water in Central Atlas Tamazight - English-Central Atlas Tamazight Dictionary | Glosbe

Translation of "water" into Central Atlas Tamazight

aman, ⴰⵎⴰⵏ are the top translations of "water" into Central Atlas Tamazight.

water verb noun grammar

(uncountable) A clear liquid having the chemical formula H 2 O, required by all forms of life on Earth. [..]

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English-Central Atlas Tamazight dictionary

  • aman

  • ⴰⵎⴰⵏ

    noun masculine m-p

    clear liquid H2O

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The Microsoft-supplied default attract application for Surface units. Customers can customize the background and reflection images in this application, but the water effects stay the same. [..]

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"Water" in English - Central Atlas Tamazight dictionary

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