Constantine the Great | Biography, History & Accomplishments |
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Constantine the Great | Biography, History & Accomplishments

Joseph Cataliotti, Joshua Riddle
  • Author
    Joseph Cataliotti

    Joe Cataliotti holds a Master of Arts degree in World History from Northeastern University. He earned a B.A. in History and Political Science from the same university and wrote his senior thesis on the history of radical right-wing movements in the United States.

  • Instructor
    Joshua Riddle

    Joshua teaches pre-modern World History and has a Master of Arts degree in History.

Study the life and accomplishments of the Roman Emperor Constantine I. Learn about why he is called Constantine the Great and how he legalized Christianity. Updated: 11/21/2023

Constantine the Great was a Roman emperor who ruled from 306 to 337 CE. Constantine was the first Roman emperor to convert to Christianity, promoting tolerance for that religion; for that reason, he has been seen as a great ruler throughout Christian history. Constantine also accomplished major achievements during his reign. This article will cover the history of Constantine.

Constantine is one of the most important Roman emperors

Statue of Constantine located in England

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Constantine was born in the city of Naissus in the Balkans in the year 272 CE. His father was Flavius Constantius, a Roman officer who quickly rose through the ranks to a prestigious position of glory. During this period, the Crisis of the Third Century, the Roman Empire was split into civil war. The crisis finally ended in the 280s, when Emperor Diocletian implemented reforms which split the empire into two allied emperors. In 293, Diocletian deepened these reforms by founding the Tetrarchy: a system where the two co-emperors of would share power with their successors.

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As ruler of these regions, Constantine defeated enemy forces in battle and expanded cities. He was, nevertheless, still a junior member of the Tetrarchy. Meanwhile, the son of the old emperor Maximian, Maxentius, stewed in envy. In 306, Maxentius rose up in revolt and declared himself emperor, seizing control of Italy. Finally, Constantine marched against Maxentius in 312. They met in the Battle of Milvian Bridge.

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Soon, Constantine controlled Rome. As emperor, Constantine brutally eliminated the other threats to his power. He defeated his co-emperor in battle and eventually became the sole ruler of Rome in 326. As emperor, Constantine made major reforms to the government. For one, he diverged from his predecessors by repowering the Roman nobility in matters of government. While Constantine destroyed the Tetrarchy established by Diocletian, he continued other reforms, such as healing the inflationary system of Rome by formalizing the minting of gold coins; Diocletian had earlier attempted this. Like Diocletian, Constantine also waged war against the border enemies of Rome, conquering new lands.

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What good things did Constantine do? Chiefly, Constantine ceased the persecution of the large Christian population of Rome. Emperors like Diocletian and others had abused Christians, viewing them with suspicion, as they refused to worship the emperors as gods. In 313, Constantine and his co-emperor agreed to issue the Edict of Milan: this returned stolen churches to Christians and ceased persecution of that religion.

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Despite spending years seizing power in Rome, Constantine saw that the old capital of the empire was strategically deficient, especially because of its distance from the frontier. Instead, Constantine established his base of operations in the city of Byzantium, which he renamed Constantinople in 324. Over the years, Constantine expanded and developed his new Rome. This city would go on to be the capital of the eastern Roman empire for more than a thousand years. Today, the city is now called Istanbul and is a key city in Turkey.

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Constantine the Great was a Roman emperor who ruled from 306 until 337. During his youth, Emperor Diocletian created the Tetrarchy: a system of power sharing featuring two main co-emperors and their two successors. Constantius, his father, was one of those co-emperors. After the death of his father, Constantine campaigned against his rivals for many years, finally securing sole power after defeating his enemies in battle.

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Additional Info

Constantine the Great

The Roman Empire was great by many measures. After all, it ruled for roughly one thousand years. One of the most well-known emperors was Constantine I, known also as Constantine the Great. Why did later writers give him this title? His greatness rests on three pillars: his support of Christianity, his creation of the city of Constantinople, and his continuation of Diocletian's reforms in the Roman Empire.

In hoc signo vinces - Constantine and Christianity

No doubt many western historians bestow 'greatness' on Constantine because he actively supported Christianity, even though he may have not been a true convert until his death. His 'conversion' - historians debate the sincerity of this - came before he battled a fellow Roman ruler for power, Maxentius, at the Battle of the Milvian Bridge in 312 CE. According to Eusebius of Caesarea, a bishop and biographer of Constantine, the future emperor claimed he witnessed a cross in the sky with the words in hoc signo vinces, meaning 'By this conquer,' next to it. Constantine won the battle. The following year, he and another Roman ruler, Licinius, composed the Edict of Milan, which allowed for religious toleration in the Roman Empire: ''...that we might grant to the Christians and others full authority to observe that religion which each preferred''. With this, they legalized Christianity, which had been subject to occasional persecutions in the Empire.

Giulio Romano, The Battle of Milvian Bridge, 1520-1524

In 325, Constantine called and presided over the Council of Nicaea, which would prove monumental in the history of the faith. Here, several Christian officials debated the divine status of Jesus. They settled on what would become the basis of Christian teaching about Jesus' divinity, the Trinity.

Constantine waited until he was on his deathbed to receive baptism into the faith. While a common practice at the time, this act has surely led some scholars to question his sincerity towards Christian belief. Also problematic is the fact that even after legalizing Christianity, he still allowed coins to refer to Sol Invictus, or the 'Unconquerable Sun.' Constantine also appeared as a sun-god in statue form in another great achievement of his, the city of Constantinople. At least one scholar, Peter Sarris, writes that Constantine actually favored Christianity more once he settled his power in the eastern part of the Empire. Whether or not he personally believed in Christian doctrine throughout his life, Constantine no doubt actively supported the faith.

Peter Paul Reubens, designer, Tapestry Showing Constantine Directing the Building of Constantinople, 1623-1625

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