Ar d'En's Scroll of Ancient and Forbidden Lore

Ar d'En's Scroll
Ancient and Forbidden


a compendious index or glossary or dictionary or lexicon or encyclop�dia, and thesaurus, of some terminology
of the magickal, of the
metaphysical, of mysticism,
and of some strange and curious
philosophies, religions, sects, and cults;
first inscribed by the Atlantean known only as Ar d'En from an inscription found on an Atlantean ruin;
translated into Greek by the omphaloskeptic anachoretes called Heres�archos Erem�ta;
translated into the very lowest Latin by Simplicius Simplicissimus;
translated into althochdeutsch by Herr Professor Doktor Krautkopf Narr, a.k.a. Schnappsi;
Englyssh'd & � era vulgaris 1998�2018 by Arden Schaeffer, 1932�[2932?],
author, sannyasin, lexicographer, webister, the Earl of this URL,
an obscene old devil, and an inmate of the
North Oakland Lunatic Asylum.

Edition of era vulgaris (CE) 2018-11-11, hour 13:13:13,
of which a copy on moldy parchment is kept carefully hidden under lock and key in
the secret archives in the crypt of the library of Miskatonic University, and
an electronic digital copy resides on the World-Wide Web at URL:
All rights reserved.�May be distributed, but should be attributed.

numeric � | Appendices | About this page | Acknowledgements | End/Page | Return to Index | Return to Portal

To find a word
, just mouse over to one of the vertical navigation-bars at either the right or the left border of this window, and click on the initial letter of the word that you seek.

Numeric �ection

0, Naught, naught, Not, not, Nothingness, Zero, zero || 0-0 | 0-0-0 ||

the Arabic numeral 0 (Zero, zero) is the number of:
computer-programmers, mathematicians, enlightened mystics, and very few others appreciate the number zero.

an hotel-room whose Door is numbered 0, and bears a black moth, is the room of death.
inside, a Mirror bears an exit-sign at its top.

|| 0 | zero | Zero ||
1, I (One); i (one) | First | first | only | primal | Primal | primary | Primary | Single | single | singleness | singularity | sole | unity | Unity || 11-eleven ||

the Roman numeral I (One):
the Arabic numeral 1, 1 (one), when written as a pipe (|) in the North American manner, symbolises the phall�s;
and, however it is written, it is the number of:

cf also :
Shema Yisroel: Adonai Elohenu, Adonai echod.
�the Shema

Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all the heart and with all thy soul and with all thy mind, and thy neighbor as thyself.

Toward the One:
the perfection of love, harmony, and beauty,
the only being;
together with all the illuminated souls
who form the embodiment of the master,
the spirit of guidance.

�Pir Hazrat Inayat Khan
�the Sufi Invocation, first of the
Prayers of Hazrat Inayat Khan
(google the line above)

|| One | one | First | first | Primary | primary | Single | single | Zero | Two ||

1.618 is the Divine Proportion φ [Greek letter phi], which is the quotient of all adjacent terms of the Fibonacci sequence, or Fibonacci series, of numbers, as in:
  • the relation of the lines of the pentagram to their segments
  • item_n

|| 1.618 | other ||
2, II 'Two', ii 'two' || 2 (two) | Ch�kmah | couple | double | dual | duet | duple | dyad | pair | second | twin | two ||

2 (Roman numeral II 'Two', ii 'two') is the number of:

and cf :

|| two ||
3, III (Three), iii (three) | Third | third | Tertiary | tertiary | Triple | triple | tripled | Triplicity | triplicities

3 (Three, three) is the number of:
Cf the alphanumeric enigma of AL II:76, and also the three:
|| three | Three ||
three-and-a-half (3.5)

Three-and-a-half (3.5) is a code-word for kuṇḍalinī:
each of the two nadis slithers three-and-a-half times around the sushumna,
making a total of seven circum-slitherings or circum-serpentings ;
and cf the three-and-a-half time circumambulation of the temple of the
Ecclesia Gn�stica Catholica by the Priest and the Deacon in the Missa Gn�stica.

and cf Daniel 12:7 "it shall be for a time, times, and an half" ;
and 1 time + 2 times + an half [time] = 3.5 times ;
and if a time = a year of 360 days,
then 3.5 times a year of 360 days = 1260 days.

and cf Rev. 12:6 "a thousand two hundred [and] threescore days" = 1260 days.

|| three-and-a-half | 3.5 | 1260 | end of time | eschaton | Last Days | time | times | time of the End ||
4, IV (Four), iv (four) | Fourth | fourth | Quadruple | quadruple | Q/quadruplicity | quadruplicites | quartets | Quaternary | quaternary | quaternity | tetrads

The number four (4), which is contained in the alphanumeric enigma of AL II:76, is the number of:
Cf: "I am in a secret fourfold word, the blasphemy against all gods of men."
Ra-Hoor-Khu-it, in AL III:49.

Cf: || 4 | four | Book_Four | fourth | IV | iv ||
5, V (Five), v (five) || Directions | Points ||

5 is the number of:| 5 | Five | five | Fifth | fifth ||
6, VI (Six), vi (six) || hex ||

6 is the number of:
�See AL II:76.

|| six | Sixth | sixth ||
7, VII (Seven), vii (seven)�and cf 777

7 = 4 + 3 (seven equals four plus three), and twice 3.5; and is the number of, inter alia:
007 is the code-number that Ian Fleming, of British Intelligence, assigns to his literary character James Bond;
and that Francis Walsingham, the founder of British Intelligence, assigns to his operative (that is, spy) Doctor John Dee.

|| VII | 7 | Seven | seventh ||
8, VIII (Eight), viii (eight) | ogdoads ||

8 is the number of:
in mathematics, since the 17th century of the CE, the digit 8, turned on its side, symbolizes infinitude; also eternity and Ourobor�s.

Nothing is a secret key of this law.  
Sixty-one the Jews call it ;  
I call it eight, eighty, four hundred & eighteen.
Liber AL I:46

�See AL II:76.
9, VIIII or IX (Nine), viiii or ix (nine)

9 is the number of:
the river Styx winds nine times around Hades.
10, X (Ten), x (ten)

10 is the number that pertains to :
11, XI (Eleven), xi (eleven) || Da'ath | elven ||

11 is:
  1. in millennium I of the CE, in the Qabbalistic Etz Chayy�m, Sephira 11 is that of Da'ath 'Gnosis, Knowledge (by direct experience in the Biblical sense; as when Adam knew his wife, and she conceived and bare a son)';

  2. in millennium II of the CE, in the Qabbalah �of the Golden Dawn and? of Aleister Crowley,
    eleven (11) symbolizes the hidden Sephira Da'ath. Aleister Crowley's Eleventh Degree (XI�, 11�) corresponds to direct experiential Knowledge, but not as between Adam and Eve; rather, between two phalloi or between two clitorid�, since, in homoerotic sex-Magick, eleven (11) symbolizes the phallus or clitoris doubled (11). Compare: || eleven | elven | fairies | fairy | fairyland ||
    �and, in the Magick of Frater Aossic (Kenneth Grant), the Eleventh Degree (XI�, 11�) symbolises sodomy between two people of any sexes whatever.

    Magickal rites of the Eleventh Degree (XI�, 11�) are Workings in the invisible Sephira 11, called Da'ath, which is the False Crown of False Knowledge when approached from below, and so must be approached from above.

  3. in millennium III of the CE, year 2001, month of September, day 11, in New York City, USA, the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center, which resemble the number 11 written in the North American manner (||) with no on-glide, are first struck when American Airlines Flight #11, which carries 11 crew members, strikes the North Tower.

11:11�inside the Doorway is the title of a very interesting book by Solara Antara Amaa-Ra, [ISBN 1-878246-05-4],
that treats of the Big_Change to come at the Galactic Hibernal Solstice in CE 2012.11.11.
�regarding which, see Arguelles, Jos�: The Mayan Factor, New York, 1987
�and see Solara Antara Amaa-Ra.

|| XI | Eleven | 11 | eleven ||
12, XII, xii, twelve

Twelve is the number of :
Twelve is the illusory number of :

|| 12 | XII | xii | twelve | Twelve ||

13 is the number of :
  • 12 + 0.3 = 13 - 0.7 lunations per annum;
  • 13 menses per annum
  • AChD
  • bimillennial periods in a precessional cycle of 26,000 years;
  • tribes of Israel, since Jacob gave his inheritance to the two sons of Joseph; so says Harold Camping.
  • I� X� + his 12 disciples;
  • Apostles including Paul, when one agrees with him that he is included as he says in I Corinthians 15:8�10�but is Judas_Iscariot an Apostle?
  • King Arthur + the twelve Knights of the Table Round;
  • Robin Hood's band, including Maid Marian;
  • Kukulk�n [Mayan]/Aztec Quetzalcoatl [N�huatl] + the 12 deities whom he leads;
  • millennia from Creation to now, since the date of Creation is 11,000 BCE, according to Harold Camping;
  • years in the Age of Reckoning, from CE 1996, to "zero-hour" 2012.12.21 which is the date of the end of history in the Mayan Calendar of the Long Count, according to Michael Tsarion.

|| 13 | thirteen | Thirteen | XIII | xiii ||
15, fifteen

Fifteen is the number of Atu XV which is the Key of the Devil.
Fifteen men on the Dead Man's Chest.
Yo ho ho, and a bottle of rum.
Drink and the Devil had done for the rest.
Yo ho ho, and a bottle of rum.
�pirates' song in the novel "Treasure Island" by Robert Louis Stevenson
|| 15 | fifteen ||

22 is the number of :
XXIV, Twenty-Four, 24, twenty-four

|| 24, twenty-four (24) | other ||

28 = 4 x 7 = approximate and symbolic number of days in a lunar cycle or month.

|| 28 | other ||
31 || LAShTAL ||

The Roman numeration of 31 is XXXI, which see.
Liber XXXI = the MS of Liber AL;
LAShTAL = 3 x 31 = 93.

Regarding the number 61, cf:

Nothing is a secret key of this law.  
Sixty-one the Jews call it ;  
I call it eight, eighty, four hundred & eighteen.
Liber AL I:46
65, sixty-five, LXV

65 = 56 + 9 + the Mystical Marriage of NUN (56) and HAD (9). HA-777, per Cornelius, In, Two, p 29:t

Cf Liber LXV.

|| 65, sixty-five, LXV | LXV ||

78 is the numeration of:

Regarding the number 80, cf:

80 is the numeration of P��The Tower

Nothing is a secret key of this law.  
Sixty-one the Jews call it ;  
I call it eight, eighty, four hundred & eighteen.
Liber AL I:46

82 = 28 reversed.

|| 82 | other ||
89, eighty-nine

�See AL II:76.

|| 89, eighty-nine | other ||
93, ninety-three || 93 Current | 93/696 Current ||

[93 is the Arabic numeral for XCIII, which is the Roman numeral for the number 93.]

93 million miles is the distance from our sun to our earth; so 93 is a Solar number.

93 is one of the fundamentally important Qabbalistic numbers
associated with the Words Αγα�η / Agap� and Θελημα (Th�l�ma),
and is the numeric value of the Supernal Triad, and of the Words that follow:
Cf the Thelemite Currents:
chemical element 93 is Neptunium (Np), discovered in 1940/06/08, and named after Neptune; it is a silvery, metallic, and naturally radioactive element, whose atomic number is 93, and is the first of the transuranium elements (93�103).

|| 93 | XCIII ||
93 Current || 93 | Currents ||

The 93 Current is the Magickal Current of Ra-Hoor_Khuit (Horus) that corresponds to the number 93.
the 93/696 Current, the Double Current, of Horus and Ma'at || 2 (two) | Ch�kmah | couple | double | dual | duet | duple | dyad | pair | second | twin | two ||

the Double Current is the 93/696 Current of Horus and Ma'at.


|| 93/696 Current | Double Current ||
696-Current || Currents | Ma'at | other ||

the magickal Current of Ma'at.

|| 696-Current ||

98 = 2 x 7 x 7

|| 98 ||

132 || other | other | other ||


|| 132 ||

156 is the numeric value of:
|| 156 | other ||

210 is the number of:



251 is the numeric value of:
|| 251 | other ||

280 is qabbalistically equivalent to 28 in gematria.

333 is the numeric value of:
333 has been said to be half evil; cf666.

|| 333 ||

approximate number of days per year; hence number of degrees in a circle ;

cf Daniel 12:7 "it shall be for a time, times, and an half" ;
and 1 time + 2 times + an half [time] = 3.5 times ;
and if a time = a year of 360 days,
then 3.5 times a year of 360 days = 1260 days.

|| 360 | other ||

418 is one of the fundamentally important Qabbalistic numbers associated with Θελημα (Th�l�ma), and is the number of:
Nothing is a secret key of this law.  
Sixty-one the Jews call it ;  
I call it eight, eighty, four hundred & eighteen.
Liber AL I:46

But they have the half : unite by thine art so that all disappear. �AL I:47

See The Greek Qabbalah, by Kieren Barry, p. 232.

Cf Soror Sesheta 418.


444 is the numeric value of the kamea of Jupiter.

555 is the numeric value of the kamea of Mars.
666 || DCLXVI | Aleister Crowley | Liber AL |

666 (in Roman numeration, DCLXVI) is the numeric value of
Teitan in Greek;
and of the kamea of S�l, the Sun; and, by extension, the number of:
|| 666 ||

718 is:

777 is:
CE 777 is the date of birth of Yeshe_Tsogyal.

888 is the numeric value of the kamea of Mercury.

999 is the numeric value of the kamea of L�na.

cf 11:11

|| 1111 | other

Cf its Roman numeral, MCLI, as in Liber MCLI.

|| 1151 | MCLI ||

Wolfram von Eschenbach, 1170-1220

in CE 1188: Jean de Gisors, first Grand Master of the Priory of Sion, founds the order of the Rose-Croix in CE 1188, according to a priest writing in 1629, according to Jim Marrs in Rule by Secrecy, pp 322:b-323:t.

Albertus Magnus, 1193-1280.

cf Rev. 12:6 "a thousand two hundred [and] threescore days" = 1260 days.

and cf Daniel 12:7 "it shall be for a time, times, and an half" ;
and 1 time + 2 times + an half [time] = 3.5 times ;
and if a time = a year of 360 days,
then 3.5 times a year of 360 days = 1260 days.

|| 1260 | 3.5 | end of time | eschaton | Last Days | time | times | time of the End ||

Regarding 1459, cf:
| Chymical Wedding
| Chymische Hochzeit Christiani Rosencreutz Ao 1459

Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa von Nettesheim, 1486-1535

Hieronymus Cardanus, 1501-1576

Francis Bacon, Lord Verulam, 1561-1626.

in CE 16++: early Rosicrucians include: Paracelsus, Jakob Boehme (B�hme), Bacon, Shakespeare, Robert Fludd (Robertus de Fluctibus), and others.

1614: the Fama Fraternitatis is published at Cassel.
1614 to 1616

From CE 1614 to 1616: Germany: three pseudonymous pamphlets, which describe the Fraternitas Rosae Crucis, are published, probably by Hessian Freemasonic cleric Johann Valentin Andreae.

1637-1654: Hessian Freemasonic cleric Johann Valentin Andrea is Grand Master of the Priory of Sion, and writes the Rosicrucian manifestos, according to Jim Marrs in Rule by Secrecy.

CE 1637-1654: Hessian Freemasonic cleric Johann Valentin Andrea is Grand Master of the Priory of Sion, and writes the Roscrucian manifestos, according to Jim Marrs in Rule by Secrecy.

CE 1690s. Rosicrucians arrive in North America.

CE 1744: Sweden: Emanuel Swedenborg, a well-regarded Swedish scientist and philosopher, describes and records his visions of the world of the spirits, that he claims to have received directly from long-deceased kings, popes, and saints. He says that he is willing to continue his work even after his own demise. The Swedish clergy of the day are dismayed by this, but Swedenborg comes to be known posthumously as the Grandfather of Spiritism.

1750s: a cult of eunuchs called the Skoptsi [Russian, 'cut'; i.e., castrated] appears in Russia among the Society of Flagellants, later called the People of God. Cf: castrati(on) | Cybele | eunuchs | Skoptsi | Corbett, Boston | Heaven's Gate (comet Hale-Bopp, 1997ish)
1800s, early

CE 1800s, early: England: novels of the English novelist Edward Bulwer-Lytton, especially Zanoni, speak of the Rosicrucians.

CE 1844: New York state, US: Andrew Jackson Davis, an 18-year-old uneducated apprentice shoemaker from Poughkeepsie, goes into trance and wanders into the Catskill mountains, and meets a spirit who identifies itself as that of Emanuel Swedenborg, and another who identifies itself as a Greek physician of the second century CE named Claudius Galen. Davis then lectures throughout New York state on theosophy and on communication with spirits, and dictates dense books which he says are communicated to him by the spirits of Swedenborg and others. See Spiritism

CE 1848.03.31: USA: Andrew Jackson Davis dictates the message "The good work has begun�behold a living demonstration is born."

On that same day, 1848.03.31, in Hydesville, NY, USA, the parents of (Kate and Margaret Fox), aged 9 and 11 years, report that their daughters have contacted a spirit who "knocks" supernaturally ( cf spirit-rapping); the Fox sisters call their spirit Mr. Splitfoot ( cf the split goat-hooves of the Horned Lord of the Wiccans). See Spiritism

In CE 1863:

CE 18??: French Rosicrucians

in CE. 1904:
  • on 1904.02.08: Japanese forces attack Port Arthur, beginning the Russo-Japanese war over possession of Korea and Manchuria;
  • on CE 1904.04.08-10, which is:
    • less than four months after 1903.12.17 when Orville and Wilbur Wright fly for twelve seconds in their aeroplane (which the learn�d doctors of nonsense know to be impossible, since nothing heavier than air can fly, and the Wright brothers and their flying-machine are heavier than air�as are birds);
    • exactly two months to the day after 1904.02.08 when Japanese forces attack Port Arthur, beginning the Russo-Japanese War over possession of Korea and Manchuria;
    • two weeks after the vernal equinox of CE 1904;
    in Cairo, Egypt: Αιϝαςς (Aiwass) transmits Liber XXXI, a.k.a. Liber AL vel Legis, a.k.a. the Book of the Law, through Soror Ouarda (Rose Edith Crowley n�e Kelly) to Aleister Crowley who scribes it.

cf "the threefold book of Law" �AL I:35

CE 1909.08: USA: Max Heindel establishes The Rosicrucian Fellowship.

CE 1911: USA: Max Heindel locates The Rosicrucian Fellowship at Mount Ecclesia, Oceanside, CA 92054-0112, ninety miles South of Los Angeles, California, USA.

CE 1915: San Jose, CA, USA: businessman and occultist Harvey Spencer Lewis, 1883-1939, establishes the Rosicrucian Order, AMORC, Rosicrucian Park, 1342 Naglee Ave, San Jose, CA 95191-0001, USA.

in CE 1946:
|| 1946 ||

in CE 1947:

in CE 1959 the Communist Chinese invade and seize Tibet, and commit hideous atrocities there, thus fulfilling the ancient Tibetan prophecy that says that "When the iron bird flies, and horses have wheels, the Tibetan people will be scattered to the four winds, and the Dharma will be carried to all peoples."

CE 1987.08.16-17 is the date of the first harmonic convergence of this Great Year.
2012 || 26,000 ||

  • CE 2012 is the Year of the Intervention; v. the sci-fi books of Julia May.
  • CE 2012.05: the end of the Mayan calendar, according to whom?
  • CE 2012.12.21 || Kalki(n) ||
|| CE 2012 ||

CE 2015.05.07 is the date of an harmonic convergence according to whom?
25,920 || cycle ||

26,000 is the approximate number of years of the telluric equinoctial precessional cycle, or Great Year or Grand Cycle.

|| 26,000 ||
432,000 || other ||

432,000 years is the duration of the life of a Brahma, says Joseph Campbell; & cf the yuga.

|| 432,000 ||
�ection A


expansions of the abbreviation include:

see Von Eckartshausen, An Account of A∴A∴.

|| A∴A∴ | ||
A Course in Astral Travel and Dreams || Belzebuub | other | other ||

A Course in Astral Travel and Dreams
by Belzebuub
� 2005 by Mark H. Pritchard
publ'd by Absolute Publishing Group LLC
POB 99167, Emeryville, CA 94662-9167 USA
  • ISBN-10:         0-9740560-3-0
  • ISBN-13: 978-0-9740560-3-6
  • LCCN: 2005929522

|| A Course in Astral Travel and Dreams ||
A Course in Miracles

Schucman and Thetford, Foundation for Inner Peace (FIP), 1975

Helen Schucman scribes, and she and William Thetford write, A Course in Miracles;
in 1975, the Foundation for Inner Peace (FIP) publishes it;
in 1999, the copyright and trademark go to the Foundation for A Course in Miracles (FACIM).

Summary/Synopsis: this course can be summed-up very simply thus:
The opposite of love is fear;
but what is all-encompassing can have no opposite.
Therefore, nothing real can be threatened.
Nothing unreal exists.
Herein lies the peace of God.

A Course in Miracles, Introduction
A Magick Life:
a biography of Aleister Crowley

by Martin Booth
2001, London England UK, Coronet Books, Hodder & Stoughton
ISBN: 0-340-71806-4
DDSN/whatLibrary: nnn / nnn

|| A Magick Life | Martin Booth | Crowley ||
A Swiftly tilting planet

by Madeleine L'Engle
1978, New York, Dell Laurel-Leaf fantasy
ISBN: 0-440-90158-8
DDSN/whatLibrary: nnn / nnn

|| A Swiftly tilting planet ||
A Wrinkle in time

by Madeleine L'Engle Franklin
1962, Yearling Newberry edition;
1976, New York, Dell Laurel-Leaf fantasy edition
ISBN: 0-440-99805-0
DDSN/whatLibrary: nnn / nnn

|| A Wrinkle in time ||

Alice Ann Bailey

|| AAB ||

Annie Besant

|| AB | Besant, Annie | Annie Besant ||

the beast-angel that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit is king of the locusts, and his name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek Apollyon. �Rev. 9:11
he shall make war against the two witnesses, and shall overcome them and shall kill them. �Rev. 11:7

|| Abaddon | Apollyon | Angels | beasts ||

long robe, extending from throat to ankles.

|| abbai | garments, magical ||

An abbey is ruled by an abbot.

Cf the:
|| Abbey | abbot ||
Abdul Alhazred, ?�738 || Al Azif | the Book of the Arab | H P Lovecraft | Necronomicon ||

the crazed, demented, and mad Arab poet of Sana�, in Yemen, and,
circa 730 in the CE, author of Al Azif, the Book of the Arab, the
abhorred, abhorrent, accursed, dreaded, forbidden, infamous, monstrous, shunned, and unmentionable Necronomicon;

he claims to have visited Irem, the fabulous City of Pillars in Arabia Deserta;
and also to have visited the Nameless City in Arabia Deserta, and to have found there
"the shocking annals and secrets" of a race older than mankind;

in the latter part of his life, he inhabits Damascus;

he is an indifferent Muslim, and worships Yog-Sothoth and Cthulhu;

in 738, in broad daylight and in front of a crowd of witnesses in Damascus,
an invisible monstrous demonic entity seizes and horribly devours him,
according to 12th-century biographer Ebn Khallikan.

�refer to :
  • Lovecraft/Joshi, Call, p vii:mb
  • Lovecraft/Straub,Tales, p 811:m
  • Wheeler, Black, p 521

|| Abdul Alhazred ||
Abdul Mati Klarwein || Painters | other ||


|| Abdul_Mati_Klarwein ||
Abiegnus, Mons Abiegnus, Mount Abiegnus || Mons | Mount ||

Mons Abiegnus, or Mount Abiegnus, is the Sacred Holy Mountain of Alchemy
J. Edward Cornelius, Aleister Crowley and the Ouija board, Chapter Seven, page 85.

|| Abiegnus | Mons Abiegnus | Mount Abiegnus ||
abomination, Abomination

the Minotaur is the dread man-bull or bull-man who lurks at the center of the Labyrinth.

Where we expect to find an abomination, there we find a god.
�so says Joseph Campbell, in The Power of Myth.

|| abomination | Abomination | Abomination of Desolation ||
Abomination of Desolation

the Abomination of Desolation of Revelation 7
  • is:
    • the "abominable idol of desolation" that Antiochus Epiphanes puts onto the altar of IHVH and orders people to burn incense and offer sacrifices to it. �Book of Maccabees
      & cf: "... they shall place the abomination that maketh desolate" �Daniel 11:31
    • the Antichrist
    • "That st�l� they shall call the Abomination of Desolation; count well its name, & it shall be to you as 718.
      Why? Because of the fall of Because, that he is not there again."
      - Liber AL vel Legis, III:19-20
    • the St�l� of Revealing, the number of whose name is as 718, according to AL III:19
  • is to:
    • stand in the holy place (Mosque of Omar? Temple of Horus?)
    • show himself forth, and appear as God

|| Abomination of Desolation | abomination | Abomination | Desolation ||

above me: Locus of the sky; and of the Sun, Source of Light.

what is above knows what is below, but not vice versa; when one ascends, one sees; when one descends, one sees no longer�but one has seen.�Ren� Daumal

|| above | up | below | Point | Qabbalistic Cross ||

The ending of the words is the Word ABRAHADABRA. �Ra-Hoor-Khu-it, in AL III:75

see the book Orpheus, Abrahadabra


Abraham is the Hebrew name of the Sumerian Ur-Habiru 'proto-Hebrew from Ur', bilingual pun on "Ur" intended.
| Abraham | Abrahamic ||

'pertaining to [the patriarch] Abraham'

the Abrahamic religions are Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

The difference between a Jew, a Pagan, and a Christian, is that:
  • a Jew washes his hands after he has sex;
  • a Pagan washes his before;
  • when a Christian thinks of having sex, he goes and washes his hands instead.

|| Abrahamic | Abraham ||
Abra-Melin, the Abramelin Operation

Vide/Voir Le livre de la magie sacr�e d'Abra-Melin le Mage @

cf the contemporaries of Abramelin.

The Book of The Sacred Magic of Abra-Melin The Mage
describes the Abramelin Operation, which is a working of theurgy whose object or purpose is
to enable the karcist to obtain the Augoeides, which is:

members of the GD, aspiring to Thel�ma, work the rites of Abra-Melin, but only Fratri SRMD (Mathers) and Perdurabo claim to have succeeded; and only Frater Perdurabo appears to have in fact succeeded; the claim of the ferociously flamboyant Mathers is almost certainly spurious, given that he fails to either substantiate his claim or to achieve any meritorious result or to discover his true will; rather, what he does, is hardly his true will, since others do say nay (AL I:43) and force him into obscurity. �refer to Martin Booth, A Magick Life, pp 95:m�whither

|| Abra-Melin | Augoeides | HGA | Holy Guardian Angel | Mage ||
Abrasax, Abraxas || conjunction oppositorum | Adibuddha ||

Abraxas is the Grecianized form of Abrasax, whose depiction is a Gnostic cartoon of God Who is the conjunction oppositorum.

  • the Adibuddha
  • Carl Gustav Jung, Septem sermones ad mortuos ['Seven sermons to the dead'], pp 17�24
  • Russell, Devil, p 31:b

|| Abrasax | Abraxas ||

the Absolute, a.k.a. God, the Monad, without name nor form, when viewed as an Unity without attributes; cf the Yab-Yum 'Father-Mother. God, whose name is Samantha-bhadra (or Samantha-bhadra) and Samantha-bhadri, the Adibuddha.


There is no Absolute Other.

|| Absolute | Other ||
absorption || dhyāna | meditation ||


|| absorption ||

abstraction is the use of one thing to represent another.
absurd, absurdity

Regarding absurdity and the absurd,
cf the statement or Credo of the Christian Saint Augustine of Hippo:
Credo quia absurdum est.
[Latin, 'I believe because it's absurd.']
| absurd, absurdity | lie, lies | logic | oxymoron | paradox | reality | truth
Ab-ul-Diz and the Abuldiz Working, CE 1911.11 e.v. | Book Four | Virakam | Workings | Amalantrah | Amalantrah_Working | Secret Chiefs ||

Ab-ul-Diz is a Secret Chief who contacts 666 through his Scarlet Woman Soror Virakam.Martin Booth, A Magick Life, p 200:b

1911.11.19: Soror Virakam and Frater Perdurabo leave Paris, go to Switzerland, begin a love-affair, and do the
Abuldiz Working in which, through her mediumship, they contact a spirit who calls himself Ab-ul-Diz, and whom her twelve-year-old son Preston Sturges calls the Babylonian pimp, who: in Posilippo, near Napoli, they are guided to the Villa Caldarazzo, whose Qabbalistic number turns out to be 418; and there, Soror Virakam and Frater Perdurabo co-author Book Four.

|| Abuldiz Working | Ab-ul-Diz ||
abundance || accumulation || || śrīvatsa ||

When your cup is full, stop pouring �Lao-Tzu

|| abundance
Abysm, abysmal, Abyss of Abada || Chaos | Tiamat | Leviathan | Behemoth | Hell | Hellmouth ||

[< Greek, 'pit']

regarding the Abyss and Chaos: cf :
the King James version of the Christian Bible translates the Greek word "Abysm", meaning 'pit', as 'bottomless pit',
as when the Book of the Apocalypse speaks of the Dweller in the Abyss
�v. Rev. 9:1-2, 9:11, and 11:7

the Hohlweltlehre or hollow_earth_theory of Hans_H�rbiger says that the form of planet Tellus is that of a torus (or doughnut or donut); and that the inside, called the Abyss (which, being inside a torus, is bottomless), is illuminated by a central sun, and inhabited.

the Veil of the Abyss of Abada is the Veil of the Temple of the High Priestess, which Veil is covered with a design of alternating palm-leaves and pomegranates, and separates the Supernal from the Middle Triad on the qabbalistic Etz Chayy�m.

the Desert of Sand is the Wasteland that spans the Abyss which the mystic, having attained to the Grade of Adeptus Exemptus 7� = 4, and having sworn the dangerous Oath of the Abyss in which he swears to regard every event as an omen [�HA-777], must, by himself, cross on the back of the Camel to attain to the Grade of Magister Templi ['Master of the Temple'] 8� = 3, else remain mad and possibly commit suicide.Cornelius, In, Two, p 63:b

the point at which the qabbalistic Path of G�mel crosses the Abyss is the locus of Sephira 11 which in Hebrew is called Daath ['Knowledge'] which is false knowledge if one approaches it from below rather than from above.

|| Abysm | Abyss ||
accident(s); coincidence(s); omen(s)synchronicity, synchronicities, synchronous(ly) || Abyss | co�ncidentia opposit�rum | time ||

There are no accidents,
nor are there any mere co�ncidences;
therefore, every event that occurs is an omen.

However, to treat every event as an omen,
would require that we spend more time evaluating the significance of those omens,
than the time that it takes for them to occur;
so we'd fall permanently behind in our evaluations,
and we'd have no time left over in which to do anything else;
and, if we persist in this folly,
then we'll fall into the Abyss and go mad, and become a Babe_of_the_Abyss.

Therefore, occultists have a proverb that says that:
if an event occurs only once, then we treat it as a mere accident;
and if it occurs only twice, then we treat it as a mere co�ncidence;
but if it occurs thrice, then it's synchronous;
and its synchronicity indicates that it's an omen,
and the occurrence of an omen indicates that
Someone is trying to tell us Something.
�so says Hymen�us Alpha 777, orally, in the early 1980s.

Synchronicity is improbable, and therefore meaningful, co�ncidence.
Synchronous: 'improbably, and therefore meaningfully, co�ncidental'.

the first insight of the book by James Redfield entitled The_Celestine_Prophecy, pronounced /sel�stīn/, is that one should notice apparent co�ncidences and synchronicities.

|| accident | co�ncidence | omen | synchronicity ||
acccedie, accidie; Latin acedia | blackness | dark | darkness | depression  ||

the blackness of acedia is the darkness of the dark night of the soul, the suicidal depression of solitary ascetics where even sunlight seems dark;

cf the television-show The Twilight Zone.

|| accedie | accidie | acedia ||
accomplishments || two ||

the two  accomplishments are:

  • what
  • what

|| accomplishments ||
Accumulation(s) || abundance | merit | Wisdom ||

When your cup is full, stop pouring �Lao-Tzu

the two  Accumulations are merit and Wisdom.

|| accumulation ||

[Greek, 'River of Woe']

the River Acheron, in the Preveza prefecture in the Epirus region of north-western Greece, flows underground in several places, and is believed to be a branch of the underworld river Acheron, whose name is often used metaphorically for Hades.


|| Acheron | Rivers of the Underworld | Hades ||

Soror Achitha is a Scarlet Woman of To Mega Therion 666 who calls her the Camel, and Eve;
her outer, civil name is Roddie Minor, when�when e.v.

the astral entity Amalantrah contacts To Mega Therion 666 through his Scarlet Woman Soror Achitha.
Martin Booth, A Magick Life, pp 342:b�344:t

|| Soror | Achitha | Sorores ||
acronym(s); acronymy

unlike abbreviations, which are mere barbaric alphabet-soup, acronyms are words formed from the initial letters of a series of words, by the process of acronymy, which the Qabbalah calls notariqon;

for example, these, thanks to E E Rehmus, in

  • ACRONYM: Annoying Contemporary Reduction-Obsession-Nomenclature-Yielding Meanderings
  • ART: Agnostic Radical Tendentiousness
  • DEATH: Do Everything and then Home
  • EGO: Externalized Godling Obsession
  • GOD: Genetic Orthodox Despot
  • MAN: Metastasizing Ape Nemesis
  • NOTARIQON: Naming of the Alphabets Rabbinical in Quality or Nature
  • POEM: Possibility of English Miracles
  • SEX: Spontaneously-Erupting Xenomania
  • TIME: Trust in Material Existence

|| acronyms | notariqon | Qabbalah ||
actor(s) | actor(s) | comedy | drama | mask(s) | stage | theatre | tragedy | world ||

"All the world's a stage, and we're the actors on it." ~Shakespeare

Goethe echoes this.

|| actor(s) ||
Adam || Adamites | John the Baptist | Christ ||

"asleep in Adam, awake in Christ" �Anderson, Unknowable, p. 53:t

|| Adam ||
Adamian(s), Adamite(s) || Adam | bare ||

Cf: AL I:62, 64 | Adamite(s) | Ancient Ways Festival | bare | digambara | Doukhobor |
| gymnosoph, gymnosophism, gymnosophist(s), gymnosophy | Lebensreform |
| naked, nakedness | naturism, naturist(s) | nude, nudism, nudist(s), nudity | skyclad

cf the Adamians of the 2nd�4th centuries CE in North Africa.

Adamites, also called the Brothers and Sisters of the Free Spirit in Holland and Germany, are medi�val religious nudists who call their temples Paradise, and meet naked in caverns whence they emerge reborn into paradisiac innocence.

|| Adamite ||
Adept(s) || Arhat | boḍhisattva | Buḍḍha | Master ||

an Adept is a Master, and is one grade above an Arhat.Leadbeater, Masters, p. 9:mb
Adi || Primal | Adibuddha | Adi Granth ||

Sanskrit, Hindi, Panjabi, 'First, Original, Primal, Proto-; Principal'

cf the Adibuddha, and the Adi Granth.

|| Adi ||
Adibuddha || 11-eleven | Adi | Buḍḍha | Buḍḍhism | Da'ath ||

[Adi + Buḍḍha]

the Primal Buḍḍha.

God when viewed as having polarity. cf the Absolute, a.k.a. God, the Monad, without name nor form, when viewed as an Unity without attributes;

the Adibuddha is the Yab-Yum [Tibetan, 'Father-Mother']  deity, whose
name in Sanskrit is Samantha-bhadra (or Samantha-bhadra) and Samantha-bhadri;
and in Tibetan, Kuntuzangmo;
so cf  Sephira  Eleven which is that of Da'ath.


|| Adibuddha ||
the Adi Granth || Adi | Sikhism | Scriptures ||

[Panjabi, 'Principal Scripture', < Adi 'Primal, Principal' + Granth 'Book, Scripture, Writ'
Singh, Sikhs, pp 5:I:b, 12:t]

the principal Scripture and Writ and Book that the Sikhs hold to be sacred and holy;

Sant Guru Adi Granth Sahib or
Sant Guru Granth Sahib or
Sant Guru Sahib
refers to the tenth Sikh Sat Guru Gobind Singh's version of the Adi Granth
which he compiled and then named as his successor, and which is now revered as such.

|| Adi Granth ||
Adolf Hitler (AH), 1889-1945 || Nazism ||

a man of great personal magnetism;

Karl Haushofer becomes Hitler's second "esoteric mentor", replacing Dietrich Eckart, and
introduces Hitler to the "secret" psychological techniques of the esoteric lodges,
including the Zen teachings of the Japanese Society of the Green Dragon, and the Sufi and Tibetan techniques of Gurdj�eff.
Hitler's use of these techniques is the source of his unusual power of suggestion.

"Hitler speaks" shows that Hitler has read Liber AL, of which Martha K�ntzel has given him a copy;
but Aleister Crowley [in Magick Without Tears Chapter XLVIII] says that Hitler "was very far indeed from being a full initiate, even in the loosest sense of the term."

|| Hitler ||
Adonai [Yod-Nun-Daleth-Aleph]

Adonai [Yod-Nun-Daleth-Aleph] is Hebrew for 'Lord',
and is used in the Bible to replace the blasphemous and therefore obscene and secret four-letter Tetragrammaton IHVH.

|| Adonai | Names ||
Adonai ha-Aretz

[Hebrew, 'Lord of the Earth']

Adonai ha-Aretz is the HGA.Martin Booth, A Magick Life, p 138:t

|| Adonai ha-Aretz | Adonai ||

consort of Astarte.

|| Adonis | dying god | slain-and-risen god | god ||
advaita || link | other ||

[Sanskrit, 'not divided']

|| advaita ||

The Latin word Adytum comes from
a Greek word that means 'inner shrine' or 'Sanctum Sanct�rum' or 'Holy of Holies'.
cf the Builders of the Adytum (BOTA).


|| �gypt | Egypt | Egyptian | Khem | Africa ||

cf the �gyptian deities :
|| �gyptian | �gyptians | Afro-Asiatic | languages | �gypt ||

[adj. �olian, as in the �olian island, where �olus dwells; �olian, as in �olian harp 'wind-harp']

�olus is Master of the Winds, according to Homer.

|| �olus | Winds ||

13 �ons of 2,000 years = the ancient �gyptian Great Year of 26,0000 years;

an �on can be of any length, according to Crowley
�in contrast to the Ages of astrology, whose length is relatively fixed at about 2166 years.

Grant_Aleister, pp 56�58, which see, ascribes the numbers 0, 1, & 2 to the pre-�val Nameless �ons of our prehistoric and shamanic past in the Night of Time;

Cf the Procession of Aeons:

  1. AEon 0�the Darkness of the Void; ref Genesis 1:2
  2. AEon 1�Chaos
  3. AEon 2�the Earth and its Underworld; Star, Moon, and chthonic cults;
  4. the �on of Isis, whose L�gos is said to be Anatta (which i doubt), is said to be co�val with the Age of Cancer, which i think is correct; of Taurus, which i doubt; or of Aries, which i find to be preposterous;
  5. the �on of Osiris, whose L�gos is Agap� (Αγα�η), is approximately co�val with the Age of Pisces;
  6. the �on of H�rus, whose L�gos is Thel�ma (Θελημα), and whose Word is ABRAHADABRA, begins approximately, and may be co�val, with the Age of Aquarius, and some say is co�val with the �on of Ma'at;
  7. the �on of Ma'at, whose Word is IPSOS, and which some say is co�val with that of H�rus;
  8. the Wordless �on of N'Aton

|| �on | Aion�s | L�gos Aion�s ||
�on of Horus

Aiwass's transmission through Soror Ouarda (Rose Edith Crowley n�e Kelly),
and Aleister Crowley's reception and scribing,
of Liber AL in 1904 e.v., marks the beginning of the
�on of H�rus, which may be co�val with the Age of Aquarius,
and is followed by:
  1. World war I;
  2. the New World Order of Adolf Hitler;
  3. World war II;
  4. the New World Order of US President George H W Bush (that is, Bush senior);
  5. the religious war between the three Abrahamic religions;
  6. what next�?

The L�gos of the �on of H�rus, and of the Age of Aquarius, is Thel�ma (Θελημα).

|| �on of H�rus | �on | H�rus | L�gos Aion�s ||
�on of Isis

The �on of Isis, whose L�gos is said to be Anatta (which i doubt), is said to be co�val with the Age of Cancer, which i think is correct; of Taurus, which i doubt; or of Aries, which i find to be preposterous.

|| �on of Isis | �on | Isis | L�gos Aion�s ||
�on of Ma'at

The �on of Ma'at, whose Word is IPSOS, and which is said to be co�val with that of H�rus, whose Word is ABRAHADABRA.

|| �on of Ma'at | �on | Ma'at ||
�on of Osiris

The �on of Osiris, whose L�gos is Agap� (Αγα�η), is approximately co�val with the Age of Pisces.

|| �on of Osiris | �on | Osiris | L�gos Aion�s ||
�r, �rum

[Latin, 'Aires']: An �r is one of the thirty Enochian �rum or �thyrs or Aires; cf The Vision and the Voice.

|| �r | �rum | �thyr | �thyrs | Aires | Enochian | The Vision and the Voice ||

the �sir, who inhabit Asgard in Norse mythology, are the deities of social order and consciousness, and include:
|| �sir | Asgard | Germanic | Teutonic | Norse | Vanir | Wanes ||
�ther(s); �theric || bodies | Dimension(s) | Plane(s) | Realm(s) ||

our Vital, �theric body is on the �theric plane in the fourth or temporal dimension just above the material physical plane of the world of space-time.

