Kate DiCamillo | Biography, Books & Awards | Study.com
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Kate DiCamillo | Biography, Books & Awards

Candace Lehman, Christina Boggs
  • Author
    Candace Lehman

    Candace Lehman has taught all subject areas in 4th and 5th grade for over 12 years. She has a Bachelors of Science in Elementary Education from Missouri State University. She holds a lifetime teaching certificate in the state of Missouri for Birth-6th Grade.

  • Instructor
    Christina Boggs

    Chrissy has taught secondary English and history and writes online curriculum. She has an M.S.Ed. in Social Studies Education.

Author Kate DiCamillo has written literature spanning multiple genres and age groups. See a Kate DiCamillo's biography and learn about her life and books. Updated: 11/21/2023
Frequently Asked Questions

Why did Kate DiCamillo become author?

Kate DiCamillo has a degree in English from Florida University. She has always had an interest in children's literature, but her work in a book warehouse sparked her desire to begin writing.

What sickness did Kate DiCamillo have?

When Kate was a young child she suffered from chronic pneumonia. Her mother moved Kate and her brother to Florida for the warmer and dryer temperature when Kate was five.

What is Kate DiCamillo most popular book?

Kate DiCamillo's most popular book is Because of Winn-Dixie. This book was published in 2001 and has won her several awards, and also was made into a movie in 2005.

What type of books does Kate DiCamillo write?

Kate DiCamillo writes books for children and young adults. Her books are well well loved by young adults and adults as well.

What age are Kate DiCamillo books for?

Kate DiCamillo writes picture books for early readers around age seven. She also writes novels intended for young adults and adults enjoy reading them as well.

Kate DiCamillo is an American author specializing in Children and Young Adult Literature.

Kate DiCamillo Biography

Kate DiCamillo is an American author that writes young adult books. In most of her books, the main character faces insurmountable circumstances that they overcome with hope and belief in themselves. She writes for a young audience, but people of all ages around the world connect with her books. She has published many novels, chapter books, picture books, and short stories in her career.

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Kate DiCamillo has stated that she has a strict writing routine where she writes two pages of a book five days a week. She has produced many chart topping and award winning books. She writes young adult novels, chapter books, and short stories as well as picture books for younger


Because Winn-Dixie and The Tale of Despereaux are a couple of Kate's best known literary works. She wrote her first novel, Because of Winn-Dixie when she had first bad winter while living in Minnesota. She missed the warm temperatures of Florida and having a dog as a pet. Because of Winn-Dixie is a heartwarming story about a young girl and her dog and how they learn from each other and heal from a broken past. Her book, The Tales of Despereaux, is a book about a brave little mouse with big ears that does not let anything stand in the way of his dreams. Both books, as well as her other books, teach hope and perseverance to her young readers.

Some of Kate's books are discussed below in more detail.

Kate DiCamillo has books that are loved by young adults worldwide.

Kate DiCamillo Facts

List of Novels by Kate DiCamillo

Author Kate DiCamillo has written many novels in her career. Her first novel, Because of Winn-Dixie is her most famous novel.

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DiCamillo's books have received many acclaimed awards, but perhaps the most prestigious book award is the John Newbery Medal. The Newbery Medal award is an annual award given by The Association for Library Service to Children and is given to an author that has made the largest impact on children's literature the year before. DiCamillo has won this award three different times:

  • 2001 for Because of Winn-Dixie
  • 2004 for Tales of Despereaux
  • 2014 for Flora and Ulysses

Kate DiCamillo has received other honors as well.

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Kate DiCamillo is an American author specializing in children and youth literature. She is the author of many novels, chapter books, picture books, and short stories. Her first book was published in the year 2000, and she is still writing to top readers still today.

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Additional Info

Early Life

Before Kate DiCamillo was the author of popular books like Because of Winn-Dixie and The Tales of Desperaux, she was just a regular kid growing up in Florida. She was born on March 25, 1964 in Philadelphia, but moved to the Sunshine State when she was five years old.

As a kid, DiCamillo suffered from chronic pneumonia, a chest infection that causes you to be sick for long periods of time. Her mom decided to move the family from the much cooler Northeast to the South in hopes that it would help young Kate's health. If you've ever had pneumonia or know someone else who has, then you know that it causes you to cough a lot. DiCamillo was unable to run around and play like other kids her age, so she began reading books to experience adventures inside her own mind. DiCamillo's family also had a dog named Nanette. DiCamillo put her imagination to good use and often spent time playing dress up with the poodle.

Becoming a Writer

After Kate DiCamillo graduated from college, she took a job working in a book warehouse in Minneapolis, Minnesota, where she worked closely with children's books for four years. But Minneapolis is a far cry from the South, and DiCamillo missed the warmth -- and especially missed having a dog like Nanette to keep her company. This, along with her work with books, led her to write her first novel, Because of Winn-Dixie. From there, DiCamillo has written several picture books, novels, and early-readers for children.


Kate DiCamillo's books cover a wide variety of topics and describe vivid and engaging characters. While many of her stories are inspired by her early life, the characters and their adventures often come from her imagination. Each of her stories share a common theme: the ways that hope and perseverance can help you overcome any obstacle. DiCamillo attributes her ability as a writer not to luck or talent, but to hard work. In fact, she sets daily and weekly goals for her writing. She spends five days a week writing, and doesn't stop until she's written at least two pages each day. Talk about dedication!

Because of Winn-Dixie (2000) tells the story of India Opal Buloni, a little girl who moves to Florida with her dad, a preacher. India Opal Buloni is tired of moving around and misses her mother, but finds an unlikely friend in a local stray dog she names Winn-Dixie. She and Winn-Dixie have all sorts of adventures that bring her closer to the interesting people around her. The book was awarded a Newbery Honor and became a movie in 2005.

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