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Magdalena Beutlerin (Magdalena Beutler/Magdalena Beitlerin/Magdalena/ Buttelerin/Magdalena B�ttlerin, 1407/12-1458)

Magdalena de Cruce (Magdalena de la Cruz, fl. mid 16th cent.)

Magdalena Eufemia de Gloria (Maria Magdalena Euf�mia da Gl�ria/Leonarda Gil da Gama, 1672-1759)

Magdalena Steimerin (fl. late 15th cent.)

Mahusius van Oudenaerde, see: Joannes Mahusius (Letter J)

Malachias Hibernicus (Malachy of Limerick, fl. ca. 1300)

Malachias Tschamser (d. 1742)

Manfredus de Tortona (Manfredus Terdonensis/Manfredus Dertonensis, fl. 13th cent.)

Mansuetus de Castellione (Mansueto da Castiglione, fl. 13th cent.)

Mansuetus de Novocastro (Mansuet de Neufch�teau, fl. 17th cent.)

Manuel, see also under Emanuel/Emmanuel (letter E), if friars are not found here.

Manuela de S. Trinitate (Manuela de la Sant�sima Trinidad, fl. second half 17th cent.)

Manuel Alconchel, see: Emanuel Alconchel (letter E)

Manuel Alvarez, see: Emanuel Alvarez (letter E)

Manuel Ascensio Escudero, see: Emanuel Asencio Escudero (letter E)

Manuel Biedma (fl. late seventeenth cent.)

Manuel Carvajal (fl. c. 1700)

Manuel da Ilha (fl. c. 1630)

Manuel de Anduaga (fl. later 17th cent.)

Manuel de Angelis (Manoel dos Anjos, fl. early 17th cent.)

Manuel de Angelis (Manoel dos Anjos de Fez, fl. early 17th cent.)

Manuel de Arceniega (d. 1796?)

Manuel de Arg�ello (fl. c. 1700)

Manuel de Cenaculo (Manuel do Cen�culo)

Manuel de Conceptione (d. 1728), see: Emanuel de Conceptione (Letter E)

Manuel de Conceptione (d. 1745), see: Emanuel de Conceptione (Letter E)

Manuel de Conceptione de Eixo, see: Emanuel de Conceptione de Eixo (Letter E)

Manuel de Deo (Manuel de Deus), see: Emanuel de Deo (Letter E)

Manuel de Granada, see: Emanuel Granatensis (Letter E)

Manuel de Harco Portillo (Manuel de Harce y Portillo, fl. c. 1770)

Manuel de Jaen (1676-1739), see: Emanuel de Jaen (letter E)

Manuel de Janguas, see: Emanuel Janguas (letter E)

Manuel de Montforte, see: Manuel Montforte

Manuel de Monte Oliveti, see: Emanuel de Monte Oliveti (Letter E)

Manuel de Monzabal (fl. c. 1680)

Manuel de Najera (fl. later 18th cent.)

Manuel de Niza, see: Emanuel de Niza (Letter E)

Manuel de Pina Cabral, see: Emanuel de Pina Cabral (Letter E)

Manuel de Plasencia, see: Emanuel de Plasencia (Letter E)

Manuel de Sancta Rosa Viterbiensi (Manoel de Santa Rosa Viterbo, 1666-1722)

Manuel de Sancta Theresa e Sousa, see: Emanuel de Sancta Theresa e Sousa (Letter E)

Manuel de Santissimo Sacramento (Manoel de Santisimo Sacramento, 1741-1800)

Manuel de Sancto Bernardino, see: Emanuel de Sancto Bernardino (Letter E)

Manuel de Sancto Bernardo, see: Emanuel de Sancto Bernardo (Letter E)

Manuel de Sancto Bonaventura, see: Emanuel de Sancto Bonaventura (Letter E)

Manuel de Sancto Damaso, see: Emanuel de Sancto Damaso (Letter E)

Manuel de Sancto Josepho, see: Emanuel de Sancto Josepho (Letter E)

Manuel de Sancto Ludovico (Manuel de S. Lu�s/Manoel de San Luis, d. 1742)

Manuel de Sancto Martino (Manuel de San Mart�n, fl. c. 1670)

Manuel de Sepulchro, see: Emanuel de Sepulchro (Letter E)

Manuel de Sobreviela (fl. late 18th cent.)

Manuel de Trinitate, see: Emanuel de Trinitate (Letter E)

Manuel de Valladolid (fl. c. 1430)

Manuel de Yang�es (1630-1675)

Manuel Espino (fl. later 18th cent.)

Manuel Evangelista, see: Emanuel Evangelista (letter E)

Manuel Fern�ndez del Rio, see: Emanuel Fern�ndez del Rio (Letter E)

Manuel Fern�ndez Sidr�n (d. 1747/48)

Manuel Fraguela, see: Emanuel Fraguela (Letter E)

Manuel Gonz�lez (fl. c. 1708)

Manuel Guardiola y Rueda (fl. c. 1760)

Manuel Joseph de Villegas (fl. early 17th cent.)

Manuel Maria de Sanlucar (Manuel Maria de Sanl�car/de Barrameda, 1781-1851)

Manuel Mimbela, see: Emanual Mimbela (Letter E)

Manuel Montemayor, see: Emanuel Montemayor (Letter E)

Manuel Montes, see: Emanuel Montes, (Letter E)

Manuel Montforte (Manoel Montforte/Manoel de Montforte, fl. late 17th cent.)

Manuel Monzaval, see: Emanuel Monzaval (Letter E)

Manuel Navarrete (d. 1802)

Manuel Negrete (fl. ca. 1800)

Manuel Orchius, see: Emanuel Orchi (Letter E)

Manuel Palomino (fl. second half 17th cent.)

Manuel P�rez de Quiroga (fl. early eighteenth cent.)

Manuel Ramirez, see: Emanuel Ramirez (Letter E)

Manuel Rebello de Sylva, see: Emanuel Rebello de Sylva (Letter E).

Manuel Rodr�guez (Emanuel Rodericus/Manoel Rodriguez/Manuel Rodrigues, 1546-1613)

Manuel Sousa Pereira (Manuel Souza Pereira, fl. second half 18th cent.)

Manuel Tamayo, see: Emanuel Tamayo

Manuel Trujillo (Manuel Mar�a Trujillo y Jurado, fl. later 18th cent.)

Maphinus Cella (fl. ca. 1500)

Marcantonio/Marcantonius, see: Marcus Antonius

Marcellianus Coeberghen (fl. mid 17th cent.)

Marcellianus Dalhover (ca. 1655-1707)

Marcellianus de Judicaria (fl. ca. 1700)

Marcellianus von Auer (Marzellianus von Auer, fl. first half 18th cent.)

Marcellinus de Bitonto/Bituntinus (Marcellino da Bitonto, fl. 17th cent.?)

Marcellinus Brugensis (Marcel van Brugge/Marcellien de Bruges/Juan Pardo, c. 1580-29 november 1637)

Marcellinus de Pisa (Marcellinus Pisanus/Marcellino da Pisa, fl. first half 17th cent.)

Marcellinus de Ponte Bovesin (Marcellinus de Ponte Baves/Marcellin de Pont-de-Beauvoisin, fl. early 17th cent.)

Marcellinus Venetus (Marcelino da Venezia/Agnolo Piazza Veneziano, d. 1812)

Marcellus de Calvomonte (Marcel de Calvomonte, 17th cent.?)

Marcellus de Columna (Marcellus Romanus Columna/Marcello Colonna Romano 1614-1679)

Marcellus de Palermo (Marcello da Palermo)

Marcellus de Ribadeneyra, see: Marcellus Ribadeneira

Marcellus de Riez, see: Marcellus Regiensis

Marcellus de Sancto Severino (Marcellus Sanseverinus/Marcello da Santo Severino, fl. first half 17th cent.)

Marcellus Harclius (Marcellus Harcly/Hardy, 1581-1662)

Marcellus Ladorius (Marcel Ladoire, fl. early 18th cent.)

Marcellus Regiensis (Marcel de Riez, fl. mid 17th cent.)

Marcellus Ribadeneira (Marcellus de Ribadeneira, fl. early 17th cent.)

Marcellus Romanus, see Marcellus de Columna (Marcello Colonna Romano, 1614-1679)

Marcellus Sanseverinus, see: Marcellus de Sancto Severino

Marcellus Tonnorodensis (fl. 17th cent.)

Marchesinus Bajados (Marchesio de Bajadox/Bajados/Bajadon)

Marchesinus de Regio Lepidi (Marchesio da Reggio/Johannes Marchesinus/Marchesinus Petor?, fl. late 13th cent.)

Marchesinus Petor (fl. early 14th cent.), same friar as Marchesinus de Regio Lepidi? See under that entry

Marcianus Oenispontensis (Marcianus von Innsbruck, d. 1749)

Marcus (fra Marco, fl. 14th cent.)

Marcus a Bauduen, see: Marcus de Baudunio

Marcus Abila, see: Marcus de Abila

Marcus Aguado (fl. 16th cent.)

Marcus Alegambius (Marco Alegambe/Marco Li Gambi, d. 1647)

Marcus Antonius Barretti (Marco Antonio Barretti)

Marcus Antonius Capellus (Marco Antonio Capelli da Este, fl. first half 17th cent.)

Marcus Antonius Cursius (Marco Antonio Cursio da Treviso/Marcantonio Cursio da Treviso, fl. 16th cent.)

Marcus Antonius de Bajados (Marcos Antonio de Bajadoz, fl. early 18th cent.)

Marcus Antonius Galitius de Carpenedolo (Marcantonio Galizzi, 1599-1665)

Marcus Antonius Gambaronus (Marcantonio Gambaroni di Lugo, d. 1570)

Marcus Antonius Guarini (Marcantonio Guarini, d. 1656)

Marcus Antonius Paganus (Antonius Paganus/Marcantonio Pagani da Forl�, fl. 16th cent.)

Marcus Antonius Raynaldus (Marcantonio Rainaldi, d. 1599)

Marcus Antonius Vignola (Marco Antonio Vignola/Marcantonio Vignola da Venezia, d. 1764)

Marcus Berullus (Marc Berulle/de Berulle, fl. 17th cent.)

Marcus Blancus (Marco Bianchi di Sal�)

Marcus Corona (Marco Corona de Vladislavia, fl. first half 17th cent.)

Marcus de Abila (Marcos Abila/de Abila, fl. 14th cent.?)

Marcus de Alcala (Marcos de Alcal� de Santa Rosa, fl. c. 1730)

Marcus de Aviano (d. 1699)

Marcus de Berulle, see: Marcus Berullus

Marcus de Bethania, see: Marcus de Lissabon

Marcus de Bocanegra (Marcus Jaramillo de Bocanegra, fl. early 18th cent.)

Marcus de Baudunio OFMCap (Marc de Baudun/Antoine Bec, 1606-1692)

Marcus de Bononia (Marco da Bologna, fl. 15th cent.), beatus

Marcus de Broduno (1590-1660)

Marcus de Camera (Marcos de la Camera/Marcos de la C�mara, fl. later 16th cent.)

Marcus de Lissabon (Marcus Ulissiponensis/Marco do Lisboa, ca. 1511-1591)

Marcus de Montefeltre (fl. ca. 1270)

Marcus de Montegallo (Marco de Monte Gallo/Marco dal Monte Santa Maria, 1425-1496), beatus

Marcus de Monte Santa Maria (Marco dal Monte Santa Maria), see: Marcus de Montegallo

Marcus de Nicia (Marcus Niciensis/Marcos de Niza/Nizza, d. 1558)

Marcus de Sancta Maria, see: Marco de Montegallo

Marcus de Riez, see: Marcellus Regiensis

Marcus de Summa Ripa (Marcus de Summaripa/Marco de Sommario, d. ca. 1419)

Marcus de Summa Riva (Marco di Sommariva del Bosco/Somariva d�l B�sch, fl. first half 15th cent.)

Marcus de Ulm, see: Marcus Ulmensis

Marcus de Urbe Veteri (Marco d'Orvieto, fl. late 13th century)

Marcus de Tellierius, see: Marcus Le Tellier

Marcus de Viterbo (Marcus Viterbiensis/Marco da Viterbo, d. 1369)

Marcus Diaz (Marcos Dias, fl. first half 17th cent.)

Marcus Jaramillo, see: Marcus de Bocanegra

Marcus Kloz (d. 1763)

Marcus Julian (Marcos Julian, fl. early 18th cent.)

Marcus Le Tellier (Marc Le Tellier, fl. 17th cent.)

Marcus Niciensis, see: Marcus de Nicia

Marcus Ordo�ez (Marcos Ord��ez, fl. c. 1760)

Marcus Ramirez (Marcos Ram�rez de Prado y Ovando, 1592-1667)

Marcus Trevisanus (Marco da Treviso, fl. 15th cent.)

Marcus Ulissiponensis, see: Marcus de Lissabon

Marcus Ulmensis ( 1400)

Marcus Vigerius de Savona (Viguerius/Marco Vigerio della Rovere/Emmanuele Vigerio, d. 1516)

Marcus Vignola, see: Marcus Antonius Vignola

Marcus Viterbiensis, see: Marcus de Viterbo

Mare de Alvernia (d. ca. 1430)

Margarita Agullona (Marguerita Agullona, 1536-1600)

Maria Angela/Maria Angeles, see: Maria de Angelo

Margarita Austriaca (Margarita a Cruce/Margarita de la Cruz, 1567-1633)

Margarita Bichia (Margherita Bichi, 1480-1535)

Margarita de Cortona (Marguerita da Cortona, d. 1297)

Margarita de Noronha (fl. early 17th cent.)

Maria Angela Astorch (Mar�a �ngela Astorch, fl. first half 17th cent.)

Maria Bento (Mar�a Benta do Ceo, fl. second half 18th cent.)

Maria Bernarda (Mar�a Bernarda, fl. first half 17th cent.)

Maria Bruna (Mary Bonaventure/Mary Brown, d. after 1670)

Maria Clemente Ruoti (fl. first half 17th cent.)

Maria Coelesta (Maria Celeste Galilei, d. 1634)

Maria de Agreda, see: Maria de Jesu

Maria de Angelis (Mar�a de Los Angeles, 1731-1789)

Maria de Angelo (Mar�a Angeles/Mar�a Angela, fl. 18th cent.)

Maria de Antigua (Maria de la Antigua, 1566-1617)

Maria de Ascensione (Mar�a de la Asunci�n, fl. 17th cent.)

Maria de Ayala (d. 1634)

Maria de Beato Amadeo (Maria del Beato Amedeo Vercellone, d. 1670)

Maria de Christo (Mar�a de Cristo G�mez, 1654-1711)

Maria de Ceo (Maria do C�u/Maria do Ceo/Maria do Ceo del Cielo and Maria del Cielo, 1658-1753)

Maria de Cruce (Maria de la Cruz/Mar�a de Borja y Arag�n, 1513-1582)

Maria de Cruce (Mar�a de la Cruz Baeza, 1684-1754)

Maria de Jesu (Maria de G�su/Maria de Agreda/Maria F�rnandez Coronel, 1602-1665)

Maria de Jesu (Ruana) (Mar�a de Jes�s Ruana, 1616-1666)

Maria de Las Llagas (Mar�a de Las Llagas, 1609-1678)

Maria de Miranda (Mar�a de Miranda y Paz, fl. first half 17th cent.)

Maria Denti�re (fl. 16th cent.)

Maria de Oisterwijk (d. 1547)

Maria de Pernia (Mar�a de Pernia, fl. first half 17th cent.)

Maria de Presepio (Mar�a do Presepio, d. 1587)

Maria de Sacramento (Mar�a do Sacramento, d. 1679)

Maria de Sancta Clara (Mar�a de Santa Clara, 1737-1784)

Maria de Sancta Cruce (Mary Howard/Mary of the Holy Cross, 1653-1735)

Maria de Sancta Trinitate (Mar�a de la Trinidad Toledo y Mendoza, 1581-1631)

Maria de Sancto Paulo (Mar�a de San Pablo Ugarte y Saravia, 1538-1609)

Maria de Sancto Thomaso (Mar�a de Santo Tomas de Villanueva, d. 1804)

Maria Diomira (Maria Diomira del Verbo Incarnato, 1708-1768)

Maria Dionysia Bernarda (Mar�a Dionisia Bernarda G�mez de Ambel, 1639-1719)

Maria Domitilla Galluzzi (1595-1671)

Maria Evangelista (Mar�a Evangelista, fl. first half 16th cent.)

Maria Francisca de Sancto Antonio (Mar�a Francisca de San Antonio/Francisca Eugenia de Pedro y Cascajares, 1714-1734)

Maria Gabriela de Borja (Maria Gabriela de Borja y Castro Pin�s, d. ca. 1592)

Maria Gabriela Martini (Maria Gabriella Martini di Fragneto dell'Abbata, 1693-1775)

Maria Gertrudis (Mar�a Gertrudis, fl. later 18th cent.)

Maria Ignatia (Mar�a Ignacia da Vizita�a�, fl. early 18th cent.)

Maria Hieronyma de Assumptione/Mar�a Jeronima de l�Asunci�n, see: Hieronyma de Assumptione (Letter H)

Maria Josepha Barbara Broger (1704-1755)

Maria Lasso de Castilla (Mar�a Laso de Castilla, fl. first half 17th cent.)

Maria Laura (Mar�a Laura/Mar�a Lastra, fl. 17th cent.)

Maria Magdalena de Cruce (Mar�a Maddalena de la Cruz, 1575-1653)

Maria Magdalena de Jesu (Mar�a Magdalena de Jes�s, d. ca. 1700)

Maria Magdalena Euf�mia da Gl�ria, see: Magdalena Eufemia de Gloria

Maria Magdalena Martinengo (Margherita Secchi d�Aragona/Maria Maddalena Martinengo da Barco, 1687-1737)

Maria Magdalena Ulyssiponensis (Mar�a Magdalena de Lisb�a, fl. early 17th cent.)

Maria Michaela Ulyssiponensis (Mar�a Micaela de Lisboa/Maria de Brito e Noronha/Maria Micaela dos Anjos de Ata�de, 1652-1733)

Mariana de Jesu (Mariana de Jes�s/Mariana de Escalona, d. 1621)

Mariana de Jesu (Mariana de Gesu/Mariana de Jes�s, 1555-1635)

Mariana de Jesu (Mariana de Jes�s/Mariana Baquero, d. 1683)

Mariana de Jesu Torres (Mariana Francisca de Jes�s Torres y Berriochoa, 1563-1635)

Mariana Sallent (Mar�ana Sallent Trasobares, 1665-1746)

Maria Nazarena Sandri (1701-1749)

Marianus Bogdanovic (Marijan Bogdanovic, 1720-1772)

Marianus Costenus, see: Marianus de Koscian

Marianus de Alcamo (Marianus ab Alcamo/Mariano da Alcamo, ca. 1555-1621)

Marianus de Costen, see: Marianus de Koscian (fl. first half 17th cent.)

Marianus de Florentia (Marianus Florentinus/Mariano da Firenze, ca. 1477-1523)

Marianus de Genua, see: Marianus Genuensis

Marianus de Jeziorko

Marianus de Koscian (Marianus Costenus/Marian z Kosciana, d. 1651)

Marianus de Oscelar (Marianus de Orscolor/Marianus Oscelar/Marianus Oscolor, fl. early 17th cent.)

Marianus Florentinus, see: Marianus de Florentia

Marianus Genuensis (Mariano da Genova, d. 1585)

Marianus Josephus Herrarte (Mariano Jos� Herrarte, d. 1792)

Marianus L�pez y Pimentel (18th cent>?)

Marianus Morone (Mariano Morone da Maleo, fl. 17th cent.)

Marianus Mullenbornensis (Marianus von M�llenborn, fl. second half 17th cent.)

Marianus Nebbiensis (Marianus Nebiensis/Mariano del Nebbio, fl. first half 16th cent.)

Marianos Orscolor, see: Marianus de Oscelar

Marianus Senensis (Mariano da Siena, fl. c. 1460)

Marianus Stalpaert (fl. second half 17th cent.)

Marianus Unezovkhi (Pragensis, fl. second half 17th cent.)

Maria Rosa (Mar�a Rosa de Madrid, d. ca. 1722)

Maria Salinas (Mar�a Salinas, 1602-1657)

Maria Tellez (Mar�a Tellez, fl. first half 16th cent.)

Maria Theresa (Mar�a Teresa de Puebla de los Angeles, fl. early 18th cent.)

Maria Theresa de Sancto Josepho (Maria Thereza de S. Joz�, fl. early 18th cent.)

Maria Thomas (Mar�a Tomasa de Pur�sima Concepci�n, fl. early 18th cent.)

Marinus de Calvacesio (Marino da Calacesio, fl. early 17th cent.)

Marinus de Castineano (Marino da Castignano, fl. 15th cent.)

Marinus de Coriolano (Marius a Coriolano/Marino da Coriolano, fl. 16th cent.)

Marinus de Venetia (Marino da Venezia, d. 1564)

Marinus Maurus (Marino Mauro da Venezia, fl. 16th cent.)

Marinus Mersennius (Marin Mersenne) is a Minim, and not a Franciscan friar.

Marinus Panger, see: Martinus Panger

Marius Bignoni (Marius de Bignono/Marius de Venetia/Mario de�Bignoni, 1601-1660)

Marius de Calasio (Mario da Calascio, 1550-1620)

Marius de Foro Sarzino, see: Marius Fabiani a Mercato Sarraceno

Marius de Venetia, see: Marius Bignoni

Marius Fabiani a Mercato Sarraceno (Mario da Foro Sarzino, fl. second half 16th cent.)

Marius Joannes Gostcalcanus (Marius Gottscalcanus/Marius Johannes Gottschalk, d. 1603)

Marius Scribonius, see: Joannes Marius Scribonius (letter J)

Marquardus de Lindau (Marquard von Lindau, d. 1392)

Marquardus Herwart (fl. later seventeenth cent.)

Marquardus Leo (fl. early 17th cent.)

Martha Boigas (Marta Bohigas, fl. early 17th cent.)

Martha Magdalena de Calvario (Martha Magdalena del Calvario, dl. ca. 1700?)

Martialis Cenomagensis (Martial Du Mans, fl. ca. 1640)

Martialis de Brive/Martialus Brivatus (Martial de Brive, d. 1650)

Martialis Stampensis Parisinus (Martial d'�tampes, 1575-1635)

Martialis Pellegrinus (Martialis Peregrinus/Marziale Pellegrini da Castrovillari, fl. 17th cent.)

Martialis Stampensis, see: Martialis d��tampes

Martinus Aleman (Martino Aleman, d. 1727)

Martinus Alvevicus (Martinus Anglicus/Martin of Alnwick, d. 1336)

Martinus Belzunce (Martin Belzunce, d. 1651)

Martinus Bononiensis (Martino da Bologna, fl. early 17th cent.)

Martinus Borner, see: Martinus de Lucerna

Martinus Bordetus (Mart�n Bordet, fl. ca. 1480)

Martinus Burgerius (Martinus Burguerius/Mart�n Burguerio, fl. first half 17th cent.)

Martinus Cochemius, see: Martinus de Cochem

Martinus de Abbatisvilla (Martin de Abb�ville, fl. early 14th cent.)

Martinus de Aguirre (18th cent.)

Martinus de Albiturri (fl. late 17th cent.?)

Martinus de Alva (Mart�n de Alva, fl. c. 1500)

Martinus de Bononia, see: Martinus Bononiensis

Martinus de Arratia (fl. late 16th-early 17th cent.)

Martinus de Bosco Gualterii (Martin de Bois-Gaultier, fl. early 15th cent.)

Martinus de Cartagena, see: Martinus de Casta�ega

Martinus de Casta�ega (fl. early 16th cent.)

Martinus de Castello (Martinus de Castillo/Mart�n del Castillo, fl. mid 17th cent.)

Martinus de Castilione (Martino da Castiglione, 1558-1622)

Martinus de Cochem (Martinus von Cochheim/Cochemensis, 1634-1712)

Martinus de Corona (Martin de la Coru�a/Jes�s, fl. mid 16th cent.)

Martinus de Cruce (Martin de la Cruz, fl. early 18th cent.)

Martinus de Cueva (Mart�n de la Cueva, fl. first half 16th cent.)

Martinus de Cunis (fl. early 15th cent.)

Martinus de Doyza, see: Martinus Doycius

Martinus de Fano (thirteenth cent.)

Martinus de Hojacastro (Mart�n, fl. mid 16th cent.)

Martinus de Huydrobo de Montalv�n (Mart�n de Huydrobo, fl. c. 1730)

Martinus de Jesu (Mart�n de Jes�s/Mart�n de La Coru�a, d. 1568)

Martinus de La Pe�a (Mart�n de La Pe�a, fl. mid 16th cent.)

Martinus de Lilio (Martinus de Lillio/Mart�n de Lilio, fl. mid 16thcent.)

Martinus de Lucerna (Martin Borner, 1680-1731)

Martinus de Nantes (Martin de Nantes, fl. late 17th cent.)

Martinus de Sancto Antonio (Mart�n de San Antonio Moreno, fl. early 18th cent.)

Martinus de Sancto Bonaventura (Mart�n de San Buenaventura de Villa-Robledo, d. 1684)

Martinus de Sancto Felicio (Martin of St Felix), see: Joannes Farington

Martinus de Sancto Josepho (Martinus a S. Joseph/Mart�n de San Jos�, fl. first half 17th cent.)

Martinus de Torrecilla (Mart�n de Torrecilla, d. 1709)

Martinus van Turnhout, see: Martinus Tornacensis

Martinus de Valentia (Mart�n de Valencia, 1474-1534?)

Martinus Doycius (Martinus Doyza/Mart�n Doyca, fl. c. 1600)

Martinus Fernandez de Quiros (Mart�n Fern�ndez de Quir�s, fl. 17th cent.)

Martinus Frontius (Martin Front�, d. 1712)

Martinus Germanus, see: Flores temporum (under Anonymi) and Hermannus Gygas/Gigas (letter H)

Martinus Giliberti (Martin Gilbert, fl. 17th cent.)

Martinus Gomez de Soto (Martin Gomez de Soto, fl. ca. 1645)

Martinus Graecus de Curzola (Martin Greco de Korcla/Martino Greco di Curzola, d. 1791)

Martinus Ignatius de Loyola (Mart�n Ignacio de Loyola, fl. c. 1600)

Martinus Lilio/Lillio, see: Martinus de Lilio

Martinus Lombardus (fl. ca. 1230)

Martinus Lobo (Mart�n Lobo, d. 1641)

Martinus Meurisse (Martin Meurisse, 1584- Metz, 1664)

Martinus Minorita, see: Flores temporum (under Anonymi) and Hermannus Gygas/Gigas (letter H)

Martinus Myricanus (Martin vander Heyden, ca. 1524-1604)

Martinus Panger (Marinus Panger, fl. eighteenth cent.)

Martinus Perez de Guevara (Mart�n P�rez de Guevara, fl. mid 17th cent.)

Martinus Rhemius/Remius (Martin Remy, fl. later 17th cent.)

Martinus Rosa (Martino Rosa, fl. early 17th cent.)

Martinus Rosellus (Mart�n Rosillo, d. 1731)

Martinus Ruego (Mart�n Ruego, fl. late 16th cent.)

Martinus Ruiz (Mart�n Ruiz, fl. ca. 1600)

Martinus Rupnowski (Marcin Rupnowski/Martinus Rupniouski, fl. 17th cent. )

Martinus Sarmiento de Hojacastro (fl. 16th cent.)

Martinus Tornacensis (Martinus van Turnhout/Martin van der Keele; d. 1540)

Martinus Torrecillanus, see: Martinus de Torrecilla

Martinus Valesius Hibernicus (Martinus Valois, d. 1634)

Martinus vander Keele, see: Martinus Tornacensis

Massaeus Ananiensis (Maximilian von Deggendorf, fl. 2nd half 17th cent.)

Massaeus Bruna de Frossasco (Masseo Bruna da Frossasco/Friozano/Fivizzano, fl. early 16th cent.)

Massaeus de Elvas (Masseo de Elvas), see under the entry of Rodrigo de Porto (letter R)

Massaeus Poenen (Masseo Poenen van Grave, 1551-1622)

Massimo, see: Maximus

Mathias, see: Matthias

Matthaeus Anguiano, see: Matthaeus de Anguiano

Matthaeus Baccelinus (Mateo Baccelino, fl. early 17th cent.)

Matthaeus Balbanus, see: Matthias Balbanus

Matthaeus Bavera (Matteo Bavera, fl. ca. 1600)

Matthaeus Bellintani, see: Matthias Bellintani

Matthaeus Blanco, see: Matthias Blanco

Matthaeus Bocciolonus (Mateo Boccioloni, 1631-1695)

Matthaeus Botius (Matthaeus Botixa/Mateo Botija/Matteo Botti, fl. early 17th cent.)

Matthaeus Campagna (Matteo Campagna da Chieri, fl. late 15th - early 16th cent.)

Matthaeus Ciaccius (Mateo Ciaccio, fl. ca. 1540)

Matthaeus Ciaccheri (mid 14th cent.)

Matthaeus Corradonus (Mateo Corradoni da Cilento, fl. early 16th cent.)

Matthaeus Cosmerovius (mid 17th cent.)

Matthaeus Dardalla (Mateo Dardalla, fl. early 18th cent.)

Matthaeus de Agnone (1563-1616)

Matthaeus de Agrigento (Matth. de Cicilia)?

Matthaeus de Anguiano (Matheo de Anguiano, fl. ca. 1700)

Matthaeus de Aquasparta (ca. 1240-1302)

Matthaeus de Bascio (Matteo da Bascio, ca. 1495-1552)

Matthaeus de Bouzigues (Mathieu de Bouzigues, fl. c. 1300)

Matthaeus de Burgos (Mateo de Burgos Moraleja, 1548-after 1611)

Matthaeus de Burgundia (Mathieu de Bourgogne/Mathieu du Puy/Jean-Baptiste du Puy, 1632-1701)

Matthaeus de Heredia (Mateo de Heredia, fl. later 17th cent.)

Matthaeus de Leonessa, see: Matthaeus Silvestrus de Leonessa

Matthaeus de Nativitate (Matthaeus a Nativitate/Mateo de la Natividad, ca. 1650)

Matthaeus de Oviedo (Mateo de Oviedo, d. 1610)

Matthaeus de Purificatione (Mateo de la Purificacion, fl. early 18th cent. )

Matthaeus de Sancto Francisco (Mat�as de San Francisco, fl. c. 1640)

Matthaeus de Sancto Stefano (Mateo de San Stefano, d. 1714)

Matthaeus de Sosa (Matthaeus a Sosa/Mateo de Sosa, fl. early 17th cent.)

Matthaeus de Sancto Stephano, see under Isidorus Alphonsus de Castaneyra (letter I)

Matthaeus de Sancto Quintino (Matthieu de Saint-Quentin, fl. second half 17th cent.)

Matthaeus de Velasco

Matthaeus Dircovichius (Matteo Divkovich/Mate Divkovic/Matija Divkovic, 1563-1631)

Matthaeus Dordracensis, see: Matthias Weynsen

Matthaeus Ferchius Veglensis (Matteo Ferchio da Veglia/Matija Ferkic, fl. first half 17th cent.)

Matthaeus Gi�guez (Mati�s Di�guez, fl. first half 18th cent.)

Matthaeus Guindal (Mateo Guindal, fl. ca. 1700)

Matthaeus Hus (alleged author of Dormi secure), see: Joannes de Werden (letter J)

Matthaeus Le Heurt (Matthieu Le Heurt, d. 1620)

Matthaeus Lemmers (Matthieus Lemmers, 1739-1818)

Matthaeus Martinus (Mathieu Martin) is a Minim and not a Franciscan friar

Matthaeus Mombrion (Matthieu Mombrion , fl. first half 17th cent.)

Matthaeus Osiecki (Mateusz Osiecki, d. 1741)

Matthaeus Pedelarius (Mateo Pedelario, fl. 13th cent.)

Matthaeus Retter (Mattaeus R�tter, 1750-1804)

>> Check: Matthaeus Ripa (Matteo Ripa):Giornale (1705-1724), ed. M. Fatica 3 Vols. (1997). Cf. review in AFH 91 (1998), 578f.

Matthaeus Saracenus (Matteo Saraceno da Reggio/Matteo de�Saraceni, 1415-1481)

Matthaeus Silvestrus de Leonessa (Matthaeus Silvestrius/Matteo Silvestro da Leonessa/Mateo da Leonessa, fl. 16th cent.)

Matthaeus Sylvagius (Matthaeus Silvagius/Matteo Silvaggi, fl. first half 16th cent.)

Matthias Alonso (Mat�as Alonaso, fl. first half 18th cent.)

Matthias Balbanus (Matias Balbano, fl. 16th cent.)

Matthias Baldi (second half 17th cent.)

Matthias Bellintani (Matthias Belintanus/Mathias Bellintani de Salo, 1534-1611)

Matthias Blanco (Mathias Blanco), see: Mattias Ruiz Blanco (Mat�as Ruiz Blanco, 1643-1708)

Matthias Boccioloni (1631-1695)

Matthias Camagni, see: Matthias Parmensis

Matthias Cats (Felicius/Felisius/Matthias van Brouwershaven, d. 1576)

Matthias Croonenborch (1622-1684)

Matthias de Granada, see: Matthias Granatensis

Matthias de Hellin (Matias de Hellin, d. 1627)

Matthias de Marquina (Mat�as de Marquina, 1609-1769)

Matthias de Panicucolo (Mathia di Panicocolo, d. 1702)

Matthias de Parma, see: Matthias Parmensis

Matthias de Pinedo, see: Matthias Ortiz de Pinedo

Matthias de Saarburgo (Matthias von Saarburg, d. 1681)

Matthias de Salo, see: Matthias Bellintani de Salo

Matthias de Sancto Francisco, see: Matthaeus de Sancto Francisco (Mat�as de San Francisco), further above

Matthias de Saspow (Maciej ze Saspowa, d. 1473)

Matthias de Supramonte (Mat�as de Sobremonte, fl. 17th cent.)

Matthias de Venetia, see: Matthias Venetus

Matthias de Villa-Roel, see: Matthias Villaroel

Matthias Doringus (Matthias Doering, d. 1469)

Matthias Felicius/Matthias Felisius, see: Matthias Cats

Matthias Ferrerius (fl. mid 17th cent.)

Matthias Fischer (Matthias Vischer, 1752-1818)

Matthias Granatensis (Mat�as de Granada, fl. 17th cent.)

Matthias Grouwels (fl. first half 18th cent.)

Matthias Hauzeur (Mathias Celcitas/Matias Hauceur, 1589-1676)

Matthias Keul (1656-1703)

Matthias Ortiz de Pinedo (Mat�as Ortiz de Pinedo, fl. later 17th cent.)

Matthias Parmensis (Mattia da Parma/Mattia Camagni da Parma, fl. mid 17th cent.)

Matthias Rodriguez (Mat�as Rodriguez, fl. late 17th cent.)

Matthias Ruiz Blanco (Mat�as Ruiz Blanco, 1643-1708)

Matthias Sarburg (Matthias Sarburg, fl. first half 17th cent.)

Matthias Valvekens (d. 1682)

Matthias Venetus (Mattia da Venezia, fl. ca. 1660)

Matthias Villaroel (Matias Villaroel , fl. ca. 1650)

Matthias Weynsen (Matthaeus Dordracenus/Matthias Wentsen van Dordrecht, ca. 1480-1547)

Maturinus Gilberti (Maturinus Gilberti, 1498-1585)

Maturinus Lebret (Maturinus Le Bret/Maturin Le Bret, fl. early 16th cent.)

Maturinus Quadratus (fl. second half 16th cent.)

Maurelius Bacilerius (Maurelio Bacilieri, d. 1644)

Mauritius Centinus (Maurizio Centini da Ascoli, 1592 � 14 November 1639)

Mauritius de Berona (Mauritius von Luzern, d. 1810)

Mauritius de Lucca (Maurizio da Lucca, fl. second half 17th cent.)

Mauritius de Morra, see: Mauritius Gambarinus

Mauritius de Pinarola (Mauritius Pinaroliensis, Maurizio da Pinerolo, fl. early 17th cent.)

Mauritius de Portu Fildeo (Mauritius de Portu Fildaeus/Mauritius Hibernicus/Maurice O'Fihely/Muiris � Fithcheallaigh, fl. late 15th-early 16th cent.)

Mauritius de Toulon, see: Mauritius Toloniensis

Mauritius Gallus (first half 13th cent.)

Mauritius Gambarinus (Mauritius de Morra/Maurizio Gamborino, d. 1613)

Mauritius Hibernicus (Mauritius senior Hibernicus/Mauritius de Provins, Belvacensis, Pruvinensis/ d. after 1275)

Mauritius Hibernicus (de Portu/Maurice O�Fihely, d. 1513)

Mauritius Hylaretus (Maurice Hylarete d'Angoul�me, fl. second half 16th cent.)

Mauritius Kielkowski (fl. c. 1720)

Mauritius Philippi (Maurice Philippy, fl. second half 17th cent.)

Mauritius Poehm (d.1803)

Mauritius Sarralia (Morizio Sarralia di Mondovi, fl. early 17th cent.)

Mauritius Schrembgen (d. 1732)

Mauritius Schmid (Mauritius Schmidt, 1729-1801)

Mauritius Stadler (Moritz Stadler, 1739-1810)

Mauritius Toloniensis (Maurice de Toulon, fl. 17th cent.)

Maurus de Grieskirchen (Maurus von Grieskirchen, fl. later 17th cent.)

Maurus de Valentia (Mauro de Valencia, fl. early 17th cent.)

Maurus Fajdiga (Mavro Fajdiga, fl. second half 18th cent.)

Maurus Nolanus (Mauro da Nola, fl. early 16th cent.)

Maurus Sanchez (Mauro S�nchez, 1587-1650)

Maurus Sarracenus (Maura Saracenus/Moro Saracenus/Mauro Sarraceni da Fossombrone, d. 1588)

Maximianus Beniaminus (Maximilianus Beniamus/Maximiano Beniamino, fl. c. 1580)

Maximianus de Bernezay (Maximien de Bernezay, fl. 17th cent.)

Maximilianus Badoud (d. 1767)

Maximilianus Beniami, see: Maximianus Beniaminus

Maximilianus Degendorfensis, see: Massaeus Ananiensis

Maximilianus Lenglez/Lenglens (1590-1651)

Maximilianus Volaterranus (Massimiano/Massimiliano da Volterra, fl. ca. 1400)

Maximinus Aquensis (Maximin d'Aix, fl. second half 17th cent.)

Maximinus de Guechen (Maximin de Guechen/Massimino da Guechen, fl. ca. 1640)

Maximus Bertani (Massimo di Valenza/Massimo Bertani, fl. first half 18th cent.)

Maximus Ferrari (Massimo Ferrari da Montecchio, fl. 17th cent.)

Maximus Guisolan (Maxime Guisolan, 1735-1814)

Maximus Panormitanus (Massimo da Palermo, d. 1692)

Maximus Veronensis (Massimo da Verona, 1607-1679)

Medardus Compendiensis (Medard N.N. Capucin, fl. mid 17th cent.)

Melchiora Maria de Jesu (Melchora Mar�a de Jes�s, fl. early 18th cent)

Melchior Amigo, see: Melchor Amigo

Melchior de Antwerpia (Melchior Antuerpiensis/Melchior d'Anvers, fl. early 17th cent.)

Melchior de Cetina (fl. c. 1610)

Melchior de Flavin (Melchior Flavius, d. 1580)

Melchior de Frizzolis de Parma (Melchior Frizolius, d. 1520)

Melchior de Huelamo (Melchior Huelamus/Melchor de Hu�lamo, d. 1621)

Melchior de Jebra, see: Melchor de Yebra

Melchior de Angelis (Melchior ab Angelis/Melchior de los Angeles (17th cent.)

Melchior de Gratia (Melchor de Grac�a/Melchor Sotelo, fl. second half 16th cent.)

Melchior de Orihuela (Melchior de Oriolano/Melchor de Orihuela, fl. early 17th cent.)

Melchior de Rioja (Melchior de Rioxa/Melchor de Rioja, fl. second half 16th cent.)

Melchior de Sancta Agnete (fl. early 18th cent.)

Melchior de Sancta Maria (Melchor de Santa Mar�a, fl. early 17th cent.)

Melchior de Sancto Francisco, see: Melchor Espinola

Melchior Frizolius, see: Melchior de Frizzolis de Parma

Melchior Huelamus, see: Melchior de Huelamo

Melchior Lussy (1529-1606)

Melchor Amigo (fl. early 18th cent.)

Melchor de Huelamo, see: Melchior de Huelamo

Melchor de Jesu (Melchor de Jes�s, 1639-1698)

Melchor de Orihuela/Oriolano, see: Melchior de Orihuela

Melchor de Yebra (Melchior de Jebra, d. 1586)

Melchor Espinola (fl. early 18th cent.)

Melithon de Fontaine (fl. 17th cent.)

Merardus Wolff (Medardus, 1687-1745)

Michael Agnolo (Michaele Agnolo, fl. early 17th cent.)

Michael Angelus (Miguel Angelus Buongiorno de Sambuca, 17th cent.)

Michael Angelus Almenara, see: Michael Angelus de Almenara

Michael Angelus a Neapoli (Michael Angelus Vaginari/Michelangelo di Napoli/Michelangelo Vaginari, d. 1668)

Michael Angelus Ariminensis (Michelangelo da Rimini, d. 1625)

Michael Angelus Bonadies (Michelangelo Bonadies di Sambuca, 1603-1686)

Michael Angelus Bosdari (Michelangelo Bosdari da Ragusa, 1653-1729)

Michael Angelus Carmeli (Michelangelo Carmeli, 1704-1766)

Michael Angelus Cassina (Michelangelo Cassina, fl. early 17th cent.)

Michael Angelus Catalanus (Michelangelo Cattalani da S. Mauro, fl. 17th cent.)

Michael Angelus Corleonensis (Michelangelo da Corleone, fl. 17th cent.)

Michael Angelus Cortes (Miguel Angel Cortes, fl. late 17th cent.)

Michael Angelus de Agrigento (Michelangelo d�Agrigento)

Michael Angelus de Alaxio (Michelangelo da Alassio, fl. 18th cent.)

Michael Angelus de Almenara (Miguel Angel Almenara, fl. early 17th cent.)

Michael Angelus de Bergon (Michel-Ange de Bergon, fl. early 17th cent.)

Michael Angelus de Bogliasco (Michelangelo di Bogliasco, fl. second half 17th cent.)

Michael Angelus de Casalverio (Michelangelo da Casalviero, 1647-1734)

Michael Angelus de Corleone, see: Michael Angelus Corleonensis

Michael Angelus de Eugebio (Michelangelo da Gubbio, d. 1782)

Michael Angelus de Gatini (Michelangelo di Gattini/Michelangelo Guattini, fl. second half 17th cent.)

Michael Angelus de Gueret (Michael Angelus Gueretensis/Michel Ange Gueren/Michel-Ange Gu�ret, fl. first half 17th cent.)

Michael Angelus de Neapoli, see: Michael Angelus a Neapoli

Michael Angelus de Noci (Michelangelo de Noci, d. 1808)

Michael Angelus de Partinico (Michelangelo da Partinico, d. 1789)

Michael Angelus de Rasenna (Michelangelo da Rasenna, d. ca. 1680?)

Michael Angelus de Reggio (Michelangelo da Reggio, fl. 18th cent.)

Michael Angelos de Rimini, see: Michael Angelus Ariminensis

Michael Angelus de Rouen (Michael Angelus Rothomagensis/Michel Ange de Rouen, fl. 17th cent.

Michael Angelus de sancto Romulo (Michelangelo de San Romulo, fl. early 17th cent.)

Michael Angelus de Schorno (Diethelm von Schorno, 1631-1712)

Michael Angelus de Valentia (Miguel Angel de Valencia, fl. second half 17th cent.)

Michael Angelus de Venetia (Michael Angelis Venetus/Michelangelo da Venezia, fl. early 17th cent.)

Michael Angelus Falusius (Michelangelo Falusi, fl. 17th cent.)

Michael Angelus Gueren/Michael Angelus Gueretensis, see; Michael Angelus de Gueret

Michael Angelus Marullus (Michelangelo Marulli da altamura, fl. 17th cent.)

Michael Angelus Rothomagensis, see: Michael Angelus de Rouen

Michael Angelus Scotus de Varena (Michelangelo Scotto Varenna, fl. first half 17th cent.)

Michael Angelus Tapin (Michel Ange Tapin, fl. first half 17th cent.)

Michael Angelus Venetus, see: Michael Angelus de Venetia

Michael Antonianus de Alcala (Miguel Antoniano d'Alcala, fl. second 17th cent.)

Michael Asensius (Michael Ascensius/Miguel Asensio , fl. early 17th cent.)

Michael Avelanus (Michael Avellanus/Miguel Avell�n, fl. c. 1615)

Michael Beltranus (Michael Beltran/Miguel Beltr�n, fl. ca. 1630)

Michael Bergomasco (Michele Bergomasco, d. 1642)

Michael Bonsi (Michele Bonsi, 1563-1623)

Michael Brucardi (fl. late 15th cent.)

Michael Burgius (Michele Burgio, d. 1616)

Michael Burguera (Miguel Burguera, d. 1725)

Michael Caesenas, see: Michael de Cessena

Michael Calvus (Michele Calvo, d. 1654)

Michael Cerviae (Miguel Cervi�, d. 1574)

Michael Carcano, see: Michael de Carcanis de Mediolano

Michael Cattinarus (Michele Cattinari da Modena, fl. early 17th cent.)

Michael Clericus, see: Michael O'Cleirigh

Michael Dawnay (fl. first half 15th cent.)

Michael de Acqui (Michele d'Acqui, fl. late fifteenth cent.)

Michael de Agia (Michael de Valencia/Miguel de Agia/Miguel de Axia, fl. ca. 1600)

Michael de Aguajo (Miguel de Aguayo, fl. early 17th cent.)

Michael de Aguilar (fl. ca. 1700)

Michael de Almas Sanctas (fl. ca. 1750)

Michael de Ascasubi (Miguel de Ascasubi, fl. late 18th cent.)

Michael de Bononia (Michele da Bologna, 1500-1580)

Michael de Calco (Michele da Calci, d. 1389)

Michael de Carcanis de Mediolano (Michael de Carcano/Michele Carcano, 1427-1484)

Michael de Castofranco (fl. 17th cent.)

Michael de Cessena (Michael Caesenas/Michele da Cesena, d. 1342)

Michael de Consentia (Michele da Cosenza, d. cq. 1650)

Michael de Densk (Michael Densk, fl. early 17th cent.)

Michael de Dole (fl.1620)

Michael de Ezpeleta, see: Michael Ezpeleta

Michael de Guadarrama, see: Michael Guadarrama

Michael de Herrera (Miguel de Herrera, d. 1722?)

Michael de Hungaria (d. 1480, Budapest)

Michael de Iela (fl. 17th cent.)

Michael de Kildare (early fourteenth century)

Michael de Las Heras, see: Miguel Heras

Michael de Lefeburo/Michel Le Febvre, see: Justinianus de Neuvy-sur-Loire (letter L)

Michael de Lezera (Miguel de Lezera, fl. second half 17th cent.)

Michael de La Plaza (Miguel de La Plaza, fl. later 17th cent.)

Michael de Lima (Miguel de Lima, fl. late 17th & early 18th cent.)

Michael de Lyra (Michael van Lyre, fl. 15th cent.)

Michael de Medina (Miguel de Medina, 1489-1578)

Michael de Mediolano, see: Michael de Carcanis de Mediolano (Michael de Carcano/Michele Carcano, 1427-1484)

Michael de Molina (17th cent.), see: Michael Molina

Michael de Molina (Miguel de Milina, fl. mid 18th cent.)

Michael de Monsalve (Miguel de Monsalve, fl. early 17th cent.)

Michael de Neapoli (Michael Neapolitanus/Miguel de N�poles, c. 1580)

Michael de Oerderen

Michael de Ophem (Michael van Ophem, fl. second half 17th cent.)

Michael de Papinio (Michele da Papigno, d. 1820)

Michael de Parada (Miguel de Parada, d. 1633)

Michael de Passione (Miguel de la Pasi�n, dl. ca. 1700)

Michael de Platia (Michele da Piazza, second half 14th cent.)

Michael de Preces, see: Michael Preces

Michael de Purificatione (Michael a Purificatione/Miguel de la Purificaci�n, fl. 17th cent.)

Michael de Salas (Miguel de Salas, fl. later 17th cent.)

Michael de Sancta Maria (Miguel de Santa Maria, fl. mid 17th cent.)

Michael de Sancta Rosa (Miguel de Santa Rosa, fl. 17th cent.?)

Michael de Talavera (Miguel de Talavera, fl. later 16th cent.)

Michael de Tugio (Michael Tugiensis/Michael von Zug, fl. 18th cent.)

Michael de Valentia (Michael Valentinus/Miguel de Valencia/Matheo Escriva, d. 1630)

Michael de Vera (Miguel de Vera, d. 1720)

Michael de Villaverde (Miguel de Villaverde, fl. mid 17th cent.)

Michael de Zapata (Miguel de Zapata, fl. early 18th cent.)

Michael de Zarate (Miguel de Zarate, d. 1583?)

Michael de Zepeda (Miguel de Zepeda, fl. early 18th cent.)

Michael Dirleton (fl. first half 15th cent.)

Michael Dominicus de Pinerolo (Michele Domenico da Pinerolo fl. early 16th cent.)

Michael Ezpeleta (Miguel de Ezpeleta, fl. early 17th cent.)

Michael Fanalis (Miguel Fanals, fl. late 15th cent.)

Michael Gadea (Miguel Gadea, fl. c. 1800)

Michael Gallus, see: Joannes Michaelis (Jean Michaelis/Joannes Gallicus/Michael Gallus, fl. c. 1292), Letter J

Michael Garcia (Miguel Garcia, fl. early 18th cent.)

Michael Gonzalez (Miguel Gonzalez, fl. first half 18th cent.)

Michael Guadarrama (Miguel Guadarrama/de Guadarrama)

Michael Gutierrez (Miguel Gutierrez, fl. ca. 1660)

Michael Heras (Miguel Heras, fl. early 18th cent.)

Michael Hieronymus Terrero (Miguel Jer�nimo Terrero, d. 1750)

Michael Hillebrant (d. 1550)

Michael Hispanus, see: Michael de Neapoli (Miguel de N�poles, c. 1580)

Michael Isquierdo (Miguel Izquierdo, fl. ca. 1700)

Michael Joannes Martinus (Miguel Juan Martinez, fl. ca. 1700)

Michael Land�var Caballero (fl. first half 18thcent.)

Michael Menot (`Lingua Aurea�, d. 1518)

Michael Mestre (Miguel Mestre, fl. 18th cent.)

Michael Minorita, see: Michael de Calco

Michael Molina (Miguel Molina, fl. mid 17th cent.)

Michael Monachus (Michel le Moin, fl. first half 14th cent.)

Michael Monachus (Michele Montellano, fl. second half 15th cent.)

Michael O'Cleirigh, see also under Franciscus O' Mahony

Michael Ordo�ez (Miguel Ord��ez, fl. early 18th cent.)

Michael Preces (Michael de Preces/Miguel Preces, d. 1639)

Michael Raenerii de Perusio (fl. 14th cent.)

Michael Rodenas (Miguel Rodenas, fl. first half 18th cent.)

Michael Rodriguez Valhormoso (Miguel Rodr�guez Valhermoso, fl. first half 17th cent.)

Michael Romero (Miguel Romero, ?)

Michael Sanchez (Miguel Sanchez. fl. ca. 1700)

Michael Servius (Miguel Servi�, fl. 16th cent.)

Michael Somlyai (fl. first half 17th cent.)

Michael Stella (Michele Stella da Venezia, d. 1652)

Michael Suarez (Miguel Suarez. fl. second half 17th cent.)

Michael Suarez de Santander (Miguel Suarez. fl. late 18th cent.)

Michael Tebernier (Michel Tebernier/Miguel Tebernier. fl. 16th cent.)

Michael Val (Miguel Val, d. 1643)

Michael Valentinus, see: Michael de Valentia

Michael Veny (Miguel Veny, d. 1667)

Michael Victoriano (Miguel Victoriano, fl. early 17th cent.)

Michael Vivien (Michel Vivien, fl. later 17th cent.)

Miguel, see: Michael

Mikolaj Laurinowicz (d. 1651)

Modestus de Roviano (Modesto da Roviano, 1580-1654)

Modestus de Sancto Amabili (Modeste de Saint Amable) is a Carmelite friar and not a Capuchin, as stated in several old catalogues of Franciscan authors.

Modestus Gavatio [Junior] (Modestus Gavatius/Modesto Gavazzi, d. 1657)

Modestus Gavatio [Senior] (Modestus Gavatius/Modesto Gavazzi, fl. late 16th cent.)

Modestus Meerstein (fl. 17th cent.)

Modestus Romanus (Modesto da Roma, fl. ca. 1650)

Monaldus (d. ca. 1340)

Monaldus Beneventanus (first half 14th cent.)

Monaldus de Justinopoli (Monaldus Justinapolitanus/Monaldo da Capodistria/Monaldo d'Ancona, d. ca. 1280)

Monaldus de Monaldis (Monaldo da Perugia, d. 1332)

Morizio, see: Mauritius

Morus Saracenus, see: Maurus Sarracenus

Mutius Cavensis (Muzio dalla Cava, fl. early 17th cent.)







Magdalena Beutlerin (Magdalena Beutler/Magdalena Beitlerin/Magdalena/ Buttelerin/Magdalena B�ttlerin, 1407/12-1458)

OSC. German Poor Clare from Kenzingen. Daughter of Margareta von Werntertur (Margaretha von Kentzingen) and Georg Beutler. Her widowed mother (who sold her possessions, began a life of begging, and eventually joined the Dominicans at Unterlinden) brought Magdalena, then about five years old, to the Clarissan convent in Freiburg (Sankt Klara), Magdalene stayed there until her death. She became known for her visions and prophesies and also for her stigmata. She received the latter around 1429, after which she composed a letter with her own blood, which circulated in her convent. In 1431, she prophesied her own death. This failed to occur, which damaged her reputation outside her community, yet did not completely end her influence within the monastery. See for a derisory account of this episode Johannes Nider's Formicarius.


Her visions are recorded in the so-called Magdalena-Buch: MSS Mainz, Stadtbibliothek, cod. II 16 (M) (a. 1491); Freiburg, Universit�tsbibliothek cod. 185 (F (a. 1656/57).

Erkl�rung des Vaterunsers, edited as: Erkl�rung des Vaterunsers: A Critical Edition of a 15th-Century Mystical Treatise by Magdalen Beutler of Freiburg, ed. Karen Greenspan. PhD. Diss. (University of Massachusetts, 1984).


Vita ascribed to the local priest Johannes Maier. For a modern edition, see: La Vita di Magdalena von Freiburg (1407�1458). Trascrizione diplomatica, traduzione e commento del manoscritto, ed. PhD. Diss. (Universit� di Pisa, 1997).


Wilhelm Schleussner, 'Magdalena von Freiburg. Eine pseudomystische Erscheinung des sp�teren Mittelalters', Der Katholik 87 (1907), 15-32, 109-127, 199-216; Peter Dinzelbacher & Kurt Ruh, 'Magdalena von Freiburg', in: Die deutsche Literatur des Mittelalters: Verfasserlexikon, 2nd Ed. V (Berlin-New York: De Gruyter, 1985), 1117-1121; Martina Backes, 'Zur literarischen Genese frauenmystischer Viten und Visionstexte am beispiel des Freiburger Magdalenenbuchs', in: Literarische Kommunikation und soziale Interaktion: Studien zur Institutionalit�t mittelalterlicher, ed. Beate Kellner, Ludger Lieb & Peter Strohschneider, Mikrokosmos: Beitr�ge zur Literaturwissenschaft und Bedeutungsforschung, 64 (Frankfurt a.M.: Peter Lang, 2001), 249-260; Anne Winston-Allen, Convent Chronicles: Women Writing About Women and Reform in the Late Middle Ages (University Park, Pennsylvania: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 2004), ad indicem; Martina Backes, 'Der Fall der Freiburger Klarisse Magdalena Beutlerin, d. 1458', in: Eine Stadt braucht Kl�ster - Freiburg i. Br. braucht Kl�ster (Freiburg i. Br.: Augustinermuseum und Universit�t Freiburg, Inst. f�r Bibl. & Hist. Theol., 2006), 77-78; Annemarie Schlerka, Visionen im Mittelalter am Beispiel von Hildegard von Bingen, Mechtild von Magdeburg und Magdalena Beutler von Kentzingen (Vienna, 2007), ad indicem; 'Magdalena von Freiburg', in: Deutsches Literatur-Lexikon. Das Mittelalter, Band 2: Das geistliche Schrifttums des Sp�tmittelalters, ed. Wolfgang Achnitz (Berlin-Boston: De Gruyter, 2011), 811 f.





Magdalena de Cruce (Magdalena de la Cruz, fl. mid 16th cent.)

OSC. Spanish Poor Clare from Aguilar (C�rdoba). Nun of the Santa Clara monastery in C�rdoba. Known for her sanctity and revelations, she drew admirers from high places, and was considered for a while as a living saint. Yet she eventually came under suspicion, especially when, in the wake of a serious illness in 1543, Magdalena confessed that she had invented her alleged stigmata and claims of performing miracles. She was persecuted by the Inquisition, and in an auto-da-f� held at C�rdoba in 1546, she was condemned to perpetual imprisonment in a Clarissan cloister. There she ended her life with penitential practices.


Relaci�n de su vida y gracias especiales que habi� recibido. Written at the request of her confessor. The work was later confiscated. See: M. Menendez y Pelayo, Historia de los heterodoxos espa�oles II, 528-529.


Serrano y Sanz, Apuntes para una biblioteca de escritores espa�olas (Madrid, 1903) I, 298. Cf. also





Magdalena Eufemia de Gloria (Maria Magdalena Euf�mia da Gl�ria/Leonarda Gil da Gama, 1672-1759)

OSC. Portuguese nun from Cintra. Born on 11 May 1672 as the daughter of Elena de Tavora and Henrique Carvalho de Sousa. She made her profession in the Nossa Senhora da Esperan�a monastery (Lisbon) in 1690 (or on 25 March 1688?). She published under the anagrammatic pseudonym (Leonarda Gil da Gama). Contemporaries referred to her as "f�nix dos engenhos" (phoenix of wits). She died in or after 1759.


Novena de Santa Rosa de Santa Maria (1734).

Orbe celeste, adornando de brilhantes estrellas e dois ramilhetes (Lisbon: Pedro Ferreira, 1742). [poetry and prose pieces]

�guia real, f�nix abrasado, pelicano amante, hist�ria paneg�rica, e vida prodigios do �nclito patriarca Santo Agostinho (Lisbon, 1744).

Reino de Babylonia, ganhado pelas armas do Empyreo. Discurso moral (Lisbon: Pedro Ferreira, 1749). A peculiar emblem book, issued under the pseudonym Leonarda Gil da Gama.

Brados do desenga�o contra o profundo sono de esquecimiento. Em tres historias exemplares para meglor conhocerse o pouco, que durao as vaidades do mundo, e o poder dad divinas inspira�oes (Lisbon: Miguel Rodrigues, 1736/Domingo Rodrigues, 1749).

Astro brilhante em novo mundo, fragante flor de paraiso, plantada no jard�m de America. Historia panegyrica de Sancta Rosa de Sancta Maria (Lisbon: Pedro Ferreira, 1783)


F. Serrano y Sanz, Apuntes para una biblioteca de escritores espa�olas (Madrid, 1903) I, 460-463; S. Eijan, La poes�a franciscana (Santiago, 1936), 351; The Routledge Research Companion to Early Modern Spanish Women Writers (Taylor & Francis, 2017), 354, 355. See also





Magdalena Steimerin (fl. late 15th cent.)

OSC. German (Alsacian) Poor Clare and Abbess in the Strasbourg Auf dem W�rth monastery.


Klarenbuch/Legende der auserw�hlten Jungfrau St. Klara: MS Badische Landesbibliothek Karlsruhe, Thennenbach 4 (c. 1490/1492).
For (partial) editions, see : Clara und Franciscus von Assisi. eine sp�tmittelalterliche alemannische Legende der Magdalena Steimerin: mit acht Miniaturen aus einer Pergamenthandschrift der Badischen Landesbibliothek Karlsruhe, ed. & trans. Franz Anselm Schmitt & Fritz M�hlenweg (Konstanz: Simon und Koch, 1959); Susanne Ernst (ed.), 'Aus der "Legende der auserw�hlten Jungfrau St. Klara"', in: 'Vena vivida - Lebendige Quelle'. Texte zu Klara von Assisi und ihrer Bewegung, I: Deutsche und niederl�ndische Zeugnisse zur hl. Klara, ed. Werkstatt Franziskanische Forschung in Verbindung mit der Fachstelle Franziskanische Forschung, (M�nster: Fachstelle Franziskanische Forschung, 2008), 137-153.


See the introductory remarks in Susanne Ernst (ed.), 'Aus der "Legende der auserw�hlten Jungfrau St. Klara"', in: 'Vena vivida - Lebendige Quelle'. Texte zu Klara von Assisi und ihrer Bewegung, I: Deutsche und niederl�ndische Zeugnisse zur hl. Klara, ed. Werkstatt Franziskanische Forschung in Verbindung mit der Fachstelle Franziskanische Forschung, (M�nster: Fachstelle Franziskanische Forschung, 2008), 137-154.





Malachias Hibernicus (Malachy of Limerick, ca. 1300)

OM. Irish friar, moral theologian and preacher, active in the Limerick friary. He produced a treatise De Veneno Septem Peccatorum Mortalium Eorumque Remedia, which has survived in at least 36 manuscripts (frequently together with Grosseteste�s De Oculo Morali). The work, meant �ad informare populum� about the poision of sins, contains sixteen chapters [i.) Quod triplici ratione omne peccatum veneno comparatur; ii.) Triplex remedium contra peccatum in generali; iii.) De primordiali veneno peccati et principali, scilicet superbia; iv.) Triplex superbie remedium; v.) De veneno invidie; vi.) De triplici remedio invidiae et quibus invidia comparetur et quanta mala ex ea sunt orta; vii.) De veneno irae; viii.) Remedium contra iram; ix.) De veneno acidie; x.) De remedio acidie; xi.) De avaritie veneno; xii.) De remedio avaritie; xiii.) De veneno gule; xiv.) De remedio gule; xv.) De veneno luxurie; xvi.) De remedio luxuriae]. Aside from a systhematic treatment of the vices, the work also harbours a range of interesting (albeit merely fantastical and mytholigical) statements about Ireland and the moral inclinations of its people. According to the 1518 edition of the work, as well as according to Wadding and John Bale�s Index (Basel, 1559), 242-3, Malachy would have been master of theology at Oxford. There is no further evidence to support this. Malachy�s work shows a wide reading and a firm grounding in theology, yet refers almost exclusively to authors from before 1200 (Aside from the Bible and Augustine, Malachy cites for instance Pliny�s Historia Naturalis, Aristotle�s De Animalibus and Ethics, Avicenna, Isidore, Boetius, Papias� Commentator super Boetium de Disciplina Scholarium. Seneca�s Epistulae, the Moralia and the Pastorale of Gregory the Great, works by Jerome, Ambrose, and Orosius, the Apologi of Aesop, Cicero�s De Officiis and De Tusculanis Quaestionibus, Martianus Capella, the Historia Alexandri Magni de Proeliis, works by Fulgentius, Beda, Dioscorides, Galen, Chrysostom, Valerius Maximus, the Physiologus, Bernard of Clairvaux�s Epistolae, Constantonus Africanus, and Alexander Nequam). This does not indicate a degree course in scholastic theology. Maybe, Malachy had followed a lectorate course or an equivalent form of theological education at one of the studia generalia (in Oxford or Cambridge) or at one of the more important custodial schools in the English province. Our friar probably should be identified with the Franciscan friar Malachias of Limerick who in 1286 was in the picture for the position of Archbishop of Tuam [cf. Sbaralea Supplementum, I, 507 & Bullarium Franciscanum III (Rome, 1763), 573; Sweetman, Calendar of Documents relating to Ireland II (1877), 311-312, 340; Esposito, The English Historical Review 33 (1918), 362-3].


Septem peccatorum mortalium venena eorumque remedia describens: qui dicitur Venenum Malachiae: Augsburg, UB, Cod. II.1.2� 68 ff. 146ra-148va (an. 1448); Paris, BN, Lat. .>> A lengthy listing of the other MSS (36 in all) is given by Espito. Op. Cit., 364-366. The majority of these manuscripts was ascribed to more famous authors, such as Robert Grosseteste and John of Wales.
For an early modern edition, see: F. Malachie Hibernici, ordinis minorum , doctoris theologie, strenui quondam divini verbi illustratoris necnon vitiorum obiurgatoris acerrimi Libellus, septem peccatorum mortalium venena eorumque remedia describens: qui dicitur Venenum Malachiae (Paris: In Officina Henrici Stephani, 1518).

Conciones: MS ?


Wadding, Script., 168; Wadding, Annales Minorum VI, 198-199 (ad. an. 1310); Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 311; Sbaralea, Suppl. (ed. 1921) II, 201; J. Bale, Index Britanniae Scriptorum, ed. R.L. Poole (Oxford, 1902), 286; Zawart, 309; M. Esposito, `Friar Malachy of Ireland�, The English Historical Review, 33 (1918), 359-366; E.B. Fitzmaurice & A.G. Little, Materials for the History of the Franciscan Province of Ireland (Manchester, 1920), 46, 56-58; R.J. Hayes, Manuscript Sources for the History of Irish Civilisation III (Dublin, 1965), 289-290; F. Cotter, The Friars Minor in England>>>; Mario Esposito, `Friar Malachy of Ireland�, in: Idem, Studies in Hiberno-Latin Literature, ed. Michael Muray Gorman, Variorum Collected Studies Series, 810 (Aldershot: Ashgate Variorum, 2006).





Malachias Tschamser (d. 1742)

OFMConv. German (Alsacian) friar. Active in Thann, in the province of Strasbourg. Historian. Wrote an interesting order history, also filled with popular lore.


Anales oder Jahres-Geschichten der Baarf�seren oder Minderen Br�dern S. Franc. Ord. insgemein Conventualen genannt, zu Thann (Colmar, 1864); Annales des Franciscaines de Thann au XVIIIe si�cle ou Grande chronique (1701-1742) du fr�re Malachias Tschamser (Thann: Soci�t� d�Histoire �Les Amis de Thann�, 2001). [cf. AFH 95 (2002), 223f]


Cl. Schmitt, `L'Italia Francescana vista dal cronista conventuale di Thann in Alsazia Malachias Tschamser (d. 1742)', Studi Francescani, 94 (3-4) (1997), 479-498; Cl�ment Schmitt, �La cronique du conventuel Malachias Tschamser (d.1742): Son apport historique sur les Capucins�, in: Negotium fidei. Miscellanea di studi offerti a Mariano D�Alatri in occasione del suo 80�compleanno, ed. Pietro Maranesi, Bibliotheca seraphico-capuccina, 67 (Rome-Bravetta, 2002), 365-371.





Manfredus de Tortona (Manfredus Terdonensis/Manfredus Dertonensis, fl. 13th cent.)

OM. Italian Franciscan friar, theologian and canonist. Pupil of Alexander of Hales and John of La Rochelle. Lector in Bologna. Took part in the Synod of Ravenna (March 1268). Author of the Polylogium de Expositione Vocabulorum Sacrae Scripturae, of biblical commentaries and of several penitential works.



Postilla super Matthaeum Fratris Manfredi: MS Bologna, Bibl. Conv. S. Francisci ?

Summa de Casibus in Foro Poenitentiali: MS olim Udine, Conv. S. Francisci ?

Summa de modo Procedendi Contra Apostatos: MS ?

Polylogium Dictionum Scripturarum: MS olim Ferrara, Bibl. Conv. S. Francisci ?

Summa/Tractatus de Restitutione Male Ablatorum: MS Toledo 22-31 ff. 307v-312v


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 311; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 507; Stegm�ller, RB, III, 5447-5447,1; F.M. Henquinet, `Le canoniste fr. Manfroid de Tortona, O.F.M., disciple d�Alexandre de Hales et Jean de la Rochelle�, AFH, 33 (1940), 221.





Mansuetus de Castellione (Mansueto da Castiglione, fl. 13th cent.)

OM. Italian friar and papal legate in England (1258) and elsewhere, as well as chaplain and penitentiary of Pope Alexander IV. Old catalogues sometimes ascribe to him the 1259 version of the rule of Isabelle of Longchamp (Regula Sororum Monasterii Humilitatis Beatae Virginis), yet modern research assigns the real authorship of that text to Isabelle of Longchamp herself. Mansueto died after 1263.


Thomas Eccleston, Tractatus de adventu Fratrum Minorum in Angliam, ed. A.G. Little (Manchester, 1951), 96; Salimbene, Chronica, ed. Oswald Holder-Egger, MGH, Scriptores 32 (Hannover: Hahn, 1905-1912), 454, no. 3; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 508; Robert E. Lerner, 'Frederick II, Alive, Aloft and Allayed, in Franciscan-Joachite Eschatology',The Use and Abuse of Eschatology in the Middle Ages, ed. Werner Verbeke, Daniel Verhelst & Anries Welkenhuysen (Louvain: Leuven UP, 1988), 359-384 (at 370-371); Gabriele Taddei, Fra' Mansueto da Castiglione un legato apostolico presso Pisa, Firenze, Londra e Parigi alla met� del Duecento (Florence: Edifir, 2010).





Mansuetus de Novocastro (Mansuet de Neufch�teau, fl. 17th cent.)

OFMCap. French friar, preacher and spiritual author. Several of his works became rather popular in German translation (made by his fellow Capuchin Leonard von Aachen).


Die getrewe B�sserin: aller Tugend und Bu� befliessene (...) vorgestellt in dem Leben der tugendreicher Schwester Clarae Franciscae von Antwerpen, B�sserinn Capucinesse. Von dem R.P. Mansueto Novocastrensi Capuciner Ordens Prediger beschrieben, in der Franzoesischer Sprach; Jetzt aber in der reiner, teutscher, trewlich uebersetzt, Von R.P. Leonardo Aquensi, desselbigen Ordens Predigern (Coellen am Rhein: Johann Hermann Weyer [?], 1676). Accessible via the digital collections of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek Munich and via Google Books.

Eigentliche Abbildung Einer recht vollkommener Obrigkeit: Historisch- und Sittlicher Wei� entworffen In dem gef�hrten Leben der Ehrw�rdiger Muttern, Mariae Ioannae Franciscae, Erster Priorinnen Deren Annunciaten Coelestineren zu D�sseldorf. Von dem Viel-Ehrw�rdigen P. Mansueto Novocastrensi, de� Ordens de� H. Vatters Francisci, Capuciner genant, Prediger, auff dem Papier in der Franzoesischer Sprach beschrieben, in die Deutsche aber uebersetzt und zum Druck verfertigt Durch R.P. Leonardum von Aachen, selbigen Ordens Prediger (Coellen: Peter Alstorff, 1683). Accessible via the digital collections of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek Munich and via Google Books.


Fabienne Henryot, 'Les capucins et l��criture aux XVIIe et XVIIIe si�cles d�apr�s la Bibliotheca de Bernard de Bologne', Etudes Franciscaines 4:1 (2011), 111-143 (note 22).





Manuela de S. Trinitate (Manuela de la Sant�sima Trinidad, fl. second half 17th cent.)

OSC. Spanish Discalced Clarissan nun. Daughter of don Alonso de Bracamonte, Lord of Villafuerte. She joined the Pur�sima Concepci�n monastery of Discalced Poor Clares in Salamanca (Clarisas Descalzas) at the age of 10, adopting the name Manuela de la Sant�sima Trinidad. She lived in the Salamanca monastery for 64 years, and fulfilled three stints as abbess of her community. In the course of her career she compiled in collaboration with other nuns a convent chronicle, which subsequently was corrected by members of her community. It relates the history of the monastery from its foundation in 1601 and also includes the life of 25 of its nuns (out of a total of 53 mentioned in the obituary), partly based on these nuns� autobiographical statements. Manuela died on 3 October 1696 at the age of 73.


Fundaci�n del convento de Purissima Concepci�n de Franciscas Descalzas de la Ciudad de Salamanca, su regla y modo de vivir con la relaci�n de las vidas de algunas Religiosas se�aladas en virtud en cicho Convento, que obligada de la Obediencia escrivio Madre Manuela de la Sant�sima Trinidad, Religiosa, y Abadesa que fue tres veces del mesmo Convento (Salamanca: Mar�a Est�vez Viuda, 1696). For instance accessible via the Biblioteca Nacional of Madrid (BNM, 2-10721). Extracts can be found in Escritoras Clarisas Espa�olas. Antolog�a, ed. Maria Victoria Trivi�o, OSC, Biblioteca de autores cristianos 523 (Madrid, 1992), 239-247.

Exercicio quotidiano de la venerable Madre Sor Manuela de la Sant�ssima Trinidad, Religiosa de insigne Santidad en el Convento de la Pur�sima Concepci�n de Franciscas Descal�as de Salamanca (Salamanca: Gregorio Ortiz Gallarde, 1714). See for access for instance


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana I, 328; Serrano y Sanz, Apuntes para una biblioteca de escritores espa�olas (Madrid, 1903) I, 641; Isabelle Poutrin, Le voile et la plume. Autobiographie et saintet� f�minine dans l�Espagne moderne, Biblioth�que de la Casa de Vel�zquez (Madrid-Ciudad Universitaria: Casa de Vel�zquez, 1995), ad indicem; Mar�a Fernanda Prada Cam�n & Mercedes Marcos S�nchez, Historia, vida y palabra del Monasterio de la Pur�sima Concepci�n (Franciscas Descalzas) de Salamanca (Salamanca, 2001), ad indicem; Mercedes Marcos S�nchez, 'Sor Manuela de la Sant�sima Trinidad. Una escritora salmantina del siglo XVII', in: Sor Mar�a de Jes�s de �gresa y la literature conventual femenina en el Siglo de Oro, ed. Miguel Zugasti (Soria: Diputaci�n de Soria, 2008), 127-150; Nieves Baranda, 'Words for Sale: Early Modern Spanish Women's Literary Economy', in: Economic Imperatives for Women's Writing in Early Modern Europe (Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2018), 4072 (ad indicem)





Manuel Biedma (fl. late seventeenth cent.)

OFM. Mexican Franciscan friar from the Twelve Apostles province. Was sent on missions into Peru (1663 and after). Worked there as a missionary among various Indian tribes. Also engaged in geographical and ethnographical explorations, founding several churches and missionary outposts in the process (such as Santa Bonaventura de Savini (1682). In the 1680s, he was asked by his superiors from Lima to lead a missionary and scientific mission into the Tambo and Ucalayi regions. Back in Lima, he composed an autobiographical and historical account of his journeys and missionary activities. On his return to the Tambo region, he was attacked by the Piros indians and died in July 1687.


El Peru, ed. A. Raimondi (Lima, 1876).


Joseph Skinner, The Present State of Peru (London, 1805), 444-449; J. Amich, Compendio hist�rico de los trabajos, fatigas, sudores y muertes que los ministros evangelicos de la serafica religion han padecido por la conversion de las almas de los gentiles en las monta�as de los Andes, pertenecientes a las provincias del Per� (Paris, 1854); M. da Civezza, Storia universale delle missioni francescane (Florence, 1895) VII, 2nd part, 255; H. Holzapfel, Manuale Historiae Ordinis Fratrum Minorum (Freiburg i. Br., 1909), 460-461; B. Izaguirre, Historia de las misiones franciscanas y narracion de los progresos de la geografia en el oriente del Per� (Lima, 1922) I, 138-292; L. Lemmens, Geschichte der Franziskanermissionen (Munster, 1929), 292-293; A. Van den Wyngaert, �Biedma�, DHGE VIII, 1426-1427; B.H. Slicher van Bath, De bezinning op het verleden in Latijns Amerika 1493-1820. Auteurs, verhalen en lezers (Groningen, 1998), passim.





Manuel Carvajal (fl. c. 1700)

OFM. Spanish friar. Member of the Andalucia province.


AIA 21(1924), 207; AIA 25 (1926), 241; Manuel de Castro, Bibliograf�a de las bibliografias franciscanas espa�olas e hispanoamericanas, Publicaciones de ArchivoIbero-Americano (Madrid: Ed. Cisneros, 1982), 99 (no. 204).





Manuel de Ilha (fl. c. 1630)

OFM. Portuguese friar. Member and chronicler of the Portuguese Saint Anthony province. Known for his historical narrative about the custody of Saint Anthony of Brazil (1621).


Narrativa da cust�dia de Santo Antontio do Brasil (1621). Check the 2018 study by Moreno Laborda Pacheco.


B.H. Slicher van Bath, De bezinning op het verleden in Latijns Amerika 1493-1820. Auteurs, verhalen en lezers (Groningen, 1998), passim; Moreno Laborda Pacheco, 'Chronicler of a Distant Custody: Friar Manuel da Ilha and his Narrativa da cust�dia de Santo Antontio do Brasil (1621)', Revista de Hist�ria 177 (S�o Paulo 2018) [Epub June 07, 2018. ISSN 2316-9141. ]





Manuel de Anduaga (fl. later 17th cent.)

OFMDisc. Mexican friar. Member of the San Diego province (Mexico).


Jos� Sim�n D�az, Bibliograf�a de la literatura hisp�nica, 11 Vols. (Madrid, 1960-1976), V, nos. 267,2750-2754; Manuel de Castro, Bibliograf�a de las bibliografias franciscanas espa�olas e hispanoamericanas,Publicaciones de Archivo Ibero-Americano (Madrid: Ed. Cisneros, 1982), 84





Manuel de Angelis (Manoel dos Anjos, d. 1653)

TOR. Portuguese regular tertiary from Manteigas and member of the tertiary San Francisco province. Theologian, mariologist and historian. Procurator and secretary of his order province. He died in Co�mbra in November 1653.


Triumpho da Sacratissima Virgem Maria Santissima N. Senhora, concebida sem peccado original (Lisbon: Louren�o Craesbeeck, 1638). Accessible via the British Library, Lisbon, Biblioteca Nacional, and via Google Books (creative search. Does not always appear).

Historia universal. Em que se descrevem os Imperios, Monarchias, Reynos, & Provincias do mundo. com muitas cousas notaveis, que ha nelle, copiada de diversos authores, Chronistas approvados, & authenticos Geographos (Co�mbra: Manoel Dias, 1651/Co�mbra: Manoel Dias, 1652/Lisbon: Manoel Deslandes, 1702/Lisbon: Manoel Deslandes, 1735). Accessible via the British Library and via Google Books.

Politica predicavel e doutrinal moral do bom governo do mundo, offerecida ao serenissimo Principe de Portugal Dom Joam Nosso Senhor (...) Obra Posthuma (Lisbon: Miguel Deslandes, 1693/Lisbon: Miguel Deslandes, 1702). Accessible via the British Library and via Google Books.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana I, 61, 328; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 69; Ricardo Pinto de Mattos, Manual bibliographico portuguez de livros raros, classicos e curiosos, 30.





Manuel de Angelis (Manoel dos Anjos de Fez, d. 1634)

OFM. Portuguese friar. Provincial of the Algarve province (1616) and deputy of the inquisitorial tribunal of �vora in 1620. Appointed titular Bishop of Fez in 1621.


Serm�o que pregou o Bispo de Fez D. Fr. Manoel dos Anjos no auto da fee que se celebrou na pra�a da cidade de Evora o primeiro de Abril de 1629, na quinta dominga de Quaresma (�vora, 1629). For a digital copy, check for instance as well as


Francois Soyer, Popularizing Anti-Semitism in Early Modern Spain and its Empire: Francisco de Torrejoncillo and the Centinela contra Jud�os (1674) (Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2014), 80, 114, 118.





Manuel de Arceniega (d. 1796?)

OFMDisc. Spanish friar. Member of the San Jos� province. Ascetical author.


Direcci�n pr�ctica de las personas que anhelan a la perfecci�n christiana, donde en forma de di�logo se resuelven las dudas que se les ofrecen sobre este asunto, y sobre la inteligencia de varios pasages de los libros espirituales, que suelen traer entre manos, y que mal entendidos pueden inducir a error (Madrid: Ram�n Ruiz, 1795). Check


AIA19 (1923), 315; AIA 21 (1924), 322-323; AIA 29 (1928), 235-236; Manuel de Castro, Bibliograf�a de las bibliografias franciscanas espa�olas e hispanoamericanas, Publicaciones de Archivo Ibero-Americano (Madrid: Ed. Cisneros, 1982), 88 (no. 118); Antonio Gonz�lez Polvillo, Analisis y repertorio de los tratados y manuales para la confesi�n en el mundo hispanico (ss. XV-XVIII) (Universidad de Huelva, 2009), 54.





Manuel de Arg�ello (fl. c. 1700)

OFM. Mexican friar. Preacher in the Santo Evangelio province in Mexico.


AIA15 (1955), 229-230; Jos� Sim�n D�az, Bibliograf�a de la literatura hisp�nica, 11 Vols. (Madrid, 1960-1976) V, nos. 468, 473, 4277-4308; Manuel de Castro, Bibliograf�a de las bibliografias franciscanas espa�olas e hispanoamericanas, Publicaciones de Archivo Ibero-Americano (Madrid: Ed. Cisneros, 1982), 88 (no. 123).





Manuel de Cenaculo (Manuel do Cen�culo/Frei Manuel do Cen�culo de Vilas-Boas Anes de Carvalho, 1724-1814)

TOR. Portuguese Franciscan tertiary from Lisbon. Theologian and natural philosopher. First bishop of Beja (1770-1802) and Archbishop of �vora (1802/3-1814). Important author and intellectual opinion maker with Enlightenment tendencies in Portugal. He played a role in the teaching reforms in the University of Co�mbra. Also important for the creation of the public library of �vora, the library of the Portuguese Academy of Sciences in Lisbon. Avid collector of books and archeological artefatcsFor more biographical info, se


Di�rio de Frei Manuel do Cen�culo: Biblioteca P�blica de �vora, C�dice CXXIX/1-17 (covering 1766-1780, 283 folios), C�dice CXXIX/1-18, (covering 1780-1784, 260 folios), C�dice CXXIX/1-19 (covering 1784-1788, 224 folios), C�dice CXXIX/1-20 (covering 1789-1794, 218 folios), C�dice CXXIX/1-21 (covering 1794-1811, 290 folios).

Conclusiones Philosophicas (...) (1747).

Conclusiones Logico-Metaphysicas (...) (1748).

Speciosissime Sui Factoris Genetrici Mariae Sanctissime (...) (1749).

Conclusiones Philosophicas Critico-Rationalis de Historia Logicae (...) (1751).

Advertencias criticas, e apologeticas sobre o juizo, que nas materias do B. Raymundo Lullo formou o D. Apolonio Philomuso: e communicou ao publico em a resposta ao Retrato de morte-cor, que contra o autor do Verdadeiro methodo de estudar escreve o Reverendo Doutor Alethophilo Candido de Lacerda: satisfaz-se de passagem aos autores, em cujo testemunho se fundou o D. Apolonio (Co�mbra: Officina de Antonio Simoens, 1752). Accessible via Harvard University Library and via Google Books.

Elogio F�nebre Do Padre Fr. Joaquim De S. Joseph, Doutor Theologo Conimbricense (...) (1757).

Disserta��o Theologica, Historica, Critica Sobre a Definibilidade do Mysterio da Concei��o Immaculada de Maria Santissima (...) (1758).

De repetendis fontibus doctriae, Moderatoris Provincialis tertii Ordinis Sancti Francisci (...) (1770).

Continua��o das noticias ecclesiasticas de 5 de Junho de 1771, para servir de supplemento a obra de Justino Febroni (1771).

Disposi��es do Superior Provincial para a Observancia Regular e Literaria da Congrega��o da Ordem Terceira de S. Francisco destes reinos (...) (1776).

Mem�rias Hist�ricas do Minist�rio do P�lpito. Por hum religioso da ordem terceira de S. Francisco (Lisbon: A Regia Officina Typografica. 1776). A historical treatment of preaching and preaching techniques in Portugal. Accessible via the digital collections of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek and via Google Books.

Instruc��o pastoral do Bispo de B�ja ao clero e ordenandos da sua diecese (Lisbon: Regia Officina Typografica, 1784). Accessible via the Michigan University Library and via Google Books.

Instruc��o Pastoral (...) Sobre a Justi�a Christ� (...) (1784).

Instruc��o pastoral do Excellentissimo, e Reverendissimo Bispo de Beja sobre as virtudes da Ordem Natural (Lisbon: Regia officina typografica, 1785).

Instruc��o pastoral do Excellentissimo, e Reverendissimo Senhor Bispo de B�ja sobre os estudos fysicos do seu clero (Lisbon: Regia officina typografica, 1786). Accessible via the Biblioteca digital Luso-Brasileira [ ]

Instruc��o pastoral do Excellentissimo, e Reverendissimo Bispo de B�ja sobre a confian�a na Divina Providencia (Lisbon: Regia officina typografica, 1786).

Instru��o pastoral do Excellentissimo e Reverendissimo Senhor Bispo de Beja sobre o catecismo (Lisbon: Regia officina typografica, 1786).

Cuidados Liter�rios do Prelado de Beja em Gra�a do seu Bispado (1791). On pedagogical reforms and literary and archeological activities in his diocese. Check

Instruc��o pastoral do Excelentissimo, e Reverendissimo Bispo de B�ja sobre a modestia dos vestidos do clero (Lisbon: Officina de sim�o thadeo Ferreira, 1792).

Memorias Historicas e Appendix Segundo � disposi��o quarta da collec��o das disposi��es do Superior Provincial, para a observancia, e estudos da congrega��o da Ordem Terceira de S. Francisco (...) (Lisbon: Regia Officina Typografica, 1794).

Carta do do Excelentissimo, e Reverendissimo Bispo de B�ja, e instruc��es sobre os trabalhos presentes da Santa Igreja (Lisbon: Officina de sim�o thadeo Ferreira, 1794).

Correspondence: Cat�logo da correspond�ncia dirigida a Fr. Manuel do Cen�culo Vilas-Boas (�vora: Minerva Comercial, 1944); Humanismo e diplomacia: correspond�ncia liter�ria (1789-1804), ed. Nuno Daupi�s d'Alcochete, Fontes documentais portuguesas, 9 (Lisbon: Funda��o Calouste Gulbenkian, Centro Cultural Portugu�s, 1976).

Omnibus edition of selected texts: D. Frei Manuel do Cen�culo, Instru��es Pastorais, Projectos de Bibliotecas e Di�rio, Intr. & ed. Francisco Ant�nio Louren�o Vaz, Colec��o Ci�ncia e Iluminismo (Porto: Porto Editora, 2009).

To be continued...


Francisco da Gama Caeiro, Frei Manuel do Cen�culo, aspectos da sua actua��o filos�fica (Lisbon, 1959/Lisbon: Imprensa nacional, 1998); Jacques Marcade, 'D. Frei Manuel do Cen�culo, Provincial du Tiers Ordre Franciscain de la Province du Portugal. 1768-1777', Arquivos do Centro Cultural Portugu�s 3 (1971), 431-458; Francisco da Gama Caeiro, Concep��es Historiogr�ficas Setecentistas na Obra de Frei Manuel do Cen�culo (Lisbon, 1978); Jacques Marcad�, Frei Manuel do Cen�culo Vilas Boas, Ev�que de Beja, Archev�que d'Evora (1770-1814) (Paris: Funda��o Calouste Gulbenkian, Centro Cultural Portugu�s, 1978); Francisco Ant�nio Louren�o Vaz, �Jansenismo e Regalismo no pensamento e na obra de D. Frei Manuel do Cen�culo�, Eborentia, 35 (2005), 61-81.[available as pdf on]; D. Frei Manuel do Cen�culo Construtor de Bibliotecas, ed. Francisco Ant�nio Louren�o Vaz & Jos� Ant�nio Calixto (Vale de Cambra: Caleidosc�pio, 2006); Os Livros e Bibliotecas no Esp�lio de D. Frei Manuel do Cen�culo,, ed. Francisco Ant�nio Louren�o Vaz, Patr�cia Monteiro & M�rcia Oliveira (Lisbon: Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal, 2009); Francisco Ant�nio Louren�o Vaz, �A Censura na Obra de D. Frei Manuel do Cen�culo�, Elvas Caia - Revista Internacional de Cultura 5 (2007), 23-36 [available as pdf on]; Francisco Ant�nio Louren�o Vaz, �Ci�ncia, religi�o e instru��o na obra de Frei Manuel do Cen�culo�, in: D. Frei Manuel do Cen�culo, Instru��es Pastorais, Projectos de Bibliotecas e Di�rio, Intr. & ed. Francisco Ant�nio Louren�o Vaz, Colec��o Ci�ncia e Iluminismo (Porto: Porto Editora, 2009); A.G. Malta, �Ci�ncia e F� na filosofia da natureza de frei Manuel do Cen�culo�, Itinerarium 59:207 (2013), 433-440; Francisco Ant�nio Louren�o Vaz, 'As Ideias Econ�micas na A��o Pastoral de Frei Manuel do Cen�culo', Itinerarium 61 (2015), 143-157; Breno Ferraz Leal Ferreira, 'A teologia natural na cultura cient�fica da ilustra��o portuguesa: Oratorianos e Franciscanos (1750-1800)', Revista de Hist�ria 177 (S�o Paulo, 2017) [ ]; Francisco Ant�nio Louren�o Vaz, 'As Ideias Pedag�gicas na obra de Frei Manuel do Cen�culo', Cultura. Revista de Hist�ria e Teoria das Ideias 36 (2017), 185-203 [ ] See also





Manuel de Harco Portillo (Manuel de Harce y Portillo, fl. c. 1770)

OFM. Spanish friar. Preacher and canonist in the Burgos province.


AIA38 (1935), 365-367; Manuel de Castro, Bibliograf�a de las bibliografias franciscanas espa�olas e hispanoamericanas, Publicaciones de Archivo Ibero-Americano (Madrid: Ed. Cisneros, 1982), 127 (no. 400).





Manuel de Monzabal (fl. c. 1680)

OFM. Mexican friar. Member of the Concepci�n province. Lector jubilatus and general comissary for the Franciscan provinces in New Spain.


Agust�n de Vetancourt, Teatro Mexicano IV: Cronica de la Provincia del Santo Evangelio de M�xico, Biblioteca Historica de la Iberia, IV, 3 Vols. (Mecixo, 1871) III; AIA 26 (1926), 189-190; AIA 17 (1957), 547-548;





Manuel de Sobreviela (Manuel Sobreviela, ca. 1755-1803)

OFM. Spanish friar from �pila (Zaragoza). He became a missionary in the New World and traveled to Peru in 1785. There he was active for eight years at the Colegio de Propaganda Fide of Ocopa (also as guardian), known for expanding the study house's library. Involved with others in missions in the Peruvian Amazon all the way up to the Chanchamayo and Pachitea Rivers. He is known for helping build and organize villages, organize the building of roads, schools, and shops,as a starting point for a more enduring christianization. Sobreviela documented all these activities and information on earlier missionary endeavors in detailed reports, that also included descriptions of territories, rivers, and tribes. Compiled versions of these reports were also published by him as a correspondent in the Peruvian journal Mercurio Peruano, and a number of them were subsequently translated in monograph format into French and English. Quite famous became his Plan del curso de los r�os Huallaga y Ucayali y de la Pampa del Sacramento (included in the Mercurio Peruano issue of 1791, and also issued separately). Throughout his work, he displayed a deep interest in geographical, geological, ethnographical, anthropological and botanical information, and that also showed in his contacts with contemporary scientists. A number of his manuscripts can still be found in the Archivo General de Indias (Seville).


Plan del curso de los r�os Huallaga y Ucayali y de la Pampa del Sacramento (Lima: Sociedad de Amantes del Pais de Lima, 1791). In any case present in the British Library.

The Present State of Peru: Comprising Its G�ography, Topography, Natural History, Minarology, Commerce, The Customs and Manners of Its Inhabitants, The State of Literature, Philosophy, and The Arts, The Modern Travels of The Missionaries in The Heretofore Unexplores Mountainous Territories. The Whole Drawn from Original and Authentic Documents (...) (London: Richard Phillips, 1805). Accessible via the Biblioth�que Municipale of Lyon and via Google Books. This is in part based on earlier reports by Sobreviela and his publications in the Mercurio Peruano, etc. This English publication from 1805 was subsequently translated into French (with additions?): Voyages au P�rou faits dans les ann�es 1791 � 1794 par les PP. Manuel Sobreviela, et Narcisso y Barcelo (...), 2 Vols. [?] (Paris: J.G. Dentu, 1809). The first volume of this 1809 edition is accessible via the digital collections of the University Library of Ghent and via Google Books.

Diario de visita de fray Manuel Sobreviela a las misiones de los r�os Huallaga y Maran�n (Lima: Archivo Hist�rico de L�mites, 2009).


Diccionario hist�ricobiogr�fico del Peru X, 224�228; B.H. Slicher van Bath, De bezinning op het verleden in Latijns Amerika 1493-1820.Auteurs, verhalen en lezers (Groningen, 1998), passim.





Manuel de Valladolid (fl. c. 1430)

OM. Spanish Franciscan friar from Valladolid. Known preacher throughout Castile. Not much known about his literary production.


Bullarium Franciscanum NS I, 85-85; Atanasio L�pez, �El franciscanismo en Espa�a durante los pontificados de Eugenio IV y Nicol�s V a la luz de los documentos vaticanos�, Archivo Ibero-Americano 35 (1932), 206-207; Francisco Javier Rojo Alique, �Fifteenth-Century Franciscan Preachers in Castile�, in: Franciscans and Preaching. Every Miracle from the Beginning of the World Came about through Words, ed. Timothy Johnson, The Medieval Franciscans, 7 (Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2012), 355-356.





Manuel de Najera (fl. later 18th cent.)

OFM. Mexican friar. Vice commissary general for New Spain/commissary general of the Franciscan Order in Mexico.


AIA25 (1926), 211; Manuel de Castro, Bibliograf�a de las bibliografias franciscanas espa�olas e hispanoamericanas, Publicaciones de Archivo Ibero-Americano (Madrid: Ed. Cisneros, 1982), 153 (no. 604); Asunci�n Lavrin, Brides of Christ: Conventual Life in Colonial Mexico, 284.





Manuel de Sancta Rosa Viterbiensi (Manoel de Santa Rosa Viterbo/Manoel de S. Roza de Viterbo, 1666-1722)

OFM. Portuguese friar from Aljubarrota. Member of the Portugal province. Lector jubilatus and magister studentium in the Collegio Novo de Sam Boaventura da Universidade de Coimbra.


Serm�o do glorioso Patriarcha Sam Domingos pregado no seu convento da cidade do Porto em 4. de Agosto de 1696 pello Padre Fr. Manoel de S. Roza de Viterbo, Mestre dos estudantes do Collegio Novo de Sam Boaventura da Universidade de Coimbra (Coimbra: Joseph Ferreyra, 1698) Accessible via the digital collections of the Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal ( ).

Horae Seraphicae Immaculatae Virginis (...) (Co�mbra, 1711).

Familia dos Amados historiada (Co�mbra, ?).


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana I, 334; Di�go Barbosa Machado & Bento Jos� de Sousa Farinha, Summario de bibliotheca luzitana III, 167.





Manuel de Santissimo Sacramento (Manuel de Santisimo Sacramento, 1741-ca. 1800)

OFM. Spanish friar from Villa Iba�ez (Valladolid diocese). Missionary in Kiangsi (China), who was eventually arrested by Chinese officials (after 13 years of clandestine missionary activity).


Cartas, See the study of Willeke.


Bernard Willeke, �Fray Manuel del Santisimo Sacramento, the Last Franciscan in Kiangsi, China�, Franciscan Studies n.s. 5:2 (June 1945), 175-196.





Manuel de Sancto Ludovico (Manuel de S. Lu�s/Manoel de San Luis, d. 1742)

OFM. Portuguese Observant friar. Member of the Sa� Joa� Evangelista province. Lector jubilatus and provincial minister.


Rudimentos concionatorios, Pr�gados, & postos por ordem neste Livro (Lisbon: Manoel & Joseph Lopes Ferreyra, 1708). This work, accessible via the Biblioteca Dixital de Galicia, Google Books and several other digital portals (see also Biblioteca P�blica e Arquivo Regional Lu�s da Silva Ribeiro), amounts to a collection of (model) sermons on saints, on the Sacrament of the Eucharist, on penitence and on peace.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana I, 331; Manuel C�ndido Pimentel, �Frei Manoel de S. Lu�s, escritor e orador a�oriano dos s�colos XVII-XVIII (1669-1736)�, Rev. Portug. Filos. 52 (1996), 667-690.





Manuel de Sancto Martino (Manuel de San Mart�n, fl. c. 1670)

OFMDisc. Spanish friar. Member of the San Jos� province. Preacher and custos.


Aclamaci�n de la canonizaci�n de San Pedro de Alc�ntara en Arenas (Madrid, 1670).


Juan de San Antonio, Biblioteca Universa Franciscana I, 331; AIA22 (1962), 364-365; Manuel de Castro, Bibliograf�a de las bibliografias franciscanas espa�olas e hispanoamericanas, Publicaciones de Archivo Ibero-Americano (Madrid: Ed. Cisneros, 1982), 144 (no. 539).





Manuel de Yang�es (Yanguas, 1630-1675)

OFM. Spanish friar. Natural brother of Lucas de Yang�es, who wrote a chronicle of the Castile province (and who included a biography of his missionary brother in that work). Manuel was born in Guadalajara (Spain) on 14 April 1630. Entered the Franciscan order in the Castile province, where he became novice master in the San Francico friary of Madrid. In 1669, twelve clerical friars, including Manuel, and two lay friars departed for Venezuela, partaking in the second missionary expedition of Francisco G�mez Laruel (apostolic commissioner for the missions). Between late March 1664 and November 1671, Manuel fulfilled missionary tasks in P�ritu, Venezuela. In this period, in 1667, he created two pueblos (San Antonio de Clarines & Jes�s Mar�a y San Jos� de Caigua), with the support of governor Juan Bravo de Acu�a. Manuel died on May 14 1676 in the San Francisco friary of Caracas. Apparently ell-versed in cumanagota.


Catecismo en la lengua de Cuman�?

Poes�as varias al nacimiento de Cristo, al Sant�ssimo Sacramento, a Mar�a Sant�sima y a otros santos, en la lengua cumanagota? Probably the work of Mattias Ruiz Blanco.

Principos y reglas de la lengua cumanagota, general en varias naciones que habitan la provincia de Cuman�, en las Indias Occidentales (Burgos (?), 1680)/Principos y reglas de la lengua cumanagota, general en varias naciones que habitan la provincia de Cuman�, en las Indias Occidentales, Compuestos por el R. P. Predicador Fr. Manuel de Yangues, del orden de N. P. S. Francisco, hijo de la S. Provincia de Castilla, y missionero en las vivas conversiones de los cummanagotos, p�ritus y otras naciones... (Burgos: Iuan de Viar, 1683) [copy available in Madrid, Biblioteca nacional R-2232/Principos y reglas de la lengua cumanagota. Por el R. P. Fr. Manuel de Yangues, con un diccionario compuesto por el P. Fr. Mathias Blanco, ed. Julius Platzmann, Facs. Edition of the 1683 edition (Leipzig: Teubner, 1888).


Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana I, 330; Mat�as Ruiz Blanco, Conversi�n de P�ritu, ed. Fidel de Lejarza (Caracas, 1965), 71-72, 90-91; Beristain V, 182; Juan Catalina Garc�a, Biblioteca de escritores de la provincia de Guadalajara (Madrid, 1899), 554-446; Manuel Castro y Castro, �Misioneros de la provincia de Castilla en Am�rica. Siglos XVI y XVII�, Archivo Ibero-Americano 47 (1987), 247-249, 252-256; Manuel Castro y Castro, �Lenguas indigenas transmitidas por los Franciscanos del S. XVII�, in: Los Franciscanos en el Nuevo Mundo (siglo XVII), La R�bida, 18-23 septiembre de 1989 (Madrid: Editorial Deimos, 1992), 466-468.





Manuel Espino (fl. later 18th cent.)

OFM. Spanish friar. Member of the Andalucia province.


AIA21 (1924), 81-82; AIA 15 (1955), 278; Manuel de Castro, Bibliograf�a de las bibliografias franciscanas espa�olas e hispanoamericanas, Publicaciones de Archivo Ibero-Americano (Madrid: Ed. Cisneros, 1982), 110 (no. 286 & no.290).





Manuel Fernandez Sidron (Manual Fern�ndez Sidr�n/Manual Fern�ndez Cidr�n, d. 1747/48)

OFM. Spanish Observant friar from La Orotava on Tenerife. Lector of theology in the San Miguel de las Victorias friary in La Laguna. Synodal examiner for the bishop of the Canarian Islands, and regent of the Franciscan Concepci�n de Santa Cruz friary of La Palma. Latin and vernacular poet, and anti-modernist prophetical apologist, known for his Carta apolog�tica (1735).


Carta Apolog�tica en que se defienden las cartas prof�ticas de San Francisco de Paula, Patriarca �nclito de los PP. M�nimos, las profec�as de San Malaquias, Arzobispo Armachano Primado de Hiberia, y los or�culos de las Sibilas. Contra el sentir y opini�n del M. R. P. Maestro General Fray Benito Ger�nimo Feijoo, Abad y Monge benedictino. Dedicada Al Se�or Don Francisco de Astigarraga Loynaz, Coronel del regimiento de Caballer�a de la isla de Tenerife y Administrador General de los Reales Estanques de las islas de Canaria. (1735).


Jos� Antonio Gonz�lez Marrero, �La �Carta Apolog�tica� de Manuel Fern�ndez Sidr�n de 1735: una versi�n castellana del texto de J. Colgan �De egressione familie sancti Brendani�, Revista de filolog�a de la Universidad de La Laguna 15 (1998), 71-86; F. Salas Salgado, �Poemas latinos en la �Carta apolog�tica� de Manuel Fern�ndez Sidr�n�, Revista de Filolog�a de la Universidad de La Laguna 25 (2006), 549-558; Francisco Salas Salgado, �La �Carta apolog�tica� (1735) de Manual Fern�ndez Sidr�n y la cultura latina de su tiempo�, Fortunae 18 (2007), 183-199; Francisco Salas Salgado, �Sobre los �marginalia� en la �Carta apolog�tica� de Manuel Fern�ndez Sidr�n: Lectoras en Lat�n y vern�culo de un Franciscano Canario�, Hispania Sacra 61:124 (July-Dec. 2009), 621-647. Check also





Manuel Gonz�lez (Emanuel Gonzalez, fl. c. 1708)

OFM. Spanish friar. Lector and preacher in the Santiago province, as well as consultant for the inquisition. He apparently wrote several works that were never published and apparently are kept in manuscript format in the Franciscan friary of Salamanca. The one published work is an eulogical sermon for the birth of Luis I of Spain.


Serm�n en la solemn�ssima acci�n de gracias, que celebr� el Santo Tribunal de la Inquisici�n deste Reyno de Galicia en el grav�ssimo y real Convento de San payo de la Ciudad de Santiago el d�a 1 de octubre del a�o 1707, por el feliz natalicio de N. Pr�ncipe el Se�or Don Luis Fernando Gin�s el Deseado (Santiago: Antonio de Aldemunde, 1708). To be found in the Franciscan Library of Santiago.


AIA 12(1919), 432-434; Manuel de Castro, Bibliograf�a de las bibliografias franciscanas espa�olas e hispanoamericanas, Publicaciones de Archivo Ibero-Americano (Madrid: Ed. Cisneros, 1982), 122 (no. 370); Francisco Aguilar Pi�al, Bibliograf�a de autores espa�oles del siglo XVIII IV, 272.





Manuel Guardiola y Rueda (fl. c. 1760)

OMDisc. Spanish friar in the Immaculada Concepcion de Castilla la Nueva province. Theology lector, provincial definitor, Preacher in the S. Pascual Bail�n custory (Murcia), and guardian of the Santa Ana del Monte de Jumilla and the Virgen de los Llanos (Albazete) friaries.


Novenario mariano doloroso: sermones para la novena de los Dolores de Maria Santissima (Madrid: Imprenta de la Causa de la V.M. Maria de jesus de Agreda, 1761);Novenario doloroso de Mar�a Sant�sima se�ora nuestra: sermones para la novena de sus dolores, 2nd Ed. (Madrid: por Cano, 1804). Both editions are available via Google Books.


AIA 27 (1927), 137-138; AIA 20 (1960), 132; Manuel de Castro, Bibliograf�a de las bibliografias franciscanas espa�olas e hispanoamericanas, Publicaciones de Archivo Ibero-Americano (Madrid: Ed. Cisneros, 1982), 124 (no. 383).





Manuel Joseph de Villegas (fl. early 17th cent.)

OFM. Spanish friar. Member of the San Evangelio province in Mexico and procurator for this province at the papal curia.


Question Politica y Legal que se induce del Informe Juridico que se ha escrito por los Padres Espa�oles de las Provincias de Lima y Charcas de el Reyno de el Peru (Madrid, 1682 [?]).


The Americas 11 (1955), 247; B.H. Slicher van Bath, De bezinning op het verleden in Latijns Amerika 1493-1820. Auteurs, verhalen en lezers (Groningen, 1998), passim





Manuel Maria de Sanlucar (Manuel Maria de Sanl�car de Barrameda/Manuel Mar�a de Sanl�car D�az de Bedoya/Tom�s D�az de Bedoya,1781-1851)

OFMCap. Spanish from Sanl�car de Barrameda (C�diz). Born on 9 February 1781. His secular name was Tom�s D�az de Bedoya. He was a student of medicine when he joined the Capuchins in the Andaluc�a province in 1801, and became a respected missionary preacher in the turbulent years of the Spanish war of independence; also active in Cuba, Mexico, and Puerto Rico. He subsequently was synodal examiner in the dioceses of Sevilla, Granada and Cuba. On 4 Abril 1825 Pope Leo XII made him titular bishop of Cydonia, and auxiliary of the Capuchin Archbishop Manuel Jos� Anguita T�llez (Archbishop of Santiago de Compostela). Manuel Maria was arrested by the Spanish government in 1835 and spent more or less 9 years in jail. After 1844, he was able to continue his work in the Archdiocese of Santiago de Compostela. He died there on 26 December 1851.


Nuevo Marial, 4 vols. (Santiago, 1831).

Nueva Josefina 2 vols. (Santiago, 1830-1831).

Dulc�simo nombre de Jes�s (Santiago, 1831).


Carlos Garc�a Cort�s, �Fray Manuel Ma de Sanl�car de Barrameda (1781-1851) misionero capuchino autor espiritual y obispo auxiliar de Compostela (Hacia un cat�logo completo de sus escritos)�, Archivo Ibero-Americano 60 (2000), 307-336 & Compostellanum 45 (2000), 783-812.





Manuel Montforte (Manoel Montforte/Manoel de Montforte, fl. late 17th cent.)

OFMDisc. Portuguese friar. Member of the Piedad province.


Chronica da Provincia da Piedade, primeira capucha de toda a ordem, & regular observancia de nosso Seraphico Padre, S. Francisco (Lisbon: Miguel Deslandes, 1696/Lisbon: Miguel Manescal da Costa, 1751). The 1751 edition is accessible via Google Books, via and via the Staatsbibliothek Munich.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana I, 332; Innocencio Francisco da Silva, Diccionario bibliographico portuguez VI, 61-62.





Manuel Navarrete (d. 1802)

OFM. Mexican friar and poet. Working in the San Pedro y San Pablo province.


Entretenimientos po�ticos del P.F. Manuel Navarrete, 2 Vols. (Paris: Librer�a de Lecointe, 1835).

Obras de Fr. Manuel Navarrete: Poes�as.

Poes�as profanas (Mexico: Universidad nacional Aut�noma, 1990).


AIA 15 (1955), 365; Manuel de Castro, Bibliograf�a de las bibliografias franciscanas espa�olas e hispanoamericanas, Publicaciones de Archivo Ibero-Americano (Madrid: Ed. Cisneros, 1982), 153 (no. 608).





Manuel Negrete (fl. ca. 1800)

OFM. Spanish friar. Provincial in the Andalucia province.


Serm�n panegyrico, que en la solemne festividad con que el Muy Ilustre Cuerpo de Se�ores Inquisidor Comisario Principal y Ministros de la inquisici�n en la ciudad de C�diz consagra anualmente reverentes cultos a su glorioso protector San Pedro M�rtir (...) (C�diz: Juan Xim�nez Carre�o, 1782).

Oraci�n f�nebre, que en las solemnes honras que hizo la comunidad de los RR.PP. Menores Observantes de N.S. P.S. Francisco de la ciudad de C�diz, en la iglesia de su convento el dia 18 de febrero de 1789 por el alma de N.A.M. el Sr. D. Carlos III (...) (C�diz: Juan Xim�nez Carre�o, 1789).

Serm�n que en la solemne profesi�n de la Madre Sor Mar�a Evangelista Fern�ndez de la Maza, religiosa en el Monasterio de Santa Clara de ciudad de Moguer, dixo (C�diz: Xim�nez Carre�o, 1793).

Serm�n que en la solemne funci�n celebrada a devoci�n de unos individuos del Comerio de la ciudad de C�diz en acci�n de gracias a la Sma. Virgen Mar�a (...) por la felicidad de las armas de Espa�a (...) (C�diz: Manuel Xim�nez Carre�o, 1794).


Bibliograf�a de autores espa�oles del siglo XVIII VI 56-57; AIA21 (1924), 79-80; Manuel de Castro, Bibliograf�a de las bibliografias franciscanas espa�olas e hispanoamericanas, Publicaciones de Archivo Ibero-Americano (Madrid: Ed. Cisneros, 1982), 154 (no. 619).





Manuel Sousa Pereira (Manuel Souza Pereira, fl. second half 18th cent.)

OFM. Spanish friar. Biographer of Mariana de Jes�s Torres y Berriochoa.


A Vida Admir�vel da Vener�vel Madre Mariana Francisca de Jesus Torres. This work, which survives in a late 18th-century manuscript has been printed and translated in more recent times: Manuel Sousa Pereira, The Admirable Life of Madre Mariana de Jesus Torres, 2 Vols. (Tradition in Action, 2005-2006); Vida admirable de la Madre Mariana de Jes�s Torres y Berriochoa (Quito: Fundaci�n Jes�s de la Misericordia, 2008).





Manuel Trujillo (Manuel Mar�a Trujillo y Jurado, fl. later 18th cent.)

OFM. Spanish friar from the Granada province. Comisario General de Indias; Bishop of Albarrac�n between 1792 and 1800. For more information in his life and career, see:


Plan de Estudios de la Provincia de observantes de N.P.S. Francisco de Granada (Madrid, Joaqu�n Ibarra, 1782). Collective work.

Raz�n de los exercicios literarios que ha tenido esta Sta. Provincia observante de Granada con arreglo al Nuevo Plan de Estudios dispuesto por el M.R.P. Fr. Manuel Mar�a Trugillo actual provincial (Granada, 1784).

Exhortaci�n pastoral, avisos importantes y reglamentos �tiles para la mejor observaci�n de la disciplina regular e ilustraci�n de toda la literatura en todas las provincias y colegios apost�licos de Am�rica y Filipinas (Madrid: Viuda de Ibarra, 1786).

Relaci�n instructiva del origen, progresos y estado actual de las colectaciones de los religiosos franciscanos que pasan a las misiones de Indias (Madrid: Benito Cano, 1789).

Estatutos y ordenanzas seg�n las bulas que N.S.P. Inocencio XI expidi� para los colegios de misioneros acomodados a la m�s estrecha observancia que se practica en la Ser�fica Descalcez para el Colegio de Propaganda Fide de N. S.P .S .Francisco de Pachuca auxiliados por real c�dula de S.M. y revisados y mandados observar por N. Reverend�simo P. Comisario General el Ilmo. Fr. Manuel Mar�a Trujillo (Madrid: Benito Cano, 1791).

Abad�a de Alcal� la Real. Origen, privilegios y erecci�n (C�rdoba: Imprenta de Juan Garc�a Rodr�guez de la Torre, 1803).

Ap�ndice al manifiesto intitulado Abad�a de Alcal� la Real (C�rdoba: Imprenta de Juan Garc�a Rodr�guez de la Torre, 1804).

Real Reglamento que ha de observarse en las Casas de Misericordia establecidas en la ciudad de Alcal� la Real y villa de Priego de Andaluc�a, en conformidad de las soberanas resoluciones de S.M. de 31 de marzo de 1804: MS. Check!

Disertaci�n sobre el real decreto de 5 de setiembre de 1799 por el ilustr�simo se�or don fray Manuel Trujillo obispo de Albarrac�n, electo abad de Alcal� la Real, in: Colecci�n diplom�tica de varios papeles antiguos y modernos sobre dispensas matrimoniales y otros puntos de disciplina eclesi�stica 44 (Madrid, Imprenta de Ibarra, 1809).


AIA 21 (1924), 342-344; AIA 12 (1952), 451-457; AIA 15 (1955), 464; J. L. Soto, Fray Manuel Mar�a Trujillo (1728-1814). Un reformador franciscano de la �poca de la Ilustraci�n (Washington D.C.: The Catolic University of America, 1977; Manuel de Castro,Bibliograf�a de las bibliografias franciscanas espa�olas e hispanoamericanas, Publicaciones de Archivo Ibero-Americano (Madrid: Ed. Cisneros, 1982), 186 (no. 841); J. Gonz�lez Rodr�guez, 'El Plan de Estudios de M.M. Trujillo para los Colegios de Misiones de Am�rica y Filipinas', in: El Reino de Granada y el Nuevo Mundo. V Congreso Internacional de Historia de Am�rica. Mayo de 1992, 2 Vols. (Granada: Diputaci�n Provincial de Granada, 1994) II, 211-238; M. Pel�ez del Rosal, 'Las �ltimas voluntades del abad de Alcal� don Manuel Mar�a Trujillo (Baena 1728-Priego 1814)', Revista Fuente del Rey 203 (2000), 12-13; A. Heredia Rufi�n y M� T. Murcia Cano, 'La Casa de Misericordia y los exp�sitos alcala�nos en tiempos del abad Trujillo', in: V Jornadas de Historia en la Abad�a de Alcal� la Real. Iglesias y fronteras. Homenaje a Jos� Rodr�guez Molina (Ja�n: Diputaci�n Provincial, 2005), 303-318; A. Heredia Rufi�n & A. Quesada Ramos, 'La Casa de Misericordia: Algunos aspectos econ�micos', in: Programa de la Virgen (2006), 122-125; S. La�n Rojas, Historia de la provincia de Granada de los frailes menores de N.P.S. Francisc (Ja�n: Fundaci�n Cultural y Misi�n Francisco de As�s, 2012); M. Pel�ez del Rosal, 'El abad de Alcal� la Real fray Manuel Mar�a Trujillo y Hurtado: Nuevos documentos para su biograf�a, in: El Franciscanismo: identidad y poder. Homenaje al P. Enrique Chac�n Cabello, OFM (C�rdoba: UNIA - AHEF, 2016), 745-782; M. Pel�ez del Rosal, 'El abad de Alcal� la Real fray Manuel Mar�a Trujillo en la villa de Priego (1802-1813)', in: Alcal� la Real, Estudios, Actas III Congreso, Homenaje a Antonio Garc�a Lizana, ed. F. Toro Ceballos (Ja�n: Ayuntamiento de Alcal� la Real, 2017), 303-328; M. Pel�ez del Rosal, 'El Abad de Alcal� la Real, fray Manuel Mar�a Trujillo, entre el Barroco y la Ilustraci�n', in El Mundo del Barroco y el Franciscanismo (C�rdoba: UNIA - AHEF, 2017), 367-392.





Manuel Palomino (fl. second half 17th cent.)

OFM. Spanish friar. Lector of biblical theology and preacher in the Granada friary.


Triunfos coronados, y virtudes laureadas de aquel patriarca sol, que nacio a esgrimir el azero de sus rayos contra las sombras de la heretica prauedad S. Domingo de Guzman (...): panegirico laudatorio predicado (...) en su real conuento de Santa Cruz de Granada este a�o de 72 / dixolo el P. Fr. Manuel Palomino (...) (Granada: Nicolas Antonio Sanchez, 1672). Accessible via the Fondo Antiguo de la Universidad de Granada.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana I, 332.





Manuel P�rez de Quiroga (fl. early eighteenth cent.)

OFM. Spanish Observant friar and Scotist theologian. Member of the Immaculada Concepci�n province. Long-term lector at the Valladolid convent and author of several Scotist theological works in which he confronts Dominican viewpoints, as well as (in his opinion) dissenting Scotist opinions, like those presented by Bartholomaeus Mastrius


Disputationes theologicae in primum librum sententiarum ad mentem doctoris subtilis Ioannis Duns Scoti, 3 Vols. (Segovia-Valladolid, 1704-1708).

Disputationes theologicae in secundum librum sententiarum ad mentem doctoris subtilis Ioannis Duns Scoti (Valladolid, 1715).

