2014 Ukrainian-Russian War

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  • First published in the collection of Yaroslav Dashkevich “Teach with accurate words of mouth to speak the truth” (K.: Tempora, 2011. – 828 p.).

In building up our Ukrainian state, Ukrainians should review and clarify their history based on truth, verified facts and dashkevhistorical events. Having been under the rule of invaders for centuries, Ukrainians actually were denied the opportunity to influence the formation of national consciousness and the development of its history, which resulted in the history of Ukraine to have been written mainly to the tastes of such invaders.  Especially unexplained is the question of claims and covetousness of Muscovy, and later Russia, on the historical legacy of Kievan Rus.

  1. Bilinsky in his historical novel announces facts as those taken from historical sources (mostly Russian), indicating a radical distortion of the history of the Russian Empire aimed at creating a historical mythology of common historical roots of Muscovy and Kievan Rus and thus the possession of “inherited rights” of Moscovy on Kievan Rus (V. Bilinsky, Moksel or Muscovy Country// Kiev: Elena Teligi Publisher, 2008, 2009, in three volumes).

A mere fraud of Muscovites, who appropriated to themselves the past of the Grand Duchy of Kiev and its people, inflicted a terrible blow on the Ukrainian ethnos.  The objective is now with verified facts to reveal the false and immoral nature of Moscow’s mythology.

Consider the basic questions of this problem.

Moscow and later Russian tsars realized that without great past could not create a great nation, a great empire.  To achieve this it was necessary not only to trim their historical past but also to appropriate that which is another’s.  So Moscow tsars, beginning from Ivan IV (Grozny) (1533-1584), set the goal to appropriate the history of Kievan Rus, its glorious past and created official mythology of the Russian Empire.

One could ignore that if this mythology did not affect the fundamental interests of Ukraine, was not aimed at the complete destruction of Ukraine, i.e. its history, language and culture.  Time proves that the Russian imperial chauvinists were doing and still are doing their best to achieve this objective.

Over the centuries, especially from the beginning of the XVI century, people’s minds have been brainwashed time and again that the Russian state and the Russian people originate from the Grand Duchy of Kiev; that Kievan Rus is the cradle of three fraternal peoples – Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian; the Russians by a “big brother” law have the right of legacy on Kievan Rus.  Russian historiography and statesmen are still using this pathetic lie, so are doing the “fifth column” in Ukraine, which includes communists and almost all members of the Party of Regions in the Verkhovna Rada (parliament).  It is known that:

  • at the time of existence of the state of Kievan Rus there was no even scarce mentioning about Moscow State; it is known that Muscovya sulus of the Golden Horde was founded by Mengu-Timur Khan only in 1277. Kievan Rus had been already existed for more than 300 years before that time;
  • there is neither evidence whatsoever on the relationship of Kievan Rus with Finnish ethnic group of “Moksel” land nor later on of Muscovy Duchy with the principalities of Kievan Rus up till the XVI century. The Finnish tribes of the “Moksel” land were half-primitive and pagant when Kievan Rus had been baptized in 988.

How one can talk about a “big brother”, when the “big brother” came into being a couple of centuries after the Rus-Ukrainians.  The “big brother” has no moral right to claim that, dictate rules of existence to humanity and to impose its culture, language and real-world cognition.  No existence of the Russian state was tracked until the end of the XV century, no “Great Russian” big brother and the Russian people were there, but instead there was the Suzdal land, i.e. the Moksel land, which later as Muscovy principality became a part of the Golden Horde – State of the Genghis Khan decendants. The people of this land were claimed as Muscovites between the end of the XIII and the beginning of the XVIII century. Moscow historians prefer remain silent on the origins of their national identity.

Muscovites, Great Russians – who are they?

Muscovites.  The “Moksel” people were made of merya, ves, moksha, chud, mordvinians, mari and others, who inhabited vast region throughout Tula, Ryazan and present region of Moscow in IX-XII centuries. These tribes later formed the basis of the people, who called themselves “Great Russians”.

The youngest son of the Grand Prince Monomakh – Yuri Dolgorukiy came to these lands in 1137 for he was left without any hope to be enthroned in the Kiev principality. Yury Dolgorukiy commenced the Rurik dynasty rule in the lands “Moksel” enthroned in the Suzdal principality.  His son Andrew named “Bogolyubsky” was born to a local tribe woman.  Born and raised in the forest wilderness among semi-savage Finn tribes, Prince Andrew broke all ties with his father’s wife and the old Kiev customs.

In 1169 Andrew Bogolyubskii conquered and destroyed Kiev: came the barbarian who felt no relationship with Kiev Slavic shrine.

