Map of Belgium

Map of Belgium

map of Belgium

Having three different national languages might make you think that travelling around Belgium would be difficult. Nothing could be further from the truth, in fact not knowing any of the languages will not hamper you. Most of the population has a good understanding of English. Beer is another thing Belgium is famous for and as a result the nightlife is incredible. You could spend your whole holiday just going from bar to bar and not get bored. They cater for every taste and the variety is astounding.

The bed and breakfast niche is covered well in Belgium and is highly recommended for those on a budget while travelling. With a mild climate similar to the netherlands, you could pretty much holiday any time of the year. One particular town that should be visited by all holiday makers is Bruge. It is considered the venice of the north and with its quaint canals and sea side living, it is a place to come and relax. Don’t forget to get yourself a good map of Belgium, to help you navigate around the country.

Three recommendations when travelling around Belgium are

  • Car rental, being such a small nation lends it perfectly to a driving holiday. This way you are in complete control of your destinations and you are never more than 5 hours away from Brussels.
  • The railways, belgium has an excellent railway network and is also a part of the Eurorail network. So travelling around Belgium by train is an easy option. Also it will be a nice and scenic way to enter and leave the country.
  • Travel Insurance, Always take out travel insurance. No matter where you go in Europe. Do this! It is always wise to have a good travel insurance policy up your sleave.

Remember there are cheap tickets available with airlines and eurorail being offered all the time. Times are tough and competition is fierce so make sure you haggle for the best price on travel you can possibly get.

Here are some facts about the Belgium
Official name is the Kingdom of Belgium. It is situated in North West Europe. Bordered by the countries : France and the Netherlands . It is bordered by the North Sea. The land mass is 30,528 km/squared and a population of approximately 10.8 million people. The capital city is Brussels The political system of the Belgium is a Federal parliamentary democracy and Constitutional monarchy. The official languages are Dutch, French and German