Quiz & Worksheet - Constantine the Great Facts for Kids | Study.com

Constantine the Great Lesson for Kids - Quiz & Worksheet


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question 1 of 3

What was accomplished in the Edict of Milan?

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1. What was accomplished in the Council of Nicea?

2. What was accomplished in the Nicene creed?

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About This Quiz & Worksheet

Constantine was the first Roman Emperor to recognize and protect the rights of Christians. This quiz will help you see how well you understand Constantine's importance with questions about his empire, political groups, and laws of the time.

Quiz & Worksheet Goals

This assessment will help you see what you know about Constantine's contributions, including:

  • The Edict of Milan
  • The Council of Nicea
  • The Nicene creed
  • The land he conquered to become emperor
  • His capital city

Skills Practiced

  • Reading comprehension - ensure that you draw the most important information from the related lesson on Constantine
  • Making connections - use understanding of the concept of religious persecution to know the importance of the Edict of Milan
  • Information recall - access the knowledge you've gained regarding the geography of Constantine's empire

Additional Learning

For more on Constantine and the Roman Empire, review the lesson titled Constantine the Great Lesson for Kids. This goes more in-depth on this key historical figure, including:

  • Early life and lineage
  • Legend of his battle for the West
  • Death and burial