Capital Preservation Group

As Seen On

Capital Preservation Group - As Seen On


At Capital Preservation Group, we believe everyone should be able to live the retirement they've always wanted. Your ­financial situation is different than that of your parents, your neighbors, and even your closest friends, so a cookie-cutter approach isn't going to cut it. We can work with you to create a retirement strategy that fi­ts your unique retirement needs a strategy designed to get you to your goals.

When you have concerns about things like how long your money will last, or what will happen if you pass away before your spouse, we can help you answer those questions, too.

Maybe it's been a while since you've thoroughly reviewed your bank statements, investments, insurance policies and other accounts. Or maybe you have all your information ready to go, but you just aren't sure where to begin. Whether we're your first step or just a second set of eyes to provide reassurance that everything is on track. We want to help you have the retirement you've always imagined.


You've dreamed about it, and you've fantasized about the days when your time can truly be your own. But now, as retirement is coming faster with the close of each workday, are you ready?  

If you're like many people who come see us, you may have some doubts about whether you're prepared to leave your steady paycheck behind. Or maybe you just want reassurance that your current strategy is leading you where you want to go.

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About Us

Michael Messmer is the Founder and Lead Advisor of Capital Preservation Group. As a qualified financial professional, he is passionate about helping individuals and families achieve their ideal retirements.

Capital Preservation Group - Ready to Take the Next Step?

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Ready to take the next step? We will take you through our process and add value to your current financial plan.

Lay the foundation for your family's future wealth.

Do you envision your wealth passing on to future generations? Unfortunately, it's all too common to see a family's wealth disappear within decades—unless you have a strong foundation to create a multi-generational plan. Read tips and strategies that'll help solidify your family's wealth for generations to come.

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Let’s make a plan. At Capital Preservation Group, we have a three-step process for building a financial strategy that gives you a firm foundation for pursuing your goals.



A tailor-made financial strategy you can feel confident about. Because the main thing we want you to worry about in retiremnt is how to use your time.