Early Childhood - Annunciation Orthodox School

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Early Childhood

The Jesse H. Jones Center for Early Childhood Development provides a hands-on environment where children learn through play and exploration.

Our faculty use a wide variety of tools, teaching methods, and an age-appropriate curriculum that fosters a lifelong love of learning. AOS intentionally designed this program to provide opportunities for students to develop a positive self-image through social and emotional learning. The Jones Center includes our Delphi (age 3) and Prekindergarten classes.

Our family at AOS understands the importance of your family. We recognize you as your child’s first teacher and believe that only by working together are we able to maximize your child’s success and well-being. At AOS, our concern for each other adds value to the lives of our family and our community.

Sharon Corbett, Head of Early Childhood & Lower School

Program Overview

Our Delphi and Prekindergarten programs provide students with integrated instruction that encompasses all areas of academic development. The curriculum is rich with developmentally appropriate lessons, activities, and projects and provides students with multiple opportunities to develop their language, mathematics, science, social studies, and life skills. Chapel service, religion, gross motor, Greek, and music fundamentals extend classroom instruction and enrich each student's day.

These learning experiences promote the interest and curiosity of our young learners and allow children to play, explore, create, and progress at a comfortable pace. The following components comprise our early childhood program:


Our Jones Center is a special place. The amount of love, care, and happiness that fills the Jones Center classrooms is visible to anyone who enters the doors. We believe in setting a solid educational foundation at AOS and incorporating play into every aspect of a student's day. Come and experience the magic of the Jones Center for yourself. You will not be disappointed!

Kelley Elliott, Assistant Head of Early Childhood & Lower School