CineMaterial - #1 Movie Poster Database

Box office


CineMaterial is a digital community that aims to create a complete digital archive of movie posters, covers, logos, key art and more. So far, we have collected over one million images.

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We have artist and designer sections with info on more than 13,000 posters. Check out the great work by Drew Struzan, Saul Bass and Luigi Martinati, for example.

If you are an artist or design company and want to be listed on CineMaterial don't hesitate to contact us!


Many users requested to have the movie index back. Good news: CineMaterial now offers an easy way to explore all movies and television shows, filterable on release date.
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  • monroville on 30 Apr in Development: "Here we go again! Why is a moderator rejecting..." Read
  • monroville on 19 Apr in Development: "I appreciate someone going through all of my image..." Read
  • monroville on 13 Apr in Development: "[I meant to EDIT this with the message below, to k..." Read

Classic Polish posters

Did you know that during the communist-era a lot of surreal movie posters were created in Poland, as an alternative to banned U.S. publicity material? Some are true works of art!
Make sure to have a look at our section of classic Polish posters.


If you love movie posters as much as we do, we're sure you'd like something about them on your bookshelf. In association with Amazon, we've selected some books you might find interesting.

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