London Alumni Christmas Drinks | Corpus Christi College Oxford

London Alumni Christmas Drinks


List of Attendees

Included are only those who have given permission for their names to be shared. The list is accurate as of 21 November.

1958 to 1979
Michael Hobbs (1958, Zoology)
Paul Vaight (1963, Chemistry)
Bill Morris (1964, Engineering)
Luke Readman (1967, Classics)
Francis Fitzherbert-Brockholes (1970, PPE & Law)
John Mackenzie (1972, Law)
Peter Parker (1972, Modern History)
Robert Orchard (1972, PPE)
Bob Siddles (1975, Chemistry)
Patrick Dennis (1978, Economics)
Peter Smart (1978, Classics)
Adam Berry (1979, Chemistry)
Harriet James (1979, English)
Paul Stuart-Smith (1979, Maths)
Simon Read (1979, PPE)
Steve Willis (1979, Law)
1980 to 1989
Joanna Wagstaffe, née Wagstaffe (1980, Ancient and Modern History)
Paula Boddington (1980, Philosophy)
Phyllis Charteris-Black, née Waite (1980, Ancient and Modern History)
Elizabeth Kinney, née Redd (1981, English)
Michael Kinney (1981, Maths)
Russell Whitehead (1982, English)
Francesca Happé (1985, Experimental Psychology)
Jonathan Kingston (1985, Medicine)
Jim Pearce (1987, PPE)
Marie Kingston, née Schulte (1987, Modern Languages)
Nick Thorn (1988, Modern History)
Rupert de Borchgrave (1989, PPP)
1990 to 1999
Emma Kinloch (1990, Experimental Psychology)
James Pratt (1992, Experimental Psychology)
Sophie Pratt, née Hilton (1992, Biochemistry)
Xenia Wickett, née Dormandy (1992, PPP)
Elliot Ronald (1993, Experimental Psychology)
Sarah Atkinson (1995, PPE)
Ceri-Ann Droog (1996, Engineering)
Barney Jones (1997, English)
Clare Chater (1997, Law)
Kevin King (1997, Modern History)
Leah Zeto (1997, Physics)
Louisa Evans (1997, Medicine)
Lizzie Stutters (1998, Earth Sciences)
Parminder Nahl (1999, History & Politics)
Robert Heaton (1999, Chemistry)
2000 to 2012
Jo Johnson (2000, Classics)
Catherine Blair (2001, PPE)
John-Paul Jones (2003, Modern History)
Sebastian Page (2003, Modern History)
Peter Smith (2010, Biochemistry)
Sam Hodgson (2010, Materials Science)
Sophie Cunningham, née Weller (2010, Chemistry)
Adrian Matthew (2012, Materials Science)
Chloe Farrar (2012, Materials Science)
Guy Ward (2012, Law)
Ada Pospiszyl (2014, PPE)
Adam Wicks (2014, Modern History)
Adam Wigley (2014, Physics)
David Moore (2014, Maths)
Graham Kelly (2014, PPE)
Ioan Phillips (2014, History & Politics)
Jenn Lawrence (2014, Greek and/or Roman History)
Joseph Ball (2014, History & Politics)
Kelvin Justiva (2014, Biochemistry)
Molly Willett (2014, Classics)
Noni Csogor (2014, PPE)
Paul Ritchie (2014, English)
Sarah Clarence-Smith (2014, PPE)
Thomas Munro (2014, Classics)
Akshay Bilolikar (2015, PPE)
Sacha Tchen (2015, Chemistry)
Benedict Winchester (2015, Physics)
Connie Tongue (2015, Classics)
Frances Livesey (2015, Modern History)
Jack Beadsworth (2015, Law)
Jack Counsell (2015, Maths)
Max Phillips (2015, Classics)
Max Brook-Gandy (2015, PPE)
Alex Guzelkececiyan (2016, Physics)
Christian Kouppas (2016, Biochemistry)
Christopher Phang-Lee (2016, Classics)
Freya Chambers (2016, Classics)
Ivo Trice (2016, Modern History)
Jenny Sanderson (2016, Experimental Psychology)
Katie Stanton (2016, Modern History)
Lily-may McDermott (2016, English)
Lilya Tata (2016, Biochemistry)
Matthew Murphy (2016, Modern History)
Meredith Kenton (2016, English)
Owen Tuck (2016, Modern History)
Poppy Miller (2016, Materials Science)
Rosie Arbuthnot (2016, Classics)
Rupert Casson (2016, Classics)
Russell Reid (2016, Physics)
2017 to 2018
Alice Little (2017, Experimental Psychology)
Colette Webber (2017, English)
Dan Taylor (2017, Maths)
Luke Roberts (2017, PPE)
Megan Healy (2017, Biochemistry)
Augy Allain-Labon (2018, Classics)
Eugenie Nevin (2018, History and English)
Phillip Olney (2018, English)
Sneha Bansal (2018, Classics)
Wolff Lambert (2018, Classics)
2019 to 2022
Dominika Jedrzejczyk (2019, Ancient and Modern History)
Eoghan McCauley (2019, Psychology & Philosophy)
Marcus Ray (2019, PPE)
Murray Loncarevic-Whitaker (2019, Materials Science)
Oliver Casale (2019, Chemistry)
Sampada Sudheesh Venkatesh (2019, Law)
Thomas Doisneau-Sixou (2019, PPE)
Alfie Watkins (2020, Classical Archaeology & Ancient History)
Ananya Basu (2020, PPE)
Matías Vildoso Ocampo (2020, PPE)
Rufus Longsdon (2022, English)