Princes from the Rurikh dynasty born from Moms of merya, murom, moksha tribes were seated at every Finnish settlement in a short period of time (50-80 years).  That is how the principalities of Vladimir, Ryazan, Tver etc were settled in the “Moksel” land. About this time missionaries were beginning to penetrate to the “Moksel” land propagating Christianity.  The theory of mass “flow” of the Slavs from the Transdniprovya to the “Moksel” land as Moscow historians affirmed does not withstand any criticism.  Why had Slavs to leave the fertile land of Transdniprovya for impenetrable thickets and swamps thousands of miles away in unknown wild thick forests?

Language started to be formed which eventually became a Russian on the basis of Christianity on the “Moksel” land.  Finns only lived on the “Moksel” lands till XII century.  This is confirmed by archaeological excavations by Uvarov A. S. (Meryany and their way of life by burial mounds excavations in 1872 – 215 p.).  Any Slavic burial was not found from 7729 excavated burial mounds.

Anthropological studies of A.P. Bogdanov and F.K Vovka who conducted the study of human skulls confirm the distinctive features of the Finnish and Slavic ethnic groups.

The Tatar Mongols came to Suzdal land in 1237.  Anyone who bowed his head, kissed Khan’s boot and agreed to be his subject remained alive and unharmed, while those disobeying were killed.

Vladimir Princes George and Jaroslav Vsevolod submitted themselves to Batu Khan.  Thus, the land of “Moksel” made a part of the Golden Horde – the Genghis Khan Descendants Empire and its military force joined forces of the empire.  Vladimir Prince Yuri Vsevolod headed a military armed force of the “Moksel” land consisting of Batu Khan troops. The very fact of formation in 1238 of the Finns military armed force which Batu Khan used to conquer Europe in 1240-1242 was a direct evidence of establishing the rule of Khan in the Rostov-Suzdal.

During the period of military campaign of Yuri Vsevolod, Yuri’s young brother Yaroslav Vsevolod started ruling in Vladimir principality who gave his 8 years old son Alexander Yaroslavovich to Batu Khan as a hostage.  After spending time in the Batu Horde from 1238 to 1252, Alexander named and praised by Russian historians as Nevsky, learned all the structure and customs of the Golden Horde, became a blood brother of Batu’s son Spartak, married the daughter of Batu Khan and later became a faithful servant of the Golden Horde, leading Vladimir principality (1252-1263).

He had never taken part in any majour battle; all military victories of Alexander Nevsky were mere lies. Prince Alexander just could not take part in clashes on the Neva River in 1240 and on Lake Peipsi in 1242 when he was still a child.

It should be noted that the administrative authorities of the Rostov-Suzdal princes was minimal.

Batu Khan appointed a deputy – great baskak to lead the the principality (ulus), and in the outlying districts – the feudal baskaks.  These were sovereign rulers of the Golden Horde who guided by the laws of Yasa Genghis.  A lie of Russian historians is that Suzdal and later princes of Moscow were independent from the Golden Horde. The first ruler of the principality (ulus) in the khan’s decree was named baskak or daruga while princes were ranked second or even third.

The lie is that Moscow was founded by Yuri Dolgoruky in 1147. This is a myth without any proof. Moscow as a settlement was founded in 1272.  This year was held the third population census of the Golden Horde. There were no reference to the settlement of Moscow in either the first (1237-1238) or the second (1254-1259) censuses.

Muscovy as a principality originated in 1277 by a decree of Tatar-Mongol Khan Meng-Timur and was an ulus of the Golden Horde.  The first prince of Muscovy was Daniel (1277-1303) (younger son of Alexander called Nevsky). He was the first of the princes to commence the Rurik dynasty seated in Muscovy. In 1319 Khan Uzbek (as it is referred to in the paper of Bilinsky V.) enthroned his brother Kulhana as a feudal prince of Muscovy, and from 1328 – the Grand Prince of Muscovy. Khan Uzbek, named Kalita in the Russian historical literature, converted to Islam and eliminated almost all princes of the Rurik dynasty.  The Rurik dynasty was substituted for the Genghis Khan Descendants in the Muscovy ulus of the Golden Horde in 1319-1328.  The rule of the Genghis dynasty began by Prince Ivan Kalita (Kulhana) in the Principality of Muscovy ceased in 1598.  The Genghis dynasty had been enthorouned in Muscovy for more than 270 years.

New Romanov dynasty (Kobilino) in 1613 pledged to faithfully abide by the holy ancient traditions and took an oath of allegiance to the old dynasty Genghis.

Moscow Orthodox Church in 1613 was the stabilizing force which preserved Tatar Mongol statehood in Muscovy.

From the above data it is proved that Muscovy is a direct successor to the Golden Horde of Genghis state, that is, in fact Tatar Mongols were “godfathers” of the Moscow state.  Muscovy (as tsarsdom from 1547) had no ties till the XVI century with the principalities of Kievan Rus lands.

