The Dead Sea Scrolls writers knew 5 secrets about the End Times that most Christians still don’t know today. In a mostly unknown scroll known as the Melchizedek Pesher (or commentary) the ancient writer explained the End Times strictly from the Old Testament. The Document examines passages from Daniel, Isaiah, Deuteronomy, and Leviticus that open up the meaning and timing of the return of Jesus. It is an explanation of Biblical prophecies which are important to the end times and therefore to us today. Watch this Nelson Walters YouTube video to learn five things that most churches are still unaware of today particularly with regard to God’s cycles, Sabbatical (Shemitah) and Jubilee, and how important these are to the end times.

There is a second video which you will need to watch after this one it. The Dead Sea Scrolls predicts the exact day of the Second Coming. Not the Rapture because no man knows the Day or the Hour, but the day of His Second Coming to this earth. What the scroll writers knew 2100 years ago, many Christians have missed today because the answers are based on the Old Testament.

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