Flyboys- Movie Answer Sheet Flashcards | Quizlet

Flyboys- Movie Answer Sheet

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What does the paper say that James Franco (Blaine Rawlings) throws away?
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What does the paper say that James Franco (Blaine Rawlings) throws away?
What event does Blaine go to?
The theater to see events of WWI
What were some of the reasons why the characters were joining the war?
Glory, family tradition, avoiding jail
Where were the new pilots sent?
What is the life expectancy of pilots there?
6 weeks
What were the first lessons like that the pilots experienced?
Basic flying and basic skills
What happens when Rawlings wake up and see come into the base?
Crash land and are taken to a brothel
What does Rawlings wake up and see come into the base?
Airplanes they'll be flying
What is the pilots' first mission?
Help a bomber blow up an ammunition factory
Why did he hand the pilots a gun?
If their plane caught fire they could kill themselves
On the pilots first mission what does the war zone look like?
Completely destroyed
What happened to the pilot who crash landed during the mission?
Shot by German pilot
Who does Rawlings go see the day after the attack?
A girl he met name Lucienne
Why didn't the German Pilot kill Rawlings?
As payment for the Black Falcons killing a downed man
Was the second mission more successful than the first? Why, or why not?
Yes, completed their mission and took down some Germans