Apollo Beach (Florida) – Weather in November. Temperatures & Precipitation

Apollo Beach (Florida, US) Weather in November

State: FloridaCoordinates: 27°46'9"N, 82°23'33"W

November Weather Summary

Feels like Mildly cool with a gentle breeze
What to wear T-shirt
Daylight 10.8 hr.
Sunrise 07:01 AM
Sunset 05:50 PM
Chance of rain 11%
Amount of rain 0.05 in
Wind speed 13.6 mph
Humidity 75%
Cloud cover 64%

Hourly Air Temperature in November

Apollo Beach, United States

77°F Highs
61°F Lows

Average Temperatures in November

The average temperature in Apollo Beach for a typical day in November fluctuates between a maximum of 77°F and a minimum of 61°F. The conditions can be described as mildly cool with a gentle breeze.

For comparison, the warmest month in Apollo Beach is May with maximum temperatures of 88°F and minimum temperatures of 71°F. January is the coldest month with maximum temperatures averaging around 70°F and minimum temperatures dropping to 53°F.

Based on historical data, the chart below illustrates a typical day in Apollo Beach in November.

Typical daily temperature range in November: highest and lowest.
Maximum temp. Minimum temp.

Precipitation in Apollo Beach in November

On average, there is a 11% chance of precipitation in November, and when it does rain, we can expect around 0.05 in of rainfall per day. Using broader categories, this amount can be characterized as moderate rain.

Types of precipitation in November icon Rain: 100% icon Snow: 0%

September is the wettest month in Apollo Beach, with an average daily precipitation of 0.193 in and a 36% chance of rainfall. Conversely, December is the driest month, with an average daily precipitation of 0.046 in and a nearly 13% chance of precipitation.

Probability of precipitation (rain or snow) by month
Hourly average precipitation in November

Average Cloud Cover in November

During November in Apollo Beach, the favorable weather conditions with clear skies or minimal cloudiness last for an average of 15.3 a day, which is equivalent to 63.6% of the day.

The month of November has the most sunshine hours in a year, while August has the least with only an average of 9 hours of cloudless skies.

Percentage of days with no clouds during the month

Sunrise and Sunset Times in November

On average, in November in Apollo Beach, the sun rises at 07:01 AM and sets at 05:50 PM. Therefore, a typical day lasts for 10.8 hours.

The longest day of the year with the most daylight hours is on 17 June. It lasts for 13.9 hours, starting from sunrise at 06:33 AM and ending at sunset at 08:27 PM. Conversely, the shortest day of the year with the least daylight hours is on 19 December. It lasts for 10.4 hours, starting from sunrise at 07:14 AM and ending at sunset at 05:37 PM.

Average duration of daylight hours in each month

Wind Speed in November

Based on historical data, the average wind speed in Apollo Beach in November is 13.5 mph.

January is the windiest month with a wind speed of 14 mph. In contrast, July is the calmest month with an average wind speed of 8.3 mph.

Average monthly wind speed

Air Humidity in November

Historical data shows that the average relative humidity in Apollo Beach during November is 75.4%.

December records the highest humidity level at 77.9%, whereas May is the least humid month, registering a humidity level of 65.1%.

Seasonal changes in relative humidity
Data sources toggle
Yearly Climate Summary

Summary of the yearly weather conditions in Apollo Beach, which includes information on temperature, precipitation, and wind patterns.