Disputationes theologicae in tertium librum sententiarum ad mentem doctoris subtilis Ioannis Duns Scoti, 3 Vols. (Valladolid 1709 - 1714).

Quaestiones theologicae selectae ad mentem doctoris subtilis Ioannis Duns Scoti(Valladolid, 1716).

Bellum de sanguine Christi (Valladolid, 1721).

Domestica bella philosophica (Valladolid: Typografia Regia apud Viduam Iosephi ad Rueda, 1721). Accessible via the �sterreichische Nationalbibliothek in Vienna and via Google Books.

Varia argumenta theologica (Valladolid: Typografia Regia apud Viduam Iosephi ad Rueda, 1721). Accessible via the Norodni Knihovna Library in Prague and via Google Books.

Vera axiomatum explicatio (Valladolid: Typografia Regia apud Viduam Iosephi ad Rueda, 1723). Accessible via the British Library and via Google Books.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana I, 332-333.





Manuel Rodr�guez (Emanuel Rodericus/Manoel Rodriguez/Manuel Rodrigues, 1546-1613)

OFM. Portuguese friar. Joined the order in the Santiago province in 1570. Specialist of moral theology and canon law. Several times provincial minister and general definitor. He died in Salamanca


Explicaci�n de la bulla de la cruzada (Madrid: s.n, 1589).

Explicacion de la bulla de la sancta cruzada y de las clausulas de los jubileos y confessionarios (Zaragoza: viuda de Juan de Escarilla, 1590/Alcal� de Henares: Juan I�iguez de Lequerica, 1590/Salamanca: Juan Fern�ndez, 1591/Alcal� de Henares, 1591/Barcelona, 1591 [7x!]/Valencia: Gabriel Ribas, 1591/Zaragoza: Pedro Puig y Antonio Crespin, 1591/Lisbon: Antonio �lvares, 1591/Salamanca: Juan Fern�ndez, 1592/ etc.....).

Explicacion del motu proprio de Pio V, que trada de los censos (Salamanca: Juan Fern�ndez, 1591/Salalanca: Juan Fern�ndez, 1592).

Addiciones a la explicacion de la Bulla de la cruzada (Salamanca: Juan Fern�ndez, 1598)

Summa de casos de conciencia, 2 Vols. (Salamanca: Juan Fern�ndez, 1593/Salamanca: Juan Renaut & Andr�s Renaut, 1594/1595 & several other editions, both in two volumes and in a single volume). For all the surviving editions, see the entry in Wilkinson, Iberian Books/Libros ib�ricos mentioned under literature.

Quaestiones Regulares et Canonicae. In quibus utriusque iuris, & Privilegiorum regularium, & Apostolicarum, novae & veteres dificultates dispersae, et confusae miro ordine scholastico per quaestiones, et articulos eludidantur (...), 2 Vols (Salamanca, 1598-1600/Lyon: Horace Cardon, 1609-1613/Antwerp: Petrus & Joannes Belleros, 1616/Antwerp: Petrus & Joannes Belleros, 1628 [1638?]). In any case the first volume is accessible via the Biblioth�que Municipale de Lyon and via Google Books.

Nova Collectio et Compilatio Privilegiorum Apostolicorum Regularium Mendicantium et non Mendicantium, 2 Vols. (Salamanca, 1605/Lyon, 1609/Venice: Apud Societatem Minimam, 1611/Douai, 1613/Antwerp: Petrus & Joannes Belleros,, 1616/Antwerp: Petrus & Joannes Belleros, 1623). Some volumes of the 1616. 1616 and 1623 edition are accessible via the Biblioth�que Municipale de Lyon, the �sterreichische Nationalbibliothek in Vienna, via Google Books, and other digital portals.

Summa Casuum Conscientiae, trans. Baltazar de Canizal (Douai: Baltazar Bellerio, 1614/1615/1620). The 1614 edition of the Latin reworking of the Spanish original is accessible via the Biblioth�que Municipale de Lyon and via Google Books.

Opiniones communes circa casus conscientiae (Venice, 1616).

Compendium quaestionum regularium (...) P. Emanuel Roderici (...) Ad commodiorem usum per aphorismos ordine alphabetico digestum (Lyon: Antoine Pillehotte, 1621). Accessible via the Biblioth�que Municipale de Lyon and via Google Books.

Emanuelis Roderici Lusitani (...) Quaestiones Regulares et Canonicae Enucleatae. Sive Resolutiones quaestionum Regularium ad Compendii formam ita redactae, ut verum nucleum contineant (...), ed. Girolamo Rodriguez (Lyon: veuve Jacques Cardon, 1630). Accessible via the Biblioth�que Municipale de Lyon and via Google Books. A work compiled by his nephew and also Franciscan friar Girolamo Rodriguez.

Juan de San Antonio and Sbaralea mention several other works on regular discipline and visitation, as well as catechistic works etc. This needs further checking.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana I, 333-334; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 230; P. Borges, `Rodriguez, Manuel�, Diccionario de Historia de la Iglesia de Espa�a(Madrid, 1973), 2103; Wilkinson, Iberian Books. Books Published in Spanish or Portuguese or on the Iberian Peninsula before 1601/Libros ib�ricos. Libros publicados en espa�ol o portugu�s o en la Pen�nsula Ib�rica antes de 1601 (Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2010), 625-628.





Marcellus Ladorius (Marcel Ladoire, fl. early 18th cent.)

OFM. French friar. Ladoire was sent to Jerusalem in 1719 to supervise the reconstruction of the copula of the Holy Sepulcher, on behalf of his order and in part on behalf of the Count of Toulouse, who had helped the friars obtaining permission from the Sultan to engage in these works.


Voyage fait � la Terre Sainte en l�ann�e MDCCIX, contenant la description de la ville de Jerusalem, tant ancienne que moderne avec les moeures et les costumes des turcs (Paris: Coignard, 1720).


Itinerari e cronache francescane di Terra Santa (1500-1800). Antiche Edizioni a stampa sui luoghi santi, la presenza francescana e il pellegrinaggio nella provincia d�Oltremare, ed. Marco Galateri di Genola (Milan: Edizioni Terra Santa, 2017), 176.





Marcellus Regiensis (Marcel de Riez/Riex/Marcel Grenon, 1609-1682)

OFMCap. French friar from the Saint Louis province. Preacher, provincial definitor and Bonaventurean theologian. He would also have engaged in missionary activities.


Vie de Bonne de Paris, Religieuse Capucine, une des Fondatrices du Monastere de Marseille (Marseille, 1657).

Summa Seraphica in qua S. Bonaventurae, Doctoris seraphici seraphica theologia per eijus in magistrum sententiarum libros dispersa dilucide est enodata, & accurate redacta in Scholae methodum, 2 Vols. (Marseille: Charles Brebion & Jean Penot, 1669). In any case the first volume is accessible via Google Books. Both volumes seem to be present in the Biblioth�que Municipale of Lyon.


Jacques Lelong, Biblioth�que historique de la France, contenant le catalogue de tous les ouvrages, tant imprimez que manuscrits, qui traitent de l'histoire de ce Ro�aume (...) (Paris: Charles Osmont, 1719), 295; Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 313; Prosper de Martign�, La scolastique et les traditions franciscaines (Paris: P. Lethielleux, 1888), 452.





Marcellus Ribadeneira (Marcellus de Ribadeneira/Marcel de Ribadeneyra, fl. early 17th cent.)

OFM. Spanish friar. Member of the Santiago province. Theology lector, missionary in the Philippines (San Gregorio province), acquainted with Franciscan martyrs in Japan and historian/hagiographer. He would have died in the Recollect Sant Antonio friary of Salamanca around 1606.


Historia de las islas del Archipelago, y reynos de la Gran China, Tartaria, Cochinchina, Malaca, Sian, Camboxa y Jappon, Y de lo sucedido en ellos a los Religiosos Descal�os de ka Orden del Seraphico Padre San Francisco, de la Provincia de San Gregorio de las Philippinas (Rome: Nicolas Mucio, 1599/Barcelona: Gabriel Graells y Giraldo Dotil, 1601). Accessible via the Biblioteca de Catalunya in Barcelona, and via Google Books. There are also a few modern editions, one issued in 1947 and one in 1971.

Libro de las excelencias admirables de la corona de la virgen santissima madre de Dios (Rome: s.n., 1604/Naples: Giovanni Battista Subtil, 1605).

Corona de las excelencias de nuestra se�ora (Naples: Giovanni Battista Subtil, 1605-1606). Same work as Libro de las excelencias admirables de la corona de la virgen santissima madre de Dios?

Juan de San Antonio and Sbaralea mention other works, but some of those seem to be the work of the Jesuit Pedro de RiBadeneira. This all needs checking with the 1978 article of Manuel de Castro (to be continued).


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 313; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 508; Manuel de Castro, �Fr. Marcelo de Ribadeneira, OFM, vida y escritos�, AIA 38 (1978), 181-240; Manuel de Castro,Bibliograf�a de las bibliografias franciscanas espa�olas e hispanoamericanas, Publicaciones de Archivo Ibero-Americano (Madrid: Ed. Cisneros, 1982), 169 (no. 717); Alexander S. Wilkinson & Alejandra Ulla Lorenzo, Iberian Books Volumes II & III/Libros Ib�ricos Vol�menes II y III: A-E (Leiden-Boston: Brill. 2015), 2071; Eva M. Pascal, 'Buddhist Monks and Christian Friars: Religious and Cultural Exchange in the Making of Buddhism', Studies in World Christianity 22:1 (2016), 5-21;





Maphinus Cella (fl. ca. 1500)

OMConv. Italian Conventual friar from Cremona and member of the Bologna province. Theologian and lector of philosophy in the Padua friary.


Commentaria in Opera Scoti.


Francesco Arisi, Cremona literata: seu, in Cremonenses doctrinis, & literariis dignitatibus eminentiores chronologicae adnotationes (Parmae: Typis Alberti Pazzoni & Pauli Montii, 1702), 73; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 508.





Marcellianus Coeberghen, (fl. mid 17th cent.)

OFM. Belgian (Flemish) friar. Defended the immaculate conception in a theological disputation at the provincial chapter of his order province in 1656. This statement was published the same year in Ghent.


Conclusiones theologicae quod Virgo Maria non contraxisset peccatum originale (Ghent, 1656).


Pedro de Alva y Astorga, Militia Immaculatae Conceptionis Virginis Mariae, contra malitiam originalis infectionis peccati (Louvain, 1663), 999; Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 312.





Marcellianus Dalhover (ca. 1655-1707 )

OFMRef. German friar. Member of the German Bavaria province. Theologian, guardian in Ingolstadt and preacher in Munich and Freising.


Gelebt und gestorben, Wer? Wie? Wem? Er�rtert bey einem Hoch-ansehlichsten Leich-Gepraeng, de� Hochw�rdigst, und Durchleuchttgsten F�rstens und Herrn, Hernn Albrecht Sigmunds, Bischoffen zu Freijsing und Regenspurg (...) (Munich: Sebastian Rauch, 1685). Accessible via Google Books and via the digital collections of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek.

Sig- und Danck-Predig wegen Prey�w�rdigst, von der christl. Miliz, wider den ErB-Feind, zwischen Siclos und Mohaz, erw�nschlichst den 12. Augusti Anno 1687. erhaltener Victori (...) (Munich: Sebastian Fauch, 1687). Accessible via the digital collections of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek and via Google Books.

Erfreuliche Schl�ssel-Beuthe oder Sig-Predig wegen von Ihro Churf�rstlich Durchleuchtigkeit au� Bayern, den 6. September, Anno 1688. durch Sturm eroberten Haupt-Vestung Belgrad (...) (Munich, 1688). Accessible via the digital collections of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek and via Google Books.

Areolae Oder Garten-Bethlein, Bestehend von unterschidlichen Blumen, Das ist: Geist- und Lehr-reichen Spruechen, au� H. Schrifft, und H. Vaettern, wie auch au� den Theologis, und andern bewehrten Scribenten und sambt vilen Historien und Auff die vornembste Fest-Taege de� Jahrs hindurch (...) (Munich: Sebastian Rauch, 1689). Accessible via the digital collections of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek and via Google Books.

Hoch-Geistliche Verm�hlschafft, Oder Erfreuliche Gratulations-Rede, Unter der Octav der hoechst-gewuenschten Bischoefflichen Possessions-Nemmung de� Hochwuerdigist, Durchleuchtigisten Fuersten und Hern, Hern Joseph Clementis Ertz-Bischiffen zu Coeln (...) (Munich: Johann Herman von Geldern, 1690). Accessible via the digital collections of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek and via Google Books.

Truz Doktor: Oder letzte Ehren-Rede bey (...) Leichgeg�ngnu� des Hn. Andr. Huber der Arzney Doctoris, hochf�rstl. Freijsingerischen Raths und Leib-Medici (...) (Munich: Sebastian Rauch, 1690). Accessible via the digital collections of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek and via Google Books.

Simon vorann, Judas alsdann: Das ist Doppelter Tempel, Der Tugend vnd Ehre Beij einer Hertztrawrigen Leich-Begaengnu� de� Hochwuerdigen in Gott, Hoch und Wol Edlen Herrn Herrn Simonis Juaer Thaddaei Schmidt, Bischoffen zu Tricalien (...) (Munich: Sebastian Rauch, 1691). Accessible via the digital collections of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek and via Google Books.

VIRGO NAZARAEA Oder Die Jungfrau von Nazareth: Bestehend in ain vnd zwaintzig Fest-T�glichen Marianischen Lob-Reden, auff jedes Fest drey: Denen Beygelegt eine Primitzen-Predig, perorict in dem Hoch-vnd Welt-ber�hmbten de� Hochloblichisten Ordens de� heiligen Patriarchen vnd Vatters S. Benedicti, in Schwaben (Munich: Johann Lucas Straub, 1695). Accessible via the digital collections of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek and via Google Books.

Todt, Sigend, Underligend, Ehrenrede bei der Leichbeg�ngni� des Judas Thaddaeus, Abbten de� H. Roemischen Reichs Stiffs, und Closters Kaysershaim (...) (Gra�, 1698). Accessible via Google Books.

Miscellanea, oder Allerhand Bue� - Passions - Oster - Possessions - Nemmung - Primizen - Kirchtag-Rosenkrantz - Heiligen - Joco-Serien - und Todten-Reden, Meisten Theils auff offentlichen Cantzlen peroriert. Autore P.Fr. Marcelliano Dalhover (...), 2 Vols. (Ingolstadt: Johann Andreae de La Haye - Munich: Maria Magdalena Rauchin, 1700). At least the first volume is accessible via Google Books and via the digital collections of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek.

Umbra von Clara-Vall, Continuiert. Das ist: Der H. Bernardus Ein Nachbild de� Anderen, und besseren Adams und Nach abermahliger gnaediger Beladung De� Hochw�rdigen, in Gott Hernn, Hern Rogerii, Abbten de� Heil. Roemischen Reichs Stiffts, und Closters Kaijserhaim (...) (Munich: Magdalena Rauchin, 1700). Accessible via the digital collections of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, and via Google Books (search creativily).

Der heilige Augustinus �berall Hertz. Oder Ehren-Rede Auff gnaedige Beladung des hochwuerdigen, in Gott Herrn, Herr Dominici des hochloblichen Stiffts, und CLosters �nterstorff, Canonicorum Regularium S. Augustini (...) von P.F. Marcelliano Dalhover, Ord. Minor. S. Francisco Reformat. Provinciae Bavariae der Zeit Ordinari Prediger zu M�nchen (Maria Magdalena Kauchin, 1701). Accessible via the digital collections of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, and via Google Books.

MISCELLANEA, Oder Allerhand Bue�-Passions-Oster-Possesions-Vemmung-Primizen-Kirchtag-Rosenkrantz-Heiligen-Joco-Serien,vnd Todten-Reden, Meisten Theils auff offentlichen Cantzeln peroriert: Erster Theil (...) (Munich: Maria Magdalena Rauchin, 1700). Accessible via the Narodni Knihovna National Library in Prague and via Google Books.

MISCELLANEA, Oder Allerhand Passions-Rosenkr�ntz, Primiz-Kircht�g, Heiligen-Einkleydungs- vnd zur Profession-Nemmungs-Joco-Serien, Sig- vnd Todts-Reden, Meisten Theils auff offentlichen Cantzlen peroriert: Anderter Theil (...) (Ingolstadt: Johann Andreae de La Haye, 1701/1702). Accessible via the Narodni Knihovna National Library in Prague and via Google Books.

Festtaegliche Predigen, Authore R.P. F. Marcelliniano Dalhover, Ord. Min. S. Franc. Reform., Provinciae Bavariae, Theologo, Und de� Hoch-F�rstlichen Thum-Stiffts zu Freijsing Predigern (..). Accessible via the digital collections of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek and via Google Books.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 311-312; Sigismondo da Venezia, Biografia serafica degli uomini illustri, 759; Manfred Knedik, �Dalhover (Dalhofer), Marcellian, ref.�, Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon XX, 355-357.





Marcellianus de Judicaria (fl. ca. 1700)

OFM. Italian friar. Testified during the beatification procedure of Giovanna della Croce. He is also known for a Franciscan provincial chronicle.


Relatio provinciae S. Vigilii Episcopi & Martyris?


Beatificationis et Canonizationis Ven. Servae Dei Sor. Joannae Mariae a Cruce, Monialis Professae in Monasterio S. Caroli de Roboreto Positio (...), 86; Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 312.





Marcellianus von Auer (Marzellianus von Auer, 1681-1758)

OFMCap. German friar from Waging.


Johannes Vogt vom Kreuz, Gr�ndliche Glaubenslehre von P. Marzellianus von Auer OFMCap. Aus Waging (Waging am See, 1998). Cf. Bote Tirol. Kap. 82 (1999), 35.





Marcellinus de Bitonto/Bituntinus (Marcellino da Bitonto, fl. 17th cent.?)

OFM. Italian friar from the San Niccol� proince. He would have left behind in the Italian vernacular a versified Tragicommedia spirituale, a compendium of papal bulls relevant to the order and a collection of papal constitutions concerning the order up till Urban VIII. These works were apparently never printed but kept in manuscript format in the Bisceglia friary.


Tragicommedia spirituale?

More to follow.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 312; Giammaria Mazzuchelli, Gli scrittori d'Italia, 1288.





Marcellinus Brugensis (Marcel van Brugge/Marcellien de Bruges/Juan Pardo, c. 1580-29 November 1637)

OFMCap. Belgian friar. Born in Bruges in a Spanish family. Novice master and Dutch/Flemish spiritual author. Especially known for his work Dit is het geestelijc pepelken (1628), and for his translations of mystical works by John of the Cross.


Dit is het geestelijc pepelken (1628): MS? Check!


Franciscaansch Leven 14 (1931), 205-212; Franciscaansch Leven 16 (1933), 17-24, 239-247; DSpir V, 1382-1385; P. Hildebrand, De kapucijnen in de Nederlanden en het prinsbisdom Luik,10 Vols. (Antwerp, 1945-1956), passim; K. Porteman, Verslagen en Mededelingen van de Koninklijke Academie voor Nederlandse Taal- en Letterkunde (Amsterdam, 1973), 103-186; Ephemerides Carmeliticae 26 (1975), 252-254; DSpir X, 295-296.





Marcellinus de Pisa (Marcellinus Pisanus/Marcellino da Pisa, fl. first half 17th cent.)

OFMCap. Italian Capuchin friar and preacher, Active in the Lyon province. Continuator of Boverio's Annali dei Cappuccini, and author of the multi-volume Moralis encyclopaedia, id est, Scientiarum omnium chorus, expendens moraliter sacrosancta Euangelia, alongside of other works.


Vita et gesta Urbani VIII Summi Pontificis (Rome: Typographia Camerae Apostolicae, 1645).

Vita R.P.F. Hieronymi Narniensis, totius ordinis Capucinorum vicarii generalis (Rome: typis Manelfi Manelfii, 1647). Available via the Biblioth�que Municipale of Lyon, the Biblioteca Nazionale Vittorio Emanuele in Rome, and via Google Books.

Moralis encyclopaedia, id est, Scientiarum omnium chorus, expendens moraliter sacrosancta Euangelia, 4 Vols. (Venice, 1637/Apud Ioannem Iost, via Iacobaea sub signo sancti Spiritus, 1641/Paris: Jean Tost, 1640-1644/Lyon: sumptibus Laurentii Anisson, 1656/ etc...). Several volumes of these editions are available via the Biblioth�que Municipale of Lyon, the Biblioteca Comunale of Cremona, Google Books, the Narodni Knihovna National Library in Prague or other portals & libraries. Volume one deals with the feasts devoted to Christ, the Eucharist, the Virgin, and Joseph; Volume two deals with feasts of the Holy Cross, the Angels, again Joseph and of all the other saints [and the second edition would also have contained sermons on the death, purgatory, the institution of church feasts, church consecrations, pilgrims, processions, indulgences, confessions, jubilees etc]; Volume three deals with the moral meaning of the Gospels for the Lenten period, with additional remarks on the literal sense on the basis of patristic authority' The fourth volume explains again literally an morally the Gospel for the Lenten period with other elements.

Annalium seu sacrarum historiarum ordinis Minorum S. Francisci, qui Capucini nuncupantur (...) usque ad annum 1634, tomus tertius (sumpt. C. Landry, 1632/Lyon: h�ritiers de Laurent Anisson, 1676). It amounts to an extension of the Boverio annals, and later another extension was made by Maximus Bertani. For a damning evaluation, see Nuovo dizionario istorico, ovvero Istoria in compendio di tutti gli uomini, che si sono renduti celebri per talenti, virt�, sceleratezze, errori, &c. (...) IV, 318.

Commentaria litteralia et Moralia in Evangelium S. Matthaei (Lyon: Laurent Anisson, 1656).

He also wrote a three-volume Commentaria litteralia et moralia in Marcu, Lucam et Joannem, yet these were apparently never printed and would be extant in the Lyon Capuchin library. Wadding, Juan de San Antonio, and Sbaralea also ascribe to him an Genius Christianus Opus bipartitum and another text of moral theology. We have as yet not been able to trace those works.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 312-313 [with a description of the contents of the four volumes of the Moralis encyclopaedia]; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 508; Dieter Bitterli, 'Marcelllin de Pise und seine 'Moralis encyclopedia'. Die Predigtsammlung des franz�sischen Kapuziners - eine neu entdeckte Quelle f�r den Bilderhimmel von Hergiswald', Helvetia Franciscana 47 (2018), 113-122.





Marcellinus de Ponte Bovesin (Marcellinus de Ponte Baues/Marcellin de Pont-de-Beauvoisin, d. 1623)

OFMCap. French friar from the Lyon province. Preacher and anti-Calvinist controversialist. He died in Grenoble in 1623.


R�ponse � un Ministre sur la Relation d'une Conference qu'il avoit e�e avec lui en 1614 � Grenoble touchant l'Eucharistie & les autres Points controversez (Grenoble: Guillaume Verdier, 1615).

La piperie des ministres et fausset� de la religion pr�tendue, Ensemble La V�rit� Catholique recogne�es par le Sr. de Pasth�e gentilhomme dauphinois, Advocat au parlement de Grenoble (Lyon: Loys Muguet, 1618/second ed. 1620?). Accessible via the University Library of Lausanne, the Biblioth�que Municipale of Lyon, Google Books, etc.

Huit Sermons sur l'Eucharistie pr�chez � Lyon (Lyon: Jean Lautter, 1620).

L'artifice merveilleux dont se sont servis les Ministres de la R. P.R. pour piper les catholiques & les retirer du giron de l'Eglise (Lyon: Louys Muguet, 1636).


Louis Ellies Du Pin, Table universelle des auteurs eccl�siastiques, disposez par ordre Chronologique (...). Tome II: Contenant les auteurs du dix-septi�me Si�cle (Paris: Andr� Pralard, 1704), 1890-1891; Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 313; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 508.





Marcellinus Venetus (Marcelino da Venezia/Agnolo Piazza Veneziano, d. 1812)

OFMRef. Italian friar. Lector of philosophy, theology and mathematics (at the Collegio of Castelfranco), as well as a renowned preacher.


Orazione panegiriche (Venice: Tipografia Calc. & Libreria Bonvecchiato, 1842 [2nd ed.]). Accessible via the �sterreichische Nationalbibliothek in Vienna and via Google Books.

Orazione postume di S. Vincenzo Ferreri. Check!


Sigismondo da Venezia, Biografia serafica degli uomini illustri che fiorirono nel francescano istituto (...) (Venice: G.B. Merlo, 1846), 863.





Marcellus de Calvomonte (Marcello di Calvomonte, 17th cent.?)

OFMCap. Italian friar from Campania (according to Juan de San Antonio of French descent). Theologian and preacher. He would have issued a Bouclier de la foi [maybe confusion with Thomas Illyricus, or with the French Victorine Nicole Grenier?].


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 313.





Marcellus de Columna (Marcellus Romanus Columna/Marcello Colonna Romano 1614-1679)

OFMRef. Italian Riformato friar from Catania of noble descent. Lector of philosophy and theology, and long-term Lenten preacher in Catania, Messina, Nicosia, Malta and elsewhere. Also provincial definitor in the Sicily province, and synodal examiner in Catania. He died in the same city at the age of 65 in 1679.


Sermoni del ss. Crocifisso (Catania Giovanni Rossi, 1650).

La vera deit� catanese, orazione sacra in due ottave distina, composta e diverse volte recitata nel duomo della clarissima citt� di Catania (Verona: Francesco Rosso, 1658).

Lettera apologetica scritta al R.P.F. Giuseppe Bonafede, Maestro agostiniano in difesa della sua Vera deit� catanese (Rome: Ignazio de Lazaris, 1665).

Avvento (Catania: Paolo Bisagno, 1670).

Sacri apparati per il glorioso ed ammirabile trionfo di s. Croce (Catania: Paolo Bisagno, 1681).


Antonino Mongitore, Biblioteca Sicula, sive de scriptoribus siculis (...), 2 Vols. (Palermo: Diego Bua, 1710-1714) II, 32; Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 313; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 508-509; Giuseppe Maria Mira, Bibliografia siciliana: ovvero, Gran dizionario bibliografico delle opere edite e inedite, antiche e moderne di autori siciliani o di argomento siciliani, 2 Vols. (Palermo: G.B. Gaudiano, 1881), 298.





Marcellus de Palermo (Marcello da Palermo)

OFM. Italian friar.


Salvatore Scuto, �Fra Marcello da Palermo e S. Maria del Ges� a Ragusa�, in: Francescanesimo e cultura negli Iblei. Atti del Convegno di studio Ragusa, Modica, Comiso 10-13 Ottobre 2004, ed. Carolina Miceli & Diego Ciccarelli (Palermo: Officina di Studi Medievali � Biblioteca Francescana, 2006), 253-268.





Marcellus de Sancto Severino (Marcellus Sanseverinus/Marcello di San Severino/Marcello San Severino, fl. first half 17th cent.)

This biographer of San Francesco di Paola is not a Franciscan friar but a Minim!


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 313; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 509.





Marcellus Harclius (Marcellus Harcly/Hardy/de Belfort, 1581-1662)

OFMCap. French friar.


Christian Schweizer, �Harcly (Hardy), Marcellus (de Belfort), cap. (ca. 1581-1662)�, Dizzionario storico della Svizzera VI, 284.





Marcellus Tonnorodensis (fl. 16th cent.)

TOR. French regular tertiary and member of the parisian province. Theologian.


Theologia vitae spiritualis scholastica et positiva methodo consarcinata/Organum morale. A theological encyclopedia of some kind. It was apparently never finished.


Francesco Bordoni, Chronologium fratrum, et sororum tertij ordinis S. Francisci tam regularis quam secularis (Parma: Typis Marii Vignae, 1658), 562; Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 314; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 509.





Marchesinus Bajados (Marchesio de Bajadox/Marchesio Bajadoz/Bajadon, fl. late 15th cent.?)

Spanish friar from Bajadoz (South-West Spain)?


Vita B. Odorici, see: AASS 14 Jan.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 324; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 509.





Marchesinus de Regio Lepidi (Marchesio da Reggio/Johannes Marchesinus/Marchesino da Reggio/Marchesinus Petor?, fl. later 13thcent)

OM. Italian friar from Reggio. Joined the order in the Bologna province and was predominantly active in the Ferrara custody. Probably received a lectorate training at the Bologna Studium Generalein the early 1270s. According to archival documents lector at Imola in 1275, thereafter possibly lector in Faventia (1280) and designated lector in Bologna (See AF IX, Quaracchi, 1927, 58,n. 158 & 584 (n. 1154)). Later sources sometimes call him �Giovanni Marchesini�, but medieval sources do not include the given name �Giovanni� (first traceable use of �Giovanni� is in Fulvio Azzari, Compendio dell'historie della citt� di Reggio, Reggio Emilia: Bartoli, 1623), hence it is possibly apocryphical. Marchesino is the author of a series of De Temporesermons as well as a cycle of sermons for the feast days of Franciscan saints. He also wrote treatises on the punishments of hell and on vices, a Centiloquium (once attributed to Bonaventure), and the (in)famous biblical dictionary known as the Mammotreptus/ Mamotractus/ Mammotrepton, which also is known as the Opusculum de accentibus verborum, de orthographia, de interpretibus Sacrae Scripturae, de modo eam exponendi, et de dignitate ejusdem (For an explanation of the name Mammotreptus (the nourishment, nourisher) see the article of Teetaert mentioned below, which traces the name back to passages in Augustine�s Enarrationes in PsalmosXXX or to a passage in Papias Grammaticus. Cf. also Du Cange, Glossarium ad Scriptores Mediae et Infimae LatinitatisIV, 362). The Mammotreptus, written between 1279 and 1297, was meant to be an adequate introduction to the Bible, exegetical methods and the use of biblical materials for preaching. It was geared to the needs of young friars going through the (sub)provincial Franciscan school network after their noviciate training. It probably is very representative for the character and level of teaching in custodial schools. In that sense, the Mammotrectus probably is one of the most important Franciscan school texts for sub-provincial education. The Mammotreptus consists of three parts, the first of which contains information on matters concerning biblical ortography and pronuncation (from Genesis to the Apocalypse). Part two gives word explanations related to liturgical matters and feasts of saints. It also contains an explicatio regulae. The third part contains information on Hebrew months, feasts and the vestments of the Jewish clergy. The Mammotreptus was hugely popular in the later medieval period. Yet another work once ascribed to Marchesino and also disseminated as a work of Bonaventure, namely a Confessionale, probably should be ascribed to a certain friar Gosselinus, about whom nothing else is known.


Mammotreptus/Mammotrectus super Bibliam: many manuscripts, a.o. MSS Florence, Bibl. Naz. A.6.1792; Florence, Bibl. Laurenz. S. Croce Sin.7; Naples, Bibl. Naz. V.C.32; VII.A.30; XII.F.11 ff. 154v-200d; Prague, National Museum, XII C 7 [Prologus in Mammetractum]; Prague, National Museum XIII C 14 [Mammotractus et Lucianus]; Prague, National Museum XIII C 16 ff. 169-225; Prague, National Museum XIII D 11 ff. 304-411; Prague, National Museum, MS XVI D 7 [3683] ff. 2-111 [Mamotraktbiblik. Like MS XIII C 14 together with the Lucianus of Henricus de Ratisbona. See on these Prague MSS Catalogus codicum manuscriptorum musei nationalis pragensis, pars prior: Codices bohemicos complectens, ed. F.M. Bart�s (Prague, 1926) & Catalogus codicum manu scriptorum musei nationalis pragensis, pars secunda: codices praeter bohemicos, orientales, palaeoslavicos complectens, ed. F.M. Bart�s (Prague, 1927)]; Klosterneuburg, Stiftsbibliothek 192; BAV Vat.Lat. >> [cf. A. Pelzer, Codices Vatic. Latini II.a.: Codices 679-1134 (Rome, 1931), 619-620]; Assisi, Bibl. Comm. cod. 488; Madrid, Nac., 148 (thirteenth cent., with tabulae on ff. 96a-110v) [Castro, Madrid, no. 17] (see Stegm�ller); N�rnberg, Stadtbibl. Theol. Cent. I.28 (an. 1431); Florence, Med. Laurenz. Calci 27 ff. 1ra-254vb; Vienna, �sterr. Landesbibl. 3946 (an. 1425); Besan�on, Bibl. Mun. 22 (1458); Hamburg, S. Petrus Kirche MS Jacobi 16 ff. 206r-313r (15th cent.) &MS Jacobi 17 ff. 1r-106v (14th cent.). [Work consists of three main parts. The first provides explanations for difficult biblical words and passages; the second contains a series of digressions on orthography, the accents of Latin words, the seven feasts of the Old Law, the clothing of priests, principles of exegesis and translation, divination, the names of God according to the Hebrews, the qualities and properties of Scripture, and a short treatise on the four main eucumenical councils; the third part deals in more details with liturgical books and related materials (de responsoriis et antiphonis, de hymnis, de legendis sanctorum, de sermonibus et homiliis de communi sanctorum et domenicalibus). The whole work closes with an exposition of the Franciscan rule].
A first incunable edition appeared as: Mammotrectus super Bibliam (Munster: Helyas Helyae, 1470). Accessible via the digital collections of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek and via Google Books. Many editions followed in the late 15thand 16th centuries. See for instance Mammotrectus super Bibliam/Dictionarium Vocabulorum (Mainz: Petrus Schoiffer von Gernsehen, 1470/Venice: Franz Renner von Heilbrun & Pietro da Bartua, 1476 & 1478/Venice: Niccol� Jenson, 1479/Milan: Leonardo Pachel, 1481/Venice: Andrea Jacobi de Cathara, 1482/Venice: Franz von Heilbrun, 1483/Venice: Franciscus de Madiis, 1485/Strasbourg, 1487, 1489 & 1497; Venice, 1494 & 1498/Nuremberg, 1494/Metz, 1509/Paris, 1510 & 1521 etc.). The 1478 edition is accessible via the Mediath�que of Lyon and via Google Books Cf. also Hain, Repertorium n. 10551-10574. Many of these old editions contain only parts, and more often than not do not correspond closely with the materials found in the earliest manuscripts. A new critical edition is necessary.

Centiloquium. For manuscripts and edition info, see especially Bonaventura, Opera Omnia (Quaracchi,1891), V, prolegomena, xlviii-xlix, liii). This work is printed in older Opera Omnia collections of Bonaventure, such as the edition of Jehan petit (Paris 1510) and Van Os (Zwolle, 1480). The work was also included in Bonaventura, Opera Omnia (Venice, 1596).

Sermones fr. Marchesini super omnia festa nostri kalendarii, id est ordinis fr. Minorum: MS Todi, S. Fortunatus, 129.

Sermones Mammotrecti super dominicas a 1a adventus ad 24am post pentecostem (inc. "Veniet desideratus... karissimi hodie incipimus illud sacrum tempus"): MS Bamberg Staatsbibliothek MS misc. theol. 156 [Cf.F. Leitschuh, Katalogus der Handschriften der k�niglichen Bibliothek zu Hamberg (Hamberg, 1895-1906), I, 739.]

Tractatus de Poenis Peccatorum diversimode Nuncupatis: MS Assisi Bibl. Comunale 488 ff. 3-43 [inc.: Pena debita peccatori nunc censetur nomine perditionis ettermine��expl: �Non parcas tue verecundie et confusioni, ut Deus parcat tue malitie et transgressioni. Amen. Explicit utile opus de poenis peccatorum editum a fr. Marchesino, lectore ordinis minorum.�]

Opus de Vitiis: MS Assisi, Bibl. Commun. 488, ff. 59-130. [inc.: �Incipit opus de vitiis a fr. Marchesino compositum (�) De superbia est loquendum quantum ad causam defectivam. Oritur enim superbia ex stoliditate intellectus.�]

De passione Domini: MS Assisi, Bibl. Commun. 488 ? [Cf. Sbaralea, inc.: 'Passio Domini nostri Jesu Christi, consumatis sermonibus Evangelicae praedicationis, dixit Dominus discipulis suis, scitis, quia post biduum Pascha fiet...']

Spurious: Confessionale (inc.:"In dei tabernaculo�): a.o. MSS Munich, Bayer. Staatsbibliothek, lat 6023 (attributed to fr. Gosselinus); St. Gallen, 789 (mentions in the explicit: �Explicit libellus de simplici informatione simplicium sacerdotum in confessionibus audiendis; nomine Goelinus, conscriptus et completus a fr. Ulrico de Ahusen, sacerdote ordinis S. Johannis sacrosanctae domus hospitalis jerosalimitanae anno dominicae incarnationis, 1000� 300� 15�, indictione 13��); Klosterneuburg Stiftsbibliothek St. Augustin 323; Stuttgart, W�rtemb. Landesbibl. HBI 164 ff. 128ra-139vb. For more information, see Bonaventura, Opera Omnia (Quaracchi, 1891), VIII, prolegomena cxi & x, p. 23).
This Confessionale, was edited in Bonaventura,Opera Omnia (Venice, 1564), and also in older and later Opera Omnia editions of Bonaventure (such as (Strasbourg, 1495/Venice, 1504/ Rome, 1596 and the Peltier edition). For info see Bonaventura, Opera Omnia (Quaracchi, 1891), VIII, prolegomena cxi & x, p. 23.

An omnibus edition of Marchesino apparently appeared as Opera, ed. Jacobus Pontius de Leuco (Venice, 1596).


Wadding, Scriptores, 247-248 (ed. 1806 p. 166)); Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 314; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 509-510 & (ed. 1921) II, 204-205; C. Oudin, Comment. De Scriptoribus Ecclestiasticis, III (Leipzig, 1722), 2562-2563; H. H�rter, Nomenclator Litterarius Theologiae, II, 3rd ed. (Oeniponte, 1903-1913), 414-415; S. Berger, La Bible au XVIe si�cle (Paris, 1879), 15-28; Idem, De Glossariis et Compendiis Exegeticis Quibusdam Medii Aevi (Paris, 1879); L. Oliger, in: Antonianum, 7 (1932), 438-439, 499; A. Kleinhans, in: Antonianum, 7 (1932), 438-439; A. Teetaert, �Reggio (Marchesinus de)�, Dictionnaire de Th�ologie Catholique, XIII-2 (Paris, 1937), 2102-2104. L. Messedaglia, `Variet� e curiosit� folenghiane. Serie prima. VI.I `Mamotreti 'mostri infernali', in: Atti dell' Accademia Pontaniana, n.s., 2 (1948-49), 160-163; Dorothy Schullian, �A misprinted sheet in the 1479 "Mammotrectus super Bibliam" (Goff M-239)', The Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 61 (1967), 51-52; Martin Germann, 'Mittelalterliche Hilfsmittel zum Bibelstudium: wie benutzte man eine karolingische Glossenhandschrift und den "Mammotrectus", Berom�nster 1470?', Librarium 47 (2004), 134-148 [An English version of this article was published in Organizzazione del sapere: studi in onore di Alfredo Serrai, ed. Maria Teresa Biagetti (Milan, 2004), 129-145]; Frans van Liere, 'Tools for Fools: Marchesinus of Reggio and his Mammotrectus', Medieval Perspectives 18 (2003), 192-206; Martin Germann,�Mittelalterliche Hilfsmittel zum Bibelstudium: wie benutzte man eine karolingische Glossenhandschrift und den �Mammotrectus�?, Berom�nster, 1470)�, Librarium 47 (2004), 134-148; Frans van Liere, �Marchesino da Reggio�, Dizzionario Biografico degli Italiani 69 (2007), 626b-628a; Luigi Pellegrini, �Alla scoperta del mammotrectus�, in: �Una strana gioia di vivere�: a Grado Giovanni Merlo, ed. Marina Benedetti & Maria Luisa Betri (Milan, 2010), 333-348; Mar�a Eugenia D�az Tena & Jos� Carlos Mart�n-Iglesias, 'Il Mammotrectus super Bibliam de Marchesino da Reggio (OFM) en Espa�a: fragmentos conservados en el Real monasterio de Santa Mar�a de Guadalupe', Archivo Ibero-Americano 74:279 (2014), 561-621.
With thanks to: Dr. Frans van Liere, Department of History, Calvin College, 1845 Knollcrest Circle SE.





Marcianus Oenispontensis (Marcianus von Innsbruck, d. 1749)

OFMCap. Austrian friar. Preacher and provincial definitor, who died in Linz in 1749.


Conciones Dominicales et quadragesimales, 4 Vols. (Linz: Johann Adam Auinger, 1745)


Catalogus Scriptorum Ordinis Minorum S. Francisci Capuccinorum, ab anno 1747 usque ad annum 1852, sive Appendix ad Bibliothecam Scriptorum Capuccinorum a P. Bernardo Bononiensi (...) (Rome: Gaetano A. Bertinelli, 1852), 32.





Marcus (fra Marco, fl. 14th cent.)

OM. Italian friar minor from Venice. Author of a Chronicon, an urban chronicle on Venice and its surroundings.


Chronicon. Check the studies of Paladin and Fossier.


Elisa Paladin, 'Osservazioni sulla inedita cronaca veneziana di Marco.' Atti dell' Istituto veneto. 128 (1970) 429-461; F. Fossier, `La ville dans l�historiographie franciscaine de la fin du xiiie et du d�but du xive si�cle�, MEFRM, 89 (1977), 641-655.





Marcus Aguado (Marcos Aguado, fl. 16th cent.)

OFM. Spanish (Castilian) friar. Active in Mexico. Author. Thus far we have not found any of the works ascribed to him.


Historia de las indias

Catecismo en lengua de los indios


Juan de San Antonio Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 314-315; Beristain I, 78; Pedro de Salazar, Cr�nica y historia de la provincia de Castilla (Madrid, 1971), 130; Cipriano Mu�oz y Manzano, conde de la Vi�aza & Carmelo S�enz de Santa Maria, Bibliografia Espa�ola de Lenguas Indigenas de America (Madrid, 1892/Reprint Madrid: Ediciones Atlas, 1977), 326; Manuel de Castro y Castro, �Lenguas indigenas americanas transmitidas por los Franciscanos del siglo XVI�, in: Actas del II Congreso Internacional sobre los Franciscanos en el Nuevo Mundo (siglo XVI) (Madrid: DEIMOS, 1988), 540.





Marcus Alegambius (Marco Alegambe/Marco Li Gambi, d. 1647)

OFMRef. Italian (Sicilian) friar from Piazza Ameria. Canon law specialist, preacher and provincial minister. He died in the Santa Lucia friary of Syracusa in 1647. Known for his local historical interests.


Historia di Piazza Citt� opulentissima col Vessillo dell'Invittissimo Conte Ruggieri Normanno: MS olim Piazza Armerina, Biblioteca della chiesa di S. Pietro. Excerpts are included in G.P Chiarand�, Piazza, citt� di Sicilia antica, nuova, sacra, e nobile (Messina: Gli heredi di P. Brea, 1654) and in Pietro Tognoleto, Paradiso serafico del fertilissimo regno di Sicilia (...), 2 Vols. (Palermo: Domenico Anselmo-Tomaso Romolo, 1667-1687).


G.P Chiarand�, Piazza, citt� di Sicilia antica, nuova, sacra, e nobile (Messina: Gli heredi di P. Brea, 1654), 172 & ad indicem; Antonino Mongitore, Biblioteca Sicula, sive de scriptoribus siculis (...), 2 Vols. (Palermo: Diego Bua, 1710-1714) II, 32; Francesco Aprile, Della cronologia universale della Sicilia (Palermo: Gaspare Bayona, 1725), ad indicem; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 510; Maria Katja Guida, 'L'icona della Madonna delle Vittorie a Piazza Armerina e un'adozione francescana', in: Francescanesimo e cultura nelle province di Caltanissetta ed Enna. Atti del Convegno di studio, Caltanissetta-Enna, 27-29 ottobre 2005, ed. Carolina Miceli (Palermo: Biblioteca francescana, 2008), 177-195 (at 179-180, 189-190).





Marcus Antonius Barretti (Marco Antonio Barretti)

OM. Italian friar and alleged author of a dialogue on Mount Alverna. See on these the remarks in the introduction to edition by Cannarozzi of Mariano da Firenze's Dialogo del S. Monte della Verna and the the 1930 issue of Studi Francescani.


Juan de San Antonio Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 318; Ciro Cannarozzi, Il Dialogo del S. Monte della Verna di Fra Mariano da Venezia (Pistoia: Pacinotti, 1930); Studi Francescani (1930), 456.





Marcus Antonius Capellus (Marco Antonio Capelli da Este, fl. first half 17th cent.)

OFMConv. Italian friar. Born at Este (Italy). Entered the Conventuals in the Milan province. Became master of theology, and taught at Udine and (as public professor of metaphysics) Padua. When pope Paul V placed the Venetian republic under interdict in 1606, Marco took up the defense of Venice in a series of publications. Later, pressured by the ecclesiastical authorities, and possibly disappointed by some of the policies of Venice, Marco retracted and sought reconciliation with the pope. Marco�s submission was accepted. He received the position of qualificator of the Santo Officio, and the curia lobbied with the Conventuals to bestow on Marco the title of provincial of the Oriental province. Thereafter, Marco became a very vocal spokesman for papal authority.


Trattato dell�interdetto (�) nel quale si dimostra che egli non � legitimamente pubblicato (Venice, 1606). Marco wrote this work in collaboration with several other theologians. A Latin version of this work appeared in Frankfurt am Main (Germany) in 1607.

Parere delle controversie tra il sommo Pontefice Paolo V et la Serenissima Republica di Venetia (Venice: Alessandro Cavcalcalupo, 1606). This work, wich can now be accessed via Google Books, brought about several reactions by Lelio Medici, Giulio Rosso/Benedetto Giustiniani SJ, and Antonio Possevino SJ. For details, see the entry in Franchini, Bibliosofia, esp. 415-417.

Risposta del P. Maestro Marcantonio Capello Minore Conventuale, al discorso del P. M. Lelio Piacentino minore Conventuale, & Inquisitor di Fiorenza, sopra i fondamenti, & le ragioni delli SS. Veneziani intorno all�Interdetto & Censura della Santit� di Papa Paolo Quinto (...) (Venice: Alessandro Cavalcaluppo, 1606). Accessible via the digital collections of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek and via Google Books.

Lettera del P. Antonio Possevino gesuita al P. maestro M.-A. Capello min. conventuale, con la risposta di detto padre (Venice, 1606). This work was also included in the Collectio Scripturarum Super Controversia inter Paulum V et Venetos II, 239.

Le mentite filoteane, ovvero Invettiva di Giovanni Filoteo d�Asti contra le serenissima republica di Venezia, confutata da Fulgentio Tomaselli filosofo albanese chiamato alias il Capeletto, a favore della istessa serenissima republica (Padua: Niccolo Padovano, 1607). Accessible via the digital collections of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek and via Google Books.

De Absoluta omnium Rerum Sacrarum Immunitate a Potestate Principum Laicorum ex Lege Naturae, Moysis et Christi ad Paulum V: MS Vatican City, BAV Barber. 426. In this work, Marco retracted his former positions. This same manuscript is said to contain other works by Marco

De jure Religionis in politia bene et recte instituta: MS Vatican City, BAV Barber. 445.

Disputatio quo jure sit prhibita Clericis mercatura: MS Vatican City, BAV Barber. 445, ff. 447ff.

Disputatio de utilitate, et necessitate Monarchici regiminis in Ecclesia adversus M. Antonium de Dominis: MS Vatican City, BAV Barber. 446.

Adversus Praetensum Primatum Ecclesiasticum Regis Angliae. Liber in quo Iacobi Regis, et eius Eleemosynarii confutantur Scripta(Bologna: Bartolomeo Cocchio, 1610/Cologne: Servatius Erffens, 1611). Both editions are accessible via Google Books.

Disputationes Duae: Prior de Summo Pontificatu B. Petri, Posterior de Successione Episcopi Romani in Eumdem Pontificatum, Adversus Anonymos Duos, Alterum Cui Titulus, Papatus Romanus, Alterum de Suburbicariis Regionibus et Ecclesiis, seu de Praefectura et Episcopi Urbis Romae Dioecesi, Coniectura (Cologne: sub signo Monocerotis, 1620/1698).

De Summo Pontificatu Petri (Cologne, 1621).

De successione Episcopi Romani contra duos anonymos (...) (Cologne: sumptibus Ioannis Kinky, 1621).

Regole di S. Agostino, S. Benedetto e S. Chiara, Con li decreti del Sacro Concilio di Trento, e le Bolle d'alcuni sommi Pontifici que spettano allo stato Moniale, Raccolte dal Molto Rever. P. Maestro Fr. Marcantonio Cappelli de'Minori Conventuali, Per ordine dell'Illustriss. e. Reverendiss. Sig. Cardinale Ludovici del Titolo di S. Lorenzo in Damaso, della S. Romana Chiesa Vicecancelliere, Arcivesc. di Bologna, e Prencipe, &c. Per uso delle Monache di essa Citt�, e sua Diocese (...) (Bologna: Vittorio Benacci, 1621//Bologne: Vittorio Benacci, 1623). The 1621 edition is accessible via the Biblioteca Nazionale Vitt. Emanuele in Rome and via Google Books.

De Appellationibus Ecclesiae Africanae ad Romanam Sedem, Dissertatio Adversus Haereticos nostri temporis (Paris: Nicolas Buon, 1622). A revised version by the author appeared in the� Bibliotheca Maxima Pontificia (Rome, 1698/3rd ed. Rome, 1722) XVI. This work was also published, together with a Protestant refutation, in Christoforus Pfaffius, Introductio in Historiam Literariam III, 40-174. The 1622 Paris edition is accessible via the British Library, the Biblioth�que Nationale de France and via Google Books.

Ragionamento funebre per l�esequie di Lucrezia Tomaselli, duchessa di Paliano(Rome, 1623).

De Coena Christi Suprema, deque Praecipuis Eius Vitae Capitalibus Dissertatio Adversus Aegyptium Authorem Anni Primitivi (Paris: C. Morellus, 1625).

There still might be manuscripts of our author in the Biblioteca Comunale of Ferrara. This needs to be checked.


Wadding, Annales Ordinis Minorum (ed. Quaracchi, 1934) XXIV, 219-220, XXV, 264, 423-424, 479, XXVI, 484; Wadding, Scriptores (ed. Rome, 1906), 25 (under Antonius Capelli); Giovanni Franchini, Bibliosofia e memorie letterarie di scrittori Francescani conventuali Ch'hanno scritto dopo 'Anno 1585 (Modena: Eredi Soliani Stampatori, 1693),414-420; Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 315; Sbaralea,Supplementum (ed. 1806), 510-511 & (ed. Rome, 1921) II, 205-206; DThCat II, 1683-1684; DHGE XI, 852-853.





Marcus Antonius de Bajados (Marcos Antonio de Bajadoz, fl. early 18th cent.)

OFMDisc. Spanish friar from the San Gabriel province. Preacher. Left behind a funerary sermon at the occasion of the death of Maria Luise Emmanuele de Savoye (entitled: Enigma del mayor dolor propuesto a la m�s firme lealtad)


Enigma del mayor dolor propuesto a la m�s firme lealtad (Salamanca: Maria Estevez, 1714).


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 315.





Marcus Antonius Cursius (Marco Antonio Cursio da Treviso/Marcantonio Cursio da Treviso, fl. 16th cent.)

OFMConv. Italian Conventual friar from Treviso and member of the San'Antonio province. Magister theology, lector, preacher, provincial minister, and provincial comissary. Known for sermons in a series in north-Italian towns, and in particular for a Lenten sermon cycle held in the Bolognese San Petronio church in 1562.


Conciones quadragesimales.

In psalmos Davidicos.

Commentarii in libros Sacrae Scripturae.


Bartolomeo Burchelato, Epitaphiorum dialogi septem (Venice: Guerrea, 1583), 256; Giuseppe Antonio Venni, Elogio storico alle gesta del beato Odorico dell'ordine de' minori conventuali con la storia da lui dettata de' suoi viaggj asiatici illustrata da un religioso dell'ordine stesso e presentata agli animatori delle antichit� (Venice: Antonio Zatta, 1761), 143; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 511; Archivio Sartori: Evoluz�one del francescanesimo nelle tre venezie monasteri contrade localita abitanti di Padova medioevale (Padua: Biblioteca antoniana, 1988), 1333.





Marcus Antonius Galitius de Carpenedolo (Marcantonio Galizzi da Carpenedolo, 1599-1665)

OFMCap. Italian fiar. Consultant for the inquisition and Capuchin order general between 1662 and 1665. Pupil of Teodoro Foresti da Bergamo and known for a summa of Bonaventurean philosophical thought for use in the Capuchin school network.


Juan de San Antonio and Sbaralea ascribed to him a number of unedited works, once kept in the Capuchin library of Brescia, including a commentary on the Sentences 'ad mentem S. Bonaventurae', moral and doctrinal questions, a decalogue explication, works on ecclesiastical immunity ad order privileges, the eucharist, poenitential consultations, spiritual songs, etc. Their whereabouts need to be checked.

Summa totius Philosophiae aristotelicae ad mentem S. Bonaventurae, Doctoris Seraphici, ex eiusdem scriptis majori, qua fieri potuit, diligentia excerptae, 5 Vols. (Rome, 1634-1636). For instance accessible via the Erzbisch�fliche Di�zesan- und Dombibliothek in Cologne [contains: Prima pars, quae dialecticam comprehendit; secunda de physico auditu; tertia de caelo et mundo, de generatione et corruptione; quarta de anima; quinta de metaphysica]

Novum de immaculata Virginis conceptione encomium (Venice: eredi Marco Antonio Brogioli, 1636). Acessible via the Biblioteca Provinciale di Salerno [LIB.ANT. III 22 D 18; SPS000107878 / 1 v. ]

Dilucidatio speculi apologetici, sive Propugnaculum historiae annalium P. Zachariae Boverli, ordinis fratrum minorum Cappuccinorum. Authore F. Antonio Maria Galitio, theologo Cappuccino, Brixiano (Antwerp: Franciscus Fickaert, 1653). For instance accessible via the McGill University Library in Montreal, the Friedsam Memorial Library of Saint Bonaventure University, the Newberry Library in Chicago, the Biblioth�que Nationale Universitaire of Strasbourg, Brown University Library in Providence, USA, and the Library of the University of Chicago; Speculum apologeticum Fratrum Minorum Ordinis S. Francisci, oppositum Annalibus Capucinorum (...) Z. Boverii: nunc denuo expositum dilucidationi ejusdem Speculi, sive propugnaculo eorundem Annalium (...) A.M. Galitii (...) Secunda editio correctior. Cui (...) accessere Specimina qu�dam ex dilucidatione praefata desumpta (Antwerp: Franciscus Fickaert, 1653). For instance accessible via the Dutch Royal Library in The Hague, Utrecht University Library, the University of Groningen Library, the Biblioth�que Nationale Universitaire of Strasbourg, and the British Library.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 315-316; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 511-512; Evaristo Ceriali da Ombriano, Filosofia e Filosofi nei conventi cappuccini Lombardi (Cremona, 1947), 10; Evaristo Ceriali da Ombriano & Serafino Leonardi, L�araldo bonaventuriano tra i Cappuccini: Marcantonio Galizzi da Carpenedolo (1599-1665) (Brescia, 1965); Ch. Lohr, �Renaissance Latin Aristotle Commentaries: Authors G-K�, Renaissance Quarterly 30 (1977), 681-741 (689-690); Salvatore Rizzolino, Angelus Domini nuntiavit Mariae. Poemetti mariani dimenticati fra Lagrime e Rime spirituali del Tasso. Appendice di testi mariani cappuc- cini tra XVI-XVII sec., ed. Costanzo Cargnoni, Centro Studi Cappuccini Lombardi. Nuova Serie, 4 (Milan: Edizioni Biblioteca Francescana, 2017), 547-554 [On his mariological works]





Marcus Antonius Gambaronus (Marcantonio Gambaroni di Lugo, d. 1570)

OFMConv. Italian Conventual friar from the Bologna province. Theologian and renowned preacher. He taught arts, philosophy and theology in several study houses of his order, and preached in many Italian towns (including a Lenten cycle in the San Petronio church of Bologna, 1563). He represented his order at the Council of Trent in the early 1560s, and he held a Sunday sermon at the council on Domenica XVI post Pent., 1562. Later, in 1564, he became provincial, to die in 1570.


Concio habita in Concilio Tridentino die 6 Sept. an. 1562, Dominica 16. post Pentecost. (Brescia, 1562/Louvain, 1567).


Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 512; Sigismondo da Venezia, Biografia serafica degli uomini illustri che forirono nel francescano istituto, (Venice: G.B.Merlo, 1846), 406.





Marcus Antonius Guarini (Marcantonio Guarini, d. 1656)

OFMConv, Italian friar from Ravenna. Member of the Bologna province. Baccalaureus Conventus in the Collegium S. Bonaventurae in 1610. He subsequently reached the status of Magister theologiae, and was a well-regarded preacher and order administrator (elected provincial minister of the Bologna province in 1617).


Vernacular Lenten sermons and vernacular sermons for Advent and other parts of the liturgical year, with additional sermons for certain occasions, all apparently dating from the period he was Baccalaureus Conventus in the Collegium S. Bonaventurae in Rome: MS olim Ravenna, Bibl. S. Francisci. Cf. Sbaralea.


Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 512; Gino Zanotti, I francescani a Ravenna dai tempi di Dante a oggi (Ravenna: Longo Angelo, 1999), 75.





Marcus Antonius Paganus (Antonius Paganus/Marco Antonio/Antonio Pagani/Marcantonio Pagani, 1526-1587)

OFM. Italian friar. Probably from Venice and not from Forli (see Sbaralea and Bacchiddu) Theologian and lector. Guardian of the Milan friary in 1570. Provincial minister of the Bologna province. Also active as inquisitor and well-acquainted with Felice Peretti (later Pope Sixtus V), and involved with the 1564 edition of the works of Bonaventure, He apparently died at Foligno (or in Venice). There might be a confusion here between an Observant friar (Antonio Pagani/Marcantonio Pagani) and a Conventual friar (Marcantonio Pagani). This needs further checking.


Il Primo libro delle rime del reuerendo, et eccellente M. Marco Pagani (Appresso Domenico Farri, 1557).

Oratio de miseriis sui temporis ab haeresi, bellis, devastationibus (...) (Venice: Bolognino Zalterio, s.a.?).

Tractatus de ordine, iurisdictione, & residentia Episcoporum, F. Antonii Pagani Veneti, Ordinis Min. Obser. (...) (Venice: Bolognino Zalterio, 1570). Accessible via Google Books.

Il discorso della salutifera, et fruttuosa penitenza (Venice: Bolognino Zaltieri, 1570).

Le rime spirituali di F. Antonio Pagani Vinitiano, Minore Oss. Nelle quali si contengono quattro trionfi, che tutti i profondi misteri di Christo, et le degne lode de' beati narrano. Et ui � aggiunto il giardin morale (...) (Venice: appresso Bolognino Zaltieri, 1570). Accessible via the Biblioteca Alessandrina in Rome, and via Google Books.

Tractatus de Poenitentia (Venice: Bolognino Zalterio, s.a.?)

Il Discorso universale della Sacra Legge Canonica di F. Antonio Pagani Vinitiano Minore Osservante (...) (Venice: Bolognino Zaltieri, 1570). Accessible via the �sterreichische Nationalbibliothek in Viena, and via Google Books.

Epitalamii, Trofei, e varie altre Poesie in lode della Beatissima Vergine?

Oratio de Reformatione Ecclesiae (...) in Concilio Tridentino (Venice: Bolognino Zalterio, 1970). This sermon was apparently also edited in the appendices of the Acta of the Council of Trent.

Il thesoro dell'humana salute, et perfettione (Venice, 1579). This work was rissued as: Il tesoro dell'umana salvezza e perfezione: opera teologico-spirituale del XVI secolo, ed. Donatella Anolfi (Il Poligrafo, 2015).

Specchio di fideli: nel qual si rappresentano tutte quelle cose, che ad ogni conditione d'huomini sono necessarie di saper, per la saluie, & perfettione loro. Opera vtilissima da' detti de' santi antichi dottori contemplatiui raccolta, & al commune beneficio delle anime donata (Appresso Francesco Ziletti, 1579). Accessible via the Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale of Florence, the �sterreichische Nationalbibliothek in Viena, and via Google Books.

Le sponsalitie dell'anima con Christo. Opera dalla dottrina de'Santi contemplativi Dottori scelta, molto profittevole a'magnanimi, & nobili spiriti, che desiderano di puramente, & fovanemte unirsi a Christo con sincero, efficace, & perpetuo amore (...) di F. Antonio Pagani, Minore Osservante (Venice: Francesco Ziletti, 1585/Vicenza: Francesco Grossi, 1612). Accessible via Google Books [Only use first title words in your search], the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek in Munich, and via the Biblioteca Alessandrina in Rome.

La tromba della militia christiana, et la Somma delle osservationi per conseguir le piu honorate corone del Combattimento spirituale, Aggiontovi Le Sponsalitie dell'anima con Christo, & La Pratica de gli huomini spirituali (...) (Venice: Francesco Zilettim 1586/Vicenza: Francesco Grossi, 1612). Accessible via the digital collections of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek Munich, the Biblioteca universitaria Alessandrina in Rome, and via Google Books.

La Breve Somma delle Essamine de'Confitenti, Per la necessaria riforma dell'huomo interiore. Nella quale si descriue, in generale, & in particolare, la forma di quelle accuse, o dimande; che sono necessarie da vsarsi nella confessione sacramentale appresso si ragiona dello scandalo: della correttione fraterna: & della restitutione; & sodisfattione. Et finalmente si tratta della penitenza, che si dee dare a' confitenti (Venice: Giovanni Battista Somasco, 1587). Accessible via the Biblioteca Alessandrina in Rome and via Google Books.

La breue somma delli essercitii de'penitenti, Per la profitteuole riforma dell'huomo interiore (...) Di F. Antonio Pagani, minore osseruante (Venice: Giouanni Varisco, & Paganino Paganini, 1587). Accessible via the Biblioteca Casanata in Rome and via Google Books.

Ragionamenti di diverse notabili materie: Ne i quali si contengono le risolutioni di vari dubbi, intorno `a cose molte giovevoli. Per l'ammaestramento, & per l'essercitio prattico di persone spirituali. Cosi Ecclesiastiche, & religiose, come secolari (...) (Venice: Domenico Farri, 1587). Accessible via the �sterreichische Nationalbibliothek in Viena, and via Google Books.

Regole della Confraternit� della Croce (Venice: Domenico Nicolini, 1587).

Suma triumphorum pro perfecta reformatione hominis interioris (Venice: Giovanni Variscio & Paganino dei Pagani, 1589). Link with La Breve Somma delle Essamine de'Confitenti or La breue somma delli essercitii de'penitenti?

Speculum veri Christiani (Venice, 1589). Is this the Specchio di fideli?

Il Ragionamento della fidelta, Et dell'amore di S. Maria Maddalena verso Giesu Christo suo Maestro crocefisso, morto, & sepolto (...) (Vicenza: Francesco Grossi, 1612). Accessible via the digital collections of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, and via Google Books.

La Prattica de gli huomini spirituali. Nella quale si contiene la somma de'piu profitevole essercitii esperimentati, per tosto arrivare alla perfetta vita Christiana (Vicenza: Francesco Grossi, 1612). Accessible via the Biblioteca Alessandrina in Rome, and via Google Books (creative search).

Il Thesoro dell'Humana Salute, e Perfettione. Nel quale si contiene la somma delli Essercitii Spirituali tolti da'santi Autori, per la riformatione, & santificatione del peccatore (...) (Vicenza: Francesco Grossi, 1613). Accessible via the Biblioteca Comunale of Cremona and via Google Books.

Sermoni quaresimali ?

Sermones at Fratres ?

Epistolae ?


Giovanni Franchini, Bibliosofia e memorie letterarie di scrittori Francescani conventuali Ch'hanno scritto dopo 'Anno 1585 (Modena: Eredi Soliani Stampatori, 1693), 420-424; Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 316; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 86-87 [Antonius Paganus] & 512 [Marcus Antonius Paganus]; Miscellanea Francescana (1888), 189; Annarita Bartoli, ��Per la perfetta riforma dell�huomo interiore� (1587): i combattenti per la fede di p. Antonio Pagani�, Studi Stor. Luigi Simeoni 47 (1997), 151-168; Annarita Bartoli, �Croce e spiritualit� femminile nel pensiero teologico di p. Antonio Pagani (1526-1587)�, Studi Stor. Luigi Simeoni 49 (1999), 239-258; Rita Bacchiddu, �Marco alias Antonio Pagani da �figlio spirituale� a �padre spirituale��, in: Direzione spirituale tra ortodossia ed eresia. Dalle scuole filosofiche antiche al Novecento, ed. Michela Catto, Isabella Gagliardi & Rosa Maria Parrinello, Le scienze umane (Brescia: Morcelliana, 2002), 177-195.





Marcus Antonius Raynaldus (Marcantonio Rainaldi, d. 1599)

OFMConv. Italian friar from Faenza and member of the Bologna province. He was lector of philosophy and theology in several study houses and reached the Magisterium theologiae. He was elected provincial minister in 1597 but apparently died just before or after his three-year stint was completed.


Commentarius in primum librum Physicorum Aristotelis: MS olim Bologna, Bibl. S. Franc. Mentioned by Sbaralea.

Carmina latina in laudem Ludovici Carbonis, included in Ludovico Carbone, De pacificatione, dilectione inimicorum, iniuriarumque remissione (Florence: Sermatelli, 1583).


Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 512.





Marcus Antonius Vignola (Marco Antonio Vignola/Marcantonio Vignola da Venezia/Marco Vignola, d. 1764)

OFMRef. Italian friar who took the habit in the San Antonio province at the age of 32, after a career in Venetian civil service and a conversion experience in the way back from Constantinople, where he had been an ambassadorial secretary.


Origine, progresso, dilatazione, ed eccellenza della Via Crucis, o sia Strada della Croce segnata dai passi, e dal sangue del Nostro Signor Ges� Cristo arricchita d'indulgenze da molti sommi pontefici, inculcata, e persuasa a' parrochi di tutto il mondo cattolico dalla piet�, e zelo del santissimo padre nostro papa Benedetto 14. Felicemente ora regnante Dedicata alla Vergine Madre Addolorata Maria da un suo servo sacerdote Minor Riformato della Provincia veneta di S. Antonio (Padua: Stamperia del Seminario, appresso Giovanni Manfr�, 1747/17481760). Accessible via the Biblioteca Nazionale Vitt. Emanuele in Rome and via Google Books.

Brevi notizie per buona direzione dell'anime e per salutare ammaestramento degli studiosi della morale pubblicate da un religioso claustrale (...) (Trento: Francesco Michele Bartisti, 1757 [2nd corrected edition]). Accessible via the Biblioteca Comunale of Cremona and via Google Books. There was also a Latin translation made of this work: Breves notiti� ad bonam directionem animarum ac salutarem instructionem studiosorum disciplin� moralis (Graz, 1758).


Sigismondo da Venezia, Biografia serafica degli uomini illustri che fiorirono nel francescano istituto (...) (Venice: G.B. Merlo, 1846), 802.





Marcus Berullus (Marc Berulle/Marc de Berulle, fl. 17th cent.)

OFM. French friar, possibly from Normandy. Theologian (reached the doctorate). Elected provincial minister of the Saint Bonaventure province in 1662. He later switched to the Conventuals.


Theologia vniuersa ad mentem Scoti, 12 Vols. (Grenoble, 1646-/Grenoble, Robert Philippe, 1666-1690). Several volumes of this collection can be found under a variety of titles. See for instance:
Liber Tertius Sententiarum de Deo Incarnato, Tractatus Unus de Deo Incarnato in tres partes distributus (Grenoble: Robert Philippe, 1669). Accessible via the Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale of Naples and via Google Books.
Liber quartus sententiarum de Deo sanctificatore ad mentem Scoti (Grenoble: Robert Philippe, 1670).
Liber primus sententiarum de Deo Trino ad mentem Scoti (...) (Grenoble: Robert Philippe, 1690.

L'exercise de l'homme chr�tien (Grenoble, 1660).

Briefve et claire explication de toute la sainte Bible selon le sens litt�ral, 3 vols. (Grenoble: Claude Faur�, 1679-1682). In any case the first volume is accessible via the Biblioth�que Municipale of Lyon and via Google Books. Individual works can also be found under other titles. See for instance:
L'explication selon le sens litteral des cinq livres de la sagesse, scavoir des Proverbes, de l'Ecclesiaste, des Cantiques, de la Sapience, & de l'Ecclesiastique (...) (Grenoble: Claude Faur�, 1680). Accessible via the Biblioth�que Municipale of Lyon and via Google Books.

Le nouveau testament de la Sainte Bible, expliqu� selon le sens litteral, avec une interpretation en Fran�ois de tous les mots Hebreux, Caldeens, Siriacs et Latins non usitez, et peu connus, qui se trouvent dans l'Escriture Sainte, ou une Bible interpret�e: Et de plus, la Concordance de tous les passages qui semblent estre opposez et contradictoires, ou une Bible accord�e, avec une Bible cronologique et une Bible Geographique (Grenoble, 1679).

There are other works that seemingly never reached the printing press, but that needs further checking.


Giovanni Franchini, Bibliosofia e memorie letterarie di scrittori Francescani conventuali Ch'hanno scritto dopo 'Anno 1585 (Modena: Eredi Soliani Stampatori, 1693), 424-425; Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 317; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 513; Roger Valentin du Cheylard, Essai sur les oeuvres de Marc de Berulle Imprim�es � Grenoble (Grenoble: Imprimerie Allier Fr�res, 1910).





Marcus Blancus (Marco Bianchi di Sal�)

OFM. Italian friar from Sal� and member of the Brescia province. Theological disciple of Francesco Liceto and the alleged author of an Opus pulcherrimu[que] et perutile inscotica via et peripathetica intentionale , dedicated to Albrto Pio, Prince of Carpi.


Opus pulcherrimu[que] et perutile inscotica via et peripathetica intentionale appellatum Fratris Marci Blanci Salodia[n]i, Or. & Mi. reg. obse. lectoris Parthenopei i[n] Cenobio. S. Crucis (Naples: Antonius de Frizis, 1521). Accessible via the Chicago University Library [ Call number BD100.S25 1521]


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 317; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 513; Gli scrittori d'Italia cio� Notizie storiche, e critiche intorno alle vite, e agli scritti dei letterati Italiani del conte Giammaria Mazzuchelli Bresciano (Brescia: Giambatista Bossini, 1760) II, ii, 1159.





Marcus Corona (Marco Corona de Vladislavia/Wodzislaw Slaski, fl. first half 17th cent.)

OFMConv. Polish or Slovakian friar (from Bratislava?), active in Lithuania. Studied as a collegialis at the Saint Bonaventure Collegium in Rome between 1614 and 1617. Subsequently Magister Artium in Milan and regent lector in Cracow, Vilnius and Lviv (Leopolis). Guardian of the Cracow friary in 1623 and later repeatedly guardian in Vilnius. Among other administrative charges, he held the position of provincial minister between 1636 and 1639.


Speculum Provinciae Russiae, & Magni Ducatus Litthuaniae Ord. S. Francisci Min. Con. (...) (Vilnius: Typis Societatis Iesu, 1637).

Directorium, seu instruction terminorum Logicalium Latino-Polonica, in gratiam iuventutis ad Logicam, & Philosophiam accedentis (Lviv: Michael Sloski, 1639).

In Polish: Dialogus de vera fide inter Theologum, & Haebreum (Lviv: Typis Societatis Iesu, 1645).


Giovanni Franchini, Bibliosofia e memorie letterarie di scrittori Francescani conventuali Ch'hanno scritto dopo 'Anno 1585 (Modena: Eredi Soliani Stampatori, 1693), 426; Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 318; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 513; Darius Baronas, I martiri francescani di Vilnius e il loro culto nei secoli XIV-XX (Studio storico e fonti), Studia Franciscana Lithuanica, 5 (Vilnius: Lithuanian Catholic Academy of Science, 2017). Review in Archivum Franciscanum Historicum 111:1-2 (Jan.-June 2018), 265-268.





Marcus de Abila (Marco Abila/Marco de Abila, fl. 14th cent.?)

OM. Spanish friar and Magister theologiae. Alleged author of a Lenten sermon collection, once kept in the Franciscan friary of Sevilla..


Quadragesimale: MS olim Sevilla, Bibl. Conv. OFM. Check Juan de San Antonio & Sbaralea.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 314; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 510.





Marcus de Alcala (Marcos de Alcal� de Santa Rosa, fl. c. 1730)

OFMDisc. Spanish friar from Alcal� de Henares. He took the habit in Fuensalida on 1 May 1707 and made his full profession in the San Jos� province on 26 April 1709, taking the name Marcos de Santa Rosa. In 1729 he is lector of theology in the Toledo friary, where he remained active as an educator until 1735, when he began to devote himself to preaching and missionary work. In 1736, he is also appointed guardian of the San Gil friary and by 9 February he is mentioned as provincial definitor. Elected provincial minister in the chapter held at San Bernardino on 13 February 1740. Later in the same year he is mentioned as a court preacher and as consultant for the inquisition, censor for Spanish libraries, provincial chronicler and 'escritor general' of the Franciscan order as a whole. He wrote a provincial order chronicle for the San Jos� province, and hagiographical texts, as well as a defense of Pedro de Alc�ntara.


Vida de servo de Dios Alfonso de Pajares (...) (Madrid: Manuel Fernandez, 1730).

Compendio de la Vida de Santa Rosa del Per�, con su Novena (1730).

Chronica de la Santa Provincia de San Joseph. Vida portentosa del penitente admirable y contemplativo alt�ssimo San Pedro de Alc�ntara, fundador de toda la Descalzez ser�fica, redemptor de la observancia m�s estrecha de la Regla de nuestro gran Padre San Francisco. Padre espiritual de la ser�phica doctora Santa Teresa de Jes�s (...) (Madrid, 1736). Is this a reworking of the work by Juan de Santa Maria?

S. Pedro de Alcantara defendido contra los opositores de sus glorias, Siestas de San Gil, y Verdades vindicadas del Theatro Universal de Espa�a, &c. Catechesis, o instruccion dialogo-historica, en que se reproducen los fundamentos de la Descalz�z Seraphica, y las accidentales Glorias del Thaumaturgo Admirable, y Penitente San Pedro de Alcantara, su fundador principal, y unico (Manuel Fernandez, 1739). Accessible via the library of the Universidad Complutense (Madrid), and via Google Books.

Vida maravillosa de San Mart�n de la Ascensi�n y Aguirre, proto-martyr del Japon, Natural de la Muy Noble, y Muy Leal Villa de Vergara (...) (Madrid: Manuel Fernandez, 1739). Accessible via the library of the Universidad Complutense (Madrid), and via Google Books.

To be continued...


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 315; AIA21 (1924), 307-312; AIA 32 (1929), 363; AIA 22 (1962), 239-243; Karen Mar�a Vilacoba Ramos, El monasterio de las Descalzas Reales y sus confesores en la Edad Moderna (Madrid: Vision Libros, 2013), 42-43.





Marcus de Aviano (Carlo Domenico Cristofori/Marco d'Aviano, 1631-1699)

OFMCap. Italian friar. Born as Carlo Domenico Cristofori on November 17, 1631 in Aviano (Venetian Republic. He was educated at the Jesuit College of Gorizia, and at the age of 16 he would have tried to reach Crete, to preach the Gospel to the invasion force of the Ottoman Turks. While he was on the road, he stayed over at the Capuchin friary of Capodistria. The guardian there, who apparently knew his family, convinced him to return home. Yet this episode convinced Carlo Domenico to join the Capuchins. By 1548, he was a Capuchin novice and he adopted the name Marco at his profession. Following a clerical education, he received licence to preach during the Lent and Advent seasons throughout the Republic of Venice and in other Italian states. He also functioned as guardian of the Capuchin friaries of Belluno (1672) and Oderzo (1674). In 1674 his blessing of a bed-ridden nun supposedly cured her, and he became known as a medical miracle worker. Among those who asked for his intercession was also Emperor Leopold I, whose wife had not yet given him a male heur. This was the starting point of a life-long counsellor relation, in which Marco gave advise on many different political, military and economic, as well as religious issues. A number of Marco's spiritual letters to the Emperor survive. In the context of the ongoing struggles with the expanding Ottoman Empire, Marco was also appointed the Pope�s personal envoy to the Emperor by Innocent XI. As such, Marco played a role in the organisation of the �Holy League� alliance of Austria, Venice, the Papal States and Poland, in part under the military leadership of the Polish King John III Sobieski. Under Sobieski, the armies of the League were able to defeat the Turks in 1683 at the battle of Viena, which inaugurated the end of Turkish expansion. Marco took part in several follow-up military campaigns, to help internal relations within the Imperial Army and to provide support to soldiers. In this capacity, Marco was involved with the liberation of Buda (1686) and Belgrade (1688). Marco died of cancer on August 13, 1699 in Vienna. He was beatified by Pope John Paul II in 2003. Spiritual author.


Corrispondenza epistolare, ed. Arturo Maria Basso, 5 Vols. (Abano Terme: Piovan, 1986-1991).

Gravit� del Peccato Mortale (Bolgiano: Paolo Nicol� F�hrer, 1680). Accessible via the �sterreichische Nationalbibliothek and via Google Books. See also Ewiger Seelen-Todt, durch eine Todts�nde verursachet, sambt inbr�nstigen Gebettlein und Ubungen, so bey der Beicht, Heiligen Communion, Mee� und sonsten gar n�tzlich seind (Schlebusch, 1683); Den grouwel der doodt-sonde (Antwerp: Hendrick van Dunwalt, 1681); L'�normit� du p�ch� mortel: Traduit de l'italien du R.P. Marc d'Aviano (1681). Several of these translations are readily available via the usual digital portals.

Zwo treuhertzig-christl. Exhortationes und Ermahnungen dess gottseel. P. Marci de Aviano, welcher an den 23. Augusti dess 1681. Jahrs allhie zu Augspurg (...) gehalten (1681).

Seelen-Kleinodt der g�ttlichen Gnad, in Welscher Sprach vorgestellet durch den wol-ehrw�rdig, und geistreichen Vattern Marcum d'Aviano (...) verteutscht von F.A.G.B.D. (Munich: Sebastian Rauch, 1681). Accessible via the digital collections of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek and via Google Books.

Fr�hlings-Seelen-Artzney Auf den 3.4. und 5. Tag Maij, lauffenden Jahrs 1684. Von R.P. Marco d'Aviano, Capuciner-Prediger, und Missionario Apostolico, Alhie zu Augsburg, Durch Siben eiferig-gehaltene Bu�-Sermones zugerichtet (Augsburg: Simon Utzschneider, 1684). Accessible via the digital collections of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek and via Google Books.


Cosmo da Castelfranco, Vita di Marco d�Aviano, frate cappuccino, e Appunti di Viaggi, ed. & trans. Mary Cusin Frattin & Paolo Miotto� saggi introduttivi Giacinto Cecchetto & Paolo Miotto (Castelfranco Veneto: Parochia del Duomo, 2005) [review in CF 75 (2005), 760-766 & Il Santo 45/3 (2005), 786-787.].


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 316-317; M. H�yret,P. Markus von Aviano O.M.Cap., Apostolischer Mission�r und p�pstlicher Legat beim christlichen Heere. Zur Erinnerung an die dritte Jahrhundert-Feier seiner Geburt (Munich, 1931); Marco d'Aviano, Ord. M. Cap., sein Werk und seine Zeit: Eine Festschrift zum 250. Jahrestag der T�rkenbefreiung, ed. Karl Johannes Grauer & Karl Winter (Vienna: Gsur, 1933); M. Heyret, P. Markus von Aviano. Einf�hrung in seine Korrespondenz, 2 Vols. (Munich, 1937-1938); M. H�yret, �Die gedruckten Schriften des Marcus von Aviano und deren Verbreitung�, Collectanea Franciscana 10 (1940), 29-65, 219-238, 494-509; Giovanni Crisostomo da Cittadella, Il Venerabile P. Marco d'Aviano nella sua Predicazione (Padua, 1943); A. Coreth, �Unbekannte Briefe P. Marco d�Avianos am P. Gabriel Pontifeser aus Klausen�, Mitteilungen des Oesterreichischen Staatsarchiv 9 (1956), 23-47; Positio Super Virtutibus (Rome, 1966);DSpir X, 264-265; Servus Gieben, �Die�letzte Predigt� des P. Markus von Aviano. Augsburg, 18 November 1680�, Collectanea Franciscana 49 (1979), >>; Silvestro Giuseppe Monteduro, L'azione di P. Marco d'Aviano per l'unit� cristiana dell'Europa (Rome: Pontificia Universitas Urbaniana, 1984); Marco d�Aviano e il suo tempo: un cappuccino del Seicento, gli Ottomani e l�Impero. Atti del convegno storico internazionale Pordenone 12-13 novembre 1993, ed. Ruggero Simonato (Pordenone: Concordia Sette, 1994) [several interesting essays]; Vindobonen. seu Venetiarum, beatificationis et canonizationis venerabilis Servi Dei Marci ab Aviano (in saec: Caroli Dominici Cristofori) sacerdotis professi Ordinis Fratrum Minorum Capuccinorum (1631-1699). Positio super miraculo, Congregatio de Causis Sanctorum P.N. 435 (Rome, 1997); Peter Nissen, �Gebed, berouw en volksvermaak. Het optreden van pater Marcus van Aviano in Roermond in 1681�, Spiegel van Roermond (1997), 19-35; Marco d�Aviano, Gorizia e Gradisca. Dai primi studi all�evangelizzazione dell��uropa. Raccolti di studi e documenti dopo il Convegno storico-spirituale del 14 ottobre(Gorizia, 1998) [Cf. review in CF68 (1998), 719-721.]; Marco d�Aviano, Prediger und Diplomat. Katalog der 238. Wechsel�ausstellung der Wiener Stadt- und Landesbibliothek im Wiener Rathaus Juni-Dezember 2000, ed. Johanna Pisa, Isabella Wasner-Peter & Walter Obermaier (Wien, Rathaus, Stadtbibliothek, 2000); Francesco Basaldella, L�abito fa o non fa il monaco? Due figure del Seicento veneto. Marco d�Aviano e Mariano da Venezia. Con cenni storici su Aviano e del suo castello, Quaderno di cultura giudecchina, 14 (Venezia, 2000); Vincenzo Criscuolo, �Markus von Aviano, Christophorus und Retter Europas (1631-1699)�,in: Faszinierende Gestalten, 11-34; Hildebrand van Hooglede, �Marcus van Aviano te Mechelen (1681)�, in: Idem, Miscellanea II, 1014-1028; Hildebrand van Hooglede, �Marcus van Aviano te Antwerpen (1681)�, in: Idem, Miscellanea II, 1030-1044; Venanzio Renier, �Vicepostulazione/2: p. Marco d�Aviano�, Atti Prov. Veneta Fr. Min. Cap. 78 (2000), 182-194; Pietro Zarrella, �Padre Marco d�Aviano missionario e operatore di pace�, Campania Serafica 33:6 (2001), 8-10; Padre Marco d�Aviano e il suo tempo. Il Seicento e la spiritualit� di Marco d�Aviano. Atti del corso di aggiornamento insegnanti, Pordenone, 26-27 novembre 1999 (Pordenone: Comitato P. Marco d�Aviano, 2002); Arturo M. Basso, Beato Marco d�Aviano. Dare un�anima all�Europa. Profilo biografico riveduto e corretto da Venanzio Renier (Padua: Edizioni Messaggero, 2003); Die Bedeutung des P. Markus von Aviano f�r Europa, ed. Jan Mikrut (Vienna, 2003); Bernard Dompnier, �Strategia pastorale e spiritualit� alla fine del XVII secolo. La predicazione di Marco d�Aviano tra invito alla penitenza e diffusione di devozioni�, in: Un castellano in Europa. Padre Cosmo da Castelfranco, cappuccino (1647-1715) compagno e biografo del Beato Marco d�Aviano. Atti del Convegno di studi (Castelfranco Veneto: Parroccchia del Duomo, 2005), 81-110; Venanzio Renier, Beato Marco d�Aviano [d. 1699]. Il suo contributo all�opera del Beato Innocenzo XI in difesa della cristianit� in Europa, ed. Guliana V. Fantuz (Venezia-Mestre: Prov. Veneta dei Frati Cappuccini-Comitato P. Marco d�Aviano, 2005); Cosmo da Castelfranco, Vita di Marco d�Aviano, frate cappuccino, e Appunti di Viaggi, ed. Mary Cusin Frattin & Paolo Miotto (Castelfranco Veneto (TV): Parocchia del Duomo, 2005). See CF 75 (2005), 760-766; Il Santo 45 (2005), 786f; Cesare Mozzarelli, �La corte, il Consiglio e la Grazia. Riflessioni sulla politica seicentesca in margine al caso di padre Marco�d�Aviano�, in: Tra terra e cielo. Studi su religione, identit� e societ� moderna (Rome: Bulzoni Editore, 2005); Massimo Viglione, �La figura di Marco d�Aviano fra fede politica e crociata: ritratto ricavato dai documenti della �positio�, Ricerche di storia sociale e religiosa 68 (2005), 35-73; Sebastiano Esposito, �Un gesuito napoletano del �600 chiede l�intervento di Marco d�Aviano in difesa dell�Immacolata Concezione�, Immaculata Mediatrix 5 (2005), 383-392; Un Castellano in Europa, Padre Cosmo da Castelfranco, cappuccino (1647-1715) compagno e biografo del Beato Marco d'Aviano, Atti del Convegno di Studi Castelfranco Veneto 22 aprile 2005, ed. Vincenzo Criscuolo, Paolo Miotto, Giacino Cecchetto, Jan Mikrut & Bernard Dompnier (Veneto, Castello di Godego: Unit� di Ricerca della Parrocchia del Duomo di Castelfranco, 2005); Venanzio Renier & Giuliana V. Fantuz, Marco d�Aviano e Innocenzo XI in difesa della Cristianit� in Europa (Edizioni Segno, 2006); Walter Arzaretti, �Vicepostulazione/2: Beato Marco d�Aviano�, Atti della Provincia Veneta dei Frati Minori Cappuccini 85 (2009), 288-298; Andrew Wheatcoft, The Enemy at the Gate, Habsburgs, Ottomans and the Battle for Europe (Basic Books, 2010). Also with central role for Maro Cristoforo d�Aviano OFMCap; M. Miszczynski, �Atto di dolore perfetto secondo beato Marco d�Aviano OFMCap�, Studia Franciszkanskie 23 (2013), 189-200; O. Schmucki, �Der selige Kapuziner Marco d�Aviano und die Schweiz. Zeugnisse zu seinem Wirken und Ver�ffentlichungen von ihm und �ber ihn�, Helvetia Franciscana 42:2 (2013), 183-235; Marcello Bellina, Padre Marco d'Aviano. Il beato che salv� l'Europa (Tavagnacco: Edizioni Segno, 2018).





Marcus de Bocanegra (Marcus Jaramillo de Bocanegra, fl. early 18th cent.)

OFM. Mexican friar, Preacher in the San Francisco de Michoac�n province.


Serm�n de los Dolores de Mar�a Sant�sima (...) que celebra el Br. Don Nicol�s de Arnenta, en el real y religioso convento de Santa Clara de Jes�s, de la ciudad de Quer�taro (...) (Mexico: Herederos de la Viuda de Francisco Rodr�guez Lupercio, 1712).


AIA15 (1955), 491; Manuel de Castro, Bibliograf�a de las bibliografias franciscanas espa�olas e hispanoamericanas, Publicaciones de Archivo Ibero-Americano (Madrid: Ed. Cisneros, 1982), 131 (no. 443).





Marcus a Baudunio OFMCap (Marc de Baudun/a Bauduen/Antoine Bec, 1606-1692)

OFMCap. French Capuchin friar and preacher, active in the St. Louis province. Preacher, theologian, provincial definitor and provincial minister. Also confessor of Capuchin nuns at Marseilles. Important Bonaventurian scholar and author of for instance the Paradisus theologicus unius et trium Doctorum, Angelici, Seraphici, subtilis, horumque conciliatoris, fonte irriguus.


Paradisus philosophicus unius et trium Doctorum, Angelici, Seraphici, subtilis, horumque conciliatoris, fonte irriguus (Marseille, 1654).

Paradisus theologicus unius et trium Doctorum, Angelici, Seraphici, subtilis, horumque conciliatoris, fonte irriguus, 2 Vols. (Lyon: Apud Ioannem Molin, 1661-1663). Available via the Biblioth�que Municipale of Lyon and via Google Books.

La vie admirable de tres-haute tres-puissante tres-illustre & tres-vertueuse Dame Charlotte Marguerite de Gindy, Marquise de Magnelais. O� les ames fideles trouveront dequoy admirer, & des vertues solides � imiter (Paris: Veuve Nicolas Buon, 1666). Accessible via Gallica and via Google Books.

Compendium Paradisi Theologici, ad mentem Divi Thomae, Divi Bonaventurae, Scoti & horum Doctorum Conciliatoris R.P. Marci a baudunio Praedicatoris Capucini, Prima Pars (Lyon: Jean Molin, 1673). Available via the Biblioth�que Municipale of Lyon and via Google Books. The other three volumes of this work we have not yet seen on a digital portal.

La vie admirable de la Tres-Illustre, & tres-Vertueuse Dame Marthe D'Oraison, Baronne d'Allemagne, Vicomtesse de Valernes. O� kes Dames trouveront un exemplaire du m�pris du Monde, les Riches, un modele de Misericorde envers les Pauvres, Les personnes Religieuses, les Pratiques d'une estroite Pauvret� & d'Humilit�, & tous les Chr�tiens, les maximes d'une haute Vertu, & perfection consomm�e (...) (Lyon: Jean Molin, 1671). Accessible via Google Books and via Gallica.

La vie admirable de la Tres-Illustre, & tres-Vertueuse Dame Marthe D'Oraison, Baronne d'Allemagne, Vicomtesse de Valernes. Fondatrice des Capucines de Marseille (Rouen: Fran�ois Vaultier, 1680). Accessible via Google Books and via Gallica.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 317; Lexicon Capuccinum, 1038-1039; Barbara B. Diefendorf, From Penitence to Charity: Pious Women and the Catholic Reformation in Paris (Oxford: Oxford UP, 2004), passim
With thanks to Brother Alexis Bugnolo from the Franciscan Archive (





Marcus de Bononia (Marco da Bologna/Marco Fantuzzi, fl. 15th cent.), beatus

OMObs. Italian Observant friar. Disciple of Bernardino da Siena. Later general vicar of the regular Observance (Cismontan section). Officially beatified by Pius IX in 1868.
He was born at Bologna in 1409, possibly as a member of the noble Fantuzzi family. Yet according to his main biographer, the Observant friar Alessandro Ariosto, he was the son of Bartolomeo di Giacomo de la Vezzola and the tertiary Lisia di Basotto di Argile. Marco probably entered the Observant friary of S. Paolo in Monte (Bologna) in 1435, possibly after having reached the status of Baccalaureus artium and after prolonged studies of civil and canon law. He began his novitiate in 1435/6. Shortly after his profession he was made guardian of an Observant friary in Emilia and in 1444 he was already provincial vicar. Following appointments by Eugenius IV (1445) and later Calixt III (1355), he was one of seven preachers officially empowered to preach the crusade against the Turks. Known for his preaching rallies in Norcia in 1448. In 1449, he took part in the general chapter of Bosco di Mugella, and a year later, he apparently preached in L'Aquila. In 1452, when Giovanni di Capistrano was sent to the German lands to preach against the Hussites, Marco was asked to preside over the Observant general chapter at L'Aquila. Marco retained that office until 1455. During this period, he had to deal with conflicts between the Dalmation and Bosnian order provinces (1452), and he also was heavily involved in the conflicts between Observants and Conventuals over the autonomy and freedom of Observant order officials. During these conflicts Marco found an enemy in Roberto Caraccioli, who transferred back to the Conventuals. After 1455, Marco preached in Milan and later, in 1463, he visited the Holy Land vicariate. In 1464, he was again elected vicar general for the Cismontan Observants, staying in office until 1467. During this second stint as vicar general, he again faced conflicts with the Conventuals and the Franciscan minister general, Francesco della Rovere. As vicar general he also traveled through Eastern Europe, which faced the threat of Turkish expansion. Marco was again vicar general between 1469 and 1472. During this last stint he preached in Perugia and Ascoli and was again heavily involved with the protracted struggles between the Observants and the Conventuals over the autonomy and rights of the Observants within the order as a whole. He later preached in Mantua (1476) and spoke at an Observant gathering in Padua in April 1478. He died at Piacenza on April 10, 1479, and was buried in the local Santa Maria di Nazarath church. His remains were translated to the Santa Maddalena church in 1626 (in the Santa Maria di Campagna sanctuary). After his death, he became the object of a cult, due to his alleged miraculous cures of ill and dying people. His cult was approved on March 5, 1868. We do not have a large corpus of written works by Marco, but mostly documents and remarks that testify to his preaching activities (for instance concerning the sermons held in the Santa Croce of Florence in 1461 and the request by the authorities to come back for the lenten preaching during the subsequent year). There are also several 'reportationes' of exempla used by Marco in his sermons. See on all this the studies of Piana and Rosa Maria Dessi mentioned below.


Celestino Piana, �Documenti intorno al B. Marco Fantuzzi da Bologna (� 1479)�, Studi Francescani 50 (1953), 224-235; Celestino Piana, �Per la biografia del Beato Marco da Bologna (+ 1479) e per la storia del suo convento di S. Paolo in Monte nel �400��, Atti e Memorie (Romagna) 22 (1971), 85-265; Celestino Piana, Il beato Marco da Bologna e il suo convento di S. Paolo in Monte nel quattrocento (Bologna, 1973); Candido Mesini, �La pi� antica biografia del Beato Marco da Bologna: (1409 - 1479)�, Il Carrobbio 7 (1981), 274-291; Celestino Piana, �Due rilievi sulla biografia del b. Marco da Bologna (OFM) scritta dal Melloni�, in: Giovan Battista Melloni agiografo (1713-1781) nel suo tempo e nel suo ambiente, ed. Aldo Berselli & Antonio Samaritani (Pieve di Cento, 1984), 205-221; Rosa Maria Dessi, �Marco da Bologna�, Dizionario Biografico degli 69 (2007) []; Rosa Maria Dessi, �Usura, Caritas e Monti di Piet�. Le prediche antiusurarie e antiebraiche di Marco da Bologna e di Michele Carcano�, in: I frati osservanti e la societ� in Italia nel secolo XV. Atti del XL Convegno internazionale (Assisi - Perugia, 11-13 ottobre 2012) (Spoleto: CISAM, 2013), 169-226.





Marcus de Broduno (Marc de Broduno/Marc d'Ebroduno, 1590-1660)

OFMRec. French friar in the S. Bernardin province. Entered the order in 1608. Provincial minister between 1644 and 1648. Confessor of the Clares of B�ziers, for whom he wrote several spiritual works. Some of these works apparently are still available in the B�ziers convent. Other spiritual works are found in Avignon, Biblioth�que du Mus�e Calvet. Marcus is also known as a polemicist and chronicler. Parts of his chronicle (containing info on the Recollect reformation) survived in the historical works of C�saire Cambin.


meditations/sermons: MS Biblioth�que Publique d'Avignon, Mus�e Calvet 350

La devotion des filles de saincte Claire au tr�s sacr� mist�re de la filiation dans leur monast�re de Beziers, avec la courte vie des saincts qui on est� priviligi�s dans la tr�s illustre maison et famille de la saincte Vierge (...) Premi�re partie (...) En Arles, le 8 de septembre (...) 1653: MS Biblioth�que Publique d'Avignon, Mus�e Calvet 1850 [17th cent. Anc. Fonds 288]. The Second part begins on p. 219.

La vie exemplaire du d�vot et vertueux fr�re Yves de la Roque: MS Biblioth�que Publique d'Avignon, Mus�e Calvet 2140

Check! other devotional works in the B�ziers convent.


P. P�ano, `Les Chroniques et les d�buts de la r�forme des R�collets dans la Province de Provence', AFH, 65 (1972), 157-224; Catalogue g�n�ral des Manuscrits des Biblioth�ques publiques de France, D�partements, XXVII (Paris, 1894), 271 & XXVIII (Paris, 1895),162 & 304.





Marcus de Camera (Marcos de la Camera/Marcos de la C�mara, fl. later 16th cent.)

OFM. Spanish friar from Alcal� de Henares/Madrid and member of the San Evangelio province. Biblical scholar.


Quaestionarium conciliationis simul et expositionis locorum difficilium Sacrae Scripturae, in quo difficulium Scripturae loca exponuntur (Alcala de Henares: Juan Graci�n, 1587-1588/Venice, 1603). Accessible via the Biblioteca Nacional of Madrid ? [check ]

De animalibus sacrae Scripturae (Alcala de Henares, 1594).

Elenchum Concionum pro Dominicis totius fere anni, praecipuis festivitatibus Domini, & communi Sanctorum? Needs to be checked.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 317-318; La imprenta en Alcal� de Henares: 1502-1600 III, 1128





Marcus de Lissabon (Marcus Ulissiponensis/Marco de Lisboa/Marco de Betania/Marcos da Silva, ca. 1511-1591)

OFMRec. Portuguese friar and bishop of Porto after 1581. Born in Lisbon as the son of Salvador Luis da Silva (mother�s name unknown). Received initial schooling in Latin at Lisbon and entered the Franciscan order at the age of 16, taking his profession at the St. Christina friary (Tentugal, near Co�mbra). Shortly thereafter, he was given the position of order historian, which resulted in the three-volume Chronista general da ordem dos frades menores do seraphico Padre San Francisco (1554-1556). Marco was on good terms with King Sebasti�o and accompanied him to Africa in 1574. When the bishop of Miranda Antonio Pinheiro displeased the King with one of his sermons and offered to step down, the King wanted Marco for this episcopal see. This fell through when Antonio Pinheiro decided to stay on. Not long thereafter, the King offered Marco the episcopal see of Porto (vacant since the death of Sim�o de S� Pereira (1581)). Marco received his appointment on November 1st 1581 and was consecrated on 21 January 1582 in the church of Saint Francis in Lisbon. Once he was properly installed in the diocese in Spring 1582, he re-organised the parish structure and embarked on a significant building program. In order to implement the disciplinary decrees of the Council of Trent, he organised a diocesan synod in February 1585. Marco died on September 3, 1591, and was buried in the Nostra Senhora da Saude chapel, built by him in the Porto Cathedral.


Primeira parte das Chronicas da ordem dos frades menores do seraphico Padre San Francisco (Lisbon: Blavio, 1556); Segunda parte das Chronicas a ordem dos frades menores do seraphico Padre San Francisco (Lisbon: Blavio, 1562); Tercera parte de las Chronicas da ordem dos frades menores (Salamanca, 1570 (In a Castilian version)). Cr�nicas da Ordem dos Frades Menores. Primeira parte � Segunda parte � Terceira parte, Ed. Anastatica Lisbon 1614/1615/1615, Ed. Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto, Fontes et Monumenta, I-III (Porto: Universidade do Porto MMI, 2001). See also: Chronicas antiguas de la orden de los frayles menores (...) (Salamanca: Antonia Ramirez, 1624-1626); De las chronicas de la orden de los frayles menores (Barcelona: Pedro de Lacavalleria, 1634). For a German version of this whole work, see: Cronicken der eingesetzten Orden de� heiligen Vatters Francisci (�), III Vols. (M�nchen, 1620). An Italian version appeared as: Croniche degli Ordini Instituiti dal P. S. Francesco, III Vols. (Parma: Erasmo Viotti, 1581-1582/Naples, 1680). See on this Italian translation, made by Orazio Diola of Bologna in the later 16th century, and its massive success in Italy: Collectanea Franciscana 72 (2002), 409-411; Frate Francesco 69 (2003), 635-640, and in particular the 2015 study of Federica Dallasta in Collectanea Franciscana 85:3-4 (2015), 523-393.

(as translator) Exercicio a uma devota meditac�o da vida e paix�o de Nosso Senhor Jesus Christo (Vizeo/Visau: Manuel Jo�o, 1571/Co�mbra: Ant�nio de Mariz, 1571). This is a translation of an existing work by Tauler.

(as translator) Tratado do seraphico doutor S. Boaventura chamado a perfei�� da Vida; Tratado do mesmo santo chamado Arvore da Vida, que contem os principaes mysterios da vida de nosso Redemptor, Forma breve para ensino de novi�os na religiam e breve A B C spiritual do mesmo santo. Dedicados � Madre Sor. Ignez do Espirito Santo Abbadessa do do Convento da Esperan�a de Lisboa, da Ordem de Santa Clara (Lisbon: Joa� Blavio, 1562/Lisbon, 1572).

Livro insigne das horas e perfeicae s�os vidas dos gloriosos santos do Velho e Novo Testamento (Lisbon, 1579).

Constitui��es synodaes do bispado do Porto (Coimbra: Antonio de Mariz, 1585/Porto: Giraldo Mendes, 1590). These reform constitutions reflected the decisions of his reform synod held in 1585.

De Disciplina Christiana Libri Quinque. Never issued during the author's lifetime. See: Pedro Vilas Boas Tavares, 'O De Disciplina Christiana de D. Frei Marcos de Lisboa. Considera��es em torno de uma obra esquecida', in: Frei Marcos de Lisboa: cronista franciscano ebispo do Porto. Actas do Col�quio patrocinado por la Facultade de Letras do Porto, S�rie �Linguas e Literaturas�, 12 (Porto: Centro Interuniversitario de Historia da Espiritualidade � Istituto de Cultura Portuguesa, 2002), 211-224.

Vida da Sor Collecta de Borgonha, traduzida em Portuguez, would have remained in manuscript format and for a long time was in the private library of the Duke of Lafoens

Portuguese song on Jacopone da Todi and other texts and translations, see: Sbaralea.


Rodrigo da Cunha, (Porto, 1623); Wadding, Scriptores, 212f; Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 320; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 515; Diogo Barbosa Machado, Bibliotheca lusitana historica, critica e cronologica (...) (Lisbon: Ignacio Rodrigues, 1752), 407-410; Fortunato de Almeida, Historia da Igreja em Portugal (Co�mbra, 1917) III, 2nd part; Andr�s Ivars, �Una versi�n castellana de la vida de santa Coleta, por el P. Marcos de Lisboa�, AIA 20 (1923), 124-133 & AIA 21 (1924), 385-390; A. Pimenta, �Bethania (Marcos de)�, DHGE VIII (1935), 1245-1246; M. de Olivieria, in: LThK, 7 (1962), 13-14; DSpir X, 272-274; Manuel de Castro, Bibliograf�a de las bibliografias franciscanas espa�olas e hispanoamericanas, Publicaciones de Archivo Ibero-Americano (Madrid: Ed.Cisneros, 1982), 139 (no. 497); Quandos frades faziam hist�ria. De Marcos de Lisboa a Simao de Vasconcellos, ed. Jos� Adriano de Freitas Carvalho, Via Spiritus. Anexos, 5 (Porto CIUHE, 2001); Frei Marcos de Lisboa: cronista franciscano ebispo do Porto. Actas do Col�quio patrocinado por la Facultade de Letras do Porto, S�rie �Linguas e Literaturas�, 12 (Porto: Centro Interuniversitario de Historia da Espiritualidade � Istituto de Cultura Portuguesa, 2002) [With interesting essays by Jos� Adriano de Freitas Carvalho, Giuseppe Bestini, Zulmira C. Santos, Agust� Boadas Llavat, Bernard Dompnier, Pedro Vilas Boas Tavares (article title 'O De Disciplina Christiana de D. Frei Marcos de Lisboa. Considera��es em torno de uma obra esquecida', 211-224), Felice Accrocca, Jacobo Sanz Hermida, Roberto Rusconi (available as pdf on the internet), and Fausto S. Martins. See o.a. review in Frate Francesco 69 (2003), 635-640]; Gioacchino d�Andrea, �L�edizione 1680 delle Croniche dell'Ordine dei Frati Minori di Fra Marco da Lisbona�, AFH96 (2003), 431-446; Jos� Adriano de Freitas Carvalho, �La representaci�n de la Observancia en las cr�nicas de fray Marcos de Lisboa. Una fidelidad y un sue�o�, in: El Franciscanismo en La pen�nsula Ib�rica. Balance y perspectivas. I Congreso Internacional, Madrid, 22-27� de septiembre de 2003, ed. Mar�a del Mar Gra�a Cid (Barcelona: C.B.G. Editora, 2005), 389-402; Jos� Adriano de Freitas Carvalho, �Les �Chroniques� de Marc de Lisbonne ou la r�-�criture d�une fid�lit�, in: Ecrire son histoire. Les communaut�s r�guli�res face � leur pass�. Actes du 5e Colloque International du C.E.R.C.O.R.,C.E.R.C.O.R. Travaux et Recherches, 18 (Saint-Etienne: Publ. de l�Universit� Jean-Monnet de Saint-Etienne, 2005), 611-623; Montserrat Casas i Nadal, �Models feminins franciscans a les �Cr�nicas de los Frayles Menores� de fra Marcos de Lisboa�, Acta Historica et Archaeologica Mediaevalia 26 (2005), 1141-1154; Antonel-Aurel Ilie, �Los Conventuales de Espa�a en las cr�nicas de Marcos de Lisboa�, in: Los Franciscanos Conventuales en Espa�a. Actas del II Congreso Internacional (..), ed. Gonzalo Fern�ndez-Gallaro (Barcelona: Asociaci�n Hisp�nica de Estudios Franciscanos, 2006), 177-186; Luis Cabral, �A �livreria� de Dom Frei Marcos de Lisboa, bispo de Porto�, in: Estudos de Homenagem ao Profesor Doutor Jos� Marques, 3 Vols. (Porto: Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto, 2006) III, 73-83; Federica Dallasta, �Orazio Diola traduttore delle �Croniche degli ordini instituiti da Padre San Francesco� di Marcos de Lisboa (1581-1591) e la sua biblioteca�, Collectanea Franciscana 85:3-4 (2015), 523-593.





Marcus de Montefeltre (fl. ca. 1270)

OM. Italian friar. Secretary of Bonaventure, compiled sermons on Bonaventure that have survived in several collections, such as that found in MS Milan, Ambros. A.11.sup 22.


Sermones de S. Bonaventura: a.o. MS. Milan, Ambros. A.11.sup 22.





Marcus de Montegallo (Marcus a Sancta Maria/Marco de Monte Gallo/Marco dal Monte Santa Maria/Marco da Monte di S. Maria in Gallo, 1425-1496), beatus

OMObs. Italian friar. Born in Fonditore di S. Maria in Gallo (Mons Sacra Maria in Lapide, Ascoli Piceno, 1425). Studied (also under the direction of the humanist Enoch of Ascoli) at the universities of Perugia and Bologna, where he became doctor of law and medicin. Active as medical doctor in Ascoli from 1448 onwards. At the urging of his father he married in 1451 with Chiara de�Tibaldeschi (Chiara Tebaldeschi). The year thereafter, when Marco�s father had died, Chiara entered the poor Clares in Ascoli, whereas Marcus joined the local OMObs. Marcus had his noviciate in the Eremita convent of Valdissaso, near Fabriano. In 1457 he became guardian of the convent of S. Maria de San Severino. In subsequent years also active as preacher (under the direction of Giacomo della Marca?) and peace maker in Ascoli, Camerino, Fabriano, and elsewhere. He became involved in the struggle against usury and became one of the most fervent propagators of the so-called Montes Pietatis. Partly in the context of his guadragesimale preaching, he helped establish or strenghen such institutes in Sansepolcro (1464), Fabriano (1470), Fano (1471), Jesi (1472) Arcevia (1483), Vicenza (1486), and helped with the reorganisation of the Mons Pietatis in Fermo (1478). He apparently had some sympathy for the spiritual cause, and at times took some responsibility for the religious guidance of the famous Poor Clare Camille Battista Varani (cf. AFH 8 (1915), 265). In the later 1480s and early 1490s, Marco was often in or near Venice, also in the context of the publication of his Libro intitulato de la divina lege de esso omnipotente Dio and his Tabula de la salute humana, corporale, temporale, spirituale et eterna. He died in the harnas on 19 March 1496, while preaching during Lent in Vicenza, and was buried in that town in the Franciscan church San Biagio Vecchio. His grave site received a cult and a canonisation process followed suit (official confirmation of his cult finally was given on 20 September 1839 by Pope Gregory XVI, and around that time there was also a translation of his remains to the church of S. Giuliano). Shortly after his death several hymns were composed for his liturgical commemoration. These hymns (Hymnus rythmicus in eius laudem) have been edited at several juntures. See for instance B. Cimarelli, Delle croniche dell�Ordine de�Frati minori, istituto dal S.P.S. Francesco, parte quarta, volume secondo (Venice, 1621), 821-824; Wadding, Annales Minorum (Ad Claras Aquas 1933), Vol. XVI, 340; AASS Martii III (Paris-Rome, 1865), coll. 73-74; Miscellanea Francescana 38 (1938), 490. Marco published the gist of his homiletic, penitentiary and catechetical instructions in his Tabula de la salute humanaand his Libro dei commandamenti di Dio. He apparently did not publish separate sermon collections (unlike Bernardine of Siena, who kept his religious teachings in the sermon format). See now also the entry in the Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani 69 (2007) [ ] for corrections and additional information.


Tabula de la salute humana, corporale, temporale, spirituale et eterna (Venice: Nicol� Balaguer, 1486 & Florence: Antonio Miscomini, 1494). There exist several other old editions of later date. A modern (partial) reprint is found in L.J. Rosenwald, The 19th Book Tesoro de Povero (Washington D.C, 1961). [The Tabula consists of 15 chapters on the articles of faith, the works of charity (esp. focusing on the Montes Pietatis), councils for the wellbeing of the soul, descriptions of eternal life etc. The work also included a list of necessary books for those who want to live a truly Christian life. For a more detailed discussion, see V. Meneghin, Bernardino da Feltre ed i Monti di Piet� (Vicenza, 1974), 175-181; Pietro Rossi, La Tavola della salute del beato Marco da Montegallo e cenni storici di Montegallo (Fermo, 1976) & Elide Mercatili Indelicato,�Marco da Montegallo: Aspetti e problemi della vita e delle opere�, in: Marcoda Montegallo (1425-1496). Il tempo, la vita, le opere, 164-178]

Libro delli commandamenti di Dio, del Testamento Vecchio et Nuovo et anche de Sacri Canoni. This work is found after the Tabula de la salute humana in the 1486 Venetian edition and in the 1494 Florentine edition. Apparently, the Libro delli commandamenti has also received a separate Florentine edition: Libro dei comandamenti di Dio, del testamento vecchio e nuovo, e sacri canoni (Florence: Antonio Miscomini, 1494) [Accessible at Florence, Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale, B.6.17a] According to its colophon, it is a miscellaneous work, consisting of a so-called fascicoletto, an Exempio notabile, and three opuscoli. The fascicoletto consists of a list of necessary books, �figure� of the eternal life and related issues, all of which can also can be found in the Tabula de la salute humana. The Exempio is an elaborated exemplum, presenting �el figliuolo d�uno cittadono�, and is meant to ask attention for the necessity to know and observe the commands of God. The three opuscoli are a Libro delli comandamenti di Dio del Testamento vecchio [a modified re-issue of his Libro intitulato], a Tractato delli comandamenti et consigli evangelici o vero del Testamento nuovo[a prohemio, a Tabula di tutta l�opera, and 10 chapters on the evangelical counsels. See Elide Mercatili Indelicato, Op.Cit., 182ff], and a Tractato de sacri canoni ordinationi et regole o vero comandamenti della sancta madre ecclesia christiana catholica romana[a prohemio and three chapters, reflecting on the ecclesiological authority structure of the church, the sacrements and the major commandments, and rules]

Libro intitulato de la divina lege de esso omnipotente Dio, MS Florence Ricc. 341 ff. 165v-181r. This is a manuscript copy of the printed edition, which also is entitled: Libro intitulato de la divina lege de esso omnipotente Dio (Venice: Nicol� Balaguer, 1487 & Siena, 1494). See also AFH, 2 (1909), 127; AFH, 40 (1957), 231. It is a catechetical work, based on Marco's sermons held in Venice in December 1486. It was printed to be read in schools, parishes etc. The 1487 edition consists of seven chapters [I: De tutti li divini comandamenti del testamento vecchio la diversit� o vero diversificatione; II: De li diece comandamenti morali la ordinatione; III: De quelli medesimi la dimostratione; IV: De li dieci comandamenti morali la rationale assignatione; V: De li observatori di essi la certa premiatione, overo retributione; VI: De li transgressori, et non observatori di quelli la infallibile et acerba punitione; VII: De la transgressione de essi la multiplice auctentica et approbata modificatione, cio� in quanti modi principali se po fare contra de essi diece comandamenti di Dio.]

Nel nome di la summa trinita la corona de la gloriosa vergene Madre Maria predicata dal Reuerendo illuminato Predicatore et multiplicator dela fede christiana Misser Marco frate minore de monte sancte mari e in Gallo in Uenetia: insul campo di santo paulo (Venice, ante 1494 [1486?]) A devotional work on the life, suffering and crowning in heaven of the Virgin, with intermittent prayers (Pater Noster, Ave Maria etc.). The work seems to be digitally accessible via the Fondazione Giorgio Cini [ ]

Statutes of various Montes Pietatis: E. Menghetti, `I primitivi capitoli del Monte di Piet� di Fano�, Archivi, 2e s�rie, 23 (1956), 323-342; A. Anselmi, `Il Monte di Piet� di Arcevia�, Miscell. Francesc., 5 (1890), 165-179.

Prayers: Throughout Marco�s various works (and particularly in La tabula and La corona)can be found vernacular and Latin versions of important prayers, laude, and formula (such as: Ave Colonna, Ave Maria, Ave Templo, Concede nos famulos tuos, Credo in (unum) Deum, Deus pater omnipotens, Deus venie largitor, Dignare me laudare, Dio ti salvi Maria, Gloria Patri et Filio et Spiritui Sancto, O altissima gloriosa regina, O alto et ineffabile, Omnipotens sempiterne Deus, O signore Yesu Christo adoro te, Padrenostro, Requiem eternam dona ei Domine, Sancta Maria domina mea, Vergine benedicta). Cf. E. Mercatili Indelicato, Op. Cit., 205-229 [detailed analysis of the various texts, their lineage and the relative importance of Marco�s versions]. The works of Marco are not alone in this, an indication that the Franciscans (maybe unlike the OP) might not always have had a strong tradition of independent prayer books, but habitually included prayer collections in their catechetical and devotional works.

His sermons might not have survived separately. See also G. Gantalamessa, p. 16.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 318; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 513-514 & (ed. 1921) II, 209-210; Guglielmo Piatti, Primo supplemento al catalogo dei libri italiani che si trovano presso Guglielmo Piatti stampator-libraio a Firenze (1841), 36; Martyrologium Franciscanum (Vicenza, 1939), 102 (19 march); AASS, March III (Antwerp, 1668), 71-74; G. Gantalamessa, Notizie storiche per servire alla biografia di fr. Marco da Montegallo, medico, teologo, edoratore (Ascoli, 1843); Miscellanea Francescana 4:1 (1889), 102-103; C. Mariotti, Il B. Marco da Montegallo (Quaracchi, 1896); Il beato Marco da Montegallo (Ascoli Piceno, 1903); AFH, 8 (1915), 265; G. Fabiano, Gli Ebrei ed il monte di Piet� in Ascoli (Ascoli 1942) [anti-semitic?>check!]; Studi Francescani, 19 (1947), 172-173; Studia Picena, 23 (1955), 149-155; Bibliotheca Sanctorum VIII (Rome, 1967), 739-740; Pietro Rossi, La Tavola della salute del beato Marco da Montegallo e cenni storici di Montegallo (Fermo, 1976); Elide Mercatili, �L�attivit� sociale di Marco da Montegallo�, Picenum Seraphicum 13 (1976), 353-414; Cl. Schmitt, `Marc de Montegallo�, Dict. de Spir., X (Paris, 1980), 283-4; Francesco Lomastro Tognato, Legge di Dio e Monti di Piet�. Marco da Montegallo, 1425-1496(Vicenza, 1996); Marco da Montegallo (1425-1496). Il tempo, la vita, le opere. Atti del convegno di Studio Ascoli Piceno 12 ottobre 1996 e Montegallo 23 agosto 1997, ed. Silvano Bracci (Padua, 1999) [includes: Elide Mercatili Indelicato, �Marco da Montegallo, aspetti e problemi della vita e delle opere�, 71-229; Mario Sensi, �Marco da Montegallo apostolo dei Monti di piet��, 231-254]; Philine Helas, �Die Predigt in der Weltenlandschaft: zur Agitation von Fra Marco da Montegallo f�r den Monte di Piet� in einem Stich von Francesco Rosselli (ca. 1485)�, Marburger Jahrbuch f�r Kunstwissenschaft 31 (2004), 105-144; Philine Helas, �F�rsorge und Seelsorge � Die Predigt von Fra Marco da Montegallo f�r den �Monte di Piet�� und seine Marienbruderschaft in einem Stich von Francesco Rosselli (ca. 1485)�, in: Inklusion/Exklusion. Studien zu Fremdheit und Armut von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart, ed. Andreas Gestrich & Lutz Raphael (Frankfurt a.Main: Peter Lang, 2004), 423-449 (on the depiction of Marco�s preaching by Rosselli and the comments by Marco on the woodprint made thereof, dealing with the visualisation of preaching, the monte di piet�, the Gregory mass, the Mary confraternity and the prayer cycle in La corona de la gloriosa Vergene Madre Maria); Philine Helas, 'Die Predigt in der Weltenlandschaft: zur Agitation von Fra Marco da Montegallo f�r den Monte di Piet� in einem Stich von Francesco Rosselli (ca. 1485)', Marburger Jahrbuch f�r Kunstwissenschaft 31 (2004), 105-144 [ ]; H�l�ne Angiolini, 'Marco da Montegallo', Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani 69 (2007) [ ]





Marcus de Nicia (Marcus de Nicia/Marcos de Niza/Nizza/Nice, 1495-1558)

OFM. French friar of Italian descent, who grew up in France mediterranean city of Nice. From 1531 onwards Franciscan missionary in Mexico, Arizona and Peru (and became closely connected with the Dominican Bartolom� de las Casas). He left behind an itinerary and utopian desciption of the Franciscan missionary endeavors.


