paris, Libraire dcs Bibliophiles, 1876 

Printed by Jouaust on toned paper. The portraits include " Madame 
Arnauld-Plcssy," "Sarah Bernhardt," " Bressant." "Madeline Brohan," 
"Coquelin aine,"' 'Sophie Croixctte," "Delaunay." "Maria Favart," "Febvre." 
"Got." "Clementine Jouassain." " Maubant/ " Monnet-Sully," *' Regnier," 
and " Suzanne Reichemberg." 

iiro Comte (Auguste). Positive Philosophy, freely translated 
by Harriet Martineau. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth uncut. 

London, 1853 


mi CONGREVE (William). Works of, consisting of his Plays 
and Poems [with Life]. Portrait, and an elegant series of 
plates by Grignon, from Havman's designs. 3 vols, large 
8vo, fine fresh red crushed morocco extra, inside gold 
borders, rounded corners, inside gold tooling, edges gilt 
on red by Belz-Niedree. 

Birmingham, John Baskcrville, 1761 

Scakck. This is a beautiful specimen of liaskcrvillc's priming, and is, at 
the same lime, the best edition ol Cougreve's works. A tine copy, but with 
some pages of the life stained slightly. 

" We have had in Congreve a humorous observer of another school [than 
Swift], to whom the world seems to have no moral at all, and whose ghastly 
doctrine seems to be that we should eat and drink and be merry when we 
can, and go to the deuce— if there be a deuce— when the time comes." — 

1112 COOPER (James Fenimore). Pages and Pictures from 

the Writings of; with Notes by Susan F. Cooper. Fine 
portrait by Marshall, engraved title and 39 spirited steel 
plates and numerous ivood engravings from the designs of 

Darley, Hamilton, and others. Thick 4W, stamped 

morocco, inside gold borders. 

N. Y., Toit>nsend&> Co., 1861 

1 1 13 CORNHILL MAGAZINE: A Magazine of Fiction, Lit- 

erature, etc., contributed by the most eminent English 
Novelists. Complete from the commencement in 1SO0 to 
1874. Illustrated by numerous full-page engravings. 30 
vols. 8vo, half calf. London, 1860-74 

Contains some of the best of modern Knglish fiction. 

1 114 Cornices and Draperies. Original Design Book for. 

Tinted plates. Large 4to, fresh boards. London, ». d. 





et XVe Siecles tires des Monuments les plus Authentiques 
de Peinture et de Sculpture Dtssines et graves par Paul 
Mercuri avec un texte Explicatif historique et descriptif 
par Camille Bonnard, Nouvelle Edition soigneusemcnt 
revisee avec une introduction par M. Charles Blanc. 
3 vols.; also — 

XVIIIe Siecles dessines par E. Lechevallier-Chevig- 
nard graves par A. Didier, L. Flameng, F. Laguil- 
lermie, etc., avec un Texte Historique et Descriptif par 
Georges Duplessis. 
Together 5 vols, large 4to. Illustrated with several hundred 
finely colored plates, many heightened with gold. 
Uniformly bound in half red crushed levant morocco, top 
edges gilt, others uncut. Paris, 1860-67 

Superb CoU-KCTION, embracing a series of historical costumes from the t2th 
to the iSlti centuries inclusive, magnificently colored and heightened with 
metal9. The names of the artists and authors of the text of the work are a 
guarantee that no more authoritative work on costume exists than the above. 

1 1 16 Cowper (William). Table Talk and other poems. En- 

graved title and plates by Finden and Romney, etc., after 
the original designs of Richard Westall (foxed). Small 
8vo, green calf gilt, inside gold borders, marbled edges 
(MS. name). London, 1817 

Printed for John Sharpe by C. Whittingham, Chiswick. 


1117 CRANACH (Lucas). Stammbuch enthalend die von Ihm 

selbst in Miniatur Gemahlte Abdildung des den Segen 
Erteilenden Heilantles und die Bildnisse der vorzuglichsten 
Fursten und Gelehrten aus der Reformations Geschichte. 
Containing fine hand-painted copies from his portraits of the 
chief princes and doctors of the German Protestant Reforma- 
tion, with short biographies, the handwriting of four theolo- 
gians and the letter and warrant of the Emperor Charles 
V. summoning Luther to the Diet of Worms. Large 4to, 
in portfolio. Berlin, 1814 

UNIQUE. This interesting series includes— a fine figure of " Christ," height- 
ened with gold; "Frederick II. of Saxony"; " G. Spalatinus "; the painter 
himself; " John Frederick, Elector of Saxony"; "J. Bugcnhagen"; "John 
Ernest, Duke of Saxony"; "Melancthon"; "Luther" and "Justus Jonas." 
Lucas Cranach vel Sunder was Burgomaster of Wittcmbcrg, as well as a painter 
and engraver. As he lived on intimate terms with Melancthon, Luther and the 
other Reformers, the above portraits must be considered as correct as we can 
have them. 





1 1 19 CRANE (Walter). FIRST OF MAY: a Fairy Masque. 

A series of beautiful designs by this popular artist. — First 
India proofs, square large folio, fresh half morocco gilt, 
cloth sides, top edge gilt. 

London, Henry Sotheran 6- Co., 1881 
Large paper and India proof copy. — Limited edition of 200,0! which 
above is No. 184, and signed " Walter Crane." Subscription price, ^10 10s. 

As a guarantee that no more copies on India paper would be produced, each 
was numbered and signed by the artist. 

No description would realize the variety of the subjects, and the wide range 
of Mr. Crane's pencil; nor the felicity with which each of the characters, human 
and semi-human, is drawn and individualized. Men, women, boys, girls, fairies, 
demons elves, imps, beasts, birds, and even insects, all figure before u&— sing- 
ing, dancing, flying, joyous or sad, in each scene of the masque. All is May 
and Fairyland. Poetry and fancy, pathos and humor, meet us on every page. 
The whole of these scenes, too, are presented either in varied landscapes of 
country, forest, or river scenery, or else in frescoes and arabesques of exquisite 

1 1 20 CRAWFORD (Thomas, Sculptor). Eulogy on, by Thomas 

Hicks. With portrait, in two states, on India papkr 
and before letters, also plates on India paper, of statu- 
ary by Crawford. Large 4to, half morocco gilt, top edge 
gilt, others uncut. 

N. Y., privately printed for subscribers, 1865 
Limited edition, printed at the Riverside Press and of 100 copies in all, of 
which the above is No. 17 of 25 copies only, and quarto being lakge paper. 

1 121 Crawford's Mr. Isaacs; Holland's Katrina; Whittier's 

Tent on Beach and In War Time; Little Classics, Au- 
thors. Together 5 vols. 

1122 CRUIKSHANK (George). Phrenological Illustrations, or 

an Artist's View of the Craniological System of Doctors 
Gall and Spurzhf.im; also Scraps and Sketches; and 
Illustrations of Time. 107 spirited etchings on 20 plates. 
Oblong 4to, cloth (some pp. stained and mended). 

London, 1827-28 

Presentation copy from the artist, with the inscription " To Geo. Dawe, 
Esq., with the best compliments of Geo. Cruikshank, Sept. 1st, 1828. 

1123 CRUIKSHANK. — Scrap Book. Containing 65 etchings, 

etc., mostly by George Cruikshank, also 2 original sketches 
(one in sepia). Large 4to, half morocco gilt, cloth 

VrrY SCARCE. Among the principal etchings by Cruikshank are — a set of 
Proofs (36) undivided as issued to Robinson Crusoe; Italian Tales ((>) on India 
paper; and colored front, to Dickens' Christmas Carol. 




1124 CURTIUS (Cornelius). Virorvm Illvstrivm ex Orriine 
Eremitarvm D. Avgstiki Elogia cvm Singvlorvm Ex- 
pressis ad Viwm Iconibvs. Engraved title and numerous 
portraits of the Augustinian Order engraved by Cornelius 
Galle. 4to, half morocco gilt, marbled sides and edges. 

Antwerp, 1636 

Rare, with MS. name on title, showing that the volume formerly belonged to 
a monastic library. The portraits arc superbly executed. 

ANIEL (W. B.). Supplement to the Rural 
Sports. Fine portrait, engraved title and plates 
engraved by Tomkins, Landseek and others. 
Thick large 4to, old half calf, totally uncut. 

London, 1813 

Large paper and very scarce. Containsan immense number of interesting 
anecdotes of Sporting, Fishing, etc. 


1126 DANTE. — La Divina Commedi \ di Dante Alighieri con 

Tavole in Rime disegnate de L. Adamou.i e Fr. Nenci. 
Illustrated with a beautiful series of etchings, 1 25 in number, 
with portrait and vignettes on titles. 4 vols, large folio, 
elegantly bound in crinkled morocco extra gilt, with vig- 
nette heads of Dante on the backs, inside gold borders. 

Florence, 1817-19 

Large taper and beautifully printed on vellum paper. Published at 250 
francs in paper, but the price has considerably risen since then. The fourth 
volume consists of a "Life of 1 >antc by Leonardo Arctino " and notes by an 
anonymous writer who was the Abbe Rienzi. The etchings are most beautifully 
executed and arc more of the character of the designs of William Blake than 
Don : . A few are very slightly foxed. 


1 1 27 DEFOE (Daniel). Life and Adventures of Robinson 

Crusoe. Cadell's Beautiful Edition. Handsomely printed 
on fine paper, and embellished with 23 spirited steel engrav- 
ings by Heath, from the exquisite designs by T. Stotharo, 
R.A. 2 vols, large 8vo, calf gilt (front stained). 

London, Cade 11, 1S20 
Large paper and very scarce. 

112S DEFOE. Collection of ib engraved plates after the original 
designs of GAVARNI in illustration of "A'cbinson Crusoe." 
Folio, loose in portfolio. Paris, Lemercier, n. d. 

Proofs on China paper and very limited issue. 


2 45 

1129 DELITZSCH (Friedrich). Assyriche Lesesttlcke nach 

den Originalen Theils Revidirt Theils zum Ersten Male 
Herausgegeben und durch Eine Schriffttafel Eingeleitet. 
The whole of the text lithographed with facsimile cuneiform 
characters. Large 4to. Leipsic, 187S 

Dedicated to the great English Assyriologist, George Smith. 

1130 DENIS (George). The Cid, a Short Chronicle Founded 

on the Early Poetry of Spain. Numerous illustrations. 
Minimo, half calf gilt, marbled sides and edges. 

London, 1845 

Begad up with the above is—" The Spanish Drama— Lope de Vega and Cald- 
eron," by G. II. Lewes. 

1131 DEROULADE (Paul). Monsieur le Hulan et les Trois 

Couleurs — Conte de Noel. Illustrated with colored plates 
by Kauffmann. Large 4to, cloth, beveled sides, red 
edges. Paris, *. d. 

1 1 32 DEUCHAR (David). Collection of etchings after the most 

eminent masters of the Dutch and Flemish schools, particularly 

— accompanied with sundry miscellaneous pieces and a few 
original designs, 167 very fine etchings in all and mounted on 
tinted paper. Large 4to, half morocco gilt, cloth sides, gilt 
edges. Edinburgh, 1803 

India paper impressions. 


1 133 DIBDIN (Thomas Frognalll. Bibliographical. Antiquarian 

and Picturesque Tour in France and Germany. With 
numerous beautiful engravings, fine impressions and vignettes 
on India paper. 3 vols, large 8vo, handsomely bound in 
bright Russia extra gilt, edges gilt (rubbed). 

London, printed by Bulmer &• Nicoll, 1821 
Unique and original edition. A fine copy, superbly bound with the in- 
serted heraldic book-plate of John Thomas Simes, and with splendid impressions 
of the illustrations on India paper. 

First edition, and superior to the second of 1S20. which is abridged and omits 
"all the original plates excepting five." 

This set has many inserted additional illustrations, among them (and the 
regular plates) being,— the private plate of " Diana of Poictiers." engraved by 
J. Thomson, from a picture by Primaticcio, formerly in the collection of Quintin 
Craufurd, now in Earl Spencer's— this plate was destroyed after fifty impressions 
were taken off; "Diane de Poitier." from the Versailles Gallery, loose; the 
"Comte de Brienne," engraved by S. Freeman; portrait of T. F. Dibilin. proof 
on India paper before all letters; Abbe de la Rue; "Gold Medal of Louis XII." 
on India paper; "Anne of Brittany": " Pisani," bv Thomson; "the Prater, 
Vienna," by ( 'orbould after Lewis; "Stone Pulpit. Strasbourg Cathedral." on 
Indi3 paper; " Augsbourg," proof before letters on India paper; " Monastery of 


St. Peter, Salzburg," India paper before all letters; and others, some of which 
are India paper impressions, also the Lewis series of European views, 

" For these volumes $25,000 were paid for engraving alone. One of the most 
handsome that ever came from the British Press. '—Scott. 

The " Tour in France and Germany " is a work of exhaustless attraction for 
all lovers of the picturesque, and of bibliographical and antiquarian lore, and 
Lowndes remarks of it — " This work contains much curious information regard- 
ing the MSS. and Rare Works in public and private libraries abroad. It is 
printed and embellished in the same style of excellence as Dibdin's other works." 

1 134 DIBDIN. Bibliomania, or Book-Madness, a Bibliographi- 

cal Romance. New Edition, with a Supplement, and 
Key to the assumed characters in the Drama. Steel front., 
title vignette on India paper, engravings and rubrications. 
Thick 4to, half green morocco, cloth sides, top edge gilt, 
others uncut, Roxburghe style. London, 1876 

Large PAPER. " You have contrived to strew flowers over a path which, in 
other hands, would have proved a very dull one; and all Bibliomanes must 
remember you long, as he who first united their antiquarian details with good- 
humored raillery and cheerfulness."— Sir Walter Scott to Dr. Dibdin. 

1135 Dibdin. Bibliographical, Antiquarian and Picturesque 

Tour in France and Germany. Portraits and numerous 
illustrations {some short). Vols. 1 and 2, 8vo, cloth, uncut 
(covers loose). London, 1829 


1136 DIBDIN and AMES. Typographical Antiquities; or, the 

History of Printing in England, Scotland and Ireland: 
containing Memoirs of our Ancient Printers, and a Register 
of the Books printed by them. Begun by the late Joseph 
Ames, F.R. and A.SS. Considerably augmented by Will- 
iam Herbert, of Cheshunt, Herts; and now greatly en- 
larged, with Copious Notes, and illustrated with appro- 
priate engravings; Comprehending the History of English 
Literature, and a View of the Progress of the Art of 
Engraving in Great Britain, by the Rev. Thomas Frog- 
nall Dibdin. Profusely illustrated with fine mezzotinio 
portraits, woodcuts of facsimiles, printer's marks, devices, 
etc., etc. 4 vols. 4to, original boards, totally uncut (a few 
pp. slightly foxed). London, 1810-19 

Large paper copy and very scarce in this condition. 

Lowndes calls the " Typographical Antiquities " "an invaluable work," and 
adds — ' ' it is much to be regretted has not been completed for want of sufficient 

u 37 DICKENS (Charles). Sketches by Boz, Illustrative of 
Every clay Life and Every day People. With a frontis- 
piece by George Cruikshank. Small 8vo, cloth (MS. 
name on title). London, 1850 

The frontispiece by Cruikshank is not in any other edition. 



1 138 DICKENS. Little Dorrit. With plates by H. K. Browne. 

Thick 8vo, half morocco gilt, marbled sides and edges. 

London, 1857 

Original edition with the covers bound in. 

1 139 DIETTERLIN (Wendel). Architecture von Auszthei- 

lung Symmetria vnd Proportion der Funss Seulen. Pro- 
fusely illustrated with architectural and other plates more 
than two hundred in number, with occasional black-letter 
types, also portrait of the author and engraved title (some 
stained and title mounted). Small folio, old half calf. 

Nuremberg, 1598 

RARE, with fine heraldic book-plate of Michael Jones. Four plates are short. 

1 140 DIETTERLEIN. Livre de l'Architecture, Recueil de 

Planches Donnant la Division Symmetric et Proportion des 
cinq ordres Appliques i tous les Travaux d'art qui en 
Dependent tels que Fenetres, Cheminees, Chambrantes, 
Portails, Fontaines et Tombeaux. Illustrated with 209 
plates of specimens of architecture, portraits, facsimiles, etc. 
5 vols, in 2. Square folio, half red morocco gilt, top edge 
gilt, others uncut. Paris and Liege, 1862 

Scarce. This is more or less a reprint of the 1 598 edition printed at Stras- 
burg of Wendelin Dietterlin's work on architecture and which was afterwards 
reprinted at Nuremberg. Jean Scheffer attributes to him the discovery of 
pastel painting and the Strasburg poet " Wynn " celebrates his reputation in 
laudatory language. 

1141 DIEUX (Les), et Demi-Dieux de la Peinture par MM. 

Theophile Gautier, Arsene Houssave et Paul de St. 
Victor. Jllustrated with numerous portraits, after the 
works of Leonardo da Vinci, Raffaelo, Cokkegio, 
Rubens, Holbein, Paul Veronese, Titian, Michael 
Angelo, Rembrandt, Velasquez, Murii.lo, Poussin, 
Le Sueur, etc. — Engraved on steel under the superintendence 
of L. Calamatta. Large 8vo, half morocco, cloth sides, 
edges gilt. Paris, n. d. 

Large paper and fine copy. 

1 142 Dollman (F. T.) and Jobbins (I. R.). Analysis of An- 

cient Domestic Architecture in Great Britain. With 161 
fine plates of Designs, Elevations, Sections, etc. 2 vols, large 
4to, half roan, cloth sides (binding rubbed). 

London, [1861-63] 

Valuable architectural work containing numerous examples from 
Hospitals, Castles, Manor Houses, Alms Houses, etc., with beautifully drawn 

1 143 DONKER CURTIUS (M. J. H.). Essai de Grammaire 

Japonaise Enrichi d'Eclaircissements et d'Additions 
Nombreuses par M. le Dr. Hoffman. Large bvo, half 
morocco gilt. Paris, Duprat, 1861 

Large paper and a good copy, " Traduit du Hollandais avec de Nouvelles 
Notes extraite des Cirammaires des PP. Rodriguez et CoUado par Leon Pages." 



1144 DO RE— La SAINTE BIBLE, Traduction Nouvelle, selon 

la Vulgate par MM. J. J. Bourrasse et P. Janvier, 
Chanoinesde l'Eglise Metropolitaine de Tours, Approuvee 
par Monseignkur l'Archeveque de Tours. Profusely 
illustrated with the grand designs of Gustave Dork, and 
the text ornamented throughout by woodcuts designed by H. 
Gjacomelli. 2 vols, square folio, magnificently bound by 
Chambolle-Duru in crushed red levant morocco, super 
extra gilt on the backs, elegant panel designs on the sides, 
also green crushed levant morocco, ends faced by green 
watered silk ends, morocco joints, rounded corners, gilt 
edges, with loose leather lined half red morocco covers. 

Tours, 1866 

Original edition with brilliant impressions of the plates which are printed 
on heavy plate paper. 

" It is hazardous to undertake to analyze the gifts of a man, who at only 
thirty-two years of age, has made nearly fifty thousand designs and won uni- 
versal fame; who is cosmopolitan in his choice of subjects, as familiar with the 
great writers of England. Germany. Italy and Spain as with his own, and finally 
laid the whole Orient under contribution by illustrating anew for the nineteenth 
century the Bible." — Jarvis. 

1 1 45 DORE — DANTE ALIGHIERI. 11 Purgatorio e il Para- 

diso. With splendid illustrations, brilliant impressions, 
engraved on loood after the original designs of Gustave 
Dori5. Square folio, morocco, blind tooled, beveled sides, 
gilt edges. Paris, Jlaehette, t868 

Rare, and the first edition of Dante with Dorc's illustrations. 

1 1 46 [DOYLE (John).] Scrap Books, containing 179 highly 

spirited caricatures by " H. B." many of which are colored 
in facsimile of the original drawings. 3 vols, large folio, 
half roan, gilt edges. London, McLean, 1829-43 

Very Scarce, if not unique, collection of these inimitable caricatures, which 
cover the great political periods of the Reform Hill, the O'Connell agitation, 
etc. , etc. Mo$l of the plates have either the private stamp of the publishers, or 
the artists' impressed initials with the inscription 'subscribers copy" on the 
margin. On the lower margins of most is a manuscript key to the personages 
r -presented in the caricatures. 


Prefatory Memoirs, Introductions and Notes, by James 
Maidment and W. H. Logan. 14 vols, large 8vo, cloth, 
uncut, London, Henry Sotheran and Co., 1872-75 

Large paper and limited edition of 30 copies printed on Whatman 
paper and of which this is No. 25. This set, which is complete, includes:— Sir 
Aston Cokain's Dramatic Works, I vol. ; John Crowne's Dramatic Works, 4 



vols.; Sir William Davcnant's Dramatic Works, 5 vols.; John Wilson's Dramatic 
Works, 1 vol. ; John l.acy's Dramatic Works; Sbackerly Marmion's Dramatic 
Works, and John Tatham's Dramatic Works. 

No dramatic collection can be considered complete without the above authors, 
who, for the most part writers of comedy, flourished after the extinction of the 
British Commonwealth. As the text in previous editions had been either imper- 
fectly or corruptly dealt with, the several plays are now presented in an unmu- 
tilated form. They are beautifully printed on fine paper, and range with the 
best editions of Ben Jonson, Shirley and other early dramatists. 

1 148 Du Cleuziou (H.). A Large Quarto Portfolio, containing 

more than a hundred illustrations used by Du Cleuziou in 
his work " /' Art National, Etude sur I' Histoire de r Art en 
France, les Origines de la Gaule — les Romains, etc. v Mostly 
India proofs. (A lot.) 

1149 DUFLOT de MOFRAS. Exploration du Territoire de 

l'Ordgon, des Californies et de la Mer Vermcille Executee 
pendant les Annees 1840-43. Steel plates, 2 vols, large 
8vo. boards (no atlas). I'aris, 1844 

There are more than twenty different examples of dialects of America and 
Oceanica in this work. 


1150 DURER (Albert). The Little Passion of our Lord 

Jesus Christ. 36 woodcuts. 4to, vellum gilt, broad 
inside double gilt tooling, gilt edges. 

[Nuremberg, 1509-10] 

Unique set. The above cuts (Bartsch 18-52) are impressions from the orig- 
inal blocks and "appear to have been executed in 1509 and 1510, whilst Albert 
Durer was in the meridian of his practice as a designer on wood." Six have the 
old Latin letter-press on the backs. Others which have none were the first im- 
pressions taken. 

The Little Passion of Albert Durcr, has long been regarded as one of the 
most remarkable collections of illustrations known to the world. Complete sets 
of the entire scries are excessively rare. 

" It is chiefly in Durer 's engravings that we are able to get an insight into the 
depths of his character. Perfect in detail and marvelous in execution, each one 
conveys a lesson often too deep for minds unaccustomed to introspection, un- 
moved by the questionings and doubts, the hopes and the despair, which afflict a 
nature dissatisiied with the conditions in which it exists, and striving ever to 
fathom the surrounding mysteries." — Mrs. HeaTO*. 

1151 DURER. La Grande Passion, avec un Introduction de 

Georges Duplessis. Illustrated with 12 facsimiles, ex- 
ecuted by Durer in 1511 <x/ Nuremberg, on wood, and repro- 
duced by P. W. van DK Weiger, Utrecht, after proofs before 
the letters belonging to the Strakter Collection at Aix-la- 
Chapelle. Square maximo, half red crushed morocco gilt, 
cloth sides. Utrecht, 1875 

Fresh copy of these most admirable reproductions. Paper specially manu- 
factured for the work. 



1152 DUTUIT. Souvenir de 1'Exposition de M. Dutuit, Ex- 
trait de sa Collection. Profusely illustrated with plates of 
engravings, portraits, bindings, rases, etc., some printed tn 
gold and colors. 4to, half calf, totally uncut, l'aris, 1869 

Some of the engravings are on India paper, and among the historical bindings 
represented are specimens of Canevanus, Maioli, Francis L, (jrolier, lie 
Gascon, etc. 

GYPTOLOGY. — Report of the Committee ap- 
pointed by the l'hilomathean Society of the 
University of Pennsylvania to Translate the 
Inscription on the Rosetta Stone. T/ie entire 
work lithographed, with numerous colored plates, 
borders, etc. 4to, cloth. Philadelphia, 1859 

Scarce. The committee appointed to translate the Rosetta Stone were — 
Chas. R. Hale, S. Huntingdon Jonesand Henry Marbow. The above gives 
the original hieroglyphic text with translation of the three texts, introduction, 
essay and notes. 

1 154 Egyptology. — MASPERO (G.). Une Enquete Judiciaire 

a Thebes au Temps de la XXe Dynastie. Etude sur le 
Papyrus Abbott. Numerous hieroglyphic plates, facsimiles 
in the text. Half morocco. Paris, 187 1 

1155 Egyptology. — CHABAS. Une Inscription Historique du 

Regne de Seti i"*. Hieroglyphs in text. Large 4to, half 
roan. Chalon-sur-Saone, 1856 

Bound up with the above are — " Inscriptions des Mines d'Or, Dissertation 

sur les Textes Egyptiens par F. Chabas," Fac-similes, some colored ; also — ■ 

" Observations sur le (Jhapitre VI. du Rituel Egyptien." 

1156 Egyptology. — DEVERIA (Theodule). Monument Bio- 

graphique de Bakenkhonsou, Grand Pretre d'Ammon et 
Architecte Principal de Thebes, Contemporain de MoIse 
Hieroglyphic cuts in text and facsimile plate. 410, half roan. 

Paris, 1862 

Bound up with the above is— " Les Zodiaques de Denderah, M 1 moire ou i'on 
e'tablit que ce sont des Calendriers Comuicmoratifs de I'Epoqu- Creco-Komaine 
par Francois Joseph Lauth," with plates, two of which are colored. Munich, 

1 157 Egyptology. — PLEYTE fW.j. Etude Egyptologique. 

Un Rouleau Magique du Musee de Leide, Traduction 
Analytique et Commentee du Pap. 348 Revers. Hiero- 
glyphical cuts and plates, some colored. 1 vol. in 2. Large 
8vo, half roan. Leyden, 1866 

1 158 Egyptology.— BRUGSCH (Henry). Notice Raisonnee 

d'unTratte Medical Datant du XlVe Steele devant Notre 
Ere. Colored plate. 4to Leipsic, 1863 

Bound up with the above are— Maspero (G.)— ■" Inscription Dedicatoire du 
Temple d'Abydos Texte, Traduction et Notes suivi d'un Essai sur la Jeunesse 
de Sesostris," Fac-simile of MS.," l'aris, 1807; and " Traduction Compares des 
Hymnes au Soleil Composant le XVe Chapitre du Rituel Funeraire Egyptien par 
Eugene Lcfebure," with large folding plate, Paris, iSOii. 



1159 Egyptology. — ROUGE (Vicomte de). Chrestomathie 

Egyptienne. Abrdg£ Grammatical. Hieroglyph ica I plates 
and cuts. Large 8vo, half crushed levant morocco, top 
edge gilt Paris, 1868 

1 160 Egyptology.— LEPSIUS (C. Richard). Konigsbuch der 

Alten Agypter. Numerous plates of hieroglyphics, dynastic 
tables, etc. 2 vols, in 1. Large 4to, half morocco (rubbed). 

Berlin, 1858 

1 161 Egyptology.— LAUTH (2?/-.). Die Pianchi-Stele. Fold- 

ing plate of hieroglyphics. 4to, half roan. Munich, 1870 
Bound up with the above is a lithograph fac-simile of " I.e Dogme de la 
Resurrection chez les Anciens Egyptiens." 

1162 EISENBERG. Description du Manege Modf.rne dans 

sa Perfection Explique" par des Lecons Necessaires et 
Represent^ par des Figures Exactes, depuis l'Assiette de 
l'Homme a Cheval jusqu'a l'Arrest accompagne aussi de 
divers Mords pour bein brider les Chevaux ecrit et dessine 
par le Baron d'Eisenberg et grave par B. Picart. Pro- 
fusely illustrated with numerous plates engraved by Picart. 
Oblong 4to, half vellum. Amsterdam, 1759 

Rare. This also includes the Supplement " Dictionnaire des Termesdu 
Manege Moderne," Amsterdam, 1747; also " Anti-Maquignonage pour Eviter 
la Surprise dans I'Emplerte des Chevaux ou Ton Traite de leur l'erfeclion et de 
Leurs Defauts," by Haron d'Eisenberg. 1754. 

AND OF 1680-85. 


I. Mamusse Wunneetupanafamwe Up-Biblum God Nanees- 
we Nukkone Testament KahWonk Wusku Testament. Ne 
Quoshkinnumuk Nashpe Wuttinneumoh Christ noh Asco- 
wesit John Eliot. Nahohtoeu ontchetoe Printeuoo- 
muk. Cambridge. Printeuoop nashpe Samuel Green. 

