Facts about Athena for kids ***

Facts about Athena

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Ancient Greek Gods and Goddesses - Fun Facts about Athena for Kids
Interesting, short facts about Athena with pictures, mythological information and legends for kids

Mythical Facts about Athena for kids
Discover interesting information and fun facts about Athena, the Greek goddess of wisdom who lived with the other gods on Mount Olympus. The fun facts about Athena for kids provides a list detailing fascinating information to increase your knowledge about Athena in Greek Mythology.

Fun Facts about Athena for kids
Discover the legends and myths and religious beliefs surrounding the famous Greek goddess of wisdom with these fast, fun facts about Athena for kids and children of all ages. Additional, intriguing information about all of the ancient gods and goddesses and the mythical creatures and monsters that feature in their legends are also available via:

Gods and Deities

Greek Gods and Goddesses


Ancient Greek Gods and Goddesses



Interesting Facts about Athena - Pictures of Athena
Our fast facts and information about the Greek goddess Athena are brought to life with some interesting pictures depicting her role in various myths and legends of the ancient Greeks.

Perseus and Athena

Perseus and Athena

Mythical Facts about Athena for Kids

Fact 1: She was the goddess of wisdom, was the daughter of Zeus

Fact 2: According to myth she sprang forth from his brain full grown and clad in complete armor

Fact 3: She was one of the 12 Olympian gods who resided on the summit of Mount Olympus

Fact 4: She presided over agriculture and navigation, and the work of women such as spinning, weaving, and needle-work.

Fact 5: She was also a warlike goddess, and had a controlled strategic approach that brought her success in conflicts.

Fact 6: Athens was her chosen seat and her own city. Athens was awarded to her during the reign of Cecrops, the first king of Athens, as the prize of a contest with Poseidon, who also aspired to it.

Fact 7: In the contest the gods decreed that Athens should be awarded to that one who produced the gift most useful to mortals. Poseidon gave the horse and Athena produced the olive. The gods gave judgment that the olive was the more useful of the two gifts, and awarded the city to the goddess which was named after her.

Fact 8: She used her powers to transform Odysseus into a handsome figure in the same way that someone who had been taught by Hephaestus would work with gold or silver

Fact 9: The myth about the Apple of Discord tells of a golden apple that was thrown into a banquet of the gods by Eris, the goddess of discord, who had not been invited to the feast. The the apple had "for the fairest" written on it and the goddesses Hera, Athena and Aphrodite all claimed it. Paris, the Prince of Troy, awarded it to Aphrodite beginning a chain of events that led to the Trojan War.

Fact 10: The god Ares assisted the armies of Troy in the Trojan War against the Greeks, but was wounded in an encounter with the hero Diomedes and the goddess Athena

Perseus and Athena

Perseus and Athena

Fact 11: Poseidon, the god of the sea, ravished Medusa, a beautiful priestess in a temple to the goddess Athena. Medusa was then changed into the monstrous mythical creature called a Gorgon by Athena.

Fact 12: She gave the hero Perseus a mirror-like shield to help in his quests. Perseus went on to slay the terrifying gorgon and gave the head of Medusa to the goddess.

Fact 13: Hephaestus had fallen in love with Athena but she rejected him with the utmost contempt because of his ugly appearance.

Fact 14: Athena was the goddess of spinning and weaving; and she herself could weave the most beautiful cloths of many colors. She made an immortal dress for Hera, the Queen of the gods. She wove then polished this dress for her embellishing it with the finest embroidery.

Fact 15: During the War of the gods against the Titans she crushed Enceladus, one of the Gigantes (giants), who was later buried beneath Mount Etna

Fact 16: During the Trojan War the Greeks told the inhabitants of Troy that they had built the Wooden Horse as a sacred offering to Athena

Fact 17: The goddess featured in the last labor of Hercules which was the most terrible one. Hercules was sent to the Underworld, the realm of Hades, to get the three-headed dog Cerberus. The journey was so difficult that Hermes and Athena were obliged to go with him and guard him on the way.

Fact 18: In the myth of Cadmus the goddess advised him that he must take out the teeth of a terrible dragon and sow them in the ground. After completing this task he would soon have men enough to help him build his city.

Fact 19:She invented the plow, bridle, rake, ox yoke, chariot and the flute

Fact 20: She used wisdom and cunning to help her in her battles and was more successful than Ares, the god of War.

Fact 21: She taught Greek women how to spin and embroider. One of the women, Arachne boasted that her skills exceeded those of the goddess and was turned into a spider.

Arachne turned into a spider

Arachne turned into a spider

Mythical Facts about Athena for Kids

Fun Facts about Athena - Pictures of Athena
Whilst checking out the facts about Athena its a good idea to have an impression of what the goddess Athena might have looked like. Images, pictures and representations of the goddess of wisdom are found in the ancient sculptures, mosaics, paintings, pictures, pottery and vases that were made in ancient times. Other artists of later periods have also produced some wonderful pictures depicting their ideas of what the goddess might have looked like. In Greek Art she was often illustrated with images and pictures representing the attributes and symbols associated with her. Look at the pictures of Athena and see if you can identify any symbols associated with this famous Olympian goddess which are the the owl, her chariot, shield, weapons and armor, the serpent or snake and the olive tree. She invented the plow, bridle, rake, ox yoke, chariot, and the flute.


Athena, goddess of WisdomAthena

Pictures of Athena

Athena and Arachne

Athena and Arachne

Facts about Athena - Olympian Gods Family Tree & Genealogy
These interesting facts about Athena cannot be complete without the Olympian Gods Family Tree and the genealogy of these ancient deities.

Greek Gods Family Tree & Genealogy

Mythical Facts about Athena for kids
We hope that you have enjoyed discovering interesting information and facts about Athena. A fast educational resource for homework help containing short, fast, easy, strange, random, fun, odd, cool, bizarre, amazing and awesome facts about Athena! Fascinating, fun information to increase your knowledge about Athena the goddess of wisdom in Greek Mythology.

Facts about Athena

  • Interesting information and fun Facts about the Greek goddess Athena
  • Pictures of Athena
  • Legends and mythology about the Greek goddess for kids
  • Fast information and interesting fun facts about Athena for kids
  • Educational resource for teachers, homework help for children and kids
  • Interesting fun Facts about Athena for kids

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