Travel accounts of missionary journeys: There are several renderings of Marco's accounts of his activies and journeys. See for instance: His Own Personal Narrative of Arizona Discovered by Fray Marcos de Niza, Who in 1539 First Entered These Parts on His Quest for the Seven Cities of Cib, ed. Bonavenyure Oblasser (Topawa, Ariz.: Bonaventure Oblasser, 1939/Reprint Kessinger Publishing LLC, 2010 [with intro by Frank C. Lockwood]); Frere Marc de Nice a la poursuite de l'utopie franciscaine aux Indes occidentales, ed. Michel Nallino (, 2013). Completely accessible via and via (the introduction provides a nice overview of the activities of the friar, his correspondence, and his appearance in 16th-century Franciscan order chroniclers).


Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 514; Henry R. Wagner, 'Fr. Marcos de Niza', New Mexico Historical Review 9 (April 1934) & 8 (July 1934); Hanson R. Sisk, Fray Marcos de Niza in Arizona: The Unsung Story of the First White Man to Unlock the Door of Western America (H.R. Sisk, 1939); Adolph F. Bandelier, The Discovery of New Mexico by the Franciscan Monk Friar Marcos de Niza in 1539, trans. Madeleine T. Rodack (University of Arizona Press, 1982); Aleksander Krzysztof Sitnik, �Marek z Nizzy, Marcus a Nicia, OFMObs�, Encyklopedia Katolicka XI, 1279-1280; William B. Carter, Indian Alliances and the Spanish in the Southwest, 750�1750 (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 2009), 119ff.; Herbert Eugene Bolton, Coronado: Knight of Pueblos and Plains (Papamoa Press, 2018), passim.





Marcus de Urbe Veteri (Marco d'Orvieto, fl. late 13th century)

OM. Italian friar. Compiler of the Tractatus Septiformis de Moralitatibus Rerum, also known as the Proprietates rerum moralisatae, Liber de Moralitatibus, Liber moralitatum, or the Ampliatio Bartholomaei Anglici. This work, written between ca. 1281-1291 amounts to a moralization for preaching purposes of (seven books of) Bartholomaeus Anglicus�s De Proprietatibus Rerum. The seven chapters of Marcus' work deal with (1) De Corporibus Celestibus; (2) De Elementis; (3) De Avibus; (4) De Piscibus; (5) De Animalibus; (6) De Arboribus, Plantis et Herbis; (7) De Lapidibus Preciosis et Mineralibus. Marcus of Orvieto's moralization of De Proprietatibus Rerum is one of the first in a series of comparable (either or not abbreviated) moralizations of De Proprietatibus Rerum for preaching purposes. In this context we can also point at the Liber de Exemplis et Similitudinibus Rerum of Johannes de Sancto Geminiano (OP, ca. 1320), the anonymus Multifarium (one MS in Wolfenb�ttel HAB, Gud.Lat. 200 (ca. 1326)), the Reductorium Morale of Petrus Berchorius (OFM & OSB, ca. 1340), and comparable works by Henricus de Sch�ttenhofen, Ulricus de Lilienfeld, Berengarius de Landorra, and Jacobus de Lausanne (OP).


Tractatus Septiformis de Moralitatibus Rerum (Liber Moralitatibus sive Ampliatio)/Proprietates rerum moralisatae/Liber de Moralitatibus/ Liber moralitatum/Ampliatio Bartholomaei Anglici.: In all ca. 16 mss. Aarau, Kantonsbibliothek Muri F 14 ff. 1ra-187va (XV saec.); Assisi, Bibl. del Sacro Conv. 243 ff. 1ra-151vb (14th saec.); Barcelona, Bibl. Catalunya 5 ff. 1v-143v; Bologna, Bibl. Univ. 1099; Burgo de Osma, Bibl. Santa Iglesia Catedral 123 ff. 1r-293r; Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibl. Clm 8809 (14th cent.); Oxford, New College 157 (14th cent.); Padua, Antoniana 388 Scaff. XVIIIff. 1r-22v (14th cent.); Paris, BN Lat. 3332 ff. 1r-246r (14th cent.); Paris, BN Nouv. Acq. Lat. 1403; Rome, Bibl. Angelica 750 (Q.5.26; XIII Saec.); Rome Vat.Lat., 5935 (13th cent.); Rome Vat.Lat. Chigi E.VII.230 ff. 1r-387r (15th. Cent.); Rome Vat. Ottob. Lat. 636; Tarragona, Bibl. Munic. de Santes Creus 118; Tortosa, Bibl. Catedral 157; Wolfenb�ttel, Landesbibliothek 3292, 130; Florence, BN Conv. Soppr. B.1.1537; Cologne, Historisches Archiv der Stadt W 375 [This list as well as the incipit-explicit information is based on information kindly provided by dr. G. Etzkorn]
Inc: Quoniam, sicut scribitur Sapientia XIIIa: vani sunt omnes homines in quibus non subest scientia Dei; et de his quae videntur bona non potuerunt intelligere eum qui est, oportet volentem uti salubriter creaturis aciem intelligentiae supernaturaliter figere in ipsorum mysteriis et ipsa mysteria applicare moribus sacris.
Expl: �nobis in fine operis praestare dignetur Dominus noster Christus amantissimus qui est superbenedictus Dei Filius, imperator universalis aeternus, qui cum Patre et Spirito Sancto vicit et regnat per infinita saecula saeculorum. Amen.
The work was edited as: Liber de Moralitatibus, ed. Girard J. Etzkorn, 3 Vols. (St. Bonaventure: Franciscan Institute Publications, 2006).� For some articles on the Pelican and the Lion, see Meyer (2000), 304-317.


J. Ruyschaert, `la biblioth�que des franciscains observants de Tuscanella�, Revue d�Histoire des Textes, 15 (1967-68), 256; J. Friedman, `Peacocks and Preachers: Analytic Technique in Marcus of Orvieto�s Liber de Moralitatibus, Vat. Lat. 5935�, in: Birds and Beasts of the Middle Ages. The Bestiary and its Legacy, ed. W.B. Clark & M.T. McMunn (Pennsylvania: Univ. of Pennsylvania Press, 1989), 179-196; Girard J. Etzkorn, `Marcus of Orvieto's Liber de Moralitatibus�, Mediaevalia. Textos e Estudos 23 (2004), 171-176; Baudoun van den Abeele, Fortune et mutations des encyclop�dies latines durant le Moyen �ge tardif (Louvain, 2007); Adrienne Hamy-Dupont, �La production encyclop�dique de Marc d�Orvieto et Juan Gil de Zamora: ressources pour la pr�dication�, Rursus 11 (2017) [DOI: rursus.1369].





Marcus de Summa Ripa (Marcus de Summaripa/Marco de Sommario, d. ca. 1419)

OM. Italian friar. Master of theology and lector in Northern Italy. As convent lector he wrote a series of Sermones Quadragesimales. Should he be identified with Marco di Sommariva del Bosco/Marcus de Summa Riva?


Sermones Quadragesimale: New York, Conv. S. Francisci W 31 Street, Unnumbered ff. 117-224 (224-228: index).


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 319; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 514; Zawart, 292





Marcus de Summa Riva (Marco di Sommariva del Bosco/Somariva d�l B�sch, fl. first half 15th cent.)

OM. Italian friar. A Franciscan preacher who obtained a doctorate in theology at Turin, and then was chair holder at the same university, apparently also incorporating the works of Dante in his teachings of moral theology. At least for a while Marco also lived in the Alba friary (Genova province), as can be derived from remarks in this Lenten sermons (MS Turin, Biblioteca Nazionale G.II.30, f. 4v.). Marco wrote sermons for Bona of Savoy, widow of Prince Ludovico di Acaia (d. late 1418), inviting her on a penitential and spiritual growth course interspersed with the cultivation of social and charitable obligations; a case of noble and royal 'widow'-building' by a mendicant friar (see the study of Laura Gaffuri below). At least in some format, Marco had preached these sermons to her, as he assisted her spiritually when she had settled temporarily, early in her widowhood, at the Stupinigi castle, outside Turin. Marco apparently went there every morning 'causa predicandi, while he resided in Turin as the lector of the Franciscan studium. For the whole 1419 Lenten season, starting at 8 March, the preacher expounded to the widow in 40 sermons a message of spiritual consolation and recreation: 'causa sue spiritualis consolationis et recreations'. Marco later put these texts together in a book, called the Bonum quaternarium, which in a way is also an allusion to Bona's name, and which discusses the good virtues of the widow-princess and how these virtues make her Martha as well as Mary Magdalen, both directed towards social responsibilities, charity etc., and towards spiritual growth and contemplation.


Sermones Quadragesimales/Bonum quaternarium: MS Turin, Biblioteca Nazionale G.II.30. At least two other manuscript copies contain his sermon collection, both of which were damaged by fire in 1904, but were later restored, namely MS Turin, Biblioteca Nazionale K2.V.3 & H.V.31 (f. 121 and after). The latter MS is a copy by the hand of the Franciscan Ludovico da Chieri. If Marcus de Summa Ripa, known for a quadragesimal collection in MS New York, Conv. S. Francisci W 31 Street, Unnumbered ff. 117-224 is the same friar, we would have another manuscript witness. This is something to check out.


Lucas Wadding, Scriptores Ordinis Minorum (ed. Roma, 1906), 167a; J.H. Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 514 & (ed. Rome, 1921/1978) II, 210; T. Vallauri, Storia delle Universit� degli studi in Piemonte, 2nd Ed. (Torino, 1875), 54; Celestino Piana, Chartularium Studiii Bononiensis S. Francisci (saec. XIII-XVI), Analecta Franciscana, 9 (Quaracchi-Florence, 1970), passim; A. Vitale Brovarone, 'Per la fortuna di Dante in Piemonte. La testimonianza di Marco da Sommariva', Studi Piemontesi 4 (1975), 322-324; 'Alma felix Universitas Studio Taurinensis'. Lo studio general dalle origini al primo Cinquecento, ed. I. Naso (Turin, 2004), 33, 157, 170, 281, 302, 304; Laura Gaffuri, 'Monasticum Regnum: La Religio Politica Medievale fra Testo e Contesto', in: Monasticum regnum. Religione e politica nelle pratiche di governo tra Medioevo ed Et� Moderna, ed. Giancarlo Andenna, Laura Gaffuri & Elisabetta Filippini, Vita regularis - Ordnungen und Deutungen religiosen Lebens im Mittelalter. Abhandlungen, 58 (Berlin: LIT-Verlag, 2015),9ff.





Marcus de Viterbo (Marcus Viterbiensis/Marco da Viterbo, d. 1369)

OM. Italian friar. Member of the Roman province. Minister general of the order from 1359 onwards, before he became cardinal in 1366 (appointment by Urban V, who also used Marco's services for several ambassadorial tasks). He apparently died in September 1369.


Sermones de T.: MS ? See Fabricius, V, 25; Zawart, 287; G. Mollat, �Deux fr�res mineurs, Marc de Viterbe et Guillaume de�Guasconi au service de la papaut�, AFH 48 (1955), 52-72.

Summa casuum conscientiae: MS ?

Constitutiones locales Sancti Francisci de Assisio et Sancte Marie de Angelis: MS ?


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 320; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 515; Remigio Ritzler, 'I cardinali e i papi dei Frati Minori Conventuali', Miscellanea Francescana 71 (1971), 32-34. For more information see





Marcus Diaz (Marcos Dias, fl. first half 17th cent.)

OFMRef. Italian friar. Member of the Riformati Roman province. He completed the Ordo perpetuus Officii Divini recitandi, which had been started by Antonio de Portugal, but whose death impeded him to finish the work.


Ordo perpetuus Officii Divini recitandi ad usum (...) fratrum (...) Seraphici Ordinis S. Francisci; iuxta rubrices Breviarii Romani (Rome: Giacomo Faccioto, 1637/Rome: Angelo Bernabo, 1660).

Arbor Seraphica. Check!


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 318; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 513; Di�go Barbosa Machado, Bibliotheca Lusitana IV, 55.





Marcus Kloz (d. 1763)

OFM. Austrian friar. Professor of theology and provincial minister of Austria. Canonist and spiritual author


Jus Canonicum Universum Theoretico-Practicum, 5 Vols. (Vienna: Bencard, 1742).

Erneuerung des Geists, oder des innerlichen Menschen (Regensburg, 1747). Accessible via the Narodni Knihovna National Library in Prague and via Google Books. With recourse to medieval authorities like Bonaventure's Soliloquium, De compositione exterioris et interioris hominis of David of Augsburg, the Stimulus amoris assigned to James of Milan, De septem donis Spiritus sancti of Rudolf of Biberach and Meditationes vitae Christi once ascribed to John of Caulibus.


Hurter, Nomenclator V, 1610; R. Aubert, �Kloz�, DHGE XXIX, 314; Benedikt Mertens, Solitudo seraphica: Studien zur Geschichte der Exerzitien des Franziskanerordens der Fr�hneuzeit (ca. 1600-1750) (Kevelaer, 2008), passim.





Marcus Julian (Marcos Julian/Marcos de Rio, fl. early 18th cent.)

OFM. Spanish friar from San Martin del Rio (Zaragoza diocese). Became master of theology and reached the status of lector jubilatus.


Certamen Catholicum adversus singulas propositiones in Bulla Unigenitus a Ssmo. D.N.P. Clemente XI proscriptas, 3 Vols. This needs further checking.

De infallibilitate in definiendo Romani Pontificis, et contra Cavilationes Jansenii, Armamentum, 2 Vols. (1720). This needs further checking.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 318; F�lix de Latassa y Ortin, Biblioteca nueva de los escritores aragoneses que florecieron desde el a�o 1689 hasta el de 1753 IV, 461.





Marcus Ordo�ez (Marcos Ord��ez, fl. c. 1760)

OFM. Spanish friar. Scotist theologian from the Concepci�n province. Issued the seventh and eight volume of the Cursus Theologiae Scholasticae in via V. P. Subtilis Marianique Joannis Dunsii Scoti decursus per quatuor ejusdem sententiarum libros (earlier volumes the work of Antonio Ruerk, Bartolom� Sarmentero and Francisco de la Lanza).


Cursus Theologiae Scholasticae in via V. P. Subtilis Marianique Joannis Dunsii Scoti decursus per quatuor ejusdem sententiarum libros, Vols. 7 & 8. (Valladolid, 1750).


AIA 2 (1942), 455-462; Manuel de Castro, Bibliograf�a de las bibliografias franciscanas espa�olas e hispanoamericanas, Publicaciones de Archivo Ibero-Americano (Madrid: Ed. Cisneros, 1982), 156 (no. 633).





Marcus Le Tellier (Marc Le Tellier, fl. 17th cent.)

OFMRec. French friar from the Saint-Denis province. Devotional author.


R�gle des �mes d�votes (1627).


Fabienne Henryot, 'Portrait du r�collet en �crivain au XVIIe si�cle', in: Les r�collets, en qu�te d�une identit� franciscaine, actes du colloque de Paris, 1er-2 juin 2012, ed. C. Galland, F. Guilloux & P. Moracchini (Tours: PUFR, 2014), passim.





Marcus Ramirez (Marcos Ram�rez de Prado y Ovando, 1592-1667)

OFM. Spanish friar from Spain (born in Madrid on April 24, 1592). After he joined the order and his ordination he was selected by the King of Spain in October 1632 to become Bishop of Chiapas. Papal confirmation was obtained on January 31, 1633. Following a stint as Bishop of Chiapas, he was selected by the Spanish King in May 1639 to become Bishop of Michoacan. papal confirmation was given the same year, and he was officially installed in March 17, 1640. Finally, on December 15, 1666, he was selected to become Archbishop of Mexico. After papal confirmation he served there until his death on May 14, 1667.


Reform constitutions of Michoac�n: La reforma de la iglesia del Antiguo Michoac�n: la gesti�n episcopal de fray Marcos Ram�rez de Prado, 1640-1666, Jorge E. Traslosheros H. (Michoac�n (Mexico): Univ. Michoacana de San Nicol�s de Hidalgo, 1995).


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 318-319; Pilar Hern�ndez Aparicio, 'Fray Marcos Ramirez de Prado, OFM: obispo de Michoac�n, 1640-1666', Archivum Franciscanum Historicum 85 (1992), 303-332; Jorge E. Traskosheros H., 'El templo de este mundo o de c�mo fue reformada la Iglesia del antihio Michoac�n, 1640-1666', Estudios Michoacanos 5 (1994), 19-37.





Marcus Trevisanus (Marius Tarvisinus/Marcus Tarvisinus/Marco da Treviso, fl. 15th cent.)

OM. Italian friar, possibly from Padua, acolite and auditor of the Camera Apostolica and possibly provincial minister of the Romania province (Greece).


Privilegia Fratrum Minorum/Privilegia et Indulgentie Fratrum Minorum Ordinis Sancti Francisci: MSS Naples, Naz., VI.F.15 ff. 23a-28d; Naples, Naz., VII.G.50 ff.107r-112r; Ferrara [cf. the explanatory remarks concerning this work by Sbaralea basd on the Ferrara MS, as well as the remarks of A.G. Little in Analecta Franciscana V (Ad Claras Aquas, 1912), LIV
The work also received incunable editions and 16th-century imprints: Privilegia et Indulgentie Fratrum Minorum Ordinis Sancti Francisci Tracta ex Registro Apostolico per Marcum tunc Acolitum et Auditorem Apostolicae Curiae(Milan, 1490/Leipzig: Conrad Kachalofen, 1495/Venice: Manfredo Bonello, 1496-7/Wolfgang [St�ckel], 1498/Venice: L.A. de Giunta, 1502). Various of these incunable and early 16th-century editions are accessible via the digital collections of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek in Munich, the British Library, the Lower Silesian Digital Library of Wroclaw [ ], Vilnius University Library [ ], the Digitale Bibliothek Th�ringen [ ], and via Google Books.

Recollecta ordinis minorum, seu summarium privilegiorum. See previous work (Privilegia Fratrum Minorum), as well as the remarks by Sbaralea.


Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 514-515.





Marcus Ulmensis (Markus von Ulm, fl. ca. 1400)

OM. German friar and member of the Strasbourg province. Author of a Dictionarium in Sacram Scripturam (an alphabetical dictionary for preaching purposes. The work would actually refer to these activities in the Introduction)


Dictionarium in universam sacram Scripturam. Check Fabricius, V, 75; Zawart, 362


Wadding, Scriptores (ed. 1906), 167; Bibliotheca Latina Mediae et Infimae Aetanis Vol. Quintum, M.N.O.P. Liber XIII, XIII, XIV et XV (...) (Hamburg: Sumptu Viduae Felgineriae Ex Officina Piscatoria, 1736), 76; Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 320; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 515 & (ed. 1921) II, 212; Stegm�ller, RB, III, 5453.





Marcus Vigerius de Savona (Viguerius/Marco Vigerio della Rovere/Emmanuele Vigerio, 1446-18 July 1516)

OMConv. Italian friar. Grandnephew of Francis de la Rovere. Emmanuele joined the Conventuals in 1462 or 1464 and received the name Marcus. He taught theology at Padua at the university and in the internal Franciscan school. When Francis de la Rovere became Pope (Sixtus IV), Marcus went to Rome, to teach at the Papal University (1474). In October 1476 he was appointed bishop and prefect of Sinigallia (a position he held until his resignation in 1513). Became master of the sacred palace in 1484 and governor of the Sant�Angelo castle in November 1503. Was appointed cardinal in 1505 by Pope Julius II and defended the Pope at the fifth Lateran council against the acccusations raised at the schismatic council of Pisa. Promoted calender reform. He died on 18 July 1516.


Homiliae: Check!

Decachordum Christianum (Fano: Girolamo Soncino, 1506-1507/Paris: Jodocus Badius, 1517/Hagenau, 1517/Douai, 1607/1617) [dealing with the virtues of the Holy Family] The 1506-1507 Soncino edition is accessible via the M�diath�que of Lyon (check Numelyo), and via Google Books. Likewise, the 1616 Douai edition and the 1517 edition printed by Thomas Anshelmus, i.e. Historiae Admirandae Thomas alter, complectens M. Vigerii S.R.E. Cardinalis de praecipuis incarnati Verbi mysteriis Decachordum Christianum, eiusdem Lubrucatio de instrumentis dominicae passionis. Omnia ad vetera exemplaria castigata (...), ed. Richard Gibbon (Douai: Baltazar Bellerius, 1616) & Marci Vigerii Saonensis (...) Decachordum christianum Iulio II. Pont. Max. Dicatum; Controversia de excellentia Instrumentorum Dominicae Passionis, per eundem Dn. Marcum Vigerium discussa (Thomas Anshelmus, 1517) are accessible via the �sterreichische Nationalbibliothek, and via Google Books.

Controversia de Excellentia Instrumentorum Dominicae Passionis per Marcum Vigerium Episcopum (..) (Rome: Marcellus Silber, 1512/ Paris, 1517/Hagenau, 1517/Douai, 1607/1616). The 1512 edition is accessible via the digital collections of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek and via Google Books. Likewise, the 1616 Douai edition and the 1517 edition printed by Thomas Anshelmus, i.e. Historiae Admirandae Thomas alter, complectens M. Vigerii S.R.E. Cardinalis de praecipuis incarnati Verbi mysteriis Decachordum Christianum, eiusdem Lubrucatio de instrumentis dominicae passionis. Omnia ad vetera exemplaria castigata (...), ed. Richard Gibbon (Douai: Baltazar Bellerius, 1616) & Marci Vigerii Saonensis (...) Decachordum christianum Iulio II. Pont. Max. Dicatum; Controversia de excellentia Instrumentorum Dominicae Passionis, per eundem Dn. Marcum Vigerium discussa (Thomas Anshelmus, 1517) are accessible via the �sterreichische Nationalbibliothek, and via Google Books.

Declarationes in Regulam S. Francisci de Paula, written at the request of Julius II in 1508 and included in Chapters 18 & 19 of Vita et regula fratrum ordinis Minimorum S. Francisci de Paula. Cum canonizatione eiusdem et aliis (Brescia: Bartolomeo Fontana, 1618). This latter work is accessible via the digital collections of the �sterreichische Nationalbibliothek and via Google Books

Tractatus de Sacerdotis Officio. Mentioned/referred to in Book I, Chapter 21 of the Decachordum Christianum.

Tractatus de Compaternitate. Mentioned/referred to in Book II, Chapter 30 of the Decachordum Christianum.

Tractatus de Universalibus Activorum. Mentioned/referred to in Book IV, Chapter 21 of the Decachordum Christianum.

Commentarius in Ethicam Aristotelis. Mentioned/referred to in Book VI, Chapter 1 of the Decachordum Christianum.

Sermones. Mentioned/referred to in Book IV, Chapter 21 of the Decachordum Christianum.

Dialogus super reformationem abusus. Check!

Litterae/Epistolae: Check!

Wadding and Juan de San Antonio mention other works, such as De dignitate ferri lanceae Christi et vestimenti eius, De Annunciatione B. Virginis, etc. yet these seem to be at least in part included in theDecachordum Christianum mentioned above.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 319-320; Sbaralea Supplementum (ed. 1806), 515 & (ed. 1921) II, 211-212; Zawart, 339; Antonio Niccolini, De cardinale Vigerio O.F.M. (Rome, 1930); LThK X� 785; Enciclopedia Cattolica XII, 1411-1412; New Catholic Encyclopaedia XIV, 663; David Frapiccini, 'Cantieri e maestranze in Castel Sant'Angelo ai tempi di Marco Vigerio, castellano e cardinale di Giulio II', in: I cardinali di Santa Romana Chiesa: collezionisti e mecenati, ed. Harula Economopoulos, 2 Vols. (Rome, 2003) II, 33-46; Michele Lodone, 'Vigerio della Rovere', in: Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani 99 (2020) [ ]





Mare de Alvernia (d. ca. 1430)

OM. Italian friar. Bacc. In Logic in 1399. Lector at Cortona in 1429


Quadragesimale Prati Peractum [1385]: Florence Ricc. 3192 ff. 56-121 [check!]


Zawart, 323.





Margarita Agullona (Marguerita Agullona, 1536-1600)

TOR. Spanish Franciscan tertiary. Born at Xativa (Jativa) in the Kingdom of Valencia. Sister of the Franciscan friar Michel Agullona, who was killed by the Turcs (17 May 1556). At the age of 25, Margarita, refusing a marriage proposal, took the habit of the Franciscan Third Order, opting for a life of prayer and penitence. Her frequent extasies drew the attention of the ecclesiastical authorities. She was arrested in the church of San Francisco at Valencia and brought under guard to the Castiglion del Piano. Yet the investigation did not bring about a conviction of heresy. As part of a penitential exercise given to her by her confessor, she wrote in Spanish a Metodo per contemplar la passion y muerte de nuestro Signor. She died on 9 December, 1600 at the age of 64. After three days during which her body was in public display and venerated by local believers, she was buried in the church of Sangre de Cristo. In february 1605, the archbishop of Valencia ordered her body to be transferred to the chapel of the episcopal seminary.


Metodo per contemplar la passion y muerte de nuestro Signor. Included in: Juan Carillo, Primera y segunda parte de la historia de la Tercera Orden de la Penitencia de san Francisco. Vida de los santos y beatos de este Instituto (Saragossa: Lucas Sanchez, 1610/1613) II, ff. 244-249 [check!]


Jaime Sanch�s, Relaci�n breve de la vida, virtudes y milagros (...) de sor Margarita Agull�, natural de J�tiva, beata profesa de la orden de s. Francisco (Valencia, 1607/Jativa, 1921); Arthurus a Monasterio, Martyrologium franciscanum (Paris, 1653), 601; Mazzara, Leggendario francescano (Venice, 1689) IV, 702-718; Hueber, Menologium Franciscanum (Munich, 1698), 2290.


Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 516; Antoine de S�rent, 'Agullona', Dictionnaire d�histoire et de g�ographie eccl�siastique I, 1076-1077; Jos� Sim�n D�az, Bibliograf�a de la literatura hisp�nica, 11 Vols. (Madrid, 1960-1976) IV, nos. 2398-2400.





Maria Bernarda (Mar�a Bernarda, fl. first half 17th cent.)

OSC. Spanish Poor Clare from Salamanca. Known for decimas and other poetic texts. One of these that reached the printing press is a short set of decimas at the occasion of the death of Juan de Montalb�n.


Decimas a la muerte del doctor Juan Perez de Montalban, in: Lagrimas panegiricas a la tenprana muerte del gran poeta, i teologo insigne doctor Juan Perez de Montalban, clerigo presbitero, i notario de la santa inquisicion (...) (Madrid: Inprenta del Reino, 1639), 83.


S. Eijan, La poes�a franciscana (Santiago, 1936), 222.





Margarita Bichia (Margherita Bichi/Margarita Bichi, 1480-1535)

TOR. Italian female Franciscan tertiary. Born in the noble Bichi family. She was married to Francesco Bonsignori, and after a difficult marriage, which ended with her husband's death, she became a Franciscan tertiary. Visionary.


Opusculi spirituali. Check!


Giovanni Battista Filippo Luti, Vita della venerabile serva di Dio Margarita Bichi, nobile vedova Sanese, e del Terz'Ordine de'Minori Conventuali di San Francesco (...) (Siena: Stamperia del Pubblico, 1699); Benignus Fremaut, Den geestelicken palm-boom in elke maent nieuwe vruchten gevende; oft Generale legende vande levens der heyligen, saligen, dienaers en dienaressen Godts, uyt de dry-vuldige Orden vanden H. en Seraphischen Vader Franciscus. Bestaende in twaelf boecken (...) (Ghent: Livinus de Clerck, 1704), 569-574.


Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 516; Fabio Bisogni, Santi e beati senesi: testi e immagini a stampa (2000), 125.





Margarita de Cortona (Marguerita da Cortona, d. 1297), sanctus

TOR. Italian lay tertiary. Born in Laviano, near Perugia. Her brother was a tertiary and her mother died when she was very young. She ran away from home and lived for nine years with a man from Montepulciano. The man did not mary her, but made her pregnant. After the death of her lover (who was murdered), Marguerita returned to Laviano, only to be rejected by her father and her stepmother. She then travelled to Cortona, where she maintained herself with doing domestic work for aristocratic women, and lived in a house of two female benefactors. She also became acquainted with the Franciscans, trying to obtain admittance to the order of penitents. The friars were at first reluctant (soon to be too young, too pretty and also burnened with a scandalous past). She finally received the habit around 1275/77, settling into a cell near the house of the women who had supported her from the beginning, only to go to the Franciscan church to hear mass twice a day. The friars became her spiritual counsellors (esp. Giunta da Bevegna, her later biographer) and also allowed her son to enter the order. She obtained a reputation for holiness, for her charitative work among the poor, and for her engagement for promoting the civic peace. At a certain juncture, she decided (against objections by the friars) to retreat to another cell at the top of the hill on which Cortona was built. This move also entailed that Margaret in the closing years of her life was less involved with the Franciscans than before (her former confessor, Giunta da Bevegna was transferred to Siena in 1290). It has been argued (see the works of Sensi and Burr) that she was disappointed with the laxity within the order, yet kept her relations with spiritual friars. After her death in 1297, the first initiatives for her canonisation were undertaken by the commune in 1318, at first without success. In 1515, pope Leo X gave permission to churches in the Cortona diocese to celebrate her feast. In 1623 that permission was extended to all Franciscan churches. Her canonization process was reinvigorated and completed in 1728. For more and more correct biographical information, see also the entry in the Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani [ ]


I Fioretti di Santa margherita da Cortona, ed. Ottorino Montenovese, Miscellanea Francescana 46 (1946), 254-293.


Acta Sanctorum Feb. III, 302-363, 764; Iunctae Bevegnatis, Legenda de Vita et Miraculis Beatae Margaritae de Cortona, ed. F. Iozzelli, Bibliotheca Franciscana Ascetica Medii Aevi, XIII (Grottaferrata, 1997); S. Margherita da Cortona. Vita-colloqui-miracoli. Legenda de vita et miraculis B. Margaritae de Cortona di fra Giunta Bevegnati, ed. L. Lazzeri & F. Cornacchini (S. Maria degli Angeli (Pg): Ed. Porziuncola, 2003). An Italian translation based on a non-critical text appeared as: Giunta Bevegnati, Leggenda della vita e dei miracoli di Santa Margherita da Cortona, trans. E. Mariani (Vicenza, 1978).


F. Casolini, 'I Penitenti francescani in �Leggende� e Cronache del Trecento', in: I frati penitenti di S. Francesco nella societ� del Due e Trecento, Atti del 2o Convegnodi Studi Francescani, ed. Mariano D�Alatri (Rome: Istituto Storico dei Cappuccini, 1977), 69-86; F. Cardini, 'Agiografia e politica; Margherita da Cortona e le vicende di una citt� inquieta', Studi Francescani 76 (1979), 127-136; Eduardo Mirri, 'La spiritualit� di Santa Margherita nella visuale francescana', Annuario dell'Accademia etrusca di Cortona (1979), 375-396; Anna Benvenuti Papi, 'Marguerita filia Jerusalem: Santa Margherita da Cortona ed il superamento mistico della crociata', in: Toscana e Terrasanta nel Medioevo, ed. F. Cardini (Florence, 1982), 117-138; M. d�Alatri, 'L�Ordine della Penitenza nella Leggenda di Margherita da Cortona', in: Prime manifestazione di vita comunitaria maschile e femminile nel movimento francescano della penitenza, ed. R. Pazzelli & R. Temperini (Rome, 1982), 67-80; Enrico Menest�, 'La mistica di Margherita da Cortona', in: Temi e problemi nella mistica femminile trecentesca (Todi, 1983), 183-206; Caroline Walker Bynum, Holy Feast and Holy Fast. The Religious Significance of Food to Medieval Women, The New Historicism: Studies in Cultural Poetics (Los Angeles and Berkeley: University of California Press, 1987), ad indicem; Daniel Bornstein, 'The Uses of the Body: The Church and the Cult of Santa Margherita da Cortona', Church History 62 (1993), 163-177; Kurt Ruh, Geschichte der abendl�ndischen Mystik, Band II: Frauenmystik und Franziskanische Mystik der Fr�hzeit (Munich: Beck, 1993), ad indicem; Giovanni Grado Merlo, 'Note su santit� e condizione femminile nella Toscana medievale', Archivio Storico Italiano 151 (1993), 219-237; Bernard Schlager, 'Foundresses of the Franciscan life: Umiliana Cerchi and Margaret of Cortona', Viator 29 (1998), 141-166; L. Corti & R. Spinelli, Margherita da Cortona. Una storia emblematica di devozione narrata per testi e immagine (Milan, 1998); Joanna Cannon & Andr� Vauchez, Marguerita of Cortona and the Lorenzetti (University Park PA: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1999); Mario Sensi, 'Margherita da Cortona nel contesto storico-sociale cortonese', Collectanea Franciscana 69 (1999), 223-372; Joanna Cannon, 'Popular Saints and private chantries. The Sienese Tomb-Altar of Margherita of Cortona and questions of liturgical use', in: Kunst und Liturgie im Mittelalter. Akten des internationalen Kongresses der Bibliotheca Hertziana , ed. Nicolas Bock, Sible de Blaauw, Christoph Luitpold Frommel & Herbert Kessler (Munich, 2000), 149-162; Helmut Feld, 'Margherita von Cortona: einzigartige Geliebte Christi', in: Frauen des Mittelalters. Zwanzig geistige Portr�ts, ed. Helmut Feld (Cologne: B�hlau Verlag, 2000), 174-181; Enrico Menest�, 'The mysticism of Margaret of Cortona', Greyfriars Review 14 (2000), 79-95; Fortunato Iozzelli, 'Eine franziskanische B��erin: Margareta von Cortona (� 1297)', Wissenschaft & Weisheit 63 (2000), 225-235; Edith P�sztor, 'Esperienza di povert� al femminile in Italia tra XII e XIV secolo', in: Donne e sante: Studi sulla religiosit� femminile nel Medio Evo (Rome: Edizioni Studium, 2000), 131-149; David Burr, The Spiritual Franciscans. From Protest to Persecution in the Century After Saint Francis (University Park PA: U. of Pennsylvania Press, 2001), ad indicem; Peter Dinzelbacher, 'Neue Quellenpublikationen zur italienischen Frauenmystik', Mediaevistik 15 (2002), 9-14; Andr� Vauchez, Esperienze religiose nel Medioevo, sacro/santo, 7 (Rome: Viella, 2003), ad indicem; Katherine Jansen, 'Miraculous Crucifixions in late Medieval Italy', Studies in Church History 45 (2005), 203-227; Curzia Ferrari, Quadro velato. Il romanzo di Margherita da Cortona (Milan: Ed. Ancora, 2005); Roberto Fusco, 'La �Legenda� di Margherita da Cortona tra agiografia ed esperienza spirituale', Italia Francescana 80 (2005), 459-479; Paulina Rychterova, 'Charisma als Passion im Leben und Werk sp�tmittelalterlicher Vision�rinnen', in: Charisma und religi�se Gemeinschaften im Mittelalter, ed. Giancarlo Andenna, Mirko Breitenstein & Gert Melville, Vita Regularis, Abhandlungen, 26 (Berlin-M�nster: LIT-Verlag, 2005), 463-476; Dario Vitali, Se la pace � donna. Una provocazione a partire dalla �sante paciere�, Itinerari. Collana di spiritualit� (Bologna: Ed. Dehoniane, 2005), ad indicem; Ulrike St�lting, Christliche Frauenmystik im Mittelalter. Historisch-theologische Analyse (Ostfildern: Matthias-Gr�newald-Verlag der Schwabenverlag, 2005); Valter Corelli & Nicola Giandomenico, Le colline della speranza. Itinerari di santit� femminile in Umbria (Citt� di Castello: Elemond Edizioni, 2005), ad indicem; Andr� Vauchez, 'Vita e culto di santa Margherita da Cortona (+ 1297)', in: Idem, Francesco d'Assisi e gli ordini mendicanti, Medioevo francescano. Saggi, 10 (Assisi, 2005), 219-250; John Coakley, 'The Limits of Religious Authority: Margaret of Cortona and Giunta Bevegnati', in: Women, Men, and Spiritual Power, ed. John Coakley (New York: Colombia University Press, 2006), 130-148; Ingrid Peterson, 'The Third Order Tradition of Evangelical Life: A Prophetic Witness to the Whole of the Gospel', Franciscan Studies 64 (2006), 435-474 (ad indicem); Mary Harvey Doyno, 'A Particular Light of Understanding: Margaret of Cortona, The Franciscans and a Cortonese Cleric', in: History in the Comic Mode: Medieval Communities and the Matter of Person, ed. Rachel Fulton & Bruce W. Holsinger (New York: Columbia University Press, 2007), 68-80; Emore Paoli, 'Parole di donna, scritture di uomini: Angela da Foligno, Margherita da Cortona, Chiara da Montefalco', Bollettino storico della citt� di Foligno 31-34 (2007-2011) 215-228; H�line Philas, 'The clothing of poverty and sanctity in legends, and their representation in Trecento and Quattrocento Italy', in: Weaving, Veiling and Dressing: Textiles and their Metaphors in the Late Middle Ages, ed. Kathryn Rudy & Barbara Baert (Turnhout: Brepols, 2007), 245-287; Alison More, 'According to Martha: Extra-Regular Women and the Gospel Life', Franciscana (IT) (2008), 255-280; Roberto Fusco, Angela, Giuliana, Margherita, Tre mistiche medievali (Milano: Ancora, 2008); Giuseppe Barone, 'Margherita da Cortona, santa', in: Dizionario biografico degli italiani (2008), 70 [ ]; Beverly Mayne Kienzle, 'Margarita of Cortona: Women, Preaching, and the Writing of Hagiography', Medieval Sermon Studies 24 (2010), 38-50; Darleen Pryds, Women of the Streets: Early Franciscan Women and their Mendicant Vocation (St. Bonaventure, NY: Franciscan Institute, 2010), ad indicem; Mario Sensi, 'Margherita da Cortona nel contesto storico-sociale cortonese', in: idem, Mulieres in ecclesia: storie di monache e bizzoche, Uomini e mondi medievali, 21 (Spoleto: CISAM, 2010), 643-682; Emore Paoli, 'Parole di donna, scritture di uomini: Angela da Foligno, Margherita da Cortona, Chiara da Montefalco', in: Amicitiae sensibus. Studi in onore di don Mario Sensi, ed. Alessandra Bartolomei Romagnoli & Fortunato Frezza (Foligno: Accademia Fulginia di Lettere Scienze ed Arti, 2011), 215-228; Giovanni Cherubini, 'Gente e luoghi della Val di Chiana nei miracoli di Margherita da Cortona', in: Idem, Firenze e la Toscana: scritti vari, Dentro il Medioevo, 7 (Ospedaletto (Pisa), 2013), 233-240; Alison More, 'Institutionalizing Penitential Life in Later Medieval and Early Modern Europe: Third Orders, Rules and Canonical Legitimacy', Church History 83 (2014), 296-322; Margherita da Cortona. Atti della Giornata di studio (Firenze, 26 ottobre 2013), ed. Fortunato Iozelli (Florence, 2014); Pierluigi Licciardello, 'Modelli e linguaggio della sanit� nella "Legenda" di Margherita da Cortona', Studi Francescani 111 (2014), 313-358; Antonella Dejure, 'Margherita da Cortona e le scritture religiose femminili del Quattrocento', Studi Francescani 111 (2014), 389-402; Nicoletta Baldini, 'Per il culto di Margherita da Cortona nel XVI secolo (...)', Studi Francescani 111 (2014), 403-426; Beverly Mayne Kienzle & Travis A. Stevens, 'Words, Deeds, and the Hagiography of Italian Women Penitents', in: Mendicant Cultures in the Medieval and Early Modern World: Word, Deed, and Image, ed. Sally J. Cornelison, Nirit Ben-Aryeh Debby and Peter F. Howard (Turnhout: Brepols, 2016), 107-142; Fortunato Iozelli, 'Margherita da Cortona. Fuoco dell'amore', in: Storia della spiritualit� francescana, ed. Marco Bartoli, Wieslaw Block & Alessandro Mastromatteo (Bologna, 2017), 191-120; Fortunato Iozelli, 'Religiosit� penitenziale e francescanesimo: il caso di Margherita da Cortona', in: Frate Elia, i laici e le associazioni laicali cortonesi, ed. Paolo Bruschetti, Cortona francescana, N.S., 3 (Spoleto, 2020), 66-93.





Margarita de Noronha (Margarita de San Pablo, fl. early 17th cent.)

OSC. Portuguese Poor Clare of noble descent (daughter of Don Francisco de Noro�a, Count of Li�ares) and member of the Lisbon La Anuncaci�n monastery (hence not a Dominican nun as can be read in some recent studies). Her religious name was Margarita de San Pablo. Poet, religious writer and painter, known for her prowess in Latin and other languages.


(as translator): A regra de sua orden. This would have been a Portuguese translation of the Rule of St. Clare.

Discursos espirituales/Elucubraciones espirituales. A Spiritual work in Portuguese. Mentioned in Antonio de Sousa de Macedo, Flores de Espa�a, Excelencias de Portugal (Lisbon, 1631), 70.

Exercicio espiritual con varias oraciones a nuestra se�ora, included in a Castilian version at the end of Convento espiritual, obra de una monja granadina (Lisbon 1626 [1630?])?


Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 516; Mar�a del Val Gonz�lez de la Pe�a, 'Escritoras religiosas en la obra Bibliotheca Hispana Nova de Nicol�s Antonio', Erasmo. Revista de historia bajomedieval y moderna 6-7 (2020), 55-74 (et 62).





Maria Angela Astorch (Mar�a �ngela Astorch/Jer�nima Maria Agnese Astorch, 1592-1665), beata

OSCCap. Spanish Capuchin nun. Born in a relatively well-to-do bookseller family (father Crist�bal Cortey, mother Catalina Astorch) and younger sister of Isabella Astorch. Orphaned at a young age, she nearly died in 1599 due to a poisoning episode, and 'came back to life' during the burial service in the presence of her sister Isabella (then already a Capuchin nun). Following her recuperation, she showed an aptitude for learning and also felt a religious vocation, as a result of which she entered on 6 September 1603 (at the age of 11) the Capuchin Santa Margarita monastery in Barcelona (founded by Angela Serafina Prat). In 1614, she was part of a founding party sent to establish a new female Capuchin monastery in Zaragoza, where she served as novice mistress (1614-1623), magistra iuvenum/convent teacher of newly professed (1623-1626), and abbess (1626-1642). As abbess, she was able to obtain papal approval for new and lasting house constitutions. In 1645, she was instrumental in the foundation of the female Capuchin house of Murcia, where she again served as novice mistress and abbess. Throughout her adult life (until ca. 1656, when her (mental) health began to decline), she engaged in the writing of autobiographical notes and spiritual accounts, in part at the request of her confessors. In these writings, she also dwelled on her (liturgical) mystical experiences. Mar�a �ngela resigned from her abbatiate position in 1661, and died on 2 December 1665. A first, preliminary diocesan beatification process began in 1668. In 1683, her corpse was exhumed, found to be incorrupted and put in the church's presbytery. Additional examinations of her corpse and additional procedures to obtain her beatification occurred in the second half of the 18th century, and between 1773 and 1776 were issued official papal decrees of approval of her writings. The beatification investigations dragged on into the 20th century and were put on hold with the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War, during which her corps was mutilated (it was later recuperated, and now can be found on display in the new house of Clarisas Capuchinas de Murcia). She was eventually officially beatified on 23 May 1982 by Pope John Paul II. For more biographical information, see and [last accessed on 9 September 2022]


Discurso de mi vida (Murcia, between 1645-1648) & Relatas autobiogr�ficos, in part put together at the request of her confessor Alejo de Bojados. The autograph manuscripts of these writings were destroyed during the Spanish Civil War, yet copies, realised in 1832 in the context of the ongoing beatification process, survived in the Capuchin Archives in Rome. On the basis of these, an edition was made in 1985. See: Mi Camino Interior - Relatos Autobiogr�ficos - Cuentas de Esp�ritu - Op�sculos espirituales - Cartas, ed. L�zaro Iriarte (Madrid: Hermanos Menores Capuchinos, 1985). For extracts, see: Escritoras Clarisas Espa�olas. Antolog�a, ed. Mar�a Victoria Trivi�o (Madrid: B.A.C., 1992). See now also: Maria Angela Astorch (1592-1665). Leben und Schriften, ed. Susanne Ernst, Werkstatt Franziskanische Forschung, 9/Vena vivida - Lebendige Quelle: Texte zu Klara von Assisi und ihrer Bewegung, 5 (M�nster: Werkstatt Franziskanische Forschung-Fachstelle Franziskanische Forschung, 2021).

Cuentas de esp�ritu, edited in: Mi Camino Interior - Relatos Autobiogr�ficos - Cuentas de Esp�ritu - Op�sculos espirituales - Cartas, ed. L�zaro Iriarte (Madrid: Hermanos Menores Capuchinos, 1985). See now also: Maria Angela Astorch (1592-1665). Leben und Schriften, ed. Susanne Ernst, Werkstatt Franziskanische Forschung, 9/Vena vivida - Lebendige Quelle: Texte zu Klara von Assisi und ihrer Bewegung, 5 (M�nster: Werkstatt Franziskanische Forschung-Fachstelle Franziskanische Forschung, 2021).

Op�sculos espirituales, for instance consisting of: Pl�ticas y exhortaciones espirituales, Modos maravillosos de celebrar el nacimiento del Hijo de Dios, Capitulaci�n de los desposorios con Cristo, Monte de piedad en el Coraz�n de Cristo, Constituciones del divino amor & Monte de piedad en el Coraz�n de Cristo, and edited in: Mi Camino Interior - Relatos Autobiogr�ficos - Cuentas de Esp�ritu - Op�sculos espirituales - Cartas, ed. L�zaro Iriarte (Madrid: Hermanos Menores Capuchinos, 1985). For extracts, see: Escritoras Clarisas Espa�olas. Antolog�a, ed. Mar�a Victoria Trivi�o (Madrid: B.A.C., 1992). See now also: Maria Angela Astorch (1592-1665). Leben und Schriften, ed. Susanne Ernst, Werkstatt Franziskanische Forschung, 9/Vena vivida - Lebendige Quelle: Texte zu Klara von Assisi und ihrer Bewegung, 5 (M�nster: Werkstatt Franziskanische Forschung-Fachstelle Franziskanische Forschung, 2021).

Directorio y pr�ctica espiritual para la crianza y educaci�n de las novicias y modernas en la religi�n, edited in: Mi Camino Interior - Relatos Autobiogr�ficos - Cuentas de Esp�ritu - Op�sculos espirituales - Cartas, ed. L�zaro Iriarte (Madrid: Hermanos Menores Capuchinos, 1985). See now also: Maria Angela Astorch (1592-1665). Leben und Schriften, ed. Susanne Ernst, Werkstatt Franziskanische Forschung, 9/Vena vivida - Lebendige Quelle: Texte zu Klara von Assisi und ihrer Bewegung, 5 (M�nster: Werkstatt Franziskanische Forschung-Fachstelle Franziskanische Forschung, 2021).

Tratado de la perfecci�n religiosa, edited in: Mi Camino Interior - Relatos Autobiogr�ficos - Cuentas de Esp�ritu - Op�sculos espirituales - Cartas, ed. L�zaro Iriarte (Madrid: Hermanos Menores Capuchinos, 1985). See now also: Maria Angela Astorch (1592-1665). Leben und Schriften, ed. Susanne Ernst, Werkstatt Franziskanische Forschung, 9/Vena vivida - Lebendige Quelle: Texte zu Klara von Assisi und ihrer Bewegung, 5 (M�nster: Werkstatt Franziskanische Forschung-Fachstelle Franziskanische Forschung, 2021).

Tratado de la regla de su Orden, edited in: Mi Camino Interior - Relatos Autobiogr�ficos - Cuentas de Esp�ritu - Op�sculos espirituales - Cartas, ed. L�zaro Iriarte (Madrid: Hermanos Menores Capuchinos, 1985). See now also: Maria Angela Astorch (1592-1665). Leben und Schriften, ed. Susanne Ernst, Werkstatt Franziskanische Forschung, 9/Vena vivida - Lebendige Quelle: Texte zu Klara von Assisi und ihrer Bewegung, 5 (M�nster: Werkstatt Franziskanische Forschung-Fachstelle Franziskanische Forschung, 2021).

Cartas, edited in: Mi Camino Interior - Relatos Autobiogr�ficos - Cuentas de Esp�ritu - Op�sculos espirituales - Cartas, ed. L�zaro Iriarte (Madrid: Hermanos Menores Capuchinos, 1985). See now also: Maria Angela Astorch (1592-1665). Leben und Schriften, ed. Susanne Ernst, Werkstatt Franziskanische Forschung, 9/Vena vivida - Lebendige Quelle: Texte zu Klara von Assisi und ihrer Bewegung, 5 (M�nster: Werkstatt Franziskanische Forschung-Fachstelle Franziskanische Forschung, 2021).


Luis Ignacio Zevallos, SJ, Vida y virtudes, favores del cielo, milagros y prodigios de la Ven. Madre Sor Mar�a Angela Astorch religiosa capuchina, natural de Barcelona; fundadora en la ciudad de Murcia, de su illustre Convento de Capuchinas, de la Exaltaci�n del Santissimo Sacramento (Madrid: Jer�nimo Rojo, 1733). Accessible via the Biblioteca Nacional of Madrid (sign. 3-72800). The female Capuchin house of Murcia habitually had Jesuit confessors, including Luis Ignacio Zevallos, who in his vita often quotes from the autobiographical works of Angela Maria Astorch.


G. Zamora, 'Maria Angela Astorch tra azione e contemplazione', in: Santi e Santit� nell'Ordine Cappuccino, 3 Vols (Rome, 1982), 451-465; Isabelle Poutrin, Le voile et la plume. Autobiographie et saintet� f�minine dans l'Espagne moderne (Madrid: Casa de Velazquez, 1995), ad indicem; Leonhard Lehmann, 'Maria Angela Astorch (1592-1665): Mystikerin des Breviers und der Tat', Wissenschaft & Weisheit 63 (2000), 259-272; G. Zamora, 'B.M. Angela Astorch: mistica biblica e liturgica', in: Sulle orme dei Santi. Il Santorale cappuccino: santi, beati, venerabili, servi di Dio, ed. Costanzo Cargnoni (Rome: Istituto Storico dei Cappuccini, 2000), 275-282; Stephen Haliczer, Between Exaltation and Infamy. Female Mystics in the Golden Age of Spain (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002), ad indicem; L�zaro Iriarte, Beata Mar�a �ngela Astorch. Clarisa Capuchina (1592-1665) La M�stica del Breviario (Murcia: Monasterio de la Exaltaci�n del Sant�simo Sacramento, 2005 [based on a work first issued in 1982]); Gabriel Gali�n, Alegor�as de la beata Mar�a �ngela Astorch en sus escritos m�sticos lit�rgicos (Murcia: Monasterio de la Exaltaci�n del Sant�simo Sacramento de Monjas Clarisas Capuchinas de Murcia, 2021).





Maria Bento (Mar�a Benta do C�o, fl. second half 18th cent.)

OIC. Portuguese Conceptionist nun, and probably also abbess in the Nossa Senhora da Conceicao convent in Braga (Portugal). Author of a peculiar convent chronicle.


Jardim do Ceo, Plantado no Convento de Nossa Senhora da Conceicao da Cidade de Braga. Em que se trata das Memorias da funda��o d'este primeiro Convento do Reyno dedicado a Concei��o purissima de nossa Senhora, e se expoem a vida da Veneravel D. Beatriz da Silva, Fundadora dela Ordem, e as de outras religiosas illustres em santidade, que no referido Convento florecer�o desde o anno de 1629 at� o de 1764 (...) (Lisbon: Officina de Manoel Coelho Amado, 1766).


Catalogue de la biblioth�que de M. Fernando Palha, troisi�me partie: histoire (Lisbon: Libanio da Silva, 1896), 56; Lusitania Sacra, 2nd ser. 7 (1995), 314; Ligia Bellini, 'Spirituality and women's monastic life in seventeenth and eighteenth-century Portugal', Portuguese Studies 21 (2005), 13ff.





Maria Bruna (Mary Bonaventure/Mary Brown, d. after 1671)

OSC. Irish Poor Clare. Mary Brown (Bonaventure in religion) was a merchant�s daughter from Galway. She entered the Poor Clare monastery of Bethlehem (Lough Ree, near Athlone) in 1623, together with her sister Catherine (Bernard in religion), the same monastery where their cousin Catherine Brown (Francis in religion) would enter in 1631. Yet another member of the Browne family, Mary�s brother Francis, became a Franciscan friar. The Bethlehem house of Poor Clares had been founded by five Irish nuns from Gravelines (not far from Calais). Due to the approaching Cromwell armies, the nuns evacuated the Bethlehem monastery in 1642. Mary Bonaventure and eleven other professed nuns (including Maria Gabriel Martin, Helen Martin and two novices) went to the town of Galway and established a new community there. Mary Bonaventure became the third abbess in 1647. Under her abbatiate (1647-1650), the nuns obtained a Gaelic translation of Colette of Corbie�s constitutions, following an earlier Gaelic translation of the rule of St. Clare (made by M�ch�l � Cl�irigh (Michael O�Clery) in 1636). For the translation of Colette�s constitutions and related texts, the nuns demanded the services of Dubhaltach �g Mac Fhirbhisigh (Duald MacFirbis). Mary Bonaventure�s sister Catherine Bernard became abbess of the community in 1650. But during her abbatiate term, the town was taken by the armies of Cromwell in 1652. The nuns were banished the following year. Although a number of the Galway nuns, including their first abbess Maria Gabriel Martin, went into hiding and later re-established the house, most nuns, including Mary Bonaventure left for the European continent. Mary Bonaventure eventually ended up at the Conceptionist monastery of El Cavallero de Gracia (Madrid), where she wrote between 1668 and 1671 a chronicle of the Irish Poor Clares during the seventeenth century, with much details on individual nuns who ended up in different continental houses. Mary Bonaventure died after 1671 and probably as late as 1694 in the El Cavallero de Gracia monastery.


Chronicle of the Irish Poor Clares, edited as: Recollections of an Irish Poor Clare in the Seventeenth Century: Mother Mary Bonaventure Browne, Third Abbess of Galway, 1647-1650, ed. Calsus O�Brien (Galway: Poor Clare Sisters, 1993).


T. Concannon, The Poor Clares in Ireland: 1629 to 1929 (Dublin: M. H. Gill & Son, 1929), ad indicem; Calsus O'Brien, Poor Clares, Galway, 1642�1992 (Galway, 1992), ad indicem; Bernadette Cunningham, 'The Poor Clare order in Ireland', in: The Irish Franciscans, 1534�1990, ed. E. Bhreathnach, J. MacMahon, and J. McCafferty (Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2009), 159-174; Marie-Louise Coolahan, Women, writing, and language in early modern Ireland (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010), ad indicem.





Margarita Austriaca (Margarita a Cruce/Margarita de la Cruz, 1567-1633)

OSC. Austrian Poor Clare. Born in Vienna on 25 January 1557 as daughter of Emperor Maximilian II and Maria of Spain. After the death of her father she retired to a convent in Prague. Later, she joined her sibling Juana (and her mother) in the Descalzas Reales monastery in Madrid. Unlike Juana, Margarita became a Poor Clare herself, after refusing a marriage with Philip II of Spain, taking her profession in 1585. She became active as an educator and as a propagator of the immaculate conception. She died on 5 July 1633. After the death of her mother in 1603, the Spanish composer Tom�s Luis de Victoria wrote a requiem mass for her, dedicating it to Margarita.


Palacio Espiritual. Officios espirituales de la Reina del Cielo. Included in the twelfth chapter of Ippolito Marracci, Heroides Marianae, seu de illustrium foeminarum principum in Maiam Deiparam Virginem Pietate (Rome: Typis Ignatij de Lazaris, 1659). Cf. Escritoras Clarisas Espa�olas. Antolog�a, ed. Maria Victoria Trivi�o, OSC, Biblioteca de autores cristianos 523 (Madrid, 1992), 83-93.

Exercicios de devoci�n y oraci�n para todo el discurso del a�o del real monasterio de las Descalzas en Madrid (Antwerp: Ioannes Moretus-Plantin, 1622).

Cartas, including Cartas a Felipe II, Carta al Arzobispo de Zaragoza (on the immaculate conception), Carta al P. Bartolom� de los R�os, agostino [also included in Ippolito Marracci, Heroides Marianae, seu de illustrium foeminarum principum in Maiam Deiparam Virginem Pietate (Rome: Typis Ignatij de Lazaris, 1659)], Carta a su prima Isabel Clara Eugenia [also included in Ippolito Marracci, Heroides Marianae, seu de illustrium foeminarum principum in Maiam Deiparam Virginem Pietate (Rome: Typis Ignatij de Lazaris, 1659)].

Spiritual autobiography (March 1632), included in: Juanet�n Ni�o, A la Serenissima Se�ora Infanta Sor Margarita de la Cruz, religiosa descal�a de su Real Convento de Descal�as Franciscas de Madrid en razon del interrogatorio en la causa de la venerable virgen soror Ana Maria de San Ioseph, abadessa de la mesma orden, y Prouincia de Santiago, en Salamanca (Salamanca: Jacinto Taberniel, 1632/Mexico: Bernardo Calder�n, 1635/Salamanca: Francisco Roales Roma�a, 1645/Lima: Jorge L�pez de Herrera, 1650). Juanet�n Ni�o was Margarita's last confessor for whom she compiled a spiritual autobiography between March 1 and April 1 1632.


J. de Palma, Vida de la seren�sima infanta Sor Margarita de la Cruz, religiosa descalza de Santa Clara (Madrid, 1623 & Sevilla, 1633); Juanet�n Ni�o, A la serenissima Se�ora Infanta sor Margarita de la Cruz, religiosa descalza en su Real convento de Descalzas Franciscas de Madrid. En razon del interrogatorio en la causa de la venerable virgen Sor Ana Mar�a de S. Ioseph, Abadessa de la misma Orden, y provincia de Santiago, en Salamanca (Salamanca: Jacinto Taberniel, 1632) [Accessible via the Biblioteca Nacional of Madrid, call nr. 2-70810].


Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 516; Serrano y Sanz, Apuntes para una biblioteca de escritores espa�oles (Madrid, 1903) I, 87-92; Archivo Ibero-Americano 38 (1935), 45-75; Archivo Ibero-Americano, n.s. 15 (1955), 606ff; Hispania Sacra 24 (1971), 187-234.





Maria Clemente Ruoti (fl. first half 17th cent.)

OSC. Italian Poor Clare ane member of the the S. Girolamo convent, Florence. She is the author of a number of theater pieces. Weaver (�Le muse in convento�, 269) writes on these pieces: �In questo genere, pi� che nelle cronache, le monache parlano di s�. Parlano chiaro, pur se indirettamente, dei loro sentimenti e delle difficolt� e delle gioie della vita in comune. Il Giacob patriacra non � tanto la storia di Giacobbe, quanto quella della difficile convivenza delle donne della sua famiglia; e il Natal di Cristo � una storia del trionfo di caste, virtuose donne.� Her renown as a playwright and theorician of theatre was so great, that she was invited to become a member of the Florentine Accademia degli Apatisti (the first woman and the only nun ever accepted there?).


Giacob Patriarca. Azione drammatica di Suor Maria Clemente Ruoti. (Pisa: Francesco delle Dote, 1637). Accessible via the Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale of Florence and via Google Books.

Natal di Cristo (1657): MS Florence, Biblioteca Riccardiana cod. 2783.


Weaver, E B. 'Spiritual Fun: A Study of Sixteenth-Century Tuscan Convent Theater', in: Women in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance: Literary and Historical Perspectives, ed. Mary Beth Rose (Syracuse, 1986), 173-205; Elissa B. Weaver, 'Le muse in convento', in: Donne e fede, ed. Lucetta Scaraffia and Gabriella Zarri (Roma-Bari: Laterza, 1994), 253-276; Elissa B. Weaver, 'Suor Maria Clemente Ruoti, Playwright and Academician', in: Creative Women in Medieval and Early Modern Italy, ed. E. Ann Matter & John Coakley (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1995), 281-296; Elissa Weaver, Convent Theater in Early Modern Italy: Spiritual Fun and Learning for Women (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002), ad indicem.





Maria Coelesta (Maria Celeste Galilei, d. 1634)

OSC. Italian Clarissan nun. Daughter of the physicist and astronomer Galileo Galilei. Born of his long illicit liaison with Marina Gamba of Venice. Shortly after her thirteenth birthday, her father placed Maria Celeste in the Convent of San Matteo in Arcetri, south of Florence. Daughter and father kept up a correspondence, and about 120 of her letters have survived.


Lettere. See for editions for instance Una Rosa. Quattro lettere al Padre (Vicenza: la Locusta, 2000). For transcripts of most letters, see: The Galileo Project, Maria Celeste Galileo's Daughter: Letters and Essays [ ], as well as Virginia Galilei, Lettere al padre [ ]


Antonio Favaro, Galileo Galilei e suor Maria Celeste (Florence: G. Barb�ra, 1891); Dava Sobel, Galileo's Daughter: A Historical Memoir of Science, Faith, and Love (New York: Walker & Co., 1999); Jutta G. Sperling, Convents and the Body Politic in Renaissance Venice (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1999), ad indicem.





Maria de Angelis (Mar�a de Los Angeles, 1731-1789)

OSC. Spanish Poor Clare.


Cartas. See: Nicola Gori, 'Il dolore unito all'opera sacerdotale. Una lettera di Sr. Mar�a de los �ngeles de Jes�s, clarissa', Forma Sororum 41:6 (2004), 309-314; Escritoras Clarisas Espa�olas. Antolog�a, ed. Maria Victoria Trivi�o, OSC, Biblioteca de autores cristianos 523 (Madrid, 1992), 330-331.


Escritoras Clarisas Espa�olas. Antolog�a, ed. Maria Victoria Trivi�o, OSC, Biblioteca de autores cristianos 523 (Madrid, 1992), 330-331; Nicola Gori, 'Il dolore unito all'opera sacerdotale. Una lettera di Sr. Mar�a de los �ngeles de Jes�s, clarissa', Forma Sororum 41:6 (2004), 309-314.





Maria de Angelo (Mar�a Angeles/Mar�a Angela, fl. 18th cent.)

OSCCap. Spanish Peruvian Capuchin nun from the Lima convent. Abbess of her community. Several of her works are mentioned by Serrano y Sanz.


Carta de edificaci�n acerca de la vida y ejemplar muerte de Sor Mar�a Catalina, hermana profesa de velo blanco, en nuestro monasterio de capuchinas de Jes�s, Mar�a y Jos�, de la ciudad de Lima (1767).


Pedro Garcia y Sanz, Apuntes para la historia eclesi�stica del Per�, segunda parte: La historia del Arzobispado de Lima, desde el viii hasta el XVII arzobispo, inclusive (Lima: 'La Sociedad', 1876), 457-458; Serrano y Sanz, Apuntes para una biblioteca de escritores espa�oles, II (Madrid, 1903), 38.





Maria de Antigua (Mar�a Rodr�guez/Maria de la Antigua, 1566-1617)

OSC. Spanish Poor Clare. Born as Mar�a Rodr�guez near Sevilla in Cazalla de la Sierra as an illegitimate child. She was initially taken care of by the Dominican nuns of Nuestra Se�ora de la Antigua and several other benefactors, whereas her parents placed themselves under the protection of the Poor Clares of Marchena. Eventually, Mar�a became a conversa at the Poor Clare monastery of Marchena at the age of 13, to make her full profession around 1580. She worked as the community�s cook, but gradually made a name for herself through her ascetical exercises and mental prayer sessions, especially after she came under the spiritual direction of the Franciscan friar Bernardino de Corvera. Her religious aspirations were badly received by her fellow nuns, and in July 1617 Mar�a de Antigua left for the newly established Mercedarias Descalzas at Lora del R�o, with the help of her second confessor, Andr�s Gamero. She died three months later, on 22 September 1617. The women at Lora del R�o claimed Mar�a as one of their own, and started proceedings for her beatification, yet this resulted into a conflict with the Franciscans. The bodily remains of Mar�a were transferred to a Recollect Poor Clare monastery at Marchena, founded with the support of the Dukes of Arcos. The Franciscans started their own proceedings for Mar�a�s beatification in 1671. In 1677 the Mercedarias Descalzas published a biography of Mar�a de la Antigua. A year later, the Franciscans responded with the publication of Mar�a�s autobiographical >Desenga�o de Religiosos, written near the end of her life.


Desenga�o de religiosos/Vida de la benerable madre maria de la antigua, religiosa professa lega de la orden de nostro Padre San Francisco que fue de el conbento de Santa Clara de Marchena: MS Madrid, Archivo Hist�rico Nacional, Inc., legajo 3702, Caja 1 & 2 (17th cent. copy). Mar�a wrote this text between 1614 and May 1615 at the request of her Franciscan confessor Bernardino de Corvera. The Autograph manuscript would have counted 1375 pages. That manuscript was handed over to the Franciscan chronicler Antonio Daza, but disappeared in the fire of the Abrojo friary in 1624. A surviving copy was made by Andr�s Gamero, a commissioner of the Inquisition in Fuentes, who was also a confessor of Mar�a de la Antigua.
This work was eventually published in amended form as Mar�a de la Antigua, Desenga�o de Religiosos y almas que tratan de Virtud, escrito por la V. Madre Sor Mar�a de la Antigua, Religiosa Professa de velo blanco en la esclarecida Orden de Santa Clara en el Convento de la Villa de Marchena de la Santa Provincia de Andalucia (Sevilla: Juan Cabezas, 1678 & 1690/Barcelona: Jos� Llopis, 1697 & Juan Piferrer, 1720). This work, issued by Franciscan friars, is an edition of the autobiography written at Marchena around 1614/1615. It contains a wealth of small poems and religious reflections. See also Escritoras Clarisas Espa�olas. Antolog�a, ed. Maria Victoria Trivi�o, OSC, Biblioteca de autores cristianos 523 (Madrid, 1992), 74-82. (with textual fragments taken from her works).

Relaciones, directed at Andr�s Gamero et al.: MS Madrid, Biblioteca nacional 6674, ff. 23r-63r. This text was compiled by Mar�a in the house of the Mercedarias Descalzas at Lora del R�o during the last year of her life, at the request of her confessor Andr�s Gamero. The surviving manuscript is a copy prepared by the Mercedaire Juan de la Presentaci�n.


Informaci�n y actos hechos (�) en horden a la loable vida, virtudes y milagros de la Venerable Sor Mar�a de la Antigua, Religiosa que fue del orden de nro Pe San Francisco, a instancia, y petici�n de la Religi�n de nuestro Padre San Francisco (1671): MS Rome, Archivo Segreto Vaticano, Congr. Rituum, processus 1093; Andr�s de San Agust�n, Vida exemplar, admirables virtudes y muerte prodigiosa de la V. Madre e iluminada Virgen Soror Mar�a de la Antigua, Monja en las mercenarias Descalzas de la Villa de Lora, donde murio (Madrid: Antonio Gonz�lez de Reyes, 1677). This is the Mercedarian version of Mar�a�s life, using Mar�a�s various writings as well witness statements by the nuns present with her at Lora del R�o.


Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 516; DSpirX, 483; Isabelle Poutrin, Le voile et la plume. Autobiographie et saintet� f�minine dans l�Espagne moderne, Biblioth�que de la Casa de Vel�zquez (Madrid-Ciudad Universitaria: Casa de Vel�zquez, 1995), ad indicem; Mar�a Teresa Ruiz Barrera, 'La venerable Madre Mar�a de la Antigua: Notas para su iconograf�a', in: El Franciscanismo en Andaluc�a. Actas de los V y VI Cursos de Verano (C�rdoba : Cajasur, 2002), 159-177.





Maria de Ascensione (Mar�a de la Asunci�n, fl. 17th cent.)

OSC. Spanish Observant Poor Clare and member of the Descalcas monastery of Salamanca. Poet.


Funestos versos sobre el Psalmo 82, published in: Fundaci�n del monasterio de Salamanca (1696), Book IV.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 322; S. Eijan, La poes�a franciscana (Santiago, 1936), 275-276.





Maria de Ayala (d. 1634)

OIC. Spanish Conceptionist nun and member of the monasterio de la Orden de la Inmaculada Concepci�n in Toledo.


Tratado de los caminos de la oraci�n perfetta. Out of humility, she would have destroyed the work after she had finished it.


Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 516;





Maria de Beato Amadeo (Maria del Beato Amedeo Vercellone, d. 1670)

OSCCap. Italian Capuchin nun. Member of the Nostra Signora del Suffragio convent of Turin.


Nulla temo nell'obbedienza - Memorie della Venerabile Madre Maria del Beato Amedeo Vercellone, Clarissa Cappuccina del Monastero di Nostra Signora del Suffragio di Torino, Scritti autografi, ed. Nicola Gori (Rome: Ed. San Clemente, 2007).


Collectanea Franciscana 79 (2009), 421-423.





Maria de Christo (Mar�a de Cristo G�mez, 1654-1711)

TOR. Spanish Tertiary. Mar�a G�mez was born in the Badajoz region (La Parra, Extremadura) as the daughter of relatively well-to-do parents. She was drawn to the religious life at an early age and became a Franciscan tertiary at the age of sixteen, adopting the name Mar�a de Jes�s. She started a community of beguines or �beatas� in La Parra, which followed the Franciscan tertiary rule and had constitutions that received ecclesiastical approval from the bishop of Badajoz. At the age of 21, Mar�a had become novice master. Around the same time she became known for her extreme asceticism and for her religious extasies. Partly due to her saintly reputation, she became prior of her community around 1676. In this function, she would help create another beguinage in the neighbouring town of Almendralejo. Around 1685, the Franciscan theologian Fernando de San Antonio Capilla became her confessor. At his request she wrote in 1704 or 1705 a spiritual autobiography, which Fernando later used for his own vita of Mar�a.


Spiritual autobiography (1704-1705). This work, written in La Parra, formed the basis of the hagiography written by her long-term spiritual director Fernando de San Antonio Capillo. See under vitae below.


Fernando de San Antonio Capilla, Vida singular de la Madre Mar�a de Christo Venerable, por esclarecida Virgen, par su riguroda penitencia, por los favores que recibio de Dios y por fundadora de los Beaterios en las Villas de La Parra, y Almendralejo (Madrid: Manuel Ruiz de Murga, 1716).


Isabelle Poutrin, Le voile et la plume. Autobiographie et saintet� f�minine dans l�Espagne moderne, Biblioth�que de la Casa de Vel�zquez (Madrid-Ciudad Universitaria: Casa de Vel�zquez, 1995), ad indicem.





Maria de Ceo (Maria do C�u/Maria do Ceo/Maria do Ceo del Cielo and Maria del Cielo, 1658-1753)

TOR. Portuguese Franciscan Sister. Born in Lisbon on 11 September 1659 as the daughter of Antonio d'E�a and Catalina de Tavora. Joined the order in the Nossa Senhora de Piedade de Esperan�a monastery (Lisbon) and took the habit on 27 June 1676. Two times abbess of her community. Known for her linguistic interests and for her poetry. Most works were published at first under the pseudonym Marina Clemencia. She also maintained a long correspondence with the Dukes of Medinaceli.


Escarmentos de Flores (1681): MS Co�mbra, Biblioteca Geral da Universidade de Coimbra, check!

Agravo e Desagravo da Miseric�rdia: MS Porto, Biblioteca P�blica Municipal, check!

Cartas aos Duques de Medinaceli: MS. Lisbon, Biblioteca Nacional de Lisboa, Fundo antigo, check!

A vida de Santa Petronila: MS Lost?

Vida da Madre Elena da Cruz: MS Lost?

Comedies (Amor es fe, En la cura va la flexa (1676), Las Rosas con las Espigas, Perguntarlo a las Estrellas (1676), Clavel y Rosa, La flor de las Finezas, Las l�grimas de Roma, Mayor Fineza de Amor, Tres redenciones del hombre, Perla y Rosa, En la mas escura noche). Some of these are included in collected works and collections of Portuguese theatre pieces. See for more information also the 1990 study by Ana Hatherly.

A Feniz Apparecida na Vida, Morte, Sepultura & Milagres da glorioza S. Catharina, Rainha de Alexandria, Virgem & Martyr, Com sua Novena e Peregrina��o ao Sinay, Escrita por Marina Clemencia, Religiosa de Sa� Francisco no Convento da Ilha de S. Miguel (Lisbon: Officina Deslandesiana, 1715/1733).

A Preciosa, Allegoria moral, offerecida � Excellentissima Senhora D. Maria Anna das Estrellas, Religiosa no Mosteiro da Esperan�a de Lisboa, e publicada por D Jayme de la Te e Sagau, Cavalleiro da Ordem de S�o Tiago. Sua Authora a Madre Marina Clemencia, Religiosa de Sa� Francisco no Mosteiro da Ilha de Sa� Miguel (Lisbon: Officina da Musica, 1731)/La Preciosa. Alegoria Moral, Atribuida Al P. D. Teodoro de Almeyda, Del Oratorio Y Congregacion De San Felipe Neri. Que Del Idioma Portugues Traduxo Al Castellano, Para Comun Utilidad, Y Recreo Espiritual Del Pueblo Christiano Don Narciso Varela de Castro (Madrid: Imprenta, Y Libreria Del D. Antonio Ulloa, 1791/Madrid, Imprenta, Y Lib. Del D. Antonio Ulloa, 1792).

A Preciosa. Obras de miseric�rdia em primorosos e mysticos di�logos expostas: Elogios dos Santos em v�rios cantos po�ticos e historicos expendidos por Marina Clemencia, Religiosa de S. Francisco no Convento da Ilha de S. Miguel; mandados � impress�o, e offerecidos � May Sant�ssima do Carmo Maria Senhora Nossa, por Sylvano das Ondas, Segunda Parte (Lisbon: Officina de Musica, 1733). See also the edition and study of Ana Hatherly (1990).

Aves Illustradas Em Avisos Para as Religiosas servirem os officios dos seus Mosteiros. Sua verdadeira Autora A. M. R. M. Maria do Ceo, Religiosa, e duas vezes Abbadesa no religiosissimo Mosteiro da Esperan�a de Lisboa Occidental da Provincia de Portugal. Dado ao Prelo pela diligencia de Joseph Francisco de Baluceato, natural da antiga Escocaia, e Catholico Romano (Lisbon: Officina de Miguel Rodrigues, Impressor do Senhor Patriarcha, 1734/Lisbon: Officina de Miguel Rodrigues, 1736/Lisbon: Officina de Miguel Rodrigues, Impressor do Senhor Patriarca, 1738).

Obras V�rias e Admir�veis da M. R. Madre Maria do Ceo, Religiosa, e duas vezes Abbadessa do Religiosissimo Mosteiro da Esperan�a de Lisboa Occidental da Provincia de Portugal, Dadas ao pr�lo Pelo zelo, e dilig�ncia do P. Francisco da Costa, do habito de S. Pedro (Lisbon: Manoel Fernandes da Costa, [impressor do Santho Officio], 1735/Lisbon: Manuel Fernandes da Costa, 1736)/Obras Varias, y admirables de la Madre Maria do Ceo, religiosa francisca, y Abadesa del Convento de la Esperanza de Lisboa: Corregidas de los muchos defectos de la edicion Portuguezsa, � ilustrada com breves Notas por el. Doct. D. Fernando de Settien Calderon de la Barca; I dedicados a la Excelent�ssima Se�ora Duquesa de Medina Coeli &c. Tomo I (Madrid: Antonio Marin, 1744). Also includes the text A Peregrina.

Enganos do Bosque, Dezenganos do Rio. Em que a Alma entra perdida, e sahe dezenganada. Com outras muitas obras varias, e admiraveis, todas por sua verdadeira Autora A M. R. Madre Soror Maria do Ceo, Religiosa, e duas vezes Abbadessa do Religiosissimo Mosteiro da Esperan�a de Lisboa Occidental da Provincia de Portugal. Dadas � estampa pelo zelo, e diligencia do P. Francisco da Costa, do habito de S. Pedro (Lisbon: Officina de Manoel Fernandes da Costa, 1736)/Enganos do Bosque, Dezenganos do Rio, Primeira e Segunda parte (Lisbon: Ant�nio Isidoro da Fonseca, 1741).

Triunfo do Ros�rio (Lisbon: Manuel Rodrigues, 1733)/Triunfo do Ros�rio, repartido em Cinco Autos do mesmo muito devotos, e divertidos, pelas singulares id�as, com que os compoz A Muito Reverenda Madre Maria do Ceo, Religiosa, e duas vezes Abadessa do Religiosissimo Mosteiro da Esperan�a de Lisboa da Provincia de Portugal (Lisbon: Off. Miguel Manescal da Costa, 1740).

Met�foras das Flores, Produc��o da muito virtuosa e muito reverenda madre Maria do C�o, que foi duas vezes abbadessa no Religiossimo Mosteiro da Esperan�a de Lisboa. Dadas � Estampa Em 1734 Pelo zelo e intelligencia do reverendo Padre Francisco da Costa, do habito de S. Pedro (Lisboa: Typographia Central, 1873).


Ana Hatherly, A preciosa de S�ror Maria do C�u: edi��o actualizada do c�dice 3773 da Biblioteca Nacional precedida dum estudo Hist�rico (Instituto Nacional de Incestiga�o Cientifica, 1990). See also and





Maria de Cruce (Maria de la Cruz/Mar�a de Borja y Arag�n, 1513-1582)

OSC. Spanish Poor Clare. Eldest daughter of the Duke (of Gand�a) Juan de Borja y Enriquez and Do�a Juana de Arag�n (his first wife), and therefore the oldest sister of Francisco Borja. At the age of eleven, she left the ducal palace and entered the Santa Chiara monastery of Gand�a. She made her full profession at the age of 14 (under the abbatiate of Cecilia Coll (1519-1525). She had close contact with her confessor Nicola Fattori. She died at the age of 68, during the abbatiate of her sister Maria Gabriela de Borja.


Cartas/Littera. Some are edited in: Monumenta Historica Societatis Jesi I, 399, IV, 219-221, 484ff. [three letters to Francisco Borja] & IV, 397-399 [letter to Manuel Navarro SJ]. Textual fragments taken from her works can be found in Escritos Clarisas Espa�olas. Antolog�a, ed. Maria Victoria Trivi�o, OSC, Biblioteca de autores cristianos 523 (Madrid, 1992), 28-30.


L. Amores, 'El monasterio de S. Clara de Gandia y la familia ducal de los Borjas', Archivo Ibero-Americano 2nd s. 2 (1960), 267ff, 418ff, 441-486; Chiara-Augusta Lainati, Temi spirituali dagli Scritti del Secondo Ordine Francescano, Antologie del pensiero spirituale francescani, 2/11 (Assisi, 1970), ad indicem.





Maria de Cruce Mar�a de la Cruz Baeza, 1684-1754)

OSC. Spanish Poor Clare from Belmonte (Cuenca) who professed in the Santa Clara de Hell�n monastery (Albacete). Corresponded with her former confessor Fr. Jos� Clares. He later would write her biography.


Cartas. For textual fragments, see Escritos Clarisas Espa�olas. Antolog�a, ed. Maria Victoria Trivi�o, OSC, Biblioteca de autores cristianos 523 (Madrid, 1992), 301-309.


Jos� Clares, Vida prodigiosa de la Ven. Madre Sor Mar�a de la Cruz Baeza, profesa de velo blanco en el religios�simo convento de nuestra Madre Santa Clara de la villa de Hell�n: MS Archive Murcia. Cf. Juan Bautista Vilar & Mar�a Jos� Vilar,�Mujeres, Iglesia y secularizaci�n: el Monasterio de Santa Clara la Real de Murcia en el tr�nsito de la Ilustraci�n al Liberalismo (1788-1874) (Murcia: Ediciones de la Universiad de Murcia, 2021), 422.


To be continued...





Maria de Jesu (Maria de G�su/Maria de Agreda/Maria F�rnandez Coronel/Mar�a de Jes�s de �greda, 1602-1665)

OIC. Spanish Conceptionist Franciscan nun. Abbess and important spiritual author. Especially known for her 8-volume Mistica Ciudad de Dios. She was born as the daughter of Francisco Coronel and Catalina Arana. Not long after Mar�a�s birth, the mother decided to transform the family�s house into a convent of Franciscan Conceptionists. The father and two of Mar�a�s brothers entered the Franciscan order (ca. 1617). Mar�a took the habit at the Franciscan conceptionist monastery of Agreda, where she lived with her mother and sister. She pronounced her solemn vows in 1620, changing her name from Mar�a Coronel into Mar�a de Jes�s. She became renowned for her ecstasies and she was repeatedly mentally transported to the Indian lands where she would have evangelized the natives. In 1627, at the age of 25, Mar�a was elected abbess of her community, a position she kept almost without interruption (except for the years 1652-1655) until her death. She proved an efficient and inspiring leader, but in 1635 the inquisition started an investigation into her ecstasies, her alleged mental travels to the Indian lands, her religious teachings and her distribution of blessed rosaries. The interest of the inquisition and Franciscan support for her cause, brought her large fame, which also resulted into a visit by King Philip IV, and subsequently led to a correspondence Philip and Maria that lasted until her death. Inquisitorial investigations were relaunched in 1649, yet she was ultimately aquitted. Mar�a started writing her autobiography between 1643-45 at the request of her confessor. Yet she burned the manuscript in 1649 before the inquisitors arrived. She wrote a second version that was published in Madrid in 1670, causing a number of theological controversies. The Sorbonne in Paris forbade the book in 1696, and it was later placed on the Roman Index. At the same time, Mar�a had such a reputation of saintlines, that beatification inquiries were started by the Archbishop of Tarazona. An apostolic process began in 1678 and eventually received official approval by the Congregatio Rituum in 1757. Further progress was stalled by ongoing controversies surrounding Maria's Mistica Ciudad, and in 1778 Pope Clement XIV called for people to remain silent about the beatification process. Aside from the M�stica Ciudad, Mar�a compiled other texts. Hence, around 1651, she wrote at the request of the provincial minister Pedro Manero an account of her mystical travels to New Mexico, in which she also relates her entry into spiritual life and explained her knowledge of Latin. Shortly before her death, Mar�a wrote an (incomplete) account of her youth and the origin of the convent founded by her parents.


Mistica Ciudad de Dios, Milagros de su omnipotencia y abismo de la gracia. Historia divina, y vida de la Virgen Madre de Dios, Reyna y Se�ora nuestra Mar�a Santissima, Restaurada de la culpa de Eva, y Medianera de la gracia. Manifestada en estos ultimos siglos por la misma Se�ora a su Esclava sor Mar�a de Agreda, Abadesa del convento de la Inmaculada Concepci�n, de la Villa de Agreda, de la Provincia de Burgos, de la Regular Observancia de N.S.P. San Francisco, para nueva luz de el mundo, y alegria de la Iglesia Catolica, y confianza de los mortales, 3 Vols. (Madrid: Bernardo de Villa-Diego, 1670); Mistica Ciudad de Dios, ed. Joseph Ximenez de Samaniego, 6 Vols. (Valencia: Juan de Baeza, 1695); Mistica ciudad de Dios, milagro de su omnipotenc�a y abysmo de la gracia historia divima y vida de la Virgen Madre de Dios (...), 3 Vols. (Barcelona: J. Jolis, 1696); Mystica ciudad de Dios, milagro de su omnipotencia, y abismo de la gracia historia divina, y vida de la Virgen, madre de Dios, reyna, y se�ora nuestra, Maria santissima, restauradora de la culpa de Eva, y medianera de la gracia (Imprenta de la Causa de la V. Madre, 1720); Mar�a de Jes�s, M�stica Ciudad de Dios. Vida de Mar�a, ed. Celestino Solaguren (Madrid: MM. Concepcionistas de Agreda, 1982). This surviving second version of the Mistica Ciudad de Dios (first version destroyed by herself in 1649) was written at the request of the Franciscan Andr�s de Fuenmayor. The autograph manuscript is kept in the Conceptionist monastery of Agreda. An early Italian translation appeared as: Mistica citt� di Dio. Istoria divina e vita della Vergine madre di Dio e Signora nostra Maria SS. Manifestata alla sua serva Suor Maria di Ges�, 5 Vols. (Antwerp, 1717). See also: Abreg� de la Cit� mistique de Dieu ou de la Vie de la Tr�s-Sainte Vierge, manifest�e le si�cle dernier � la S�ur Marie de J�sus, abbesse du monast�re de l'Immacul�e Conception de la ville d'Agreda, �crite par la m�me S�ur par ordre de ses sup�rieurs & de ses confesseurs (Nancy: Nicolas Baltazard, 1727); Vie divine de la Tr�s Sainte Vierge Marie. R�sum� de La Cit� mystique de Dieu traduction par l'abb� Joseph-Antoine Boullan. sur le site de l'abbaye Saint-Beno�t; Mistica Citt� di Dio. Vita della Vergine Madre di Dio, ed. Herbert Schneider et al., 2 Vols., Bibliotheca Mariana Franciscana 2, 1-2 (S. Maria degli Angeli-Assisi-Vatican City: Edizioni Porziuncola-Pontificia Accademia Mariana Internationalis, 2002). Cf. review of edition in Collectanea Franciscana 74 (2004), 456-458; The Life of Mary Revisited. Being an abridgment of The Mystical City of God by Ven. Mary of �greda, abridgment by Mary Frances Hilbert from the English Translation by George J. Blatter (Westwood (Mass.): W.P. Reynolds, 2004).

Cartas del Rey nuestro Se�or para Sor Maria de Jes�s y sus Respuestas: MS. Agreda, Conceptionalist monastery. For a French translation, see: La S. Marie d'Agr�da et Philippe IV� Correspondance in�dite � Manuscrit de A. Germond de Lavigne (Paris: Biblioth�que Nationale, 1855). See also Correspondencia con Felipe IV, 2 Vols. (Madrid, 1942); Cartas, edited in Archivo Ibero-Americano 2 (1908), 492, Archivo Ibero-Americano 3 (1909), 435-457, Archivo Ibero-Americano 4 (1910), 282-297, Archivo Ibero-Americano 5 (1911), 413-438, Archivo Ibero-Americano 7 (1913), 105-122, Archivo Ibero-Americano 8 (1914), 122ff. One letter apparently can be found in J. Geiger Maynard, Pal�u�s Life of Fray Juniper of Serra (Washington, 1955).

Relaci�n que la Venerable Sor Mar�a de JHS Religiosa del Convento de Agreda hizo, y escrivio de su letra, del estado y progreso de su vida por mandato de sus superiores (1769): a.o. MS Madrid, Bib. Nac., ff. 628r-643v. An autograph copy seemingly resides in the Agreda monastery. For more manuscript information, see the Diccionario filol�gico de literatura espa�ola (Siglo XVII) of Pablo Jauralde Pou. An edition of this text was included in the sixth volume of the 1695 Valencia edition of the Mistica Ciudad de Dios: Relacion de la vida de la Venerable Madre Sor Maria de Jesus, escritora destos libros, ed. Joseph Ximenez de Samaniego (Valencia: Juan de Baeza, 1695)]

Relaci�n que la Venerable Madre hizo al P. Pedro Manero sobre las cosas de su esp�ritu: a.o. MSS Soria, Archivo de las MM. Conceptionistas de �greda, Caja 1, Carpeta 2; Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional, 153, ff. 165-192v. For more manuscript information, see the Diccionario filol�gico de literatura espa�ola (Siglo XVII) of Pablo Jauralde Pou. This work seems to have received a modern edition in Estudios Franciscanos 17 (1916), 204-226, 300-306, and it was also included in M. Pe�a Gard�a, Sor Mar�a de Jes�s de �greda, Biogr�f�a, II (�greda, 2006), 107-114.

Tratado o suma breve de la Vida y Muerte del V.P. Francisco Coronel y de la V. M. Sor Catalina de Arana su muger, del orden de N. Serafico Padre San Francisco, y Fundadores del convento de la Purissima Concepci�n Descal�as de la villa de Agreda. Fundaci�n de este Convento, y Subcesos de la hedad pueril, y primeros Crepusculos de la Divina Gracia, con que illustro la Luz del Altissimo a la V.M. Sor Mar�a de Jes�s su hija Abbadesa que fue de dho Convento: MS Madrid, Bib. Nac. 9417 ff. 51r-87r (an. 1724). An autograph of this text is kept at the Agreda monastery. For more manuscript information, see the Diccionario filol�gico de literatura espa�ola (Siglo XVII) of Pablo Jauralde Pou. The beginning is for instance published as �Tratados autobiogr�ficos de la Madre Agreda�, in: Epistolario Espa�ol (Madrid: B.A.E., 1958) II, 205-230.

Un modo de hacer ejercicios espirituales, tratato breve sobre la Pasi�n de N.tro Se�or, Lucerna encendida para caminar en la noche de esta mortalidad al dia eterno de la patria celestial, Patronato de Maria Santissima, Se�ora nuestra (Totana, Murcia, 1919).

Escala para subir a la perfecci�n: o.a. MSS Soria, Archivo de las MM. Conceptionistas de �greda Caja 27, Carpeta 2; Caja 27, Carpeta 5; Caja 33, Carpeta 1; Madrid, Monasterio de las Descalzas Reales F/50; Valladoli, Archivio del Colegio de Santa Cruz, 411; Valladolid, Archivo del Colegio de Santa Cruz, 411, ff. 1-66v; N�jera, Archivo del Convento de los PP. Franciscanos de Santa Mar�a la Real (La Rioja), Carpeta 51 & Carpeta 52; Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional, 2322, ff. 56-104; Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional 6057, ff. 1-128; Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional 6817, ff. 1-95v; Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional 8777; Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional 9416, ff. 441v-545v; etc.... For a modern edition, see: Escala para subir a la perfecci�n, ed. E. Royo, Otras obras de la Venerable Sor Maria de Jes�s de �greda, I (Barcelona: Herederos de Juan Gili, 1915) [based on manuscript copies from the Archivo de las MM. Conceptionistas de �greda]; Cartas de Sor Mer�a de Jes�s de �greda y de Felope IV, ed. C. Seco Serrano (Madrid: Atlas, 1958) II, 386-486.

Leies de la Esposa entre las hijas de Si�n dilect�ssima (...): a.o MSS Monserrat, Biblioteca del Monasterio, 48 [18th cent., 286 folios] & 660, ff. 1-164; Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional 2051, ff. 101-183v; Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional 2322, ff. 1-55v; Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional 6817, ff. 101-160; Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional 9359; Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional 9417, ff. 222-391; Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional 9981, ff. 275-318v; Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional 10908, ff. 1-237; to be continued... See also: Leyes de la Esposa entre las hijas de Si�n dilect�ssima, �pices de su casto amor, ed. Eduardo Royo, Otras obras de la Venerable Sor Maria de Jes�s de �greda, II (Barcelona: Herederos de Juan Gili, 1916).

Leyes de la Esposa. Conceptos y suspiros del coraz�n para alcanzar el �ltimo y verdadero f�n del benepl�cito del Esposo y Se�or/Leyes Segundas de la Esposa: o.a MSS Monserrat, Biblioteca del Monasterio 553; Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional 6057, ff. 128v-198v; Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional 6111, ff. 1-264v; Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional 7555; Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional 9417, ff. 154-216v; Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional 9561, ff. 391-443v; Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional 12000; Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional 13759, pp. 119-264; El Escorial, Real Biblioteca del Monasterio de San Lorenzo, 489 [], pp. 1-19; To be continued... See also: Leyes de la Esposa. Conceptos y suspiros del coraz�n para alcanzar el �ltimo y verdadero f�n del benepl�cito del Esposo y Se�or, ed. Eduardo Royo, Otras obras de la Venerable Sor Maria de Jes�s de �greda, III-IV (Barcelona: Editorial Lit�rgica Espa�ola (Sucesores de Juan Gili Editores), 1920); Leyes Segundas de la Esposa, conceptos y suspiros del coraz�n (Madrid: Libr Hernando, s.a.).

Leyes Segundas de la Esposa, see: Leyes de la Esposa. Conceptos y suspiros del coraz�n.

Hoja del c�mputo/Computo de los a�os de Sor Mar�a de Jes�s: o.a. MS Soria, Archivo de las MM. Conceptionistas de �greda, Sin sign.

Las Sabatinas, o cuentas de conciencia, edited as: "Las Sabatinas". Diario espiritual (1651-1655), ed. Manuel Pe�a Garc�a (Burgos: Monte Carmelo, 2005).

Disciplina de la divina sciencia: MS El Escorial, Real Biblioteca del Monasterio de San Lorenzo, 489 [], pp. 20-36.

Jard�n espiritual para recreo del alma: a.o. MS. Soria, Archivo de las MM. Conceptionistas de �greda, 156 f.; N�jera, Archivo del Convento de los PP. Franciscanos de Santa Mar�a la Real (La Rioja), Carpeta 53; ... Cf. F. Javier Fuente Fern�ndez, 'Obras in�ditas de Sor Mar�a de Jes�s de �greda: El Jard�n Espiritual', in: I Congreso Internacional del Monacato Femenino en Espa�a, Portugal y Am�rica, 1492-1992, ed. Jes�s Paniagua P�rez & Mar�a Isabel Viforcos Marinas, 2 Vols. (Le�n: Universidad, 1993) II, 221-236. The work received a modern edition as Jard�n Espiritual para recreo del alma, ed. �ngel Mart�nez Mo�ux (�greda (Soria): Monasterio de la Concepci�n, 2006).

Libro que trata de la redondez del mundo.

Explicaci�n de la letan�a.

Avisos de perfecci�n.

Tesoro divino y gu�a del cielo.

Nivel del alma para nivelarla, ajustarla y llegarla a Dios.

Exercicio quotidiano para ocupar bien las horas del dia con algunas deuociones, y oraciones. El exercicio de la Cruz, y la Passion de Cristo nuestro Se�or, y lo que padecio su santissima Madre (...): MS MS El Escorial, Real Biblioteca del Monasterio de San Lorenzo, 489 [], pp. 141-296. For more information on the manuscript transmission and other editions of this work, see Julio C. Varas Garc�a, 'Mar�a de Jes�s de �greda', in: Diccionario filol�gico de literatura espa�ola, Volumen I (Siglo XVII, A-M), ed. Pablo Jauralde Pou et al, Nieva Biblioteca de Erudici�n y Cr�tica (Barcelona-Madrid-Buenos Aires: Editorial Castalia, 2012), ad indicem.

Algunos sucesos de Doctrina y ense�anza para al alma: MS Soria, Archivo de las MM. Conceptionistas de �greda Caja 32, Carpeta 5 [Autograph, once in the possession of Father Alonso de Salizanes, minister general]. See also: Algunos Sucesos de Doctrina y Ense�anza para al alma (Edici�n Facs�m�l), ed. F. Javier Fuente Fern�ndez (Le�n: Gr�ficas Alse, 1993).

Observaciones y modo que han de guardar en los Exercicios de Retiro y otras devociones los Religiosos de �greda (Zaragoza, 1676 & 1700); Observaciones y modo que han de guardar en los exercicios de retiro y otras devociones las religiosas, ass� professas como novicias, del covento de la Pur�sima Concepci�n de la villa de �greda (...) conforme a lo que observaba y haz�a en ellos nuestra Venerable Madre Mar�a de Iesus y ense�o a sus religiosas (Zaragoza: Agust�n Verg�s, 1676/Zaragoza: Pedro Carreras, 1704.Zaragiza: Pedro Carreras, 1712 [10th Ed.!]/Madrid: Blas de Villa-Nueva, 1718/...). For more information on the manuscript transmission and other editions of this work, see Julio C. Varas Garc�a, 'Mar�a de Jes�s de �greda', in: Diccionario filol�gico de literatura espa�ola, Volumen I (Siglo XVII, A-M), ed. Pablo Jauralde Pou et al, Nieva Biblioteca de Erudici�n y Cr�tica (Barcelona-Madrid-Buenos Aires: Editorial Castalia, 2012), ad indicem.

Tratado de algunos avisos para bien viv�r y para ense�ar la perfecci�n.

Tratado de Pl�ticas del cumplimiento de la voluntad divina.

To be continued...Much more information is to be found in: Julio C. Varas Garc�a, 'Mar�a de Jes�s de �greda', in: Diccionario filol�gico de literatura espa�ola, Volumen I (Siglo XVII, A-M), ed. Pablo Jauralde Pou et al, Nieva Biblioteca de Erudici�n y Cr�tica (Barcelona-Madrid-Buenos Aires: Editorial Castalia, 2012), ad indicem


Related to her beatification process: ASV, Congr. Rituum, processus 3206; Eusebius Amort, Controversia de Revelationibus Agredanis explicata, cum epicrisi ad ineptas earum Revelationum vindictas (Augsburg: M. Veith, 1749). To be continued...


Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 516-517; Thomas D. Kendrick, Mary of Agreda. The Life and Legend of a Spanish Nun (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1967); Chiara-Augusta Lainati, Temi spirituali dagli Scritti del Secondo Ordine Francescano, Antologie del pensiero spirituale francescani, 2/11 (Assisi, 1970), ad indicem; DSpirX, 508-513; Joaqu�n P�rez Villanueva, 'Algo m�s sobre la Inquisici�n y Sor Mar�a de Agreda. La prodigiosa evangelizaci�n americana', Hispania Sacra 37 (1985), 585-618; Clark A. Colahan, The visions of Sor Maria de Agreda: Writing, Knowledge and Power (Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1994); Isabelle Poutrin, Le voile et la plume. Autobiographie et saintet� f�minine dans l�Espagne moderne, Biblioth�que de la Casa de Vel�zquez (Madrid-Ciudad Universitaria: Casa de Vel�zquez, 1995), ad indicem; Antonio Castillo G�mez,'La pluma de Dios. Mar�a de �greda y la escritura autorizada', Via Spiritus 6 (1999), 103-119; La Madre �greda. Una mujer del siglo XXI, Monografias Universitarias (Soria, 1999); Gaspar Calvo Moralejo, �Congresso sobre la Madre Mar�a de Jes�s de �greda (�greda, 2-5 agosto 1999)�, Marianum 61 (1999), 349-354; Gaspar Calvo Moralejo, �La Iglesia de la Trinidad y de Maria en la Vble. M. �greda�, Estudios Trinitarios 33 (1999), 385-409; Lia Pierotti-Cei, La dama azzurra. Storia di Maria de Agreda, monaca visionaria, confidente di re nella Spagna del '600 (Casale Monferrato (AL): Ed. Piemme, 2000); �ngel Mart�nez Mo�ux, 'La m�stica de la "Villa de las tres culturas". Sor Mar�a de Jes�s de �greda', Verdad y Vida 60 (2002), 355-368; Gaspar Calvo Moralejo, 'Mariolog�a trinitaria de la M. �greda. Notas para su estudio', Antonianum 77 (2002), 285-315; Enrique Llamas Mart�nez, 'La cooperaci�n de Mar�a a la Redenci�n en el siglo XVII y en la Madre Agreda ("Mistica ciudad de Dios")', in: El papel de sor Mar�a de Jes�s de Agreda en el Barroco espa�ol, ed. Y. Mart�nez Hernando & C. de la Casa Mart�nez, Monograf�as Universitarias, 13 (Soria: Universidad Internacional Alfonso VIII, 2002), 209-238; F.-G. de Cambolas, Maria d'Agreda et la Cit� Mystique de Dieu (Paris: France Europe �ditions, 2003); Adelisa Malena, L�eresia dei perfetti. Inquisizione romana ed esperienze mistiche nel Seicento italiano, Tribunali della fede, Temi e testi, 47 (Rome : Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 2003), ad indicem; Gaspar Calvo Moralejo, 'Maternidad divina y santidad de la Virgen en la Venerable Madre Maria de Jesus de Agreda (1602-1665)', in: Fons lucis. Miscellanea di studi in onore di Ermanno M. Toniolo, ed. R. Barbieri et al. (Facolt� Teologica Marianum, 2004), 409-434; Sara Cabibbo,'Carismi femminili nella Spagna barocca', in: Donne cristiane e sacerdozio. Dalle origini all�et� contemporanea, ed. Dinora Corsi (Roma: Viella, 2004); Antonio M. Artola Arriba & Benito Mend�a, La Ven. M. Mar�a de Jes�s de �greda y la Inmaculada Concepci�n: el proceso eclesi�stico a la "m�stica ciudad de Dios" (�greda-Soria: MM. Concepcionistas Franciscanas, 2004); Luis Fern�ndez de Eribe Zulueta, 'San Jos� em la historia de la salvaci�n seg�n 'La M�stica Ciudad de Dios' (1670) de Mar�a de Jes�s de �greda', Estudios Josefinos 59 (2005), 171-204; Gaspar Calvo Moralejo, 'Presencia franciscano-concepcionista en la teolog�a y espiritualidad mariana. Sor In�s de San Pablo, Venerable Madre �greda y Sor �ngeles Sorazu ', Verdad y Vida 63 (2005), 389-402; Gaspar Calvo Moralejo, 'Mar�a Pur�sima, Reina y Madre, en la M. �greda', Estudios Marianos 71 (2005), 285-297; Enrique Llamas Mart�nez, 'El siglo XVII, Siglo de Oro de la Corredenci�n Mariana', Salmanticensis 52 (2005), 213-253; Enrique Llamas Mart�nez, 'Inmaculada Concepci�n de Mar�a y corredenci�n mariana en la 'M�stica Ciudad de Dios' de la Madre �greda', Celtiberia 55 (2005), 525-566; Gaspar Calvo Moralejo, 'La Pur�sima Concepci�n de Mar�a en la "M�stica ciudad de Dios" de la M. Agreda', Antonianum 80 (2005), 85-117; Gaspar Calvo Moralejo, 'Presencia franciscano-concepcionista en la teolog�a y espiritualidad mariana. Sor In�s de San Pablo, Venerable Madre �greda y Sor �ngeles Sorazu', Verdad y Vida 63 (2005), 389-402; Mariano Artigas & Tom�s Domingo P�rez, 'La tradici�n del Pilar en sor Mar�a de Jes�s de �greda', Scripta de Maria 2nd ser. 2 (2005), 287-315; Gaspar Calvo Moralejo, 'La Eucaristia. Memorial de la Passion, y la Virgen Madre Purisima, asociada a la obra redentora de su Hijo, en la M. Agreda', Estudios Marianos 71 (2006), 175-190; Tom�s Otero L�zaro, 'La Inmaculada y la interpretaci�n de la Escritura en la 'Mistica Ciudad de Dios'', in: Entre el azul y el blanco. M�stica Ciudad de Dios, Monograf�as Universitarias, 19 (Soria: Universidad Internacional Alfonso VIII, 2006), 287-315; F�lix Ochayta Pi�eiro, 'San Jos�, esposo de Mar�a, en el misterio de la salvaci�n, seg�n la venerable Mar�a de �greda (1602-1665)', Estudios Josefinos 60 (2006), 175-211; Ernest Zaragoza i Pascual, 'Correspondencia epistolar entre el cardenal Aguirre y el rey Carlos II sobre la definici�n dogm�tica de la Inmaculada Concepci�n y la causa de sor Mar�a de �greda (1697-1699)', Salmanticensis 54 (2007), 89-121; Gaspar Calvo Moralejo, 'Los Sermones de la Asunci�n de la Virgen de San Francisco Antonio Fasani y la Madre �greda', Miles Immaculatus 43 (2007), 217-245. Luigi Borriello, Maria R. Del Genio & Tom�s Spidl�k, La Mistica parola per parola (Milan: Ancora, 2007), ad indicem; Enrique Llamas Mart�nez, La Madre �greda y la mariologia del Vaticano II. Segunda edici�n, corrigeda y aumendada (Bajadoz (Madrid): Editorial Arca de la Alianza , 2007); Antonio M. Artola Arriba, 'La 'Mistica ciudad de Dios' due denunciada a la Inquisici�n', Revista Teol�gica Limense 42 (2008), 383-390; Gaspar Calvo Moralejo, 'El escotismo de la M�stica Ciudad de Dios y su influencia en el proceso de beatificaci�n de la M. �greda', in: Giovanni Duns Scoto: studi e ricerche nel VII centenario della sua morte: in onore di P. Ce�sar Saco, Medioevo, 15 (Roma: Antonianum, 2008) II, 257-278; Julio C. Varas Garc�a, 'Mar�a de Jes�s de �greda', in: Diccionario filol�gico de literatura espa�ola, Volumen I (Siglo XVII, A-M), ed. Pablo Jauralde Pou et al, Nieva Biblioteca de Erudici�n y Cr�tica (Barcelona-Madrid-Buenos Aires: Editorial Castalia, 2012), ad indicem [with a lot of additional information on manuscripts and editions of individual works!]; El proceso eclesi�stico de la M�stica Ciudad de Dios de la Venerable Madre �greda (Vatican City, 2015); D. Alberto P�rez Camarma, Sor Mar�a de Jes�s de �greda: Entre la obediencia religiosa a Roma y la pr�ctica pol�tica de la monarqu�a cat�lica, PhD. Thesis (Universidad Aut�noma de Madrid, 2019) [accessible on-line via].





Maria de Jesu (Ruana) (Mar�a Ruana/Mar�a de Jes�s, 1616-1666)

TOR. Spanish Tertiary/Beata. Mar�a Ruana was a labourer�s daughter from the Extremadura (El Guijo de Coria). After the death of her mother, when Mar�a was three years old, she was taken in by the farmer�s widow Juana P�rez, who had become a Francican beata/tertiary under the spiritual direction of the local parish priest Pedro �lvarez Estrada, a propagator of the Franciscan third order in El Gujio de Coria. Mar�a Ruana became a Franciscan tertiary herself in 1629. After the death of Juana, Mar�a stayed in her house, turning it into a place for religious reunions and pious reading sessions. In 1640, in the midst of the Hispano-Portuguese war, Mar�a received a vision telling her that the creation of a Carmelite monastery would help restore the peace. With the help of her confessor she tried to bring this about, traveling to Salamanca in 1644, where she was examined by a group of theologians, and subsequently in Madrid, where she was examined theologically once again and received an audience by King Philip IV and Queen Elisabeth of Bourbon. Her plans failed due to lack of financial support and papal limits on the expansion of female religious orders. Mar�a returned to her village where she eventually died with a reputation of sanctity after a series of prolongued ilnesses. At the instigation of her priest Pedro �lvarez Estrada, and in the context of her plans for the creation of a Carmelite monastery, Mar�a wrote an autobiography in order to make it possible to check the authenticity of her visions, for which occasion she learned to write. After her return, she continued writing.


Spiritial autobiography. Parts included in: Francisco Arcos (Trinitarian), La Sabia de Coria, Vida de la Venerable Mar�a de Iesus, natural de el Guijo, de el Duque de Alva, en el Obispado de Coria (Madrid: Francisco Nieto, 1671). The author used the autobiography written by Mar�a in the 1640s and after, as well as comments by Pedro �lvarez Estrada; Antonio de Trujillo OFMDisc, 'Vida de la Venerable Mar�a de J�sus, Beata de la Tercera Orden de N.P.S. Francisco, natural, y vezina del Guijo de Coria', in: Varones Heroycos en virtud de Santidad que desde el a�o de mil seicientos y cinquenta y dos, hasta el de noventa y uno, ha producido la Santa Provincia de San Gabriel de los Descalzos de mas estrecha Observancia de nuestro Serafico Padre San Francisco (Madrid: Antonio Roman, 1693), 187-243.


Isabelle Poutrin, Le voile et la plume. Autobiographie et saintet� f�minine dans l�Espagne moderne, Biblioth�que de la Casa de Vel�zquez (Madrid-Ciudad Universitaria: Casa de Vel�zquez, 1995), 326-327.





Maria de Las Llagas (Mar�a de Las Llagas, 1609-1678)

OSC. Spanish Descalced Poor Clare. Daughter of Alonso Mart�n and Mar�a de Soria. Due to the lack of means of her parents, she was raised by her maternal uncle. She soon opted for the religious life and entered the Clarissas descalzas of Salamanca in 1617, at the tender age of eight. She was drilled in ascetical exercises and prayer by the novice master Ana Mar�a de San Jos�. Mar�a de las Llagas made her final profession in 1625. In the course of her religious life in the Poor Clare monastery, she received numerous visions and had a number of ecstatic experiences. At the request of one of her confessors, she wrote a first autobiography, which was burned by him in her presence. Later, the same or another confessor asked her to keep account of the divine favours granted to her through prayer, which resulted into a series of short episodical narratives containing information on her prayers, her visions and her spiritual insights for the years 1654/55. For one reason or another, she stopped writing thereafter. A series of her autobiographical narratives were gathered by the Poor Clare Manuela de la Sant�sima Trinidad, who included them in her Fundaci�n del convento de Purissima Concepci�n de Franciscas Descalzas de la Ciudad de Salamanca (1696).


Autobiografia/Cartas/Visiones, found in: Manuela de la Sant�sima Trinidad, Fundaci�n del convento de Purissima Concepci�n de Franciscas Descalzas de la Ciudad de Salamanca, su regla y modo de vivir con la relaci�n de las vidas de algunas Religiosas se�aladas en virtud en cicho Convento, que obligada de la Obediencia escrivio Madre Manuela de la Sant�sima Trinidad, Religiosa, y Abadesa que fue tres veces del mesmo Convento (Salamanca: Mar�a Est�vez Viuda, 1696), 443-524. a conglomeration of texts on the divine graces and visions received by Mar�a in or around 1654/1655.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 327; Isabelle Poutrin, Le voile et la plume. Autobiographie et saintet� f�minine dans l�Espagne moderne, Biblioth�que de la Casa de Vel�zquez (Madrid-Ciudad Universitaria: Casa de Vel�zquez, 1995), ad indicem.





Maria de Miranda (Mar�a de Miranda y Paz, fl. first half 17th cent.)

OSC. Spanish Poor Clare from the Santa Clara monastery in Salamanca.


Dezima: Tanta gala y discrecion poetry, included in: Manuel Bravo de Velasco, Iupiter y Io (Salamanca: Diego de Coss�o, 1641).


Serrano y Sanz, Apuntes para una biblioteca de escritores espa�oles (Madrid, 1903) II, 61.





Maria Denti�re (fl. 16th cent.)

OSC. French Poor Clare who turned Protestant. She was Abbess of the Poor Clares of Tournai and converted to Protestantism around 1526. She Married Antoine Froment and took part in the Protestant transformation of Geneva. In this context she wrote La guerre de d�livrance de Gen�ve (1536). She also tried to turn the Poor Clares of Geneva, but was unsuccessful.


La guerre de d�livrance de Gen�ve (1536).


Madeleine Lazard, 'Deux soeurs ennemies, Marie Denti�re et Jeanne de Jussie: Nonnes et r�form�es � Gen�ve', in: Les r�formes: Enracinements socio-culturels, ed. B. Chevalier & C. Sauzat (Paris: La Maisnie, 1985), 233-249.





Maria de Oisterwijk (d. 1547)

TOR. Franciscan female tertiary. Kept close relations with Petrus Canisius, Nicholas Eschius and the Colone Carthusians. Maria�s best known work is her Der rechte wech zo der evangelischer volkomenheit, which was edited for publication by G. Kalckbrenner in 1532. It is a mystical work, relating in a series of exercisesthe way towards union with the Divine, focusing on Christ as the spiritual spouse.


Der rechte wech zo der evangelischer volkomenheit, ed. by G. Kalckbrenner (Cologne, 1532).


Willibrord Lampen, �Maria van Oisterwijk,tertiares van S. Franciscus�, Franciscana: Bijdragen voor de geschiedenis der Franciscanen in Nederland 26 (1957), 219-238.
For more information see the Franciscan Women Internet Database.





Maria de Pernia (Mar�a de Pernia, fl. first half 17th cent.)

OSC. Spanish Poor Clare in Velez de Malaga. Poet.


L'immacolada concepci�n ('Inclinado el celeste crucifijo'), apparently included in Elogios de Mar�a Sant�ssima/Elogios a Maria Sant�sima. Consagr�los en suntuosas celebridades devotamente Granada a la limpieza pura de su Concepci�n (Granada: Francisco S�nchez y Baltasar de Bol�bar, 1640 [1651?]), f. 290. A copy is apparently present in Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional [3-27.884]


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 327; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 517; Serrano y Sanz, Apuntes para una biblioteca de escritores espa�oles (Madrid, 1903) II, 127; S. Eijan, La poes�a franciscana (Santiago, 1936), 210; Archivo Ibero-Americano 15 (1955), 396-397.





Maria de Presepio (Mar�a do Presepio, d. 1587)

OSC. Portuguese Poor Clare, active in the Santa Clara monastery in Santarem. Later she became the first abbess of the Santa Marta monastery in Lisbon. She died on 27 november 1587.


Constitucioes e regras ordenadas pela Madre Mar�a do presepio, fundadora e primeira abadesa do mosteiro de Sancta Martha de Jes�s, no anno 1583 (Lisbon, 1591).


Serrano y Sanz, Apuntes para una biblioteca de escritores espa�olas (Madrid, 1903) II, 138; Rog�rio Miguel Puga, Chronology of Portuguese Literature, 1128-2000 (Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2011), 29.





Maria de Sacramento (Mar�a do Sacramento/Joanna da Piedade, d. 1679)

OSC. Portuguese Poor Clare and member of the Lisbon Madre de Deus monastery. She joined the house on 29 August 1623 and made her profession on 8 September the following year. She died on 26 January 1679. Author of a series of lives of fellow religious, entitled Fogueiras.


Fogueiras. Lives of fellow nuns. Apparently once present in the Lisbon Madre de Deus monastery.


Jeronymo de Belem, Chronica serafica de Santa Provincia dos Algarves da Regular Observancia do nosso Serafico Padre S. Francisco (...) Parte Primeira (...) (Lisbon: Ignacio Rodrigues, 1750), cclxiv-cclxv.





Maria de Sancta Clara (Mar�a de Santa Clara, 1737-1784)

OSC. Spanish Clarissan nun.


Spiritual works and letters. Fragments can be found in Escritos Clarisas Espa�olas. Antolog�a, ed. Maria Victoria Trivi�o, OSC, Biblioteca de autores cristianos 523 (Madrid, 1992), 323-329.


To be continued...





Maria de Sancta Cruce (Mary Howard/Mary of the Holy Cross/Sister Parnel, 1653-1735)

OSC. English Poor Clare. Born on 28 December 1653 as daughter of Sir Robert Howard (younger son of Thomas, Earl of Berkshire) and Lady Elisabeth Howard (daughter of William Cecl, Lord Burleigh). After the death of her mother, she was educated by her aunt, the Countess of Berkshire. She drew the attention of King Charles II, due to her beauty, and her guardians deemed it wise to send her abroad. She received a further upbringing in the Benedictine monastery of Val-de-Gr�ce (Paris). There, she converted completely to Catholicism and decided to enter the English Poor Clares in Rouen, helped financially with the nun's dowry provided by her Catholic uncles Philip and William Howard. She took her profession on 10 September 1675 under the name Parnel, in order to keep her identity secret to outsiders. She was elected abbess of the Rouen community on 23 December 1702, keeping this position for thirty-three years. She died in Rouen on 21 march 1735. She wrote several devotional texts, one of which, the Chief Points of our Holy Ceremonies, was published in 1726. Other were once kept in the Clarissan monastery of Rouen.


Prayers and Considerations upon each Article of the Holy Rule of the Poor Clares.

Chief Points of our Holy Ceremonies, in which the Sisters must daily renew themselves in spirit and in their actions (1726).

Brief Rules for the Pilgrims who tend to the Celestial Jerusalem, with Exercises for Every Day, during a Course of Six Months. In a way an English reworking and abridgment of an existing French book of spiritual edidication: Le Chretien etranger sur la terre.

An Exercise of Devotion on the Life of Christ for Every Day of the Year.

A Book of Devotions to Jesus, on the Mystery of His Incarnation, and other to the Blessed Virgin and St. Joseph.

Exercises for the Principal Festivals.

Exercises on the Holy Angels.

A Collection of Little Offices and Litanies on the Several Mysteries of the Life of our Saviour, also on the Virgin Mary and St. Joseph.

Entertainment on Christ's Glorious Life, or on the State of His Glorious Immortality.