II. Wusku Wuttestamentum Nul-lordumun Jesus Christ 
Nuppoquohwussuacneumun. Cambridge, Printed for the 
Right Honourable Corporation in London, for the propo- 
gation of the Gospel among the Indians in New-England, 

III. Warae Ketoohomae Uketoohomaongash David; 

IV. Noowomoo Wuttinoowaonk Gad. Gen. 5, 22% etc. 
Together 2 vols, in t (with Psalms and Catechism). Fat 

small 4to (six and fifteen-sixteenth inches by five and a 
half inches), freshly bound by W. Pratt in crushed levant 
morocco, bands, inside gold borders, edges gilt temoins 
and A la Jansen. Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1680-S5 
Excessively rare second edition and of which Dr. John Hammond 
Trumbull, the only person in the United States who can read the book, says: 
"While the lirst edition of Eliot's ' Bible ' is the more attractive to collectors 
of rare Americana, and deserves the pre-eminence that is accorded to it, as a 

25 2 


monument of early American typography and as the first version of the Bible 
printed in the New Wot Id, it should not be forgotten that to students of the 
American languages and the general philologist, the Second is the more valuable; 
and that all critical references to Eliot's version are, or should be, made to this 
revised and corrected version. 

This copy is unusually interesting on account of having the names of Indian 
chiefs and others written on the three blank pages of the book. There are also 
numerous marginalia written in the Indian dialect. On the back of the Index 
to the Old and New Testaments are the following: " Asaph, his book .... 
Asaph, his Bible .... Sent to Exp. Mayhew .... Rec'd from the Rev Mr. 
Mayhew from Martha's Vinyard, March 22, 1720-21 .... ad february the 14 
year 1740-7 oi bible Zachary hoosveit gay head nohtompeantog." On the back 
of the title to the New Testament are some Bible references and also five para- 
graphs in the Indian dialect which have affixed to them the dates 1634, 1042, 
1661, 1675 and 1543. 

On the last page of the New Testament are five lines in Indian and on the 
verso facing the Psalms are other notes, among them — ' ' I am Zacry Zacry ad 
Cay bead. I have sad my name ad March 4(1-13-1 723-24." Below is a some- 
what similar quotation to that already gi\en relating to " Zachry 1746-47." The 
volume has been carefully mended where necessary, some of the marginsare cut 
into, a few pages are stained, a fac -simile leaf has been added for chapters 8 
and c, of Genesis and four leaves of the Psalms are also in fac-simile. 

The copies of the second edition of the " Indian Bible" in the Brinley sale 
brought as follows: — Lot 5683, $590, and lot 5684, $550. 

John Eliot, pastor of Koxbury. Mass.. commenced, at the age of forty-two, 
the study of the Natick Indian dialect, in which this work is printed. In 1645, 
having made some proficiency, he expressed a desire to translate a portion of 
the Scriptures into that language for the use of the Indians, to whom he acted 
as Missionary, and, with the aid of an Indian, completed the translation of the 
entire Bible, including the Old and New Testaments, in 165S, after a labor of 
eight years. This fact having been communicated to the Corporation estab- 
lished in London for the Propagation of the Gospel among the Indians of New- 
England, that body expressed themselves, in a letter dated 7th of May, 1659, 
on the subject of printing the work, in the following terms: 

" As to the printing of the Bible in the Indian language mensioncd in Mr. 
Endicott's letter; which wee vvderstand is alreddy translated into the Indian 
tounge; wee conceiue will not onely be acceptable vnto God; but very profitable 
to the poor heathen and will much tend to the promotion of the sperittuall part 
of this worke amongst them; and therefor wee ofier it not only as our owne but 
as the judgment of others that the New Testament bee first printed in the 
Indian language." 

The printing of that part was accordingly commenced by Samuel Green of 
Cambridge the same year. 

Writing in April, 1660, the Corporation add: — " We haue out of our desire 
to further a worke of soe greate consernment hauing hopes that somethinge 
will bee collected in particulare with Relation to the printing of the ould Testa- 
ment, agreed with an able Printer for three years." 

Marmaduke Johnson accordingly arrived in this country to superintend the 

Among the many points of interest which this book possesses, not the least is 
the fact that it is the language of a nation no longer in existence, and it is al- 
most the only monument of the race; another, that the Indian Bible was the 
first edition of the Bible published in this country. The very sight of it caused 
quaint Cotton Mather to exclaim ; " Behold ye Americans ! the greatest honor 
that ever you were partakers of ! This ... is the only Bible that ever was 
printed in all America from the very foundation of the world!" 

The names of the books are retained as in the English versions, and such 
words as were unknown to the Indians are conserved with an Indian termina- 
tion such as " cherubimlab," etc. The longest word is Mark, I., 40: 
" Wutteppcsittukqussunnoowehtunkquoh," signifying " kneeliDg down to him." 



1 1 64 ELLIOTT (C. W.). Pottery and Porcelain from Early 

Times down to the Philadelphia Exhibition of 1876. With 
165 illustrations and the more important Marks and Mono- 
grams. 4to, cloth gilt, beveled sides, gilt edges. 

N. Y. 1878 

1 165 Elsum (John). The Art of Painting after the Italian 

Manner, with Practical Observations on the Principal 
Colours, and Directions how to know a good Picture. 
Small Svo, paneled sheep. London, 1704 

1 1 66 EMBLEMS. — Amoris Divini Emblemata Stvdio et Aere 

Otkonis Vaeni Concinnata. Illustrated with 60 fine cop- 
per-plate engravings of emblems. 4to, half calf gilt. 

Antwerp, Ex Officino Plantiniana 

Balthasaris More ti, 1660 

Rare. With descriptions of the symbolical engravings, in I -atin, Spanish, 
French and Dutch. 

1 1 67 Essays on a Liberal Education, edited by F. W. 

Fakrar. 8vo, cloth (MS. name on title). London, 1867 


1168 EURIPIDES. Hecuba, Orestes.et Phoenissee cum Scholiis 

antiquis; ac Versione Notisque Jqhanis King fere in- 
tegris curante Thoma Morf.ll. 2 vols. Svo, fine old red 
crushed levant morocco gilt, inside gold borders, edges 
gilt. Lonion, 1748 

Rare. This volume came from the library of King Louis the Fifteenth, and 
is stamped on several pages with his initial "L" below a regal crown. The 
volume also has the book-plates — " Ex Libris James Hart man n " and of the 
" Bibliothcca Lamoniana." 

1169 EVANS (John). Les Ages de la Pierre, Instruments, 

Armes et Ornements de la Grande Bretagne. 47 6 lus- 
trations in the text and one plate. Thick large 8vo, sewed, 
uncut. Paris, 1878 

"7° 1 m | AP1 FQ . Original and Selected, by the Most 
Esteemed European and Oriental Authors. 
With numerous fine engravings from the designs 
of J. J. Grandville. Large Svo, cloth, totally 
uncut. London, 1842 

With " Introductory Dissertation on the History of Fable, comprising Bio- 
graphical Notices of the Most Eminent Fabulists. 

1171 FABYAX (Robert). New Chronicles of England and 
France named by himself the Concordance of Histories, 
reprinted from Pynson's edition of 1516, to which is 
added a Biographical and Literary Preface, and an Index 

2 54 


by Henry Ellis. 2 vols, in one. Thick large 4to, fine old 
polished calf gilt, marbled edges (rebacked). 

London, Rivington, 181 1 

Rare. With the inserted heraldic book-plate of John Towneley of Towneley 
in I^ancashire. 

" The first post in the fifteenth century is due to Fabyan: he is very particu- 
lar in the affairs of I,ondon, many good things being noted by him hardly to be 
had elsewhere." — Nicolson. 

1 1 72 FALKENSTEIN (Karl). Geschtchte der Buchdrucker- 

kunst. Illustrated with facsimiles of block books, wood 
blocks and early printed books. Thick 4to, half roan gilt, 
cloth sides. Leipsic, 1840 

1 173 FAMILY LIBRARY. — Illustrated with numerous fine steel 
plates, woodeuts, maps, etc. 78 vols, small 8vo, cloth, totally 
uncut (some pages foxed slightly) London, 1829-42 

SCARCE. This set comprises the following standard works — " Life of Napo- 
leon," 2 vols. ; ''Alexander the Great"; "Lives of British Artists," 6 vols. ; 
" History of Jews,'' 3 vols. ; " Insects," 2 vols. ; " Court and Camp of Buona- 
parte "; " Life and Voyages of Columbus "; " Life of Nelson "; " British 
Physicians"; " British India." 4 vols.: " Demonology and Witchcraft "; " Life 
and Travels of Bruce"; "Voyages of Columbus's Companions"; "Venetian 
History." 2 vols.; " Anglo- Saxon History": "Scottish Worthies," 3 vols; 
" Tour in Holland "; " Isaac Newton "; " Mutiny nf the Bounty "; " Reforma- 
tion in Kngland "j " Landers' Travels in Africa "; "Salmagundi"; " Trials of 
Charles Land the Regicides"; "Letters on Natural Magic"; "Peter the 
Great"; "Six Months in West Indies"; Irving's "Sketch Book," 2 vols.; 
" Tytler's Universal History," 6 vols.; Croker's Fairy Tales." 1 vol.; " Me- 
moir of the Plague in 166; ' ; " Life and Times of Washington," 2 vols.; " His- 
tory of New York "; " Natural Philosophy," 3 vols.; " Napoleon's Expedition 
to Russia." 2 vols. ; " Life of Ali Pasha "; " Banditti and Robbers "; " Impos- 
ture and Credulity"; "History of the Bastile "; '' Gustavus Adolphus "; 
''Chronicles of London Bridge"; "Life of Marlborough "; " Cervantes "■ 
" Cicero"; " Ruins of Ancient Cities," Vol. 1; " Life and Times of Richard 
the First"; "Life of Mahomet"; "Peril and Suffering." 2 vols. ; "Classical 
Tour through Italy," 3 vols.; " Mutiny at the Nore and Spithead." 

1 174 FENELON (F. D. S. de la M.). Aventures de Telemaque 

Numerous cuts. 2v0ls.ini. 8vo, half morocco 

Paris, 1853 

Very rare, limited edition and printed entirely on India taper. 

1 1 75 FINDEN'S Ports, Harbors and Watering Places. Pro- 
fusely illustrated with steel engravings after drawings by 
Baktlktt, Harding, Crkswick, etc. 4to, morocco, gilt 
edges (binding rubbed and lacks title). London, n. d. 

1 176 Fischbach (F.). Lace Album. 24 fine plates of laces. 

Large 4to, loose in portfolio with ties. London, 1884 


1177 FLORENCE GALLERY — Tableaux, Statues, Bas- 

Ri liefsetCami.es de la GALERIE de FLORENCE 
et du Palais Pitti, dessin£e par M. Wickar et gravee 


sous la direction de M. Lacombe, avec les explications par 
Moxgez. 200 plates, containing nearly 400 beautiful and 
highly-finished engravings, of which upwards of 300 are 
proofs before letters, after celebrated paintings, antique 
statuary, cameos, gents, etc., brilliant impressions. 4 vols. 

in 7 J nrrrf* Sr\\\r> Vnlf mww»/*n rrilt pHcr#»c oilt fnlfinlftP 

ki\>, qutwj^v) iwvMwuwaj u^ijut* uu annum aU. LAAAA. 
Profusely illustrated with portraits, handsomely engraved on 
copper, of the famous authors of the Netherlands. 2 vols, 
thick 4to, calf, gilt. Brussels, Peter Foppens, 1739 

RARE. A most important bibliographical work and of great value, as it gives 
us portraits of some of the most famous persons of literary and general history, 
among whom may be named— John of Barneveld, Mercator, Cats. Grotiu's. 
( lemma l-'ri-i-j,. M.msirckt. lansen, l'lantin. licetius, VanJyck. Ortclius. Kn.is- 
sart, Van Eyck. Johannes Secundus, Lawrence Coster, Scaliger. John De Witt, 
Rubens, A'Kcmpis, etc. 


1179 FORD (John). Dramatic Works, with an Introduction and 

Explanatory Notes by Henry Weber. 2 vols. 8vo, 
polished calf, extra gilt, marbled edges. 

Edinburgh, 1S11 

Large paper and very scarce. Stamped on the sides in gold with arms 
and coronet of John Karl of Clare. 

" Ford has few equals. It is greatly to be deplored that his taste was as bad 
as his genius was splendid, and that his licentiousness disgusts even while his 
imagination charms." — Allihone. 

1180 FRAIPONT (Gustave). L'Album Japonais, Notes Ine- 

dits de Decoration Japonaise. Illustrated with 30 plates 
in metals and colors. Loose in cloth portfolio. Paris, //. d. 

11S1 FREEMASONRY. — A Ritual and Illustrations of Free- 
masonry, accompanied by Numerous Engravings and a 
Key to the Phi Beta Kappa. Plates. Small Svo, cloth 
gilt, uncut. London, n. d. 

1 182 Freemasonry.— Carlile (Richard). Manual of Free- 
masonry. Small Svo, cloth gilt, uncut. London, n. d. 



1 183 Fref.masonry. — Fellows (John). Mysteries of Free- 
masonry, or an Exposition of the Religious Dogmas and 
Customs of the Ancient Egyptians and their Identity with 
the Order of Modern Masons. Eront. Small 8vo, 
cloth gilt, uncut. London, n. d. 

11S5 FROST (J.). Great Events in Modern History. Illus- 
trated. Thick 8vo, roan (rubbed). Phila., 1850 


1186 j ^^ |ALERIE DU PALAIS ROYAL Gravee d'apres 
les Tableaux des Differentes Ecoles qui la 
Composent Avec un Abreg<5 de la Vie des 
l'eintres et une Description Historique de 
chaque Tableau par M. L'Abbe de Fontenai, 

Dediee A. S. A. S. P. Monseigneur le Due d'Orlf.ans, 
Premier Prince du Sang. Illustrated with upwards of 350 
highly finished engravings after the choicest paintings of the 
Orleans Gallery (some foxed). 3 vols, large folio, half 
morocco gilt. Paris, 1 786-1808 

Fan original impressions of these supurb engravings which represent the 
priceless paintings that composed one of the grandest collections ever made 
and which were distributed throughout Europe at the time of the First Revolu- 
tion. This " Orleans " or " l'alais Royal Gallery" is an altogether different 
series to the collection which belonged to King Louis Philippe while Due 
D'Orleans and after the fall of the First Empire. 

1 187 GALERIES PUBLIQUES de l'Europe par M. J. G. D. 

Armengaud. Illustrated with 650 finely executed -wood cuts 
of paintings, sculptures and antiquities. 3 vols, large 4to, 
old half red morocco (binding rubbed and not quite uni- 
form). Paris, 1862-66 

The illustrations include the principal objects of art in the Galleries of Rome, 
Genoa, Turin. Milan, Parma, Mantua, Venice, Bologna, Pisa, Florence, 
Naples and Pompeii. 



1188 GALERIE LEUCHTENBERG Gemalde Sammlung 

Seiner Kaiserl. Hoheit des Herzogs von Leuchtenberg 
in Munchen in umrissen gestochen von Inspector I. N. 
M u r ei, Zweite Ausgabe mit umgearbeitetem Texte von 
J. D. Passavant. Illustrated with some 260 outline plates, 
portraits, landscapes and other paintings in the famous 
Leuchtenberg Gallery. Thick large 410, half roan. 

Frankfort-on-the-Main, Joseph Baer, 1851 

SCARCE. Facing the title is the portrait of Prince Eugene, stepson of the 
Great Napoleon. Nearly every great artist of any note, among the older mas- 
ters, is represented in this gallery. It includes such names as Raphael, Titian, 
Rembrandt, Guido, Paul Veronese, Boucher, Van Loo, Tcniers, Velasquez, 
Murillo, etc., also some of the modern masters, such as Gretiie, Canova, 
Vernct, etc. 



large and fine engravings on 4S8 leaves by Mogalli, Pic- 
Chianti, Lorenzini, Gregori, etc., from drawings by 
Fr. Pertucci after celebrated pictures by Rubens, Tinto- 
retto, Andrea del Sarto, Fra Baktolomeo, Raphael, 
Van Dyck, Rembrandt and other masters. 5 vols, maximo, 
old half calf. [Florence, 1771-73] 

_ Very rake and clean unspotted copy. The above came from the celebrated 
library of the Dukes of Marlborough, and has the autograph " Marlborough '' 
repeated several times on the end papers. The Marlborough copy is the only 
copy that has ever been offered for sale in America, and it is the only one that 
can be traced as having been sold in England. Brunet does not record the sale 
of one since 1792. There is no doubt that the collection is of extreme rarity, 
and it may be long before an opportunity will recur of securing a copy. Some 
remarkably brilliant portraits are among the engravings. 

1 190 GALERIE DURAND-RUEI Recueil d'Estampes gra- 

vies a Teau forte, preface par Akmand Silvestre. Illus- 
trated with 200 etchings by famous masters, principally of 
the modern French school. Thick large 4to, half morocco 
gilt, top edge gilt, others uncut. Paris, 1873 

Millet, Corot, I>e la Croix, David, Rousseau, Dupre, Troyon. Monet. Cour- 
bct. Diaz, Van Marcke, and the most noted masters of the modern school are 
beautifully represented in this volume by the aid of the etcher's burin. 


1 19 1 GALERIE THEATRALE ou Collection des Portraits en 

I'ied des Principaux Acteurs des Premiers Theatres de la 
Capitale. A Collection of 144 full-length portraits of the 
most celebrated artists of the French stage — with the beauti- 
ful plates and title colored— also numerous illustrations in 


the text, all after the designs of the best French painters, i 
vols, large 4to, in cloth portfolio. Paris, Barraud, 1872 
Limited edition of 99 copies with the illustrations in the tent. This 

superb and beautiful collection includes the actors and actresses of the French 

stage from the time of Molicre down to our century. 

1 192 Gay (John). Fables. 70 fine woodcuts, engraved in the style 

of the Bewicks. 2 parts in 1. Small Svo, old mottled 
sheep. London, 1796 

1193 GELL (Sir Wm.) and GANDY (John P.). Pompeiana. 

The Topography, Edifices, and Ornaments of Pompeii, 
with beautiful line engravings and facsimiles of paintings in 
color by Le Keux, Heath, Pye, etc. Large 8vo, half 
roan, totally uncut. London, 1817-19 

Large paper. " 1 leave topography to classic Cell." — Byron's " English 

This is the most satisfactory work ever published on Pompeii. It gives in a 
small compass the result of the excavations for many years, from the commence- 
ment of operations in 1748. 

1 194 GELL (Sir William). Pompeiana: The Topography, Edi- 

fices and Ornaments of Pompeii, the Result of Excavations 
since 1819. Portrait, 30 vignettes in text and 87 fine plates, 
some colored. 2 vols, large 8vo, fresh half red morocco 
gilt, top edges gilt, others uncut. London, 1832 

Large paper and a splendid copy. 


1195 GENEALOGY. — Histoire Genealogique dc la Maison • 

Royale de Couktenay Ivstifiee par Plvsievrs Chartes de 
diuerses Eglises, Arrests du Parletnent. Titres du Tresor 
du Roy et de la Chambre des Comptes, Histoires Im- 
primees et Manuscriptes et autres Preuues di^r.es de foy 
par Monsieur dv Bovchet, Cheualier de l'Ordre du Roy, 
son Consciller et Maitre d'Hotel Ordinaire. With brilliant 
portrait of Anne Courtenay Dame du Rosny et de 
Boutin, coats of arms, views of sepulchral monuments, etc. 
Folio, mottled calf gilt. Paris, lean dv Pvis, 1661 

UNIQUE and extremely rare, with all the numerous coals of arms, shields, 
etc., of the noble family of Courtenay, colored by hand and in the proper 
heraldic tinctures. This is one of the most important and rarest of Krench 
genealogical works. 

1196 GENEALOGY. — Histoire Genealogique de la Maison 

DU CHATELET. Branche Puinee de la Maison de 
Lorraine Justifiee par les Titres les plus Autentiques. la 
plupart tires du Tresor des Chartres de Lorraine, Tom- 
beaux, Sceaux, Monnoyes et autres Anciens Monumens 
Publics par le Reverend Pere Dom Aucustin Calmet, 
Abbe de Senone. Numerous plates of arms, sepulchral 


monuments, sheet pedigrees tabulated and coats of arms in 
the text and vignettes. Thick folio, calf gilt, red edges. 

Nancy, 1741 

Very rare, and the Beckford copy from Fonthill. stamped at the corners of 
the sides with fleurs-dc-lys ami !□ the centre of each side with the grand escut- 
cheon of the shield, crest, supf>orters and coronet of the noble house of Chatelct 
which is a " cadet house of the royal family of France. 

1 197 GESSNER (Salomon). (Euvres. Portraits engraved by 

Tardieu and Saint Aubin, and numerous charming plates 
engraved after tlu designs of Moreau le Jeune. 4 vols, 
small 8vo, half calf gilt. Paris, Renouard, t 799 

Large FAKI and clean copy. 

1 198 Gibbon (Edward). History of the Decline and Fall of the 

Roman Empire. Fine portrait and maps. 12 vols. 8vo, 
calf gilt (foxed). London, 1S07 

"Gibbon's History is such an assemblage of merits that it must always be 

considered as one of the roost extraordinary monuments of the literary powers 

of a single mind." — Prof. Smythk. 

1 199 GLASSFORD (James, of Dougalston). Lyrical Composi- 

tions, selected from the Italian Poets with Translations. 
Small 8vo, calf gilt extra. London, 1834 

Unique, and illustrated with seventeen inserted portraits, engraved by 
Raphael Morten, Cathelin. Cross, Gaucher, etc. 

1200 GODEAV (Antoine) Les Tableaux de la Penitence par 

Mkssire Antoink Godeav Euesque de Venice. Illus- 
trated with engraved title and plates by or after Chanxeau, 
Conn ay, Houlanger, Grignon, Lochon, Fournier, etc. 
4to, vellum. Rare. Paris, 1654 

1201 Goethe (J. W. Von 1 . Faust, a Dramatic Poem, translated 

into English Prose, with Remarks on Former Translations, 
and Notes by A. Hay ward. Svo, boards, uncut. 

London, 1834 

1202 GOO DALE (George L., Professor of Botany in Harvard 

University). Wild Flowers of America. With fifty colored 
plates from original drawings by Isaac SprAGVE. Large 
4to, sewed (1 volume, complete in 25 parts as published). 

Boston, 1882 
l'ublished by subscription only and at $150 per part. 


1203 GORIVS (Franciscus Antonius). MVSEVM ETRVSCVM 

exhibens Insignia Vctervm Etrvscorvm Monvmenta ^Ereis 
Tabvlis cc. nvnc primvm edita et illvstrata observationibvs 
Antonii Francisci Gorii Pvblici Historiarvm Professoris. 
With numerous superbly engraved plates of Etruscan anti- 
quities. 2 vols, thick large 4to, old calf gilt. 

Florence, 1737 

Rare. A magnificent copy in a good state of preservation. 


U04 GRANDS PEINTRES FRANCAIS et Etrangers, Ouvrage 
d'Art, Public avec le Concours Artistique des Maitres — 
Texte par les Principaux Critiques d'Art. Profusely 
illustrated with 450 photogravures and woodcuts. — Proofs 
on India paper. 2 vols, in 8 parts, folio, in portfolios 
(complete as published). Paris, Goupil and Co., 1884 

This exquisite book is one of the most magnificent specimens of book-making 
of ancient or modern times. The text (pp. 384) and plates throughout are 
printed on heavy paper. The reproductions on steel and wood consist of the 
best examples of twenty-four of the leading artists of the present day, rut : — 
Bouguereau, Alma-Tadema. Munkacsy, Bonheur, Henner, Baudry, 
Lefebvre, Bkidgman, Knaus. Breton, Bonnat. Mii.lais, Israils, 
Jacque, Laurens, Van Marcke, Df. Nittis, Herkomer, Meissonier, 
Boulanger, Chavannes, Madrazo, Mezdag and Gerome. 

Of the 450 illustrations. 2.) are on India paper. But one of the most impor- 
tant features of this grand exhibit is the reproduction in the text of the sketches 
or studies of those masters of all that is greatest in art. Such an insight is 
seldom vouchsafed to the uninitiated, and the originals are unattainable, even 
by the wealthiest. 

1205 GRATIANI (Girolamo). II Cromvf.le, Tragedia. Fold- 

ing plates. Small 4to, vellum. Bologna, 167 1 

Rare. Dedicated to Louis XIV. 

1206 Gross (S. D.). Pathological Anatomy. Cuts and colored 
plates. Thick large 8vo, sheep. Phila., 1845 

1207 Guarani (Battista). U Pastor Fido, Tragicom Pastor. 

Engraved title and numerous charming vignettes by Cochin. 
Small 8vo, cloth (MS. name on title). Paris, 1766 

1208 GUSTAVI MAGN1 Germanicum Avctore P. Lansbergio. 

Handsome engraved title with portrait of Gustavus Adol- 
phus. Minimo, crushed green morocco gilt, inside gold 
borders, edges gilt. Rotterdam, 1652 

Rare, and dedicated to Queen Christina of Sweden. 

1209 GVTENBERG (lean). Premier Maitre Imprimevr ses 

Faits et Discours les plus Dignes d' Admiration et sa Mort, 
ce recit fidele ecrit par Fr. Dingelstedt est ici traduit de 
l'Allemand en Francois par Gustave Revilliod. In- 
serted portrait of Gut tenberg, vignette title and numerous 
etchings by Gandon, on India paper, vino of the monument to 
Gutenberg, Fust and Schoeffer at Frankfort, also 
rubricated title. Large Svo, boards, uncut. 

Geneva, Fick, 1858 
Limited edition and on large paper of this extremely interesting book. 




AMERTON (Philip Gilbert). Etchings and 
Etchers. Illustrated with original etchings by 
Haden, Samuel Palmer, Cope, Ridgrave, 
Ridley. Tayler, Ansdell, Knight, Callot, 
Lalanne, Jacquemart, Daubigny, Appian, 
jongkind, vlllereielle, longuf.ville, veyrassat, 
Hillemacher, Chauvel, Gautier, Rembrandt (after) 
Ostade, Paul Potter, Karl Dujardin, Waterloo, 
Weirotter, Hamerton ami Delatre. Thick large 8vo, 
half morocco, cloth sides, edges gilt on red. 

London, Macmillan and Co., 1868 

Very rare and a fine copy of the original edition, which has sold as 
high as $100.00. 

Mr. Hamerton has enjoyed exceptional opportunities for gathering the expe- 
periencc and information necessary to a work like this. Aided by the confi- 
dence of the most distinguished artists of his time, Mr. Hamerton does not 
write from the limited experience of one man, but expresses what may be fairly 
considered to be the state of existing knowledge. Besides this, his peculiar 
work as editor of " The Portfolio " has brought him into the closest contact 
with black and white art in all its reproducible forms. 



Selectae Qvaedam Symmorvm e Schola Italica Pictorvm 
Tabvlae aere Incisae Cvra et Impentis Gavini Hamilton 
Pictoris. With original and very fine impressions of the 40 
beautiful engravings after Michael Angelo, Leonardo 
da Vinci, Fra Bartolomeo, Andrea del Sarto, 
Raffaello, Giulio Romano, Polidoro, II Parmf.g- 
iano, Correggio, Giorgione, Titian, Paul Veronese, 
Tintoretto, Caracci, Zampieri, Guido Reni, etc. 
Large folio, morocco gilt, edges gilt (rubbed). 

Rome, 1773 

Original and brilliant impressions of the plates. 

"Gavin Hamilton, the author of ' Schola Italica Picture, 1 was descended 
from an ancient Scotch family, and received a liberal education. He reached a 
reputable position as a painter, but is chiefly distinguished for his attachment 
to and ardor in promoting the advance of the fine arts. The greater part of 
his life was spent at Rome, where he became a chaste and careful designer. 
He possessed such advantages from early education as a scholar and painter as 
gave to him a respectable rank among modern historical painters." — Spooner. 

1212 HAVARD (H.). L'Art a travers les Moeurs. Illustrated 

by numerous fine plates by Goutwzwiller. Thick large 
4to, cloth, beveled sides, gilt edges. Paris, 1882 

Handsomely printed on thick paper. 



1213 Hawkins (Rush C). Titles of the First Books from the 

Earliest Presses, established in different Cities, Towns 
and Monasteries in Europe before the end of the Fifteenth 
Century, with Brief Notes upon their Printers. Illustrated 
with reproductions of early types and first engravinge 0/ the 
printing press — handsomely printed on heavy paper by Df. 
Vinnk. Large 4to, cloth, uncut (pp. xxxii., 143.) 

N. Y. and London, 1884 
No. 177 of limited edition of 300 copies, numbered. Dedicated to Father 
Antonio Ceriani, Director of the Ambrosian Library at Milan, Italy — "as a 
slight evidence of my respect for his character, admiration for his great learn- 
ing, appreciation of his friendship and kindly interest in my bibliographical 


1214 HEATH (Charles). Gallery of British Engravings, with 

Descriptions. Over 200 fine steel plates, engraved by Heath, 
Wallis, Robinson, Cousen, etc., from the original paint- 
ings by Stanfield, Leslie, Smirke, Turner, Prout, 
Chalon, and others. 4 vols. 4to, half morocco gilt, edges 
gilt. London, 1836-37 

1215 HERVEY (T. K.). Illustrations of Modern Sculpture, with 

Descriptions in Prose and Verse. Engraved title and a 
series of 18 beautiful plates, proofs on India paper, 
engraved by Finden, Cook and others. Vol. 1. Large 4to, 
half calf. London, 1832 

Fine copy and all published. 

