Page 3 — Indianapolis Times 6 September 1947 — Hoosier State Chronicles: Indiana's Digital Historic Newspaper Program

Indianapolis Times,Indianapolis, Marion County, 6 September 1947 — Page 3

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Price-Metzger Ceremony ~ Is Read

| Wedding vows uniting Miss Mary| Dale Metzger and Robert M. Price| were read at 2 o'clock this after-| noon by the Rev. Marcus Johnson, | pastor of the First Congregational | church, The ceremony was in| Sweeney chapel at Butler university. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Metzger, | formerly of Indianapolis and now| of Cleveland, are the bride’ 5| parents, The bridegroom is the son| of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond S. Price, 45 E. 46th st. { The bride’s sister, Ann, was her] maid of honor. She wore a daffodil yellow marquiset frock with a} matching bonnet and mitts. A white marquiset and Breton] lace gown was worn by the pride. | It was made with a sheer yoke edged with a lace bertha;. front! panniers, and a chapel train. ! A matching lace bonnet held her fingertip illusion veil. She carried a white orchid surrounded by -tubeyoses and ivy. | Donald A. Baker was the best man, and the ushers were Robert M. Coyner and James W, Sale. A reception was held -in the north parlor of the Marott hotel after the ceremony, Following a trip to Virginia Beach, Va, the couple will live at the Marott hotel. The bride is a graduate of DePauw university where she was a member of Alpha Phi sorority. The bridegroom, a Sigma Chi fraternity member, is attending Butler university.

Bishop to Read Nuptial Vows

The Rt. Rev. Richard A. Kirchhofler, bishop of the Indianapolis diocese, will read the marriage service for Miss Fllen Joanne MacDonald ‘and Robert Ray Rehm at 4:30 o'clock this afternoon in the Advent Episcopal church, Miss MacDonald is the daughter of Mr. and ‘Mrs. William T. MacDonald, 5673 N. Guilford ave. ‘The bridegroom is the son of Mrs. Myrtle W. Rehm, St. Charles, Ill, and Percy R. Rehm, Geneva, Ill, Mrs. Betty Rehm Voorhaar, El-! gin, Ill, the matron of honor, will wear an aqua satin dress. The bridesmaids, Mrs. Robert Gallenbeck, Plainfield, and Miss Patricia | George Harley, Richmond Heights, | Mo., will wear bronze rose frocks.

The best man wlll be John Harley MacDonald, brother of the bride. The ushers will be Herman Westerburg, Chicago; George Meyrat, Des Moines, Iowa; Maurice Nelson; St, Charles, Ill, and James Durka.

An ivory satin gown accented with seed pearls will be worn by the bride: Her three-tiered illusion veil will cascade from a tiara of pearls. She will carry white roses and stephanotis with an orchid center,

After a reception at the Mayrott hotel, the couple will leave for a trip to New Orleans. They will be at home later this month in AYrora,

111. |

Miss ,MacDonald was graduated from Adl Saints Episcopal college.

Sorority Alumnae

Book Meeting

The Indianapolis alumnae chap-| ter of Gamma Phi Beta sorority | will meet at 7:30 p. m. Monday for a dessert and business meeting. ! Mrs. Alfred E. Kuerst, 401 W. Westfield blvd., will be the hostess.

Mrs. Robert H. Heine, «vice presi-

dent, will preside in the absgnee of the president, Mss. Gaylord A. Gourley.

Mount Holyoke this year,

| her daughter.



Students Prepare for Their Annual September Journey

Back to Colleges and Universities After Summer Holiday

By JEAN TABBERT {THE TRECK BACK TO TEXTBOOKS is about to get underway as it does at this time each year. And scores of Indianapolis girls will be heading for colleges and universities all over the country. Ann Huesmann, who will be a freshman at will visit her. grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Pearce, in East Orange, N. J., before she goes to South Hadley, Mass. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Louis M. Huesmann, Mrs. Huesmann will go east with Nancy Judy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Judy, will leave Sept. 14 for Vassar college, Before she leaves, she'll attend the debut dance of her roommate, Ann Jeffris, Winnetka, Ill, on Priday. The girls, sophomores, will return to college together.

