Become an Online Tutor on Chegg and Earn Money
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How to become an online tutor and earn money on Chegg

Become online tutor and earn money on Chegg is an online tutoring company that connects students with tutors all over the world. The company was founded in 2011 and the beta version of the website was launched in May 2012. The owners of the company were previously running a home based tuition company. Then they decided to take it to the next level by building a web based online tuition system where students were be able to connect with teachers without any area restrictions. Students can receive tuition in 2 ways, on-demand or scheduling an online session.



In this guide, we will be discussing the Teacher part entirely since we want to earn money as a tutor. The website’s functionality is very user-friendly and the whole process of joining and teaching is very simple. The first step involves signing up as a tutor. In order to join the website you will need to connect your Facebook account with it. You have to signup with Facebook though. Chegg verifies your identity and checks your educational record and background through your profile. It also helps them to identify your strong areas so they can place you into the subjects accordingly. Please bear in mind that your Facebook profile requirement is only for the initial application process and they will never post anything to your wall.

Once you have applied and connected your Facebook profile to the website, your application will be evaluated and they will get back to your within a week with the status of your application. The one week duration can also change depending upon the volume of the applications submitted. If you become a tutor, your profile will start showing up in the student profiles. They will be able to contact you regarding their lessons. Chegg also notifies the tutors regularly with the latest teaching opportunities through chat. Here’s what the Signup Page actually looks like:

InstaEDU Signup

You also have to keep in mind that Chegg hires tutors based on the subject requirements. So for example, if they have plenty of Chemistry teachers working for them and your educational background demonstrates that you are a chemistry expert then you might have considerably less chances of approval. You will be notified about your application status through email. If it’s been more than 2 weeks since you submitted your application then there might be another problem because it doesn’t take any longer than that usually. In that case, you should re-verify by checking your email inbox and also check your spam folders. In case you are unable to link your Facebook account to the website after trying more than a couple of times, you should create another Facebook profile solely for the purpose of applying to be a tutor and save your educational info in it.

Here’s the link for applying as an online tutor: LINK.


Chegg requires the candidates to have some kind of previous teaching experience before they can teach through their portal. Candidates should be graduate from a 4 year university program or be currently studying as a student. Those who have not filled their Facebook profiles with educational background information will probably not stand a chance in the selection process.


Chegg pays $20 per hour to their tutors provided that the tutors spend the hour in a lesson with the students or write the student’s written lesson explanation. Both scenarios will count towards the eligible payment hours. The number of minutes consumed in a week determines the pay rate.

Online tutors are paid every Friday for all the lessons completed since the last payment was processed. If a lesson completes on Thursday before the payment day then it will compensate in the next week. The payment method is Paypal.


Considering the ease of use of the Web portal and the handsome payment structure, Chegg is probably one of the best online tutoring portals. The best thing is you can apply to be a tutor from any country in the world. However, you should not take the application process too lightly because users will not be able to re-apply. That is strictly discouraged by the Chegg administration. Make sure you accurately put as much educational information on your Facebook profile as possible. You will probably have a huge number of users to compete with. It’s always best to mention something unique and noticeable in your qualifications. Just give it your best shot and take the leap because there’s nothing to lose.

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