1216 Histoire Litteraire des Troubadours contenant leur 

Vies, les Extraits de leurs Pieces et Plusieurs Particularites 
sur les Moeurs, les Usages et l'Histoire du Douzieme et 
du Treizieme Siecles. 3 vols, small 8vo, old calf gilt, 
edges gilt. Paris, 1774 

Quite RARE and one of the most important works on the history of the 
Troubadours. With inserted heraldic book-plate of Sir Francis L. H. Good- 
ricke, Bart. 

1 2 17 Histoire Litteraire. Another copy of the preceding 

number. 3 vols, old tree marbled calf gilt, marbled 

12 18 HOBBES (James R.). The Picture Collectors Manual, 

adapted to the Professional Man and the Amateur. 2 vols. 

8vo, calf gilt, marbled edges, London, 1849 

VERY scarck. This invaluable manual not only contains a copious dictionary 
Of painters, but also an alphabetical arrangement of the scholars, imitators and 
copyists of the various masters, with a classification of subjects showing the 
names of those who painted in the several departments of art. 



1219 HODGES (William). Travels in India during the Years 

1780-83. Folding map and numerous fine copper-plates 
engraved Sketon, Pouncy and others, from the original 
paintings by the author. Large 4to, smooth red morocco 
gilt, edges gilt. London, 1 793 


1220 HOGARTH (William). Works of, from the Original 

Plates, Restored by JAMES HEATH, Esq., R.A., 
with the Addition of Many Subjects not before 
Collected; to, which is Prefixed a Biographical 
Essay on the Genius and Productions of HOGARTH, 
and Explanations of the Subjects of the Plates 
BY JOHN NICHOLS, F.S.A. Illustrated with 147 sub- 
jects on 119 plates, clear impressions from t/ie plates of the 
great Hogarth's inimitable designs. 2 vols, square max- 
imo, half morocco extra gilt, inside gilt borders, morocco 
joints, gilt edges (rubbed). 

London, Baldwin and Cradock (1822) 

Unusually brilliant impressions of tub plates. The Urge and fine 
picture from the " Beggar's Opera," which is additionally valuable on account 
ol its containing many genuine portraits, was engraved by William Blalce. To 
this copy have been added the ihree suppressed plates. The portrait of Garrick 
as Richard III. is a very fine impression. The first title-page of the first vol- 
ume is as given above, but the title to the second volume reads — 11 The original 
and genuine \V01ks of William Hogarth, the impressions being of the plates 
formerly in the possession of Messieurs Boydcll. and for the most part engraved 
by Hngarth, accompanied by explanations of the various subjects of the plates 
and a biographical essay on the genius and productions of the author, London, 
printed for Baldwin and CraHock, I'atcrnoster Row, 1835." 

" The anchor which held Hogarth fastest to the public favor was the sincere 
and deliberate belief — prevalent among the more serious of the substantial 
orders — that his works were in the highest degree moral, and that they con- 
tributed to the inculraiion of virtue and piety The philosopher 

who ever preached the sturdy Knglish virtues that have made us what we are" 
— Corn hill Magazine. 

1221 HOGARTH. Genuine Graphic Works of. Consisting of 

160 engravings faithfully copied from the originals by 
Thomas Cook. Large 4to, half morocco gilt top, edge 
gilt, others uncut (MSS. on back of portrait). 

London, 181 3 


1222 HOLY BIBLE Faithfvlly translated into English ovt of 

the authentical Latin, diligently conferred with the 
Hebrew, Greek and other editions in diures languages 
with arguments of the books and chapteis, annotations, 
tables and other helps, for better understanding of the 
text: for discourie of corruptions in some late translations: 


and for clearing controuersies in Religion by the English 
College of Dovvay. Engraved titles. 3 vols, in 1. Very 
thick 4to, morocco, elegantly tooled on the sides with fan- 
fare designs in the corners and Grolieresque ornamenta- 
tion in the centre. Rouen, John Coustui ier, 1633-35 

Rare and a good copy in excellent binding. The " Old Testament " makes 
up vols. I and 2 of the Bible and has a preface to the " English Reader," from 
the " English College in Doway, the Octaues of All Saints, 1609." both of 
these volumes have the imprint 1635. The New Testament is, however, dated 
1633, and is illustrated with engravings of Saints by I'icquet, also the " Descent 
of the Holy Ohost." This precedes the "Acts." The full title of the New 
Testament reads: — " The New Testament of Iesvs Christ faithfvlly translated 
into English, ovt of the authentical Latin, diligently conferred with the Greek 
and other editions in diuers languages: with arguments of books and chapters: 
annotations and other helps for the better understanding of the text and speci- 
ally for the discouerie of corruptions in Uiuers late translations and for clearing 
controuersies in Religion of these days: by the English College then resident 
in Rhcmes." The initial letters throughout the three volumes are charming 


1223 HOMER. — (Euvres Completes d'Homere, Traduction 

Nouvelle Dedice au Roi; avec des Notes Litterales, His- 

toriques et Geiographiques, suivies des Imitations des 

Poetes Anciens et Modernes par M. Gin, Conseiller au 

Grand Conseil. Beautiful plates. 4 vols, large 4to, half 

calf gilt (Vol. 1 stained somewhat). 

Paris, de I'imprimerie de Dido/ faint, 1 786-88 

Earoe pa per and very rare. With exquisite plates designed by Marillier 
and engraved by I'once, Dambrun, Uelignon, Criere, De Ghendt, Linge'e, Patas] 
I'elicier and De Launay le jeune. 

1224 Hood (E. Paxton). Throne of Eloquence: Great Preach- 

ers, Ancient and Modern. Thick small 8vo, fresh cloth, 
uncut. London, 1885 

1224* Hood. The Vocation of the Preacher. Thick small 8vo, 
fresh cloth uncut. London, 1886 

1225 HORATIVS FLACCUS cum Commentariis Selectissimis 

Variorum et Scholiis integris Johannis Bond Accedunt 
Indices locupletis — simi turn Auctorum, turn Rerum Accur- 
ante Corn. Schrevelio. Engraved title. Thick small 
8vo, fine old maroon morocco. 

Leyden, Ex Offieina Hackiana, 1670 

Rare. With the inserted heraldic book-plate of Lord Yarborough, also of— 
"Ex Libris James Hartmann." This u one of the best eiiitionsof Horace and 
the above is a beautiful copy. 


1226 HOUBRAKEN and VAN GOOL. Dutch Painters 

and Engravers, i t.i — 

L HOUBRAKEN (Am.). De Groote Schouburgh dcr 
Nederlantsche Koonstchilders en Schilderessen; waar van 
'er vele met hunne Beeltenissen ten Toonel verschynene, 
en hun levensgedrag en Konstwerken beschreven worden: 
zynde een vervolg op het Schilderbock van K. v. Mander. 
Engraved title and numerous portraits of celebrated painters 
and engravers. 3 vols. Amsterdam, 17 18-21 

II. VAN GOOL (Johan). De Nieuwe Schouburg der 
Nederlantsche Kunstchilders en Schideressen: waeer in 
der Levens en Kunst bedryven der tans levande en reets 
overleedene Schilders, die van Houbraken, noch eenig 
ander Schryver zyn, aenge teekend, verhaelt worden. 
Illustrated with engraved title and numerous plates of famous 
Dutch painters and engravers by Houbraken, Tanze, etc. 
2 vols. Gravenhagen, 1750-51 

Togethkr 5 vols. Sprinkled calf gilt, edges gilt (not uni- 
form binding). 

Rark. This work is much sought after on account of the engravings of 
Houbraken. The above is the first edition and with brilliant and original im- 
pressions of the plates, and very different to those impressions which we find in 
Wyerman's work on the same subject and in which these copper-plates were 

1227 Houghton's The Microscope ; Ross's Microscope ; Dear- 
by's Chemistry ; White's Medical Electricity ; Edwards's 
Life Beneath the Waters ; Catlow's Drops of Water. 
Together 6 vols. 


1228 HUGO (Victor). OZuvres Completes, Nouvelle Edi- 

tion. Illustrated with portrait and plates, vignette titles. 
18 volumes, 8vo, bound by Adolph Bertrand in crushed 
red levant morocco extra, inside gold borders, gilt edges. 

Paris, 1S69 


1229 HUME (David) and SMOLLETT (T.). History of Eng- 

land from the Invasion of Julius C/Esar to the Death of 
George II. 10 vols, 8vo. fresh marbled calf gilt, mar- 
bled edges. London, 1848 



552 fine etchings by many of the most celebrated 
of the French and European Painter-Etchers. 
Large folio. Paris, 1870-78 

The following artists are represented in this collection: Hanui. Longueville, 
Bcauverie. Dauraont, Destoppe, Lalanne, De Gourey, Montefiore, Desbrosses, 
Launay, HayenPerrin, Appian, Ballin, Martial. Taiee, Dumas, Nehlig, Von, 
Mur, Ulois, Halfouricr, Blairot, Sclle, Bussot, Yves, Grandmaison, Coutourier, 
Teyssonnieres, Lowenstam, Trimolet, Jonkind, Dusicgncur, Pierdon, Masson, 
Auffray, I.ilauze, Saint Marcel, Moyse, Bonvin, Tesniire, Fesquet, Buttura, 
Huot, Cuisinier. Dclorroe, Tohule. Millet, Dannequin, Leptc, Aman, Grave- 
rande, Jonkind, Pozier, Volton, Piquet, Michel, Montbard, Michetti, De N'ittis, 
Trimolet, Rogamey Ilamtl, Adelin, Niel, Laguillermie, Huot, Lcjptc, Legros, 
Chaplin, Kibot, Toussaint, Saint Raymond, SaHrey, Aman , Porcher, Trouil- 
leux, Queyroy, Vion, Pille, Lancon, Besnus, Van Marcke, Cassanova, Nicotic, 
Hercau, Duran, Constant, Leioir, Daubigny. Los Kios, Crcux, Bellecour, 
Llovcra, Hercau, Vuillcfroy, Bail. Toudouzc, Worms, Maury, Guillon, Lerollc, 
Broutty. Palizzi, Dupre. Poilpot, Jazet. Gilli, Lefebrc, Lira, Rougeron, Alma- 
'l'adema, Adelin, De Schennil. Salome, Uonnat, Fonville. Guillon, Buraand, 
Veyrassat, Guillon, Cucinotla, Ringel, Oudart, I^ephart. Bianchi, Stein, Pag- 
liano, Rudaux, Martin, Jacqueman, FlmiTich, Constantin, Dunncquin, Luce, 
Brunet-Desbaincs, Deslappe. Churdin, Grenaud, Sirtirana, etc., etc. 

1231 ILLUSTRES FBANCAIS, ou Tableaux Historiques des 

Grands Hommes de la France pris dans les Genres de 
Celebrity Accompagnes de Notice Historiques, Illus- 
trated with 56 portraits and plates representing 500 portraits, 
pictures, and bas-reliefs decorated with allegorical subjects. 
Folio, boards. Paris, n. d. 

SCARCK. Among the principal personages depicted are: — Napoleon, Bayard, 
Francis I., Montaigne, Henry IV., Richelieu, Louis XIV., Descartes, Le 
Sueur, Poussin, Moliere, Colbert, De Thou, Joinville, Audran, Edelinck, \a 
Fontaine, liossuet, Boileau, Kenelon, Rousseau, Voltaire, Mirabeau, etc. 

1232 Inwood (Henry William). The Erechtheion at Athens; 

Fragments of Athenian Architecture and a Few Remains 
in Attica, M.egra and Epirus. 38 fine outline plates, some 
folding. Square large folio, old half calf (foxed some- 
what). London, 1831 


1233 [IRELAND (William Henry).] Chalcographimania, or the 

Portrait Collector and Printseller's Chronicle; with Infatu- 
ations of every description. A Humorous Poem, in Four 
Books, with numerous explanatory notes. By Satiricus 
Sculptor, Esq. Curious Front., and extra illustrated with 
120 inserted Portraits and Views of Persons and Places 



mentioned in the notes. Many on India paper and some 
colored. 8vo, half russia, top edge gilt, others uncut. 

London. 1814 

Unique and fine copy of this extremely scarce and curious book. 

The inserted plates are all neatly inlaid. Many are very scarce and interest- 
ing to collectors of Portraits, illustrating "Nell Gynne," "Grammont." 
"Court of Charles II "; "Shakespeare." etc. The following are among the 
best examples : James I.; Milton; Shakespeare; Cervantes; Charles I.; Julius 
Ca?sar; Mr Josepii Banks; Rubens, after Hollar; John Boydell; Mr. Dodd, as 
"Abel Drugger"; Caxton; Charles. Duke of Norfolk; Sir W. Scott; Henry 
VIII.; Earl Fitzwilliam; Henry Fuseli; James Barry; Peter Pindar; Sir Mark 
M. Sykes; Marquis of Bute; Hogarth; David Garrick: John Kernble, as 
" Hamlet at the grave of Yorick; Duke of Wellington; Sir John Hotham; 
Lord Chatham: Lord North; William Pitt; Samuel Johnson; Sheridan; 
Richard III.; Rembrandt; Earl of Fife; Earl Spencer; Saint Jerome; Benja- 
min West; Chaucer; Lady Elizabeth Grey; Chatterton; John Elwes, the miser; 
Napoleon; W. Sharp; Mr. Heath; Jami's Pern-. Ben Jonson; Baron Dimsdale; 
Churchill; Dryden; Lavater; Portcus, Bishop of London; Comte de Grammont; 
R. Conway; Raphael; Marlborough: Swedenborg; H. Mortimer; Nelson; 
Flaxman; Charles II.; Pennant; Richard III; Robert Coates; Matthews, as 
the "Old Scoth Woman"; Abraham Newland; Granville. Marquis of Stafford; 
Wellington: John Britton; David Wilkie; Benjamin West; George, Prince of 
\\ 'ales; James Barry; I. G. Zimmerman: ','ucen Charlotte; Frauds Grose; 
Duchess of York; John J. Bellingham ; William Bcckford. of Fonthill; Eras- 
mus Darwin; R.J. Thornton; Thomas Campbell ; Duke of York; Lord Hawke; 
Anne of Denmark; Henry Stuart, Prince of Wales: Cromwell; James II.; 
Warner Valliant; Steme; Clifford, Earl of Cumberland: and many others 

Also Views of — The King's Bench Prison: Court of King's Bench: Fleet 
Prison: Strawberry Hill; Dulwich College: British Museum; Buckingham 
Palace; Session House, Old Bailey: Cheshunt Church ; Windsor; Foundling 
Hospital; Covent Garden Theatre; Bristol; Carlton House; Newgate: etc., 

1234 ITALIAN SCENERY. Illustrated with series of drawings 
from Nature made in 181 7 by Miss E. F. Batty, and en- 
graved by Charles Heath {foxed slightly). Large 4to, 
morocco gilt extra, gilt edges. London, 1820 

Large taper and brilliant early impressions of the plates equal to proofs. 

1235 U f-^jj^JAMES II. Raggvaglio della Solenne Comparsa 
Fatta in Roma gliotto di Gennaio, 16S7, dall 
Conte di Castlemaine Ambasciadore di 
Giacomo Secondo All Papa Innocenzo 
Vndlcimo. Engraved fronts, and plates. 

Large 4to, old vellum. Rome, 1687 

Rare. With heraldic library stamp on title and a few pages stained. The 
engraved frontispiece represents " King James II. of England on his knees, 
kissing the toe of Pope Innocent XI." In a vignette illustration is a portrait of 

his queen. 

1236 JAMESON (Mrs. Anna). Beauties of the Court of 

Charles the Second. With a series of portraits illus- 
trating the Diaries of Pepys, Evelyn, Clarendon, and 


other contemporary writers, and after Sir Peter Lkly and 
other eminent Painters. Large 8vo, half red morocco gilt, 
cloth sides, gilt edges. London, 1851 

This interesting work gives us many piquant glimpses into the life and 
manners of llie " Merry Monarch " and his courtiers, not to be obtained else- 
where. It forms an admirable companion to the diaries of Pepys and Evelyn, 
and all the contemporary historians. 


1237 JAMESON. Complete Set of the 21 Fine Portraits of the 

Beauties of the Court of Charles II., engraved from copies 
made by Murphy from the original pa i tilings by Sir Petkr 
Lely, Van Dyck and other painters of the Time. — Beauti- 
fully colored by hand and mounted on Card-boards. 
Large folio, half morocco portfolio, gilt with cloth sides. 

London, 1833 

Unique COPIES of this very handsome set of portraits beautifully colored, 
and which are extremely scarce. 

1238 JAN IN (Jules). La Normandie et la Bretagne. Illus- 

trated with numerous highly finished steel engravings and 
woodcuts after Morel-Fatio, Teli.ier, Gigoux, Dau- 
bigny, Debon, H. Bellange, Alkred Johannot, 
Guimn, Isabey, J. Noel, A. Rouargue, Saint Germain, 
rt«i/FoRTiN. 2 vols, large 8vo, half morocco gilt, cloth 
sides (binding broken). Paris, ». d. 

With the inserted heraldic book-plate of Sir William W. Arbuthnot. 

1239 JESUIT TRAVELS into Various Parts of the World, par- 

ticularly China and the East Indies; Intermixed with an 
Account of the Manners, Government, Civil and Religious 
Ceremonies, Natural History and Curiosities of the several 
Nations visited by those Fathers. 2 vols, small 8vo, calf. 

London, 1767 

Very scarce, with inserted heraldic book-plates of " Scott of Balcomie." 
"Edifying and curious letters written from the Foreign Missions by the Mis- 
sionaries of the Company of Jesus. A work so entertaining and curious that it 
has already been translated into most of the European languages. Uy Mr. \.jacV- 
mm."— Sub-title. 


1240 JOHNSON (Samuel). Rasselas. Fine copper-plate engrav- 

ings by A. Raimbach, the designs of R. Smirke. 4to, 
smooth morocco gilt extra, gilt edges. 

London, McLean, 18 19 

Original edition and very scarce. Printed on vellum paper and with 
extra fine proof impressions of the plates. 



1 141 JONSON (Benjamin). The Workes of. Portrait by R. 
O. Vaughan and engraved title by William Hole. 2 
vols, small folio, old calf. London, 1617-41 

Very rare. This copy of Ben J on son consists of a number of separately 

Eginated parts with separate title-pages and dated as above. The first volume 
s a general and engraved title with the imprint " London, printed by Richard 
Bishop, and are to be sold by Andrew Crooke in St. Paules Churchyard Ano-D 
1640. * 

The first volume which is in good condition, with the exception of the portrait, 
which is slightly torn, consists of the following: "Every Man in his Humor"; 
"Every Man out of his Humor": "Cynthia Revells"; "Poetaster"; " Se- 
janus"; "The Fox"; " The Silent Woman " : 1 "The Alchymist " ; "Catiline"; 
" Epigrammes"; "The Forrest"; "Entertainments"; "Panegyre"; "Mas- 
ques"; "Barriers." 

"The Staple of News" is the'first title-page of the second volume, which is 
somewhat stained in parts. Its imprint reads: "London. Printed by I. B. for 
Robert Allot and are to be solde at the signe of the Beare, in Pauls Church-yard, 
1631. Then follow with separate title-pages—" The Diuell is an Asse." 1631; 
"Masques." 150 separately paginated but without title; " Under Woods," 
1640; " Mortimer." 1640; " Horace, his Art of Poetrie," 164O; " The English 
Grammar," 1640; "Timber or Discoveries," 1641: "The Magnetick Lady," 
1640; "Tale of a Tub," 1640; " Sad Shepherd," 164I. Among the ' Mas- 
ques" are also different title-pages, one of which is dated 1617. 

Among the " principall comedians " given on page 4 of " Every Man in his 
Humor, a "Comedy acted in 1598." the name of the first actor is Will. 
Shakespeare. Anent the Donnelly discussion it is well to note on pages 97- 
QjB the following celebrated quotation on Shakespeare, beginning:—" I remember, 
the Players have often mentioned it as an honor to Shakespeare, that in his writ- 
ing (whatsoever he penn'd) hee never blotted out line. My answer hath becne, 
would he had blotted a thousand. Which they thought a malevolent speech. I 
had not told posterity this, but for their ignorance, who choose that circumstance 
to commend their friend by, he most faulted. And to justifie mine ownc candor 
(for I lov'd the man, and doe honour his memory (on this side Idolatry) as much 
as any). Hee was (indeed) honest, and of an open and free nature; had an excel- 
lent Phantsie; brave notions and gentle expressions: wherein he flow'd with that 
facility, that some times it was necessary be should be stop'd, etc. 

1242 JUNIUS. Illustrated with handsomely engraved portraits 

by Edward Bocquet, historical engraver, after original 
paintings by Gainsborough, Reynolds, Ramsky, Dance, 
etc. 4to, red morocco elegant, gilt edges. 

London, 1812 

Scarce, and one of the most handsomely illustrated editions of Junius. This 
was a presentation copy to Thomas Bagshaw. 

1243 IVST1NIANI Institvtiones Typis Variae rubris, uncleum 

exhiventibus. Engraved title and rubricated text. Minimo, 
boards, uncut. 

Amsterdam, ex oficina Wetsteniana, 17 10 



12 44 ICiff3SF1 AKMPFER ( En gelbert). Histoire Naturelle, 
Civile et Ecclesiastique de l'Empire du Japon, 
Composez enAllemand etTraduite en Francois 
sur la Version Angloise de Jean Gaspar 
Scheuchzer. Profusely illustrated with large 

ma/>s and fine engravings. 2 vols, folio, fine old red crushed 
levant morocco, inside gold borders, edges gilt on marble. 

La Haye, 1729 

Lakge paper in beautikul condition and the Lamoignon copy with label. 
This work which is highly valued for its accuracy continues to be one of the best 
accounts extant of Japan. 

1245 Kalidasa. — Sakoontala, or the Lost Ring, an Indian Drama, 

translated into English Prose and Verse from the Sanskrit 
of Kalidasa, by Monmer Williams. Beautifully illumi- 
nated borders and head-picas by Owen Jones. 4to, illumi- 
nated cover, uncut. N. Y., 1885 
No. 9S of limited edition of 1 10 copies on Japan paper, with head-pieces and 
borders in color by De Vinne. 

Several editions of this great Indian drama have appeared abroad, but this is, 
we think, the 'first attempt to bring it to the notice of American readers. The 
pictorial borders to the illustrations, as well as the other illuminations, are taken 
from MSS. in the British Museum. The Sakoontala was first made known to 
the world, by the translation of Sir William Jones, in 17S0, and until this 
event Sanskrit dramatic literature was unknown. Of all the Indian poets 
the most celebrated was Kalidasa, who flourished in the middle of the century 
preceding the Christian era. The translation by Monier Williams has long been 
a favorite with Oriental scholars. 


1246 KEATS (John) Letters and Poems, reprinted from the 
edition edited by Lord Houghton, with Memoir by John 
Gilmer Speed, and Letters, many of which have never 
before been published. With illustrations. 3 vols. 8vo, 
boards, rough edges. N. Y,, 1883 

Lakok paper. No. 338 of limited edition, printed from type, by De Vinne. 
Only 350 copies so printed, each numbered and signed, as follows: 4 copies on 
vellum; 12 copies on China paper; 55 copies on Whatman paper; 275 copies on 
Holland paper. 

"The work is in three volumes, of which one is devoted to the Letters, and 
two to the Poems. The volume of letters has been prepared by the grand- 
nephew of the poet, John (Jilmer Speed, Esq., and contain, in addition to those 
hitherto published, a number written by Keats to his brother George, in the 
United States. These were, to a considerable extent, memoranda of his daily 
doings, jotted down from time to time, so as to be ready for any chance vessel 
that might be sailing, and arc full of most interesting references to his friends. 
;.s well as expressions of his own feelings and aims, such as would only be made 
to those most closely related to him. None of these American letters have ever 



been published complete and unaltered, and many of them now appear in print 
for the first time. An introduction to the poems has also been written by Mr. 
Speed. The text of the poems is that prepared by Lord Houghton." 

1247 KEMBLE (John Phillip). Memoirs of the Life of ; 

and a History of the Stage from the time of Garrick 

to the present period, by James Boaden. Fine Mezzotinto 

Portrait engraved by C. Turner from the original by Sir 

Thomas Lawrence. 2 vols. 8vo, fresh half sprinkled 

calf gilt, marbled sides and edges. London, 1825 

" Mr. lioaden appears to have been the companion of Kemble. and what is 
more, he was worthy of his friendship. Of that friendship he has constructed 
an imperishable record, honorable alike to his talents as a scholar, and his feel- 
ings as a man. " — London GentUman 's Magazine. 


1248 KILIAN (Wolfgang). Beschlecht Register der Durch- 

leuchtigsten Hertzogen in Bayren. Illustrated with nu- 
merous portraits of the Dukes of Bavaria, also engraved 
title, genealogical charts, etc. 4to, boards. Augsburg, 1629 

Rare and curious. Includes chart of a genealogical tree springing from 
the left side of Emperor Charlemagne. Above the colophon is a representation 
of an engraver's workshop, showing press, engravers at work, etc. Several 
portraits of German Emperors are included in the series. 

Wolfgang Kilian was a brother of Lucas Kilian and was a pupil of Dominick 
Custos and afterwards studied some years at Venice, where he engraved some 
plates after the works of the Venetian painters. His style resembles that of 
Lucas Kilian, though he never equaled him in the skilful handling of the graver. 

1249 KIRBY (Joshua). The Perspective of Architecture in 

Two Parts, a Work Entirely New, Deduced from the Prin- 
ciples of Dr. Brook Taylor and Performed by Two 
Rules only of Universal Application. Illustrated after 
about ico large plates ami frontispiece by Woolett with 
Hogarth. Square large folio, old russia gilt. 

London, printed for the author, 1761 

Rare. Printed at the expense of King George III. when Prince of Wales. 
" Part of the First Contains the Description and use of a new Instrument 
called the Architectonic Sector. Part of the Second, a New Method of Draw- 
ing the Kive Orders. Elegant Structures, etc., in Perspective." — Sub-Title. 

1250 KNIGHT (Charles). Gallery of Portraits, with Memoirs. 

168 exquisitely engraved portraits, with cuts, etc. 7 vols, 
4to, half calf gilt. London, 1833-37 

Orkunal impressions of the plates published at £l 7s. i. t, $36 in cloth. 
The memoirs are by distinguished biographers and the portraits include persons 
of all ages in the world's history. 




1251 \ gjgggj fACROIX et SERE. Le Moyen Age et la Re- 
naissance, Histoire et Description des Mceurs 
et Usages, du Commerce et de (Industrie, des 
Sciences, des Arts, des Littt-ratures et des Beaux- 
Arts en Europe, A.D. 500-1600. Illustrated 

with upwards of 300 fine plates, many of w/iic/i are execu- 
ted in gold, silver and colors, from curious, exquisitely 
beautiful, and singular objects of Middle- Age Art, illustra- 
tive of Ancient Costumes, Manners, Designs in Fresco 
Painting, Stained Glass, Missal, and other Illuminations, 
Furniture, Jewelry, Armor, etc. 5 vols, thick 4to, beauti- 
fully bound by Adolph Bertrand in full crushed red 
levant morocco extra gilt, inside gold borders, rounded 
corners, gilt edges. Paris, 1 848-5 1 

Rare and a genuine original subscription copy of this most magnificent 
work. It was published at 400 francs, always maintained its price and now 
being entirely out of print and very scarce has rapidly risen lo much greater 
value. The inferior reissue in two volumes imperial octavo has raised the price 
of the original. The engravings exhibit specimens of curious and beautiful 
objects in Medijeval Art from all parts of Europe. There is, indeed, no other 
publication giving such a faithful picture of everything connected with the Mid- 
dle Ages, while as a drawing-room book none could surpass it in beauty and in- 

Lacroix and Sere's " Moyen Age" is undoubtedly one of the most interest- 
ing as well as splendid works yet published on the Arts of the Middle Ages, to 
which it serves as a sort of encyclopedia. It exhibits choice specimens of archi- 
tecture, sculpture, painting, furniture, stained glass, arms and armor, manu- 
scripts, missals, tapestry, gold and silver work, etc., etc. 


1252 LAIRESSE (Gerard de). Principes du Dessetn ; ou 

Methode Courte et Facile pour Apprendre cet Art en Peu 
de Terns. With numerous plates of anatomical figures, 
nudes, animals, birds, etc., also vignette on title and illustra- 
tions in the text. Folio, half roan. Amsterdam, 1746 

Scarce. " Gerard de [.airesse had the affliction of being deprived of his 
sight in 1690, when he was only fifty years of age ; but such was his love for 
the art that he continued to his death to communicate his ideas on the theory 
and practice of it in discourses to the contemporary artists, from which were 
collected the materials for the treatise on Design and Coloring, published after 
his death. As an engraver, Gerard I-airesse claims particular notice. He 
etched a great number of plates from his own designs, executed with great free- 
dom and spirit ; the lights are broad and powerful and the eye is carried at once 
to the principal figures of the composition." — Bryan. 