» » ” JOAN MINNEMAN, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Minneman, will go to Wheaton College for Women, Norton, Mass, for her freshman year. Leaving Sept. 16 for Finch Junior "college in New York will be Alix Thomson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Thomson. Jody Thomas will enroll in Mt. Vernon Junior college in Washington for | her first year. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis R. Thomas. Betsy Arensman i§ planting to return to Briarcliff Junior college, Briarcliff Manor, N. Y., as a senior this year. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Arensman, Peggy Short, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Charles S. Short, will visit her aunt, Mrs. Eugene Ward, in Gainesville, Ga., before she returns to school there at Brenau college. Mary Caroline Goodwin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John K. Goodwin, will enroll at Lindenwood college, St. Charles, Mo., as a freshman. She will leave for school Sept. 17. Her sister, Betsy, will be a junior at Wellesley colege, A large group of girls leaving Wednesday for William Woods college in Fulton, Mo, will include Juanita Trotter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Harold Trotter. Also in the group will be Helen Hodges, datighter of Mr. and Mrs, Dale H. Hodges; Caroline Hummel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin J. Hummel; Pat Fricke, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Fricke; Mary Massa, Mr, and Mrs. Don Massa's daughter and Betty Reel, daughter of Leonard O, Reel. Gloria Tuerk, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paui F. Tuerk, will go to Fulton on Monday to assist with plans for welcoming students at the school. She is a senior. Suzanne Bray, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Walker M. Bray, will leave for Colorado college at Colorado Springs, where she will be a’ junior, ‘Sydney Sullivan, Mrs. 8. A. Sullivan's daughter, will return to Charleton college, Northfield, Minn., Sept. 16. Nancy Sewell will spend a week with her roommate, Jane | Murray of. Bluehill, Me. before they return to | Vassar ‘college. Nancy, daugliter of Mr.~snd Mrs. Malcolm C. Sewell, left yesterday for Maine. All set to be a freshman at Vassar, Joan Spitznagel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Spitznagel, will leave Sept. 15 for Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Entering her senior year at Vassar will be Joan Warvel, daughter i of Dr. and Mrs. John H. Warvel. A trio of Pine Manor Junior eollege students will return to Wellesley, Mass, Sept. 23. Traveling together will be Sally Stokely, daughter of Mrs. John

i B. Stokely; Macy Glendening, daughter of Dr. and

- * - i - »


| |

.0f Dr, and Mrs.

Mrs. J. L. Glendening, and Georgia White, Srond

daughter of Mrs. Paul H. White. Also heading east | —will be |

—to Radcliffe college in Cambridge, Mass Emily: Flickinger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dan W. Flickinger; Flo Mary Foreman, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Harry L. Foreman, and Anne Clark, Mr, and Mrs. Robert W. Clark's daughter. Leaving together Sept 16 for Wellesley will be Lucinda Kryter, daughter of the Harry C. Kryters, and Portia Hurd, niece of Mr. and Mrs. Robert McMurray, Another to be there this year is Mary Jean Milner, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Jean 8, Milner, She will be a freshman, Sophomores at the school will ‘include Helen Rogers, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, William E. Rogers, and Jo Ann Summers, Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Summers’ daughter. Returnas juniors will be Ann Lindstaedt daughter of Mr. Mrs. Arthur O. Lindstaedt; Elizabeth Insley, daughter of Mt. and Mrs. Francis Insley, and Mary Flizabeth Ancker, Capt, and Mrs; Clinton J. Ancker’s daughter, Joan Sherwood, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer W, Sherwood, will be a senior Joan Folz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard F. Foltz, will matriculate at Western college, Oxford, O., this year, Many girls have selected their home state as background for college training. Leaving for DePauw university at Greencastle will be Marcia and Elizabeth Finley, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Finley, They will be a junior and a senior, respectively. Ann Keeney, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, George O. Lehman Jr., will be a freshman. Others who will attend DePauw are Beverly Potts, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil W, Potts’ daughter; Adeline Kadel daughter of George W, Kadel, and Jean Swaim, daughter of Judge and Mrs. Nathan Swaim. » » ~ ENTERI BUTLER UNIVERSITY will be Harriet Margaret Fisher, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lowell S. Fisher, and Patia Anne Hosea daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Max Hosea. Jane Stith will leave Wednesday for her ({reshman year at Purdue university, She Is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Robert Stith, Another first-year student will be Shirley Hardin, daughter of the James T. Hardins. Joan Courtney, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James C. Courtney, and Jean Fuller, the Harry R. Fullers’ daughter, also will go to West Lafayette, Sue and Isobel Griffith, twin daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Griffith, will be sophomores at Purdue this year. Flo Ann McMullen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, J. F. McMullen, and Mary Beth Rowan, the Gerald G. Rowans' daughter, also will be Purdue undergraduates. Caroline Costin, the J. W. Costins’ daughter, will go to DePauw as will Sally Mitchell, the daughter of

Dr. and Mrs. Edward L. Mitchell. Maryann Comp- 1

ton, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Don E, Compton, will be “at the, university for her final year, Another DePauw student will be Caroline Smith, daughter ! David L. Smith, Among the many who will réturn to Indiana university are Eileen Sidman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. of Mr. and Mrs, J. Dwight Peterson: Priscilla Babbitt, the John H. Babbitts' daughter; Betty Wrege, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Arthur J. Wrege, and Charlotte Chrisney, daughtef of Mr. and Mrs. Garland Chrisney,


Floyd H. Sidman; Sally Peterson, daughter |

3 4 re vos .

