The battlefield of Pavia | Marco Galandra

The battlefield of Pavia

Bagetti 1
View of Pavia from the east in 1796/Veduta di Pavia da est nel 1796 (Bagetti)
Giuseppe Pietro Bagetti (Turin,April 14 1764 – Turin,April 29 1831) Although trained as an architect at the ‘University of Turin, Giuseppe Bagetti is known for his collaboration with the French army during the first Napoleonic campaign of Italy. To this period belongs a successful series of views representing the victorious battles Napoleon in the years 1796-1800.
In this print one can see the eastern part of the city of Pavia as it appeared in 1796. The view in 1525 was not to be very different, except for the two missing towers of the castle, destroyed by Lautrec in 1527. On the left, the convent of San Paulo, where the king of France prisoner was taken after the battle.


Il Comune di Pavia non è in grado,al momento, di restaurare il castello di Mirabello per farne la degna sede di un museo e di un centro culturale dedicato alla Battaglia di Pavia e all’antico Parco Visconteo all’interno del quale essa ebbe luogo.

Rivolgiamo un appello a chi fosse interessato ad un “project financing” per riqualificare quest’area!


The Municipality of Pavia is unable at present to restore the castle of Mirabello to make it a worthy home to a museum and cultural center dedicated to the Battle of Pavia and the ancient Visconti Park in which it took place .

We appeal to anyone interested in “project financing” to redevelop this area!

The “castle” or, better to say, the “villa” of Mirabello, few kilometers north of Pavia.

Here began the battle of February 24, 1525

The battle of Pavia

Gherardo Poli (Firenze, 1676 – Pisa, 1739) – Pavia, Musei Civici

In the background, Pavia with its towers, walls, and the Visconti Castle. In the foreground, the French king Francis I on the verge of being taken prisoner. In the representation of XVI Century Pavia there are two glaring errors: the castle is already mutilated of its north side, while only in 1527 the French destroyed this wing of the building; the second error concerns Civic Tower which was located next to the Duomo and collapsed in 1989. Moreover, in the painting appears on the top of the Civic Tower the belfry, which was only established in 1583 by architect Pellegrino Tibaldi.


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