1253 LAMB— Mary and Charles Lamb. Poems, Letters and 

Remains, now first Collected with Reminiscences and 
Notes by W. Carew Hazlitt. Portrait, and other illus- 
trations, and facsimiles. 4to, half morocco, cloth sides, 
top edge gilt. London, 1874 

Large taper copy. 




1254 LANDON (C). Annates du Musee et de l'Ecole Moderne 

des Beaux-Arts. Recueils dc Gravures au trait, d'apres 
les Principaux Ouvrages de Peinture, Sculpture ou Projets 
d'Architecture, qui, chaque annee, ont remporte le prix, 
soit aux ecoles speciales, soit aux concours nationaux ; les 
productions des Artistes en tous genres, qui, aux differ- 
ents expositions, ont ete cities avec eloges ; les mor- 
ceaux, les plus estimes de la galerie de Peinture ; la suite 
complete de celle des Antiques ; Edifices Publics, etc., 
redige par C. La.ndon, peintre, pensionnaire de la Re- 
publique a l'Ecole des Beaux-Arts, a Rome, membre ile la 
Societe Philotechnique, et de celle libre des Sciences, Let- 
tres, et Arts de Paris. Illustrated with some 2,500 fine out- 
line engravings of the best paintings, sculpture and Arc/ii- 
tecture. 38 vols, small 8vo, half calf gilt. 

Paris, 1802 et passim. 

Very SCARCE. There is no other work which gives so many well executed 
representations of the works of the great painters of the Nineteenth century. It 
is particularly strong in the productions of the principal artists of the Napo- 
leonic era such as David, Girodet, Gros, Canova, etc. The above set has all 
the supplements and is divided as follows: Vols, t to 16, Ad X, 1801 a t8lo ; 
17. An X, 1801 a 1810, Tome Complementaire ; 18-21. l'aysages et Tableaux 
deCenrc, 4 vols; 22-25, >8lo a 1S14. 4 vols; 26, Galerie Ciiustinini ani; 27- 
28, 180S 2 vols ; 29. 1S10; 30-31, 1812. 2 vols; 32. 1814; 33, 1817; 34-35. 
1819, 2 vols; 36-37, 1822-1823, 2 vols; and 3S, Galeries ilassias. 

1255 [LANDON (I.. E.).] Drawing Room Scrap Books, with 

Poetical Illustrations by " L. E. L." Nearly 100 fine steel 
engravings by Mote, Portbury, Allen andothers after the 
original drawings by Prout.Sir T. Lawrence, Harding, 
etc. 4 vols. 410, morocco gilt extra, gilt edges. 

London, 1836-39 

1256 LANDSCAPE ANNUALS for the Years 1830 to 1839 in- 

clusive. The illustrations to, comprising 232 engravings of 
views in Italy, Switzerland, France, Spain, Portugal and 
Morocco from drawings by Prout, Harding, Roberts, 
Holland, etc. {some foxed). Large folio, loose in cloth 
portfolios. London, 1839 

India proofs mostly before letters and published at £jf> 15s., 1. *., 
nearly $135. 

!2S7 LA ROCHEFOUCAULD (Francois, Dukt de). Re- 
flexions ou Sentences et Maximes Morales. Portrait 
{foxed slightly). 8vo, mottled calf gilt, marbled edges. 

Paris, 1827 

Broad marcins. with portrait by Royer. 

1258 LA ROCHEFOUCAULD. Pensees, Maximes et Re- 
flexions Morales. 12 mo, old calf gilt. Paris, 1777 

2 74 


1259 Laurent-Richard. Catalogue de Tableaux Modernes et 

de Tableaux Anciens composant la Collection. Illustrated 
with 47 etchings. Large 8vo, sewed, uncut. Paris, 1878 

1260 Laurent-Richard. Another copy of the same, but with 

a 9 etchings. 


1 261 LAWSON (John Parker). Scotland Delineated. 72 Litho- 

tints of Cities, Towns, Cathedrals, Abbeys, and other Monas- 
tic Remains, Castles, Baronial Mansions, Mountains, Rivers, 
the Sea Coast, ami other Picturesque Scenery from orig- 
inal drawings of Stanfield, Cattermole, Creswick, 
Roberts, Harding, Turner, Nash and others. Large 
4to, elegantly bound in red impressed morocco gilt extra, 
bevelled sides, broad inside gold borders, edges gilt by 
Carss (binding rubbed slightly). 

London, Day and Son, n. d. 
Original edition of this beautiful work with the fine plates in two and three 

tints. This copy came from the Library of Robert Gibson and has his inserted 

heraldic book-plate. Published at £4 45. in cloth. 


1262 LE BRUN (T. P. P.). Galerie des Peintres Flamands, 

Hollandais et Allemands; Ouvrage Enrichi de Deux Cent 
une Planches gravees d'apres les Meilleurs Tableaux de 
ces Maitres, par les plus habiles Artistes de France, de 
Hollande et d'Allemagne, avec un Texte Explicatif pou- 
vant servir a faire Reconnaitre leur Genre et leur Maniere, 
et Faire Prononcer sur le Merite et la Valeur de leurs Pro- 
ductions; des Notes Instructives sur la Vie de Plusieurs 
Peintres dont aucun Auteur n'avait parte; et une Table 
Alphabetize des Noms. des Maitres, la phis Complette et 
la plus Etendue qui ait paru jusqu'a ce jour par M. Le- 
BRUN, Peintre. Illustrated with 204 plates most beautifully 
engraved after the works of the great masters. 3 vols, in 2. 
Folio, half morocco, red edges. Paris, 1792-96 

Original brilliant impressions and a cenuine copy of the oricinal 
edition. The coppers of this beautiful Gallery have been repeatedly worked 
but an original, like the above, docs not often occur. In Quaritch's catalogue 
,£200, i. e., $1,000 was asked for the above, viae inserted catalogue cutting and 
a MS. note on an end paper says—" Bought of li. Quaritch, 15 Piccadilly." 
This unusually fine and perfect copy of this rare Gallery, contains 204 fine 
copper-plates after the Old Masters of the Flemish, Dutch and German Schools, 
including examples of Rembrandt, Durer, Holbein. Kubcns, Van Dyck. Potter, 
Teniers. Ostade, llals, Dow, llol, Mieris, Terburg, Metzu, Waterloo, Netscher, 
Bergen, etc., etc., engraved by Houbraken, Degucvanvillcr, Vinkles, Vancher, 
Le Bas, Guttenberg and others of the best engravers of the period. 

This fine work, which was twenty years in publishing, is one of the most in- 


(westing of its class, and exhibits nearly all the best pictures of the Flemish 
School, with the history, description and mercantile value of each, written by a 
painter whose whole life was devoted to this particular department. 

The picture dealers in all countries refer to the opinion of Lebrun as of the 

first authority. 

1263 LEONARDO da VINCI. Principes tie Dessin. Portrait 

and 4 1 plates, after the original designs of the great master 
{one mended). Folio, half calf. Paris, n. d. 

Scarce. " Count Algarotti held this work in such high estimation that he 
thought it the only one necessary to be placed in the hands of a student in the 
art."— Bryan. 

1264 Lettere Americane. Engraved titles. 2 vols, small 4to, 

half vellum. Cosmopoli, 1780 

1265 LIBERAL (The). Verse and Prose from the South. 2 

vols. 8vo, half calf gilt, marbled edges. 

London, John Hunt, 1822 

Rare. Shelley, Byron, Leigh Hunt and their friends were contributors to 

" The Liberal." 


1266 LIBRI. Monuments Inedits ou Peu Connus Faisant 

Partie du Cabinet de GUILLAUME LIBRI et qui se 
Rapportent a I'Histoirede l'Omamentation chez Differents 
Peuples. Illustrated with over 60 plates, printed in gold and 
colors, of remarkable bindings, manuscripts and other works 
of art in the famous Libri Collection. Square large 
folio, half crushed levant morocco gilt, top edge gilt, others 
uncut and in leather rimmed drop case. London, 1864 
Very rare, with the French and English text in parallel columns. This 
volume is more particularly devoted to bindings and includes someof the grandest 
examples in existence and belonging to such famous collectors as Pope I'ius V., 
Grolier, Leo X., Louis de Saint Maur. Cardinal Madruzzio. Cane van, Edward 
VI. of England, Pope Sixtus V., Thomas Maioli, Henry III. of France, Charles 
Lorraine. Diana of Poitiers (almost a fac-simile of number 1O9 of this collection 
—J 1 .l n V,r\nt I«liwM TVnpdirt YTTT. marvelous embroidered 



Vogue, A. Sauzay, Riocreucx, Cte. Clement de Ris, 
Eijouard de Beaumont, Paul Mantz, A. Jacquemart, 
Ernest Chesneau, E. du Sommerard, O. Pencuily 
L'Haridon, Henry Cole, Barbet de Jouy, Bon J. de 
Witte, Adalbert de Beaumont, Ambroise Firmin 
Didot, Ali red Darcel, Edouard Fournier, A. Tain- 
turier et Ph. Burty. Illustrated with numerous etchings, 
colored initials, etc. 2 vols, folio, crushed red levant mo- 
rocco extra, gilt edges, inside gold borders, rounded cor- 
ners, edges gilt on marble. Paris, 1866-69 

Handsome copy, beautifully bound, of this splendid book, printed by 
J. Claye, on paper specially made by Uthil-I>upont, and with the etchings struck 
off by Augustc Delatre. the plates illustrate some of the very finest examples 
of arms, armor, jewelry, wood carvings, bronzes, ceramics, gems, watches, 
ivories, furniture, glassware, bindings, etc.. in some of the most famous collec- 
tions of Europe. 

1269 LINDA et BISACCIONI. Le Relationi et Descrittioni 

Universsall et Particolari de Mondo. Thick small 4to, vel- 
lum. Bologna, 1674 

Rare, with heraldic library stamp on title. 

1270 Linton (E. Lynn). The Lake Country. Map and 100 

beautiful woodcut illustrations by W. J. Lin ton. 4to, calf 
gilt, marbled edges. London, 1864 

First edition and very scarce. 

1271 LLOYD (H. E.). Architectural Beauties of Continental 

Europe. 28 finely etched plates and 56 vignettes in text by 
John Coney. — All Proofs on India paper. Square 
large folio, half roan, cloth sides (foxed somewhat). 

London, Harding, 1831 

These are the largest and best plates Coney ever executed, and trie only ones 
which exhibit his distinctive excellencies. 





1273 LOW (David). Breeds of the Domestic Animals of the 

British Islands. Numerous fine plates of animals from 
drawings by W. Nicholson, reduced from a series of por- 
traits taken from life by W. Shields, and all carefully col- 
ored by hand in facsimile of the originals. 2 vols, in t. 
Square folio, half green morocco gilt, edges gilt. 

London, Longman 6V Co., 1842 

Very Scarce. The first volume of this magnificent work is devoted to the 
various breeds of horses and oxen, the second to sheep, goats and hogs. 


1274 LUCAN. Pharsalia, translated into English Verse, by 

Nicholas Rowe, Esq., Servant to His Majesty. Hand- 
some frontispiece and numerous vignettes by Chf.ron, also 
map. Large folio, fine old red morocco elegant, gilt inside 
borders and gold edges. 

London, Jacob Tonson,at Shakespears Head, 17 18 

Large PArER. " One of the best of the modern translations of the classics. 
Though sometimes diffuse ami paraphrastic.il. it is in general faithful in the 
sense of the original; the language is animated, the verse correct and melodious. 
According to the Quarterly Revievxrs — ' Rowe undertook his translation more 
in the spirit of party than in poetry, and the best portions of it are those which 
arc least worthy of attention in the' original.' " — LowndKS. 


1275 LUMISDEN (Andrew). 'Remarks on the Antiquities of 

Rome and its Environs, being a Classical and Topograph- 
ical Survey of the Ruins of that Celebrated City. Folding 
maps and plans, portrait title and 60 inserted plates 
beautifully engraved in aquatint. Thick large 4to, elegantly 
bound in smooth red morocco gilt, extra inside gold bor- 
ders, gilt edges. London, 1797 

Unique and beautiful corv of this most valuable work, which was printed 
with Bulmer's types. 

" The pleasing and judicious performance of an ingenious, accomplished and 
, -y learned gentleman." — Mathias. 

1276 Lytton (I -or d). —Illustrations to Bl'LWER Lytton's "Pil- 

• grims of the Rhine," by David Roberts, Maclise, and 
others, 27 India proofs with letters, beautifully engraved 
on steel. Folio, loose in portfolio. London, 1834 

Large paper. Published at £1 3s. by Saunders and Ottley. 

2 7 S 


,2 77 l^vfvwlABERt.Y (J )- The Print Collector, an intro- 
duction to the knowledge of ancient prints, 
with suggestions as to the mode of collecting, 
'jfiuj edited, with an introduction and notes, by 
Robert Hoe, Jr. With etchings and other illus- 
trations by J. F. Sabin, etc. Thick large 8vo, fresh half 
crushed brown levant morocco, top edges gilt. N. Y., 1880 

The book commends itself alone without comment to all collectors and 
lovers of prints, and it is.so wholly without rivals in its comprehensiveness and 
accuracy that its publication makes it at once a necessary part of every col- 
lector's library, while as a history of engraving and kindred arts it is invaluable 
to all classes of intelligent readers." — Xevi York Ei'tning Post. 


1278 MACAULAY (Thomas Babington). History of England, 

from the Accession of James II. to the end of the Reign 
of William III. 5 vols, polished yellow calf gilt, mar- 
bled edges. London, 1849-61 
Original and best library edition. 

1279 M AC-CART HY REACH (Comte de). Catalogue des 

Livres Rares et Precieux de la Bibliotheque de. 2 vols. 
8vo, half calf gilt. Paris, De Bure, 18 15 

Priced catalogue with fac-similes of lncunablcs and MSS. 


1280 MANN'E (E. E. de). Galerie Historique des Comediens 

Francois de la Troupe de Voltaire avec des details 
biographiques inedits recueillis sur chacun d'eux; also — 
MANNE et MENETRIER. Galerie Historique de la Com- 
edie Francaise pour Servir de Complement a la Troupe 
de Talma depuis le commencement du siecle jusqu'a 
l'anne 1853; also— 

MANNE et MENETRIER. Galerie Historique des Ac- 
teurs Frangais Mimes et Paradistes qui se sont rendus 
c^lebres dans les annales des scenes secondaires depuis 
1760 jusqu'a nos jours pour servir de Complement a la 
Troupe de Nicolet. 

Together 3 vols, profusely illustrated with etched portraits 
of otters, actresses, dramatists, etc., *v Henri Lefort and 
J. M. Fuogere. 8vo. uniform half crushed levant mo- 
rocco, top edge gilt, others uncut. 

Lyons, N. ScMeurutg, 1876-, , 
Limited edition on Holland paper with rubricated titles. 

1281 MARIA THERESA (Empress of Austria. Anna.es du 
Regne de Marie Therese, Continuces jusqu'a sa Mort 
par Fromageot. With portrait and plates after Moreau 
Le Jeune. Small 8vo, old marbled sheep gilt (a few pp. 
cut down and stained). Rare, Paris, 1871 




1282 MARLOWE (Christopher). Works, edited by A. H. 

Bullen. 3 vols, large 8vo, cloth, uncut. 

Boston, Riverside Press, 1885 
Large paper and number 10 of limited edition of eighty copies. 
Marlow, who was — " Educated at Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, became 
an actor and a dramatist, led a loose life and was killed in a quarrel, not of the 
most reputable character." — Ai.libone. 

Ben Jonson speaks of — " Marlowe's mighty hue," Thos. Heywood calls him 
— ' ' the best of poets, " and Phillips styles him — 1 ' a second Shakespeare. " 

1283 MASON (George Champlin). Reminiscences of Newport. 

Profusely illustrated with cuts and facsimiles, also por- 
traits. 4to, cloth. Newport, 1884 

1284 MASSE (E. M.). L'Isle de Cuba et La Havane, ou His- 

toire, Topographie, Statistique, Moeurs, Usages, Com- 
merce et Situation Politique de cette Colonie, d'Apres un 
Journal ecrit sur les lieux. 8vo, sewed, uncut. 

Paris, 1825 

1285 MASSIE (J. W.). America, the Origin of her Present 

Conflict, her Prospect for the Slave and her Claim for 
Anti-Slavery Sympathy. Map (torn slightly). 12010, 
cloth. London, 1864 


1286 MEDAILLES de SALON de 1886 Ouvrage honore d'une 

Souscription du Ministre de 1'Instruction Publique et des 
Beaux-Arts Texte par Armakd Dayot. Profusely illus- 
trated with heliogravure plates of paintings and sculpture, 
portraits and other illustrations in the text, some tinted. 
4 vols, square folio, and loose in portfolios. Paris, 1886 

Limited edition, handsomely printed on vellum paper. This important 
work gives handsome examples of the paintings of \x Febvre, Merec, liordes, 
Loir, Medard, Binct. Gagliardini. Brouillet. Olive, Girard. Charnay. Destren, 
Geoflroy, Baladon, Baudion, Cesbron, Kuel, Meliva, Winter, Mcsle, Perran- 
deau, La Haye, etc. 

1287 MENZEL (Adolph). Etude par F. G. Dumas. Numerous 
plates and illustrations in the text. Folio, loose in cloth 
portfolio. Paris, 1885 

" In place of the heaviness and pretentiousness which, too often, we have pointed 
out in the works of German painters, we find in Menzel a true artist, full of tact 
and taste, of elegance and easy grace and who would worthily sustain all com- 
parisons with the best of our French masters." — Emile Michel. 

1288 Mercier's Bonnet de Nuit; Gesta Romanorum; Storia in 

America. Together 5 odd volumes. 



1289 MEXICO ILLUSTRATED, with Descriptive Letter Press 

in English and Spanish, by John Phillips. Illustrated 
with 26 tinted lithographic plates. Large folio, half mo- 
rocco, cloth sides. London, 1848 

SCA.RCE, with the text in English and Spanish. The plates exhibit the fol- 
lowing— "Near Vera Cruz" (two); " Campeachy, " "Jalapa," "Orizaba," 
"Plains of Perote," "Puebla," "Rio Frio." "Popocatepetl,'' "Mexico," 
" Interior and Exterior of the Cathedral of Mexico." "Church of Santo Do- 
mingo," " Convent of La Merced," " The Paseo," " Chapultepec," " Man's 
Hand Mountain," "San Augustin dc las Cuevas," "Real del Monte." 
"Church of Zimpan," " Mountains in El Doctor, ' "Lagos," " Zacaleus," 
" San Luis Potosi," " Pass in the Sierra Madre," and " Matamoras. " 

1290 MEYE (Heinrich) — The Stone Sculptures of Copan and 

Quirigua, with Historical and Descriptive Text by Dr. 
Julius Schmidt, translated from, the (lerman by A. D. 
Savage, late of the New York Metropolitan Musuem. 
With 20 plates drawn by Meye. Square large folio, fresh 
half morocco, cioth sides, top edge gilt N. Y., 1883 

Published at twenty dollars. The sculptured monoliths of Copan and Quiri- 
gud, reproduced in the plates, rank indisputably with the most interesting and 
noteworthy monuments of tropical America. They clearly betray the end for 
which they were produced — to display, embodied in stone, to the population 
settled in these regions, and to band down to after generations the religious 
ideas and traditions which reigned in the spiritual life of these people. The 
number of places in Central America which at the present day attract attention 
by the presence of these monoliths statues is by no means large— that is. if we 
look for an assemblage of many such statues on one spot. In most of the bet- 
ter known collections of ruins, the statues occur singly, or else, as in the case of 
Santa Lucia Cosumalhualpa, the sculplurcd figures are represented exclusively 
by reliefs. 


1291 MEZERAY (Francois Eudes de). Abrege Chronologique 

de 1'Histoire de France Par le Sr. de Mezeray, Historio- 
graphe de France. Engraved title and portraits. 6 vols. 
Also — Histoire de France avant Clovis, l'Origine des 
Francois et de leur Establissemcnt dans les Gaules, l'Etat 
de la Religion et la Conduite des Eglises dans les Gaules, 
jusqu'au Regne de Clovis par le Sr. de Mezeray. En- 
graved title. Together 7 vols. Small 8vo, elegantly 
bound by Hardy in fresh crushed red levant morocco 
gilt, rounded corners, inside gold borders, edges gilt on 

Amsterdam et Londres, Abraham Wolfgang, 1673-88 

RARE. A beautiful copy of this elegant work. The above has every page 
ruled in red ink throughout. The last volume is posthumous. 




1292 MICHEL ANGELO BUONARROTI. — Life of, with his 

Poetry and Letters by R. Duppa. With portrait by 
Bartolozzj, and numerous outline engravings of Michel 
Angelo's sculpture, paintings, etc., and a large plate of the 
ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. Large 4to, cloth, uncut and in 
loose flap morocco covers. London, Bcnsley, 1807 

Large paper. This was a presentation copy to Robert Southey, and con- 
tains an autograph letter written to the poet when the volume was forwarded to 
him. by its publisher, John Murray, who is immortalized in the lines of Byron. 


1293 Ml DD1.ETON (Thomas, contemporary of Shakespeare). 

Dramatic and other Works, now first Collected. With 
some account of the author and Notes by Rev. Alexan- 
der Dyce. Portrait on India paper and frontispiece. 5 
vols. Svo, elegantly bound in polished calf extra, gold in- 
side borders and giit edges by Riviere. 

London, Edward Lurnley, 1S40 
Large paper and very rare. Less than thirty copies were privately 
primed. I.umleysays but twenty-five. 

" Pre-eminently beautiful, many portions only inferior to Shakespeare. 
Hitherto almost inaccessible from their rarity; averaging from £20 to £30 a 

1294 MILLAIS (John Everett). Millais Gallery, a Series of 

the Most Renowned Works of Millais reproduced in 
Heliotype, with a Sketch of the Life and Works of the 
Artist. With portrait and 23 plates. Cloth, beveled sides, 
gilt edges. Boston, 1878 


1295 MILTON (John). Works, including Paradise Lost, Para- 

dise Regained, Samson Agonistes, and Poems from the 
Text of Thomas Newton, D.D. 2 vols. 4to, elegantly 
bound in white vellum extra gilt with blue rulings and 
labels, inside gold borders, gilt edges. 

Birmingham, Printed by John Baskerville for J. and 

P. To/ison in London, 1758 
Beautifully printed example of the Baskerville Press and from the 
library of and with the inserted heraldic book-plate of Gregory Louis Weyse. 
This very handsome book has the preface of John Baskerville, in which he 
appeals ' to persons of judgment and penetration" as to his "Paper, Letter, 
Ink and Workmanship. 


1296 MILTON. Le Paradis Perdu, traduction de Chateau- 

briand precede de Reflexions sur la Vie et les Ecrits de 


Milton par Lamartink. Illustrated witk 25 magnificent 
steel engravings, including portraits of Milton, Chatkau- 
briand and Lamartine. Square folio, half morocco gilt, 
cloth sides, red edges. Paris, 1803 

Sold by subscription at 500 francs. 


1 297 MILTON. Le Paradis Perdu, I'oeme, Edition en Anglais 

et en Francais. Illustrated with 1 2 plates, colored by hand, 
after the original paintings by Schali.. 2 vols, large 4to, 
tree marbled calf extra gilt, inside gold borders, edges gilt. 

Paris, Defer de Maissoneuve, 1792 

Large paper. Very scarce, and with the English text and French transla- 
tion by Nic. Fr. Dupre de St. Maur on opposite pages. 


1298 MILTON. Poetical Works, with Life of the Author by 

William Hayi.ey. Illustrated with the beautiful series of 
plates and portraits by Westall, etc. {some slightly foxed). 
3 vols, square folio, russia extra gilt, marbled edges by 
Carss. London, Boydell, 1794-97 

Boydell's magnificent edition printed in very large type by Bulmer. 
Lowndes says this splendid edition " is by many thought to be the finest pro- 
duction of Mr. ifulmer's press." 

1299 MITCHELL (L. M.). A History of Ancient Sculpture. 

Numerous fine woodcuts and six plates in phototype. Thick 
4to, fresh three quarters crushed levant morocco, top edge 
gilt, others uncut. New York, 1883 


1300 MOLIERE (J. B. P. de). Complete Dramatic Works of. 

The Library Edition. Translated and Edited, with Memoir, 
Introductions and Appendices, wherein are given the pas- 
sages borrowed or adapted from Moliere by English 
Dramatists, with Explanatory Notes by Henri Van Laun. 
Portrait aud exquisite etchings by Anoi.PHE Lalauze. 6 
vols, large 8vo, cloth, uncut. Edinburgh, Paterson, 1875-76 

" As regards mere faithfulness of translation, it is astonishingly correct. 
Besides writing a modest prefatory life, Mr. Van Laun has prefixed to each play 
an Introduction containing all necessary information respecting its sources and 
circumstances, and has added to each an appendix of peculiar interest. These 
appendices contain full extracts from the plays, in which English playwrights 
have done themselves the honor to ' convey ' Moliere 's good things. The por- 
trait of Moliere is extremely tine." — London Academy. 


1301 MOLIERE. CEuvres Completes de. Nouvelle Edition. 

Imprimee sur celle de 1679 et 1682 avec des Notes ExpH- 
catives sur les Mots qui ont Vieilli, Frecedee d'une Intro- 
duction par Jules Janin. Illustrated with colored portraits 
designed by Geoffroy and Maurice Sand and engraved by 
Wolf WManceau. Thick large Svo, calf gilt, edges 
gilt (binding rubbed) Paris, 1868 

1302 MONITEUR DE BIBLIOPHILE, Gazette Litteraire, 

Anecdotique, et Curieuse, for the years 187S, "79 and 'Ho. 
Head and tail pieces with charming initial letters. Together 
4 vols. Thick 4to, half crushed levant morocco, top edges 
gilt, others uncut. Paris, 1878-80 

The Moniteur de Bibliophile was edited by Jules Noriac and Arthur Heulhard. 
The two volumes for 187S are bound in half brown morocco. Those for 1879 and 
'8o in half red. 

The second or supplementary volume for 1878 includes the three following 
reprints: — I. "Journal de Colletet Premier Petit Journal Parisien (1676) avec 
une notice sur Colletet, gaietier par Arthur Heulhard;" II. " L'Anglais 
Mangeur d'Opiuro traduit de 1' Anglais et Augmente par A. I). M. Alfred de 
Musset avec une Notice par Arthur Heulhard;" III. " Duclos. Chroniques In- 
discretes sur la Regence Tire d un Manuscrit Autographe de Colle avec unc 
Notice et des Notes par Gustave Mouravit." 

1303 MONSTRELET (Enguerrand de). Chronicles; contain- 

ing an Account of the Cruel Civil Wars between the 
Houses of Orleans and Burgundy ; of the Possession of 
Paris and Normandy by the English ; their Expulsion 
thence ; and of other Memorable Events that happened 
in the Kingdom of France, as well as in other Countries, 
etc., and beginning at the Year 1400 where that of Sir 
John Froissart finishes. Translated by Thomas Johnes. 
Numerous engravings traced from illuminations, and title 
illuminated. 2 vols, fresh half red morocco gilt, top edges 
gilt, others uncut. London, 1S49 

1304 MORE (Sir Thomas). Philomorus, a Brief Examination 

of the Latin Poems of. Plate of arms. Small Svo, original 
'cloth, uncut. London, Pickering, 1842 

Scarce and beautifully printed by C. Whittingham at the Chiswick Press. 

1305 MOSEN (Julius). Sammtlichte Werke. 8 vols, small 4to, 

sewed. Oldenburg, 1863 

1306 MU DIE (Robert), Gleanings of Nature. Colored vignette 

title and 57 fine etched plates of animals and plants. Large 
8vo, half roan, cloth sides, top edge gilt, others uncut. 

London, 1838 

Scarce. " Mudie is ibe most accurate observer of nature, Sclby excepted." 

— Ornithologist's Text Book. 


1307 MULLEN (Samuel). Pilgrim of Beauty and Other Poems. 

With 23 steel plates, engraved by W. R. Smith, and designs 
by Warren. 8vo, half vellum, gilt. 

Very scarce. London, 1845 


1308 MUNICH GALLERY. — Koniglich Bairisscher Geinaelde 

— Saal zu Munchen und Schleiszheim in Steindruck von 
Pilot v, Selb, etc. Comprising 118 large and magnificent 
plates engraved in lithography heightened by tints and so 
admirably executed that they can scarcely be distinguishable 
from the most perfect line engravings, consisting of the 
Gallery of the old German and Flemish masters formerly at 
Stuttgart in the posscssson of the Brothers Boisskree 
now removed to Munich. 2 vols, in 1. Square maximo, 
magnificently bound in Turkey morocco, extra gilt, 
beveled sides, inside gold borders, gilt edges. 