List Workers In Symphony

Sales Drive

Mrs <Walaer P. Morton, chairman of the Indianapolis symphony ofs chestra's season ticket campaign, has named her staff for the opening week, Sept 15 through Sept 19. The volunteer workers for this period include Mesdames Earl B, Barnes,, R. C. Becherer, Easley R, ‘Blackwood, George W. Bowman, Hortense Rauh Burpee, Marvin BE, Curle, Stewart A. Greene, William Herbert Gibbs, Susan Shedd Heme ingway. | Mesdames T. Victor Keene MacGregor = Morris, Burks Nicholas, Garland ¥. Retherford, Everett N, Schofield, Charles F, |Voyles, Harry V. Wade and Bliss B. Wells, Miss Grace Greene and Miss Josephine Madden. The evening staff for the firs week of the campaign will be volun {teer workers from Ayres’. Miss {Helen Hollingsworth is their chaire Iman.

Following the same campaign ore ganization plan as last year, all volunteer workers will operate from {the orchestra headquarters in the {Murat temple, where deflnite seat locations can be assigned immedi

p : Photos by John Spicklemire and Dean ‘Jimmerman, Times Siaf Pholographisin. IN THE BACK-TO-BOOKS PARADE—September spells the end of the summer vacation from textbook and campus. Here are some of the girls who are busy getting ready for the back-to-school movement. . .and "sandwiching in" their final taste of holiday leisure. Upper ‘left: Joan Foltz (s tanding by car) and (left to right] Jody lately to subscribers. Thomas, Ann Huesmann, Harriet Margaret Fisher and Alix Thomson. Center above: | For preferential seat locations, Suzanne Bray (left) and Patia Anne Hosea. Upper right: Joan Minneman, Jane Stith [prospective season ticket subscribers and Ann Keeney (left i right}. Lower left: Betsy Arensman, Nancy Judy and Peggy Re the Orchestras Short (left to right). Lower right: Juanita Trotter, Mary Caroline Goodwin and - ing the campaign rather than wait Shirley Hardin (left to right).

to be called by the workers. Nancy Young | The he Bride's Cousin Officiates

[Vows Pledged To Be W ed At Franklin-Freihage Rite In Chapel

will A high mass followed: the ceremony uniting Miss Mary Joan Prel-| ohn Marvin Marshall took Miss read the ceremony uniting ‘Miss hage and Earl James Franklin this morning at 10 o'clock in St. Joa Mary Jo Beazell as his bride ak Nancy Ann Young and Richard of Arc Catholic church, 3:30 o'clock this afternoon in Mce Sharp Thompson at 4:30 o'clock The Very Rev, Msgr. Romuald Mollaun, Kee chapel of the Tabernacle this afternoon. The ceremony will cousin of the bride, read the vows The hoop skirt ex- Presbyterian church. The Rev. Joe be in the Meridian Heights Presby- Mrs. Franklin is the daughter of Her full- seph W. Johnston read the mare terian church. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Freihage, 4102 service Miss Young is of Ruckle st The bridegroom » Pais of white satin. Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. YOuDR, ents are Mr. and Mrs, E, J." Frank4471 College ave. The bridegroom's In, Belfast, N. ¥ parerits are Mr. and Mrs. Glenn M The bride's sister, Miss


O..r M., Cincinnati, a

dlelight satin. tended into a full train. length illusion veil fell from a halo riage She carried white! The bride is the daughter of Mrs, {Harry L. Beazell, 3311 Broadway, Holly The bridegroot parents are Mr, J. Marshall, Jeffers