Litanies and Other Devotions on the Holy Solitaries, especially St. John the Silent.

Devotions to St. Mary Magdalen, St. Mary of Egypt, St. Thais, and other Holy Penitents, especially Solitaries.

Exercises for Hearing Mass.


Alban Butler, A short account of the life and virtues of the Venerable and Religious Mother, Mary of the Holy Cross, abbess of the English Poor Clares at Rouen, who died there in the sweet odour of sanctity (London, 1767).


Joseph Gillow, A Literary and Biographical History, or Bibliographical Dictionary of the English Catholics, III (London-New York: Burns & Oates, 1885), 435-438; R. Aubert, 'Howard (Marie de la Sainte-Croix)', in: Dictionnaire d�histoire et de g�ographie eccl�siastique XXIV, 1307.





Maria de Sancta Trinitate (Mar�a de la Trinidad Toledo y Mendoza/Mar�a de Toledo, 1581-1631)

OSC. Spanish nun and involved with the foundation of the Clarissan monastery of La Anunciada de Villafranca del Bierzo.


To be continued...See: Mar�a del Carmen Ar�as, 'Do�a Mar�a de Toledo y su obra: La Anunciada ', in: Las Clarisas en Espa�a y Portugal. Congreso Internacional, Salamanca, 20-25 de septiembre de 1993 (Madrid: Asociaci�n Hispanica de Estudios Franciscanos (AHEF), 1994), 341-378.


Maria del Carmen Ar�as, La ilustre fondadora de 'La Anunciada': Mar�a de la Trinidad Toledo y Mendoza (1581-1631), una historia fascinante (Villafranca del Bierzo: Instituto de Estudios Bercianos, 2009).





Maria de Sancto Paulo (Mar�a de San Pablo Ugarte y Saravia, 1538-1609)

OIC. Spanish Conceptionist nun. Born as daughter of Do�a Isabel de Saravia and Don. Bernardino (in the service of Charles V). Mar�a first served in the household of Queen Isabel (spouse of Philip II), and then joined the Conceptionists in 1567 (the queen was present at her clothing ceremony). Involved with the reform of the Corral de Almaguer monastery and with the foundation of the Santa �rsula monastery in Alcal� de Henares and the so-called Caballero de Grac�a monastery in Madrid. She shaped a series of order constitutions. She died in the Caballero de Grac�a monastery in May 1609.


Constituciones de las Monjas Descal�as de la Concepcion de Nuestra Se�ora, included in the Tratado Tercero of Alonso N��ez de Castro, Exemplar de perfecci�n, ideado en las illustras vidas de las Venerables Madres Maria de San Pablo, y Ana de San Antonio, fundadores del Religiosissimo Convento de San Ioseph de Iesus Maria, que llaman del Caballero de Grac�a de Religiosas Descal�as de la Purissima Concepcion de Nuestra Se�ora (Madrid: Andres Garcia de la Iglesia, 1658), ff. 44-68.


Alonso N��ez de Castro, Exemplar de perfecci�n, ideado en las illustras vidas de las Venerables Madres Maria de San Pablo, y Ana de San Antonio, fundadores del Religiosissimo Convento de San Ioseph de Iesus Maria, que llaman del Caballero de Grac�a de Religiosas Descal�as de la Purissima Concepcion de Nuestra Se�ora (Madrid: Andres Garcia de la Iglesia, 1658).


Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 517; Luis Ballesteros Robles, Diccionario biogr�fico matritense (Madrid: Imprenta Municipal, 1912), 632.





Maria de Sancto Thomaso (Mar�a de Santo Tomas de Villanueva/Narcisa Caicedo y Aldaco, d. 1804)

OSCRec. Spanish Recollect Clarissan nun. Member of the Nuestra Se�ora de los Angeles de Valencia monastery. Religious author.


Salvador, Sol Divino, de alta contemplaci�n que a ella con sus rayos eleva la alma christiana. Tratado asc�tico-moral escrito por la Madre Sor Mar�a de Santo Tom�s de Villanueva, Religiosa del Padre S. Francisco, en el recoleto convento de nuestra Se�ora de los Angeles de Valencia (Val�ncia: Jos� Estevan, 1800). Present in the Valencian monastery. Extracts (el pr�leg al lector, pp. IX-XIII) are included in Escritos Clarisas Espa�olas. Antolog�a, ed. Maria Victoria Trivi�o, OSC, Biblioteca de autores cristianos 523 (Madrid, 1992), 332-342.

Exercicio pr�ctico de la oraci�n mental, o uni�n de la vida activa y contemplativa, que puede servir de segunda parte al Tratado Salvador, Sol Divino de alta de Santo Tom�s de Villanueva, Religiosa del Padre San Francisco, en el Recoleto de nuestra Se�ora de los Angeles de Valencia (Val�ncia: impremta del Diario, 1803). Present in the Valencian monastery. Extracts are included in Escritos Clarisas Espa�olas. Antolog�a, ed. Maria Victoria Trivi�o, OSC, Biblioteca de autores cristianos 523 (Madrid, 1992), 332-342.

Estrella brillante del alva, que entre tinieblas y obscuridades de esta vida gu�a al pecador por el camino de la salvaci�n y bienaventuranza eterna, hasta alcanzarla. Tratado asc�tico-moral (...) (Val�ncia, 1804).


Archivo Ibero-Americano 21-22 (1924), 403; Escritos Clarisas Espa�olas. Antolog�a, ed. Maria Victoria Trivi�o, OSC, Biblioteca de autores cristianos 523 (Madrid, 1992), 332-342; Ester Alba Pag�n, 'La iconograf�a mariana en el Convento de Clarisas de Ntra. Sra. de los �ngeles de Ruzafa. Los modelos de Luca Giordano y Vicente L�pez en Valencia', in: La clausura femenina en Espa�a. Actas del Simposium (II) 1/4-septiembre-2004, Colecci�n del Instituto Escurialense de Investigaciones Hist�ricas y Art�sticas, 20 (San Lorenzo del Escorial: Ediciones Escurialenses (EDES), 2004), 1079-1102; Manuel Latorre Hern�ndez, Revisi�n simplificada del Plan General de Valencia. Cat�logo de bienes y espacios protegidos. Ordenaci�n estructural: �Monasterio de Nuestra Se�ora de los �ngeles� (2013), 2-4.





Maria Diomira (Maria Diomira del Verbo Incarnato/Maria Teresa Serri, 1708-1768)

OFMCap. Italian Capuchin Poor Clare from Genoa. Born on 23 February 1708, as the daughter of Th�r�se Curty of Fribourg and Hans Schwery of Naters (in the service of the Grand Duke of Tuscany). Following a sejour in Fribourg, Switzerland in her early youth, she was educated by the female Benedictines of Pisa. Already at this time she became known for her self-mortification and her solidarity with poor and ill people. According to some accounts she would have manifested signs of the stigmata by the age of 22. She joined the Capuchin monastery of Fanano on 5 October 1730, taking her religious vows in 1733, assuming the religious name Maria Diomira del Verbo Incarnato. As a Capuchin nun, she engaged in lengthy prayer and fasting exercise to help liberate souls from Purgatory. She became novice master in 1736 and was elected abbess in 1745. She died on 4 January 1768.


Vita della venerabile Suor Maria Diomira del Verbo Incarnato, Cappuccina professa nel monastero di Fanano, scritta de lai medesima, con un supplemento (Modena: Societ� tipografica, 1788/Bologna: Tip. pontificia Mareggiani, 1877/Monza: Tipografia e libreria de' Paolini, 1904/Rome: Guerra e Mirri, 1916 [reprint of the 1788 ed.]). It is a spiritual autobiography, written as a religious exercise at the request of her confesor.


Chiara Francesca Lacchini, 'Sr. M. Diomira del Verbo Incarnato', in: All'ombra della chiara luce, ed. Aleksander Horowski, Bibliotheca Seraphico-Capuccina, 75 (Rome: Istituto Storico dei Cappuccini, 2005), 399-414; Giovanni Bensi, Un'Esperienza mistica a Fanano. Venerabile suor Maria Diomira del Verbo Incarnato (Siena: Cantagalli, 2008).





Maria Dionysia Bernarda (Mar�a Dionisia Bernarda G�mez de Ambel, 1639-1719)

OSCCap. Spanish Capuchin nun and abbess of the Capuchin Purisima Conception monastery in Palma de Mallorca.


Coloquio al Santo Nacimiento, see: Rufino M. Gr�ndez, 'El 'Coloquio al Santo Nacimiento' de la capuchina Mar�a Dionisia Bernarda G�mez de Ambel (1639-1719)', Estudios Franciscanos 107 (2006), 1-40.


Pedro Tom�s Cifre, Vida prodigiosa, y exemplar de la ven. Madre Sor Maria Dionisia Bernarda G�mez, Cofundadora, y Abadesa del Observantisimo Real Monasterio de la Purisima Concepcion de Maria Virgen de Religiosas Capuchinas de la Ciudad de Palma en el Reyno de Mallorca (...) (Palma de Mallorca: Salvador Savall, 1796).


Rufino M. Gr�ndez, 'El 'Coloquio al Santo Nacimiento' de la capuchina Mar�a Dionisia Bernarda G�mez de Ambel (1639-1719)', Estudios Franciscanos 107 (2006), 1-40.





Maria Domitilla Galluzzi (Severetta Galluzzi, 1595-1671)

OFMCap. Italian Capuchin nun from Pavia. Born at Acqui on 25 May 1595. Of noble descent, Maria Domitilla entered the Capuchins in the Santa Franca convent in Pavia. During her life, she had numerous mystical experiences, several of which she wrote down at the request of her confessor. In this context she also embarked on several of her larger works, such as her spiritual commentary on the rule of Clare of Assisi, her Passione, her Quarant�hore di meditatione mentale (written for the instruction of novices), the Ponti di perfettione and an autobiographical Vita. Apparently, none of these works were published during her lifetime. A running theme in her works is the total union with the Divine through the negation of the will and the annihilation of the self. Important instruments in this process are rigorous asceticism and mental obedience to the Divine will at all times.


Vita[autobiography]: in all six manuscripts. For a listing and description of these see E. Ann Matter (1993). See also under the manuscripts of the Passione mentioned below.

Passione [book of visions]: MSS Pavia, Biblioteca Universitaria Aldini 306; Pavia, Biblioteca Universitaria Aldini 145; Milan, Biblioteca Trivulziana 268& 490; Acqui Terme, private collection of Dr. Massimo Archetti-Maestri; Milan, Ambrosiana D 77, sussidio (together with the Vita); Milan, Ambrosiana G97, sussidio (together with the Vita); Milan, Ambrosiana H 47, sussidio (together with the Vita); Milan, Ambrosiana 141, sussidio (together with the Vita); Milan, Ambrosiana H 91, sussidio (together with the Vita). For more information, see the studies of E. Ann Matter (1993 & 1994). For a modern imprint, see: Maria Domitilla Galluzzi, Vita da lei narrata (1624), ed. Olimpia Pelosi (Chapel Hill, NC: Annali d'italianistica, 2003).

Quarant�ore [a forty-hour passion devotion exercise, commemorating the passion of Christ, written in her capacity as novice master]: It survived in one manuscript. Cf. E. Ann Matter (1993).

Ponti di perfettione (1652).

Vero lume del modo d�osservare l�anticaregola di Santa Chiara/Lune sopra l�osservanza della prima Regola di Santa Chiara data gli dal P. S. Francesco e confirmata da Papa Innocenzo IV: MSS Pavia, Biblioteca Universitaria, Aldini 306; Pavia, Biblioteca Civica MS I, II; Milan, Biblioteca Trivulziana 491. In this work, Maria Domitilla expressed the wish to: ��possedere Dio nostro infinito oggetto e vivere come morto ad agn�altra cosa fuori di lui che a tal fine ne ha chiamato a tal vita evangelica�. See also E. Ann Matter, �The Commentary on the Rule of Clare of Assisi by Maria Domitilla Galluzzi�, in: Creative Women in Medieval and Early Modern Italy. A Religious and Artistic Renaissance, ed. E. Ann Matter & John Coakley (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press 1995), 201-211.


G. Romano, �Suor M. Domitilla d�Acqui, cappuccina in Pavia�, Bollettino storico pavese 1 (1893), 9-40, 119-150, 197-222; Maria Grazi Bianchi, �Una �illuminata� del secolo xvii: Suor MariaDomitilla Galluzzi, Cappucina a Pavia�, Bollettino della Societ� Pavese di Storia Patria n.s. 20-21 (1968-1969),3-69; M. Maarcocchi, �Galluzzi�, DHGE XIX, 902; E. Ann Matter, 'The Personal and the Paradigm: The Book of Maria Domitilla Galluzzi', in: The Crannied Wall: Women, Religion, and the Arts in Early Modern Europe, ed. Craig Monson (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1992), 100ff.; E. Ann Matter, �Interior Maps of an Eternal External: The Spiritual Rhetoric of Maria Domitilla Galluzzi d�Acqui�, in: Maps of Flesh and Light: Aspects of the Religious Experience of Medieval Women Mystics, ed. Ulrike Wiethaus (Syracuse, 1993), 60-73; E. Ann Matter, �The Commentary on the Rule of Clare of Assisi by Maria Domitilla Galluzzi�, in: Creative Women in Medieval and Early Modern Italy. A Religious and Artistic Renaissance, ed. E. Ann Matter & John Coakley (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press 1995), 201-211; Paolo Fontana, ''Adombrata da gran luce': Suor Maria Domitilla Galluzzi Cappuccina', in: All'ombra della chiara luce, ed. Aleksander Horowski, Bibliotheca Seraphico-Capuccina, 75 (Rome: Istituto Storico dei Cappuccini, 2005), 267-305; E. Ann Matter, 'Theories of the Passions and the Ecstacies of Late Medieval Religious Women', in: The Representation of Women's Emotions in Medieval and Early Modern Culture, ed. Lisa Perfetti (Gainesville: University Press of Florida: 2005), >>; Paolo Fontana, Santit� femminile e inquisizione. La 'Passione' di suor Domitilla Galluzzi (1595-1671), Fontes Archivi Sancti Officii Romani, 3 (Citt� del Vaticano: Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2008).





Maria Evangelista (Mar�a Evangelista, fl. first half 16th cent.)

TOR. Spanish Regular Tertiary and member of the Cubas community, where she became the personal secretary of Juana de la Cruz. Mar�a Evangelista was involved with the first editorial polishing of Juana's El Conhorte/or Libro del Conhorte and also wrote a first biography of Juana, which was used by Antonio Daza.


Vida y Fin de la bienaventurada virgen santa Juana de la Cruz: MS Monastery of San Lorenzo de El Escorial,Real Biblioteca, K-III-13. For an electronic edition made in 2019 by Mar�a Luengo Balb�s and Fructuoso Atencia Requena, see: Cat�logo de santas vivas [ Juana_de_la_Cruz, accessed on 15 January 2022]. Some fragments are also included in the appendices to Ronald E. Surtz's study The Guitar of God. Maria Evangelista's Vida y Fin de la bienaventurada virgen santa Juana de la Cruz was based on conversations with and dictations by Juana.


Ronald E. Surtz, The Guitar of God. Gender, Power, and Authority in the Visionary World of Mother Juana de la Cruz, 1481-1534 (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2016), ad indicem. See also the literature connected with the entry on Joanna de Cruce (Juana de la Cruz Vazquez) elsewhere on this site.





Maria Francisca de Sancto Antonio (Mar�a Francisca de San Antonio/Francisca Eugenia de Pedro y Cascajares, 1714-1734)

OIC. Spanish Conceptionist nun. Born as Francisca Eugenia de Pedro y Cascajares. She was the granddaughter of the founder of the Franciscan Concepcionist monastery of Las Cuevas de Ca�arte (Aragon), and made her monastic profession there in 1730. Two of her sisters were already nuns in the same monastery. She died there four years later, at the age of 20. The convent confessor Antonio Blasco, her spiritual director between 1729 and 1734, demanded from her a spiritual autobiography, as well as spiritual letters explaining the use of her time during the hours of the day, and the Divine favors granted to her through her prayers.


Spiritual autobiography. Extracts of this were included in the vita devoted to Mar�a Francisca published by the Carmelite Roque Alberto Faci. See his Hermosa azuzena y estrella plantada y fixa en el suelo, y cielo del Convento de la Purissima Concepci�n de la villa de las Cuevas de Ca�arte, en el Reyno de Aragon. La Vida de la V. sor Mar�a Francisca de S. Antonio (en el siglo, de Pedro y Cascaxares), religiosa de dicho Convento (Saragosa: Jos� Fort, 1737).


Roque Alberto Faci, Hermosa azuzena y estrella plantada y fixa en el suelo, y cielo del Convento de la Purissima Concepci�n de la villa de las Cuevas de Ca�arte, en el Reyno de Aragon. La Vida de la V. sor Mar�a Francisca de S. Antonio (en el siglo, de Pedro y Cascaxares), religiosa de dicho Convento (Saragosa: Jos� Fort, 1737).


Isabelle Poutrin, Le voile et la plume. Autobiographie et saintet� f�minine dans l�Espagne moderne, Biblioth�que de la Casa de Vel�zquez (Madrid-Ciudad Universitaria: Casa de Vel�zquez, 1995), ad indicem.





Maria Gabriela de Borja (Maria Gabriela de Borja y Castro Pin�s, d. ca. 1592)

OSC. Spanish Poor Clare. Daughter of Juan Borja (Duke of Gand�a) and his second wife, and therefore halfsister of the Jesuit Francisco Borja. She entered the Clarissan Gand�a monastery during the abbatiate of her Aunt Francisca de Jes�s Borja (abbess between 1533-1548). She was herself elected abbess in 1578, but renounced that task two years later. One of her letters to Francisco Borja, the Superior General of the Jesuits has been edited.


Cartas. One of these to her brother, the Jesuit Francisco Borja has been edited in Monumenta Historica Societatis Jesu I, 430-432. See also:


L. Amores, 'El monasterio de S. Clara de Gandia y la familia ducal de los Borjas', Archivo Ibero-Americano 2nd s. 2 (1960), 267ff, 418ff, 441-486; Mar�a del Carmen Garcia de la Herran, 'El Saber Femenino en los Claustros. Las Borja del Convento de Santa Clara de Gandia (Siglo XVI)', in: Las Sabias Mujeres II (Siglos III - XVI). Homenaje a Lola Luna, ed. Mar�a del Mar Gra�a Cid (Madrid: Asociaci�n Cultural Al-Mudayna, 1995), 183-199.





Maria Gabriela Martini (Maria Gabriella Martini di Fragneto dell'Abbata, 1693-1775)

OFMCap. Italian Capuchin nun. Member of the Capuchin monastery of Aversa. Poet.


To be continued...





Maria Gertrudis (Mar�a Gertrudis, fl. later 18th cent.)

OSCCap. Guatemalan Capuchin nun. Abbess of the Capuchin monastery of Guatemala.


Carta de la Madre Abadesa de capuchinas de Guatemala, escrita a la Madre Abadesa de capuchinas de Oaxaca, published in: Serrano y Sanz, Apuntes para una biblioteca de escritores espa�oles (Madrid, 1903) II, 655-656.


To be continued...





Maria Ignatia (Mar�a Ignacia da Vizita�a�, fl. early 18th cent.)

OSC. Portuguese Poor Clare from Elvas, where she joined the Santa Clara monastery in 1705. She fulfilled a number of offices in her monastery and eventually became abbess.


Clara illustrada em nove Epithetos da vida da mais esclarecida luz de Assiz, primogenita de S. Francisco, Santa Clara, para o exercicio de sua Novena (Lisbon: Pedro Ferreira, 1739).


Jeronymo de Belem, Chronica serafica de Santa Provincia dos Algarves da Regular Observancia do nosso Serafico Padre S. Francisco (...) Parte Primeira (...) (Lisbon: Ignacio Rodrigues, 1750), cclxiv.





Maria Josepha Barbara Broger (1704-1755)

TORCap. Swiss Capuchin tertiary sister. Born on 6 October 1704�in Appenzell as the daughter of Anton Joseph and Anna Barbara Schay (one of the 17 children in that household), and baptised Maria Magdalena Broger. She took her profession in the Capuchin Frauenkloster Appenzell (Kloster Maria der Engel). She became a respected singer and collector & author of German songs.


Deutschsprachiche Lieder/Liederb�chlein It amounts to a collection of some 60 German songs on a wide variety of topics (family songs, historical songs, religious songs, drinking sons, hunting songs, love songs, as well as a Totentanz and possibly the oldest known version of the Appenzeller Kuhreihen. All songs have unisono melodies, and quite a number of those might in fact be melodies created by Maria Josepha Barbara. See for transcripts and texts: Mit wass fre�den soll man singen. Liederb�chlein der Maria Josepha Barbara Brogerin 1730: Transkription aller Noten und Texte mit Erl�uterungen, ausgew�hlte Reproduktionen, synoptische Vergleiche, mit Original-CD, ed Joe Manser & Urs Klauser, Innerhoder Schriften (Appenzell: Druckerei Appenzeller Volksfreund, 1996/2003 [extended edition]).


Joe Manser, 'Broger, Maria Josepha Barbara', in: Historisches Lexikon der Schweiz [, last accessed on 30 November 2022].





Maria Lasso de Castilla (Mar�a Laso de Castilla, fl. first half 17th cent.)

OSC. Spanish Poor Clare from Granada and member of the Santa Isabel la Real monastery. Known for her poetry on the immaculate conception.


Carmina pro Virginis Mariae puritate/Versos a la Inmaculada Concepci�n (Granada, 1640). This collection would also have included other poetic/religious works.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 326; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 517.





Maria Laura (Mar�a Laura/Mar�a Lastra, fl. 17th cent.)

OSC. Spanish (Catalonian) Poor Clare in the Jerusalem monastery of Barcelona. Known for a sonnet on the Virgin Mary.


Dep�n la ira, Querub, que enturbiar�as, a religious poem, was published in: Justa po�tica, consegrada a las festivas glorias de Mar�a en su Inmaculada Concepci�n. mantenida en la parroquial iglesia de Santa Mar�a del Mar en la ciudad de Barcelona, ed. Don Francisco Modolelell y Costa (Barcelona: Narcis Casas, 1656), 131.


Serrano y Sanz, Apuntes para una biblioteca de escritoras espa�olas desde el a�o 1401 al 1833 (Madrid: Sucesores de Rivadeneyra, 1903) II, 8.





Maria Magdalena Ulyssiponensis (Mar�a Magdalena de Lisb�a, fl. early 17th cent.)

OSC. Portuguese Poor Clare and member of the Lisbon Madre de Deus monastery. She made her profession in 1583 and died on 18 November 1637.


Vida de S. Joao Evangelista (Lisbon, 1628).


Jeronymo de Belem, Chronica serafica de Santa Provincia dos Algarves da Regular Observancia do nosso Serafico Padre S. Francisco (...) Parte Primeira (...) (Lisbon: Ignacio Rodrigues, 1750), cclxiv; Antonio, Bibliotheca Hispana Nova II, 87; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806); Serrano y Sanz, Apuntes para una biblioteca de escritoras espa�olas (Madrid, 1903) II, 24; Alexander S. Wilkinson & Alejandra Ulla Lorenzo, Iberian Books, Volumes II & III/Libros Ib�ricos Vol�menes II y III, A-E (Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2015), 1546.





Maria Michaela Ulyssiponensis (Mar�a Micaela de Lisboa/Maria de Brito e Noronha/Maria Micaela dos Anjos de Ata�de, 1652-1733)

OSC. Portuguese Poor Clare. Born on 26 September 1652 in Barbosa. She joined the Lisbon Madre de Deus monastery on 27 April 1679, adopting the religious name Maria Micaela dos Anjos. Several times abbess of her community. Biographer.


Vida de la V. Madre Mar�a Magdalena, abadesa del monasterio. According to Juan de San Antonio, this work was once present in the archive of the Lisbon monastery. See also the work of Augusto-Pedro Lopes Cardoso mentioned below.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 327; Augusto-Pedro Lopes Cardoso, Francisco de Azebedo de Ata�de. Subs�dios para a sua biografia (Co�mbra: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, 2021), 116 & notes 372-375.





Maria Magdalena de Cruce (Mar�a Maddalena de la Cruz, 1575-1653)

OSC. Spanish Poor Clare from Pinto (Madrid). She was involved with the creation of the Clarissan house in Manilla (Philippines, 1621) and later became active in Macao (1633), on the Chinese coast, and in Vietnam. She died in Manilla, in 1653.


Floresta franciscana de ilustraciones celestiales. Some fragments of these Floresta have been printed in: Escritos Clarisas Espa�olas. Antolog�a, ed. Maria Victoria Trivi�o, OSC, Biblioteca de autores cristianos 523 (Madrid, 1992), 104-111.

Tratado de la Oraci�n. Cf. the studies of Lainati and Castro mentioned below.


Serrano y Sanz, Apuntes para una biblioteca de escritores espa�olas (Madrid, 1903) I, 298 & II, 632; I. Omaechevarr�a, Clarisas entre musulmanes y otros infieles (Bilbao, 1954); 105-108; Chiara-Augusta Lainati, Temi spirituali dagli Scritti del Secondo Ordine Francescano, Antologie del pensiero spirituale francescani, 2/11 (Assisi, 1970), 1606-1607; Manuel de Castro, Manuscritos Franciscanos de la Biblioteca Nacional de Madrid (Madrid: Artes Graficas Soler, 1973), 700 (n. 818).





Maria Magdalena de Jesu (Mar�a Magdalena de Jes�s, d. ca. 1700)

OSC. Portuguese Poor Clare. She was a daughter of Don Henrique de menezes and Do�a Margerida de Lima (Condes de Ericeyra), and entered the Madre de Deus monastery in Lisbon on 17 February 1641, taking her solemn profession a year later. Became later became abbess of her community. She died on 18 MArch 1701. In the course of her religious career, she apparently wrote a number of spiritual works that circulated in her community but never reached the printing press.


Considera�oens, e affectos para affervorar as almas em a devo�a� do Santissimo Sacramento, dispondo-se para o receber em os principaes Domingos, e festas do anno.

Tratados breves da Ora�a� para as tres vias, Purgativa, Illuminative, e Unitiva, e outras advertencias para differentes exercicios de perfei�a�.

Exposi�a� Paraphrastica de alguns Psalmos de David em sentido mystico.

Historia da Veneraveis Religiosas do seu Mosteiro, que lhe mandara� eserever.

Cartas espirituales.


Jeronymo de Belem, Chronica serafica de Santa Provincia dos Algarves da Regular Observancia do nosso Serafico Padre S. Francisco (...) Parte Primeira (...) (Lisbon: Ignacio Rodrigues, 1750), cclxiv; Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 326.





Maria Magdalena Martinengo (Margherita Secchi d�Aragona/Maria Maddalena Martinengo da Barco, 1687-1737), beata

OFMCap. Italian Capuchin nun from Brescia. Margherita was the daughter of the Duke Leopardo Martinengo da Barco and Margherita Secchi d'Aragon. She went to school as a young girl with the Ursulines, and subsequently she was educated in the monastic boarding school of the local Augustinian nuns (the monastery where two of her aunts were living), and in the Benedictine Spirito Santo monastery. Although destined for marriage, she opted instead for a strict Capuchin life, and entered the Santa Maria delle Neve monastery in 1705, making her profession a year later and adopting the name Maria Magdalena. At first, she took on all kinds of menial tasks within the community, choosing a lot of manual chores as part of her spiritual penitence (and became known as �il facchino del monasterio�). Due to her growing reputation (some ongoing opposition by several community members and spiritual directors notwithstanding), she was appointed to the position of novice master in 1723-1725 (re-appointed for the periods 1727-29 and 1731-32), and chosen as Abbess in 1732. In 1734, she abdicated due to ill health, to die in 1737. As a penitential exercise and at the request of her confessors, she wrote various autobiographical statements and treatises. As novice master, she wrote commentaries on the rule and the Capuchin constitutions.


Autobiografia: MS Brescia, Archivio della parrocchia del S. Cuore sine segn.
Some autobiographical sketches were for instance published in Pensieri spirituali della Beata Maria Maddalena Martinenga da Barco, Clarissa Cappuccina, ed. C. Lindner (Milan, 1964); L�autobiografia della Beata suor Maria Maddalena Martinengo, Contessa di Barco Clarissa Cappuccina, ed. Gerardo da Brescia (Milan, 1964).

Trattato sull�umilt�: MS Brescia, Archivio della parrocchia del S. Cuore sine segn.

Spiegazione delle Costituzioni Cappuccine: MS Brescia, Archivio della parrocchia del S. Cuore sine segn.

Massime spirituali. See: Massime spirituali composte dal V.P. Fra Giovanni di S. Sampsone, Carmelitano della provincia di Turrena: MSS Brescia, Archivio della parrocchia del S. Cuore sine segn.; Archivio del monastero di S. Chiara di Lovere >> (copy).

Raccolta di varie lettere e biglietti scritti a diverse persone dalla venerabile Madre Capuccina Sr. Maria Maddalena Martinengo da Barco: MS Brescia, Archivio Vescovile, >>.

Scritti ammirabili della gran Serva di Dio Ven. Maria Maddalena Martinengo Cappuccina di Brescia, con li quali d� notizia del suo spirito a diversi confessori per ubbidienza, con varie carte, voti e dialoghi ricavati da MS. Originali e di novo confrontati sui medisimi l�anno 1775: MS Brescia, Archivio Vescovile, >> (this contains most of Maria Maddalena�s treatises, as well as additional letters and exercises).

Opera Omnia: A major edition of most of her works has come out as: B. Maria Maddalena Martinengo, clarissa cappuccina (1687-1737), Gli scriti, ed. Franco Fusar Basssini, Miscellanea di Testi Cappuccini, 3, 2 Vols. (Rome: Istituto Storico dei Cappuccini, 2006). See on this edition for instance the reviews in Collectanea Franciscana 77 (2007), 482-484, 633-646; Il Santo 47 (2007), 557-560; Angelicum 85 (2008), 662-664.


Sisto da Pisa, Compendio della vita della Beata Suor M. Maddalena Martinengo da Barco (Rome, 1900); E. Girelli, La mistica bresciana del Settecento (Milan, 1949); Metodio da Nembro, 'Due mistiche della Croce nel Settecento italiano', L�Italia Francescana 24 (1949), 27-40, 92-97; Isidoro da Milano, 'Maria dell�incarnazione secondo la contemplazione della Beata Maddalena Martinengo', L�Italia Francescana 24 (1949), 190-200; Isidoro da Milano, 'Il mistero natalizio nella contemplazione della Beata Maria Maddalena Martinengo', L�Italia Francescana 25 (1950), 365-378; Chiara-Augusta Lainati, Temi spirituali dagli Scritti del Secondo Ordine Francescano, Antologie del pensiero spirituale francescani, 2/11 (Assisi, 1970), ad indicem; DSpir X, 575-576; Fusar Franco Bassini, Questo insoffribile amore, la Beata Maria Maddalena Martinengo (Velar, 1986); Mario Domenico Sideri, 'B.M. Maddalena Martinengo da Barco (1687-1737) e le stigmate invisibili', in: Santi con le stigmate: dall'Apostolo Paolo a P. Pio da Pietrelcina, ed. Mario Domenico S�deri (Tavagnano: Edizioni Segno, 2001), 117-135; Soeur Chiara Giovanna Cremaschi, Diez mujeres reflejo de Clara de As�s, BAC (Madrid: BAC, 2004), ad indicem; Anne Jacobson Schutte, '"Orride e strane penitenze". Espirimenti con la sofferenza nell'autobiografia spirituale di Maria Maddalena Martinengo', in: I monasteri femminili come centri di cultura fra Rinascimento e Barocco, ed. Gianna Pomata & Gabriella Zarri (Rome: Edizioni di storia e letteratura, 2005), 259-272; Sabrina Stroppa, 'La quiete dell�umiliazione. Sugli �Scritti� della b. Maria Maddalena Martinengo', Collectanea Franciscana 77 (2007), 633-646; Luigi Borriello et al., La Mistica parola per parola (Milan: Ancora, 2007), ad indicem; Elisabetta Selmi, 'Martinengo, Maria Maddalena', in: Dizzionario Biografico degli Italiani 71 (2008), 164-168; Giovanni Spagnolo, 'Le 'Divine Scritture' nel cammino di santit� della Beata Maria Maddalena Martinengo (1687-1737)', L'Italia Francescana 83 (2008), 413-423; Elisabetta Selmi, '�Triumphat de Deo amor�. Letteratura e mistica nel linguaggio di �Amore� e �Nulla� di Maria Maddalena Martinengo (1687-1737)', in: Studi di letteratura italiana in onore di Claudio Scarpati, ed. Eraldo Bellini, Maria Teresa Girardi & Uberto Motta (Vita e Pensiero, 2010), >>.





Martha Magdalena de Calvario (Martha Magdalena del Calvario, dl. ca. 1700?)

OSC. Portuguese Poor Clare, active in the Crucifijo monastery of Lisbon. Known for her commentary on the rule of Clare.


Breve e clara exposi�ao e declara�ao de primeira Regra da gloriosa Sancta Clara, confirmada pelo papa Innocencio IV de feliz memoria: traduzida de Fr. Leandro de Murzia, por uma religiosa do convento do Cruzifixo (Lisbon: Miguel Rodriguez, 1744).


Innoc�ncio Francisco da Silva & Ernesto Soares, Diccion�rio bibliogr�phico portuguez, VI (Lisbon: Imprensa Nacional, 1862), 151; Serrano y Sanz, Apuntes para una biblioteca de escritoras espa�olas (Madrid, 1903) I, 641 & II, 628; S. Eijan, La poes�a franciscana (Santiago, 1936), 205 & 270-274.





Mariana de Jesu (Mariana de Jes�s/Mariana de Escalona, d. 1621)

TOR. Spanish Franciscan Tertiary from Escalona, who spent her religious life in Toledo.


Autobiographical notices and accounts/letters of spiritual experiences. Included in Luis de Mesa, Vida, favores, mercedes que Nuestro Se�or hizo a la Venerable Hermana Mariana de Jes�s, de la tercera orden de San Francisco, natural de la villa de Escalona, que vivio y murio en Toledo, compuesta por el Licenciado Luis de Mesa, Presbytero, su confesor (Toledo: Francisco Calvo, 1661). Accessible via the Biblioteca Nacional of Madrid (sign. R-34970).


Luis de Mesa, Vida, favores, mercedes que Nuestro Se�or hizo a la Venerable Hermana Mariana de Jes�s, de la tercera orden de San Francisco, natural de la villa de Escalona, que vivio y murio en Toledo, compuesta por el Licenciado Luis de Mesa, Presbytero, su confesor (Toledo: Francisco Calvo, 1661). Accessible via the Biblioteca Nacional of Madrid (sign. R-34970). The Toledo priest Luis de Mesa was Mariana's spiritual director from 1608 onward. His biography included autobiographical statements, letters and accounts of spiritual experiences of Mariana. The work itself was probably finished by Luis de Mesa shortly after the death of Mariana, but it only saw the printing press in 1661. A second, revised edition was issued in 1678 in Madrid.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II 328; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 517; Isabelle Poutrin, Le voile et la plume. Autobiographie et saintet� f�minine dans l�Espagne moderne, Biblioth�que de la Casa de Vel�zquez (Madrid-Ciudad Universitaria: Casa de Vel�zquez, 1995), ad indicem.





Mariana de Jesu (Mariana de Jes�s/Mariana Baquero, d. 1683)

TOR. Spanish Franciscan tertiary. Daughter of Pedro Baquero and Isabel L�pez. She married young and had three children. After the death of her husband, she became a Franciscan tertiary in Valdeolivas, devoting herself to a life of prayer. She also tried to enhance the quality of the religious life in her village, organising public devotions towards the Eucharist sacrament and the rosary. From 1644 onwards, she began to accompany her brother Pedro Baquero, a priest, on his pastoral journeys through the region. In the 1670s, she wrote her autobiography at the request of her confessor. Her brother kept her writings and published her biography in 1688. Known for a spiritual autobiography.


Autobiographical writings written in the 1670s at the command of her spiritual directors. Cf. Pedro Baquero, Vida de la Venerable Mariana de Jes�s mentioned under the vita section of this entry, as well as Isabelle Poutrin, Le voile et la plume. Autobiographie et saintet� f�minine dans l�Espagne moderne, Biblioth�que de la Casa de Vel�zquez (Madrid-Ciudad Universitaria: Casa de Vel�zquez, 1995), ad indicem.


Pedro Baquero, Vida de la Venerable Mariana de Jes�s, por otro nombre Do�a Mariana Baquero, Tercera del Orden de Nuestro Padre San Francisco, que dexo escrita de su mano, por obediencia de su confessor, sacada a luz por el Lic. Don Pedro Baquero, su hermano (..) con notas de confirmaci�n, y doctrina muy util para todos; y la invenci�n prodigiosa de los Santos Christos de Alcobujate (Madrid: Francisco Sanz, 1688). The author, a priest in Nuevo Castile, was a brother of Mariana and one of her confessors.


Isabelle Poutrin, Le voile et la plume. Autobiographie et saintet� f�minine dans l�Espagne moderne, Biblioth�que de la Casa de Vel�zquez (Madrid-Ciudad Universitaria: Casa de Vel�zquez, 1995), ad indicem.





Mariana de Jesu (Mariana de Gesu/Mariana de Jes�s, 1555-1635)

OSC. Spanish Clarissan nun. Daughter of people working at the court of Queen Ann of Austria, wife of Philip II. she left the court for the Santa Clara de Trujillo monastery (C�ceres), which was founded around 1575. She died on 14 Sept. 1635.


Consideraciones espirituales (found inserted in the Vida de la Ven. Madre Sor Mariana de Jes�s, MS Madrid, BN T. 269, ff. 22ff).

Cartas espirituales dirigidas a diferentes religiosas (an. 1633), mentioned by Serrano y Sanz I, 567-569).

Versos en espa�ol (mentioned by Eijan, La poes�a franciscana, 221-222 & BUF II, 328).

Espejo Pur�simo de la vida, pasi�n, muerte y resurrecci�n de Christo (an. 1617): MS Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional?.

V�lgame Dios! cu�n mudable: MS Madrid Biblioteca Nacional, Qq Supl. II. 23, ff. 175-177.

Cartas escritas a diferentes personas: MS Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional, P. Supl. 285ff. 85ff.

Textual fragments of her works have been published in Escritoras Clarisas Espa�olas. Antolog�a, ed. Maria Victoria Trivi�o, OSC, Biblioteca de autores cristianos 523 (Madrid, 1992), 41-45.


Serrano y Sanz, Apuntes para una biblioteca de escritores espa�olas (Madrid, 1903) I, 567-569.





Mariana de Jesu Torres (Mariana Francisca de Jes�s Torres y Berriochoa, 1563-1635)

OIC. Spanish Conceptionist nun. Daughter de Diego Torres C�diz and Do�a Mar�a Berriochoa �lvaro. She became a founding member of the first Conceptionist monastery in the Americas, in Quito (Equador). She was the second abbess of that community. Known for her visionary experiences in which she saw apparitions of the Virgin. She supposedly died three times, first in 1582, then on 17 September 1588, both times coming back to life, to finally for good on 16 January 1635.


Autobiographical account of her visions and other mystical experiences, produced at the request of her spiritual guide. These materials were later, in the later 1700s, included in the biography/vita devoted to her by the Franciscan friar Manuel Sousa Pereira. For a modern translation of that work, see: Manuel Sousa Pereira, The Admirable Life of Madre Mariana de Jesus Torres, 2 Vols. (Tradition in Action, 2005-2006). See also the entry of Manuel Sousa Pereira elsewhere in this site.


Luis E. Cadena y Almeida, La Mujer y la monja extraordinaria, Mariana Francisca de Jesus Torres y Berriochoa (Libreria Espiritual, 2000) [not a scholarly work]; Manuel Patricio Guerra, 'Misticismo y santidad en Quito durante el siglo XVII? Santa Mariana de Jes�s y la madre concepcionista Mariana Francisca de Jes�s Torres y Berriochoa', in: V�rgenes, Reinas y Santas. Modelos de mujer en el mundo hispano, ed. David Gonz�lez Cruz (Huelva, 2007), 325-334.





Mariana Sallent (Mariana Sallent/Mar�ana Sallent Trasobares, 1665-1746)

OSC. Spanish Clarissan nun. Born in the town of Borja as the daughter of Francisco Sallent (medical doctor) and Catalina Trasobares. Took the habit in the Poor Clare monastery in her home town in 1675. In due time, she became abbess. Hagiographical author (see also her sister Teresa Sallent, who lived and worked in the same monastery)


Vida de nuestra Ser�fica Madre Santa Clara (Zaragoza: Domingo Gasc�n, 1700). A second edition of this work was published in Valencia (Impr. Francisco Mestre, 1703). In any case the 1703 edition can be accessed via the library of the Universidad Complutense in Madrid and via Google Books. Fragments of her work can be found in Escritos Clarisas Espa�olas. Antolog�a, ed. Maria Victoria Trivi�o, OSC, Biblioteca de autores cristianos 523 (Madrid, 1992), 289-292. The work or Mariana also includes a poetic Endechas endecasilabas en elogio de la Vida de Santa Clara, from the hand of Mariana's sister Teresa.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 327; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 517; Op�sculos in�ditos, latinos y castellanos del P. Francisco Javier Alegre (veracuzano) de la Compa�ia de Jesus (Mexico: Francisco Diaz de Leon, 1889), 223; Manuel Serrano y Sanz, Apuntes para una biblioteca de escritoras espa�olas, II (Madrid: Revista de Archivos, Bibliotecas y Museos, 1903), 218-220; Lisa Vollendorf, 'Transatlantic Ties: Women's Writing in Iberia and the Americas', in: Women, Religion, and the Atlantic World (1600-1800), ed. Daniella Kostroun & Lisa Vollendorf (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2009), 79-113 (at 90).





Maria Nazarena Sandri (1701-1749)

OSCap. Capuchin Poor Clare. Lived and worked for a long time alongside Maria Maddalena Martinengo in the Brescia convent. She also was elected abbess of the Brescia community. Mystical author.


Strada per unir l�anima con Dio, cavata dagli scritti di suor Nazarena Sandri, abbadessa delle Cappuccine di Brescia. Avvisi importanti per le religiose. Vita della suddetta e pratica della virt�, ed. Francesco Savio (Brescia: Pietro Vescovi, 1796). Accessible via the Biblioteca Comunale of Cremona and via Google Books.


V. Bonari, I Conventi ed I Cappuccini Bresciani (Milan, 1891), 409-411; Chiara-Augusta Lainati, Temi spirituali dagli Scritti del Secondo Ordine Francescano, Antologie del pensiero spirituale francescani, 2/11 (Assisi, 1970), 1608; Ilarino da Milano, Biblioteca dei Frati Minori Cappuccini di Lombardia (1535-1900) (Florence, 1970), 236; Fusar Franco Bassini, 'Maria Nazarena Sandri clarissa cappuccina', in: All'ombra della chiara luce, ed. Aleksander Horowski, Bibliotheca Seraphico-Capuccina, 75 (Rome: Istituto Storico dei Cappuccini, 2005), 357-397.





Marianus Bogdanovic (Marijan Bogdanovic, 1720-1772)

OFM. Bosnian friar. Order historian.


Protocollum conventus Cresceviensis: critical and very informative annals centering on Bogdanovic's friary in Kresevo, but also dealing with the interaction with Ottoman rule. Cf. the 2017 study by Nada Zecevic, 'Classical Antiquity in the Franciscan Historiography of Bosnia', in: A Handbook to Classical Reception in Eastern and Central Europa, ed. Zara Martirosova Torlone , Dana LacCourse Munteanu & Dorota Dutsch (Chistester: Wiley Blackwell, 2017), 336-347 (esp. 343f.)


Nada Zecevic, 'Classical Antiquity in the Franciscan Historiography of Bosnia', in: A Handbook to Classical Reception in Eastern and Central Europa, ed. Zara Martirosova Torlone , Dana LacCourse Munteanu & Dorota Dutsch (Chistester: Wiley Blackwell, 2017), 336-347.





Marianus de Alcamo (Marianus ab Alcamo/Mariano da Alcamo/Mariano Orofino da Alcamo, ca. 1555-1621)

OFMCap. Italian friar from Alcano (Sicily). Son of Nicol� Bonafini and Caterina Russo. He joined the Capuchin order in the Palermo province, was ordained priest and continued his training to become a preacher. In June 1591, he was elected provincial minister. After finishing his three-year tenure, he became active as a missionary in Protestant border lands, and in November 1599 he was part of a group of twelve Capuchins traveling with Lorenzo da Brindisi to Bohemmia. With support of the Austrian crown, Mariano was involved with Lorenzo da Brindisi and others in establishing Capuchin settlements and in preaching campaigns. The latter are reflected in his unpublished sermon collection In orationem Dominicam seu Mare oceanum concionatorum pauperum. After Mariano's return to Sicily, he developed more publicly a strong Maria devotion and became a vocal defender of the immaculate conception, partly based on the visions of Mary he would have received during his preaching campaigns on Bohemia. His Maria devotion, his alleged thaumaturgical actions and lifestyle gave him an aura of holiness, at the same time that he became a renowned Sicilian preacher, also due to his daily preaching sessions for months in a row at the cathedral of Palermo and also in Trapani (together with friar Agostino da Mazara). Appointed provincial definitor, he became provincial vicar in 1611 at the death of the provincial Gianmaria da Castelvetrano. He also worked as novice master, as consultant for the inquisition, and he also worked as guardian in Trapani (1614) and Marsala (1615). By this time, he began to suffer from gout, for which reason he declined an invitation to return to Bohemia. He died in Palermo on 27 July 1621 in the odor of sanctity. He left behind a significant number of unpublished and published works. He also left behind a depiction of a Madonna dello Stellario (no longer surviving?)


In orationem Dominicam seu Mare oceanum concionatorum pauperum, 3 Vols.: oli, MS Palermo, Bil. Conv. OFMCap. What are the whereabouts of these volumes?

Elucidatio in primam partem d. Thomae (1612). Once kept in the Genoa Capuchin library.

Quaresimale. This collection of sermons was split op between convent libraries in Genoa and Palermo and later disappeared, together with his depiction of and work on the Madonna dello Stellario.

Modus contemplandi coronam beatissimae Virginis Mariae (Palermo, 1608). This work was quickly rendered in Italian as well: Modo di contemplare la corona della b.V. nello Stellario Gaudioso predicato (...) nel duomo di Palermo nel 1608, trans. Michele Caruso (Palermo: Giovanni Antonio de Franceschi, 1608/1611). The 1611 Italian vernacular version is accessible via Google Books.

Poemata varia et devotissima in laudem beatissimae Virginis Mariae (Palermo: Angelo Orlando & Decio Grillo, 1612).

Plures palmulae in folio et alia diversa opuscula carmine et prosa (Palermo, 1612).

Officium parvum stellari gaudiosi, dolorosi et gloriosi beatissimae Virginis Mariae (Palermo: Angelo Orlando & Decio Grillo, 1615).

Labyrinthus beatissimae Virginis Mariae (Palermo: Angelo Orlando & Decio Grillo, 1615 [1612?]).


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 328; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 517-518; G. Mazzuchelli, Gli scrittori d�Italia (Brescia, 1753) I, 352f; Rocco da Cesinale, Storia delle missioni dei cappuccini (Rome: Barbera, 1872) II, 635f; F.M. Mirabella, 'Una lettera del p. M. Bonofino da A.', Archivio storico siciliano n.s. 9 (1884), 404-408; Antonino da Castellammare, Storia dei minori cappuccini della provincia di Palermo (Palermo, 1922) II, 343�353; Egidio da Modica, Catalogo degli scrittori cappuccini della provincia di Palermo (Palermo, 1930), 107�109; E. Kusin, 'Die Anf�nge des Kapuzinerordens in Erzherzogtume �sterreich unter und ob der Enns (1600-1630)', Collectanea Franciscana 39:3-4 (1969), 249; Dario Busolini, 'Mariano da Alcamo', DBI 70 (2008) []; Salvatore Rizzolino, Angelus Domini nuntiavit Mariae. Poemetti mariani dimenticati fra Lagrime e Rime spirituali del Tasso. Appendice di testi mariani cappuccini tra XVI-XVII sec., ed. Costanzo Cargnoni, Centro Studi Cappuccini Lombardi. Nuova Serie, 4 (Milan: Edizioni Biblioteca Francescana, 2017), 459-466.





Marianus de Florentia (Marianus Florentinus/Mariano da Firenze, ca. 1477-1523)

OMObs & OFM. Italian friar. Early sixteenth century Franciscan historian and compiler of educational treatises. His large Fasciculus Chronicarum Ordinis Minorum Divisus in 5 Libros, written in the first quarter of the sixteenth century, has not fully survived. Wadding apparently still had the full text autograph at his disposal (and made ample use of it for his own Annals), yet later only abbreviations remained, which were edited by T. Domenichelli. Mariano also wrote humanist works, hagiographical works and ideologically charged defenses/histories of the third order and the Clarissan order.


Tractatus de Origine, Nobilitate et de Excellentia Tuscie [written between 1516-17]: Archivio Prov. O.F.M., Firenze, no. 334 I F 16 [App. 6? cf. D. Cresi, `Elenchi di illustri Frati minori in un'opera inedita di Mariano da Firenze', AFH, 57 (1964), 191-199. Contains a partial edition of the chapters V, VII, X, XI]
For an edition, see: Tractatus de origine, nobilitate et de excellentia Tusciae, fragments edited in: Domenico Cresi, �Elenchi di illustri Frati Minori in un�opera inedita di Mariano da Firenze�, AFH 57 (1964), 191-199.

Trattato del Terz�Ordine: MSS Florence Bib. Naz. Palatino 147 ff. 1r-196v [probably an autograph ms]; MS Rome, Biblioteca Nazionale Cod. Sessoriano 412, 2063.
For editions, see: Il Trattato del Terz�Ordine o vero �Libro come Santo Francesco istitu� et ordin� el Tertio Ordine de Frati et Sore di Penitentia et della dignit� et perfectione o vero Sanctit� Sua� di Mariano da Firenze, ed. M.D. Papi, Analecta TOR 18 (1985), 257-588. Cf. A. vanden Wijngaert, �De Tertio Ordine S. Francisci iuxta Marianum Florentium�, AFH13 (1920), 3-77 & 14 (1921), 3-35; Ciro Cannarozzi, `Due vite della B. Antonia da Firenze�, Studi Francescani 57(1960), 319-342 [study and edition]; Faustino Ghilardi, �Vivaldo, eremita del Terz�Ordine di S. Francesco, nominato santo�, AFH 1 (1908), 521-535; Gregorio Giovanardo, �Vitae duae B. Galeoti Roberti de Malatestis, Tertii Ord. S. Francisci (d. 1432) a fr. Mariano Florentino conscriptae�, AFH 21 (1928), 62-85; Accursi Luigi Patrizi, �Vita del B. Antonio Vico da Stroncone dei Frati Minori (1381-1461)�, La voce di S. Antonio 14 (1909-1910), 198-203 & seperately as a stand-alone edition (Rome, 1910) [on the basis of MS Rome, Biblioteca Nazionale Cod. Sessoriano 412, 2063] etc.

Libro delle degnit� et excellentie del ordine della seraphica madre delle povere donne sancta Chiara da Asisi: MS Volterra, Biblioteca Guarnacchi 6146 (written by sister Dorotea Broccardi).
For editions, see: Libro delle degnit� et excellentie del ordine della seraphica madre delle povere donne sancta Chiara da Asisi, ed. Giovanni Boccali, Studi Francescani, 83 (Florence-S. Maria degli Angeli, 1986); Libro delle degnit� et excellentie del Ordine della Seraphica Madre delle Povere Donne Sancta Chiara da Assisi. Die Urspr�nge des Klarissenordens, ed. Karin Mair (Kiel: Solivagus Verlag, 2020).

Vite de� santi frati Minori (ca. 1510-1523): Florence, Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale, Landau Finaly 243 (oldest manuscript, in part an autograph); Rome, Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale Vittorio Emanuele II, Sessoriano, Sess. 412 (a younger MS that lacks seven of the vitae and texts included in Landau Finaly 243). For a very long time, scholars thought that this work was never fully completed, and did not reach the printing press. Yet a 2005 study by Sancricca suggests that a version of the work might in fact have been printed under the title La genealogia delle province de' beati e santi della religione di S. Francesco. See: Arnaldo Sancricca, 'La genealogia delle province de' beati e santi della religione di S. Francesco: Un'opera a stampa attributa a Fra' Mariano da Firenze nel Summarium super non remotione cultus di S. Liberato da Loro', Picenum Seraphicum: Rivista di studi storici e francescani 24 (2005), 147-189. See there for more information. Individual saints' lives from this collection have been edited separately:
- Vita S. Francisci, partial edition and analysis in: Domenico Cresi, �La vita di S. Francesco scritta da Mariano da Firenze�, Studi Francescani 64:1 (1967), 48-90. Another part published in: Biblioteca bio-bibliografica della Terra Santa e dell'Oriente francescano, ed. Girolamo Golubovich (Quaracchi, 1906-1921) I, 77-80. Chapter 31 partly published in Zeffirino Lazzeri, �Le stimmate di S. Francesco nel racconto di fra Mariano da Firenze�, Studi Francescani 21 (1924), 229-232; Zeffirino Lazzeri, �Fra Mariano da Firenze. La storia della traslazione dell'abito di S. Francesco da Montauto a Firenze�, AFH 17 (1924), 545-559.
- Vita S. Bonaventurae, edited in: Zeffirino Lazzeri, �Una piccola vita inedita di S. Bonaventura�, Studi Francescani 12 (1914-1915), 115-137.
Vita di B. Paoluccio Trinci, ed. & analysis in: Michele Faloci Pulignani, �Il B. Paoluccio Trinci da Foligno�, Miscellanea Francescana 6 (1896), 97-128 (text on 103-111).
- Vita e leggenda del B. Tommaso Bellaci da Firenze, ed. Saturnino Mencherini (Arezzo, 1916). Also published in La Verna 10 (1912), 514-522; 11 (1913), 31-41 & (continued in) Studi Francescani 1 (1913-1915), 87-102, 223-234, 486-495; 2 (1915-1920), 41-48, 105-117.
- Vita inedita di fra Iacopone da Todi, edited in: Livario Oliger, �Per VI centenario della morte del B. Iacopone da Todi (d. 1306). Vita inedita di fra Iacopone scritta da fra Mariano da Firenze�, Luce e Amore 4 (1907), 418-428, 473-489.
- Vita di Amedeo Menez de Sylva, edited in: Paolo Sevesi, �B. Amedeo Menez de Sylva dei Frati Minori, fondatore degli Amadeiti (Vita inedita di fra Mariano da Firenze e documenti inediti)�, Luce e Amore 8 (1911), 529-552, 586-605, 681-710.
- Vita et progresso di sancto Bernardino. Check Domenico Cresi, �Un viaggio oltre tomba con S. Bernardino�, Studi Francescani 64:4 (1967), 58-72.

Tractatus Coronae Virginis Mariae variis meditationibus distributum?

Fasciculus Chronicarum Ordinis Minorum. Lost. For a synopsis version, see under Compendium Chronicarum Ordinis FF. Minorum.

Compendium Chronicarum Ordinis FF. Minorum, ed. Domenichelli, in: AFH, 1 (1908), 98-107; 2 (1909), 92-107, 305-318, 457-472, 626-641; 3 (1910), 294-309, 700-715; 4 (1911), 122-137, 318-339, 559-587/also separately as a book (Ad Claras Aquas, 1911).

Brevis Chronica Provinciae Tusciae. This work as susch has been lost, yet parts of it found their way in: Dionisio Pulinari, Cronache dei Frati Minori della Provincia di Toscana, secondo l'autografo di Ognissanti, ed. P. Saturnino Mencherini (Arezzo, 1913).

Gloriosus Franciscus Redivivus sive Chronica Observantiae Strictionis (�) (Ingolstadt, 1625).

Officium S. Francisci, edited in: Domenico Cresi, �Un piccolo �ufficio� di S. Francesco in un volume autografo di Mariano da Firenze�, Studi Francescani 60 (1963), 100-106.

Dialogo del Sacro Monte della Verna di fra Mariano da Firenze, ed. Ciro Cannarozzi (Pistoia: Pacinotti, 1930). This work, written between 1510 and 1522, should be situated in the context of contemporary polemics between Franciscans, Dominicans, and Augustinians concerning the authenticity of the stigmata of St Catherine of Siena. See on this work Massimo D. Papi, �Il Sacro Monte della Verna�, in: Sacri Monti: Devozione, Arte e Cultura della Controriforma, ed. Luciano Vaccaro and Francesca Ricardi (Milan: Jaca, 1992), 435-445, as well as Marianne Petra Ritsema van Eck, Custodians of Sacred Space: Constructing the Franciscan Holy Land through texts and sacri monti (ca. 1480-1650), PhD Thesis, University of Amsterdam (Amsterdam, 2017), passim. The latter author suggess that Mariano was the first to devote a work completely to the Sacred Mountain of La Verna as a Holy Place on a par with Jerusalem.

?Zeffirino Lazzeri, ��L�istoria del cimento del fuoco� tra Girolamo Savonarola e i Francescani di fra Mariano da Firenze�, Studi Francescani 12 (1914-1915), 402-414 & 13 (1915-1916), 12-28 [analysis and edition].

Itinerarium Urbis Romae di fra Mariano da Firenze con introduzione e note illustrative, ed. E. Bulletti, in: Studi di Antichit� Cristiana pubblicati per cura del Pontificio Istituto di Archeologia Cristiana II (Rome, 1931) [cf. Weiss, The Renaissance Discovery of Classical Antiquity (1969), 86]

Defensorio della Verit� (ca. 1506), cf. Domenico Cresi, �L�opusculo �Defensorio della verit�� di Mariano da Firenze�, Studi Francescani 61 (1964), 3-47, 168-212 [analysis and text edition].

La vita spirituale (1518), edited and studied in: Domenico Cresi, �Una compilazione ascetica di Mariano da Firenze �La vita spirituale��, Studi Francescani 62 (1965), 3-31.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 328-329; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 518; Paul Sabatier, �Fr. Mariano de Florence�, in: Collection d��tudes et de documents sur l�histoire religieuse et litt�raire du Moyen age, II: Appendice (Paris, 1900), 137-164; Roberto Razzoli, �Fra Mariano da Firenze e le sue opere�, Luce e Amore 1 (1904), 26-34, 72-78, 123-126, 268-274, 313-317; Anonymus, �Un�opera sconosciuta di fra Mariano da Firenze�, Miscellanea Francescana 10 (1906), 57-62 [also published in Bollettino del Terz�Ordine Francescano, organo delle congregazioni del Veneto 5 (1906), 124-127 [discusses a codex of the Compendium Chronicarum and discusses the (alleged) origin of the Franciscan tertiary order in Tuscany in 1221]; Enrico Bulletti, �Il cod. G.H. della biblioteca del convento di Giaccherino�, Luce e Amore 4 (1907), 550-554 [study on the saints'lives and lives of beati in this codex of Mariano da Firenze]; Livario Oliger, �Il cod. 2063 (Sess. 412) della Bibl. Naz. di Roma, opera di fra Mariano da Firenze�, Luce e Amore 4 (1907), 361-368; Livario Oliger, �Per VI centenario della morte del B. Iacopone da Todi (d. 1306). Vita inedita di fra Iacopone scritta da fra Mariano da Firenze�, Luce e Amore 4 (1907), 418-428, 473-489 [with edition of the text]; Anonymus [Michele Faloci Pulignani?], �Fr. Marianus a Florentia, Compendium chronicarum Ordinis Fr. Minorum, Quaracchi, 1911�, Miscellanea Francescana 13 (1911), 156-161 [review of the edition of the Compendium chronicarum]; Adamo Pierotti, �Di una nuova opera di Fra Mariano da Firenze (il dialogo antico della Verna)�, Studi Francescani 3 (1914), 165-200; Anastasius Van den Wyngaert, �De Tertio Ordine S. Francisci iuxta Marianum Florentinum�, AFH 13 (1920), 3-77; Anastasius Van den Wyngaert, �De Sanctis et Beatis Tertii Ordinis iuxta codicem Fr. Mariani Florentini�, AFH 14 (1921), 3-35; Anonymus [Zeffirino Lazzeri?], �Un capitolo di fr. Mariano da F. (Saggio di testo)�, Studi Francescani 18:2-3 (1921), 123-128 [chapter 23 of the Tractato del Tertio Ordine on the vestment of illustrious lay people]; Ciro Cannarozzi, Fra Mariano da Firenze (Vita, pensiero e opere), Tesi di laurea (Universit� di Firenze, 1927) [unpublished PhD]; Ciro Cannarozzi, `Storia dell'abito col quale S. Francesco ricevette le stimmate�, Studi Francescani 21 (1924), 262-282 & abbreviated in Frate Francesco 1 (1924), 255-261; Ciro Cannarozzi, `Il pensiero di Fra Mariano da Firenze�, Studi Francescani 26 (1929), 4-28, 121-179, 295-326; Ciro Cannarozzi, Dialogo del Sacro Monte della Verna di fra Mariano da Firenze (Pistoia, 1930); Ciro Cannarozzi, `Ricerche sulla vita di fra Mariano da Firenze�, Studi Francescani 27 (1930), 31-71; Ciro Cannarozzi, `Una fonte primari degli Annales del Wadding�, Studi Francescani 27 (1930), 251-285; Ciro Cannarozzi, �La �Corona B.M. Virginis� e la �Corona Domini Nostri Jesu Christi� in due opere inedite di fra Mariano da Firenze�, Studi Francescani 28 (1931), 14-32; Giuseppe Abate, �Le fonti storiche della Cronaca di fra Mariano da Firenze�, Miscellanea Francescana 34 (1934), 46-52; Giuseppe Abate, �Rassegna Francescana�, Miscellanea Francescana 40 (1940), 272-277 & 669; Florio Banfi , �Le fonti per la storia di S. Giovanni da Capestrano�, Studi Francescani 53 (1956), 299-344 [info from the works of Mariano da Firenze]; Domenico Cresi, �Le origini dell�Ordine Minoritico nella narrazione di Mariano da Firenze�, Studi Francescani 56 (1959), 139-147; Ciro Cannarozzi, `Due vite della B. Antonia da Firenze�, Studi Francescani 57(1960), 319-342 [study and edition]; S. da Campagnola, Le origini francescana come problema storiografico (Perugia), 94-95; Martino Bertagna, `Per un nuovo incontro con fra Mariano da Firenze�, Studi Francescani, 79 (1982), 473-479; Emanuele Barletti, �Appunti di viaggio tra Oriente ed Occidente sulla via di Damasco e una testimonianza inedita di Fra' Mariano da Firenze su Cosimo il Vecchio per tacere di Michelozzo�, in: Michelozzo: scultore e architetto (1396-1472), ed. Gabriele Morolli (Florence, 1998), 303-307; Chiara Mercuri, Santit� e propaganda. Il terz�ordine francescano nell�agiografia osservante,Bibliotheca Seraphico-Capuccina, 59 (Rome, 1999), esp. chapters 2 & 3; Ottaviano Giovanetti, �Uno storiografo a S. Salvatore al Monte di Firenze�, Studi Francescani 98 (2001), 331-347; Enrico Menest�, �La Vita latina di Iacopone da Todi compilata da fra Mariano da Firenze�, in: Curiositas. Scritti di cultura classica e medievale in onore di Ubaldo Pizzani, ed. Antonino Isola, Enrico Menest� & Alessandra Di Pilla, Bibliotheca. Collana di Studi del Dipartimento di Studi paleocristiani, tardo-antichi e medievali dell'Universit� degli Studi di Perugia, 1 (Naples, 2002), 467-498; M. Papi, �Mariano da Firenze e la �superiorit�� della sua Toscana�, in: Una �Gerusalemme� toscana sul sfondo di due Giubilei: 1500-1525. Atti del Convegno di studi (San Vivaldo, 4-6 ottobre 2000), ed. Sergio Gensini, La Gerusalemme in Occidente, 1, SISMEL (Florence: Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2004),69-81; Marco Bartoli, �La costruzione della memoria di Caterina: Illuminata Bembo, Sabadino degli Arienti e Mariano da Firenze�, in: Caterina Vigri: la santa e la citt�; atti del Convegno ; Bologna, 13-14 novembre 2002, ed, Claudio Leonardi, 5 Vols. (Florence: Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2004) V, 195-209; C. Mercuri, �L�Itinerarium Urbis� Romae di Mariano da Firenze: un vademecum per il pellegrino degli inizi del Cinquecento�, in: Una �Gerusalemme� toscana sul sfondo di due Giubilei: 1500-1525. Atti del Convegno di studi (San Vivaldo, 4-6 ottobre 2000), ed. Sergio Gensini, La Gerusalemme in Occidente, 1, SISMEL (Florence: Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2004), 83-92; Arnaldo Sancriccia, �La �Genealogia delle Provincie de�Beati e Santi della Religione di s. Francesco�. Un�Opera a stampa attribuita a Fra� Mariano da Firenze nel 'Summarium super non remotione cultus� di s. Liberato da Loro�, Picenum Seraphicum 24 (2005), 147-189; Johannes Schneider, ��Wie die heilige Klara manche Gleichf�rmigkeit mit der Jungfrau Maria hatte�: zur Klara-Maria-Typologie im �Libro delle degnit�� des Mariano da Firenze�, in: Religioni et doctrinae: miscellanea di studi offerti a Bernardino de Armellada in occasione del suo 80. compleanno, ed. Aleksander Horowski, Bibliotheca seraphico-capuccina, 89 (Rome, 2009), 413-449; Anna Benvenuti, �Memoria agiografica regionale nel Tractatus de origine et nobilitate Tusciae di Mariano da Firenze�, in: Italia sacra: le raccolte di vite dei santi e l'inventio delle regioni (secc. XV-XVIII), ed. Tommaso Cali�, Maria Duranti & Raimondo Michetti, Studi e ricerche Universit� degli studi Roma Tre, Dipartimento di studi umanistici, area di studi storici, geografici antropologici, 31 (Rome, 2014), 429-468; Filippo Sedda, �Compendium chronicarum: una storia perduta?�, Studi Francescani 114:3-4 (2017), 295-312; Lorenzo Tanzini, �Fra Mariano da Firenze e il sacro Monte della Verna�, Studi Francescani 114:3-4 (2017), 313-326; Caterina Papi, �Considerazioni sull'Itinerarium Urbis Romae di Mariano da Firenze�, Studi Francescani 114:3-4 (2017), 327-340; Karin Mair, �Il Libro delle degnit� et excellentie del ordine della seraphica madre delle povere donne sancta Chiara da Asisi di Mariano da Firenze�, Studi Francescani 114:3-4 (2017), 341-360; Ippolita Checcoli, �Con la penna manifestare la verit�: il Defensorio della verit� di Mariano da Firenze (1477-1523)�, Studi Francescani 114:3-4 (2017), 361-378; Eleonora Rava, �Le mulieres religiosae nel Trattato del Terz'Ordine di Mariano da Firenze�, Studi Francescani 114:3-4 (2017), 379-392; Daniele Solvi, �Conclusioni a L'opera storico-agiografica di frate Mariano da Firenze�, Studi Francescani 114:3-4 (2017), 393-398; Lezlie Knox, 'Toward a New Apprciation of Fra Mariano of Florence', in: 'Non enim fuerat Evangelii surdus auditor...' (1 Celano 22). Essays in Honor of Michael W. Blastic, O.F.M. on the Occasion of his 70th Birthday, ed. Michael F. Cusato & Steven J, McMichael, The Medieval Franciscans, 18 (Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2020), 348-361.

With thanks to dr. Lezlie Knox





Marianus de Jeziorko (d. 1492)

OMObs. Polish friar.


Andrzej Obrusnik, �Marian z Jeziorka OFMObs�, Encyklopedia Katolicka XI, 1352-1353





Marinus de Venetia (Marino da Venezia, d. 1564)

OFMConv. Italian friar. Inquisitor in Venice between 1544 and 1550.


Anne Jacobson Schutte, �Un inquisitore allavoro: Fra Marino da Venezia e l�Inquisizione Veneziana�, in: I Francescani in Europa tra Riforma e Controriforma, Atti del XIII Convegno Internazionale, Assisi, 17-18-19 ottobre 1985 (Assisi-Perugia: Societ� Internazionale di Studi Francescani-Universit� degli Studi di Perugia-Centro di Studi Francescani, 1987),165-196.





Marianus de Koscian (Marianus Costenus/Marian z Kosciana, d. 1651)

OFM. Polish friar and member of the Greater Poland Province. Scotist theologian (2x lector jubilatus) and preacher.


Tabula naufragii, seu tractatus speculativus, et moralis, de poenitentia, de indulgentiis et suffragiis, et de censuris ecclesiasticis. Juxta doctrinam Venerabilis P.F. Joannis Duns Scoti (...) (Mainz: Wigand Functius, 1636).

Aequilibrium Justitiae, Seu Tractatus Speculativus et Moralis. De Jure et Justitia. De Objecto, et Subjecto Domini. De Restitutione. De Contractibus. De Judice et Judicio. Juxta doctrinam Venerabilis P.F. Joannis Duns Scoti (...) (Poznan: Albert Regulus, 1641).

Lucernae Catholicae, seu Tractatus Speculativus et Moralis. De Sacramentis in communi et in particulari. Juxta doctrinam Venerabilis P.F. Joannis Duns Scoti (...) (Costna: Wigand Functius, 1642).

Typus Ver� Religionis, Seu Tractatus Speculativus & Moralis. De Virtute Religionis . De speciebus religionis. De vitiis oppositis religioni. De augustiss. Sacramento Euchar. De fide, et oppositis fidei vitiis. Iuxta doctrinam Venerabilis P.F. Ioannis Dvns Scoti (...) (Poznan: Regulus, 1643). The work is accessible in the Herzogin Anna Amalia Bibliothek and in the Staatsbibliothek Berlin.

Vita venerabilis P. Fratris Joannis Duns Scoti Doctoris subtilis, Included in the Aequilibrium Justitiae?


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 328; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 518; Adam Benedykt Jocher, Obraz bibliograficzno-historyczny literatury i nauk w Polsce II (Wilno, 1842), 62; Karol J�zef Teofil Estreicher, Bibliografia polska III (xiv) (1896), 429-430; Andrzej Obrusnik, �Marian z Kosciana OFMOBS�, Encyclopedia Katolicka XI, 1353.





Marianus de Oscelar (Marianus de Orscolor/Marianus Oscelar/Marianus Oscolor, fl. early 17th cent.)

OFMRef. German friar. Lector of theology in Lanshut, preacher, order historian and author of texts of religious instruction.


Christliche Layenandacht. T�egliche Ubung. Item Schildtwacht der Geistlichen Braut (...) (1622). Accessible via the collections of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek and via Google Books (look with name author Marianus Oscelar).

Iesus Omnia, sive Thesaurus Cordium Suavis ac melliti Nominis Iesu Messiae Opusculum Quinque Gazophylaciis divisum, ac totidem figuris aeneis decorum, ac Novuum. Ad Concionandum, meditandum, orandum, Imo ad consolandum (...) (Munich: Peter K�nig, 1622). Accessible via the collections of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek and via Google Books.

Rythmos decem de Corona Virginis (Ingolstadt: Wilhelm Eder, 1625)?

Vexillum Seraphicum Montis Alverni (Ingolstadt: Wilhelm Eder, 1625)?

Gloriosus Franciscus Redivivus, sive Chronica Observantiae Strictioris, Reparatae, Reductae, ac Reformatae, eiusdemque per Christianos Orbes, non solum, sed & Americam, Peru, Chinas, Iapones, Chichemacas, Zatachecas, Indos Orientis, & occidui solis, & Turcas, & Barbaras gentes, diffusae, & Evangelio fructificantis. Distincta VI. Libris (...) (Ingolstadt: Wilhelm Eder, 1625). Accessible via the Biblioth�que Municipale of Lyon and via Google Books.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 329; Sbaralea, Supplementum (3d. 1806), 519; Parthenius Minges, Geschichte der Franziskaner in Bayern, 142.





Marianus Genuensis (Mariano da Genova, d. 1585)

OFMCap. Italian friar from the Genoa province. Wrote a catechism for children at the request of the Archbishop of Genoa, Cipriano Pallavicini.


Cristiana dottrina per i bambini et idioti (...) (Genoa: Belloni, 1580).


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 329; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 518; Sigismondo da Venezia, Biografia serafica degli uomini illustri che fiorirono nel francescano istituto, 451.





Marianus Josephus Herrarte (Mariano Jos� Herrarte, d. 1792)

OFM. Guatemalan friar. Theologian and missionary. Worked at the Colegio de Cristo Crucificado.


Devocionario al Santisimo, y Dulcisimo Nombre de Jesus, dirigido a excitar El amor y frequente invocacion de este Sacratisimo Nombre en quien est� depositada la salud de las almas. Divido en dos exercicios, el uno para todos los Domingos de cada mes, y el otro para todos los dias del a�o (Guatemala, 1787).


J.T. Medina, La Imprenta en Guatemala (Santiago de Chile, 1910), 222; A Bio-Bibliography of Franciscan Authors in Colonial Central America, ed. Eleanor B. Adams (Washington D.C.: Academy of American Franciscan History, 1953), 38-39.





Marianus L�pez y Pimentel (fl. ca. 1800)

OFMDisc. Mexican friar. Member of the Discalceate San Diego de M�xico province. Known for a proposal, sent to the Spanish government between 1808 and 1813, to organize large-scale missions in Mexico, China and Japan and develop training centers for this.

Proyecto de un colegio de misiones: Madrid, Nac. 3652 [Castro, Madrid, no. 200]. See also Marcelo Corvera Poir�, 'So�ando con evangelizar: el colegio de infieles proyectado por fray Mariano L�pez Pimentel (1808-1813)', Nuestra Historia 47 (April 2001), 38-44.


Journal of the Southwest (1992), 153-165; Elisabetta Corsi, �rdenes religiosas entre Am�rica y Asia: ideas para una historia misionera de los espacios coloniales (Mexico: El Colegio de M�xico, 2008), 77-83.





Marianus Morone (Mariano Morone da Maleo, fl. 17th cent.)

OFM. Italian Franciscan friar active in the Holy Land. Author of the Terra Santa Nuovamente Illustrata (Piacenza: Giovanni Bazachi, 1669).


Terra Santa nuouamente illustrata dal Mariano Morone da Maleo, (...) diuisa in due parti, nella prima delle quali si tratta di Terra Santa in se, de� suoi pellegrini, e luoghi anche circonuicini, (...) e nella seconda delli possessori, & habitatori di essa, con loro costumi, (...) con li loro priuilegi, fauori, & indulgenze concesse ad esi dalla S. Sede Apostolica. Opera, & historia varia, (Piacenza: Giovanni Bazachi, 1669). Check also The work is accessible via, the Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale Vitt. Emanuele in Rome and Google Books. The work is divided in two parts and in 17 books. It is both a guide for pilgrims and a learned treatment of the Holy Land. The work also includes a detailed history of the Franciscan presence in Palestine.

Relazione sulle oppressioni e miserie in che si ritrova la Famiglia del P.S. Francesco dei Minori, osservanti e riformati, sotto la tirannide dei Turchi nella Santa citt� di Gerusalemme (1665). This work apparently received a Spanish edition in 1692.


Marianne Petra Ritsema van Eck, Custodians of Sacred Space: Constructing the Franciscan Holy Land through texts and sacri monti (ca. 1480-1650), PhD Thesis, University of Amsterdam (Amsterdam, 2017), passim; Itinerari e cronache francescane di Terra Santa (1500-1800). Antiche Edizioni a stampa sui luoghi santi, la presenza francescana e il pellegrinaggio nella provincia d�Oltremare, ed. Marco Galateri di Genola (Milan: Edizioni Terra Santa, 2017), 144.





Marianus Mullenbornensis (Marianus von M�llenborn, fl. second half 17th cent.)

OFMCap. German friar from the Eifel-Sarre region. Member of the Rhine province. Novice master and Guardian of the Capuchin house of Trier (1679). He had a highly emotional attachment to the passion of Christ and wrote in any case a passion devotion treatise with exercises.


Christus, seu Meditationes de tota vita Christi & modus meditandi eius sacratissimam passionem (Cologne, 1665), and other editions. Check!


Bernardo di Bologna & Dionisio da Genoa, Bibliotheca scriptorum Ordinis minorum S. Francisci Capuccinorum retexta et extensa, 181; Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 329; Johann Friedrich Schannat, Georg B�rsch et al, Eiflia Illustrata, oder geographische und historische Beschreibung der Eifel, III, ii, i: Die St�dte und Ortschaften der Eifel und deren Umgebung topographisch und historisch beschrieben (Aachen-Leipzig: Jakob Anton Mayer, 1854), 50; Bonaventura von Mehr, Das Predigtwesen in der K�lnischen und rheinischen Kapuzinerprovinz im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert, 126.





Marianus Nebbiensis (Marianus Nebiensis/Mariano del Nebbio/Mariano da Nebbio, fl. first half 16th cent.)

OFMCap. Corsican friar from Santo Pietro di Tenda. Preacher and co-founder of the Capuchin province of Corsica (ca. 1540) . He would have left behind an account of this foundation, as well as other works. Yet we have not yet been able to trace those.


Zaccaria Boverio, Annali dell'ordine de' Frati Minori Cappuccini, trans. Benedetto da Milano (Turin: Giovanni Domenico Tarino, 1641), 426-427; Bernardo di Bologna & Dionisio da Genoa, Bibliotheca scriptorum Ordinis minorum S. Francisci Capuccinorum retexta et extensa, 181; Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 329; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806).





Marianus Senensis (Mariano da Siena, fl. c. 1460)

OMObs. Franciscan preacher and papal ambassador (in the 1450�s and 1460�s). Died in 1476 at la Capriola. Known for his lengthy and interesting Lenten sermon cycle, as well as for his donation of a breviary to the library of the Sienese San Francesco convent. He should not be identified with Mariano di Graziano, who for a short while resided in Siena in 1484 [cf. Moorman, Medieval Franciscan Houses]


Sermones: Siena Biblioteca Comunale cod. G.IX.26.


K.W. Humphreys, The Library of the Franciscans of Siena in the Late Fifteenth Century (Amsterdam, 1978), 47 & note 47; Bernadette Paton, Preaching Friars and the Civic Ethos: Siena, 1380-1480 (London, 1992), 42ff.





Marianus Stalpaert (Marien Stalpaert, fl. second half 17th cent.)

OFMRec. Belgian (Flemish) friar from the Sint Andries/S. Andreas province, novice master and guardian at Ieper/Ypres. Author of meditative and edificatory works.


De Godt-soeckende ziele quelende van liefde, betrachtende te blaecken door den seraphischen minne-brandt, ende haeren Godt te beminnen ghelyck hy weerdig is bemint te worden (...) (Ieper: Joannes Baptista Moerman, 1682).

Quarens Deum anima amore languens, studens ardere seraphico amoris ardore, Deumque suum amara, ut dignus est amari (...) (Ieper: Joannes Baptista Moerman, 1682).

Den nouwen wegh die leydt naer het leven. Bewandelt door de volmaeckte Onderhouders vande derde Orden vanden H.V. Franciscus geseyt De Orden van Penitentis (...) (Ieper: Joannes Baptista Moerman, 1683). Accessible via the digital collections of the University Library of Ghent and via Google Books.

Den Wegh des doodts, ofte inleydinghe tot de verborgen Godtheyt (...) (Ieper: Joannes Baptista Moerman, 1687).

De ghebenyde voester vanden armen naeckten, ende verlaetenen Jesus, Soone vande Alder-heul. Maghet Maria. Eertydts vanden Seraphycken Vader Franciscus, om het mysterie van sijne teere kleyne Gheboorte, ghenaemt Het Kindeken van Bethleem, in't licht ghebrocht door P. Marianus Stalpaert, Guardian vande PP. Minder-broeders Recollecten binnen Ipre (Ieper: Joannes Baptista Moerman, 1688). Accessible via the Dutch Royal Library in The Hague, and via Google Books.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 329-330; Annales de la Soci�t� historique, arch�ologique et litt�raire de la ville d'Ypres et de l'ancienne West-Flandre 8 (1878), 251-253.





Marianus Unezovkhi (Pragensis, fl. second half 17th cent.)

OFMConv. Czech friar and member of the Bohemian province. Provincial minister of his province and long-term regent lector of the Prague friary.


Discipulus ordinandus, Opusculum pro initiandis ad Ordines (Prague: Gamantinus, 1683).

Vita Patris Iosepho de Cupertino in idioma Latinum traducta (Prague, 1686).

Theologia scolastica Patris M. Blasii de Comitibus a Mediolano, pars prima primi sent. de Deo Uno, & Trino (Prague: Georg Labaun, 1687). With remarks, comments and corrections by Marianus.

Theologia scolastica Patris M. Blasii de Comitibus a Mediolano, pars secunda primi sent. de Intellectu, Scientia, Providentia, Praedestinatione, & Reprobatione (Prague: Georg Labaun, 1687).

Theologia scolastica Patris M. Blasii de Comitibus a Mediolano in secundum sentent. pars prima de Creatione, statu innocentiae, Angelis (Prague: Georg Labaun, 1688).


Giovanni Franchini, Bibliosofia e memorie letterarie di scrittori Francescani conventuali Ch'hanno scritto dopo 'Anno 1585 (Modena: Eredi Soliani Stampatori, 1693), 427.





Maria Rosa (Mar�a Rosa de Madrid, d. ca. 1722)

OSCCap. Spanish Capuchin Poor Clare and member of the Madrid Capuchin monastery. She departed for Cuzco (Southeastern Peru) to become abbess, but was apprehended by the Dutch, who released her in Lisbon (1710). She departed again, this time arriving via Buenos Aires and Valparaiso to Lima. She helped found the new Jes�s, Mar�a & Jos� monastery in Lima, which was inaugurated on 14 May 1713.


Relaci�n del viaje de las religiosas capuchinas, que salieron del convento de Madrid a fundar el de Jes�s, Mar�a y Jos� en la ciudad de Lima, con los dem�s sucesos de la fundaci�n de dicho monasterio, cuyos apuntes dej� la Madre Rosa, una de las cinco fundadores (...): MS Madrid Bib. Nac. Cc 207.


Serrano y Sanz, Apuntes para una biblioteca de escritores espa�olas (Madrid, 1903) II, 163-168.





Maria Salinas (Mar�a Salinas, 1602-1657)

OSC. Spanish Clarissan nun. Born on 14 September 1602 in Tamarite (Aragon), as the youngest daughter of the laborers Francisco Salinas and Mar�a Tudela. After the death of her parents, she was raised by her maternal uncle, a priest with musical interests, living in Saragosa. He taught her reading and writing, chant, dancing and provided for her instruction to play various musical instruments. Thanks to her musical gifts and knowledge, Mar�a was accepted into the Santa Clara de Borja monastery without a proper dowry in 1622, where she was joined by her sister Rafaela. In 1636, M�ria took part in the foundation of the Pur�sima Concepci�n y Santa Espina monastery of Xelsa. There she became novice master and later abbess. In the course of her life, she wrote two autobiographies. The first was written at Borja at the request of the Franciscan lector and religious director (and later provincial minister) Francisco de Torres. Later, the spiritual direction of Mar�a was given to the theologian and former provincial Juan Ginto, who again asked Mar�a to write. Aside from these two texts, Mar�a apparently wrote letters to her confessors, but those have nearly all disappeared. The texts written by Mar�a are also of interest because they provide information on the treatment she received as a child, the resistance of her family when she wanted to enter the monastery, the conflicts within the monastery and the reproaches of her confessors. She died on 1 June 1657.


Spiritual Autobiography. The works themselves have all but disapeared. Their contents found their way into the vita of her spiritual director Juan Ginto (see below under vitae as well as the separate entry on him (Joannes Ginteus, Letter J).

Cartas. Cf. the study of Poutrin (1995) & Escritoras Clarisas Espa�olas. Antolog�a, ed. Maria Victoria Trivi�o, OSC, Biblioteca de autores cristianos 523 (Madrid, 1992), 197-204.

Exorcismos para echar el diablo. Cf. Escritoras Clarisas Espa�olas. Antolog�a, ed. Maria Victoria Trivi�o, OSC, Biblioteca de autores cristianos 523 (Madrid, 1992), 197-204.


Vida prodigiosa y felicissima muerte de la Madre Sor Mar�a Salinas, de la orden de Santa Clara en la Provincia de Aragon, Primera hija del Convento de Santa Clara de Borja, y despues fundadora del Convento de la Purissima Concepci�n, y Santa Espina de la Villa de Xelsa (Zaragoza: Miguel de Luna, 1660). Accessible via the Biblioteca Nacional of Madrid (sign. 3-20155).


Isabelle Poutrin, Le voile et la plume. Autobiographie et saintet� f�minine dans l�Espagne moderne, Biblioth�que de la Casa de Vel�zquez (Madrid-Ciudad Universitaria: Casa de Vel�zquez, 1995), ad indicem.





Maria Tellez (Mar�a Tellez, fl. first half 16th cent.)

OSC. Spanish Poor Clare and member of the San Francisco de Tordesillas monastery. Known for her Spanish translation of the passion devotion treatise of Ludolf the Carthusian.


(as translator) Pasion de Nuestro Se�or Jesu Christo (Valladolid [Pinciae]: Nicolas Tiersi, 1539).


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 88, 327; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 517; Martin Lipen, Bibliotheca Realis Theologica Omnium Materium, Rerum et Titulorum, Tomus Secundus (Frankfurt a.M.: Sumptibus Johannis Friderici, 1685), 437; Serrano y Sanz, Apuntes para una biblioteca de escritores espa�olas (Madrid, 1903) II, 478-479.





Maria Theresa (Mar�a Teresa de Puebla de los Angeles, fl. early 18th cent.)

OSCCap. Capuchin Poor Clare from Mexico. Abbess of the Puebla de los Angeles monastery in New Mexico. Known for her biblical knowledge.


Carta escrita por la se�ora Sor Mar�a Teresa, abadesa (...) dando noticia a su Prelado (...) Juan Antonio de Lardiz�bal y Elorza (...) de la vida y virtudes de la se�ora do�a Leocadia Gonz�lez Arizmendi, y en la religi�n Sor Mar�a Leoncadia, fundadora del referido convento de capuchinas (Mexico: Impr. Hogal, 1734).


Serrano y Sanz, Apuntes para una biblioteca de escritores espa�olas (Madrid, 1903) II, 39 & 479.





Maria Theresa de Sancto Josepho (Maria Thereza de S. Joz�, fl. early 18th cent.)

OSC. Portuguese Poor Clare. She joined the Madre de Deus monastery in Lison on 6 March 1684 when she was twelve years old. Religious author.


Praticas espirituas entre as Religiosas na festa, e Oitavas do Natal em f�rma de dialogo, com o titulo de Fogueiras, escritas nos annos de 1723, 1724, e 1724, A work, once present in the Clarissan Madre de Deus monastery of Lisbon, that also refers to many fellow sisters. Is there a link with the Fogueiras of Maria de Sancto Sacramento (Joanna da Piedade)?

Cartas directivas, e doutrinas, respostas de huma Religiosa Capucha, e reformada a outra, que mostrava querer reforar-se, ed. P. Manoal Velho (Lisbon: Antonio Pedrozo Galra�, 1730). In any case accessible via the British library and via Google Books.

Praticas espirituaes, e doutrinaes, tratados entre huma Religiosa Capucha, e reformada, com outra Freira desejosa de reformar-se e aproveitar-se ed. P. Manoal Velho (Lisbon: Antonio Pedrozo Galra�, 1732).


Jeronymo de Belem, Chronica serafica de Santa Provincia dos Algarves da Regular Observancia do nosso Serafico Padre S. Francisco (...) Parte Primeira (...) (Lisbon: Ignacio Rodrigues, 1750), cclxv.





Maria Thomas (Mar�a Tomasa de Pur�sima Concepci�n, fl. early 18th cent.)

OSC. Spanish Poor Clare in the Cocentaina monastery (Alicante region). Traveled with Teresa de San Bruno to help establish the Sisante monastery (Cuenca region) in 1714.


Spiritual autobiographical writings. Some elements can apparently be found in: Novena de Jes�s Nazareno, que se venera en el convento de religiosas clarisas (vulgo Nazarenas) de Sisante (Cuenca: Impr. de Francisco G�mez, 1844).


Ivars, Archivo Ibero-Americano 23 (1925), 107, no. 1.





Marinus de Calvacesio (Marino de Calvacesio, fl. early 17th cent.)

OFMCap. Spanish Capuchin friar from the Burgos region. Novice master and provincial definitor. Apostolic visitator in the Romansh regions in Italy and Switzerland for the Congregatio de Propaganda fidei. Author of a Vida de nuestro Se�or Jesucristo.


Vida de nuestro Se�or Jesucristo, distribuida en veinte lecciones (Burgos, 1639).


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 330; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 519; Gion Peder Th�ni, 'Ils caputschins an Surmeir', Annalas della Societad Rhaeto-Romanscha 109 (1996), 161; 114 (2001), 186 & 115 (2002), 226, 228, 230 [check]; Alexander Samuel Wilkinson & Alejandra Ulla Lorenzo, Iberian Books Volumes II & III / Libros Ib�ricos Vol�menes II y III (Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2015), 203.





Marinus de Castineano (Marino da Castignano, fl. 15th cent.)

OM. Italian friar. Reached the doctorate in Padua, where he held a public chair of theology between 1457-1463. He also was provincial of the Marca province between 1481-1486. Author of several logical and mathematical writings.


Logical texts: MS BAV, Lat. 3037; Jena GB d 1.

De inventione medii et quatratura circuli: MS olim Jesi, Bibl. OFMRef. [expl.: Explicit per me Bernardinum Catonem de Urbino MCCCCLXXII. die XIII. Novembris hora decima octava paulo praeserita]


Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 519; Picenum Seraphicum 16:12 (December 1916), 619-620.





Marinus de Coriolano (Marius a Coriolano/Marino da Coriolano, fl. 16th cent.)

OFMConv. Italian friar from Calabria and active in Castrovillari. Musical specialist.


Libri de Musica duos.

Other musical works?


Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 519; Giovanni Battista Martini, Carteggio inedito del p. Giambattista Martini coi pi� celebri musicisti del suo tempo, volume primo (Bologna: Forni Editore, 1888), 76-77; Studi Francescani 99 (2002), 161





Marinus Maurus (Marino Mauro da Venezia, fl. 16th cent.)

OFMConv. Italian friar from Venice. Friend of Cornelio Musso. Master of theology, order secretary and preacher. Editor of Musso's works (?) as well as author of a handbook of Thomist theology. We have not yet been able to trace those.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 330; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 519.





Marius Bignoni (Marius de Bignono/Marius de Venetia/Mario de�Bignoni, 1601-1660)

OFMCap. Italian friar from the Venetian province. Born at Venice on 23 December 1601, where he studied at the local seminary. Entered the order at the age of 18 (Bassano friary), making his profession on 3 September 1621. Studied philosophy ad theology, specialising in Thomism, the doctrines of which he taught once he became active as lector of theology in the Venetian province. he also displayed a considerable interest in poetics, cosmology/astrology, medicine, mathematics and mythology, traces of which can be found in nearly all his published works. Due to his failing health, he had to stop teaching quite early in life, and was forced to keep his bed for long periods of time. During these bouts of illness, he wrote at least three homiletic works (Domenicale; Quadragesimale; Santuario). Although all of these were placed on the index of forbidden books, respectively in 1672, 1673 and 1674, and still figured in the Indice dei libri proibitipublished at the order of Pius XI in 1929, which more or less ended the issue of new Italian editions, they received a Latin translation by tghe recollect Observant friar Bruno Neusser, who published them together as the Encyclopaedia, seu Scientia Universalis Concionatorum (Cologne, 1663/1676/1713/1721/1752). This is indicative of the character of Mario's homiletic works, which were more geared to teaching how to preach than to provide model sermons as such. In addition, Neusser published in 1668 in Mainz a Latin translation of Mario's Prediche sopra le ventiquattro domeniche with the Latin title Discursus praedicabiles super festum Pentecostes et sequentes Dominicas usque ad Adventum.


Quadragesimale/Serafici splendori da gli opachi delle pi� celebri accademie e rilucenti tra l�ombre di vaghi geroglifici compartiti in concetti tratti dalle divine lettere, contrapuntati dalle professioni humane per li giorni ordinari di quaresima. Opera scritturale, erudita, curiosa, sacra, morale e utile (Venice: Giunti, 1649/1651/1654/1660). the 1651 edition is accessible via the Narodni Knihovna National Library in Prague, the Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale in Florence, and via Google Books.

Santuario/Elogii sacri nelle solemnit� principali de nostro Signore, delle beata vergine Maria et altri santi, celebrati dalla santa Chiesa (Venice: Francesco Storti, 1652 [2x]/1655). This work was dedicated to the Capuchin minister general Fortunato di Cadoro. At least one of the 1652 editions is accessible via the Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale of Florence, the Biblioteca Nazionale Vitt. Emanuele in Rome, and via Google Books.

Domenicale/Prediche sopra le ventiquattro domeniche doppo la Pentacoste(Venice, 1661 & 1665). Accessible via the Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale of Florence, and via Google Books. This work was dedicated to the provincial minister of Venice Serafino da Brescia. The 1665 posthumous edition by F. Storti includes a Ristretto della vita dell�autore by Simone Negri.

Conciones in reliquis anni dominicis et in adventu. This work is mentioned by Bernardo di Bologna, Juan de San Antonio and Sbaralea. We have not yet found this work, although Juan de San Antonio and Sbaralea seem to indicae that it was issued in Venice: Giunti, 1656 and then was forbidden by the Congregation of the Index 'donec corrigatur'.

Omnibus edition: Encyclopaedia, seu Scientia Universalis Concionatorum, ed. Bruno Neusser, 3 Vols. (Cologne: Hermann Demen, 1663/1676/1713/1721/1752). At least the 1663 and 1676 Latin editions are accessible via the library of the Universidad Complutense in Madrid, the Narodni Knihovna national library in Prague, the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, and via Google Books.


Wadding, Scriptores (ed. Rome, 1906), 167; Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 330; Bernardo di Bologna, Bibliotheca Scriptorum Ordinis Minorum Capuccinorum(Venice, 1747), 181-182; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 519 & (ed. Rome, 1921) II, 218; A. Zawart, �The History of Franciscan Preaching and of Franciscan preachers (1209-1927). A bio-bibliographical study�, The Franciscan Educational Conference/Franciscan Studies 9 (1927), 462; A. Teetaert, �Bignoni�, DHGE VIII, 1460; Giovanni Crisostomo da Cittadella, Biblioteca dei frati minori cappuccini della provincia di Venezia (1535-1939) (Padua, 1944), 200-205; Lexicon Capuccinum (Rome, 1951), 1057-1058; C. Cargnoni, 'Antonio da Padova nella predicazione panegiristica cappuccina del Sei-Ottocento in Italia', Collectanea Franciscana 67 (1997), 7, 17, 33f, 38-40, 76; Dario Busolini, �Mario da Venezia (al secolo Mario Bignoni)', Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani 70 (2008) [with more bibliographical references].





Marius de Calasio (Mario da Calascio, 1550-1620)

OFM. Italian Observant grammarian, biblical lexicographer from Calascio, member of the Roman province, lector in San Pietro Montorio, Aracoeli, and language professor at the papal studium under Pope Paul V. He died in Rome.


Grammatica linguae hebraicae addiscendae, ovvero Canones generales linguae sanctae (Rome: Stefano Paolini, 1616).

Dictionarium Hebraicum (Rome: Stefano Paolini, 1617).

Concordantiae sacrorum Bibliorum Hebraicorum (...), ed. L. Wadding, 4 Vols. (Rome: Stefano Paolini, 1621)/Concordantiae sacrorum Bibliorum Hebraicorum. In quibus Chaldaicae, etiam Librorum Esdrae, & Danielis suo loco inserentur. Deinde post Thematum seu Radicum omnium derivata & usus latius deducta, ac linguae Chaldaicae, Syriacae, & Arabicae, Vocabulorumque Rabbinicorum cum Hebraicis convenientiam, Latina ad verbum versio adjungitur, ad quam vulgatae, & Septuaginta Editionum differentia fideliter expenditir (...), ed. Gul Romaine, 4 Vols. (London: J. Ilive, 1748). This latter edition is at least in part accessible via the Biblioteca Angelica in Rome, the library of the Universidad Complutense in Madrid, and via Google Books.


Wadding, Scriptores, >>; Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 330-331; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 519; Enciclopedia italiana di scienze, lettere ed arti XXII, 335; Massimo Pazzini, �Padre Mario da Calascio grammatico e lessicografo (Calascio 1550 � Rome 1620)�, Studium Biblicum Franciscanum, Liber annus 55 (2005), 217-238; G. Claudio Bottoni, �Studio e lettura della Bibbia al tempo di Mario da Calascio (1550-1620). Protagonista del secolo d�oro dell�esegesi biblica�, Studium Biblicum Franciscanum Liber annuus 59 (2009), 231-250; Massimo Pazzini, �I Carmi siriaco ed ebriaco di Francesco Donati in onore di P. Mario da Calascio�, Studium Biblicum Franciscanum Liber annuus 59 (2009), 251-262





Marius Fabiani a Mercato Sarraceno (Marius a Foro Sarraceno/Marius Fabiani a Foro Sarsinio/Mario Fabiani da Mercato Saraceno, d. 1581)

OFMCap. Italian friar. Transferred to the Capuchin order from the Augustinians. Member of the Picena province. Became minister general. Also active as spiritual author and historian.


Breve dichiarazione dell'ordine (1569); Relationes de Origine Ordinis Minorum Capuccinorum, ed. Melchior a Probladura, Monumenta Historica Ordinis Minorum Capuccinorum, 1 (Assisi, 1937).

Poemetti (...), ed. Melchior da Pobladura & Sisto da Pisa, L�Italia francescana 12 (1937), 315-325,409-414 & 13 (1938), 27-32, 418-423. Cf. also: N. Mancini, �Un poemetto mariano di p. Mario Fabiani?�, L�Italia francescana 9 (1934), 195-208, 309.; Stanislao da Campagnola, �Un cinquecento francescano che contesta �novelle, poesie, historie e li prurienti canti��, in: San Francesco e il Francescanesimo nella letteratura italiana dal rinascimento al romanticismo. Atti del Convegno Nazionale (Assisi, 18-20 maggio 1989), ed. Silvio Pasquazi (Rome, 1990), 78ff. His religious poetry does not really fit in with the Capuchin scorn of poetic embellishment. Most impressive is his sonnet on Mary Magdalen, which starts: �Una donna vidi io, anzi una stella/pi� lucente che �lsole, in trecce d�oro,/a pi� del legno a noi largo tesoro/mostrarsi a un pi� bel sol fervente ancella (�)�, and ends: �O Maddalena ogn�hor ben grata a Dio,/deh! Fa s�o t�ami ch�io ti veggia in cielo/e teco goda il Signor tuo e mio!� [cited from the text found in Stanislao da Campagnola, �Un cinquecento francescano che contesta �novelle, poesie, historie e li prurienti canti��, in:San Francesco e il Francescanesimo nella letteratura italiana dal rinascimento al romanticismo. Atti del Convegno Nazionale (Assisi, 18-20 maggio 1989), ed. Silvio Pasquazi (Rome, 1990), 80.]


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 331; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 519-520; Melchior da Pobladura, �De vita et scriptis p. Marii Fabiani a Foro Sarsinio�, Collectanea Franciscana 6 (1936), 580-589; M. D�Alatri, �la riforma cappuccina vista da due cronisti del Cinquecento�, Collectanea Franciscana 48 (1978), 399-411; Vittorio Mandelli, �Mario da Mercato Saraceno (al secolo Andrea Fabiani)�, DBI 70 (2008), 562a-564a; Salvatore Rizzolino, Angelus Domini nuntiavit Mariae. Poemetti mariani dimenticati fra Lagrime e Rime spirituali del Tasso. Appendice di testi mariani cappuccini tra XVI-XVII sec., ed. Costanzo Cargnoni, Centro Studi Cappuccini Lombardi. Nuova Serie, 4 (Milan: Edizioni Biblioteca Francescana, 2017), 367-379 [on mariological works]





Marius Joannes Gostcalcanus (Marius Gottscalcanus/Marius Johannes Gottschalk, d. 1603)

TOR. Belgian tertiary from Antwerp, productive religious author.


Commentarius in Epistolas D. Pauli ?

Evangelische en Christelijke Preeken (1590)?

Praedicationum libellum (Antwerp: Keerbergen, 1587).

De republica christiana novissimorum temporum: Libri III. Ad Senatum Bruxellens. cum Ampli�. tum Prudenti�. 4. Esdrae 14. Saeculum perdidit iuventutem suam & tempora appropinquant senescere (...) (Louvain: Gerard Rivius, 1601). Accessible via the digital collections of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek and via Google Books.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 331; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 520.





Marquardus Herwart (fl. later seventeenth cent.)

OFMRef. German (Bavarian) friar and Scotist philosopher. From noble Bavarian descent, he joined the Riformati in the Bavarian province. Spent the last period of his life in Rome, as penitentiary of the Lateran Basilica. He also was a counsellor of Maria Casimira Ludovica, the widow of the King of Poland John III (whose daughter became the second wife of the Bavarian Prince Elect Maximilian Emmanuel. Marquardus died in Rome in 1700.


Physica Decus N. Subt. Scoti, ex VIII Libris Auscultationis Physicae Aristotelis (Amberg, 1693).


Karl Werner, Geschichte der katholischen Theologie VI, 63 ; Th. A. Rixner, Geschichte der philosophie bei den Katholiken in Altbayern, bayerisch Schwaben und bayerisch Franken ( M�nchen, 1835), 152f.; V. Greiderer, Germania Franciscana (Augsburg-Freiburg in Breisgau, 1777), 81; A.D. Biographie XIII, 175-176�; R. Aubert, �Hoerwart�, DHGE XXIV, 756.





Marquardus Leonis (Marquardus Leo, fl. early 17th cent.)

OFM. German friar from the Strasbourg Province. Also active in Bavaria. Theology lector in Munich, provincial minister, lector and guardian in Augsburg and general definitor.


De Almo Sacrae Evcharistiae Sacramento Disputatio Theologica. Praeside V.P.F. Marquardo Leone Ordinis Minorum Regularis Observ. &x. SS. Theologiae & Philosophiae in conventu Monacensis Professore proposita. Respondente F. Francisco Aempherle eiusdem ordinis, et SS. Theologiae Studioso (...) (Munich: Adam Berg, 1597). Accessible via Google Books and via the digital collections of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek.

Conclusiones Theologicae. De Sacramentis in Genere. Quas sub praeside V.P. Marquardo Leone (...) in conventu Monacensis Lectore, collegit, ac defendas suscepit F. Simeon Maenhardt eiusdem institutu, SS. Theologiae studiosus (...) (Munich: Adam Berg, 1597). Accessible via Google Books and via the digital collections of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek.

De ineffabili et augustissimo verbi incarnati mysterio. Pronunciata theologica in monasterio Monacensi ordinis fratrum minorum S. Francisci de Observantia ad publicam disputationem proposita. Praeside V.P.F. Marquardo Leone eiusdem ord. & Monasterii S.S. Theologiae praelectore. Respondente Religioso Fratre Sebastiano Boetlin praefati ordinis (...) (Munich: Adam Berg, 1599). Accessible via Google Books and via the digital collections of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek.

De supersubstantiali, secretissimaque divina Dei essentia. Indagines Theologicae in monasterio Monacensi ordinis fratrum minorum S. Francisci de Observantia ad publicam disputationem propositae, Mense Iulio, Die 12, Praeside V.P.F. Marquardo Leone eiusdem ord. & Monasterii S.S. Theologiae Lectore. Respondente Religioso Fratre Francisco Aempherle, praefati ord., & Monast. S. Theologiae Studioso (Munich: Adam Berg, 1601). Accessible via Google Books and via the digital collections of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek.

De substantia, proprietatibus et conditionibus spirituum angelicorum, bonorum et malorum. Theoremata Theologica in monasterio Monacensi Ordinis Fratrum S. Francisci de Observantia, ad publicam disputationem proposita. Praeside V.P.F. Marquardo Leone eiusdem ord. & Monasterii S.S. Theologiae Lectore. Respondente V.P.F. Blasio Fimpelio Praefati ord. SS. Theologiae Studioso. Disputabuntur Mensae Maio (...) (Munich, 1603). Accessible via Google Books and via the digital collections of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek.

De Vna, Vera Et Sacrosancta Christi, Qvam Habet In Terris Ecclesia Militante (...) Axiomata Theologica in Monasterio Monacensi (...) Praeside R.P.Fr. Marquardo Leone (...) Respondente V.P.F. Thoma Eggero, praefati Ordinis & Monasterii Sacerdote et SS. Theologiae studioso (Munich, Nicolaus Henrifus, 1605). Accessible via Google Books and via the digital collections of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek.

Theologischer Discurs Von den kennzeichen und beschaffenheit der einigen, wahren und heilien streittenden Kirchen Christi auff disem Erdreich (...) (Munich: Nicolaus Henricus, 1605). Accessible via Google Books and via the digital collections of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek.

Funffzehen f�rnemer Fragen unseres heiligen christlichen Glaubens: erl�utert (...) wider Barth. R�lich (...) (Munich, 1607). Accessible via Google Books and via the digital collections of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (creative search).

Gr�ndliche Er�rterung und christliche Widerlegung, das Martin Luther, in allen und jeden mit dem R�mischen Babstumb streitigen Puncten geglaubt und gelehrt habe (...) (Ingolstadt: Andreas Angermeyer, 1607). Accessible via Google Books and via the digital collections of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek.

Marquardi Leonis Enumeratio methodica et compendiosa selectissimorum et omni exceptione maiorum scriptorum (...) (Ingolstadt: Andreas Angermarius, 1609). Accessible via Google Books and via the digital collections of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek.

Evangelisch Examen vnd rechtsmessig Beh�rung der vermeinten Christlichen Schriftlichen Predigt vom Ber�ff der Kirchendiener M. Melchioris Volcii Praedicanten bij S. Anna in Augspurg gehalten an S. Andreae Tag Anno MDCVII (...) Gestellt durch Fratrem Marquardum Leonem der H. Schrifft General Lectorem (...) in Augspurg (Ingolstadt: Eder, 1609). Accessible via Google Books and via the digital collections of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek.

Katechismus wahrer Religion und Glaubens (Ingolstadt: Eder, 1610). Accessible via Google Books and via the digital collections of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek.

Qualiter cum haereticis disputandum. Et ubi vera Dei in terris sit Ecclesia. Disputatio Theologica, Bambergae in Comitiis Provincialibus Fratrum Ordinis Minorum Regularis Observantiae, publice proposita. Quam sub tutela R.P.F.M. Marquardi Leonis eiusdem Ordinis, Lectoris Generalis ac Praesidis Augustani, Defendet F. Thomas Eggers Praefati Ordinis, Monachii Lector ordinarius & Sacerdos (...) (Munich: Berg, 1610). Accessible via Google Books and via the digital collections of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek.

Demonstratio Catholica Et Vniversalis Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae, et Eiusdem Orthodoxae Fidei perpetuae. Qua contra omnes Sectarios solide ac perspicue ostenditur quomodo illa continua, perennis, immobilis, invicta ac Catholica perpetuo permanserit (...) (Lech: Andrea Aperger, 1622). Accessible via Google Books and via the digital collections of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 332; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 520.





Marquard of Lindau (Marquard von Lindau/Marquardus Funke, d. 1392)

OM. German friar. Probably born at Lindau (Lake of Konstanz). Probably active as reading master at the Studium Generale of Strasbourg (1372/1373) and possibly also lector in W�rzburg (according to Malachias Tschamser, Annales (Colmar, 1864), p. 445f.). In 1377 custos of the custody of Konstanz. Was offered the magisterium by the Avignon Pope Clement VII in 1379 (BF VII, n. 589), but it seems that Marquard kept his allegance to the Roman pontiff and declined the honour. Later, when Marquard was custos of the Bodensee custody (between 1382 and 1383), he did not succumb to pressures of the Franciscan provincial Liephard von Regensburg, who had Clementine sympathies (AFH 55(1962), 97, 101). On the 1389 provincial chapter of Strasbourg, Marquard was elected provincial of the province Germania Superior (Cf. Glassberger, Chronica, AF II, 218; Cf. also Revue d�histoire franciscaine 7 (1930), 294). He kept that position until his death in 1392, and hence presided over the provincial chapters of Neurenberg (1390), Esslingen (1391), and Basel (1392). According to a papal bull of Boniface IX (16 August 1391), he also founded two convents (namely Viktorsberg, in the Churdiocese?, and the Valduna convent of poor Clares. Cf. BF VII, n. 72). According to Tschamser, Marquard died in Konstanz on 15 August 1392, where he was buried before the major altar of the Franciscan church. Marquard wrote both scholastic treatises in Latin and more mystical and educational works in the German vernacular (not seldom with reciprocal translations). The Latin works probably should be connected with his lectorship in Strasbourg. Less certainty exists about the direct context of the vernacular works, though several of these works also betray connections with authors/preachers of the Strasbourg area. His most famous work is Die zehe Gebot, a dialogue for the instruction of the lay, who had to prepare themselves for the sacrament of penance [According to Zawart, Marquard produced an unique compilation of catechetical sermons for children. In addition, Zawart remarks that the convent school of Lindau apparently also taught children of the town. Zawart, 315] Cl�ment Schmitt, DSpir X, 647, states that Marquard was among the first to diffuse the ideas/concepts of Ruusbroeck (Modern Devotion) into the German lands, and that his work also betrays many influences from Bonaventure, Scotus, Francis of Meyronnes, Nicholas of Lyra, Henry of Herp and Conrad B�hmlin. Schmitt characterizes Marquard�s overall work as follows: �En fait, on retrouve dans son oeuvre l�essentiel de la doctrine chr�tienne concernant les v�rit�s de la foi, le myst�re de la R�demption, l�Eucharistie, la messe, les vertus th�ologales, les fins derni�res, les dix commandements, etc. Elle constitue comme une �bauche d�un cat�chisme populaire.�


An initial list of Marquard�s work was made by the Franciscan friar Hermann Sack (d. 1444). This list (MS Munich Cgm 2928f. 45v) has been edited by O. Bonmann, in Franziskanische Studien 21 (1934), 328-332. Later chroniclers and bibliographers have used this list for their own inventories. Yet Wadding and Sbaralea have totallyignored Marquard. Maybe because he wrote so many of his works in German. For a completely updated survey of all his Latin and vernacular works (including exhaustive listings of manuscripts and editions), see esp. Nigel F. Palmer, Marquard von Lindau, Die deutsche Literatur des Mittelalters. Verfasserlexikon, VI (Berlin-New York, 1987), 81-126 (with corrections in Vol. XI, 978). For the moment, only the titles of his most important works are listed here (sometimes with some information about editions and manuscripts). Many of his works can be found in mss of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, and in those of the Stadtbibliothek N�rnberg, frequently together with works from Otto von Passau

In III & IV Sent.: Vienna, �sterr. Nationalbibl. 4592 (an. 1432)

Die zehe Gebot, ed. J.W. van Maren (Amsterdam, 1980) [=facs. of the 1516 edition of version C1 with the prologue of version A1]; Das Buch der zehn gebote (Amsterdam, 1984) [=facs of the 1483 Venice edition of version C3] [There exist ca. 100 mss of this work. A.o. Vienna �sterr. Nationalbibl. 2827 ff. 1ra-49vb Many of these mss also contain De Exitu Filiorum Israel] Also o.a. Munich Bayerische Staatsbibliothek clm 9003; clm 9737; clm 15325; clm 15567; clm 18657; clm 19835; cgm 234; cgm 321; cgm 364 ff. 1-131; cgm 388, cgm 365; cgm 461; cgm 462; cgm 621; cgm 622; cgm 791; Berlin, Staatsbiobliothek Ms. germ. qu. 1259. For information on the versions that these and many other manuscripts contain, as well as for information on older (partial) editions, see Palmer, �Marquard von Lindau�, 86-89, as well as Honemann (2015). The main source for Marquard�s Decalogue explication is the De Decem Preceptis by the Augustinian Hermit Henry of Friemar.

Auszug der Kinder Israel [often found together with Die zehe Gebot]: Oldest known manuscript is MS Z�rich Zentralbibl. Cod. C 95 ff. 146r-196r. Several more MSS, including Prague, XVI F 8. The Auszug is a mystical elucidation of the history of the Israelites, more or less along the lines of the Benjamin Minor of Richard of St. Victor, pointing the way (via stages of retreat from the world) to the visio beatifica. See esp. Palmer, �Marquard von Lindau�, 91-93. [Text later reworked by Geiler von Kaysersberg?]

Hiob-Traktat, ed. E. Greifenstein, Der Hiob-Traktat des Marquards von Lindau (Munich, 1979); See esp.: N.F. Palmer, `Der Hiob-Traktat des M. v. L. in lat. �berlieferung�, PBB, 104 (1982), 48-83. Thus far, 31 manuscripts have been identified. The oldest probably is MS St. Gallen Stiftsbibliothek cod. 595, pp. 539-576. There also are several Latin translations, such as that by the Franciscan friar Dietrich Struven of Hildesheim (MS Wroclaw (Breslau) UB cod. IF 243 ff. 182r-192v) [Palmer, �Der Hiob-Tractat� contains an edition of another Latin translation, found in MS Basel UB cod. A XI 52, ff. 42r-47v and three other mss]. The full Job treatise consists of three main parts: i.) an explanation of Job 1-3; ii.) a threefold sermon on Job�s suffering; iii.) a sermon on God�s testing of Job, God�s mercy and the restoration of Job to his former condition. The running theme of the whole treatise is the meaning of suffering and endurance/patience. Some manuscripts only give the last two parts. Some manuscripts also give a short advent meditation in connection with the Hiob-Traktat. In the early 15th century, the German friar Thidericus Struve, lector secundarius at the Erfurt studium (1413-1415) made a Latin versiuon of the work (surviving in two manuscripts. See under Thidericus Struve elsewhere on this site, as well as Honemann (2015), 670, note 282 [who mentions also further High and Low German translations).

De Nabuchodonosor, ed. R. Horwege, Diss. Indiana University, 1971 [There is no edition of the Latin version] There are at least twelve manuscripts of the vernacular version still surviving. See on these Horwege�s dissertation, as well as Palmer, �Marquard von Lindau�, 95. One manuscript survives of the Latin version: Trier StB, cod. 783/828 8� ff. 256r-288r. See also: Franzjosef Pensel, �Ein neues Fragment von Marquards von Lindau �De Nabuchodonosor��,Handschriftenfunde zur Literatur des Mittelalters 121. Zeitschrift f�r deutsches Altertum und deutsche Literatur124 (1995), 457-462. Nabuchodnosor gives an allegorical explication of Deuteronomy 1-3, in which the king is presented as the sch�wende mensch, and Daniel and the three youngsters as virtues of the soul. Marquard might have been inspired by De Eruditione Hominis Interioris of Richard of St. Victor.

De Daniele: apparently lost. Might have been like the Nebuchodnosorand the Hiob-Traktat.

De Anima Christi: Partial editions to be found in R. Lievens, �De mystieke inhoud van het handschrift Dr. P.S. Everts [=Maastricht,Gemeentearchief 479]�, Leuvense Bijdragen51 (1962), 22f [part VII] & J. Hartinger, Der Traktat De paupertate von Marquard von Lindau, Diss. (W�rzburg), 1965), 180-229 [parts I-V, VIII]. The German version has survived in at least 10 full manuscript copies and three partial ones. See for a full listing Palmer, �Marquard von Lindau�, 96. The (probably older) Latin version has in any case partially survived in MS Munich cgm 66 ff. 269v-272v. De Anima Christi originally was a sermon in three parts on the poverty, the patience, and the suffering of Christ. In some of the later manuscripts, the treatise was enlarged with other, related themes, sometimes enlarging the treatise into a work of seven or eight parts. Conrad Beumlin has used (a Latin version of) De Anima in his sermon Vom Leiden Christi, in his Passion sermon Inspice et fac secundum exemplar, and in his G�ldin Buch.

De Fide,ed. K. Ruh, Franzisk. Schrifttum, II (1985), 290-322. The work has survived in seven manuscripts and two early printings, which are listed by Ruh. See for instance: Vthlewgginge des gelovens. gesettet van den hilligen twelff apostelen (Magdeburg: Simon Koch, ca. 1493). The work consists of four parts: three short pieces on the properties of faith (true, noble, and clear), and a longer piece containing an explication of the Symbolum Apostolorum. Each article of faith also mentions the heresies connected with it, in accordance with Aquinas� De articulis fidei et Ecclesiae sacramentis. Palmer suggests that Marquard�s explication nevertheless is rather independent. Palmer, �Marquard von Lindau�, 98.