Munich, 18a 1 

Si.endid copy. This giand work is the admiration of the most fastidious 
connoisseurs. There are included in this series paintings by — Lucas Van Ley- 
den, Voltcrra, Murillo, Del Sarto, Kubens, Wouvennans. Teniers, Holbein. 
Velasquez, Kra Bartolomeo, Van Dyck, Zurburan, Ruysdael. Raffaello, Michael 
Angelo, Turbcrg, Hobbema, Van Eyck. Caracci, 1'oussin, Paul Potter, Peru- 
gino, Dow. Vandervelde, Durer, Claude Lorraine, Cranach, Cuido, Mengs, 
Carlo Dolci, Leonardo da Vinci, Titian, Rembrandt, etc. 


1309 MUNICH GALLERY. — Collection of Paintings by the 

Old German Masters, made by the Brothers Boisseree 
and J. Bertram, and now incorporated with the Pina- 
cothek or the Royal Gallery of the King of Bavakia, 
Munich. 118 superbly executed tinted lithographs after the 
originals by ]. M. Strixner. The whole most carefully 
mounted and bound in two square maximo volumes (nearly 
34 inches by 37 in.). Half crushed red levant morocco 
extra gilt, gilt edges, by Hammond. 

Stuttgard and Munich, 1S21-36 

Rare, and was published at 100 guineas, i.e., $600. Priced by II. G. Bohn 
in 1841. ,£63, »'. e., $315, and a copy sold at Sotheby's in 1857 for ,£40, f. e., 
$200. These plates, executed under the direction of Strixner. and engraved in 
lithography, are heightened by tints. Each plate is mounted on drab colored 
drawing paper, and there are two indices, one in German and the other in 

This collection includes some of the most celebrated paintings of — Hans 
Burgmaier. Lucas Cranach, Albert Durer, Johan Van Eyck, Holbein, Lucas van 
Leydcn, Quenttn Matsys, Master Wilhelm of Cologne and other famous 
medieval painters. 

1310 Musarum Anglicanarum Analecta. Vignette title. 
Small Svo, calf. Oxford, 1692 



131 1 MUSEE FRANCAIS (Le). Recueil des plus beaux 
Tableaux, Statues et Bas- Reliefs qui existaient au Louvre 
avant 1815, par Duchesne. French and English Text. 
Containing 343 fine prints, engraved by Lonchi, Bervic, 
DesnoY] k~. Cl A) SSKXS, Gui kin, Morghbk, Hartui.i.zzi, 
J. G. Muller, Ingouf, Audouin, Massard, Laurent, 
Ki auber, and many other of the most eminent engravers of 
the time, after the great masters of the Italian, Dutch, 
Flemish and French schools, including subjects after Titian, 
Raphael, Corregio, Romano, Guido, Domenichino, 
Caravaggio, Caracci, Teniers, Potter, Berghem, 
Ruisdael, Steen, Rubens, Van Dvck, Ostade.Wouver- 
mans, Metzu, Dow, Rembrandt, Terburg, Netscher, 
etc., etc. — With delineations of statuary, chiefly of the ancient 
school — also 20 exquisite vignettes interspersed throughout the 
text. 4 vols. Paris, Didot, (1803— 11) 

Also — 

MUSEE ROYAL publie par Henri Lai-rent, Graveur du 
Cabinet du Roi ou Recueil de Gravures d'apres les plus 
beaux Tableaux, Statues et Bas-Reliefs de la Collection 
Royale avee Description des Sujets, Notices Litteraires 
et Discours sur les Arts, Dedie au Roi. With brilliant 
impressions of the 160 beautiful plates engraved by the most 
eminent French engravers after the greatest masters of 
sculpture and painting. 2 vols. Paris, Didot, 1816-18 

Together 6 volumes, square large folio, uniformly bound 
in half red crushed levant morocco gilt, cloth sides, top 
edges gilt. Paris, 1803-18 

Fine copy, including both series of this most important work, which has been 
well called — " l.'un des plus beaux monumens elevcs aux arts est, sans con- 
tredit. cette vaste collection d'estampes, commencce en JS<>2, sous le nom de 
Musec Francais. continue'e sous le titre de Musee Royal, par M M. Laurent pere 
et Bis. A 1'exposition de 1819, le medaille d'or fut decerne'e a M. Henri 
I>aurent, jury considerant cet ouvrage comme le plus pariait qui ait eu lieu 
depuis 1'existence de la gravure." 

The set of the " Musec Francais" has both the text in French and English. 
It includes the remark ible print of "the 1-aocoon " engraved by Bervic, and of 
which proof impressions have been sold in London as high as £30, i.e., $150, 
also Raffai llo's " Madonna de la Sedia," which may be called the masterpiece 
of J. (i. Muller; the " Transfiguration " of Raffaello; " St. Cecilia "; " Infant 
Hercules." etc. 

The " Musee Francais" was published in So livraisons at 48 francs each, 
being 3S40 francs, i.e., $768, unbound. 

The essay in the volume of the " French School " of the above, and treating 
of '' Engravings," has been reversed, with that belonging to the volume con- 
taining the " Statues." The •'French School " is dlustratcd by 61 plates. 
There are 71) plates to the " Italian School." of which plate 40 is slightly tom 
in the margin. 121 plates arc assigned to the " Dutch School, " and the text 
of plate 87 is holed. The volume of " Statues " has 82 plates. 


The Musee Royal is in very fine order, and is on thick paper with the text as 
published in French only. The plate of " Susanna at the Bath " is unfortunately 
lacking, but can be easily obtained in Europe. 

This Very interesting publication is undoubtedly the most magnificent work 
ever issued from the Parisian press ; and it perpetuates the matchless collection 
which formerly graced the Louvre, combining, as it did, nearly all the excel- 
lence of which the various countries on the Continent could boast in painting 
anJ sculpture. And although a chain of wonderful events has restored many 
of the brightest gems of art to their rightful owners, so much of excellence still 
remains, that the gallery of the louvre is yet, to the man of taste, the greatest 
attraction in Paris, and the very circumstance of the dispersion of so many 
wonderful productions gives additional value to the work which describes them 
in a collected state. This work is not a mere collection of prints. It contains 
many luminous and masterly dissertations upon the state of the arts in different 
ages, observations upon the style, excellence and defects of the various schools 
of pointing; a minute description of every painting, etc., drawn with extreme 
care and correctness. 


1312 MUSEO BORBONICO Real, Descrito ed Illus- 

Trato DA E. EPISTOLESI. With upwards of 800 fine 
outline engravings of statues, bas-reliefs, ancient paintings, 
vases, candelabra, nurnismata, etc., brilliant impressions. 13 
vols, thick large 8vo, beautifully bound in green morocco 
super-extra, inside gold borders, gilt edges. 

Naples, 1824-43 

Splendid copy on fine taper, and from the library of William Beckford 
of Fonthill, author of " Vathek." It has the quartered and impaled coat of 
arms and motto of that eminent bibliophile, stamped in gold on the sides. 
This beautiful and highly interesting work includes all the recent excavations 
of Pompeii. Herculaneum, etc., with a detailed account from year to year of the 
work performed; also Paintings by the great masters of the Italian Schools. 

1313 MUSEO PIO CLEMENTINO da Feoli b Costa. 24 

very large double plates of Architecture and Interior Decora- 
tion of this famous museum with the arrangement of the 
ancient sculpture therein. Square maximo, splendidly 
bound in mottled calf, extra gilt, inside gold borders, 
edges gilt. 

Rome, 1782 

Large PArER copv of this magnificent series, exhibiting the most famous 
ancient sculpture preserved in the City of Rome. 

APOLEON. — [Tardieu (A.)] La Colonna de 
Grande Essrcito d'Austerlitz o Delia Vittoria 
Monumento Trionfale di Bronzo Eretto Nelle 
Pj&ZZa Vendome di Parigi. With 38 plates 
illustrative of the VendSme Column in Paris. 
4to, half russia, uncut. Florence, 1840 

1315 NAPOLEON. Life of Empress Josephine, by He.adi.ev. 
Steel portrait, iarao, cloth. Auburn, 1853 



1316 NASH (Frederick). Picturesque Views of the City of 

Paris and its Environs; consisting of Views on the Seine, 
Public Buildings, Characteristic Scenery, etc., with de- 
scriptions in English and French by John Scott and 
P. B. De La Boissiere. With 64 highly finished steel en- 
gravings.— -Open letter proofs on India paper by 
Cooke, Goodall, etc. 2 vols in 1. Large 4to, morocco 
super-extra, gilt edges. London, 1820 

LAJtGI rAItt. Original EDITION, with superb impressions of the plates. 


1317 NASH (Joseph). The Mansions of England in the Olden 

Time, Re-Edited by J. Corbet Anderson. With 104 
views, colored BY hand, mounted an card-boards, with gilt 
borders, and depicting the most characteristic features of the 
domestic architecture of the Tudor Age, and also illustrating 
the costumes, habits and recreations of our ancestors in the 
mother country. 4 vols, of plates and 1 vol. of descriptions 
forming a magnificent work of 5 vols., handsomely bound 
in half red crushed levant morocco extra gilt, edges gilt. 

London, Henry Sotheran and Co., 1869 

Sumptuous copy, colored by hand, and of which only 50 copies were exe- 
cuted as above with hand-colored plates and large paper text. The publisher's 
price for sets like the above has been £45, i. e., #225, without the U. S. duty, 
about one half the cost of the original issue. These illustrations in water-colors 
arc faithful copies of the original sketches, which were drawn and printed on the 
spot. The figures which enliven each scene are all, both as regards their cos- 
tumes and occupations, taken from the most trustworthy authorities, and are 
introduced not merely as pictorial adjuncts, but from a desire to identify the 
edifices they illustrate with the characters and habits of a people that have now 
passed away, and to represent in some of its peculiarities, " the very age and 
body of the time." No pictorico-architectural work was ever so immediately 
successful on its publication as Nash's " Mansions," and this resulted not only 
from the interesting specimens of the Grand Domestic Architecture of England 
which were selected, but from their having been executed by a first-class 
draughtsman, distinguished by very superior taste. 

The following is the list of illustrations in this grand and sumpiuous work : 
Vol. I. — East Harsham, Norfolk. Doorway : Hatfield. Herts. 2 plates; Ock- 
wells, Berks, 3 plates; Wakchurst, Sussex, 2 plates; Bramshill, Hants, 2 
plates; Crewe Hall, Cheshire, Staircase; Southam, Gloucestershire; Westwood, 
Worcestershire; Beddington, Surrey, Hall; Boughton-Malherbe, Kent; i'ens- 
hurst, Kent; Eranks, Kent; Holland House, Kensington, 2 plates; Sutton 
Place near Guildford, Surrey; Losely, near Guildford; Haddon Hall, Derby- 
shire, 5 plates. 

Vol. II.— Combe Abbey, Doorway; Audley End, Essex, 2 plates; Little- 
cotes, Wilts, Hall; Moathouse. Ightham, Kent, 2 plates; Bolsover Castle, 
Derbyshire, Hall; Brougnton Castle, Oxon., Drawing Room; Wroxton Abbey, 
Oxon., 2 plates; Hardwicke Hail, Derbyshire, 4 plates; Hever Castle, Kent, 

2 88 


2 plates; Sutton Place, near G.iildford, Surrey; Knowle, Kent, 7 plates; 
Bramshill, Hants, Stairs to the Terrace; I'ostlip Hall, Gloucestershire, Room. 

Vol. II L— Cransborne, Dorsetshire; 2 plates; Burleigh. Northamptonshire, 
2 plates; 1'arham, Sussex, Hall; Wollaton. Nottinghamshire, 2 plates; Lahyn- 
droc, Cornwall, Gallery; AUIermasion, Berks, Staircase; Athelhampton, Dor- 
setshire, 2 plates; Waterstone. Dorsetshire; Chastlcton, Oxon., Drawing Room, 
Hatlield, Herts, 2 plates; Charlecote. Warwickshire: Hampton Court, Middle- 
sex, 2 plates; Dorlold, Cheshire, Drawing Room; Montacute, Somerset, 
Porch; Pcnshurst, Kent, Hall; Compton Wyngatc, Warwickshire, 2 plates; 
Bramhall Hall, Cheshire, 3 plates. 

Vol. IV. — Igtham, Kent, Entrance to the Moathousc; Lyme Hall, Cheshire, 
Bay Window, Levens, Westmoreland, 5 plates; Brereton, Cheshire; Bramhall, 
Cheshire, Banqueting Hall; Sizergh, Westmoreland, Inlaid Chamber; Crewe 
Hall, Cheshire. 2 plates; Bingham — Melcombe, Dorsetshire; Kenilworth, 
Warwickshire, Room in the Gate-house; Speke, Lancashire, 5 plates; Adling- 
ton, Cheshire, Hall; Milton Abbey, Dorsetshire; Borwick Hall, Lancashire; 
Aston Hail, Warwickshire, 3 plates; Moreton Hall, Cheshire. 

1 3 1 S NASH. The same, with 104 plates, but uncolored. 4 vols, 
large 4to, fresh cloth gilt, top edges gilt. 

Published at £b 6s. 

1319 NECKER (Jacques). Administration des Finances de la 

France. 3 vols. 8vo, elegantly bound by Dekome in green 
crushed morocco gilt, inside gold borders, edges gilt. 

(Paris), 17S4 

Rare, printed on thick paper and a splendid example of Deromc's binding. 
This is one of the grand copies printed on toned paper that Louis the Sixteenth's 
Prime Minister had printed specially lor presents- This copy, which has inserted 
the quartered heraldic book plate of Ilaller, also has the following note from the 
Biographie Universelle — "Ce livre reste classique en sou genre, paru en 17S4 
et 80,000 exemplaircs sen vendircnt en pcu de jours; jamais sujet aussi serieux 
o'avait excite une curiosite aussi universelle." 

1320 NEUVILLE (A. de). A Coups de Fusil par " Quatrelles." 

With thirty charming illustrations by De Neuvillk. Large 
4to, half morocco gilt, top edge gilt, others uncut. 

Paris, 1877 


1321 NEW GALLERY of BRITISH ART, with Descriptive 

Text. Consisting 0/120 engravings on steel from tlu- works 
of distinguished British painters. 2 vols, large 4to, half 
morocco gilt, cloth sides, gilt edges. N. Y., Appleton, n. d. 

The artists represented in this beautiful series arc — H. Dawson, K. Goodall, 
Ersklnc Nicoll, F. I loll, J. Phillip, T. Creswick, Sir Edwin Landseer, Daniel 
Maclise, P. H. Calderon, R. Ansdell, J. S. Copley, W. Mulready, Sir T. 
Lawrence, Sir J. Reynolds, Sir A. Callcott, Marcus Stone, T. Kaed, 1). Roberts, 
W. Collins, Mrs. E. M. Wood, G. J. Pinwell. G. Romney, J. Linnell, G. H. 
Fripp, C. W. Cope, T. F. Herring, P. Williams, T. Unwins, E. M. Ward, 
G. E. Herring, Sir M. A. Shee, J. S. Raven, F. Tayler. T. Gainsborough, 
B. W. leader, S. L. Fildes, J. C. Loutherbourg, C. S. Lidderdale, W. F. 
Witherington, Miss R. Solomon, A. Solomon, G. Jones, G. Smith, K. R. Lee, 
T. S. Cooper, Frederick Leighton. J. Nash, E. J. Poynter, R. Wilson, II. P. 
Briggs, C. Staufield, L J. Pott, W. Callow, J Pettie, S. Bough, A. Cooper, 



T. M. Richardson. Sir David Willcie, F. R. Lee. Sir W. Allan, W. Evans, 
E. Davis, T. S. Goode. J. A. Hammerslev. W. P. Frith. Vicot Cole, R. A. 
lldlingford. J. Tennant, R. Rothwell, J. D. Harding, R. P. Bonnington. 
H. T. Dawson, Joseph Clark, Holman Hunt, G. Lance, Sir C. L. Eastlake. 
\V. Hogarth, Birket Foster, Jacob Thompson, C. W. Nicholls, J. Constable, 
II. Le Jeune. A. Clint, D. W. Wynneld, J. A. Bell. J. E. Millais. C. J. Lewis, 
A. II. Burr, C. R. Leslie, G. Chambers. IL Jutsum, J. V. Gibson. J. C. Hook, 
H. Wyatt, J. W. Inchbold, C. I-andseer, T. Graham. P. Nasmyth, etc. 

The beautiful plates were engraved bv L. Stocks, J. C. Bemley, C. Cousen, 
J. Redway, F. Joubert, W. Greatbach, W. Richardson, E. Challis, H. Bourne, 
C. W. Sharpe, F. A. Heath, R. Graves, E. Goodall, W. Finden and other 
well known engravers. 

1322 NEW TESTAMENT of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus 

Christ. With engravings on wood from designs of Fra 
Angelico, Lorenzo di Credi, Fra Bartolomeo, Titian, 
Raphael, Gaudenzio Ferrari, Daniel di Voi.terra, 
and others, also exquisite marginal ornaments, initial letters, 
medallions, etc. Thick 4to, illuminated cloth gilt, edges 
gilt. London, Longmans, 1883 

This chef-dVcuvre of typography and wood engraving was published at three 
guineas. Both text and Illustrations are printed in bistre. 


1323 [NICKLAES (Heinrich).] Institutio Puerorum, 1575; 

Exhortatio de Eerste Vormaninge, 1573; Dicta H. N. Leer- 
astige Rede; Epistolce H. N. de Vornompste Epistelen; 
Terra Pacis Ware Getu genisse van idt Geistelick Landt- 
schop des Fredes, Cologne, 1580. Illustrated with numerous 
curious symbolical engravings. 410, morocco gilt, edges 
gilt. Cologne, etc., 1573-80 

Unique, exceedinglv rare and original editions. Every page is ruled 
around with red ink by hand, and there are inserted, in addition to the regular 
engravings, a number of plates executed by R. Gaywood, 1656, and which 
doubtless appeared in the English translations, and of which Lowndes says: — 
" The works of Nicholas were by royal proclamation, 13 of October, 22nd 
Elizabeth, ordered to be burnt and all persons declared punishable for having 
them in their possession without the ordinarie's permission." 

On the title of the tracts is the note — " The engravings by Gaywood." They 
are of a symbolical character and almost as wild and fantastic in their conception 
as the works of William Blake. They illustrate the doctrines and opinions of 
the sect of the " Family of Love " of which Henry Nicholas was the founder in 
the sixteenth century. The following is one author's account of this predecessor 
of the English Agapemotie and Oneida Community of our own days:—" A 
society similar in its aims and character, though not conventual in its form, 
existed in England in the t6lh and 17th centuries. It was called the ' Family 
of Love." Its founder is generally supposed to have been Henry Nicholas, a 
native of Munster in Westphalia, but who lived a considerable time in Holland. 
He held himself to be greater than Moses or Christ, for the former only taught 
men to hope and the latter to believe, while he first announced the doctrine of 
Love. He made his api>earance about 1 540. Others, however, are of opinion 
that the real father of this ' Family' was one David George, a fanatical Ana- 
baptist of Delft, in Holland, who died in 1556, and who imparted his ' damnable 
errors' to Nicholas, an old friend of his. In the reign of Edward VI., according 
to Fuller, Nicholas came over to England and commenced the perversion of silly 


people in a secret way. By 1572 they had apparently increased in numbers 
considerably, for in that year one John Rogers published a work against them, 
entitled ' The Displaying of an Horrible Secte of Grosse and Wicked Heretiques, 
naming themselves the Family of Love, with the lives of their Authours, and 
what Doctrine they teach in Comers.' In 1580, Queen Elizabeth issued a pro- 
clamation for the hunting out and punishing of the ' damnable sect.' The Family 
of Love, or ' Lust rather,' as old Fuller has it, tried to insinuate themselves into 
the good graces of King James by presenting a petition, casting aspersions on 
the Puritans. At length the society expired from a continual exposure to the 
effects of ridicule in prose and verse, as well as from its own intrinsic worthlcss- 
ness. Their doctrines seem to have been a species of pseudo-spiritual senti 
mentalism, resulting in gross impurity." 

1324 NISARD (Charles). Chansons Populaires chez les Anciens 

et chez les Francais, Essai Historique Suivi d'une Etude 
sur la Chanson des Rues Contemporaries. Folding front. 
Small 8vo, polished calf gilt, inside gold borders, edges 
gilt. Paris, 1867 

Scarce. Well bound and with the inserted heraldic book-plate of John Duerdin. 
A remarkable work and the best authority on the subject, including "Chansons 
d' Amour " and " Chansons Bachkjucs." 

1325 NORMAND (Alfred). Architecture des Nations Etran- 

geres, Etude sur les Princi pales Constructions du Pare. 
With 73 fine plates, some tinted. Square folio, half red 
morocco gilt, top edge gilt. Paris, 1870 


of Recent Ethnological Researches from the Collections 
of the Royal Museum at Berlin. Published by the Di- 
rectors of the Ethnological Department, translated from 
the German. With 13 plates, 5 of which are in colors. 
Square large folio, fresh half morocco, cloth sides. 

N. Y., n. d. 

Published at twenty dollars. 

1327 NOTES and QUERIES. A Medium of Inter-Communi- 

cation for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, 
etc. From Commencement in November, 1849, to De- 
cember, 1867, inclusive, being first, second and third series 
complete. Together 24 vols. 4to, cloth, uncut. 

London, 1849 

A work of constantly increasing value and importance and that no library 
should be without. Sets are now difficult to procure complete, and are daily 
enhancing in value. The earlier series have been for some time out of print. 

1328 Nouvellfs Etkennes Spirituelles. Illustrated with 

numerous rude woodcuts. Minimo, old red morocco extra, 
inside gold border. Paris, n. d. 


1329 NUMISMATICS.— SPANHEM (Ezechiel). Dissertationes 

de Praestantia et usu Numismatum Antiquorum Editio 
Noua In qua; edita? antea Dissertationes recensentur, mul- 


tisque accessionibus loclupletantur; aliae nunc primum 
prodeunt; singula autem selectis insignium Numismatum 
Iconibus illustrantur, etc. Ex Auctoris Autographo editum 
ac Numismatum Iconibus illustratum ab Isaaco Verbur- 
gio. Illustrated with fine portraits of the author and George 
II. then Prince of Wales and numerous engravings of 
coins. 2 vols, thick folio, old calf gilt. 

Amsterdam and London, 1706-17 

Large paper and rare. From a regal library and stamped on the back with 
crowns, etc. This is the most complete work which has ever appeared on the 
subject of medals, and is justly esteemed a real treasury of erudition. Later 
antiquaries are unsparing in their commendations and unanimously pronounce it 
a " chef-d'oeuvre." The Heath copy sold for £3 13s. 6d. 

1330 Numismatics. — THESAURUS MORELLIANUS sivc 

Familarum Romanorum Numismata Omnia nunc primum 
editit et Commcntario perpetuo illustravit Sigebertvs 
Havercampus. Illustrated with several thousand finely 
engraved figures of coins. 2 vols, folio, old calf. 

Amsterdam, 1734 

Rare. The standard work on the Roman coinage and by the celebrated 
numismatical antiquary Andrew Morelli. The Morelli Cabinet was one < if the 
most complete and finest collections of Roman coins ever brought together. 
The learned descriptions and dissertations by Havercamp are of great historical 


1331 Numismatics.— ADLER (J. G. C). Collectio Nova Nv- 

morvm Cvficorvm sev Arabicorvm Vetervm. 4 to, boards. 

Altona, 1795 

RARE work on the ancient Arabic coinages. 

1332 Numismatics. — HUMPHREYS (Henry Noel). Coinage of 

the British Empire, an Outline of the Progress of the 
Coinage in Great Britain and her Dependencies from the 
Earliest Period to the Present Time. 2$ fine plates, some 
beautifully worked in gold, sih'er and copper. 4to, cloth 
gilt, edges gilt. London, David Boguc, 1855 


I. Jonson (Ben). Works, with Memoir by 
Barry Cornwall. Fine portrait and en- 
graved vignette title. 1 vol. in 2. 

London, 1838 

II. Beaumont (Francis) and Fletcher (John). Works of, 
with Introduction by Giorge Darley. Portraits ana 
engraved titles. 2 vols, in 4. London, r84o 

III. Wycherly, Congreve, Vanbrugh, and Farquhar, 


with Biographical and Critical Notices by Leigh Hunt. 
Portrait and engraved title, i vol. in 2. 

London, 1840 

IV. Massinger and Ford. Dramatic Works, with an 
Introduction by Hartley Coleridge. With portrait 
and engraved title. 1 vol. in 2. London, 1839 

Together 5 vols, in 10. Large 8vo, cloth, totally uncut. 

London, 1838-40 

Fine skt, with splendid impressions of the portraits and vignettes, which were 
engraved by Finden and Robinson from the original paintings by Sir Peter Lely 
and others. 

1334 ORANGE (Princess of). Memoires sur la Vie et la Mort 

de la Sf.rknissime Princesse Loyse Iuliane Electrice 
Palatine nee Princesse d'Orange, etc., Contenans un 
Abrdge de quelques Evenemens Notables de Nos Temps 
et de Divers Mysteres qui s'y sont Passez. Fine portrait 
and engraved title. Small 4to, bound by Petit in crushed 
red levant morocco, inside gold borders, edges gilt on 
marble. Leyden, Jean Maire, 1645 

Rare. A most interesting volume and full of information relating to Seven- 
teenth century intrigues. 


of 1 8 drawings in water-cotors and sepia, mostly signed by 
the following artists, Charlet, Olagnon, Vauzelle, 
Wetzel, Thiery, C'oiny, Birmann, Meyer, Michai.on, 
Thieonon, Lory fils, Isabey, Atoche, Hubert, Petit, 
Deroy, etc., also original autograph letter of Charlet 
signed. Mounted in a small quarto volume, calf blind 

Uniquk. Some of the above are very charming and are figure pieces, land- 
scapes, marines, etc. Those by Charlet— and there are two — arc in his usual 
humorous style. 


1336 OTTLEY (William Young). The Italian School or 

Design, being a series of Fac-Similes of Original Draw- 
ings, by the Most Eminent Painters and Sculptors of Italy; 
with Biographical Notices of the Artists, and Observations 
on their Works. With 84 large tinted facsimiles of orig- 
inal drawings by Cimabue, Giotto, Lippi, Guercino, 
Raffaele, Michael Angelo, Domenichino and others 
— also many vignette illustrations. Large folio, half mo- 
rocco. London, printed for the author, 1823 
Large paper, and published at .£25 4s., «'. e., $126, in boards. 


1337 l-^fj-fvlACOT — Figures de la Passion de Notre 
Seigneur Jesus Christ Accompagn^es de 
Reflexions propres a Dormer l'lntelligence de 
ce Mystere. Illustrated with 35 vignette plates, 
engraved title and the "whole of the text bclnv the 

vignettes, etc., engraved from copper-plates. 8vo, calf gilt. 

Paris, Chercau, n. d. 

Rare, and dedicated to Madame d'Orleans. Abbesse de Chelles. 

" This artist [Pacot] was a native of France and flourished about the year 
1690. He engraved some plates of battles and sea-fights, which are etched and 
finished with the graver, in a neat, spirited style." — Bryan's " Dictionary of 

1338 PARDOE (Julia). Beauties of the Bosphorus. Illustrated 

with portrait, vignette title, and 86 beautiful steel plates, from 
the drawings by W. H. Bartlett, and engraved by Moss- 
mank, Griffiths, Carter and others. 4to, half morocco, 
cloth sides, gilt edges. [London, n. d.\ 

'339 PARIS SALON de 1865. With 50 wood-engravings of 
pictures and statuary, designed by the most Eminent French 
artists and engraved by Boetze'l. Oblong 4to, sewed. 

Paris, n. d. 

"Exemplaire-deluxe" and entirely printed on China paper. 

1340 Paris Exposition, 1878. Official Catalogue of U. S. Ex- 

hibitors, and compiled by T. R. Pickering. Small 8vo, 
cloth, totally uncut. London, Chiswick Press, 1878 

1341 [PARKER (Robert).] Scholasticall Discovrse against 

Symbolizing with Antichrist in Ceremonies: Especially in 
the Signe of the Crosse. Small folio, old calf. 

(London), 1607 

Excessively rare and with neither printer's name nor place of publication. 
The author of this book, a Puritan divine of considerable learning and authority, 
who was educated at Cambridge, gave such offence by the publication of this 
volume that he fled to Holland. The only reason that can account for its great 
rarity is, that it was vindictively suppressed. 

1342 PARNASSE OCCITANIEN, ou Choix de Poesies Orig- 

inales des Troubadours tirees des Manuscrits Nationaux; 
also — Essai d'un Glossaire Occitanien pour servtr a l'ln- 
telligence des Poe'sies des Troubadours. 2 vols. 8vo, calf 
gilt. Toulouse, 1810 

Rare, with inserted heraldic book-plate of "John Willm. Whittaker, Black- 
burn, Lancashire." 

