Classroom Layout Tool | School Seating Charts

Create and manage seating charts in minutes!

Join over 25,000 teachers in trying our easy-to-use software.

What teachers are saying...

Thank you again for creating such a useful teacher tool!

Megan W. a teacher in Ontario, Canada

This tool is a pleasure to use. Thank you so much for the great work!

Julia P. a teacher in South Carolina, USA

I didn't even realize I needed this. The classroom designer page is really easy to use.

Robert J. a teacher in Utah, USA

How it can help you this school year...

Reduce Talking

Mark individual students as "Talkers," and then when you shuffle the student names, those students will not be seated near one another.

This cuts down on talking in class, which means you get to babysit less and teach more.

Save Time

Create a seating chart in minutes.

Don't waste time writing out student names by hand ever again!

Automatically assign seats with the click of a button.

Tweak individual student positions by dragging and dropping.

Easy to Use

Making seating charts for your classes shouldn't be difficult, and with School Seating Charts, it isn't.

School Seating Charts has been designed from the ground up with simplicity in mind, so that you can just get the job done and get back to your life.

Don't waste time with other, more frustrating products.


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