Constantinople Lesson for Kids: History & Facts |
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Constantinople Lesson for Kids: History & Facts

Instructor Jennifer Lowery

Jennifer has taught elementary levels K-3 and has master's degrees in elementary education and curriculum/instruction and educational leadership.

Constantinople was the beautiful capital city of the Byzantine empire. In this lesson, learn about how this city was named, how it grew and flourished, and discover some important parts of this ancient capital city.

If you wanted to take a look around Constantinople, you'd first need to travel to Istanbul, Turkey -- and then climb into a time machine and go back a few thousand years. When you arrived in the past, you would find yourself in the Byzantine Empire. This was the land and government that was at the eastern part of a very large kingdom called the Roman Empire. The Byzantine empire had many great leaders, but one of the most important was a king named Constantine the Great.

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When Constantine the Great came to power, he thought carefully about where the capital city should be located. Would the old city of Nicomedia be a good location? What about the area known as Troy, an ancient city? He decided on an area that was once the city of Byzantium. This new capital would eventually be named after him, called Constantinople.

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So what would you see if you were a resident of Constantinople during the Byzantine empire? Quite a bit! Since the city was near large bodies of water, you would probably notice a lot of activity in and around the harbors. You might also notice that the city had a system of collecting and storing water, something that was necessary during periods of time with little rain.

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After Constantine's rule was over, a new emperor named Justinian made even more improvements to the thriving capital. One of the most significant accomplishments of Justinian was the creation of a church called the Hagia Sophia. Justinian wanted a structure that was more elaborate than any built before, so he hired architects to design the church. It took about six years to build, but once it was done it was amazing! Today, the remaining parts of the Hagia Sophia are now a museum where tourists can visit.

Inside the dome of the Hagia Sophia
Hagia Sophia

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Several other rulers made changes to the capital city under their reigns, including Leo III, who was not a fan of the statues and art work that had been in Constantinople. He removed everything, and over the years the city began to decline. Eventually it was weakened enough that invaders called the Ottoman Turks conquered the city in 1453. What was once Constantinople is known today as Istanbul, Turkey.

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The Byzantine empire was the eastern part of the Roman Empire, and one of its leaders was Constantine the Great. He decided that the capital of the empire would be called Constantinople, and this became a thriving city full of activity and architecture like the famous church Hagia Sophia. The city was the center of the empire for hundreds of years, but was conquered by invaders in the mid-1400s.

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