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Simon Decimo & Guardians[]

10th Simon and Adelheid

Adelheid's bonds

Adelheid is deeply loyal and cares for her family and according to Demon, her zealous leadership is what slowly regained the Simon's spirit for their family revival. Her bond with Enma seems to be strongest amongst the other Simon members. She truly believes Enma is suited to become a better boss than Tsuna who she thinks is a coward and stated that the Simon Famiglia lead by Enma is her pride and also reassured him when he had nightmares about his sister. She's somewhat become de facto leader of Simon and had earned their trust. Kouyou obeyed when she told him to desist, Shitt P! claimed that she loves all members of Simon (except Julie), and she was also furious when Julie playfully said that Large lost without any sadness over his imprisonment. All Simon members respect her with the exception of Julie/Demon who often clashes with her and claims that he hates it when she can not keep her mouth shut, though it was when Julie was under Demon Spade's possession.

Enma Kozato[]

Her bond with Enma seems to be strongest amongst the other Simon members. She truly believes Enma is suited to become better boss than Tsuna who she thinks is a coward and stated that the Simon lead by Enma is her pride and also consoled him when he had nightmare about his sister. She's somewhat become de facto leader of Simon and had earned their trust.

Julie Kato[]

Adelheid X Julie

Julie and Adelheid

Although these two come into conflict whenever they meet, it is shown through flashbacks that they care deeply for each other and were probably involved in a romantic way. This is shown when Adelheid shouted hysterically, asking Demon Spade where he took Julie and upset when she knew that Julie had become Demon Spade's vessel. She was also jealous when Julie started to flirt with other girls, making her angry enough to make excuse to punish him. Julie also shown to deeply care for her in return as seen through a flashback, he vowed to put his life on the line for her and the others.

Kyoya Hibari[]

She has some rivalry with Hibari. They actually have many similarities; both are always serious, strict with their committee rules, always use force if necessary to gain what they want, and are also intimidating. Though the only thing that makes them different is that Adelheid is more compassionate and loyal to her family. Both are also shown to be very strong fighters. Adelheid is shown to acknowledge Hibari's strength as she asked him why is a man of his caliber siding with the Vongola, while he calmly replied that he is on no one's side, while on the other hand Hibari never acknowledges her strength, saying that he has seen the size of her fangs and she could never bite him to death.

Demon Spade[]

Like Enma and Kaoru, she held bitter resentment towards Demon upon knowing that he was using them and set the trap for Cozzato that led to Simon Famiglia's isolation. Demon saw her as valuable tool, acknowledging her passion and leadership that slowly bring the Simon Famiglia's determination back and thought of her as Simon's zeal and Goddess of victory. While how she feels towards Demon after knowing his past is not known, in Volume 36 Vongola no Ajito extra, she seems to be touched by Demon Spade's strong love for Elena, and even hopes that a 'certain womanizer' (Julie) would emulate him.