De Corpore Christi: Survived in eight manuscripts, among which MS Dillingen, Studienbibl. Cod. XV 125 ff. 15v-39r and MS N�rnberg StB cod. Cent.VI, 60 ff. 79r-106v contain this whole sermon (in four parts) on the Eucharistsacrament, starting from the theme Nolite solliciti esse (Matthew 6, 31). The sermon deals with the six excellent properties of the sacrament, the six miracles of the sacrament, the six human weaknesses to which God answers through the sacrament with six signs of love, and the six fruits of the sacrament. The very scholastic sermon, which Palmer therefore regards as an early work, ends with a quaestio. Cf. Palmer, �Marquard von Lindau�, 99.

Me�erkl�rung/Eucharistie-Traktat, See: Der Eucharistie-Traktat Marquards von Lindau, ed. A.J. Hofmann, Hermaea 7 (1960). A.o also Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek Cgm 364 (fragment f Irv). No less than 67 manuscripts contain the full German text, whereas four contain a Latin fashion and an additional two a mixture. In addition, there are a range of manuscripts that contain excerpts. For an overview, see Palmer, �Marquard von Lindau�, 99-100. Palmer Ibidem, 100-102 remarks that this Eucharist treatise is one of the most successful late medieval Eucharist explications in Southern Germany. It has survived in several versions. With regard to the reception history, Palmer points out the many excerpts in German prayer books owned by female religious and lay women

De Horto Paradisi: MS M�nchen clm 8987 ff. 289v-293r. Cf. D. Schmidtke,Studien zur dingallegorischen Erbauungsliteratur des Sp�tmittelalters, Hermaea 43 (1982), 235-237.

Maitagspredigt: Survived in five manuscripts, namely Berlin, mgq 107ff. 229r-235v; Berlin mgq 1133 ff. 125v-131r; G�ttingen SB & UB ms. theol. 285 ff. 88v-91r; M�nchen cgm 292 f. 51v-53v; Salzburg St. Peter Cod. b.V. 32 ff. 143r-146v. Itis a German sermon with as theme Non turbetur cor vestrum [Joh. 14, 27].

Regel Aller Pr�laten: MS N�rnberg StB. Cod. Cent. VI, 46d, ff. 198v-205v.It is a letter directed to Conrad of Braunsberg (prior of the German Johanniter order), in which the necessary virtues of a mighty prelate are listed.

Deutsche Predigten: For a list of manuscripts containing full series (of up to 41 sermons for feast and saint days throughout the liturgical year) and fragments or single sermons, see Palmer, �Marquard von Lindau�, 104-105. The sermon cycle probably was compose in German in 1389. Two full series of these Deutsche Predigten can be found in MS Berlin mgf 79 ff. 1r-109v and in MS Berlin mgf 1041 ff. 1r-222v. The sermons follow the sermo moderna structure. Palmer, Ibidem, 106 remarks that, within the series, the greatest thematical group is formed by the sermons on the life and the person of Christ (on his name, his seven words at the cross, his suffering, and his five wounds, all fully in the Franciscan conformitas Christi tradition). See in general also: Ph. Strauch, Die deutsche Predigten des Marquart von Lindau, PBB 54 (1930) and the work of Blumrich listed below.

De Reparatione Hominis, ed. H.-J. May (1977) [there is no edition of the German version. See for mss a.o. S�lestat Bibl. Munic. 80 (an. 1459-60] In all there are ca. 24 known Latin manuscripts of the work, as well as three manuscripts of the German fassion, the oldest manuscript of which dates from 1402. See Palmer, �Marquard von Lindau�, 107-108. Work generally regarded to be Marquard�s main work. Produced in or shortly after 1374. It is a full-blown theological work in 30 articuli, in which man�s original state before the fall, the subsequent fall, and the road to the new life in the time of grace etc. are elaborated with recourse to the theological tradition (Augustine, Anselm, Hugh of St. Victor, Bonaventure, Eckhart, Nichols of Lyra). Structure and content of the work do suggest that it was composed first of all for preachers. Yet the work offers aside from the allegorcial and typological interpretations also an eschatological framework and a full-scale theology of history. Work was in any case used by Conrad Boemlin and in Ulrich Horn's works on the passion.

De Arca Noe: Survives in eight manuscripts, among which MS M�nchen clm 8392 ff. 76v-128r. See for an overview Palmer, �Marqurd von Lindau�, 109. Cf. also Honemann (2015), 671. It is a lengthy commentary on Noah [Genesis 5, 31-9, 29], and builds on De Arca Noe Morali and De Arca Noe Mystica of Hugh of St. Victor. In eight groups of three articles (running from I to XXIV), Marquard describes eight times the threefold (historical, typological and tropological) meanings of the biblical text (always with as headings De Archa materiali, ecclesie and mentali). The Ark therewith is build into the church and the human soul.

De Quadruplici Homine: Seven manuscripts that contain three different versions. For an overview, see Palmer, �Marquard von Lindau�, 110. In general the work deals with the six condicionesand the six opera of the homines naturales, graciosi and divini.

De Nobilitate Creaturarum & de Nobilitate Anime rationalis: At least 14 manuscripts. See Palmer, �Marquard von Lindau�, 111. It amounts to a praise of the creatural world and a narrative of mystical union with the Divine in neoplatonic fashion, in accordance with the Franciscan tradition. [Cf.Itinerarium mentis and related works.]

De Paupertate, see: Der Traktat De Paupertate von Marquard von Lindau, ed. J. Hartinger, Diss. W�rzburg, 1965. Two manuscripts. See Palmer, �Marquard von Lindau�, 111. It is a eulogy on poverty. Cf. G. Steer, �Der Armutsgedanke der deutschen Mystiker bei Marquard von Lindau�, Franziskanische Studien 60 (1978), 289-300.

De Perfectione Humanitatis Christi: An edition of a version incorporated in De Reparatione Hominis is found in: Marquard von Lindau, De Reparatione Hominis, ed. H.-J. May (1977), 154-161. De Perfectione has survived in twelve manuscripts. See Palmer, �Marquard von Lindau�, 112. Most manuscripts contain a version consisting of two sermons (De perfectione corporis Christi & De nobilitatibus anime Christi). MS Freiburg i. Ue., Franziskanerkloster cod. 83 ff. 236r-243v contains two additional sermons (De perfectione vite Christi; Tractatus bonus de merito Christi). MS M�nchen clm 9022 ff. 83r-91v contains on top of these four also a somewhat unrelated piece on the three preconditions of human perfection.

De Augmento Caritatis: MS W�rzburg Franziskanerkloster cod. I 111 ff.119r-123r. For more information, see Palmer, �Marquard von Lindau�, 113-114.

De Virtutibus: Eight manuscripts. See Palmer, �Marquard von Lindau�, 114. Work contrasts pagan with theological virtues.

De Paradiso Spirituali: MS W�rzburg Franziskanerkloster cod. I 86 ff.10v-13v. A latin sermon, divided in three parts, on the new paradise of spiritual life, with recourse to Pseudo-Dionysius.

De Penis Inferni: Seventeen manuscripts. A.o. Karlsruhe, St. Petrus im Schwarzwald 40 ff. 137r-139r (an. 1426). Is directed against false philosophical views on reincarnation and spiritual interpretations of the pains of Hell. For more information, see Palmer, �Marquard von Lindau�, 115.

De Quinque Sensibus: Ten manuscripts. See Palmer, �Marquard von Lindau�,115-116. The work deals in seven parts with the properties of the human body and the human soul, and with the use of the five senses in heaven. Recourse to Anselm of Canterbury, Peter Lombard and Richard of Mediavilla.

De Throno Salomonis: MS M�nich clm 8987 ff. 192r-199v. uses the six steps of Salomon�s throne to depict the ascent of the soul towards God by means ofthe virtues (virginitas, disciplina, sciencia, obediencia, exultacio, humilitas). Palmer, �Marquard von Lindau�, 116-117 remarks that this work differs from several other works from South-German mendicant stock that bear the same or comparable titles.

In Joannem 1, 1-14: Latin fashion in two manuscripts: Konstanz, Heinrich-Suso-Gymnasium cod. 36 ff. 8r-42v; Manchester, John Rylands Library cod. Lat. 70 ff. 141r-184v. German fashion in five manuscripts. See Palmer, �Marquard von Lindau�, 117-118. Chapter 25 of the German fasion is edited in Ruh, Franziskanisches SchrifttumII, 199-210.

De Virginitate et Proprietate Floris: MS Freiburg i.Ue., Franziskanerkloster cod. 95 ff.100r-101v & ff. 153r-154v. Amounts to a short sermon on virginity.

De Premio Patrie: Three manuscripts. See Palmer, �Marquard von Lindau�, 119. A collection of sermons and quaestiones on the condition of the beati in Heaven (their visio beatifica, corporal and soulish qualities of their condition etc.), meant for preachers.

De Horto Spirituali: Four manuscripts. Palmer, �Marquard von Lindau�,119-120. Seven sermons on the theme Veniat dilectus. Contains many garden allegories and �explains� various kinds of flowers.

De Primis Motibus: MS Wroclaw (Breslau) UB cod. I F 243 ff. 180v-182r. Short treatise on the causes of human feelings and free will. Also contains polemics against the begards. See Palmer, �Marquard von Lindau�, 120.

Descriptio mortis per quattuor philosophos: Edition und �bersetzung, ed. Mischa von Perger, in: Wissenschaft und Weisheit 66 (2003), 163-189.

For a range of German and Latin dubia (see Palmer, �Marquard von Lindau�, 120-124)

Many of Marquart's texts were excerpted and translated into other vernaculars, including Middle Dutch. Dr. Geertruida de Moor has pointed my attention to a convolute manuscript now kept in the Jewish Theological Libray of New York, MS NH108. This manuscript, probably made in the Antwerp Augustinian monastery of Facons, which was part of the Modern Devotion movement, contains on ff. 70-80 a treatise of six sermons (the last not complete) in Middle Dutch that all focus on the issue of poverty.(Rubric: �Hier beghint een tractaet dat ses sermonen in heest van der armoeden oet moedicheit ande lijden ons heeren ihesu christ dwelke ghemaect heest brueder marcus van lindauwen een minderbrueder.�; Inc: �Die ewige God sprac tot sinen heven dienaer moyses end seide aldus, inspice et fac secundum exempla, exodi XXVI. Dat is, Sich aen ende doe naden exemplaer. Die dat nu metten salighen moyses aensiende is den beel denaer alre volcomenheit.�; Expl.: �Nu spreken si hier toe dat der te merke si insonderlingh persoenliker eygenscap.� It could well be that we are dealing here with a translation/reworking of Marquard's De Paupertate, but a final verdict will need a proper comparison of the texts.


A. Mayer, �Zur handschriftlichen �berlieferung der Dekalogerkl�rung M.v.L.�, in: Festschrift zum 100j�hrigen Jubil�um des humanistischen Gymnasiums Freising (Freising, 1928), 66-86; O. Bonmann, `Marquard von Lindau und sein literarischer Nachlaߒ, Franz. Stud., 21 (1934), 315-343; A. Ampe, �Marquard von Lindau en de Nederlanden�, Ons Geestelijk Erf 34 (1960), 374-402 [esp. on Marquard�s use of Ruusbroeck]; Fr.W. Wentzlaff-Eggebert, Deutsche Mystik zwischen Mittelalter und Neuzeit (Berlin, 1969), 359-363; Cl�ment Schmitt, �Deux in�dits de Marquard de Lindau sur la pauvret�, Festschrift L. Sp�tling (Rome, 1977), 453-480; DSpir X, 645-648; Manfred Gerwing, `Marquard v. Lindau', LMA, VI, 322; Nigel F. Palmer, `Latein, Volkssprache, Mischsprache. Zum Sprachproblem bei Marquard von Lindau, mit einem Handschriftenverzeichniss der Dekalogerkl�rung und des Auszugs�, in: Sp�tmittelalterliche Geistl. Literatur in der Nationalsprache, I,Analecta Cartusiana 106/1 (1983), 70-110; Idem, `Marquard von Lindau�, Die deutsche Literatur des Mittelalters. Verfasserlexikon, VI (Berlin-New York, 1987), 81-126 (with some manuscript corrections in Vol. XI, 978); Werner Williams-Krapp, `Marquard von Lindau', Literaturlexikon. Autoren und Werke deutscher Sprache VII (1990), 492-494; Nigel Palmer, `Marquard von Lindau, Franziskaner, * 1. H�lfte 14. Jahrhundert im Bodenseeraum, � 13.8.1392', Neue Deutsche Biographie XVI (1990), 244; R�diger Blumrich, Marquard von Lindau. Deutsche Predigten-Untersuchungen und Edition, Texte und Textgeschichte, 34 (T�bingen, 1994); R.Blumrich, `Die deutschen Predigten Marquards von Lindau. Ein franziskaner Beitrag zur `Theologia Mystica��, in: M.J.F.M. Hoenen & A. de Libera (eds.),Albertus Magnus und der Albertismus (Leyden-New York, 1995), 155-172; Johannes G. Mayer, �Zwei Traktate zu den gebrannten W�ssern in einer Handschrift der Dekalogerkl�rung Marquards von Lindau�, W�rzburger medizinhistorische Mitteilungen 115/14 (1996), 287-289; Freimut L�ser, �Rezeption als Revision. Marquard von Lindau und Meister Eckhart�, Beitr�ge zur Geschichte der Deutschen Sprachen und Literaturen 119 (1997), 425-458; Maurice Vliegen, �Receptie en reductie van het decaloogtractaat van Marquard van Lindau in de Nederlanden�, in: �Uten schatschrine des herten�: Vriendenboek voor Henk Meijering bij zijn afscheid, ed. Maurice Vliegen, Jacobus Willem van Maren (Amsterdam, 1998), 103-110; Nikolaus Largier, �Das Gl�ck des Menschen. Diskussionen �ber beatitudo und Vernunft in volkssprachlichen Texten des 14. Jahrhunderts�,in: Nach der Verurteilung von 1277: Philosophie und Theologie an der Universit�t von Paris im letzten Viertel des 13. Jahrhunderts. Studien und Texte/After the Condemnation of 1277: Philosophy and Theology at the University of Paris in the Last Quarter of the Thirteenth Century. Studies and Texts, ed. Jan A. Aertsen, Kent Emery & Andreas Speer, Miscellanea Mediaevalia, 28 (Berlin: de Gruyter, 2001), 827-855 [analyses texts by Eckhart, Tauler, Berthold von Moosburg, Marquard von Lindau and the anonymous sermon collection Paradisus Animae Intelligentis]; Berndt Hamm, �Wollen und Nicht-K�nnen als Thema der sp�tmittelalterlichen Bu�seelsorge�, in: Sp�tmittelalterliche Fr�mmigkeit zwischen Ideal und Praxis, ed. Berndt Hamm & Thomas Lentes, Sp�tmittelalter und Reformation, Neue Reihe, 15 (T�bingen, 2001), 111-146 (with reference for instance to the Franciscans Marquard von Lindau and friar Sigmund); Mathilde van Dijk, �De wil op God afstemmen: De Decaloog van Marquard van Lindau in een gemeenschap van moderne devoten�, Ons Geestelijk Erf 78:1 (2004), 81-96; Helgard Ulmschneider, �Handschriftenfunde zur Literatur des Mittelalters - 177: Ein fr�her Textzeuge von Marquards von Lindau �Dekalogerkl�rung��, Zeitschrift f�r deutsches Altertum und Literatur 136 (2007), 359-361; Stephen Mossman, �The Western Understanding of Islamic Theology in the Later Middle Ages: Mendicant Responses to Islam from Riccoldo da Monte di Croce to Marquard von Lindau�, Recherches de Th�ologie et de Philosophie M�di�vale 74 (2007), 169-224; Stephen Mossman, �Zu Marquard von Lindau, Konrad von Braunsberg, den Gottesfreunden und dem Gottesfreundschaftsbegriff�, Oxford German Studies 36 (2007), 247-267; Hiram K�mper, �Marquard von Lindau�, in: Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon 21 (2008), 910-914; Stephen Mossman, Marquard von Lindau and the Challenges of Religious Life in Late Medieval Germany, Oxford Modern Languages and Literatures Monographs (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010) [review in AFH 103 (2010), 526-529; ZfdA 140 (2011), 108-111]; Michael Rupp, �Wan ir adel ist frihait�. Das franziskanische Ideal der Armut in der volkssprachlichen Verk�ndigung bei David von Augsburg, Berthold von Regensburg und Marquard von Lindau�, in: Gelobte Armut. Armutskonzepte der franziskanischen Ordensfamilie vom Mittelalter bis in die Gegenwart, ed. Heinz-Dieter Deimann, Angelica Hilsebein, Bernd Schmies & Christoph Stiegeman (Paderborn-Munich-Vienna-Z�rich: Ferdinand Sch�ningh, 2012), 129-151; Stephen Mossman, �Zeitzeuge der Begriffswerdung: �Gelassenheit� bei Marquard von Lindau�, in: Semantik der Gelassenheit: Generierung, Etablierung, Transformation, ed. Burkhardt Hasebrink, Susanne Bernhardt & Imke Fr�h (G�ttingen, 2012), 205-225; Volker Honemann, �Das mittelalterliche Schrifttum der Franziskaner der S�chsischen Ordensprovinz unter besonderer Ber�cksichtigung deutschsprachiger Zeugnisse�, in: Geschichte der S�chsischen Franziskanerprovinz, 1: Von den Anf�ngen bis zur Reformation, ed. Volker Honemann (Paderborn: Ferdinand Sch�ningh, 2015), 669-671, 691; Stephen Mossman, 'Rache, Recht und Sicherheit in der Moraltheologie des 14. Jahrhunderts. Heinrich von Friemar d. �. und Marquard von Lindau', in: Das Recht in die eigene Hand nehmen?: Rechtliche, soziale und theologische Diskurse �ber Selbstjustiz und Rache, ed. Christine Reinle & Anna-Lena Wendel (Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlag, 2021), 149-176.
With thanks to Prof. Nigel Palmer and Dr. Geertruida de Moor.





Martha Boigas (Marta Bohigas, fl. early 17th cent.)

OSCCap. Spanish Capuchin nun, known for her visionary revelations.


Vida y revelaciones de la V. Madre Sor Marta Bohigas, capuchina, 4 Vols.: MS olim Barcelona, Conv. Santa Margita. [mentioned by Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana III, 2]


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana III, 2.





Martialis Cenomagensis (Martial Du Mans, d. 1680)

TOR. French tertiary. He joined the order at a young age. He taught philosophy and theology (reaching the designation of lector jubilatus in or around 1650), and was two times provincial of the St. Ives province. In 1680, the year of his death, he was provincial definitor.


Annotationes in tractatum Raymundi Lulli de amico et amato (Rouen, 1632). Was this ever really issued? Not according to Barth�lemy Haur�au.

Les pratiques de l'ann�e Sainte, tir�s des plus belles actions des Saints de chaque jour (...), 2 Vols. (Paris-Rouen, 1644/Rouen: Veuve Jean Oursel, 1650/Rouen, 1651/Rouen, 1667/.../Paris: George Josse, 1680 [8th Ed.]). At least the 1650 edition is accessible via the Biblioth�que Municipale of Lyon and/or Google Books. It amounts to a series of moral and ascetical reflections on the deeds of saints celebrated in the course of the liturgical year.

Almanach Spirituel de l'an 1647 pour la Ville et Fauxbourgs de Paris, ou sont marqu�es les Festes, Confrairies, Pr�dications, Assembl�es et Conf�rences de pi�t�, qu'il y aura chaque jour de cette annee dans les Eglises et Paroisses et Monast�res de Paris (...) (Paris, 1645/Paris: Georges Josse, 1647/1650/1651/1652/1654/1667/ 1670/1672/1691/1700 etc/.). This work is probably based on earlier, comparable works, and was itself re-issued regularly with updates, eventually without mentioning Martial.

(as translator) La bonne philosophie et l'art du salut, comprise en trois pr�cepted par N.S.P. le pape Alexandre VII, et traduite du latin en fran�ois (...) (Paris: Georges Josse, 1658).

(as translator) Oeuvres spirituelles du s�raphique P. saint Fran�ois, traduites en fran�ois (...) La R�gle du tiers-ordre de saint Fran�ois (...) (Paris: George Josse, 1667).

Sbaralea refers to other works that we have not yet been able to trace.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 332; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 520; John Grand-Carteret, Les Almanachs Fran�ais: Bibliographie-iconographie: Des Almanachs--ann�es--annuaires--calendriers--chansonniers (...) (Paris: J. Alisie et Cie, 1896), 1647.

Barth�lemy Haur�au, Histoire litt�raire du Maine, 10 Vols. (Le Mans: Adolphe Lanier etc., 1843-1852) III, 244-246.





Martialis de Brive (Martial de Brives/Dumas, 1600-1653)

OFMCap. French friar from the Aquitaine province. Studied in Toulouse and thereafter active as a preacher and as a poet, his frail health notwithstanding. His poems and meditations were gathered after his death and published as Parnasse s�raphique in 1660. There also is an earlier collection of a number of his works, issued first in 1653, and again around his death (see below).


Les Oeuvres po�tiques et sainctes du R. P. Martial de Brive, Capucin (1653)/ Les Oeuvres po�tiques et sainctes du R. P. Martial de Brive, Capucin, ed. Sieur Dupuis, 2nd Ed. (Lyon: Alexandre Fumeux, 1655). The 1655 edition is accessible via Google Books. The 1653 edition was re-issued with comments and corrections as: Martial de Brive, Les oeuvres po�tiques et saintes, 1653, ed. Anne Mantero (Grenoble: �ditions J�r�me Millon, 2000).

Le parnasse seraphique, et les derniers souspirs de la muse du R. P. Martial de Brives, capucin. Contenant, les grandeurs de Dieu, les grandeurs de N. S. Jesus-Christ, les grandeurs de la Sainte Vierge, les grandeurs de Dieu sur les saincts, les combats & victoires de sainct Alexis, et autres oeuvres mesl�es (Lyon: Fran�ois Demasso, 1660). Accessible via and via Google Books.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 332; DSpir X, 673-675; M. G. Cl�ment-Simon, Le P�re Martial de Brives, la Muse s�raphique au XVIIe si�cle (Paris, s. a.).





Martialis Stampensis Parisinus (Martial d'�tampes, 1575-1635)

OFMCap. French friar and member of the Parisian province. Novice master.


La croix spirituelle (Paris, 1634).

L'exercise des trois cloux amoreux et douloureux, pour imiter Iesus Christ, attach� sur la Croix au Calvaire, et pour nous unir � luy (Paris: Jean Camusat, 1635). Accessible via Google Books.

Ma�tre en oraison. Exercise du silence int�rieur. L�exercise des trois cloux amoureux et douloureux, ed. Jos�phine Fransen & Dominique Tronc, Sources mystiques (Toulouse: Ed. du Carmel, 2008).

Lettres in�dites du P. Martial d'Etampes, ed. Raoul de Sceaux (Paris: �tudes franciscaines, 1964).

Trait� facile pour apprendre � faire l'oraison mentale (Paris: Nicholas Fremiot, 1635).

La perfection religieuse (Paris: Nicholas Fremiot, 1635). Published anonymously?

Trait� facile pour apprendre � faire l'oraison mentale & L'exercise du silence int�rieur, ed. Flavien de Blois, available as pdf:

Some selections of his texts have been included in: La vie mystique chez les franciscains du dix-septi�me si�cle. Tome II: Floril�ge de figures mystiques de la r�forme capucine, ed. Dominique Tronc, Collection Sources mystiques (Mers-sur-Indre: Paroisse et Famille-Centre Saint-Jean-de-la-Croix, 2014).


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 332; DSpirX, 675-677





Martialis Pellegrinus (Martialis Peregrinus/Marziale Pellegrini da Castrovillari, fl. 17th cent.)

OFMConv. Italian (Calabrian) friar. Took the entry exam at the Collegium Sancti Bonaventurae in Rome at an early age in 1644. Afterwards, following the completion of his studies in Rome in 1647, he was first regent at the Palermo gymnasium, and later lector of philosophy in Messina, and regent lector of theology in the studia of Palermo, Genoa, Ferrara and Milan. Subsequently, he became regent at the Collegium S. Anthonii of Malta. Guardian of the major conventual Naples friary between 1659 and 1560, and on 27 April 1661 he was elected provincial minister of the Calabria province. Present at the Council of Trent and later elected custus custodiarum at the general chapter of 1665. Shortly thereafter he held teaching positions at the Collegium S. Bonaventurae (Professor of dogmatic theology) and at the Sapienza in Rome (professor of ecclesiastical history). Nominated as minister general by Clement X in September 1670 and confirmed in 1671. He held this position until 1677. He was made Archbishop of Nazareth in 1677, with Barletta as episcopal residence.


Panegirici Sacri, ed. P. Pallantieri (Bologna: Reccaldini, 1677).

Prolegomena ad Metaphysicam (1585). Cf. the remarks of Sbaralea.


Giovanni Franchini, Bibliosofia e memorie letterarie di scrittori Francescani conventuali Ch'hanno scritto dopo 'Anno 1585 (Modena: Eredi Soliani Stampatori, 1693), 429-430; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 520; La Biblioteca Francescana di Palermo, ed. D. Ciccarelli, 85.





Martinus Aleman (Martino Aleman/1663�1726, Jing Minglian, d. 1727)

OFMDisc. Spanish friar from the St. John the Baptist province in the Valencia region. Travelled to the Philippines in 1696. In the same year, he moved on to China, establishing himself as provincial commissioner in Huy-Hien. After thirty years of pastoral work, he was called back to Mexico (1726) by the general commissioner of the Franciscan mission, maybe because of issues pertaining to the Chinese rites. He departed for London, where he fell ill. There he died (early 1727) in the Portuguese ambassadorial compounds. Author of several letters and an apologetic missionary history.


Epistulae. They can apparently be found in the Biblioteca Febroniana of Pistoia

Historia de toto lo obrado en China por el se�or patriarcha Tournon, y su defensa, a�o de 1709. Unpublished?

Lapis Caliminaris. This work, supposedly written in Chinese characters, is mentioned by Juan de San Antonio.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana (Madrid, 1732) II, 333; Marcellino da Civezza, Saggio di bibliografia sanfrancescana (Prato, 1879), 12; Antoine de S�rent, �Aleman�, DHGE II (1914), 88-89; Handbook of Christianity in China, Volume 1: 635-1800, ed. Nicolas Standaert (Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2001), 177, 329; Kilian Stumpf, The Acta Pekinensia or Historical Records of the Maillard de Tournon Legation, Volume II: September 1706-December 1701 (Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2019), 354, 364, 369, 543.





Martinus Alvevicus (Martinus Anglicus/Martin of Alnwick, d. 1336)

OM. English friar minor from Northumbria. Took his profession in Newcastle. Was sent to Oxford at the end of the 13th century, where he first fulfilled his lectorate course and later studied in the degree program. He was ordained priest but did not received a licence to hear confessions from the bishop of Lincoln (John Dalderbery). He received the doctorate in theology in the early 14th century, and he became the 32rd regent master of theology at the Franciscan Studium generale of Oxford. In 1311, he was asked to go to Avignon to take part in the poverty controversy, as advisor to the Franciscan general minister. Back in England, he received his licence to hear confessions in the York diocese in October 1318. He lived until 1336. After his death he was buried in Newcastle. A volume of his magisterial determinations and disputations, compiled during the last decades of his life, and for a while kept in the library of the York Augustinian friars, apparently has not survived. What does survive is a series of nineteenth questions on the Sentences of Lombard found at the end of William of Ware's Sentences commentary. In these nineteenth questions, which deal with divine nature and related issues, Alnwick follows older Franciscan theologians, but also links up for some elements with the positions of Henry of Ghent. Scholars used to ascribe to him a full Sentences commentary, but that seems to be the work of William of Alnwick, and the chronicle ascribed to him has to be identified with the pope-emperor chronicle of Martinus Polonus.


19 Questiones Supplementariae in I Sent.: Vatican City, BAV, Vat.Lat. 4871 (14th cent.) ff. 14ra-22ra [Etzkorn, IVF, 172]; Bordeaux, Biblioth�que Municipale, MS 163; Troyes, Biblioth�que Municipale, MS 501; Vatican City, BAV, Vat. Chigi B. VII. 114; and Vienna, Nationalbibliothek, MS 1424).


Wadding, Scriptores, 168; Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 333; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 520 & (ed. 1921) II, 221; Doucet, AFH, 29 (1936), 402ff; idem, AFH, 47 (1954), 144; J. Lechner, `Beitr�ge zum Schrifttum des Martinus Anglicus�, Franz. Studien,19 (1932), 1-12; F. Pelster, �Die Kommentare zum vierten Buch der Sentenzen von Wilhelm von Ware, zum ersten Buch von einem Unbekannten und von Martin von Alnwick in Cod. 501 Troyes�, Scholastik 27 (1952), 344�367; � Fratris Thomae vulgo dicti de Eccleston tractatus de adventu fratrum minorum in Angliam, ed. A.G. Little (1951), 54; Matthias Laarman, `Martin v. Alnwick', LMA, VI, 345f.; L.M. de Rijk, �Some 14th century tracts on the Probationes terminorum: Martin of Alnwick, OFM, Richard Billingham, Edward Lipton, and others�, Artistarium, 3 (1982), 7�33;





Martinus Belzunce (Martin Belzunce, d. 1651)

OFMDisc. Spanish friar from Oca (Toledo region). Studied in Salamanca and took the habit there (San Juan provonce). Known for his rule observance and life of austerity. He died in the odor of sanctity in the San Antonio friary of Granada, on 30 June 1651, and his habit considered a relic.


Vida de Martin de Belzunce. A religious autobiography?

Poemata varia

Hierogifica varia

All these works would have been kept in the provincial archives of the San Pedro d'Alcantara province of Granada.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 333-334; Biograf�a eclesi�stica completa: vida de los personajes del Antoguo y Nuevo Testamento; de todos los santos que venera la Iglesia, papas y eclesiasticos c�lebres (...) XIII, 291.





Martinus Bononiensis (Martino da Bologna, fl. early 17th cent.)

OFM. Italian friar who worked in Lima (Peru). Preacher, definitor and biblical scholar.


Commetaria in Epistolas S. Petri Apostoli. Check Sbaralea.

Conciones variae Check Sbaralea [apparently also on the parable of the prodigal son, the stories of David, etc. ]


Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 521.





Martinus Bordetus (Mart�n Bordet, fl. ca. 1480)

OMObs. Spanish friar from Majorca.


Compendium parvum sive interrogatorium perutilissimum confessiones audiendi: Saint Bonaventure University Library MS Holy Name College, no. 53.


Livarius Oliger, �De confessionali Martini Bordet, OFM, maiorcensis, auctoris ignoti saeculi XV�, Antonianum 19 (1926), 245-249.





Martinus Burgerius (Martinus Burguerius/Mart�n Burguerio, fl. first half 17th cent.)

OFM. Spanish friar and provincial minister of the Aragon province.


Reformationes Sanctionum, seu Constitutionum Fratrum Conventualium Ordinis Minorum (Barcelona: Amoros Proven�al, 1640). Is this a re-issue of the 1540 work Nove reformationes sanctionum seu constitutionum fratrum conventualium ordinis minorum (Barcelona: Carlos Amoros, 1540)?


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 334; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 521; AIA (1964), 251.





Martinus de Abbatisvilla (Martin de Abb�ville, fl. early 14th cent.)

OM. French friar. Already mentioned as a bachelor in Paris in 1303 (Glorieux II, 192). Wrote quodlibetal questions between 1311-1314 and these appear in the notebook of Prosper of Reggio Emilia. MS: Rome, BAV, 1086. A list of questions of two Quodlibetal series is provided by Duba, pp. 597-598. He also refers back to Courtenay, �Reflections on Vat.Lat. 1086�, who provides insights on the dating of the text.


Quodlibeta: Rome, BAV, 1086.


William J. Courtenay, �Reflections on Vat.Lat. 1086 and Prosper of Reggio Emilia, O.E.S.A.�, in: Theological Quodlibeta in the Middle Ages. The Fourteenth Century, ed. Chris Schabel (Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2007) II, 345-357; William O. Duba, �Continental Franciscan Quodlibeta after Scotus�, in: Theological Quodlibeta in the Middle Ages. The Fourteenth Century, ed. Chris Schabel (Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2007), 597-598.





Martinus de Aguirre (Mart�n de Aguirre/Mart�n de Aguirre o Loinaz/Mart�n de la Ascensi�n, 1567-1597), sanctus

OFM. Spanish friar from Vergar. Missionary in Mexico, the Philippine and Japan. Crucified on February 25, 1597, near Nagasaki. Canonized in 1862.


Tratado contra los Jesuitas [1771]: Madrid, Nac. 1893; Madrid, Bibl. Coll. Imper. Check! [autograph; see Castro, Madrid, no. 104]

Lorenzo P�rez, `Cartas y relaciones del Jap�n�, AIA, 14 (1920), 171-175.


Javi�r Ibarra y Berge, Bol. Real. Soc. Vascongada Amigos del Pais, 9 (1953), 389-410; AIA, 4 (1915), 248; 6 (1916), 297





Martinus de Albiturri (fl. late 17th cent.?)

OFM. Spanish friar from the Burgos province. Theology lector, custos and for 14 years general procurator for his order at the papal curia in Rome, also involved with the attempts in favor of the beatification of Maria de Gesu de Agreda.


Satisfaccion por la religion de S. Francisco a los reparos que se han hecho contra los tres libros, � partes de la vida de la Virgen Maria Madre de Dios, Reyna, y Se�ora nuestra, que escrivio, como en los mismo libros se dice, por revelacion privada la Ven. Madre Sor Maria de Jesus. Abadesa del Convento de la Inmaculada Concepcion de la Villa de Agreda de la Orden de S. Francisco (Bernardo de Villa-Diego, 1680/Rome: Typis Camerae Apostolicae, 1730).


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 333.





Martinus de Alva (Mart�n de Alva, fl. c. 1500)

OM. Spanish friar. Guardian of the Valladolid friary in 1502. Known for a sermon on the immaculate conception of Mary during that year in the collegiate church of the town, whoch became the starting point of a severe conflict with the Dominicans in Castile.


Francisco Javier Rojo Alique, �Fifteenth-Century Franciscan Preachers in Castile�, in: Franciscans and Preaching. Every Miracle from the Beginning of the World Came about through Words, ed. Timothy Johnson, The Medieval Franciscans, 7 (Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2012), 367-370 [with references to archival materials that include Mart�n's testimony to a committee of judges who had to deal with the ensuing controversy].





Martinus de Arratia (fl. late 16th-early 17th cent.)

OFM. Spanish friar from Andalusia.


Doctrinarum Moralium: MS Alcala de Henares, Mon. de San Diego P.253.

Los santissimos lugares de Jerusalen. Sumario de las cartas, relaciones, gastos, y cuentas embiades de Jerusalem, y Venecia a nuestros reverendissimos padres generals de la orden de n. serafico p. S. Francisco (s.l., s.n. [1619]).


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 333; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 521; Alexander Samuel Wilkinson & Alejandra Ulla Lorenzo, Iberian Books/ Libros Ib�ricos II & III: A-E, 91.





Martinus de Bosco Gualterii (Martin de Bois-Gaultier, fl. late 14th-early 15th cent.)

OM. French friar. Guardian of the Tours friary. Spiritual director and biographer of the pious widow Jean Marie de Maill� (d. 1414).


Vita Mariae de Mailliaco, ed. AA.SS. Mar. III, 744-762.


Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 521; Ulysse Chevalier, R�pertoire des sources historiques du moyen �ge (...) Bio-bibliographique I, 3101; Bibliotheca Hagiographia Latina, no. 5514.





Martinus de Casta�ega (Martin de Cartagena/Martinus de Casta�ega, fl. early 16th cent.)

OFM. Spanish preacher in the Burgos province (1529). Combatted witchcraft in Biscaye in 1527, together with the Franciscan Andr�s Olmos.


Tratado muy sotil y bien fundado de las supersticiones y hecher�as y vanos conjuros y abusiones (Logro�o: Miguel de Eguia, 1529). A N�thuatl version was completed by Andr�s Olmos in 1533. The 1429 edition is accessibla via the Biblioteca Digital de Castilla y Le�n [].A modern transcription with introduction is provided by Girassol de Sant'Anain Lemir 24 (2020), 339-400 [search via ].


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 334 (Martinus de Carthagena); Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 521; Juan Ruiz de Larr�naga, �Fr. Mart�n de Casta�eda y su obra sobre las supersticiones�, AIA 12 (1952), 97-108; Rodr�guez, �Autores espirituales�,RHCEE III, 457; Jos� Sim�n D�az, Bibliograf�a de la literatura hisp�nica, 11 Vols. (Madrid, 1960-1976) VII, nos. 6195-6198; Manuel de Castro,Bibliograf�a de las bibliografias franciscanas espa�olas e hispanoamericanas, Publicaciones de Archivo Ibero-Americano (Madrid: Ed. Cisneros, 1982), 100 (no. 211); Hans-J�rgen Prien, Christianity in Latin America: Revised and Expanded Edition (Leiden-Boston: Brill. 2013), 79; Bert Roest, �Demonic Possession and the Practice of Exorcism: An exploration of the Franciscan Legacy�, Franciscan Studies 76 (2018), 301-340.





Martinus de Castello (Martinus de Castillo/Mart�n del Castillo, fl. mid 17th cent.)

OFM. Spanish friar from Burgos. Friar active in the Santo Evangelio province (Mexico). Two times lector jubilatus, consultant for the holy office, former provincial minister of the Santa Evangelia province and regent of the Collegium S. Bonaventurae. Language specialist, and author of works on biblical figures and saints.


Sermon a la insigne dedicacion del sumptuoso templo e iglesia que la esclarecida religion de Ntra. Se�ora de las Mercedes, Redempcion de Cautivos hizo (por ocho dias continuos estando descubierto el Santissimo Sacramento) en la muy Noble Ciudad de los Angeles, a�o de 1647 (Madrid: Biuda de Bernardo Calderon, 1649).

Declamacion panegirica al triumpho del incendio, y tropheo de la llama, que gloriosamente obtuuo (...) martyr San Laurencio / dixola (...) F. Martin del Castillo (...) (Mexico: Viuda de Bernardo Calderon, 1650). Accessible via

Llibro sobre Abdias Profeta (Antwerp, 1657)?

Susana, la crisis danielica/Crisis Danielica: Sive Susanna Littera Et Conceptibus Illustrata, a Calumnia Liberata, Et a Petulantibus Vindicata. Ad Caput XIII. Danielis. Cum Appendice de Maria Virgine Deipara, in Illa Figurata (Madrid: Paolo Bal, 1658).

Concio una cum thesibus pro S. Evangelii Provinciae in Comitiis Generalibus Ordinis (Toledo, 1658).

Commentaria super sermones aureos S. Petri Chrisologi (Lyon, 1667).

Ars Biblica, siver Herma Memorialis sacra, in qua Metrice S. paginae libri, capita, eorumque medulla memoriae facillime commendantur (...) (Mexico City: Lupertio, 1675/Astigi: Benedict Daza, 1778 [2nd Ed.]). The 2nd edition is accessible via Google Books.

Arte Hebraispano (...) Grammatica de la lengua santa en idioma castellano (...) (Madrid: Leon de Francia, 1676). Accessible via Google Books.

Grammatica de la lengua griega en idioma espa�ol (...) (Madrid: Leon de Francia, 1678). Accessible via Google Books.

Comentario de Debora y Jael, prefiguras de Mar�a Sant�sima (...) (Sevilla 1678/Lyon 1690).

Tractatus panegyricus de Sanctissima Maria Domina Nostra, in Debora et Jahele, Veteris Testamenti Heroissis, & celebratissimus Feminis coelit�s adumbrata. Ad Caput IV. & V. Libri Judicum (�) (Genoa: Giovanni Salvator Perez, 1690). Accessible via Google Books.

El Humano Seraphin, y unico llagado de como solo el glorioso Patriarcha Padre N.S. Francisco, entre todos los Santos de la Iglesia, goza, y possee las llagas, penetrantes, cruentas, y visibles de N. Se�or Jesu Christi. Controversial work. See the follow-up: Dialogo traumatico regular: en el qual, de una parte hablan tres reuerendos padres del Orden de N. Gran Padre Santo Domingo, Como Censores de un Tratado intitulado, El Humano Seraphin, y unico llagado de como solo el glorioso Patriarcha Padre N.S. Francisco, entre todos los Santos de la Iglesia, goza, y possee las llagas, penetrantes, cruentas, y visibles de N. Se�or Jesu Christi. Que escribio (...) el R.P. Fr. Martin del Castillo (...) (Cologne: Juan Baseo, 1684). Accessible via Google Books.

For other works that might have or might not have reached the printing press, check also Juan de San Antonio and Sbaralea.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 334-335; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 521; AIA 15 (1955), 252-254; Jos� Sim�n D�az, Bibliograf�a de la literatura hisp�nica, 11 Vols. (Madrid, 1960-1976) VII, nos. 6689-6699; Manuel de Castro, Bibliograf�a de las bibliografias franciscanas espa�olas e hispanoamericanas, Publicaciones de Archivo Ibero-Americano (Madrid: Ed. Cisneros, 1982), 101 (no. 220).





Martinus de Castilione (Martino da Castiglione, 1558-1622)

OFMCap. Italian friar. Trained as an architect/engineer, he took his solemn vows in 1584 at the age of 26. Became involved with the construction of monastic houses and water works. He diead at the age of 66 on 2 March 1622.


Architectural designs, building projects and water works.


Apolinaro da Valencia, Bibliotheca Fratrum Minorum Capuccinorum Provinciae Neapolitanae (Naples, 1886), 125.





Martinus de Cochem (Martinus von Cochheim/Cochemensis, 1634-1712)

OFMCap. German friar. Member of the Rhine province. Joined the order in 1653. After his noviciate, he studied philosophy and theology from 1656 onwards and he was ordained in 1659. Following his studies, he became lector of philosophy at the studium of Mainz (1664). In 1668, his lectorate position ended and he became predominantly active as pastoral worker and religious-ascetical author with works for priests and confessors and for the laity. Between 1682 and 1685 he worked on behalf of the Mainz Kurf�rst Anselm Franz von Ingelheim as commissary in Aschaffenburg and between 1698 and 1700 he worked at the request of the Trier Kurf�rst Johann Hugo von Orsbeck as visitator in the Trier diocese. When the Rhine province suffered from military violence, he transferred to monasteries elsewhere (G�nzburg, Passau, Linz, Prague), and there he continued to write. Once back in the Rhine province, he focused in particular on Mass explications. He ended his life in the Capuchin monasteries Bernkastel, Aschaffenburg, Mainz and Wagh�usal.


Kinderlehr-B�chlein oder Auslegung de� catholischen Catechismi (1666). Written while still working as a lector during the 1666 plague epidemic in Mainz.

Das kleine Leben Christi. Oder au�f�hrliche, anmuthige und bewegliche Beschreibung des Lebens und Leydens unsers Herrn Jesu Christi und seiner glorwuerdigsten Mutter Mariae (Franckfurt a.M.: Catharina Zubrodtin, 1683).

Das Grosse Leben Christi: Oder ausf�hrliche, and�chtige, und bewegliche Beschreibung Des H. Lebens und Leydens unsers Herrn Jesu Christi, Und seiner Glorw�rdigsten Mutter Mari�. Wie auch ihrer Gro�-Mutter Emerentian�, und ihrer H. Mutter A[n]n�, des H. Josephs und Joachims: und der H. Magdalen� und Marth�, ausf�hrlich und tr�stlich beschrieben ... Several editions.

Geistliches Baum-G�rtlein, Oder Sehr and�chtiges und tr�stliches Gebett-B�chlein (Mainz: Johan Peter Zubrodt, 1675). Accessible via Google Books.

Katholisches Cantual, Eines Maynzer auch allgemeinen Gesangbuchs

Das groessere Krancken-Buch, sampt vorhergehender Fuerbereitung zu einem Seelingen End (1686?/2nd ed. (Frankfurt am. Main: Joannis Melchior Bencard, 1689).

Infirmitatis humanae Praesidium, sive Libellus Infirmorum Germanico superadditus, in quo breviter & practi� traditur Quomodo administranda sint Sacramenta Infirmis. Deinde, quomodo pi� assistendum sit Moribundis. Terti�, quomodo devot� orandum super Agonizantibus. Pro coronide addita sunt selectiores Benedictiones & Exorcismi super infirmis & maleficiatis dicendi (...) (Frankfurt am. Main: Joannis Melchior Bencard, 1686). This edition, as well as a number of later editions were accessible via Google Books.

Goldener Himmel-Schl�ssel, Oder Sehr kr�ftiges, n�tzliches und trostreiches Gebeth-Buch, Erloesung der lieben Seelen des Fegfeuers (...). The 1798 Augsburg edition and the 1860 Sulzbach edition are accessible via Google Books.

Die vier letzten Dinge: Tod, Gericht, H�lle, Himmelreich (...) Many editions and translations all the way up to the 20th cent. Several of these, such as the 1838 Augsburg edition, are accessible via Google Books. For a modern translation, see: The Four Last Things: Death, Judgment, Hell, Heaven (Bibliolife, 2015).

Der Myrrhengarten: E. vollst�nd. Gebet- u. Erbauungsbuch f�r Verehrer des bitteren Leidens Jesu Christi

Historie von der unschuldigen, bedr�ngten, heiligen Pfalzgr�fin Genovefa.

Libellus Benedictionum Et Exorcismorum: In quo Efficacissimae Benedictiones tam sacrarum quam profanarum rerum et Terribiles Exorcismi ad varia maleficia tam ab hominibus quam pecoribus et locis infestis depellenda continentur. Ex Rituali Romani, Agenda Moguntinensi, Manuali Exorcismorum R.D. Maximiliani ab Eynatten, Circulo aureo P. Francisci, Maria de Capellis, Thesauro et ex Nucleo Benedictionum Constantiae impresso excerptus, et in hanc commodiorem formam, praxi et ordinem redactus (...) (Frankfurt a.M.: Johan Melchior Bencard, 1699). Accessible via Google Books.

Medulla Missae (1700).

Verbesserte Legend der Heiligen. Many editions, several of which, like the 1769 Augsburg edition, are available via Google Books.

Medulla missae germanica, das ist, Mess-Erkl�rung �ber K�nig suss: darinn eine aussf�hrliche und nachtr�ckliche Erkl�rung der h�chsten F�rtrefflichkeit und gr�sten Nutzbarkeit dess allerhochw�rdigen Opffers der H. Mess (...) (Coellen: Peter Langenberg, 1702). There are many editions of this work, all the way up to the 20th century. Several of these, including the editio princeps, are accessible via digital platforms like that of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek and Google Books.

Erkl�rung des heiligen Me�opfers: ein Haus- und Familienbuch. Many editions, several of which are available via Google Books.

Unersch�tzliches B�chlein von Gott und von den g�ttlichen F�rtrefflichkeiten� (1708).

More info will follow.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 335; Cimarosto Sigismondo da Venezia, Biografia serafica degli uomini illustri che forirono nel francescano istituto (...) (Venice: G.B. Merlo, 1847), 751; Johannes Chrysostomos Schulte, P. Martin von Cochem, 1634�1712, sein Leben und seine Schriften, Freiburger Theologische Studien, Heft 1 (Freiburg, 1910); Johannes Chrysostomos Schulte, �Martin von Cochem � ein F�rderer des eucharistischen Kultes�, Franziskanische Studien 1 (1914), 36-52; Johannes Chrysotomos Schulte, 'Die literarische Eigenart des P. Martin von Cochem', Collectanea Franciscana 1 (1931) 84-97; Lexicon Capuccinum (1951), 1063-1065; L. Singer, Martin von Cochem: einer grosse Gestalt des rheinischen Barock (Wiesbaden: F. Steiner, 1963); DSpir X, 680-682; LThKVI (third edition), 1423f; Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart V4, 858; J.-Y. Pennerath, 'Contribution � l��tude de l��uvre de Martin de Cochem et sa diffusion en Lorraine allemande', Annales de l�Est 1 (2000), 125-132; Leonhard Lehmann, �Martin von Cochem (1634-1712). Was ist das Gebet?�, in: Franziskanische Stimmen. Zeugnisse aus acht Jahrhunderten, ed. Paul Zahner, (Munich-St. Anna: Coelde, Butzon & Bercker, 2002), 119-125; Jerzy Florian Duchniewski, �Marcin z Cochem, Linius, OFMCap�, Encyklopedia Katolicka XI, 1241-1242; Bonaventura von Mehr, �Martin (Linius) von Cochem (Cochemius, Cochemensis, Cochheim)�, Neue Deutsche Biographie 16 (1990) [ ]; Ruth Gstach, �Himmlisches Paradies und ewige H�lle. Tod- und Jehnseitsvorstellungen im 17. Jahrhundert. Laurentius von Schn�ffs und Martin von Cochem�, in: Verum, pulchrum et bonum. Miscellanea di studi offerti a Servus Gieben inoccasione del suo 80o compleanno, ed. Yoannes Teklemariam (Rome: Ed. Collegio San Lorenzo da Brindisi, Istituto Storico dei Cappuccini, 2006), 515-557.





Martinus de Corona (Martin de la Coru�a/Mart�n de Jes�s, 1484-1568)

OFM. Spanish friar. Franciscan missionary, historian and ethnographer, active in Latin America. Born in La Coru�a, he departed for New Spain in 1523 with a group of Franciscan friars (known as �the twelve apostles�). By 1525, he became active, with five other friars as a missionary in Michoac�n. Six years later, in 1531 he undertook missionary journeys to nearby Islands in the Pacific, and in 1534, he took part in the expedition of Cortes towards California. Several years later, he was custodian of the Franciscan Cuernavaca custody and thereafter, in 1538, again in Michoac�n. There he wrote in 1541 his famous Relaci�n de las ceremon�as y ritos, poblaci�n y gobierno de los Indios, de la provincia de Mechuac�n, which contains a lot of information on Nahuatl and Tarasquean culture.


Relaci�n de las ceremon�as y ritos, poblaci�n y gobierno de los Indios, de la provincia de Mechuac�n (1541). A critical edition of this work appeared as: Relaci�n de las ceremon�as y ritos, poblaci�n y gobierno de los Indios, de la provincia de Mechuac�n, ed. J. Tudela (Madrid, 1956).


J. de Mendieta, Historia eclesi�stica indiana, 2nd. ed. (Madrid, 1945), 61-62; Vicente Rodr�guez, Fray Martin de la Coru�a: fundador de la iglesia en Michoacan (Celaya (M�xico): Ediciones Franciscanas, 1985 and later editions); P. Ragon, ��D�monol�trie� et d�monologie dans les recherches sur la civilisation mexicaine au xvie s.�, Revue d�histoire moderne et contemporaine 35 (1988), 163-181; S. Garc�a, �La evangelizaci�n de Am�rica en la legislaci�n general de la Orden franciscana en el siglo xvi�, Archivo Ibero-am�ricano 48:n� 189-192 (1988), 246; P. Hernandez Aparicio, �Estadisticas franciscanas del s. xvii, Archivo Ibero-am�ricano 50: n� 197-200 (1990), 570; B.H. Slicher van Bath, De bezinning op het verleden in Latijns Amerika 1493-1820. Auteurs, verhalen en lezers (Groningen, 1998), passim; J.Pirotte, �La Coru�a (Mart�n de)�, DHGE XIX, 1248;





Martinus de Cruce (Martin de la Cruz, fl. early 18th cent.)

OFMDisc. Spanish friar, active in the Neapolitan Pietro d'Alcantara province. Author of hagiographical compendia in the Italian vernacular.


Compendio della vita di San Francesco de Sales (...) (Naples: Antonio Abrio, 1716).

Compendio della Vita di Pietro d'Alcantara com novena (...) (Naples: Felice Mosca, 1724).


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 335.





Martinus de Cueva (Martinus Cueva Carmonensis/Martinus de la Cueva/Mart�n de la Cueva, fl. first half 16th cent.)

OFM. Spanish friar. Born in Carmona. Active in the Andalucia province (educated and active in Sevilla). Later he transferred to Venice, and in or around 1546 he became secretary to the general minister Andreas Insulanus (Alvares). According to some accounts, he went to the Americas in the 1570s for mission and teaching purposes. Known for his humanist interests, Edited pedagogical works on teaching classical languages (in part at the request of the Portuguese friar Antonio Sanches).


Totius latinitatis Lexicon. Lost ?

De corrupto docende grammatice latine genere et de ratione ejusdem breviter recteque tradende Libellus (Antwerp: Joh. Gravius, 1550). The work seems to be available via the �sterreichische Nationalbibliothek, the University Library in Ghent, and via Google Books (but does not always appear with a title search, and in some cases comes with a wrong ascription).

Conciones. Lost ?


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 335; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 521; AIA 4 (1915), 212-216; Acta Conventus Neo-Latini Lovaniensis: Proceedings of the First International Congress of Neo-Latin Studies, Louvain, 23-28 August 1971 (Louvain: Leuven University Press, 1973), 113; Manuel de Castro, Bibliograf�a de las bibliografias franciscanas espa�olas e hispanoamericanas, Publicaciones de Archivo Ibero-Americano (Madrid: Ed. Cisneros, 1982), 106 (no. 252); DHGE XIX, 1279; Manuel Ma�as N��ez, 'Pedagog�a y teor�a gramatical en el "Libellus" de Fray Mart�n de la Cueva', Minerva 26 (2013), 205-230 [ ].





Martinus de Cunis (fl. early 15th cent.)

OM. Italian friar. Public lector of theology in Bologna, in 1405.


Sermones de Tempore (Strasbourg, 1480?) his work or the work of an OP?


Wadding, Script., 169; Sbaralea, Suppl., II, 226; B. Pergamo, AFH, 27 (1934), 26





Martinus de Fano (thirteenth cent.)

OM. Italian friar.


Quaestiones de Iure Emphiteutico: Bologna, Coll. Hisp. S. Clemente 66 ff. 21ra-28ra

Formularium super Contractibus et Libellis de Factis (�): Vat. Palat. Lat., 571ff. 26-66





Martinus de Hojacastro (Mart�n, fl. mid 16th cent.)

OFM. Spanish friar. Franciscan historian, active in Latin America


B.H. Slicher van Bath, De bezinning op het verleden in Latijns Amerika 1493-1820. Auteurs, verhalen en lezers (Groningen, 1998), passim





Martinus de Huydrobo de Montalv�n (Mart�n de Huydrobo de Montalv�n, fl. c. 1730)

OFM. Spanish Franciscan author, active in Latin America..


B.H. Slicher van Bath, De bezinning op het verleden in Latijns Amerika 1493-1820. Auteurs, verhalen en lezers (Groningen, 1998), passim





Martinus de Jesu (Mart�n de Jes�s/Mart�n de La Coru�a, d. 1568)

OFM. Mexican friar from the Santiago province. Missionary.


A. L�pez, �Fr. Mart�n de La Coru�a�, El Eco Franciscano 34 (1917), 304-306; A. L�pez, �Los primeros franciscanos en M�jico. Fr. Mart�n de La Coru�a�, AIA 14 (1920), 105-111; A. L�pez, �Cuestionario hist�rico-americano. La �Relaci�n de las ceremonias y ritos de la provincia de Mechoac�n�. Ha se publicado integramente y se sabe qui�n fue su autor?�, AIA 13 (1920), 262-271; Manuel de Castro,Bibliograf�a de las bibliografias franciscanas espa�olas e hispanoamericanas, Publicaciones de Archivo Ibero-Americano (Madrid: Ed. Cisneros, 1982), 145 (no. 546).





Martinus de La Pe�a (Mart�n de La Pe�a, fl. mid 16th cent.)

OFM. Spanish friar. Liturgical specialist in the Santiago province.


AIA40 (1980), 172-173; Manuel de Castro, Bibliograf�a de las bibliografias franciscanas espa�olas e hispanoamericanas, Publicaciones de Archivo Ibero-Americano (Madrid: Ed. Cisneros, 1982), 136 (no. 481).





Martinus de Lilio (Martinus de Lillio/Mart�n de Lilio, fl. mid 16th cent.)

OFM. Spanish friar. Editor of mystic/spiritual texts from the Castilia province.


Tractado de oracion mental y exercisios spirituales ahora nuevamente corregido y a�adido (Alcal� de Henares: Juan de Brocar, 1558/Madrid: Antonio Martin, 1611). It is a reworking of a text earlier issued by Luis de Granada, OP.

Suma de fray Luys de Granada. Tractado de oracion mental. y exercicios spirituales ahora nuevamente corregido y a�adido por el padre fray Martin de Lilio (Zaragoza: viuda de Bartolom� de N�jera, 1562). Reworking of a text earlier issued by Luis de Granada, OP.

Flos sanctorum. La vida de nuestro se�or Iesu Christo y de su santissima madre, y de los otros santos segun la orden de sus fiestas, ed. Mart�n de Lilio (Alcal� de Henares, 1544/Alcal� de Henares: Juan Gutierrez/Alcal� de Henares: Andres de Angulo, 1572). Reworking of a text earlier issued by Pedro de la Vega. Accessible via the library of the Universidad Complutense in Madrid and via Google Books.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 337; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 523; Rodriguez, �Autores espirituales�, Repertorio de historia de las ciencias eclesi�sticas en Espa�a, 7 Vols. (Salamanca: Universidad Pontificia, 1967-1979) III, 511 (no. 174); Manuel de Castro, Bibliograf�a de las bibliografias franciscanas espa�olas e hispanoamericanas, Publicaciones de Archivo Ibero-Americano (Madrid: Ed. Cisneros, 1982), 138 (no. 495); Alexander S. Wilkinson, Iberian Books/Libros ib�ricos. Books Published in Spanish or Portuguese or on the Iberian Peninsula before 1601, 466, 750.





Martinus de Lucerna (Martin Borner, 1680-1731)

OFMCap. Swiss friar from Luzern.


Christian Schweizer, �Borner, Martin�, Dizzionario Storico della Svizzera II, 536b.





Martinus de Nantes (Martin de Nantes, fl. late 17th cent.)

OFMCap. French friar who became active in the missions in Brasil among the Cariri Amerindians, shortly after the Portuguese takeover of Dutch Brazil. After his return to Europe, in Lisbon, he wrote an initial account of his work (1687), possibly as an internal document for the Sacra Congregatio de Fide. He wrote a new, more reflective account near the end of his life, in or prior to 1706. Both versions have been edited several times.


Relation succinte et sincere de la mission du Pere Martin de Nantes, pr�dicateur Capucin, missionaire apostolique dans le Brezil parmy les Indiens appell�s Cariris (...) (Paris: Jean Perier, 1706); Histoire de la mission du p. Martin de Nantes capucin dela province de Bretagne chez les Cariris, tribu sauvage du Br�sil, 1671-1688 (Paris: Archives g�n�rales de l'Ordre des Capucins, 1888) [first version?];Rela��o de uma miss�o no ruo S�o Francisco, Brasiliana, 368 (S�o Paolo: Editora Nacional, 1979).

For his native charges, Martin de Nantes apparently wrote a on the Cariri vernacular a laudatory song on the incarnation and a laudatory song on Saint Francis, which apparently ended up in the 1709 Cariri catechism issued in Lisbon.


Juan de San Antonio, BUF II, 338; 'Mission is a Must': Intercultural Theology and the Mission of the Church, ed. Frans Wijsen & Peter Nissen (Amsterdam-New York: Rodopi, 2002), 29-30.





Martinus de Sancto Bonaventura (Mart�n de San Buenaventura de Villa-Robledo/Villarrobledo, d. 1684)

OFM. Spanish friar from Villarrobledo (Albacete). Long-term confessor. He died on 22 February 1684 in Madrid.


Verdades morales contra los profanos adornos (Madrid: Francisco Sanz, 1678).

Parte primera y segunda de la Direcci�n de penitentes, con la pr�ctica de una buena confesi�n, 2 Vols. (Madrid, 1680-1682).

De las excelencias de la pureza (Madrid: Mateo de Espinosa, 1681).

Pastor del amore divino para utilidad de los sacerdotes


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 334; Diccionario enciclop�dico hispano-americano de literatura, ciencias y artes (...) XVIII, 320; Hombres y documentos de la filosof�a espa�ola V, 247.





Martinus de Sancto Antonio (Mart�n de San Antonio Moreno, fl. early 18th cent.)

OFM. Spanish friar from Cordoba (Andalucia, Granada Province). After his profession, education and a number of years of apostolic activity, he traveled to Guatemala and became a member of the Santissimo Nombre de Jesus province. He taught doctrinal and moral theology, and already had received the titel of Predicador General Jubilado y Apostolico before he transferred to the new World.


De la limosna. ?

Exposici�n de la Regla Ser�fica. ?

Construccion Predicable, y Predicacion Construida, Dividida en cinco opusculos, Uno de Titulo de la Santa Cruz, otro del Santissimo Sacramento, otro de Maria Santissima, otro Proprio de Santos, y otro Comun de Santos, cuyos materias son: Textos de la Sagrada Biblia, Authoridades de Santos, Exemplos varios, Fabulas moralizadas, Vidas de Gentiles, Ephitethos Sagrados, y Profanos, Propriedades de Aves, Pezes, Brutos, Flores, Arboles, Piedras preciosas, y otras cosas: cuyas formas son Anagrammas y Conceptos varios, innumerables para puntos de la Fiesta, utiles, y deleytables, proprios del intento nuevamente inventado. Cuyos fines son La Honra, y Gloria de Dios, y la Salvacion de los Proximos (Mexico, 1735).


A Bio-Bibliography of Franciscan Authors in Colonial Central America, ed. Eleanor B. Adams (Washington D.C.: Academy of American Franciscan History, 1953), 58.





Martinus de Sancto Josepho (Martinus a S. Joseph/Mart�n de San Jos�, fl. first half 17th cent.)

OFMDisc. Spanish friar. Member of the San Pablo province. Lector, provincial definitor and custos. Also visitator of the San Juan Bautista and San Jos� provinces. He would have died in 1649.


Ceremonial de la missa en el qual se ponen todas las rubricas generales y algunas particulares del missal romano que dibulgo sic Pio v. y mando reconocer Clemente VIII (Valladolid: Viuda de Francisco Fern�ndez de C�rdoba, 1623). According to Juan de San Antonio the work of another Mart�n de San Jos� OFMDisc from the San Pablo province, born in Pradena.

Breve exposicion de los preceptos qve en la regla de los frayles menores obligan a pecado mortal segun la mente de los sumos pontifices y de S. Buenaventura (...) (Madrid, 1629/1630/Salamanca: Diego de Coss�o, 1635/Zaragoza: en el Hospital real y general de N. Se�ora de Gracia, 1638/1642/1643/1655). Accessible via the library of the Universidad Complutense in Madrid, the British Library, Google Books.

Discurso apologetico en que se prueba que el b. fray Pedro de Alcantara pertenecia a las provincias de San Joseph y San Pablo, de los descalzos de San Francisco (Palermo, 1633).

Addiciones a la explicacion de la regla de n.p.s. Francisco (1635).

Explicacion de muchas bulas y privilegios apostolicos concedidos a los regulares (Zaragoza, 1638).

Epitome del orden iudicial religioso (Zaragoza: Diego Dormer, 1638).

Discurso apologetico a la informacion que se imprimio por la santa provincia de s. Gabriel de descal�os de Estremadura en que se prueva que nuestro b.p. fr. Pedro de Alcantara no pertenece a la dicha provincia de S. Gabriel (1642).

Exposicion de la regla de los frayles menores del serafico padre san Francisco (Madrid: a costa de Juan de Vald�s, 1642).

Historia de las vidas y milagros de nuestro beato padre frai Pedro de Alcantara, de el Venerable Fraj Francisco de Cogolludo y de los Religiosos insignes en virtudes que ha havido en a reforma de Descalcos (...) (Arevalo: Geronimo Murillo, 1644). Accessible via Google Books, and via

Historia de los padres descal�os Franciscos, segunda parte (Valladolid, 1643).

Coronica de las provincias de s. Josef y de s. Pablo de los descalzos de san Francisco (Ar�valo, 1644).

Vida, virtudes y milagros de nuestro padre san Pedro de Alcantara (1645).

Auiso de confessores y guia de penitentes, cuyas materias morales se fundan en los Derecho natural, canonico, ciuil, y municipal destos Reynos. De todos los sacramentos, assi en genero, como en especie. Con los tratados de limosna, ayuno, oracio, � indulgencias, y otro copioso de testamentos, y vltimas voluntates, donde se discurre por su Teorica, y practica (...) (Gregorio Rodriguez, 1649).

Sermones varios (Madrid: Antonio Gonz�les de Reyes, 1679).

See for more title information and also digital availability:


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 336-337; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 523; AIA 21 (1924), 157-158; AIA 27 (1927), 58-62; AIA 22 (1962), 262-263; Manuel de Castro, Bibliograf�a de las bibliografias franciscanas espa�olas e hispanoamericanas, Publicaciones de Archivo Ibero-Americano (Madrid: Ed. Cisneros, 1982), 145 (no. 549); Alexander Samuel Wilkinson & Alejandra Ulla Lorenzo, Iberian Books Volumes II & III/Libros Ib�ricos Vol�menes II y III (Leiden-Boston, 2015), 2156f.





Martinus de Torrecilla (Mart�n de Torrecilla, d. 1709)

OFMCap. Spanish friar from the Castile province. Provincial minister, general definitor and consultant for the inquisition. Author of philosophy and theology handbooks, religious encyclopedist, and polemicist.


A Number of the works mentioned below (some of which were collective efforts with other friars/canonists/theological consultants) can be accessed via the on-line books page of [Last accessed on 3 October 2021.)

Quaestiones in utramque Aristotelis Logicam (Madrid: Diego Diaz, 1667).

Quaestiones in Octo Libros Arist. Phisic. & in Libr de Macrobio, Coelo & in Meteoris, & in opera sex dierum (Madrid: Do�a Maria Rey, viuda de Diego Diaz de la Carrera, 1669).

Quaestiones in libros de Generatione, & Corruptione cum duobus aliis tractatibus: unum de Angelis, & alterum de Actibus humanis (Madrid: Juan Fernandez de Buendia, 1671).

Apologema, espejo y excelencias de la serafica religion de Menores Capuchinos: purificadas en el crisol de la verdad de las escorias de la contradicion (Madrid, 1673)/ Apologia, espejo y excelencias de la serafica Religion des Menores Capuchinos, purificadas en el crisol de la verdad de las escorias de la contradiccion (Madrid, 1701 [2nd Ed.]).

Regla de la Tercera Orden elucidada y resolucion de todas las dificultades que se pueden ofrecer (...) (Madrid: Imprenta Real, 1672). Accessible via Google Books.

Examen de la potestad, y iurisdicion de los se�ores obispos: assi en comun, como de los obispos regulares, y titulares, con algunas consultas concernientes a la materia (Madrid: Iuan Garcia Infan�on, 1682/Madrid: Antonio Gonzalez de Heyes, 1693). The 1693 edition is accessible via Google Books.

Suma de todas las materias morales arregladas a las condenaciones pontificias de Alejandro VII y Inocencio XI. (Madrid: Imprenta Real por Mateo de Llanos, 1691) & Suma de todas las materias morales arregladas a las condenaciones pontificias de nuestros muy Santos Padres Alejandro VII y Inocencio XI. (Madrid: Antonio Roman, 1691). Accessible via Google Books.

Consultas morales y exposicion de las proposiciones condenadas por nuestros muy santos padres Inocencio XI y Alexandro VII (Madrid: Juan Garcia Infanzon, 1693).

Alegatos, apologias y consultas varias/Consultas alegatos, apologias y otros tratados, 3 Vols.(En Madrid: Antonio Rom�n, 1694-1697). In part also accessible via Google Books.

Tomo quarto apologetico: contiene dos apologicas: una sobre La Bula de la Cruzada, y sus Privilegios, Gracias, � Indulgencias, con otras muchas cosas tocantes � Regulares, y � otras materias, y la otra, acerca de la Tercera Orden Serafica y (...) contiene diversas consultas morales, miscelaneas (...) (Madrid: viuda de Mateo de Llanos, 1699). Accessible via Google Books.

Suma de todas las materias morales arregladas a las condenaciones pontificias de nuestros muy Santos Padres Alexandro VII y Inocencio XI, tomo segundo (Madrid: Antonio Roman, 1696). Also accessible via Google Books.

Compendio de la suma a�adida del R. P. Fr. Martin de Torrecilla con addiciones del tomo de Proposiciones condenadas, y del de Obispos y otras (Madrid: por Antonio Rom�n: a costa de los herederos de Gabriel de Leon, 1698).

Propugnaculum ortodoxae fidei aduersus quosdam veritatum catholicarum hostes, eas labefactare conantes (Madrid: Antonio Rom�n, 1698). Accessible via Google Books.

Consultas, alegatos, apologias y otros tratados assi regulares como de otras materias morales: con la refutacion de las proposiciones del impio herege Molinos, 2 Vols. (Madrid: Geronimo de Estrada y Junco, 1702). Accessible via Google Books.

Tomo sexto Apologetico : en que se responde a una Apolog�a del (...) Padre fray Juan del Olmo (...) sobre el punto de casos reservados y se explica (...) la Bula de (...) Inocencio XII en que condena la opinion que dezia pod�a ser elegido el confessor (...) y se trata de las Doctrinas que condena y prohibe el Santo Tribunal de la Inquisici�n: (...) dividese en dos partes, Parte primera (Madrid: Geronimo de Estrada, 1705).

Encyclopedia canonica, civil, moral, regular y orthodoxa: ilustrada con la explicacion de todas las reglas de el Derecho canonico, y de las mas c�lebres de el Derecho Civil (...) dispuesta por las letras del alphabeto, y compuesta por el R.P.Fr. Martin de Torrecilla (...), 2 Vols. (Madrid: Blas de Villa-Nueva, 1721). Also accessible via Google Books.

Juan de San Antonio and others also ascribe to him a three-volume theological handbook and related works, but those we have not yet been able to trace.


Juan de San Antonio, BUF II, 339-340; Cimarosto Sigismondo da Venezia, Biografia serafica degli uomini illustri che forirono nel francescano istituto (...) (Venice: G.B. Merlo, 1847), 761; Biograf�a eclesi�stica completa XXIX, 220; Jerzy Florian Duchniewski, �Marcin z Torrecilla OFMCap�, Encyclopedia Katolicka XI, 1245.





Martinus Tornacensis (Martinus van Turnhout/Martinus van der Keele/vander Keelen; d. 1540)

OFM. Belgian Observant friar, born at Turnhout (Brabant). Died on March 13, 1540. Pupil of Dirc Coelde. Professor at the Franciscan Louvain convent, and as such a teacher of Franciscus Titelmans. Known for his theological works, his sermons and his biblical commentaries.


Comm in I-IV Sent.

Commentarius in Isaiam

Sermones super Itinerarium Mentis ad Deum Bonaventurae

Sermones de Decem Praeceptis

Sermones de Sancto Paulo

Sermones de Sanctis et Festivis

Arithmetica Divina

None of these works would have been brought to the printing press. See the work of Schmitz and check the Bio-bibliographica Neerlandica of De Troeyer et al.


Wadding, Script, 169; Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 340; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 524 & (ed. 1921) II, 226; W. Schmitz, Het aandeel der minderbroeders, 96; DHGE XXVIIII, 113.





Martinus de Valentia (Mart�n de Valencia, 1474-1534)

OFM. Spanish friar. He joined the Franciscan Order at Mayorga in the Province of Santiago. Custodian and later (1518) first provincial of the Spanish San Gabriel province. Leader of the 'doce' to be sent to Yucat�n (Mexico in 1523). He died at Tlalmanalco, Mexico, on 21 March 1534. Letters to and by him do survive.




Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 340-341; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 524; Richard Nebel, �Valencia Mart�n de, obs�, in: Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart, 4th Ed. VIII, 873; Toribio de Benavente Motolinia, Motolinia's History of the Indians of New Spain, trans. Elizabeth Andros Foster (Greenwood Press, 1973), 174-188; Robert Ricard, The Spiritual Conquest of Mexico: An Essay on the Apostolate and the Evangelizing Methods of the Mendicant Orders in New Spain, 1523-1572, trans. Lesley Byrd Simpson (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1966), passim; Cirilo Tescaroli, 'Fray Mart�n de Valencia. Al frente de la "Misi�n de los Doce"', in: Misioneros de la primera hora. Grandes evangelizadores del Nuevo Mundo (Lima, 1991), 91-93; Colonial Spanish America: A Documentary History, ed. Kenneth Mills & William B. Taylor (Lanham-Boulder-New York-Toronto-Oxford: SR Books, 2006), 47-51. See also:





Martinus Doycius (Martinus Doyza/Mart�n Doyza Alcaniciense/Mart�n Doyca/Martin Doiza, fl. c. 1600)

OFM. Spanish friar from Alcauniz (Ergavicense) in the Zaragoza diocese. Member of the Aragon province. Productive preacher and poet.


Serm�n del glorioso P. San I�igo, abad de O�a de la Religi�n sanctissima del Padre San Benito (...) precidado en Calatayud (Zaragoza, 1601).

Conciones a Dominica prima Adventus usque ad feriam tertiam Resurrectionis Dominicae inclusive, tam de festis ocurrentibus, quam de temporis, 2 Vols. (Zaragoza: Angelo Tav�no, 1602). Accessible via the library of the Franciscan Sanctuary of Our Lady of Arantzazu (Arantzazuko Santutegia), Basque Country, Spain [call number 28,5-17], the Biblioteca del Museo Regional de Quer�taro, the Library of the Universidad Complutense in Madrid, and via Google Books.

Myrrhithecium Poenitentiae. In quo Conciones super Evangelia, Adventus Domini, & Quadragesime, Sanctorumque eo tempore poenitentiali occurrentium exquisitissimae (...) (Cologne: Johann Crithius, 1610). Accessible via the digital collections of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, the �sterreichische Nationalbibliothek in Vienna, the library of the Universidad Complutense in Madrid, and via Google Books.

R.P. Martini Doyzae Alcaniciensis, Ordinis Minorum Regularis Observantiae Provinciae Arragoniae, etc. Conciones Quadragesimales, a feria quarta Cinerum, usque ad feriam tertiam Resurrectionis, exquisitissime (...), Editio Altera (Cologne: Johann Crithius, 1615). Accessible via the digital collections of the Staatsbibliothek Regensburg, the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, the Narodni Knihovna National Library in Prague, and via Google Books.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 335-336 (Martinus Doyza); El Ateneo: revista quincenal 1:1 (1892), 98; Jos� Sim�n D�az, Bibliograf�a de la literatura hisp�nica, 11 Vols. (Madrid, 1960-1976) IX, nos. 4035-4037; Manuel de Castro, Bibliograf�a de las bibliografias franciscanas espa�olas e hispanoamericanas, Publicaciones de Archivo Ibero-Americano (Madrid: Ed. Cisneros, 1982), 108 (no. 272).





Martinus Guitteriez (Martinus Guitteria, d. 1449)

French/Spanish friar. Born in Perpignan, into a Family from Navarra. Entered the Franciscan order and studied theology. Would have become master of theology. Was elected bishop of Lectoure early 1426 by the cathedral chapter. At first, papal ascent to thie election was withheld for several months (papal confirmation given in a bull dated 24 April 1426). March 1432, Martin published new diocesan statutes. He also took part in the Council of Basel and consecrated in the Franciscan church of Basel the new bishop of Albi Bertrand of Casilhac, who had been elected by the chapter and confirmed by the Council, but who was not the candidate of choice of pope Eugenius IV. Late in life, Martin retired to the Rousillon area, to die at Perpignan on 24 May 1449. He was buried in the Franciscan church.


Diocesan statutes.





Martinus Fernandez de Quiros (Mart�n Fern�ndez de Quir�s, fl. 17th cent.)

OFM. Spanish friar. Missionary and chronicler of Franciscan missionary endeavors in the Southern Pacific.


Missionary journal. See: Celsus Kelly, La Australia del Esp�ritu Santo: The Journal of Fray Mart�n Fern�ndez de Quir�s to the South Sea (1605-1606) and the Franciscan Missionary Plan (1617-1627), ed. & trans. Celsus Kelly, 2 Vols. (Cambridge: CUP, 1966).





Martinus Frontius (Martin Front�, d. 1712)

OFM. Spanish Observant friar from the San Felipe hamlet near Mahon (Mallorca). After he joined the order he worked as a cathedral preacher, custodian, provincial definitor and provincial minister (appointed in April 1694). Supported the cause of Philip V against Carlos III of Austria. Martin was transferred from Palma to Valencia and died there on May 3, 1712.


El m�stico Jonat�s y perfeto religioso enviado de Dios para nuevo ejemplo del mundo el V.P. fray Antonio Llin�s hijo verdadero del serafin Francisco, prefecto de las missiones y predicador apost�lico, llorado en su muerte con fraternales l�grimas y amigables sentimientos en las funerales hourras que le hizo el Real convento de San Francisco de la ciudad de Mallorca en una oracion f�nebre que con gritos de dolor y ternura del corazon predic� en sus exequias al gravissimo y numeroso concurso el M.R.P. Fr. Martin Front� (...) (Palma: Miguel Cap�, 1694).

Triunfo militar y regular en defensa de la Princesa del cielo contra el dragon formidable de la culpa original; representado por las dos graves congregaciones, la muy ilustre y noble cofradia de San Jorge y la esclarecida familia de menores en 10 de diciembre en que la noblesa mallorquina se junt� en el R�al convento de San Francisco � la solemnidad del juramento, que prest�, de defender que Mar�a Santissima fu� pur�ssima y sin mancha desde el instante primero de su ser y formacion (...) (Palma: Miguel Cap�, 1696).


Biblioteca de Autores Baleares, ed. Joaquin Mar�a Bover (Palma: P.J. Gelabert, 1868) I, 326-327 (no. 480).





Martinus Giliberti (Martin Gilbert, fl. 17th cent.)

OFM. French friar from the Aquitaine province. Became active as a missionary in Mexico. Known for a Tarasco-Spanish doctrina christiana and a religious edificatory dialogue.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 336.





Martinus Gomez de Soto (Martin Gomez de Soto, fl. ca. 1645)

OFM. Spanish friar from Burgos. Doctor of theology and consultant for the inquisition.


Concio de S.P. Francisco (Burgos, 1645).

Conciones variae.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 336; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 523; Franciscan Studies 7 (1928), 497.





Martinus Graecus de Curzola (Martin Greco de Korcula/Martino Greco di Curzola, d. 1791)

OFM. Croatian Observant friar. He held the Franciscan chair of philosophy in Brescia and that of theology in Modena and Giustinopoli, and made a name as Lenten preacher in Italy and Croatia. he would have left behind a description in Croatian verse of his home friary, as well as a Croatian Lenten collection with additional panegirical sermons.


Croatian verse transcription of the Curzola/Korcula friary. Check!

Croatian Lenten collection with additional panegirical sermons. Check!


Sigismondo da Venezia, Biografia serafica degli uomini illustri che fiorirono nel francescano istituto (...) (Venice: G.B. Merlo, 1846), 808.





Martus Ignatius de Loyola (Mart�n Ignacio de Loyola/Fray Mart�n de Mallea, d. 1606)

OFMDisc. Spanish friar. Born in Eibar as a relative of the famous Ignacio de Loyola. Became a Franciscan friar and lived first in Mexico and later in the Philippines and China. Custos of the Malaca province in 1582. After his return to Spain he traveled to China in 1585. Thereafter theology professor in Segovia and missionary in Tucuman. Bishop of Paraguay and Archbishop of Charcas. He died apparently in Buenos Aires in 1606. He is known for a an important account of his many travels.


Itinerario del Padre Custodio fray Mart�n de Loyola que pas� a la China en compa��a de otros religiosos (...) y de la buelta que dio por la India Oriental y otros reynos rodenado el mundo, incorporated in: Historia de las cosas m�s notables del gran Reyno de la China, ed. Juan Gonz�lez de Mendoza (Rome: Vicentio Accolti, 1585), 341-440. The work was also translated into Italian as: Viaggio fatto da Siviglio alla China (Venice: Imp. Andre Muschio, 1590).

Viaje alrededor del mundo, ed. Ignacio Tellechea Id�goras, Cr�nicas de Am�rica (Madrid: Historia 16, 1989/Red ediciones S.L, 2020).


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 336; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 523; Carlos Garc�a-Romeral P�rez, Bio-bibliograf�a de Viajeros Espa�oles (siglos XVI-XVII) (Madrid: Ollero & Ramos, 1998), 137-138 (nos. 588-589); Fray Mart�n Ignacio de Loyola: "gran obispo de esta tierra, eje del desarrollo humano y cristiano del Paraguay y regiones vecinas" (Juan Pablo II): Cuarto Centenario del Primer S�nodo de Asunci�n, 1603-2003, ed. Jos� Luis Salas (Centro Franciscano del Paraguay, 2003).





Martinus Lombardus (fl. ca. 1230)

OM. Italian Franciscan preacher.


Sermones de sanctis: MS Paris BN Nouv. Acq. 338 f. 74r





Martinus Lobo (d. 1641)

OFM. Spanish friar, known for his astronomical, mathematical, horticultural and engineering interest, as well as for his capacities as a preacher. He traveled to Guatemala in 1609. In 1641 he was elected custos and was sent to Spain in order to present some of his agricultural projects to the Spanish crown, yet he died in Trujillo before he was able to start his journey.


Some of his nautical and agricultural project proposals and treatises are listed by V�zquez.


Francisco V�zquez, Cr�nica de la Provincia del Sant�simo Nombre de Jes�s de Guatemala, 2nd Ed., Bibliotea �Goathemala�, 14-17, 4 Vols (Guatemala, 1937-1944) III, 284; A Bio-Bibliography of Franciscan Authors in Colonial Central America, ed. Eleanor B. Adams (Washington D.C.: Academy of American Franciscan History, 1953), 45-46.





Martinus Meurisse (Martin Meurisse, 1584- Metz, 1664)

OFM. French friar from Roye (Picardy). Studied arts and theology at Paris, was professor of philosophy at the Grand Couvent des Cordeliers, and published an extensive Scotist philosophical oeuvre. Bishop elect of Madaure and later active in Metz, where he eventually became auxiliary bishop. Active combattant against the hugenots in his diocese and beyond (see his controversy with the Protestant pastor Fran�ois Oyseau), and author of philosophical, theological and historiographical works.


De Gratia: MS Paris BN Lat. 18149.

Artificosa Tomus Logices Descriptio (Paris, 1614).

Apologie de L'adoration et L'elevation de L'Hostie, et des prieres publiques de l'Eglise Catholique, en Latin. Contre une replique du sieur Bugnet Ministre aupres de Compiegne (Paris: Edm� Martin, 1620). Accessible via the digital collections of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek Munich, and via Google Books.

Rerum metaphysicorum libri tres ad mentem Doctoris Subtilis (Paris: Denis Moreau, 1623). Accessible via Google Books.

De sacro sancto et admirabili eucharisti� Sacramento Tractatus (Paris: Louis Boulenger, 1628). Accessible via Google Books.

Tractatus de SS. Trinitate (Paris: Charles Rouillard, 1631). Accessible via the library of the Universidad Complutense, and via Google Books.

Statuta synodi dioecesanae Metensis secundae a reverendissimo patre Martino Meurisse (...) habitae Metis die undecima Maij anno Domini 1633 (1633). Accessible via the �sterreichische Nationalbibliothek in Vienna, and via Google Books.

Histoire des Evesques de l'Eglise de Metz (Metz: Jean Anthoine, 1634). Accessible via the Mediath�que of Lyon (check Numelyo), the �sterreichische Nationalbibliothek in Vienna, and via Google Books.

Histoire de la naissance du progr�s et de la d�cadence de l'h�r�sie dans la ville de Metz & dans le pays Messin (Metz: Jean Antoine, 1642/Metz: Jean Antoine, 1670). Accessible via the Mediath�que of Lyon (check Numelyo), and via Google Books.

See also the defamation of Meurisse in: Fran�ois Oyseau, Les faussetez insignes du sieur Meurisse Cordelier, qu'il a nagueres publi�es contre le sieur Oyseau Ministre de l'Eglise de Reform�e de Gyen Sur Loire. Avec la response et refutation des faussetez par ledit sieur Oyseau (Charenton: Samuel Petit, 1619).


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 337; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 523-524; Jean Baptiste Kaiser, Martin Meurisse, O.F.M., �v�que de Madaure, Suffragant de Metz. 1584-1644 (1923); Henri Tribout de Morembert, 'Documents in�dits sur Martin Meurisse, O.F.M., Ev�que de Madaure, Suffragant de Metz', Archivum Franciscanum Historicum 58 (1965), 143�147; Henri Tribout de Morembert, ' Les derniers instants de Martin Meurisse O.F.M., Ev�que de Madaure, d'apr�s le pesteur Ferry (1644)', Archivum Franciscanum Historicum 61 (1968), 468-472; Henri Tribout de Morembert, 'Une libelle diffamatoire contre Martin Meurisse, Ev�que de Madaure', Archivum Franciscanum Historicum 63 (1970), 181-184; F. Cuisinier, �Martin Meurisse, fut-il historien scrupuleux? A propos d�un esemplaire de l� �Histoire des evesques del�Eglise de Metz�, Cahiers Elie Fleur15 (Metz, 1997), 27-45; Susanna Berger, The Art of Philosophy: Visual Thinking in Europe from the Late Renaissance to the Early Enlightenment (Princeton-Oxford: Princeton UP, 2017), passim.





Martinus Myricanus (Martin vander Heyden, ca. 1524-1604)

OFM. Belgian friar. Born in Louvain around 1524 in a large family as the second of 18 children, ten of whom opted for a monastic/order career. Martin enlisted as a junior (14 years or younger) as a student at Louvain University on February 11, 1538. During his studies he joined the Friars Minor. He worked in several friaries, and was for instance vicar (1562) and guardian (1566) in Haarlem. After several stints as guardian (cf. Sedulius), and as confessor of the Poor Clares in Louvain in the mid 1570s (following in the footsteps of his brother Baltazar, like him a Friar Minor and confessor of the Louvain Poor Clares until his death in 1573), he was provincial minister between 1580 and 1584. As late as 1598, he was provincial definitor. He died in Mechelen on July 10, 1604. During his stint as provincial, he approbated the account of Florentius Leydanus of the martyrdom of the Gorcum friars, and sent it onwards to Rome. He wrote himself a lengthy work of Loca communia, a more or less encyclopedic and probably alphabetically organized reference work concerning the terms to use, and the topics to refer to when discussing (in homiletic contexts?) a large variety of doctrinal issues (including the immaculate conception of the Virgin). This work, which is signaled and characterised by Petrus Alva y Astorga in his famous Militia Immaculatae Conceptionis, apparently has not survived. What did survive was Martin's Dutch translation of a work of Christophe de Cheffontaine.


Loca communia, signalled in Petrus de Alva y Astorga, Militia Immaculatae Conceptionis Virginis Mariae (Louvain, 1663), 1018, as: �Martinus Miricanus, Ordinis Minorum Belga, in suis locis communibus, fol. 113, verb. Maria agit de Immaculata Conceptione, & quid circa hoc actum sit Romae, in Helvetia, ac alibi. Extat manusc. in Conventu Fratrum Minorum Recollectorum Bootendalensi in Silva propre Bruxellas, in fol. litt. H. 5.� De Troeyer (1969), 352 also suggests that the work is refered to in the Historiae Lovaniensium libri XIV (1582) van Johannes Molanus. The work itself has been lost.

[Sermoen] hier gepreeckt van den Eerw. Pater Martinus vanden Heyden op Sinte Laurentiusdagh 1599. A fragment of this text is kept in the Provincial Archive of the Friars Minor in St. Truiden (Sint-Truiden, Provinciaal Archief Minderbroeders, Personalia, Ho). This fragment explains the criteria that makes devotion meritorious and holy and what not. For more information see De Troeyer (1969), 352.

Verantwoording onser voorouders Religie nu deser tijt seer van noode ende troostelijck allen waerachtighen Christen menschen: door den Eerweerdichsten P. Christoffel van Cheeffontayne, des gheheele oordens S. Francisci van Observanten generael Minister. Overghesedt uut den Latijne in ons Nederlants duytsch, door B. Marten vander Heyden, bichtvader der Religieusen van S. Clara tot Loven (Louvain: Jan Maeas & Peter Fabri, 1576). A Dutch translation of the Fidei maioprum nostrum defensio, a work of the minister general Christophe de Cheffontaine (de Capite Fontium), and itself a translation of a work he had initially written in French. The Latin text had been publishce in Antwerp by Christophorus Plantinus in 1574. Already in the introduction of the Latin version, dedicated to King Philip II of Spain, Christophe de Cheffontaine had explained that he had written the (French and also the Latin) version in the context of the problems in France with Huguenot Protestants, but that he wanted it to become available in The Netherlands as well, as those territories were suffering from comparable religious conflicts. Martin vander Heyden took the hint and made a Dutch translation, which received ecclesiastical approbation on July 1575, Royal approbation on November 3 of the same year, and was printed the year after. Aside from the original dedication to Philip II of Spain, Martin added a dedication to his fellow friar Egidius Montanus (Gilles vanden Berghe), Bishop of Deventer. The complete text of the Verantwoording onser voorouders Religie can now be read on line via the digital collections of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek Munich or via Google Books.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 338; Johannes Molanus, Historiae Lovaniensium libri XIV (ed. 1861), 254, 720; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 524; Dirks, Histoire litt�raire (1885), 120-122; Henricus Sedulius, Chronicon Werthense, ed. David de Kok, in: Collectanea Franciscana 16/17 (1946/47), 38-101 (97); B. de Troeyer, �De drie Leuvense gebroeders - minderbroeders: Martinus, Baltazar en Servatius van der Heyden (Myricanus)�, Franciscana 19 (1964), 87-93; B. de Troeyer, Bio-Bibliographia Franciscana Neerlandica Saeculi XVI I: Pars Biographica (Nieuwkoop, 1969), 350-353 (with additional references and biographical info).





Martinus Panger (Marinus Panger, fl. eighteenth cent.)

OFMConv. German friar. Scotist theologian.


Theologiae scholasticae morali-polemicae liber IV sententiarum iuxta verum sensum, et mentem doctoris subtilis Joannis Duns Scoti (Augsburg, 1732). At lest the volume on I III Sent. is accessible via Google Books.

Philosophia aristotelica universa juxta mentem doctoris subtilis Joannis Duns Scoti (...) (Ingolstadt: 1839). Accessible via Google Books.





Martinus Perez de Guevara (Mart�n P�rez de Guevara, fl. mid 17th cent.)

OFM. Italian Franciscan friar from the Burgos province. Theologian and preacher. Collaborator of Pedro de Alba in propagating the immaculate conception.


Tratados sobre el misterio de la Inmaculada Concepcion ? Needs further checking.

Juicio de Salomon acerca de averiguar quien sea la verdadera madre de un hijo llamado antiguamente (Louvain: Typographia Immaculatae Conceptionis, 1663). Present in the digital collections of the national library of Austria.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 338; Biograf�a eclesi�stica completa XIII, 318; AIA 25 (1926), 179-180; Manuel de Castro, Bibliograf�a de las bibliografias franciscanas espa�olas e hispanoamericanas, Publicaciones de Archivo Ibero-Americano (Madrid: Ed. Cisneros, 1982), 164 (no. 676).





Martinus Rhemius/Remius (Martin Remy, fl. later 17th cent.)

OFMRec. French friar. Translator.


Histoire de Nostre-Dame de Hale, par Juste Lipse. Traduite du latin par le F.M.R. Recollect, et augm. de plusieurs merveilles, venus en lumi�res depuis la mort de l'autheur (Brussels: Veuve Scheybels, 1661/1680/Mons: Erneste de la Roche, 1697/1714). The 1697 edition is accessible via Google Books.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 338; Jacques Garnier, Catalogue m�thodique de la biblioth�que communale de la ville d'Amiens, 551.





Martinus Rosa (Martino Rosa, fl. early 17th cent.)

OFM. Croatian (Dalmatian) friar and member of the Ragusa province. Theology lector and provincial definitor.


Breve compendium nationis gloriosae totius linguae Illyricae in quo breviter origo ipsius nationis ostenditur, extensio eius copiosa. reges fidei catholicae, totius Dalmatiae, Bosnae, serviae, atque Rassiae, quod habuit; in fine vero sub umbra Aquilae magnarum alarum Respublica Ragusina feliciter quomodo moratur (...) auctore p. Martino Rosa (Madrid: Francisco Martinez, 1638). The work is accessible via


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 338; Supplementum (ed. 1806), 524; Serafin Marija Crijevic & Stepan Krasic, Bibliotheca Ragusina: in qua Ragusini scriptores eorumque gesta et scripta recensentur = Dubrovacka biblioteka: u kojoj se prikazuju Dubrovacki pisci nijhova djela i spisi, 409-410.





Martinus Rosellus (Mart�n Rosillo, d. 1731)

OFM. Spanish friar. Member of the Cartagena province. Lector jubilatus and guardian of the San Francisco de Molina friary.


Panegyrico de las Sagradas Llagas de S. Francisco (Alcal� de Henares: Francisco Garcia, 1695).

Del admirable sudor de una imagen de S. Francisco en tiempo de guerra (Zaragoza: herederos de Manuel Roman, 1712).


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 339; Juan Catalina Garc�a L�pez, Biblioteca de escritores de la provincia de Guadalajara y bibliograf�a de la misma hasta el siglo XIX (Madrid: Sucesores de Rivadeneyra, 1899), 447-448; AIA 36 (1933), 95-100; Manuel de Castro, Bibliograf�a de las bibliografias franciscanas espa�olas e hispanoamericanas, Publicaciones de Archivo Ibero-Americano (Madrid: Ed. Cisneros, 1982), 173 (no. 748).





Martinus Ruego (Mart�n Ruego, fl. late 16th cent.)

OFM. Spanish friar from the Burgos province. Preacher and guardian of the Nuestra Se�ora de los Angelos friary in Santo Domingo de la Cal�ada.


Purgatorio de la consciencia, llamado por otro nombre: Salvacion del alma. Divido en dos partes. La primera contiene las condiciones que ha de tener la veradera confession (...). En la segunda, se trata del valor de las Indulgencias, para satisfazer por la pena que se deve en Purgatorio (...) (Burgos: Philippe de Junta, 1598). Accessible via the library of the Universidad de Salamanca, the �sterreichische Nationalbibliothek in Vienna, and via Google Books (use first four title words).


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 339; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 524.





Martinus Ruiz (Mart�n Ruiz, fl. ca. 1600)

OFM. Spanish friar from the Castile province.


Directorium et Processionarium Ordinis Fratrum Minorum: iuxta Missale et Breviarium romanum Pij V Pontif. Max. iussu editum et Clementis VIII auctoritate recognitum (...) (Salamanca: Francisco de Cea Tesa, 1612/Madrid: vid. Jua Garcia Infanzon, 1715).


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 339; baralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 524; AIA 26 (1926), 188-189; Manuel de Castro, Bibliograf�a de las bibliografias franciscanas espa�olas e hispanoamericanas, Publicaciones de Archivo Ibero-Americano (Madrid: Ed. Cisneros, 1982), 173 (no. 753); Iberian Books Volumes II & III/Libros Ib�ricos Vol�menes II y III, 454.





Martinus Rupnowski (Martinus Rupniouski/Marcin Rupnowski/Martin Rupniowy, fl. 17th cent.)

OFMConv. Polish friar.


Theoremata de sublimi coeli civitate (Cracow: Andrea Petrico, 1609).


Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 524; Karol Estreicher et al., Bibliografia polska VIII (1870), 144





Martin Sarmiento de Hojacastro (Mart�n Sarmiento de Ojacastro, fl. 16th cent.)

OFM. Spanish friar from Ojacastro (La Rioja, 1515) and member of the Burgos province. Transferred in 1538 to the Mexican San Evangelio province and became active as preacher, custos and, after a short sojourn in Spain and Italy (1541/2), also to take part in the general chapter of Manova, was appointed general commissarius for the order in New Spain (1543). Later bishop of Tlaxcala (Puebla de los �ngeles, 1547/1548�1557). He died on 14 October 1557 and was buried in the local Franciscan friary of Puebla de los �ngeles.


Statuta primi concilii mexicani >> check


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 339; Juan de Torquemada, Los veinte i un libros rituales i Monarchia Indiana III, 517f; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 524; Fidel de Lejarza, �Fray Mart�n Sarmiento de Ojacastro OFM�, Missionalia Hispanica 23 (1965), 113-121; Jos� J. Bautista Merino Utruri, Fray Mart�n Sarmiento de Ojacastro, O.F.M. Misionero espa�ol del siglo XVI (Madrid: Ediciones Cultura Hisp�nica, 1965);





Martinus Valesius Hibernicus (Martinus Valois, d. 1634)

OFM. Irish friar Member of the Ireland province in exile. Studied philosophy in Naples, and he was later lector of philosophy at Alcala de Henares and subsequently theologian at San Isidoro in Rome, where he died on 19 August 1634.


Paroenesis Poetica in adventum principis Caroli de Walia (...) (Madrid, 1624).

Quodlibeta de singulari harmonia principiorum subtilissimi Doctoris Scoti. This work was nearly ready for the printing press at the moment of his death.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 341; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 524; Nicolas Aniceto Alcolea, Seminario de nobles, taller de venerables y doctos, el Colegio Mayor de S. Pedro, y S. Pablo, fundado en la Universidad de Alcala de Henares (...) (Madrid, 1777), 255-256.





Massaeus Ananiensis (Maximilian von Deggendorf, fl. 2nd half 17th cent.)

OFMCap. Austrian friar from the Tyrol province. Professor of theology and provincial minister.


Flores rosarum et lilia convallium selectorum exercitiorum, meditationum, et affectuum piorum (...) Ante & post missam, aut S. communionem (...) Ad foelicem mortis periodum et agonem, annexo in fine conscietiae examine (Munich, 1658/Salzburg: Mayr, 1661).

Seraphischer Paradey�-Garten, Oder Lebens-Beschreibungen derer in Tugenden und Wunderwercken vortrefflicher M�nner de� Ordens der Mindern Br�der die Capuciner genant: samt andern denckw�rdigen Geschichten, 2 Vols. (Salzburg: Mayr, 1664-1666/1679). Some editions accessible via Google Books.

Jahrgeschichten von J. Massaeus Ananiensis (Salzburg, 1676).


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 341, 359.





Massaeus Bruna de Frossasco (Masseo Bruna da Frossasco/Masseo Friozano/Fivizzano, fl. early 16th cent.)

OFM. Italian Observant friar. Secretary to Thomas Illyricus, responsible for a transcript of the Sermones Aurei ac excellentissimi of the latter issued in Toulouse, 1521. Also known for involvement with the edition of Thomas Illyricus' In Lutherianas Hereses Clipeus Catholicae Ecclesiae. See the entry on Thomas Illyricus (Letter T).


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 341; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 524.





Massaeus Poenen (Masseo Poenen van Grave, 1551-1622)

OFMCap. Dutch friar. Joined the order at the age of 38 in Antwerp on 12 August 1591. A year later he was active in Louvain, where a new Capuchin house was built. Masseo was a building master/architect and might for that reason have been in Louvain shortly after his profession. He was in any case an official building master for his order in later years, and in this capacity he worked in Mechelen/Malines in 1604, in Veurne (1605 and later), Oudenaarde (1609-1610), and Maastricht (1611). He later was active as a building master in the Rhine province. He died in Dusseldorf on 10 September 1622.


Design and and realisation of religious houses in Louvain, Mechelen/Malines, Oudenaarde, Maastricht and elsewhere.


Hildebrand van Hooglede, �De eerste Hollandsche Kapucijnen: Br. Masseo Poenen of Poecen van Grave (1551/52-1622) en P. Cherubinus Rijn van Amersfoort (1570-1623)�, in: Idem, Miscellanea II, 1045-1051.





Matthaeus Baccelinus (Mateo Baccelino/Matteo Baccellini da Stia, fl. early 17th cent.)

OFM. Italian friar from Stia (Casentino). Following his education in the order, he became active around 1594 as lector (for instance in Pistoia, 1597) and preacher, and in 1601 he was guardian of the Maria Madre della Divina Grazia sanctuary in San Romano (now comune di Montopoli in Val d'Arno). Late, he was theologian and confessor of Maria de Medici, Queen of France. He would have died at her court in 1614.


Teatro cristiano, ovvero Rime Spirituali sopra alli principali Misteri della passione di Nostro Signore Ges� Cristo (Paris, 1601).

Salmi penitenziali tradotti in versi italiani da M. B. e interpretati da Filippo des Portes (Paris, 1604).

Orazione per la creazione di Papa Leone XI detta in Parigi dinnanzi a Maffeo Barberini, Nunzio apostolico (Paris, 1605).

Sonnets and other poems in works such as Rime spirituali di diversi autori in lode del Serafico Padre S. Francesco, e del sacro monte della Verna, ed. Silvestro Poppi (Florence: Volcmar Timan, 1606), 12-15.

Aforismi politici e militari ne'quali si mostra come il Principe, e la Republica s'h� da governare con la militia. E l'arte di creare un essercito, d'amarlo, essitarlo, allogiarlo, e condurlo alla giornata. Il modo di edificare Terre, e Fortezze, como si ponno espugnare, e difendere nuovamente posti in luce (Paris: Jean de La Haye, 1610). This work was an attempt to transform Machiavelli's dialogue Arte della guerra into a series of aphorisms and catchy propositions. The work is accessible via the Biblioteca della Fondazione Luigi Firpo, Centro di studi sul pensiero politico in Turin. A work with exactly the same title was issued anonymously in 1620 'con licenza de'Superiori & privilegio' in Venice by the publisher Giovanni Battista Ciotti. This 1620 edition is accessible via the digital collections of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek in Munich, and via Google Books.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 342; G. Cinelli Calvoli, Biblioteca volante, I (Venice, 1734), 71; G.M. Mazzuchelli, Gli Scrittori d'Italia II, 1 (Brescia, 1758), 4; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 525-526; Biograf�a eclesi�stica completa (...) XIII, 480; Mariano d'Ayala, Bibliografia Militare - Italiana, antica e moderna (Turin: Stamperia Reale, 1854), 5; Elena Fasano Guarini, 'Baccellini, Matteo', Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani 5 (1963) [];Sydney Anglo, Machiavelli - The First Century. Studies in Enthusiasm, Hostility, and Irrelevance (Oxford: Oxford UP, 2005), 478ff.





Matthaeus Bavera (Matteo Bavera, fl. ca. 1600)

OFMConv. Italian friar and sculptor.


Crucifix sculptures and other religious depictions in stone and other media. See the 2011 study by Maria Conceta Di Natale.


Maria Conceta Di Natale, �Fra Matteo Bavera�, in: Francescanesimo e cultura nella Provincia di Trapani. Atti del Convegno di Studio Trapani-Alcamo 19-21 novembre 2009, ed. Diego Ciccarelli (Padua: Centro Studi Antoniani � Palermo: Biblioteca Francescana di Palermo, 2011), 155-163.





Matthaeus Bocciolonus (Mateo Boccioloni, 1631-1695)

OFMCap. Italian friar. Entered the order at the age of 17 in the Milan province. Later lector of philosophy and theology. Wrote philosphical and theological handbooks in a Bonaventurean vein. None of these were edited.


Tractatus Philosophiae ad mentem S. Bonaventurae.

Tractatus Theologiae iuxta mentem Doctoris Seraphici D. Bonaventurae.


A. Teetaert, �Boccioloni�, DHGE IX, 310-311.





Matthaeus Botius (Matthaeus Botixa/Mateo Botija/Mateo Botiga/Matteo Botti, fl. early 17th cent.)

OFM. Spanish friar, active in the Cartagena province. Known for a Spanish translation of the Speculum Disciplinae, then still ascribed to Bonaventure.


El Espejo de la disciplina de S. Buenaventura con el tratado del aprovechamiento de los religiosos (Murcia, 1625).


Nicolao Antonio, Bibliotheca Hispana Nova II, 115; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 526; Archivo Ibero-Americano36 (1933), 133-135; Archivo Ibero-Americano 20 (1960), 131; Jos� Sim�n D�az, Bibliograf�a de la literatura hisp�nica, 11 Vols. (Madrid, 1960-1976) VI, nos. 5203-5207; Manuel de Castro, Bibliograf�a de las bibliografias franciscanas espa�olas e hispanoamericanas, Publicaciones de Archivo Ibero-Americano (Madrid: Ed. Cisneros, 1982), 95 (no. 179)





Matthaeus Campagna (Matteo Campagna da Chieri, fl. late 15th - early 16th cent.)

OFMConv. Italian friar from Chieri (near Turin) and member of the Conventual Genoa province. He reached the magisterium theologiae and was lector on physics in the San Niccol� friary of Venice in 1488. Other teaching assignments followed. He edited logical and philosophical texts.


(as editor) Burlei (...) super artem veterem Porphyrii Aristotelis expositio (...) liber sex principiorum Gilberti porrectani (...) scriptum burlei perihermenias Aristotelis (...) per Fratrem M. Campagnam (...) (Venice: Andreas Catharensis, 1492).

(as editor) Consequentiae Strodi cum commento Alexandri Sermonetae. Declarationes Gaetani in easdem consequentias. Dubia magistri Pauli Pergulensis. Obligationes eiusdem Strodi (...) (Venice: Petrus de Querengiis Bergomensis, 1507).

(as editor) Antonij Andree Super artem veterem. Scripta: seu expositiones Antonij Andree super artem veterem: & super Boetium De diuisionibus: cum questionibus eiusdem (Venice: Lucas Antonius Juneta [L. de Giunta], 1517).


Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 526.





Matthaeus Ciaccius (Mateo Ciaccio, fl. ca. 1540)

OFMConv. Italian (Sicilian) friar from Messina. Guardian of the Messina friary ardound 1532. He wrote in a maccaronic Latin a Historia Urbis Messaenae, cited in the works of later local historians. The manuscript of the work used to be kept in the Conventual Franciscan friary of Messina. To him is likewise ascribed a Historia Conventuum, locorumque provinciae Messinae.


Historia Urbis Messaenae.

Historia Conventuum, locorumque provinciae Siculae. Cf. the remarks and references by Sbaralea.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 342; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 441.





Matthaeus Ciaccheri (mid 14th cent.)

OM. Italian friar from Florence. He wrote in Italian verse a short Chronicon oppidi S. Geminiani.


Cronachetta di S. Gemignano composta da Fr. Matteo Ciaccheri Fiorentino l'anno mccclv illustrata da E. Sarteschi, Scelta di curiosit� letterarie inedite o rare dal secolo xiii al xvii. Dispensa lx (Bologna: Gaetano Romagnoli, 1865/Reprint Bologna: Commissione per i testi di lingua, 1968). The 1865 edition is accessible via [ ]


Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 526 & (ed. 1921) II, 229





Matthaeus Corradonus (Matteo Corradone/Mateo Corradoni da Cilento, fl. early 16th cent.)

OFM. Italian Observant friar from a noble neapolitan family. Moral theologian.


Speculum confessorum & lumen conscientie continens plenam normam confitendi & examinandi (...) editum per venerandum & exemplarem patrem fratrem Matheum Corradonum de Cilento (...) (Venice: Giovanni Andrea Guadagni, 1535/1546/Venice, 1552/Venice: Alessandro Viano dei Viani, 1556/Venice: Giovanni Andrea Valvasore, 1564/Venice: Francesco Rampazzeto, 1566//1567/Venie: eredi Melchior Sessa, 1572/Venice, 1578/Venice: Nicol� Moretti, 1590). The 1546 and 1572 editions are accessible via the Biblioteca Nazionale Vitt. Emanuele in Rome, Google Books, and [ ].


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 342-343; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 526; Sigismondo da Venezia, Biografia serafica degli uomini illustri che fiorirono nel francescano istituto, 333; AFH 64 (1971), 21-23; Diego Ciccarelli, La Circolazione libraria tra i Francescani di Sicilia II, 336, 455.





Matthaeus Cosmerovius (mid 17th cent.)

This might in actual fact be the 1655 printer of the work mentioned below, and not friar.


Viaticum Franciscanum: complectens narrationem historicam de initijs, & progressu religionis S.P. Francisci: ejusdem regulam, & alia religioso viatori peropportuna (Vienna: 1655/Vienna: Rudolph Dreherr, 1669). The 1669 edition is accessible via the digital collections of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek and via Google Books (use only the first two title words in your search. It is a somewhat awkward pdf).





Matthaeus Dardalla (Mateo Dardalla, fl. early 18th cent.)

OFM. Spanish friar. Member of the Cartagena province.


AIA 36 (1933), 119-120; AIA 20 (1960), 134; Jos� Sim�n D�az, Bibliograf�a de la literatura hisp�nica, 11 Vols. (Madrid, 1960-1976) IX, nos. 2288-2289; Manuel de Castro,Bibliograf�a de las bibliografias franciscanas espa�olas e hispanoamericanas, Publicaciones de Archivo Ibero-Americano (Madrid: Ed. Cisneros, 1982), 106 (no. 256).





Matthaeus de Agnone (Prospero Lolli Matteo da Agnone/Matteo Lolli da Agnone, 1563-1616)

OFMCap. Italian friar from Agnone (Molise). Studied for a while philosophy and medicine in Naples (following a secret departure from his home town after a unclucky involvement with a violent incident) and entered the Capuchin order at the age of 17, taking the name Matteo da Agnone. Studied theology in Bologna and reached the doctorate. Appointed preacher in 1590. Subsequently charges as theology lector, novice master, guardian, provincial and Lenten preacher. Spiritual author and religious cult figure, known for his exorcism qualities, his devotion to the Virgin and his propagation of the immaculate conception. He died in the Serracapriola friary (Foggia) in 1616. A process for his beatification is ongoing.


'Fasciculus myrrae hinc inde collectur' per Fratrem Matthaeum Anglonensem Predicatorem Cappuccinum. Gli scritti del servo di Dio P. Matteo da Agnone cappuccino 1563-1616, ed. C. de Meo, 3 Vols. (Foggia, 1996).

Opera Omnia: Gli scritti del Servo di Dio Padre Matteo da Agnone, sacerdote professo dell�Ordine Fr. Min. Capp. (San Severo: Convento dei Cappuccini, 1996).


Gli scritti del Servo di Dio Padre Matteo da Agnone, sacerdote professo dell�Ordine Fr. Min. Capp. (San Severo: Convento dei Cappuccini, 1996); Cipriano de Meo da Serracapriola, Il Rosario. Lode alla Madonna con il Servo di Dio: Padre Matteo da Agnone cappuccino (1563-1616) (Foggia: Centografico Francescano, 1997); Atti della �Settimana di studi sulla spiritualit� del Servo di Dio Padre Matteo da Agnone�, Cattedrale di San Severo (FG), 26-31 ottobre 1998, ed. Cipriano de Meo (Foggia, Centrografico Francescano, 2000).� [with articles by Costanzo Cargnoni, Benigno Papa, Antonio Pitta, Luigi Gambaro]; Cipriano de Meo, A Saint Without an Altar: The Servant of God Father Matteo Da Agnone-Cappuccino of the Capuchin Province of Foggia (1563-1616) (Frate Mago, 2002); Luigi Gambero, La dottrina mariana del Servo di Dio P. Matteo da Agnone, cappuccino (1563-1616). Studi e ricerche, ed. Cipriano Di Meo (Foggio: Centrografico Francescano, 2002); Luigi Cianilli, Sette stelle di prima grandezza nel Convento dei Cappuccini di Serracapriola (Foggia: Ed. Padre Pio da Pietrelcina, 2005); Antonio Mattateli, Un santo contro il demonio. Il carisma di liberazione di padre Matteo d'Agnone (Edizioni Segno, 2015); Salvatore Rizzolino, Angelus Domini nuntiavit Mariae. Poemetti mariani dimenticati fra Lagrime e Rime spirituali del Tasso. Appendice di testi mariani cappuccini tra XVI-XVII sec., ed. Costanzo Cargnoni, Centro Studi Cappuccini Lombardi. Nuova Serie, 4 (Milan: Edizioni Biblioteca Francescana, 2017), 450-455.





Michael Angelus Corleonensis (Michelangelo da Corleone, fl. 17th cent.)

OFMRef. Italian friar from the Sicilian Riformati province. Several times guardian and novice master.


Relatione di molti Religioso, cosi della Riforma come dell'Osservanza, che vissero, e morirono con fama di molta perfettione. Described by and once in the possession of Tognoletto.

Vita e Miracoli del V.P.F. Paulo Foresta da Corleone de'Minori Osservanti. Described by and once in the possession of Tognoletto.

Vita e Miracoli del Divoto P. Arcangelo da Corleone della nobile famiglia di Geronimo. Described by and once in the possession of Tognoletto.


Pietro Tognoletto, Paradisus Seraphicus Siciliae, 577; Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 365; Bibliotheca Sicula, Sive De Scriptoribus Siculis, Qui Tum Vetera, Tum Recentiora Saecula Illustrarunt (...) II, 70.





Michael Angelus Cortes (Miguel Angel Cortes, fl. late 17th cent.)

OFMDisc. Spanish friar from Ibi. Theology lector and guardian of the San Gregorio de Orihuela friary.


Serm�n en nacimiento [hazimiento?] de gracias por una milagrosa cosecha que concedi� a la M.l. Ciudad de Orihuela, la Antigua, C�lebre y Milagrosa Imagen de N. Se�ora la Virgen de Monserrate su Patrona (Valencia: Jaime Mesnier, 1695).


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 365; Jos� Rodr�guez, Biblioteca Valentina, 338; Manuel Rico Garc�a, Ensayo biogr�fico bibliogr�fico de escritores de Alicante y su provincia (Instituto Juan Gil-Albert, 1986), 343.





Matthaeus de Agrigento (Matth. De Cicilia/Matteo d�Agrigento, d. 1450)

OMObs. Italian (Sicilian) friar. After an education in the Conventual branch in Southern Italy and Spain, he joined the regular Observance and became a renowned preacher. He also was instrumental in spreading the regular Observance sub vicariis in Sicily. He was for a short time bishop (1442-1445), but resigned to continue his Franciscan apostolate (cf. the studies by Rotolo and Sensi below).


Sermones: MSS Naples, Naz., I.C.23 ff. 370a-383c; V.H.57 ff. 267a-271b; V.H.270 f 219r; VIII.F.43 ff. A-52b; XIII.C.60 ff. 123a-146d; XIV.C.35 ff. 21r-387r; Nocera Umbra Bibl. Seminarile Cod. II/3; etc....
For editions of sermons and descriptions of their contents, see the literature section.


Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 524-525; Agostino Amore, �La predicazione del B. Matteo d�Agrigento a Barcellona e Valenz� AFH 49 (1956), 255-335; Agostino Amore, �Nuovi documenti sull�attivit� del B. Matteo d�Agrigento nella Spagna ed in Sicilia�, AFH 52 (1959), 12-42; B. Matthaei Agrigentini, Sermoni Varii, ed. A. Amore, Studi e Testi Francescani, 15 (Rome, 1960); Mario Sensi, `Il quaresimale del B. Matteo da Agrigento minore osservante', Bollettino Storico della Citt� di Foligno 19 (1995), 7-74; Filippo Rotolo, Il beato Matteo d�Agrigento e la provincia francescana di Sicilia nella prima met� del secolo XV (Palermo: Biblioteca Francescana di Palermo-Officina di Studi Medievali, 1996); Roberto Zavalloni, �Matteo d�Agrigento�, in: Mistici Francescani. Secolo XV, 751-761; Giuseppe Allegro, �Note cristologiche nei sermoni del Beato Matteo di Agrigento�, in: Francescanesimo e civilt� siciliana nel Quattrocento, 163-168; Paolo Evangelisti, �Fede, mercato, comunit� nei sermoni di un protagonista della costruzione dell�identit� politica della corona catalano-aragonese�, Collectanea Franciscana 73 (2003), 617-664; Luigi La Rosa, ��E grideranno le piettre�, Itinerarium 13:31 (2005), 157-168, 197-210; Paolo Evangelisti, I Francescani e la costruzione di uno Stato. Linguaggi politici, valori identitari, progetti di governo in area catalano-aragonese, Fonte e ricerche, 20 (Padua: Editrici Francescane, 2006) [a.o. with reference to Fidenzio da Padova, Ramon Llul, Francesc Eiximenis, Joan Eixemeno and Matteo d�Agrigento]; Concetto Del Popolo, �Un quaresimale del beato Matteo di Agrigento�, Giornale Italiana della Filologia 57 (2005), 35-69; F. Rotolo, Il beato Matteo d�Agrigento e la Provincia francescana di Sicilia nella prima met� del secolo XV (Palermo: Biblioteca Francescana Officina di Studi Medievali, 2006); Paolo Evangelisti, �Identit� comunitaria, pubblica prosperit� e mercato nel linguaggio e nell'azione politica di due esponenti minoriti del Mediterraneo occidentale: Francesc Eiximenis e Matteo d�Agrigento (XIV-XVs.)�, in: I Francescani e la politica. Atti del Convegno internazionale di studio, Palermo 3-7 Dicembre 2002, Tomi I-II, ed. Alessandro Musco (Palermo: Officina di Studi Medievali 2007), 387-413; Mario Sensi, �Osservanza francescana e politica: gli esempi dei beati Matteo da Agrigento e Andrea da Faenza�, in: I Francescani e la politica. Atti del Convegno internazionale di studio, Palermo 3-7 Dicembre 2002, Tomi I-II, ed. Alessandro Musco (Palermo: Officina di Studi Medievali 2007), 997-1034; Paolo Evangelisti, �Matteo d�Agrigento (Matteo di Sicilia)�, DBI 72 (2009), 208-212; Filippo Rotolo, �L�episcopato del b. Matteo da Agrigento (17.9.1442-23.7.1445). Revisione�, in: Francescanesimo e cultura nella Provincia di Agrigento, 249-294; Mario Sensi, �Il beato Matteo da Agrigento: il dramma di un vescovo resignato�, in: Francescanesimo e cultura nella Provincia di Agrigento: atti del convegno di studio, Agrigento, 26-28 ottobre 2006, ed. Ilenia Craparotta & Niceoletta Grisanti (Palermo, 2009), 331-342; Francesca Paola Massara, �Il reliquiario limosino del beato Matteo da Agrigento�, in: Francescanesimo e cultura nella Provincia di Agrigento: atti del convegno di studio, Agrigento, 26-28 ottobre 2006, ed. Ilenia Craparotta & Niceoletta Grisanti (Palermo, 2009), 167-178; Viviana Mul�, �Note sulla predicazione del beato Matteo da Agrigento agli ebrei di Sicilia�, in: Francescanesimo e cultura nella Provincia di Agrigento: atti del convegno di studio, Agrigento, 26-28 ottobre 2006, ed. Ilenia Craparotta & Niceoletta Grisanti (Palermo, 2009), 205-216.