One must not confuse the Planes.

the Caliph Hymenaeus Alpha 777 has envisioned that an etheric web surrounds planet Tellus like a planetary astral body; and that, whenever the Gnostic Mass is performed properly (that is, with the inclusion of the secret sauce), the male-female polarity of the Mass produces magickal energy which, together with the magickal energy that resides and inheres in the secret sauce, washes over, infuses, and replenishes the planetary astral body; provides the power to do magick; sustains the individual congregants and communicators in the pursuit of their True Will; and moves our planet farther into the �on of H�rus.

|| AEther ||
�thyr, �thyrs

An �thyr is one of the thirty Enochian �rum or �thyrs or Aires; cf The Vision and the Voice.

|| �thyr | �thyrs | �rum | Aires | Enochian | The Vision and the Voice ||

affirmations: I am rich, and my luck is improving.
afflictions, defilements || kleshas | Poisons ||

the afflictions, defilements, and negative_emotions are poisonous; the worst of them are the kleshas.

|| afflictions | defilements ||


|| Africa | other ||

Afrikaans is a Dutch or Teutonic or West Germanic language which is an amalgam of Flatland Dutch with High Dutch and English, spoken in South Africa by the Boers [Afrikaans, 'Farmers'; cognate with the High Dutch Bauer and with the English boor]

|| Afrikaans | Dutch | Teutonic | Germanic ||
Afro-American religions

Afro-American religions

the Afro-Asiatic family of languages includes these:

  • Semitic�the single, sole, and only Asiatic branch of this family; all the other five or more branches are spoken in Africa.
  • �gyptian�spoken in �gypt (Khem) in north-eastern Africa.
  • Ethiopic�spoken in East Africa; considered by some to be South Semitic.
    • North
      • Ge'ez�extinct except liturgically
      • Tigre / Tigr�
      • Tigrigna / Tigri�a / Tigrinya
      • Dahlik
    • South
      • Amharic
      • others

|| Afro-Asiatic | languages ||
afterlife || Afterworld | resurrection | re�ncarnation ||

The film "Defending your life", with Meryl Streep, concerns the afterlife.
Afterworld || afterlife | Annwn | Atu_XIII | Avalon | ch�nyid bardo | Hades | Hel | Otherworld | Underworld ||


|| Afterworld ||
Αγα�η (Agap�, AGAP�) || 93 | Agaph | bhakti | caritas | charity | love | agapetai | Agape Lodge | Words ||

Αγα�η (Agap�) (spelled Agaph in font "Symbol"):
|| Αγα�η (Agap�) ||
Agape Lodge || agape | Lodge | love-cult | OTO ||

Lodgemasters of the Agape Lodge, OTO, include:

other members include:
|| Agape Lodge ||
agapetai || Αγα�η (Agap�) | Eucharist | love-feast ||

[Greek 'love-feast'; < Αγα�η (Agap�); cf the Eucharist]

|| agapetai ||
Agaph || Αγα�η (Agap�) ||

Agaph in font "Symbol" spells Αγα�η [Agap�] in Greek characters.

|| Agaph ||
aggregates || dukkha | saṃsāra ||

the aggregates support the sufferings of saṃsāra, then die.
~Patrul_Rinpoche, 1808� / The_Words_of_my_Perfect_Teacher / Shambhala, 1994; 1998, ISBN 1-57062-412-7 pbk: p.393, note 230

|| aggregates ||
Agharta, Agharti, [Agarttha] | Asgard | Hollow_Earth | Shambhala | Holy City | Vril-ya | Underworld |

Agarttha is Ren� Gu�non's Mongolian spelling of the Hindu spellings Agharta or Agharti.

given the inconsistencies in usage of the names Agharta and Shambhala, i believe that the two were originally synonymous; and that, later, some writers would distinguish between the two, and say that one was a subterranean city of power and violence, and the other was a beautiful city of Light above-ground, while other writers would say the contrary.

|| Agharta | Agharti | Agarttha |

Soror Agatha = Leila Bathurst Waddell, 1880�1932 e.v.

|| Agatha | Sorores ||
Age(s) || Ages of the Goddess | Ages of the Great Year | Age_of_Reckoning | Axial Age | time ||

Time is a cycle or Wheel, each of whose spokes ends an Age and begins a new Age.
The True Source of the One Power turns the Wheel of Time.
As the Wheel of Time turns, the Ages pass; and as the Ages pass, places bear many names, and men bear many names and wear many faces, all names different and all faces different, but always the same man.
As each Age passes, it leaves behind memories which fade to legends which fade to myths which are long forgotten when the Age of their origin returns.
Each time that an Age returns, its pattern differs slightly from its previous patterns, and is subject to greater change, but the Age is nevertheless the same Age.
For the Pattern of an Age, good and ill are the warp and the woof.
A pattern that is all one color is no pattern.
The Wheel of Time weaves all lives and all actions into the Pattern of the Ages.
No one knows how the thread of their own life will be woven into the Pattern,
nor how the thread of a people will be woven, nor the Pattern of an Age,
much less the Great Pattern. We can only watch, and study, and hope.
�very slight periphrasal of Robert Jordan's description in The Wheel of Time, Tom Doherty Associates, LLC, New York, 1990-1993ish, ISBN 0-812-51181-6 and 0-812-various, Book Three: The Dragon Reborn, p. 387:mb.

|| Age ||
Age of Aquarius, the Water-Bearer, CE 1904 or 2000 or 2012, to 4160ish | New_Age_movement |

"This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius" �from the song, popular in the late 1960s, "The Dawning of the Age of Aquarius" by the Fifth Dimension, from the 1967 musical "HAiR: the American Tribal Love-Rock Musical"

The Age of Aquarius, the Water-Bearer, which extends from CE 1904 or 2000 or 2012, to 4160ish, and which begins the third Great Season, should have the characteristics of the zodiacal Sign Aquarius, and is symbolized by Hapi the Egyptian Water-Bearer pouring Nile-water from a jar or two to inundate Egypt�is this why people are becoming increasingly fascinated by Egypt?� cf Atu XVII�The Star.

The Latin word Aquarius 'Water-Bearer' is masculine, but the Egyptian Water-Bearer Hapi, who pours from a single jar, is female, and so is Isis the Water-Bearer in Atu XVII�The Star, who pours from two jars.

|| Age of Aquarius | Aquarian Age | Age | Ages of the Great Year ||
Age of Aries, the Ram, BCE 2320 to BCE 160

The Age of Aries, the Ram, which extends from BCE 2320 to BCE 160,
has the characteristics of the celestial House (zodiacal Sign. Aries:

  • in BCE 1450ish: Thera erupts;
  • war between city-states erupts now.

|| Age of Aries | Age | Ages of the Great Year | Aries ||
Age of Cancer, the Crab, BCE 8800 to 6640

the Age of Cancer, the Crab
in the Age of Cancer,
  • the survival of the tribe and species is crucial, so people venerate birth, fertility, and sexuality, and the Goddess in her aspect as the Great Mother, or as the moon
  • people are concerned with the Underworld, and practise vulture shamanism

|| Age of Cancer | Age | Ages of the Great Year | Cancer ||
Age of Capricorn, the Horned Sea-Goat, CE 4160ish to 6320ish

The Age of Capricorn the Horned Sea-Goat,
which extends from CE 4160ish to 6320ish,
should have the characteristics of the zodiacal Sign Capricorn.

|| Age of Capricorn | Age | Ages of the Great Year | Capricorn | Goat ||
Age of Gemini, the Twins, BCE 6640 to 4480

The Age of Gemini, the Twins, which extends from BCE 6640 to 4480,
has the characteristics of the zodiacal Sign Gemini;

in the Age of Gemini
  • people are concerned with order and with Time;
  • dualism, and dualist sages, arise;
    in BCE 6350, in Persia, the dualist teacher who is called Zarathustra in India, and Zoroaster in Persia, appears, and abolishes the worship of Time and Fate;
  • in BCE 5600 the Euxine (now called the Black Sea) floods: the Mediterranean Sea bursts through the isthmus of the Bosphorus and floods the Euxine, which is now called the Black Sea;
  • the Labrys is a key symbol of the Age of Gemini.

|| Age of Gemini | Age | Ages of the Great Year | Gemini ||
Age of Leo, the Lion, BCE 10,960 to 8800

The Age of Leo, the Lion, which extends from BCE 10,960 to 8800, and which begins the first Great Season, has the characteristics of the zodiacal Sign Leo.

After the Great Cataclysm in BCE 9500, sages, kings, and gods emerge and restore order; and are, to this day, symbolized by the Lion;

late in the Age of Leo, the Great Sphinx of Giza in Egypt;
and sphinges, having the body of a lion and the head of a woman, straddle the Ages of Leo and Cancer;
cf the Egyptian lion-headed goddess Sekhmet, who represents the force that brings chaos to earth when humans are out of balance.

|| Age of Leo | Age of Cancer | Leo | Cancer | Age | Ages of the Great Year ||
Age of Libra, the Balance, CE 10640ish to 12800ish

The Age of Libra, the Balance, which extends from CE 10640ish to 12800ish, should have the characteristics of the zodiacal Sign Libra.

|| Age of Libra | Age | Ages of the Great Year | Libra ||
Age of Pisces, the Fishes, BCE 160 to CE 1904 or 2000 or 2012

The Age of Pisces, the Fishes which extends from BCE 160 to CE 1904 or 2000 or 2012, has the characteristics of the zodiacal Sign Pisces; humans are now concerned with managing pain, suffering, and the emotional implications of urban habitation; the Age of Pisces is approximately co�val with the �on of Osiris.

|| Age of Pisces | Age | Ages of the Great Year | Pisces ||
Age of Reckoning || Ages ||

The 13 years from CE 1996, to "zero-hour" 2012.12.21 which is the date of the end of history in the Mayan Calendar of the Long Count, are called the Age of Reckoning, according to Michael Tsarion.

|| Age of Reckoning ||
Age of Sagittarius, the Horse-Archer or Centaur, CE 6320ish to 8480ish

The Age of Sagittarius, the Horse-Archer or Centaur, which extends from CE 6320ish to 8480ish, should have the characteristics of the zodiacal Sign Sagittarius.

|| Age of Sagittarius ||
Age of Scorpio, the Scorpion, CE 8480ish to 10640ish

The Age of Scorpio, the Scorpion, which extends from CE 8480ish to 10640ish, and which begins the fourth Great Season, should have the characteristics of the zodiacal Sign Scorpio.

|| Age of Scorpio | Age | Ages of the Great Year | Scorpio ||
Age of Taurus, the Bull, BCE 4480 to 2320

The Age of Taurus, the Bull, extends from BCE 4480 to 2320;
begins the second Great Season;
has the characteristics of the zodiacal Sign Taurus, the Bull;
and the symbol of this age is the bull. cf:
  • bull-cults with bull-temples at �atal H�y�k and elsewhere;
  • bull-dancing in Crete
  • bullfighting in Iberia
  • the Bull Apis in Egypt
  • the Bull Nandi in India
  • the taurobolum

The Age of Taurus, the Bull, is an age of urbanization, civilization, and city-states;
theocratic urban cultures, with the Bull as their symbol, arise in Sumeria, in Egypt, in Anatolia, in Sind, and elsewhere; for example, at �atal H�y�k in Anatolia.

|| Age of Taurus | Age | Ages of the Great Year | Taurus ||
Age of Virgo, the Virgin or Girl, CE 12800ish to 14960ish

The Age of Virgo, the Virgin or Girl, which extends from CE 12800ish to 14960ish, should have the characteristics of the zodiacal Sign Virgo.

|| Age of Virgo | Age | Ages of the Great Year | Virgo ||
Ages of the Goddess || three | ages | Goddess | Maiden | Mother | Crone ||

the three ages of the Goddess are:
  1. the Maiden
  2. the Mother
  3. the Crone

|| Ages of the Goddess ||
Agent || High Priestess | Magickal | subconscious mind ||

the Great Magickal Agent is the subconscious mind, which is the realm of the occult; cf the Underworld.

|| Agent ||
Ages of the Great Year || Age ||

The neoPlatonic Great Year of astrology is divided into four Great Seasons of 6480 years each, and into twelve Ages, each of whose length is circa 2148, 2160, or 2166 years, depending on whom one reads.
cf Lon Milo DuQuetteThe Magick of Thelema, pp 6, 7:tm, n2;
& cf Clow, Catastrophobia, Chapter 1, page 17.

The Ages of the Great Year are as follows:
  1. Age of Leo, BCE 10,960 to 8800
  2. Age of Cancer, BCE 8800 to 6640
  3. Age of Gemini, BCE 6640 to 4480
  4. Age of Taurus, BCE 4480 to 2320
  5. Age of Aries, BCE 2320 to BCE 160
  6. Age of Pisces, BCE 160 to CE 1904 or 2000 or 2012
  7. Age of Aquarius, CE 1904 or 2000 or 2012 to 4160ish
  8. Age of Capricorn, CE 4160ish to 6320ish
  9. Age of Sagittarius, CE 6320ish to 8480ish
  10. Age of Scorpio, CE 8480ish to 10640ish
  11. Age of Libra, CE 10640ish to 12800ish
  12. Age of Virgo, CE 12800ish to 14960ish

For a good diagram of the Ages of the Great Year, see Clow, Catastrophobia, Chapter 1, page 17.

|| Ages of the Great Year ||
Aglaia || Graces ||

In the Hermetic system of the three naked Graces, Aglaia [Greek, 'Brightness'] is the Grace who draws up the energy of the helical pingala-current of the Serpent-Fire, and causes it to spiral upward around the sushumna or staff of the caduceus or Tree of Life.

Agni [ cf Latin ignis 'fire'] : � le dieu v�dique du feu. � �Larousse du XXe si�cle

keep your agreements and your promises:
if you agree to be somewhere at noon,
then be there then, no matter what the hour may be now.

|| agreement | agreements ||
Agrippa von Nettesheim, Heinrich Cornelius, 1486-1535

Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa von Nettesheim, 1486-1535:
Ahriman [Middle Iranian, > Greek Ahriman�s]

the name Ahriman, used in Mazdaism, is the Middle Iranian form of the Avestan god-name Angra-Mainyu, which see.

at the Equinox of the Gods, Ahriman attempts to seize the gates of Heaven by storm;
Ormazd defeats him, and casts him into the Underworld.

|| Ahriman | Ahriman�s ||
Ahura; the Ahuras; Ahura-Mazda > Oromasdes, Ormazd > Ormuzd || Angels | gods ||

The old Iranian god Ahura is the Vedic god V�ruṇa-.

in Iran, at the Equinox of the Gods, the ahuras are deified while the daevas are demonized;

in Mazda�sm as taught by Zarathushtra, 'Lord'

cf the Avestan god-name Ahura Mazda ['Lord Wisdom'
> Middle Iranian Ormazd > Ormuzd, and > Greek Oromasdes]

in Mazda�sm as taught by Zarathushtra,
Ahura-Mazda is the name of
the principle, or angel, or Lord, of Light, of Truth, and of good;

his enemy is Angra-Mainyu > Ahriman > Ahriman�s or Asalor, who is
the principle, or angel, or Lord, of Darkness, of falsity and lies, and of evil.

at the Equinox of the Gods, Ahriman attempts to seize the gates of Heaven by storm;
Ormazd defeats him, and casts him into the Underworld.

|| Ahura | Ahura-Mazda | Ormazd | Ormuzd | Oromasdes ||
aim, end, goal, purpose, purushārtha | end || trivarga | dharma | artha | kama | moksha | Awakening | Work || Will ||

if you aim at nothing, you'll hit it every time.

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.� —AL I:40
Q. What is thy will?
A. It is my will to eat and drink.
Q. To what end?
A. That my body may be fortified thereby.
Q. To what end?
A. That I may accomplish the Great Work.
— Fall to.
— ThelemiteGrace.

the four  purushārthas [Sanskrit, 'aims, ends, goals, or purposes of human life'] or
the caturvarga, [Sanskrit, '[the] four-fold set'], are:
the public trivarga [Sanskrit, 'three categories' or 'three-fold set'] of the householder,
and the private moksha, which are, in order :

  1. dharma [Sanskrit, 'righteousness, duty']
  2. artha [Sanskrit, '[material] economy, gain, wealth']
  3. kama [Sanskrit, 'desire, pleasure, both physical-corporeal and emotional']
  4. moksha [Sanskrit, 'liberation']

|| aim | ends | goal | purpose | purushārtha | purushārthas | caturvarga ||

Greek, '�on'. | Aion�s | L�gos Aion�s | Planetary L�gos ||

Ain is a mis-spelling of En that results from mis-reading the initial glottal stop or occlusive of En as an aleph.
Ain S�f || En S�f ||

Ain S�f is a mis-spelling of En S�f that results from mis-reading the initial glottal stop or occlusive of En S�f as an aleph.
Ain S�f Aur || En S�f �r ||

Ain S�f Aur is a mis-spelling of En S�f �r that results from mis-reading the initial glottal stop or occlusive of En S�f �r as an aleph.
Air | Wind | Storm |

The Element Air corresponds to the gaseous state of matter, and to the intellect, and to action;
it is, and the Sylphs are, ruled by Rapha�l, the Archangel of the East.

I Am the Eye of the Hurricane-that-is-the-mind.
Aire, Aires

[> Latin �rum]: An Aire is one of the thirty Enochian �rum or �thyrs or Aires; cf The Vision and the Voice.

|| Aires | �rum | �thyr | �thyrs | Enochian | The Vision and the Voice ||

The numeration of "Αιϝαςς (Aiwass) Aivas = 78", according to FraterPerdurabo, in
"A few indications for the Student of the Line to be Adopted in his Elucidation of Liber � AL"

Frater Lux Veritatis says that, since w and v are equivalent in Hebrew,
FraterPerdurabo initially used the spelling Aivas for the sake of
the gematria, so that the numeration would equal 78;
until someone who knew Hebrew better than Perdurabo did,
told Perdurabo that the numeration of Aiwaz עיוז is 93.

Visit Linda Falorio's site at

|| Aivas | AIFACC : AIWASS, Αιϝαςς : Aiwass | Aiwaz עיוז | AL ||
AIFACC : Αιϝαςς (AIWASS : Aiwass) - the magickal spelling, whose numeration in Greek is 418.

AIFACC : Αιϝαςς in Greek characters is AIWASS : Aiwass) in Roman characters;

AIWASS : Aiwass in Roman characters is AIFACC : Αιϝαςς in Greek characters;

AIFACC: Αιϝαςς (AIWASS:Aiwass) 418 / Aiwaz 93 ( cf Liber Legis)

in CE 1904 e.v., in Cairo, Egypt, Αιϝαςς (Aiwass) transmits through Soror Ouarda (Rose Edith Crowley n�e Kelly), and her newlywed husband Aleister Crowley scribes, Liber XXXI, which is Crowley's title of the MS of Liber AL. (The typescript is titled Liber CCXX.)

Aiwass is the minister of Hoor-paar-Kraat, according to Nuit in AL I:7

Aiwass 418 / Aiwaz 93 ( cf Liber Legis) is a pr�terhuman intelligence beyond space-time;

Aiwass claims to be "the minister of Hoor-paar-Kraat" who = the Devil = Hadit = Lucifer = Satan = the Serpent = Shaitan, whose emblem is Baphomet.AC, in MTP XXI:II:1 [in the edition of 1990, p. 193:b, note 1].

the Beast 666 (Crowley) refers to Aiwass / Aiwaz as "our Lord God the Devil"
[�according to Martin Booth, A Magick Life, pp 184:tm�185:t, which see],
and proclaims Aiwaz to be His (666's) own HGA.
[�AC, in MTP XXI:II:1�in the edition of 1990, p. 193:b, note 1]

the numeric value of "AIFACC : Αιϝαςς (Aiwass) = 418."�sic dixit Frater Perdurabo, in
"A few indications for the Student of the Line to be Adopted in his Elucidation of Liber � AL"

The numeration of the spelling in full of AIFACC = 78, says Frater Ebony Anpu.

Αιϝαςς (Aiwass) is said to be situated at the fifth or vi�uddha or laryngeal or throat cakra, which is attributed either to the Path of Teth, or to the Sephira Da'ath in the Abyss, and is said to be ruled by Saturn.

�refer to AC, AL, Preface, first two sentences; Introduction: I�The Book: 1-3; Chapter I:7

Visit Linda Falorio's page at

|| AIFACC: Αιϝαςς (AIWASS:Aiwass) | Aiwaz עיוז | Aivas | AL ||
Aiwaz עיוז - the mystical spelling, whose numeration in Aramaic or in Hebrew is 93. || 93 | Aivas | AIFACC: Αιϝαςς (AIWASS:Aiwass) | AL ||

Aiwaz is the mystical spelling of the name of the entity who contacts Aleister Crowley with the help of his wife Rose Edith Crowley n�e Kelly.Cornelius, Aleister, p 12:m

The numeration or numeric value of Aiwaz עיוז spelled in Aramaic ("Hebrew") characters (עיוז)
as it is on the title-page of Liber XXXI, is 93, according to FraterPerdurabo, in
"A few indications for the Student of the Line to be Adopted in his Elucidation of Liber � AL"

Visit Linda Falorio's page at

|| Aiwaz עיוז ||
Akkad, Akkadian, Akkadians || Semitic ||

Akkadian is the Mesopotamian Semitic language spoken in the Mesopotamian Semitic city of Akkad which is north of Sumeria and conquers the Sumerian empire.

Akkadian begins to be written in the miidi-third-millennium BCE; and later splits into Babylonian and Assyrian dialects.

|| Akkadian ||
Akṣobhya || boḍhisattvas | Buḍḍhas | Tathāgatas ||

[the ṣ represents a Sanskritic palatal sibilant that does not exist in English.]

Akṣobhya [Sanskrit, 'imperturbable'] is the Dhyani  Buḍḍha who transforms anger into mirror-like Wisdom.

in the māṇḍala of the Five Dhyani Buḍḍhas or Five Cosmic Buḍḍhas, Akṣobhya Buḍḍha is among the Four_Great_Ones, is represented as dark blue, and sits at the bottom.

|| Akṣobhya ||
the three akuśala-mūla, kleshas, mūla priyayā, Poisons, Root-Poisons, Root-Means, Root-Delusions | three | afflictions | Animals | defilements | delusion | dosa | dvesha | emotions | klesha(s) | kleshas | lobha | moha | mūla | root | roots | sins  ||

akuśala-mūla or mūla priyayā are the three main or principal unskillful root-means, and unwholesome roots of evil,
namely Lobha, dosa/dvesha, and moha
which are 'greed, hatred, and ignorance' respectively :

and cf attraction, repulsion or aversion, and ignorance or delusion.

the opposite of attraction is aversion or repulsion; of aversion or repulsion, attraction; of ignorance, Wisdom.

[in Pāli, kileśā; in Sanskrit, kleśā, anclicized to klesha 'poison']

the three kleshas are the worst of the afflictions, defilements, and negative and poisonous emotions ;
and, depending on whom you listen to, or read, are said to be :
they are symbolized by the Three Animals that are depicted at the hub of the bhavacakra or the kalachakra which is the Wheel of saṃsāra.

it appears to me that hatred originates from anger, which originates from fear, which originates from grasping or clinging, which originates from attachment, which originates from craving and greed, which originates from ignorance; in short, all of the Poisons originate from ignorance;

the complete elimination of ignorance will eliminate both craving and greed and attachment and grasping and clinging and fear and anger and hatred.

pride is the greatest obstacle of all, since it disregards truth, and thus impedes Enlightenment.

the opposite of anger is compassion;
the opposite of greed is generosity;
the opposite of ignorance is Wisdom.

|| akuśala-mūla | Poison | Poison | poisonous | poisons | Poisons | [mūla] priyayā | root-delusions  ||

Al Azif, the Book of the Arab, the Necronomicon

[Greek, 'About Death, Concerning Death, On [the subject of] Death, Regarding Death, Pertaining to Death';
not 'Book of Dead names' nor 'Book of names of the Dead']

the abhorred, abhorrent, accursed, dreaded, forbidden, infamous, monstrous, shunned, and unmentionable the Book of the Arab is:
men pale when they speak of it;

only five copies of the Necronomicon are known to have escaped the holocaust that was provoked by the edicts of horrified priests and legislators.

the library of Miskatonic University houses a carefully secreted copy of the forbidden translation of the Necronomicon into the low Latin of 1228 by Olaus Wormius.

�refer to :
see || Authors | Books | Titles ||

|| Al Azif | the Book of the Arab | Necronomicon ||
Alan Wilson Watts (1915-1973) || Beat | Buḍḍhism ||

Alan Watts is an English-born [1915/01/06] North_American (US) Beat philosopher,scholar, professor, bestselling author, speaker, practitioner of religion and spirituality, one of the pillars of Esalen, and a prominent figure in introducing Western audiences to Eastern religious ideas and attitudes, who becomes a counterculture-celebrity by the late sixties; settles finally on the houseboat Vallejo which he shares with sculptor Jean Varda, at Gate 5, Sausalito, California; and in a secluded cabin in Druid Heights on the southwestern slope of Mount Tamalpais, USA, where, after returning from an intensive international lecture-tour, he dies of heart-failure in his sleep at age 58 in 1973/11/16.

Watts is famous for bridging Eastern and Western spirituality and practice, illuminating a once mysterious world at just the right time.

his works include:

when American Buddhist practicioners criticize Alan Watts for not sitting regularly in zazen, he responds simply by saying: "A cat sits until it's done sitting, and then gets up, stretches, and walks away." ~Alan Watts

|| Alan Watts | Alan Wilson Watts | Watts ||
Alastor || demons | Pilgrim | Seeker | Traveller ||

Alastor is said to be known to Zoroaster as the Executioner, and to Origen as Azazel;
in the infernal hierarchy, the demon Alastor is the Nemesis.

The ancients called evil spirits "alastores"; an alastor is a tormenting spirit or a Nemesis.

in Greek mythology, the demon Alastor is originally the mortal son of Neleus, king of Pylos. When Heracles slays Alastor and his brothers, Alastor becomes a minor demon. He is an evil genius of a house who leads men to commit crimes and sin, and is also a demon of vengeance who visits the sins of the fathers upon their children, and foments blood-feuds between families. �periphrasal from "Alastor" by Micha F. Lindemans, online at

Collin de Plancy is quoted as saying, in his Dictionnaire Infernal of 1863, that "Plutarch says that Cicero hated Augustus so much that he conceived of a plan to kill himself outside the foyer of Augustus in order to become his alastor."
"Sometimes he resolved to go into C�sar's house privately, and there kill himself upon the altar of his household gods, to bring divine vengeance upon him; but the fear of torture put him off this course."
�Plutarch, Parallel Lives, verse 68 of Cicero's biography

�from Erinyes, online at
Percy Bysshe Shelley, in his poem of 1816 entitled "Alastor; or, The Spirit of Solitude" which is online at, warns idealists that if they continue to seek an ideal love, the world will torment them, and they will die lonely.

"Alastor, the Wanderer of the Waste" is one of Aleister Crowley's many appellations. See: | Waste | Wasteland | Rotten Place | world ||

|| Alastor ||

Albanian, spoken in Albania, is a branch of the IndoEuropean family of languages.

|| Albanian | IndoEuropean ||
Alberich || Nibelung | Nibelungen | Ring | "Das Rheingold" ||

Alberich is the Nibelung who pursues the Rheint�chter in "Das Rheingold"; and, after they have teased him,
|| Alberich ||
Albertus Magnus, [Latin, 'Albert the Great'], CE 1193-1280 or 1200-1280

Albertus Magnus (Saint Albert the Great), of Cologne, is a German medi�val alchemist, the teacher of Saint Thomas Aquinas, and reputed to have invented the cannon and the pistol.

According to the New Catholic Encyclopedia of 1967, Saint Albert the Great, of Cologne, Dominican friar and sometime bishop of Regensburg, now a Doctor of the Church, was skilled in natural science and all branches of philosophy and theology. Saint Albert studied at the University of Paris and later taught there, after receiving a bachelor's degree in theology and a master's in the same subject. He undertook to explain all branches of knowledge, including logic, metaphysics, rhetoric, mathematics, ethics, astronomy, politics, and economics. This twenty-year program, "one of the marvels of medi�val scholarship," earned him the honorific title Doctor Universalis. For three years he was also a faithful provincial of the German Dominicans. He attained considerable prestige, especially in Germany, and was declared a saint in 1622.

|| Albertus Magnus | alchemists ||
alchemical; alchymicum || link | other ||

|| alchemical | alchymicum ||
Alchemical Elements || Alchemy | Elements | Grades | Triads | four_ways ||

Alchemical Salt, Sulphur, and Mercury,
symbolize body, soul, and spirit respectively.

|| Alchemical Elements ||
alchemical Latin || Latin ||

|| alchemy ||
alchemists || Alchemy ||

an Alchemist practices Alchemy, which is
not to be confused with alchemy which is mere puffery, according to Paracelsus.

the seven Angels who favor Alchemists are [�per Steiger, Conspiracies, p 6:2:t]:
  • Micha�l, "who [can] transmute base metals into gold and dissolve any enmity directed toward the alchemist";
  • Gabri�l, "who fashioned silver and foresaw the future";
  • Samu�l, "who [protects] against physical harm";
  • Rapha�l,
  • Sachi�l,
  • Ans�l,
  • Cassi�l;
    the latter four can "create various gems and guard the alchemist from attack by negative entities."

Alchemists who are not puffers include:

|| alchemist | Alchemist | alchemists | Alchemists ||
alchemy, Alchemy; adj alchemical || alchemical | Alchemist | Alchemists | Elements | Khem | Emerald Tablet | Grades | spagyric | Azoth | VITRIOL ||

[> Latin Alchemia 'Alchemy' > Arabic al-khemiyya, 'the �gyptian [art]']

the philospher�s stone transforms any metal into pure gold, and also produces the elixir of life which makes its drinker immortal.

the Alchemical Elements: Alchemical Salt, Sulphur, and Mercury, symbolize body, soul, and spirit respectively.

stages of the opus alchymicum which is the Magnum_Opus:
  1. nigredo : Earth; melancholia: encounter with the Shadow �Jung, Basic writings of, p. 484:mb
  2. dealbatio
  3. rubefactio
  4. citrinitas: yellow; Sun

Alchemy and sexual Magick
|| alchemy | Alchemy ||
Aleister / Alexander Edward Crowley, 1875-1947 || AL | Crowleyanity ||

[crow + ley 'straight path', hence 'ley of crows, straight path of crows']

English author, poet, novelist, accomplished chess-player and mountaineer, adventurer, libertine, mystic, ritual magician, and spy, whom Lord Beaverbrook described in his newspapers as the wickedest man on earth, thus insuring that timid souls would cross themselves and flee in terror at the mere mention of the name of Crowley.

"The Hermit of Aesopus Island" mentioned by Scott Michaelsen in Portable Darkness, p 51:n-11, is Aleister_Crowley on Montauk Island.

Aleister Crowley, who is a man of great personal magnetism, is the greatest occultist and ritual magician of the twentieth century of the Common Era, or, as he called it, the era vulgaris (cf the Era Nostra, which begins in the spring of the Common Era).

in CE 1875 e.v., in Leamington Spa, England,
Aleister Crowley, 1875-1947, is born Edward Alexander Crowley,
to Edward Crowley, brewer of Crowley ale, and his wife,
who belong to a strict Christian sect called the Plymouth Brethren.

When he reaches adulthood, he adopts the name Aleister Crowley, among many others, including: and, during the 72 years of this incarnation, 1875�1947, he imprints himself upon the Western Magickal Tradition so indelibly that to many people he is the Western Magickal Tradition.

Some believe that Crowley is a spiritual seeker;
others, that he is a dark magician of heinous evil;
and still others, that he is both.

Lord Beaverbrook, who owns a major British newpaper, publicly and in print calls Crowley "the wickedest man in the world"; and initially this pleases Crowley, who believes that bad publicity is better than no publicity; but it causes him to be ostracised from mainstream English society, and he falls into obscurity and poverty; and in 1947.October.12, penniless in a cheap lodging-house, Aleister Crowley, a.k.a. Frater Perdurabo, sheds his mortal coil.

Patricia Baker says that "Aleister [Crowley]'s legacy attracts many new converts to the Occult even today, and he is said to still command considerable loyalty even from beyond the grave."

A list of the books (in Latin, Libri) that Crowley wrote, entitled The Libri of Aleister Crowley, is at the site

Choosing which part of the history of Crowley's life to tell is the most challenging part of writing his biography, because the more one learns about Crowley, the more one wants to learn.

biography/chronology of Aleister Crowley includes:
  • circa 1911: a medical doctor prescribes morphine
  • 1920.11: Cephal�dium Working

one may wish to read Books by Frater Perdurabo; also, by others:
The occultist and Thelemite Lon Milo DuQuette, and Jim Bratkowsky of Cinemagic, are said to be making a cinematic biography of Aleister Crowley entitled "Aleister Crowley: The Revolt of the Magicians"

the magickal Workings of Frater Perdurabo include the:
  1. Cairo Working of CE 1904 e.v.: refer to The Equinox of the Gods;
  2. Paris Working of CE 19nn e.v.: refer to Symonds_The_Great_Beast;
  3. Bou Saada Working of CE 19nn e.v.: refer to VV.

Web-sites and Web-Scrolls that refer to Crowley include:

|| Aleister Crowley | Crowley, Aleister ||
Aleister Crowley and the Ouija board || board | Cornelius, J. Edward | Aleister Crowley ||
� 2005 by J. Edward Cornelius

  • ISBN 1-932595-10-4 � 2005 e.v., published in Los Angeles, CA 90039 USA, at Feral House,

|| Aleister Crowley and the Ouija board ||
Aleister Crowley: The Nature of the Beast

book by Colin Wilson
1987, ISBN 0-85030-541-1
The Aquarian Press, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, NN8 2RQ, England
distributed in the USA by Sterling Publishing Co Inc, New York, $10.

The book mentions:
|| Aleister_Crowley_The_Nature_of_the_Beast || Aleister Crowley, 1875-1947 ||
Aleister Crowley: The Revolt of the Magicians

Aleister Crowley: The Revolt of the Magicians is a film by:
This film is a cinematic biography of Aleister Crowley, 1875-1947,
and is reviewed at

Production is planned for late 2004 in England and the United States.

For more information contact:
Patricia Baker

Michael Schrager

 Alex Mar, 1985�[] | authors | witches | who | Morpheus_Ravenna | Ravenna_Book  ||

author of the book(s):
|| Alex Mar | Mar, Alex ||
Alexander, Rolf, Dr

Dr Rolf Alexander is:
  • Canadian? of Ontario?
  • the author of the book "The Power of the mind"
and cf the paranormal.
Aliens || extra-terrestrials | Verdants | Visitors | Great White Brotherhood | metaphysical entities ||

In re Aliens, cf the space-people, and the:

|| Alien | Aliens ||


|| All | the All-Father | Pan | God ||

[Arabic, 'God']

|| Allah | Al-Llah ||
Allan Kardec, 1804�1869 || spiritism | other ||


|| Allan_Kardec ||

All Hallows = 'All Saints = All Holy Ones'.
Allhallows Day is All Saints' Day.
All Saints' E'en is Allhallows E'en which is Hallowe'en.

|| Allhallows ||
Alone, alone | solitary | solitude | other  ||

I am alone: there is no God where I am. —AL II:23

|| Alone | alone ||
Alostra�l || Leah Hirsig | Sorores ||

When Leah Hirsig becomes the Scarlet Woman of Aleister Crowley,
she takes the magickal name Alostra�l [Hebrew, 'the womb/Grail of God'] whose qabbalistic numeration is 31-666-31

Aleister Crowley nicknames Alostra�l the Ape of Thoth.

Soror Alostra�l goes naked all day at home in New York City and at the Abbey of Thelema at Cefal�.

|| Soror Alostra�l ||
alphabet, Alphabet, alphabets

Regarding alphabets, cf:
|| alphabets | syllabaries | Devanāgarī | Letters | runes | languages ||
Amalantrah || Ab-ul-Diz | Abuldiz_Working | Amalantrah_Working | Secret Chiefs | Workings ||

The Wizard Amalantrah is an astral entity who contacts To Mega Therion 666 through his Scarlet Woman Soror Achitha.
Martin Booth, A Magick Life, pp 342:b�344:t

|| Amalantrah ||
Amalantrah_Working || Ab-ul-Diz | Abuldiz_Working | Amalantrah | Amalantrah_Working | LAM | Secret Chiefs | Workings ||


|| Amalantrah_Working ||

[Sumerian, 'Mother of Freedom'?]

Soror Amardi gave me incentive to continue writing this page, The Scroll, and gave me much understanding, and contributed copious cogent criticism on the magickal dimension, as i mention in the Acknowledgements.

See Soror_Amardi's_verses.html | Sorores ||

ambition in any form, whether mundane or spiritual, produces anxiety and fear, which clouds and stupefies the mind.

|| ambition | other ||

[Greek], 'moonblood, menstrual blood'
("which the Reptilians love to drink" �Icke, Tales_from_the_Time_Loop, p 258:m)

|| Ambrosia | moonblood | nectar ||

The_corpus_of_this_entry_is_to_be_completed_as_soon_as_possible. || Amen ||
Amenti || Underworld ||

�gyptian name of the Underworld, where the crocodile-god Sebek or Sobek lurks, and devours the soul of any recently deceased one whose heart is heavier than the Feather that the goddess Maat puts into the other pan of the Balance.

|| Amenti ||

Ascension Mastery International,
c/o Founder Joanna Cherry, POB 1018,
Mount Shasta, CA 96067 USA;
catalog of pictures of Ascended Masters.
Amitābha | Amitayus | Avalokiteśvara | boḍhisattvas | Buḍḍhas | En S�f �r | Tathāgatas ||

[Sanskrit, 'boundless light']

Amitābha Buḍḍha is the Dhyani Buḍḍha of Infinite Light who resides in the Pure Land known as the Western Paradise; cf the En S�f �r.

in the māṇḍala of the Five Dhyani Buḍḍhas or Five Cosmic Buḍḍhas, Amitābha Buḍḍha is among the Four_Great_Ones, is represented as red, and sits in the West, at the top of the māṇḍala if you're in the East.

|| Amitābha ||
Amitayus | Amitābha | Avalokiteśvara | boḍhisattvas | Buḍḍhas | sambhogakāya ||

Amitayus Buḍḍha is considered to be the sambhogakāya form and Long-life Buḍḍha-form of Amitābha Buḍḍha.

|| Amitayus ||
Amoghasiddhi || boḍhisattvas | Buḍḍhas | Tathāgatas ||

[Sanskrit, 'always successful']

in the māṇḍala of the Five Dhyani Buḍḍhas or Five Cosmic Buḍḍhas, Amoghasiddhi Buḍḍha is among the Four_Great_Ones, is represented as green, and sits at the left.

Green_Tara is regarded as spiritual consort of Amoghasiddhi the Dhyani-Buḍḍha.

|| Amoghasiddhi ||

AMORC�Antiquus Mysticus Ord� Rosae Crucis, or
Ancient Mystical Order of the Rosy Cross (Rosicrucian Order)
founded in CE 1915 in San Jose, California, USA,
by businessman and occultist Harvey Spencer Lewis, 1883-1939
telephone (USA): 1-408-947-3600
telecopy/fax: 1-408-947-3677
AMORC (Rosicrucian Order)
Rosicrucian Park
1342 Naglee Ave
San Jose, CA 95191-0001
cf FUDOESI | Rosae Crucis | Rosicrucian | Rosicrucians ||

Amorite is the Northwest Semitic language spoken by the Amorites.

|| Amorite | Amorites ||

Panjabi, ''

holy city of the Sikhs.

|| Amritsar | Amrit | Harimandir ||
the Amshaspands

[Middle Iranian Amshaspand < Old Iranian Amesha Spenta]

the Amshaspands (Archangels in Mazda�sm) include:
visit Amshaspands.

|| Amshaspand | Amshaspands ||

amulet: ornament believed to magically endow the wearer with the properties that it represents.

An anachoretes is an urban recluse; cf hermit.
Hana�l, Ana�l

Hana�l or Ana�l is the Angel whom Trithemius, in De Septem Secundeis, 1508, ascribes to Venus.

|| Ana�l | Hana�l ||

anagrams include:

see Temurah

|| anagram | anagrams ||
anal, anus, anality || Da'ath | Malkuth | mūladhara-chakra | sodomy | Uranus ||


The following correspond to the anus :

|| anal | anality | anus  ||
anamnesis , Awakening, Enlightenment, Liberation, moksha, rebirth, Waking ;
Awaken, Enlighten, Liberate, Wake;
Awake, Awakened, Enlightened, Liberated, reborn

|| Buḍḍha | Enlightenment | Liberation | moksha | superconsciousness | nirvāṇa | HGA | Augoeides | Genius | Wakefulness | rigpa | Yoga ||

Regarding Waking, cf Sleep and saṃsāra.

Greek anamnesis is awakening.

Awakening (that is, the Awakening of Consciousness) is rebirth.

"asleep in Adam, awake in Christ"Anderson, Unknowable, p. 53:t

One Awakens by the Grace of God, not by meritorious effort or works.

A. R. Orage examines sleep and waking as a psycho-spiritual metaphor:
"To be aware that we are asleep is to be on the point of waking; and to be aware that we are only partially awake is the first condition of becoming and making ourselves more fully awake.
�conclusion of essay "Are We Awake?" by A. R. Orage, first published in a series of articles titled "Fifteen Exercises in Practical Psychology" in Psychology Magazine (New York) between April 1925 and January 1926.
Awakening results in nirvāṇa.

On the Awakening of Consciousness and the spontaneous rise of kuṇḍalinī, see Shared Transformations.

awaken from the dream of a separate self.

if you were never asleep, then your awakening is merely a dream of awakening.

|| anamnesis | Awake, Awaken, Awakened, Awakening, Awakenings, Awakens, Awaking | wake | wakeful | wakefulness | waking ||

�nanda [Sanskrit, 'joy']
Anat || Asherah | Ba'al ||

Anat is the Canaanite name of the goddess who is sister, daughter, and consort of Ba'al, and sister of Aleyin;
Anat is worshipped also in Anatolia, which is named after her.

|| Anat ||
anātmā(n), anattā || three | characteristics_of_conditioned_existence | anitya | Buḍḍhism | Buḍḍhist | Atmā(n) | selflessness ||

in Buḍḍhist doctrine, the Pāli word anattā [Sanskrit anātmā(n)], meaning 'no-self, non-self, not-self, devoid of self, selfless(ness), soulless(ness), absence of ego, absence of an abiding self, egolessness', denotes the belief that one of the three characteristics_of_conditioned_existence is that there is no permanent human soul that re-incarnates from one body to another.