1343 PASCAL (Blaise). Pensees. 2 vols, Svo, bound by Vogel 

in calf gilt, marbled edges. Paris, 181 7 

Large paper, and printed by Didot. 




Illustrated with 47 fine etchings, proofs on India paper, 
by members of the Junior Etching Club. Folio, half roan, 
cloth sides, gilt edges. London, Day and Son, [1862] 

Very SCARCE. The etchings are by Henry Moore, M. J. Lawless John 
Tcnnicl, F. l'owell, Viscount Burv, J. Whistler. Lord G. Fitzgerald J Clark 
J. E. Millais, J. W. Oakes, J. R. Clayton, W. Gale. A. J. Lewis, f. Sleigh, C 
Keene. Walter Severn, F. Smallfield and others. A few of the plates are a 
little foxed. They can, however, be fixed by remounting the " Indias." 

1345 Paton. Coleridge's Rime of the Ancient Mariner. 

Illustrated by J. Noel Paton — 20 charmingly executed out- 
line plates. Oblong large 4to, cloth, gilt edges. 

London, Art Union of London, 1863 

1346 PATTISON (Mrs. Mark). The Renaissance of Art in 

France. With 19 illustrations on steel 2 vols. 8vo, fresh 
half morocco, top edges gilt, others uncut. London, 1879 

Written by the present wife of Sir Charles Dilke. " This is the first com- 
plete account that has appeared of one of the most important, and at the same 
time difficult, periods in the history of French art. . . . In any case. Mrs. 
Pattison's work, even now, is an indispensable guide to its subject. No reader 
will lay down the work, carefully thought out and attractively written, without 
a feeling of satisfaction, and there is probably no man in this special branch of 
art who would not have been glad to have written such a work."— London 

1347 Peignot (Gabriel). Traits' du Choix des Livres. Small 

8vo, half morocco. Rare. Paris, Renouard, 181 7 

1348 PENLEY (Aaron). English School of Painting in Water- 

Colors: its Theory and Practice, with the Several Stages 
of Progression. Accompanied with 47 illustrations in the 
first style of chromo-Iithography. Large folio, cloth gilt. 

London, Henry Sothcran and Co., 1 880 
This best work on painting in water-colors was published at four guineas. 


1349 PEPYS (Samuel). Diary and Correspondence of, from his 

MS. Cypher in the Pepysian Library, with a Life and Notes 
by Richard, Lord Bravbrooke, deciphered with Ad- 
ditional Notes by Rev. Mvnors Bright, M.A. Fac- 
similes, etc. 10 vols, large 8vo, boards, totally uncut as 
issued. N. Y., 1884 

Large papkr. Limited edition of 169 copies, of which the above is on 
Holland paper, and is number gq. Pepys' Diary presents a true and most inter- 
esting portraiture of the busy and important times of King Charles I. , Oliver 
Cromwell. King Charles II., King James II. and King William. There are no 
books of their class in the language for which it is more desirable that the 
widest possible circulation should be obtained. 

1350 PERCY (Bishop). Folio Manuscript Ballads and Ro- 

mances, edited by J. W. Hales, F. J. Furnivall and 


others. Facsimile front. 3 vols, thick 8vo, old half mo- 
rocco, cloth sides, totally uncut. Roxburghe style. 

London, 1867-68 
Limited edition. Printed for subscribers of the Ballad Society only. 


1351 PERRAULT (Charles). Contes des Fees en Prose et en 

Vers Deuxieme Edition Revue et Corrigee surles Editions 
Originales et Pr£c£dee d'une Lettre Critique par Ch. 
Giraud de 1'Institut. Illustrated with charming vignette 
engravings, and some 65 extra plates carefully inlaid or 

TERS, etc. Thick 8vo, bound by Tout in half crushed 
levant morocco, top edge gilt, others uncut. Lyons, 1865 
Unique and la rue taper, of which only a very limited edition was printed. 
Among the extra illustrations are: portrait of " Colbert," artist's proof ; "Mer- 
lin;" " Tale of the Genii," a series of plates by Stothard; ' ' Mme. de Scvigne;" 
" Voltaire;" " Regent d'Orleans;" etc. 

1352 PER ROT (A.M.). Collection Historique des Ordres de 

Chevalerie Civils et Militaires existant chez les differens 
Peuples du Monde, suivie d'un Tableau Chronologique 
des Ordre Eteints. Illustrated with some 40 plates, and 
colored by hand, representing crosses, medals, ribbons, 
costumes, of nearly all decorations, ancient and modern. 4to, 
old cloth. Paris, 1820 

Unique and Rare. One of the most uncommon works on chivalric decora- 
tions and orders, and includes that of the American Cincinnati. 


1353 PICART (Bernard). Religious Ceremonies and Customs 

of the several Nations of the Known World, with His- 
torical Explanations and several Curious Dissertations, 
written Originally in French, and now Published in Eng- 
lish, with very considerable Amendments and Additions. 
With more than 100 beautifully engraved plates. 7 vols, 
in 6. Folio, old calf, gilt. London, 173 1 

Very scarce. Picart's celebrated work is of great value to American col- 
lectors on account of its giving a pretty thoroughly exhaustive account of the 
theologies of the American Indians. Picart's plates are said to amount to 



1354 PILK1NGTON (M.). Gentleman's and Connoisseur's 

Dictionary of Painters, Containing a Most Complete Col- 
lection and Account of the most Distinguished Artists 
who have Flourished in the Art of Painting at Rome, 
Venice, Naples, Florence, and other Cities of Italy, in 



Holland, Flanders, England, Germany or France, from 
the year 1250. Thick 41.0, half russia gilt, cloth sides, 
top edge gilt. London, 1796 

Unique and extra illustrated with 102 portraits of engravers, mostly of 
the Dutch school. With — " Supplement containing Anecdotes of the latest and 
most Celebrated Artists, including several by lx>rd Orford ; also Remarks on 
the Present State of the Art of Painting, by James Barry." 


1355 PILKINGTON. General Dictionary of Painters, contain- 

ing Memoirs of the Lives and Works of the Most Eminent 
Professors of the Art of Painting from its Revival, by 
Gihabue in the Year 1250 to the Present Time. Illustrated 
with 100 inserted plates and portraits. 2 vols. 4to, green 
morocco, elegant gilt edges. London, n. d. 

Unique and LARCE pai>er cot>Y with titles specially printed for a former 
owner— Thomas Bird — and illustrator, whose heraldic book-plate is inserted. 
The portraits and specimens represented are mostly of the linglisli school and 
are engraved by T. Chambars, Kyland, Bannerman, Coypel, Walker, Grimaldi, 
Bretherton, Boydell, Hibbart, Gandon, Hodges, etc., etc. 

1356 PITTURE ANTICHIE delle Grotte Di Roma e del Sepolcro 

de' Nasonj Disegnate et Intagliate alia Similtudine degli 
Antichi Originali da Pietro Santi Bartoli e Francesco 
Bartoli suo Figliuolo Descritte et Illustrate da Gio : 
Pietro Hellori e Michel Angelo Causei Dela Chausse. 
With 76 admirably executed copper-plates of nudes, etc. 
, Folio, russia gilt. Rome, 1706 

Rark. With the inserted heraldic book-plate of "Victor Albert Ceorge 
Child Villiers, Karl of Jersey, Osterley Park." 

1357 POET and PAINTER; or, Gems of Art and Song. With 

nearly 100 fine steel engravings. 4to, stamped morocco 
gilt, beveled sides, inside gold borders, gilt edges. 

N. Y., 1869 

The engravings are by or after Cabancl, Turner, Maclise, Durand, Hunting- 
ton, Meadows, Westall, Cropsey, Landseer, Kensett and other eminent artists. 


1358 POLIGNAC (Melchior dc). Anti-Lucretius sive de Deo 

et Natura Libri Novem. Illustrated with exquisite head 
and tail pieces by Eisen, engraved by Tardif.u, etc. 2 vols. 
8vo, bound by Dkrome in red crushed levant morocco 
gilt, inside gold borders, edges gilt on marble. 

Paris, 1747 

Scarce. This posthumous work of the celebrated Cardinal I'olignac was 
edited by the Abbe Charles d'Orleans de Rothelin. It was received with the 
highest eulogiums by men of letters, among others by Voltaire, who says in bis 
"Temple du Gout " — 

" Ce cardinal qui, sur un nouveau ton 
En vers Latins fait parler ia sagesse 
Reunissant Virgile avec Platon 
Vengeur du ciel, vainqueur de Lucrece." 



'359 POPE. — CEuvres Complettes cTAlexandre Pope, Tra- 
duites en Francois — Nouvelle Edition, revue, corrig^e, 
augmentce du 'I'exte Anglois mis a cote des Meilleures 
Pieces. Portraits and plates by Marillier. 8 vols. Svo, 
sewed, uncut. Paris, Chez Veuve Duchesne, 1779 

Rare, entirely uncut as issued with the rare plates of Marillier. The por- 
trait is by I.e Beau after Kneller. The illustrations by Marillier to the above 
edition of Pope are fully equal to those he designed for Dorat, Prevost, etc. 


1360 PORTRAITS des Rois de France avecvn Sommaire dis- 

cours contenant les Principals Actions de leur Rt-gne, 
leurs Naissances, Manages, Decez et autres Remarques 
Curieuses Depvis Pharamoko Iusques au Roy Lovis 
XIIII. Illustrated "with over 50 portraits, brilliant impres- 
sions of the Kings of France and engraved titles. 4to, 
old calf gilt (a few short). Paris, circa 1650 

1361 PORTRAITS. "Eighty-Six Portraits of the British Naval 

Officers engaged in the most Glorious Victories of the 1st 
and 2d of August, 1798; nth October, 1799; 14th Feb- 
ruary, 1797, and 1st June, 1794. Under the Command of 
the "Illustrious Lord Nelson, Lord Howe, Earl St. 
Vincent, and Lord Duncan." 86 portraits. 4to, half 
calf, gilt. 

Unique and curious collection of miniature portraits carefully inlaid. 
From the library of Thomas Needham and with his inserted heraldic book-plate. 
Among the principal portraits are those of: — Nelson, St. Vincent, Howe, Dun- 
can, Sir Richard Onslow, Sir H. Trollope, Sir C. Thompson, Sir \V. Parker, 
Sir \V. Fairfax, Sir T. Bayard, Bridport Gardiner, Paisley, Caldwell, Col- 
lingwood. I'akenham, Gambicr, Hood, Dacres, Duckworth, Drury, Schom 
berg, Wescott, Grey Moutagne, Harvey, Paley, Bligh, Parker. Troubridge, 
Pigott, Mackenize, Inglis, Seymour, Pringle, Douglass, Curtis, Payne, Sutton, 
Miller, Westcott, Knowles, Holloa-ell, Berkeley, Hutt, Hope, Elpliinslone, 
Gould, Walker and Cotton. 


1362 PORTRAITS. Franciscii Tertii Ueruomatis Skrkniss. 

Ferdinandi Archidvcis Avstriae Dvcis Bvrgvnde Coni- 
itis Tirolis, etc. Pictoris Avlici ad Invictiss. Caesarum 
Maximilianvm II. Romanorvm imp. Semper Avgstvm. 
Avstriaecae Gentis Imaginvm. With 55 large copper- 
plates, portraits including titles (some creased and soiled). 
Square large folio, old morocco gilt with grolieresque 
patterns on the sides. n, p , n. d. 

Vk.ry kakk. This volume of 16th Century portraits is dedicated to Maxi- 
milian II., Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, who was born in 1527 and 
died in 1576. There are five parts in all, in which are given, accompanied by 
allegorical figures and engraved text, the portraits of the Emperors and Em- 
presses of the Holy Roman Empire, also members of the great European houses. 
Some of the plates have two different portraits upon them. Among the more 
important portraits are those of Don John of Austria, Anne of Austria, Cod- 
frey de Boulogne, Charles the Bold. Philip II. of Spain, Charles the Fifth 
Maximilian II., Philip Duke of Burgundy, Rudolph of Hapsburg, etc. 



1363 PORTRAITS. Les Hommes Illustres et Grands Capi- 

talizes Francis qui sont Peints dans la Galerie du Palais 
Royal Ensemble un abrege' de leurs Vies et Actions 
Memorables Composez par M. de la Colombiere avec 
levrs Portraits, Armes et Devises Dessignez et Gravez par 
les Sieurs Heince et Bignon Peintres et Graveurs du 
Roy. Embellished -with a series of splendid and large por- 
traits enclosed in borders representing memorable scenes in the 
lives of those depicted, with their coats of arms, etc. {some 
pages stained slightly). Square large folio, sprinkled calf 
gilt. Paris, 1690 

Rare. Among the portraits are those of Bertram! Du Guescliu, Joan of 
Arc, Chevalier Bayard, Duke de Guise, Marshal Biron, Henry IV., Marie de 
Medieis, Duke de Richelieu, Anne of Auslria and Gaston, Duke of Orleans. 


Court of Queen Victoria. With Descriptions, consisting 
of 101 beautiful steel plates engraved by Finden, Holl, 
Mote and others, from the original paintings by Chai.on, 
Sir T. Lawrence, Eastlake, etc. 2 vols, large 4to, half 
morocco gilt, cloth sides, gilt edges (a few plates slightly 
spotted). London, J. Hogarth, 1849 

1365 PORTRAITS. Quarto scrap book, containing 53 portraits, 

among them being Prince DI Conde, Paul V., Ankostrom 
the Regicide, Pius VII., Newton, Chesneau, Mrs. Fitz- 
herbert, St. Bernard, Isabelle d'Espacne, Racine, 
Piron, Pius VI., Louis XVIIL, Rudolph II., Egalite 
Orleans, Queen Charlotte, Scarron, Napoleon, etc. 

1366 PRIAPIC Des Divinit^s Generatrices ou du Culte du 

Phallus chez les Anciens et les Modernes des Cultes du 
Dieu de Lampsaque, de Pan, de Venus, etc. Avcc leur 
Continuation chez les Indiens et les Chretiens d'Europe 
par "J. A. D." Small Svo, old sheep, gilt. Paris, 1805 
Very rare. 

1367 PROUT. — Facsimiles of 50 Sketches mode in Flanders and 

Germany and drawn on stone by Samuel Prout, F.S.A., 
Painter in water-colors in ordinary to His Majesty (a few 
stained slightly). Large folio, old half morocco, cloth sides. 

London, Hullmandd, n. d. 
" We owe to Samuel I'rout, I believe, the first conception and certainly the 
only expression, of precisely the characters which were wanting to old art, of 
that feeling which results from the influence among the noble lines of architec- 
ture of rent and rust, the fissures, the lichen and the weed, and from the writ- 
ings upon the pages of ancient walls, of the confused hieroglyphics of human 
history. . . Kor numerous as have been his imitators, extended as his influence 
and simple as his means and manner, there has as yet appeared nothing at all to 
equal him. There is no stone drawing, no vitality of architecture like Proui's. " 
— Ruskin. 



1368 PUGIN (Augustus). Specimens of Gothic Architecture, 

Selected from Various Ancient Edifices in England, with 
Historical and Descriptive Accounts by E. J. Wilson. 
Engraved titles and 1 1 3 fine plates. 2 vols, large 4to, fresh 
half calf gilt, marbled sides and edges. London, [1822] 
Scarce. At the end of volume two is a complete " Glossary of Technical 
Terms Descriptive of Gothic Architecture." 

1369 PUGIN. Gothic Ornaments, Selected from Various 

Ancient Buildings both in England and France. With 
numerous illustrations of every description of decorative detail 
from the eleventh to the beginning of the sixteenth century 
drawn on stone by J. D. Harding, or executed under his 
superintendence. Large 4to, old half roan, uncut. 

London, 1844 

This volume includes over ninety important examples by the architect, who 
some claim was the real designer of the English Houses of Parliament. 

1370 PUGIN (A. Welby). True Principles of Pointed or Chris- 

tian Architecture. 20 beautifully etched plates and numer- 
ous woodcuts in text. 4to, half morocco gilt, top edge gilt, 
others uncut. London, 1853 


UINCY'S Figures of the Past; Bartlett's 
Jane Grev ; etc. Together 4 vols. 

ABAUT (J. P.). Almanach Historique de la 
Revolution Francoise pour 1'Annee, 1792. Il- 
lustrated with numerous plates of the French 
Revolution. Minimo, half morocco gilt, top 
edge gilt. Paris, 1792 

Scarce, with inserted heraldic book-plate. 

1373 REBULLOSA (Iayme, Dominican). Theatro de los May- 

ores Principes del mondo Y causas de la Grandeza de sus 
Estados, facado de las Relaciones Toscanas de Iuan 
BoTSKO Benes. Square minimo, vellum. 

Very scarce. Barcelona, 1605 


1374 RECAMIER {Jeanne Francoise Julie Adelaide Bernard). 

Souvenirs et Correspondence Tires de Papiersde Madame 
Recamif.r. Extra illustrated with 158 inserted plates, some 
of great rarity, India proof impressions,^. 2 vols. 




thick 8vo, elegantly bound by Tout in half crushed levant 
morocco gilt, top edges gilt, others uncut. Paris, i860 

Unique and scarce ORIGINAL EDITION. Among the rare portraits inserted 
are those of— Madame Recamier. Mme. De Stael, Chateaubriand, Louis XVI., 
Marie Antoinette, Talma. Pauline Bonaparte, Eliza Bonaparte, George IV,' 
(while F'rincc of Wales), Emptcss Josephine, Napoleon, Mile, de la Vallierei 
Queen Hortense, Mme. Catalini. Talleyrand, Washington, by Ridley; Lord 
Castlcragb, Duchess of Devonshire, and also of many of the most celebrated 
persons living during the epoch of Mme. Recamier. which covers the period of 
the French Revolution and the Empire. There are also a number of views 
etc., some of rarity. 

" Le salon de Mme. Recamier etait bien autre chose encore, mais il etait 
aussi, a le prendre surtout dans les dernieres annees, un centre et un foyer lit- 
te'raire. . . . M. de Chateaubriand etait 1'orgeuil de ce salon mais elle en etait 
!'arae._ . . Elle avail au plus haut degre non cette esprit qui songc a briller pour 
lui-meme, mais eclui qui sent et met en valcur de l'esprit des autres. Elle 
ecrivait peu; elle avait pris de bonne heurc, cette habitude d'ecrire le moins pos- 
sible; mais ce peu etait bien et d'un tour parfait. En causant. elle avait aussi 
le tour net et juste, 1'cxpression a point. Dans ses souvenirs elle choissisait de 
preference un trait fin, un mot aimablc ou gai. unc situation piquantc et negli. 
geait le reste; elle se souvenait avee gout. Elle ecoutait avec seduction ne lais- 
sant rien passer de ce qui etait bien dans vos paroles sans temoigner qu'elle le 
sentil. Elle qucstionnait avee interet et etait tout cntier a la reponse. Rien 
qu' a son sourire et a ses silences, on etait interesse a lui trouver de l'esprit en la 
quittant" — Saint Beuve. 

1375 RECHERCHES sur les COSTUMES et sur les Thea- 

tres de Toutes les Nations tant Anciennes que Mod- 
ernes. Plates, colored by hand, designed by Ch£ry and 
engraved by Alix. 4to, old calf gilt (odd volume, com- 
plete in itself). Unique. Paris, 1790 

1376 REFLECTOR (The), a Quarterly Magazine on Subjects 

of Philosophy, Politics, and the Liberal Arts. 2 vols, (all 
published). Small 8vo, calf gilt extra, marbled edges. 

London, 181 1 

Scarce. Includes articles on Shakespeareana, the drama, poetry, music and 
other kindred subjects, by the principal British authors of the beginning of the 


1377 REVUE ENCYCLOPKUIQUE ou Analyse Raisonnee 

des Productions les Plus Remarquables dans la Litera- 
tures, les Sciences et les Arts, par une Reunion de Membres 
de l'lnstitut et d'Autres Hommes de Lettres, Vols. 1 to 52 
inclusive. Small 8vo, half smooth dark green morocco; 
also — Table Decimale de " La Revue Encyclopedique " 
1819-29. 2 vols. 8vo, half yellow calf. gilt. Together 54 
vols. Rare. Paris, 1S20-32 

1378 REYNOLDS (Sir Joshua). Life and Times of, with No- 

tices of some of his Contemporaries, by Charles R. 



Leslie and Tom Taylor. Portraits and illustrations. 2 
vols, fresh half calf gilt, marbled sides and edges. 

London, John Murray, 1865 
Beyond the immediate subject of Reynolds and his works the volumes treat 
liberally of the world of wisdom, wit, beauty and folly, which surrounded the 
painter, sat to him. paid him. dined with him, and loved him. This was the 
world of our grandfathers, so comprehensive as to include nearly every man and 
woman of note; near enough to ourselves to have vital warmth even in ashes, 
and to those who look on the work of the artist, instinct with life that cannot 
perish while they remain. 

1379 REYNOLDS. Literary Works and Memoir of the Author 

— with Remarks on his Professional Character by Henry 
William Beechey. 2 portraits (one inserted). Small 8vo, 
calf gilt. London, 1835 

Scarce. The inserted mezzotint portrait of Sir Joshua Reynolds in Vol. 2 

is the very rare "spectacle portrait, engraved by Caroline Watson from the 

painting by himself. 

1380 REYNOLDS. Discourses of, illustrated by Explanatory 

Notes by John Burnet, F.R.S. 12 plates, including vig- 
nette title by Burnet. Thick large 4to, cloth, uncut. 

London, 1842 

1381 RIBOT (Theodulc). Sa Vie et ses CEuvres, publice sous 

la direction de F. G. Dumas. Portrait and numerous plates 
on India paper and illustrations in the text. Folio, loose 
in cloth portfolio. Paris, n. d. 

1382 RICHARDSON (Charles James). Observations on the 

Architecture of England during the Reigns of Queen 
Elizaueth and King James I. Illuminated title, folding 
front, and numerous fine plates. Large 4to, half roan, cloth 
sides (front, slightly torn). London, 1837 

Indispensable to the architect and antiquary. 

1383 RICHARDSON. Clarisse Hartowe. Traduction Nouvelle 

et seule complete; par M. Le Tourxeur faite sur l'Edi- 
tion Originale, revue par Richardson, Dediee et pre- 
sentee a Monsieur, Frere du Rot. Illustrated with the 
etchings of Chodowiecki. 10 vols. 8vo, calf, gilt edges. 

Geneva, 1785-86 

Larc.f. paper, vf.i.lum paper arid with proofs before letters of the cele- 
brated etchings of Chodowiecki. 

Richardson " was a printer and bookseller, a joiner's son who, at the age of 
fifty, and in his leisure moments, wrote in his shop parlor; alaborious man who, 
by work and good conduct, had raised himself to a competency and sound in- 
formation. . . . No one in this age has equalled him in detail and compre- 
hensive conceptions."- — TainE. 

" The power of Richardson's painting, in his deeper scenes of tragedy, never 
has been, and probably never will be, excelled." — Sir Walter Scott. 

•' His personages have all the reality possible, his incidents are realized in the 
manners of all polished nations. What fertility in the invention of personages! 
What variety in tbe delineation of character! "—Diderot. 


1384 RICHARDSON (T. M. Jr.). Sketches in Italy, Switzer- 

land, France, etc. 26 views tinted and drawn on stone by 
Richardson and Pyne, after the designs of Richardson 
{some foxed). Large folio, morocco extra gilt, edges f, r ilt 
(rubbed). London, MeLcan, 1837 

Scarce, with the inserted heraldic book plate of John Blenkinsopp Coulson. 

"In No. 36 (Society of Painters in Water-Colors, 1873). by T. M. Richard- 
son, we have one of those luxuriously colored and elaborately worked drawings 
on whii-h this artist has built his reputation. It is entitled. ' In the neighbor- 
hood of the town of Colenzos, Northern Calabria.' The mountains, of which a 
mass closes the middle distance, are most skillfully drawn and richly colored, 
and in the entire composition there is a completeness which almost bespeaks a 
scenic study." — Art Journal. 

1385 RIDER'S 17 13 British Merlin, Adorn'd with many 

Delightful Varieties and Useful Verities Made and Com- 
piled for his Country's Benefit by Cardanus Rider. 
Rubricated. Minimo, red morocco elegant. London, 17 13 

VERY RARE. This is an almanac and cookery book combined, for the numerous 
blank pages intended for the purposes of a diary arc filled with curious and 
manuscript domestic receipts, such as the making of flummery, curd puffs, Dutch 
waffles, Scotch collaps. whipped syllabubs, etc. The binding is in the style of 
Le Gascon, continuous donation, and is a good example of an English endeavor 
to copy the great French master. 


1386 RIDINGER (J. E.). Betrachtung der Wilden Thiere 

Beygefugter Vortrefflichen des Hoch Berumten Herrn, 
Barthold Heinrich Brockes. Illustrated with 40 plates 
of wild animals and landscapes. Oblong folio, old half mo- 
rocco, cloth sides. Augsburg, 1736 

Very rare. John Elias Ridinger established himself at Augsbourg, where 
he became an eminent designer and a painter of animals and huntings. His 
works as a painter are few and arc little known excepting in his own country, 
but in his numerous etchings from his own designs, he discovers an ability which 
has seldom been surpassed. His compositions are ingenious and animated, and 
he has given to each animal its own peculiar character and attitude with surpris- 
ing expression and exactness. 

1387 Ris-Paquot. Maniere de Restaurer soi-mime les 

Faiences, Porcelaines, Cristaux, Marbres, Terrescuites, 
Gres, Biscuits, Emaux, etc. Colored plates. Small 8vo, 
sewed, uncut. Amiens, 1S76 

1388 Ris-Paquot. Manufacture Royale de Porcelaine de 

Vincennes et de Sevres. 345 marks and monograms in 
eolors. Small 8vo, sewed, uncut. Amiens, 1878 


1389 ROBERTS (David R. A.). Holy Land, Syria, Idumea, 

Arabia, Egypt and Nubia, with Historical Descriptions 
by Rev. George Croly, LL.D. 124 large and exquisitely 


beautiful lithographic plates colored in exact imitation of the 
original drawings and by Lewis Hag he. 3 vols, square 
large folio, fresh half morocco extra gilt, cloth sides, gilt 
edges. London, F. G. Moon, 1842-49 

Magnificent copy and originally published at ^121). i. $650. This copy 
is in all respects in the finest possible state, and as is the case with all such, has 
the large vignettes which in the usual copies are printed above the letter press, 
printed on separate leaves like the larger plates. 

The above has always held a prominent position among the many splendid 
works published during ihe present century. It is valued no less for its artistic 
execution, than for the deep and absorbing interest which attaches in the present 
day to the subjects which it delineates. To the Oriental traveler it is a valuable 
reminiscence of the spots that he has visited, and to those who are strangers to 
the East it presents a faithful picture of the existing state of the Hible lands. 

"Among the members of the Academy we have at present only one professedly 
architectural draughtsman of note, David Roberts, whose reputation is probably 
further extended on the continent than that of any other of our artists except 
Landscer. . . '1 he fidelity in intention and honesty of system of Roberts have 
been, however, always meritorious; his drawing of architecture is dependent on 
no unintelligible lines or blots, or substituted types, the main lines of the real 
design are always there, and its hollowness and undercutting given with exquisite 
feeling. His sense of solidity of form is very peculiar, leading him to dwell 
with great delight on the foundings of edges and angles; his execution is dex- 
terous and delicate, singularly so, in oil: and his sense of chiaroscuro refined." — 

1390 ROBERTS. Views in the Holy Land, Syria, Egypt, 

Nubia, Arabia, etc. With Historical Descriptions by 
Croly and Brockedon. Illustrated -with some 250 ex- 
quisitely beautiful plates in double tints, executed in the 
highest style of lithography, by Louis Haghe. 6 vols, in 3. 
Large 4to, half morocco, cloth sides, top edges gilt, 
others uncut (a few plates slightly foxed). London, 1855 

Smaller edition in size of the preceding number. 

1391 ROBERTS (E.). India, China and the Shores of the Red 

Sea. Illustrated with a colored front, and 62 fine steel plates 
from drawings by Stanfield, Prout, Cattermole and 
others, after original sketches by Commander R. Elliott, 
R. N. 2 vols, in t. 4to, half calf gilt, marbled edges. 

London, n. d. 


1392 ROCHEFORT fC. de). Histoire Naturelle et Morale des 

lies Antilles de l'Amerique; Enrichie de Plusieurs Belles 
Figures des Raretez les plus considerables qui y sont 
d'ecrites avec vn Vocabularie Caraibe. Engraved titles, 
plates and engravings of Indians, etc., also portrait. 4to, 
old calf, gilt. Rotterdam, Arnould Leers, 1658 

Kahe, with the inserted book-plate " Ex libris C. L. Lepine Doct. Med., " 
Translation of Title:—" The Naturaland Moral History of the Antilles Islands 
in America. Embellished with a great number of fine copperplate engravings 
of the most considerable places and rarities. With a Vocabulary of the Carib 
language, revised and augmented with many descriptions and some explanations 
which were wanted in the first." 