Matthaeus de Anguiano (Matheo de Anguiano, fl. ca. 1700)

OFMCap. Spanish friar. Preacher (misionarius apostolicus), provincial secretary of the Castilla province (Santa Provincia de la Encarnacion de las dos Castillas) and guardian od the Alcal� friary.


Disciplina religiosa por los capuchinos de la Santa Provincia de la Encarnacion de las dos Castillas (Madrid: Juan Garcia Infanzon, 1677).

Compendio historial de la Provincia de la Rioja, de sus Santos, y Santuarios (Madrid: Juan Garc�a Infanzon, 1701). A second edition was issued as: Compendio historial de la provincia de la Rioja, de sus santos, y milagrosos santuarios (...), ed. Domingo Hidalgo de Torres y la Cerda [nephew of our friar](Madrid: Antonio Gonz�lez de Reyes, 1704). At least the 1704 edition is accessible via Google Books.

Vida, y virtudes del Capuchino espa�ol, el Venerable siervo de Dios Fray Francisco de Pamplona, Religioso Lego de la Sagrada Orden de Menores Capuchinos. Llamado en el siglo D. Tiburcio de Redin, Cavallero de la Orden de Santiago, Se�or de la Illustrissima Casa de Redin, y Baron de Viguezal en el Reyno de Navarra (Madrid: Lorenzo Garcia, s.l.).

Mission apostolica en la isla de la Trinidad de Barlovento y en Santo Tom� de Guayana, provincia de el Dorado, y relacion sumaria de el martyrio que en ella padecieron (...) fray Estevan de San Feliu y fray Marcos de Vique, predicadores, y (...) Raimundo de Figuerola (...) el dia primero de diziembre de el a�o passado de 1699 en el pueblo de los Arenales de la dicha isla (Madrid, 1702). Accessible via Google Books.

Mission apostolica Maracaitense, con la compendiosa relacion de la vida del Venerable Fr. Gregorio de Ibi, Capuchino (Madrid: Jos� Rodrigo, 1702).

Vida, y virtudes de el capuchino espa�ol el V. Siervo de Dios Fr. Francisco de Pamplona, religioso lego de la Seraphica Religion de los Menores Capuchinos de N. Padre San Francisco, y primer Missionario Apostolico de las Provincias de Espa�a, para el Reyno del Congo en Africa, y para los Indios infieles en la America. Llamado en el siglo don Tiburcio de Redin (...) (Madrid: Impr. Real, por Joseph Rodriguez, 1704). Accessible via Google Books.

Epitome historical y conquista espiritual del Imperio Abyssmo en Etiopia la Alta, o sobro Egypto (...) (Madrid: Antonio Gonzalez de Reyes, 1706). Accessible via Google Books.

La nueva Jerusalen en que la perfidia hebraica reitero con nuevos ultrages la passion de Christo Salvador del mundo, en su sacrosanta imagen del crucifixo de la paciencia (...) (Madrid: Manuel Ruiz de Murga, 1709). Accessible via Google Books.

Misiones capuchinas en Africa, I: La misi�n del Congo, por el P. Mateo de Anguiano, ed. Buenaventura de Carrocera (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cient�ficas, Instituto Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo, 1950).

Misiones capuchinas en Africa, 2: Misiones al Reino de la Zinga, Ben�n, Arda, Guinea y Sierra Leona, por el P. Mateo de Anguiano, ed. Buenaventura de Carrocera (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cient�ficas, Instituto Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo, 1957).


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 341-342; Jos� Sim�n D�az, Bibliograf�a de la literatura hisp�nica XIV, 394-395.





Matthaeus de Aquasparta (Matteo d�Acquasparta, ca. 1240-1302)

OM. Italan friar. Born in Aquasparta, within the Umbrian Todi diocese (in a family that had at least delivered one cardinal). Friar since 1254. After his initial studies, he went to Paris, where he followed a lectorate program and subsequently pursued the Parisian degree program: Baccalaureus Sententiarum in 1271/2 Magister theologiae in 1276, and Magister regens at Paris 1278/9. Lector at the studium of Bologna and at the papal curia (1281, there successor of John Pecham). Remained lector at the papal curia until his appointment as general minister (1287-1289). Thereafter made cardinal (1288) by pope Nicholas IV, bishop of Porto and St. Rufino (1291), and papal legate (played a role in the disputes between guelfs and ghibellines in Italy, and in the conflict between Boniface VIII and king Philip of France). He died in Rome, on 29 October 1302, and was buried in the Church of the Aracoeli convent. As minister general, he reformed the statutes of the Paris studium, he ended the imprisonment of several spiritual franciscans (o.a. John of Parma and Peter John Olivi), he condemned Nicholas de Ghistelle, who had written against Exiit qui Seminat, and he actively supported further missions to Asia. Many of his theological and philosophical works have survived, among which stand out an interesting Sentences commentary and a range of Quaestiones, an important Introitus generalis ad sacram scripturam, further biblical commentaries (among which an interesting commentary on the Apocalypse, surviving in MS Assisi, Communale 51ff. 121-202 and MS Assisi, Communale 57 ff. 69-87), and several lengthy sermon collections that shed light on his categistic and spiritual insights (see on this also DSpir X, 800-802. In all, Matthew of Aquasparta left behind more than 200 Sunday and feast day sermons (including sermons on the Virgin, on St. Anthony, St. Francis, and St. Claire of Assisi), as well as three sermons De Potestate Papae).


Comm. in I-IV Sent.: a.o. MSS Todi, Bib. Comunale 122 ff. 2v-160r (book I); Assisi, Bib. Comunale 132 ff. 1v-225, 226a-297d, 298a-309d (book II and parts of book IV). For more information, see Doucet and the partial editions mentioned below.
Parts are edited in the edition of the Questiones Disputatae de Incarnatione mentioned below. Some other parts are edited by E. Longpr�, in: Idem, `Thomas de York et Mattieu d�Aquasparta. Textes in�dits sur le probl�me de la cr�ation�, Ad�HDLMA, 1 (1926-1927), 269-308 and In I sent. Dist. 2, a 2,q. 1 by A. Daniels, in Idem, Quellenbeitr�ge und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der Gottesbeweise im xiii Jahr,Beitr. Gesch. Philos. Mittelalters, 8, 1-2 (M�nster, 1909), 52-63; In I Sent. Prol. Q. 7 edited by L. Amor�s, `La teologia come ciencia practica en la escuela franciscana en los tiempos que preceden a Escoto', Ad�HDLMA,9 (1934), 284-285; In II Sent. Dist. 19, q. 1, ed. S. Vanni Rovighi, in:L�Immortalit� dell�anima nei maestri francescani del secolo xiii, Pubblicazioni dell�Universit� Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, 23 (Milan, 1936), 255-272. Cf. Also P. Weber, `La libert� dans la th�ologie de Matthieu d'Aquasparta', Revue de Th�ologie Anci�nne et M�di�vale 34 (1967), 238-254.

Concordantiae super Quattuor Libros Sententiarum: Colmar, Bibl. du Consistoire 304 ff. 204-68 (an. 1428); Stuttgart, W�rtemb. Landesbibliothek HB III 1 (an. 1465) [This ms also contains the Sentences of Peter Lombard]

Introitus generalis ad sacram scripturam seu Tractatus de excellentia sacrae Scripturae. [1271-72 or 1276-77], edited in: Bibliotheca Franciscana Scholastica. I (1903) 22-36 [autograph: MS Assisi, 134 ff.3-4]. See also, for a more recent edition Quaestiones Disputatae de Fide et Cognitione, 2 Vols. Bibliotheca Franciscana Scholastica Medii Aevi, I (Quaracchi, 1957) I, 3-21.

Breviloquium de Sancta Trinitate: Todi, Bib. Com. 122 ff. 166-170.

Introitus ad S. Theologiam, edited in the Quaestiones Disputatae de Fide et Cognitione, 23-36

Tractatus de Aeterna Spiritus Processione,edited in the Quaestiones Disputatae de Fide et Cognitione, pp.429-453.

Quaestiones Disputatae de Illuminatione, in: De Humanae Cognitionis Ratione Anecdota Quaedam Seraphici Doctoris Sancti Bonaventurae et Nonnullorum Ipsius Disciplinorum (Quaracchi, 1883),87-177.

Quaestiones Disputatae de Fide et Cognitione, 2 Vols. Bibliotheca Franciscana Scholastica Medii Aevi, 1 (Quaracchi, 1914/second ed. 1957) [contains also an edition of the Tractatus de Excellentia Sacrae Scripturae/Generalis Introitus ad S. Scripturam, [in Vol.I, 3-22]; the Introitus ad S. Theologiam;Tractatus de Aeterna Spiritus Processione.

Quaestiones Disputatae de Incarnatione et Lapsu Aliaque Selectae de Christo et Eucharista, Bibliotheca Franciscana Scholastica Medii Aevi, 2 (Quaracchi, 1914/1957(2nd)) [this edition also contains the Questiones de Christo et Eucharistia & Utrum Christus Passus Fuerit Secundum Utramque Partem Animae & several questions of In II Sent.]

Quaestiones Disputatae de Gratia, ed. V.Doucet, Bibl.Franc. Scholast. Medii. Aevi, 9 (Quaracchi, 1955 [1935?])

Quaestiones Disputatae de Productione Rerum et de Providentia, ed. G. G�l, Bibliotheca Franciscana Scholastica Medii Aevi, 17 (Quaracchi, 1956)

Quaestiones Disputatae de Aeternitate Mundi, ed. in E. Longpr�, �Thomas de York et Matthieu d�Aquasparta. Textes in�dits sur le probl�me de la cr�ation�, Ad�HDLMA, 1 (1926), 293-308.

Quaestiones de materia, etc. See: Daniele Baiocco, 'Due questioni inedite di Matteo d'Acquasparta su materia e forma, prescienza e libero arbitrio', Antonianum 93 (2018), 491-531.

Quaestiones Disputatae de Anima Separata, de Anima Beata, de Ieiunio et de Legibus,ed. C. Piana, G. G�l, A. Emmen, Bibliotheca Franciscana Scholastica Medii Aevi, 18 (Quaracchi, 1959); Matteo d�Acquasparta, Il cosmo e la legge. �Quaestiones disputatae de anima XIII�, trans. F. Beltrami (Florence, 1990).

Questiones Disputatae de Anima XIII, ed. A.J. Gondras, �tudes de philosophie m�di�vale, 50 (Paris, 1961); Quaestio XIII q. 6 ed. R. Zavalloni, in: Richard de Mediavilla et la controverse sur la pluralit� des formes. Textes in�dits et �tudes critiques. Philosophes m�di�vaux, 2 (Louvain, 1951), 199-210; Quaestio XIII, ed. S. Vanni Rovighi, L�Immortalit� dell�anima nei maestri francescani del secolo xiii, Pubblicazioni dell� Universit� Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, 23 (Milan, 1936), 272-284. the 2nd question has received a translation in Les anges et le lieu, ed. & trans. T. Suarez-Nani, O. Ribordy, G. Evangelista, G. Lardelli & Ph. Schultheiss, Translatio. Philosophies m�di�vales (Paris: Librairie philosophique Vrin, 2017).

Quaestiones de Anima VI (MS Assisi, Bibl. Com. 159), ed. A.J. Gondras, Ad�HDLMA, 24 (1975), 203-352 [32 (1957), 203-352? Check!]

Quodlibet I &V, ed. F. Simoncioli, in: Il problema della libert� umana in Giovanni Olivi e Pietro di Trabibus, Vita e pensiero (Milan, 1956), 233-245

De BMV Immaculata Conceptione Quodlibet XIII-XIV, ed. A. Samaritani, Marian Library Studies, 5 (1973), 729-835

Quaestiones VI de Legibus, trans. L. Mauro, in Idem, Matteo d�Aquasparta. Il cosmo e la legge. Biblioteca medievale, 3 (Firenze, 1990)

Brevis Expositio Libri Ecclesiasticae: Assisi, Bibl. Com. 460 ff. 29-35 (autograph)

Postillae in Librum Psalmorum: Assisi, Bibl. Com. 67 ff. 1-269 (autograph)

Postillae in Job: Assisi, Bib. Com. 35 ff. 1-285

Stegm�ller's attributions of a commentary on Daniel and the Epistles of Paul are possibly incorrect. Cf. Stegm�ller nos. 5505, 5516-17.

Postillae in Apocalypsim: Assisi, Bib. Comunale 51 ff. 121-202; Assisi, Bib.Communale 57 ff. 69-87

Sermo de Studio Sacrae Scripturae, in: Quaestiones Disputate de Fide et de Cognitione, Bibl. Franc. Schol. MediiAevi, 1 (Quaracchi, 1903/1957), 22-36

Principium Biblicum: Assisi, Vibl. Com. 461 ff. 38-

Principium in Pentateuchum: Assisi, Bibl. Com. 461 ff. 144v-148r.

University sermons, ed. L.-J. Bataillon, `Sermoni e orazioni d�ambiente universitario nel sec. XIII�, in: Documenti e studi sulla tradizione filosofica medievale (in press?). Academic introitus & principia.

Commendatio Novi Magistri: Assisi, Bibl. Com. 460 ff. 213v-215r. See also L.-J. Bataillon, `Sermoni e orazioni d�ambiente universitario nel sec. XIII�, in: Documenti e studi sulla tradizione filosofica medievale.

Sermones de S. Antonio, de S. Clara, ed. G. G�l, Bibliotheca Franciscana Ascetica Medii Aevi, 10 (Quaracchi, 1962) [contains also an appendix with the Sermo de Potestate Papae]

Sermo de S. Francisco, ed. F. Cloarec, AFH, 9 (1916), 227-236.

Sermo de Promotione ad Aliquam Dignitatem, ed. L.-J. Bataillon, `Le cardinalat vu par un futur cardinal: un sermon de Matthieu d�Aquasparta�, AFH, 87 (1994), 129-134

Sermones de B.M. Virgine, ed. C. Piana, Bibliotheca Franciscana Ascetica Medii Aevi, 9 (Quaracchi, 1962).

Sermones: a.o. Assisi, 460, 461 & 682; Bordeaux 30; Erfurt Amplon D. 12; Oxford Bodl. Ashmole 757; Oxford Merton Coll. 237; Paris BN Lat 10698 &16482; Turin BN D. VI. 1; Vat. Reg. Lat. 16; Worcester Cath. F. 5. For more information, see Schneyer, Repertorium der lateinischen Sermones IV (M�nster, 1972), 149-167.

Littera ad Episcopum Florentiae (letter of 2 February 1298 in defense of penitents), ed. in. Dossier de l�ordre de la P�nitence au XIIIe si�cle, ed. G.G. Meersseman (Fribourg, 1961), 255ff.

Proposita (�) coram Bonifacio VIII Papa, Adstantibus Franciae Ambasciatoribus: Uppsala, UB C. 692 (early 16th cent.) ff. 383-388


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 342; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 525 & (ed. 1921) II, 227-228; Zawart, 290; Stegm�ller, RB. III. no. 5498-5518; G. Mazzatinti (red.), Inventari dei Manuscritti delle biblioteche d'Italia.IV. Forli, 1894 [Biblioteca del convento di S. Francesco] 31; A.-J. Gondras, �Matthieu d'Aquasparta.' Dict. de Spir..X. Parijs, 1980. 799-802; A. Hunting, `Mattaeus v. Aquasparta', LMA, VI, 3975; M. Grabmann, Die philosophische und theologische Erkenntnislehre des Kardinal Matthaeus von Aquasparta. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Verh�ltnisses zwischen Augustinismus und Aristotelismus im mittelalterlichen Denken (Vienna, 1906); V. Doucet, �L�enseignement parisien d�Aquasparta (1278-1279)�, AFH 28 (1935), 568-570; J. Auer, Die Entwicklung der Gnadenlehre in der Hochscholastik mit besonderer Ber�cksichtigung des Kardinals Matthaeus von Acquasparta, 2 Vols. (Freiburg in Breisgau, 1942-1951); E. Bettoni, `Rapporti dottrinali fra Matteo d�Aquasparta e Giovanni Duns Scoto�, Studi Francescani, 40 (1943), 1113-130; F. Prezioso, �L�attivit� del soggeto pensante (�)�, Antonianum,15 (1950), 259-326; J. Auer, Die Entwicklung der Gnadenlehre in der Hochscholastik mit besonderer ber�cksichtigung des Kardinals Matthaeus von Aquasparta, 2 Vols. (Freiburg im Breisgau, 1942-1951); F. Prezioso, Antonianum, 25 (1950), 259-326; A.C. Pegis, `Matthew of Aquasparta and the Cognition of Non-Being, in: Scholastica Ratione Historico-critica Instauranda (Rome,1951), 461-480; E. Bettoni, Studi Francescani, 15 (1953), 113-130; Doucet, AFH 47 (1954), 144; A. Emmen, �Die Gl�ckseligkeitslehre des Matth�us von Aquasparta�, Wissenschaft und Weisheit, 22 (1959), 43-59, 101-118, 174-189; F. Simoncioli, �Il concetto di legge in Matteo d�Acquasparta�, Studi Francescani, 56 (1959), 37-50; F. Simoncioli, �Rilievi sui sermoni inediti di Matteo di Aquasparta dedicati a S. Francesco, a S. Antonio, a. S. Chiara�, Studi Francescani, 56 (1959), 148-172; P. Mazzarella, La dottrina dell�anima e della conoscenza in Matteo d�Acquasparta (Padova, 1969); Helen Marie Beha, �Matthew of Aquasparta�s Theory of Cognition�, Franciscan Studies, 20 (1960), 161-204 & 21 1961), 1-79, 383-465; E. Bettoni, �L�origine dell�anima sensitiva secondo Matteo d�Aquasparta�, Pier Lombardo, 5/3-4 (1961), 8-53 & 6 (1962), 27-70; F. Simoncioli, �La mariologia del Card. Matteo d�Aquasparta�, Divus Thomas 65 (1962), 321-352; Zachary Hayes, The General Doctrine of Creation in the Thirteenth Century, with Special Emphasis on Matthew of Aquasparta (Munich, 1964); Z. Hayes, `Matteo d�Acquasparta e il suo posto nella Scolastica post-tomistica�, in: Filosofia e Cultura in Umbria tra Medioevo e Rinascimento (Gubbio, 1966), 231-248; E. Bettoni, �Matteo d�Acquasparta e il suo posto nella Scolastica post-tomista�, in: Filosofia e Cultura in Umbria tra Medioevo e Rinascimento (Gubbio, 1966), 231-248; G. Bonafede, �La gnoseologia di Matteo d�Aquasparta�, in: Filosofia e Cultura in Umbria tra Medioevo e Rinascimento (Gubbio, 1966), 249-269; P. Weber, `La libert� dans la th�ologie de Matthieu d�Aquasparta�, RThAM, 34 (1967), 238-254; Idem, La morale fondamentale d�apr�s Matthieu d�Aquasparta, 2 Vols. (Louvain, 1967); E. Bettoni, �Matteo d�Aquasparta e il suo posto nellascolastica post-tomistica�, in: Filosofia e cultura in Umbria tra medioevo e rinascimento, Atti del IV Convegno di Studi Umbri (Perugia, 1967), 231-248; E. Brocchieri, La legge naturale nel pensiero di Matteo d�Aquasparta (Rovigo, 1967); G. Bonafede, Matteo d�Aquasparta (Trapani, 1968�); P. Mazzarella, La dottrina dell�anima e della conoscenza in Matteo d�Aquasparta, Collana di Studi Filosofici, 17 (Padua, 1969); Schneyer, IV, 1149-167; P. Mazzarella, Franciscan Studies, 34 (1974), 34-73; C. B�rub�, �Henri de Gan et Matthieu d�Aquasparta (�)�, Naturaleza y Gracia 21 (1974), 131-172; G. Bonafede, �Matthew of Aquasparta�s �De Productione Rerum� and its relation to St. Thomas and St. Bonaventure�, Franciscan Studies 34 (1974), 34-73; H.-J. Sieben, �Die fr�h- und hochmittelalterliche Jonzilsidee im Kontext der �Filioque�-Kontroverse�, Traditio 35 (1979), 173-207; O. van Asseldonk, �Omaggio alle Sorelle Clarisse: Due discorsi di Matteo d�Acquasparta�, Vita Minorum 51 (1980); Gordon R. Payne, 'Cognitive intuition of singulars revisited (Matthew of Aquasparta versus B.J.F. Lonergan)', Franciscan Studies 41 (1981), 346-384; Steven P. Marrone, �Matthew of Aquasparta, Henry of Ghent and Augustinian Epistemology after Bonaventure�, Franciscan Studies 65 (1983), 252-290; R. Carloni, �Alcune osservazioni sulla tomba del cardinale Matteo d'Acquasparta in S. Maria in Aracoeli�, in: Roma anno 1300. Atti della IV settimana di studi di storia dell'arte medievale dell�Universit� di Roma �La Sapienza� (19-24 maggio 1980), ed. Angiola Maria Romanini (Rome: �L�Erma� di Bretschneider, 1983), 643-654; J.G. Bougerol, �Saint Fran�ois dans les premiers sermons universitaires�, in: Francesco d�Assisi nella storia. Secoli XIII-XV. Atti del primo convegno per l�VIII centenario della nascit� di S. Francesco (1182-1982). Roma, 29 settembre-2 ottobre 1981, ed. Servus Gieben (Rome, 1983), 173-199; P. Mazzarella, �La critica dell�averroismo gnoseologico in Matteo d�Acquasparta� Vichiana, 13 (1984), 107-125; G. Marcil, �Sermons in Honor of St. Francis Delivered by Matthew of Aquasparta and Francis of Meyronnes�, in: Essays Honoring Allan B.Wolter, ed. W.A. Frank & G.J. Etzkorn (St. Bonaventure NY, 1985), 153-164; Zachary Hayes, 'The Plurality of Esse in Christ according to Matthew of Aquasparta', in: Essays Honoring Allan B.Wolter, ed. W.A. Frank & G.J. Etzkorn (St. Bonaventure NY, 1985), 131-152; F.-X. Putallaz, La connaissance de soi au xiiie si�cle. De Matthieu d�Aquasparta � Thierry de Freiberg, �tudes de philosphie m�di�vale, 67 (Paris, 1991); Nicoangelo D'Acunto, 'Matteo d'Acquasparta, francescano, filosofo, politico', Rivista di Storia della Chiesa in Italia 47 (1993), 226-232; Giuseppe Cremascoli, 'Matteo d'Acquasparta scrittore', in: Gli studi francescani dal dopoguerra ad oggi. Alla memoria di Ezio Franceschini (1906-1983) nel decimo anniversario della scomparsa. Atti del Convegno di studio Firenze 5-7 novembre 1990, ed. Francesco Santi (Spoleto, 1993), 239-255; Matteo d'Aquasparta. Francescano, filosofo, politico, Atti del XXIX Convegno Storico Internazionale, Todi, 11-14 ottobre 1992 (Spoleto, 1993) [With a number of interesting essays, including G. Fioravanti, �Le �Quaestiones de anima separata� di Matteo d�Acquasparta�, 197-215]; J.L. Bataillon, �Matthieu d�Aquasparta lecteur de Thomas d�Aquin, RSPhTh, 78 (1994), 584-586; Ch. Trottmann, Coll. Franc. 64 (1994), 121-180; M�langes d��cole Fran�aise de Rome, Moyen �ge 108 (1996), 615-643; L. Sileo & F. Zanatta, `I maestri di teologia della seconda met� del Duecento�, in: Storia della teologia nel Medioevo, t. III: La teologia delle scuole, ed. G. d�Onofrio (Casale Monferrato, 1996), 27-35, 86-103; F.-X. Putallaz, Figures franciscaines. De Bonaventure � Duns Scot (Paris, 1997), 51-58, 109-110; F.-X. Putallaz, �Matteo d�Aquasparta�, Diz. Enc. Med.II, 1161-1162; Nicole B�riou, L�Av�nement des ma�tres de la parole. La pr�dication � Paris au XIIIe si�cle, Collection des �tudes Augustiniennes. S�rie Moyen �ge et Temps Modernes, 31, 2 Vols (Turnhout: Brepols, 1998), passim & II, 761-2; Zachary Hayes, 'The death of Christ in the Theology of Matthew of Aquasparta', Franciscan Studies 56 (1998), 189-201; Fran�ois-Xavier Putallaz, 'Matthew of Aquasparta (c. 1240-1302)', Encyclopedia of the Middle Ages, ed. Andr� Vauchez, Richard Barrie Dobson & Michael Lapidge (Chicago etc., 2000) II, 927; Daniel O. Gamarra, 'Un caso di plantonismo ed agostinismo medievale. Matteo d'Acquasparta: conoscenza ed esistenza', Acta Philosophica 9 (2000), 197-223; Bogdan Bruszek, �Pierwotny stan czlowieka wedlug Mateusza z Aquasparta� [the state of original justice according the Matthew of Aquasparta], Studia Franciszk�nskie 11 (2001), 73-135; Ian P. Wei, �Intellectuals and money: Parisian disputations about annuities in the thirteenth century�, Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library of Manchester 83:3 (2001), 71-94; Maria Consiglia De Matteis, 'Iacopone, Bonifacio VIII e Matteo d'Acquasparta', in: Iacopone da Todi. Atti del XXXVII Convegno Storico Internazionale, Todi, 8 - 11 ottobre 2000 Atti dei convegni del Centro Italiano di Studi sul Basso Medioevo, Accademia Tudertina e del Centro di Studi sulla Spiritualit�. Nova Seria, 14 (Spoleto, 2001), 109-126; Gian Carlo Garfagnini, 'Seguire Cristo nel suo vicario: Iacopone e Matteo d'Acquasparta', in: Iacopone da Todi. Atti del XXXVII Convegno Storico Internazionale, Todi, 8 - 11 ottobre 2000 Atti dei convegni del Centro Italiano di Studi sul Basso Medioevo, Accademia Tudertina e del Centro di Studi sulla Spiritualit�. Nova Seria, 14 (Spoleto, 2001), 149-176; Russell L. Friedman, �Trinitarian Theology and Philosophical Issues, II: Trinitarian texts from the Franciscan trinitarian tradition, ca.1265-1285�, Cahiers de l�Institut du Moyen Age grec et latin 73 (2002), 21-40; Karolyn Kinane, 'Matthew of Aquasparta (c. 1238-1302)', in: The Rise of the Medieval World, 500-1300. A Biographical Dictionary, ed. Jana K. Schulman (Westport, Conn., 2002), 297-298; Louis Jacques Bataillon, �Un sermon de Matthieu d�Aquasparta pour la f�te de Saint Matthieu�, in: Revirescunt chartae. Codices documenta textus. Miscellanea in honorem P. Caesaris Cenci OFM, ed. Alvaro Caciotti & Pacifico Sella (Rome: Edizioni Antonianum, 2002), 959-992; Francesca Grauso, I libri di Matteo d�Acquasparta, Diss. (Rome: Universit� degli Studi �La Sapienza � Scuola Speciale per archivisti e bibliotecari, 2002); Rollen Edward Houser, 'Matthew of Aquasparta', in: A Companion to Philosophy in the Middle Ages, ed. Jorge E. Grac�a & Timothy B. Noone (Oxford, 2003), 423-431; Ivo Tonna, 'Idee divine e illuminazione divina in Matteo d'Acquasparta', Studi Francescani 100 (2003), 231-248; Cyril Gorman, Augustine and High Medieval Theologies of Perseverance. The �Perseverance� teachings of Augustine, Thomas Aquinas, Matthew of Aquasparta and Gregory of Rimini, Diss. (Paris-Notre Dame, IN, 2005); Leonardo Cappelletti, �Creazionismo e causalit� nelle �Quaestiones disputatae de productione rerum� di Matteo d�Acquasparta�, Schede Medievale 44 (2006), 149-164; Franco A. Dal Pino, �Il cardinale francescano Matteo d'Acquasparta uomo di fiducia e legato di Bonifacio VIII e la sua politica religiosa�, in: I Francescani e la politica. Atti del Convegno internazionale di studio, Palermo 3-7 Dicembre 2002, Tomi I-II, ed. Alessandro Musco (Palermo: Officina di Studi Medievali 2007), 271-287; Francesco Fiorentino, �Il modello familiare nel sermo �De Potestate Papae� di Matteo d'Acquasparta�, in: I Francescani e la politica. Atti del Convegno internazionale di studio, Palermo 3-7 Dicembre 2002, Tomi I-II, ed. Alessandro Musco (Palermo: Officina di Studi Medievali 2007), 431-441; Stephen F. Brown, 'Matthew of Aquasparta (ca. 1238-1302)', Historical Dictionary of Medieval Philosophy and Theology (2007), 185-186; Edith P�sztor, �L�et� di Matteo d�Acquasparta�, in: Edith P�sztor, Intentio beati Francisci. Il percorso difficile dell'Ordine francescano (secoli XIII-XV), ed. Felice Accrocca, Bibliotheca seraphico-capuccina, 85 (Rome, Istituto Storico dei Cappuccini, 2008), 287-312; Federico Canaccini, Matteo d�Acquasparta tra Dante e Bonifacio VIII, Medioevo, 16 (Rome: Edizioni Antonianum, 2008) [cf. review in Collectanea Franciscana 79 (2009), 379f; Analecta TOR 180 (2008), 385-387]; Giulia Barone, �Matteo d�Acquasparta�, DBI 72 (2009), 204-208; Mikko Yrj�nsuuri, 'Matthew of Aquasparta', Encyclopedia of Medieval Philosophy. Philosophy between 500 and 1500, 729-730; Christopher Schabel, Fritz S. Pedersen & Russell L. Friedman, 'Matthew of Aquasparta and the Greeks', in: Philosophy and Theology in the Long Middle Ages: A Tribute to Stephen F. Brown, ed. Kent Emery Jr. et al. (Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2011), 813-854; Joshua C. Benson, �Matthew of Aquasparta�s Sermons on Theology�, in: Franciscans and Preaching. Every Miracle from the Beginning of the World Came about through Words, ed. Timothy Johnson, The Medieval Franciscans, 7 (Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2012), 145-173; Alison More, �Gracious Women Seeking Glory: Clare of Assisi and Elisabeth of Hungary in Franciscan Sermons�, in: Franciscans and Preaching. Every Miracle from the Beginning of the World Came about through Words, ed. Timothy Johnson, The Medieval Franciscans, 7 (Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2012), 209-230; Andrew Rosato, �The Interpretation of Anselm�s Teaching on Christ�s Satisfaction for Sin from Alexander of Hales to Duns Scotus�, Franciscan Studies 71 (2013), 411-444; Amandine Postec, �Profil intellectuel d�un homme de pouvoir. Les quodlibets de Matthieu d�Aquasparta disput�s � Paris et � la Curie entre 1277 et 1278. Compte rendu de la soutenance de th�se par Sophie Delmas�, �tudes Franciscaines n.s. 8:2 (2015), >>; Aleksander Horowski, �Sermoni dei Francescani tra i libri dei Cavalieri teutonici di Spira: Il codice Palatino Latino 467 della Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana�, in: Litterae ex quibus nomen Dei componitur (Rome, 2016), 151-187. [Discusses a manuscript that contains 60 sermons de tempore and 45 sermons de sanctis, most of which can be traced back to Matthew of Aquasparta and Bonaventure, with some sermons by other Franciscan and Dominican theology masters (including Thomas Aquinas)]; Les anges et le lieu, ed. & trans. T. Suarez-Nani, O. Ribordy, G. Evangelista, G. Lardelli & Ph. Schultheiss, Translatio. Philosophies m�di�vales (Paris: Librairie philosophique Vrin, 2017) [Review in Archivum Franciscanum Historicum 111:1-2 (Jan.-June 2018), 258-261]; Daniele Baiocco, 'Due questioni inedite di Matteo d'Acquasparta su materia e forma, prescienza e libero arbitrio', Antonianum 93 (2018), 491-531; Andrew V. Rosato', 'The Passions of the Will and the Passion of Christ in Franciscan Theology from the Summa Halensis to Duns Scotus', in: The Legacy of Early Franciscan Thought, ed. Lydia Schumacher, Ver�ffentlichungen des Grabmann-Institutes zur Erforschung der mittelalterlichen Theologie und Philosophie, 67 (Berlin-Boston, 2021), 239-256 (esp. 251ff.)





Matthaeus de Bascio (Matteo da Bascio, ca. 1495-1552)

OFM & OFMCap. Italian friar. Spiritual author and renowned itinerant preacher. Instrumental in the creation of the Capuchin order. First vicar general of the Capuchins in 1529. Known for his sermons and for his polemical poem Severa riprensione, which was a strong attack on secular culture and in accordance with the early Capuchin reform ideals. In 1574, he accompanied a regiment of papal troops that fought with the army of Emperor Charles V against the Schmalkaldic League.


La severa riprensione di fra Matheo, il quale per tutto il mundo andava esclamanda et rispondendo ogni sorta dipersone, gridando a l�inferno, a l�inferno. Opera nuova et non men catolicha et devota che piacevole et elegante, ed. Melchior da Pobladura, Archivio italiano per la storia della piet� 3 (1961), 304-309. For an English translation of the work, see:


G. Abate, �Fra� Matteo da Bascio e gli inizi dell�Ordine cappuccino�, Collectanea franciscana 30 (1960), 31-77; Melchior da Pobladura, �La �Severa riprensione� di fra Matteo da Bascio (1495?-1552)�, Archivio italiano per la storia della piet� 3 (1961), 281-309 (includes a diplomatic edition of the poem); Stanislao da Campagnola,�L�esperienza dei primi decenni di vita cappuccina in alcuni studi recenti�, Laurentianum 4 (1963), 499-505; Mariano D�Alatri, �Matteo (Serafini), da Bascio�, Dizionario degli Istituti di Perfezione 5 (1978), 1069-1071; C. Urbanelli, �Matteo da Bascio e l�Ordine dei Frati Minori Cappuccini�, in: I cappuccini nel Montefeltro (S. Leo, 1982), 12-62; Costanzo Cargnoni, �La figurae l�opera del beato Matteo da Bascio (fine sec. XV-1552)�, Studi montefeltrani 23 (2002), 67-90; Miguel Gotor, �Matteo da Bascio (al secolo Matteo Serafini)�, DBI 72 (2009), 219-223.





Matthaeus de Bouzigues (Mathieu de Bouzigues, fl. c. 1300)

OM. French Franciscan spiritual friar. Author of a Confessio Fidei


Confessio Fidei, ed. F.-M. Delorme, in: �tudes Franciscaines 49 (1937), 224-239.





Matthaeus de Burgos (Mateo de Burgos Moraleja, 1548-after 1611)

OFM. Spanish friar from Valladolid. Joined the strictly Observant Franciscans in his home town on 5 October 1564. Subsequently lector and guardian there. Thereafter visitator of the Franciscan Concepcion province, commissioner and visitator of the Valencia province, as well as provincial minister and general commissioner of the Spanish Franciscans. In 1599 he became confessor of Queen Marguerita of Austria, the wife of King Philip III. With support of the Spanish King, Mateo became bishop of Pamplona (16601-1606). He also was appointed vice-roy of Navarra. In 1606, he was appointed to the episcopal see of Sig�enza (1606-1611), where he embarked on a significant building program. In 1609, he oversaw a diocesan synod, the constitutions of which he published. On top of these constitutions, Mateo wrote several other works.


Lecciones sobre los �ngeles y la creaci�n: MS Paris BN 18.147

Discursos evang�licos (Madrid: Varez de Castro, 1599).

Constituciones sinodales de la di�cesis Seguntina (Sig�enza-Madrid, 1609).


Wadding, Scriptores (ed. Rome, 1806), 172; Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 342; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 526; Gams, Series Episcoporum, 63, 75; T. Minguella, Historia de la di�cesis de Sig�enza y de sus obispos, II(Madrid, 1912), 190ff & III (Madrid, 1913), 1-10, 13, 53; AIA 3 (1913), 145-146 & 4 (1916), 380-381; S. Ruiz,�Burgos�, DHGE X, 1356-1357.





Matthaeus de Burgundia (Matteo da Borgogna/Mathieu de Bourgogne/Mathieu du Puy/Jean-Baptiste du Puy, 1632-1701)

OFMCap. French friar, or Italian friar of French descent. As an adult of 20 he joined the Capuchins in Caserta (Naples province), taking his solemn vows on 28 October 1652. Lector, preacher and guardian


Discorsi morali contro gli abusi dei SS. Sacramentali della Penitenza e dell'Eucaristia, tradotti dalli 'Sermoni delle Quarant'ore' del Rev. P. Nicol� da Digione, diffinitore generale de'PP. Capuccini, dal Francese nell'Italiano da F. Matteo da Borgogna, predicatore del med. ordine. Opera molto profittevole a'confessori e penitenti, in cui si dilucida il modo di ricevere pi� degnamente i santissimi Sacramenti (...) (Naples: eredi di Michele Monaco, 1701/Naples: Stamperia filantropica, 1839 [new edition in two volumes]).


Apolinaro da Valencia, Bibliotheca Fratrum Minorum Capuccinorum Provinciae Neapolitanae (Naples, 1886), 126.





Matthaeus de Heredia (Mateo de Heredia, fl. later 17th cent.)

OFM. Spanish Mexican friar of the Santo Evangelio province. Present as prospective provincial minister at the general chapter of Valladolid in 1670. Later general procurator for his province. Known for his funerary sermons.


Se�ora. Fray Mateo de Heredia, de la Orden del Serafico Padre San Francisco, Padre, y Procurador General de la Prouincia del Santo Euangelio en esta Corte (...) se halla obligado a significar el sentimiento justo de los agrauios, y desdoros c� que ha querido obscurecer Don Fray Payo de Ribera, Ar�obispo de Mexico, y su Prouisor Don Antonio de Cardenas y Salazar, los creditos que en todo el mundo (y con singularidos en las Indias) ha adquirido su religion a costa de tanta sangre derramada (...) (1682).

Oracion f�nebre en las exequias de los condes de Chinchon?


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 343; AIA28 (1968), 454-455; Manuel de Castro, Bibliograf�a de las bibliografias franciscanas espa�olas e hispanoamericanas, Publicaciones de Archivo Ibero-Americano (Madrid: Ed. Cisneros, 1982), 126 (no. 401).





Matthaeus de Nativitate (Matthaeus a Nativitate/Mateo de la Natividad, fl. ca. 1640)

OFMDisc. Spanish friar from Hita. Member of the San Pablo de Descal�os Franciscanos province. Theologian and professor of biblical studies, long-term resident of the Calvario de Salamanca friary, where he would have died in 1659.


Defensa dominicana por la Inmaculada Concepci�n de Nuestra Se�ora: MS Madrid, Bibl. Nac. 4037 [Castro, Madrid, no. 222]. The work apparently was also printed with the same title in 1654

La nueva Jerusalen/Nova Jerusalem seu Homiliae virginales (1633) [check work with comparable title by the Capuchin Mateo de Anguiano]. This work, ascribed to him by Juan de San Antonio, is a 10-volume work divided over 23 books, amounting to a massive exegetical and theological summa in sermon format. See MS Salamanca, Biblioteca Universitaria MS. 34.

Catedra de la Cruz, Regentola Christo unico maestro. Asignatura sus siete ultimas Palabras (...) (Valladolid: Antonio Vazquez, 1639). Accessible via the library of the Universidad Complutense in Madrid, the library of the Facultad de Teologia in Burgos, the Biblioteca Universitaria of Granada, the Biblioteca Nacional of Madrid, the Biblioteca Universitaria of Sevilla, and via Google Books (creative search, does not always show up).

Minerva eucaristica, Arbol de la vida. Con doze frutos distribuidos y acomodados a los doze meses del a�o (Madrid: Diego Martinez Artacho, 1643/Valladolid: Juan Sanchez, 1644). For instance accessible via the Biblioteca Universitaria of Barcelona, the library of San Lorenzo del Escorial, and the Biblioteca Universitaria of Sevilla

Juan de San Antonio and Sbaralea mention a significant number of other apologetical (Alegationes), spiritual, homiletic and exegetical works, as well as translations and theological consultations for the Inquisition and for other occasions that never saw the printing press. This needs further checking.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 344-348; Archivo Ibero-Americano 28 (1927), 98-99, 110; Archivo Ibero-Americano 37 (1934), 557-558; Archivo Ibero-Americano 15 (1955), 362-365; Archivo Ibero-Americano 35 (1975), 112; Manuel de Castro,Bibliograf�a de las bibliografias franciscanas espa�olas e hispanoamericanas, Publicaciones de Archivo Ibero-Americano (Madrid: Ed. Cisneros, 1982), 146 (no. 558); Jos� Sim�n D�az, Bibliograf�a de la literatura hisp�nica XIV, 395; Iberian Books Volumes II & III/Libros Ib�ricos Vol�menes II y III, 1656.





Matthaeus de Oviedo (Mateo de Oviedo, d. 1610)

OFM. Spanish Observant Friar. Archbishop of Dublin (1600).


J. Ignacio Tellechea Id�goras, �Fray Mateo de Oviedo, arzobispo de Dubl�n (1600)�, Archivo Ibero-Americano 62/nos. 241-242 (2002), 327-344.





Matthaeus de Purificatione (Mateo de la Purificacion, fl. early 18th cent. )

OFMDisc. Spanish friar from Zebreros. Preacher and guardian in the Discalceate San Jos� province. Also provincial definitor.


Ceremonial de las Missas, y Ceremonias pertenecientes a La Semana Santa (Madrid: viuda Juan Garcia Infanzon, 1717).

Manual de la Santa Provincia del Gloriosisimo Patriarca San Joseph de los Descalzos De N.S.P.S. Francisco (Madrid: viuda Juan Garcia Infanzon, 1717/Madrid: Antonio Fern�ndez, 1777).

Templo del se�or San Joseph destruido. Templo del Se�or San Joseph reparado. Oraci�n panegyrica moral, que en la solemne translaci�n de Christo Se�or Nuestro Sacramentado (...) (Sevilla, 1756).


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 348; AIA 234:2 (1999), 769; Francisco Aguilar Pi�al, Bibliograf�a de autores espa�oles del siglo XVIII X, 649.





Matthaeus de Sancto Francisco (Matthias a S. Francisco/Mat�as de San Francisco, fl. c. 1640)

OFMDisc. Spanish Discalced Franciscan friar. First member of the San Jos� province, and later member of the San Diego province (Andalusia). Keen to seek martyrdom. First active as a missionary in the Philippines and later (with Juan de Prado and others) in Marocco


Relaci�n del viage espiritual que hizo a Marruecos el Padre fray Juan de Prado, predicador y primer Provincial de la Provincia de San Diego de Andaluz�a (Madrid: Por Francisco Garcia, 1643 & 1644/C�diz: Por Bartolom� N��ez, 1675). Accessible via the abbey library of Montserrat, the Biblioteca de Catalunya in Barcelona, the library of the Universidad Complutense in Madrid, the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek in Munich, via Google Books and via


Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 531; Archivo Ibero-Americano14 (1920), 323-343; Archivo Ibero-Americano 18 (1922), 223-224; Manuel de Castro, Bibliograf�a de las bibliografias franciscanas espa�olas e hispanoamericanas, Publicaciones de Archivo Ibero-Americano (Madrid: Ed. Cisneros, 1982), 146 (no. 559); Carlos Garc�a-Romeral P�rez, Bio-bibliograf�a de Viajeros Espa�oles (siglos XVI-XVII) (Madrid: Ollero & Ramos, 1998), 179-180 (nos. 756-757).





Matthaeus de Sancto Stefano (Mateo de San Stefano, d. 1714)

OFM. Italian friar from Messina. Member of the Sicily province and general minister of the order between 1696 and 1700. Elected bishop of Cefalu (Caephaledium). After initial qualms he was consecrated in the Aracoeli in Rome and was active in his dioceese between the end of 1702 and 1714.


Venerabilis fratribus, ac dilectis filiis Clero & Populo Civitatis & Dioecesis Caephaludensis Epistola (Rome: Typis Camerae Apostolicae, 1702).

Constitutiones in Dioecesana Synodo pro Caephaludensis Urbis et Dioecesis ovibus (Palermo: Didaco Bua, 1707).


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 349.





Matthaeus de Sancto Quintino (Matthieu de Saint-Quentin, fl. second half 17th cent.)

OFMCap. French friar.


Le vray tableau de l��glise de J�sus-Christ propre pour la faire reconnoistre d�avec les �glises fausses des H�r�tiques, & par ce moyen induire les Ames d�voy�es � reprendre la voye de v�rit� & les fid�les � y pers�v�rer, seconde �dition perfectionn�e et augment�e par l�auteur (Arras, 1664)/Le vray tableau de l'Eglise de J�sus Christ...Quatri�me �dition, reveu�, corrig�e & augment�e de nouveau par l'auteur, avec la profession de foy catholique (Paris: S�bastien Cramoisy, 1673 [4th Ed.]). At least the fourth edition of the work is accessible via the Biblioth�que Municipale/Num�rique of Lyon and via Google Books.


To be continued...





Matthaeus de Sosa (Matthaeus a Sosa/Mateo de Sosa, fl. seventeenth cent.)

OFM. Portuguese Observant friar from Lisbon. Member of the Santiago province and Scotist theologian. Lector and provincial minister.


Optata diu Articulatio et Illustratio Oxoniensis Libri Primi Sententiarum Doctoris Subtilissimi P.F. Ioannis Duns Scoti, 2 Vols. (Salamanca: ex officina Didaci � Cussio, 1628-1629). Accessible via the library of the Biblioteca Complutense in Madrid and via Google Books.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 349; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 529; Scholastica Colonialis: Reception and Development of Baroque Scholasticism in Latin America, 16th-18th Centuries, ed. Roberto Hofmeister Pich & Alfredo Santiago Culleton, Textes et �tudes du Moyen �ge, 72 (Barcelona-Rome-Turnhout: FIDEM-Brepols, 2016), 273-288. Review in Archivum Franciscanum Historicum 111:1-2 (Jan.-June 2018), 272-275.





Matthaeus Ferchius Veglensis (Matteo Ferchio da Veglia/Matija Ferkic/Mate Frkic, fl. first half 17th cent.)

OFMConv. Croatian (Dalmatian) friar. Born on the Island of Krk (known in Italian as Veglia) within an Italian family. Philosopher, theologian and polymath. He joined the Conventuals as a schoolboy in 1591 and took his solemn profession in 1599. He started as a college student at the Collegio San Bonaventura (Rome) in 1608, and obtained the doctorate in 1611. Regent lector of the Rimini studium between 1611 and 1617. During 1617 he held a comparable position at the Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari friary of Venice. Yet that year the Minister General Giacomo Montanari da Bagnocavallo chose him as his socius during his visitation journeys north of the Alps. In 1618 Matteo was elected provincial minister of Burgundy, but continued to accompany the minister general, leaving a comissarius to act on his behalf in Dijon. Matteo participated in the retrieval of the body of Duns Scotus on 6 January 1619. Between 1620 and 1623, he was regent of the Bologna studium, and between 1623-1625 he was the assistent of the minister general, helping to establish a new set of constitutions. In 1629, he was appointed Professor of Metaphysics at the University of Padua (succeeding Ottaviano Strambiati), and in 1631, he was promoted to the theology chair in the same university. (succeeding Filippo Faber). He stayed in Padua until his death on 8 September 1669 at the age of 87, keeping involved with teaching theology until 1665. Among other things, he is known for his Vita et apologia Scoti and for his edition of the works of Filippo Faber. Yet he is also known for his polemic exchanges with Bartolomeo Mastri and Bonaventura Belluto, fellow Conventuals, about conflicting interpretations of doctrinal issues in the works of Scotus.


Correptio Historica Abrahami Bzovii pro Scoto (Chamb�ry, 1619).

Apologiae pro Ioanne Duns Scoto doctore subtili libri tres. In Ioannem Fridericum Matenesium (...) Aucthore Matthaei Ferchio Veglensis Minorita Convent. (...), 3 Vols. (Bologna: typis Sebastiani Bonomij, 1620). At least volume one is accessible via the University Library of Turin, the he �sterreichische Nationalbibliothek in Vienna, and via Google Books (does not always appear immediately).

Vita f. Ioannis Dunsii Scoti franciscani doctoris subtilis. Authore Matthaeo Ferchio (...) (Bologna: typis Nicolai Tebaldini, 1622/Bologna: ex typographia Io. Dominici Roncalioli, 1629). The 1629 edition is accessible via the Biblioteca Nazionale of Naples, via [ ], and via Google Books.

Istri seu Danubii ortus aliorumque fluminum ab Aristotele in primo Meteoro inductorum. Accessit. Lacus Asphaltitis confirmatio. Authore Matthaeo ferchio Veglensi Min. Con. in Vniuersitate Patauina theologo publico (Padua: ex typographia Bartholomaei Carectoni, 1632). Accessible via the �sterreichische Nationalbibliothek in Vienna, the Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale Vittorio Emanuele in Rome, via Google Books and

Oratio in Ioannem Dunsium Scotum doctorem subtilem declamata in Vniuersitate Patauina die tertia Nouembris 1634. A Matthaeo Veglense Min. Con. theologo publico (...) (Padua: apud iulium Criuellarium impress. cameralem, 1634). Reprint in Il Santo 33:1-2 (1993), 121�141.

Vita F. Philippi Fabri Faventini (...) (1637).

Orationes metaphysica, et theologica declamatae in celeberrimo gymnasio Patauino a Matthaeo Ferchio Veglensi min. con. (...) Ad illustrissimum, (...) D. Baptistam Nanium (Padua: apud Gasparem Criuellarium typographum cameralem, 1631). Accessible via the �sterreichische Nationalbibliothek in Vienna, and via Google Books.

Aduentus episcopalis illustrissimi, et reuerendissimi d.d. archiepiscopi Lucae Stellae Veneti ad episcopatum Patauinum. Celebratus nomine sacri collegij theologorum Patauinae Vniuersitatis, a Matthaeo Ferchio Vglensi min. con. theologo publico, & collega (Padua: typis Ioannis Baptistae Pasquati, 1639).

Vestigationes peripateticae Matthaei Ferchij Veglensis Min. Conu. in Vniuersitate Patauina theologi (...) (Padua: ex typographia Pauli Frambotti, 1639). For instance accessible via the Friedsam Memorial Library of Saint Bonaventure University, the Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale Vitt. Emanuele in Rome, via the Biblioth�que Mazzarine in Paris, the Biblioth�que nationale de France, [ ] and via Google Books.

De fabulis Palaestini Stagni ad aures Aristotelis peripateticorum principis. Authore Matthaeo Ferchio Veglensi (...) (Padua: typis Io. Baptistae Pasquati, 1641). Accessible via the Biblioth�que Mazzarine in Paris, the Biblioth�que interuniversitaire Sainte-Genevi�ve in Paris, and the Biblioth�que nationale de France

Osservazioni sopra il Goffredo, Poema di Torquato Tasso (Padua: typis Io. Baptistae Pasquati, 1642). For instance accessible via the British Library, Oxford University Library, the Biblioteca Civica of Rovereto.

De personis producentibus Spiritum Sanctum. A Matthaeo Ferchio Veglensi Min. Con. Theologo in Vniuersitate Patauina (...) (Padua: apud Iulium Criuellarium typographum Cameralem, 1645/Padua: Ex typogr. Camerali, 1650). Accessible via the British Library, the �sterreichische Nationalbibliothek in Vienna, and via Google Books.

De caelesti substantia et eius ortu ac motu in sententia Anaxagorae philosophi celeberrimi (Venice: eredi Giovanni Salis, 1646). For instance accessible via the library of University College, London, via the Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale of Florence, via BEIC [ ], via [ ], and via Google Books.

Defensio vestigationum peripateticarum Matthaei Ferchii Veglensis theologi in universitate Patavina (...) (Padua: Giovanni Battista Pasquati, 1646). For instance accessible via the �sterreichische Nationalbibliothek in Vienna, and via Google Books.

Epitome theologicum Matthaei Ferchii Veglensis min. con. theologi Patauini ex Magistro Sententiarum & Subt. Doct. Io. Scot. (...) (Padua: typis Io. Baptistae Pasquati, 1647/Padua: Paolo Frambotti, 1660). These editions are for instance accessible via the University Library of Vilnius, the British Library, the Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale in Florence, and via Google Books (does not always show up).

Obseruationes Matthaei Veglensis Min. Con. theologi publici in Vniuersitate Patauina. Super Epistola prima Libri de septimo-quaesitis, quae est De creatione Filij Dei ad intra (...) (Venice: apud haeredes Ioannis Salis, 1652). For instance accessible via the Biblioteca Nazionale Vittorio Emanuele in Rome, and via Google Books.

Recognitio Peripatetica Aristotelis ut Magistri, Liceti ut Discipuli, an omnium Aristotelicorum celeberrimi? (Padua: typis Pasquati, 1656). For instance accessible via the Biblioteca Nazionale Vittorio Emanuele in Rome, University College Library in London, McGill University Library in Montreal, and via Google Books.

De angelis ad mentem sancti Bonauenturae tomus primus authore Matthaeo Veglense, min. con. (...) Additio item De creatione scripturali cum ss. Augustino, & Bonauentura (...) (Padua: typis Pasquati, 1658). Accessible via Google Books [does not always show up].

In Metheora Aristotelis scriptum S. Bonaventure in antiquo codice Assisii repertum, & observationibus, ac annotationibus Ferchii illustratum (...) (1666). Possibly never brought to the printing press, although permission had been given.

Il Gusto afflitto di Ges� Cristo N.S. (...) (Venice: Giovanni Battista Valualense, 1668).

De angelis ad mentem sancti Bonauenturae tomus secundus (...) (Padua: typis Pasquati, 1665).

De Productione Filii Dei, Epistola ad Seb. Baldum (Venice, 1650/Padua: 1668). Allegedly accessible via the Danish National Library in Copenhagen.

In metheora Aristotelis Scriptum S. Bonaventurae in antiquo codice ms. Assisi repertum et observationibus et annotationibus Ferchii illustratum (1666/1672). According to Sbaralea approved for publication, yet it would never have reached the printing press.

Praecursor de Beatissimae Virginis Immaculatae conceptu (Padua: Gattella, 1668).

Vita Scoti, seu additiones ad vitam Scoti iam impressam, Opus posthumum (Padua: Gattella, 1671).


Giovanni Franchini, Bibliosofia e memorie letterarie di scrittori Francescani conventuali Ch'hanno scritto dopo 'Anno 1585 (Modena: Eredi Soliani Stampatori, 1693), 432-453 (with much more details about his life and controversies); Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 343; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 526-527; Nikola Mate Roscic, 'Mateo Frce (Ferkic, Ferchius). Un grande scotista croato', in: Studia mediaevalia et mariologica p. Carolo Balic OFM septuagesimum explenti annum dicata (Rome, 1971), 377�402; Antonino Poppi, 'Il De caelesti substantia di Matteo Ferchio fra tradizione e innovazione', in: Galileo e la cultura padovana. Atti del Convegno promosso dall'Accademia Patavina di scienze, lettere ed arti (13-15 febbraio 1992), ed. G. Santinello (Padua, 1992), 13�56; Branko Franolic, Works of Croatian Latinists recorded in the British Library General Catalogue (Zagreb, 1998), ab ind.; Marco Forlivesi, Scotistarum princeps. Bartolomeo Mastri (1602-1673) e il suo tempo (Padua: Centro Studi Antoniani, 2002), 202�207 & passim.





Matthaeus Gi�guez (Mati�s Di�guez, fl. first half 18th cent.)

OFM. Spanish Franciscan missionary in the Santiago province.


AIA 21(1924), 80-81; Manuel de Castro, Bibliograf�a de las bibliografias franciscanas espa�olas e hispanoamericanas, Publicaciones de Archivo Ibero-Americano (Madrid: Ed. Cisneros, 1982), 107 (no. 265).





Matthaeus Guindal (Mateo Guindal, fl. ca. 1700)

OFM. Spanish friar from Pastrana, and member of the Castile province. Fulfilled his theology degree obligations at the university of Alcal� in the mid to late 1670s. Later active as lector and preacher.


Oracion panegyrica de nuestros Gloriosos, y Santissimos Patriarchas Santo Domingo, y San Francisco, predicola a las Sagradas Religiones de la Universidad de Alcal�, en el Observantissimo Convento de Santa Mar�a de Jesus (...) (Alcala: Julian Garcia Brions, 1701).

Sermon de las Sagradas Llagas de San Francisco, por Fr. Mateo Guinal (Alcal� de Henares: Julian Garcia Briones, 1701).


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 343; Juan Catalina Garc�a, Biblioteca de escritores de la provincia de Guadalajara y bibliograf�a de la misma hasta el siglo XIX (Madrid: Sucesores de Rivadeneyra, 1899), 185-186; Francisco Aguilar Pi�al, Bibliograf�a de autores espa�oles del siglo XVIII IV, 377-378.





Matthaeus Le Heurt (Mathaeus Scandalum/Matthieu Le Heurt, 1561-1620)

OFM. French Observant Franciscan friar. Born in Mans from a poor background. Entered the Franciscan order in his home town and went through the theology degree program, to become Doctor in theology in Paris, Guardian in Paris (1594-1595), followed by guardian appointments in Mans (1602) and Poitiers (1614). Near the end of his life, he was provincial of the Touraine province. He died in Angers on 31 May, 1620. Initially burried in the Franciscan church of Mans, but later his body was transferred to Mans with financial support of the French Queen. He was an active controversialist, esp. against Protestantism, (see the comments in Haur�au, Histoire litt�raire du Maine mentioned below). Apparently approved the edition of a Jesuit sermon collection that was later condemned by the University of Paris [cf. Collectio Judiciorum de novis erroribus qui ab initio saec. XII in Ecclesia proscripti stint atque notati; Censoria etiam judicia academiarum, ed. Charles du Plessis d'Argentr�, 3 vols. (Paris: apud Andream Cailleau, 1724�1736) II-2, 50]. Also edited Ren� Dupond�s peculiar La Philosophie des esprits, divis�e en cinq livres, and according to Wadding also a new Directorium fratrum minorum, which we have not yet been able to find. Beyond that, he issued L�Honneur des dames souveraines de la chrestient�, la mere et l'espouse de Dieu. According to the DHGE, he also issued a French translation of Martin du Bois-Gauthier OFM, �s Vie de Jeanne-Marie de Maill�, but that work appeared long after Matthieu�s death, and we have not yet been able to confirm his involvement.


(as editor) Ren� Dupond, La Philosophie des esprits, divis�e en cinq livres, ed. Matthieu Le Heurt (Paris: chez la veufve Guillaume de la Nou�, 1602/1612/1646); La Philosophie des Espritz, 3rd Ed. (Poitiers: Anthoine Mesnier, 1612). The 1612 Poitiers edition is available via Google Books.

Directorium fratrum minorum. See: Lucas Wadding, Annales Minorum seu trium ordinum a S. Francisco institutorum: 1612-1622 (Ad Claras Aquas (Quaracchi), 1934), 287.

L�Honneur des dames souveraines de la chrestient�, la mere et l'espouse de Dieu, defendu contre l'injure d'un ministre par F. Matthieu le Heurt (Paris: Anthoine Mesnier, 1607).


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 343; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 527; B. Haur�au, Histoire litt�raire du Maine (Mans: Adolphe - Paris: Colomb de Batines, 1844) II, 14-15/Histoire litt�raire du Maine, nouv. �d. (Paris, 1874) VII, 144-147; La France franciscaine 3 (1914), 360; A. de La Bourali�re, Bibliographie poitevine (Poitiers, 1907), 348-349; A. Cioranescu, Bibliographie de la litt�rature fran�aise du XVIIe s. (Paris, 1966) II, 1245; DSpir V, 1636; DHGE XXXI, 246; Megan C. Armstrong, �A Franciscan Kind of Hell�, in: Hell and Its Afterlife: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives, ed. Isabel Moreira and Margaret Toscano (Farnham-Burlington VT: Ashgate Publishing, Ltd., 2010), 77.





Matthaeus Lemmers (Matthieus Lemmers, 1739-1818)

OFMRec. Dutch friar Friar from Megen. After finishing the latin school in his home town, he entered the Recollect Franciscans, just as his three brothers. Matthaeus made his profession on 30 October 1758. Studied philosophy in Venlo and theology in Brussels. Ordained priest on 28 February, 1763. He made a career in education: lector of moral theology in the Maaseik friary, then professor of philosophy and theology in Turnhout between 1767 nd 1771, and finally professor of Scripture at the Roermond Theologicum and magister studentium (1771-1779). In 1779 he was made guardian in Halle, followed by guardian appointments in Venray, Maastricht and Venlo. Provincial definitor in 1786. During his second stint as guardian in Venlo after 1792, he experienced the forced closure of the friary by the French authorities. And in 1799, He was professor of Scripture in �s Heerenberg. He kept this position until 1805, when he retired in Megen, where he died on 29 October 1818.


apologetical treatises? Mentioned in DHGE XXXI, 420-421.

Jus ecclesi� primarium in constituendis matrimonii impedimentis dirimentibus, in eo consistens quod ecclesia se sola possit constituere impedimenta dirimentia matrimonium fidelium, eisque derogare; potestas ver� politica non possit sin� concursu ecclesi� (Saint-Trond [Trudonopolis]: J.B. Smits, 1789).


B. De Boer, �Pater M. Lemmers OFM, 1739-1818, Biografie en Bibliografie�, Bijdragen voor de geschiedenis van de provincie der Minderbroeders in de Nederlanden 14 (1965), 330-374; DHGE XXXI, 420-421.





Matthaeus Mombrion (Matthieu Mombrion, fl. first half 17th cent.)

OFMRec. French Recollect friar. Member of the San Bernardin province.


Les quinze mysteres de l'Eminent sainct Ioseph Espoux de la Mere de Dieu & Pere electif de Iesus (Paris: Veuve Pierre Chevalier, 1645).


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 344; Louis Jacob de Saint-Charles, Bibliographia Parisina, hoc est, Catalogus omnium Librorum, Parisiis Anno 1645 inclusive excusorum (Paris: heritiers Rolet Le Duc, 1646), 17.





Matthaeus Osiecki (Mateusz Osiecki, d. 1741)

OFMRef. Polish friar and order architect.


Design and oversight of the construction of various religious houses.


Adam J. Blachut, �Brat Mateusz Osiecki, architekt Wielkopolskiej Prowincji Reformat�w w I pol. XVIII wieku�, Studia Franciszkanskie 12 (2002), 249-276.





Matthaeus Pedelarius (Mateo Pedelario, fl. 13th cent.)

OM. Italian friar and lector in the Bologna studium. Alleged early author of a Vita S. Antonii Patavini.


Vita S. Antonii Patavini. Check also Fonti agiografiche antoniane mentioned below !

Excerptum de Legenda Antiqua B. Francisci cum persecutionibus, seu tribulationibus ejusdem ordinis: MS Florence, Bibl. Laurenziana, plut. 20. no. 7. Mentioned by Sbaralea and possibly an excerpt or reworking of Angelo Clareno's Historia septem tribulationum?


Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 528; Enrico Salvagnini, S. Antonio di Padova e i suoi tempi (1195-1231): opera premiata dal R. Istituto Veneto di Scienze Lettere ed Arti (...) (Turin-Naples: L. Rpus 7 C., 1887), vii; Fonti agiografiche antoniane: Vita del "Dialogus" e "Benignitas" (Padua: Ed. Messaggero, 1986), 273.





Matthaeus Retter (Mattaeus R�tter, 1750-1804)

OFMRef. Austrian friar. Member of the Sankt Leopold province.


Brevarium Laicorum, Litteratorum, Iudicum & Officialium potissimum (...), P. Matthaeus Retter Ord. Min. reform. ant. Austriae (Augsburg: Doll, 1803).

Speculum Biblicum, a P.F. Matthaeo Retter illustratum, Ordinario in Zeil (Augsburg: Doll, 1804).


Pascal M. Hollaus, 'Die Schriftsteller der Tiroler Franziskanerprovinz vom hl. Leopold gesammelt von P. Gerold Fu�enegger OFM (1901-1965), 153 [Accessible via and]





Matthaeus de Velasco (Mat�as de Velasco, fl. early eighteenth cent.)

OFM. Spanish friar. Active at Alcal�.


Expositio in VIII libros Physicorum Aristotelis iuxta mentem Subtilissimi Doctoris nostri Ioannis Duns Scoti ( 1712): MS Madrid Bib. Nac. 13655.


Castro, Madrid, 549.





>Matthaeus Dircovichius (Matteo Divkovich/Mate Divkovic/Matija Divkovic, 1563-1631)

OFM. Bosnian friar from Jelaske. Active in the Dalmatian and Venice regions and known for a range of works in Dalmatian/Serbo-Croatian. He died in the Olovo friary in 1631.


Nauk krstjanski za narod slovinski & Sto cudesa alili znamenja blazene i slavne Bogorodice i Divice Marije (Venice: Petar Maria Bertan, 1611).

Besjede Divkovica svrhu evandelja nedeljnih priko svega godista (Venice: N. Pezzan, 1616).

Nauk krstjanski s mnozijemi stvari duhovnijemi i vele bogoljubnijemi (Venice: Petar Maria Bertan, 1616). Present in the Zaklada Kulturno-povijesni institut Bosne Srebrene in Sarajevo, and in the Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana.


Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 526; H. Kuna, Zbornik radova o Matiji Divkovicu (Subotica, 1982); Vince Mihaljevic, 'Fra Mate Divkovic i Hrvatska Bratovstina u Mlecima', Croatica Christiana Periodica 20:38 (1996), 173-180 []; Vine Mihaljevic, 'Fra Mate Divkovic', Jukic 21:21-23 (1993), 154-167. See also





Matthaeus Saracenus (Matteo Saraceno da Reggio/Matteo de�Saraceni, ca. 1400-1481)

OMObs. Italian friar from the Reggio Calabria region. Preacher and organiser of funds to reclaim Christian captives from Islamic lands. Also sent to Spain by Bernardino da Siena to establish an Observant house in Valencia (check!). Provincial vicar for the Observants in the Calabria province and general commissary for the Cismontan Observants in 1440. Apostolic nuntius in Terra di Lavoro in 1444, provincial minister of Puglia and anti-Ottoman crusade preacher (a task which he would continue to engage in in later years). Inquisitor in the Naples Kingdom (papal appointment of 12 April 1445), and commissary for the Observants at the papal curia in Rome in 1449. With his crusade preaching, he would in 1459 have armed three ships to attack Ottoman vessels and coastal strongholds and liberate Christian slaves. After a refusal to become Archbishop of Reggio, he was later, in 1460/1, appointed Archbishop of Rossano, where he continued the latinisation of the liturgy. He died as Archbishop 'in the odor of sanctity' on 23 November 1481. Quite a number of documents pertaining to his episcopal policies survive.


Gaetano Federico, Matteo Saraceno: Da frate minore osservante ad arcivescovo di Rossano (1460-1481) (Cosenza: Editoriale Progetto, 2000).





Matthaeus Silvestrus de Leonessa ((Matthaeus Silvestrius/Matteo Silvestro da Leonessa/Mateo da Leonessa, fl. 16th cent.)

OFMCap. Italian friar. Already a doctor of medicine when he joined the Capuchins in the Naples province. Heavily involved with passion devotion exercises. He died in 1553. His 'life' is described in Boverio's Annali de' frati minori cappuccini.


Opuscolo sulle pene, tormenti e piagne del Signore (Venice: Giunti, 1586/1601). This work was published anonymously.


Zaccaria Boverio, Annali de' frati minori cappuccini I (Venice: Giunti, 1643), 88-103; Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 349; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 529.





Matthaeus Sylvagius (Matthaeus Silvagius/Matteo Silvaggi/Matteo Selvaggio, fl. first half sixteenth cent.)

OFM. Italian friar (family member of the Franciscan friar Aloysius Sylvagius). Born in Catania. Entered the Observant Franciscan order in the Sicilian province. Taught theology in the Catania convent and maybe also at the local university. In 1536, he is found in the Santa Maria degli Angeli convent of Palermo. By 1542, he lived in the San Francesco della Vigna convent of Venice. It is possible that in the 1530s or 1540s he also taught in the Franciscan custodial school network, and was connected to the University of Padua: he apparently edited his commentary on the Physics of Aristotle on request of Paduan students, and dedicated the work to them. Matteo was a fairly productive author of spiritual, exegetical, and historical works, and also engaged in the production of philosophical works. Aside from his Modo divivere secondo la divina volont�, most of his writings were published in or shortly before 1542 in Venice.


Modo di vivere secondo la divina volont�/Disciplina Salutis (Palermo, 1536)[Italian guide for those who want to live a truly Christian life]

De Nuptiis Animae cum Christo eius Sponso (Venice, 1542) [A treatise in four books and eleven chapters on the spiritual life. The titles of the main chapters (after the initial chapter) are: 2) De conviviis spiritualibus; 3) De persuasionibus falsis Sathanae; 4) De casu animae in peccatum; 5) De lamentationibus Hieremiae; 6) De fletu animae et sua conversione; 7) De gratia et remediis peccatorum; 8) De regimine post conversionem; 9) De preparatione ad mortem; 10) De electione Dei et hominum et praedestinatione sanctorum; 11) Dialogus inter rempublicam et philosophum. Chapter seven (De gratia et remediis peccatorum sometimes is signalled as a separate work. See on this work also Collectanea Franciscana 38 (1968), 357.]

Labyrinthi Duo de Mundano et Divino Amore cum suis exordiis, differentiis et fructibus, cumque suis semitis rite ordinatis usque ad centrales, ut vocant, terminos, vel inferni, vel felicitatis aeternae (Venice, 1542).

Lectura, seu, Expositio breuis memorie mandanda philosophiae studijs incumbentibus super octo libros phisicorum Aristo: cum aliquibus annotationibus de mente doctoris subtitis necnon & illuminati Francisci Mayronis ad instantiam aliquorum nobilium studentium in Patauino gymnasio nuper excussa & summoque studio in lucem (...) (Venice: in aedibus Francisci Bindonei, & Maphei Pasinei, 1542). [Lucid commentary, predominantly following philosophical positions of Scotus and Francis of Meyronnes]

Apotheca Divini Amoris, sive de Apotheca Viridarii Labyrinthi quae est Sanctissima Crux, ubi venditur Amor Dei (Venice: ad signum Archangeli Raphaelis, 1542).

Opus Pulchrum et Studiosis viris satis iucundum de tribus Peregrinis seu de colloquijs trium peregrinorum de divinis perfectionibus, de philosophia sanctorum, de partibus mundi, climatibus, linguis & populis, civitatibus & conditoribus, & de excellentiis Romae & Hierusalem ibique (...) (Venice: Francesco Bindoni & Maffeo Pasineo, 1542). Accessible via the Biblioteca Alessandrina in Rome, and via Google Books. [A big work, dealing with theological, exegetical and historical issues. It talks about the divine perfections, the religious philosophy of saints, the origin and nature of the various languages, the various parts of the world (in the Mappa Mundi tradition?; this part is somewhat reminiscent of the Mappa mundi of Paulinus Minorita) and their history, the various peoples of the world, the greatness of Rome and Jerusalem, and the meaning of several biblical texts. Two of its parts are sometimes referred to as separate works, namely the Chronicon Rerum Sicilarum usque ad Adventum Caroli V Imperatorem in Siciliam (pp. 46v-79v, dealing with the history of Sicily and related issues from 624 to 1537), and the Expositio XIV Versuum Priorum Capitis I Evangelii S. Ioannis (pp. 142v-147v)]

Chronicon Rerum Sicilarum usque ad Adventum Caroli V Imperatorem in Siciliam, see Opus Pulchrum et Studiosis viris satis iucundum de tribus Peregrinis seu de colloquijs trium peregrinorum (...)

Tractatus de Navigio Mundi>>> referred to in the Liber de Tribus Peregrinis but as yet not found.


A. Mongitore, Bibliotheca Sicula (Palermo, 1714) II, 60-61; Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 348-349; Sbaralea, Supplementum II, 232-233; G.M. Mira, Bibliografia Siciliana (Palermo, 1881) II, 367-368; D. Scaramuzzi, Il pensiero di Giovanni Duns Scoto nel Mezzogiorno d�Italia (Rome, 1927), 123-125; DThCat XIV/2, 2064-2065; DSpir XIV, 860-861.





Matthias Alonso (Mat�as Alonaso, fl. first half 18th cent.)

OFM. Spanish friar. Order historian in the Concepci�n province.


Chr�nico Ser�fica de la Santa Provincia de la Pur�sima Concepci�n (Valladolid: Imprenta e la viuda de Joseph de Rueda, 1734).


AIA 8 (1948), 18-20; Manuel de Castro, Bibliografia de las bibliografias franciscanas espa�olas e hispanoamericanas, Publicaciones de Archivo Ibero-Americano (Madrid: Ed. Cisneros, 1982), 82.





Matthias Balbanus (Matias Balbano da Otranto, fl. 16th cent.)

OFMCap. Italian friar from Otranto.


Il flagellazione di Cristo (1590). A work earlier translated into French by the medical doctor Antonio Gaza. This needs to be checked. It could be a mix-up with Bernardino di Balbano's Il mistero della Flagellazione di Nostro Signor Ges� Cristo (...) (Venice, 1537/1559/1589) [cf. the entry on Bernardinus de Balbano (Letter B)].


Wadding, Scriptores ordinis Minorum (ed. 1650), 254; Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 350.





Matthias Baldi (second half 17th cent.)

OFMCap. Italian (Venetian) friar. Preacher and mariologist.


Exercizio di lodi divotissime in formi disalutazioni, ovvero colloqui da offrirsi alla gran Madre di Dio, ed al glorioso patriarca S. Giuseppe, aggiunt�ivi trenta esercizi dell�amor di Dio (Venice, 1664).

Giardino fiorito di Maria, 2 Vols. (Venice, 1678).


Bernardo di Bologna, Bibliotheca scriptorum ordinis minorum sancti Francisci capuccinorum (Venice, 1747), 185; A. Teetaert, �Baldi�, DHGE VI, 336





Matthias Bellintani de Sal� (Matthias Belintanus/Paolo Bellintani/Mattia Bellintani da Sal�, 1534 - 1611)

OFMCap. Italian Capuchin of noble descent (from San Pietro di Liano). Entered the Capuchin order on October 4, 1551. Changed his name from Paolo to Mattia. After his noviciate and professional training, he became active as a preacher and as theology and language teacher. Two times provincial of the Milan province (1574-5 &1580-3). After the separation of the Brescia province from that of Milan, Mattia transferred to the Brescia province. In 1575, he was elected general definitor and was appointed general commissioner for the French regions. Actively involved in the establishment of new Capuchin foundations in France (a.o. Chamb�ry, Lyon and Paris). Became involved in the training of novices. He returned to Italy in 1578. In 1599, Mattia fulfilled the role of general commissioner for Switzerland, and in 1602 for Bohemia. After his return to the Brescia province in 1605, he was almost immediately elected provincial, a function he kept until his death on July 20, 1611. His historical works, which remained unedited until the twentieth century, were a source of information for the Annals of Zaccaria Boverio. He is also the author of a substantial number of homiletic, hagiographical and spiritual works, in which the inspiration of Bonaventure is sometimes rather clear. Most famous is probably his Pratica dell�orazione mentale. About 40 volumes of his works were once present in the Capuchin convent library of Brescia.


Textus theologici, 2 Vols.: Check!

Tractatus de Immaculata Conceptione Dei Genetricis Mariae: Check!

Casus de Usura et Tractatus: Check!

Tractatus Varii et Casus: Check!

De Actionibus Christi Secundam Suam Humanitatem: Check!

Theologia Seraphica: Check!

Casus Varii Pertinentes ad Bullas et ad Fratres Minores: Check!

De Occasione Peccandi et Aliae Quaestiones/Quaestiones Variae: Check!

Quaestiones in I. Sententiarum D. Bonaventurae: Check!

Lectiones in Magistrum Sententiarum: Check!

Dogmatum Fragmenta ex Sententii D. Augustini: Check!

Dogma Ecclesiae ex Sacris Conciliis Compilata: Check!

Fragmenta in Canones: Check!

Trattati, Questioni e Prediche della Messa: Check!

Delle Indulgenze: Check!

Tractatus de Correctione Fraterna: Check!

Tractatus de Imaginibus: Check!

Miscellanea in S. Scripturam: Check!

Lectiones Viginti in Tobiam: Check!

Expositio in Librum Apocalypsis B. Joannis Apostoli: According to a letter by the Franciscan procurator general (4 September 1627), this book was not allowed to be published.

In Sermones Seraphici Doctoris S. Bonaventurae, et in Evangelia de Tempore a Paschate ad Adventum Scripturales Introductiones, Quibus Adjecti Sunt Sermones Ipsi Eiusdem Seraphici Doctoris ab Eodem et Auctore Correcti (Venice: Petrus Dusinellus, 1588). Accessible via the library of the Universidad Complutense in Madrid, and via Google Books (creative search!).

Insigniores Quaedam Sententiae, Quae Praesertim Concionibus Valeant Deservire ex Divo Augustino, ex Divo Gregorgio, ex Divo Cypriano et ex Divo Hieronymo Excerptae, 4 Vols: Check!

Quadragesimale Ambrosianum Duplex. In Hoc Opere per Singolos Quadragesimae Dies Habetur Bina Concio cum Morali Juxta Evangelia, Quae in Ecclesia Mediolanensi Leguntur, 2 Vols. (Lyon, 1624 & 1625). This work later was printed as: Conciones Exquisitissimae in Singulos Dies Totius Quadragesimae et Adventus Accommodatae (Cologne, 1628 & 1681). At least the first volume of the 1624/25 Lyon edition is accessible via the library of the Universidad Complutense in Madrid, the digital collections of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, and via Google Books.

Orazione funebre nella morte d�Alessandro Luzzago, nobile Bresciano/Oratione funebre fatta per il rev. p. frate Mattia Bellintano capuccino nella chiesa di S. Barnaba in Brescia alli 17 di maggio 1602 sopra l'ill. sig. Alessandro Luciago nob. bresciano huomo di santa vita (Brescia: Pietro Maria Marchetti, 1602).

Delli dolori di Christo Signore nostro, prediche otto, con altre quattro d'altre materie. Tutte predicate nel Duomo di Milano l'Anno MDXCVII (Bergamo: Comin Ventura, 1598). Accessible via the Biblioteca Nazionale Vittorio Emanuele in Rome, and via Google Books.

Quattro prediche delle risurrettione, della manifestatione di Christo risuscitato, dell�annonciatione e della tentatione di Christo (Brescia: Vincenzo Sabbio, 1598). Accessible via Google Books. This work, together with the Delli dolori di Christo, also appeared as: Delli dolori di Christo, Signore nostro, prediche otti, con altre quattro d�altre materie, tutte predicate nel duomo di Milano l�anno 1597 (Brescia, 1598).

Conciones et Sermones Quadruplices pro Tempore Adventus, 2 Vols.: MS Bresia, Biblioteca dei Capuccini?

Conciones Quadragesimales Secundum Ritum et Ordinem Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae, 5 Vols.: MS Brescia, Biblioteca dei Capuccini?

Sermones sive Conciones de Passione et Morte D.N. Jesu Christi: MS Brescia, Biblioteca dei Capuccini?

Conciones sive Sermones pro Solemnitate Quadraginta Horarum: MSBrescia, Biblioteca dei Capuccini?

Discorso delle vera beatitudine sopra le parole dell�apocalisse: Beati mortui, qui in Domino moriuntur: MS Sal�, Biblioteca dei Capuccini?

Prediche alla Madonna: MS Sal�, Biblioteca dei Capuccini?

Sermones et Conciones pro Omnibus Festis B. Mariae Virginis: MS Brescia, Biblioteca dei Capuccini?

Due corsi di prediche per il sacro avvento: MS Albino (near bergamo), Biblioteca Capuccina ?

Corso di Prediche Quaresimali: MS Albino (near Bergamo), Biblioteca Capuccina ?

Apparently, a number of these sermon series have now been edited in: �La Parola fa la strada a Christo�. Le prediche inedite di Avvento di Mattia Bellintani da Sal�, ed. Roberto Cuvato (Rome: Edizioni Collegio San Lorenzo da Brindisi, 2010). Signaled in AFH 104 (2011), 351.

Pratica dell�orazione mentale (Brescia, 1573/Venice, 1574 & 1580). Mattia subsequently revised this work. This revision also appeared several times. The 1573 edition seems accessible via the Biblioteca Comunale of Cremona and via Google Books. It saw several translations (French, Latin), all of which appeared in several editions (several of whoch are also accessible via various digital portals) and had quite an impact on the Capuchin spiritual landscape. A modern edition appeared as: Prattica dell�orazione mentale, ed. Humilis da Genoa, Bibliotheca Seraphico-Cappuccina, sectio ascetico-mystica 1-2 (Assisi, 1932-3).

Prattica per l�orazione mentale della beatissima vergine Maria: ?

Trattato della santa orazione delle Quarant�ore (Venice, 1586/Brescia,1583/Rome, 1588/Pavia, 1530/Verona, 1585)

Meditazioni, ovvero corona della vita e passione di Ges� Christo (Bologna, 1570/1610/Milan, 1614).

Esaggerationi morali, nelle quali con concelti morali, teologici e scritturali si mostra la bruttezza dei vitii per modo di riprensione e la bellezza delle virt� per modo di ezortatione (Sal�: Bernardino Lantoni, 1622). Accessible via the Mediath�que of Lyon (check Numelyo), the Narodni Knihovna National Library of Prague, and via Google Books.

Preparazione alla sacrosanta Messa per celebrarla ed ascoltarla con divoto sentimento (Sal�: Bernardino Lantoni, 1615/1626). The 1626 edition is accessible via the Mediath�que of Lyon (check Numelyo), and via Google Books. This work also was published together with the afore-mentioned Meditazioni as: Meditazioni sulla passione di N.S. Ges� Cristo (Bologna, 1610/Sal�, 1626).

Confortatio per quelli che dalla giustizia sono condannati a morti (Brescia, 1614/Sal�, 1661/Bologna, 1661/Brescia, 1723).

Epistolae: MS?

Della vera origine i papa Adriano VI (1586): Brescia, Biblioteca Queriniana ?

Historia Capuccina, ed. Melchior de Pobladura, Monumenta Historica Ordinis Minorum Capuccinorum 5-6, 2 Vols. (Rome, 1946-1950).

Vita della beata Angela Merici da Desenzano, fondatrice delle orsoline e terziaria francescana: ?

Vita di S. felice da Cantalice laico cappuccino (Venice, 1730); AASS Maii IV, 210-233. The full vernacular original version of the text has now been edited as well in: Vincenzo Criscuolo, �Uno scritto inedito di Mattia da Sal�: La biografia di San Felice da Cantalice�, Collectanea franciscana 82 (2012), 157-238 [edition on pp. 164-238].

La Ven. Servo di Dio Maria Lorenzo Longo [before 1600], ed. E. d�Alen�on (Naples, 1896).

Discorso della vera beatitudine, edited in: Roberto Cuvato, �Discorso della vera beatitudine�. Un inedito di Mattia Bellintani da Sal�, Laurentianum 47 (2006), 385-438 (edition on pp. 416-438).

Corone spirituali (...) Per l'attentione in contemplare la Passione del Salvatore. Lequali erano pratticate da S. Carlo (Sal�: Bernardino Lantoni, 1613/Sal�: Bernardino Lantoni, 1617). Accessible via the digital collections of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek Munich, and via Google Books. Is this a reworking of Meditazioni, ovvero corona della vita e passione di Ges� Christo?

Teatro del Paradiso, ovvero meditazioni della celeste gloria, per le quali viene proposto un modo facle di contemplare con utilit� dell�anima la vera beatitudine, 2 Vols. (Sal�: Bernardino Lantoni, 1620). In any case the second volume is accessible via the digital collections of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, and via Google Books (creative search, does not always show up).

Dialogo della pesta, ed. Ermanno Paccagnini, Centro Studi Cappuccini lombardi, 28 (Milan: Libri Scheiwiller, 2009).

to be continued...


Wadding, Scriptores (ed. Rome, 1906), 171; Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 350-351; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 530 & (ed. Rome, 1921), 234-235; Bernardo di Bologna, Bibliotheca Scriptorum Ordinis Minorum Capuccinorum(Venice, 1747), 185-187; U. d�Alen�on, �La spiritualit� franciscaine�, �tudes franciscaines 39 (1927), 452-453; A.Teetaert, �Bellintani�, DHGE VII, 913-917; C. B�rub�, L�amour de Dieu selon Jean Duns Scot, Por�te, Eckhart, Beno�t de Canfield et les Capucins, Bibl. Seraphico-Cappuccina 53 (Rome, 1997); Roberto Cuvato, �Elementi teologico-spirituali nelle opere di Mattia Bellintani da Sal� (1534-1611)�, Laurentianum38 (1997), 3-72 & 267-276; Roberto Cuvato, Mattia Bellintani da Sal� (1534-1611), un cappuccino tra il pulpito e la strada, Dimensioni spirituali 14 (Rome, 1999) [cf. Collectanea Franciscana 70 (2000), 257-259]; Beni culturali cappuccini. Palazzo Kramer, Milano, I Bellintani, 3 fratelli cappuccini nella Milano del �600, Mostra (Milano, Convento Cappuccini, 2000); Cl.-Ch. Billot, Les capucins, une r�forme franciscaine au XVIe si�cle (Nantes-Blois, �ditions Silo�, 2001), 125-134; Dario Busolini, �Mattia da Sal� (al secolo Paolo Bellintani)�, DBI 72 (2009), 285-287; Roberto Cuvato, �La parola di Dio fa la strada a Christo�. Prediche di Avvento di Mattia Bellintani da Sal� nel Ms A 122- A 123�, Laurentianum 50 (2009), 313-426; Roberto Cuvato, �La parola fa la strada a Christo�. Le prediche inedite di Avvento di Mattia Bellintani da Sal�, Studi e ricerche � Nuova serie, 5 (Rome: Edizioni Collegio S. Lorenzo da Brindisi, 2010). Review in MF 112 (2012), 279; Salvatore Rizzolino, Angelus Domini nuntiavit Mariae. Poemetti mariani dimenticati fra Lagrime e Rime spirituali del Tasso. Appendice di testi mariani cappuccini tra XVI-XVII sec., ed. Costanzo Cargnoni, Centro Studi Cappuccini Lombardi. Nuova Serie, 4 (Milan: Edizioni Biblioteca Francescana, 2017), 409-426 (on his mariological texts); Roberto Cuvato, 'Maria di Nazareth in Lorenzo da Brindisi e Mattia Bellintani da Sal�', L'Eco di Gibilmanna 99:2 (2018), 7-12.





Matthias Boccioloni (1631-1695)

OFMCap. Italian friar from Valduggia (Vercelli, Piedmonte). Entered the Capuchin order in the Milan province at the age of 17. After his noviciate at Orta San Giulio, he studied philosophy and theology. Became a lector, specialising in Bonaventurean doctrines. On request of his superiors, he reworked his teaching courses into two Tractatus, which apparently have remain unedited.


Tractatus Philosophiae ad Mentem S. Bonaventurae.

Tractatus Theologiae iuxta Mentem Doctoris Seraphici D. Bonaventurae.


V. Bonari, I conventi e i Cappuccini dell�antico ducato di Milano, II: I cappuccini della provincia milanese dalla fondazione (1535) fino a noi, 1: Biografie dei piu distinti nei sec. XVI e XVII. Memorie storiche raccolte da manoscritti (Cremona, 1898), 179; A. Teetaert, �Boccioloni�, DHGE IX, 310-311.





Matthias Cats (Matthias Felisius/Matthias Felicius/Matthias van Brouwershaven, d. 1576)

OFM. Dutch friar. Oncle of the famous Dutch poet Jacob Cats. Born in Brouwershaven around 1532 and enlisted as poor student at the Standonck pedagogium of Louvain University. A few years later, Matthias joined the order against the wish of his family. Career as lector at the friary school of Louvain, guardian in Louvain (1568-71?) and Mechelen (1571-74), and elected provincial minister of the Provincia Germaniae Inferioris on August 8, 1574, in the midst of the difficulties surrounding the developing Dutch Revolt. Died as provincial on March 6, 1576 in Louvain. He published an explanation of the 10 Commandments and a doctrinal guide/explanation of the Catholic faith. Both works also include laudatory poems by the Franciscan Joannes Pellens.


Letter to the city council of Harderwijk, sent from Herentals (February 23, 1575): MS Harderwijk, Communal Archive/Gemeente-archief, inv. no. 809. Edited in BGPMN 18 (1955), 417-419.

Opening document for the entry of the mistresses of the Beguinage of Haarlem as Franciscan tertiary sisters, issued in Haarlem on July 16, 1575: MS Haarlem, Stadsarchief. Cf. P.M. Verhoofstad, Inventaris der archieven van kerken, kloosters en staties berustend in het archiefdepot van het bisdom van Haarlem (Haarlem, 1959), 280 (regest no. 501).

Catholica Praeceptorum Decalogi Elucidatio, optima methodo locorum communium distributa. Authore Fratre Matthia Felisio Brouwershavio, Conventus S. Francisci apud Mechlinienses Guardiano (Antwerp: Jan Maes for Christiaan Plantijn, 1573/Antwerp: Jan Maes for Christophorus Plantijn, 1574/Paris: Michael Julianus, 1575/Antwerp: Jan Maes for Christophorus Plantijn, 1576/Paris: Petrus Pautonnier for Nicolaus L'Escuyer, 1604/Paris: Petrus Pautonnier for Hadrianuys Beys, 1604). The work was dedicated to Matthias's old friend and Bishop Cunerus Petri. In any case the 1576 and 1604 editions are accessible via the digital collections of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek and via Google Books.

Institutionis Christianae Catholica et Erudita Elucidatio, secundum methodum a Magistro in Secundum Sententiarum observantam: authore Reverendo P. Matthia Felisio Brouwershavio, Ordinis Minorum, regularis observantiae, Provinciae Inferioris Germaniae Ministro (Antwerp: Christophorus Plantijn, 1575). Matthias finished the work as such while he was still guardian in Mechelen. the work follows closely the structure of Lombard's Sentences and is divided in 44 dictinctiones. The work was dedicated to Christophorus a Capite Fontium, minister general. It is accessible via the digital collections of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek and via Google Books.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 352; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 531; Nieuw Nederlandsche Biographie III, 213; Dietsche Warande 3 (1857), 194; Holzapfel, Handbuch, 483; Dirks, 99; De katholiek  101 (1892), 121; Schoutens, Martyrologium, March 6; W. Schmitz, Het aandeel der minderbroeders, 102; B. de Troeyer, Bio-Bibliographia Franciscana Neerlandica Saeculi XVI I: Pars Biographica (Nieuwkoop, 1969), 333-337; Nieuw Nederlandsch Biografisch Woordenboek, digital edition:





Matthias Croonenborch (1622-1684)

OFM. Belgian friar.


Christelyck Onderwys dienende voor Deucht-Minnende Jongheyt om eenen Salighen Staet te verkiesen (Brussels: J. van de Velde, 1673).

Den Verlichtenden Wegh, zynde het II. Deel van den Geestelycken Leydts-man inhoudende godtvruchtige Exercitien van thien tagen (Brussels, s.d. [1679]).


B. de Troeyer, Franciscana, 41 (1986), 134-144, 147-175; Benedikt Mertens, Check!





Matthias de Hellin (Matias de Hellin, d. 1627)

OFMCap. Spanish friar from the Valencia province. He was a secular priest prior becoming Capuchin at the age of 45. Author?


Biograf�a eclesi�stica completa XIII, 506-507.





Matthias de Marquina (Mat�as de Marquina, 1609-1769)

OFMCap. Spanish friar. Was archbishop of Burgos and doctor in Roman and canon law prior to his entry in the Capuchin order in Castille. Preacher in and around Madrid, and founder of the Deusto friary.


See for a full overview of archival documents etc, the portal Biblioteca Virtual de Pol�grafos:,%20Mat%C3%ADas,%201609-1769 and the Biblioteca Virtual del Patrimonio Bibliografico:

Escuela general historica, critico, politico, moral: dividida en nueve lecciones, sacadas de la vida y virtudes del glorioso San Antonio de Padua (...) (Viuda de Juan Mu�oz, 1751). Apparently accessible via;jsessionid=229C1C94491A75424169DDA0FC196B09?numfields=1&field1=docId&field1val=bdh0000163864&field1Op=AND&advanced=true&hq=true&important=T%C3%ADtulo%3A+Escuela+general+historica%2C+critico%2C+politico%2C+moral%2C+dividida+en+nueve+lecciones%2C+sacadas+de+la+vida%2C+y+virtudes+del+glorioso+San+Antonio+de+Padua+...

Other works by Matias alluded to by Juan de San Antonio, including an eulogical sermon on Fidelis von Sigmaringen, issued in Madrid, 1730, we have not yet been able to trace.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 354.





Matthias de Panicucolo (Mathia di Panicocolo/Fabio Frenaro, d. 1702)

OFMCap. Italian friar.


Decastichon, a poem in Francesco Maria Filamarino (Franciscus de Neapoli), Praeclarissimo Mariae nomini tractatus de diuinis reuelationibus duo; Dicati. Quorum Prior Prophetias, Oracula, Inspirationes, Instinctus, Somnia, et id genus quamplurima continens, quae vera sint, quaev� Falsa ostendens, omnes Daemonum detegit Illusiones. Posterior vera septem spicas, seu septem discutit Propositiones, ad quas haec de Revelationibus Materia dirigitur, Superioribus, Theologis, Confessariis, & in via Spiritus degentibus perutiles (Naples: Hyacinth Passarus, 1675).. See there.

Quaresimale. Edited?


Apolinaro da Valencia, Bibliotheca Fratrum Minorum Capuccinorum Provinciae Neapolitanae (Naples, 1886), 125-126.





Matthias de Saarburgo (Matthias von Saarburg, d. 1681)

OFMCap. german friar. Member of the Rhine province. Architect.


Designs and constructions of religious buildings.


Lexicon Capuccinum, 132.





Matthias Supramonte (Mat�as de Sobremonte, fl. 17th cent.)

OFM. Spanish friar. Provincial order historian with a well-developed sense of historical criticism.


Noticias chronogr�phicas y topogr�phicas del Real y Religios�ssimo Convento de los Frailes Menores Observantes de San Francisco de Valladolid: MS Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional 19351.





Matthias de Saspow (Maciej ze Saspowa, d. 1473)

OMObs. Polish friar. Order theologian


Zofia Wlodek, �Maciej ze Saspowa�, Powszechna Encyklopedia Filosofii VI, 665-666.





Matthias Doringus (Matthias Doering/Matthias D�ring, c. 1390 - d. 1469) Doctor Armatus

OM. German friar from Kyritz/Prignitz (Custody of Brandenburg). Probably entered the order at an early age. Maybe initial studies and lectorate studies at the Magdeburg studium before he went for ca. five years to Oxord (around 1420), to become lector at the Erfurt convent studium in 1422, just when he matriculated in the Erfurt theology degree program to read the Sentences. Became baccalaureus formatus at Erfurt in 1423 and master of theology in 1424. Therafter regent master of theology at Erfurt in 1424 and subsequent years, as successor of Christian von Hiddestorf (d. 1420: the chair apparently not occupied between 1420-1424). Elected provincial minister of the Saxony province in 1227. He would keep this position until 1461. Continued to be active at academic celebrations (such as at the University of Rostock in 1434), and became deeply engaged in the Council of Basel (July 1432 and after). For the council, he travelled to the kings of Poland and Denmark, as well as to the Duke of Magdeburg and Saxony. He was involved enough with the council of Basel to bring his order province under the obedience of pope Felix V, and to have himself elected minister general of the order by the adherents of this anti-pope (1443). Finally resigned this position in 1449, when he realised that he supported a lost cause. Staunch defender of the so-called Wilsnacker Wonderblut against Heinrich Toke and the Archbishop of Magdeburg. Although he was in favour of order reform, he became a strong opponent of the strict Observance (as a threat to the unity of the Franciscan order) and defended the work of Nicholas of Lyra. Matthias was a productive Old Testament exegete himself. He also wrote scholastic works, historical works, writings on the order and on the rule of Francis (in relation to poverty issues and the problem of observant reform). His Chronica continues the Nova Chronica of Dietrich Engelhus (d. 1434), whose chronicle compilation was written for teaching purposes. Doering�s continuation deals with the years 1420-1464 and contains many diary-like entrances, predominantly on Germany, the Basel council, the Turkish threat, the Hussites, natural marvels and miracles. In this chronicle (which at one point in time refers to Petrarca�s Vita solitaria),Matthias fulminates, at times in a rather bitter way, against the failing leaders of church and state. He died in 1469 in his town of birth Kyritz


Lectura super I, III & IV Sent. Scotist Sentences commentary, cf. Meier (1930),83-89: Munich, Staatsbibl. Clm. 8997 ff. 11r-100r, 170r-219v. This manuscript is a partial copy made by the Swedisch Franciscan student Erik Olsson at the studium generale of Strassburg (Upper Germany province), which suggests that D�ring's Sentences commentary had circulated. See Explicit of the first book in this manuscript: 'Et sic terminatur lectura super primum Sententiarum per frtatrem Matthiam Doering, lecta Erfordiae anno Domini 1422 secunda feria ante festum Marci. Scripta partim per me fratrem Ericum Olavi de provincia Daciae ordinis minorum studentem Argentinensem.' [f. 82v. cited from L. Meier, 'De schola', 61f.] Erik Olsson would later become lector in the Franciscan study house of Stockholm and later guardian of K�kar on the Aland Islands. He died in Stockholm in 1472. See on Erik Olsson aside from Meier also J.N. Rasmussen, Die Franziskaner in den nordischen L�nder im Mittelalter, Franziskanische Forschungen, 43 (Kevelaer, 2002), 106, 130, 315, 516f, who places Olsson in Erfurt, but that might be a mistake, considering the Strasbourg reference

Principium In II Sent & Principium de Metaphysica: MS M�nster Studien- und Zentralbibliothek der Franziskaner Ms OFM 16 ff. 127rb-142vb [These principia probably go back to Matthias� bachelorship (1422/23). This manuscript was rediscovered by Eva Schlotheuber in the 1990s. She was able to ascertain that the manuscript originally belonged to the medieval Franciscan library of L�neburg. Cf. Eva Schlotheuber, �Bildung und B�cher. Ein Beitrag zur Wissenschaftidee der Franziskanerobservanten�, in: K�nige, Landesherren und Bettelorden. Konflikt und Kooperation in West- und Mitteleuropa bis zur Fr�hen Neuzeit, ed. Dieter Berg, Saxonia Franciscana 10 (Werl,1998), 430, note 53.]

Academic Sermons: MS M�nster Studien- und Zentralbibliothek der Franziskaner Ms OFM 16 ff. 143vaff [for instance a sermo super officium predicationis, in the Erfurt Church of St. Michael, ff. 143va-145va, a sermon against the Hussites on ff. 158vb-161ra; sermons to celebrate the confirmation of a new rector at Erfurt university, ff. 168rb-170vb, 170vb-173va; a sermo sequens per eundem patrem collectus est contra quendam protervum socium et recitatus die suo in scolis ordinis predicationis Erphordie anno domini 1426 on ff. 176rb-179ra; various sermons in the St. Severus church and the St. Severus school on ff. 181va-189va]

Lectures �pro licencia duorum baccalaureorum [on the occasions of the licences of the Augustinian Hermits Herman Zacharia and Heinrich Zolter]: MS M�nster Studien- und Zentralbibliothek Ms OFM 16 ff. 173va-176ra

Lecture �pro licencia� of Heinrich Toke: MS M�nster Studien- und Zentralbibliothek der Franziskaner Ms OFM 16 ff.189va-192va [Matthias and Heinrich apparently were good friends during this period. Later they became embittered adversaries in the controversy on the �Wilsnacker Wunderblut�]

Dialectia [Lost?]

Lectura super Iesaiam [lost?]

Quaestiones Variae [two survived]: M�nchen, Clm Lat. 8950 ff. 224r-v [=Quaestio disputata in conclavi anno 1424; inc: Utrum corpus Christi existens in sacramento Eucharistiae vere et realiter ibidem existat modo quantitativo atque commensuraliter. Et videtur quod sic. See: Studi Francescani, 9 pp. 70-1. Manuscripts is written by Johannes Sack] & f. 227d [=Quaestio in vesperis Ioannis Gudermann per Matthiam Doering proposita fuit ista in crastino S. Martini (1440, Erfurt); inc.: Utrum praeter legem universalem hominibus inspiratam necesse fuit aliam legem institui caritate informatam.] [See Meier, Die Barf�sserschule, 48, n. 23]

Sermones as Populum et ad Clerum: Oxford, Balliol College 164 & 165 [Cf. A.G. Little, The Grey Friars in Oxford (Oxford, 1892), 256-7.]

Sermones et Collationes [mostly lost?]: MS L�neburg Ratsb�cherei Theol. Fol.64 [not there anymore according to Meier, Die Barf�sserschule, 48, n. 24] For extracts and content, see MS Hannover, Provinzialbibliothek XXIII, 848-862

Sermo in Die Coenae [ca. 1427]: See Meier, Stud. Franc. 9, pp. 65-93

Sermo de S. Francisco [Basel, 1432, council sermon]: Klosterneuburg, 516ff. 294v-301v

Sermo de Conversione S. Pauli [Basel, 1434, council sermon?]: Darmstadt, 368 ff. 92r-96r; Klosterneuburg, 516 ff. 357-366v; Trier, 310 ff. 34r-36r

Sermo in Dominica Iudica [Basel, 1434, council sermon?]: Darmstadt, 368 ff. 161r-165v; Klosterneuburg 516 ff. 290r-294v; Trier, 310 ff. 37r-39v.

Sermo de S. Nicolao [Basel, 1434, council sermon?]: Darmstadt 368, ff.10v-14r; Klosterneuburg, 516 ff. 285v-290r; Trier 310 ff. 31r-33r

Sermo in Epiphania Domini [Basel, 1436, council sermon]: Erlangen 535 ff. 199v-209r [Mansi, Sacrorum Conciliorum (�) Collectio, 30 (Venice, 1792), 1236-8

Sermo de Sepultura Domini: Eisleben Turmbibliothek 961 ff. 84v-86v [inc.: Matth. 211. Altera autem die quae est post Parasceve venerunt ad Pilatum]

Defensorium Postillae Nicolai de Lyra contra Paulum Burgensem (after 1429): a.o. MSS Danzig, 1914 ff. 97a-152v; Melk Stiftsbibliothek 127 [olim 136/C. 14] (anno 1438); Munich clm 18177 [Cf. also Meier, Die Barf�sserschule, 49, n. 28 & Albert, Mattias Doering, 17-25; Schlageter (2015). An attack on the philological and theological criticisms against the postilla litteralis of Nicholas of Lyra by the Spanish convert from Judaism and Catholic Bishop Paul of Burgos.]
The Defensorium Nicolai de Lyra O.M. Contra Paulum Burgensem has received various editions, (a.o. ed. Paulus a Mercatello, Cologne, Joh. Herbort pro Joh. de Cologne, 1481, Basel, 1498 and 1507). This defense is often included together with Paulus of Burgos's criticiems in early editions of Nicholas of Lyra's Postilla Litteralis. Cf: Textus bibliae cum Glossa ordinaria, Nicolai de Lyra postilla, Pauli Burgensis Additionibus, Matthiae Thoring Replicis, VII Vols. (Basel: Johannes Petri-Johannes Froben, 1506-1508).

Propositio circa Husitarum Articulum de Donatione Constantini [defended at the council of Basel, 1432]: Berlin, Lat. 637 ff. 136v-138r; L�neburg, Ratsb�cherei Ms. Hist. C 2� 34 ff. 1r-11r; Paris BN Lat. 1499 ff. 20v-23v [Cf. also Albert, Mattias Doering, 37-42 & Meier, Die Barf�sserschule,49, n. 30]

Disputation on the Hussite Articles of Prague (1432), edited in Petra Weigel, Ordensreform, Anhang, 35, 314-320.

Liber perplexorum Ecclesiae: a conglomerate of conciliarist writings (by him and by others, including writings of his opponents), mentioned in his Chronica under the year 1442. This apparently did not survive. [maybe this included the Confutatio Primatus Papae (attributed to Gregor Heimburg), a piece in the vein of Marsilius of Padua�s Defensor Pacis, which in 1443 was sent to Magdeburg and the Duke of Brandenburg (MS W�lfenb�ttel Herzog-August Bibliothek 783 Helmstedt ff. 25r-34r; Berlin Lat.fol. 305 ff. 147r-153r. See Meier, Die Barf�sserschule, 50 & Albert, Mattias Doering, 49.]

Treatise against the Hussites [together with Johannes Bremer]: MS Koblenz, Staatsarchiv 220 ff. 424r-426r [Inc: Videte, ne quis vos seducat inanibus verbis, Ad Eph. 5. Quae verborum inanitas patet in his damnatis et perfidis Husitis de quorum consortio nefandissimus ille sanguis effusor Procopius suis cum complicibus sub specie pietatis iniquissimas non veretur interponere verbales calumnias�; See also Meier, Die Barf�sserschule, 50, n. 37 & Schlageter (2015), 466ff & the edition of Weigel, Ordensreform: D�ring wrote this late 1431, at the start of the Basel Council in collaboration with his successor at the Erfurt chair, Johannes Bremer, and it was directed against Hussite/Taborite attacks on religious and secular clergy]
This treatise against the Hussites, has been edited in Petra Weigel, Ordensreform, Anhang, 29, 309.

Quaestio de Sanguine Christi [on the Wilsnacker Wunderblut affair]: See Meier, Zeitschrift f�r Religions- und Geistesgeschichte, 3 (1951), 53-69.

Factum: See Meier, Zeitschrift f�r Religions- und Geistesgeschichte, 3 (1951), 57, n. 20

Conflatum super Martinianas: Cf. Albert (1892) 57; Doelle (1918) 4f.

De Paupertate: Cf. Piana, AFH 50 (1957), 48f.

Circa Regulam/ Informatio de Regula Fratrum Minorum (1451?): see L. Oliger, `Matthias Dorings Gutachten �ber die Franziskaner-regel (1451)und observantistische Gegenschrift�, Franzisk. Studien, 9 (1922), 203-236; Petra Weigel, Ordensreform und Konziliarismus: Der Franziskanerprovinzial Matthias D�ring (1427-1461), Jenaer Beitr�ge zur Geschichte, Band 7 (Frankfurt a.M.-Berlin-Bern-Brussels-NewYork-Oxford-Vienna: Peter Lang, 2005), pp. 377-389.

Chronica: Leipzig, Universit�tsbibl. 1310 (an. 1464) ff. 109r-124r; Breslau, check! [See also Albert, Mattias Doering,83-128; Weigel, Ordensreform, 298-300; Honemann, 'Franziskanische Geschichtsschreibung', 805-810. It amounts to a continuation of the universal chronicle of Dietrich Engelhus]
For an edition, see: Matthiae Doeringii Doct. Ord. Min. Continuatio Chronici Theodorici Engelhusii ab Anno MCCCCXX usque ad Annum MCCCCXCVVIII, ed. Johannes Burchard Mencken, Scriptores Rerum Germanicarum, Praecipue Saxonicarum, III Vols (Leipzig, 1730), 1-30 [Reprint: Codex Diplomaticus Brandenburgensis, ed. Adolf Friedrich Riedel, 4. Haupttl, 1. Bd (Berlin, 1862) IV.1, 209-234.

Litterae: See Albert, Mattias Doering, 45-69, 78-9; Meier, Die Barf�sserschule, 49 & n. 34

Appellatio contra Magdeburgensem Archiepiscopum (1461): See Albert, Mattias Doering, 77 &Gerbhardt (1888), 287-291.

See for more editions of letters, sermons, and smaller treatises, as well as references to manuscripts and existing editions the other appendices to the 2005 study of Petra Weigel. These texts, as the large study of Petra Weigel and also Schlageter (2015), 370ff indicate, give an inkling of D�ring's positions concerning conciliarism and order reform.


Glassberger, Chronica, in: AF II (1887), passim; Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 351-352; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 530-531; Karl E.H. Krause, �Der Chronist Matthias D�ring 1420-1464�, Forschungen zur deutschen Geschichte 19 (1879), 591; B. Gerbhardt, �Matthias Doering der Minorit�, Historische Zeitschrift 59 (1888), 248-294; ; Peter Paul Albert, Matthis Doering, ein deutscher Minorit des 15. Jahrhundert (Stuttgart, 1892); Concilium Basiliense ed. J. Haller, Band II (Basel, 1897), 164, 249, 519; F. Doelle, Die Observanzbewegung in der sachsischen Franziskanerprovinz, Reformationsgeschichtliche Studien und Texte 30/31 (1918); Livarius Oliger, �Matthias D�rings Gutachten �ber die Franziskanerregel [1451] und observantistische Gegenschrift�, Franziskanische Studien 9 (1922), 203-236; P. Ludger Meier, `Der Sentenzenkommentar des Matthias Doring�, Franziskanische Studien 17 (1930), 83-89, 19 (1932), 279-280 L. Meier, `De Schola Franciscana Erfordiensi saeculi XV�, Antonianum, 5 (1930), 59-70; L. Meier, Studi Francescani 9 (1937), 65-93; L. Meier, �Wilsnack (...)�, Zeitschrift f�r Religions- und Geistesgeschichte 3 (1951), 53-69; L. Meier, Die Barf�sserschule zu Erfurt, 20-21, 47-50; R. Kleineidam, Universitas Studii Erffordiensis Teil I: Sp�tmittelalter 1392-1460 (Leipzig, 1985), 99f, 131-133, 275f, 288f, 349; Katharina Colberg, �D�ring, Matthias�, VL�II, 207-210 & XI, 379; Catto, `Wyclif and Wycliffism at Oxford, 1356-1430�, The History of the U. of Oxford, II, 177-178. Eva Schlotheuber [see her article mentioned in manuscript section above] is preparing a large study on Matthias� academic writings; P. Weigel, 'Landesherren und Observanzbewegung. Zum Reformverst�ndnis des s�chsischen Provinzialministers Matthias D�ring (1427-1461)', in: K�nige, Landesherren und Bettelorden. Konflikt und Kooperation in West- und Mitteleuropa bis zur Fr�hen Neuzeit, ed. Dieter Berg, Saxonia Franciscana, 10 (Werl, 1998), 361-390; P. Weigel, 'Matthias D�ring. Provinzialminister 1427-1461', in: Management und Minoritas. Lebensbilder s�chsischer Franziskanerprovinziale vom 13. bis zum 20. Jahrhundert, ed. Dieter Berg, in Saxonia Franciscana. Beiheft, 1 (Kevelaer 2003), 21-61; Petra Weigel, Ordensreform und Konziliarismus. Der Franziskanerprovinzial Matthias D�ring (1427-1461), Jenaer Beitr�ge zur Geschichte, 7 (Pieterlen-Frankfurt a.M.-Bern: Peter Lang, Europ�ischer Verlag der Wissenschaften, 2005). Cf. review in CF 76,3-4 (2006), 658-660; Petra Weigel, �Matthias D�ring - Wilsnacks streitbarer Verteidiger�, in: Wunder, Wallfahrt, Widersacher: Die Wilsnackfahrt, ed. Hartmut K�hne & Anne-Katrin Ziesak (Regensburg, 2005), 177-179; Volker Honemann, �Die Reformbewegungen des 15. und fr�hen 16. Jahrhunderts in der Saxonia�, in: Geschichte der S�chsischen Franziskanerprovinz, 1: Von den Anf�ngen bis zur Reformation, ed. Volker Honemann (Paderborn: Ferdinand Sch�ningh, 2015), 45-163 (78-82 & passim); Johannes Schlageter, �Franziskanische theologie des Mittelalters in der Saxonia�, in: Geschichte der S�chsischen Franziskanerprovinz, 1: Von den Anf�ngen bis zur Reformation, ed. Volker Honemann (Paderborn: Ferdinand Sch�ningh, 2015), 460-475; Volker Honemann, �Das mittelalterliche Schrifttum der Franziskaner der S�chsischen Ordensprovinz unter besonderer Ber�cksichtigung deutschsprachiger Zeugnisse�, in: Geschichte der S�chsischen Franziskanerprovinz, 1: Von den Anf�ngen bis zur Reformation, ed. Volker Honemann (Paderborn: Ferdinand Sch�ningh, 2015), 694-695; Volker Honemann, �Franziskanische Geschichtsschreibung�, in: Geschichte der S�chsischen Franziskanerprovinz, 1: Von den Anf�ngen bis zur Reformation, ed. Volker Honemann (Paderborn: Ferdinand Sch�ningh, 2015), 805-810.





Matthias Ferrerius (fl. mid 17th cent.)

OFMCap. Italian (Piemontese) friar. Theologian and provincial definitor, as well as apostolic missionary in the Alps.


Rationarium chronographicum missionis evangelic� ab apostolicis operarijs, praesertim Capuccinis, pro ecclesiastico Catholico regno propagando in quatuor mundi partibus, signanter in Gallia Cisalpina exercit�, 2 Vols. (Turin: Carolus Janellus, 1659). The various volumes have lengthy individual titles as well: Jus regnandi Apostolicum per Missiones Ecclesiasticas Religiosorum totius Ordinis Hierarchici ab initio Ecclesiae & Actus Apostolici ab Apostolis, Apostolorum Discipulis, Martyribus, Pontificibus, Episcopis, Doctoris, Monachis, & Mendicantibus, Religiosis Operariis, praecipue Capuccinis Pedemontanae Provinciae pro fide Catholica propugnanda. It amounts to a lengthy history of missions and Capuchin missions in particular.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 352.





Matthias Fischer (Matthias Vischer, 1752-1818)

OFMRef. Austrian friar and member of the Tirol province. Language specialist and pedagogue. He ended his life as a secular priest and died on 2 October 1818.


Insegnamenti morali per la giovent�, tradotti dagli scolari della seconda classe tedesca dell� Imp. Reg. Scuola Normale di Roveredo ai confini d�Italia, coll� assistenza dell� attual loro maestro e catechista P. M(atthias). V(ischer). Francescano della Provincia Tirol di S. Lepoldo (Roveredo: Marchesani, 1784).

Grammatica tedesca (1792).

Epistolario tedesco ed italiano del P. Mattia Fischer, che forma la seconda parte, bench� independente della sua grammatica tedesca, uscita nell� anno 1792 (Mori, 1794).

Vocabolarietto domestico che forma la III. parte della sua grammatica tedesca uscita nell�anno 1793, bench� independente dalle altre due parti; Haus-Lexikon, so den obschon von den andern zwey Theilen unabh�ngigendritten Theils seiner im Jahre 1792 herausgekommenen Sprachlehre ausgemacht (Botzen: Karl Joseph Wei�, 1794).

Appendice al Vocabolarietto domestico; Anhang zum Haus-Lexicon (Botzen: Karl Joseph Wei�, 1795).

Kurzgefa�te Anleitung zur w�lschen Sprache, zum Gebrauch der Deutschen (Roveredo: gedr. mit Lois-Marchesanischen Schriften, 1795).

Appendice libera aggiunta alla seconda parte della Grammatica tedesca; Freyer Anhang zum zweiten Theile der deutschen Spachlehre (Mori: Michelini, 1795).

Nuova Gramatica di lingua tedesca ad uso degl�Italiani, compilata secondo il gusto moderno e a sense de� migliori gramatici tedeschi, in specie del celebre Sig. Gio. Cristoforo Adelung (Roveredo: Marchesani, 1799).


Al Reverendo P. Mattia Fischer, Riformato, maestro di lingua tedesca nelle sucole normali di Roveredo alcuni zelenati del pubblico bene (Verona: Merlo alla Stelle, 1787; Almanaco pella storia, arti e letteratura del Trentino pel 1867 1 (Riva, 1867), 85-99 & 105-133; Pascal M. Hollaus, 'Die Schriftsteller der Tiroler Franziskanerprovinz vom hl. Leopold gesammelt von P. Gerold Fu�enegger OFM (1901-1965), 32. [Accessible via and]





Matthias Granatensis (Mat�as de Granada, fl. 17th cent.)

OFMCap. Spanish friar from Andalucia. Preacher and liturgical specialist.