'All formations are transient; � form is transient; feeling is transient; perception is transient; mental formations are transient; consciousness is transient.'
~according to the Buḍḍha Śākyamuni, per the Samyutta Nikaya

all beings, all formations, all manifestations, all phenomena, and all things, are anātmān; that is, they are empty-and-devoid of independent and permanent essence; they are characterized by anitya, and ultimately disappear and vanish.

for convenience, we refer to ourselves conventionally as "I"; but what is this I? is it my physical body? my emotions? my thoughts? my consciousness? does it exist in the sense that I am a thing-in-itself, denoted by a noun, and separate from all other things?

Śākyamuni-Buddha says [where?]: no, there is no such entity; there is no self. in fact, we're verbs, not nouns.

|| anātmā(n) | anattā | anicca ||

cf antiquity
Ancient Ways | Oakland | bookshops | Thelemites |

7/7 11-7, telephone 1.510-653-3244 Glenn A. Turner, proprietrix

Glenn A. Turner, proprietrix
Ancient Ways
4075 Telegraph Avenue [at 41st St, SW�southbound Lines 1/1R; also 57]
Oakland, CA 94609 USA
| Ancient Ways|
Ancient Ways Festival | naturism, naturist(s) |

annual festival at Harbin Hot Springs. | Ancient Ways Festival ||
Andahadna | Nema | Ma'at |

a student and colleague of Frater Aossic / Kenneth Grant, and wife of Lyrus

her names include:

works by Andahadna include:

| Andahadna |
And there was Light | Jacques Lusseyran |

  • Et la lumi�re fut
    par Jacques Lusseyran, 1924�1971
    pr�face de Jacqueline Pardon.
    �diteur : �ditions Du F�lin, Paris�collection : R�sistance
    parution : 2005 octobre 04
    nombre de pages : 284
    dimensions en cm : 24 x 16
    �R�sistance, libert�, m�moire / Association Libert�-M�moire, 1285-5502
  • And there was Light / by Jacques Lusseyran, 1924�1971
    translated from the French by Elizabeth R Cameron
    1963, New York, Little, Brown and Company
    1987, New York, NY, Parabola Books
    ISBN 0-930407-03-2 (pbk)
    iv, 312 p
    22 cm
    Berkeley Public Library�Central Library
    DDSN 940.5344 L976aar
    � renewed 1991 by Conrad Schachenmann

| And there was Light |
Margaret Carolyn Anderson, 1886�1973

in 1924 she hears Gurdjieff talk at the Prieur� in Avon near Fontainbleau;

her works include:
|| Margaret Anderson | Gurdjieff ||
androgyne, androgynous | HermAphrodite  ||

[from Greek andros 'man' + g�n�'woman']

see HermAphrodite

|| androgyne | androgynous ||
Angel, angel [< Greek αγγελος, 'Messenger'], Angels, angels || Ahuras | Archangels | beasts | Beauty | demons | Devas | El | entities | metaphysical entities | gods | Great White Brotherhood | terrible ||

enlightened mystics speak of the terrible beauty of God and of the Angels:
"Who, if I cried out, might hear me�among the ranked Angels?
Even if One suddenly clasped me to his heart
I would die of the force of his being. For Beauty is only
the infant of scarcely endurable Terror, and we
are amazed when it casually spares us.
Every Angel is terrible."
�Rainer Maria Rilke, The First Elegy
Angels are entities called Devas or Daevas in Aryan, and also in Sanskrit; in Iranian, Zarathushtra makes them devils.

the nine orders of Angels of the Jud�o-Christian Bible include:ref Paul of Tarsus in the New Testament; and Watts, Myth, p. 36.

the nine orders of bless�d angels according to Francis Barrett, The Magus, p 130
  1. Seraphim
  2. Cherubim
  3. Thrones
  4. Dominations
  5. Powers
  6. Virtues
  7. Principalities
  8. Archangels
  9. Angels

Trithemius, in his treatise on the seven secondary causes (De Septem Secundeis, 1508) expresses a quasi-Gnostic conception of the Angels (secondary Intelligences) or planetary Spirits who rule the world after God, and ascribes:
the number of angels that can dance on the head of a pin equals infinity, since pins are physical and angels are metaphysical.

Angels include:
Regarding the Angels, refer to:
  • A Dictionary of Angels: including the fallen angels, by Gustav Davidson,
    bibliographer at the Library of Congress and past Secretary Emeritus of the Poetry Society of America.
  • Trithemius, De Septem Secundeis, 1508
  • Steiger, Conspiracies, p 6:2:t
  • Francis Barrett, The Magus, p 130
  • Doreen_Virtue
  • Quinn, May

the seven types of creative angels, according to Quinn in May, are,
in the order in which one should initially and usually contact them, the:

  1. Angel of VisionQuinn, May, Ch 3, pp 45 ff
  2. Angel of WisdomQuinn, May, Ch 4, pp 61 ff
  3. Angel of PurityQuinn, May, Ch 5, pp 75 ff
  4. Angel of StrengthQuinn, May, Ch 6, pp 87 ff
  5. Angel of LoveQuinn, May, Ch 7, pp 96 ff
  6. Angel of PeaceQuinn, May, Ch 8, pp 112 ff
  7. Angel of VictoryQuinn, May, Ch 9, pp 129 ff

procedure to achieve/attain your end/goal/objective/purpose:

  1. center: find and enter the stillness at the calm center within;
  2. connect to, and welcome, each of your seven creative angels in the order given herein, and listen carefully to what each angel says before you contact the next angel;
  3. ask for help;
  4. act on the advice that the angels give you;
  5. release it.

�source: �Quinn, May (which both Shirley MacLaine and Arden strongly recommend)

at the GTU Library a-top Holy Hill in Berkeley: seek the term "angel" in :
  • the Encyclop�dia Judaica
  • the Jewish Encyclopedia

|| angel | angels | Angel | Angels | angelology |||
anger || dosa | fear | hatred | Kenneth Anger | kleshas | Poison ||

anger arises from, and excludes, fear; and generates hatred.

|| anger
Anger, Kenneth, n� Kenneth Wilbur Anglemyer, 1927, Feb.03 � || anger | Marjorie Cameron ||

Thelemite cinematographer (of the epoch of Stan Brakhage and Bruce Conner), whose films include:

  • 1936?�"Who's been Rocking my Dreamboat?"
  • 1947�"Fireworks"�a 15-minute film about a dream about the rape of a teenage boy, played by Anger, by a group of North American sailors.
  • "Inauguration of the Pleasure Dome"�a 38-minute Crowleyan film, with
    Marjorie Cameron playing both the Scarlet Woman and Kal�,
    which Anger begins shooting in December of 1953.
  • 1964�"Scorpio Rising"�gay biker fetishism
  • 1969�"Invocation of my Demon Brother"�"teems with occult symbols and features a grinding one-note dirge for a soundtrack, performed by Mick Jagger on a Moog synthesiser."
  • 1969�1981�"Lucifer Rising" with Marianne Faithfull as Lilithin Egypt's Valley of the Kings, and Donald Cammell as Osiris, Lord of Death, and soundtrack by Bobby BeauSoleil then aged 18.
  • 2002�"The Man We Want To Hang"�a documentary about Aleister Crowley

|| Anger, Kenneth | Kenneth Anger ||

Anglo-Saxon, also called Old English, which became the Middle English of Chaucer, which became the modern English of Shakespeare.

folks who are down-to-earth and real still use words from Anglo-Saxon; but the Norman Conquest of England made the use of Anglo-Saxon infra dig among the Norman aristocracy; so, if you want to fart higher than your arse, then you should use the Anglo-Norman and ecclesiastic Latin terminology.

|| Anglo-Saxon | English | Dutch | Teutonic | Germanic ||
Angra Mainyu > Ahriman > Ahriman�s; Asalor

Avestan god-name Angra Mainyu > Middle Iranian Ahriman > Greek Ahriman�s & cf Asalor.

in Mazda�sm as taught by Zarathushtra, Angra-Mainyu is the name of the principle, or angel, or Lord, of Darkness, of falsity and lies, and of evil,
who is the enemy of Ahura-Mazda who is the principle, or angel, or Lord, of Light, of Truth, and of good.

|| Angra-Mainyu | Ahriman | Ahriman�s | Asalor ||
anguish, dissatisfaction, non-satisfactory, dolor [Latin, 'pain'] , duhkhadukka [Pāli, 'burden; pain, suffering'] , dukkha [Sanskrit, 'burden; pain, suffering'], 

pain, sorrow, stress, suffering, Weltschmerz
experienced when the world appears awry, flawed, unsatisfactory

|| characteristics_of_conditioned_existence | Four Noble Truths | compassion | passions | Buḍḍhism ||

the truth [Pāli sacca] of the fact of suffering is the first of the Four Noble Truths of Buḍḍhism.

needless and unnecessary dukkha [suffering from dissatisfaction] is caused by attachment / clinging / craving / desire / grasping.
what makes us suffer is not what happens to us, but rather our belief about what happens to us.

needless and unnecessary suffering is caused by craving, which is excessive desire.
it is not what happens to us that makes us suffer, but rather our belief about what happens to us. craving is a form of attachment which is a wish to control.
Remove needless and unnecessary suffering, not by removing desire, which is necessary and essential; rather, by removing craving, which is excessive desire.

craving is a form of attachment, which in turn is a wish to control.

the passions are the causes of needless and unnecessary anguish, dissatisfaction, dolor, dukka, dukkha, pain, sorrow, and suffering.

needless and unnecessary dukkha results from the passions, q.v.

the Four Noble Truths of Buḍḍhism tell of the fact of the existence, of the cause, of the cessation, and of the path to the cessation of, needless and unnecessary dukkha 'suffering'.

All life is suffering. �First Great Truth of the Buḍḍha Siddhartha Gautama

Life's tough. Then you die. �proverb

Refer to what Gurdj�eff said about voluntary suffering.

Refer to the book: Ein Psycholog erlebt das Konzentrationslager (in English: Man's search for meaning) (�sterreich/Austria & ubique, 1946 & ff) by Viktor E. Frankl, a Viennese psychiatrist who survived Nazi concentration-camps and then created a form of existential therapy that he called logotherapy.

Life is a series of difficult problems, which is why we enjoy it;
if life were easy, then it would bore us, just as the game of tic-tac-toe bores us once we've mastered it and understand how never to lose at it;
so we can choose to moan about our problems and not get to solve them,
or to solve them and not get to moan about them.

To solve all of life's problems requires total discipline.

|| anguish | dissatisfaction | dolor | duhkha | dukka | dukkha | pain | sorrow | suffering ||
animal(s), Animal(s) || akuśala-mūla | Beast | bhavacakra | Bird | cockerel | delusions | kalachakra | kleshas | pig | plants | Poisons | root-delusions | snake | Three ||

the Three Animals, which are depicted at the hub of the bhavacakra [Sanskrit, 'Wheel of Life' and of saṃsāra] which is the kalachakra [Sanskrit, 'Wheel_of_Time'], are:
a pig or swine who chases a cockerel or rooster, or bird, who chases a serpent or snake who chases the pig or swine;
they symbolize the three kleshas 'Poisons' which are the three root-delusions,
namely anger, attachment, and ignorance.

  1. the pig or swine symbolizes ignorance in the Orient, and symbolizes gluttony in the Occident.
  2. the cockerel or rooster symbolizes greed or pride, and the bird symbolizes attraction or attachment or greed, in the Orient.
  3. the serpent or snake symbolizes anger or hatred in the Orient, and symbolizes lust in the Occident.

|| animal | Animals ||
anicca [Pāli], anitya [Sanskrit] : becoming, change, mutation; ephemerality, impermanence, transition | evanescence | anātmā(n) | anātmān, anatta | bardos | Buḍḍhism | characteristics_of_conditioned_existence | contingency | contingent | dukkha | dukkha | Emptiness | entropy | Four Immeasurable Thoughts | Marks_of_Being | mutability | transience |

in Buḍḍist doctrine, anitya 'impermanence' is one of the three characteristics of conditioned existence or marks_of_being.

anitya ['becoming'] is the sixth bardo.

"All formations are transient; all formations are subject to suffering; all things are without a self [anātmā(n)]; form is transient; feeling is transient; perception is transient; mental formations are transient; consciousness is transient". �Samyutta Nikaya

all beings, all formations, all manifestations, all phenomena, and all things,
  • are becoming, changeable, changing, ephemeral, impermanent, inconstant, insecure, mutable, precarious, transient/transitory, unstable, and not fixed;
  • are characterized by becoming, change, changeability, changing, ephemerality, impermanence, inconstancy, insecurity, instability, mutability, non-fixity, precarity, transience;
  • and become, change, and mutate,
  • and are anātmān; that is, they are empty-and-devoid of independent and permanent essence; and ultimately disappear and vanish;
therefore any attachment to, or grasping at, any of them, is like grasping at a rainbow;
so practice diligently.
Lopp�n Jigme Thutop Namgyal Rinpoche and R. d'En

anitya negates fundamentalism.

cf ageing/aging; atrophy; deterioration; entropy, which is the second law of thermodynamics; evanescence, evanescent; obsolescence, including planned obsolescence.

The only constant is change. �Albert Einstein

all that is here, is like a rainbow, or like the movements of:
  • birds or butterflies in flight
  • dancers
  • images in a dream
  • images that the magic lantern casts upon the silver screen at a cinema
  • people in a room, on-stage, or in a public place such as a caf�, corridor, lobby, marketplace, park, public square, street, waiting-room, etc.
  • the smoke of incense
  • traffic on a street or highway, or in a marketplace
  • the events of this or any incarnation.

Alles vergängliches ist nur ein Gleichnis. 'All that is transitory is merely a seeming.' �Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

"We had joy, we had fun,
We had seasons in the sun;
But the stars we could reach
Were just starfish on the beach."
�from a 1964 song by singer Rod McKuen, 1933�2015

If you're in a   bad situation, don't worry; it'll change.
If you're in a good situation, don't worry; it'll change.
�John A. Simone, Sr.

For pure will, unassuaged of purpose, delivered from the lust of result, is every way perfect.AL I:44

only mind is permanent.

|| anicca | anitya | ephemerality | impermanence | instability |
Fr�ulein Anna Sprengel || Die Goldene D�mmerung ||

the probably non-existent Fr�ulein Anna Sprengel, ?�1891?,
Soror Sapiens Dominabitur Astris 'The wise one will be ruled by the stars',
said to be: of Stuttgart or of Nuremberg / N�rnberg, Germany,
countess of Landsfeldt,
natural daughter of Louis I of Bavaria and Lola Assemble,
member of Die Goldene D�mmerung.
Cf the Cypher MS of Dr William Wynn Westcott.

|| Fr�ulein Anna Sprengel ||
Anunnaki, Nefilim, nefilim, Nephilim, nephilim�variant spellings || giants | Watchers ||

the Nephilim are the (Sumerian?) giants who came down from the stars,
whom Genesis 6:4 calls the bene ha-elohim 'sons of the gods',
and whom Lovecraft calls the Great Old Ones.

refer to Genesis 6:4 : "... there were Nephilim ["giants" who came down] in the Earth in those days,
and also after that, when the sons of the gods came in unto the daughters of men and they bare children to them".

at the Equinox of the Gods, the Hebrews deify IHVH, and demonize most other deities except some angels; and the Four Archangels of the Hebrews vanquish the gigantic (Sumerian) Nephil�m �ref Zechariah Sitchin, etc.

books : The Nephilim and the Pyramid of the Apocalypse, by Patrick Heron
published by Kensington Publishing Press
available at Barnes and Noble
Web :

see also the books by Zecharia Sitchin

|| Nefilim | Nephilim ||
Annwn || Afterworld | Avalon | Underworld | Wild_Hunt ||

Celtic / Keltish name of the Afterworld, related somehow to Avalon.

|| Annwn ||
anoint, anointed, anointing, anointment

[to anoint < inunct, < Latin, 'to oil'; & cf Greek Christ & English Christed]

in the Pentecostal tradition in the USA, "Anointed" means "Christed".

|| anoint | Christ | Christed | Lonnie Frisbee ||
The Answer || Questions ||

There is no answer.
There won't be an answer.
There has never been an answer.
That's the answer.
�Gertrude Stein

|| Answer ||
antahkarana || Self ||

the Antahkarana is the connection between the physical brain and the Higher Self.

this symbol is multi-dimensional: from one perspective, it appears to be two dimensional, and composeed of three sevens on a flat surface, which three sevens symbolize the seven chakras, the seven colors and the seven tones of the [Occidental] musical scale, which the book of Revelation calls the seven seals, the seven candlesticks, and the seven trumpets. �see Alice Bailey et alii.

from another perspective it appears to be a tri-dimentional cube.

|| antahkarana ||
antarābhāva || bardo ||

[Sanskrit, 'bardo']

|| antarābhāva ||
ant-hill, formicary | sleepwalkers | Traditions | other ||

thousands of years ago, humans found lovers and spouses, made fires, worshipped gods, wove, wrote, sent written messages, built pyramids, etc.;
and all the advances that our ant-hill society has made recently have been in science and technology, replacing slaves, legally so-defined, with wage-slaves; etc.;
but, like the social insects, our ant-hill society of sleepwalkers, in its consensual trance, has never asked itself why we're here,
even though they of the arcane Tradition have long asked that question.

|| ant-hill | formicary ||
Anthroposophy�by Rudolf Steiner, before CE 1909

[< Greek anthropos 'man' + sophia 'wisdom']
  • when, Rudolf Steiner, a disciple of Madame H.P. Blavatsky, and General Secretary to the German branch of the Theosophical Society, lectures on "An Anthroposophy";
  • in 1909, disagreeing with certain trends in Theosophy, including the declaration that Jiddu Krishnamurti is the current incarnation of the Christ, he leaves the Theosophical Society;
  • in 1912, he establishes the Anthroposophical Society;
  • at Dornach, near Basle, in Switzerland, he designs and has built the first Goetheanum, and the headquarters of the Society;
  • in 1922.12.31, in the night, Nazis burn it down; he immediately redesigns it in a completely different and equally original style in molded concrete;
  • in 1923, he re-founds the Anthroposophical Society.

|| Anthroposophy | Rudolf Steiner ||
Antichrist || Christ ||

|| Antichrist ||
Antiquity, antiquity

Most of the lore contained herein is of hoary antiquity; but some is recent, and some is original with me.

Some is apocryphal, and some is quite false; so, as always, caveat lector�let the reader beware!

|| antiquity ||

Anubis is, inter alia, the Psychopomp; cf Cerberus or Kerberos.
Aossic Aiwass 718 || Frater | Fratri in Θελημα (Th�l�ma) | Kenneth Grant | LAM | Typhonian Trilogies ||

[in_what_language, 'means_what']

FraterAossic is the pen-name and magickal motto in the O.T.O. of Kenneth Grant, whom Frater Saturnus a.k.a. Karl Johannes Germer expels from the OTO in the 1950s�see Hymen�us Beta's announcement on the sticker on the back of the dust-jacket of a copy of the Skoob Books edition of Kenneth Grant's book The Magical  Revival sold in the U.S. or in North America.

Frater Achad Osher 583 says that all Grant's works are rubbish except those of the first of his Typhonian Trilogies
|| Aossic Aossic_Aiwass_718 ||

French spelling of Aur, which is a mis-spelling of the Hebrew �r 'Light' that results from mis-reading the initial glottal stop or occlusive as an aleph.

Cf Frater Iehi Aour 'Let there be Light', GD, = Allan Bennett.

|| Aur | Fratri in the GD ||


the Egyptian serpent god of evil, destruction, and Darkness.

|| Apep | Ap�phis ||

Greek name of the goddess of love, to whom goats have been sacrificed, and who was originally HermAphrodit�.

|| Aphrodite | goddesses ||

The word Apocalypse, which comes from Greek,
translates into Latin as Revelation (cf Rev.),
and both of these into Anglo-Saxon as Unveiling (cf ecdysiasm [Greek, 'stripping']).

Cf the Book of the Apocalypse, or of the Revelation, of [Saint] John the Divine [of Patmos], which is the last Book of the New Testament of the Christian Bible, and forms part of the primary qabbalistic Scriptures.

Cf prophecies | Rev.

Cf: | Apocalypse | Apocalyptic | Cataclysm | CE 2012.12.21 | Change of an Age | Crisis | ecdysiasm | Ekpyrosis | End of an Age | End-Time | Equinox of the Gods | eschaton | Kal�Yuga | Kalki(n) | Mayan calendar end | Pachakuti | Rev. | Revelation | Time of the End | Turn of an Age | World-Changing Time | World-End ||

When not capitalized, the word apocalyptic means 'revelatory; see Revelation;
when capitalized, the word Apocalyptic refers to
the Book of the Apocalypse, or the Revelation, of Saint John the Divine.

| prophecies ||
Apocrypha, adj. apocryphal

in the Christian Bible, the Apocrypha, which form part of the Jewish Bible, are sandwiched or intercalated between the Old and the New Testaments.

|| Apocrypha ||
Apollo; adj. Apollonian

Apollo is the Greek name of the god of the Sun.

In palmistry, Apollo rules the Mount of Apollo.

regarding Apollonian cultures, v. Nietzsche

|| Apollo | Apollonian | Apollyon ||

[ cf Apollo]

the beast-angel that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit is king of the locusts, and his name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek Apollyon. �Rev. 9:11
he shall make war against the two witnesses, and shall overcome them and shall kill them. �Rev. 11:7

|| Apollyon | Apollo | Angels | beasts ||

[Greek Ap�phis < ap 'from' + ophis 'snake']; & cf Ap�phis [Greek, apo 'from' + phisy 'nature']

Greek name, meaning 'Destroyer', for
Apep, the Egyptian serpentine spirit or god of evil, destruction, and Darkness.

�see Crowley, The Book of Lies, An Interlude
�in Michaelsen, Portable, p 316:m

The Arcturians say that Ap�phis is illusory.

|| Ap�phis | Apep ||

apsaras [Sanskrit, 'nymphs', as at Khajuraho]: See metaphysical entities
Apsu || Abyss | Adibuddha | Chaos | Behemoth | Leviathan | Tiamat ||

Apsu and Tiamat are the primordial pair, described in the Enuma elish

|| Apsu ||
Aquarian, Aquarian Age, Aquarian(s)

[Aquarian is the adjectival form of Aquarius.]

natives of Aquarius are called Aquarians;
and Aquarians are said to be as follows:
"The truth is deep within his eyes;
And truth he speaks; he never lies."
The Aquarian Age is the current Age of Aquarius.
Aquarius, the Water-Bearer

[< Latin Aquarius, 'Water-Bearer'; in interlingua, Aquario;
adj. Aquarian; as in: the Aquarian Age]

Aquarius is the zodiacal Sign that S�l the Sun traverses from January 21st to February 19th, and is co-ruled by Saturn and Uranus.

Aquarius is said to signify peace and harmony and joy.

natives of Aquarius are called Aquarians.

The current Aquarian Age, or Age of Aquarius, the Water-Bearer,
extends from CE 1904 or 2000 or 2012, to 4160ish

| Aquarius | Water-Bearer | zodiacal Signs | Zodiac ||

Ar is the name of what god?

Cf the Ar-Rune.

|| Ar | Ar-Rune ||

Arabic is the Semitic language of Arabia and of the Qur'an.
  • hafiz 'one who has memorised the entire Qur'an';
    i use it to mean 'one who has memorised the entirety of Liber AL'.

|| Arabic | Semitic | Qur'an ||

see "Aradia: the gospel of the witches", by Charles G Leland,
publ C.W. Daniel, London, 1974

|| Aradia | witches ||
Arahat, Arhat || Adept | boḍhisattva | Buḍḍha ||

Arhats are companions of Śākyamuni who have attained to nirvāṇa, and are believed in the Himalayas to number 16; elsewhere, more.

an Arhat is one grade below an Adept.Leadbeater, Masters, p. 9:mb

"An Arahat is a perfected man."Aleister CrowleyRed Flame #10, ISBN 0-9712376-2-X, p. 16:tm

|| Arahat | Arhat

Aramaic ['pertaining to Aram' (the fifth son of Shem, eldest son of Noah)]

Aramaic (related how to Assyrian?) is a North-Western Semitic language which the Assyrian empire used as a interlanguage, and was for centuries the dominant language of Jewish worship, scholarship, and daily life, and is believed to be the language spoken by Jesus of Nazareth.

After the Arab conquests in the 7th century CE, Arabic gradually replaced Aramaic; but to this day, the Jews write in Hebrew using the Aramaic Flame-Alphabet, rather than the ancient Hebrew alphabet which is no longer used at all.

The alphabet that is usually and mistakenly called Hebrew, is in fact the Aramaic Flame alphabet.

ARARITA is the seven-letter acronym of the Hebrew phrase which, spelled in full,
AShD RASh AChDVThV RASh "HVDV ThMVDTh(V or X) XChD, means:
"One is Thy Beginning! One is Thy Spirit, and Thy Permutation One!" �Crowley
Agrippa von Nettesheim, 1486-1535, uses it to invoke the seven traditional Planets.
�The Magickal Link, e.v. 1982, October, column "On the Holy Books".

Among The Holy Books of Thel�ma, see Liber_DCCCXIII vel ARARITA sub figur� DLXX.

Ārati || Māra | other ||

[Sanskrit, 'dusk' < a 'before' + ratri 'night']

pronounced /Aarti/

one of the three tempting daughters of Māra.

|| Ārati ||
Arbor Vitae

Latin, 'Tree of Life'

|| Arbor Vitae | Tree of Life ||
Arcana || arcane | Atu | Suits ||

"arcana" is a Latin plural noun, whose singular is "arcanum", meaning 'hidden'.

The Major Arcana of the Tarot are the Court Cards or Trump Cards, which are now numbered. See Atu.

The four Suits of the Minor Arcana of the Tarot, which correspond to the Implements or Weapons of Magick, are the :
|| arcana | Arcana | Arcanum ||
arcane, hidden, occult, the Occult; occultation | Arcana | esoteric | occultism | occultists | Tradition | Underworld ||

occult: [Latin, occult-, 'hidden'; occultation, 'hiding'].

the adjectives: arcane, hidden, and occult, are synonymous.

spies, whose profession is to investigate secrets, are naturally drawn to the occult; cf, for example, Dr John_Dee, Aleister Crowley, and George Gurdjieff.

There are no secrets. �Hymenaeus_Alpha_777, orally

The occult is what is camouflaged and hidden in plain sight from the perception of somnambulists, which is why the realm of the occult is called the Underworld.

bibliography :
|| arcane | hidden | occult ||
Archangel [< Greek, 'Ruling Messenger'] | Chohan | dharmapāla |

The four Archangels [< Greek, 'Ruling Messengers'] rule over the Angels [< Greek, 'Messengers'].
The Hebrew names of the four Archangels mentioned by Ezekiel, proceeding deosil (clockwise) from East to North, are:
Ted Dedopulos [p 11:2:t] says that the Book of Enoch gives their names as seven:
E E Rehmus and call the Archangels the Guardians of the ten Sephiroth of the Qabbalah, and say that working gematria, temurah, and notariqon on the names of the Archangels will produce more information about the Sephiroth; and they give the names, and gives the Sephirothic ascriptions, of these Archangels, as follows:
|| Archangels | Angels | metaphysical entities ||
Archetypes || mind ||

The Swiss Protestant psychologist Carl Gustav Jung, 1875-1961,
posited the existence of what he called the collective unconscious,
and the existence therein of Archetypes, which include:
  • the ego
  • the persona
  • the Shadow
  • the Self
  • the Soul
  • the Puer/Puella
  • the Hero
  • the anima / animus
  • the Senex / Wise Old Man / Great Mother

|| archetype | Archetypes ||

(& cf architecture)

certain architects design magical edifices ; for example, consider :

|| architect(s) | architecture ||

(& cf architects)

the architecture of certain edifices is magical ; for example, consider :

|| architecture | architect(s) ||
Archon(s) || Demiurge | Gnosticism ||

see Smoley_Forbidden 5:b, 188:b

|| Archon | Archons ||
Arctur || Arcturians | Arthur | Bear ||

[Latin Arctur, 'Bear']

Arctur is the etymon of the English proper name Arthur.

|| Arctur ||

The Arcturians include:
  • Arturo 217:b-225:mb
  • Ascheana 61:t
  • Herdonitic 90:t
  • Juluionno 43:tm
  • Spar 237:tm
See the book We, The Arcturians | Arctur
Arden | devil | Fool | lexicographer | North_Oakland_Lunatic_Asylum | sannyasin | Scroll |

| Arden |

  1. native(s) of the zodiacal Sign Aries, the Ram;
  2. disciple(s) of the heretic Arius; refer to the Arian heresy.

|| Arian | Arians ||
Ari�l || Angels ||

Ari�l is the Angel whom Shakespeare what?

|| Ari�l ||
Aries, the Ram

[English Aries 'Sign of the Ram' < Latin nominative Aries, 'Ram']
[interlingua Ariete, '(Sign. Ram', < Latin ablative Ariete, 'Ram']

Aries, the Ram, is:
S�l transits or traverses Aries from March 21 to April 19, approximately.
Easter occurs, and is celebrated, when S�l is in Aries, and the moon in Libra is full.

Aries corresponds to:
The natives of the celestial House (zodiacal Sign) of Aries, who are called
Arians, tend to be:
"A most creative breed, the Ram; a chieftain who must lead, not follow.
His only lack is self-control; without it, he is hollow."
The past Age of Aries, the Ram, extends from BCE 2320 to 160.

| Aries | Ram | zodiacal Signs | Zodiac ||

pertaining to Aristotle.

|| Aristotelian | logic ||
Ariya || ariya-sacca | ariya-magga | Arya ||

[Pāli ariya, 'noble'.]

|| ariya | Ariya ||
ariya sacca�the Four Noble Truths of Buddhism || Ariya | ariya_magga | arya_marga | Ashtadika Marga | Dharma | dukkha | Eightfold_Path | Path | Buḍḍhism | Truths ||

[Pāli ariya_sacca, 'noble truth, truth of the noble ones' < ariya 'noble' + sacca 'real, true, truth']

the Four Noble Truths which Śākyamuni-Buddha teaches in his Discourse on the Four Noble Truths at Sarnath, wherein he declares the Four Noble Truths, are the essence of Buḍḍhism, pertain to needless, unnecessary suffering / dissatisfaction, and declare the Truth of:

  1. dukkha�the existence of dukkha
    There is dukkha [Pāli dukka sacca] [called in Pāli dukka, Sanskrit dukkha]: all existence is suffering from dissatisfaction.

  2. trishna�the cause and origin of dukkha
    There is an arising [Pāli samudaya 'arising'], a cause, and an origin, of needless, unnecessary dukkha [Pāli samudaya 'arising' sacca] , namely craving, and grasping at, an illusion:
    needless, unnecessary dukka arises in, is caused by, and originates in, craving, and grasping at, an illusion.

  3. nirvāṇa�the cessation and termination of dukkha
    There is cessation and termination of needless, unnecessary dukkha [Pāli nirodha sacca], namely by terminating craving:
    needless, unnecessary dukka can be terminated by terminating craving;
    one can cease to needlessly, unnecessarily suffer from dissatisfaction by ceasing to crave.

  4. magga, marga�the Path or Way that leads to the cessation and termination of craving
    There is a way that leads to the cessation and termination of craving and thereby of needless, unnecessary dukkha also [Pāli magga sacca], namely the Holy / Noble (Arya) Eightfold Middle_Path:
    craving can be terminated by following the Noble Eightfold Middle_Path that leads to the cessation and termination of the craving that causes needless, unnecessary dukka or dukkha or dissatisfaction or suffering:
    one can cease craving, and thus terminate needless, unnecessary dukka, by following the Arya Ashtadika Marga, the (Holy) Eightfold Middle Path, which lies between any two extremes, and which leads to to Enlightenment, and thus to a new world-view, and to Liberation from the illusion of saṃsāra and from the cycle of rebirth.

|| ariya_sacca | Four Noble Truths | Four Truths ||
Arya Ashtadika Marga, ariya atthaṇgika magga, Mādhyamaka,  the Holy/Noble Eightfold Path or Middle Path or Middle Way of Buddhism || Ariya, Arya | ariya_sacca | Atu X | Mādhyamaka | Mādhyamika | dharmachakra | Wheel | dharmakāya | Dharma | Eightfold | Middle | Path | Four Truths | Buḍḍhism ||

the Fourth_Noble_Truth is that one can cease craving, and thus terminate suffering, by following the Arya Ashtadika Marga or Mādhyamaka, the Holy/Noble Eightfold Middle Path or Middle Way, symbolized by the dharmachakra, whose eight spokes symbolize the eight steps of this Path, which lies between any two extremes, and which leads to to Enlightenment, and thus to a new world-view, and to Liberation from the illusion of saṃsāra and from the cycle of rebirth, and whose eight steps, symbolized by the eight spokes of the dharmachakra, are classified as right morality, right meditation, and right Wisdom, where Pāli "sammā" and Sanskrit "samyag" are best anglicized as "right" in contemporary Anglo-Saxon, and not mis-translated as "correct" in the usually pretentions and often deceptive latinate style, and are as follows :

  1. Right wisdom [Pāli sammā-pa��a, Sanskrit samyag-praj�ā]:

    1. Right Resolve/Understanding/View [Pāli sammā-ditthi, Sanskrit samyag-drsti/samyag-drishti]�right discernment/perception/perspective/understanding/view�understanding reality as it is, not merely as it appears to be.
    2. Right Thought [Pāli sammā-sankappa]�right aspiration/intention/purpose/resolve/thoughts�change in the pattern of thinking.

  2. Right behavior/conduct/ethics [Pāli sammā-sila, Sanskrit samyag-śila]�right ethical conduct�purity of vocal and physical actions:

    1. Right Speech [Pāli sammā-v�c�]�speaking in a truthful manner that is neither hurtful nor exaggerated: abstention/abstinence from lying, slander, and idle chatter; a vow of silence can help.
    2. Right Action [Pāli sammā-kammanta]�right actions/behavior/conduct�wholesome action, avoiding action that would do harm.
    3. Right Livelihood [Pāli sammā-�j�va]�right means of livelihood, where one's manner of livelihood does not harm oneself or others in any way at all, neither directly nor indirectly.

  3. Right Meditation [Pāli sammā-samādhi, Sanskrit, samyag-samādhi]�right mental discipline:

    1. Right Effort [Pāli sammā-v�y�mo]�right effort, right exercise, right endeavor�one makes an effort to improve:
    2. Right Mindfulness [Pāli-sammā-sati]�right attention, awareness, memory, mindful mindfulness�the mental ability to see things as they are with clear consciousness.
    3. Right Concentration/Meditation [Pāli sammā-samādhi 'right absorption']�right absorption/concentration/contemplation/meditation; awareness of the present reality within oneself, with neither craving nor aversion.

cf these books:
|| Ashtadika Marga | Eightfold Middle Path | Middle Way ||
Arkham, Dunwich, Innsmouth, Kingsport, and the Miskatonic River, Valley, and University | Arkham House | H P Lovecraft | Miskatonic | Miskatonic University | places ||

Arkham, Massachusetts, USA, is situated on the river Miskatonic in its eponymous Valley, and is the site of Miskatonic University, according to H P Lovecraft. See Arkham House
Arkham House | Arkham ||

The publishing firm Arkham House, in Sauk City, Wisconsin, USA, was founded by two disciples of H P Lovecraft, namely August Derleth and Donald Wandrei. See Arkham
Arktos || Bear ||

[Greek Arktos, 'Bear']

|| Arktos ||
arm || link | other ||


|| arm ||
Armageddon || Armiluss ||


|| Armageddon | Apocalypse ||

Armenian, spoken in Armenia, is a branch of the IndoEuropean family of languages.

|| Armenian | IndoEuropean ||

Armiluss is said to be the Jewish equivalent of the Antichrist. Jewish eschatology says that when the end-time begins, the Messiah ben Ephraim [Hebrew, 'born of Ephraim [the northern kingdom, Israel]'] will appear; then Armiluss will appear, and will lead the armies of Gog and Magog against the Messiah ben Ephraim at the battle of Armageddon, and will murder him, and the corpse of the Messiah ben Ephraim will be left to the scavengers; but the Messiah ben David, whom the Christians believe to be Jesus, will appear and will resurrect him.

Armiluss is a magickal motto or name of Frater Belarion 210.

science analyzes; the arts, including magick, synthesize.

art is one of the weapons of the surrealists in their war against somnambulism.

Gurdj�eff distinguishes between subjective and objective art; see Ouspensky,In, pp 26:t�28:t

|| art ||

goddess; goats have been sacrificed to Artemis.

|| Artemis | goddesses ||
artha || aim, end, goal, purpose | purushārthas ||

[Sanskrit, '[material] economy, gain, wealth']

artha is the second purushārtha.

|| artha ||
Arthur || Lady_of_the_Lake ||

[Arthur is a reflex of the Latin Arctur, 'Bear'.]

Cf the British King Arthur.

|| Arthur | Bear ||

Magickal Artists can serve as pontifices between the Solar World and the Lunar World, and include:

  • choreographers: Isadora Duncan, Martha Graham
  • cinematographers
  • dancers Isadora Duncan, Martha Graham
  • musicians: myriad, including Borodin, Moussorgsky, Rimsky-Korsakoff, Stravinsky, Erik Satie, Laurie_Chastain
  • painters: myriad, including whom
  • poets: myriad, including Henri Michaux, Blaise Cendrars, Aleister_Crowley, Mick Roche
  • sculptors: myriad, including Yves Tanguy, Alexander Calder
  • writers: myriad, including Aleister_Crowley, Ana�s Ni�, Henry Miller, James Joyce, John Hawkes, Nathanael West

|| Artist | Artists ||

artifice, which is in Sephira 8, the Sphere of H�d, emanates from
nature, which is in Sephira 7, the Sphere of Netzach.

|| artifice ||
Arya, Aryan, Aryans || Ariya | ariya-sacca | ariya-magga | Blue_Race | Elder_Gods | Elder_Race | Eloh�m | Forgotten_Ones | Nefilim | Sumerian(s) | Third_Root_Race | Vril-ya | Watchers ||

[Sanskrit arya, 'noble']

the terms *Aryan and *ProtoIndoEuropean, which are commonly used to denote this concept, are very dissatisfactory:
  • the term *Aryan(s) in the inclusive sense is ambiguous;
  • the constipated scientific term *ProtoIndoEuropean is ghastly:
    i cannot imagine one of their orators climbing up onto a wain and addressing them as
    "Friends, *ProtoIndoEuropeans, tribesmen: Lend me your ear."
    However, i can easily imagine "Friends, *Aryans, tribesmen..."
so i prefer the term(s) *Proto-Aryan(s), or, informally, *PIE-folk and *PIE-speak.

the ambiguous term *Aryan in the inclusive sense, and the ghastly constipated scientific term *ProtoIndoEuropean, refer to :
Aryan in the exclusive sense, also called by the scientific term Indo-Iranian, refers to :
  • the Aryan or IndoEuropean-speaking tribe who called themselves Arya, according to documentary attestation, and who invaded both Iran, to whom they gave their name, and northern India;
  • their language and its descendants:

| Arya | Aryan | Aryans ||
āsana || Practices ||

"āsana [Sanskrit 'sitting down'] is any pose, position, or posture which is steady and easy. You do not know what comfort is until you have mastered an āsana. It is hard work because you were wrong to begin with" �Aleister CrowleyRed Flame #10, ISBN 0-9712376-2-X, p. 16:tm

|| āsana | āsana ||
Asar | Auser | Osiris

Asar | Auser | Osiris: See Isis | Isit | H�rus ||
Asatpralaya | ḍākiṇī | Sukhasiddhi | Atu_XIII ||

Asatpralaya is said to be the ḍākiṇī Sukhasiddhi.

|| Asatpralaya ||
asavas || Buḍḍhism ||

['cankers, taints, binding influences']

  • physical desire
  • desire for life
  • ignorance

|| asavas ||
Ascend; Ascended Masters, Hidden Masters, Secret Masters, Secret Chiefs, Chohans, Lords or Regents of the Seven Rays and of the Seven Chakras || Ascension | Masters | Chohans | D�miourg�s | Great White Brotherhood | metaphysical entities ||

The Ascended Masters ( cf Master) are members of an intergalactic council known as the Great White Brotherhood;

they reside in the entire universe; but on planet Tellus (Earth), their home is Shambhala which is above the Gobi desert, but in a supra-physical dimension;

their membership is said to include:and cf the following:
|| Ascended Masters ||
Ascension, Ascensionism, Ascensionist(s), Ascent || Ascend | Ascended Masters ||

Ascension : to Ascend is to pass from the third dimension into the fourth by raising one's corporeal vibrational frequency to at least 9 kilocycles per second; or from the fourth into the fifth by raising it to at least 12 kilocycles per second; or, analogously, from any dimension into the next higher by raising one's corporeal vibrational frequency sufficiently. [but ascertain the definition of the third, fourth, and fifth dimensions, then amend the preceding if necessary.]

Ascensionism is the belief that Ascension is possible.

an Ascensionist is one who espouses Ascensionism.

Ascensionists include:
|| Ascension | Ascensionism | Ascensionist | Ascensionists | disappearance(s) ||
ascesis; ascetic; asceticism; ascetics || austerity | hedonism | monk | muni | mystic | sādhu | sannyāsin | śramana | yogi(n) ||

ascesis, asceticism�typically includes celibacy, fasting, poverty, seclusion,
whose purpose is to free one from mundane attachments,
and fasting is said to sharpen the mind and increase awareness;
but extreme ascesis can permanently ruin the health of the ascetic.
Martin Luther believed that it had ruined his.

ascetic [< Greek, 'hermit']
compare the wandering ascetic, monk, mystic, or yogi(n)

ascetics are killjoys who mortify the flesh, and include:

|| ascesis, ascetic, asceticism, ascetics ||

Asgard is the kingdom of the �sir in Norse mythology, and of those Vanir who have come to live among the �sir.

