Columbia Graphophone Model Identification - Cylinder Graphophones

The Columbia Graphophone and Grafonola -- a beginner's guide. Part 2 - Model Identification - Cylinder Graphophones

See also: Columbia Graphophone Identification -- Front Mounts
See also: Columbia Graphophone Identification -- Rear Mounts Graphophone Identification -- Cylinder Graphophones
For more Columbia models, consult our Antique Phonograph Identification Guide

Copyright 2007 Lynn Bilton

NOTE: As I mentioned in the introductory section, I don't have a complete set of images, or at least good images, to give you. If I am aware of a machine of which I do not have a picture I have mentioned it in the relevant listings. Some machines are also seen in several, often subtle, variations which I don't cover here. The goal is to make a basic identification of your machine. My listing is not comprehensive, but should cover 98 per cent of what you are likely to find.

Almost all machines of Columbia origin which were sold as a Graphophone had some type of Columbia decal on them. If your machine has original finish, but does not have a Columbia decal, it may have been marketed as a house brand. I show you some common examples of this in the listings.

Front mounting, the earliest system of springing the horn, placed the entire weight of the horn on the stylus. With rear mounting, the horn was clipped to an independent bracket, and only the weight of the tone arm was applied to the record. For more information about Columbia front mount variations, check out an article we posted several years ago, the Front Mount Columbia ID Guide.

Columbia A

Columbia AA

Columbia C

Columbia N

Columbia Q. Also seen, with lid, as QC.

Columbia B (Eagle)

Columbia BS (Coin-operated Eagle)

Columbia AG (some upperworks removed)

Columbia HG

Columbia AB Macdonald Additional Macdonald pictures

Columbia AD, AF. Part of upperworks removed.

Columbia AT, second version with high trunion

Columbia AT, first version

Columbia BK

Columbia AZ

Columbia AP, AQ

Columbia BC (Twentieth Century)

Columbia BE

Columbia BF

Columbia BG

Columbia BV

Columbia BKT (Note back bracket and aluminum tone arm)

Columbia BQ. Identical to the BKT except that the BQ uses a horizontally mounted reproducer.

Columbia BO. Uses back bracket and aluminum tone arm.

This machine, sold by Sears as an Oxford, was based on the BKT.
Not depicted:

Columbia AO.
Columbia AW.
Columbia BET. A version of the BE with back bracket and aluminum tone arm.
Columbia BFT. A version of the BF with back bracket and aluminum tone arm.
Columbia BGT. A version of the BG with back bracket and aluminum tone arm.
Columbia BVT. A version of the BV with back bracket and aluminum tone arm.
Columbia BM. Uses a smaller version of the Higham reproducer found in the Columbia BC. Same case as the Columbia BG.

START: The Columbia Graphophone and Grafonola
PREVIOUS: Columbia Graphophone identification -- front mounts
PREVIOUS: Columbia Graphophone identification -- rear mounts
LAST: Columbia Graphophone Repair

Lynn Bilton
Box 435
Randolph,OH 44265
330 325-7866


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