Annotationes in Rubricas Missalis, Breviarii & Martyrologii Romani (Sevilla, 1669).


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 353.





Matthias Grouwels (fl. first half 18th cent.)

OFMRec. German friar. Member of the Lower Germany province. Lector jubilatus of Sacred Scripture (from 1702 onwards) and provincial definitor.


Oratio funebris in exequiis illustrissimi ac generosissimi domini D. Maximiliani Henrici comitis de Renesse et Mansny, baronis d'Elderen, Corteschem, Leeward, Domini in Stern, Schalckhoven, Wintershoven, Dessener, Wasnes, Roucourt, Vesignon, Bassemotte (...) In Arce d'Elderen Anno 1716, die 4. Mensis Augusti (Maastricht: Lambert Bertus, 1716).

Historia critica sacr� indulgentiae beat� Mari� Angelorum, vulgo de Portiuncul� (Antwerp: Hieronymus Verdussen, 1726). Accessible via Google Books and via the digital collections of the University Library of Ghent.

Den aflaat van Portiunkel verdedigt in een korte samenspraek tusschen Claes Adolphs Bestryder en Godtgaf van Sterkenberg Beschermer der zelve aflaet (...) (Antwerp: Hieronymus Verdussen, 1729). Accessible via the Royal Library of Brussels and via Google Books.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 353; Edmond Henri Joseph Reusens, Documents relatifs � l'histoire de l'Universit� de Louvain (1425-1797) (Louvain, 1889-1892) V, [Coll�ges et p�dagogies III], 257-258.





Matthias Hauzeur (Mathias Celcitas/Matias Hauceur, 1589-1676)

OFMRec. Belgian friar from Verviers (Duchy of Limburg). Long-term preacher in Li�ge and theology professor, as well as provincial definitor and two-times provincial minister of the Flemish Recollect province. Polemicist against Protestantism after the Dutch takeover of Maastricht, and well-known for his disputation with the Calvinist preacher Godefroid (Gabriel) Hotton, which ran from 19 to 22 April 1633. After his alleged 'triumph' over his adversary, local Catholics lit bonfires in his honor. Matthias described the controversy in in a Latin and in a French account, and wrote a number of other anti-Calvinist works, as well as more genuine theological works on Augustinian and Franciscan theology and an apologetic work against Boverio's Annales Ordinis Minorum Cappuccinorum.. A series of anti-Jansenist writings apparently never saw the printing press, even though some of his anti-Jansenist positions shine through in his works on Augustine and in his 1654 Reprobatio Apologiae Novissimae Samuelis Maresii.


Accusation et conviction du sieur Hotton et de tous ses complices (Li�ge, 1633). This drew out G. Hotton's R�ponse � l'accusation de Mathias Hauzeur, moine r�collet de Li�ge (...) (Leyden, 1634).

Conferencia publica inter Mathiam Hauzeur et ministrum S. Evangelii G. Hotton (Li�ge: L. Streel, 1633).

Exorcismes catholiques du maling esprit h�r�tique, Apparoissant en un monstre de mensonges et blasphemes, Avort� entre les Rabbins de Leyden, 1634 soub le nom de Godefroid Hotton, & tiltre de Response & Apologie Contre toute la verit� publique du Faict & de la Doctrine des Conferences de Lymbourg, pour l'invocation des Saincts (...) (Li�ge: heritiers Savveur, 1634). Also directed against Godefroid Hotton. Accessible via the Narodni Knihovna National Library in Prague, and via Google Books.

Praejudicia augustissima D. Augustini episcopi pro vera Christi Ecclesia una sancta catholica apostolica (...) (Li�ge: Ex typographia domestica conventus Leodiensis FF.MM. Recollectorum, 1634). This work was apparently also issued in a French abbreviation.

Equuleus ecclesiasticus, aculeatus exorcismis XXIII. In nequissimum Pythonem haereticum Samuelis Des Maretz, pseudo-ministri Traiectensis (...) (Li�ge, 1635). An apologetic work directed against the Calvinist Samuel des Maretz.

Livre de ce grand Docteur S. Augustine du soing qu'il faut porter pour les morts. Tres-suffisant � convaincre & convertir le faussaire Ministreau Des-Marets (...) (Li�ge, 1636). Partly a retake of previous works. It seems to be accessible via Google Books

A translation in Flemish of Augustine's De utilitate credendi, issued as: ?

Anatomia totius Augustissimae Doctrinae S. Augustini, secundum litteram (...) et spiritum, 2 Vols. (Augustae Eburonum, 1643-1645/Paris: Michael Soly-Matthieu & Pietro Guillemot & George Josse, 1646). Accessible via the digital collections of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek and via Google Books.

Epitome totius Augustissimae doctrinae B. Augustini episcopi (...), 2 Vols. (Paris: Michael Soly-Matthieu & Pietro Guillemot & George Josse, 1646). A re-issue of the Anatomia. Partially accessible via Google Books.

Apologia Analogica pro vero ordine et successore S. Francisci (Li�ge: Joannes van Milst, 1650/1653). the 1653 edition is accessible via the digital collections of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek and via Google Books.

Collatio Totius Theologiae inter Maiores nostros, Alexandrum Alensem Patriarcham Theologorum, Doctorem Irrefragabilem, Sanctum Bonaventuram Doctorem Seraphicum, F. Joannem Druns Scotum Doctorem Subtilem, Ad Mentem S. Augustini: sub Magisterio Christi, interiore, per Gratriam, exteriore, per Ecclesiam, 2 Vols. (Li�ge-Namur: In Conventu Leodiensi & Namurcensis, 1652). It amounts to a compilatory and interpolated commentary on the second, third and fouth book of the Sentences of Lombard. In any case the second volume is accessible via the Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale in Naples, and via Google Books.

Reprobatio Apologiae Novissimae Samuelis Maresii, seu Des-Marets, Professoris Primarii (Praetensae) Theologiae, Groeningae, 1654. Quasi Pro S. Augustino, Iansenio & Iansenitis: contra Pontificem & Jesuitas (...) Sed potius pro se suisque Calvinistis (...) (Tournai, 1654). Accessible via the Narodni Knihovna National Library in Prague, and via Google Books (search with first three or four title words).

Convictio Novae Haeresis Prae-Adamitarum, eiusdemque origo a quodam literato Calvinista, ex duplici ovo seu principio suae praetensae reformationis, ad salutarem eorum correctionem (...) (Namur: Petrus Gerard, 1656). Accessible via the Seminario Conciliar de Nuestra Se�ora de Guadalupe in Quer�taro and via Google Books (does not always show up).

Rescriptum pro tuendo titulo Immaculatae Conceptionis. Statera causa inter R.P. Petrum ab Alva pro Immaculata Conceptione Deiparae Virginis (...) (Namur: Petrus Gerard, 1664).

Reverendus Adm. P. Matthias Hauzeur Ord. FF. Minorum Lector Jubilatus; seu, Defensa ab eodem causa R. Adm. P. Petri de Alva et Astorga, Appensa in Statera et Inventa Minus Habens, per F. Franciscum Jannssens Elinga Ord. FF. Praed. Philosophiae Professorem Lovanii (Antwerp: Engelbert Gymnicus, 1665).

Sbaralea mentions other works that we have not yet been able to trace.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 353; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 531-532; Biograf�a eclesi�stica completa XIII, 506; Dirks, Histoire litteraire et bibliographique des Freres Mineurs de l'Observance en Belgique (Antwerp, 1885), 246-256; Cunibertus Sloots, 'Pater Matthias Hauzeur O.F.M., een polemist - bijzonder tegen Samuel Maresius - uit de zeventiende eeuw', Nederlands archief voor kerkgeschiedenis/Dutch Review of Church History n.s. 33:1 (1940), 162-184 & 33:2 (1941-1942), 257-276; 'Matthias Hauzeur et le jans�nisme', Bulletin de la soci�t� d'art et d'histoire du dioc�se de Li�ge 41 (1959), 165-194.





Matthias Keul (1656-1703)

OFMRec. German (Belgian?) friar from the Rhine valley and lector in the Cologne Recollect province. Renowned preacher and provincial definitor.


Vox Clamantis in Deserto. Hoc est Conciones Panegyricae in Festa Sanctorum, tum in ea quae per totius Anni circulum ab Ecclesia universaliter tum in illa, quae apud diversos Religiosos & in diversis Ecclesiis particulariter celebrantur (..) Conciones uti breves et compendiosae (...), 2 Vols. (Cologne: Sumptibus hermanni Demen, 1685-1686). First part accessible via Google Books.

Echo Trinaria ad Trinam Vocem clamantis in deserto Resonans, sive Conciones Morales & Sacrae In Dominicas & Festa per annum, e Cathedra dictae ad populum Christianum Coloniae (...), 6 Vols. (Cologne: Sumptibus Servatii Noethen, 1691-1696). At least the first and second volumes are accessible via Google Books (look creatively).

Tractatus et discursus sacro-morales praedicabiles, sive scientiae sanctorum, complectens et demonstrans homini christiano, et salutis suae amanti principia, fundamenta, et apicem vitae Christianae, simul et media ad debitam perfectionem consequendam: qualia sunt praesentiae divinae juge exercitium, cognitio sui ipsius, humilitas mansuetudo, clementia, et hujusmodi (Cologne: Sumptibus Arnoldi Metternich, 1696).

Sanctitas, splendor et amplitudo Tertii Ordinis � S.P. Francisco Seraphico instituti, fratrum ac sororum de poenitentia vulgo tertiariorum Franciscanorum (...) (Cologne: Noethen, 1698).

Tesaurus de Doctrina cristiana (Namur, 1669).

Rosetum seraphicum, continens rosas amoeniores et micantiores ex omnibus Operibus Seraphici Ecclesiae Doctoris S. Bonaventurae, in septem Tomos distributis (Cologne: Servatius Noethen, 1701). First volume accessible via Google Books. It is an alphabetically organised compendium of Bonaventuruan thought.

Apiarium mellifluum: continens favos dulciores, et delectabiliores ex omnibus Operibus S. Patris Bernardi Claraevallensis (....), 5 Vols. (Cologne: Servatius Noethen, 1702). Partly accessible via Google Books.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 354; Biograf�a eclesi�stica completa XIII, 507; DSpirVIII, 1718.





Matthias Ortiz de Pinedo (Mat�as Ortiz de Pinedo, fl. later 17th cent.)

OFM. Spanish friar. Preacher and custos in the Cantabria province.


Paneg�rico en alabanza de Santa Clara, in: Alonso L�pez Magdaleno, Descripci�n (...) del Cap�tulo general que la Relig�on Serafica celebr� en Toledo (Madrid, 1682), 154-176. Accessible via Google Books.

Oracion � los padres capitulares de su provincia (Burgos: Juan de Viar, 1672).

Paneg�rico del Sant�simo Sacramento en su solemne translacion (San Sebastian: Martin de Huarte, 1673).

Oracion pronunciada en la feria V de la Semana Santa (Burgos: Juan de Viar, 1674).

Ideas evang�licas (Madrid: Antonio Gonzalez de Reyes, 1678).


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 354; Biograf�a eclesi�stica completa XIII, 508; AIA 17 (1922), 382, 423; Manuel de Castro,Bibliograf�a de las bibliografias franciscanas espa�olas e hispanoamericanas, Publicaciones de Archivo Ibero-Americano (Madrid: Ed. Cisneros, 1982), 157 (no. 645), 165 (no. 684).





Matthias Parmensis (Mattia/Mathias da Parma/Mattia Camagni da Parma, fl. mid 17th cent.)

OFMCap. Italian friar from the Bologna province.


Viaggio dell�anima per andare a Dio (...) (Parma: Mario Vigna, 1652)Mattia da Parma, Viaggio dell�anima per andare a Dio (1652), ed. Rosalba Gentile, Miscellanea di Testi Cappuccini, 8 (Rome: Istituto Storico dei Cappuccini, 2009). This is a guide for mystical ascent through purgative, contemplative and unitive means.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 355; Isidoro da Villapadierna, 'Mathias de Parma', DSpir I, 1264ff; Felice da Mareto, 'Mattia Camagni da Parma, maestro spirituale del secolo XVII', L'Italia Francescana 50 (1975), 279-287; Storia della spiritualit� italiana, ed. Pietro Zovatto (Rome: Citt� Nuova, 2002), 389.





Mattias Rodriguez (Mat�as Rodriguez, fl. late 17th cent.)

OFMDisc. Mexican friar Member of the friary in Mexico city. Preacher and guardian of the San Diego friary.


Explicacion de las sesenta y cinco proposiciones prohibidas por la santidad de N.S. Papa Innocencio IX (La Puebla: Fernandez de Leon, 1684/Puebla: Bonilla, 1696).


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 355; Joseph Sabin, Bibliotheca Americana: A Dictionary of Books Relating to America XVII, 459-460.





Mattias Ruiz Blanco (Mat�as Ruiz Blanco, 1643-1708)

OFM. Spanish friar frim Estepa (Sevilla). He probably entered the order in his own town or in Sevilla itself. In 1666 we find him as professor in the liberal arts in the Nuestra Se�ora del Valle friary (Sevilla), and there he signed up for the third Franciscan expedition to P�ritu (Venezuela), boarding ship in Cadiz on March 1st 1672. Once in Venezuela, he helped establish the San Juan Bautista de Tucup�o and the San Lorenzo de Guere pueblos (1675). Between 1681 and 1683, he returned to Europe, to organize support for the missions. In 1684, he was back in Venezuela, and on March 21th of that year he was made chronicler for the P�ritu/Venezuelan missions by the general commissioner for the Indies, Crist�bal del Viso. Between 1688 and 1693, Mattias was again in Madrid to help organize another missionary expedition. He likewise was at the Spanish court in Madrid between 1701 and 1705, for comparable purposes. In between, he was three time apostolic comissioner/commissarius for the missions among the Characuares and the Topocuares (1686-89, 1696-99 and 1705-1708), as well as synodal examiner of Porto Rico.


Diccionario espa�ol comanagoto & Advertencias para la recta inteligencia de el Diccionario..., published in: Principos y reglas de la lengua cumanagota, general en varias naciones que habitan la provincia de Cuman�, en las Indias Occidentales, Compuestos por el R. P. Predicador Fr. Manuel de Yangues, del orden de N. P. S. Francisco, hijo de la S. Provincia de Castilla, y missionero en las vivas conversiones de los cummanagotos, p�ritus y otras naciones... (Burgos: Iuan de Viar, 1683) [copy available in Madrid, Biblioteca nacional R-2232/Principos y reglas de la lengua cumanagota. Por el R. P. Fr. Manuel de Yangues, con un diccionario compuesto por el P. Fr. Mathias Blanco, ed. Julius Platzmann, Facs. Edition of the 1683 edition (Leipzig: Teubner, 1888), 71-73, 73-220.

Manual para catekizar y administrar los santos sacramentos a los indios que habitan en la provincia de la Nueva Andaluz�a y Nueva Barcelona y San Christ�val de los cumanagotos... Por el P. Fr. Math�as Ruiz Blanco, de la regular observancia de N. P. S. Francisco, hijo de la santa provincia de Andaluz�a, lector de theolog�a y predicador apost�lico en las santas misiones de P�ritu, y examinador synodal en este obispado de Puerto Rico (Burgos: Juan de Viar, 1683). Available via

Conversi�n de P�ritu, de indios cumanagotos, palenques y otros. Sus principios y incrementos que oy tiene con todas las cosas m�s singulares del pais, pol�tica y ritos de sus naturales, pr�ctica que se observa en su reducci�n, y otras cosas dignas de memoria. S�calas nuevamente a luz el P. Fr. Mat�as Ruiz Blanco (Madrid: Juan Garc�a Infanzon, 1690)/ Conversi�n en Pirit� (Colombia) de Indios Cumanagotos y Palenques: con la Pr�ctica que se observa en la ense�anza de los naturales en lengua cumanagota, Colecci�n de libros raros � curiosos que tratan de Am�rica, 7 (Madrid: Librer�a de Victoriano Suarez, 1892) [Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional 5/4326]/ Conversi�n de P�ritu, del. P. Mat�as Rui Blanco, OFM y Tratado hist�rico, del P. Ram�n Bueno, OFM, ed. Fidel de lejarza (Caracas, 1965). [The 1690 edition is now available via and via the Biblioteca Nacional Digital de Chile: ] See also the remarks in Legibility in the Age of Signs and Machines mentione below

Pr�ctica que hay en la ense�anza de los indios, y un directorio para que los religiosos puedan c�modamente instruirlos en las cosas esenciales de la religion cristiana. En lengua cumanagoto y catellana. Aprobaron este tratado los RR. PP. misioneros: Fr. Crist�bal de la Concepci�n, Fr. Juan Godoy y Fr. Francisco Tizon, en 24 de febrero de 1688. This work was included in the 1690 Madrid edition of the Conversi�n de P�ritu. It is also included in the 1892 edition, but not in the 1965 edition of the Conversi�n de P�ritu. The work also appeared separately as: Arte y tesoro de la lengua cumanagoto por Fr. Mat�as Ruiz Blanco (Madrid, 1690)/Facs. Ed: Arte y tesoro de la lengua cumanagoto, ed. J. Platzmann, Algunas obras raras sobre la lengua cumanagoto, 3 (Leipzig, 1888).

Versos, en lengua de los indios, para celebrar el nacimiento del Se�or. Included in Conversi�n de P�ritu (ed. Madrid, 1892), second part, 225-228.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 351; Charles Leclerc, Bibliotheca americana: histoire, g�ographie, voyages, arch�ologie et linguistique des deux Am�riques et des Iles Philippines (Paris: Maissonneuve & CO., 1878), 575-576; Lino G�mez Canedo, Las misiones de P�ritu. Documentos para su historia, 2 Vols. (Caracas, 1967) I, 99-125, 178-184; Manuel Castro y Castro, �Lenguas indigenas transmitidas por los Franciscanos del S. XVII�, in: Los Franciscanos en el Nuevo Mundo (siglo XVII), La R�bida, 18-23 septiembre de 1989 (Madrid: Editorial Deimos, 1992), 468-470; Legibility in the Age of Signs and Machines, ed. Pepita Hesselberth et al. (Leiden-Boston: Brill-Rodopi, 2018), 215-223.





Matthias Sarburg (Matthias Sarburg, fl. first half 17th cent.)

OFM. German friar from the Cologne province.


Thesaurus Confraternitatis Chordae per PP. Franciscanos Aquenses (Cologne: Petrus Brachell, 1630).

Defensio et triumphus arcis oppidique Lechniensis contra Hasso-Gallo-Wimarienses Serenissimo et Reverendissimo Domino, D. Ferdinando Principi ac Electori Coloniensi utriusqye Bavariae Duci (...): canebat P. F. M. S. S. O. N. I. promovente Reverendo admodum Domino Laurentio Walrami (Cologne: Wilhelm Friessem, 1643). A copy of this work is in Wolfenb�ttel, Herzog August Bibliothek 480.4. Hist. (3).

Super Hymnum Te Deum, & quandam Antiphonam S. Ecclesiae, Anagrammata plura pro Immaculata Conceptione Deiparae semper Virginis (1666)?


Fortunatus Hueber, Dreyfache Cronickh von dem dreijfacgen Orden dess grossen H. Seraphinischen Ordens-Stiffters Francisci (...) (Munich: Johann J�cklin, 1686), 780; Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 355; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 532; Birgit Boge, Literatur f�r das "Catholische Teutschland": Das Sortiment der K�lner Offizin Wilhelm Friessem in Zeitraym 1638-1668 (T�bingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1993), 318-319.





Matthias Valvekens (d. 1682)

OFMRec. Belgian friar.


Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon XX, 1485.





Matthias Venetus (Mattia da Venezia, fl. ca. 1660)

OFMCap. Italian friar.


Essercitio di lodi divotissime. In forma di Salutationi, overo Colloqui, da offerirsi alla gran Madre di Dio Maria Sempre Vergine e gloriosa Imperatrice dell'Universo. Coll'aggionta di dodici Adorationi all'Istessa. Di due Salutationi al gran Patriarca S. Giuseppe. E di trente Essercitii d'Amor di Dio (Venice: Francesco Bodio, 1664).


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 355; Biograf�a eclesi�stica completa XIII, 509.





Matthias Villaroel (Matias Villaroel , fl. ca. 1650)

TOR. Spanish tertiary. Preacher and guardian of the Sevilla convent.


Instrucciones o doctrina de los novicios (Granada: Baltasar de Bolivar, 1656).

Cuestiones morales, racionales y juridicas sobre las r�bricas del misal y las ceremonias del coro. Never printed? According to Juan de San Antonio a manuscript copt with approbation for printing was kept in the Sevilla tertiary convent.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 355; Biograf�a eclesi�stica completa XIII, 509.





Matthias Weynsen (Matthaeus Dordracenus/Matthias Wentsen van Dordrecht, ca. 1480-1547)

OFM. Dutch friar. Born in Dordrecht in a well-to-do patrician family. Entered the Observant order in the Cologne province and became active in the convent of Antwerp. Vicarius in Antwerp, and thereafter Guardian in Leyden and (from September 1517 onwards) in Antwerp. Provincial minister between 1521-24 and 1425-28 (after the death of Heinrich von Emmerich, provincial minister between 1524 and 1525). Between 1527-29, Matthias was responsible for the creation of the new province of Lower Germany (a split-off from the Cologne province). In this new province, Matthias became guardian of Bois-le-Duc. Subsequently, he became provincial minister of the new province between 1534-35, and between 1538-40. Held also several other functions in the order (commissioner for the German and Dutch provinces between 1526 and 1529; general commissioner for the twelve Ultramontan provinces (1529-1532 and 1535-1539); general definitor for the order as a whole between 1536 and 1538), and acted as a counsellor of emperor Charles V and Mary of Hungary (governess of The Netherlands for emperor Charles V). Matthias became active in the struggle against Protestantism, embarking on preaching tours in the Rhine valley (1520), and taking further action during his various provincialate charges. Sbaralea even suggests that �contra Lutheri haeresim pugilem fortissimum qui et Coloniam anefaria ista peste conservavit.� Though apparently no proficient author himself (although some of his works might have been lost during a shipping accident in 1523), he was a stimulating force behind the production of several spiritual works in Lower German and Dutch. Hence he supported Jan van Alen�s translation of Raymond Jourdan�s Contemplationes Idiotae (1535), and he published in lower German the Fasciculus Myrrhe (1517) [not to be confused with a text bearing the same name, published in Antwerp, 1553], a work written by an anonymous friar of the Cologne province. The work was printed 24 times in the 16th century alone. It received a thorough revision in the 17th century edition of Franziskus Cauwe OFM (which in turn ran in four editions). He also facilitated Dirk Loer's production of the Theologia Mystica (1538) on the basis of a manuscript of Henricus Herp's Spieghel der Volcomheit. The active involvement of Weynsen in the production of works of religious instruction and works of Franciscan theology and history also shows in the dedications to him of other works, such as in Franciscus Titelman's edition of the chronicles of Amandus of Zierikzee, in Franciscus ab Osuna's Expositiones super Missus est alter liber, in Royaert's 1538 edition of his Homiliae in omnes epistolas dominicales, pars hyemalis, and in Johannes Mahusius's 1539 edition of Bonaventure's commentary on the Gospel of Luke. In 1535, Matthias published De verweckinghe der godlijcker liefden, a translation in Low German of Jacob of Milan�s Stimulus Amoris. It is not known whether Matthias himself was the translator, or whether he merely facilitated the publication. Matthias did leave behind two sermons in Dutch, both of which probably were held before the Poor Clares of Amsterdam in 1521.


Een scoen sermon op die olyven boems liefden (�) Noch drie scoene punten van des voerseyden vaders sermoen [Sermo de Conditionibus Olivae (seu de Modo Quo Soror Clarissa Vitam Peragere Debet)]: MS Brussels Kon. Bibl, 11151-55, ff. 184r-196v [two sermons, probably held before the Poor Clares of Amsterdam in 1521. See Van den Gheyn, Catalogue des Manuscrits III, no. 2377, pp. 445-446; W. De Vreese, De handschriften van Jan Ruusbroec's werken I, 285-300 (inclusief deeleditie. Voor de volledige tekst zie M. Verjans, Neerlandica Seraphica 10 (1936), 134-142. The text is written by a Poor Clare, and amounts to a transcription of Mattias� own notes, or a reportation of the sermons as she heared them. The first sermon elaborates on the symbol ofthe olive, to list and expound on the true virtues of a Poor Clare: Whereas the hard wood of the olive tree symbolises the fundamental virtues of patience, spiritual strength, and faithfullness, the leaves symbolise different virtues of speech and piety, the odor of the olive symbolises the good reputation of the convent, and the oil symbolises the love for God and one�s fellow sisters. The second sermon elaborates on the three conditions that provide certitude about being a child of the eternal life: fidelity to one�s vocation, a good conscience, and a profound disdain for the world]
The work also received a modern edition: Een scoen sermon op die olyven boems liefden (�) Noch drie scoene punten van des voerseyden vaders sermoen, ed. M. Verjans, Neerlandica Seraphica 10 (1936), 134-142.

Litterae/Epistolae: Twelve letters written between 23 January 1523 and 19 November 1535. For editions, see for instance Estudios Franciscanos 14 (1915), 366-369 & Collectanea Franciscana Neerlandica 2 (1931), 194-199 [letter from 23 january 1518 from the guardian Weynsen to Willem van Alkmaar, provincial of the Cologne province]; De Navorscher 70 (1921), 246-248 [letter from 1530 to the Carthusians of Amsterdam]; Franciscus ab Osuna, Pars Orientalis (Antwerp: Simon Cock, 1536) II, 911 [letter from Pentecost 1532 from Toulouse to Franciscus ab Osuna]. Cf. B. De Troeyer, Bio-Bibliographia Franciscana Neerlandica, Saeculi XVI, 1 (Nieuwkoop, 1969), 39-40, with additional information on manuscripts and editions.

De verweckinghe der godlijcker liefden (Antwerp, 1535). [Translation of the Stimulus Amoris]

Fasciculus Myrrhe: dat is een zonderlinge devote materie van die passie�(Delft, 1517 and many other editions/Amsterdam, 1677 & 1696 (Cauwe�s re-edition)). Several now accessible via Google Books and other portals. [The Fasciculusamounts to a devotional treatise in three books on the sufferings of Christ. After presenting Christ�s physical and mental sufferings, the text explains how one should contemplate them. Thereafter, the text proposes how each event of Christ�s passion, from the Last Supper to the Ascension can be approached through meditative and devotional exercises.]


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 343, 350; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 529 & (ed. 1921) II, 233-4; S. Dirks, Histoire litt�raire des Fr�res Mineurs en Belgique (Antwerp, 1885), 34-37; P. Schlager, Beitr�ge zur Geschichte des K�lnischen Franziskaner-Ordensprovinz w�hrend des Reformationszeitalters (Regensburg, 1909), 18-19, 26-27, 29, 33, 36-41, 49-51, 225, 228, 230-231, 282-283; F. van den Borne, �De Observantie-beweging en het ontstaan der Provincie Germania Inferior (1529)�, Collectanea Franciscana Neerlandica 2 (1931), 192; La France Franciscaine 17 (1934), 219-220; C. Sloots, �Pater Matthias Weynsen�, Bijdragen voor de Geschiedenis van de Provincie der Minderbroeders in de Nederlanden, 2 (1947), 348-365; Benjamin De Troeyer, �Weynsen�, Nationaal Biografisch Woordenboek I (Brussel, 1964), 967-968; Benjamin De Troeyer,�Matthias Weynsen�, Franciscana 20(1965), 19-25; Benjamin De Troeyer, Bio-Bibliographia Franciscana Neerlandica, Saeculi XVI, 1 (Nieuwkoop, 1969), 31-40; 2 (Nieuwkoop, 1970), no. 127-50, 708-709; Heinz-Meinolf Stamm, �Weynsen�, Dict. Spir XVI (1994), 1404-1406; Hans Josef Krey, 'Weynsen (Wentzen), Matthias (1480-1547)', Biographisch-bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon XIII (1998), 996-997.





Maturino Gilberti (Maturino Gilberti, 1498-1585)

OFM. French (Aquitanian) friar. Born in Toulouse from Italian parents in 1498, he studied at the local university and later became a university teacher there. Took the Franciscan habit in the Aquitanian province and traveled to Spain, from where he departed towards New Spain/Mexico in 1542 with nine friars, guided by Franciscao de Bustamente. Became active in the Franciscan Santo Evangelio province and later in the province of Michoac�n, where he fulfilled the position of custos. In Michoac�n, Maturino became the object of ecclesiastical censure from 1559, due to the publication of his Di�logo de la doctrina cristiana and conflicts with members of the secular clergy. He published a number of works on the Michuaca and Tarasca languages, as well as works of moral theology and catechetical instruction. He died at Zintzunta on October 3, 1585.


Flos sanctorum de los santos y santas que se celebran en la Nueva Espa�a, y lo tocante a las fiestas del Se�or y de su bendita Madre, en lengua de Michuac�n. According to Castro y Castro mentioned as an unpublished work in Rom�n Zulaica Garate, Los franciscanos y la imprenta en M�xico en el siglo XVI; estudio bio-bibliogr�fico (M�xico, D.F.: P. Robredo, 1939), 146.

Centenario de sermones dominicales y santorales y otras materias de com�n doctrina predicables, en lengua de Michoac�n. According to Castro y Castro mentioned as an unpublished work in Rom�n Zulaica Garate, Los franciscanos y la imprenta en M�xico en el siglo XVI; estudio bio-bibliogr�fico (M�xico, D.F.: P. Robredo, 1939), 146.

Sermones de doctrina en lengua tarasca, traducidos del romance y de la lengua mejicana. According to Castro y Castro mentioned as an unpublished work in Rom�n Zulaica Garate, Los franciscanos y la imprenta en M�xico en el siglo XVI; estudio bio-bibliogr�fico (M�xico, D.F.: P. Robredo, 1939), 143.

Diccionario tarasco espa�ol. According to Castro y Castro mentioned as an unpublished work in Rom�n Zulaica Garate, Los franciscanos y la imprenta en M�xico en el siglo XVI; estudio bio-bibliogr�fico (M�xico, D.F.: P. Robredo, 1939), 143.

Textos de la sagrada escritura, evangelios y sermones para los domingos y fiestas. According to Castro y Castro mentioned as an unpublished work in Rom�n Zulaica Garate, Los franciscanos y la imprenta en M�xico en el siglo XVI; estudio bio-bibliogr�fico (M�xico, D.F.: P. Robredo, 1939), 143.

Textos de la sagrada escritura, evangelios y sermones para los domingos y fiestas. According to Castro y Castro mentioned as an unpublished work in Rom�n Zulaica Garate, Los franciscanos y la imprenta en M�xico en el siglo XVI; estudio bio-bibliogr�fico (M�xico, D.F.: P. Robredo, 1939), 143.

Ep�stolas y evangelis de todos los domingos del a�o con sus sermones, en tarasco. According to Castro y Castro mentioned as an unpublished work in Rom�n Zulaica Garate, Los franciscanos y la imprenta en M�xico en el siglo XVI; estudio bio-bibliogr�fico (M�xico, D.F.: P. Robredo, 1939), 143.

Luz y tesoro de �nimas, en lengua de Michoac�n. According to Castro y Castro mentioned as an unpublished work in Rom�n Zulaica Garate, Los franciscanos y la imprenta en M�xico en el siglo XVI; estudio bio-bibliogr�fico (M�xico, D.F.: P. Robredo, 1939), 144.

Evangelios en tarasco. Cf. Cipriano Mu�oz y Manzano, conde de la Vi�aza & Carmelo S�enz de Santa Maria, Bibliografia Espa�ola de Lenguas Indigenas de America (Madrid, 1892/Reprint Madrid: Ediciones Atlas, 1977), 250.

Arte de la lengua michuacana (Mexico: Juan Pablos, 1558).

Tesoro espiritual en lengua michuacana, en la cual se contiene la doctrina cristiana y oraciones para cada d�a, y el examen de la conciencia y declaraci�n de la misa (Mexico: Juan Pablos, 1558).

Di�logo de la doctrina cristiana, en lengua michuacana (...) Trata de lo que ha de saber, creer, hacer, desear y aborrecer el cristiano. Va preguntando el disc�pulo al maestro (Mexico: Juan Pablos Bressano, 1559).

Cartilla para los ni�os en lengua tarasca (Mexico, 1559). Cf. Cipriano Mu�oz y Manzano, conde de la Vi�aza & Carmelo S�enz de Santa Maria, Bibliografia Espa�ola de Lenguas Indigenas de America (Madrid, 1892/Reprint Madrid: Ediciones Atlas, 1977), 15, 30.

Vocabulario en lengua michuacana (Mexico: Juan Pablos Bressano, 1559).

Same work?:Diccionario de la lengua tarasca o de Michoac�n (Mexico, 1559); Diccionario de la lengua tarasca o de Michoac�n, ed. Antonio Pe�afiel (Mexico: Tip. de la Officina Imp. de Estampillas, 1901).

Grammatica Maturini. Tractatus omnium fere quae grammatices studiosis tradi solent (Mexico: Antonio Espinosa, 1559).


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 356; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 532; Ellen Shaffer, Fray Maturino Gilberti & His Books (Dawson's Book Shop, 1963); Manuel de Castro y Castro, �Lenguas indigenas americanas transmitidas por los Franciscanos del siglo XVI�, in: Actas del II Congreso Internacional sobre los Franciscanos en el Nuevo Mundo (siglo XVI) (Madrid: DEIMOS, 1988), 514-517; Jos� Sanchez Herrero, �Alfabetizaci�n y catequesis franciscana en America durante el siglo XVI�, in: Actas del II Congreso Internacional sobre los Franciscanos en el Nuevo Mundo (siglo XVI) (Madrid: DEIMOS, 1988), 619-621; Rom�n Zulaica G�rate, Los franciscanos y la imprenta en M�xico en el siglo XVI (UNAM, 1991), 143ff.





Maturinus Lebret (Maturinus Le Bret/Maturin Le Bret, fl. early 16th cent.)

OFM. French Franciscan Scotist theologian. Lector and member of the Touraine province. He made his profession in the Laval friary. Quickly following his theology degree studies he became regent master (Angers) and taught in various study houses. Also active as a preacher (for instance during Lent 1523 at laval, where his preaching was commented upon by the local notary, poet and chroniclerd Guillaume Le Doyen in Les Annales et Croniques du Pays, ed. Louis-Julien Morin de la Beaulu�re (Laval: Godbert, 1859): 'Le prescheur nous fict tr�s bon temp; Mais de nous ne fust trop contens, Faulte seulement de le croire, Fr�re Mineur de bon m�moire. Mathurin Le Bret est nomm�, Bon prescheur, lectr� bien fam�. Son thesme estoit Jherusalem, Jherusalem convertere, etc.)


Lectura in quartum librum Sententiarum Scoti (Angers: Richard Picquot, 1528).

Mathurini Lebret, ordinis minorum, Lectura in primum et secundum librum Sententiarum Scoti, dicta parvus Scotus Lavallensis (Alcal� de Henares, 1527/Angers: Glem. Alexandre [Richard Picquot?], 1528).


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 355; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 532; Biograf�a eclesi�stica completa: Vida de los personajes del Antiguo y Nuevo Testamento, de todos los santos que venera la Iglesia, papas y eclesi�sticos c�lebres por su virtudes y talentos en �rden alfab�tico (Madrid: Alejandro Gomez Fuentenebro, 1862) XIII, 522-523; Jean-Barth�lemy Haur�au, Histoire litt�raire du Maine (Le Mans-Paris: Adolphe Lanier-Colomb de Batines, 1844) II, 383; DThC IX, 100; DHGE XXXX, 1387.





Maturinus Quadratus (Maturin Quadrat, fl. second half 16th cent.)

OFM. French friar. Parisian doctor of theology. Preacher, known for a series of sermon collections on old testament prophets.


In Malachiam nouissimum Veteris Testamenti prophetam, F. Mathurini Quadrati Ebroici, sodalitij Franciscani, doctoris Parisiensis homiliae, Quae multum eos iuvare poterunt, qui tempore Adventus Domini in dies sunt concionaturi (Paris: Sebastianus Nivellius, 1575). Accessible via the library of the Universidad Complutense in Madrid, via the Biblioteca Nazionale Vittorio Emanuele in Rome, via and via Google Books.

In Ioelem Prophetam Homeliae, Fratris Mathurini Quadrati Ebroici (...) (Paris: Michael Sonnius, 1582). Accessible via the Mediath�que of Lyon, via the library of the Universidad Complutense in Madrid, via Google Books, and via the digital collections of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek.

Amos propheta viginti et novem homilijs explicatus, opera & studio F. Mathurini Quadrati, Parisiensis Theologi, Franciscani Ebroici (Paris: Michael Sonnius, 1587). Accessible via the Biblioth�que Nationale de France, the Biblioteca Nazionale Vittorio Emanuele in Rome, and via Google Books.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 356; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 532-533.





Maurelius Bacilerius (Maurelio Bacilieri, d. 1644)

OFMConv. Italian friar from the Ferrara region. Magister of theology, lector of philosophy in Verona in 1633 and renowned preacher. Known for a Lenten cycle held in Ferrare shortly before his death on 5 May 1644 at the age of 38.


Orazione funebre in lode del P. Valentino Mandoli Vicario Generale dell'ordine dei carmelitani e lettore della teologia (Ferrara: Giuseppe Gironi, 1640).


Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 533; Evoluz�one del francescanesimo nelle tre venezie monasteri contrade localita abitanti di Padova medioevale, Archivio Sartori (Padua: Biblioteca antoniana, Basilica del Santo, 1998), 1305.





Mauritius Centinus (Maurizio Centini, 1592-1639)

OFMConv. Italian friar. Born in Ascoli. Joined the Franciscan Conventuals and was trained as a priest and as a philosopher and theologian. Lector of metaphysics in order studia and regent lector and professor of theology and metaphysics at Ferrara University (1618). Around that time he also was a consultant for the Inquisition. Pope Urban VIII appointed him bishop of Massa Lubrense (1626-1631), and he was consecrated in March 1626 by Felice Centini, bishop of Macerata e Tolentino. Urban VIII appointed him on 12 May 1631 bishop of Mileto, Calabria. He kept that position until his death on 14 November 1639 (with some suspicions of poisoning?).


In universam Aristotelis logicam: MS BAV, Barb. lat. 224 (a.d. 1628), item 1.

Disputationes in universam in Physicis traditam doctrinam: MS BAV, Barb. lat. 241 (XVII), f. 98-

Praelusio et interpretatio in II, VI, XII libros Metaphysicae: Lost? Mentioned by Sbaralea, and according to Lohr this work was once kept in the Franciscan convent library of Ferrara.

Mauritii Centini Asculani in Universitate Ferraviensi publici sacrae Theologiae Professoris in 2. Sententiarum praelusio atque interpretatio. Sbaralea stated that in his lifetime only the sections de angelis, and de actibus humanis et de virtutibus still survived in Ferrara.

Disputationes in 3. Sententiarum auctore Fr. Mauritio Centino. Sbaralea stated that due to lack of care only mutilated fragments still existed in his lifetime.

De laudibus Polesii Montis Asculani carmen (Bologna: Sebastiano Bonomi, 1618).

De Immortalitate Liber Check!

Eneade sacre. Sermons. See under Prediche dell'Auuento.

Mauritii Centini Patritii Asculani (...) Sacrorum Epigrammatum Liber (Messina: Giovanni Francesco Biano, 1634). Accessible via the Biblioteca Nazionale Vittorio Emanuele in Rome, and via Google Books (creative search, does not always show up).

Constitutiones et Decreta Edita ad Illustrissm. et Reverendissimo D.D.F. Mauritio Centino Patritio Asculano (...) In Prima Synoda Dioecesana habita in Cathedrali (Palermo: Erasmo da Simeone, 1634). Accessible via the Biblioteca Nazionale of Naples and via Google Books (creative search, does not always show up).

Disputationes scolasticae ad Mentem Scoti. This work included several volumes. See for instance: De Incarnatione Dominica Disputationes Theologicae ad Mentem Scoti (...) (Messina: Apud Viduam Io. Francisci Blanci, 1637/Messina: Apud Viduam Io. Francisci Blanci, 1638), and Disputationum Scolasticarum ad Scoti Mentem, Tomus Secundus. Complectens Tractationem de Sacramentis in genere, & in Specie de Baptismo Confirmatione, & Eucharistia (...) (Messina: Apud Viduam Io. Francisci Blanci, 1639), both of which are accessible via the digital collections of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek Munich, the Narodni Knihovna National Library in Prague, and via Google Books.

De Incarnatione Dominica. This is the first volume of his Disputationes scolasticae ad Mentem Scoti. See under that title.

Tractation de Sacramentis in genere, & in Specie. This is the second volume of his Disputationes scolasticae ad Mentem Scoti. See under that title.

Prediche dell'Auuento con l'Enneade Sacra di Monsig. Mauritio Centino (...) Vescovo di Mileto (...) (Messina: Giovanni Francesco Bianco, 1637). Accessible via the Biblioteca Nazionale Vittorio Emanuele in Rome, and via Google Books (creative search, does not always show up).


Wadding, Scriptores (ed. 1906), 172; Giovanni Franchini, Bibliosofia e memorie letterarie di scrittori Francescani conventuali Ch'hanno scritto dopo 'Anno 1585 (Modena: Eredi Soliani Stampatori, 1693), 453-454; Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 356; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 533 & (ed. 1921) II, 240; Vito Capialbi, Memorie per servire alla storia della santa chiesa miletese (Naples: Porcelli, 1831), 67-71 [with additional information]; DThCat II, 2136; Charles H. Lohr, 'Renaissance Latin Aristotle Commentaries: Authors C', Renaissance Quarterly 28:4 (Winter 1975), 689-741 (710).





Mauritius Gambarinus (Mauritius de Morra/Maurizio Gamborino da Savoia, d. 1613)

OFMCap. Italian friar. Member of the Genoa province. Professor of Sacred Scripture and of scholastic theology. Also renowned preacher, active as missionary in the Swiss Alps and Savoy. Issued with papal support a catechism for Converts from Protestantism. Alongside of this he also would have issued other works, including an abbreviated Sentences commentary 'secundum Bonaventuram', finished in the S. Barnabas friary in 1595 during the 18th century present in the Genoa Capuchin friary of the Immaculate Conception. This needs further checking.


Catechismus, seu doctrina christiana et catholica cum methodo se occupandi in exercitiis fidei quam tenet et profitetur Sancta Romana Ecclesia (Turin, 1601)

Commentaria in quatuor libros sententiarum seraphici doctoris S. Bonaventurae (...) compilata et explicata (Genoa: Conv. S. Barnabas, 1595). Unpublished lecture notes of a teaching stint in the Franciscan Capuchin house of Genoa?


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 356: Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 534; Sigismondo da Venezia, Biografia serafica degli uomini illustri che fiorirono nel francescano istituto, 519; Biograf�a eclesi�stica completa XIII (Madrid, 1862), 539.





Mauritius de Berona (Mauritius von Luzern, 1739-1810)

OFMCap. Swiss friar. Lector of philosophy and theology.


Theologia eclectica abbreviata seu selectiores positiones ex universa theologia (1776).

Praelectiones Philosophicae. Ad Usum Recentioris Physicae Candidatorum Ad S. Theologiam Aspirantium, 4 Vols. (Basel: Emanuel Thurneisen, 1780). Dealing with logic, physics and other standard elements in the arts and philosophy curriculum for Capuchin students. Several volumes accessible via the digital collections of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek Munich and via Google Books.


Catalogus Scriptorum Ordinis Minorum S. Francisci Capuccinorum, ab anno 1747 usque ad annum 1852, sive Appendix ad Bibliothecam Scriptorum Capuccinorum a P. Bernardo Bononiensi (...) (Rome: Gaetano A. Bertinelli, 1852), 32.





Mauritius de Lucca (Maurizio da Lucca, d. 1708)

OFMRef. Italian friar. Missionary and apostolic prefect of the missions in Tripoli between 1691 and 1698. Near the end of his life, he was appointed general procurator for the missions of the Riformati (1706). He died on 5 October 1708.


Missionary reports on missionary activities in North Africa. See the review of these documents in the study of Lenci (1990).

Instrutione per li missionari che vogliano introdursi nel Regno del Burn�, paese de negri, dove sono molti christiani poco o niente instrutti nella fede di Xsto e quasi col solo nome di christiani (1700): MS Rome, Archivio Storico della S. Congregazione di Propaganda Fide, SC, Barbaria, I, ff. 75r-76v.


R. Gray, 'Christian Traces and a Franciscan Mission in the Central Sudan 1700-1711', Journal of African History 3 (1976), 383-394; Marco Lenci, 'Padre Maurizio da Lucca, missionario francescano ofm, Prefetto apostolico a Tripoli dal 1691 al 1698', Archivio Storico Italiano 148:3 (545) (July-Sept. 1990), 613-646.





Mauritius de Pinarola (Mauritius Pinaroliensis/Maurizio da Pinerolo, fl. early 17th cent.)

OFMCap. Italian Capuchin friar, active in the Piedmont region. Guardian of the Pinerolo friary in 1636.


To be continued...


Rocco da Cesinale, Storia delle missioni dei cappuccini I (Paris: Lethielleux, 1867), 244; Pietro Caffaro, Notizie e documenti della Chiesa Pinerolese V (Pinerolo: Chiantore-Mascarelli, 1900), 125.





Mauritius de Portu Fildeo (Mauritius de Portu Fildaeus/Mauritius Hibernicus/Maurice O'Fihely/Muiris � Fithcheallaigh, ca 1460-1513)

OFMConv. Irish friar. Studied at Padua (Scotist theologian). Regent lector of the Franciscan studium generale of Milan in 1488, and regent in Padua in 1491; Appointed bishop of Tuam (Ireland) in 1513, the year of his death. Active as editor and commentator of the works of Scotus. See also:


(as editor and commentator) Theoremata de mente Scoti; Quaestiones in Porphirium, & Logicam; Correctiones 4. Librum Scripti Oxoniensis; Reportata Scoti recognota; Epitomata in formalitates; Vitam Scoti; Notas, postillas in Scoti doctrinam; Compendium veritatum; Annotationes in Metaphysicam.

(as editor and commentator) Quaestiones subtilissime Scoti in metaphysicam Aristotelis, eiusdem de primo rerum principtio tractatus, atque theoremata (1497). Accessible via the digital collections of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek Munich, and via Google Books.

(as editor and commentator) Formalitates de mente Doctoris Subtilis Scoti, nec non Stephani Burlifer cum novis additionibus et concordantiis magistri Mauritii Hibernici in margine (...)/Magistri Antonij Trombete In tractatum formalitatum Scoti sententia. Formalitates Antonii Syreti de mente eiusdem Scoti, nec non Staphani Burlifer cum novis additionibus et concordantiis magistri Mauritii Hibernici un margine decorata (Luere, 1501/1502/Balthasar Murrer, 1508). The 1501 and 1502 editions are accessible via the digital collections of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek Munich, and via Google Books.

(as editor) Expositio Anthonii Andreae in Metaphysicam Aristotelis (Venice: Locatelli, 1501).

(as editor and commentator) Veritates seu conclusiones vel theoremata de mente (...) J. Duns Scoti lucubrationibus (...) hic Deo optimo influente continentur (L. de Soardis, 1514).

Enchiridion fidei lucubrationibus preclarissimi doctoris magistri Mauritii de portu hybernici ordinis minorum archiepiscopi Tuamensis digitissimi (1509//1517/Venice: per Octavianum Scotum, 1541). Several editions accessible via the digital collections of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek Munich, and via Google Books. See on the editions mentioned also the remarks of Sbaralea,

(as editor and commentator) Lectura accuratissima in quaestiones Doctris Subtilis super Isagogis Porphyrii. Modus quoque significandi seu grammatices speculative eiusdem subtilis Scoti, ut fama est. Tractatus perutilissimus (Pintius, 1504/1512/Venice, 1519/1592). Several editions are accessible via the digital collections of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek Munich, and via Google Books.

(as editor and commentator) Libri 4. Sententiarum scripti Oxoniensis Scoti (Venice: Simone de Luere, 1506).

(as editor and commentator) Insigne formalitatum. Opus de mente Doctoris Subtilis, adiunctisque resolutissimis Celeberrimi Tuanensis Archiepiscopi Mauritii, necnon excellentissimi doctoris Antonii de Fantis Tarvisini annotationibus, nuperissime summa cum ipsius diligentia ab innumeris erroribus absolutum (1517). Accessible via the digital collections of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek Munich, and via Google Books.

Dictionarium Sacrae Scripturae Mauritii Hybernici Ordinis Minorum Conventualium, Patavino Gymnasio primam Philosophicam olim publice profitentis (Venice: Typis Ioannis Antonii, & Iacobi de Franciscis, 1603). Accessible via the Biblioteca Angelica in Roma and via Google Books. In fact a false ascription, as this edition is based on the biblical dictionary made by the 13th-century Mauritius Hibernicus. See the entry on that author.

(as editor and commentator) Quinque Illustrium Auctorum Formalitatum Libelli. Nempe, Antonii Syrecti, cum annotationibus Mauritii; Stephani Burlipheri; Mauritii Hibernitatis; Antonii Trombetae, & Laurentii Brixiensis (Venice: Francesco dei Franceschi da Siena, 1588).

This entry needs a lot of work. Sbaralea provides information about other editions and configurations of Maurice's works on the logical, metaphysical and theological works of Scotus and late medieval Scotists. See also the studies of Brown (2007) and Stone (2009) mentioned below.


Giovanni Franchini, Bibliosofia e memorie letterarie di scrittori Francescani conventuali Ch'hanno scritto dopo 'Anno 1585 (Modena: Eredi Soliani Stampatori, 1693), 454; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 534-535; Stephen F. Brown, 'Maurice O'Fihely (Mauritius de Portu) (ca. 1455-1513)', in: Historical Dictionary of Medieval Philosophy and Theology, ed. Stephen F. Brown et al. (Lanham, 2007), 186-187; Martin William Francis Stone, 'Punch's Riposte: The Irish contribution to early modern Scotism from Maurice O'Fihely OFMConv. to Anthony Rourke OFM Obs.', in: The Irish Contribution to European Scholastic Thought, ed. James McEvoy & Michael W. Dunne (Dublin, 2009), 137-191;





Mauritius Gallus (first half 13th cent.)

OM. French friar since 1239. Lector in 1247 and 1248.


Distinctiones: Troyes, 1703; Paris, BN, Lat. 3270; Alcobaza? [check!]

Distinctiones (Venice: Bartolocci, 1603)


Zawart, 358





Mauritius Hibernicus (Mauritius senior Hibernicus/Mauritius de Provins, Belvacensis, Pruvinensis/ d. after 1275)

OM. French Franciscan preacher and exegete; well-regarded for his learning and eloquence. According to Salimbene, Mauritius came from Provins, were he was active as lector ca. 1248. Clashed with Joachimist friars. In 1275 he was made procurator for the natio anglicana at the U. of Paris. Famous for his Distinctiones Bibliae, which he produced ca. 1250 (probably in the context of his lectorship?) It is an alfabetically organized preaching manual with many key-words elucidated acccording to the fourfold meaning of Scripture.


Distinctiones Sacrae Scripturae: o.a. MSS Troyes 510 & 1703; Naples, Naz. V.H.119; VII.AA.31; Bayerische Staatsbibliothek MS Clm 14289;... (many other manuscripts. See the remarks of Sbaralea, and esp. Stegm�ller, Repertorium biblicum)

Ars Praedicandi [same work? Check]: Bibl, Status Monachii Lat. 19608 ff. 258r-269v

Dictionarium Sacrae Scripturae Mauritii Hybernici Ordinis Minorum Conventualium, Patavino Gymnasio primam Philosophicam olim publice profitentis (Venice: Typis Ioannis Antonii, & Iacobi de Franciscis, 1603). A partial edition ascribed to Mauritius de Portu/Maurice O�Fihely, but in fact based on the Distinctiones Sacrae Scripturae made by the 13th-century Mauritius Hibernicus.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 356-357; Hist. Lit. France, 21 (1847), 132-137; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed 1806), 533-534 & (ed. 1921) II, 240f; J.B, Schneyer, Repertorium der lateinischen Sermones des Mittelalters IV, 169; Stegm�ller, Repertorium biblicum medii aevi III, 5566-5567; J.B. Schneyer, Geschichte der katholischen Predigt (1969), 166, 181; Dieter Berg, `Mauritius Hibernicus�Lexikon des Mittelalters VI (1993), 413; A. Wilmart, `Note sur les plus anciens receuils de distinctiones bibliques�, in: M�morial Lagrange (Paris, 1940), 335-346; J.B. Schneyer, Geschichte der katholischen Predigt (1969), 166, 181; Louis-Jacques Bataillon, �Interm�diaires entre les trait�s de morale pratique et les sermons: les distinctiones bibliques alphab�tiques�, in: Les genres litt�raires dans les sources th�ologiques et philosophiques m�di�vales. Actes du colloque internationale de Louvain-la-Neuve, 25-27 mai 1981 (Louvain-la-Neuve, 1982), 213-226 (reprinted in: J.-L. Bataillon, La pr�dication au xiiie si�cle en France et Italie. Etudes et documents, Variorum Reprints (Ashgate, 1993) VI, 213-226; Nicole B�riou & David L. D�Avray, �The image of the ideal husband in thirteenth century France�, in: Modern Questions about Medieval Sermons: Essays on Marriage, Death, History and Sanctity, ed. Nicole B�riou & David L. D�Avray, Biblioteca di Medioevo Latino, 11 (Spoleto: Centro Italiano di Studi sull�Alto Medioevo, 1994),�31-69.





Mauritius Hibernicus (Mauritius de Portu/Maurice O�Fihely/Muiris � Fithcheallaigh, d. 1513), Doctor Flos Mundi

OMConv. Irish friar and theologian. Either from Baltimore (County of Cork) or from Clonfert in Galway. Studied at Oxford. Active in Baltimore (Cork) and in Padua (Professor of theology from 1492 onwards). Later appointed archbishop of Tuam (1506-13) by Pope Julius II. Editor of the works of Scotus.


Quaestiones subtilissimae Scoti in metaphysicam Aristotelis. Eiusdem de primo rerum principio tractatus. Atque Theoremata (Venice, 1497). This includes a version ofMauritius' Castigationes scotice metaphysices.

Expositio in Quaestiones Doctoris Subtilis super Porphyrium (Venice: Simone de Luere, 1500/Venice, 1512).

Concordantiae et castigationes in metaphysicalia Doctoris subtilis (Venice, 1501).

Lectura accuratissima Mauritij Hibernici in. q. doc. subtilis super ysagogis Porphyrij. Modorum quoque significandi seu grammatices speculatiue eiusdem subtilis Scoti. vt fama est. tractatus perutilissimus (Venice: Octavianus Scotus-Bonetus Locatellus, 1504).

Tractatis Stephani Brulefer de formalitatibus Scoti (Venice, 1505).

Compendium Veritatum quatuor librorum Sententiarum (Venice: Simon de Luere, 1505).

Epitomata de rerum contingentia & divina praedestinatione (Venice, 1505).

Enchyridion fidei lucubrationibus preclarissimi doctoris magistri Mauritij de portu hybernici ordinis minorum archiepiscopi Tuamensis dignissimi (...) (Venice: Bonetus Locatellus, 1509).

Questiones Scoti super Vniuersalia Porphy. necnon Aristotelis Predicamenta ac Peryarmenias. Item Super libros Elenchorum. Et Antonii Andree Super libros Sex principiorum. Item Questiones Ioannis Angelici super questiones vniuersales eiusdem Scoti (Venice: per Philippum Pincium Mantuanum, 1512).

Epitomata in Scoticas Formalitates (Venice, 1514/Venice, 1588).

Theoremata de mente Scoti (Venice: Lazaro Soardo, 1514).

Enucleatam Mauritij hybernici super scoticis vniuersalibus enodationem vtilissimum speculatiue grammatices tractatulum scoto (et merito) attributum; Ioannis anglici super eisdem vniuersalibus clarissimam dilucidatonem; Antonij sirecti et Trombete Formalitates; necnon Stephani burlifer in eiusdem Scoti formalitates epithomata; hoc in enchiridiolo prefato duce Benedicto facilius omnium vbique studium summa diligentia conclaudi (Pavia: Giacomo Pocatela da Borgofranco, 1520). Finally brought to the printing press by Benedict Benkovic?

Libri 4. Sententiarum Scoti Scripti Oxoniensis (Lyon: Jacobus Mit, 1520).

Scotus Scriptum (...) Oxoniense subtilissimi theologi Ioannis duns Scoti ord. minorum super(...) sententiarum: per (...) Mauritium de portu Hybernicum archiepiscopum Tuamensem iterum secundo parum ante eius obitum sue redditum integritati: nouisque insuper quibusdam additionibus exornatum. Cui etiam quicquid per (...) Antonium de Fantis Taruisinum in prioribus impressionibus fuerat additum vel emendatum: appositum est. Tabula etiam eiusdem generalis miro quodam ordine & artificio constructa: qua vniuersam Doctoris Subtilis doctrinam: octo sectionibus comprehendit (...) (Venice: sumptibus heredum nobilis viri q. domini Octauiani scoti, 1521-1522).

Sermones (Paris, 1578) [also other editions, see Zawart, 309]

To be continued. Maurice was involved in the publication of several other works by Franciscan theologians, including Francis of Meyronnes. This needs to be sorted out in more detail.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 357-358; Joseph MacMahon, 'Irish Franciscan Scotists of the Seventeenth Century', Canterbury Studies in Franciscan History 2 (2009), 85-112; Ruairi hAodha, 'Maurice O'Fihely: Printer, Publisher and Archbishop of Tuam', Journal of the Old Tuam Society 7 (Tuam: 2010), >>

For more information, see also:





Mauritius Hylaretus (Maurice Hylarete d'Angoul�me, fl. second half 16th cent.)

OFM. French friar from Angoul�me. Doctor of theology at Paris. Preacher at Orleans and very active against Protestants. Also provincial of the Touraine province. He would have died on 1 January 1592.


Remonstrance catholique, sur la trop familiere & privee communication & frequentation avec les Heretiques interdite aux Catholiques addressee � un amy surnomm� Hert, par un theologien (Paris, 1587).

Deux traictez ou opuscules l'un en forme de remonstrance, De non conveniendo cum haereticis, l'autre par forme de conseil & advis, De non ineundo cum muliere haeretica � viro catholico conjugio. Ausquels est monstr� par la parolle de Dieu & probations catholiques, que la frequentation avec les heretiques, & le mariage avec une huguenotte, est interdit & defendu aux catholiques, & des inconvenients qui s'en ensuyvent. Dedi�s � Monsieur, Monsieur d'Entragues, gouverneur d'Orleans, par F. M. Hylaret, Engoulmoisin (...) (Orleans: Olivier Boynard, 1587). Accessible via the collections of the Biblioth�que Nationale de France [ ]

Sacrae Enneades adventuales, numero quatuor, Homilias sex et triginta in universu complectens (...) (Paris: Robert & Robert Nivelles, 1587-1589/Lyon: Haeredes Guglielmi Rovillii, 1591/Lyon: Haeredes Guglielmi Rovillii, 1595). Accessible via the Mediath�que of Lyon (check Numelyo), the digital collections of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, the library of the Universidad Complutense in Madrid, and via Google Books.

Sacrae Decades Quinquepartitae. Conciones quadragesimales atque paschales, numero quinquaginta, varia & rara (...) (Paris: Sebastien Nivel, 1587/Lyon: Haeredes Guglielmi Rovillii, 1591). Accessible via the Mediath�que of Lyon (check Numelyo), the Biblioteca Alessandrina in Rome, the Narodni Knihovna National Library in Prague, Google Books and via the digital collections of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek.

In Quinquaginta Duarum Dominicarum Totous Anni Evangelia, Quae iuxta sanctae Rom. Ecclesiae usum, leguntur, Homiliae (...), 2 Vols. (Paris: Claude Chappelet, 1604). Posthumous edition of Sunday sermons. Accessible via the digital collections of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, the Narodni Knihovna National Library in Prague, the Mediath�que of Lyon, and via Google Books.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 357; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 534; Megan C. Armstrong, The Politics of Piety: Franciscan Preachers During the Wars of Religion, 1560-1600 (Rochester, NY: University of Rochester Press, 2004), ad indicem.





Mauritius Kielkowski (Maurycy Kielkowski, fl. c. 1720)

OFMConv. Polish friar. Poet and religious author.


Umbra poetica die festivae introductionis, sacrae Antonianae reliquiae, ortum, meridiem, occasum (...) demonstrans (...) emblematice et epigrammatice exposita, (...) Martino Kalowski (...) consecrata a (...) Mauritio Kielkowski (...) illuminata 1718 sub umbra diei 28 Maij (1718).

Hypomnema Franciscanum. Die festivae introductionis, rarissimi totius Europae Clenodij, primi in orbe Sarmatico Novalis, sacrae, Augustaeque reliquiae, D. Antonij de Padvu; ex Ecclesia Archipresbyterali Beatae Mariae, Virginis in Circulo Cracoviensi, ad Ecclesiam FF. Minorum S. Francisci Conventualium, publicae luci expositum Magnifico ac generoso Domino D. Antonio de Wronow Xieski, in debitae observantiae argumentum Consecratum. Applaudente V.P. Mauritio Kielkowski; ordinis ejusdem presbytero (...) (1718).


Stanislaw Cieslak, �Przypomnienie pisarza czasow saskich�, Lignum Vitae 7 (2006), 360-362.





Mauritius Philippi (Maurice Philippy, fl. second half 17th cent.)

OFMRec. Belgian friar. Member of the Flanders province. Theologian.


Directorium conscientiae circa difficiliores casus, summorum pontificum decretis, sanctorumque patrum auctoritatibus elucidatum (Brussels: sumptibus Francisci Foppens, 1674). There are apparently also older editions. The 1674 edition is accessible via Google Books and via the Dutch Royal Library in The Hague.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 357.





Mauritius Poehm (d. 1803)

OFMConv. Slovenian Franciscan composer, esp. of chamber music.


Darja Frelih, �The Franciscans on the Territory of the Present-Day Slovenia and the Remains of their Music Endeavours�, in: Plaude turba paupercula. Franziskanischer Geist in Musik, Literatur und Kunst. Konferenzbericht Bratislava, 4.-6. Oktober 2004, ed. Ladislav Kacic (Bratislava: Jana Stanislava SAV, 2005), 343-350.





Mauritius Sarralia (Morizio Sarralia di Mondovi, fl. early 17th cent.)

OFM. Italian Observant friar from Mondovi and active in the Piedmont region.


Compendium summae angelicae (Cuneo: Cristoforo Strabella, 1628).


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 358; Onorato Derossi, Scrittori piemontesi savoiardi nizzardi registrati nei catalogi del vescovo Francesco Agostino della Chiesa e del monaco Andrea Rossotto (Turin: Stamperia Reale, 1790), 208; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 535.





Mauritius Schrembgen (d. 1732)

OFMRec. German friar.


Theologiae mysticae naturalis summa utilissima (1717).

Chur-Pf�ltzische Religions-Erkl�rung oder kurtzer wohlmeinender Bericht und Unterredung vom Zustand und Unterschied der Religionen in der Chur-K�rstlichen Pfaltz (Heidelberg: Andreas H�rth, 1727). Accessible via the �sterreichische Nationalbibliothek Vienna and via Google Books.


DSpir XIV, 444-445.





Mauritius Schmid (Mauritius Schmidt, 1729-1801)

OFMRef. Austrian friar and member of the Sankt Leopold province. Theology lector.


SS. Theologiae tractatus duo de Actibus humanis et legibus, ex quibus praecipuas quaestiones publicae concertationi exposuit Oeniponti in conventu ad s. crucem P.F. Mauritius Schmid, (...) ss. theol. Lector, propugnantibus PP. FF. Paschasio Knoll et Florentino Erdt, eiusdem Instituti et disciplinae alumnis, anno MDCCLXIX, mense majo, die XVIII (Innsbruck: Wagner, 1769).

SS. Theologiae tractatus de Deo uno ac trino, ex quo praecpuas quaestiones publicae concertationi exposuit Oeniponti in conventu ad s. crucem P.F. Mauritius Schmid, (...) ss. theol. Lector, propugnantibus P.F. Constantio Gartner et Fr. Chrysanth Weinseisen, eiusdem Instituti et disciplinae alumnis, anno MDCCLXXI, mense aprili, die XXV (Innsbruck: Wagner, 1771).

P.F. Mauritii Schmid, Ord. Min. Reform., ss. theol. Lectoris, Dissertatio de divinae Traditionis dogmate per arcanam primorum saeculorum disciplinam firmato, cui accedunt positiones de Fontibus theologiae, quas propugnabunt P.F. Franciscus Reg. Gogl et P.F. Simon Kapferer, eiusdem Instituti et disciplinae, Oeniponte in conventu ad s. crucem anno M[CC]DLXXV, mense maio, die XVI (Innsbruck: Wagner, 1775).


Pascal M. Hollaus, 'Die Schriftsteller der Tiroler Franziskanerprovinz vom hl. Leopold gesammelt von P. Gerold Fu�enegger OFM (1901-1965), 162 [Accessible via and]





Mauritius Stadler (Moritz Stadler/Mauritius a Berona, 1739-1810)

OFMCap. Swiss friar from Berom�nster (born 22 February 1739 as the son of Johannes and Maria Anna Suter). After an education at the Jesuit college of Luzern, he joined the Capuchins in Altdorf in 1759. He studied philosophy and theology a the general studiu of Bologna, and subsequently was lector of philosophy and theology in several Capuchin study houses. Guardian in Dornach between 1780-81, and administrator of the Andermat Hospice between 1782 and 1786. Between 1788 and 1810, he was provincial archivist and chronicler for the Swiss Capuchin province. He died on 24 August 1810 in Luzern. He is known for a 4-volume scholastic handbook of philosophy, and for a biography of the Capuchin friar Apollinaris Morel, who was killed under the guillotine in 1792.


Praelectiones Philosophicae ad usum Recentioris Physicae Candidatorum Ad S. Theologiam Aspirantium, 4 Vols. (Basel: Emanuel Thurneisen, 1780). Present in the Zentralbibliohek Z�rich. Check

Kurzer Lebensbegriff des am 2.ten Herbstmonat 1792 f�r den wahren Glauben heldenm�tig gestorbenen P. Apollinaris des Seraphischen Capuziner Ordens der Schweizer Provinz (18 pp.): Luzern, Provinzarchiv Schweizer Kapuziner Sch. 2251.12.


Beda Mayer, 'Wie Gold in Feuer. Die erste Biographie des seligen Apollinaris Morel', Helvetia Franciscana 7 (1957-1958), 105-132; Dieter Breuer, Die Aufkl�rung in den deutschsprachigen katholischen L�ndern 1750-1800: kulturelle Ausgleichsprozesse im Spiegel von Bibliotheken in Luzern, Eichst�tt und Klosterneuburg (Sch�ningh, 2001), 144f, 173; 'Mauritius Stadler', Historisches Lexikon der Schweiz [ ]





Mauritius Toloniensis (Maurice de Toulon, fl. 17th cent.)

OFMCap. French friar from the San Louis province. Priest and plague worker, known for a series of plague treatises for treating plague victims. Some of these were later translated into Italian by Ambrosio da Genua, OFMCap and published in 1661. Yet a number of them also appeared in French in several editions. He died in Toulon in 1668.


Trattato politico da pratticarsi ne' tempi di Peste, circa gl'ordini communi, e particolari dell'infermarie, Purgationi, e Quarantene (...) dal Padre Mauritio da Tolone, capucino (...) (Genua: Pietro Giovanni Calenzani, 1661). Accessible via the Biblioth�que de Lyon and via Google Books.

Le Capucin charitable, enseignant la m�thode pour rem�dier aux grandes miseres que la Peste a co�tume de causer parmy les Peuples (Paris: Veuve Thierry, 1662)/Le Capucin charitable, enseignant la m�thode pour rem�dier aux grandes miseres que la Peste a co�tume de causer parmi les Peuples, & les Remedes propres � cette Maladie (...), Nouvelle Edition, revue et corrig�e (Lyon: Freres Bruyset, 1721). The 1621 and 1721 editions are accessible via the Biblioth�que de Lyon and via Google Books.

M�moire instructif sur ce qui doit �tre observ� dans les villes et dans chaque Famille en temps de Contagion, par l'experience arriv�e � Marseille & autres Villes de Provence (Lyon: Freres Bruyset, 1721). Accessible via the Biblioth�que de Lyon and via Google Books.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 358; Pierre Dubois, Un Homme de peste: le P�re Maurice Tassi, de Toulon, capucin, 1610-1666 (Toulon, 1970); Bert Roest, '�Acci� le anime dei fedeli non morissero disperate�: Capuchin Friars, the Plague and Plague treatises in the Early Modern Period', Franciscan Studies 78 (2020), 237-250.





Maurus de Grieskirchen (Maurus von Grieskirchen, fl. later 17th cent.)

OFMCap. German friar, active in the Tirol province. Preacher.


Schuldigiste Lob- und Ehren-Red, Dem Heiligen Ertz-Patriarchen Benedicto (...) (Augsburg: Utzschneider, 1683). See:

Horologium excitatorium omnibus Lethargo Peccato mortalis oppressis instructum. Oder Geistliche Weck-Uhr f�r alle in schweren S�nden entschlaffene Menschen: das ist Sonntaegliche Predigen, Die Entschlaffene aus gef�hrlichem Schlaff auffzuwecken, auch die noch Wachtsame munter zu erhalten, eingerichtet; Und wie ein Uhrwerck mit vilen R�dern, also mit au�erlesenen Spr�chen, so wohl aus H. Schrifft, als vralten V�ttern, nebens sinnreichen Au�legungen, unwidersprechlichen Vernunfft-Bewehrungen, auch kurtzen Gedichten und Spr�chen geziehret (Augsburg: Joh. Bapt. Mayr, 1690). Accessible via Google Books (search creatively)

Kl�gliches Trauer-Ger�st, Der Allerschmertzhafftisten, bi� in den Todt betr�btisten Mutter Gottes Mariae: Dero mitleydentes Hertz zur Zeit de� H. Passions, nach Weissagung Simeonis durch ein Schwerd (...) durchtrungen worden (Augsburg: Joh. Bapt. Mayr, 1697).


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 358-359.





Maurus de Valentia (Maurus Valentinus/Mauro de Valencia, fl. early 17th cent.)

OFMCap. Spanish friar from Valencia and brother of the Augustinian friar Buenaventura Fuster de Ribera. Mauro made his solemn profession as a Capuchin friar on 1 May 1611. He studied arts and theology and became a renowned preacher. Also guardian of the Murcia friary, provincial definitor, and active at the Spanish court (as consultant for the inquisition, royal preacher for Philip IV). He died on 24 January 1637.


Sermones varii de Sanctis, & praecipue de Sancta Teresia, & aliis quatuor Beatis, scilicet, Ignatio, Francisco Xavier, Philippo Neri, & Isidro Agricola (...) (Madrid, 1625).

Sermon predicado en la real capilla de sus magestades y altezas, en las honras de la se�ora do�a Margarita de Austria su madre, reyna de Espa�a, a tres de octubre a�o 1626 (...) (Madrid: Imprenta Real, 1626).

Sermon predicado con assistencia del reyno en el convento de las carmelitas descalzas desta corte. El ultima dia de la real octava que su magestad dedico a santa Teresa de Jesus, nueva patrona de Espa�a (Madrid: Imprenta Real, 1627).

Sermon predicado con assistencia del reyno en el convento de las carmelitas descalzas desta corte (Madrid: Imprenta Real, 1628).

Sermones quadragesimales (Madrid, 1637).


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 359; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 536; Vicente Jimeno, Escritores del reyno de Valencia: chronologicamente ordenados desde el a�o MCCXXXVIII de la Christiana Conquista de la misma Ciudad, hasta el de MDCCXLVII (...) I, 339; Iberian Books Volumes II & III/Libros Ib�ricos Vol�menes II y III, 2310.





Maurus Fajdiga (Mavro Fajdiga, fl. second half 18th cent.)

OFM. Bosnian friar. Chronicler.


Chronologico - historica descriptio Provinciae Bosnae dein Bosnae Croatiae nunc Provinciae S. Crucis Croatiae Carniolae Ordinis Minorum S. Francisci (1777). Check the 2018 study by Matej Hribersek.


Nikola Tavelic, prvi hrvatski svetac (1971), 190; Matej Hribersek, 'Rokopis franciskanske kronike Mavra Fajdige (1777)', in: Staresji mediji slovenske knjizevnosti. Rokopisi in tiski, ed. Urska Urednika Perenic & Aleksander Bjelcevic, Obdobja, 37 (Ljubljana: Znanstvena zalozba Filozofske fakultete, 2018).





Maurus Nolanus (Mauro da Nola, fl. early 16th cent.)

OFM. Italian Observant friar and member of the Naples province.


Oratione dominicale esposta per il R.P.F. Mauro da Nola franciscano osservante a comune beneficio di persone divote (Naples: Giacomo Domenico Roncagliolo, 1610). Accessible via the Biblioteca Alessandrina in Rome, and via Google Books.


Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 535.





Maurus Sanchez (Mauro S�nchez, 1587-1650)

OFM. Spanish friar from the Galicia province. Traveled to Guatemala in 1606 before he finished his studies and before he was ordained priest. In due course, he served his order as lector of arts and theology and as provincial definitor, to die on August 22, 1650. He was apparently well-versed in mathematics.


Tratado de Oraci�n, ?.

Declaraci�n del Pater Noster, ?

Discurso sobre las Causas de consumirse la Hacienda y Estado, ?


A Bio-Bibliography of Franciscan Authors in Colonial Central America, ed. Eleanor B. Adams (Washington D.C.: Academy of American Franciscan History, 1953), 73.





Maurus Sarracenus (Maurus Saracenus/Mauro Sarraceni da Fossombrone, d. 1588)

OFMConv. Italian friar. Probably born in 1540. Took the habit at the age of 13 in the Picena province. Regent lector of philosophy in Urbino, and later regent lector in Florence, Milan, Bologna, Padua, Naples. Near the end of his life, he also lecture at Vilnius. Preached in Conegliano in 1572, in Piacenza in 1573, and also elsewhere. His homiletic renown sufficiently great to receive the title of predicator apostolicus. General procurator for his order, as well as Vicar General (1580), Visitator of the Sicilian and French provinces (1583). He traveled onwards to Poland and Lithuania. He died in Vilnius (Lithuania) as a plague victim on 22 October 1588. More biographical info is provided by Franchini in particular.


Concilium Theologorum in primum, & secundum Sententiarum?

Expositio in primum Sententiarum, publice habita Neapoli?

Prediche Quaresimali?

Tractatus Physicus de iis quae sunt in aere, mineralibus, & mari, fluxu, & reflexu, salsedine (...)?

Expositio in Oseam Prophetam?

Expositiones supra viginti duos Psalmos?

Quaestiones in librum Job?

Moralitates in Psalterium Davidis

De modo interpretandi sacram Scripturam?

Quaestiones Scripturales in sex prima capita Genesis?

Lectura in primum sententiarum Scoti habita Vilnae pro nostris studentibus?

Compendium Physicum in tria Commentaria distinctum, in quorum primo agitur de causis rerum naturalium, in secundo de effectibus naturalibus generatim, in tertio de Corporibus naturalibus, & speciatim de Caelo, Elementis, Mixtis, (...) (Paris: Jacques du Puys, 1586). Accessible via the British Library, and via Google Books.

In octo libros de Physico auditu?

In 12 Librum Metaphysicorum?

Tractatus Philosophicus de Anima?

Philosophia moralis?

Compendium totius Theologiae?

De modo conciliandi opiniones diversas tam in Philosophia, quam in Theologia?

These and several other philosophical, exegetical, as well as some hierocratic works not mentioned here are ascribed to him in the catalogues of Wadding/Sbaralea and Franchini, but for most of them nothing is known about their whereabouts, and the majority of them were probably never printed. Yet his Compendium Physicum in tria Commentaria distinctum, also mentioned by Juan de San Antonio, is readily available.


Giovanni Franchini, Bibliosofia e memorie letterarie di scrittori Francescani conventuali Ch'hanno scritto dopo 'Anno 1585 (Modena: Eredi Soliani Stampatori, 1693), 455-497 [lengthy entry!]; Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 379; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 535-536; Augusto Vernarecci, Dizionario biografico degli nomini illustri di Fossombrone (Monacelli: Fossombrone, 1872), 30-31.





Maximianus Beniaminus (Maximilianus Beniamus/Maximiano Beniamino/Massimiliano Beniami da Crema, fl. second half 16th cent.)

OFMConv. Italian friar. Born in Cottogno. Received his first education at Crema, where he took the habit. Active as a theologian at the Council of Trent. Carlo Boromeo, then Cardinal Protector of the Conventuals, facilitated his election as provincial minister of the Bologna province. Active as inquisitor at Rovigo in and after 1563, and later at Padua (until 1586). Appointed bishop of Chioggia by Sixtus V. Aside from inquisitorial verdicts, notably against alleged cases of heresy, he apparently left behind a number of sermons. One of these, held at the Council of Trent, was printed more than once.


Orationes diversae?

Oratio fratris Maximiliani Beniami Cremensis Ordinis Conventualium S. Francisci in Secunda Dominica Adventus A. Domini MDLXI ad Illustrissimos, & Reuerendissimos Legatos, & caeteros Patres Sacri Oecumenici Tridentini Concilii (P. Ciatti, 1561/Rome: Antonius Bladus, 1562/Ripa: Pietro Antonio Alciati, 1562). The 1562 editions are accessible via the digital collections of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek Munich, and via Google Books.


Giovanni Franchini, Bibliosofia e memorie letterarie di scrittori Francescani conventuali Ch'hanno scritto dopo 'Anno 1585 (Modena: Eredi Soliani Stampatori, 1693), 431; Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 359; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 536; Acta graduum academicorum Gymnasii Patavini, ed. Eldo Martello Forin & Gaspare Zonta (Antenore, 2008) IV, iii, 932; [info on his inquisitorial works]





Maximianus de Bernezay (Maximien de Bernezay, fl. 17th cent.)

OFMRec. French friar and spiritual author.


Trait� de la vie int�rieure. Ou L'on Donne Une Conduite, pour bien faire l'Oraison Mentale, 2 Vols. (Vve de J. Boyer, 1685/Auroy, 1687/Avignon: Chambeau, 1783); Trait� de la vie int�rieure. Contenant les principaux moyens pour vivre de cette vie, 4th Ed. revue & augment�e, 2 Vols. (Avignon: Charles Giroud, 1838). Several of the later editions are accessible via Google Books.

Selections of his works have been included in La vie mystique chez les franciscains du dix-septi�me si�cle. Tome I, ed. Dominique Tronc, Collection Sources mystiques (Mers-sur-Indre: Paroisse et Famille-Centre Saint-Jean-de-la-Croix, 2014).


DSpir, >>





Maximilianus Badoud (d. 1767)

OFMCap. Swiss friar.


Dictionnaire Historique de la Suisse I, 674a; Dizionario Storico della Svizzera I, 722b.





Maximilianus Lenglez (Maximilianus Lengens/Maximilien Lenglez, 1590-1651)

OFMRec. Belgian friar, guardian, provincial and spiritual author. Born at Arquennes, near Nivelles (Nijvel), as the son of Jean Lenglez and Catherine Louffin. Entered the OFMRec in the Flanders province. Guardian of Farciennes in 1637, as well as provincial definitor in the same year. Guardian of the Luxembourg friary in 1647. Two years later, in 1649, he was made provincial minister, more or less around the same time that he was involved with the foundation of the Fontaine l'�v�que friary. he died on August 9, 1651, at Lugano, while coming back from the general chapter of Rome. Known for his L'Escole de la Vierge Marie en laquelle elle enseigne l'art de l'aymer, servir et imiter ses vertus (Mons, 1636; 2nd revised edition 1652). It provides in three sections (on the excellence and prerogatives of the Virgin (first alphabet); on the principal devotional exercises agreeable to her (second alphabet); on the virtues of the Virgin (third alphabet)) a kind of school of spiritual �enslavement� by love towards the Virgin.


L'Escole de la Vierge Marie en laquelle elle enseigne l'art de l'aymer, servir et imiter ses vertus (Mons: Fran�ois de Waude, 1636); L'escole De La Vierge Marie En Laquelle Elle Enseigne L'art De L'aymer Servir Et Imiter Ses Vertus, Seconde Edition, reveu�, & augment�e par l'Autheur de plusieurs nouvees, & rares histoires (Namur: PP. Recollets, 1652). The second edition is available via the mediath�que of Lyon (check Numelyo), and via Google Books.

Juan de San Antonio (and Sbaralea) mention another work of maternal councils of the Virgin, yet we have not yet been able to trace that work.


Juan de San Antonio, BUF III, 3 [Anonymus Flandriae]; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 536; Fran�ois D�sir� Doyen, Bibliographie namuroise (�) Tome premier. Ann�es 1473-1799 (Namur: Ad. Wesmael-Charlier, 1887), 139; A. Pinchart, in: Bulletin du bibliophile belge 7 (1850), 460; Servais Dirks, Histoire litt�raire et bibliographique des Fr�res Mineurs de l'Observance de St. Fran�ois en Belgique et dans les Pays-Bas (Antwerp, 1885), 204; F.-D. Doyen, in: Bibliographie namuroise I (Namur, 1887), 139, no. 187 & 215, no. 304; P. Bergmans, in: Biographie nationale XI (Brussels, 1890), 808-809; E. De Seyn, Dictionnaire des �crivains belges II, 1197; M. Verjans, �De liefdeslavernij van Maria en de leer van P. Maximilianus Lenglez�, Franciscana 5 (1950), 120-131; DSpir IX, 593-594.





Maximilianus Volaterranus (Massimianoda Volterra/Massimiliano da Volterra, fl. ca. 1400)

OM. Italian Conventual friar known for a manuscript entitled Lectura docta in scripturam Oxoniensem Ioannis Damasceni.


Lectura docta in scripturam Oxoniensem Ioannis Damasceni.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 360; Anton Filippo Giachi, Saggio di ricerche storiche sopra lo stato antico e moderno di Volterra (1887), 147.





Maximinus Aquensis (Maximin d'Aix, fl. second half 17th cent.)

OFMCap. French friar from the San Louis province. Theologian and preacher.


Reflexions sur les Veritez Evangeliques, contre les passages, que les tarducteurs de Mons ont corrompu dans le Nouveau Testament de Nostre Seigneur Iesus-Christ, traduit en Fran�ois, selon l'Edition Vulgate, avec les differences du Grec. Et, Les R�ponses, qui d�truisent la Defence de la Traduction du mesme Nouveau Testament imprim� � Mons, qui aneantit la pluspart des Articles de la Foy, & des Sacremens de l'Eglise (Trevoux: Jean Molin, 1681). Accessible via Google Books.


Juan de San Antonio, BUF II, 360.





Maximinus de Guechen (Maximinus a Guchen/Maximin de Guechen/Massimino da Guechen, fl. ca. 1640)

OFMCap. French friar from Lyon with geometrical and mathematical interests. He was involved with the production of the illustrated Chorographica descriptio Provinciarum et Conventuum Fratrum Minorum S. Francisci Capucinorum.


Chorographica descriptio Provinciarum et Conventuum Fratrum Minorum S. Francisci Capucinorum, praedicatorum, sacerdotum, clericorum et laicorum universorum eiusdem ordinis collectio, quorundam fratrum labore industria delineata, sculpta, impressa: iussu A.R.P. Joannis a Montecalerio Ministri Generalis communi utilitati (Rome-Turin, 1649/Turin, 1654). the 1654 edition is accessible via the Mediath�que of Lyon (check Numelyo) and Google Books. It amounts to a heavily illustrated panorama of Capuchin provinces.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 360.





Maximus Bertani (Massimo di Valenza/Massimo Bertani, fl. first half 18th cent.)

OFMCap. Italian friar. Born at Valenza. Joined the order in the Milan province. General archivist of the Capuchins at Rome (1708), and given the task to continue the Annals of P. Oligiati and to complement the first two volumes of Boverio with another volume. He also wrote hagiographical and catechetical works.


Ristretto della vita, miracoli e canonizzazione di S. Felice da Cantalice, cappuccino (Milan, 1712).

Lezionario catechistico, composto, e dato in luce dal padre fr. Massimo da Valenza, predicatore cappuccino, non solo per comodo di chi ha cura d'Anime, ma anche per utile di qualunque Fedele (Milan: Giuseppe Malatesta, 1714/Milan, 1717/Venice, 1720/Milan, 1739/Milan: Carlo Giuseppe Quinto, 1740/Venice, 1756/Venice: Caroboli e Pompeati, 1763 & 1769).

P. Olgiati, Annali dell�ordine dei frati minori cappuccini, Vol 3 (Milan, 1714). The third part of this volume is written by Massimo.

Vita di S. Massimo, vescovo di Pavia et protettore di Valenza (Milan, 1716). This work also includes the Compendiosa cronologia della citta di Valenza del Po (a.o. a history of the Capuchin convent of Valenza since its foundation in 1585).

The completion of Boverio�s annals apparently was never printed.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 360; Catalogus Scriptorum Ordinis Minorum S. Francisci Capuccinorum, ab anno 1747 usque ad annum 1852, sive Appendix ad Bibliothecam Scriptorum Capuccinorum a P. Bernardo Bononiensi (...) (Rome: Gaetano A. Bertinelli, 1852), 33; V. Bonari, I cappuccini della provincia Milanese, II, 1: Biografie dei piu distinti nei secoli XVI e XVII (Cremona, 1898), 447-449; A. Teetaert, �Bertani�, DHGE VIII, 919-920.





Maximus Ferrari (Massimo Ferrari da Montecchio, fl. 17th cent.)

OFMConv. Italian friar. Organist and chapel master in Terra di Noventa di Piave. Composer.


Salmi di Compieta concertati a tre voci con un nunc dimittis, a Quatro di Fra Massimo Ferrari da Montecchio di Lombardia, Minore Conuentuale, Organista, et Maestro di Cappella nella (Venice: Alessandro Vincenti, 1653).

Salmi di compieta, Corpus Musicum Franciscanum, 40/1 (Padua: Centro Studi Antoniani, 2018).

Letanie della Madonna, Corpus Musicum Franciscanum, 40/2 (Padua: Centro Studi Antoniani, 2018).


Miscellanea Francescana 22:3-6 (1921), 135.





Maximus Guisolan (Maxime Guisolan, 1735-1814)

OFMCap. Swiss friar & bishop.


Decreta Et Constitutiones Synodales Ecclesiae Et Episcopatus Lausannensis (Fribourg: H�ritiers Beate Ludovic Piller, 1812). Accessible via the Biblioth�que de l'Universit� de Lausanne and via Google books.

Monita ad confessarios (Fribourg: H�ritiers Beate Ludovic Piller, 1824).


�Guisolan, Maxime�, Historisches Lexikon der Schweiz V, 808f.





Maximus Panormitanus (Massimo da Palermo/Matteo Montoro, d. 1692)

OFM. Italian (Sicilian) friar. In secular life Matteo Montoro. He joined the order in the Mazzara friary, taking on the name Massimo. Theology lector and preacher (reaching the status of concionator generalis in the Palermo province), and member of several learned academies. he died in the Santa Maria degli Angeli friary of Palermo on December 6, 1692.


He would have left behind a number of religious poetic works in manuscript format, the whereabouts of which are not clear: Anagrammata, epigrammata et epithaphia, Rime italiane, Ottave siciliane.

Three series of Italian Lenten sermons that were apparently never printed.

Oratio panegirica in funere Illustrissimi Domini Julii Stella nobili aretini J.U.D. pro En. Princ. S.R.E. Cardinali Medices in civitate Valiterna gubernatoris (Velletri: Bilancio, 1658).

Carmona in laudem Orani Ximenii (Rome, 1658).?

L'aquila di Giove, orazione per l'esequie del Cattolico Monarca delle Spagne Filippo il Grande, recitata nella chiesa di S. Maria degli Angioli di Palermo de'Minori osservanti (Palermo: Bua, 1666).

Relazione della solenne festivit�, celebrata in Palermo a 18 agosto dell'anno 1669 nella chiesa di S. Maria degli Angioli dei Minor osservanti, per la canonizzazione del florioso S. Pietro Alcantara (Palermo: Pietro Isola, 1669).

La statua di Nabucco, orazione panegirica, recitata nella Casa professa de pp. della Compagnia di Gesu di Palermo per l'ottavario festivo per la canonizzazione di S. Francesco Borgia duca di Candia, e terzo generale della Compagnia (Palermo: Pietro Coppola, 1671).

La pittura, o la Grazia dipintrice, orazione panegirica per il beato Giovanni della Croce, primo carmelitano scalzo, recitata in Palermo nella chiesa dei pp. Carmelitani scalzi nell'ottavario festivo di detto beato (Palermo: Pietro Coppola, 1675).

Orazione per l'esequie della Eccma Signora donna Luisa Cabrera e Sandoval, moglie del Grande Almirante D. Giovanni Alfonso Cabrera Henriquez conte di Modena (...) recitata nella chiesa maggiore di Alcamo (Palermo: Pietro Coppola, s.a.).


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 360; Giuseppe Maria Mira, Bibliografia siciliana: ovvero, Gran dizionario bibliografico delle opere edite e inedite, antiche e moderne di autori Siciliani, o di argomento Siciliano, 2 Vols. (Palermo: G.B. Gaudiano, 1880-1881) II, 50-51.





Maximus Veronensis (Massimo da Verona, 1607-1679)

OFMCap. Italian friar. Member of the Venetian province. Painter. Studied under Marcantonio Bassetti.


For his paintings, see the works of D'Alano.


Lexicon Capuccinum (1951), 133; Redento D�Alano, P. Massimo da Verona �Frate pittore (1607-1679) (Padua, 1976); Redento D�Alano, P. Massimo da Verona, pittore valoroso (Padua: Edizioni Laurenziane, 1976).





Melchior de Sancta Maria (Melchor de Santa Mar�a, fl. early 17th cent.)

OFMDisc. Spanish friar from Toledo. Preacher in the Discalceate friary of Cuenca (San Jos� province).


Quaresma del descal�o, Fr. Melchior de Sancta Maria, hijo de la Provincia de S. Ioseph, y natural de la Ciudad de Toledo. Al muy esclarecido se�or don Claudio Pimentel (...) (Cuenca: Salvador de Viader, 1635). For instance accessible via the Biblioteca de Catalunya in Barcelona, the Biblioteca P�blica del Estado of Burgos, the Biblioteca Nacional in Madrid, the university library of Sevilla, and via Google Books. For a more complete listing of library holdings see the entry in Iberian Books []


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 362-363.





Melchior de Frizzolis de Parma (Melchior Frizolius, d. 1520)

OMConv & OFMConv. Italian friar. Was appointed subdeacon in 1456 by the bishop of Poggibonsi and deacon on 18 December of the same year. Studied at Bologna all the way to the magisterium. Regent master at Parma in 1470 (in the studium of S. Francis al Prato). Commissioner of the monastery of S. Clare at Piacenza and in 1489 commissioner of the convent of Genua. In that period close contacts with Lodovico Maria Sforza. Provincial minister of Bologna in 1506 for two years, when he resigned. Died in 1520 (Parma).


Tractus de Anima per modum dialogi/Dialogi de Anima [dedicated to Lodovico Maria Sforza]: a.o. MSS Florence, Naz. Magl. XXXIV.50; Reggio Emilia Bibl. Munic. Mss vari B. 113. The work received several editions. The oldest one is Melchiorre da Parma, Dialogi de anima, sive Microcosmus (Milan: Leonardo Pachel, 1499). The work, which deals with the soul connected with the body on Earth, the disembodied soul after death, and the embodied soul after resurrection, and also touches on predestination and punishment, was apparently issued as well in Venice (Bernardino de Viano, 1537) and Bologna (Vincenzo Bonardo di Parma, 1538). The 1499 edition is accessible via the Mediath�que of Lyon (check Numelyo) and via Google Books. See Juan de San Antonio, Sbaralea, Piana, Aff�, Pezzana. and Zarri.

In Psalmos? Cf. the remarks of Sbaralea, who states that this is one and the same work as Dialogi de Anima.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 361; Sbaralea, Suppl. II, 246; Aff�, Memorie, III, 175-177; Pezzana, Memorie, IV-2, 420-422; C. Piana, Ricerche su le universit� di Bologna e di Parma nel secolo XV, Spic. Bonav. I (Quaracchi, 1963), 327-8; G. Zarri,�Purgatorio �particolare� e ritorno dei morti tra Riforma e Controriforma: l�area italiana�, Quaderni Storici17 (1982), 466-497.





Medardus Compendiensis (Medard N.N. Capucin, fl. mid 17th cent.)

OFMCap. French friar from the Parisian province. Preacher.


Histoire de Notre-Dame-de-Paix. Image qui est en l'Eglise des PP. Capucins, rue Saint-Honor� (Paris: Denis Thierry, 1659/Paris, 1681).


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 360; Jacques Le Long & Fevret de Fontette, Biblioth�que historique de la France, contenant le catalogue des ouvrages, imprim�s & Manuscrits qui traitent de l'Histoire de ce Royayme, ou qui y ont rapport, Nouvelle Edition, 2 Vols. (Paris: impr. de J.-T. H�rissant, 1768) I, 266.





Melchiora Maria de Jesu (Melchora Mar�a de Jes�s, fl. early 18th cent)

OSC. Spanish Descalced Poor Clare, and abbess of the Colettine Descalzas Reales monastery in Madrid (1711-1718).


To be continued...


Serrano y Sanz, Apuntes para una biblioteca de escritores espa�olas (Madrid, 1903) I, 469; Karen Mar�a Vilacoba Ramos, El monasterio de las Descalzas Reales y sus confesores en la Edad Moderna (Vision Libros, 2014).





Melchior de Antwerpia (Melchior Antuerpiensis/Melchior de Anversa/Melchior d'Anvers, fl. early 17th cent.)

OFM. Belgian friar and member of the Roman province in Italy.


Officia Patriarcharum, Prophetarum, Martyrum & Confessorum, qui in Terrae Sanctae locis coluntur (Venice: Messerino, 1623).


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 361; Servais Dirks, Histoire litt�raire et bibliographique des Fr�res Mineurs de l'Observance de St. Fran�ois en Belgique et dans les Pays-Bas (Antwerp, 1885), 19, 394.





Melchior de Cetina (fl. c. 1610)

OFM. Spanish (Castilian) friar. Was guardian of Oca�a and of the San Diego convent in Alcal� in 1605. Also active as lector, preacher and definitor of the Castilian province.


Discursos sobre la vida y milagros del glorioso padre S. Diego, de la Orden del ser�fico padre S. Francisco (Madrid, 1609). Dedicated to Margaret of Austria, Queen of Spain.

Exortaci�n a la devoci�n de la Virgen Madre de Dios (...) (Alcal� de Henares: viuda Andrea Sanchez de Espoleta, 1618)/Exortaci�n a la devoci�n de la Virgen Madre de Dios, quo todos los Christianos deven tener (Alcal�, 1618). New edition, in: Misticos Franciscanos Espanoles Tomo III, Biblioteca Autores Cristianos (Madrid, 1949), 721-817.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 361; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 537.





Melchior de Flavin (Melchior Flavius, d. 1580)

OFM. French Observant friar. Born in Albi (noble family). Entered the Franciscan order in Toulouse (1532). Went repeatedly on pilgrimage to Jerusalem. Commissioner for the German provinces and Scotland (1545). Papal penitentiary of pope Pius V. Took part in the first sessions of the Council of Trent (1545-1546) and was active as court preacher of Henry II of France. Was guardian of the Toulouse convent, where he spent a large part of his adult life, and where, in 15672, he was for a while a captive of a heretical group. He had a great reputation as learned theologian, prophet, and thaumaturge. He was buried at the Sainte-Marie des Anges convent near Toulouse, near the body of Olivier Maillard. He is commemorated on 17 March. During his life, Melchior published a series of theological, devotional and spiritual works. Several works of Flavin from the 1560s show a staunch anti-Protestant position, calling upon the French king to interfere with violence.


Remonstrance de la vraye religion au roy tres-chrestien Charles IX (Paris, 1562).

De l�estat des ames apr�s le trespas, comment elles vivent estans du corps s�par�es, et des purgatoires qu�elles souffrent en ce monde et en l�autre apr�s icelle s�paration (Douai: Charles Boscar, 1606/Toulouse, 1563/Toulouse, 1570/Paris, 1579/Paris: Guillaume Chaudiere, 1581 [presented as the 2nd ed.]/Paris, 1595/Arras, 1605/ Rouen, 1605/Doornik (Douai), 1606)/Rouen, 1614). Several editions are accessible via the Mediath�que of Lyon and via Google Books. A work on Purgatory, dedicated to the president of the Parliament of Toulouse, M. Dassin. See also: Dithmar Blefken, Refrigerium ex fontibus Israelis desumptum, adversus Purgatorium, Melchioris Flavini, Monachi, in quo de statu animae, ejusque operationibus (...) docetur. Item de sepultura (Arnhem: J. Johannis, 1610).

Epitome omnium Christi mysteriorum et summa totius sacrae Scripturae(Paris, 1566).

Discours sur la vraie religion (Paris, 1566).

Liber de regno Dei de quo Christus loquutus est per dies quadraginta (�) Complectitur liber hic epitome omnium mysteriorum Christi et summam totius sacrae Scripturae (Paris, 1566/Louvain, 1568/Paris, 1579) [expounds the antagonism between the realm of Christ and the realm of Satan. Reaching back to De Civitate Dei and recalling some the Exercices Spirituels of Ignace of Loyola, Melchior emphasises the spiritual or internal character of the realm of Christ, and links it to the regnum sanctum ecclesia sancta; that is the spiritual realm of all properly baptised Christians, where the latter can find spiritual peace. The work is dedicated to King Charles IX, and evokes the destruction caused by Protestant heretics]

Catholica cantici graduum per demegorias enarratio (Paris: Aegidius Corbinus, 1568). Accessible via the Mediath�que of Lyon and via Google Books [On the basis of a psalm commentary, the work presents fifteen spiritual stages, ranging from abnegatio mundi (stage one), via hope, desire, confiding in God, several forms of gratitude and reconnaissance, timor Dei, patience, supplicatio poenitentialis and humilitas, to sollicitudo aedificandi domum Dei, charitas fraterna, and charitas Dei.]

De la pr�paration � la mort, en trois traitez (Paris: Guillaume Chaudiere, 1566/Toulouse, 1570/Paris, 1581/Rouen, 1605). The 1566 edition is accessible via the Mediath�que of Lyon and via Google Books [The work consists of three treatises: (1) Du despris de la mort, laquelle tout fid�le doit d�sirer; (2) Des assaux et tentations qui viennent � l�heure de la mort, et mani�re d�y r�sister: comment nous devons estre armez � ce dernier combat; (3) De la mani�re de bien user de la Passionde nostre Seigneur au trespas de la mort. Death is presented as a doorway to Christ, a doorway for which one should prepare throughout one�s life. The vision is rather positive, giving assurances concerning the eternal life and the resurrection of the body.]

Libri de Orbis Terrae Concordia (Basel, 1570) [denunciation of the Koran] Cf. the remarks of Sbaralea.

Resolutiones Quaestionum F. Joannis Duns Scoti (�) in IV Libros Sententiarum (Paris: Guillaume de la Noye, 1579 [ed. Jean Forsan OFM]/Venice: Sessa, 1580 [ed. Salvatore Bartolucci, OFMConv]/Venice: Ex typographia Ioannis Salis, 1617). The work was also included in: F. Ioan. Duns Scoti (...) Quaestiones quatuor voluminum scripti Oxoniensis super Sententias. A r.p. Saluatore Bartolucio Assisiate (...) fidelissime recognitae (...) nunc redditae ; nec non (...) aucte, locupletate, & exornatae. Superaddit� sunt Resolutiones doct. � r.p. Melchiore Flauio illustrat�. Cum Syllabo copiosissimo in libello scorsum edito, & Apologia contra scotomastigas (Venice: Apud h�redes Melchioris Sess�, 1580). Cf. also the remarks of Sbaralea.


Francisco Gonzaga, De Origine Seraphicae Religionis (Rome, 1587) II, 725; Arthur du Moustier, Martyrologium Franciscanum (Paris, 1653), 121-122; Wadding, Annales Minorum XXI, 242-243 (ad annum 1579, n. 153); Acta et decreta concilii Tridentini IV, 531, 563, 588 & V, 256; Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 361; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 537 & (ed. 1921) II, 245-246; AFH 7 (1914), 291; �douard d�Alen�on, �Flavin�, DThCath. VI (1920), 20; Willibrord de Paris, �Flavin�, DSpir V, 408-410; Dictionnaire Biographique de France XIII, 1511; D. Crouzet, Les guerriers de Dieu (Seyssel, 1990) I, 391, 416; Robert Sauzet, Mendiants et r�formes. Les r�guliers mendiants acteurs du changement religieux dans le royaume de France (1480-1560) (Tours: Publications e l�Universit� de Tours, 1994), 104-105.





Melchior de Huelamo (Melchior Huelamus/Melchor de Hu�lamo, d. 1621)

OFM. Spanish friar from Tarancon. Preacher in the Cartagena province. For some time also active in Mexico.


Espirituales discursos, y predicables de las ceremonias y mysterios de la missa del missal Romano, reformado segun el decreto del santo Concilio de Trento (...)/Discursos predicables de las ceremonias y misterios de la missa (...) (Cuenca: Juan Masselin, 1594/Cuenca: Christiano Bernabe, 1595/Barcelona: Sebastian Cormella, 1597/Cuenca: Miguel Serrano de Vargas, 1600/Cuenca: Ludovico Garcia Cano, 1604/Cuenca: Luys Garcia Cano, 1605). The 1595, 1600, and 1605 editions seem to be accessible via the British Library, the Montserrat Abbey Library, the Bibliotheca Nazionale Vittorio Emanuele in Rome, and Google Books.

Discursos predicables sobre la Salve Regina (...) (Cuenca: Cornelio Bodan, 1601). Accessible via Google Books.

Libro primero de la vida e miracola di San Ginesio de la Xara (...) (Murcia: en el Convento de Sant Francisco Agostino Martinez, 1607). Accessible via the University Libraries of Granada and Zaragoza, the Biblioteca Nacional of Madrid, and the British Library.

Discursos predicables de defuntos?

Discursos predicables sobre San Francisco?

Historia de las personas illustres y notables en santidad, de la santa Prouincia de Carthagena, de la orden de nuestro Seraphico Padre San Francisco, que hasta ahora no estan puestas en escriptura alguna desde el a�o de mil y quinientos, hasta el presente de seyscientos y diez y siete (Cuenca: Domingo de la Iglesia, 1617). For instance accessible via the university libraries of Sevilla and Barcelona, the Biblioteca Nacional of Madrid

Epitome resolutorio de todos lo contenido en los veinte discursos predicables sobre los misterios de la missa (...)Aora nuevamente buelto (...) (Mexico: Viuda de Francisco Rodr�guez Lupercio, 1689/Mexico & Cuenca: Dona Maria de Benavides viuda de Juan de Ribera, 1693).


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 123 & 362; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 538: Archivo Ibero-Americano15 (1955), 316-317; Jos� Sim�n D�az, Bibliograf�a de la literatura hisp�nica, 11 Vols. (Madrid, 1960-1976) XI, 648-650 nos. 5335-5346; Manuel de Castro, Bibliograf�a de las bibliografias franciscanas espa�olas e hispanoamericanas, Publicaciones de Archivo Ibero-Americano (Madrid: Ed. Cisneros, 1982), 128 (no. 421).





Melchior de Rioja (Melchior de Rioxa/Melchor de Rioja, fl. second half 16th cent.)

OFM. Spanish friar.


Guia espiritual para examinar la conscientia (Li�ge: Walther Morberius, 1579).


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 363; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 538; Alexander S. Wilkinson, Iberian Books/Libros ib�ricos (IB): Books Published in Spanish or Portuguese or on the Iberian Peninsula before 1601/Libros publicados en espa�ol o portugu�s o en la Pen�nsula Ib�rica antes de 1601 (Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2010), 622.





Melchior de Gratia (Melchor de Grac�a/Melchor Sotelo, fl. second half 16th cent.)

OFMDisc. Spanish discalced friar and member of the San Gabriel province. He died in Madrid and was buried in the church of the San Bernardino friary. For biographical details, see the entry in Franciscos Descalzos en Castilla La Vieja.


De mortificatione membrorum sacris vulneribus Salvatoris correspondente. Check!

Tractatus breves de oratione mentali. Check!


Juan de San Antonio, Franciscos Descalzos en Castilla La Vieja, Chronica De La Santa Provincia De San Pablo de la mas estrecha regular observancia (...) (Salamanca: Imprenta de la Santa Cruz, 1728), 224-225; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 537-538.





Melchior de Orihuela (Melchior de Oriolano/Melchor de Orihuela, fl. early 17th cent.)

OFMCap. Spanish friar from Orihuela and brother of Bishop Juan Garcia y Art�s. Member of the Valencia province, renowned preacher and guardian of the Albayda friary in 1614.


Sermones de Passione Domini & de Beatissima Virgine (Valencia, 1610).


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 363; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 538; Vicente Ximeno, Escritores Del Reyno De Valencia chronologicamente ordenados (...), Tomo I: Contiene los que florecieron desde la Christiana Conquista de la Ciudad hasta el a�o M.DC.L. (Valencia: Joseph Estevan Dolz, 1747), 267-268.





Melchior de Santa Agnete (fl. early 18th cent.)

OFMDisc. Spanish friar from the San Pablo province. Later missionary in the San Gregorio province of the Philippines. Known for a Spanish-Tagalog dictionary and related texts.


Spanish-Tagalog dictionary. Check!


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 360; John Mary Lenhart, Language Studies in the Franciscan Order: A Historical Sketch (J.F. Wagner, 1928), 72 & passim.





Melchior Lussy (1529-1606)

OFMCap. Swiss friar.


Fabian Hodel, �Lussy, Melchior (1529-1606), fundator conv. cap. De Stans�, Historisches Lexikon der Schweiz 8 (2009), 111.





Melchor Amigo (fl. early 18th cent.)

OFM. Spanish friar and member of the Cantabria province. Magister studentium and later Colegial in the Colegio de Propaganda Fide del Ser�fico Doct. S. Buenaventura de Sevilla.


Triunfos del mejor Cupido, mi gran Padre S. Francisco de Paula, celebrados en el Insigne Colegio de Propaganda Fide del Ser�fico Doct. S. Buenaventura de Sevilla, en la solemne fiesta, que consagr� al mismo Santo un cordial devoto suyo, Domingo segundo despu�s de la Pasua de la Resurecci�n del Se�or, a�o de 1712 (...) (Sevilla, 1712).

Quincuarto ser�fico festivo. Fiestas sagradas celebradas en el Real Convento de S. Francisco de Vitoria, a la canonizaci�n y beatification de cinco santos de la Ser�fica Familia (Vitoria: Riesgo, 1728).

Juan de San Antonio also mentions a work celebrating the canonization of Caterina of Bologna (issued by Antonio de Zafra, 1714), a work in Elisabeth of Hungary (issued in Victoria, 1726), etc., yet we have not yet been able to confirm those works.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 361; Francisco Aguilar Pi�al, Bibliograf�a de autores espa�oles del siglo XVIII I, 242.





Melchor de Jesu (Melchor de Jes�s, 1639-1698)

OFMRec. Spanish friar from Almonacid, Toledo. He joined the Recollects at Casta�ar and traveled to the Americas in 1683. A year later, he went with Antonio Margil to Guatemala. Together, they worked as missionaries among the indigenous population of Yucatan, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Costa Rica. Information on this can be found in the biographies devoted to Antonio Margil. Melchor died at Tegucigalpa.


Relaci�n de la Conversi�n a la Fe de los Indios de Talamanca (1690).

Carta sobre la Conversi�n a la Fe de los Indios de Talamanca al R.P. Guardi�n del Colegio Apost�lico de la Santa Cruz de Quer�taro (1690).

Relaci�n de la Pacificaci�n de los Indios de Vera Paz


A Bio-Bibliography of Franciscan Authors in Colonial Central America, ed. Eleanor B. Adams (Washington D.C.: Academy of American Franciscan History, 1953), 46.





Melchior de Angelis (Melchior ab Angelis/Melchior de los Angeles17th cent.)

OFM. Spanish friar.


R�lacion de la j�rnada a Parma de don Garc�a de Sylva, embajador del Rey de Espa�a en 1617: MS Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional 2348 [Castro, Madrid, n. 128].


Carlos Garc�a-Romeral P�rez, Bio-bibliograf�a de Viajeros Espa�oles (siglos XVI-XVII) (Madrid: Ollero & Ramos, 1998), 38 (no. 66).





Melchor de Yebra (Melchior de Jebra, d. 1586)

OFM. Spanish friar from the Castile province. Made his profession in the San Juan de losReyes friary in Toledo. Confessor of the Discalceate Poor Clares in the Madre de Dios monastery of Madrid, guardian of the Alcal� friary and provincial definitor. Based on his experiences with female and male communities living under a vow of silence, he developed a finger alphabet (apparently on the basis of hand shapes first discussed by Bonaventure of Bagnoregio), in the first instance to allow terminally ill to communicate, and to facilitate deaf people in making their confession. Apparently, the hand alphabet designed by Yebra, mediated by the publications of Juan Pablo Bonet (Reducci�n de las letras y Arte para ense�ar � hablar � los mudos (1620)), stood at the basis of modern hand alphabets for the deaf in the United States and France. He died on 1 April 1586.


Libro llamado Refugium Infirmorum: muy util y prouechoso para todo genero de gente, En el qual se contienen muchos avisos espirituales para socorro de los afligidos enfermos, y para ayudar � bien morir a los que estan en lo ultimo de su vida; con un Alfabeto de S. Buenaventura para hablar por la mano (Madrid: Luys Sanchez, 1593). For instance accessible via the library of the Universidad Complutense in Madrid, the Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale of Florence, and via Google Books.

Cantiloquio que trata de los oprobios y Penalidades que Christi de puro enamorado sufrio y de un labrador pastor que tanendo un Rabel por los solitarios montes cantava psalmos al se�or con que despertava su alma a llorar su pasion y tener della vivo sentimiento (...): MS Biblioteca de Su Majestad Sala II, estante J.5. [= Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional>>>, check the signature, here derived from Juan Catalina Garc�a, Biblioteca de escritores de la provincia de Guadalajara (...), 556-559.]


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 362; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 538; Juan Catalina Garc�a, Biblioteca de escritores de la provincia de Guadalajara y Bibliograf�a de las misma hasta el siglo XIX (Madrid: sucesores de Rivadeneyra, 1899), 557; Andr�s Ivars, �Tiene el P. Melchor de Yebra, franciscano, alg�n titulo parapoder figurar entre los precursores del arte de ense�ar a los sordomudos?�, Archivo Ibero-Americano 13 (1920), 384-396; Archivo Ibero-Americano 16 (1921), 381; Manuel de Castro, Bibliograf�a de las bibliografias franciscanas espa�olas e hispanoamericanas, Publicaciones de Archivo Ibero-Americano (Madrid: Ed. Cisneros, 1982), 192 (no. 880); John V. Van Cleve & Barry A. Crouch, A Place of Their Own: Creating the Deaf Community in America (Washington, D.C.: Gallaudet University Press, 1989), 11-13; Jos� de la Torre S�nchez, Primer alfabeto para sordomudos de Melchor de Yebra (J. de la Torre, 2003); Carol A. Padden & Darline Clark Gunsauls, 'How the Alphabet Came to Be Used in a Sign Language', Sign Language Studies 4:1 (Fall 2003), 10-33; J. de la Torre S�nchez, Primer alfabeto para sordomudos de Melchor de Yebra (Alcal� de Henares, 2003); A. Gasc�n Ricao, 'Biografia de Melchor S�nchez de Yebra', in: Biograf�as y Vidas. La enciclopedia biogr�fica en l�nea [ [last accessed 22 November 2022 ].





Melithon de Fontaine (fl. 17th cent.)

OFM. Belgian friar and doctor of theology.


Concordia plurium paradoxorum de B. Virgine et alia de ejus immaculata conceptione (Mons, 1645).


Pedro de Alva y Astorga, Militia Immaculatae Conceptionis Virginis Mariae, contra Malitiam originalis infectionis Peccati (Louvain: Typographia Immaculatae Conceptionis, 1663), 1046-1047; Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II (1732), 363; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 538; La France Franciscaine 1 (1912), 233.





Merardus Wolff (Medardus, 1687-1745)

OFM. German friar from Ingolstadt. Fulfilled several functions in the Cologne province (diffinitor, visitator), lector of philosophy/theology and guardian at several convents (a.o. in Fulda). Died in Miltenberg.


Tractatus in I-IV libros Sententiarum ad mentem Scoti (1714-1720): Ms. Kloster Sigmaringen-Gorheim ?.


Sch�fer (1970), 199-201.





Michael Agnolo (Michaele Agnolo, fl. early 17th cent.)

OFM. Italian friar and theologian.


He was involved with theologians from other orders in the publication of Tractatus de Interdicto S. Pauli V Papae: In quo demonstratur Ecclesiasticos multis de caussis ad executionem istius obligatos non esse, neque adeo sine peccato id observare posse (Venice: Robert Meiet, 1606). Accessible via Google Books.


To be continued.





Melchor Espinola (fl. early 18th cent.)

OFMDisc. Spanish friar who later moved to the San Evangelio province in Mexico, Preacher and consultant for the inquisition.


Serm�n de San Francisco (M�xico: Herederos de la Viuda de Rodr�guez Lupercio, 1715).


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 361.





Michael Angelus (Miguel Angelus Buongiorno de Sambuca, 17th cent.)

OFM. Spanish friar�


Propugnaculum Hororis Regum Catholicum: Madrid, Nac., 1333 ff. 125-127; 2666; 2670 [Castro, Madrid, no. 70, 157 & 158]


J.M. Pou y Marti, `Sobre la grandeza de Espa�a a favor de los generales franciscanos�, AIA 11 (1919), 5-20.





Michael Angelus a Neapoli (Michael Angelus Vaginari/Michelangelo di Napoli/Michelangelo Vaginari, d. 1668)

OFM. Italian friar from Naples. Member of the Terra Laboris province. Order secretary and later bishop of Giovinazzo (appointed in 1659 by Alexander VII).


Chronologia Historico-Legalis Seraphici Ordinis Fratrum Minorum Sancti Patris Francisci, Tomus Primus: Capitulorum Omnium et Congregationum Generalium a Primo eiusdem Ordinis Exordio usque ad Annum 1633 (Naples: Camillo Cavallo, 1650). Accessible via the digital collections of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek in Munich, the Mediath�que of Lyon (check Numelyo), and via Google Books.

Asia Menor: Estado presente que tiene en ella la religion de San Francisco (Madrid: Imprenta Real, 1654). Accessible via the library of the Universidad Complutense in Madrid [check also ], and via Google Books.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 366; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 539-540; AIA29 (1928), 154.





Michael Angelus de Rouen (Michael Angelus Rothomagensis/Michel Ange de Rouen, fl. 17th cent.

OFMCap. French friar and member of the Normandy province. Preacher and anti-heretical activist. Also provincial definitor and guaddian of the Sotteville friary.


L'Agathe Mystique, Ouvrage de Controverse. En Fran�ois (Rouen: Jean de Boulenger, 1659).

La V�rit� de la foi catholique (Rouen: Jean de Boulenger, 1659).


Louis Ellies Du Pin, Table universelle des auteurs eccl�siastiques, et de leurs ouvrages (...) III, 353; Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 366-367; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 539.





Michael Angelus de sancto Romulo (Michelangelo de San Romulo, fl. early 17th cent.)

OFM. Italian (Ligurian) Observant friar and member of the Genoa province. Language scholar.


Dictionarius vocum latinarum quibus exponuntur hebraicae, chaldaicae, syriacae et arabicae in Concordantiis hebraicis Marii de Calasio (1622).

He was apparently also involved with the second edition of Mario da Calasio's concordance.


Wadding, Scriptores (ed. 1806), 176: Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 366; Dictionnaire de la Bible II, 2385.





Michael Angelus de Schorno (Diethelm von Schorno, 1631-1712)

OFMCap. Swiss friar and preacher. Studied in Luzern, Brescia and Bergamo. Fulfilled several functions in the Cappucin province of Schwitzerland. Councellor of the nuntius Odoardo Cibo.


Tuba Verbi Dei Evangelica (�) Mariale (1711)

Waldischer Zweig-Garten (�) Sanctorale (1711)

Geistliche Wildfang (�) Dominicale (1712)


DictSpir, X, 1202f; LThK,VII�, 239; Helvetia Sacra, V/2, 590; L. Signer, Die Predigtanlage bei P. Michael-Angelus von Schorno, OFMCap. (1631-1712). Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des barockschrifttums, Bibliotheca Seraphico-Capuccina 1 (Assisi, 1933); R.Pichl, CF, 50 (1980), 85ff;>>.