the daughter roses, Shirley. A breakfast was held at


noon at

: Ther ; ai and Mrs, Joh ’ po we Freihage, was the maid of Hock Hill. “There was a reception ANC : Thompson, 4726 Rockwood ave, She wore a blue-green taffeta dreds from 2 until 4 o'clock this after- sonville, The maid ‘of honor, Miss Ann with matching hat." The . brides- the home of the bride's The maid of honor was Miss Bete Metzger, Cleveland, will wear a maids, Miss Melrose Franklin, parents, ty Graves. She wore an American yellow marquiset dress, The Rochester, N. Y, a sister of the After a wedding trip to Chicago, Beauty taffeta frock. pridesnalds will be Miss Lucy |pridegroom, and Miss Marjorie the couple will pd at-home at 2139) Bruce J. Stout, Peoria, Ill; was Rhoadarmer of Waterloo, Miss Cain, wore frocks of ‘American College ave. the best man. Robert: Marshall, Mary Kathryn McIntyre and Miss Beauty taffeta and matching hats, © The bride, a’ member of Pi Beta Jeffersonville, and John Beazell Eleanor Mauch. They will wear po vert Art.of Wellsville, N. Y. Phi sorority, was graduated from were ushers. blue moire Safle frocks was the best man. ‘The ushers were Butler university, Mr, Franklin 15 The bride's gown of candlelight Robert L. Thompson, brother of Carl Henn and Ross. Richards attending Butler and is a member satin had a full skirt ending in a the bridegroom, will be the best! The bride wore a gown of can-.of Delta Tau Delta fraternity. chapel train. Her two-tiered illue .man, The ushers will be Werner ~ ~ision vell was attached to. a heads» Siems, Evansville; James Thomp- M T N J I di band of stephanotis son, Niles, Mich., and Bruce Dotts. otor rip to ort er n n lana P : Fs After a reception at the home of The bride will wear a gown of . v . the bride's mother, the couple will candlelight satin with a full hoop Follows Holmes-Cook Marriage leave for a wedding trip. They will skirt forming a train. Her finger- ns : : : make their home with the bride's tip illusion veil will fall from a lace Waller Laney Holmes will wed Miss Janet Rose Cook this after- mother after Sept. 15 halo, and sl Il carry ‘de noon. The 4:30 o'clock ceremony will ‘be read by 4he bride's father, "Sane y 1¢ will carry gardenias T bride I After a reception at the Marott DF Gaines M. Cook, In Dr. and Mrs, Cook's home at 5321 N. Pennayl- The bride, a member of Delta hotel, “the couple will Jeav vania st. Mr. Holmes is the son of Mr, &nd Mrs. John L. Holmes Delta Delta sorority, was graduated ho ; h couple poi Save for » ol Greenville. Mis — (from Indiana university. Mr. Mare rip to Cincinnati and through the . shall attended the university fo Smoky mountains. They will be at The maid of honor, Miss Char- p sl lot: l Xi C hapter Wo years and will enter Ah home after Sept. 20 in Blooming- lotte Holmes, and the bridesmaid, WH Meet Monday university this fall { ton where t} brideg . tending trian university, ls a1- Miss Margaret Holmes, ‘are sisters The Delta Beta chapter of Psi Ce : of the bridegroom. Both are Of lyata Ni sorority: will meet for tie Athenzeun J ihary M 3. LL Greenville. They will wear dresses first time this season on Monday | I'S. C adick of gold and turquoise taffeta, evening at 7:30 o'clock. in the Will Have Dinner To Enter tain Club : ren F Rail Plated, XN. ’ Denaers Point home of Mrs, Ward The Women's auxiliary of the a p ice. ; thenaeum rners wil Members of the Indiana Vassar (the bride, Gaines M. Cook Jr, Assisting Mrs. Rice will be Mes- Athenaeum Turmiess. will open theif club will meet for luncheon at 1 Cleveland, will be the usher dames John Cockley, Harold fall and winter season with = p. Wedntsday 2 home of The bride will wear a candlelight Roberts and F. W. Hunt, p. m, dinnér° Monday at the Woking avd. v Cadick, 3505 (satin gown. A lace tiara will hold! New officers for the coming year Athenaeum | her fingertip illusion veit:~She will are Miss Newell Hulvershorn, presi-| fhe dinner will be toliowed by & { Students fattending Vassar college carry a shower. arrangement of dent; Mrs. Fred Fosler, vice presi- ot coquainted” party. Mrs (iow will be guests at the meeting. stephanotis with a white orchid cn dent; Mrs. Raymond Browife, re-| oe. A : | Miss Nancy Judy will entertain with 4 white Bible. cording secretary; Mrs. William ©: George J. Burns is the pros piano selections. | After a reception in the’ Mime, Lewis, corresponding secretary; Ms chairnian, w——— » lthe couple will leave for a motor {Morris Crain, treasurer, and ’ Founders’ Dinner rip to a northern Indiana resort, Raleigh Miller, conduictress. * Meeting M onday The Lambda chapter of Delta They will be at home -in Ithaca, | TTT, Sigma Kappa sorority held its N- Y., after Sept. 15, 50th Am niversary. Daughters of Unilon’ Pounders’ day dinner at McClarney’s . The -bride was graduated .from!. Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Willett] [Givil War, will meet restaurant recently. Mrs. Carl Puhl- Cornell university and is a mem- 2702 Manker st. will eslebrate (heir Monday in the Odd mann and Miss Mary Ljcas were in ber of Pi Beta Phi sorority. “The 50th wedding anniversary with an 2615 E. "Mrs. Francis icharge of the dinner arrangements, bridegroom is attending ‘Gornéll, ‘open house tomorrow afternoon, - president, WAll conduct. " @