Upward on the trunk of Yggdrasil leads to Lightelf-Home, and beyond it to Asgard.

|| Asgard | Holy City | �sir | Agarttha, Agharta, Agharti ||
ash || trees | Yggdrasil ||


|| ash ||
Asherah [Hebrew &heh;&resh;&shin;&alef;] || Asraiya | Anat | kadesh | Maypole | pillar | pole | tree ||

[Hebrew &heh;&resh;&shin;&alef;]

Western Semitic name of the Goddess of Love in Canaan and among the Hebrew women.

goddess of the sea, consort of El, Mother of Ba'al

King Manasseh introduces her worship into Israel. �ref 2 Kings 21

the King_James_Version often mis-translates her name as "groves".

|| Asherah ||

ashokh [Armenian, 'bard']
Ashtamangala, aṣṭamaṅgala, Eight Auspicious Symbols || Buḍḍhism ||

[Sanskrit aṣṭ 'eight' + maṅgala 'auspicious'; Tibetan bkra shis rtags brgyad]

the Eight Auspicious Symbols [aṣṭamaṅgala] of Mahāyāna and Vajrayāna Buḍḍhism, namely the:
cf with Lh�ndrub Wangmo Rinpoche's painter friend Jamie Erfurdt

|| aṣṭamaṅgala | Ashtamangala | Eight Auspicious Symbols ||

Ashtar is the earliest known form of the name of the HermAphroditic god whose names are Ashtar Ashteroth Astar Astara Astarael Astaroth Astarte Easter Eastre Eostra Eostre Esther Ishtar Ostara.

Ashtar-Chemosh [''] is a Moabite goddess in Middle Eastern mythology.

regarding the Ashtar Command :
|| Ashtar | Ashtar Command ||
the aṣṭasāhasrikā | link | other  ||


|| Ashtasahasrika | aṣṭasāhasrikā ||
aśura(s), ashura(s)

a�ura(s), ashura(s), in French A�ouras : � les d�mons chez les Hindous, dans la religion v�dique. � �Larousse du XXe si�cle


|| Assassin(s) | other ||
asleep; Big Sleep; sleep; Sleep; Sleeper(s); Sleepwalker(s); Sleepwalking | Atu XVIII�The Moon | dead | death | dreaming | Knowledge | Muggles | questions | rebirth | saṃsāra | somnambulism | Waking | Zombies  ||

the Big Sleep is Death, as in Raymond Chandler's eponymous detective-novel.

in the ant-hill society, the Sleepwalkers, also called Muggles, Somnambulists, and Zombies, in their consensual trance, wander through change and suffering and action-and-reaction at the bottom of the ocean of cyclic existence, and have, like the social insects and like those of their own ant-hill society, never asked themselves why they're here;
they of the arcane Tradition have asked that question.

�We are such stuff
as dreams are made of; and our little life
is rounded with a sleep.�
Prospero, in Shakespeare�s �The Tempest� Act 4, Scene 1, 148-158.

"asleep in Adam, awake in Christ" �Anderson, Unknowable, p. 53:t

He who knows, and knows not that he knows, is asleep; wake him. �Sufi proverb

In re Sleep, v: Wilson, Colin, 1931-, "G. I. Gurdj�eff: The War Against Sleep"


|| asleep | sleep | Sleep | Sleeper(s) | Sleepwalker(s) | Sleepwalking  '||
Asraiya || Asherah | other | other ||

Arabic variant of the Hebrew name Asherah?

|| Asraiya ||
Assyria; Assyrian, Assyrians

the dialect of Akkadian spoken in Assyria by the Assyrians is called Assyrian.

|| Assyria | Assyrian | Assyrians ||
Astar, Astara, Astarte || Ashtar ||

all these names are reflexes of Ashtar,
and are names of the Slut-Goddess of Love and Fertility;

Astarte is a Semitic form of the name of the Goddess of Love in :
|| Astar | Astara | Astarte | Adonis ||
asterisk (*)

The Hagalrune [OHG Hagal 'hail'] resembles the asterisk (*).

The name of a reconstructed language such as *Proto-Aryan is introduced by an asterisk (*) to indicate that its existence is hypothetic, not attested.
astral, Astral; astral body, Astral Plane; astrosoma || bodies | Dimension | Plane(s) | Realm(s) ||

The following terms are synonymous:
our Astral body, or astrosoma, is on the Astral plane at the exterior of eternity, the fifth dimension;

Hellmouth is in the inferior or Lower astral plane.

CfNotes on the Nature of the Astral Plane
by Frater Perdurabo, 1921, summer, Cefal�

One must not confuse the Planes.

|| astral body | Astral Plane | astrosoma ||


Astrology is the study of the correlations between the cycles of heavenly bodies (called Planets in astrology) and those of personality and of human behavior. | Astrology | astrologers | horoscope | Houses | zodiacal Signs | zodiac | Placements | Parts | Planets | aspects | delineation
astrology: mundane houses: Domus II
astrology: mundane houses: Domus II
: finance, money, possessions, prosperity, riches, wealth
| Houses ||
asuras || ahuras | demonization | deification | Equinox of the Gods ||

in India, at the Equinox of the Gods, the asuras are demonized while the devas are deified

|| asuras ||
asylum | North_Oakland_Lunatic_Asylum | Triple_Refuge ||

Refuge; cf  Triple_Refuge.

|| asylum ||

The_corpus_of_this_entry_is_to_be_completed_as_soon_as_possible. | Ateh | Qabbalistic Cross ||
Atlantean | Atlantis | other  ||

adj. 'pertaining to Atlantis'

|| Atlantean ||
Atlantis || Atlantean | other ||

Atlantis sinks BCE circa 9600. —Plato, Timaeus: late dialogues

|| Atlantis ||
Atmā(n)|| zero | anātmā(n) ||

atma [Sanskrit], atta [Pāli] 'self-nature'

The Atmā(n) is:
  • beyond Name and Form
  • neither bone, nor flesh, nor blood;
  • neither thought nor consciousness;
  • the only Being
  • within each person: within one's self, within one's heart.
  • || Atmā(n) ||

According to Hesiod, Atropos ['irresistible'] is the third of the Three Fat�, who cuts the vertical warp thread of life.
attachment || anitya | grasping | craving | Poison | dukkha | Buḍḍhism ||

all manifestation is impermanent and ephemeral; so any attachment to any manifestation is like grasping at a rainbow, and ends always in failure.

|| attachment ||

son and consort of the Phrygian goddess Cybele, who castrates himself.

|| Attis | dying god | slain-and-risen god | god | eunuchs ||

the Principle or Law of Attraction says that like attracts like, so that birds of a feather flock together;
and that our attention is attractive; so, whatever we focus our attention on, we attract the object of our attention.

|| Attraction | attraction | attract | attracts ||
attribute | iconography | other  ||

in iconography, the Attributes of deities are symbolized by objects that they carry or that are depicted with them.

|| attribute | Attributes ||
Atu || Tarot ||

The word Atu (from the French atout 'triumph, trump') refers to the picture-cards, which were the original Court Cards or trump-cards, also called the Major Arcana, or Major Keys, of the Tarot; and which are numbered, as follows:

  1. Atu 0�The Fool
  2. Atu I�The Mage, Magus, or Magician
  3. Atu II�The High Priestess
  4. Atu III�The Empress
  5. Atu IV�The Emperor
  6. Atu V�The Hierophant
  7. Atu VI�The Lovers
  8. Atu VII�The Chariot
  9. Atu VIII�Strength
  10. Atu IX�The Hermit
  11. Atu X�The Wheel of Fortune
  12. Atu XI�Justice
  13. Atu XII�The Hanged Man
  14. Atu XIII�Death
  15. Atu XIV�Temperance
  16. Atu XV�The Devil
  17. Atu XVI�The Tower
  18. Atu XVII�The Star
  19. Atu XVIII�The Moon
  20. Atu XIX�The Sun
  21. Atu XX�Judgement
  22. Atu XXI�The Universe
  23. Atu XXII�The Fool

|| Atu ||
Atu 0�The Fool || Atu | Azathoth | crazed | craziness | crazy | folly | fool | foolishness | fools | happiness | happy | idiot(s) | insane | insanity | Joker | lunacy | lunatic | mad | madman | madness | madwoman | mindless | psychosis | psychotic | Saturnalia | Trickster | worry  ||
�and also Arden, the Baal Shem Tov, the Buddha Gautama, Ch�gyam Trungpa, Chuang Tzu, clown(s), crazed, craziness, crazy, crazy wise ones, folly, fool, fools, foolishness, happiness, happy, idiocy, idiot, idiots, insane, insanity, jester(s), Joker, lunacy, lunatic, mad, madness, madman, madwoman, mindless, no-mind, psychosis, psychotic, R._d'N., Trickster, tricksters, Wes Nisker, worry

in the darkness of those grinning caverns of earth's centre, the mad faceless god Nyarlathotep howls blindly to the piping of two amorphous idiot flute-players.H P Lovecraft, in "The Rats in the Walls"

"a human mind can comprehend [Lovecraft's cosmos], but that mind would be driven utterly insane by the knowledge of its true place in the [majestic, vast, terrible, and utterly inhuman] universe." �Andrew Wheeler, in Black seas of infinity, p xvi:tm

when one falls into the Abyss and goes mad, one becomes a Babe_of_the_Abyss

the rabbi Zoma, after studying the Qabbalah, arrives at the Throne of God and goes mad.

The Wisdom of God is the foolishness of men�and vice versa.

"Lord, what fools these mortals be."Puck, in Shakespeare, "A Midsummer Night's Dream", Scene 2

Pombagira protects fools.

Meher_Baba, just before he enters public silence, says: "Don't worry. Be happy."
Arden likes and takes this advice, and acts on it,
and, like Alfred_E_Neuman in Mad_Magazine [which i recommend that you read], says: "What, me worry?",
and is now like one of Gurdjieff's mindless idiots.

cf: Atu, Gurdjieff's mindless idiots, no-mind in zen, no-worry, Saturnalia.

|| Atu 0 || The Fool ||
Atu I�The Mage, Magus, or Magician || Atu ||

|| Atu IThe Mage, Magus, or Magician ||
Atu II�The High Priestess || Atu ||

|| Atu IIThe High Priestess ||
Atu III�The Empress || Atu ||

|| Atu IIIThe Empress ||
Atu IV�The Emperor || Atu ||

|| Atu IVThe Emperor ||
Atu V�The Hierophant || Atu | Atu V | guru, Guru | hierophant | mystagogue | psychopomp | Guru | Hierophant | mystagogue | Psychopomp | Teacher ||

The Hierophant is the Psychopomp.

|| Atu VThe Hierophant ||
Atu VI�The Lovers || Atu ||

|| Atu VIThe Lovers ||
Atu VII�The Chariot || Atu | body | kāyas | vehicle | speech ||

|| Atu VII | The Chariot ||
Atu VIII�Strength || Atu ||

|| Atu VIIIStrength ||
Atu IX�The Hermit | Atu | hermit | monk | mouni | muni ||

|| Atu IXThe Hermit ||
Atu X�The Wheel of Fortune || Atu | Ring | saṃsāra | Wheel ||

In re Atu X�the Wheel of Fortune
|| Atu X�the Wheel of Fortune | saṃsāra ||
Atu XI�Justice || Atu ||

|| Atu XIJustice ||
Atu XII�The Hanged Man || Atu | absorption | Awakening | dhyāna | Enlightenment | Gnosis | Liberation | meditation | nirvāṇa | zen | re-entry ||

the Hanged Man is the meditator.

|| Atu XIIThe Hanged Man ||
Atu XIII�Death || Atu | afterlife | Afterworld | Bardo_Th�dol | The_Bone_Room | Book of the Dead | chitipatis | ch�nyid_bardo | date-of-death | Dawn | dead | death | flatliners | funerary_texts | ghosts | ghouls | Kuśināgara | Lord of the Dead | meatware | NDE | Otherworld | San_Francisco_College_of_Mortuary_Science | sleep | subterranean | Underworld ||

Death is the Big Sleep, as in Raymond Chandler's eponymous detective-novel.

An Immaculate Openness Dawns�When the actual process of dying begins, you pass through eight phases�the first four involve the collapse of the four elements, and the last four involve the collapse of consciousness into the innermost level of mind, called the mind of clear light.

In the final phase of dying, when all coarse consciousnesses dissolve into the all-empty, which is the fundamental innate mind of clear light, the myriad objects of the world, as well as concepts such as sameness and difference, are pacified in this subtlest mind. At that time, all appearances of environments and beings withdraw of their own accord. Even for a nonpractitioner, coarse appearances also withdraw; this withdrawal of conventional appearances, however, is not due to a perception of reality attained through meditation. When, in the last phase, the temporary winds that carry consciousness have all dissolved, the mind (whether of a practitioner or a nonpractitioner) becomes as if undifferentiated, and an immaculate openness dawns. �Excerpted from: The Heart of Meditation, by the Dalai Lama, translated and edited by Jeffrey Hopkins, pages 69�71

| Atu XIIIDeath |
Atu XIV�Temperance || Atu ||

|| Atu XIVTemperance ||
Atu XV�The Devil || Atu | Devil | Underworld ||

Ay�n, whose value is 70, means 'eye' and 'foundation'.

XV is the Point-in-the-Circle. "XV � is Yod H�, the Monogram of the Eternal, the Father one with the Mother, the Virgin Seed one with all-containing Space. He is therefore Life, and Love."AC, in MTP XXI:II:1 [edition of CE 1990, p 193:b, n 1].

Atu XV is the Arcanum or Atu or Key of the Devil, which see.

recommended reading: The devil's dictionary, by Ambrose Bierce

|| Atu XV ||
Atu XVI�The Tower || Atu ||

|| Atu XVIThe Tower ||
Atu XVII�The Star || Atu | Atu XVIIThe Star || || Atu ||

Atu XVII in pre-Crowleyan Tarot decks is named The Star; "but tzaddi is not the Star" says Nuit [in Liber AL I:57].

|| Atu XVIIThe Star ||
Atu XVIII�the Moon || Atu ||

Atu XVIIIThe Moon: symbolizes Sleep.

|| Atu XVIIIThe Moon ||
Atu XIX�The Sun || Atu | children | ring, Ring ||

Atu XIXThe Sun: the girl is Isis, the boy is Asar | Auser | Osiris, and the Angel Rapha�l is the HermAphrodite; and these are the three (3) dramatis person� of the Tarot.

|| Atu XIXThe Sun ||
Atu XX�Judgement || Atu ||

Atu XXJudgement�depicts the three (3) dramatis person� of the Tarot, namely :
  1. Isis, the Hero�ne (woman and girl) of the Tarot, is the female Mystic, namely the High Priestess; and also the Empress, the female Lover, &c.
  2. Asar | Auser | Osiris, the Hero (man and boy) of the Tarot, is the Magus, Emperor, the male Lover, et c�tera; and also the male Mystic, namely the Hierophant, the Hanged Man, and the Hermit.
  3. H�rus, the androgyne or HermAphrodite, is the Magickal Childe of Isis and Asar | Auser | Osiris, of Atu XX.
The identity of the Villain or Anti-Hero of the Tarot, who is the Devil, is not known to Isis, nor to Asar | Auser | Osiris; only H�rus knows; but, since the Devil is androgynous or HermAphroditic, his identity should be obvious.

|| Atu XXJudgement ||
Atu XXI�The World or The Universe | Atu | Dancer | nirvāṇa | Universe | World ||

Atu XXIThe World or The Universe�represents Superconsciousness.

The Dancer is the HermAphroditic Magickal Childe H�rus, who, like the Superman, is superconscious.

|| Atu XXIThe World or The Universe ||
Atu XXII�The Fool. || Atu ||

|| Atu XXII = Atu 0The Fool (again). ||
Augoeides | Abra-Melin | daimon | eudaemon | Ego | HGA | Holy Guardian Angel | iśtadeva(tā) | Psyche | Soul | Spirit | yidam ||

[Greek, 'light-vision; bright shape; Dawning']
�refer to Martin Booth, p 233:m; and also to E E Rehmus, 1929�2004, googled

first used by Iamblichus, to denote the Causal or Egoic Body.

The Book of The Sacred Magic of Abra-Melin The Mage
describes the Abramelin Operation, which is
a working of theurgy whose object or purpose is to enable the karcist to obtain the Augoeides, which is:

members of the GD, aspiring to Thel�ma, work the rite of Abra-Melin, but only Fratri SRMD (Mathers) and Perdurabo claim to have succeeded, and the claim of the ferociously flamboyant Mathers is almost certainly spurious, given that he fails to either substantiate his claim or to achieve any meritorious result or to discover his true will; rather, what he does, is hardly his true will, since others do say nay (AL I:43) and force him into obscurity. �refer to Martin Booth, A Magick Life, pp 95:m�whither, 186:t

|| Augoeides ||
Auṁ, Oṁ /ōṁ/ || AUMGN | Words ||

Hindu sacred syllable.

|| Auṁ | Oṁ /ōṁ/ ||
AUMGN || 93 | Auṁ | Oṁ /ōṁ/ | Words ||

AUMGN, whose GN is silent [Orpheus_Abrahadabra, p. 182:t],
is a 93-Word (that is, one of the Words that enumerate qabbalistically to 93).

|| AUMGN ||

Aur is a mis-spelling of the Hebrew �r 'Light' that results from mis-reading the initial glottal stop or occlusive as an aleph.

|| Aur | Aour | Iehi Aour | �r ||


  • one can most easily read the aura of one who is naked
  • read the book The human aura, by Kilner, London, Kegan Paul, 1920

|| aura | other ||

Auri-El is a mis-spelling of Uri�l that results from mis-reading the initial glottal stop or occlusive as an aleph.

|| Uri�l ||

variant of Egyptian Asar.

|| Asar | Auser | Osiris ||
austerity | asceticism | fasting | hedonism | living | Mādhyamaka ||


|| austerity ||
Austin Osman Spare, A. O. Spare | Painters | other ||


|| Austin_Osman_Spare ||
Authors, authors || Bibliography | Books | books | Titles | titles ||

A Work of an Author is magickal, and an Author is a magician;
Authors include:
A mere work of a mere author, though it may be excellent, is by definition non-magical, or at most semi-magical, although other Works of his may be magical; and an author of a mere work is a mere author when he writes it;
authors of semi-magical or non-magical works include:
autumn; autumnal; fall || equinoxes | seasons | Quarter Days | Feasts ||

in the autumn or fall, the days grow shorter, the nights grow longer, and the Sun grows weaker.

the autumnal Solar Feasts are:

cf Spring.

|| autumn | autumnal | fall ||
Autumnal Equinox || autumnal | equinoxes | Mabon ||

Mabon at the Autumnal Equinox or Fall Equinox begins the autumn or fall.

|| Autumnal Equinox ||
Avalokiteśvara/Chenrezig/Kannon/Kwan-Yin/Kuan-Yin/Guan-Yin, the boḍhisattva of Compassion | boḍhisattva | mantram_of_Avalokiteshvara ||

the boḍhisattva of Compassion, whose aspects are as followss :

  1. his masculine aspect : the eleven-headed and thousand-armed masculine aspect of the boḍhisattva of compassion is named as follows :
  2. the feminine aspect of the boḍhisattva of compassion is named as follows :

|| Avalokiteśvara | Chenrezig | compassion | Guan-Yin | Kannon | Kuan_Yin-Yin | Kwan-Yin ||
Avalon || Afterworld | Annwn ||


|| Avalon ||
Avatara, Avatar, avatara, avatar

[< Vedic & Sanskrit avatara, 'descent of God']

  1. Avatara, Avatar [Hinduism, New Age]
    [mis-named in Latin, and in English, an "incarnation" (so-called) of Godhead or of a god]

    To create and maintain the material manifestation, a particular form of the Personality of Godhead, Who normally inhabits the spiritual world which is the kingdom of God, descends therefrom, and enters into, and manifests in, the material creation, but with a body that is a soul and is non-material and is therefore not really an incarnation, and is then called an Avatara, or mis-called an incarnation of a god. �periphrased from Chaitanya-caritamrita 2.20.263-264

    The Avatar is the Coming One, the Expected One, the Master of Masters, the Redeemer, and the World Teacher, and is called:
    Return of the Avatar: Every 700 to 1400 years, the Avatar returns.

    shift-click on

  2. avatar [cybernetics, informatics]

    • as the name of the superuser account on a computer running Unix, the term "avatar" is often used instead of the more common "root".

    • in a virtual-reality environment, an avatar is an interactive cybernetic depiction or representation of a human, according to Bahorsky.

| Avatar | Avataras | avatar 

aversion, repulsion || attraction | dosa | hatred ||


|| aversion | repulsion ||
Avesta; adj Avestan

the Avesta is the Scripture of Mazda�sm which the Zoroastrians hold sacred.

Avestan is the Old Iranian language in which the Avesta is written.

|| Avesta | Avestan ||
the Awaited One || Savior | Soter | Soteriology | World-Teacher ||

the long-awaited Messiah, the Imam M�hdi, Krishna, and the Fifth Buḍḍha�all are one and the same, says Benjamin Cr�me since CE 1982.

|| the Awaited One ||
Axial Age || Ages | other ||

circa BCE 500.

Confucius, Lao-Tse, the Buḍḍha Śākyamuni, Zarathushtra/Zoroaster, the authors of the Upanishads, and the Jewish patriarchs, all lived within a span of about twenty generations in the Axial_Age, about 2,500 years ago; and few major religions have arisen since then.

|| Axial Age ||
Axis, axis, plural axes; Axis Mundi, the World-Axis || Center | ley-line | umbilicus | Mountain | Path ||

At the Sacred Holy Mountain, which is the Axis Mundi [Latin, 'Axis of the World'], which is at the Hub of the Wheel of Time:
Regarding the Axis Mundi, note that the following terms are equivalent :
Regarding the axis, cf also the Center and the ley-line and the umbilicus.

|| Axis Mundi ||
Azathoth, the blind idiot-god who sits drooling mindlessly on a black throne at the center of the swirling spiralic vortex of the ultimate Void of Chaos in the Mythos of Cthulhu

[regarding the name Azathoth, cf Azazel; Azoth.]

according to H P Lovecraft,
  • Azathoth is :
    • the One (He/Him) in the Gulf [The Tomb, pp 178-9]
    • "the mindless daemon-sultan [who] reigns ... in the spiral black vortices of the ultimate void of Chaos" [DWH, p 312:b]
  • Azathoth "rules all time and space from a curiously environed black throne at the centre of Chaos." [DWH, p 302:b]

references�H P Lovecraft, in :
  1. The Tomb, pp 178-9
  2. The Thing on the Doorstep�in Wheeler, Black, p 196:m
  3. The Dreams in the Witch House�in Wheeler, Black, pp 294:m, 302:b, 312:b

|| Azathoth | Cthulhu ||
Azazel || Melek | Melek Ta'aus ||

['the goat that departs' [ cf the scapegoat] or 'Strong One of God'] [cf Azathoth]

in the Yezidi Creation-myth, Yazdan creates seven angels, of whom the first and chief is Melek Azazel, who becomes Melek Ta'aus who is the Peacock god of the Yezidi.

in Judaism, Azazel is a demon and a leader of the Watchers, and is the scapegoat of the Book of Numbers and the Book of Leviticus in the Old Testament of the Bible, and of the Mishnah.

|| Azazel ||

[< French l'Azoth / la zoth ; cf Azathoth]

Azoth is spagyric "ripe Mercury" which Fulcanelli calls animated Mercury.

|| Azoth ||
�ection B

Baal || Anat ||

[Canaanite, 'Lord']

Baal is the Canaanite name of the Sun-God.

Cf Baal-Peor

|| Baal | Baal-Peor ||

[Canaanite, 'Lord [of Mount] Peor']

Baal-Peor is the Canaanite name of the god of the ithyphall�s
who, in the form of an ithyphall�s,
is worshipped with licentious rites and sexual orgies; refer to numbers 25:3.

|| Baal-Peor | Baal | ithyphallic gods ||
Baal-shamin | Ph�nician | Sky-God  ||

Ph�nician name of the Sky-God

|| Baal-shamin ||

[Mesopotamian Semitic Bab-El 'Gate of [the] God', < Bab 'gate' + El 'god']

Bab-El is the etymon of Babylon.

|| Bab-El | Babylon ||

[Mesopotamian Semitic Bab-ilu 'Gate of God', < bab 'gate' + ilu 'god']

Bab-ilu is the etymon of Babylon;

& cf its similarity to Yoruban Babal�, with which it is not to be confused.

|| Bab-ilu | Babylon ||

Baba is the Slavic name of an ancient Slavic goddess of death and rebirth. Cf Baba Yag�.

|| Baba | Baba Yag� ||
Baba Yag�

in a popular Russian fairy-tale, Baba Yag� is the name of
a witch with iron teeth who devours wayward children.

Her predecessor is Baba.

Cf: Baba | the Crone | dark goddesses | Evil Stepmother ||

|| Baba Yag� | Baba ||
BABALON || 156 | Babylon | Lady BABALON | Seal of BABALON | Statue of BABALON, 123 KB | BABALON Working ||

[Enochian BABALON 'wicked; or 'harlot', says John Carter in Sex and Rockets, 2004, 1999, ISBN 0-922915-97-0, p 112:tm; & cf the Great Whore of Babylon, & Enochian BABALON 'wicked' and BABALOND 'harlot'].

at the Thelema Lodge in Berkeley in the 1970s and/or '80s, a certain motor-mouthed Scarlet Woman of the IX° is called the Lady Babble-on.


Frater Belarion 210 does the BABALON Working in CE 1946.01�03.

|| BABALON Working ||

[Yoruban Babal�-Ay�]

name of the goddess of healing, who is in constant pain.

Babal� is not to be confused with Mesopotamian Semitic Bab-ilu, the etymon of Babylon.

|| Babal� ||
Babelicious || Sorores ||

Who is Soror Babelicious?
I know, she knows, and the Great Gr�b knows.
Do you know?

|| Babelicious ||
Babylon || BABALON | Babylonian | Babylonians ||

Babylon: [< Mesopotamian Semitic Bab-el or Bab-ilu 'Gate of God', < bab "gate' + el/ilu 'god']
Cf the similarity of Mesopotamian Semitic Bab-ilu and Yoruban Babal�, which are not to be confused.

Mystery, Babylon the Great, the Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth.Rev. 17:5

|| Babylon ||
Babylonian || Akkadian ||

1) pertaining to Babylon; 2) the dialect of Akkadian spoken in Babylon by the Babylonians.

|| Babylonian ||
Babylonians || Babylonian ||

inhabitants of Babylon; their dialect of Akkadian is called Babylonian.

|| Babylonians ||
Bacchus [Latin], Dionys(i)os, < Dionys(i)us | Bacchus | dyingāgod | gods ||

Dionysios or Dionysos is the Greek name of the dark, goatish, and ithyphallic god of viticulture, fertility, wine, ecstasy, rebirth, and drama, whose devotees tear apart and eat a live animal ; Bacchus.

| Bacchus | Dionysios | Dionysos | Dionysius | Dionysus | Dionysiac | Dionysian ||
badger || Houses of Hogwarts ||

the badger:
|| badger ||

Baha'i is the religion founded in CE 1863 as an offshoot of Islam by a Persian mystic named Baha'ullah, as prophesied by the Bab who was assassinated.

Baha'ism teaches:
  • equality of all races, nations, and sexes under God;
  • the essential harmony of science and religion;
and recommends:
  • compulsory universal education;
  • the abolition of extremes of wealth and poverty;
  • work in the service of justice and peace;
  • traditional morality paralleling the Ten Commandments.

The Baha'i planetary nerve center is at Haifa, Israel.

The North American Baha'i center is at Willamette, IL, USA.
Baha'i telephones in the USA include:
  • 1-800-396-2727
  • 1-510-835-6033 Baha'i

The 19th century Persian mystic Baha'ullah founded the Baha'i religion as an offshoot of Islam in CE 1863 as prophesied by the Bab who was assassinated. Baha'ullah wrote: "The earth is but one country, and mankind its citizens." He was under house arrest in the latter years of his life until he was shot by a firing squad.
Bahlasti! || AL III:54 | other ||

see AL III:54

|| Bahlasti! ||
Bailey, Alice Ann (AAB), 1880�1949

Alice Ann Bailey (AAB) is an English neo-Theosophist and very very prolific author of many many works of neo-Theosophy.

|| Alice Ann Bailey ||
the Great Oom the Omnipotent || The_Great_Oom ||

Oom_the_Omnipotent is Dr_Pierre_Arnold_Bernard, born Perry_Arnold_Baker

Perry_Arnold_Baker, born in 1876-10-31 in Leon, Iowa,
Dr Dr Pierre_Arnold_Bernard,
a.k.a. "The_Great_Oom_the_Omnipotent",
whom Robert Love, in the subtitle of his biography of Oom entitled The_Great_Oom, calls "America's first yogi",
and whom Alan_Watts describes Pierre_Bernard as a "phenomenal rascal master" like Crowley and GurdjieffLove,_Great, p 340:b�341:t]
and who dies in 1955-09-27 dies Martis, in the afternoon, in French Hospital, Nyack, New York, USA.

| the_Great_Oom_the_Omnipotent | Oom_the_Omnipotent | Oom | Perry_Arnold_Baker | Pierre_Arnold_Bernard | Pierre_Bernard ||

|| Balance ||

Baldur is the Germanic name of:
banishment || evocation | other ||

before evoking, one should first decide three things in the following order:
  1. Why and for what purpose to evoke;
  2. Who to evoke to best serve that purpose
  3. How to banish that entity once it has been told what to do.

|| banish | banishment ||


Baphomet of the goatish horns and shanks is:

|| Baphomet | Aiwass | Atu XV ||
baraka || baraka | blessing | compassion | darshan | gr�ce | gratias | sohbat | transfer of Hanbledzoin ||

The Arabic word "baraka" means 'blessing'; and corresponds to :
baraka | blessing | compassion | darshan | gr�ce | gratias | sohbat | transfer of Hanbledzoin
Barakiel || god | Hebrew | lightning ||

[Hebrew, 'god of lightning']

|| Barakiel ||
Bardo(s); Bardo Th�dol || antarābhāva | Scriptures. | Books | between | Buḍḍhism | other ||

[Tibetan bar 'between' + do 'two' > 'gap'; hence 'intermediate; transition, transitional']

The Bardos are the half-dozen [four, five, six, or seven, depending on whom you read] gaps or junctures or intermediate states, which
are especially powerful opportunities charged with greater potential for Enlightenment and Liberation,
and are the four realms of this life, and the three of the afterlife between  incarnations, namely:
  1. kye-nay bardo�the natural bardo of this life
  2. mi-lam bardo�the bardo of dreams
  3. dhyāna/ch�n/zen/samten 'meditation' in samādhi 'ecstatic equilibrium' or satori�the calm, peaceful, serene, tranquil bardo of meditation | absorption | Atu_XII
  4. chikhai bardo�the often painful moment before death and of dying. | Atu_XIII |
  5. ch�nyid bardo of karmic illusions and of reality; ref Jeremy Taylor, Where people fly and water runs uphill, pp. 208:b�212:t and cf the Afterworld; also the NDEs of flatliners.
  6. dharmatā�the luminous bardo of dharmatā
  7. sidpa bardo�the karmic bardo of becoming / re-birth

||| bardo | bardos ||
Bardo Th�dol (Tibetan Book of the Dead) | Atu XIII | bardo | Book of the Dead | other ||

the Bardo Th�dol [Tibetan, 'Book of the Bardos'],
(which Evans-Wentz or his publisher incorrectly call the Tibetan_Book_of_the_Dead
so as to associate it with the Egyptian  Book_of_the_Coming_Forth_by_Day,
which for the same reason is incorrectly called the Egyptian Book of the Dead),
is the Tibetan Book of the Bardos; that is, of the six Intermediate States, which are the six or seven realms of the afterlife;
and is originally titled, in Tibetan, Bardo_T�drol_Chenmo 'Great Liberation through Hearing during the Intermediate State';
and has also been called in English the Tibetan Book of Liberation in the Bardo.

chronolog: cf:
  • Ch�gyam_Trungpa, The Tibetan_Book_of_the_Dead, p. 40
  • Sogyal, Tibetan_Book_of_Living_and_Dying, p. 11

|| Bardo Th�dol (Tibetan_Book_of_the_Dead) ||
bare || Adamite(s) | Ancient Ways Festival | digambara | Doukhobor | gymnosoph, gymnosophism, gymnosophist(s), gymnosophy | Lebensreform | naked, nakedness | naturism, naturist(s) | nude, nudism, nudist(s), nudity | skyclad ||

bare feet, barefoot :
in the New Testament of the Bible, bare feet symbolize nakedness;
cf the foot-washing.

cf AL I:62, 64.

|| bare ||
basil | basilica | basilisk | other ||

[Greek, 'king']

|| basil ||
basilica | basil | other ||


|| basilica | Basilica ||

[< Greek, 'royal, kingly' < basil 'king' + -isk '-ish, -ly']

the Basilisk is a gigantic Serpent, born from a chicken-egg and hatched beneath a toad, and whose gaze is lethal; and only the crowing of the rooster is lethal to the Basilisk.

|| basilisk | Basilisk ||
Baskets�the Three Baskets (Tripitaka, Tipitaka) of Buḍḍhist Teachings | Buḍḍhist_Scriptures | three  ||

[Pāli Tipitaka, Sanskrit Tripitaka, 'Three Baskets' < Indic pitaka 'basket']

the Tripitaka/Tipitaka are the Three_Baskets of Buḍḍhist Teachings, viz. the : abhidhamma pitaka, vinaya pitaka, sutta pitaka

the Three Baskets of Buḍḍhist Teachings correspond to the Three_Doors and to the Triratna :
  1. body�outer�moral_discipline�abhidhamma pitaka; cf the Sangha
  2. speech, emotional�inner�vinaya pitaka; cf the Dharma
  3. mind�secret�Basket of sūtra-mind�sutta pitaka; cf the Buḍḍha

|| Baskets | Three_Baskets | Tipitaka | Tripitaka ||
Bast, Bast-et, Pasht

�gyptian name of the cat-goddess of �gypt.

|| Bast | Bastet | Pasht ||

bats are nocturnal, inhabit caverns, deposit "guano" on the floor thereof, and fly abroad on Hallowe'en Night;

in Atu XV, the Devil has Bat-wings with which to fly like a bat in the darkness of His Cavern.

|| Bat | bat | bats ||
BBC of America

BBC of America's Web-site is at

BCE stands for : 'Before [the] CE'.
Bealtaine, Beltaine, Beltane... || Samhain | between | Feasts of the gods ||

[Keltish Bealtaine, Bealteine, Bealtine, Bealtuinn, Beltaine, Beltane, Belteinne, 'Bright Fires']

Beltaine and Samhain are the two nocturnal fertility-Feasts of Bright Fires that are celebrated with bonfires at the transition from Winter to Summer when the Veil between the Worlds grows thin.

they are boundary festivals at the point of juncture of summer and winter that celebrates the threshold in time between:
Beltaine or May E'en, which the Christians have christened Saint Walburga's Night (in West Germanic, Walpurgisnacht), is celebrated on the night of April 30 in the northern hemisphere, and of October 31 in the southern.

the morrow, called May Day, is celebrated on the day and evening following : May 1st in the northern hemisphere, and November 1st in the southern.

Beltaine / May Day is ruled by the May Queen and Jack-in-the-Green, who chase away the Hag of Winter and her imps.

cf the Cross-Quarter Days.

|| Beltaine ||
Bear || Arktos | beasts ||

Cf the Neanderthaler and Ainu Bear-cult | Arctur | Arktos | Arthur | Bear | Bor | Boreal | Boris | Hyperborea | Ursa ||

in the Book of Daniel, Chapter 7, the bear symbolizes Medo-Persia;
and in Rev. 13:2, the feet of the bear symbolize Medo-Persia.

|| bear | Bear | bears ||
Bear & Company Publishing

Bear & Company Publishing,, telephone 1-800-932-3277 (1-800-WE-BEARS)
founded by Barbara Hand Clow in New Mexico, USA, is now a division of
Inner Traditions International,
Bear & Company
One Park Street
Rochester, Vermont 05767
|| books | booksellers | bookshops | publishers
Beast(s) || Angels | animal(s), Animal(s) | Cherub�m | dog(s) | Dragon | griffin | Horse(s) | ithyphall�s | lamb, Lamb | locusts | Ophan�m | plant | Seraph�m | wolf ||

macrocosmically, cf:
microcosmically, cf:
|| beast | Beast | beasts | Beasts ||

The beat of time is the beat of the Dance of Shiva who is Lord of the Dance [Sanskrit Natya-Raja, 'Lord of the Dance'].

|| beat ||
Beat; beatnik(s); Beatle(s) || Beat | beatniks(s) | Beatle(s) ||

[< French B�at < Latin beatus 'beatific, blissful']

a Beat writer is a writer of the Beat Generation which flourishes in San Francisco in the 1950s, and includes:

  • Allen Ginsberg, 1926�1997, Requiescat in Pace
  • Jack Kerouac, 1922�1969, Requiescat in Pace
  • Gary Snyder, 1930�[not_yet]

the beatniks are satellites (cf Russian Sputnik) who orbit and hang around and hang-on around the Beat writers in the coffee-shops in North Beach in San Francisco and in Greenwich Village in Manhattan in the 1950s.

the Beatles are the Fab Four: a group of four fabulous English musicians who change the world of the 1960s; and cf especially the mystic Beatle George_Harrison.

|| Beat | Beatle | Beatles | beatnik | beatniks | Fab_Four ||
beauty, Beauty || Angels | Beast(s) | Being | terribility ||
"Who, if I cried out, might hear me -- among the ranked Angels?
Even if One suddenly clasped me to his heart
I would die of the force of his being. For Beauty is only
the infant of scarcely endurable Terror, and we
are amazed when it casually spares us.
Every Angel is terrible."
�Rainer Maria Rilke, The First Elegy
All enlightened mystics speak of the terrible beauty of God and of the Angels.

Beauty corresponds to Sephira 6Tiph�ret.

ref. The Power of Angels, at

|| beauty | Beauty ||
Be'elzebub || Belzebuub [sic] | other | other ||

[< Hebrew, 'Lord of Flies']

|| Be'elzebub ||
before || Point | Qabbalistic Cross ||

before me: in my face, in my line of sight; in my future.

|| before ||
beginning�& cf initiation

Q. : Where shall i begin?
A. : Begin where you stand. A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.

Today is the first day of the rest of your life; so take advantage of it.

|| beginning | Beginning ||
Beg-tse [Tibetan] Prana Atma [Sanskrit] | dharmapāla | dharmapālas  ||

Beg-tse [Tibetan, 'Hidden Sheet of Mail']

Prana Atma [Sanskrit, 'dfn']

(Tib. Begtse)

which dharmapāla

|| Begtse | Prana Atma ||
Behemoth || Leviathan | other | other ||

Behemoth [whose name may derive from �gyptian '[water-] buffalo']
is a monstrous spirit of the desert,
and is associated with the seven-headed marine Dragon Leviathan.

|| Behemoth ||
behind || Point | Qabbalistic Cross ||

behind me is my past; also a resource to aid me.

|| behind ||
Being || 0-0-0 | One | Three Characteristics of Being | beings ||

Be here now.

The only Being is God.

Toward the One
The Perfection of Love, Harmony, and Beauty,
The only Being
Together with all the illuminated souls
who form the embodiment of the Master,
the spirit of guidance.
Sufi chant

Cf "I am":

  • Hebrew ehy�h, as in "Ehy�h ash�r ehy�h." 'I am What I am.' �Exodus 3:14
    � The word "What" in this passage is translated "that" in the King James Version of the Bible in English; it is better translated "That which" or, more elegantly, "What".

  • Latin sum, as in: "Ego sum qui sum." or simply "Sum qui sum." 'I am who I am.'
    "Ego sum qui sum. An axiom of Hermetic philosophy."HPB, Isis Unveiled, 1877, p. 1

the Three Characteristics of Existence, or Marks_of_Being, are :

  1. anātmā(n), selflessness
  2. anicca, impermanence
  3. dukkha, suffering

|| Being ||
the three characteristics of conditioned existence, characteristics of being, marks of being | anātmā(n) | anitya | being | dukkha | three | other ||

the three characteristics of conditioned existence or of being, or marks_of_being, are:

  1. anātmā(n), anattā�non-substantiality, not-self, egolessness,
  2. anicca, anitya�impermanence mutability
  3. duhkha, dukkha�sorrow, suffering

|| characteristics_of_conditioned_existence | characteristics_of_being | marks_of_being ||
beings || Being | beings, created: 2 Streams ||

all beings and all phenomena are empty-and-devoid of independent, permanent essence.

|| beings ||
beings, created: 2 Streams || beings | Being ||

beings, created: 2 Streams:
  • Sons of Cain: craftsmen (phree-messen), intellectuals, occultists, scientists: they are positive, and their lamp emits nine (9) rays;
  • Sons of Set(h): churchmen, clerics, mystics, artists: they are negative followers of a leader, and their heart emits eight (8) rays.
Ref Max Heindel, 1865-1919, Collected Works, Volume XII�The Rosicrucian Mysteries, pages 1-2 "Rosicrucian symbolism"
Frater Belarion 210, a.k.a. Jack Parsons, a.k.a. John Whiteside Parsons || 210 | BABALON Working | BABALON | Belial | Frater | Candida | Candy | Elrond | Frater | Fratri in Θελημα (Th�l�ma) | Marjorie_Cameron ||

[Greek Belarion, < Hebrew Beliar 'without God, godless']

Christian writers often equate Belarion with the nondescript ApocalypticBeast of Reveelation 17:3�6.