1393 ROGERS. — Collection of Prints in Imitation of Draw- 

ings, to which are Annexed Lives of their Authors, with 
Explanatory and Critical Notes by CHARLES ROGERS, 
F.R.S. and S.A.L. Illustrated with 112 colored prints 
in exact imitation of the originals. 2 vols, large folio. 

London, 1778 

Larce tater, and includes exquisite fac-simile drawings after Leonardo da 
Vinci, Michael Angelo, Rafiaelo, Zuccaro. Maratti, Titian. I'aul Veronese, 
Correggio, 1'armigianio, Caracci. Cuido, Domenichino, Gucrcino, Salvator 
Rosa, I'oussin. Boucher, Rubens, Van L)yck, Remhrandt and others, by liarto- 
lozzi, Basirc, Ryland, Watts and others. This copy has inserted the heraldic 
book plate of " Robcit Dalrymple Horn Elphinstone." 


1394 ROGERS (Samuel). Italy, a Poem. Exquisite steel plates 

after Turner and Stothard's famous drawings, engraved 
by Le Keux, Fin den, Wallis, etc. Large 4to, morocco 
elegant gilt edges by Hayday. London, 1838 

Large paper and VERY scarce, each plate printed separately on paper same 
size as text, and not incorporated therein as in other editions. 

Exquisite is a most thoroughly appropriate description for this volume illus- 
trative of the " Italy " of the celebrated beau, banker and poet. The enormous 
wealth of the author enabled him to command the best talents of the best 
artists of his time, and it is stated that he spent .£10,000 in the illustration of 
the above.' J. M. W. Turner, Prout, Thomas Stolhard and others, rivaled 
themselves, and the genius of design was in turn rivaled by marvelously skilled 

1395 ROME. — Raccolta delle principali Vedute di Roma. 

Finely engraved title and 42 engravings executed in a highly 
artistic manner by Domf.nico Amict, and other artists, com- 
prising views of all the most important remains of Roman 
grandeur, 1835; Raccolta di Obelischi Scelte Fontane, e 
chiostri di Roma, engraved title and 30 beautiful engravings 
by Domenico Amici, and other artists, delineating the prin- 
cipal Roman oMisks, fountains, aqueducts, and the falls and 
grottoes of Tivoli, 1839. Together in 1 vol. Oblong 4to, 
vellum gilt, edges gilt. 

Scarce and a fine copy. 

1396 ROSSETTI (Dante Gabriel). The Blessed Damozel. Il- 

lustrated with reproductions after the designs of KenyoN 
Cox. Large 4to, fresh cloth extra gilt, top edge gilt, 
others uncut. N. Y., 18S6 

Beautiful specimen of printing in bistre, from the De Vinne Press, with an 
appendix by Mrs. Schuyler Van Rennsalaer. 

1397 ROTH. Plastisch-Anatomischer Atlas Zum Studiuni des 

Modells und der Antike Entworfen und Gezeichnet von 


Prof. Ch. Roth, Bildhauen in Munchen. Illustrated with 
anatomical plates far the use of artists, i vol. in 10 parts. 
Folio, sewed. Stuttgart, 1886 

1398 ROUEN ILLUSTRATED. With Introduction by 

Charles Deslys and Notices by Raoul Aube. 20 etch- 
ings by Brunet-Desbaines, J. Adeline Toussaint and 
Nicolle. Large 4to, three-quarter morocco, top edge 
gilt, others uncut. Rouen, n. d. 

Scarce, with charming illustrations and initial letters. 

1399 ROUND OF DAYS, Described in Original Poems by Some 

of our most Celebrated Poets. Illustrated with engravings 
by the Brothers Dalziel, after pictures by eminent artists. 
4to, red morocco elegant, inside gold borders, gilt edges. 

London, i860 

1400 ROYAL GALLERY of PAINTINGS, being a Selection 

of the Cabinet Paintings in Her Majesty's Private Collec- 
tion at Buckingham Palace, published under the Superin- 
tendence of John Linnell. 33 steel plates after the works 
of the great masters, Rembrandt, Teniers, Reynolds, 
Van Dyck, Van Ostade, Cuyp, Rubens, etc. Large 4to, 
half morocco, uncut (engraved title, stained slightly). 

London, 1850 


1 401 ROYAL GALLERY OF ART, Ancient and Modern 

Engravings from the Private Collectionsof Her Majesty 
the Queen and His Royal Highness Prince Albert, 
and the Art Heirlooms of the Crown, Buckingham Palace 
and Osborne, edited by S.C.Hall, F.S.A., etc. With 
316 magnificent impressions of the 144 highly finished engrav- 
ings — these in two, and sometimes in three states, 
etchings, artists' proofs and many engravers' proofs 
signed, some of the latter touched up by the artists, 
all on India paper, also engraved titles and dedications. 
4 vols, square large folio, elegantly bound in half crushed 
purple levant morocco gilt, cloth sides, gilt edges. 

London, 1854-61 

Largest caper, unique, and the editor, Samuel Carter Hall's own picked 
copy of the choicest impressions of the engravings, which number in all in the 
different states — first, second and third — 321 impressions. The ordinary large 
paper copies of the " Royal Gallery " were published at 72 guineas, i. e., nearly 

380 dollars. 

That contained 144 plates only and in one state, but the above extraordinary 



copy of the largest paper issue, which is very limited, cannot be compared in con- 
nection with ordinary examples. The first volume contains 86 plates including 
engraved title and dedication; the second, Si plates, including engraved title; 
the third, plates, including engraved title and dedication, and the fourth volume 
76 plates. 

Not only are many of these plates signed by the artists and engravers, but on 
some of the impressions, in the early states, are notes by the artist. On the 
engraving of " Undine" Maclisc writes— " considering the great labor of this 
plate and for other considerations. I think Mr. Sharpe deserves much credit for 
this production, — Daniel Maclise.'' On the "Ariel" plate, the artist writes— 
" Being asked to state my opinion. I beg to say that 1 think Mr. Sharpe 's en- 
graving highly satisfactory. — Henry J. Townsend." J. van l-erius, the artist of 
the " First Bom." has written a number of notes in French on the plate of the 
second state, and of which there are four states represented altogether. J. V. 
Gibson on an engraver's proof of his "Cottage 1 lome " has written a large num- 
ber of requests for changes in almost every part of the engraving. So with 
many others. 

With the Royal Gallery of Pictures, preserved in Buckingham Palace, the 
private property of Queen Victoria, the public are not altogether unacquainted, 
for at the request of the Directors of the British Institution, many of these paint- 
ings have been permitted to enrich their annual exhibitions of the works of the 
Old Masters. The taste and munificence of two successive sovereigns have pro- 
duced a collection of pictures, genuine, interesting and splendid. Other galleries 
may be more numerous, but none have been formed on principles of such severe 
and scrutinizing selection. No picture is to be met with in Buckingham I 'ala.ee 
whose history, from the artist's time to the present day, is doubtful ; none but 
the tinest and purest specimens of genius— none but works whose inspiration 
guided every line of the pencil — have been admitted. 

Some of the pictures formed part of the well-known collection of Lady Holder- 
ness ; some were selected from the galleries of Lord Rendlesham, and M. 
Schmidt, of Amsterdam. The entire collection of Dutch pictures, which be- 
longed to the late Sir Francis Baring, was secured for King George the Fourth, 
as were also Rubens' " Portrait of his Wife," from a descendant of the artist, 
and the splendid picture of the " Marriage of St. Catherine," by Van Dyck, from 
the collection of M. de Burtin, of Brussels. 

The late John Young, Esq.. whose descriptive catalogue of the galleries of 
the Duke of Sutherland, the Marquis of Westminster, the Angerstein Collection, 
etc., etc., justly hold so conspicuous a rank in the estimation of the amateur, 
selected this series of subjects presented to the public under the title of " The 
Royal Gallery of Pictures. It was his intention " to produce highly finished 
etchings, with appropriate letter-press descriptions of the Dutch and Flemish 
pictures, and some of our own school "; and he was engaged upon the work at 
the time of his decease. Since that period the plates have been gradually pro- 
gressing, in the hands of some of the most eminent engravers of the present day, 
without regard to cost, having been chiefly executed by J. Burnet, S. W. Rey- 
nolds, W. Greatbach, j. C. Allen. T. Jeavons. J. P. Quilley, and VV. J. Taylor, 
from drawings made expressly for the work by royal permission. 


1402 ROYAUJiONT (Sieur dtLPriatrdt Sombrtval), Histoire 
dv Vievx et dv Novveav Testament Representee avec des 
Figvres et des Explications edifiantes, Tirees des Saints 
Peres pour Regler les Moeurs dans toute sorte de Condi- 
tions, Dediee a Monsignor Le Dauphin. Illustrated with 
i68 very btautiful engravings on copper, fine and bright im- 



pressions. Large 4to, crushed levant morocco, inside gold 
borders, edges gilt on marble by David. 

Paris, Pierre le Petit, 167 1 

REMARKABLY CHOICE and clean copy internally of this very rare edition, 
which was priced sixteen guineas in a late London catalogue. 

" Cet ouvrage qui depuis pres de deux siccles jouit d'un succes soutenu a ite 
attribue a L. Is. Le Maitre dc Sacy ; mais il est plutot de Nic. Fontaine." — 


1403 RUYTER. Vie de MICHEL DE RUITER, Due, Che- 
valier, Lieutenant, Amiral General de Hollande et de 
Oucst-Frise ou est comprise 1'Histoire Maritime des Pro- 
vinces Unies, depuis 1'An 1652 jusques a 1676. Traduite 
de Hollandois de Gerard Brandt. Illustrated with 
frontispiece, portrait and numerous plates mostly folding. 
Old calf, gilt. Amsterdam, P. and J. Blaeu, 1608 

Rare. The celebrated Dutch Admiral Ruyter was— " born at Flushing in 
1607. He obtained the rank of Rear Admiral hi 1645 and fought an indecisive 
battle against the English near Plymouth in 1652. In 1653 he distinguished 
himself in a great battle between the Hutch under Van Tromp and the English 
under Blake. In the service of the King of Denmark, he defeated the Swedes 
in 1659. I le sailed up the Thames in 1667 and destroyed the shipping at Sheer- 
ness. In 1671, he commanded a fleet which the combined fleets of England and 
France were not able to defeat. He was mortally wounded in a fight against 
the French Admiral Duquesne in the Mediterranean in 1675." 

1404 ^MHT BASIL. Sermons de S. Basile le Grand, 
Archeveque de Cesaree en Capado, avec les 
Sermons de Saint Astf.re, EvCque d'Amasee, 
Tradvits dv Grec. Thick small 8vo, olive calf 
gilt, edges gilt on marble. Paris, 1691 

Rare. Every page ruled with red ink. 

1405 ST. ELIZABETH.— Chronicle of the Life of St. Eliza- 

beth of Hungary, Duchess of Thuringia, who was Born 
in the Year of Grace MCCVII. and died in MCCXXXI., 
written in French by the Count de Montalemrk.rt, Peer 
of France— And now translated for the greater glory of 
God by Ambrose Lisle Phillips, Esquire, of Grace Dieu 
Manor, Leicestershire. Illuminated title, colored by hand, 
also vignette wood engravings ok India paper. Large 4to, 
half morocco, cloth sides, top edge gilt, others uncut. 

London, 1839 

Very SCARCE. The translator joined the Roman Catholic Church about the 
same time as Cardinals Newman and Manning. 

1406 St. John (Alfred). Camping among Cannibals. Small 

8vo, cloth London, 1883 



1407 [SAINT LAMBERT (Jean Francois).] Les Saisons, 

Poeme. Septieme Edition. With engraven front., vig- 
nettes and plates by or after Gravelot, Le Prince, St. 
Aubin, Choffard, Prevost, Rousseau and Dej.aunay. 
Thick 8vo, calf gilt, edges gilt (side damaged). 

Amsterdam (Paris), 1775 

RAKE and a beautiful COPY. Saint Lambert, the author of this version of 
the " Seasons." tells of his indebtedness to and the difference in his treatment 
of the subject sung so delightfully by James Thomson, whose " Seasons " were 
translated into the French by — J. R. F. de Luze, iBol, Mme. Bontemps, 1796, 
and J. Poulin, 180J. The notes to "Les Saisons" are very full. There are 
also some fugitive poetry. "Oriental Fables, "and three stories at the end, 
namely — " I.'Abenaki," ' Sara Th . . . . ," " Zimeo." The first named of 
these is based on an American Indian plot. 

"C'est le seul ouvrage de notre siecle qui passera a la postcritc." — Vol- 


1408 SALLUST. — La Conjuracion de Catilina, Guerra de 

Jugurta por Cayo Salustio Crispo. Beautifully engraved 
title, plates and vignettes. Large 4to, russia gilt, edges 
gilt. Madrid, Joachim Ibarra, 1772 

LARGF. PAPER and a superb example of typography. 

" Cette edition de la traduction de Salluste faite par 1' Enfant Dom Gabriel 
sous la direction de fr'r. Perez Beyer, son precepteur est re^ardte avee raison 
comme un chef-d'ituvrc typographique. Les exemplaires ont etc pour la plupart 
distribui-s en present." — BrUNET. 


1409 SANDRART (J. de). Academia Noblissimse Artis Pic- 

torias. Profusely illustrated with copper-plates and consist- 
ing of portraits of celebrated artists, sculptors and engravers 
as well as examples after their works, also vignettes and en- 
graved front. Thick folio, vellum. Nuremberg, 1683 

Very rare. This copy came from the Welleslcy and Earl Morton collec- 
tions, and is a most important work by the eminent painter and engraver Joachim 
de Sandrart. He had the honor of being selected during the pontificate of 
Urban VI II., whose portrait he painted, as one of the twelve most eminent 
painters in Italy, to paint an equal number of pictures. Among the twelve 
artists thus associated were Poussin, Guido. Domenichino, Andrea Sacchi and 

1410 [SANDYS (George).] Worthies of England in Church 

and State. Small 8vo, old calf. London, 1684 

Scarce, with inserted heraldic book-plate of William M. Maude, also auto- 
graph of " William P. Thackray, 1 Boo, ''on title. 

141 1 SCHILLER (Frederick von). Sammtliche Werke. ta 

vols, in 6. Large Svo, fresh half calf, gilt, marbled sides 
and edges. Stuttgart, 1863 

Goon library EDITION of the works of Germany's greatest poet. 



141a SCHILLER. CEuvres Dramatiques, Traduites de I'AJIe- 
mand Precedees d'une Notice Biographique et Litteraire 
sur Schiller. Portrait on India paper. 6 vols, large 
8vo, half morocco gilt, uncut, by J. Hering. Paris, 1821 
Large paper and thick paper, with inserted book-plates, one of which is 

heraldic and the other is of Emanuel Martin. 

1413 SCHULTENS (Albert). Liber Jobi cum Nova Versione 

ad Hebrasum et Commentario Perpetuo. 2 vols, in r. 
Thick 4to, stamped vellum. Lcyden, 1737 

Scarce. Michaelis calls Schultens the greatest Orientalist of his age. 

1414 SCHWENKE (Frederick). Designs for Decorative Furni- 

ture and Modern Chamber Arrangement, including a Prac- 
tical Guide to Upholstery. 72 large and fine plates exhib- 
iting the latest improvements, accompanied by minute and 
accurate working plans, the subjects carefully selected from 
the best existing specimens exhibited in the Department of 
Industrial Art, Berlin, by F. Schwenke. Large folio, half 
morocco, cloth sides, gilt top edge. 

London and Manchester, Henry Sotheran 6-* Co., 1882 

1415 SCOTT (Sir Walter). Waverley Novels. Author's Favorite 

Edition with all his Additional Notes. 96 beautiful engrav- 
' n £ s from original designs of Stanfifld, Creswick and 
others. 48 vols, small 8vo, cloth, totally uncut. 

Edinburgh, A. cV C. Black, 1850 
" His (Scott's) genius shines with an equal light on all, — illuminating the vast 
hills of purple heath, the calm breast of the quiet water, and the rich masses 
of the grove,— now gleaming with a sacred light on the distant towers of some 
old monastery, now softening the greenwood shade, now piercing the gloom of 
the rude cave where the old covenanter lies, — free and universal and bounteous 
as the sun, and pouring its radiance with a like impartiality ' upon a living and 
rejoicing world.' " — TALKOUSD. 

1416 SCOTT. Works, 1. e., Waverley Novels, 5 vols.; Poetical 

Works; Tales of a Grandfather and Life by Lockhart. 
Portrait and engraved titles. Together 5 vols. Large 8vo, 
half russia gilt, cloth sides, marbled edges. 

Edinburgh, 1843-47 

1417 SCOTT. Poetical Works. 24 beautiful steel plates after 

J. M. W. Turner, engraved by Goodall, Le Keux, Cooke 
and others. 12 vols, small 8vo, light brown morocco, gilt 
edges. Edinburgh, Robert Cadell, 1833-34 

Author's favorite edition, with inserted heraldic book-plate of Mowbray 


1418 SCRAP-BOOK, Containing 37 hand-colored plates by 

H. Aiken, entitled "Songs," exhibiting 170 humorous sub- 
jects; also 25 engravings of views, etc., carefully colored 



by J. Ward, R. A. ; H. Mulready, R.A ; F. Greenan, R. A.; 
G. Bohn and others. Large folio, velvet binding. 

1419 SCRIVEN (Alexander). Album, Containing 19 clever pencil 

sketches of figures and animals; also very fine pencil portrait 
of the artist by G. Spalding. Large 4to, purple morocco 
extra gilt, edges gilt, with lock (no key). 



GHESE detta Pinciana. Illustrated with some 300 
outline plates of statues, busts, bas-relief s,' etc., after draw- 
ings by Cauccini, also engraved titles by Morelli after 
Asprucci. 3 vols, small Svo, half gree'n crushed levant 
morocco by Bertrand, gilt edges. Rome, 1796-97 

Very rare. This set includes the "Monument! Gabini." This work was 
executed by Lamberti and Visconti, and was privately printed for presents only 
at the expense of the Prince Borghese. The marbles were removed to the 
Louvre, when purchased by Napoleon. 

1 42 1 SELECT VIEWS of LONDON and its Environs, with 

Letter press Descriptions. Vignette title and numerous 
beautiful copper-plate engravings by Storer, Greig and 
others, from original drawings. 2 vols, in %. Thick 4to, 
half morocco. London, 1804 



edited by S. C. Hall, F.S.A. 150 masterpieces of modern 
art executed in the highest style of line engraving by the most 
eminent engravers of the day, India paper proofs. 4 vols, 
square large folio, half morocco gilt, cloth sides, gilt edges. 

London, Henry Sotheran &° Co., n. d. 

" Selected Pictures" is one of the grandest collections of engravings published 
of late years. It includes the choicest paintings of — Landsecr, Faed. Mul- 
ready, Leslie, Maclise, Wilkie, Etty, Paton, Ftith, Herring, Ward. Gilbert, 
Calderon, F.astlake, Creswick, Stanfiekl, etc., engraved by Cousen, Stocks! 
Heath, Sharpe, Armytage, Wilimore, Jeens, Grcatbach, Jo'ubert, Graves and 
others of equal eminence. 

1423 SELOUS. Illustrations by H. C. Selous, of " Hereward 

the Wake," by Charles Kingsley. 20 elegantly designed 
outline plates. Oblong large 4to, cloth, red edges. 

London, printed for subscribers for the 

Art Union of London, 1870 

1424 SEPT PSEAUMES de la Penitence Paraphrase/, en Fran- 

cois par Madame Marie Eleonor de Rohan, Abbesse 
de Malnoue. Minimo, red crushed morocco gilt, inside 
gold borders, edges gilt on marble. 

Paris, Jean Bodot, 1691 
Scarce. Every page ruled around with red ink. 



1435 SHAFTESBURY (Anthony, Earl of ). Characteristics of 

Men, Manners, Opinions, Times. Portraits and vignettes 

by Gribelin. 3 vols, large 8vo, calf gilt, citron edges. 

Birmingham, printed by John Baskerville, 1763 

Large paper and VERY rare. With inserted heraldic book-plate of Lord 

" It has often been remarked that the Characteristics are unjustly neg- 
lected in our days. For Lord Shaftesbury, with all his pedantry, was a man of 
great talents." — De QuiNCEY. 


1426 SHAKESPEARE (William). The Whole Works of, Ed- 
ited by Howard Staunton. With %qo splendid woodcut 
illustrations, after drawings by Sir John Gilbert, R.A. — 
proofs on China paper. 15 vols, thick large 8vo, ele- 
gantly bound in red crushed morocco super extra gilt, 
inside gold borders, gilt edges, and in handsomely hand- 
carved oak cabinet. London, 1881 

Edition de luxe. Number S3 of limited edition and being one of a few 
extra copies printed on thick paper of the very FINEST QUALITY made spec- 
ially for the work and for -presentation. There were only 1.000 copies printed 
in all, and each of which was numbered. As each sheet of each volume was 
printed the type was distributed. The volumes were thus not worked ofl from 
stereotype plates but from the types direct. 

The text chosen for this Edition de Luxe was that of Mr. Howard Staunton, 


"Certainly one of the Best Texts we have" (Alhcnumm, March It, 1881), and 
it is printed in large, clear, new type. 

The illustrations, eight hundred in number, by Sir John Gilbert. R.A. , with- 
out doubt the finest draughtsman on wood of his time, were printed from the 
Original Woixl Blocks on real China paper, by Messrs. R. Clay, Sons and Tay- 
lor, and are mounted in the text. The portrait in the above set is newly en- 
graved and altogether different in treatment to that used formerly in the Staun- 
ton editions. 

This superb edition of the works of the Bard of Avon is uniform in size and 
type with the Edition de Luxe of the Works of Charles Dickens. 

This number in its oak cabinet would be an ornament to any library. It 
measures 3S inches long by 26 high and to deep. The cut above gives an 
admirable idea of the Shakespeare in its case. At the top of the cabinet is 
carved a head of Shakespeare from the Stratford bust and Drocshout portrait. 
Below in the carved scroll work, which is conventional floriated Gothic, are the 
initials " W. S." on a label. In the fillets on each side are carved -ornamenta- 
tion representing masks of ''Comedy" and " Tragedy " with allusive designs 
of musical instruments, chivalric weapons, etc. 

The price in London for such a copy as the above is 50 guineas. «'. <■., $262. 50, 
exclusive of 25 per cent. United States duty, which would bring the market 
value of the set, in New York, up to the neighborhood of $330. 


1427 SHAKESPEARE : Photo-lithographic Fac simile of the 

First Folio Edition of Shakespkark's Works, 1623, exe- 
cuted by R. W. Preston, from the matchless copies in 
Bridgewater House and the British Museum under the 
superintendence of H. Staunton. Portrait. Thick 
folio, bound by AllO in half red crushed levant morocco 
extra gilt, top edges gilt, others uncut. 

[London, Day and Son, 1866J 
The " first folio" is the only edition of the poet's works which is entitled to 
any authority as regards the accuracy of the text, and in thi< respect the above 
fac simile being done by photo lithography, can be relied on by scholars as abso- 
lutely trustworthy. 

1428 SHAKESPEARE. [A Reprint of his Collected Works] as 

put forth in 1623. Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies. 
Published according to the True Originall Copies. Por- 
trait on title. Thick small folio, elegantly bound in red 
morocco elegant, inside gold borders, gilt edges. 
London, Printed by Isaac laggard, and Ed. Blount, 1623, 
and Reprinted for Lionel Booth, 1864 

Lionel Booth's careful fac-simile reprint of the far-famed text of the first 
edition of Shakespeare, " intact as it was put forth in 1623." 

As the text of the ' ' first folio " is continually referred to by Shakespearian 
scholars as of the greatest authority, the value of this present reprint cannot be 
overrated, the more so as perhaps no work was ever more sedulously watched 
during its progress through the press in order that it might be a trustworthy 
reflex of the rare and precious original, and as such it has been universally 
accepted. Appended is an elaborate collation of the " first folio." 

1429 SHAKESPEARE. [A Reprint of his Collected Worksl as 

put forth in 1623. Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies. 


Published according to the True Originall Copies. Por- 
trait on title. Thick 4to, half morocco, gilt top edge. 
London, Printed by Isaac laggard, and Ed. Blount. 1623; 

and Reprinted for Lionel Booth, 1864 
Large paper copy of the Lionel Booth's careful quarto fac-simile reprint. 

1430 SHAKESPEARE. Dramatic Works from the text of the 

First Edition. Portrait. 8 vols. 8vo, elegantly bound in 
fresh half crushed levant morocco gilt, top edges gilt, 
others uncut by Riviere. London, 1885 

Limited edition of 250 copies printed in all. 

1431 Shakespeare. Plays and Poems, with Life and Glossarial 

Notes, edited by A. J. Valpy. Portrait and 1 70 illustra- 
tions from the plates in Boydell's edition. 15 vols, small 
8vo. fresh half olive morocco, contents lettered, gilt edges. 

London, A. J. Valpy, 1832-34 

Scarce and one of the best texts and best illustrated editions of Shakespeare. 


1432 SHAW (Henry). Dresses and Decorations of the 

Middle Ages, from the Seventh to the Seventeenth 
Centuries. With an Historical Introduction and De- 
scriptive Text to every illustration, by Thomas Wright. 
Consisting of 94 beautifully colored full-page en- 
gravings, a profusion of initial letters, and examples of 
curious ornaments. 2 vols, large 4to, half morocco, uncut, 
Roxburghe style. London, IV. Pickering, 1843 

Large paper, with the plates very highlv finished in colors by hand and 
many of the initial letters, woodcuts and full.page illustrations 'illuminated 
with gold. 

There were only 50 large paper copies in all printed. The title to volume 
one of this copy and a number of the pages in the text have been most care- 
fully inlaid. 

This splendid book of medieval costume, one of the best works on the inner 
life and costumes of our rude but splendor-loving ancestors, include* ecclesias- 
tical costume, portraits of historical celebrities, allegorical representations 
masques, tournaments, games, religious ceremonies, art, workmanship, weapons,' 
jewels, etc. 

1433 SHAW. Encyclopedia of Ornament. 59 fine plates, 

beautifully colored, comprising sei'erat hundred exam- 
pies of stained glass, wyod cari'ing, tapestry and needlework 
designs for gold and silversmith's work, etc. Large 4to[ 
half morocco, cloth sides, top edge gilt. 

London, IV. Pickering, 1842 
l'ine copy, with all the plates, initial letters, etc., beautifully colored. 




1434 SHERIDAN (Richard Brinsley). The Dramatic Works, 

with an Introduction by Richard Grant WHITE. Por- 
traits. 3 vols. 8vo, boards, totally uncut. N. Y., 1883 

Large Paper. No. 2S8 of edition printed from type, and limited to 350 
copies on Japan and Holland papers. 

1435 SMOLLETT (Tobias). Complete Works, with Memoir of 

the Author by Thomas Roscoe. Fine portrait and 19 
spirited etchings by George Cruikshank. Thick large 
8vo, half calf gilt, marbled sides and edges. London, n.d. 

1436 SOCRATE, Tragedia Una, Londra, 1796; Breve Compen- 

dio de los Festivos Aplavsos de Villa Franca, Barcelona, 
1724; Applavsi Poetici sopra la Partenza della Nvova Ga- 
leazzi del Serenisimo Gran Duca di Toscana, Pisa, 1633. 
Together 3 pieces. Sewed. 

1437 SOMERVILLE (W.). Hobbinol, Field Sports and the 

Bowling Green. Beautiful vignette illustrations by Nesbit 
from the designs of Thurston. 4to, stamped caif, gilt. 

London, 18 13 

Magnificent specimen of typography, printed by Bulmer at the Shake- 
speare Press. 

1438 Southerns (Thomas). Works, a vols, small 8vo, calf, 

(rebacked). London, 1721 

Scarce. Southernc was born at Oxmnntown, County of Dublin. 1660, and 
died in 1746 — " the oldest and richest of his dramatic brethren." He came of 
an Anglo-Norman family which had settled in Ireland at an early date, and had 
previously lived on the borders of Yorkshire, England, where they were Lords 
of Mitton and Colmolyn. Of the same stock was John Soothern, who wrote 
" Pandora," published in 15S4, and which he dedicated to " Edward Dever. 
Earl of Oxenford." 

1439 SOUTHEY (Robert). Common-Place Book of Choice 

Passages, Special Collections, Analytical Readings, Origi- 
nal Memoranda, etc. Engraved title with fine medallion 
portrait. 4 vols, thick 8vo, fresh cloth, uncut, 

London, 1876 

1440 SPLENDID PORTRAITS of Royal Personages. 15 large 

whole-length and equestrian portraits, finely engraved in mez- 
zotinto by Earlom, Turner and Dunkarton. Square 
large folio, fresh half morocco gilt, cloth sides, top edge 
gilt. London, Nichols, 1816 

Rare. This interesting series includes portraits of Elizabeth, James I. , 
Charles I. and II., etc. 