Michael Angelus Ariminensis (Michelangelo da Rimini, d. 1625)

OFMCap. Italian friar from the Bologna province. Third provincial minister of this Capuchin order province, general commissarius, general definitor and order procurator at the papal Curia in Rome. He would have produced several works that never reached the printing press, such as Risoluzioni morali e regolari, and Tratato delle elezioni regolari. We have not yet been able to trace these works.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 363-364; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 539; Sigismondo da Venezia, Biografia serafica degli uomini illustri che fiorirono nel francescano istituto (...) 578.





Michael Angelus Bonadies (Michelangelo Bonadies di Sambuca/Antonio Giuseppe, 1603-1686)

OFMRef. Italian friar from Sambuca and member of the Sicilian Val di Mazara province, and co-responsible for the production of provincial costituzioni Sambucane. Consultant for the inquisition and provincial visitator in Sicily. Elected general minister at the Toledo general chapter of 1658. He kept this position until he was appointed bishop of Catania in 1665 and remained in this position until his death on 17 August 1686.


Constitutiones & Statuta Generalia Cismontanae Familiae Ord. S. Francisco de Observantia, ex Decretis Capituli Generalis Romani anno 1639 & Toletani anno 1658 compilatae (...) (Rome: Camera Apostolica, 1663).

Synodus Catanense una cum eius Decretis (Catania: Giuseppe Bisagni, 1668).

Devota esercizi ardenti per i giorni singoli della settimana (Catania: Diego Falsaperna, 1678).

Propugnaculum honoris regum catholicorum, 2 Vols. Never printed?

Two volumes (Latin and Italian) of praedicabilia?


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 364-365; Sigismondo da Venezia, Biografia serafica degli uomini illustri che fiorirono nel francescano istituto, 703; A. Longhitano 'Michelangelo Bonadies: cinque lettere romane', Archivio Storico per la Sicilia Orientale 83 (1987), 249-261; Agata Zuccaro, 'I monasteri femminili di clausura a Catania nel'600, nelle visite pastorali del vescovo Michelangelo Bonadies (1665-1686)', Archivio Storico per la Sicilia Orientale 91 (1995), 287-341; Roberto Costanzo, Araldica secolare a Catania, Seconda edizione riveduta e corretta (Tricase, LE: Youcanprint Self-Publishing, 2017), 116-117.





Michael Angelus Bosdari (Michelangelo Bosdari da Ragusa, 1653-1729)

OFMCap. Croatian (Dalmatian) friar. Born in a patrician merchant family (father Francesco Bosdari, mother Paola Glegievich). He studied at the Jesuit college of Ragusa, and there 'miraculously' escaped with his life when the building collapsed during an earth quake on 6 April 1667. The family was forced to move temporarily to Ancona, and lived for several months with the father's brother Diodono Bosdari, who was also an agent for the Propaganda Fide in the Balkans. Two years later, Michelangelo entered the Capuchins at Camerino (14 November 1669). Following his religious formation, he was allowed to study philosophy and theology, setting him on the path of becoming a lector and a preacher (notwithstanding some small speech impediment). He took his preaching task very seriously throughout his life, and in addition fulfilled the function of confessor and spiritual guide, maintaining contacts with the Capuchin mystics Veronica Giuliani, Florida Cevoli, Costante Castreca and Angela Benedetta Bongiovanni. He was appointed guardian, consultant for minister general Giampietro da Busto (1698-1700), of the general vicar Angelico da Wolfac (1700-1702), and of the general minister Agostino da Latisana (1702-1709). In 1703, he was in addition elected provincial minister of the Marches, a position he held for a year, when he had to renounce due to his other obligations. He was again elected provincial minister in 1709, in the same year that he became general definitor, In 1712, he was elected minister general. As minister general, he put the order officially under the protection of the Immaculate Virgin, and he embarked on a large, 4-year visitation journey through Italy, Spain, France, Belgia, Germany, Croatia, and Slovenia. During this visitation journey, he also fulfilled diplomatic missionas on behalf of the papal see and several secular territorial rulers. On the side, he worked at times on behalf of his family. At the end of his generalate he refused other functions and retired to the friary of Monte Santo (present-day Potenza Picena), where he died on 28 April 1729.


Correspondenza: letters connected with his order assignments and on family matters.

Sermoni quaresimali: Lost?

Panegirici sulla Vergine: Lost?

Breve metodo per fare con profitto gli esercizi spirituali di dieci giorni di ritiramento (Milano-Bologna, 1705). The work apparently also saw several translations.


Sigismondo da Venezia, Biografia serafica degli uomini illustri che fiorirono nel francescano istituto (...) (Venice: G.B. Merlo, 1846), 763; G. Santarelli, 'S. Veronica Giuliani e il generale dei cappuccini p. Michelangelo Bosdari', in: Testimonianze e messaggio di s. Veronica Giuliani. Atti del Congresso internazionale di studi su s. Veronica Giuliani, ed. L. Iriarte, 2 Vols. (Rome, 1983) I, 213-229; Ivica Petaniak, Michelangelo Bosdari da Ragusi, OFMCap., predicatore, diplomato, uomo di governo e guida spirituale (1653-1729), Diss. (Rome: Pontificia Universitas Gregoriana, 2002); Ivica Petanjak, �Michelangelo Bosdari da Ragusa OFMCap., predicatore, diplomato, uomo di governo e guida spirituale (1653-1729)�, Laurentianum 43 (2002), 509-519; D. Busolini, 'Michelangelo da Ragusa', Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani LXXIV (2010) [ ]





Michael Angelus Carmeli (Michelangelo Carmeli, 1704-1766)

OFM. Italian Observant friar from Citadella. Entered the order in the Venetian province. Became professor at Padua. Wrote both on Scripture and on classical antiquities, and translated Greek tragedies and comedies into Italian, sometimes using the pseudonym P. Lacermi.


P. Lacermi, academici patavini (M.A. Carmeli), in "Militem gloriosum" Plauti commentarius, et ejusdem fabulae interpretatio italicis versibus concinnata (Recurti, 1742). For Carmeli's rendering of Miles gloriosus of Plautus, see: M.A. Plauti Com�di� Cum Appositis Italico Carmine Interpretationbus, Ac Notis. [The Amphitruo by N. Fortiguerra. The Asinaria by F. Brunamonti. The Aulularia by L. Guazzesi. The Miles Gloriosus by M.A. Carmeli. The Curculio by A.J. Villa. The Rudens by D. Ferri, and the Rest by N.E. Angelio (1780).

Orestes d'Euripide (Padua: Giovanni Manfr�, 1743).

Medea d'Euripide (Padua: Giovanni Manfr�, 1745).

Euripidu tragodiai teleiai XIX. apospasmatia kai epistolai (Padua: Giovanni Manfr�, 1745/1749).

L�Ecuba d�Euripide (Padua: Giovanni Manfr�, 1747).

Hippolytus d'Euripide (Padua: Giovanni Manfr�, 1747).

Alceste d'Euripide (Padua: Giovanni Manfr�, 1747).

Pro Euripide et novo eius italico interprete, dissertatio P. Carmeli(Padua, 1750).

Le Trojane di Euripide, Tragedia, Le Baccanti d�Euripide, Tragedia (Padua,1751).

Storia di varii costumi sacri e profani dagli antiche fino a noi pervenuti, divisa in due tomi, a cui in fines�aggiungono due dissertazioni appartenenti alla venuta del Messia, 2 Vols. (Padua: Giovanni Manfr�, 1750/1761). On a range of old 'customs', including those surrounding death, birthdays, human sacrifice, white and black clothing, the embalming of bodies etc. Accessible via the Biblioteca Nazionale of Naples and via Google Books.

Il Pluto d�Aristofane, Comedia (Venice, s.a.).

L�Elena d�Euripide, Tragedia (Padua, 1752).

Spiegamento dell�Ecclesiaste sul testo ebreo, o sia la morale del umana vivere insegnata da Salomone (Venice, 1765).

Spiegamento della cantica sul testo ebreo (Venice, 1767).

Dissertazioni varie filologiche del molto Rev. Padre Michelangelo Carmeli Minore Osservante Dottore di Sacra Teologia e publico professore nella Universit� di Padova. Opera Postuma (Rome: Generoso Salomini, 1768). Accessible via the Biblioteca Comunale di Cremona and via Google Books. Contains a range of different treatises, such as the 'Dissertazione sopra l'uso di baciare i piedi al papa', 'Dissertazione sopra il nome Abate, e sopra il nome Papa', 'Dissertazione sopra due passi Greci difficili da intendersi', 'Dissertazione sopra un passo di S. Giangrisostomo', 'Dissertazione sopra un passo di S. Marco', 'Dissertazione sopra un passo di Teofilatto', 'Dissertazione sopra la voce Baptismum', 'Dissertazione sopra ci�, che narra S. Matteo al capo terzo, che il Batista mangiasse locuste'.


Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. Rome, 1936) III, 279; Sigismundo da Venezia, Biografia serafica (Venice, 1846), 697; G. Natali, Storia della letteratura italiana. Il settecento (Milan, 1929), 452, 488; Dictionnaire de la Bible II, 302-303; A. Van den Wyngaert, �Carmeli�, DHGE XI, 1104





Michael Angelus Cassina (Michelangelo Cassina, fl. early 17th cent.)

OFMCap. Italian (Milanese) friar, several times provincial definitor and renowned preacher.


Il martirio di San Carlo Borromeo cardinale et arciuescouo di Milano. Spiegato dal R.P.F. Michel'Angelo Cassina Milanese Capuccino nel Duomo di Milano, Nella festa d'esso Santo A d� 4. Novembre 1623 (Milan: Giovanni Battista Bidelli, 1623). Accessible via the Biblioteca Casanatense in Rome and via Google Books.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 365; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 539.





Michael Angelus Catalanus (Michelangelo Catalano/Catellani da San Mauro, d. 1672)

OFMConv. Italian friar. Lector and provincial of Puglia. He was elected minister general in 1647. Later appointed bishop of Isernia (1660-1672).


Discorsi panegirici del reuerendiss. p.m.f. Michel'Angelo Catalano da S. Mauro, 2 Vols. (Naples: Roberto Molli & Girolamo Fasulo, 1651-1671/Venice: Turrini, 1656). The first volume of the Naples edition and the 1656 Venice edition are for instance accessible the Biblioteca Nazionale Vittorio Emanuele in Rome, the Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale of Florence, the Narodni Knihovna National Library in Prague, and via Google Books.

Poesie Italiane (Rome: Ignazio Lazari, 1655).

Avvisi di composizione religiosa (Bologna: Giacomo Monti, 1647). Based in part on Bonaventure and Bernard de Bessa. This work is ascribed to him, but it has also been ascribed to the Conventual friar Fausto Garganell.

Fiume del Terrestre Paradiso diuiso in quattro capi, o trattato diffensivo circa l'antica forma d'habito de'Minori istituita da S. Francesco (Florence: Amador Massi, 1652). Printed under the name of Michelangelo's brother Niccol� Catalano. This work is for instance accessible via the Biblioteca Nazionale Vittorio Emanuele in Rome, the Biblioteca Comunle of Cremona, the British Library, and via Google Books.

Prediche diverse (Naples: Girolamo Fassulo, 1671). Is this ascription correct?

Sbaralea mentions additional works that we have not yet been able to trace.


Giovanni Franchini, Bibliosofia e memorie letterarie di scrittori Francescani conventuali Ch'hanno scritto dopo 'Anno 1585 (Modena: Eredi Soliani Stampatori, 1693), 497-498; Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 365; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 539; Dizionario di opere anonime e pseudonime di scrittori Italiani I, 104-105; Addizioni copiose di Lionardo Nicodemo alla Biblioteca Napoletana, del Dottor Niccolo Toppi III, 177.





Michael Angelus de Agrigento (Michelangelo d�Agrigento)

OFMCap. Italian friar. Instrument maker.


Clocks and other mechanical devices. See the study of Virginia Dalli Cardillo.


Virginia Dalli Cardillo, �Il cappuccino Michelangelo d�Agrigento e i suoi orologi�, in: Francescanesimo e cultura nella Provincia di Agrigento, ed. Ilenia Craparotta & Nicoletta Grisanti, Collana Franciscana, 20 (Officina di Studi Medievali, 2009), 63-68.





Michael Angelus de Alaxio (Michelangelo da Alassio, fl. 18th cent.)

OFMCap. Italian friar from the Genoa province.


Novene otto del S. Natale, recitate in Genova nell'Ospedale degli Incurabili. Never published?

Panegirici di S. Rosa da Lima e di S. Antonio da Padova (Genoa, s.a.).


Catalogus Scriptorum Ordinis Minorum S. Francisci Capuccinorum, ab anno 1747 usque ad annum 1852, sive Appendix ad Bibliothecam Scriptorum Capuccinorum a P. Bernardo Bononiensi (...) (Rome: Gaetano A. Bertinelli, 1852), 33; Franciscan Studies 7 (1928), 526.





Michael Angelus de Almenara (Miguel Angel Almenara, fl. early 17th cent.)

OFM. Spanish Observant friar from the Valencia province. Preacher and provincial definitor.


Pensamientos literales y morales, sobre los Euangelios de las Dominicas despues de Pentecostes (...) (Valencia: Juan Chrysostomo Garriz, 1619). Accessible via library of the Universidad Complutense in Madrid, the Mediath�que of Lyon (check Numelyo), and via Google Books.

Pensamientos literales y morales sobre los Evangelios de las Dominicas del Adviento, de la Epiphania, de entre las dos pasquas, y de las fiestas ocurrentes entre ellas (...), 2 Vols. (Valencia: Chrysostomo Garroz, 1623). Accessible via the library of the Universidad Complutense in Madrid, and via Google Books.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 363; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 538.





Michael Angelus de Bergon (Michel-Ange de Bergon, fl. early 17th cent.)

OFMCap. French friar from Lyon. Joined the order after an earlier career as translator. Preacher and translator of works by the Capuchin Alexis Segala de Salo.


Brevis Narratio luctuosi status provinciae Lugdunensis FF. Minorum Capucinorum, dum, anno Dominicae Incarnationis 1628, immanis pestilentia saeviit: MS Lyon, La biblioth�que de l'Acad�mie des sciences, belles-lettres et arts, 906. This manuscript localisation does not seem to be correct.

Traict� de l'estat pitoyable auquel se trouve la province des Capucins de Lyon, pendant le temps de la peste ein 1628 (...) r�dig� par l'ordinance du P. Jean-Marie de Noto, g�n�ral de l'ordre: MS Lyon, La biblioth�que de l'Acad�mie des sciences, belles-lettres et arts, 949. This would be a French reworking of the Latin text. This manuscript localisation does not seem to be correct.

Pratique singuli�re de la vertu pour conduire l'homme � la perfection (Lyon: Louis Muguet, 1615). Translation of a work by the Capuchin Alexis Segala de Salo?

Art admirable d'aimer et d'honorer la Sainte Vi�rge (Lyon, 1615). Translation of a work by the Capuchin Alexis Segala de Salo?

Le Chemin s�r du Paradis (Lyon [Paris?], 1620). Translation of a work by the Capuchin Alexis Segala de Salo?

Triomphe des Ames du Purgatoire (Lyon, 1620). Translation of a work by the Capuchin Alexis Segala de Salo. Isn't this work in actual fact translated into French by Louys Garon?

La Couronne Celeste ou M�ditations pour tous les jours (Lyon, 1620). Translation of a work by the Capuchin Alexis Segala de Salo.

He would also have produced a French translation of an Italian sermon collection on the feast days of the Virgin by the Capuchin friar Francesco da Coriolano, entitled Horloge spirituel.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 364; Louis Ellies Du Pin, Table universelle des auteurs eccl�siastiques II, 1871; J. B. Monfalcon, Bibliographie de la ville de Lyon (Lyon, 1851), 157-158.





Michael Angelus de Bogliasco (Michelangelo di Bogliasco/Michele Angelo di Bogliasco, fl. second half 17th cent.)

OFM. Italian friar from the Genoa province.


Compendio delle indulgenze, grazie spirituali, e privilegi perpetui di nuovo concessi da Paolo V e Gregorio XV alle Confraternit� del Cordone di S. Francesco (...) con una giunta per li Scrupoli (Livorno: Bonfigli, 1662).

Sposizione letterale, mistica, e allegorica de'Misteri della Messa (Genoa: Andrea Biserti, 1672).

Indulgenza Plenaria, e Giubileo perpetuo (..) la seconda volta data in luce, corretta, ed ampliata (1679). A retake of the Compendio delle indulgenze. This work was placed on the Index of Forbidden Books in 1680.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 364; Gli scrittori d'Italia cio� Notizie storiche, e critiche intorno alle vite, e agli scritti dei letterati Italiani del conte Giammaria Mazzuchelli Bresciano (Brescia: Giambattista Bossini, 1762) II, iii, 1429-1430.





Michael Angelus de Casalverio (Michelangelo da Casalviero/Bernardino Inverto, 1647-1734)

OFMCap. Italian friar. Member of the Naples province. He took his solemn vows in the Caserta friary on 2 October 1666. Preacher and provincial prefect for the missions. Near the end of his life he suffered from podagra and he died in the immacolata concezione friary in Naples in 1734 at the age of 1734.


Vita di Maria Vergine Madre di Dio. Poema: MS Capua, Biblioteca Comunale ?


Apolinaro da Valencia, Bibliotheca Fratrum Minorum Capuccinorum Provinciae Neapolitanae (Naples, 1886), 132.





Michael Angelus de Eugebio (Michelangelo da Gubbio, d. 1782)

OFMCap. Italian friar and member of the Umbria province. Preacher.


Metodo facile per ascoltare con frutto la S. Messa. Check!

Libri due sull'opera di San Dionisio Areopagita intorno alla Gerarchia celeste: MS Gubbio, Conv. dei Cappuccini (check!). Other works by this author also were once kept in the convent library of Gubbio.


Catalogus Scriptorum Ordinis Minorum S. Francisci Capuccinorum, ab anno 1747 usque ad annum 1852, sive Appendix ad Bibliothecam Scriptorum Capuccinorum a P. Bernardo Bononiensi (...) (Rome: Gaetano A. Bertinelli, 1852), 33.





Michael Angelus Gatini (Michelangelo di Gattini/Michelangelo Guattini, fl. second half 17th cent.)

OFMCap. Italian friar and missionary in Congo, known for a travel account.


Viaggio nel regno del Congo. Del padre Michael Angelo de Guattini da Reggio, Et del Padre Dionigi de Carli da Piacenza, Capuccini, Predicatori, & Missionarii Apostolici nel Regno del Congo (Bologna: Gioseffo Longhi, 1674/Venice: Iseppo Prodocimo, 1679). Accessible via the National Library of Naples and via Google Books. It was quickly translated into French: Michel Ange de Gattine & Denys de Carli de Plaisance, Relation curieuse et nouvelle d'un Voyage de Congo, Fait �s ann�es 1666 & 1667 (Lyon, 1680). Also accessible via Google Books. A modern translation appeared as: La mission au Kongo des p�res Michelangelo Guattini & Dionigi Carli, 1668, trans. Alix du Cheyron d'Abzac (Paris: Editions Chandeigne, 2006). A modern edition with introduction of the Italian text appeared as: Viaggio nel Regno del Congo, ed. Francesco Surdich, Fascino dell'Ignoto, (Sao Paulo, 1997).


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 366; Koen Bostoen & Inge Brinkman, The Kongo Kingdom. The Origins, Dynamics and Cosmopolitan Culture of an African Polity (Cambridge: CUP, 2018), 261.





Michael Angelus de Gueret (Michael Angelus Gueretensis/Michel Ange Gueren/Michel-Ange Gu�ret, fl. first half 17th cent.)

OFMCap. French friar from the Parisian province. Mystical friar, also known for his treatment of plague victims in Amiens and for his plague treatise Le bon malade.


Le Bon malade a la suite de J�sus-Christ, au C�nacle, au jardin des Olives, au Pr�toire, et au pied de la croix sur le mont de Calvaire (...) (Amiens: Hubault, 1639). For instance accessible via the Biblioth�que municipale of Amiens

Les trois �tapes de l'�me Chretienne (Paris: Nicolas Gobert, 1644).


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 366; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 539; L. Goudallier, 'La Peste � Amiens en 1636. Une gravure de Blasset, Le P�re Michel-Ange, capucin', Bulletins de la Soci�t� des antiquaires de Picardie (1901), 83-97; Jean Mauzaize, Le r�le et l'action des capucins de la province de Paris dans la France religieuse du XVII�me si�cle, 2 Vols. (Atelier Reproduction des th�ses, Universit� de Lille III, 1978) II, 1085-1086; Bert Roest, '�Acci� le anime dei fedeli non morissero disperate�: Capuchin Friars, the Plague and Plague treatises in the Early Modern Period', Franciscan Studies 78 (2020), 237-250.





Michael Angelus de Noci (Michelangelo de Noci, d. 1808)

OFMRef. Italian friar from the Bari province. After completing his religious and scholarly formation in his home province, he defended publicly a series of theological theses at San Francesco a Ripa in Rome, impressing the audience with his disputation and memory skills. Having commpleted a concorso in Tuscany, he embarked on a career as lector of philosophy and theology, both in order schools and in other institutions, such as the gymnasium of Marona, and the seminary of Conversano, and in this context he wrote a number of works (a complete cursus theologiae, works on anatomy, physiology, and law), yet none of these seem to have reached the printing press. He died of a stroke in 1808.


Sigismondo da Venezia, Biografia serafica degli uomini illustri che fiorirono nel francescano istituto (...) (Venice: G.B. Merlo, 1846), 857.





Michaelangelus de Partinico (Michelangelo da Partinico, d. 1789)

OFMCap. Italian friar. Preacher, guardian and provincial definitor.


Giovanni Spagnolo, �San Bernardo da Corleone [d. 1667] in un �Ragionamento� di Michelangelo da Partinico predicatore cappuccino [d. 1789]�, Italia Francescana 80 (2005), 481-494.





Michael Angelus de Rasenna (Michelangelo da Rasenna, d. ca. 1680?)

OFMCap. Italian friar from the Rome province. Provincial definitor, guardian in Rome and respected preacher.


Concio nella Sala del Senato della Serenissima Repubblica di Lucca, il 21 Febbraio, ovvero il secondo Sabbato di Quaresima (Lucca: Jacinto Faci, 1671).

D.O.M. Quaresimale del padre Michel'Angelo da Rasenna predicatore capuccino. Dato alla Stampa da un Benefattore della sua Religione doppo la di lui morte (Rome: Francesco de'Lazari, 1694). Accessible via the Biblioth�que Municipale of Lyon, the Biblioth�que Nationale in Paris, and via Google Books.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 366.





Michael Angelus de Reggio (Michelangelo da Reggio Emilia, fl. 18th cent.)

OFMCap. Italian Capuchin friar from the Lombardy province. Provincial minister and renowned preacher. Also preacher at the Duomo of Naples and at the Sacro Collegio in Rome during the pontificate of Benedict XIV.


I pregi del segreto: discorso sagro, morale, e politico (l'erede di Giulio de' Giuli, 1728).

Panegirico in onore di s. Anselmo vescovo di Lucca e protettore di Mantova detto nella Cattedrale di Mantova il d� festivo del santo dal m.r. padre Michel'Angiolo da Reggio (...) la quaresima dell'anno MDCCXXXIII (...) (Stamperia di s. Benedetto, per Alberto Pazzoni, 1733).

Orazione panegirica in lode del glorioso S. Gennaro protettore della fedelissima citta di Napoli, recitata nella seconda domenica di Quaresima dal padre Michelangelo da Reggio di Lombardia (...) (Naples: Francesco Ricciardo, 1739). Accessible via the Biblioteca Nazionale Vitt. Emanuele III in Naples and via Google Books.

Discorsi sacri ed orazioni panegiriche (Giacomo Caroboli e Domenico Pompeati, 1766).


Sigismondo da Venezia, Biografia serafica degli uomini illustri che fiorirono nel francescano istituto (...) (Venice: G.B. Merlo, 1846), 783.





Michael Angelus de Valentia (Miguel Angel de Valencia, fl. second half 17th cent.)

OFMCap. Spanish friar and member of the Valencia province. Lector of theology and giardian of the Sangre de Cristo friary.


Oratio de Fonte recuperata a Deiparae semper Virgine, de spe dicta (Valencia: Vicente Cabrera, 1689). We have not yet been able to trace that work.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 367;





Michael Angelus de Venetia (Michael Angelus Venetus/Michel'Angelo da Venezia/Michelangelo da Venezia, fl. late 16th-early 17th cent.)

OFMCap. Italian friar from the Venetian province. Provincial minister and renowned preacher (in the Venetian region, o.a. in Montagnana, 1602), devoted to the Virgin Mary. He would have died in Venice in 1612.


Meditationi della passione d. N. S. Giesu Christo, accommodate per l'oratione delle Quaranta hore. Con dodeci Essercitii dell'Anima intorno alle cinque Piaghe, & Passione del nostro Salvatore (Venice: Francescp Bolzetta, 1605). Accessible via Google Books.

Viertzig innbr�nstig unnd and�chtige Betrachtungen von dem bittern Leyden vnnd Sterben vnsers Herren Jesu Christi (1607).

Brevi essercitii dell'anima sopra la passione et cinque piaghe del Sig. N. Giesu Christo (Verona: Angelo Tamo, 1608). Accessible via Google Books.

Fascetto di Mirra, E di vari Fiori, Il quale contiene molti esercitii spirituali, Sopre le cinque Piaghe, e Passione del Sig. N. Giesu Christo, & altri diversi, per ogni sorte di persone (...) (Venice: Marco Guarisco, 1610/1613). Accessible via the digital collections of the Bayerische Staatsbiliothek in Munich, and via Google Books. A Latin version of this work might already have been issued earlier.

Fascicolo delle rose. Esercizii spirituali (Venice: Marco Varisco, 1610).

To our author is also ascribed a rule for confraternities and other devotional work for such groups (cf. Juan de San Antonio and Sbaralea), but we have not yet been able to trace those.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 367; Sigismondo da Venezia, Biografia serafica degli uomini illustri che fiorirono nel francescano istituto, 519-520; Storia dei cappuccini veneti III, 347, 606.





Michael Angelus Falusius (Michelangelo Falusi, fl. 17th cent.)

OFMConv. Italian friar from Rome. Organist, chapel master (also in the Ss. Apostoli friary in Rome) and composer.


In convertendo Domino, included in Salmi vespertini a quattro voci concertati e brevi con l'organo per tutte le feste dell'anno di diversi eccellentissimi autori, ed. Giovanni Battista Caifabri, Opera IV (Rome: Mascardi, 1683).

Responsoria hebdomadis sanctae Una cum Benedictus, Miserere, ac antiphonis quatuor vocibus cum organo. Opus primum (Rome: Mascardi, 1684). Dedicated to Lorenzo Brancati, guardian of the Ss. Apostoli friary in Rome. See also Michelangelo Falusi, OFMConv, Responsoria, Corpus Musicum Franciscanum, 39/1 (Padua: Centro Studi Antoniani, 2018).


R. Casimiri, 'Musicisti dell'Ordine francescano dei minori conventuali dei secc. XVI-XVIII', Note d'archivio per la storia musicale 16 (1939), 186-199, 238-250; Gianluigi Mattietti, 'Falusi, Michelangelo', in: Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani 44 (1994) [ (last accessed 6 November 2021)]





Michael Angelus Marullus (Michelangelo Marulli da Altamura, fl. 17th cent.)

OFMConv. Italian friar. Regent lector in Cesena, Genoa, and the Malta college. Also active as a Lenten preacher in Bologna, Genoa and elsewhere. He preached at the general chapter of 1665, and was elected provincial minister of the San Niccol� province on 18 April 1679.


I prodigi della Santit� in lode di S. Niccol� da Tolentino, Panegirico (Trani: Valerii, 1677).

Panegirico in lode del P. S. Francesco (Cesena, ?).

Orazione sacra in lode di S. Cristina (Palermo, ?).

Orazione in onore della coronazione del Duce di Genoa (Genoa, ?).


Giovanni Franchini, Bibliosofia e memorie letterarie di scrittori Francescani conventuali Ch'hanno scritto dopo 'Anno 1585 (Modena: Eredi Soliani Stampatori, 1693), 498-499; Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 366.





Michael Angelus Scotus de Varena (Michelangelo Scotto Varenna, fl. first half 17th cent.)

OFMRef. Italian friar. Member of the Milan province. Theology lector. To him are ascribed a 12 chapter long work described as Regula et vita populi Christiani, a never published De reductione ecclesiasticorum ad omnia in communi habenda, ut in primitiva Ecclesia, and a Liber de virtitubus et vitiis. We have not yet been able to trace those works.


Regula et vita populi Christiani ?

De reductione ecclesiasticorum ad omnia in communi habenda, ut in primitiva Ecclesia ?

Liber de virtitubus et vitiis ?


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 367; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 539; Studi Francescani (1922), 320-321.





Michael Angelus Tapin (Michel Ange Tapin, fl. first half 17th cent.)

OFMCap. French friar and theologian.


Rituel des c�r�monies sacr�es pour les capucins de la province de Lyon, avec de nombreuses instructions concernant la conduite des moeurs (Lyon: Louis Muguet, 1639).

Liber officiorum a sodalitate Poenitentium Sanctissimi Sacramenti solemniter decantandorum (...) (Lyon: Veuve Louis Muguet, 1639)?

Methode pour bien confesser ses peches, et communier d�votement et avec fruit (Lyon, 1648).

Juan de San Antonio mentions other works, but we have not yet been able to trace those.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 367; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 539; Revue d'histoire franciscaine 6 (1929), 34.





Michael Antonianus de Alcala (Miguel Antoniano d'Alcala, fl. second 17th cent.)

OFM. Spanish friar from the Castile province. Member of the San Diego friary. Preacher and visitator of third order communities.


Summarium Indulgentiarum concessarum alumnis trium Ordinum S.P.N. Francisci (Alcala: Typographia Universitatis, 1659).

Resumpta de la orden Tercera de Penitencia de N. P. S. Francisco, y el Tesoro grande de las Indulgencias, y Privilegios, que gozan sus Hijos, Segunda Impression (Alcala: Francisco Garcia Fernandez, 1676). Accessible via the digital collections of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek and via Google Books.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 367; Juli�n Mart�n Abad, La imprenta en Alcal� de Henares, 1601-1700 (1999), 933, 1140.





Michael Asensius (Michael Ascensius/Miguel Asensio , fl. early 17th cent.)

OFM. Spanish Observant friar from the Aragon province. Known for his augmented and updated edition of Francisco de Robles' Ratio Accentuum omnium fere dictionum difficilium.


Copia sive ratio accentuum omnium fere dictionum difficilium, tam linguae Latinae, quam Hebraicae, nonnularumque Graecarum. Sed praecipue earum quae in Bibliis, Breviario, & Martyrologio reperiuntur (Zaragoza: Pedro Cabarte, 1621/1628). Accessible via the British Library, the library of the Universidad Complutense in Madrid, and via Google Books.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 367-368.





Michael Avelanus (Michael Avellanus/Miguel Avell�n, fl. c. 1615)

OFM. Spanish friar and bishop. Member of the noble Huercalovera family (Murcia region). Took his profession in 1601 at the Zubia friary (house of the regular observance in the Carthagena province). Miguel studied theology and spent ca. fifteen years as a theology lector, before his appointment to the guardianship of Cordoba (ca. 1618). Subsequently, he was guardian of the Jaen friary. Around that time, he made the acquaintance of King Philip IV of Spain, who appointed him preacher at the royal court and secured for him a position as confessor of the Descalzas reales Poor Clares in Madrid, becoming also responsible for the spiritual wellfare of Mariana of Austria, daughter of the infant Fernando, son of King Philip III and archbishop of Toledo. In 1633, the archbishop made Miguel auxiliary bishop of Toledo (as titular bishop of Siria) and bishop of Madrid. Theological author with immaculist tendencies.


Decimas y glossas en alaban�a de la Inmaculada Concepcion (Malaga: Juan Ren�, 1615/Sevilla: Alfonso Rodriguez Gamarra, 1615).

Declamacion que hizo el reverendo padre fray Michael Avellan (Granada: s.n., 1616).

Declamacion que hizo el reverendo padre fray Michael Avellan en las fiestas de la inmaculada concepcion de nuestra se�ora, que se celebraron en san Francisco de Granada (Granada: Mart�n Fern�ndez Zambrano, 1617/Sevilla: Alonso Rodriguez Gamarra, 1617).

Oracion funebre predicada eb esta corte de Madrid a las exequias de D. Bernardo de Banavides y Sandoval, marqu�s de Villareal (Madrid: Imprenta Real, 1628).

Un obispo eligio a un quidam graduado en derechos y persona de suficiencia y experiencia para oficio de provisor (Madrid, 1632).


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca universa franciscana (Madrid, 1732) II, 368; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 540; C.R. Fort, Espa�a sagrada (Madrid, 1879) LI, 272; F. Escudero, Tipografia hispalense (Madrid, 1894), 334; J. Pou y Marti, Indice analitico de los doc. del siglo XVII del Archivo de la Embajada de Espa�a (Rome, 1917), 121; DHGE V (1931), 1006;AIA15 (1955), 231-232; Franciscan Studies 47 (1987), 296; Vidal Guitarte Izquierdo, Episcopologio espa�ol (1500-1699): espa�oles obispos en Espa�a, Am�rica, Filipinas y otros pa�ses (Instituto Espa�ol de Historia Eclesi�stico, 1994), 171, 172; Iberian Books Volumes II & III/Libros Ib�ricos Vol�menes II y III, 101.





Michael Beltranus (Michael Beltran/Miguel Beltr�n, fl. ca. 1630)

OFM. Spanish friar from Madrid and member of the Castile province. Lector of theology and preacher at the royal court and elsewhere. Known for a vernacular eulogy on the stigmata of Francis.


Sermon de las llagas de nuestro serafico padre San Francisco. Predicado (estando el Sant�ssimo Sacramento descubierto) (Madrid: Imp. Real, 1632). Present in Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional V-216-29.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 368; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 540; Archivo Ibero-Americano 35 (1932), 552-553; Jos� Sim�n D�az, Bibliograf�a de la literatura hisp�nica, 11 Vols. (Madrid, 1960-1976) VI, nos. 3773-3774; Manuel de Castro, Bibliograf�a de las bibliografias franciscanas espa�olas e hispanoamericanas, Publicaciones de Archivo Ibero-Americano (Madrid: Ed. Cisneros, 1982), 92 (no. 157); Jos� Sim�n D�az, Bibliograf�a de la literatura hisp�nica, 2nd Ed. VI, 423.





Michael Bergomasco (Michele Bergomasco, d. 1642)

OFMCap. Made pontifical architect by Urban VIII Barberini in 1624, and architect of a number of Capuchin friaries, reaching back to Capuchin constitutions for the spatial lay-out.


Architectural designs, correspondence related to building activities and realised religious architecture. See the study of Carla Benocci.


Lexicon Capuccinum (1951), 132; Carla Benocci, Un architetto cappuccino nella Roma barocca. Fra� Michele Bergomasco, Bibliotheca seraphico-capuccina, 98 (Rome: Istituto Storico dei Cappuccini, 2014). Review in Archivum Franciscanum Historicum 107:1-2 (2014), 224-226 & Studi Francescani 112:3-4 (2015), 584ff.





Michael Bonsi(Michele Bonsi, 1563-1623)

OFMRef. Italian friar from Rome. Entered the strict Observance. Penitentiary of the Lateran San Giovanni basilica. Appointed Bishop of Scala and Ravello (13 March 1617) by Pope Paul V. Was an active visitator of his diocese, editing the visitation reports for publication.


Episcopal visitation reports...


E. Gamurrini, Istoria genealogica delle famiglie nobile Toscane (Florence, 1668) I, 489; L. Mansi, Ravello Sacra Monumentale (Ravello, 1887), 46; G. Cappelletti, Le Chiese d�Italia (Venice, 1866) XX, 614; P. Gauchat, Hierarchia Catholica IV, 292; L. Jadin, �Bonsi�, DHGE IX, 1106; DBI Check!





Michael Brucardi (fl. late 15th cent.)

OM. Mariologist.


Apologia pro immaculata conceptione B.V, Mariae contra Joannem Wigandum. Check!

Sermones ?


Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 540.





Michael Burgius (Michele Burgio, 1536-1616)

TOR. Italian Franciscan tertiary of noble descent from Trapani. Member of the discalced reformed tertiary province of Sicily. Provincial minister and order historian.


Del principio, riforma e progresso del Terz'Ordine di S. Francesco, e degli huomini illustri in santit�, nobilt� e lettere che fiorinino nella provincia di Sicilia. This work later saw a continuation by Fulgenzio Possevino: Continuazione agli annali del terz'ordine di S. Francesco in Sicilia. The whereabouts of this work need to be checked.

Vita del Ven. Fr. Giacomo Eugubino dell'ordine dei terziari riformati. Cited in the works of other historians of the TOR, such as Chronologium Fratrum et Sororum Tertii ordinis Seraphici, tam Regularis quam Saecularis (Parma, 1658) by Francesco Bordoni.

Epistolae de piis, divinisque rebus ad amicos: MSS according to Sbaralea once present in tertiary houses of Trapani.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 368; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 540; Fortunato Mondello, Bibliografia Trapanese, divisa in due parte (...) (Palermo: Tipografia del Giornale di Sicilia, 1876), 75-76, 344.





Michael Burguera (Miguel Burguera, d. 1725)

OFM. Spanish Franciscan friar from Santa�y. For many years master of Latin grammar in the school of the San Francisco de Asis friary of Palma de Majorca. Died there on August 8, 1725.


Preceptes, elegancias, kalendas y frases que se ense�an en las escolas de Gram�tica de la provincia de Sant Francesch de Mallora (Palma: Jos� Guasp, s.a./ Palma: Pedro Antonio Cap�, 1752/Palma: Miguel Cerd� y Antich, 1753/Palma: Antonio Guasp, 1764/Palma: Melchor Guasp, 1809/Palma: Viuda de Guasp, 1814/Palma: Felipe Guasp, 1817/Palma: Buenaventura Villalonga, 1822/Palma: Felipe Guasp, 1829).


Biblioteca de Autores Baleares, ed. Joaquin Mar�a Bover (Palma: P.J. Gelabert, 1868) I, 122 (no. 172).





Michael Caimaris (Miguel Caimaris, 1689-1759)

OFM. Spanish Observant friar from Ciudadela de Menorca. Spent many years of his life in the San Francisco de Asis de Palma friary, where we was active as lector and preacher and as official order historian. Also assignments as custodian, provincial definitor, visitator of the Catalunya province. Known for his devotion to the immaculate conception. he died on November 29, 1759. Several of his works survive in manuscript format. For a long time they were in the Biblioteca de Montesi�n and now apparently in the Biblioteca P�blica Provincial in Palma de Majorca (needs checking).


Decenario de la ser�fica madre Santa Clara.

Novenario de santa Cataline de Sena.

Novenario del inclito m�rtir el B. Raymundo Lulio.

Novenario de san Cayetano.

Novenari de la Pur�sima Concepci� de maria.

Sermones y materias predicables.

Octavario de santa Gertrudis.

Novenario de Cristo crucificado.

Novenario de San Roque.


Biblioteca de Autores Baleares, ed. Joaquin Mar�a Bover (Palma: P.J. Gelabert, 1868) I, 133 (no. 192).





Michael Calvus (Michele Calvo, d. 1654)

TOR. Italian (Sicilian) Observant regular tertiary. Magister theologiae and renowned preacher.


Discorsi in lode della B. Vergine (Palermo: Nicolao Bua, 1645). ? Maybe the same work as the first volume of Assunti sopra i Vangeli della Quaresima del p.m. Michele Calvo di Scichili del Terz'Ordine di San Francesco. See under that title.

Assunti sopra i Vangeli della Quaresima del p.m. Michele Calvo di Scichili del Terz'Ordine di San Francesco, Regolare Osservante, della Provincia di Sicilia, 2 Vols. (Palermo: Niccolo & Michele Porta Nuova, 1645 - Palermo: Andrea Colicchia & Francesco Terta Nuova, 1648/Venice: Combo, 1649-Venice: Francesco Baba, 1650/Venice: Combi & La No�, 1656/Venice: Bertano, 1665). The second volume of the 1649-1650 and 1656 Venetian editions are accessible via the Biblioteca Nazionale Vittorio Emanuele in Rome, the Narodni Knihovna National Library in Prague, and via Google Books. There are also later Latin editions from Cologne issued in 1659 and 1668 (in a translation made by friar Bruno Neuser).

Several other sermon collections (on Saints, week day sermons during Lent, Holy Week, and a full-blown Dominicale) apparently did not see the printing press, due to the death of the author in 1654.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 369; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 541.





Michael Cerviae (Miguel Cervi�, d. 1574)

OFM. Spanish Franciscan friar from Muro (Majorca). Took the habit in 1565 and was for a while active as guardian in the Inca friary. Taught philosophy and theology in the San Francisco de Asis friary of Palma, and became provincial of the Baleares in 1567. In 1571, he joined the Spanish mediterranean fleet as confessor of its admiral Don Juan, and as such he witnessed the battle of Lepanto. He died at Palermo in 1574.


Memorial de la Provincia de N.P.S. Francisco de la regular observancia de Mallorca MS?

Di�rio de los sucesos de la armada de la liga, mandada por el Sermo. Sr. D. Juan de Austria en los a�os 1571, 1572, 1573. This work, the autograph manuscript of which resides in the Capuchin friary of Palma de Majorca, has been edited in Coleccion de documentos in�ditos para la historia de Espa�a (Madrid: Viuda de Calero, 1847) XI, 359-454.


Biblioteca de Autores Baleares, ed. Joaquin Mar�a Bover (Palma: P.J. Gelabert, 1868) I, 186-187 (no. 270).





Michael Cattinarus (Michele Cattinari da Modena/Michele da Fanano, fl. early 17th cent.)

OFMConv. Italian friar well-versed in theology and canon law. Acted as parish priest for lay people in the Conventual Church of the Holy Apostles in Rome. Also visitator of the Conventual Riformati. Worked together with the Conventual minister general Montanari da Bagnacavallo and traveled on his behalf as visitator and general reformer to the San Francesco province in 1617, and to several other provinces as well. Guardian of Perugia and of the San Lorenzo friary in Naples (1618), Milan (1621), and in the S.S. Apostoly friary in Rome. He also held positions as magister studium (in Naples and Milan), and as regent master. He preached a Lenten cycle in Modena in 1615.


Casuistica disceptationes de casibus conscientiae?

De valore Sacrificii Missae (Reggio: Flaminio Bartoli, 1627).


Giovanni Franchini, Bibliosofia e memorie letterarie di scrittori Francescani conventuali Ch'hanno scritto dopo 'Anno 1585 (Modena: Eredi Soliani Stampatori, 1693), 499-501; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 543; Girolamo Tirabioschi, Biblioteca modenese II, 7-8.





Michael Dawnay (fl. first half 15th cent.)

OM. English friar from the York area. Active in the Hartlepool friary around 1400. later on he apparently studied at Cambridge. Thanks to a legal deposition from the 1420s studied by Bronach Kane, interesting details are known about his educational trajectory and his astrological/astronomical interests.


Astrological/astronomical texts?


Bronach Kane, �Return of the Native: Franciscan Education and Astrological Practice in the Medieval North of England�, in: Franciscan Organisation in the Mendicant Context. Formal and informal structures of the friars' lives and ministry in the Middle Ages, ed. Michael Robson & Jens R�hrkasten, Vita Regularis: Ordnungen und Deutungen religiosen Lebens im Mittelalter, 44 (Berlin: LIT Verlag, 2010),281-306.





Michael de Acqui (Michele d'Acqui, fl. late fifteenth cent.)

OMObs. Italian Observant Franciscan preacher, known for his involvement with the Monte de Piet� of Verona in 1490 and subsequent years. See especially the studies and editions of Alberto Ghinato and Pietro Delcorno.


Urban 'pacification' statutes (Assisi, 1488). See: 'Michael de Aquis (...) quaedam statuta et ordinationes, publicam quietem et pacem vestram concernentes (...) ediderit', in: Bullarium Franciscanum n.s. IV, ed. Cesare Cenci (Grottaferrara: Editiones Collegii S. Bonaventurae, 1989), no. 1161.

Questa sie la historia e lo processo del piissimo Monte de la Pietade cum li capituli de la sua benedicta schola (Verona, 1490). Present in Rome, Biblioteca Vaticana, Inc. V.91 & Biblioteca Colombina di Siviglia. See for a transcript the study Pietro Delcorno, �Michele d�Acqui �motore e fundator� del Monte di Piet� di Verona. Un inedito incunabolo�, Il Santo 56 (2016), 65-91.


Alberto Ghinato, 'Il beato Michele d'Acqui (d. 1500 c.) e il suo apostolato in Verona', Venezie francescane 4 ( 1957 ), 145�192. Also issued in: Idem, Studi e documenti intorni ai primitivi Monti di Piet�, IV: Miscellanea (Rome: Edizioni Francescane, 1963), 63-117; Gian Maria Varanini, 'Ordres mendiants, �conomie et soci�t� � V�rone au XVe si�cle: Pol�miques et d�bats autour de l'Observance d'apr�s une frottola de 1460', in: �conomie et religion: l'exp�rience des ordres mendiants (xiiie-xve si�cle), ed. Nicole B�riou & Jacques Chiffoleau (Lyon: Presses Universitaires de Lyon, 2009), 475-500; Pietro Delcorno, 'Pevere, Michele (Michele d'Acqui)', in: Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani 81 (Rome: Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, 2015); Pietro Delcorno, 'Miguel de Acqui e a funca��o do Monte de Piedade de Verona: Um incun�bulo in�dito', Varia Historia 55:31 (January-April 2015),127-162; Pietro Delcorno, �Michele d�Acqui �motore e fundator� del Monte di Piet� di Verona. Un inedito incunabolo�, Il Santo 56 (2016), 65-91; Pietro Delcorno, 'Michele D'Acqui "Motore e fundator" del Monte di Piet� di Verona. Un inedito incunabolo', in: Camposampiero. La parabola del Francescanesimo osservante (secoli XV - XVI). Atti della giornata di studio, 23 maggio 2015, ed. Luciano Bertazzo & Elda Martellozzo Forin (Padua: Centro Studi Antoniani, 2016) [See also Il Santo 56 (2016), 65-91].





Michael de Agia (Michael de Valencia/Miguel de Agia/Miguel de Axia, fl. ca. 1600)

OFM. Spanish friar from Valencia. Studied law and theology and worked first in Madrid and then became a missionary and lector in Guatemala (theology lector in the Guatemala friary, and other teaching and administrative assignments). The date of his arrival in Guatemala is uncertain (some sources mention the year 1563, which seems too early, and others mention 1593, which seems later, especially because he was on order business back in Madrid between 1594 and 1600, where he also published his De exhibendis auxiliis). He returned to Peru in 1601 in the company of the new comissary general friar Juan Venido, for whom Miguel worked for a while as a secretary. Thereafter he apparently was lector in the S. Francisco de la Ciudad de los Reyes friary (Lima), and again fulfilled a range of other missionary and visitation tasks. Apparently died in Guatemala. Known for his knowledge of canon law, and for his attempt at ameliorating the work conditions of the indigenous population (see his Tratado y pareceres sobre la cedula real del servicio personal de los Indios).


F. Michaelis Agia, Valentini, Ordinis Sancti Francisci (...) De exhibendis auxiliis, sive de Invocatione Utriusque Brachii Tractatus (Madrid: Ludovicus Sanchez, 1600). A work dealing with the question whether clerical courts can demand the secular arm to pass (capital) punishment on those convicted of heresy. Accessible via the Biblioteca Complutense de la Compa��a de Jes�s de la Provincia de Toledo in Alcal� de Henares, the Biblioteca P�blica del Estado in Burgos, the Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal in Lisbon, the Biblioteca Nacional of Madrid, the Biblioth�que Nationale de France, the Biblioteca Nazionale Vittorio Emanuele in Rome, and via Google Books (creative search). For a more complete listing of library holdings, see Iberian Books [ ]

Tratado y pareceres sobre la cedula real del servicio personal de los Indios (Lima, 1604) [attacked by Michuel de Aguayo, a friar of the Castile province and a student at Alcal�] Full title of Migue de Agia's work is: Tratado que contiene tres paraceres graves en derecho, que ha compuesto el Padre Fray Miguel Agia de la orden del se�or S. Francisco, varon docto en las facultadeas de Theologia, Canones y Leyes, y Lector de Theologia en el muy insigne Convento de S. Francisco de la Ciudad de los Reyes en los Reynos de Piru. Sobre la verdadera inteligencia, declaracion, y justificacion de una Cedula de su Magestad, sufecha en Valladolid en veynte y quatro dias de Noviembre del a�o passado de seyscientos y uno, que trata del servicio Personal, y repartimientos de Indios, que se usan dar en los Reynos del Piro, Nueva Espa�a, Tierra Firme, y otras Provincias de las Indias, para el servicio de la Republica, y assientos de Minas, de Oro, Plata y Azogue (Lima: Antonio Ricardo, 1604). The work is digitally accessible via the Biblioteca Nacional in Madrid [ ]A new edition came out in 1946 as Miguel Agia, Servidumbres personales de indios, ed. F. Javier de Ayala (Valencia: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cient�ficas, 1946).


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 363; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 538; Francisco V�zquez, Cr�nica de la Provincia del Santissimo Nombre de Jes�s de Guatemala, 2nd Ed., 4 Vols. (Guatemala, 1937-1944) III, 68-69; J.T. Medina, La Imprenta en Lima, 4 Vols. (Santiago de Chile, 1904-1907) I, 88-91; J.T. Medina, Biblioteca Hispano-Americana, 7 Vols. (Santiago de Chile, 1898-1907) I, 594; La Madrid, �Estudios�, 289; J. Antonio, Bibliotheca Hispana Nova (Madrid, 1783) II, 129, 165; A Bio-Bibliography of Franciscan Authors in Colonial Central America, ed. Eleanor B. Adams (Washington D.C.: Academy of American Franciscan History, 1953), 3-4; Jos� Sim�n D�az, Bibliograf�a de la literatura hisp�nica, 11 Vols. (Madrid, 1960-1976) IV, nos. 1746-1750; Antoine de S�rent, �Agia�, DHGE I,955; Paulino Casta�eda Delgado, Los memoriales del Padre Silva sobre predicaci�n pac�fica y repartimientos (Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientifics, 1983), 188ff,





Michael de Aguajo (Miguel de Aguayo, fl. early 17th cent.)

OFM. Spanish friar from the Castile province. He was a student at Alcal� when he apparently took a stance against Miguel Agia's Tratado y pareceres sobre la cedula real del servicio personal de los Indios (Lima, 1604). See also the entry on Michael de Agia.


To be continued...


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 363; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 538.





Michael de Aguilar (fl. ca. 1700)

OFM. Spanish friar from the Granada province. Lector jubilatus and provincial definitor.


Enchiridion predicable (Alcal�: Imprenta de su Illustrissima, por Francisco Ochoa, 1706). Accessible via Google Books. It is an intruiging preaching manual and introduction to the Bible for clerical 'dummies'.

Luz ser�fica (...) Compendio de la Tercera Orden de nuestro Seraphico P. S. Francisco (Cordoba, 1709).


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 363;





Michael de Almas Sanctas (Miguel das Almas Sanctas, fl. ca. 1750)

OFM. Portuguese friar from Valenca di Minho. He was vice-commissary for the Holy Land in Portugal, and guardian of the Mequinez friary in Marocco. Known for a work on the Holy Land. He also wrote an account of the large earthquake in North Africa in 1755.


Clamores feitos ao c�o sospiros dados na terra Santa de Jerusalem, lagrimas e tormentos com que na Palestina acaba� as vidas os filhos do Serafico Padre S. Francisco que residem n�aquellos logares, gra�as que lhes s�o concedidas, e a seu bemfeitores, cum cuja diigencia e esmolass se conserv�o (�) (Porto: Prototypa episcopal, 1739/Porto: Miguel Manescal, 1755).


Itinerari e cronache francescane di Terra Santa (1500-1800). Antiche Edizioni a stampa sui luoghi santi, la presenza francescana e il pellegrinaggio nella provincia d�Oltremare, ed. Marco Galateri di Genola (Milan: Edizioni Terra Santa, 2017), 184.





Michael de Ascasubi (Miguel de Ascasubi, fl. late 18th cent.)

OFM. Spanish missionary and historiographical author in Latin America.


Informe Cronologico de las misiones del reino de Chile hasta 1789 (Santiago de Chile: Editorial Publicaciones del Archivo Franciscano, 1997).


B.H. Slicher van Bath, De bezinning op het verleden in Latijns Amerika 1493-1820. Auteurs, verhalen en lezers (Groningen, 1998), passim; C. Leal Pino & A. Quitral Manosalva, 'Evangelizaci�n y occidentalizaci�n en la frontera sur del Reino de Chile. Los Franciscanos del Colegio de Misiones de Chillan, s. XVIII', Historia y Memoria 15 (2017), 139-168.





Michael de Bononia (Michele da Bologna, 1500-1580)

OFM. Italian friar from Porretta Terme, near Bologna. Early studies possibly in Pistoia, and a grounding in canon law, as well as ordination to the priesthood probably before his entrance into the Order. Probably entered the Observant Franciscan order in Bologna in the late 1520s. Soon clear that he wanted to become a missionary, no doubt inspired by the atmosphere of hope of Christian universal unity connected with the two Bolognese encounters of Emperor Charles V and pope Clement VII (in late 1529-early 1530, and in late 1532-early 1533), and the publication of the Passio gloriosi martyris beati patris fratris Andreae de Spoleto(Bologna: Giustiniano da Rubiera, 1532), which also included letters by Franciscan missionaries in the New World (Juan de Zum�rraga, and Mart�n de Valencia). Michele and a few fellow Bolognese friars joined a group of in total 19 other Franciscan missionaries (including the famous missionary Jodocus Rijcke) under the guidance of the general commissioner for the Indies, Juan de Granada, and embarked for the New World from Sevilla on 11 October 1533. Via various stages, the group arrived on Hispaniola and there split into two around Easter 1534: six of them, including Jodocus Rijcke, moved towards the newly conquered Peru. The others, including Juan de Granada, went towards Nicaragua and Mexico City. Together with his fellow Bolognese friars, Michele worked to the North-West of Mexico city (present day territories of Jalisco, Michoac�n, Zacatecas), and in this period Michele would have obtained a working knowledge of Mexican, Tarasca, Othom�, Cazcana, Tecuexa and Coca. In 1542, Michele and friar Antonio de Segovia traveled to the regions of the Cazcanes Indians, who just previously had staged a huge revolt. In this newly subjugated area, Michele and colleagues founded the Juchipila friary (complete with a hospital), and from there embarked on missionary campaigns (present-day region of Los Altos de Jalisco). In 1560, Michele is guardian of the Tlajomulco friary, more to the South. Michele was again guardian of Juchipila in 1567/68 and subsequent years, But in July 1570 and throughout the subsequent year, Michele was subjected to inquisitorial proceedings, for which he had to stay put in the Guadalajara friary. These proceedings were the result of accusations by Spanish officials in Juchipila, after Michele, among other things, had refused to accept confession of two Spanjards who had been overly cruel to the indigenous population, and had celebrated the marriage of an indigenous man, who therewith was also emancipated from labour services to the settler Diego Flores. Michele's opponents accosed him of Lutheran tendencies. Michele was condemned and was from hence forward forbidden to be a guardian, and he was forbidden to preach and bestow the sacraments for three months. Michele did not accept the verdict, which led to new accusations, this time also from other Franciscans, and to a new inquisitorial process between March 1572 and September 1574 in Mexico city. This process notwithstanding, Michele was able to be elected guardian of Sayula in 1574, and of Poncitl�n in 1576. He retired to Chapala, where he died on 14 July 1580.


? Check!


Marco da Lisbona, Croniche de gli Ordini instituiti dal serafico p. s. Francesco, parte IV, ed. Barezzi (Naples, 1680) I, 61 & II, 732; Jeronimo de Mendieta, Historia eclesi�stica indiana (Mexico, 1870), 378; D. Mu�oz, Descripci�n de la provincia de San Pedro y San Pablo de Michoac�n (Guadalajara, 1965), 65; J. de Torquemada, Monarquia indiana (Mexico, 1986) III, 332, 334; Marcellino da Civezza, Storia universale delle missioni francescane (Rome, 1881), 644; F. Chauvet, �Fray Jacobo de Tastera, misionero civilizador del siglo XVI', Estudios de historia novohispana 5:3 (1970), 7-33; A. Moreno, Fray Jodoco Rique y fray Pedro Gocial. Ap�stoles y maestros franciscanos de Quito, 1535-1570 (Quito, 1998), Chapters III-IV; J. de J. Mart�n Flores & A. Giacomelli, Fray Miguel de Bolonia. El guardi�n de los Indios (Guadalajara, 2006); M. Donattini, �Il mondo portato a Bologna: viaggiatori, collezionisti, missionari', in: Storia di Bologna, ed. A. Prosperi, 3 Vols. (Bologna, 2009) III:2, chapter IV; M. Donattini, �Michele da Bologna', Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani 74 (2010):





Michael de Calco (Michele Minorita/Michele da Calci, d. 1389)

OM. Italian spiritual friar, burned at the stake as a heretic in 1389.


Andrea Piazza, �Il passione di frate Michele: un testo in volgare di fine Trecento�, Revue Mabillon n.s. 10 (1999), 231-256; Stefano Simoncini, �Fra Michele da Calci tra Angelo Clareno e Michele da Cesena�, Franciscana 8 (2006), 119-185; Federico Canaccini, 'Michele Minorita (Michele da Calci): Combattere per la povert�', in: Storia della spiritualit� francescana, I: secoli XIII-XVI, ed. M. Bartoli, W. Block & A. Mastromatteo (Bologna: Edizione Dehoniane, 2017), 379-391.





Michael de Carcanis de Mediolano (Michael de Carcano/Michele Carcano, 1427-1484)

OMObs. Italian friar. Born in Milan from a noble family. Took the habit around 1442 in the Santa Croce de Como convent after substantial literary studies. Apparently received a thorough training in moral theology. In 1449, he took part in the general chapter of the Cismontan Observants. Was ordained priest, and travelled to Rome (1450), where he assisted in the canonisation procedures of Bernardine of Siena. From 1453 onwards, Michael can be found in Milan and the neighbouring region, where he is active as Lenten preacher. In the next thirty years, Michael is active as preacher in the Italian peninsula, the quality of which caused Bernardino da Feltre to call him �alter sanctus apostolus Paulus et Christi Tuba�. Some of his Lenten preaching cycles have been charted in the sources (a.o. Milan, 1460; Perugia, 1462; Bologna, 1464; Florence, 1467; Siena , 1468; Padua, 1469; Milan, 1471; L�Aquila, 1472; Bologna, 1473; Crema, 1479; Lodi, 1484). Also active as founder of various Montes Pietatis (a.o. Perugia, 1462. Cf. BF New Series III, n. 133), and of several hospitals (a.o. Milan, 1456; Como 1468). In between his homiletic journeys, Michael fulfilled several functions for the Observants (a.o. visitator of the Austrian, Polish, and Bohemian provinces, provincial vicar of the Lombary province (1475, 1477, 1479-1482). Very pronounced anti-judaic preacher. Connected the Jews with usury, and played a large role in the persecution of Jews in the alleged case of ritual sacrefice of the child Simoncino. Michael�s extravagance eventually enticed Duke Galeazzo Maria Sforza of Milan to expell him from Milan in 1471, and again in 1475 (even though Michael apparently remained the spiritual counsellor of the Duke�s wife and his other female relatives). Late in life, pope Pius II charged him with crusade preaching missions against the Turcs (1482-1484). Fel ill during a Lenten sermon on the last judgment (Todi). Brought to the S. Giovanni Baptista monastery, where he died after 20 March 1484.


Apostillae supra Concilium de Usuris/Apostillae duae contra Angelum de Castro in causa foenerationis Judaeorum: MS Leyden Univ. Ablaing. 33.
Was this work later included in the appendices/supplements to the 1476 and 1481 editions of Bartolomeo da San Concordio's Summa de casibus/Summa Pisanella. See now also: Apostillae supra Concilium de Usuris Angeli de Castro, ed. P.C. Boeren, Archivum Franciscanum Historicum 63 (1970), 174-180.

Quadragesimale de Poenitentia/Casus Conscientiae per Totam Quadragesimam in Diebus ferialibus et Primo in Die Cinerum: Naples, Naz. VI.D.60 ff. 1a-197d; VII.E.25 ff. 1r-165v; VIII.A.15 ff. 3r-81v; Pavia, Univ. Aldini 62 ff. 258-289 [treatment of 111 �cases� in the form of sermons; dealing especially with female vanity, usury, vices of commerce and trade. Cf. P.M. Sevesi, �I �Sermones� ed i �Casus conscientiae� del B. Michele Carcano�, Studi Francescani 28 (1931), 331-332; Studi Francescani 28 (1931), 320-342; AFH 4 (1911), 479-482

Quadragesimale de Fide et de Articulis Fidei: Oxford, Bodl. Add. A. 282 (15th cent.); Milan, Ambrosiana L.65; Padua, Univ. 530; Mantua Bib. Comunale G.II.22 [160 sermons]

Sermonarium per Adventum et Quadragesima: Naples, Naz. 644 ff. XIV.E.27 ff. 1a-139ab

Sermones: Naples, Naz. V.H. 67 ff. 146-164; V.H.379 ff. 1-7 (=sermo 92 de peccato); VI.F.12 ff. 6r-9r; VII.D.22 [=Sermones de Inferno] (see Cenci, Napoli, I, 446ff); Padua, Sacro Conv. 393 (second half 15th cent.)

Trattato della Confessione/Confessionale generale dela gran tuba: frate Michele da Milano (Venice, 1484/1493/Venice: Alessandro Bindoni, 1513/Venice: Alessandro Bindoni, 1520/1525/Milan, 1529). The 1525 edition seems to be accessible via the Biblioteca Nazionale Vittorio Emanuele in Rome, and via Google Books (search for Confessionale generale dela gran tuba).

Sermonarium Triplicatum, scilicet per Adventum et per Duas Quadragesimales de Peccatis Capitalibus (Venice: Franciscus de Hailbrum & Nicolaus de Frankfordia, 1476/Basel: Michael Wenkler, 1479/Venice, 1487/Milan, 1495). [150 sermons] For instance accessible via the University Library of Toronto, the Newberry Library in Chicago, Cambridge University Library, the Dutch Royal Library in The Hague, the Biblioteca Nacional in Madrid, and the Biblioteca Nazionale of Naples.

Quadragesimale seu Sermonarium duplicatum scilicet per Adventum et Quadragesimam de Poenitentia et eius Partibus/Sermonarium de penitentia per adventum et quadragesimam fratris Michaelis Mediolanensis (Venice: Giorgio Arrivabene, 1487/Venice: Giorgio Arrivabene, 1496) [92 sermons that amount to a systhematic treatment of penitence. Cf. Roberto Rusconi, �Michele Carcano da Milano e le caratteristiche della sua predicazione�, Picenum Seraphicum 10 (1973), 196-218] The 1487 and 1496 editions are accessible via the digital collections of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, the Mediath�que of Lyon (check Numelyo) and via Google Books (creative search, does not always show up).

Sermones Quadragesimales de Decem Preceptis (Venice: Joh. & Greg. De Gregoriis, 1492). [77 sermons. For other editions, see also Zawart] For instance accessible via the Friedsam Memorial Library of Bonaventure University, the University of Chicago Library, the Groningen University Library, the Herzog August Bibliothek in Wolfenb�ttel, the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek in Munich (also via the digital collections), the Biblioteca Comunale of Trent, and via Google Books.

Sermones de Virtutibus/Sermonarium de Commendatione Virtutum et Reprobatione Vitiorum (Milan: Uldericus Scinzenzeler, 1495). For instance accessible via the Biblioteca Nacional of Madrid, the University Library of Sevila, the Mediath�que of Lyon (check Numelyo), the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek in Munich, and via Google Books (Sermonarium per quadragesiman de commendatione virtutum et reprobatione vitiorum). [72 sermons on the virtues and vices. Cf. AFH 63 (1970), 140-141]

Sermones de Variis Argumentis et Liber de Fide Christiana (Basel, 1479).

Sermones de Quatuor Novissimis (Cologne, 1492).

Cinque Prediche a Monache in Lingua Volgare Di Due Celebri Francescani Del Secolo XV [Bernardino Da Feltre and Michele Carcano da Milano], Tratte Da Un Codice Della Nazionale Di Firenze, ed. Marcellino Da Civezza (Prato, 1881/1896).

Un sermone inedito del B. Michele Carcano su S. Bernardino da Siena, ed. P. Maria Sevesi, Collectanea Franciscana2 (1932), 377-398. See also Paolo Sevesi, �Un sermone inedito del B. Michele Carcano su S. Bernardino da Siena�, Studi Francescani, 3rd ser. 3 (1931), 69-92.

Litterae, ed. P.M. Sevesi, AFH 33 (1940), 385-390 [letters to the duchess Bianca Maria Visconti and the bishop of Trente Johan Hinderbach, related to the anti-semitic inquiries after the death of Simoncino]


Wadding, Scriptores Check!; Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 368-369; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 541-543; II,253-254; Zawart, 293; P. Sevesi, `Il beato Michele Carcano da Milano O.F.M.�, AFH, 3 (1910), 448-63; 633-63; AFH, 4 (1911), 24-29; 456-481; AFH 16 (1923), 260-262; AFH 33 (1940) 366-408; AFH 34 (1941), 95-114; Paolo Maria Sevesi, `Il beato Michele da Carcano da Milano, O.F.M�, Archivum Franciscanum Historicum 3 (1910), 448-463, 633-663; Paolo Maria Sevesi, `Il B. Michele Carcano da Milano, O.F.M�, Archivum Franciscanum Historicum 4 (1911), 24-49, 456-481; Paolo Maria Sevesi, `B. Michele Carcano da Milano, O.F.M.�, Archivum Franciscanum Historicum 16 (1923), 260-262; Paolo Maria Sevesi, `Un sermone inedito del b. Michele Carcano su s. Bernardino da Siena�, Studi Francescani 28 (1931), 69-92; Paolo Maria Sevesi, `Il sermone inedito del b. Michele Carcano sul serafico san Francesco d'Assisi�, Studi Francescani 29 (1932), 320-342; Paolo Maria Sevesi, `Un sermone inedito del b. Michele Carcano su s. Bernardino da Siena�, Collectanea Franciscana 2 (1932), 377-398; Paolo Maria Sevesi, `Beato Michele Carcano, O.F.M. Obs, 1427-1484. Documenti inediti�, Archivum Franciscanum Historicum 33 (1940), 366-408; Paolo Maria Sevesi, `Beato Michele Carcano, O.F.M. Obs, 1427-1484. Documenti inediti�, Archivum Franciscanum Historicum 34 (1941), 95-114; Paolo Maria Sevesi, `Alcuni scritti del b. Michele Carcano e di s. Bernardino da Siena in un nuovo Codice dell'Ambrosiana�, Studi Francescani 41 (1944), 161-166; John M. Lenhart, `Tedaldo de Casa of Mugello, Copyist of Manuscripts: Antonio da Rho (+c. 1450), humanist; Friar Peter of Aragona and Armenian moral theology; Francis Lichetto's printing establishment at Salo in 1517; Friar Michael de Carcano's "Confessional" in a Croatian edition of 1496�, Franciscan Studies New Ser. 6 (1946), 108-111; Paolo Maria Sevesi, `Il B. Michele Carcano e il Consorzio della Carit� di Milano�, Archivum Franciscanum Historicum 46 (1953), 251-278 [contains also partial editions and a first lengthy analysis of Michael�s literary production); P. Valugani, Il Beato Michele Carcano da Milano (Milan, 1950); Giacinto Pagnani, �Un discorso in lode di S. Bernardino recitato da Roberto Caracciolo, falsamente attribuito al B. Michele Carcano�, Archivum Franciscanum Historicum 47 (1954), 203-207; Alberto Ghinato, �Ebrei e predicatori francescani a Verona nel sec. xv�, AFH 50 (1957), 240-243; W.P. Eckert, �Aus den Akten des Trienter Judenprozesses�, Judentum im Mittelalter (Berlin, 1966), 233-266; A. Caretta, �Del B. Michele Carcano�, Archivio storico Lodigiano 2nd series 16 (1968), 175-181; Petrus Cornelis Boeren, �Les "Apostillae" de Michel Carcano de Milan, O.F.M., au "Consilium de usuris" d'Ange de Castro�, Archivum Franciscanum Historicum 63 (1970), 174-180; C. Mesini, �L�opera del B. Michele Carcano nel concentramento ospedaliero Piacentino (1471-1472)�,in: Cinque secoli di storia ospedaliera (Plaisance, 1973), 209-223; Roberto Rusconi, `M. Carcano da Milano e le carateristiche della sua predicazione�, Picenum Seraphicum, 10 (1973), 196-218; T. Lombardi, I Francescani a Ferrara (Bologna, 1975) V, 119-120; Roberto Rusconi, 'Carcano, Michele', Dizionario biografico degli italiani XIX (1976), 742-744; A. Calufetti, �I vicari provinciali dei Frati Minori (�) di Milano (1418-1517)�, AFH 72 (1979); DSpirX, 1174-1176; Alle origini dei Monti di Piet�. I francescani tra etica ed economia nella societ� del tardo Medioevo: Studi in occasione delle celebrazioni nel V centenario della morte del B. Michele Carcano (1427-1484) fondatore del Monte di Piet� di Bologna (Bologna, 1984); Rosa Maria Dess�, ``Quanto di poi abia a bastare il mondo...'. Apocalittica e penitenza nelle reportationes dei sermoni di Michele Carcano da Milano (Firenze, 1461-66)', Florensia 3-4 (1989/90), 71-90; Rosa Maria Dessi,`Entre pr�dication et r�ception. Les th�mes eschatologiques dans les `reportationes' des sermons de Michele Carcano de Milano', M�langes de l'Ecole fran�aise de Rome. Moyen �ge 102:2 (1990), 457-479; Roberto Cobianchi, �Osservazioni e aggiunte al corpus iconografico del beato Michele Carcano da Milano - predicatore dell'Osservanza francescana�, Ikon 3 (2010), 229-238; Rosa Maria Dessi, �Usura, Caritas e Monti di Piet�. Le prediche antiusurarie e antiebraiche di Marco da Bologna e di Michele Carcano�, in: I frati osservanti e la societ� in Italia nel secolo XV. Atti del XL Convegno internazionale (Assisi - Perugia, 11-13 ottobre 2012) (Spoleto: CISAM, 2013); Fabrizio Conti, Witchcraft, Superstition, and Observant Franciscan Preachers: Pastoral Approach and Intellectual Debate in Renaissance Milan, Europa Sacra, 18 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2015) [with special attention to Bernardino Caimi, Angelo da Chivasso, Michele Carcano, and Bernardino Busti. Cf. the review of James Mixson in Speculum 93:4 (October 2018), 1178-1180]; Pietro Delcorno, the Mirror of the Prodigal Son (Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2017), passim.





Michael de Castofranco (fl. 17th cent.)

OFMCap. French friar from the Aquitaine province. Theologian and apparently a learned preacher. Anti-Jansenist and anto-Calvinist publicist.


To be continued. Juan de San Antonio and other bibliographers name a list of works against Jansenius, against Calvinism, on the supreme authority of the pope, etc., yet the whereabouts and exact titles of these works escapes us.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 369-370.





Michael de Cessena (Michael Caesenas/Michele da Cesena, d. 1342)

OM. Italian Franciscan Theologian, active in Paris and Naples. Became minister general in 1316. Was severe against the more extremist spiritual Franciscans of the Provence, but embraced the absolute poverty of Christ doctrine on the general chapter of Perugia (1322), which thereafter became the official poverty doctrine of the order. This lead to conflicts with pope John XXII, who denounced the poverty of Christ in an official papal bul. Michael of Cesena asked to appear in Avignon to defend himself (and the order), but he finally fled from Avignon (1228) with other friars (William of Ockham, Bonegratia of Bergamo et al.), to find refuge at the court of the emperor Louis of Bavaria, who was in conflict with the pope over Italy. Michael was deposed as leader of the order by pope John XXII in 1328. He remained active at the court of Louis of Bavaria in Munich, and wrote several treatises against pope John and his views on poverty and papal power. Michael also pleaded for a general council.


De paupertate & Appellationes: Vat.Lat., 4008, 4009, 4010, 4128 (see Etzkorn, IVF, 57ff. These manuscripts contain several other documents concerning the poverty crisis and Michele's conflict with Pope John XXII. At present these are being edited by D. Flood. See also under Nicolaus Minorita)

Sermones de S. & de T.: ? [Fabricius, I., 319; Wadding, 174; Zawart, 288]

Sermones in festivitatibus B. Virginis?

In Ezechielem Prophetam Commentarius?

Expositio in Psal. Psalm 50 Miserere: Muratori, Rerum Italicarum Scriptores (Milan, 1734) III, 513-528.

Postilla super Psalterium: olim MS Cesena, Conv. S. Franc.

Appellatio Pisana, ed. in Nicolaus Minorita, Chronica. Documentation on Pope John XXII, Michael of Cesena and the Poverty of Christ, ed. G. G�l & D. Flood (New York, 1997), 624-866.

Appelatio Monacensis: F. Accrocca, `Estratti dell�Appellatio Monacensis�, Archivum Historiae Pontificae, 32 (1994), 329-341.

(with William of Ockham) Responsiones ad quaestionem, utrum asserere, quod Christus, et apostoli non habuerunt aliquid nec in proprio nec in commune, sit haereticum: MS Florence, Bibl. Laurenziana Plut 17. cod. 29. Check!

To be continued...Much more up to date information is found in studies by Jonathan Robinson, David Burr, Roberto Lambertini and others mentioned in the literature section of this entry.


Wadding, Scriptores, 174; Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 370-371; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 541; Armando Carlini, `Della ritrattazione di fra Michele da Cesena e del falso "Miserere" edito sotto il suo nome nella Raccolta Muratoriana', Archivio Muratoriano 1, 1:12 (1913), 233-274; AFH8 (1915), 672-675; AFH 9 (1916), 134-183; AFH 10 (1917), 239; Stegm�ller, Repertorium Biblicum, III, 5617-5620; Lambert, Poverty!; LMA, VI, 603f; Carlo Dolcini, Il pensiero politico di Michele da Cesena 1328-1338 (Faenza, 1977); Carlo Dolcini, `Strutturalismo ed ecclesiologia in un libro su Michele da Cesena. Risposta a un recensore', Bullettino dell'Istituto Storico Italiano per il Medio Evo 90 (1982/83), 295-302; A. Tabarroni, Paupertas Christi et Apostolorum. L'ideale francescano in discussione (Rome, 1990); Susanne Stracke-Neumann, `Michael von Cesena (1342)', Biographisch-bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon V (1993), 1453-1456; Giulia Barone, `Michael von Cesena OFM (� 1342)', Lexikon des Mittelalters VI (1993), 603-604; J�rgen Miethke, `Michael von Cesena, Generalminister des Franziskanerordens, * Ficchio bei Cesena, � 29.11.1342 M�nchen', Neue Deutsche Biographie XVII (1994), 419-421; Chr. Fl�eler, �Eine unbekannte Streitschrift aus dem Kreis der M�nchner Franziskaner gegen Papst Johannes XXII�, AFH 88 (1995), 497-514; U. Horst, Evangelische Armut und p�pstliche Lehramt (1996); LThK, VII3, 233; Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart V4, 1205; Enrico Zimei, `Il codice XXI della biblioteca conventuale di Capestrano e l'appello monacense di Michele da Cesena [26 marzo 1330]', in: S. Giovanni da Capestrano: un bilancio storiografico (1999), 81-145; Carlo Colcini, 'Nuove ipotesi e scoperte su Dante, Marsilio e Michele da Cesena. Il nodo degli anni 1324 e 1330', in: Etica e politica. Le teorie dei frati mendicanti nel due e trecento; atti del XXVI Convegno Internazionale, Assisi, 15-17 ottobre 1998, Atti dei Convegni della Societ� internazionale di studi francescani e del Centro interuniversitario di studi francescani, Nova Seria, 9 (Spoleto: CISAM, 1999), 279-297; Michael F. Cusato, 'Michael of Cesena (c. 1280-1342)', Encyclopedia of the Middle Ages II (2000), 949; Volker Leppin, 'Michael von Cesena', Die Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart, 4th Ed. V (2002), 1205; David Burr, The Spiritual Franciscans: From Protest to Persecution in the Century after Saint Francis (2003), passim; Roberto Lambertini, �Das Geld und sein Gebrauch. �Pecunia� im Streit zwischen Michael von Cesena und Papst Johannes XXII�, in: Geld im Mittelalter, ed. Klaus Grubm�ller & Markus Stock (Darmstadt: WBG, 2005), 216-243; Stefano Simoncini, 'Fra Michele da Calci tra Angelo Clareno e Michele da Cesena', Franciscana. Bollettino della Societ� Internazionale di Studi Francescani 8 (2006), 119-185; David Burr, 'History as Prophecy: Angelo Clareno's Chronicle as a Spiritual Franciscan Apocalypse', in: Defenders and Critics of Franciscan Life: Essays in Honor of John V. Fleming, ed. Guy Geltner & Michael F. Cusato (Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2009), 119-138; David Burr, 'Is there a Typically Spiritual Franciscan Rule Commentary?', in: La regola dei frati minori: atti del XXXVII Convegno internazionale: Assisi, 8-10 ottobre 2009 (Spoleto: CISAM, 2010), 187-212; Michael Menzelm �Weltstadt mit Geist?: Marsilius von Padua, Michael von Cesena, Bonagratia von Bergamo und Wilhelm von Ockham in M�nchen�, in: Bayern und Italien: Kontinuit�t und Wandel ihrer traditionellen Bindungen ; Vortr�ge der �Historischen Woche� der Katholischen Akademie in Bayern vom 17. bis 20. Februar 2010 in M�nchen, ed. Hans-Michael K�rner & Florian Schuller (Lindenberg, 2010), 88-102; Jonathan Robinson, �Property Rights in the Shift from �Community� to �Michaelist��, Rivista internazionale di diritto comune 22 (2011), 141-181. [considers texts from the 1310s and 1320s in order to examine how the writings of Franciscan order leaders differed from the views of post Ad conditorem Michaelists (esp. Michael of Cesena and Bonagratia of Bergamo)]; Jonathan Robinson, William of Ockham�s Early Theory of Property Rights in Context, Studies in Medieval and Reformation Traditions, 166 (Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2012) [deals with Bonagratia of Bergamo, Michael of Cesena, Francis of Marchia, and Ockham in almost equal measure]; Jonathan Robinson, �Innocent IV, John XXII, and the Michaelists on Corporate Poverty�, in: Poverty and Prosperity in the Middle Ages and Renaissance, ed. A. Scott and C. Kosso, Arizona Studies in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, 19 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2012), 197-224; Massimiliano Traversino Di Cristo, �The Classic Age of the Distinction between God�s Absolute and Ordered Power: In, Around, and After the Pontificate of John XXII (1316-1334)�, Franciscan Studies 76 (2018), 207-266; See also in general works by D. Burr, R. Manselli, and E. Pasztor.





Michael de Dole (Mich�l de D�le, fl. 1620)

OFMCap. French friar


Hildebrand van Hooglede, �P.Micha�l van D�le�, in: Idem, Miscellanea II, 1052-1053.





Michael de Herrera (Miguel de Herrera, d. 1722?)

OFMDisc. Mexican friar. Member of the San Diego province. Preacher, several times guardian, custos and synodal examiner for the Guaxacan� diocese.


El cautivo irredimible. Serm�n du S. Pedro Nolasco (Mexico: Rodriguez Lupercio, 1722).


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 372; Jos� Mariano Berist�in de Souza, et al., Biblioteca hispano americana setentrional II, 88; AIA28 (1968), 456-457; Manuel de Castro, Bibliograf�a de las bibliografias franciscanas espa�olas e hispanoamericanas, Publicaciones de Archivo Ibero-Americano (Madrid: Ed.Cisneros, 1982), 128 (no. 414).





Michael de Hungaria (d. 1480, Budapest)

OMObs?, OMConv?, or Dominican? Hungarian friar. Doctor of theology and important preacher.


Sermones Michaelis de ungaria predicabiles per totum annum licet breves (Deventer: In platea episcopi, 1491/1501). Accessible via Google Books and via the digital collections of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek. This seems to contain the same or many of the same sermons as the collection entitled Sermones tredecim universales (1490/1494/1497) mentioned by Juan de San Antonio, and which is acessible via Gallica.

Optimus Praedicandi Modus et Extendi Diversas Materias per Colores Rhetoricales utiles et necessarias &Evagatorium (Cologne, 1499/Strasbourg, 1516) [according to Zawart no less than 16 other editions]

Sermones de Sanctis Biga Salutis Dicti/Sermones de sanctis perutiles a quodam fratre hungaro ordinis minorum de observantia comportati Biga salutis intitulati feliciter incipiunt (Hagenau, 1492/Hagenau, 1498/Hagenau: Henr. Gran, 1506)) [Sunday sermons &Sermones de S.] These are apparently by Oswald de Lasko, see there.

Sermones Quadragesimales Biga Salutis Dicti (...a quodam fratre ordinis Minorum de observan. familie Ungarie comportati (Hagenau: Henr. Gran, 1501). Accessible via Google Books. These are apparently by Oswald de Lasko, see there.

Quadragesimale Gemma fidei intitulatum (...) per quemdam fratrem Hungarum ordinis Minorum de observantia ex conventu Pestiense (1507). Accessible via Google Books.

Evagatorium (...) Optimus modus predicandi; Sermones XIII Michaelis de Hungaria universales (...); Sermones electissimi de Rosario beate virginis (...); Passio domini nostri Jesu Christi (...) (Jehan Petit, 1510/1519). The 1510 edition is accessible via Google Books.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 372; Zawart, 372; Zoltan J. Kosztolnyik, �Some Hungarian Theologians in the late Renaissance�, Church History 57 (1988), 5-18 (at 5�6); G. Borsa, Michael de Hungaria, �lete �s m�v�nek nyomtatott kiad�sai (Budapest: Borda Antikvarium, 1997); G. Borsa, Michael de Hungaria: A Medieval Author in Britain, His Person and a Biography of the Printed Editions of His Work Between 1480 and 1621 (Budapest: Borda Antikvarium, 1998); Iv�n Borsa, �Ki lehetett Michael de Hungaria?�, in: Jubileumi csokor Csapodi Csaba tisztelet�re, ed. Marianne Rozsondai (Budapest: Argumentum, 2002), 59-64; John M. Frymire, The Primacy of the Postils: Catholics, Protestants, and the Dissemination of Ideas in Early Modern Germany, Studies in medieval and Reformation traditions, 147 (Leiden: Brill, 2010); Sophie Delmas, 'Bartholomew the Englishman, 'Master of the Properties of Things': Between Exegesis and Preaching', in: Early Thirteenth-Century English Franciscan Thought, ed. Lydia Schumacher (De Gruyter, 2021), 243-260 (at 259ff: discussing the use of Batholomaeus Anglicus, De proprietatibus Rerum in the Sermones tredecim universales )[ &]





Michael de Iela (fl. 17th cent.)

OFMDisc. Spanish friar from the San Josef province. Known for his mortifications and prayer marathons, for his cult of the Virgin Mary, and for his Mary-centred exorcism powers. After his death, his body would have remained incorrupt.


Historia, Origen y Milagros Nuestra Se�ora del Madro�al? Was this ever issued?


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 373; Juan Catalina Garc�a, Biblioteca de escritores de la provincia de Guadalajara: y bibliograf�a de la misma hasta el siglo XIX (1899), 559.





Michael de Kildare (early fourteenth century)

OM. Irish Franciscan friar. Native of Kildare, Southern Ireland, religious author and poet. His texts are found in a collection now in the British Library. This manuscript, written in the 1320s (known as The Book of Wexford, The Book of Kildare, or The Book of Ross) by the friars of a friary in the South-Eastern part of Ireland, is mostly the product of a single hand. It contains texts ranging from religious reflections and Latin parody to devotional and satyrical poetry, a list of provinces (dated 1325), and sayings of Francis. Cotter remarks that the seize and the contents suggest its functionas a preacher's manual. (in all 31 Latin pieces, 3 French pieces, and 17 Middle English texts). The English poems as well as the so-called Poem of Friar Michael have been published. See also under Joannes Clynn.


Die Kildare-Gedichte: die �ltesten mittelenglischen Denkmaler in Anglo-Irischer �berlieferung, ed. W. Heuser (Bonn, 1904; Reprint Darmstadt, 1964); The Poem of Friar Michael: Th. Kinsella (ed.), The New Oxford Book of Irish Verse (Oxford, 1986), 117-121.


Thomas Jay Garb�ty, 'Studies in the Franciscan "The Land of Cokaygne" in the Kildare MS', Franziskanische Studien 45 (1963), 139-153; Cotter, The Friars Minor in Ireland; M. Benskin, `The Style and Authorship of the Kildare Poems...' in: In Other Words. Transcultural Studies in Philology, Translation and Lexicography, Presented to Hans Heinrich Meier, ed. J.L. MacKenzie & R. Todd (Dordrecht, 1989), 57-75; Augustine Valkenburg, `The Kildare poems', Journal of the County Kildare Archaeological Society and surrounding districts 17 (1989/91), 30-33; Renate Haas, 'Kildare-Gedichte', in: Lexikon des Mittelalters V (1991), 1135; Karl Reich, `Satirische und politische Lyrik in der anglo-irischen Kildare-Handschrift (HS. BL Harley 913)', in: Zeitgeschehen und seine Darstellung im Mittelalter/L'actualit� et sa repr�sentation au Moyen �ge, ed. Christoph Cormeau, Studium Universale, 20 (Bonn, 1995), 173-199; Alan Fletcher, `The date of London, British Library, Harley MS 913 (the 'Kildare Poems')', Medium Aevum 79 (2010), 306-310





Michael de Lezera (Miguel de Lezera, fl. second half 17th cent.)

OFMCap. Spanish Capuchin friar from the Aragon province. Provincial definitor, custos, and preacher.


Sermon de San Pedro de Alcantara, que dijo en Zaragoza en las fiestas de su Canonizacion (Zaragoza: Juan Ibar, 1670).


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 373; F�lix de Latassa, Biblioteca nueva de escritores Aragoneses que florecieron desde el ano de 1641 hasta 1680 III, 411.





Michael de Lima (Miguel de Lima, fl. late 17th & early 18th cent.)

OFMCap. Spanish friar from the Castilian province. Theologian, custodian, guardian and provincial definitor, as well as court preacher at the Spanish court and at the court of Emperor Leopold.


Oraci�n f�nebre paneg�rico que en las honras de la Majestad del Se�or Don Carlos II, Rey de las Espa�as (...) (Madrid, 1701).

Varia, & ingeniosissima poemata (Vienna, 1702).


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 373.





Michael de La Plaza (Miguel de La Plaza, fl. later 17th cent.)

OFM. Spanish friar from the Castile province. Theology lector in the San Diego friary of Alcaka and royal preacher.


Oracion f�nebre por Se�ora Do�a Maria Luisa de Borbon, Reyna de Espa�a (Alcala: In Officina Universitatis, 1689).

Oracion f�nebre en elogio del Cardenal Arzobispo Fr. Francisco Ximenez de Cisneros (...) (Alcala: Francisco Garcia, 1690).


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 376; Juan Catalina Garc�a, Ensayo de una tipograf�a complutense (1889), 390





Michael de Lyra (Michael van Lyre, fl. 15th cent.)

OMObs. Belgian (Flemish) Observant friar. Preacher and guardian.


Sermoen: MS Ghent, Universiteitsbibliotheek, MS 902, ff. 17r-23v. [Sermon for the second Sunday of Advent and the Immaculate Conception of Mary] Cf. Guido Defloor, Vijf onuitgegeven sermoenen van Dionijs van Hollant OFM uit het manuscript U.B. Gent, nr. 902. Een tekstuitgave met inleiding, aantekeningen en glossarium (University of Ghent, Unpublished doctoral dissertation, 1960), 19. This sermons was transcribed by Barbara Cuyermans, writing mistress of the Brussels Jericho convent and then copied in a series of sermons by the conversa Mergriete van Steenbergen.


Patricia Stoop, Schrijven in commissie. De zusters uit het Brusselse klooster Jericho en de preken van hun biechtvaders, Middeleeuwse Studies en Bronnen, 127 (Hilversum: Verloren, 2013), 274; Guido Defloor, Vijf onuitgegeven sermoenen van Dionijs van Hollant OFM uit het manuscript U.B. Gent, nr. 902. Een tekstuitgave met inleiding, aantekeningen en glossarium (University of Ghent, Unpublished doctoral dissertation, 1960), 19.





Michael de Medina (Miguel de Medina, 1489-1578)

OFM. Spanish friar. Theologian, humanist and poliglot. Born at Belalc�zar (Cordoba). Engaged in studies of the humanities in Cordoba. Entered the Franciscan order after he had started his theoligical education as a grownup in 1509 (took the habit in the Cordoba convent of Hornachuelos, in the Los Angeles custody). Further studies of theology at the recently founded university of Alcal� and at Toledo. Well-versed in Latin, Greek, Hebrew and Chaldaic. Obtained the doctorate in Toledo. Taught Scriptural theology at Alcala. Played a role at the council of Trent (sent out by the University of Alcal� to Trent in 1562 at request of Philip II), where he took an active part in discussions on marriage and clerical chastity, and where he received the commission to refute several protestant works. After his return, he became counsellor of the Inquisition of Toledo. Defended friar Johannes Wild against inquisitorial allegations. In 1569, he became guardian of the Toledo convent. Later, he was custos, in which quality he took part in the general chapter of Rome (1571). There he was elected general definitor. After his return from Rome, where he had pursued further anti-protestant writings, he was taken into custody by the Spanish inquisition (October 1573), which confiscated his books and found no less than 98 heretical propositions in his work. He was incarcerated and subjected to a long legal process, which lasted until shortly before his death. In prison, Miguel fell ill, and after his final conviction in Frebruary 1578, he was able to convince his superiors to have him transferred to the San Juan de Los Reyes friary in Toledo, where he died on 1 May 1578. Only after his death did Miguel receive papal absolution, and was a decrete from the Tribunal of the Holy Office declared innocent of the accusations levied against him. Prolific author, both in Latin and in Castilian.


Tratado de la christiana y verdadera humildad. En el qual se habla dela naturaleza excelencias, propriedades y fructos desta sancta virtud (...) (Toledo: Casa de Iuan de Ayala, 1570). This work contains a Tratado de la christiana y verdadera humildad, and a Carta en la cual se declara a quel dicho de Christo en el cap. XVIII de sant Matheo: si no os volvi�redes en ni�os, no entrareys en el reyno de los cielos. Part of this Carta, which was addressed at Antonia Pacheco de San Francisco (Abbes of the La Conception monastery of Escalona), has been edited as Infancia espiritual, in: Misticos Franciscanos Espa�oles Tomo II, Biblioteca de Autores Cristianos (Madrid, 1948), 767-828. The 1570 Toledo edition of the Tratado de la christiana y verdadera humildad is now also accessible the digital collections of the library of the Universidad Complutense (Madrid), and via Google Books (creative search, does not always show up).

Apologia Joannis Feri in Qua septem et sexaginta loca commentariorum in Ioannem, que antea quidam calumniatus fuerat, ex sancta scriptura sanctorumque doctrina restituuntur, ubi obiter multa lector reperiet, quae ad sanctarum scripturarum germanam intelligentiam illum poterunt promovere (...) (Alcala, 1558/Mainz: Franciscus Behem, 1572). The Mainz edition is accessible via Google Books. Work in defense of Johannes Wild's postills In Sacrosanctum Jesu Christi Evangelium Secundum Johannem (Mainz, 1545). A work to counter the accusations against Wild made by Domingo de Soto. This led to a long polemic with Soto.

Enarratio trium Locorum ex capite secundo Deuteronomii in cathedrae sanctarum scripturarum petitione (Alcala: Joannes Brocarius, 1560). Accessible via the digital collections of the Universidad de Granada [ ].

In Sacrosanctam Jesu Christi Secundum Joannem Evangelium Commentaria(Alcala, 1562/1567/1578/Venice, 1569). Cf. also F. Joannis Feri Moguntini Ordinis Minorum Regularis Observantiae, in sacrosanctum Jesu Christi secundum Joanem Evangelium Commentaria, nunc denuo post multas animadversiones, ex iudicio & censura facultatus Theologicae Salmanticensis per Fratrem Michaelem Medinam (...) repurgata (...) (Alcala: Antonio Sanchez, 1578).

Christiana Paraenesis sive De Recta in Deum Fide Libri Septem ad Philippum Catholicum Regem, In quibus orthodoxae fidei origines & causae proponuntur, ac simul excolendae, nutriendae & propagandae ratio quam aptissima traditur (...) (Venice: Jordano Zileti 1564/1569). Accessible via the digital collections of the �sterreichische Nationalbibliothek, and via Google Books (creative search, does not always show up).

De Sacrorum Hominum Continentia Libri V. In quibus sacri & Ecclesiastici caelibatus origo, progressio, & consummatio ex sancta Scriptura, sanctorumque Patrum scriptis proponitur, statuitur, & ab haereticorum nostri temporis calumniis propugnantur & defenditur (Venice: Jordano Zileti, 1569). Accessible the digital collections of the library of the Universidad Complutense (Madrid), and via Google Books.

Disputationum de Indulgentiis adversus Nostrae Tempestatis Haereticos, ad patres S. concilii Tridentini, Liber Unus (Venice: Jordano Zileti, 1564). Accessible via the library of the Universidad Complutense in Madrid, and via Google Books (creative search, does not always show up). Defending Catholic indulgence ideology (including the Portiuncola indulgence) against Protestant detractions, and at the same time stating a Franciscan position with regard to the reach of papal plenitude of power as vicarius Christi, providing a more limited conception of papal absolutism (during the reign of Julius III) than several contemporary Dominicans.

Explicationes in Quartum Symboli Apostolici Articulum (Venice, 1564)

(as editor) F. Joannis Feri Moguntini Ordinis Minorum Regularis Observantiae, in sacrosanctum Jesu Christi secundum Joanem Evangelium Commentaria, nunc denuo post multas animadversiones, ex iudicio & censura facultatus Theologicae Salmanticensis per Fratrem Michaelem Medinam (...) repurgata (...) (Alcala: Antonio Sanchez, 1578). Accessible via Google Books.

Animadversiones in S. Cyrilli Alexandrini liber adversus Antromorphitas ex interpretatione Bonaventurae Vulcaniu: MS Leiden ?


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 373-374; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 544 & (ed. 1921) II, 256-257; Vicente Beltr�n de Heredia, �Catedr�ticos de sagrada escritura en la universidad de Alcal� durante el siglo XVI�, Ciencia tomista 19 (1919), 49-54; Pascual Saura Lahoz, �El P. Miguel de Medina y las �Centurias� de Magdeburgo�, AIA 19 (1923), 75-90; Bonaventura Orom�, �Los franciscanos espa�oles en el concilio de Trento�, Verdad y Vida 15 (1946), 492-505; DSpir X, 904-905; Vicente Beltr�n de Heredia, Domingo deSoto. Estudio biogr�fico documentado(Salamanca, 1960), 433-460; Rodr�guez, �Autores espirituales�, Diccionario de historia eclesi�stica de Espa�a(Madrid, 1972-1975) III, 524 (no. 198); Jos� L. de Orella y Unzue, Respuestas cat�licas a las �Centurias� de Magdeburgo, 1559-1588 (Madrid, 1976), 351-366; Manuel de Castro, Bibliograf�a de las bibliografias franciscanas espa�olas e hispanoamericanas, Publicaciones de Archivo Ibero-Americano (Madrid: Ed. Cisneros, 1982),� 146-147 (no. 563); Isaac V�zquez Janeiro, �El te�logo fray Miguel de Medina (d. 1578). En torno a su proceso inquisitorial�, in: El Franciscanismo en Andalucia. Conferencias del V Curo de Verano (�) Conferencias del VI Curso de Verano, ed. Manuel Pel�ez del Rosal (C�rdoba: Caja Sur, 2001), 491-508.





Michael de Molina (Miguel de Milina, fl. mid 18th cent.)

OFM. Mexican friar. Apostolic preacher in the San Fernando Colegio of Mexico City. Known for a Relaci�n (...) sobre las muertas de los padres fray Alonso Giraldo de Terreros y fray Joseph de Santiestevan. For an edition of this text and also the friar's correspondence with the viceroy of Spain, see the literature below.


Relaci�n (...) sobre las muertas de los padres fray Alonso Giraldo de Terreros y fray Joseph de Santiestevan. Check the literature.


The Presidio and Militia on the Northern Frontier of New Spain. A Documentary History, II, 2: The Central Corridor and the Texas Corridor, 1700-1765, ed. Diana Hadley et al. (Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1997), 500-526.





Michael de Monsalve (Miguel de Monsalve, fl. early 17th cent.)

Spanish friar. Mentioned as a Franciscan author, active in Latin America, yet it would seem that he was a Dominican friar with alchemical/metallurgical interests.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 375; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 544; B.H. Slicher van Bath, De bezinning op het verleden in Latijns Amerika 1493-1820. Auteurs, verhalen en lezers (Groningen, 1998), passim; Iberian Books Volumes II & III/Libros Ib�ricos Vol�menes II y III, 1621 (mentioned as a Dominican friar). See also





Michael de Neapoli (Michael Neapolitanus/Miguel de N�poles, d. 1580)

OFMCap. Italian friar. Member of the Naples province. Preacher and exegete. He died during a Lenten sermon cycle held in Camerino (or in 1585 in Rome? Cf. Sbaralea)


Annotazioni sopra i Profeti, e quelle sopra Ezechiele (1580): MS?

Tractatus de Praedestinatione?

Sermones plurimi diversi generis: MS now in the Vatican library and earlier in the library of the dukes of Urbino?


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 372; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 543 & 545.





Michael de Consentia (Michele da Cosenza, d. ca. 1650)

OFMCap. Italian friar. Preacher and mariologist.


Trattato della gloriosa Vergine Maria Madre di Dio, detta del Santissimo Sacramento: MS, Assisi, Biblioteca Comunale. Check!


�douard d'Alen�on, Bibliotheca Mariana Ordinis FF. Min. Capuccinorum, seu Catalogus scriptorum ejusdem ordinis qui de B.V. Maria opera ediderunt vel manuscripta reliquerunt (Rome: Collegio S. Lorenzo, 1910), 55-56; Salvatore Rizzolino, Angelus Domini nuntiavit Mariae. Poemetti mariani dimenticati fra Lagrime e Rime spirituali del Tasso. Appendice di testi mariani cappuccini tra XVI-XVII sec., ed. Costanzo Cargnoni, Centro Studi Cappuccini Lombardi. Nuova Serie, 4 (Milan: Edizioni Biblioteca Francescana, 2017), 538-542.





Michael de Densk (Michael Densk, fl. early 17th cent.)

OFMRef. Austrian friar. Member of the strictly Observant Austria province. General procurator for his order and commissarius for the Clarissan monastery of Vienna.


Gladius. S. Michaelis (1629). A book on religious controversies.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 371; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 543.





Michael de Oerderen

OFM? Belgian friar.


Sermo de Unione Animaecum Deo [Dutch!]: Brussels, Koninkl.Bibl. 11151-11155 ff. 198v-205v.





Michael de Ophem (Michael van Ophem, fl. second half 17th cent.)

OFMRec. Belgian friar. Member of the Recollect Brussels friary.


Manuale devotionis seu Viaticum Franciscanum: ad se die noctuque in pietate exercendum; non tantum Religioso Franciscano, verum etiam cuilibet Ecclesiastico Viro (...) (Brussels: Weduwe Petrus van de Velde, 1696). Accessible via the Dutch Royal Library in The Hague and via Google Books.





Michael de Papinio (Michele da Papigno, d. 1820)

OFMCap. Italian friar from the Umbria province.


Vita della Serva di Dio Suor Maria Lanceata Morelli di S. Vittorina (Macerata, 1784).


Catalogus Scriptorum Ordinis Minorum S. Francisci Capuccinorum, ab anno 1747 usque ad annum 1852, sive Appendix ad Bibliothecam Scriptorum Capuccinorum a P. Bernardo Bononiensi (...) (Rome: Gaetano A. Bertinelli, 1852), 33.





Michael de Parada (Miguel de Parada, d. 1633)

OFM. Spanish friar from Segovia and member of the Concepci�n province. Theology lector in the Segovia friary and chronologus for his order province, as well as censor for the inquisition. He wrote (to our knowledge still unedited) Epitome Qualificatorum ac Ministrorum S. Inquisitionis and related guidelines, alongside of published texts in which he defended the regular Observance. He died at the age of 45 in February 1633 while working on a provincial order chronicle.


Motivos fundamentales del gobierno establicedo en la Bula de la union, para la regular observancia de N.P.S. Francisco con satisfaciones justificadas a las constancias de las Provincias litigantes sobre su reparaci�n (s.l., s.a., ca. 1622).

Responsion Apologetica a un Memorial que los Padres Descal�os de la Orden de nuestro P.S. Francisco dieron (como se testifica de entre ellos con juramento por escrito) al Claustro de Salamanca, y otras partes, y persones graves, en que se satisfaze segon Dios y obligacion a la verdad en el hechi y derecho (s.l., s.a., ca. 1625?). Present in Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional V.E. 210-40 [incomplete]

Instancias a las respuestas de un memorial sobre el Articulo de separacion engre Observantes y Descal�os de la Orden de N.P.S. Francisco (s.l., s.a., ca. 1625?). Present in Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional V.E. 213-44.

De Matrimonii impedimentis, eorumque dispensationibus: MS Madrid Biblioteca Nacional? (olim Madrid, Bibl. Conv. S. Francisci).

: olim MS Valladolid (Pincia), Bibl. Conv. S. Francisci sub. E. num 38.

Epitome Qualificatorum ac Ministrorum S. Inquisitionis una cum Edicti expositione: MS olim MS Valladolid (Pincia), Bibl. Conv. S. Francisci plut. ult, arm. 2 n. 8.

De rebus beneficialibus arumque expeditione in Romana Curia: MS olim MS Valladolid (Pincia), Bibl. Conv. S. Francisci.

Juan de San Antonio and Sbaralea mention a translation of another work by Pedro de Gonzalez that we have not yet been able to trace.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 375-376; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 545; Francisco Bethencourt, La Inquisici�n en la �poca moderna (Madrid: Akal, 1997); Jos� Simon Diaz, Bibliografia de la literatura Hispanica XVI, 529.





Michael de Passione (Miguel de la Pasi�n, dl. ca. 1700)

OFMDisc. Italian friar of Spanish descent and member of the Neapolitan San Pietro de Alcantara province. He would have been responsible for an Italian translation of the life of Pedro d'Alcantara by Alonso di San Bernardo. This needs to be checked.


Vita del glorioso S. Pietro d'Alcantara, Fondatore delle Province de' Frati Minori Scalzi di S. Giuseppe, S. Giovanni Battista, S. Paolo, e dell'altre (...) Ricopilata in Idiomo Spagnuolo dal P.Fr. Alonso do S. Bernardo (...) E tradotta in Italiano d� una Persona Religiosa (...) (Naples: Antonio Parrino, 1705). Accessible via Google Books.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 376.





Michael de Platia (Michele da Piazza, fl. 2nd half 14th cent.)

OM. Italian friar, author of the Continuatio historiae Siculae Nicolai Specialis, dealing with the years between 1337 and 1361. It amounts to a continuation of the chronicle by Nicolaus Specialis.


Continuatio historiae Siculae Nicolai Specialis: MS Biblioteca Palermitana Qq F.8.

Bibliotheca scriptorum, qui res in Sicilia gestas sub Aragonum imperio retulere. Eam uti accessionem ad Historicam Bibliothecam Carusii instruxit (...), ed. Rosarius Gregorius, 2 Vols. (Palermo, 1791-1792) I, 509-780 & II, 1-106.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 376; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 545 & (ed. 1921) II, 258; S.T. Bozzo, 'Un errore di data e la Cronica di fra Michele da Piazza pubblicato dal Gregorio.' Archivo Storico Siciliano. Nuova Serie. I (1876) 259-275; S. Tramontana, Michele da Piazza e il potere baronale in Sicilia, Messina-Florence, 1963, pp. 42-60; G. Rossi, I manoscritti della biblioteca communale di Palermo, I, Palermo 1863, 243.





Michael de Purificatione (Michael a Purificatione/Miguel de la Purificaci�n/Miguel da Purifica�am/Miguel da Purifica�a�, fl. 17th cent.)

OFM. Portuguese friar from Trapor (India) active in the Santo Tom�s province in India from 1589 onwards. Custos and missionary in the Mogor kingdom, as well as procurator for his province at the Roman curia, where he tried to seek papal support to divorce his Indian order province from Portugal.


Rela�ao defensiva dos filhos India Oriental, e da Provincia do Apostolo S. Tom� dos Frades Menores da Regular Observancia da mesma India (Barcelona: Sebastia� e Jo�o Matheva, 1640).

Vida Evangelica, y Apostolica de los Frailes Menores en Oriente, ilustrada con varias materias Morales, y Anotaciones predicables (Barcelona: Gabriel Nogues, 1641).

Apologia al Libro de la Vida Evangelica y Apostolica de los Frayles Menores (...) (Paris: Louis Fugi, 1642).


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 376-377; Epitome de la bibliotheca oriental y occidental, nautica, y geographica de don Antonio de Leon Pinelo (...) I, de 87-88; Bibliotheca Lusitana III, 481.





Michael de Salas (Miguel de Salas, fl. later 17th cent.)

OFM. Spanish friar from Zaragoza. Preacher and provincial definitor in the Aragon province. He died on 30 November 1697 in the Santa Maria de Gesu friary.


Oracion Sagrada de las 40 Horas de la Solemnidad de Maria SSma, que dixo en el dia de su Anunciacion en el Convento de S. Francisco de Catalayud (Zaragoza: Diego Dormer, 1685).

Oracion Panegirica de Santa Catalina Virgen, y Martir (Zaragoza: Jaime de Bordazar, 1693).

Decada Serafica. Oraciones Panegiricas de las Fiestas principales de la Religion de N.P.S. Francisco, ed. Don Pedro Valentin (Zaragoza: Oficina de Dormer, 1696).

Vida de Santa Agatodea Virgen, y Martir, Patrona de Mequinenza (Zaragoza: Manuel Roman, 1697).


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 377; F�lix de Latassa y Ortin, Biblioteca nueva de los escritores aragoneses que florecieron desde el a�o de 1689 hasta el de 1753 IV, 87-88; AIA 15 (1955), 427-428; Manuel de Castro, Bibliograf�a de las bibliografias franciscanas espa�olas e hispanoamericanas, Publicaciones de Archivo Ibero-Americano (Madrid: Ed. Cisneros, 1982), 176 (no. 763).





Michael de Santa Maria (Miguel de Santa Maria, fl. mid 17th cent.)

OFMDisc. Spanish friar from the San Paulo province. Guardian of the San Luis friary in Toro. Known for an unpublished Vida del V.D. Rodrigo Conde y Tamayo, Canonigo en la Santa Iglesia Cathedral de Zamora, y Arcediano en la de Toro, which once was kept in the friary in question.


Vida del V.D. Rodrigo Conde y Tamayo, Canonigo en la Santa Iglesia Cathedral de Zamora, y Arcediano en la de Toro. Check!


Francisco Descalzos En Castilla La Vieja, Chronica De La Santa Provincia de San Pablo de la mas estrecha regular observancia de N.S.P.S. Francisco (...) (Salamanca: Imprenta de la Santa Cruz, 1728), 150; Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 373.





Michael de Sancta Rosa (Miguel de Santa Rosa, fl. 17th cent.?)

OFM. Portuguese friar. Lector and provincial definitor of the San Juan Bautista province in the Azores.


Acta utriusque S. Rosae: Viterbiensis ac Limensis, secundum exemplar Vitae Christi, 2 Vols.: MS Lisbon, Biblioteca national?


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 377; Domingo Angulo, Santa Rosa de Santa Mar�a: Estudio bibliogr�fico (Sanmarti y cia., 1917), 186.





Michael de Talavera (Miguel de Talavera, fl. later 16th cent.)

OFMDisc. Colombian friar from New Granada and member of the San Gregorio province in the Philippines. Also active on the Indonesian island of Borneo (Kalimantan). He would have written several exegetical, moral, and exemplary works in the Tagalo vernacular, as well as a volume of sermons in the Virgin Mary, and a Tagalo-Spanish confession manual (Enchiridion de la Conciencia) that would have been issued in Manilla in 1617. This needs further checking.


Tagalo-Spanish missionary works and confession manuals. To be continued...


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 377; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 546; Evergisto Bazaco, History of Education in the Philippines (...) Spanish period, 1565-1898 (University of Santo Tomas Press, 1953), 141; Achilles Meersman, The Franciscans in the Indonesian Archipelago, 1300-1775 (Louvain, 1967), 155ff; Damon Lawrence Woods, Tomas Pinpin and "Librong Pagaaralan Nang Manga Tagalog Nang Uicang Castila": Tagalog Literacy and Survival in Early Spanish Philippines (University of California Los Angeles, 1995), 53.





Michael de Tugio (Michael Tugiensis/Michael von Zug, fl. 18th cent.)

OFMCap. Swiss friar. Secretary of the minister general in Rome and editor of the Bullarium Ordinis FF. Minorum S.P. Francisci Capucinorum


Bullarium Ordinis FF. Minorum S.P. Francisci Capucinorum: sev Collectio bullarum, brevium, decretorum, rescriptorum, oraculorum, &c. quae a Sede apostolica pro Ordine Capucino emanarunt (... )variis notis, & scholiis elucubrata a P.F. Michaele a Tugio in Helvetia, 7 Vols. (Rome: Zempel, 1740-1752).


Catalogus Scriptorum Ordinis Minorum S. Francisci Capuccinorum, ab anno 1747 usque ad annum 1852, sive Appendix ad Bibliothecam Scriptorum Capuccinorum a P. Bernardo Bononiensi (...) (Rome: Gaetano A. Bertinelli, 1852), 33.





Michael de Valentia (Michael Valentinus/Miguel de Valencia/Matheo Escriva, d. 1630)

Trinitarian and later OFMCap. Spanish friar from Valencia, son of Don Onofre Escriv� and Do�a Isabel Matheu. Joined the Trinitarians and made his profession in 1597. He finished his theology studies with a master degree prior to transferring to the Capuchin order, changing his name to Miguel de Valencia. Two-times provincial of the Valencia province and a friar known for his abstinence and his live of religious retreat. He died in the Sangre de Cristo friary in 1630. Supposedly the author of a rule commentary.


Expositio super Regulam Fratrum Minorum Never published?


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 378; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 546; Vicente Ximeno, Escritores del reyno de Valencia, chronologicamente ordenados (...) I, 319.





Michael de Vera (Miguel de Vera, d. 1720)

OFM. Spanish friar from the Aragon province. Botanical specialist. He died in the San Francisco de Zaragoza friary in 1720


Tratado del conocimiento y cuidado de las plantas en alivio de los hortelanos (1720). We have not yet been able to trace the whereabouts of this work.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 378; Felix de Latassa y Ortin, Biblioteca Nueva De Los Escritores Aragoneses que florecieron desde el a�o de 1689 hasta el de 1753(...) IV, 338.





Michael de Villaverde (Miguel de Villaverde, fl. mid 17th cent.)

OFM. Spanish friar from Orgaz. Member of the Valencia province. Colegial student of the Colegio de Apostoli San Pedro y Pablo. Long-term lector of the San Diego friary in Alcala and guardian of the Colegio de Apostoli San Pedro y Pablo where he had studied before.


Logica docens, seu directiua in doctrina doctoris subtilis Scoti (Alcala: ex officina Mariae Fernandez, 1656).

Tractatus in octo libros physicae in quo sententiae Scoti proponuntur (Alcala: ex officina Mariae Fernandez, 1658). Accessible via Google Books.

Cursus Theologicum Never edited?


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 378; Diego Alvarez, Memorial illustre de los famosos Hijos del Real, Grave y Religioso convento de Santa Maria de Jesus (vulgo san Diego de Alcala) (1753), 533-534; AIA 21 (1924), 408-409; AIA 27 (1927), 133; AIA 20 (1960), 132; Manuel de Castro,Bibliograf�a de las bibliografias franciscanas espa�olas e hispanoamericanas, Publicaciones de Archivo Ibero-Americano (Madrid: Ed. Cisneros, 1982), 118 (no. 334).





Michael de Zapata (Miguel de Zapata, fl. early 18th cent.)

OFMDisc. Spanish friar and member of the San Diego province in Mexico. Preacher and consultant for the inquisitor.


Ecos en los concavos del Monte Carmelo resonantes (...) validos tristes de las Recheles ovejas del Aprisco de Elias (...) en la p�rdida de su amant�simo benefactor el Exmo. se�or D. Fernando de Lencastre Noro�a y Sylva Virrey que fue de este Nueva Espa�a (...) (Mexico: Herederos de la Viuda de Miguel de Ribera, 1717).


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 378; La Imprenta en Mexico (1539-1821). Edicion Facsimilar, Tomo III (1685-1717) (1989), 73; Mar�a de los Angeles Rodr�guez Alvarez, Usos y costumbres funerarias en la Nueva Espa�a (Zamora, Mich.: El Colegio de Michoac�n, 2001), 212.





Michael de Zarate (Miguel de Zarate, d. 1583?)

OFM. Spanish friar. Member of the Mexico province, theology professor and religious autor. He allegedly left behind a number of works in local Mexican vernaculars. None of these seem to have been printed.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 378; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 546; Cipriano Mu�oz & Manzano Vi�aza, Bibliograf�a espa�ola de lenguas ind�genas de Am�rica (1892), 260.





Michael de Zepeda (Miguel de Zepeda, fl. early 18th cent.)

OFMCap. Spanish friar, preacher and provincial definitor in the Castille province. Also preacher at the royal court.


A funerary sermon in honor of the deceased Duke of Parma Francisco Farnese was issued at Alcala: Jos� Espartosa, 1727). The exact title needs to be checked.

One of his other sermons has been included in: Los j�venes jesuitas. Punctual relaci�n de las c�lebres solemnes fiestas executadas en el Colegio Imperial de Madrid a la canonizaci�n de S. Luis Gonzaga y S. Stanislao Koska, el uno religioso estudiante y el otro novicio de la Compa�ia de Jes�s, decretada por N.M.S.P. Benedicto XIII, inclusos los sermones predicados en ellas (...) (Madrid: Diego Mart�nez Abad, 1728).


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 378; Franciscan Studies 7 (1928), 530.





Michael Dirleton (fl. first half 15th cent.)

OM. Scottish friar.


Ad Valterum Haliburton, fundatorem, militem.

Lecturae in Psalmos.



Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 543; Thomas Dempster, Historia ecclesiastica gentis scotorum: sive, de scriptoribus scotis editio altera I (Edinburgh: Andreas Balfour, 1829), 226.





Michael Dominicus de Pinerolo (Michele Domenico/Domenichi da Pinerolo, fl. early 16th cent.)

OFMConv. Italian friar from Pinerolo (Piedmont) or active there. Apparently master of theology. Thus far nothing else is known about the life and career of this friar.


Commentaria in Porphyrium dicata Carolo Sabaudiae Duci (Turin, 1521).

Questio contra diabolicas partialitates guelforum et gibellinorum: sive alio quocunque nomine nuncupatas. Per praeclarum Sacrae Theologiae magistrum, & divini verbi praeconem celebrem, Fratrem Michaelem Dominicum ordinis minorum (Turin: Giovanni, Angelo e Bernardino da Silva, 1522). According to Mathieu Caesar, who was so kind to share his findings, it seems to be a rare edition. It is apparently available in Paris, BnF, signature K-1852; Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana; Perugia, Biblioteca comunale Augusta; Rome, Biblioteca dell'Accademia nazionale dei Lincei e Corsiniana; Turin, Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria. The edition available on Google Books is the Turin exemplar.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 371; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 543 & (ed. 1921) II, 543; Giovanni Rossi, �...partialitas in civitate est tanquam vermis in caseo...: il giudizio (negativo) sulle fazioni politiche in Giovanni Nevizzano (1490 ca-1540)�, in: Guelfi e Ghibellini nell�Italia del Rinascimento, ed. Marco Gentile (Rome: Viella, 2005), 79-108; Marco Gentile, �Bartolo in pratica: appunti su identit� politica e procedura giudiziaria nel ducato di Milano alla fine del Quattrocento�, Rivista internazionale di Diritto Comune 18 (2007), 231-251; Mathieu Caesar, �The Prince and the Factions: Rebellion and Political Propaganda in Sixteenth-Century Geneva�, in: Factional Struggles. Divided Elites in European Cities and Courts (1400�1750), ed. Mathieu Caesar (Brill: Leiden-Boston, 2017), 104-121.

With many thanks to Dr. Mathieu Caesar, Universit� de Gen�ve/University of Geneva, who brought the existence of this friar to our attention and has provided with most of the information available on him thus far.





Michael Ezpeleta (Miguel de Ezpeleta, fl. early 17th cent.)

OFM. Spanish friar from Aragon. Convent preacher in the Santa Maria de Jesus convent of Zaragoza in 1625, and guardian or the