Frater Belarion 210, or Frater Belarion Armiluss Al-Dajjal Antichrist, is the magickal motto or name of Jack Parsons, a.k.a. John Whiteside Parsons, 1914�1952, the developer of solid rocket fuel.
|| Belarion ||
Belial, Beliar; Belarion || Belarion ||

Belial, whose name in Hebrew means 'without God, godless'
and has the Hebrew variant Beliar, and the Greek derivative Belarion,
is a demon and leader of the Watchers
mentioned in the Bible, in the Dead Sea Scrolls, and in the Jewish Apocrypha.

Christian writers often equate Belarion with the Apocalyptic seven-headed and ten-horned Beast of Revelation 17:3�6.

|| Belial | Beliar ||
belief | Credo | ignorance | Knowledge | unbelief | truth  ||

Belief; believe; Believer, believer exists in the domain of ignorance, and is a miserable substitute for Certitude, which comes from Knowledge. Liars and crooks such as clergymen and politicians, discourage Knowledge, which gives Certitude, and enables folk to see through their lies; rather, liars encourage belief in their lies; and if you, dear reader, believe the lies of those liars, then you will probably wish to buy from me, at a very reduced price, some prime oceanfront real estate in West Texas.

It's best to not believe anything that has been announced officially, or has not been officially denied.

Cf the Credo.

'sometimes [the White Queen has] believed six impossible things before breakfast.'Carroll, Through, Chapter V�Wool and Water, p. 105:b

| belief | believe | believer | believers ||
bell(s) | ritual_implements | other ||

the bell symbolizes feminine Wisdom. ~Lh�ndrub Wangmo Rinpoche

|| bell | bells ||
belly-button, navel, Omphalos < omphalos [in Greek], umbilicus [in Latin], noun ; adjective is umbilical | belly-button-gazer | belly-button-gazing | belly-dancing, la danse du ventre | navel-gazer | navel-gazing | omphaloskepsis | omphaloskeptic  ||

the belly-button or navel [in Anglo-saxon, or Omphalos in Greek, or umbilicus in Latin,] symbolizes :

Jerusalem has been called the Navel.

|| belly-button | navel | omphalos | Omphalos | umbilicus | umbilical ||
belly-button-gazer, navel-gazer, omphaloskeptic [adjective] | belly-button-gazing | belly-button | navel-gazing | navel | omphalos | omphaloskepsis | omphaloskeptic | umbilicus  ||

A belly-button-gazer or navel-gazer is called in Greek an omphaloskeptic ;
navel-gazers include the omphaloskeptic Greek monk Gregory Palamas.

The practice of navel-gazing or belly-button-gazing is called in Greek omphaloskepsis, which see.

|| belly-button-gazer | navel-gazer | omphaloskeptic  ||
belly-button-gazing, navel-gazing, omphaloskepsis [noun] ; omphaloskeptic [adjective] | belly-button-gazer | belly-button | introspection | meditation | navel-gazer | navel | omphalos | omphaloskeptic | Philokalia | sesshin | umbilicus  ||

A navel-gazer or belly-button-gazer is called in Greek an omphaloskeptic.

cf the omphaloskeptic Greek monk Gregory Palamas, whose statement that he saw God during omphaloskepsis almost caused a schism in the Greek Orthodox Church: no one doubted that he had had a vision during omphaloskepsis, but many doubted that his vision was of God.

The introspective practice of belly-button-gazing, or navel-gazing, or contemplating one's navel, is called in Greek omphaloskepsis,
is of hoary antiquity, and is practised in India and in the Eastern Orthodox Christian Church ; and it is recommended that you practise it;

but, if you do so, don't call it belly-button-gazing, lest Occidental folks say to you:
"You lazy bum, aren't you ashamed to be such a lazy good-for-nothing belly-button-gazing bum?
Stop sitting on your lazy arse and gazing at your belly-button and doing nothing;
get up off your lazy arse and go to work.";
instead, say that you're engaging in omphaloskepsis, or meditating ; then people will treat you with proper respect.

S. I. Hayakawa would say:
i'm an omphaloskeptic; i practise omphaloskepsis;
you're introspective; you engage in introspection;
he's a belly-button-gazer who spends his time belly-button-gazing.
The film "Mondo Cane" shows opposite-sex pairs of members of an omphaloskeptic society in Paris gazing at each other's navel.

cf : crystalloscopy or crystal-gazing ; om-phalloskepsis ; kteiskepsis.

|| belly-button-gazing | navel-gazing | omphaloskepsis | omphaloskeptic  ||

the Direction Down, and the Point Below me (the ground? the Pit? the Underworld?), are taboo in Judaism.

what is above knows what is below, but not vice versa; when one ascends, one sees; when one descends, one sees no longer�but one has seen.�Ren� Daumal

|| Below | Down | Underworld | above | Qabbalistic Cross ||

medi�val European demon, originally Baal-Peor; refer to

|| Belphegor | Baal-Peorr ||
Belzebuub [sic] || The Gnostic Movement of Samael Aun Weor | Gnostics | Be'elzebub ||

Belzebuub [sic] is the name of the spiritual inner Being of the
British Gnostic author whose civil name is Mark H Pritchard;

his works include:
|| Belzebuub [sic] ||
bene ha-elohim || elohim | Watchers | Nefilim ||

[Hebrew, 'sons of the gods']

see :

|| bene ha-elohim ||
Bennett, Elizabeth

Elizabeth Bennett is co-author, with John Godolphin Bennett, 1897-1974, of Idiots in Paris. | Title
Bennett, Frank: Frater Progradior || other | other ||

Frater Progradior = Frank Bennett

|| Bennett, Frank | Frank Bennett | Progradior ||

Bennett, John Godolphin, 1897-1974

John Godolphin Bennett, 1897-1974, is:|| J G Bennett | John G. Bennett ||
benzra, dorje | Diamond | lightning-bolt/thunderbolt | Vajra  ||

[Tibetan, 'Diamond ; lightning-bolt/thunderbolt']

|| benzra | dorje ||
Berra, Lawrence Peter "Yogi", 1925-05-12� || Yogi | Yogi�sms | The Yogi book | What Time Is It?�You mean now? ||

an oft-quoted Hall-of-Fame Major League Baseball player for the New York Yankees, and manager of two baseball teams.

1925/05/12, St. Louis, Missouri, USA: Lawrence Peter Berra is born.

While watching a movie about an Indian snake charmer, his childhood friend Bobby Hofman said "That yogi walks like Lawdie [Larry] Berra"�and the name stuck. Joe Garagiola says that when Yogi gave his wife Carmen an anniversary card signed /Yogi Berra/, "she asked him if he thought he had to sign his last name so she wouldn't think it came from some other Yogi."�ref about

see Yogi�sms, and also :

|| Yogi Berra ||
Besant, Annie (AB), Dr

Theosophist who,
in the 1880s, joins the Theosophical Society;
in 1901, writes "Esoteric Christianity / or / the Lesser Mysteries";
in 1907, becomes President of the TS;
in 1933, dies.

|| Besant, Annie | Annie Besant ||

Bethmoora�the Abandoned City

'In the story by Lord Dunsany, this wondrous city was a "white and beautiful city" in the midst of a harvest festival when three messengers rode up on mules. After they delivered their unknown message, the city was abandoned to the desert in one day.' �Troy W. Pierce, where?

|| Bethmoora ||
between || Bardos | Da'ath | Samhain and Beltaine ||

one can pass between worlds by passing through a tesseract.

|| between ||
Bhagavad-Gita || Gita | Gitas ||

[Sanskrit, 'Song_of_God']

a Gita composed BCE 500�200.

|| Bhagavad-Gita ||
bhakti || Agap� | Caritas | Charity | love ||

bhakti = Αγα�η (Agap�) = Caritas = Charity; cf love, which can refer to either Eros or Agape or both.

bhakti is also called devotion.

|| bhakti ||
bhavacakra | Animals | Dharmachakra | kalachakra | life | saṃsāra | Wheel ||

[Sanskrit, 'wheel of life'].

the Three Animals are depicted at the hub of the bhavacakra which is the kalachakra of saṃsāra.

|| bhavacakra ||
Bhikkhu [sic]

[Pāli bhikkhu 'beggar; monk', s.m., fem. bhikkhuni]
the term Bhikkhu is an honorific in TheravādaBuḍḍhism,
comparable to the term "Reverend" in Protestant Christianity.

Allan Bennett > FraterIehi Aour, GD > the Bhikkhu Ananda [Pāli, 'Joy'] Metteya [Pāli, 'Maitreya']

|| Bhikkhu | Bhikkhuni ||
bh�mi || degrees | levels | stages | Path | boḍhisattva ||

[Sanskrit, 'earth; ground; foundation']

Sanskritic name of the Hindu earth-goddess.

in Buḍḍhism, the ten degrees on, or levels of, or stages on, the Path of the boḍhisattva.

|| bh�mi ||

The Bible of the Jews is what the Christians call the Old Testament; see Testament. | Biblical

See Biblical prophecy. | Bible
bibliography of Buddhism | bibliography | books | Buḍḍhism  ||

the vast bibliography of Buḍḍhism includes:

  • Lopez, Prisoners
  • Meditation on the nature of mind by HH the Dalai Lama #14, et alii.
  • Prisoners of Shangri-La
  • Gach, Gary�The complete idiot's guide to understanding Buddhism / by Gary Gach / publ: Indianapolis, Indiana, USA: Alpha, c2002 / DDC#: 294.3 Gll5c at BPL, North Branch; and at SFPL, Main, Floor 3
  • Levine, Noah�Refuge recovery, by Noah Levine, ISBN 978-0-06-212284-1, HarperOne
  • Nh�t Hanh, Th�chSilence: the power of quiet in a world full of noise / by Thich Nhat Hanh / © 2015 by United Buddhist Church, Inc / first edition / ISBN 978-0-06-222469-9 / publ HarperCollins, NY 10007 / DDC-# 294.� | Silence |
  • Patrul Rinpoche�The words of my perfect teacher

|| bibliography_of_Buddhism | Buḍḍist_bibliography ||

bibliomancy: divination by pointing at random to a place in a book.
Bierce, Ambrose, 1842-1914?

Ambrose_Bierce is the North American author of many works, including The Devil's dictionary, to whom H P Lovecraft paid the compliment of borrowing some of his names:

bifrons || Janus | other ||

[Latin, 'having two foreheads']

two-faced, as Janus ]]Bifrons.

|| bifrons ||
Bifrost || Rainbow_Bridge | other ||

in Norse mythology, Bifrost is the Rainbow_Bridge that traverses the heavens from earth to the Home_of_the_Gods.

|| Bifrost ||
Big Bad Words: On obscenity, profanity, and taboo (magickal, and therefore absolute, prohibition);

and why, as little children ask their parents, we're not supposed to use the Big Bad Words, when it's okay to use synonyms such as "caca" and "poo-poo" and "feces" and "pipi" and "urine" and "penis" and "vagina" and "vulva" and "fornicate" and "coitus" and "rut", which, as little children point out to their parents, denote the same things.

The reason may have to do with the fact that folks periodically conduct magickal rites, including fertility rites so that they can reproduce as they must if their tribe is to survive; and they begin these rites by invoking the ithyphallic Opener of the Ways (called variously Elegbara, Eleggu�, Tahuti, Hermes, et c�tera) whose herald is Priapus, the deity of the ithyphall�s, and turning themselves on sexually by sexual expression, including public nudity, which would be taboo if done obscenely or profanely. But since public nudity and the sight of the genitals has no emotional charge, and is not emotionally loaded, for long-time nudists, nor for folks like our distant ancestors, and members of some present-day bush tribes, who have never worn a stitch of clothing, such folk can and do accomplish this purpose by putting a taboo on, and, when outside the temple, abstaining from, the obscene or profane use of certain words and gestures. This causes those words and gestures to acquire an emotional charge that turns folks on when they use them during the enactment of the sacred rites on-scene within the temple, where the taboo against their use does not apply.

cf also:
  • the obscene Hebrew four-letter Name of God (G_d to many Jews) Who is very horny (that is, ithyphallic and potent);
  • the taboo against words that denote excretion and excrement, which turn some people on sexually.
Top | TOC
Bin�h || Night of Pan | City of Pyramids ||

On the Qabbalistic Tree of Life, Bin�h [Hebrew, 'Understanding'] is Sephira 3, is Black, and is ruled by Saturn.
biophilia || life | necrophilia | theomachy | other ||

'the love of life'.

|| biophilia ||
bird(s) || Air | Bennu | Crow | Eagle | Hawk | Owl | Phoenix | Raven | Animals||

all Birds correspond to the Element Air;
some, such as swans or geese or ducks, to Water also;

cf the Greek myth of Leda and the Swan Zeus.

in the Orient, the bird symbolizes attraction or attachment or greed.

|| bird | Bird | birds | Birds ||
"birth" || bardos | navel | rebirth ||

the first bardo.

|| "birth" ||
Bishop || Ecclesia | Church ||

[< Greek Episkopos 'Supervisor, Overseer']

reflexes include:
  • in EnglishBishop
  • en fran�ais  �v�que, s.m.
  • en espa�ol obispo
  • in italiano: vescovo, Piscopo, Prelato (in the Church; but in chess / negli scacchi: alfiere, s.m.)

the disciples of the Bishop of Rome call him the Pope; the monarch of England, who is, ex officio, head of the Church of England, calls him the Bishop of Rome.

|| Bishop ||

The Apocalyptic beast of Revelation 4:12, having two horns like a lamb, comes up out of the earth of the sparsely inhabited New World, id est, the Americas, rather than out of the sea which represents multitudes and nations, and so is generally represented as a North American Bison, which to John the Revelator of Patmos is the nondesript Beast, since bison had become extinct in Europe many millennia past.
black, Black

Black is the color of:

an hotel-room whose Door is numbered 0, and bears the emblem of a black moth, is the room of death; inside, a Mirror bears an exit-sign at its top.

|| black | Black | colors ||
Black Flame
Black Flame, The (Ma.): A title of Maat as the twin of Nuit;
Nuit being the stars, and Maat the spaces between them. �Kenneth Grant, Outside the Circles of Time, p. 276
|| Black Flame ||
Black seas of infinity: the best of H. P. Lovecraft / selected by Andrew Wheeler

  • 2001 ISBN-13: 978-0-7394-2009-6
    BOOKSPAN / SFBC Science Fiction
    401 Franklin Avenue
    Garden City, New York 11530 USA

|| Black seas of infinity | Wheeler, Black ||
Black Sun | Black | Vril ||

The emblem of Vril is the Black Sun, which symbolises or depicts the godhead's inner light in the form of an equal-limbed cross, not much different from the German Knight's Cross. The symbol of the Black Sun can be found in many Babylonian and Assyrian temples.

Vril is said to be derived from the Black Sun, which is one or both of the following:
  • an infinite beam of light which, though invisible to the human eye, is real;
  • a big ball of "Prima Materia" which:
    • exists in the center of the Earth,
    • serves as a subterranean furnace which is identified with the forge of the god Velnius of the Old Prussian pantheon,
    • emits radiation in the form of Vril,
    • gives light and energy to the Vril-ya and to the other races within the earth.

They of the Vril Society believe that:
  • their source of power is the Black Sun;
  • Aryans are "the biologic ancestors of the Black Sun", whatever that means.

|| Black Sun
Blavatsky, Helena Petrovna, 1831-1891

  • 1831: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, 1831-1891 is born Helena Hahn in Russia; she is a natural medium.
  • 1847? at age 16 she marries a middle-aged man named Blavatsky, and leaves him almost immediately.
  • when? she travels around Europe as a ladies' companion.
  • when? she meets the North American Spiritist medium Daniel Dunglas Home [q.v.].
  • 1873: she arrives in New York.
  • 1875: in New York, HPB and Col. Olcott establish the Theosophical Society (TS).
  • 1877: her book "Isis Unveiled" is published.
  • 1878: she moves the Theosophical Society (TS) to Adyar, Madras, India.
  • 1884: she is "debunked" by Richard Hodgson, an investigator for the Society for Psychical Research, and the Coulombs, her disaffected ex-housekeepers.
  • 1884? she moves to London.
  • 1888: she gives to a printer, for publication, the first two volumes of her book "The_Secret_Doctrine" of which she has finished, or nearly finished, all four volumes.
  • 1891: at age sixty, she dies.
  • Now, as an Ascended Mistress, she likes to be called the Lady Helena, according to those who like to say such things.

blessing corresponds to : baraka | blessing | compassion | darshan | gr�ce | gratias | sohbat | transfer of Hanbledzoin
blind; blindly

in the darkness of those grinning caverns of earth's centre, the mad faceless god Nyarlathotep howls blindly to the piping of two amorphous idiot flute-players.H P Lovecraft, in "The Rats in the Walls"

cf also one-eyed.

|| blind | blindly | blindness ||
blood, Blood

moon-blood is the monthly blood of women.

Blood of the Red Lion in Alchemy and in sexual Magick symbolizes semen:
"the Semen or fluid vehicle of the Spirit, the Elixir of Magick, the Blood..."
Crowley, in his record of the Cephal�dium Working of 1920.11.

|| blood | Blood | red | Elixir | Semen ||

blue is the hue and color of:

|| blue | colors ||
board || Ouija board | talking board | witchboard ||

|| board ||
bodh | Bodh_Gaya | bodhi | Bodhi Tree | Bodhi Tree Bookstore | bodhicitta | boḍhisattva | Buḍḍ | other  ||


|| bodh | Bodh ||
Bodh Gaya || Śākyamuni-Buddha | Buḍḍist_pilgrimage_destinations | Lumbinī | Bodh_Gaya | Sarnath | Kuśināgara ||

Bodh-Gaya is:

|| Bodh-Gaya ||
Bodhi || Awakening | bodhicitta | boḍhisattva | Bodhi Tree | Bodh-Gaya | Buḍḍ- ||

[Sanskrit and Pāli 'awaken; awakened; awakening; wake up']

in Buḍḍhism, Awakening, which results in nirvāṇa which puts the buḍḍha ('Awakened one') into a state of Gnosis and Enlightenment.

|| bodhi | Bodhi ||
The Bodhi Tree, Bo Tree || Bodhi | Bodh_Gaya | The Bodhi Tree Bookstore ||

the peepal or pipal tree or ficus religiosa or Sacred Fig tree at Bodh_Gaya under which Siddhartha Gautama Śhākyamuni sits and becomes the Awakened and enlightened Śākyamuni-Buḍḍha.

|| Bodhi Tree | Bo_Tree | The Bodhi Tree ||
The Bodhi Tree Bookstore || The Bodhi Tree | Bodhi | bookshops ||

Web :

telephone 1.310-659.1733

snail :
The Bodhi Tree Bookstore
8585 Melrose Avenue
West Hollywood, Los Angeles, California 90069, USA
|| The Bodhi Tree Bookstore ||
bodhichittabodhicitta || bodhi | Chenresig | Christ | clear light | discipline | ng�ndro | Path | practice | sādhanā | tong-len | Work | Yoga ||

bodhicitta 'awakened mind', enlightened mind; bodhicitta / Chenresig / Christ / clear light

Lopp�n Jigme says, orally:
in the beginning, one should analyze one's state of mind; and, if it is contaminated with worldly concerns, then one must elininate these.

the three stages of bodhicitta are : relative, absolute, and ultimate:

  1. relative bodhicitta intends to benefit all sentient beings;
  2. absolute bodhicitta recognizes emptiness and the non-existence of entities and of phenomena;
  3. ultimate bodhicitta is totally enlightened mind, within which there is neither samsara nor nirvāṇa.

only then can one escape from confinement.

whatever is compounded, contrived, and impermanent, vanishes when its causative conditions disappear.

the essence of all is emptiness and bliss.

emptiness is Samantabhadri.

Vajravarahi is unobstructed manifestation.

Vajrayogini is the peaceful aspect�of whom?

Sic_dixit Lopp�n Jigme, orally.

the pig-head on a deity symbolizes non-duality. �Sic_dixit Lopp�n Jigme? or Lh�ndrub Wangmo?
|| bodhichitta | bodhicitta ||
boḍhisattva [Sanskrit; Pāli boḍhisatta] || arhat | Bodhi | Buḍḍha | compassion | Dhyāni-Buddhas | Four Great Ones ||

'enlightenment-being; one who seeks enlightnment' [Sanskrit bodhi 'enlightened understanding the true nature of things, by one awakened' + sattva 'true essence' and 'consciousness']

boḍhisattvas are compassionate buḍḍhas who compassionately forego nirvāṇa;
a spiritual son of the Buḍḍha —Trungpa,Born

some examples, developed in the Mahāyāna tradition, are:
the disciples of Śākyamuni-Buḍḍha include the eight boḍhisattvas, namely: and the three Buḍḍa-family protectors or dharma-protectors (Tib. riksum gonpo), who are:
|| boḍhisattva ||
bodies; planes, realms; dimensions || Atu VII | The Chariot | dhātu | kāya | Three_Doors ||

consult the older Theosophical literature for the Sankritic names of
our bodiesdharmakāya, sambhogakāya, nirmāṇakāya, and their planes or Realms, and their dimensions, which are: �ref Belzebuub [sic], A Course in Astral Travel and Dreams, pp 11:b, 102:m

I have many bodies. My name is Legion. �graffito at a bus-stop

One must not confuse the Planes.

|| bodies | dimensions | planes | Realm(s) ||
Bona Dea

[Latin, 'Good Goddess']

a Latin name of the Dark Mother Goddess of Love.

|| Bona Dea ||

correspondences include:

|| bone | ipsos ||
boneyards, cemeteries, charnel-grounds, funeral-grounds, graveyards || Atu XIII | ch�rten | Hallowe'en ||

sites for mausolea, tombs, and graves, containing the corpses of the dead.

in boneyards, Tibetan monks like to meditate on anitya;

cf  Atu XIII | ch�rten | Hallowe'enHallowe'en |

|| cemetery | cemetery ||
Book || ritual_implements | Scripture | Scriptures ||

Nuit refers to the Tarot as "my Book" [in Liber AL I:57].

|| Book | book ||
Book 4 or Book Four

TΔM / Liber ABA

first published 19nn by the Sangreal Foundations;

first published in 1890 by Samuel Weiser, Inc., Box 612, York Beach, ME 03910, USA;
reprinted in 1984, ISBN 0-87728-513-6

subject: Magick

Regarding the writing of Book Four, see:

Soror Rhodon criticises the MS of Book Four;
then Frater Perdurabo rewrites it and expands it into Magick: Liber ABA / Book Four - Parts I�IV.

|| Book Four | Ab-ul-Diz | Magick: Liber ABA / Book Four - Parts I�IV ||
Book of Eibon

H P Lovecraft, in "The Shadow Out of Time", mentions "the surviving fragments of the puzzling Book of Eibon".

|| Book of Eibon | Books ||
Book of Genesis

the creation-myth at the beginning of the Torah, which is at the beginning of the Old_Testament of the Christian Bible.

|| Book of Genesis | creation-myths ||
Book of Lies (Falsely So Called) || Books | books ||

in Crowley's original editon of the Book of Lies by Aleister Crowley, a blurb, omitted from Germer's and all subsequent editions, says that this book is written for Babes of the Abyss.

the commentary, found in Germer's and all subsequent editions, does not appear in the original edition.

|| Book of Lies (Falsely So Called) ||
Book(s) of the Dead, funerary text(s) | Bardo_Th�dol | other ||

there are at least two funerary texts called Books of the Dead, which Walter Yeeling Evans-Wentz or his publisher calls thus to associate them with each other :

|| Book_of_the_Dead | Books_of_the_Dead | funerary_text | funerary_texts ||
Book of the Law

The Book of the Law is known in Latin as Liber AL vel Legis,
which retro-translates back into English as
"[The] Book AL or [The Book] of [the] Law".

cf "the threefold book of Law" �AL I:35

Cf: | Liber AL | vel | Legis |

Liber XXXI is the MS of The Book of the Law

Liber CCXX is the typescript of The Book of the Law.
For its text online, shift-click on :
Also, refer to the Concordance. | AL | Books | Law | Liber AL | Liber Legis ||
The Book of The Sacred Magic of Abra-Melin The Mage

The Book of The Sacred Magic of Abra-Melin The Mage,
[pseudo-]translated by S. L. "Macgregor" Mathers,
who supposedly found it in Paris at the Biblioth�que de l'Arsenal
�but by Mathers' time, copies of this book in English were already circulating in London. However, for those who lack access to the original manuscript, this text in English is a good introduction.

"La Magie Sacr�e que Dieu donna � Moyse, Aaron, David, Salomon, et � d'autres Proph�tes et qui enseigne la Vraie Sapience Divine, laiss�e par Abraham fils de Simon, � son fils Lamech, traduite de l'h�breu � Venise , en 1458" [�p. 3:m],
est un manuscrit contenu dans trois volumes reli�s de cuir et d'une �criture rouge du XVIIIe si�cle, qui a �t� traduite en latin � Venise en 1458, et qui fait partie de la fameuse Biblioth�que de l'Arsenal de Paris,
ouverte de 10h � 18h du lundi au vendredi et de 10h � 17h le samedi ;
fermeture annuelle les deux premi�res semaines de septembre ;
t�l�phone 01 53 01 25 04
la Biblioth�que de l'Arsenal est situ�e au num�ro 1, rue de Sully � Paris 4�me.
La Magie Sacr�e a �t� int�gr�e � la biblioth�que du comte d'Argenson, amateur d'occultisme et de sciences magiques.


|| The Book of The Sacred Magic of Abra-Melin The Mage | Abramelin operation ||
Books by Frater Perdurabo

Books by Frater Perdurabo include:

and see Scriptures writ by Frater Perdurabo

|| Books by Frater Perdurabo | Libri | Books | Scriptures writ by Frater Perdurabo ||
Books, books || Bibliography | bibliography | Authors | authors | Bibliography | | Books | books | Scriptures | Titles | titles | booksellers | bookshops | publishers ||

|| Books | books ||
booksellers || Bibliography | bibliography | Books | books | booksellers | bookshops | publishers ||

booksellers include:

|| booksellers ||
bookshops || Bibliography | bibliography | Books | books | booksellers | bookshops | publishers ||

bookshops include:
Booth, Martin || A Magick Life ||

novelist, biographer (A Magick Life: a biography of Aleister Crowley), and non-fiction writer.

|| Booth, Martin | Martin Booth ||
Boreas || Winds ||

[adj boreal, 'northern', as in aurora borealis 'northern aurora', boreal lights 'northern lights']

Boreas is the Greek name of the North Wind in Hellenic mythology.

|| Boreas ||

bosatsu : [Japanese] boḍhisattva.

B.O.T.A. is the abbreviation of 'Builders of the Adytum'

BOTA is the acronym of B.O.T.A. which is the abbreviation of 'Builders of the Adytum'.
boundary, boundaries | finitude | limits | Saturn |


|| boundary | boundaries ||
Brahma || God | Zero ||

Brahmān is the Central_Sun at the center of our galaxy. �Kenyon,_Forbidden

|| Brahma | Brahmān ||
Brahmān || Zero ||

|| Brahmān | Brahma | God ||
breath || pneuma | spirit�s | spirit ||

|| breath ||
Bridge of Love

|| England | USA ||

  • England, snail:
    Bridge of Love Publications
    Suite 1
    185a High Street
    Isle of Wight
    PO33 2PN

  • USA:
    telephone 1.636-273.5951
    Bridge of Love Publications USA
    1825 Shiloh Valley Drive
    MO 63005

|| Bridge of Love | publishers | David Icke ||
Brigantia, Brigid, Imbolc, Imbolg, Oimelc || Candlemas | Feasts | Festivals ||

Druidic Name: Imbolc, Imbolg. Alternate Names: Oimelc, Brigantia, Brigid.

Keltish names of the Feast of S�l at mid-Aquarius,
celebrated with candles or other lights,
either improperly on February 2nd,
or properly at mid-Aquarius at about February 7.

cf the Cross-Quarter Days.

|| Brigantia | Brigid | Imbolc | Imbolg | Oimelc ||
bright || dark | light | other ||

full of light.

|| bright ||
Brinkley, Dannion, 1950-2004

Having had several near-death experiences (NDEs), he (Dannion Brinkley) described them in these books:
  • Saved by the Light, copyright � 1994 by Dannion Brinkley with Paul Perry, Villard Books, New York, 1994, ISBN 0-679-43176-4, LCCN 93-44217
  • At Peace in the Light, copyright � 1995 by Dannion Brinkley with Paul Perry, HarperCollinsPublishers, New York, 1995, ISBN 0-06-109446-3, LCCN unknown

To contact the authors, please write to:
Saved by the Light
POB 13255
Scottsdale, AZ 85260 USA
John Brodie-Innes

|| John Brodie-Innes | John Brodie-Innes | other ||
broomstick(s) || Hallowe'en | Samhain ||

on Hallowe'en night, skyclad witches anoint and straddle their broomstick and fly to their covenstead to celebrate Samhain which is the sabbat of Hecate.

|| broomstick | broomsticks ||
buddh- || bodh | bodhi | Buḍḍ- | buḍḍha | Buḍḍha, the | Buḍḍhism | Buḍḍist(s) | philosophies ||

[Sanskrit, Pāli, Buḍḍ- 'wake']

|| Buḍḍ- ||
buḍḍha(s), Buḍḍha || guru | Hierophant | Way-Shower | Dharma | Sangha | Three Baskets | Adibuddha | Arhat | boḍhisattva | Buḍḍ">Buḍḍ- | Buḍḍhism | Buḍḍist(s) | Dhyani Buḍḍhas | philosophies | Śākyamuni-Buddha | Tathāgatas ||

[Sanskrit and Pāli: buḍḍha 'awake; one who is awake']

Buḍḍha-names, each of which see :
  1. the prince is called Siddhartha_Gáutama;
  2. the hermit is called Śākyamuni;
  3. the Buḍḍha is called the Tathāgata.

the Buḍḍha corresponds to, and is, Essence and mind and the dharmakāya and the Teacher.

Kuntuzangmo, the highest Buḍḍha, at Sephira zero, appears to Arden as crystalline, like a diamond.

the Buḍḍha's mudra is the bhumisparsha earth-touching mudra when there is an earth to touch; else the crystalline diamond-Buḍḍha's hands are in the meditative mudra.

the Buḍḍha is guru or Hierophant or Way-Shower who shows the Way to Awakening/Enlightenment/Liberation/nirvāṇa.

|| Buḍḍha | Buḍḍha | Buḍḍhas ||
Buḍḍhayāna | yānas | other  ||

Buḍḍhist œcumenism


|| Buḍḍhayāna ||
Buḍḍhic | Buḍḍha | Buḍḍhic body  ||

adjective, 'pertaining to the Buḍḍha'

|| Buḍḍhic ||
Buḍḍhism || Buḍḍ- | Buḍḍha | Buḍḍha | Buḍḍhism | Buḍḍhist | Buḍḍhists | philosophies | Truths | Theravāda | Mahāyāna | Vajrayāna | bibliography_of_Buḍḍhism ||

Buḍḍhism, founded by renunciate monks who had renounced all worldly ties, taken a vow of poverty, and become disciples of Śākyamuni-Buḍḍha,
disregards the gods, includes little worship, and is both a philosophy and a psychology and a therapeutic practice, rather than merely a religion.

the language of Buḍḍhism is originally Pāli;
in Tibet, the Pāli texts have been retro-translated into Sanskrit; but much literature and many mantras are in Tibetan.

the essence of Buḍḍism, which Śākyamuni-Buḍḍha taught at Sarnath, soon after his enlightenment at Bodh_Gaya,
is the Four Noble Truths, called in Pāli "ariya_sacca",
of which the fourth is the Eightfold_Middle_Path called in Sanskrit the Arya  Ashtadika Marga.

the three major schools or sects or traditions or yānas of Buḍḍhism are: || Theravāda | Mahāyāna | Vajrayāna ||

|| Buḍḍhism ||
buḍḍhist || buddh- | Buḍḍha | Buḍḍha | Buḍḍhism | Buḍḍhists | philosophies | Theravāda | Mahāyāna | Vajrayāna | Buḍḍist_bibliography ||

adj.: pertaining to Buḍḍhism.
noun: a disciple or practitioner of Buḍḍhism.

the three major Buḍḍhist schools or sects, or traditions of Buḍḍhism, are:
  1. the Theravāda tradition, whose language is Pāli
  2. the Mahāyāna tradition, whose language is Sanskrit
  3. the Vajrayāna tradition, whose languages are Sanskrit and Tibetan
  • major Nikaya schools included the Dharmaguptakas and the Sarvastivadins, both eventually displaced by the Mahāyāna.

Buḍḍhist places include :

|| Buḍḍist(s) ||
Buddhists | boḍhisattva | the Buddha | Buḍḍhism | Buḍḍhist | ḍākiṇīs | Śākyamuni-Buddha | yidam | yidams | yoginīs | yogis ||

Buḍḍhists include:

|| Buḍḍhists ||
Buḍḍhist pilgrimage destinations || Buḍḍhist | destinations_of_pilgrimage | pilgrimage | holy_cities | Places | Seven_Wonders_of_the_Buḍḍhist_World ||

Buḍḍist_pilgrimage_destinations: settlements (cities or towns or villages) which are most significant in the life of Śākyamuni-Buddha:

  1. Lumbinī / Kapilavastu�birthplace of Śākyamuni-Buddha;
  2. Bodh_Gaya�site of the Bodhi_Tree where he is enlightened;
  3. Sarnath�the Deer_Park where he preaches his first sermon, the Discourse on the Four Noble Truths, wherein he declares the Four Noble Truths;
  4. Kuśināgara�where he attains to parinirvāṇa.

|| Buḍḍist_pilgrimage_destinations ||

a spirit who can heal the sick. Aleister Crowley and Allan Bennett invoke him.Martin Booth, A Magick Life, p 104:t

|| Buer ||
Builders of the Adytum (B.O.T.A. or BOTA)

The Latin word Adytum comes from
a Greek word that means 'inner shrine' or 'Sanctum Sanct�rum' or 'Holy of Holies'.

Cf the Pattern on the Trestleboard

The Builders of the Adytum (BOTA) are:
Contact information:


The Bull corresponds to
Sir Edward George Earle Bulwer-Lytton, 1st Baron Lytton, 1803-1873

Sir Edward Bulwer-Lytton is a learn�d English Rosicrucian and author who is
celebrated throughout the world for his novel "The Last Days of Pompeii";
and for being the first to begin a novel with the now (in)famous opener: "It was a dark and stormy night".

  • 1830: publication of his novel "Paul Clifford" which he begins with the now (in)famous opening phrase: "It was a dark and stormy night".

  • 1834: "The Last Days of Pompeii" is published;
    it impresses Madame Blavatsky.
    �available at the Berkeley_Public_Library:Claremont_Branch:Fiction:E

  • 1842: his Rosicrucian novel "Zanoni" is published.

  • 1867: Bulwer-Lytton joins Robert Wentworth Little's English Rosicrucian Society called the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia, which is open to higher-ranking Freemasons only.

  • 1870, 1871, or 1873: Bulwer-Lytton's novel "The power of the coming race" or "Vril" or "Vril: the power of the coming race" introduces the term "Vril" to the anglophonic Occident. The book is a short science-fiction novel whose protagonist visits a subterranean society, the Vril-ya, whose women are larger, smarter and stronger than their men; and spawns a mystical group in Berlin, Germany, which calls itself the "Luminous Lodge", or the "Vril Society".

  • 1873: Louis Jacolliot's book � Les fils de Dieu � ("The Sons of God") introduces the term "Vril" to the francophonic Occident.

shift-click on

|| Edward Bulwer-Lytton | Vril | Vril-ya ||
Bush || Mount | Sinai ||

Moses ascends Mount Sinai, and there hears the voice of God in the burning Bush.

|| bush | Bush ||
Byrne, Rhonda

Rhonda Byrne is author of :

|| Byrne, Rhonda | Rhonda Byrne ||
The Secret

by Rhonda Byrne
subject is said to be : visualization
publ 2006 November Atria Books / Beyond Words Publishing
New York, London, Toronto, Sydney
ISBN-13: 978-1-58270-170-7
ISBN-10:   1-58270-170-9

|| The Secret ||
�ection C

cacod�mon, plural cacod�mones

[Latinized Greek, 'evil d�mon']

in the Eastern Christian Orthodox churches, one's cacod�mon is one's personal misguiding evil d�mon who tempts one to commit evil actions and do evil deeds, and who serves as the counterpart to one's Holy Guardian Angel, who is one's personal guiding Angel or eud�mon.

|| cacod�mon | d�mon | eud�mon ||
Caduceus || caduceus | Column | Djed | Pillar | sushumna | Tree of Life ||

The caduceus is the winged staff of Hermes or Mercury which Occidental medicine uses since the time of Pythagoras to symbolise the Tree of Life which is the human psychic nervous system, which is symbolised by the caduceus of Classical (id est, Gr�co-Roman) mythology.

The following terms are equivalent :
and cf the two nadis which are the two heliacal currents of the Serpent-Fire, symbolised by the two snakes who are called or named the ida and the pingala, and who slither three-and-a-half times around the sushumna;
and cf the following:
|| caduceus | sushumna | kuṇḍalinī | nadis | chakras | Wings ||

cf Eusebius Pamphili, Bishop of C�sarea in Palestine.

|| C�sarea ||
the chakras and the cities of the interior �and cf the eponymous book Cities of the Interior, by Ana�s Nin | caduceus | circle | cities | cycle | mantra(m) | mudra | Ourobor�s | spiral | wheels ||

[English chakra < Sanskrit cakra, 'wheel' whose initial letter "c" represents a palatal occlusive or stop.]

A chakra is all of the following:
The chakras are situated along the sushumna which is the central column of the caduceus of Hermes or Mercury and is parallel to the spinal column which the ancient Egyptians symbolize as the djed-column.

The chakras correspond to the cities of the interior (cf the eponymous book by Ana�s Nin), and are conventionally considered to be seven in number, viz. :

  1. Some occultists have posited the existence of three or more caudal or codal chakras, present in animals who have tails, and as phantom-chakras in humans, which enables humans to downshift and explore the subterranean worlds, which is so dangerous that i advise that one not do it unless one is a drooling idiot.

  2. The first, mūladhara [Sanskrit 'root'], basal, base, or root chakra, where the Fire-Snake named kuṇḍalinī lies coiled below the coccyx or tail-bone, corresponds to the following :

  3. The second chakra, the svaddhisthana or swaddhisthana cakra, or sexual chakra, corresponds to the following :

    • the concerns of second chakra city are pleasure and reproduction, including gustatory delight, sex, and co�tus; and parturition if you're a latinist, and childbirth if you're an anglo-saxonist;
    • the corporeal locus and physiology of second chakra city is the mouth, and the genitals and gonads and other reproductive organs;
    • the deities of second chakra city are Er�s, Isis, L�na, Mars, and Venus;
    • the perspective and psychology of second chakra city is Freudian (that of Sigmund Freud);
    • the Qabbalistic Sephira of second chakra city is the ninth Sephira, Yes�d 'Foundation', which is in the World of Yetzirah, which is the seat of Isis and of L�na, and is inhabited by the animal instincts and corporeal cravings called in Hebrew the nefesh, and is ruled by L�na, the Moon.

  4. The third chakra, the nabhi or manipura cakra, or gut-chakra, corresponds to the following :

    • the concerns of third chakra city are power, dominance, and politics [by popular etymology, 'many blood-sucking parasites', < poly-ticks, < Greek poly 'many' + Anglo-Saxon ticks 'members of the superfamily Ixodoidea'];
    • the corporeal locus and physiology of third chakra city is the gut, or "solar" plexus (really the jovial plexus);
    • the deities of third chakra city are Jupiter and Zeus;
    • the perspective and psychology of third chakra city is Adlerian (that of Alfred Adler), and possibly the enneagrammatic psychology of George Gurdj�eff;
    • the Qabbalistic Path of third chakra city is the Path of Peh, from the Sephira Netzach, 'Victory', to the Sephira H�d, 'Brilliance', which are ruled respectively by Venus and Mercury;

  5. The fourth chakra, the anahata cakra, or heart chakra, corresponds to the following :

  6. The fifth chakra, the vi�uddha or visuddha or vishuddha cakra, or laryngeal chakra, or throat chakra, corresponds to the following :

  7. The sixth chakra, the aj�a cakra, or third_eye chakra, or pineal chakra, corresponds to the following :

  8. The seventh chakra, the sahasrara cakra, or crown chakra, corresponds to the lotus, and to the following :

| chakra, chakras | cities of the interior ||
��kya ; ��kya-Mouni, ��kyamuni || Śākya | Śākyamuni | Śākyamuni-Buddha | other | other ||

the French spelling of Śākya and of Śākyamuni, both of which see.

|| ��kya | ��kya-Mouni | ��kya-Muni | ��kyamouni ||
Calif, Calif.

the abbreviation of "California", and a pun on "Caliph".

| Calif. | Calif | Caliph | California |

the word "California" is abbreviated Calif; see Caliph.

California is :
| California | Calif. | Caliph |

|| Caliph | Calif ||

|| Calls ||
calm || hesychia | Peace | Serenity | Silence | Stillness | Tranquility ||

see hesychia

|| calm ||
Camel || Gimel | Atu II�The High Priestess | Soror Achitha | V.V.V.V.V. ||

Cf the Aramaic Letter Gimel which is that of Atu II�The High Priestess.

the Camel is the High Priestess, on whose back the mystic, by himself, must cross the Desert of Sand which is the Wasteland that spans the Abyss.
�ref Cornelius, In, Two, p 63:b

|| Camel ||
Cameron, Marjorie Elizabeth, 1922�1995 e.v. || Sorores | Hilarion | Belarion | Elrond | Kenneth Anger ||

the Fire-Elemental whom Frater Belarion attracts by his BABALON Working of 1946.01�03.
�read Cornelius, In, One, p 139:tm�m

Marjorie Cameron's magickal names include:


|| Cameron, Marjorie | Marjorie Cameron ||
Joseph Campbell || mythology | religion ||

Joseph John Campbell, 1904�1987

|| Joseph Campbell ||
Camping, Harold Egbert, 1921-07-19�2013-12-15 || televangelists ||

Oakland-based Harold Egbert Camping is a fundamentalist and Apocalypticist televangelist, and
President, Family Stations Inc, Oakland, California, US,
who broadcasts on Family Radio.
telephone 1.800.543.1495
TV-stations: KFTL San Francisco, and others:
  • Family Bible Study
  • Open Forum (OF)

on December 15 of 2013, at age 92, he dies at his home in Alameda, California, after a fall in the previous month.

|| Camping, Harold Egbert | Harold Camping ||
Canaan; Canaanite; Canaanites

Canaanite is the Northwest Semitic language which produces dialects such as:
|| Canaan | Canaanite | Canaanites | Semitic ||
Cancer, the Crab

[in interlingua, Cancro]
June 22 to July 21
adj Cancerian.