1441 STANFIELD (Clarkson, R A.). Sketches on the Moselle, 

the Rhine and the Meuse. 30 tinted plates, lithographed 
and drawn on stone, by Hauhe, Boys, Gauci, Pickes, 


after the original designs of Stanfield (foxed). Large 
folio, half morocco, cloth sides. London, 1838 

Scarce. At the sale of the collection of Charles Dickens in 1871, a thou- 
sand guineas were given for a view of "Eddystone Lighthouse," a scene 
painted by Stanfield in the course of a few hours for one of the famous amateur 
plays organized by Dickens and his friends. 


1442 STEEN ACKERS (F. F.). Histoire des Ordres de Chev- 

alerie et des Distinctions Honorifiques en France. Illus- 
trated with numerous chromo-lithographic plates in colors and 
metals. Large 4to, sewed, uncut. Paris, 1S67 

A splendid VOLUME, including the Orders of the Temple, St. John of 
Jerusalem and Rhodes, etc. 

1443 STEVENS (Henry). Bibliotheca Historica, or a Catalogue 

of 5,000 Volumes of Books and Manuscripts Relating 
Chiefly to the History and Literature of North and South 
America. Svo, cloth, uncut. Boston, 1870 

1444 STORER (J. and H.). Histrionic Topography, or the 

Birth Places, Residences and Funeral Monuments of the 
most Distinguished Actors. Elates and engraved title. 
8vo, boards, uncut. Rare. London, 18 18 

1445 STRUTT (Joseph). Sports and Pastimes of the People of 

England, including Rural and Domestic Recreations, May- 
games, Mummeries, Pageants, Processions and Pompous 
Spectacles from the Earliest Period to the Present Time. 
40 beautiful plates printed in sepia, containing nearly 1 50 
different subjects selected from ancient paintings. Large 4to, 
totally uncut. London, printed by T. Bensley, 1810 

Very rare. A superb copy of the second edition, with extra wide margins, 
equal to large paper. 

" The amusing pages of Strutt entitle his memory to great respect: and, bor- 
rowing the idea of Dr. Johnson, I will boldly affirm that he who wishes to be in- 
formed cf the curious and interesting details connected with Ancienl Manners 
and Customs, Costume, Regal and Ecclesiastical Antiquities, ' must devote his 
days and his nights' to volumes of Strutt." — Dibdins Decamrren. 

1446 Strutt. The Same. With illustrations. Svo, original 

(old) cloth, uncut. London, 1838 


1447 SWIFT (Jonathan, D.D.. Dean of St. Eatrict's, Dublin). 

Works, containing Additional Letters, Tracts and Poems 
not Hitherto Published; with Notes and Life of the Au- 
thor by Sir Walter Scott. Eortrait and facsimile. 19 
vols. Svo. polished yellow calf gilt, marbled edges, newly 
rebacked. Edinburgh, 18 14 

Handsomr COPY. " No author in the British language has enjoyed the ex- 
tensive popularity of the celebrated Dean of St. Patrick s. Neither the local 
and temporary nature of the subjects on which his pen was frequently engaged, 
nor other objections of a more positive nature, have affected the brilliancy of 
his reputation."— SCOTT. 


1448 SWISS SCENERY. Illustrated with vignette title ami 60 

beautiful plates, engraved by Heath, Radci.yffe, Askf.w, 
Wat.lis, etc., from the original drawings by Major 
Jamks Cockburn. Large 8vo, fresh half blue morocco 
gilt, top edge gilt, others uncut, by Gray. London, 1820 

Large pater, and with extra fine impressions of the plates. 


trated with Descriptions of the Plates by John Carne. 
With numerous steel plates finely engraved after a series of 
views drawn from nature by W. H. Bartlett, Wm. Pur- 
ser, etc. (some foxed). 3 vols. 4to, stamped purple calf, gilt. 

London, [1836-38] 

A.CITI Opera, Recognovit, Emendavit Supple- 
ments Explevit, Notis Dissertationibus Illus- 
travit Gabriel Brotier, Curante et Imprimente 
Abrahamo Joanne Vai.py. 5 vols, large 8vo, 
calf gilt, edges gilt. London, 181 2 

Handsome edition and best text of Tacitus. 

i4S« TENNYSON (Alfred). Idylls of the King, i. e., Enid, 
Elaine, Viven and Guinevere. Illustrated with magnificent 
steel plates, after the spirited and characteristic designs of 
Gustavf. Dor£. 4 vols, in r. Square folio, illuminated 
cloth beveled sides, gilt edges. 

London, Edward Moxon, 1868 

Best edition, with brilliant impressions of the celebrated plates. 

1452 TERNISIEN-D'HAUDRICOURT. Fastes de la Nation 

Francaise, ou Tableaux Pittoresque Graves par d'Habiles 
Artistes Accompagnes d'un Texte Explicatif, et Destiner 
a Perpetuer la Memoire des Hauts Faits Militaires des 
Traits de Vertus Civiques, ainsi que des Exploits de la 
Legion d'Honneur. Illustrated with numerous plates, 
proofs, with the engraved text opposite the plates and on thin 
paper. Large 4to, boards. Paris, 1804 

1453 THACKERAY (William Makepeace). Works. Profusely 

illustrated. 24 vols, small 8vo, half calf gilt, contents 
lettered, marbled sides and edges. London, 1879 

" The highest, purest English novelist since Fielding, he combined Addison's 
love of virtue with Johnson's hatred of cant; Horace Walpole's lynx-eye in the 
mean arid ridiculous with the gentleness and wide charity lor mankind, as a 
whole, of Goldsmith." 

1454 THAMES (The), or Graphic Illustrations of Seats, Villas, 

Public Buildings and Picturesque Scenery on the Banks 
of that Noble River. 84 beautiful copper-flate engravings 
by W. B. Cooke, from the original drawings by Samuel 
Owen, a vols, large 4to, half russia gilt. London, 181 1 




1455 THIERS (Louis Adolphe). History of the French Revo- 

lution, the Consulate and the Empire, Fine portraits, 
plates, maps, etc. 4 vols, thick large 8vo, half calf gilt, 
top edges gilt. London, 1845-60 

Translated by Thomas W. Redhead, with an introductory sketch of the His- 
tory of France to the accession of Louis XVI., by Feliz Bodin. 

"The publication of It. Thiers' History of the Consulate and the Empire is 
an event of interest not confined to the world of literature. The charms of so 
facile a style, the method of so lucid a narrative, and the abundance of its 
authentic and hitherto unexplored materials, place this work amongst the most 
important productions of our time. During the course of his inquiries on the 
subject, the ex minister has had free access to many sources of information 
beyond the reach of every other biographer of Napoleon." 

1456 THOMSON (James). The Seasons, with Life, Index, 

Glossary and Notes by Percival Stockdale. Portrait 
vignette title and plates on copper, after the designs of 
Stothard, Singleton- and Ramsey. Large 8vo, tree- 
marbled calf gilt, citron edges. London, 1793 

Handsomely printed in large type, with the inserted heraldic book-plate 
of Richard Hughes. 


1457 TOMBLESON (W.). Views of the Rhine. Edited by W. 

G, Fkarnside. Folding panoramic map of the Ehinc, en- 
graved titles and xig beautiful plates, proofs on India 
paper, engraved by Clark, Bishop, Lacey, etc., from the 
original paintings by W. Tombleson. 2 vols, large 8vo, 
smooth purple morocco extra gilt, edges gilt. 

London, 1832 

Large paper, and very fine impressions of the plates on India paper. 

1458 TOOKE (William). Picturesque Scenery of Norway. With 

80 magnificently colored plates of all the principal towns, 

architecture, lakes, rivers, etc., from original drawings 

taken on the spot and engraved by John W. Edy. Folio, 

fine old crinkled morocco extra gilt, edge gilt (title soiled 

slightly). London, 1820 

Rare. Includes the principal towns from the Naze by the route Christiana 
to the magnificent pass of the Swinesund. 

1459 TRUMBULL (John). M'Fingal, an Epic Poem in Four 

Cantos. Inserted inlaid frontispiece. Small 8vo, half 
morocco gilt, top edge gilt. Phila., Matthew Carey, 1791 
Rare. A poem which will live as long as Hudibras. 



1460 TURNER (J. M. W.). Illustrations to the Annual Tours. 

61 pine steel plates of French scenery, proofs on largest 
paper, engraved by Willmore, Wallis and others from 


the original drawings. Folio, loose in half morocco port- 
folio, with flaps (a few slightly foxed). London, 1833-35 
Very sc\rce and priced in late London catalogue £i) 5s. i, e. , $47.00. 
On account of the great scarcity of the first edition of these plates they are 
better known as the Illustrations to the " Rivers of France,"' under which title 
the " Annua] Tours" were issued in all later editions. 


1461 TURNER— Annual Tours: Wanderings by the Loire 

and the Seine, by Leitch Ritchie. With 61 highly fin- 
ished line engravings of the most beautiful scenery, from 
drawings by J . M. VV. Turner. 3 vols, large 8vo, in the 
original dark green morocco extra gilt binding, gilt edges. 

London, 1833-35 
Large paper, original edition, and proof impressions. 

1462 TURNER GALLERY. With Descriptive Text by W. 

Cosmo Monkhouse. Illustrated in a series of 1 20 hand- 
somely executed steel line engravings from the works of J . M . 
W. Turner, R A. 2 vols, large 4to, half morocco, gilt 
cloth sides, edges gilt. N. Y. (London), n. d. 

" J. M. W. Turner is the only man who has ever given an entire transcript 
of the whole system of nature, and is, in this point of view, the only perfect 
landscape painter whom the world has ever seen." — RuSKIN. 

1463 TURNER. Life, founded on Letters and Papers Fur- 

nished by his Friends and Fellow Academicians, by 
Walter Thornburv. Portraits and illustrations. 2 
vols, large 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1862 

" This Turner, whom you have known so little while he was living, will one 
day take his place beside Shakespeare and Verulam. By Shakespeare, humanity 
was unveiled, by Verulam. the principles of nature, and by Turner, its aspects. 
Of all the three, though not the greatest, Turner was the most unprecedented." 

— RlSKIN. 

1464 ^SfVTiplAN DYCK (Antoine). Sa Vie et son LEuvre par 
Jules Guiffrey. Profusely illustrated with 
etchings and other full-page plates, also illustra- 
tions in the text, facsimiles, etc. Folio, cloth, 
uncut. Paris, Quantin, 1882 

According to Fuseli, Van Dyck deserves the next place after Titian in por- 
trait painting. He was a perfect master of drawing and chiaro-scuro. 

1465 VAN DYCK et ses Eleves par Alfred Michiels. IUus- 

tratedwith S etchings by Van Dyck reproduced in heliograv- 
ure facsimile, also other illustrations, mostly in the text. 
Thick large 8vo, cloth, uncut. Paris, Renouard, 1SS2 

These fac simile etchings arc portraits of — Van Dyck. Jean de Wad, Juste 
Suttermans. l'aul Pontius, Brueghel de Velours, Lucas Vorsurman, Francois 
Snyders and Adam Van Oort. 




1466 VATICANO (II). Descritto ed Illustrato da Erasmo 

Pistolf.si con Disegni a Contorni Diretti dal Pittore 
Camillo Guerra: [the Vatican described and illustrated 
by Erasmus Pistolksi, with fine Plates in Outline of all 
the Ornaments, Frescoes, Paintings, Statues, Marbles, etc., 
contained in that celebrated Edifice, including all its 
Architecture and Details.] Illustrated with 850 large and 
beautiful engravings. 8 vols, thick large 8vo, half red 
morocco gilt, edges gilt. Rome, 1829-38 

I.ARGE paper and published in parts at over three hundred dollars, unbound. 
This magnificent book has now become very scarce. The above copy is re- 
markably beautiful. Its fine original impressions having all the vividness of 


" Description la plus etendue et la plus exacte de ce magnifique edifice." — 


1467 VECELLIO (Cesare). Costumes Anciens et Modernes, 

Habiti Antichi et Moderni di Tutto il Mondo. With 513 
beautiful full length portraits representing the Costumes of 
all Nations, chiefly from the designs of Titian, 2 vols. 8vo, 
elegantly bound in olive morocco extra gilt, inside gold 
borders, edges gilt. Paris, Didot, i860 

The above is a new edition of this famous series of Costumes which were de- 
signed and partly executed by the great painter Titian. The original edition 
has become exceeding rare and dear. These woodcuts are beautifully executed, 
and present all the spirit of the originals. The descriptions are given in Italian 

and French. 



QUES dk VERSAILLES publees par ordre du Roi, 
sous la Direction de MM. GAVARD, CALA- 
FRANCE suivant de Texte Explicate aux Pein- 
tures et Sculptures du MUSEE dk VERSAILLES, 
etc., par CH. GAVARD. Illustrated with over 1,400 
superbly executed steel engravings on papier DE CHINE and 
800 wood engravings. The whole bound up with the text, 
with the supplements in 16 vols, as follows: — 

I. — Tome 1, Vues du Chateau de Versailles. 
II.— Supplement Tome 1, Vues de Chateau de Versailles. 

III. — Tome 2, Regne de Louis XIV. 

IV. — Supplement, Tome 2, Regne de Clovis a Louis XIII. 
V. — Tome 3, Campagne de 1792-95. 

VI. — Tome 3, Regne de Louis XV. et de Louis XVI. 



VII. — Tome 4, Regne de Napoleon, Empire. 
VIII —Supplement Tome 4, Marechaux de France. 
IX. — Tomes, Regne de Louis XVIII. \ Louis Philippe 

X. — Supplement Tome 5. Personnages Celebres depuis le 
12 me Siecle jusqu'a Louis XIV. 
XI. — Tome 6, Marechaux de France. 

XII. — Supplement Tome 6, Personnages Celebres sous le 

Regne de Napoleon. 

XIII. — Tome 7, Portraits Divers. 

XIV. — Tome 8, Personnages Celebres sous le Regne de 

Louis XIV. 

XV. — Tome 9. Personnages Celebres sous le Regne de 

Louis XVI. 

XVI. — Tome 10, Texte. 

Together 16 vols, square folio, half red morocco, top 
edges gilt. Paris, 1838 et passim 

Very scarce. These magnificent scries of plates illustrate in their entirely 
the marvelous Palace of Versailles, its historical galleries and their contents, 
which in themselves give a wonderful pictorial history of France from the 
earliest times . Two or three plates are slightly cut in the upper margins. 

Brunet says: " Ce grand ouvrage execute au moyen du diajjraphe invente par 
M. Gavard capitaine au corps royal d'etat major, a ite public en 300 livr. aux 
quelles on a ejoulc depuis un supplement formant too autres livraisons. On y 
compte 1422 pi. sur acier et 800 vignettes sur bois." 

1469 VERSAILLES GALLERY. Musee de Versailles, ou 

Tableaux de l'Histoire de France avec un Texte Expli- 
catif d'apres nos Meilleurs Historiens Henri Martin, 
Michaud, Burette. Illustrated with numerous steel en- 
gravings after the works of the great French masters and 
engraved vignette title ON India paper. Large 4to, half 
morocco gilt, cloth sides, gilt edges. Paris, 1878 


1470 VIENNA GALLERY. Galerie Imperiale et Royale du 

Belvedere a Vienne Gravees par les Meilleurs Artistes 
avec un Texte Explicatif de chaque sujet publice par 
Charles Haas. Profusely illustrated with steel plates 
after the works of the great masters. 4 vols, in 2. Large 
4to, half morocco, top edges gilt. 

Frankfort and Paris, n. d. 
The Vienna Gallery contains some of the greatest paintings in the world of 

147 1 Vies de SS. Peres des Deserts et des Saints Sotitaires 

d'Orient et d'Occident. Two engraved titles and numerous 
portraits and plates of saints. 4 vols, small 8vo. 

Amsterdam, Pierre Brunei, 1 7 1 4 


1472 VIRGIL. Parerga et Ornamenta Caelo Expressa ad P. 

ViRGii.n Maronis Opera Illustranda Sculptore lo. 
Dominico Florillo in Editionc Virgiui Heyxiana. 
With 74 fine steel vignettes struck off on plate paper. Large 
4to, old half roan uncut. London, 181 z 

Proofs, some of nudes, etc., from Heyne's edition of Virgil printed at 
London in 1793 with letterpress at the end. 

1473 VOYAGE D'ESPAGNE Contenant entre Plusieurs Parti- 

cularitez de ce Royaume Trois Discours Politiques sur les 
Affaires du Protecteur d'Angleterre, de la Reine de Suede, 
et du Due de Loraine, avec une Relation de l'Etat et de 
Gouvernement de cette Monarchic ; et une Relation 
Particuliere de Madrid. Engraved title, fat minimo, 
vellum (cover loose and MS. name on title). 

Rare. Cologne, Pierre Marteau, 1667 

1474 VOYAGES PITTORESQVES et Romantiques dans 

l'Ancienne France — Auvergne ; par MM. Ch. Nodier, 
J. Taylor et Alph de Cailleux. Illustrated with about 
200 large and fine lithographic plates of castles, churches, etc. 
on India paper (some stained slightly). 2 vols, thick 
large folio, half morocco, uncut. Paris, Didot, 1829-33 
India Proof copy of these very scarce views of Auvergne. 

'475 ftn*inr|ALES ILLUSTRATED in a Series of Views 
Comprising Picturesque Scenery, Towns, 
Castles, Seats of the Nobility, Antiquities, etc., 
with Historical and Topographical Descrip- 
tions. Engravings on steel by Barber, Rad- 
CLYFFE and others, from the designs of Henrv GASTINEAU. 
2 vols. 4to, calf gilt extra, marbled edges. 

London, Temple of the Muses, n. d. 

Rare. Stamped on the back with the crest and quartered arms of Sir R. 
Colt Hoare. 


1476 WALPOLE and VERTUE (George). Anecdotes of 
Painting in England, and Catalogue of English En- 
gravers, with Lives and Notes, Fine impressions of the 
numerous beautiful portraits. 5 vols, small 4to. Strawberry 
Hill, 1762-71 ; also 
WALPOLE (Horace). Historic Doubts on the Life and 
Reign of Richard the Third. Portrait, London, J. 
Dodsley, 1768 ; also 

EDWARDS (Edward). Anecdotes of Painters who have 
Resided or Been Born in England \ with Critical Remarks 
on their Productions ; Intended as a Continuation to the 


Anecdotes of Painting by the late Horauk, Earl ok 
Orforu. Portrait. London, 1808. 
Together, 7 vols in 4. 4to, old russia gilt, inside gold 
borders, marbled edges. 

Very scarce. Rare Strawberry Hill and First Edition of the 
" Anecdotes." This fine set comprises the rare fourth volume of Anec- 
dotes, which was also printed at Strawberry Hill nearly ten years subsequently. 

" It is the fashion to underrate Horace Walpole ; firstly, because he was a 
nobleman ; and secondly, because he was a gentleman ; but to say nothing of 
the composition of his incomparable letters, and of the Castle of Otranto, he is 
the "Ultimus Komanorum," the author of the Mysterious Mother, a tragedy 
of the highest order, and not a puling love play. lie is the father of the first 
romance, and of the first tragedy in our language, and surely worthy of a 
higher place than any living writer, be he who he may." — Byron. 

1477 WALTON and COTTON. Complete Angler, or the 

Contemplative Man's Recreation. 2 portraits and vignette 
title after Stothard (foxed), also woodcuts. Minimo, old 
morocco gilt. 

London, William Pickering, 1826 

" A work the most singular in its kind, brealhing the very spirit of content 
ment, of quiet and unaffected philanthropy, and interspersed with some fine 
relics of old poetry, songs and ballads." — Bowles. 

It was Thomas Flatman, who died in 1672, that wrote of Walton : 

" Happy Old Man ! whose worth all mankind knows 
Except thyself, — who charitably shows 
The ready way to virtue and to praise. 
The way to many long and happy days." 



1478 WARING (J. B.). Examples of Stained Glass, Fresco 

Ornament, Marble and Enamel, Inlay and Wood Inlay. 

Illustrated with numerous beautifully colored lithographic 

plates drawn on stone and printed in tolors by Vincent 

Brooks, from the Original Drawings belonging to the Board 

of Trade, the Department of Art and Science. Square 

large folio, half morocco, cloth sides. London, 1858 

Large paper and published at £10 10s., ». $52 50. This magnificent 
work on the arcs connected with architecture illustrated by examples in Central 
Italy from the Thirteenth to the Fifteenth centuries is dedicated to the late Pi ince 
Albert. The chromo lithographs in metals and colors are as fine examples as 
have ever been published. 

1479 WEEVER (John). Ancient Fvnerall Monvments with the 

Vnited Monarchic of Great Britaine, Ireland and the 
Islands Adiacent, with the Disolued Monasteries therein 
contained their Founders and what eminent Persons haue 
beene in the same interred, as also the Death and Buriall 


of Certaine of the Bloud Royall; the Nobilitie and Gen- 
trie of these Kingdomes entombed in Forraine Nations. 
W itk fine portrait and engraved title by Cecil and numerous 
woodcuts in the text. Thick small folio, old calf. 

London, Thomas Harper, 1631 

Kare. As is usual with the above, the index which was issued subsequent 
to the work is not included. Underneath the portrait of the author are the 
lines :— 

" Lanchashire gaue him breath. 
And Cambridge education. 
His studies are of deaih 
Of II can en. his meditation." 

1480 WEISSER (Louis). Atlas de Gravures Relatives a I'His- 

toire Universale d'apres les Ouvrages des Temps Anciens 
et Modernes. Illustrated with 145 plates containing thous- 
ands of separate illustrations after the antique and the great 
masters, numerous portraits, etc. Square folio, half morocco, 
gilt. Paris, n. d. 

Scarce. A most valuable work, containing, as it does, illustrations after all 
the great ancient and modern works of value in the domain of the Esthetic. 

1481 WICKES (Charles). Illustrations of the Spires and Tow- 

ers of the Mediaeval Churches of England, preceded by 
some Observations on the Architecture of the Middle 
Ages, and its Spire Growth. 52 large and elaborate plates. 
2 vols, large folio, cloth, uncut (a few plates slightly foxed). 

London, 1853-55 

1482 WILLIS (N. P.). American Scenery: or Land, Lake and 

River Illustrations of Transatlantic Nature. Portrait, 
map, vignette titles and 118 fine steel plates from original 
drawings by Bartlett, and engraved by Wai.us, Cousen, 
Willmore and others. 2 vols. 4to, half calf gilt, cloth 
sides, gilt edges. London, 1840 

1483 WILLIS. Canadian Scenery. Illustrated with a portrait, 

map and 120 fine steel plates from original drawings by 
W. H. Bartlett. 2 vols. 4 to, half calf gilt, marbled 
edges. London, 1842 

1484 WILLSHIRE (William Hughes). An Introduction to the 

Study and Collection of Ancient Prints. Facsimile fronts, 
and numerous plates of water-marks in paper, collectors 
marks, etc. a vols, large 4to, boards, totally uncut. 

London, Ellis and ll'hite, 1877 

Large paper and very limited issue. The latest and best authority on 




1485 WILSON (Alexander) and BONAPARTE (Prince Charles 

lucien). American Ornithology, or the Natural History 
of the Birds of the United States, with a Sketch of the 
Life of Wilson by George Ord, and a Classification of 
the Genera and Species of American Birds by Spencer F. 
Baird, of the Smithsonian Institution. 103 beautiful 
plaits colored by hand, exhibiting nearly 400 figures of 
birds. Together 5 vols. (3 vols, of text, large 8vo, and 
2 vols, of plates, square folio). Uniform half brown mo- 
rocco, antique edges, gilt. 

Phila., Porter and Coates, n. d. 

Vf.rv fine COPT, with thf inserted heraldic book-plate of William Henry 
Charlton, of Hcslcyside. 

' ' A work of genuine science, rendered as interesting to the general reader as 
to the naturalist." — Quarterly Review. 

1486 WILSON (Professor), and CHAMBERS (Robert). Land 

of Burns, a Series of Landscape and Portraits Illustrative 
of the Life and Writings of the Scottish Poet. Numerous 
fine steel plates after the designs of D. O. H ILL. 2 vols. 
4to, morocco, gilt extra (a few pages foxed). 

London, 1840 

1487 WILSON (John W.). Collection de, Exposee dans la 

Galerie du Cercle Artistique et Litteraire de Bruxelles. 
Illustrated with 68 etchings after the works of great ancient 
and modern masters by Lalauze, Waltner, Rajon, Gau- 
cherel, Gilbert, Hedouin, Lancon, Lemaire and others. 
Thick large 4to, half red morocco, cloth sides, top edge 
gilt, others uncut. Paris, 1873 

No. 444 of limited edition of 1 ,000 copies, of which the above is one on 
tinted paper. 

1488 WINKELMANN (Giovanni). Storiadelle Arte del Disegno 

Pressso Gli Antichi Tradotta dal Tedesco e in Quiesta 
Corretta e Aumentata dall' Abate Carlo Fea, Giurecon- 
sulto. Illustrated with 2 portraits, 53 fine plates, and numer- 
ous woodcuts of statues, etc. 3 vols, large 4to, vellum, uncut. 

Rome, 1783-84 

Verv scarce edition. 

" Winkelmann has pointed out the true source of the study of antiquity, 
which is the knowledge of art. and which no writer had before successfully 
accomplished. " — Ch almers. 


1489 WOLSEY (Cardinal). Life by George Cavendish, his 

Gentleman Usher, and Metrical Visions from the original 
MSS. With notes and other illustrations by S. W. Singer, 
fine portraits and engravings. 2 vols. 8vo, calf gilt, sprinkled 
edges. Chiswick, 1825 

Very scarce and printed by C. Whittingham, at the Chiswick Press. 

1490 WOODWARD (B. B.). History of Wales, from the Ear- 

liest Times to its Final Incorporation with the Kingdom of 
England. 76 fine steel plates, engraved by Verral, Lacey, 
Barber and others, from original drawings by H. Gas- 
tineau. 2 vols, large 8vo, half morocco gilt, cloth sides, 
gilt edges. , London, «. d. 

With notices of the physical geography and mineral wealth of Wales, and of 
the religion, literature, laws, customs, manners and arts of the Welsh. 

1491 WRIGHT. Ireland Illustrated; Cities, Towns, Pub- 

lic Buildings, Docks, Churches, Antiquities, Abbeys, Cas- 
tles, etc. Profusely illustrated with fine steel plates from 
original drawings by G. Petrie, W. H. Bartlett andT. 
M. Baynes. 4to, half calf, marbled edges (foxed slightly.) 

London, 1831 

1492 WRIGHT. China: Its Scenery, Architecture and Social 

Habits, etc. Illustrated with 128 beautiful steel plates from 
original drawings by Thomas Allom. 4 vols, in 2. 4to, 
half calf gilt, marbled edges. London [1843] 

1493 WRIGHT. Chinese Empire. Another edition of same. 

Illustrated. Fresh half green morocco gilt, cloth sides, 
gilt edges. London, n. d. 

1494 WRIGHT. The Mediterranean: Its Shores and Islands. 

Illustrated with map and 64 plates after original drawings 
from nature by Sir Grenville Temple, W. L. Leitch, and 
others. 4to, half calf gilt, marbled edges. 

London [1843] 

1495 WRIGHT. The Rhine, Italy and Greece. Illustrated 

with 73 fine steel plates, from original drawings by Bart- 
lett, Leitch, Cockburn, and others. 2 vols, in 4. 4to, 
half calf, marbled edges. London, n. d. 

1496 WYATT (M. Digby). Metal Work and its Artistic Design. 

50 magnificent plates in metals and colors. Square large 
folio, old half morocco, cloth sides (illuminated title 
mended). London, 1852 

Rare. Published at £b 6s. 



1497 BOOK CABINETS, also Suitable for Curiosities. A 

Pair. With plate glass fronts, sides and doors, walnut 
tops, nickel frames and doors, with satin-wood bases. Each 
Cabinet measuring 7 feet, 8 inches high, 3 feet, 4 inches 
wide, and with two lock doors to each; also lined with 
red baize and with five shelves to each. (2) 

1498 CARVED ASH BOOK-CASE, with birds-eye maple and 

walnut trimmings in four compartments, with open shelves. 
The whole measuring 15 feet 3 inches long, 8 feet 6 inches 
high, and 1 foot, 11 inches to 1 foot, 8 inches deep. 

This handsome book-case cost its late owner $500. It has six drawers and 
four shelves to each compartment, with smaller shelves at the back for raini- 
moes or small octavoes. 


\. The highest Bidder to bp the Buyer; and, if any dispute 
arise, between fwo or more Bidders, the I/ot so in dispute shall 
lie immediately put up again and re-sold. 

2. The Purchasers to give their names and addresses, and to 
pay down twenty-five per cent, on the dollar in part payment, or 
the whole of the Purchase-money if required J in default of 
which the Lot or Lota so purchased to be immediately put up 
again and re-sold. 

3. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer's Expense and Risk 
within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the -Sale, aud the 
remainder of the Purchase-money to be absolutely paid, or other- 
wise settled for to the satisfaction of the Vendors, on or before 
delivery; in default of which Messrs, Gko. A. Lkavitt and Co. 
will not hold themselves responsible, if the Lots be lost, stolen, 
damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of 
the Purchaser. 

\. The sale of au