The Antigone of Sophocles by Brecht: Summary & Analysis |
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The Antigone of Sophocles by Brecht: Summary & Analysis

Instructor Rachel Noorda
This lesson introduces and summarizes 'The Antigone of Sophocles' by Bertolt Brecht and compares Brecht's play to the original 'Antigone' by Sophocles.

Bertolt Brecht

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Antigone begins with sisters Ismene and Antigone talking about their brothers. Their brothers, Polyneices and Eteocles, have just been killed in battle, but Polyneices was not buried properly. He was seen as a traitor and so the king, Antigone's uncle Creon, refused to bury him. Burial was extremely important to the ancient Greeks because they thought that if a person was not buried, they could not move on in the afterlife.

Antigone ignores her uncle's command to leave Polyneices unburied, and she buries her brother herself. The majority of the play is a conversation between Creon and Antigone as she defends her position.

In the end, Creon sentences Antigone to prison and in prison, she kills herself.

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The Antigone of Sophocles by Brecht is very close to the original plot and dialogue of Sophocles' Antigone. Some of the main differences include the setting, political and economic contexts, and the character of Creon.

Brecht's version adds a prologue that sets the conversation between Ismene and Antigone in Germany in 1945, just as World War II is ending. The interesting thing about this addition to the play is that Brecht relates an ancient Greek story to the problems, wars, and issues that he faced in his own lifetime. Because of this prologue that introduces the setting as post World War II, the political and economic contexts for the play are slightly different.

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This lesson has discussed The Antigone of Sophocles by Bertolt Brecht, an adaption of the ancient Greek tragedy, Antigone by Sophocles. Even though Brecht's play is very close to the original play, there are a few differences. These differences are the setting of post World War II Germany, the political and economic contexts of post World War II Germany, and the character of Creon as having similar traits to Hitler.

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