Cancer, the Crab, is:
  • the fourth celestial House , or zodiacal, Sign, which is:
  • a cardinal Watery Sign, cold, nocturnal, moist, and feminine;
  • the sole mansion of the Moon.

Cancer corresponds to:
The natives of Cancer, who are called
Cancerians, tend to be:
"A lover he of all mankind; so sensitive, so charming;
a Cancer in this form and time is truly not alarming."
The past Age of Cancer, the Crab, extends from BCE 8800 to 6640.

| Cancer | Crab | zodiacal Signs | Zodiac ||
Candlemas || Feast of Lights | Chanukkah | Imbolc | Feasts | Festivals ||

Christian name of the Feast or Festival of Candles or of Lights.


|| Candlemas ||
candle(s) || ritual_implements ||

candles symbolize the quest for knowledge and truth.

Satanists in caverns burn black candles on Hallowe'en Night.

|| candle | candles ||

cf Candomble, Macumba, Umbanda in Brazil.

ritual cannibalism, including ritual funerary cannibalism, has been practiced widely, especially by the Aztecs.

|| cannibalism | Atu XVThe Devil | ritual ||
Capricornus, Capricorn, the Horned Sea-Goat

[in interlingua, Capricorno, Capricornio?]
December 22 to January 20
adj Capricornian.

The natives of Capricorn are called
Capricornians or Capricorns.

The coming Age of Capricorn, the Horned Sea-Goat, extends from CE 4160ish to 6320ish.

| Capricorn | Horned Sea-Goat | zodiacal Signs | Zodiac ||

Carcosa is the name, invented by Ambrose Bierce,
of a city in his short story "An inhabitant of Carcosa",
which H P Lovecraft uses in the Mythos of Cthulhu.
Cardanus, Hieronymus, 1501-1576

Hieronymus Cardanus, 1501-1576
Caritas || Agap� | bhakti | Charity | love ||

bhakti = Αγα�η (Agap�) = Caritas = Charity; cf love, which can refer to either Eros or Agape or both.

|| Caritas ||

feast of last carnivorous indulgence that occurs in February or March, 40 days before Easter and immediately before Lent; cf the Saturnalia.

|| Carnival | Feasts ||
Carpocratian(s), Harpocratian(s)

Licentious Gnostics who follow Carpocrates or Harpocrates.

|| Carpocratian | Carpocratians | Harpocratian | Harpocratians | Gnostics ||
Carter, Lin

editor of:

|| Carter, Lin | Lin Carter | mythos of Cthulhu ||
Case, Paul Foster, Dr.

Dr. Paul Foster Case, 1884-1954,
founds the Builders of the Adytum (BOTA) in CE 1922;
is author of:
  • The Tarot; a Key to the Wisdom of the Ages

|| Dr. Paul Foster Case, 1884-1954 ||
cast of characters || dramatis person� ||

The cast of characters of the drama is also called in Latin the dramatis person�, which are literally the [tragic and comic] masks of the drama which is enacted on the stage of the theatre, and also on the stage which is the world.
Cf the cast of characters of the Tarot, which comprises exactly three (3) dramatis person�, which see.

Castor is the mortal Twin of the zodiacal Sign Gemini.
castrate, geld, castrated, gelded, castrati, castrating, gelding, castration

ritual castration often accompanies the cult of the dying god. Cf:
|| castrat | eunuch | Cybele | skoptsi ||
cat(s), Cat

cats symbolize women and the Lunar feminine element ; cf dogs.

in Norse mythology, dogs are associated with wind, and cats with storms.

cf :

|| cat | Cat | cats | dogs ||
cataclysm, Cataclysm

Cf the Greek etymon of the word cataclysm; and, regarding the Cataclysm, cf the following:
|| Cataclysm | Apocalypse | cataclysm | Crisis ||

[< Gk] fear of catastrophe; see the book Catastrophobia.

|| catastrophobia ||

Catastrophobia: the truth behind earth changes in the coming Age of Light
by Barbara Hand Clow
published in 2001 by Bear & Company, One Park Street, Rochester, Vermont 05767, USA

|| Catastrophobia | catastrophobia ||
Cathedra; Cathedral

[Greek Cathedra, 'Chair']

  1. < Latin, 'pertaining to the Cathedra'; that is, to the Chair
  2. 'house of the Chair'

cf the Holy See < Latin Sedia 'Seat'
and the phrases: "to speak ex Cathedra" (that is, 'from the Chair') and "The Chair says ..."

the only Seat or Chair that i've heard speak (and that with a voice of thunder) is the
pierc�d seat on the thunder-bowl.

|| Cathedra ||
Catholic [< Greek, 'Universal']


|| Catholic | Ecclesia ||
cauldron(s) || Halloween | Weird Sisters ||

"Boil, boil, toil and trouble.
Fire bake, and cauldron bubble."

"Fillet of a fenny snake
in the cauldron boil and bake..."�Shakespeare, Macbeth, Act II, Scene 2

|| cauldron | cauldrons ||
causality and dependent origination (pratītya-samutpāda) | Emptiness | karma | śrīvatsa | ashtamangala | Buḍḍhism ||

[Sanskrit pratītya-samutpāda, Pāli paticcasamupp�da, 'causal interdependence, mutual interdependence, conditioned genesis, dependent origination, dependent arising, dependent co-arising, interdependent arising, [&c]']

the Buḍḍhist theory_of_causality, and of dependent origination, and of karma, is symbolized by the śrīvatsa or Endless Knot of the Universe in Eternity.

all beings and all phenomena are empty-and-devoid of independent, permanent essence.

cf the writ on causality by the Scottish philosopher David Hume, 1711�1776.

|| causality | dependent origination | pratītya-samutpāda||
causes of anguish || anguish | dolor | dukka | dukkha | pain | sorrow | suffering ||

the causes of anguish are the passions.

|| causes of anguish||
cave(ern)(s), Cave(ern)(s) || god of the Underworld | sannyāsin | Shadow | subterranean | underground | Underworld ||

bats, which are nocturnal, inhabit caverns, deposit "guano" on the floor thereof, and fly abroad on Hallowe'en Night;

subterranean cavern-worlds include:
in the darkness of those grinning caverns of earth's centre, the mad faceless god Nyarlathotep howls blindly to the piping of two amorphous idiot flute-players. �H P Lovecraft, in "The Rats in the Walls"

the jaguar-gods of Mesoamerica, who thirst for human blood,
are associated with caverns and the Underworld.

the cavern symbolizes the womb.

Adamites, also called the Brothers and Sisters of the Free Spirit in Holland and Germany, are medi�val religious nudists who call their temples Paradise, and meet naked in caverns whence they emerge reborn into paradisiac innocence.

|| cave | cavern ||

[Latin, 'Beware']

|| Caveat | Latin |

Roman numeral 'Four hundred & eighteen' [418]

Liber CCCCXVIII is The Vision and the Voice.

|| CCCCXVIII | 418 ||

CCXX is the Roman numeration for '220';

cf Liber CCXX.
CE (era vulgaris)

CE stands for : '(in the) Common (or Current) Era' (as contrasted with BCE).

era vulgaris is Latin for '[in the[ Common Era'

Cf :
|| CE | era vulgaris ||

Cefal� [Italian, < Latin Cephal�dium, < Greek whatName, formerly Telepylus]

Cefal� is:
  • a fishing-town, population 8�10 thousand in e.v. 1920, situated near the center of the northern coast of Sicily, about 40 miles from Palermo;
  • the locus of the Abbey of Thel�ma which Aleister Crowley establishes in 1920.04.01 in the Villa Santa Barbara circa 0.5 mile outside the town.
    Vide Crowley's record of the Cephal�dium Working of 1920.11.

|| Cefal� | Cephal�dium ||
celestial || heavenly | Urania | other ||

['pertaining to the sky']

"celestial" is a fancy Latinate word for what Anglo-Saxon, which is what real folks who are down-to-earth use, calls "heavenly"; but if you want to fart higher than your arse, then you should say "celestial" since the Norman Conquest of England made the use of Anglo-Saxon infra dig among the Norman aristocracy.

|| celestial ||

the Celtic or Keltish branch of the IndoEuropean family of languages > :
  • Gallic [le gaulois en fran�ais]
  • Brythonic [le breton en fran�ais]
  • Goidelic
  • etc...

|| Celtic | Keltish ||

originally, a horse-archer, that is, a mounted archer, represented a human archer's torso growing out of a horse's neck to indicate that these horse-archers rode so well that they were as one with their mounts.

|| Centaur | Sagittarius | Fa�rie ||
Center || axis | Navel | Central Chamber | Central Sun ||

cf Moloch; VITRIOL

|| Center ||
Central Chamber || Center | Eternity | Axis Mundi | Hub | me | Qabbalistic Cross | womb |

Cf Midgard.

at the Center of the Labyrinth, the Central Chamber symbolizes the Sanctum Sanct�rum.

|| Central Chamber ||
Great Central Sun || Brahmān | Center | Central | Divine Love | heart | Sun ||

Divine Love radiates from the heart of the Great Central Sun.

the Central Sun = the One White Star = Sanat Kumara = the Solar Logos

compare the sequence: Avatar of Synthesis > Sirius > Logos > Monad > Soul > nirmāṇakāya > Antahkarana > Moloch.

|| Central Sun | Great Central Sun ||

Cephal�dium [Latin, > Italian Cefal�]

Cefal� is:
  • a fishing-town, population 8�10 thousand in e.v. 1920, situated near the center of the northern coast of Sicily, about 40 miles from Palermo;
  • the locus of the Abbey of Thel�ma which Aleister Crowley establishes in 1920.04.01 in the Villa Santa Barbara circa 0.5 mile outside the town.

Vide Crowley's record of the Cephal�dium Working of e.v. 1920.11.

|| Cephal�dium | Cefal� ||
Cerberus || Hades ||

Cerberus is the Latin form of the Greek name Kerber�s.
Cernenus, Cernunnos || link | other ||

the name, in Keltish, of the Horned Lord. Cf Herne the Hunter of Windsor Forest in the time of Richard II, King of England.

|| Cernenus | Cernunnos | Pan ||

Certitude comes from Knowledge.

one can gain certitude by using:

  • discerning_awareness, which cuts through all doubt
  • truthful_reasoning
  • teacher's instruction

| certain | certainty | certitude

chains are also called attachments;
and the Teachers advise giving them up.

the chains in Atu XV form large removable loops.

"It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere." �Voltaire
Chalcedon || Monophysitism | Christology | Churches ||

in CE 451, Byzantine emperor Marcian convokes the Fourth �cumenical Council, that of Chalcedon, which decrees the dual nature of the Christ : Chalcedonianism posits that the Christ has two natures, one divine and one human ; and this causes the Chalcedonian schism : the Patriarchs of Alexandria, Antioch, and Jerusalem, and many others, refuse to accept this, and schismate, and produce the monophysite Oriental Orthodox churches ; see the Catholic Encyclopedia.

|| Chalcedon ||
Chalice, Cup || Wand(s) | Cup(s) | Sword(s) | Disk(s) ||

the Suit of Cups is the second of the four Suits of the Minor Arcana of the Tarot, namely Wands, Cups, Swords, & Disks; and corresponds to
the Chalice or Cup of Magick which is the second of the four Implements or Tools or Weapons of Magick

The Chalice or Cup of Magick contains the blood or effluvium of the White Eagle, which is white;
and may also contain the blood of the Red Lion, which is red;
the chalice or cup symbolizes the heart, and also the yoni or the kteis, which is the Chalice or Cup of Magick.

|| Implements | Weapons | Rose ||
Chama�l, & cf Chamu�l

the Archangel Chama�l is the Guardian of the  Sephira whichSephira, according to E E Rehmus.

|| Chama�l | Chamu�l ||
Chambers, Robert William Chambers, 1865�1933

North American (US) writer, and contemporary of H P Lovecraft;
cf :
Google :
Robert W Chambers King Yellow Sign

|| Chambers, Robert William | Robert William Chambers ||
change || anitya ||

"right actions are the real agents of change".
Quinn, May (which both Shirley MacLaine and Arden strongly recommend), p 76:t

To change your life, change your thoughts.

see the I Ching /Yi Jing/: the [Chinese Taoist] 'Book of Changes/Transformations'

|| change | changes | time | changeless | eternal | changelessness | eternity | Transformations ||
Chang� (ChaNG� in Manding-Congo)

Yoruban name of the Sun-God who is the Creator-God, and is also Africa's greatest warrior.

|| Chang� ||
Changpa || dharmapālas | other ||

(Tib. who)

which dharmapāla

|| Changpa ||
channel, channelling

To channel is to control and direct the flow of the One Power.
Chanukkah, Hanukkah || Feast of Lights | Candlemas | Imbolc | Feasts | Festivals ||

Chanukkah or Hanukkah is a Jewish Festival of Lights,
celebrated for 8 days in November�Decemberish.


|| Chanukkah | Hanukkah ||
Chaos || Abyss | Tiamat | Leviathan | Behemoth | order | opposites ||

regarding Chaos and the Abyss: cf :

|| Chaos ||

character-sets include:
Charge of the Goddess

in :
"Aradia: the gospel of the witches", by Charles G Leland,
publ C.W. Daniel, London, 1974,
p 6

|| Charge of the Goddess | witches | Aradia ||
charity || Agap� | bhakti | caritas | love ||

bhakti = Αγα�η (Agap�) = Caritas = Charity; cf love, which can refer to either Eros or Agape or both.

|| charity ||
Charles Hoy Fort, 1874-1932 || Fortean | Fortean phenomena ||

Charles Hoy Fort, 1874-1932, researcher, born in New York City, author of the following Fortean books:
  • [1919] The Book of the Damned
  • [1923] New Lands
  • [1931] Lo!
  • [1932] Wild Talents

cf Fortean phenomena, which are are inexplicable (or at least unexplained) phenomena of the sort that attracted the attention of Charles Hoy Fort.

|| Charles Hoy Fort ||
Charon || Cerberus | Ferryman | Hades ||

Charon is Ferryman on the river Styx in Hades.

|| Charon ||
cheiromancy || palmistry | Debbie Moore ||

[< Greek, 'hand']

cheiromancy is divination of character by the study of the hand.

|| cheiromancy ||
Cheitan(s) || Giants | Teitans ||

the Cheitans are Giants of Mesopotamia.

cf the Teitans of Greece.

|| Cheitan | Cheitans ||
Chenrezig || Avalokiteśvara | mantram_of_Chenrezig ||

Tibetan name of Avalokiteśvara, the eleven-headed and thousand-armed boḍhisattva of compassion.

|| Chenrezig ||
Cherry, Joanna

Joanna Cherry, Founder, AMI

author of:
  • Living Mastery: the expression of your divinity
  • Self initiations: a manual for spiritual breakthrough
Cherub, cherub; plural Cherub�m, cherub�m; cherubs || Angels | beasts ||

[Hebrew; cf Greek γρυ�ς (grups, later gryps) 'griffin']

the Cherub�m are an Order of Angels.

the Cherub of Ezekiel 1:10 is a four-faced Beast with the four faces of:
a Lion on the right side, an Ox on the left side, a Human, and an Eagle.
�Ezekiel 1:10

the four Cherub�m of Rev. 4:6�9 are:
the four Cherub�m of Rev. 4:6�9,
and the four faces of the Cherub of Ezekiel 1:10,
correspond to the four fixed Signs of the Zodiac.

cf the Cherub�m in Mesopotamian art.

the Cherub�m are not the castrated cutesy cherubs of modern decadent and sickly sentimental and juiceless European art.

|| Cherub | Cherub�m ||

On the Qabbalistic Tree of Life, Chesed [Hebrew, 'Mercy']
chi | Aki | chi | energy | juice | kuṇḍalinī | libido | od | prana | Vril | other ||

Cf each of the above.

|| chi ||

cf the Three or Seven or Nine :
|| Chief | Chiefs ||
chitipatis | Atu XIII | ghosts | ghouls | other  ||

chitipatis are a pair of grinning human skeletons, one male and one female, called Rulers of the Funeral Ground, who dance on a dead corpse in a boneyard or charnel-ground where sky-burials are performed, and which are often inhabited by ghosts, and by ghouls and other creatures who devour the corpses of the dead, and which are depicted at the bottom of certain Tibetan thangkas.

|| chitipati | chitipatis ||
child, childe, Childe, children || Atu XIXThe Sun | witchwood ||

H�rus, the HermAphroditic Magickal Childe of Isis by Osiris.

Except ye become as little children, ye cannot enter the kingdom of heaven. ~I�

Pombagira protects children.
ch�d || attachment | other ||

[Tibertan, 'cut']

ch�d cuts away one's attachments.

|| ch�d ||
the Seven Chohans�Ascended Masters, Hidden Masters, Secret Masters, Secret Chiefs,
Lords or Regents of the Seven Rays and of the Seven Chakras
| Archangels | dharmapāla | Mahā-Chohan | Master(s) | Sanat_Kumara |

[�Chohan� or �Chokhan� is < Tibetan �cho-kyong�, Wylie transliteration �chos skyong�, in Sanskrit called dharmapāla 'dharma-protector'.]

the Seven Chohans are the Lords or Regents of the Seven Rays, under the Mahā-Chohan:
  1. the Chohan of the red First Ray, that of will and power, is El Morya;
  2. the Chohan of the blue Second Ray, that of love and wisdom, is Lord Lanto;
  3. the Chohan of the yellow Third Ray, that of intelligence, is Paul the Venetian;
  4. the Chohan of the green Fourth Ray, that of art, harmony, and beauty, is Serapis Bey;
  5. the Chohan of the orange Fifth Ray, that of scientific understanding and Truth, is Hilarion Smerdis;
  6. the Chohan of the rose or indigo Sixth Ray, that of devotion, is Lady Nada;
  7. the Chohan of the purple Seventh Ray, that of ceremonial order, is the Count of Saint-Germain.

Regarding the Chohans,
cf the Three or Seven or Nine:
regarding the Dhyan Chohans or Dhyani-Chohans
"we can refer to Dhyani-Chohans as Archangels when speaking in Christian terms"
HPB, in "Transactions of the Blavatsky Lodge", p. 76

|| Chohan | Chohans | Seven | Chakras | Rays ||
choice, decision(s) || decision | decisions | heresy | Hub ||

when the knights in the Grail-Quest come to a forest, they would have considered it shameful to enter the forest as a group, so each enters the forest at a place of his own choosing [haeresy] where there is no Path.

"When you come to a fork in the road, take it."Yogi Berra, in The Yogi book, pp 48:t, 122:b

|| choice | confidence | decision(s) | fear | Yogi�sms ||
Ch�kmah || two | Asar | Sephira | Wisdom ||

[Hebrew, 'Wisdom']

On the Qabbalistic Tree of Life, Ch�kmah ['Wisdom'] is : and corresponds to Uranus.

|| Ch�kmah ||

Choronzon is the Enochian name, whose number is 333, of the Dweller in the Abyss whom Frater Perdurabo contacted at Bou Sa�da in Algeria in 1909-12-06 e.v.

re Choronzon, seeCornelius, In, One, p 123; & cf Chorazin, Greek Korazin, Latin Chorozain, pp 122�123.

|| Choronzon | Abyss ||
ch�rten, dāgoba, pagoda, reliquary, stūpa [Sanskrit] || circumambulation | kora | māṇḍala | mound | tomb ||

an originally hemispheric or dome-shaped heap-or-mound, used as a commemorative-or-memorial shrine or reliquary, and/or as a place for meditation, and/or as a tomb; cf:

  • reliquary [adjective or noun]: a receptacle-or-recipient for, or container of, relics, typically of a saint or of the Buddha or of Jesus.
  • stūpastūpa [Sanskrit, m., 'heap, reliquary' ; Pāli thūpa
  • ch�rten�a ch�rten [Tibetan ch�rten, 'seat-of-faith'] or stūpa [Sanskrit stūpa: 'reliquary'] is a Buḍḍhist reliquary heap-or-mound, alleged to contain relics of the Buddha or of a Buddhist saint, or a tomb, at the center of a large circular burial ground [cf the māṇḍala]; and Buḍḍhists often call such monuments '[the] Mind-of-Buḍḍha'.
  • dāgoba [< Sinhalese dāgoba, < Sanskrit dhātu-garbha 'containing relics']; originally < Sinhalese dāgaba < Pāli dhātu-gabbha 'receptacle for relics'; first use: CE 1800�1810; dāgoba definition : a dome-shaped memorial or shrine for sacred relics in the Far East, alleged to contain relics of the Buddha or of a Buddhist saint; cf stūpa; chaitya; Pāli thūpa.
  • pagoda: pagoda definition�/pa�go�da/ | noun: pagoda; plural noun: pagodas | a Hindu or Buddhist temple or sacred building, typically a many-tiered tower, in India and East Asia. | an ornamental imitation of this.

|| ch�rten | dāgoba | pagoda | reliquary | stūpa ||
Christ || Antichrist | Christed | Christian | dyingāgod | Jesus | Soter | Christology | Adam | John the Baptist | Sananda ||

The word Christ comes from a Greek word that means
inunct or annointed ['oiled'] with chrism [Greek, 'oil'].

  1. the Christ Crucified is Osiris in Ch�kmah
  2. the Christ Risen is H�rus in Tiph�ret

in the New Testament, the Lamb symbolizes the Christ who is the Soter.

See Sananda.

|| Christ ||

[< Greek Christ, 'oiled'; & cf Anointed < Latin, 'oiled']

cf the Pentecostal tradition in the USA.

|| Christed | Christ | Anointed ||
Christian, Christianity, Christians

Christians are first so called in Luke-Acts.

Christianity, which is an Abrahamic religion, is, unlike the others, the worship of Isa/Jesu/Jesus/Yeheshua the Nazarene as a god.

The difference between a Jew, a Pagan, and a Christian, is that:
  • a Jew washes his hands after he has sex;
  • a Pagan washes his before;
  • when a Christian thinks of having sex, he goes and washes his hands instead.

"The Christian Church is a sexual-suppression society."
Alan Wilson Watts (who, being a Christian priest, should know), orally

The early Christian Church is infested with eunuchs of the cult of castration to such an extent that the early Christian fathers feel temselves compelled to issue an edict prohibitng Christians from castrating themselves; yet Christianity at its core is still anti-life, anti-sex, anti-female, and anti-Nature;
and, unlike the other Abrahamic religions, and in spite of the denials of hypocritic Christians, non-Unitarian Christianity is really Trinitarian, not monotheistic;

Cf some of the more atrocious events in European Christian ecclesiastic history:
  • the prohibition of marriage for the Roman Catholic priests, still in effect,
    which attracts child-molesters and other perverts to the clergy.
  • the former tortures and "autos-da-f�" of the Inquisition, especially in Spain;
  • the former castration of boys for the choir in Italy;

Latin Christianity is a religion of:
  • adversity
  • failure
  • humiliation
  • persecution
  • suffering
  • crucifixion
  • death (Osiris, Hadit)

Cf Christology and the Churches, and also :
Nevertheless, where all the pre-Christian religions, being elitist, teach that salvation from damnation, and everlasting life through many incarnations, are reserved to royal initiates exclusively, as Robert Graves points out in The White Goddess, Christianity triumps over them by teaching that all humans, being children of God, can, by following the teachings of Jesus, be saved from damnation and be granted life everlasting in Heaven; and this revolutionary teaching makes Christianity strong enough to conquer first Armenia, then the Roman Empire, and finally all of Europe.

Later, Christian Europe produces the Enlightenment with its belief that all humans have rights, and with its resultant political freedom that so many abuse.

the Church inspires compassion and generosity, has abolished religious ritual literal physical blood-sacrifice in the usual sense of the term, and constitutes the spiritual center of traditional communities; so it is unwise to try to deprive these folk of their faith.

|| Christian | Christianity | Christians | Esoteric Christianity | Religion ||

Christmas, which is the Feast of Santa Claus, who is Saint Nicholas, is celebrated on December 25, three or four days after Yule, because December 25 is the natal day, or birth-day, of Mithras, who is the Sol Invictus whom the Roman Christian syncresis assimilates to Jesus Christ, who is, historically, probably born in the springtime. See French No�l; and see also Feasts.
Christmas tree || fir | tree ||

legend has it that the Christian saint Boniface replaced the Irminsul, which, being an oak, is seasonal, with a fir, which, being evergreen, symbolizes the Christ, and so the fir became the Christmas_tree.

|| Christmas_tree ||
Christology; christologic, christological

Christology is the squabbline of the proponents of the various physisms, viz. :

|| Christology | physis | Churches | Christ ||

by C.S. Lewis

a series of seven books for children, titled:

  1. The Magician's Nephew
  2. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
  3. The Horse and his Boy
  4. Prince Caspian
  5. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
  6. The Silver Chair
  7. The Last Battle

|| Chronicles_of_Narnia | C.S. Lewis ||

regarding chronology, see cycle of time.
chron�s, Chron�s

chron�s is "ordinary, wrist-watch, alarm-clock time." �L'Engle, Swiftly
& cf kair�s.

|| chron�s | Chron�s ||
Church [< Greek Kyriakon 'House of the Lord']

regarding the Seven Churches of Revelation 2:1�3:14�see the Magickal Link, e.v. 1982 June

the number of early Christian Churches is myriad:

the number of Protestant churches is infinite...

�and there exist also non-Christian Churches :

|| Church | Churches | Ecclesia | Ecclesi� | Christology ||

[Greek, 'subterranean, underground']

|| chthonic | subterranean | underground ||
Chymical Wedding of Christian Rose-Cross

Anno 1459
| Chymical Wedding
| Chymische Hochzeit Christiani Rosencreutz Ao 1459
| Rose-Cross | Rosy Cross ||
Chymische Hochzeit Christiani Rosencreutz Ao 1459

Cf: Anno 1459
| Chymical Wedding
| Chymische Hochzeit
| Rosencreutz ||

[Latin, 'bound']

|| Cincti | Holy Books ||
cinematographers || link | other ||

|| cinematographers ||
Cipher Manuscripts || Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn | other | other ||


|| Cipher Manuscripts ||
Circle, circle || Atu_X | circles | circle | cycle | infinity | Ourobor�s | Rim | Wheel of Time ||

The circle has 360 degrees which is the approximate number of days per year ;
it symbolizes, inter alia, the following:
the Circle is between the worlds, where the pairs of opposites meet as one, beyond the bounds of time and space; and what occurs within the Circle, does not concern the worlds.

|| circle | Circle ||

spirals and concentric circles symbolize a vortex or tunnel [or wormhole?] between the worlds.

See circle;
and cf Outside the Circles of Time, by Frater_Aossic / Kenneth_Grant.
circumambulation [< Latin, 'walking around'], kora [Tibetan] | deosil | mountain | hill | ch�rten | dāgoba | pagoda | stūpa  ||

walking [clockwise or deosil] around a holy mountain, or around a symbol of the Holy Mountain, such as a hill, a ch�rten, a dāgoba, a pagoda, or a stūpa.

|| circumambulation | kora ||

cit: [Sanskrit, 'truth?'].
cities || cities of the interior | holy cities | Holy_City ||

holy, magical, and mythic cities include:
refer to Invisible_Cities by Italo_Calvino;

visit invisible_cities by Troy W. Pierce <>

|| cities ||
citta || bodhhicitta | mind | Buḍḍhism ||

[Sanskrit, Pāli, 'mind; core of the personality']

|| citta ||
the fabulous Hidden City of Pillars named Irem or Petra, in Arabia Deserta

exoterically, the poets refer to the Hidden City of Pillars as
Petra [< Greek Πετρα, 'rock'] (cf its Treasury), which is situated in Arabia Deserta which is later re-named Transjordania, and still later re-named Jordan.
Match me such marvel save in Eastern clime,
A rose-red city�half as old as time!
�John William Burgon [English Biblical scholar, fl 1845]
esoterically, in the Lovecraftian mythos of Cthulhu,
the fabulous Hidden City of Pillars in Arabia Deserta is called Irem.

cf the Hidden Masters. || City of Pillars | Hidden City | Hidden City of Pillars |
Irem | H P Lovecraft | Petra | cities ||
City of Pyramids || Binah | Night of Pan | pyramid ||

the City of Pyramids is in Binah;

is it Donald_Wandrei who mentions "the black City of Pyramids under the hideous Night of Pan"?

|| City of Pyramids ||

a Clamper is a member of E Clampus Vitus.
clarity of mind || diamond | vidyā | rigpa ||

Sanskrit vidyā, Tibetan rigpa: cf the diamond.

|| clarity ||
Clavicula Salomonis or Key of Solomon || grimoria | other ||

a grimorium; the Clavicula_Salomonis is the Key_of_Solomon.

|| Clavicula_Salomonis | Greater_Key_of_Solomon | Key_of_Solomon ||
clinging || Four_Noble_Truths | other ||


|| clinging ||

According to Hesiod, Clotho is the first of the Three Fat�, who spins the material of life into thread and holds it on a distaff.
The Cloud upon the Sanctuary, by Karl von Eckartshausen

an announcement to "those capable of light" that there is still a "Community of Light", or a wisdom school, where the sacred mysteries are kept.

regarding the opening of the internal spiritual sensorium in three stages, viz.:
inspiration; illumination; and regeneration, which transforms the external sensorium;
Eckartshausen describes an 'Interior Church' of initiates, and a 'Community of the Elect'
Vide Booth in Magick, p 59:m

CE 1802: the first German edition appears;

CE 18nn: a French translation appears;

CE 1896: an English translation, titled The Cloud upon the Sanctuary, by Madame Isabelle de Steiger, appears;

CE 1991: ISBN 1558181431 - Sure Fire Press, 1991
$13.95 @
$12.95 @
$ 9.00 @

CE 2003: ISBN: 0-89254-084-2 - publ'd Ibis Press,
Berwick, ME 03901-1126 US;
distribut'd by Samuel Weiser or Red Wheel / Weiser
price $16.95 @ or
price $14.95 at

|| The Cloud upon the Sanctuary | Eckartshausen ||
cock (rooster) || Animals ||

the cock or cockerel or rooster corresponds to pride in the Orient.

|| cock | rooster ||

(< Greek kokut�s, "lamentation, wailing"), River of Lamentation / Wailing

|| Cocytus | Rivers of the Underworld | Hades ||
code | idiom | language | Senzar | speech | symbology |

cf the Alchemists' code.

| code |
coil, coiled, coiling, coils || kuṇḍalinī | other ||

[in Sanskrit, 'kuṇḍalinī']

|| coil ||
co�ncidentia opposit�rum || co�ncidence ||

[Latin, 'co�ncidence of opposites']

|| co�ncidentia opposit�rum ||
College of Thelema

regarding the College of Thelema, see Thel�ma (Θελημα); then visit the site of Soror Meral's College of Thelema�shift-click on

|| Θελημα (Th�l�ma) ||
color(s), Color(s)

color(s) include:

  1. (none): the En_Sof_Or is colorless.
  2. (clear): the color of Sananda, and of Sephira 1 K�ther 'Crown'
  3. white: the color of Sananda, and of Sephira 2 Chokmah 'Wisdom'
  4. indigo: a hue and color of Saturn; and black is the color of Sephira 3 Bin�h 'Understanding'
  5. blue is the hue and color of Luna, and of Sephira 4 Ch�sed 'Mercy'
  6. red: the hue and color of Mars, and of Sephira 5 Gebur�h 'Severity'
  7. yellow is the hue and color of S�l, and of Sephira 6 Tiph�reth 'Beauty'
  8. green: the hue and color of Venus, and of Sephira 7 Netzach 'Victory'
  9. orange: the hue and color of Mercury, and of Sephira 8 H�d 'Brilliance'
  10. purple, violet: the hue and color of Jupiter, and of Sephira 9 Yes�d 'Foundation'
  11. black is the color of Saturn in the lowest quarter of Sephira 10 Malkuth 'Kingdom'.

The four color-scales, which correspond to the four qabbalistic Worlds, are, in order of decay:

  1. King Scale
  2. Queen Scale
  3. Emperor Scale
  4. Empress Scale

See the Magickal Link, e.v. 1984 December; and 777, columns XV-XVIII, pp. 67-78.

|| color(s) | hue(s) | Worlds
Column || caduceus | Column | Djed | Pillar | sushumna ||

Column | The_corpus_of_this_entry_is_to_be_completed_as_soon_as_possible.

|| Column ||
comedy; comic | actor(s) | comedy | drama | mask(s) | stage | theatre | tragedy | world ||

the antonym is tragedy.

|| comedy | comic ||
commentary, Commentary, Comment


|| Commentary | commentary ||
Commoriom || Hyperborea | Hyperborean_Cycle | Uzuldaroum ||

Commoriom is the earlier capital of primal Hyperborea, according to the Hyperborean_Cycle.

the Commoriom myth-cycle has been preserved by the Atlantean high priest Klarkash-Ton.
Lin Carter, The Spawn of Cthulhu, p 69:t

|| Commoriom ||
Communion of Saints

the Communion of Saints is the Great White Brotherhood, says Leadbeater in Masters.

|| Great White Brotherhood
community | convent | gompa | monastery | nunnery | congregation | umma | sangha | synagogue ||

cf the following<:

|| rubric ||

to compare oneself with others is to suffer, since all are unique and therefore incomparable.

|| comparison | other ||
compassion || anguish | baraka | blessing | Chesed | compassion | darshan | forgiveness | gr�ce | gratias | kāruṇa | Mercy | sohbat | transfer of Hanbledzoin ||

compassion is recognizing, and acting to alleviate, the suffering of sentient beings.

compassion causes/generates/produces forgiveness, which see.


|| compassion | Compassion ||
completion || Ouroboros | other ||

Ourobor�ssymbolizescompletion, inter_alia.

|| completion ||

The will of the Superman is concentrated.

spirals and concentric circles symbolize a vortex or tunnel between the worlds.

|| concentric | Concentration ||
concept || saṃskāra | skandhas ||

[in Sanskrit, saṃskāra 'concept' with emotional activity, says Trungpa, Tibetan_Book_of_the_Dead, xvii�one of the five skandhas.]

|| concept ||

For the Concordance to The Book of the Law:

  • refer to:
    The Complete concordance to Aleister Crowley's The Book of the Law (Liber AL vel Legis)
    by Wolfgang Gregory Zeuner
    ISBN 1890109505
    publ 2001 Crossquarter Breeze
  • shift-click on
condition, human

the human condition is that it is given:
  • to all of us, to suffer;
  • to most of us, to enjoy;
  • to some of us, to create.

|| condition, human | human condition ||

when one has cast out fear, one is left with confidence.

|| confidence | fear ||

Cf: | Conflagration | Ekpyrosis | Pachakuti ||
confuse; confused; confusing; confusion

One must not confuse the Planes.

|| confuse | confusion ||
conjunction oppositorum, 'conjunction of opposites' || Abrasax | Adibuddha | opposites | polarities ||

[Latin, 'conjunction of opposites']

in the conjunction oppositorum, the opposites are, paradoxically, not perceived as contradictory.

|| conjuncti� oppositorum ||
Conquer; Conquering; Conqueror; Conquest

Cf the Sephira Netzach [Hebrew, 'Victory']

|| Conquer | Conquest | Netzach | Victory | V.V.V.V.V. ||
Consciousness || discernment | jagrat | swapna | sushupti | vij�āna | skandhas ||

cf vij�āna [Sanskrit, 'consciousness']�one of the five skandhas.

states of consciousness �per Grant, Aleister, pp 84:b�85:t :
On the Awakening of Consciousness and the spontaneous rise of kuṇḍalinī, see Shared Transformations.

|| consciousness ||

A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds. �see the essay "Self-Reliance" by Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1803-1882 �John Bartlett, comp. 1919

when consistency is inflexibility, it kills the one who is thus foolishly consistent.

|| consistency ||

the deities do not marry, they consort;

deities and their consorts include:

|| consort | Yab-Yum ||

[< Latin, 'breathing together'�which is a crime]

|| conspiracy | HyperLinkLabel | other ||
Constant, Alphonse Louis, 1810-1875

The French occultist and Qabbalist Alphonse Louis Constant, 1810-1875 wrote under the pen-name �liphas L�vi Zahed.

|| Alphonse Louis Constant ||
contemporaries of Abramelin || occultists | other ||

the contemporaries of Abramelin include:

  • Nicholas Flamel, 1330�1418, & his wife Pernelle
  • the Jew_Abraham_of_W�rzburg, CE 1362�1458?, son of Simon, and author of the Book of the Sacred Magic of Abra-Melin the Mage, tr Mathers
  • Christian_Rosenkreutz, 1378�1484
  • Faust, 1480?�1540
  • Heinrich_Cornelius_Agrippa, 1486�1535

|| contemporaries of Abramelin ||
contingency, contingent | causality | Endless Knot | śrīvatsa  ||

dependent on some other occurrence(s); fortuitous, unpredictable.

cf the Endless Knot or śrīvatsa

contingency | contingent ||
contraception | link | other  ||

contraception is the sin of Onan whose sacred duty is to fertilize his brother's widow.

|| contraception ||

Gr�co-Egyptian; Egyptian Greek.

|| Coptic | Egyptian | Greek ||
Coral Castle�shift-click on

the megalithic structure, built :
  • mostly of coral,
  • north of Homestead, Florida, USA, at the intersection of U.S. Route 1 (South Dixie Highway) and Southwest 288th Street (Biscayne Drive),
  • by Edward Leedskalnin, Riga, Latvia, 1887/08/10�1951/12, Miami, Florida

snail :
Coral Castle
28655 South Dixie Highway
Homestead, FL 33033 USA
(305) 248-6345

bibliography :
|| Coral Castle | architecture | Sacsayhuam�n ||

[Latin, 'of the Heart']

|| Cordis | Holy Books ||
Corelli, Marie, 1864-1924

Marie Corelli, 1864-1924, is an English novelist of Scottish-Italian extraction, and author of:
  • 1888? A Romance of two worlds
Cornelius, J. Edward <> || Aleister Crowley and the Ouija board | In the Name of the Beast | Red Flame | authors ||

J. Edward Cornelius is:


Gerald Edward Cornelius
P.O.Box 40366
Berkeley, CA 94704-4366

|| Cornelius, J. Edward ||
In the Name of the Beast: || J Edward Cornelius | Aleister Crowley | Grady Louis McMurtry | Red Flame ||
In the Name of the Beast
a biography of Grady Louis McMurtry,
disciple of Aleister Edward Crowley
by J Edward Cornelius
Copyright � 2005 e.v. J. Edward Cornelius
Volume One � 1918�1962
ISBN 0-9712376-4-6
publication: Red Flame, Issue #12
In the Name of the Beast
a biography of Grady Louis McMurtry,
disciple of Aleister Edward Crowley
by J Edward Cornelius
Copyright � 2005 e.v. J. Edward Cornelius

Volume Two � 1962�1985
ISBN 0-9712376-5-4
publication: Red Flame, Issue #13
|| In the Name of the Beast ||
cornucopia || horn | other ||

[Latin, 'horn of plenty']

|| cornucopia ||


|| corpse | corpses ||
Corpus Hermeticum

The Corpus Hermeticum is the corpus of text, which
ascribed its authorship to Hermes Trismegist�s, and which
Marsilio Ficino translated from the Greek into Latin at the request of Cosimo de'Medici,
thus giving rise to the Hermetic tradition of the Renaissance.
(correct,) right, sammā, samyag || Arya_Ashtadika_Marga | Holy /_Noble_Eightfold_Middle_Path ||

in the list of the steps of the Ashtadika Marga which is the Holy / Noble Eightfold Middle Path,
Pāli "sammā" and Sanskrit samyag or samyak or samya�c are :

  • rightly translated "right" in the contemporary Anglo-Saxon of populists, and in Globish ;
  • incorrectly translated "correct" in the usually pretentious and often deceptive latinate style of Anglo-American social climbers who want to fart higher than their arse.

|| correct | right | sammā | samyag ||
correspondence(s), occult and magickal

A magickal or occult correspondence is a conflation of incommensurables, not of identities.

cf table(s) of (occult and magickalcorrespondences; and see also: symbolism.

