21+ Cool HTML CSS Header Design With Cross Browser Compatibility

A website header is a very important section of any website that appears at the top of a web page. The header section includes the logo or name of the website, along with navigation menus, a search bar, a shopping cart, social media buttons, a login field, and other important links.

There is a number of different types of header available like simple basic header, Top header, header with navigation bar, Sticky Header With CSS Javascript, Hamburger, Bottom header, Left header, etc.

The header is a key section in website design as it helps visitors easily navigate through the website and find the information they are looking for. It is important that the header design should be cross-browser compatible.

Its purpose is to create a consistent and user-friendly experience, allowing visitors to explore and access different parts of the website with ease.

Finally, the website header is a top part of a webpage that contains the website’s important links, name, and menu options, and helps you navigate around the site.

Sticky Header CSS Transition

Sticky Header CSS Transition smoothly shows the sticky header transition when we scroll the page. In this header, the Sticky text is shown when scrolling the page the menu bar will animate and sticks to the top of the viewport.

Material Header Design

A Material Header Design is a visually appealing header design that follows Google’s Material Design guidelines and incorporates a fixed and responsive header. This header offers a beautiful mega menu with smooth animation.

Header Resize On Scroll Simple Page Layout

Header Resize on Scroll Simple Page Layout is an animated resize header design. The header resizes and is fixed at the top of the viewport as the user scrolls the web page.

Awesome Header Background

It is an awesome header minimalistic header design with a sticky hamburger menu. This header is fully responsive header looking great. It is creatively designed and enhances user experience.

Minimal Header

If you want to keep the header clean and organized the minimal header is best for you. A minimal header is a great way to let the viewers’ attention be on the most important part of the page.

Responsive Header Design

A responsive header design is an eye-catching modern header design that adjusts its layout automatically depending on the screen size of the device. The header will look beautiful and it will work perfectly on all types of screen sizes.

Header For Landing Page Using Clip-Path

This is a modern full-screen Header in which Header for a landing page is created using clip-path. It is one of the most amazing designs that have backgrounds image. It is one of the best headers for landing pages.

Curve Header

Curve header design is a modern header that uses curved lines to create a dynamic and visually appealing look. This type of header is used on websites that want to create a more modern and stylish look. Curved headers can be made using CSS or HTML, It is fully customized to fit the specific requirement of a website.

CSS3 Clickable Slider Heder

A CSS3 clickable slider header is a modern header that uses CSS3 to create a clickable slider. This header displays different images or content and is used to create a dynamic and eye-catching website.

WebGL Distortion Slider Header

It is a really modern header with an image slider that turns greyscale and creates a stunning blur effect that flows water as you click and drag the image.

Simple CSS Waves | Mobile & Full width

The CSS Wave design is a type of wave animation that uses CSS to create a wave effect. This type of wave animation can also be used to create a dynamic and visually appealing look. This header design creates an animation’s wave background using HTML and CSS.

Scrollspy With Animated Scroll and Focus Header

The Scrollspy with animated scroll and focus is a feature that allows you to scroll through a website and have the active section of the website highlighted. This header is best for long pages or a lot of content.

Video Header

The video header is a very popular header that uses a background video instead of a static image or text. Video headers are created using HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript.

Website Header Design

The website header is the top of a web page, and it contains the website’s logo, navigation menu, and other important information.

Responsive Header Design

The website header is the top part of a web page, and it contains the website’s logo, navigation menu, and other important information. It is a fully responsive header and works properly on all types of screen sizes.

Skewed Header

The Skewed Header is an amazing eye-catching header that has been distorted or angled to create a stylish header. This header was created with HTML and CSS, It is fully customizable and you can do customization according to your website requirements.

Header Fade

The header fade is a type of header that fades in or fades out when we scroll down the page. This type of header is used to highlight the content of the website.

Slanted Div Fixed Header

If you are looking to add a unique design to your website having an angled header, You are at the right place. This is a modern header with slanted divs and a parallax effect created by a fixed header.

Header Banner (Top)

The header banner (top) is a full-page banner, full-page image, or text that appears at the top of a website’s header. It is used to display the website’s logo, tagline, and a brief description of the website’s content. This type of header banner is used to promote special offers, upcoming events, etc.

Animated Header

An animated header adds dynamic and interactive effects to the header section of a website. It enhances the visual appeal and user experience by incorporating sticky header animations, transitions, or effects.

Material Design Fixed & Responsive Header With Sidebar

A Material Design Fixed & Responsive Header With Sidebar is a website header design that follows Google’s Material Design guidelines and incorporates a fixed header and a responsive sidebar. The header section of the website is fixed at the top of the viewport as the user scrolls through the content. This header design is visually appealing and comes with important elements such as the website logo, navigation menu, search bar, social media icon, etc.

Floating Header Blog Pattern

The floating header blog pattern is a header design where the header of a webpage stays fixed and visible at the top of the screen, even as the user scrolls down the page. This pattern is popular on blogs and content-heavy websites. It is helpful for easy navigation and access to the other article.

Fancy Header (or Background) with Animated Particles

A fancy header with animated particles is a visually appealing design used in website headers. In this, the header section incorporates animated particles to create an engaging and dynamic effect. It has animated dots that move and interact with each other in a visually stunning manner.

In this post, We shared the modern, stylish Cool HTML CSS Header Design With Cross Browser Compatibility for you. It helps to enhance the user experience of your website. All The Header designs are customizable.