Re cosmology, see cycle of time
coulda, shoulda, woulda || energy | time | waste ||

the use of the words "coulda, shoulda, woulda" wastes time and energy.

|| coulda | shoulda | woulda ||
Council Oak Books

publications include:
telephones: 1.800.247.8850 or 1.918-743.BOOK
Fax: 918.743.4288

Council Oak Books
2105 E 15th Street, Suite B
Tulsa, OK
74104 USA
|| Council Oak Books ||
couple(s) || 2 (two) | Ch�kmah | couple | double | dual | duet | duple | dyad | pair | second | twin | two ||

regarding couples,  cf:

|| couple(s) | Couple(s) ||

courage is always either suspect or a consequence of something else.Lusseyran, And there was Light, p 297:b

|| courage | Courage ||
covetousness || sin ||

covetousness originates in fear which results from ignorance;
covetousness is symbolised in the Occident by a wolf; see greed.

the Crab corresponds to the zodiacal Sign Cancer.
craving || Four Noble Truths | Buḍḍhism ||

[drishta, cognate with English thirst; lobha; rāga; tanha]

craving is excessive desire,
which, being excessive, causes needless, unnecessary suffering,
which can be terminated by the cessation of craving.

craving and snobbery�"It was, in a new form,
the old, old trouble that eats the heart out of every civilization :
snobbery, the desire for possessions, creditable appendages ;
and it is to escape this rather than the lusts of the flesh that saints retreat into the Himalayas."
�Forster, A Passage to India�ISBN 0-15-671142-7, p. 241:b

|| craving | drishta | lobha | rāga | Taṇhā ||

Shirley MacLaine says that "life itself is an illusion or dream that deeply affects us because of its lessons... [Actors] in the movie business create illusions for other people to believe in as real, while [they] are doing the same thing with [themselves] in [their] own lives. In other words, we [are] each responsible for creating everything that happens to us. Therefore, we [are] empowered to uncreate as well, if we so desire." �Shirley MacLaine, My lucky stars, p. 302:t

|| creation | Creation-myth | responsibility | dream | illusion | life ||

creation-myths (myths of Creation) include the:
sources include:
  • creation myths, top 10:

|| creation-myths | creation | myth | myths ||

in �gypt and in West Africa, the Creator-God and the Sun-God are identical;
it is said that, in West Africa, Obatal� merged with Olorun to become Ra in �gypt.

|| Creator-God | gods ||
Credo, credo

[Latin Credo 'i believe']: a statement of belief.
Cf the statement or Credo of the Christian Saint Augustine of Hippo:
Credo quia absurdum est.
[Latin, 'I believe because it's absurd.']
& cf belief.

creole is a bastard language, typically with the vocabulary of one parent, and the grammar and syntax of the other, that develops when two linguistic communities come into prologed contact with each other. An example of a creole is English, which see.

|| creole | English | language ||
critical mass

When the number of enlightened and telepathic people in a population achieves critical mass, then, and only then, can improvements occur.

|| critical mass | other ||

cf the crocodile-god.

|| crocodile | Sebek | Sobek ||

the crocodile-god of �gypt is Sebek or Sobek, who lurks in Amenti and devours the soul of any recently deceased one whose heart is heavier than the Feather that the goddess Maat puts into the other pan of the Balance.

|| crocodile-god | crocodile | Crocodile | god | Sebek | Sobek ||
Crone || Ages of the Goddess | Baba Yag� | Evil Stepmother | Hekate ||

the three ages of the Goddess are:
  1. the Maiden
  2. the Mother
  3. the Crone, who is also the Evil Stepmother, and also Baba Yag� and Hekate.

|| Crone ||

the Cross or Rood symbolises the Wand of Magick, and also a bird in flight.

|| Cross | Rose | Qabbalistic Cross ||
Cross of Saint Peter || cross | inverted | peter | Satanic ||

the Satanic Cross of Saint Peter is the cross, upside-down (inverted) from the Christian perspective, and right-side-up from the Pagan perspective, whereon is crucified, upside-down, Saint ('Holy') Peter, who is the holy peter, the hooded and holy ineffable flower [�LCCS I:1].

|| Cross-of-Saint-Peter | Cross of Saint Peter ||
Cross-Quarter Days || Quarter Days | Feasts | cross | other ||

when the Sun arrives at the midpoint (15�) of a Fixed Sign of the Zodiac,
the Cross-Quarter Days are celebrated by the following Solar Feasts:

cf the Quarter Days.

|| Cross-Quarter Days ||
Crossing of the Abyss || Abyss | cross | other | other ||

the Desert of Sand is the Wasteland that spans the Abyss which the mystic, having attained to the Grade of Adeptus Exemptus 7� = 4, and having sworn the Oath of the Abyss, must, by himself, cross on the back of the Camel to attain to the Grade of Magister Templi ['Master of the Temple'] 8� = 3, else remain mad and possibly commit suicide.Cornelius, In, Two, p 63:b

cf the Harrowing of Hell

|| Crossing of the Abyss ||
crossroads || fork | Hekate | road ||

crossroads, like forks in the road, are places of decision; and, when feminine, are ruled by Hekate; feminine crossroads are the meeting and crossing of three roads; masculine, of four.

|| crossroads ||
Crotona || Pythagoras | other ||

city of Magna Gr�cia, medi�val Cortona, now Crotone, situated on the Mediterranean seacoast of Calabria at the ball of the foot of Italy, where Pythagoras settles in BCE 530-ish.

|| Crotona ||
Crow(s) | Birds | Crowley | Death | Ravens | other ||

since ravens and crows are omnivorous scavengers who often eat carrion, including the corpses of dead humans, they are often thought to be omens of death;

see Raven.

|| crow | Crow ||
crowd || Yogi�sms ||

"Don't always follow the crowd, because nobody goes there anymore. It's too crowded."�Yogi Berra, TYb 123

|| crowd ||

Crowleyanity is Aleister Crowley's name of the religion of young fools who worship Crowley.
Crown || K�ther ||

The seventh chakra, the sahasrara cakra, or crown chakra, corresponds to the crown, and to the first Sephira, K�ther, 'Crown'.

|| Crown ||
Cthulhu Mythos || Mythos | Cthulhu ||

the Mythos of Cthulhu.

branches include the :

|| Cthulhu_Mythos ||
Cube of Space

Regarding the vertical axis of the Cube of Space, note that the following terms are equivalent :
See Paul Foster Case, The Tarot (Macoy or BOTA), Key 4: The Emperor (Heh), p 68

|| Cube of Space | Space | Yggdrasil ||

a hidden place; cf cryptic 'hidden'

cf crypt-, Krypton, Kryptos, hidden, occult, 'hidden'.

|| Crypt | crypts ||
Cthulhu || H P Lovecraft ||

Cthulhu is priest of the Great Old Ones, who come from the stars [cf the Nefilim].
H P Lovecraft, in "The Call of Cthulhu"

Cthulhu is one of the Great Old Ones, and one of the Dreaming Gods;

in the Cyclopean city of R'lyeh, now sunken beneath the Pacific Ocean at South 47�9', West 126�43',
there dead Cthulhu lies dreaming.
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nahl fhtagen.
In his house at R'lyeh dead Cthulhu waits dreaming.
H P Lovecraft, in "The Call of Cthulhu"
The mythos of Cthulhu, created by H P Lovecraft, and augmented and continued by many others,
consists of the set of short stories, novels, and poems, not necessarily otherwise inter-related,
that employ the names, many of them Lovecraftian, that pertain to the Mythos of Cthulhu,
including the names that follow:
refer to
|| Cthulhu ||
Cult, cult, Cults, cults || cultus | religion(s) | sect(s) ||

  • Marxism-Leninism
  • Zionism�cult or religion?
  • Heinrich_Himmler's Schutzstaffel (SS)
  • the Church_of_Scientology of L_Ron_Hubbard
  • the Process_Church_of_the_Final_Judgement in California in the 1960s
  • the Charles_Manson_family in California in 1969
  • the Symbionese_Liberation_Army (SLA) in San_Francisco in the 1970s
  • Sun_Myung_Moon's Unification_Church
  • Osho's Rajneeshees in the 1980s or 1990s?
  • murder-cults, such as:
    • thuggee in India
    • the medi�val Assassins of Hassan-i-Sabah in what is now Afghanistan
    • the Process_Church_of_the_Final_Judgement in San_Francisco in the 1960s
    • the Charles_Manson_family in California in 1969
    • the Symbionese_Liberation_Army (SLA) in San_Francisco in the 1970s
    • Jim_Jones' People's_Temple, 1955�1978/11/18, founded in Indiana in 1955 by James_Warren_Jones, 1931-1978/11/18, moves to California, terminates in Jonestown, Guyana in 1978/11/18 after Temple members kill US_Congressman Leo_J_Ryan and three others, and wound Jackie_Speier and others, at nearby Port_Kaituma airstrip.
    • al-Qaeda in Afghanistan
  • castrating cults, such as Heaven's Gate
  • suicide-cults, such as:
    • the Branch_Davidian of David_Koresh in Waco, Texas, US
    • the Raelian Order_of_the_Solar_Temple
    • Heaven's Gate
  • Cultes des Goules
  • the Cult of the Yellow Sign

|| Cult, cult, Cults, cults
Cultes des Goules || cults ||

H P Lovecraft, in "The Shadow Out of Time", mentions the book
Cultes des Goules by the Comte d'Erlette.

|| Cultes des Goules | Books | Titles ||
Cultus || cult || | Mythos ||


|| Cultus ||
Current(s), current(s)

The two heliacal currents of the Serpent-Fire that spiral around the sushumna of the caduceus of the Tree of Life are called in Sanskrit as follows:
The 93 Current and the 93/696 Current are the Thelemite Currents.

Phrygian goddess who consorts with the dying god Attis, whose priests castrate themselves, and whose cult, after having absorbed the cult of Cthulhu according to Lovecraft, is absorbed into Christianity.

& cf: Catullus; Phrygian eunuch priests.

|| Cybele | eunuchs ||
Cycle(s), cycle(s), cyclic, cyclicality

Confer: | Atu_X | Atu_XXI | circle | cycle | cycles of time | infinity | māṇḍala | Ourobor�s | recur, recurrence | repetition | return | ring | saṃsāra | temporal cycles | Wheel
cycles of time

cf cycle.

For the cycles of time, cf: || �on | Age | Aionos | Grand Cycle | Great Year | chronology | cosmology | cycles | equinoctial precessional cycle | Hindu temporal cycles | the Mayan cycles of time | Ourobor�s | periods of time | temporal cycles | time | Wheel | Wheel of Time | Yin-Yang ||

Cyclops is one-eyed like the phall�s.

The Eye of Cyclops is the frontal eye or median eye or Third Eye,
which atrophies to form the pineal gland,
which corresponds to the sixth or Aj�a chakra.

|| Cyclops | one-eyed | Eye | frontal eye | Third Eye ||

Soror Cypris = Ninette Fraux Shumway, "Shummie" or "Shummy", ?�? e.v.

|| Cypris | Sorores ||
�ection D

Da'ath, Gnosis, Knowledge || 11 | Adibuddha | Fool | Awake | Enlightenment | Gnostic | Gnosticism | Gnostics | Hellmouth | nirvāṇa | Os Abysmi | Pluto | secrecy | Sephira 11 | Sleep | Source | Uranus | vidyā | Waking ||

"Knowledge is power." �Francis Bacon, Religious Meditation, 1597

Hebrew Da'ath, and Greek Gnosis, both refer to Knowledge in the Biblical sense, which is Gnosis or Knowledge by direct experience,
as for example carnal Knowledge, as when Adam went in unto his wife and knew her [carnally], and she conceived, and bare a son.];
thus, Da'ath is the Sephira of the Adibuddha, who who is the yab-yum [Tibetan, 'Father-Mother']  deity whose name in Sanskrit is Samantha-bhadra (or Samantha-bhadra) and Samantha-bhadri; and in Tibetan, Kuntuzangmo.

On the Etz Chayy�m, which is the Qabbalistic Tree of Life:

Da'ath, which is the very deepest Knowledge, corresponds astrologically to Pluto which rules secrecy;
Those who Know don't talk.
Those who talk don't Know.
(and Chokmah corresponds to Uranus, and Kether to Neptune).

rites of the Eleventh Degree (XI�, 11�) are Magickal Workings in the invisible Sephira 11, called in Hebrew Da'ath [Hebrew, 'Gnosis, Knowledge'].

Knowledge is power.

Knowledge is not Wisdom, nor is it the mere acquaintance with information.

Knowledge which is Gnosis and Da'ath
is the antidote for spiritual Sleep and Ignorance,
is obtainable only when one Awakens spiritually,
and is, by the Grace of God, available to Initiates at the Source.
He who knows not, and knows not that he knows not, is a fool; shun him.
He who knows not, and knows that he knows not, is a child; teach him.
He who knows, and knows not that he knows, is asleep; wake him.
He who knows, and knows that he knows, is wise; follow him.
Sufi proverb
one can safely visit Da'ath from the Supernal_Triangle, but not from below; those who seek to enter Da'ath from below the Supernal_Triangle find themselves in the Sphere of False Knowledge, ruled by Uranus.

|| Da'ath | Gnosis | Knowledge ||
d�mon, D�mon || Augoeides | daimon | cacod�mon | eud�mon | yidam ||

[Latinized < Greek, 'daimon']

|| d�mon ||
daeva || devas | asuras | Equinox of the Gods | deification | demonization ||

[cognate with Indic deva; both < *PIE *deiw- 'day; heaven']

in Iran, at the Equinox of the Gods, the ahuras are deified while the daevas are demonized.

|| daeva | daevas ||

name of the water-god.

|| Dagon ||
(o-)daimoku -  Nam(u) my�h� renge ky� | Lotus_Sūtra | mantra | sūtra ||

the (o-)daimoku is the Japanese mantram of the Nichiren Buḍḍhist sect, namely Nam(u) my�h� renge ky� ; cf the Lotus_Sūtra.

|| daimoku ||
daimon || Augoeides | d�mon | yidam ||


|| daimon ||

[Arabic, 'deceiver']
mentioned not in the Qur'an but in the Hadith; said to refer to the Antichrist.

Al-Dajjal is blind in one eye, but is able to perform miracles, of which the greatest will be to bring order to a world in chaos. On Judgement Day, he will be defeated by the M�hdi, who most Muslims believe to be the return of Muhammad.

Al-Dajjal is the magickal motto or name of Frater Belarion 210.

|| Dajjal | Belarion ||
ḍākiṇī | yidam | yidams | boḍhisattva | boḍhisattvas | Buḍḍhists | other ||

[Sanskrit, Tibetan, 'she who traverses the sky, she who moves in space' or, more poetically, 'space-fairy, sky-walker, sky-goer, sky-dancer']

|| ḍākiṇī | ḍākiṇīs ||
dalet(h) || Door ||

Dalet(h) is the fourth letter of the Aramaic and Hebrew alphabets;
and, being originally triangular, symbolizes a Door.

|| dalet(h) ||
Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso | Dal� llama | Gelugpa  ||

Dalai Lama ['oceanic monk'] #14, Tenzin_Gyatso [shown_here], is head of the Gelugpa order.

the Dalai Lama is not to be confused with the Dal� llama.

|| Dalai Lama | Tenzin Gyatso ||
Dal� llama | Dalai Lama  ||

the initial doublle-ell in the written word "llama" is pronounced in Spanish like
the medial double-ell in the written English words "million, billion, trillion, �, &c.

the Dal� llama, not to be confused with the Dalai Lama,
is a painting of a South American cameloid painted sitting between
  • an arch in the manner of Giorgio de Chirico,
  • and a bare-and-leafless tree-stump with a limp clock-face draped over a branch in the manner of Salvador Dal�,
and shown here.

|| Dal� llama ||
dāmaru || drum | Implements | ritual_implements | ritual ||

[Tibetan, 'hand-drum']

Tibetan ritual hand-drum , originally of 2 human crania/skull-caps]

|| dāmaru ||
Dance; Dancer; Dancers | Terpsichore | Movements | Gurdjieff_Movements ||

Pombagira's animal is the dove; her horses, when she mounts them, dance like doves with their arms spread like wings.

The beat of time is the beat of the Dance of Shiva who is Natya-Raja [Sanskrit, 'Lord of the Dance']).

cf the Dance of the Seven Veils of Inanna and of Ishtar.

in Atu XXI, the Dancer is the HermAphroditic Magickal Childe H�rus, who, like the Superman, is superconscious.

|| Dance | Dancer | Dancers ||

the Book of Daniel in the Old Testament of the Bible, which dovetails perfectly with the Book of the Rev. in the New Testament;
also, the Hebrew prophet Daniel who wrote the Book of Daniel.

|| Daniel | Rev. ||

Elvira Mistress_of_the_Dark is Queen_of_the_Night.

The Dark is the Shadow of the Light.

"blindly in the darkness [of] those grinning caverns of earth's centre ..., the mad faceless god Nyarlathotep howls ... to the piping of two amorphous idiot flute-players." �H P Lovecraft, in "The Rats in the Walls"

cf the Dark Night of the Soul described by
the Spanish mystic Juan Tepes, a.k.a. San Juan de la Cruz [Spanish, 'Saint John of the Cross']

and cf the song where John Lennon says that
"Whatever gets you through the night 's'allright, 's'allright".

Cf | Dark | Dark cities underground | Dark Goddess | dark goddesses | Dark Lord | Dark One | Darkfriend | night | Patrick's rune | Dark

Darkfriend: a human who serves the Dark Lord. --Jordan, Wheel
Darkfriends include: Billy the Gates. (Hey, Billy: Bad publicity is better than no publicity!) | Dark | Dark Goddess | dark goddesses | Dark Lord | Dark One | Darkfriend
Dark cities underground || Dark | cities | underground ||

by Lisa Goldstein, 1953.11.51�YoD
[co-fundatrix of Jack Rems' Dark Carnival Imaginative Fiction Book Store, 1986��2017, Requiescat in Pace.]
ISBN 0-312-86828-6 June 1999
ISBN 0-312-86827-8 trade paperback 2000

|| Dark cities underground ||
Dark Goddess

The Dark Goddess is Hecate, Kal�, and the Black_Virgin, inter alia.
| Dark | Dark Goddess | the Dark Mother | dark goddesses | Dark Lord | Dark One | Darkfriend
dark goddesses

some dark goddesses and demonesses include: Cf: | goddesses | Dark | Dark Goddess | dark goddesses | Dark Lord | Dark One | Darkfriend
the Dark Mother | Magna Mater | dark goddesses | Whore |

She is the mother of follets; her names include :

| the Dark Mother |
the Dark Lord, the Dark One

The Dark Lord, or the Dark One, is the Shadow of the Light.
The Dark Lord and the Dark One are the most common euphemisms for Shai'tan, which is said to be his or her true name; other names and euphemisms include:

the Dark One is bound to the Wheel of Time, and cannot escape from it.
the Dark Lord is the intellect, when control is given to it, as by, for example,
|| Atu XV | Dark | Night | Dark Goddess | dark goddesses | Dark Lord | Dark One | the Dark Side | Darkfriend | Voldemort | Wild Hunt | & Jordan, Eye, pp 643:t & 788:t; & Jordan re: naming the Dark One ||
the Dark Side


|| the Dark Side | Dark(ness) | Dark One ||
Dark Tower | Landuph II of Capua | Sauron of Mordor  ||

cf that of :

|| Dark Tower ||

The Sanskritic word "darshan. corresponds to :
baraka | blessing | compassion | darshan | gr�ce | gratias | sohbat | transfer of Hanbledzoin
Darth Vader

the Dark Lord in George Lucas' film Star_Wars

|| Darth Vader | other ||
date-of-death | Atu_XIII | date-of-death | grave | other  ||

my date-of-death = [not-yet] ; my meatware [food for the graveworms [good worms, who clean rotting meat of corpses from the ground and thus help to minimize pollution of the ground-water] or for the flames [which consume precious fuel] or for the scavenger-birds such as buzzards, condors, and/or vultures, who are good birds, who clean rotting corpses from the environment] has not yet flopped onto its death-bed; and it may have one foot in the grave [a pit where rotting corpses pollute the ground-water], but the other is not yet on a banana-peel; so my date-of-death = [not-yet].

|| date-of-death ||
David Icke | authors | Reptilians |

English author whose works include:

by snail-mail:
David Icke
c/o David Icke Books Ltd
Suite 2
185a High Street
Isle of Wight
PO33 2PN
|| David Icke | Icke, David | Icke |
Dawn, Dawning

|| Dawn | Augoeides | Golden Dawn | Atu XIII ||
The Dawn of Magic, by Louis Pauwels & Jacques Bergier,
London: Mayflower Books Ltd, 1971, translated by Rollo Myers from the French

title of the UK edition of the English translation of
par Louis Pauwels & Jacques Bergier,
Paris, Editions Gallimard, 1960
|| The Dawn of Magic | Dawn | Magic | Books ||
day(s), Day(s)

the Days of the magickal Week, which begins on Sunday, are the Days of the gods :

  1. Sunday is the Day of the Sun; cf the Latin dies S�lis.
  2. Monday is the Day of the Moon; cf the Latin dies L�n�.
  3. Tuesday is the Day of Tyr and of Mars; cf the Latin dies Martis.
  4. Wednesday is the Day of Woden and of Mercury; cf the Latin dies Merc�rii.
  5. Thursday is Thor's Day, the Day of Thor and of Jove; cf the Latin dies J�vis.
  6. Friday is the Day of Frige, [Anglo-Saxon] or Frigg [Norse] and of Venus; cf the Latin dies V�neris.
  7. Saturday is the Day of Saturn; cf the Latin dies Sat�rni.

see Feasts of the gods.

|| day(s) | Day(s) ||

the Roman numeral DCCCXIII = 813.

|| DCCCXIII | other ||
Djwal Kul, Djwhal Khul (DK)

the Ascended Master who contacts Alice Ann Bailey in 1919.

|| Djwal Kul | Djwhal Khul ||

Djwal Kul or Djwhal Khul

|| DK ||

Roman numeral '570'.

|| DLXX | other ||
DCLXVI || 666 | AL | Aleister Crowley ||

DCLXVI is the Roman numeration for] '666' which Frater Perdurabo believes refers to himself as the Antichrist.

|| DCLXVI ||

DDCF is the abbreviation of "Deo Duce Comite Ferro" which is Latin for 'With God as my Leader and my Sword with me' and is the magickal motto of Frater Deo Duce Comite Ferro 7=4 GD whose civil name is Samuel Liddell �MacGregor� Mathers 

|| DDCF | SRMD ||
De Vermis Mysteriis

H P Lovecraft, in "The Shadow Out of Time", mentions the book
De Vermis Mysteriis by Ludvig Prinn.

|| De Vermis Mysteriis | Books | Titles ||
dead || abode of the dead | Atu XIII | Death | ghouls | Lord of the Dead | Necronomicon | Underworld ||
That is not dead which can eternal lie,
And with strange �ons even death may die.

�written by Abdul Alhazred, the mad Arab poet, in the dreaded Necronomicon
�quoted by H P Lovecraft in "The Call of Cthulhu"
�quoted by Andrew Wheeler in Black Seas of Infinity, p 15:mb
cf dead Cthulhu
cf the :
| dead ||
Death || Atu_XIII | bardos | dead | crows | ravens | necropolis | necrophilia | sleep ||

the moment before death is the fourth bardo.

an hotel-room whose Door is numbered 0, and bears a black moth,
is the room of death.
inside, a Mirror bears an exit-sign at its top.

Death is the Big Sleep, as in Raymond Chandler's eponymous detective-novel.

the Angel of Death is Samma�l, whom Trithemius, in De Septem Secundeis, 1508, ascribes to Mars.

Death is the mindless effort of zero to encompass infinity. �Roger Zelazny, Creatures of Light and Darkness, p. 24:mb

Death gives life all of its entire meaning.

Death is lighter than a feather; duty is heavier than a mountain. �Robert Jordan

death and life, death and sex: cf:
refer also to:
Debbie Moore || Painters | palmistry ||

|| Debbie Moore ||
December 25

Christmas, which is the Feast of Santa Claus, who is Saint Nicholas, is celebrated on December 25, three or four days after Yule, because December 25 is the natal day, or birth-day, of Mithras, who is the Sol Invictus whom the Roman Christian syncresis assimilates to Jesus Christ, who, historically, is probably born in the springtime. See French No�l.
decision(s) || choice ||

crossroads, like forks in the road, are places of decision.

|| decision | confidence ||
Deep Ones || Nodens | Lovecraft | Old Ones | Elder Gods | entities ||

the Deep Ones include:

|| Deep Ones ||
Deer Park | Sarnath | other ||

cf  Deer_Park near St_Helena in Northern California where the Seventh-Day Adventist prophetess Ellen Gould White receives her inspiration.

cf  Sarnath.

|| Deer_Park ||
Dee, John, Dr

Dr John Dee is an Alchemist, magician, mathematician, spy numbered 007 for Francis Walsingham, and favorite of Elizabeth I, Queen of England.

cf Dr John Dee and Edward_Talbot_Kelley: Enochian_Calls.

|| Dee, John | John Dee ||
Degree(s) || bh�mi | levels | stages | Path | boḍhisattva ||


|| degree | degrees | Degree | Degrees ||
deification || demonization | Equinox of the Gods ||

at every Equinox of the Gods, some of the gods of the old religion are deified and become the angels of the new religion, while others are demonized and become the demons and devils of the new religion:
|| deification | deifies | deifiest | deify | deifying ||


See : || Deity | deity | deities | God | god | Goddess | goddess | goddesses | gods | metaphysical entities ||


See : || Deity | deity | deities | God | god | Goddess | goddess | goddesses | gods | metaphysical entities ||

The angels, deities, Eloh�m, gods, Orisha, Orix�, or Loa, include:
Ref. Ereshkigal and the god of the Underworld

See : || Deity | deity | deities | God | god | Goddess | goddess | goddesses | gods | pantheon(s) | metaphysical entities ||

Vedic gods include Indra, Rudra, V�runa.

Hindu deities include:
  • Hindu gods include:
    • Trimurti
      1. Brahma
      2. Vishnu
      3. Shiva
    • Ganesha
    • Rama
    • Krishna
    • Kartikeya
    • Hanuman
    • Indra
    • Surya
    • et c�tera�

click on :

*PIE *deiwos, 'day; heaven';
reflexes include:| *deiwos ||
*deiwos *pater

*PIE, 'heaven-father', < *deiwos 'heaven' + *pater 'father'; reflexes include:| *deiwos *pater | *deiwos | *pater ||
delivered || link | other ||

For pure will, unassuaged of purpose, delivered from the lust of result, is every way perfect.�AL I:44

|| delivered ||
delta, Delta

the Greek triangular letter Delta,
which is derived from the Semitic originally triangular letter dalet(h),
is the fourth letter of the Greek alphabet;
and, being triangular, symbolizes a Door.

|| delta | Delta | dalet(h) | triangle | Door ||
delusion || illusion | ignorance | Maya | root_delusions | saṃsāra ||


|| delusions | delusion ||

in J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter,
Dementors are emissaries of the Dark Lord who cause dementia.

|| Dementor | Dementors ||

Greek name of the goddess of vegetation; in Rome later syncretized to the Magna Mater.

|| Demeter | other ||
Demiurge || Ascended Masters | Great White Brotherhood | Ialdabaoth | Lord of the World | Sanat_Kumara | Urizen ||

[< Greek D�miourg�s δημιουργ�ς "Craftsman']

in re the D�miourg�s of the Gnostics, cf the:

|| Great White Brotherhood ||
demon(s); the Demon || daimon | Fa�rie ||

demons are:
cf :

some names of the Demon, that is of Satan the Devil, include:
|| demon(s) | Demon ||
demonization, diabolization || demon | deification | Equinox of the Gods | deification ||

at every Equinox of the Gods, some of the gods of the old religion are deified and become the angels of the new religion, while others are demonized and become the demons and devils of the new religion:

|| demonization ||
De Occulta Philosophia

De Occulta Philosophia is the Magnum_opus of Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa von Nettesheim, 1486-1535.
deosil | circumambulation | kora  ||


|| deosil ||
Deros; Teros; Richard Sharpe Shaver, and the Shaver mystery || Caves | Deros | extraterrestrial | subterranean | Teros | underworld ||

beginning in the 1940s, the materialist amateur writer Richard Sharpe Shaver wrote stories which editor Ray_Palmer began publishing, in ghost-rewritten form, in Amazing_Stories, and later elsewhere until 1975, and which posited that, millennia ago, ancient extraterrestrial astronauts or space-people visited our planet physically, and on it established subterranean colonies called Caves, and their descendants survive still in their underworld, always remain hidden from all of us except the few agents of the Deros, and use their scientifically advanced Ray technology to manipulate us. Some Rays can wound or kill, some can heal or retard aging, and some can enable telepathic communication and remotely control thoughts and emotions.

  • Deros�degenerate, ignorant, and insane cannibalistic tyrants;
  • Teros�benevolent;
  • help from space-ships comes to the Teros only sporadically;
  • ET governments have other problems, and so ignore planet Tellus;
  • we must help the Teros!

|| Richard Sharpe Shaver | Shaver | Shaver mystery ||

Seat thyself daily upon the pierc�d throne of meditation above the cacking-bowl,
and respond to the ghost of Ren� Descartes, and to the Cartesians, by chanting the incantation:
Caco ergo sum.
Desert of Sand || Wasteland | Abyss ||

the Desert of Sand is the Wasteland that spans the Abyss which the mystic, having attained to the Grade of Adeptus Exemptus 7� = 4, and having sworn the Oath of the Abyss, must, by himself, cross on the back of the Camel to attain to the Grade of Magister Templi ['Master of the Temple'] 8� = 3, else remain mad and possibly commit suicide.Cornelius, In, Two, p 63:b

|| Desert of Sand ||
desire || craving ||

desire is necessary, and is one of the weapons of the surrealists in their war against somnambulism.

excessive desire is called craving, and is to be avoided.

|| desire ||
destinations_of_pilgrimage || pilgrimage | holy_cities | Places | Seven_Wonders_of_the_Buddhist_World ||

|| destinations_of_pilgrimage ||
destiny | fate | weird | Web of Lachesis | Weird Sisters |

time is destiny's lackey. �Roger Zelazny, Creatures of Light and Darkness, p. 165:b.

cf the Web of Lachesis, which is the Web of destiny.
detachment || lotus | padme ||

the lotus-flower symbolizes  detachment from samsara.

|| detachment ||

Regarding determinism:
Derivatives are:
  1. velocity;
  2. acceleration;
  3. change of acceleration.
La Place is a determinist. Werner Heisenberg is an incertitudinarian.

Animals use determinism to their own ends; therefore, determinism is an adjunct to free will, which in turn is equivalent to uncertainty. �Arthur Young, orally in the 1980s

Discoveries of the 20th century:Arthur Young, orally in the 1980s

cf "Fate, Free Will, and Determinism" by Arthur Young, orally in the 1980s
Cf: fate | free will | incertitude | uncertainty | will
Deus Abscondus || Kukulkan | Quetzalcoatl | other ||

[Latin, 'Hidden God']

|| Deus Abscondus ||
deva || daevas | Equinox of the Gods ||

[cognate with Iranian daeva; both < *PIE *deiw- 'day; heaven']

devas: � les brillants. � ['the shining ones'] �Larousse du XXe si�cle

in India, at the Equinox of the Gods, the asuras are demonized while the devas are deified.

Cf the:
Devil, the; devil(s) || Aiwass | Atu XV | Auri-el, Auriel | Baphomet | Cavern | Cernunnos | chains | Dark One | Dark | Dragon | El | Goat | Hadit | Hell | the Horned Lord | horns | H�rus | Iblis | Lord of the Underworld | Māra | Old Horny | Pan | QBL, Path 26, Path of ay�n | Satan | Σατανα (Satana) | Shaddai | Shadow | Shaitan | Sheytan | Shiva | Splitfoot | torch | Trident | Underworld | Uri-el, Uriel ||

[English devil < Greek diabolos 'opponent' < *PIE gwel-]

'"The Devil" is, historically, the God of any people that one personally dislikes.'
AC, in MTP XXI:II:1 [in the edition of 1990, p. 193:b, note 1].

so, at the Equinox of the Gods, the gods of the Old Religion become the devils of the new religion:
in the Unholy Trinity of the Apocalypse, the first member is the great red Dragon of Revelation 12 ff, whom Revelation 12:9 and 20:2 calls "that old serpent, which is ... called the Devil, and Satan".

the Devil's "pitchfork" in Atu_XV is the Trident of Shiva, Poseidon et alii, which symbolizes his dominion over earth, air, and sea.

Atu XV is the Arcanum or Atu or Key of the The Devil, who inhabits the Underworld and carries a torch, and whose Feast is Hallowe'en.

the Devil is Uri�l, the Archangel of the North and Regent of the Element Earth, and of the Gnomes, and of the Underworld, and the Dweller on, and Guardian of, the Threshold of the Underworld which is the subconscious mind, and teaches the most difficult lessons.

Once upon a time, Frater Ebony Anpu tells Arden that "to the gods, we're devils; and vice versa".

Once upon a time, someone invited me to a Halloween party at the house of a psychiatrist who had asked his guests to dress to represent what they discovered when they examined their subconscious mind; so i went as the Devil, and the psychiatrist asked me why. I told him that when one ventures into the mental Underworld which is one's subconscious mind, one first meets the Guardian of the Threshold, who is the Devil, who is all one's socially unacceptable aspects that one has denied, and demonized or diabolized, and repressed and shoved this Devil down across the Threshold into one's subconsciousness, where it remains as the Dweller on the Threshold;
so everyone should come to the party dressed as the Devil.
The psychiatrist put his finger over his lips and said: �Sh...�.

|| The Devil ||
Devotee | Devotion | Grades | four Ways |

Crowley, in his "New" comment on the Book of the Law, says, regarding AL I:40,
that the man of Earth corresponds to the Devotee; and i've noticed that
both of these correspond to what Gurdj�eff calls the Fakir;
therefore : all correspond to each other; and the one who is called by any of these names, works in what Gurdj�eff calls the First Way in which some have tried to accomplish the Magnum Opus or Great Work, namely the Way of the Fakir, who disciplines the physical body by hatha-yoga, and thus develops control of the physical body.

|| Devotee |
devotion || bhakti | Devotee ||

see bhakti.

|| devotion | Devotion ||
Dhamma [Pāli], Dharma [Sanskrit] | Buḍḍha | Buḍḍhism | dharmachakra | Four Noble Truths | Law | purushārthas | Sangha | Three Baskets | Truth | Way ||

[Sanskrit, dharma: 'righteousness, duty']

Dharma is the first purushārtha.

[Pāli dhamma, Sanskrit Dharma 'Truth, Way, Law'] is the Doctrine or the Truth or the Way or the Law of Buḍḍhism, which leads to Awakening, to nirvāṇa, and to Enlightenment and perfect Gnosis.

the Dharma corresponds to, and is, both nature and speech and the sambhogakāya and the Path, says Lopp�n_Jigme_Thutop_Namgyal_Rinpoche.

the Dharma deals with emotions.

|| Dhamma | Dharma ||
dhammapāla [Pāli], dharmapāla [Sanskrit], Eight Terrible Ones | Archangels | Chohan | dhamma | dharma | pāla ||

[Sanskrit, 'Dharma-defender/-guardian/-protector']

one of the Eight_Terrible_Oness: eight wrathful deities who defend, guard, and protect the Dharma;
Kshitigarbha, also called Vajra-sattva, is a dharmapāla and the boḍhisattva of hell-beings.

the wrathful Wisdom-space dharmapālas in Tibetan Vajrayāna and Japanese Mahāyāna Buḍḍhism;

the two main categories of protectors, who can have male or female forms, are:

  1. supramundane protectors, who are the wrathful manifestations of enlightened beings, including:

  2. worldly protectors, many of them originally malevolent forces, who have been coerced and bound by an oath of allegiance to Buḍḍhism.

in Tibet, the principal dharmapālas include:

| dhammapāla | dharmapāla | dharmapālas ||
Dharamśala || link | other ||

Dharamśala / Dharamshala McLeod Ganj 176215, Himachal Pradesh, India

|| Dharamśala ||
dhāraṇā || Practices ||

[Sanskrit, 'dfn']

Dharana is control of one's thought, as in visualization.

|| dharana ||
dharma-name | dharma | name ||


|| dharma_name | dharma-name ||
dharmacakra, dharmachakra || Atu X | Ashtadika Marga | cakra, chakra | Dharma | bhavacakra | (Holy) Eightfold Middle Path | Four Truths | kalachakra | Buḍḍhism ||

The Dharmacakra or Dharmachakra [Sanskrit, 'Dharma-Wheel'], with its eight spokes,
|| dharmacakra | dharmachakra ||
Dharmadhātu [Sanskrit, 'Dharma-Realm'] || Dharma | dhātu | Places | realm | Vajradhātu | Buḍḍhism ||

A Dharma-Realm is an extra-dimensional mythical kingdom which is not of this world. Cf Agartha? Agarthi? Agharta? Agharti?, Camelot (and Tintagel?), and the isle of Avalon, Shambhala, and the Holy_City.

Dharmadhātu is one's seat or throne. �Trungpa_Rinpoche, per Miles_Stryker

|| Dharmadhātu | Dharma-Realm ||
dharmakāya || bodies | Buḍḍhism | dhamma | dharma | kāya | kāyas ||

the dharmakāya is the first of the three kāyas; and, like space, is devoid of concepts.

|| dharmakāya ||
dharmatā || Dharma | Void | bardos | Buḍḍhism ||

[Sanskrit 'sameness, suchness, cognisant Wakefulness', < Dharma, + -tā '-ness']

the ineffable nature of phenomena [HTEO?], namely the endless Void, which is the fifth bardo.

|| dharmatā ||
dhātu | Dharmadhātu | kāmadhātu | Vajradhātu | places | realm | sphere | world | Buḍḍhism ||

[Sanskrit, 'dimension, realm, sphere, world ; alchemical Element']


|| dhātu ||
dhyāna || absorption | meditation | dhyāni ||


the following terms all refer to meditation, or, more properly, to meditative absorption
|| dhyāna
dhyāni, Dhyāni || dhyāna | Five | Four Great Ones | Tathāgatas | Buḍḍhism ||

[the term Dhyāni-Buḍḍha was coined by Brian Houghton Hodgson, 1800�94, British Resident at the Court of Nepal, 1833�1843, and does not appear in Buddhist texts.�so says Lopez, Prisoners, p.125:m

in the māṇḍala of the Five Dhyani Buḍḍhas, Cosmic Buḍḍhas, or Wisdom Tathāgatas, of the five buḍḍha-families:
|| dhyāni | Dhyāni ||
diabolism || Satanism ||

diabolism is the worship of the Devil.

|| diabolism ||
diabolist(s) || Satanist(s) ||

Diabolists are devotees of the Devil.

|| diabolist ||
diabolos || devil | Demon | diabolism | diabolists ||

[Greek, 'opponent, slanderer, accuser'; < *PIE gwel- 'to fly' > Gk diaballein 'throw across; oppose; slander]

reflexes of the word diabolos include:
|| diabolos ||
diagonal, diagonally, diagonality || Diagon Alley, London, England | other ||


|| diagonal | diagonality | diagonally ||
Diagon Alley, London, England || diagonally | Harry Potter ||


|| Diagon Alley ||
Diamond, Vajra || benzra | dorje | lightning-bolt/thunderbolt | mind | sceptre | Sceptre | Vajrayāna | Buḍḍhism ||

[Sanskrit, 'Diamond; Lightning-bolt/Thunderbolt; Sceptre'; in Tibetan: benzra, dorje]

the diamond, being both clear and indestructible, symbolizes the mind.

the Lightning-bolt/Thunderbolt is an attribute of Indra, of Zeus, of Jupiter, and of Vajrapāṇi

the Three Vajras or the Three_Doors are the body, speech, and mind of the Buddha.

see also:
|| diamond | Diamond | Vajra ||
Diana || link | other ||


|| Diana ||
Diane Fenster

Diane Fenster is a Magical Pictrix, and the first artist to be inducted into the Adobe Photoshop Hall of Fame in 2001.09.07.
See Dreams; then shift-click on :
| Diane Fenster | Dreams ||
Dictionary of the Occult

Dictionary of the Occult
� 1996 Geddes & Grosset Ltd,
David Dale House, New Lanark, Scotland
ISBN 1-86019-341-2
Brockhampton Reference Series,
Brockhampton Press, London, England, UK
| Bibliography ||
diet || other ||

Lebensreform recommends dietary reform:

  • health food
  • vegetarianism

|| diet ||
difficulty || suffering ||

Life is difficult because one's ignorance causes suffering; and to confront one's problems causes suffering in the beginning.

see Wheelis, Allen: book "How people change": chapter "Freedom and Necessity"; 1973, New York, Harper & Row.

|| difficult | difficulty ||

digambara [Sanskrit, 'skyclad'];

Cf: AL I:62, 64 | Adamite(s) | Ancient Ways Festival | bare | digambara | Doukhobor |
| gymnosoph, gymnosophism, gymnosophist(s), gymnosophy | Lebensreform |
| naked, nakedness | naturism, naturist(s) | nude, nudism, nudist(s), nudity | skyclad ||

The Four Directions are: East, South, West, North;
The Five Directions are: the Four Directions + Up;
The Six Directions are: the Five Directions + Down;
the Seven Directions are: the Six Directions + Center.

Cf the Cardinal Points | Directions | Qabbalistic Cross ||

Dis, who is often called in Latin Dis Pater, is
the Celtic or Keltish god of death and the Underworld; later, chief god of the Gauls;

in Roman mythology, Orcus or Dis is the god of death, post-mortem judgement, and the Underworld;

he is equivalent to the Greek god Pluto, ruler of Hades.
Dis and Hades are also synonyms for the Underworld itself.

|| Dis | god of the Underworld | Proserpina | Underworld ||

frequency-induced disappearances include:
  • Ascension
  • the Philadelphia Experiment
  • Rapture

|| disappearance(s) ||
disc, disk || Pentacle | Pentacles | swastika | Wheel ||

cf the solar disc.

in the Tarot, Pentacles or Disks is the last of the four Suits of the Minor Arcana of the Tarot.

|| disc | disk ||
discernment [Sanskrit vij�āna, Pāli vi��āṇa] | consciousness | other  ||

Here's an excerpt from the Buddhist Dictionary.
nine consciousnesses (Jpn ku-shiki): Nine kinds of discernment. �Consciousness� is the translation of the Sanskrit vij�āna, which means discernment. The nine consciousnesses are (1) sight-consciousness (Skt chakshur-vij�āna), (2) hearing-consciousness (shrota-vij�āna), (3) smell-consciousness (ghrāna-vij�āna), (4) taste-consciousness (jihvā-vij�āna), (5) touch-consciousness (kāya-vij�āna), (6) mind-consciousness (mano-vij�āna), (7) mano-consciousness (mano-vij�āna), (8) ālaya-consciousness (ālaya-vij�āna), and (9) amala-consciousness (amala-vij�āna). (The Sanskrit is the same for both the sixth and seventh consciousnesses.)

The first five consciousnesses correspond to the five senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch. The sixth consciousness integrates the perceptions of the five senses into coherent images and makes judgments about the external world. In contrast with the first six consciousnesses, which deal with the external world, the seventh, or mano-consciousness, corresponds to the inner spiritual world. Awareness of and attachment to the self are said to originate from the mano-consciousness, as does the ability to distinguish between good and evil. The eighth, or ālaya-consciousness, exists in what modern psychology calls the unconscious; all experiences of present and previous lifetimes�collectively called karma�are stored there. The ālaya-consciousness receives the results of one�s good and evil deeds and stores them as karmic potentials or �seeds,� which then produce the rewards of either happiness or suffering accordingly. Hence it was rendered as �storehouse consciousness� in Chinese. The ālaya-consciousness thus forms the framework of individual existence. The Dharma Characteristics (Chin Fa-hsiang; Jpn Hossō) school regards the eighth consciousness as the source of all spiritual and physical phenomena. The Summary of the Mahayana (She-lun; Shōron) school, the T�ien-t�ai school, and the Flower Garland (Hua-yen; Kegon) school postulate a ninth consciousness, called amala-consciousness, which lies below the ālaya-consciousness and remains free from all karmic impurity. This ninth consciousness is defined as the basis of all life�s functions. Hence it was rendered as �fundamental pure consciousness� in Chinese.

�excerpted from the Buddhist Dictionary
lands or realms or worlds?�Different views of the same painting (life). The 10 worlds are life conditions we go in and out of depending on what happens to us and how we react. The 9 consciousnesses are the mediums where these experiences get painted. �Steven Kacsmar txtng to ardensch on Facebook


|| discernment | vij�āna | vi��āṇa ||

A disciple is one who accepts and practicess a discipline.

discipline || discipline | ng�ndro | Path | practice | sādhanā | Work | Yoga ||

discipline requires that the disciple love enough to will to accept and practice a system of interrelated techniques, namely:

pertaining to day, and to the Day.

|| diurnal | nocturnal ||
dṛṣṭi, ditthi, ditti, drishti || Understanding | View | Wisdom | Ashtadika_Marga ||

ditthi and ditti are Pāli;
dṛṣṭi is Sanskrit, anglicized to Anglo-Sanskrit drishti;
drishti is anglicized from Sanskrit dṛṣṭi.

'gaze, sight, view, vision'; therefore 'belief, discernment/opinions/perception/perspective/understanding/view'

samyag dṛṣṭi/sammā ditti 'right opinions/understanding/view' is the first step on the Ashtadika_Marga

|| ditthi | ditti | drishti | dṛṣṭi ||
divination || Samhain ||

indication or significance of small objects cooked inside a cake where they are to be found by the eater, else hidden under cups to be chosen by one who is blindfolded and then spun around thrice :

  • a bean signifies food.
  • cloth signifies either :
    • taking holy orders;
    • remaining unmarried and becoming an old bachelor or spinster to the end of one's days.
  • coins signify riches.
  • a small doll signifies children.
  • earth or clay signifies death.
  • a hazelnut signifies knowledge.
  • a pea signifies food.
  • a rag signifies poverty.
  • a ring signifies love, marriage, a good relationship.
  • a stick signifies hardship.
  • water signifies a journey overseas, or emigration.

|| divination ||
divine || deity | gods ||


|| divine ||
Divine Love

Divine Love radiates from the heart of the Great Central Sun. See Love.

|| Divine Love ||

[Latin, 'says']

|| dixit ||

[Arabic, 'much-travelled']
Djed || Axis_Mundi | caduceus | Column | Djed | Pillar | sushumna ||

Egyptian column that represents the spinal column; cf the sushumna.

|| djed | Djed ||

[Arabic; singular = djinn, plural = djinni]

|| djinn | djinni ||

Fay ce que vouldras. �Law of the Abbey of Thel�ma of Fran�ois Rabelais

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. �Al I:40.

There is no law beyond Do what thou wilt. �Al III:60

An it harm none, do what ye will. �Wiccan Rede

|| Do | do | Law | Thel�ma ||
Doctrine || Dharma | Teaching ||


|| Doctrine ||
Dog, dog

"Is God to live in a dog?"�AL II:19

|| d/Dog(s) ||

The Dog-Star is Sirius or Sothis. Cf. Dog | dog

in divination, a small doll signifies children.

cf the voodoo-doll.

|| doll | other ||

cf Mammon, Pentacle.

|| dollar | money ||
Donald S. Lopez, Jr., 1952� | authors | books  ||

Donald S. Lopez, Jr. is listed at the bottom of the rear cover of Prisoners of Shangri-La as
the Arthur E. Link Distinguished University Professor of Buddhist and Tibetan Studies in the Department of Asian Languages and Cultures at the University of Michigan.

his books which are published by the University of Chicago Press include the following:
|| Donald S. Lopez, Jr. | Lopez, Donald S., Jr. ||
doom | eschaton | other  ||


  • cf William_Miller in CE_1843 and CE_1844, and the Seventh-Day_Adventists thereafter
  • doom-mongers / doomsayers / eschatologists awarded the Ig_Nobel_Prize
    • Dorothy Martin of the US who predicted the world would end in 1954
    • Pat Robertson of the US who predicted the world would end in 1982
    • Elizabeth Clare Prophet of the US who predicted the world would end in 1990
    • Lee Jang Rim of Korea who predicted the world would end in 1992
    • Credonia Mwerinde of Uganda who predicted the world would end in 1999
    • Harold Camping of the US who predicted the world would end in 1994 and then later in 2011
  • site
  • site
  • site
  • site

|| doom ||
door(s), Door(s) || Delta | dalet(h) | Gate | Portal | The_Three_Doors | three | triangle ||

the triangle,
and hence the Greek triangular letter delta
and the Semitic originally triangular letter Dalet(h),
all symbolize the Door.

a Door, especially when triangular, symbolizes, inter alia, a Door of Magick, or Portal of Magick, which is any passage from one dimension to another, including the Portal or Gate of Life, which is the yoni.

an hotel-room whose Door is numbered 0, and bears a black moth, is the room of death ; inside, a Mirror bears an exit-sign at its top.

cf The_Three_Doors in Buḍḍhism

|| door | doors | Door | Doors | doorway | doorways ||
dosa, dvesha || akuśala-mūla | mūla | priyayū | Lobha | moha | other ||

[Sanskrit, Pāli, 'anger; aversion, hatred, repulsion']

see akuśala-mūla

|| dosa | dvesha ||
double(s) || 2 (two) | Ch�kmah | couple | double | dual | duet | duple | dyad | pair | second | twin | two ||


|| double(s) | Double(s) ||
double helix || double | helix | symbolism ||

the double helix symbolizes:

|| double helix ||
double Signs || 2 (two) | Ch�kmah | couple | double | dual | duet | duple | dyad | pair | second | Signs | twin | two | zodiac ||

the double Signs of the zodiac are mutable, and are:

|| double Signs of the zodiac ||
Doukhobor || Adamite(s) | Ancient Ways Festival | bare | digambara | Doukhobor | gymnosoph, gymnosophism, gymnosophist(s), gymnosophy | Lebensreform | naked, nakedness | naturism, naturist(s) | nude, nudism, nudist(s), nudity | skyclad ||

member of a sect of Russian religious nudists in Manitoba and Northern British Columbia, both in Western Canada.

cf: AL I:62, 64

|| dove ||

the dove symbolizes:

Pombagira's animal is the dove; her horses, when she mounts them, dance like doves with their arms spread like wings.

|| dove ||
Down || Below | Underworld | up | Direction | Qabbalistic Cross ||

The taproot of Yggdrasil leads Downward to Swartelf-Home in the Underworld, and beyond it to Hel, in Norse mythology.

Downward is the Direction in which the �da slithers three-and-a-half times around the sushumna.

The Direction Down, and the Point Below me (the ground? the Pit? the Underworld?), are taboo in Judaism, so as to make sure that folks go there.

|| Down ||
Dragon || Dragonland | Leviathan | Serpent | beasts ||

[< Draco, Draconis 'big snake']

cf the seven-headed marine Dragon named Lotan in Canaanite and Leviathan in Hebrew;

in the Unholy Trinity of the Apocalypse, the first member is the great red Dragon of Revelation 12 ff, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads, whom Revelation 12:9 and 20:2 calls "that old serpent, which is ... called the Devil, and Satan", and whose seven heads are seven "mountains" [�Rev. where].

|| Dragon ||

a region of Fa�rie which is inhabited by dragons.

|| Dragonland | Lands ||
drama | actor(s) | comedy | drama | mask(s) | stage | theatre | tragedy | world ||

in re the drama, Shakespeare says: "All the world's a stage, and we're the actors on it." Cf the dramatis person�, which are literally the tragic and comic masks of the drama which is enacted on the stage of the theatre, and also on the stage which is the world.
dramatis personae || personae ||

drama, theatre: "Plato "is afraid too of the influence of the drama, on the ground that it encourages false sentiment, and therefore he would not have his children taken to the theatre; he thinks that the effect on the spectators is bad, and on the actors still worse."

the cosmic Drama requires that there be:
  • anarchists
  • angels
  • boḍhisattvas
  • bullies
  • control-freaks
  • demons
  • destructors vandals wreckers
  • do-gooders
  • drunks
  • ghosts
  • idiots
  • liars
  • lunatics
  • martyrs
  • moralists
  • saints
  • sannyasins
  • spies
  • squabblers
  • thieves
  • traitors
  • tyrants
  • vampires
  • werewolves
  • whiners
  • etc...

The dramatis person� [Latin, 'masks or persons of the drama'] are:
  1. the persons or personalities which are literally the tragic and comic masks [Latin per 'through' + son 'sound'] of the drama which is enacted on the stage of the theatre;
  2. figuratively, the cast of characters of the drama which is enacted on the stage of the theatre, and also on the stage which is the world
cf the three dramatis person� of the Tarot, namely :
  1. Isis, the Hero�ne (woman and girl) of the Tarot, is the female Mystic, namely the High Priestess; and also the Empress, the female Lover, &c.
  2. Asar | Auser | Osiris, the Hero (man and boy) of the Tarot, is the Magus, Emperor, the male Lover, et c�tera; and also the male Mystic, namely the Hierophant, the Hanged Man, and the Hermit.
  3. H�rus, the androgyne or HermAphrodite, is the Magickal Childe of Isis and Asar | Auser | Osiris, of Atu XX.
The identity of the Villain or Anti-Hero of the Tarot, who is the Devil, is not known to Isis, nor to Asar | Auser | Osiris; only H�rus knows; but, since the Devil is androgynous or HermAphroditic, his identity should be obvious.
dream, Dream, dreaming, Dreaming, dreams, Dreams || Atu XVIII | bardos | Dreamland | Luna | mind | sleep | swapna ||

the second bardo.

names of the dream include :
  • in Greek, oneir--

names of the god_of_dreams include :
  • in Greek, Morpheus

dreams are mental images and ideas, and feelings, which are not under the command nor the control of the reason nor of the intellect, but rather, arise from the subconscious mind; thus, the dream, whose language is images and feelings, is the only key to the subconscious mind and to our subconscious life, and includes :
poetic works (that is, poetry and poetic prose), and also certain paintings, certain sculptures, and certain edifices, have their roots in the subconscious mind; so Dr Carl Gustav Jung recommends that one proceed from the dream outward.

in trance and in dreams, one can cross the boundary between the daily mundane and the divine; cf ecstasy and cf visions.

the dream is one of the weapons of the surrealists in their war against somnambulism.

the dream is the magic mirror that always tells true. �ref Jeremy Taylor: Where people fly, and water runs uphill

regarding Dreams, cf:
the Dreaming gods include:
To see samples of Diane Fenster's Dream-Book, shift-click on :
�We are such stuff as dreams are made of; and our little life is rounded with a sleep.�Prospero, in Shakespeare�s �The Tempest� Act IV, Scene I, 148�158.

Shirley MacLaine, in My lucky stars, p. 302:t, says that "life itself is an illusion or dream that deeply affects us because of its lessons... [Actors] in the movie business create illusions for other people to believe in as real, while [they] are doing the same thing with [themselves] in [their] own lives. In other words, we [are] each responsible for creating everything that happens to us. Therefore, we [are] empowered to uncreate as well, if we so desire."

Wilhelm Stekel was the first to introduce the study of dreams to psychoanalysis.

cf Dr Robert DeSoill�, Le r�ve �veill� dans la psychoth�rapie.

|| dream ||
dream-image of King Nebuchadnezzar's dream, described by the Hebrew prophet Dani-el

in BCE 604, in Bab-ilu (Babylon), King Nebuchadnezzar or Nabuchodonosor dreams of an image of himself, which he forgets, and the Hebrew prophet Dani-el describes thus:
  • the golden head of himself symbolises the Babylonian empire;
  • the silver chest and arms symbolise the empire of the Medes and the Persians;
  • the brass/bronze belly and thighs symbolise the Hellenistic empire of the Greeks under Alexander II of Macedon;
  • the iron legs symbolise the empire of Rome;
  • the feet of mixed iron and clay symbolise the world divided between Rome and Byzantium, and their disunited successors in Europe and the rest of Asia: Charlemagne, Genghiz Khan, Charles V, Napoleon, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, et alii, all of whom try and fail to unite the world;
  • the toes are generally believed to symbolise an unstable form of government (the United Nations organization?) that will soon supersede contemporary nation-states (the United Nations organization benefits the world by its programs of education, health, humanitarian aid, and peace-keeping; but its globalising tries to eradicate religious diversity and terminate national sovereignty);
  • the stone cut out without hands, which destroys the image, becomes a great mountain, and fills the whole earth, symbolises the kingdom of God, which destroys all kingdoms of men, and rules forever.
  • Refer to: Bible, Old Testament, Book of Daniel, Chapter 2.

|| dream-image of Nebuchadnezzar | prophecies ||
Dream of Vishnu

the Dream of Vishnu is like a lotus that grows from the navel of the Sleeping God Vishnu.

|| Dream of Vishnu | Dreaming Gods ||

in Dreamland, time does not exist.

|| Dreamland | dreams | timelessness ||


|| drug | drugs ||
Druid(s); Druidic || other | other ||


|| Druid | Druidic | Druids ||
drum(s) || damaru | ritual_implements | other ||


|| drum ||
the dual; dualism, dualist, dualistic; duality, dualities || 2 (two) | Ch�kmah | couple | double | dual | duet | duple | dyad | pair | second | twin | two ||

dualism is the belief, and a dualist believes, and dualists believe,
in a dual God, or Dyad, completely forgetting all about the Monad.

Da'ath separates Unity from duality.


the dualistic game of dualism or Duality or dualities is based on Zarathushtra's illusion of an �ternal cosmic War between Light and Dark(ness).

Dualities include:

in the Age of Pisces and the �on of Osiris,
the great dualistic conflict is between
science on the one hand; and, on the other, dogma and blind faith.

|| dual | Dual | dualism | dualist | dualistic | duality | dualities ||

[ancient Egyptian dua-t 'dawn-eye' < dua 'dawn' + -t 'eye'],
symbolised by a Pentagram (five-pointed star within a circle),
dua-t refers, not to the Underworld, realm of the dead, but rather to
the region of the eastern sky at dawn that surrounds Orion inter alia, separates the land of the living from the land of the dead, and that the Pharaoh traverses at the beginning of his post-mortem journey of return to the stars from whence he came.

|| Duat | other ||
duet || 2 (two) | Ch�kmah | couple | double | dual | duet | duple | dyad | pair | second | twin | two ||


|| duet(s) | Duet(s) ||
dumb supper

The dumb supper is a meal eaten in complete silence at Samhain with the beloved dead as honored guests, since the Veil between the Worlds grows thin at Beltaine and at Samhain.
the duple; duplicity; duplicitous; duplicities; duples || 2 (two) | Ch�kmah | couple | double | dual | duet | duple | dyad | pair | second | twin | two ||


|| duple | duplicity | duplicitous | duplicities | duples ||
DuQuette, Lon Milo

His works include:
  • Angels, Demons & Gods of the New Millennium
  • My Life with the Spirits
  • The Chicken Qabalah
  • The Magick of Thelema
  • The Tarot of Ceremonial Magick

| Lon Milo DuQuette ||
dusios, plural dusii

Gallo-Latin plural, singular = dusios > the Deuce�cf Dusiv�sus 'great and worthy Dusios']�sequentially HermAphroditic incubi/succubi, like some invertebrates and some fish�"D�mones quos 'dusios' Galli nuncupant" 'demons whom the Gauls call dusii'�Augustine of Hippo, in De Civitate Dei contra Paganos '[Of] the City of God against the Pagans', written soon after the Visigoths under Alaric sack Rome in e.v. 410.

|| dusios | dusii ||

West Germanic or Teutonic or Dutch is a group of Germanic languages which comprises:

|| Dutch | Teutonic | Germanic | IndoEuropean ||

Duty is heavier than a mountain; death is lighter than a feather. V. Atu XIII.
Dweller in the Abyss

the Abyss [< Greek, 'pit'] is called "bottomless" in Rev., and is indeed bottomless if it is inside a torus, as Hans H�rbiger's Hohlweltlehre or hollow earth theory supposes.

the names of the Dweller in the Abyss of Rev. 9:1-2, 9:11, and 11:7, include:

|| Dweller in the Abyss | Abyss ||
Dweller on the Threshold | Threshold | Lord_of_the_Underworld | Underworld | mind | Devil | Dweller in the Abyss ||

the Dweller on, and Guardian of, the Threshold of the Underworld which is the subconscious mind, is the Lord_of_the_Underworld who is the Devil of Christianity.

|| Dweller on the Threshold ||
dyad(s), Dyad || 2 (two) | Ch�kmah | couple | double | dual | duet | duple | dyad | pair | second | twin | two ||

a dyad is a group of two.
the Dyad is the Dual God.

|| Dyad | Dyads | dyad | dyads ||

[Vedic 'day; heaven; god'; < *PIE *deiwos]

Cf Vedic dyāus pitar- < *PIE *deiwos *pater 'heaven-father'.

| dyāus | *deiwos | *dyāus *pitar- ||
dyāus pitar-

[Vedic dyāus pitar-, 'heaven-father'
< *PIE *deiwos *pater, 'heaven-father'
< dyaus 'heaven' < *PIE *deiwos 'heaven' + pitar- 'father < *PIE *pater 'father']

dyāus pitar- is the Vedic name of the Heavenly Father-god,

| *dyāus *pitar- | dyāus | pitar- | *deiwos *pater ||

A dybbuk is a discarnate spirit who seizes and possesses a living body and refuses to depart.
| dybbuk ||
dying god(dess), slain-and-risen god | Magus |

the dying god of corn, who appears when agriculture appears, is sometimes castrated, and is slain and risen, resurrecting as the holy child; his names include:

|| dying god | slain-and-risen god | god | castration ||
�ection E

E E [Edward, Ed] Rehmus (aka: Romulus), 1929�2004 || Authors | Pictori | Titles ||

magical Works by E E Rehmus include:

  • I'm over here
    [by] E E Rehmus
    Contact Editions,
    Angel Island Publications, Inc.
    Sausalito, California, 1962, January 1
    LCCN 62-18815

  • The Magicians Dictionary: An Apocalyptic Cyclopaedia of Advanced Magic(k)al Arts & Alternate Meanings
    1st edition. Los Angeles: Feral House, March 1990; ISBN: 0922915016 / 0-922915-01-6
    2nd edition October 1996 downloadable at

|| E E Rehmus ||

name of the water-god.

|| Ea ||
eagle, Eagle || Birds | Fa�rie ||

the Eagle corresponds to:
the eagle is the emblem of Ravenclaw House at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, where it corresponds to the Element Air; see Houses of Hogwarts.

the White Eagle symbolizes the essence of feminine sexuality, symbolized by the zodiacal Sign Scorpio, evolved until it sprouts wings and is liberated, and flies upward toward K�ther and the �n S�f �r; cf Alchemy, sexual Magick, and the color white.

Gluten of the White Eagle, in Alchemy and in sexual Magick, symbolizes vaginal effluvium, juice, and secretion.

|| Eagle | eagle ||
Earth || Geb | ground | Planets | Triads ||

[The adjectival form of Earth is Earthy.]

The Element Earth corresponds to :
the number of Earth is ten;

Earth is, and the Gnomes are, ruled by Uri�l, the Archangel of the North.

The Apocalyptic beast of Revelation 4:12, having two horns like a lamb, which, rather than coming out of the sea which represents multitudes and nations, comes up out of the earth of the sparsely inhabited New World, id est, the Americas, and so is generally represented as a North American Bison.

|| Earth ||
Earth Language (EL)

The Founder of Earth Language (EL) is Yoshiko Fujita McFarland; see || EL ||
Earth-Mother || Earth | G�a | Gaia | goddess | Magna Mater | Mother | Pachamama ||


|| earth-mother | Earth-Goddess ||

pertaining to the element Earth.

|| Earthy ||
East, adj Eastern || Easter | Eastre | Eostra | Eostre ||

The East
re Eastern, cf the League of Eastern Wayfarers.

The Eastward branch of Yggdrasil leads to Ettin-Home in Norse mythology.

|| East | Eastern | Eastward ||
Easter [Christian Greek Πασχα /Pascha, Pasxa/, > Latin Pascua, etc.] || Eastre | Eostra | Eostre | East | Festivals | Feasts ||

[a reflex of Ashtar; Anglo-Saxon name of Ishtar, the Slut-Goddess of Love and Fertility]

The Solar Feast of the vernal equinox, and Festival of the Risen One,
called Easter in New Anglo-Saxon,
|| Easter ||
Eastre, Eostra, Eostre || Easter | East ||

all these names are reflexes of Ashtar,
and are names of the Slut-Goddess of Love and Fertility.

|| Eastre | Eostra | Eostre ||
East West Bookshop || bookshops | East | West ||

telephone: 1-650-988-9800
snail: East West Bookshop, 324 Castro St, Mountain View, CA USA

|| EastWestBookshop ||
East Bay [Area] || Beast ||

[East-Bay is pig-Latin for 'Beast'; hence East Bay Area = 'Beast Area']

the East Bay Area ['Beast Area'] in California is the locus of the City of Oakland, CA 946 US, which is:
|| East-Bay | East Bay | East Bay Area ||
Karl von Eckartshausen or Karl von Eckartshausen, 1752.06.28�1803.05.13 || The Cloud upon the Sanctuary | other ||

|| Eckartshausen ||
ecdysiasm; ecdysiast(s)

cf the following :

|| ecdysiasm | ecdysiast | ecdysiasts ||
E Clampus Vitus (ECV)

[the penultimate word "Clampus" is nonsensical pseudo-Latin]:
the Ancient and Honorable Order of E Clampus Vitus, whose members are called Clampers, and are all male until a sole woman, now deceased, joins; and whose motto is "Credo qui absurdum est."| E Clampus Vitus | ECV ||
Eaters of Souls || other | other | other ||

the Eaters of Souls are:

  • the gods, according to Kyle_Griffith in War in Heaven. �see the Vedantic hymns in the soma ritual.
  • Ta-ra-ra-boom-de-ay,
    They'll eat your soul away. �Clayton Clark

|| Eaters of Souls ||
Ecclesia || Ecclesia Catholica Romana | Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica | Church ||

[Latin, < Greek, 'Church']

Cf the:
|| Ecclesia ||
Ecclesia Catholica Romana || Ecclesia ||

[Latin, 'Roman Catholic Church']

the Church of the Bishop of Rome, whose disciples call him the Pope.

|| Ecclesia Catholica Romana ||
Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica || Ecclesia ||

Visit the site of the Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica : shift-click on

|| Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica ||
ecstasy || dreams | visons ||


|| ecstasy ||
�cumenical councils | œcumenism |

the seven general councils of the entire Christian Church, convoked CE 325-757 :

  1. CE 325/05/20 : the First �cumenical Council is the First Council of Nicea, convoked at Nicea by the Emperor Constantine the Great.
  2. CE 381 : the Second �cumenical Council is the First Council of Constantinople, convoked by the Emperor Theodosius I.
  3. CE 431 : the Third �cumenical Council is the Council of Ephesus, convoked by the Emperor Theodosius I.
  4. CE 451 : the Fourth �cumenical Council is the Council of Chalcedon, on the Asian side of Constantinople, convoked by Emperor Marcian and his wife Poulcheria.
  5. CE 553 : the Fifth �cumenical Council is convoked at Constantinople by the Emperor Justinian I.
  6. CE 680 : the Sixth �cumenical Council is convoked at Constantinople by the Emperor Constantine IV (Pogonatos).
    CE 692 : the Trullan or Quinisext Council convoked by Justinian II in Constantinople in the hall under the great dome (Trullos) : issued no canons pertaining to Christology.
  7. CE 787 : the Seventh �cumenical Council is the Second Council of Nicea, convoked at Nicea by the Empress Irene at the request of Thrasios, Patriarch of Constantinople.

|| �cumenical councils | Church | Christology | œcumenism ||
œcumenism > ecumenism | Buḍḍhayāna | �cumenical councils  ||


| ecumenism | œcumenism |

abbreviation of E Clampus Vitus.

| ECV ||


cf Hallowe'en.

|| E'en ||

Grace is a Gift from God, and is not for sale, and cannot be bought, whether by money or by meritorious effort or works.

|| effort | Work ||

the Ego is the soul, says Leadbeater in Masters;
the glorified body of the Ego is called, in Greek, the Augoeides.Leadbeater, Masters, p 22:t.
egregore || link | other ||

the egregore is Rupert Sheldrake's morphic field.

|| egregore ||
Ehecatl || other | other | other ||

Ehecatl is the name, in N�huatl, of the wind-god, who is an aspect of Quetzalcoatl.

|| Ehecatl ||
Eighties, Era Nostra 1984-1994

"I am the warrior Lord of the Forties: the Eighties cower before me, & are abased."AL III:46


  • prelude, Era Nostra 75 = era vulgaris or CE 1979, Tehran : militant students of radical Islam storm the US Embassy, take nnn Americans hostage, hold them for 444 days until Era Nostra 76 = era vulgaris or CE 1981.01.20.
  • Era Nostra 79 = era vulgaris or CE 1983 :
    • 04.18 in Beirut, Lebanon : Hezbollah sucide-truck-bombs the US Embassy
    • 10.23 in Beirut, Lebanon : Hezbollah? sucide-truck-bombs the US Marine barracks, thus terrorizing the US throughout the Eighties EN.
    • 12.12, Kuwait: the French and US Embassies are suicide-bombed, and also the control tower at the airport, Kuwait's main oil refinery, and a residential area for employees of the US corporation Raytheon; six including a suicide truck bomber are killed, and more than 80 others are injured.
  • E.N. 85 = e.v. 1989, Berlin: the Wall crumbles; and with it, collectivism.
  • E.N. 87 = e.v. 1991: the USSR collapses.
  • E.N. 89 = e.v. 1993/02.26, New York City: the World Trade Center is bombed.
  • Cf 80.

|| Eighties | eighties | Forties ||
Ekajaṭī || dharmapāla | other ||

[Sanskrit, 'dfn'] [Tibetan ral chig ma]

one of the eight supramundane dharmapālas

|| Ekajaṭī ||

[Greek, 'Conflagration']

| Ekpyrosis ||

El [Hebrew, < Semitic Al] 'God; god, angel; any supernatural agency' �Sic dixit Dr Martin Schwartz.

cf Canaanite El: the bull-god?

Hebrew angelic names often terminate in -el.

EL is the acronym of:
|| El ||
e/Elder(s) || Theravāda | Elder Gods | Atu IX�The Hermit ||


|| elder | elders | Elder | Elders ||
Elder Gods || Elder | Lovecraft | Deep Ones | Nodens | Old Gods | Old Ones | entities | Equinox of the Gods ||

according to Fiona MacLeod, the Old Gods are not dead; they think that we are.

in the pre-�val AEons 0, 1, & 2,
the Great One of the Night of Time rules the Elder Gods, who include the:

if Nodens is the only named Elder God, as Lovecraft says in his short story "The Gable Window", calls Nodens "the only named Elder God". [�Grant, Aleister, p 148: n.1]
�but what about the other Deep Ones, and the chthonic Old Ones?

|| Elder Gods ||
Elegbara; Eleggu�

Elegbara is the Yoruban name of the dark ithyphallic Opener of the Ways, the god of Magick, and the Trickster-god, inter alia. cf Eleggu�; also the Orishas.

|| Elegbara ||
Element || dhātu | Elementals | Grades | Triads | four_ways | Worlds ||

Pythagoras of Crotona taught that there were four Elements, namely:
  • Fire, which corresponds to chemical reactions, and to Spirit;
  • Water, which corresponds to the liquid state of matter, and to the emotions and the soul;
  • Air, which corresponds to the gaseous state of matter, and to the intellect, and to action;
  • Earth, which corresponds to the solid state of matter, and to the physical body, in that order.

the Alchemical Elements: Alchemical Salt, Sulphur, and Mercury, symbolize body, soul, and spirit respectively.

|| Element | Elements ||
Elemental || Elements | metaphysical entities ||

[Elemental: 'pertaining to the Elements or to the Elementals']

Elementals are the Devas of the Hindus, and are attached to only :
cf the following, who are Elementals [�accoding to Abramelin, Book xxxiii]:
  • hamadryads and other dryads, nymphs, satyrs, and nature spirits of the Greeks
  • fauns of the Romans
  • dwarfs and elves of the Norse
  • fairies and mermaids of the English
  • fays of the Anglo-Normans

|| Elemental(s) ||
elf, elves; elven || eleven | elfwood ||

cf Elrond the Half-elven

|| elf | elves | elven ||
elfwood; forest, wood, woodland, woods || Arden | elf | Rex Nemorensis ||


|| elfwood | forest | wood | woodland | woods ||
elixir, Elixir

"the Semen or fluid vehicle of the Spirit, the Elixir of Magick, the Blood..."
Crowley, in his record of the Cephal�dium Working of 1920.11.

|| elixir | Elixir | Blood | Semen ||
Eloh�m || metaphysical entities ||

[Hebrew, 'gods']

|| Eloh�m ||

the Sephir�th of the Etz Chayy�m are Emanations of God.

|| Emanation | Emanations ||
Elrond | Elrond | L_Ron_Hubbard | Frater Belarion | Marjorie_Cameron | Tolkien ||

Elrond the half-elven in John Ronald Reuel Tolkien's trilogy The Lord of the Rings, is modelled after Frater H or Frater X of the Agape_Lodge,
a.k.a. Lafayette Ronald (L Ron) Hubbard, ?-1986, founder of Scientology and author of the book Scientology by L. Ron Hubbard (?-1986),
who serves as the model for Elrond the half-elven in John Ronald Reuel Tolkien's trilogy The Lord of the Rings.

| Elrond | L_Ron_Hubbard | Hubbard,_L_Ron ||
Emerald Tablet of Hermes_Trismegistus [< Latin Tabula Smaragdina, 'Emerald Tablet']

"a work on alchemy attributed to Hermes Trismegistus" �Encyclop�dia Britannica

The Emerald Table of Hermes Trismegistos [�my translation of the Latin version of Henricus/Heinrich Khunrath]

The words of the secrets of Hermes --
[This is] true, without deception, [rather] certain and most true:

What is below is like what is above, and
what is above is like what is below,
to accomplish the miracles of the one thing.
And as all things were produced from the one thing, by the mediation of the one Being,
so all things are born from this one thing, by adaptation.

Its father is the sun, its mother the moon; the wind has carried it in its belly, its nourishment is the earth.
The father of all perfection throughout the world is this.
Its strength is intact if it be turned toward the earth.
Separate the earth from the fire, the subtle from the gross, acting carefully and with great skill.

Ascend with the greatest sagacity from the earth to heaven, and then again descend to earth,
and unite the powers of things superior and inferior.
Thus you will obtain the glory of all the world; and all obscurity will flee from you.
This has more fortitude than fortitude itself,
because it conquers every subtle thing and can penetrate every solid.

Thus has the world been created.
Hence proceed marvels and wonders, in the manner which is described here.
Therefore I am called Hermes Trismegistus,
having three parts of the philosophy of the whole world.

That which I had to say concerning the operation of the sun is completed.

�refer to:

|| Emerald Tablet | Tabula Smaragdina | Alchemy | Hermes Trismegistus ||
emotion(s) || Dharma | kleshas | Poisons | speech ||

Chinese list of the seven emotions:

  • happiness
  • anger
  • sadness
  • fear
  • love
  • hatred
  • desire

emotions can be either negative, afflictive, and poisonous emotions which arise from ignorance, or else positive.

positive_emotions include:

  • desire
  • enthusiasm
  • happiness
  • joy
  • love

negative,_afflictive,_poisonous_emotionsafflictive, negative emotions, of which the worst are the kleshas, arise from ignorance, and are poisons which lead to the sins of cruelty, betrayal, disloyalty, infidelity, unfaithfulness, and treachery; the negative emotions include:

|| emotion | emotional | emotions ||
Emperor Norton, ?-1880.01.08, 8:15 (a.m. or p.m.?)

Joshua Norton, a Cape Town (South Africa) shopkeeper who fails in business, and migrates to San Francisco (California), where he proclaims himself Norton I, Emperor of the United States and Protector of Mexico;

in 1997.01, the Clampers (members of the Ancient and Honorable Order of E Clampus Vitus) go on a pilgrimage to the grave of Emperor Joshua Norton I to rededicate themselves to absurdity.

shift-click on
and consult:
  • the book "Norton I, Emperor of the United States" by William Drury, 1986.
  • the writings of Mark Twain (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
| Emperor Norton ||
the Empress

the Empress is pregnant with the Magickal Childe H�rus.

|| Empress | Atu III ||
emptiness, the Void [Sanskrit śūnyatā, Pāli su��atā; Sanskrit śūnyavāda (shunyavada, sunyavada)] || Dharmatā | zero | Buḍḍhism ||
empty, nothing, void [Sanskrit śūnyā (shūnyā, sūnyā); Pāli su��a]

[in Sanskrit, śūnyā 'empty, void, zero' + -ta 'ness' > śūnyatā 'zeroness'; hence, 'emptinessvoidness']

śūnyavāda is the emptiness at the heart of matter, the emptiness of all phenomena:

all beings and all phenomena are empty-and-devoid of independent, permanent essence.

understanding and experiencing "emptiness" can not be taught, and the intellect can not understand it;
only rigpa can understand emptiness.

With emptiness, everything can manifest;
without emptiness, nothing can manifest.
Lopp�n Jigme Thutop Namgyal Rinpoche

|| emptiness | śūnyā | sū��ā | śūnyatā | śūnyavāda ||
En || negativity | nil | nihil | No One | no one | No Thing | no thing | Not | not | Nothing | nothing | zero ||

[Hebrew, 'not. nothing. negativity'].

cf the (Three) Veil(s) of Negative Existence, namely the En Sof Or (0-0-0)

|| En ||
end || aim | ends | goal | purpose || eschaton | end of time | time_of_the_end || beginning ||

|| end ||
end of time || end | eschaton | time ||

the end of time ends the time of the End (synonym Last Days),
whose duration is 1260 days [Rev. 12:6],
which = 3.5 times [Daniel 12:7], or years of 360 days each.

|| end of time ||
endless; endlessness || dharmatā | Void ||

cf the Endless Knot; also the endless Void (dharmatā).

|| endless | endlessness ||
Endless Knot, śrīvatsa || endless | ashtamangala | Eight Auspicious Symbols | Buḍḍhism ||

the Endless Knot [Sanskrit śrīvatsa, Tibetan dpal be'u �/pei pu/?]
is one of the Eight Auspicious Symbols (ashtamangala) of Vajrayāna and Mahāyāna Buḍḍhism, and
symbolizes, inter alia:
|| Endless Knot | śrīvatsa ||
energy || fire | force | Force | kuṇḍalinī | other ||

energy is �the primary requirement for a good performance on the stage, on the screen, and in life.� �Shirley MacLaine, My lucky stars, p. 144:tm

|| energy ||

English is a Latino-Germanic creole descended from a Germanic creole called Olde English or Anglo-Saxon, which is a creole of the Norse dialects of the Jutes from Jutland and the Angles from what is today Denmark, and the Teutonic dialect of the Saxons from Saxony.

During the latter days of World war II, English became, and by August of 1945 it was, the planetary interlanguage; and, in this present incarnation, i don't have remaining to me enough time to write everything here in more than one language; so i've written this page, or scroll, in English [that is, in Anglo-American] only, and used terms from other languages only when necessary; and those who wish to read this opus will simply have to learn to read English. Life's tough; then you die.

English pseudo-Latin includes terms such as:
  • absquatulate
  • conniption
  • discombobulate

Most North Americans who imagine themselves to be native speakers of English don't really speak English;
thass cuz mosta them ther fokes, they aint nevr dun gon an larned them to tawk English reel guud.

| English alphabet | language ||
English alphabet | alphabet | English |

Regarding the English alphabet, cf the passage in Liber AL that says:
Thou shalt obtain the order & value of the English alphabet;
thou shalt find new symbols to attribute them unto. �AL II:55
but not just anyone can do this.

"the order & value of the English alphabet":
its letters may perhaps be correlatable with either the IPA or the ASCII,
and their letters may be the "new symbols to attribute them unto."

"new symbols to attribute them unto":
just as the Ox is attributed to Aleph, the house to B�th, the Camel to G�mel, etc,
or as the Major Arcana of the Tarot are attributed to the letters of the Aramaic Flame-Alphabet,
so also one might in like manner attribute new symbols of a similar sort to the letters of the English alphabet as per AL II:55.
| AL II:55 | alphabet | English ||
Enlightenment || Atu XII | Awakening | Gnosis | mukta | nirvāṇa | zen | re-entry ||

Under the pressure of the two centuries of civil war in Japan, the Chinese ch'an monasteries in Japan become distinctly Japanese zen monasteries, and develop some very effective techniques to Enlighten people very rapidly; but they haven't yet discovered how to prepare people to re-enter the world. �Alan Watts, orally

|| Enlighten | Enlightened | Enlightening | Enlightenment ||
enneagram, enneagrammatic

The psychology of Georges Gurdj�eff uses enneagrams.

|| enneagram | enneagrammatic | 9 | Gurdj�eff ||

the Language of the Angels, channelled by medium Edward Kelley and scribed by Dr John Dee in the 16th century e.v.

Cf the Enochian Calls

|| Enochian | Languages | �rum | �thyr | �thyrs | Aires | The Vision and the Voice ||
En S�f

[Hebrew, 'infinitude']
The En S�f is the Infinite.
En S�f �r || Amitābha ||

The En S�f �r [Hebrew, 'Limitless Light'] is (En [Hebrew, 'negativity'] + S�f or S�ph [Hebrew, 'end; finitude'] = 'infinitude') + the �r [Hebrew, 'Light'] = the 'Limitless Light'.

the Three Veils of Negative Existence are the En S�f �r (0-0-0).
entities, metaphysical || Great White Brotherhood | persons | places | things ||

metaphysical entities include: || metaphysical entities
Enuma Elish

[Sumerian? Eastern Semitic? Enuma Elish,'When on High']

Mesopotamian myth of creation

sources include:

|| Enuma Elish | creation-myth | creation-myths | creation | myth | myths ||
enumerate, enumeration || number | numeral | numeration | numeric ||

see numeration.

|| enumerate | enumeration ||

envy is one of the Seven Deadly Sins of Christianity.
|| envy ||
Epimenides || paradox ||

Epimenides the Cretan uttered the paradox of Epimenides, namely that all Cretans are liars.

|| Epimenides ||
epiphany, ephiphanies

didactics criticizes and rejects; pornography seeks to possess; epiphany holds the beloved. �James Joyce

|| epiphany, ephiphanies ||
eponymous | link | other  ||

[> Greek, 'same-named']

|| eponymous ||
Equinox of the Gods || deification | demonization | Pachakuti ||

at every Equinox of the Gods, some of the deities of the old religion are deified and become the angels of the new religion, while others are demonized and become the demons and devils of the new religion.

The terms Ragnar�k 'World-End' and die G�tterd�mmerung 'Twilight of the Gods' are retrospective, pessimistic, and gloomy;
the terms Pachakuti and Equinox of the Gods, being temporally neutral, do not close the door to optimism.

equinox(es) || solstice(es) | seasons | Quarter Days | Feasts ||

the two annual equinoxes are those Quarter Days when the days and nights are of equal length; and their Feasts are as follows:

|| equinox | equinoxes ||

Erem�ta. Greek, 'Hermit'; & cf the word anachoretes.

[the name Ereshkigal is reconstructed by Babylonian theologians, and not originally Sumerian]

Ereshkigal is the Mesopotamian inflexible Goddess of the Dead and Queen of the Underworld Land of the Dead which is the Land_of_No_Return, and of post-mortem Justice, and of Ancestral Memory.

Ereshkigal is the older and darker sister, shadow-self, and nemesis, of

before Inanna can find her lover Tammuz / Dumuzi in the Underworld, and then truly return and take control of not only her kingdom, but her whole being, she must, and does, first descend into the Underworld, do the Dance of the Seven Veils, and, completely naked, face her older and darker sister, shadow-self, and nemesis, Ereshkigal, Queen of the Underworld, and her consort Nergal, King of the Underworld; for without the darkness, one cannot distinguish the light; and without knowing both, one cannot know the point of balance which sits between them.

Ereshkigal's security-system requires that her visitors lose clothing and power at each of seven gates, so that when they arrive at her throne-room they are completely naked. For the account of what happens when her sister Inanna, seeking her lover, passes the seventh gate and arrives naked before Ereshkigal, read the account of the myth, and visit "Who Will Plow My Vulva?" at

Ereshkigal's consort is Nergal, god of the Underworld.

|| Ereshkigal | dark goddesses | goddesses | Underworld ||

Eris, the daughter of Zeus and Hera, and goddess of discord, started the Trojan war for her amusement by throwing out among the goddesses her golden apple of discord marked "Kalliste" [Greek, 'To the most beautiful'].
| dark goddesses ||
le Comte d'Erlette

H P Lovecraft, in "The Shadow Out of Time", mentions the book
Cultes des Goules by the Comte d'Erlette.

|| Comte d'Erlette | Authors ||
eros, Eros || Mars | Venus ||

[Greek; eros is 'sexual love'; Eros is erospersonified as a god of sexual love.]