Great Russians.  Tribe of Great Russians or Russian people, as it is called today, was originated about XV-XVII centuries among the Finns tribes: murom, meri, vesi etc.  In fact, the Russian history starts emerging from that time.  No history of Great Russians exists in Kiev lands!  Great Russians history begins from “Zaleschansk lands”, i.e. Moscovy, that had never ever been the Rus.  Tatar Mongols came to this land, made a significant contribution to the formation of “Great Russians”.  Great Russian psychology was affected by blueprits from Tatar Mongol conqueror instincts, despotism with  the main goal to achieve the world domination.  Thus before the XVIth century the type of a human being was formed to be conqueror, atrocious in its ignorance, evil and cruelty.  These people did not care about European culture and literature; they did not accept categories such as morality, honesty, shame, truthfulness, dignity, historical memory etc.  Many of the Tatar-Mongols in XIII-XVI centuries became members of the Great Russians, more than 25% of Russian nobility had their ancestry from them.  Here are some last names of Tatars who brought glory to the Empire: Arakcheev, Bunin, Griboyedov, Derzhavin, Dostoevsky, Kuprin, Plekhanov, Saltykov- Shchedrin, Turgenev, Sheremetyev, Chaadayev etc.

To get the history of Kiev land appropriated and made legal theft like this, Great Russians had to crush the Ukrainian people, drive them into slavery and strip its own name off, mastermind starvation  etc.

Ukrainians who emerged as a nation in XI-XII centuries, and possibly earlier, Russians announced as “Little Russians” and they got propagating this version throughout the world.  They executed, destroyed and exiled to GULAGS (concentration camps) people for the slightest disagreement with this version.  The Soviet period was extremely ferocious.  During that time Ukraine had lost more than 25 million of its sons and daughters who had died in wars for the interests of Russia, during the collectivization, in exiles and torture chambers.

Thus “big brother”, “Great Russian” forced to live “younger brother”, “Little Russian” in brutal “embrace of love”.


The idea of being the Great was originated in Muscovy during the reign of Vasil III (1505-1533) that was expressed by a representative of the Moscow Orthodox monk Filofei: “Two Romes fell, but the third one was there, and there would never be the fourth one”.  Since then Muscovites had emerged the idea of omnipotence and “chosen by God”, that “Moscow is the third and the last Rome”. These ideas were propagating and getting stronger in Moscovy.  How much blood had been spilled by Moscow princes, and later by tsars in support of this illusion.

During the reign of Ivan IV (the Terrible) Muscovy legacy claims on not only of Kievan Rus but also of the Byzantine Empire even got stronger.  Thus, according to the legend, the Monomakh’s cap allegedly donated to Kiev Prince Vladimir Monomakh by his grandfather – Byzantine emperor Constantine IX considered as a symbol of power transfer from Byzantine to Kievan Rus.  Considering that the first Suzdal prince was Vladimir Monomakh’s the sixth son Prince Yuri Dolgoruky, the presence of this crown-cap in Muscovy was a “proof” of inheritance rights of Muscovite rulers not only for Kiev throne but also for the legacy of the former Byzantine Empire.  After that Vladimir Monomakh’s deceitful covenant was made on the transfer “hereditary rights” to his son Yuri Dolgoruky who conquered the so-called “Zaleschanska” land.  It was nothing but a fake.  In fact, the Monomakhs cap was a gold Bukhara skullcap which was given to Ivan Kalita (1319-1340) by Uzbek Khan who adjusted this skullcap for his glorification. (Logvyn Y., Kobila, Kalita and skullcap of “Monomakh” // Time. – Kiev, 1997, March 27)

Ivan IV (the Terrible) first married in 1547 in the church with the title of the tsar of Moscow as a “successor” of Greek and Roman emperors. From the 37 signatures that sealed the letter that was sent from Constantinople to Moscow, 35 were a mere fake.  That is how Ivan the Terrible happened to be the “successor of the Byzantine emperors.”  So, lies were legalized.

Peter I began massive falsification of public history of his people.  It was for the first time in 1701 when he decreed the removal of all written national monuments, annals, chronographs, chronicles, ancient historical records, church documents, archives etc. from the conquered people.  This was particularly concerned Ukraine Rus.

In 1716 Peter I “copied” the so-called Koenigsberg Chronicle indicating the “union” of the ancient chronicle of Kiev and Muscovy and the unity of Slavic and Finnish lands was validated there.  However, access to the faked “copy” and the originals had been closed.

This falsification of Peter I became the basis for further fraud – writing so called “Lists of Great Russian chronicles”, where the Muscovy’s right to inherit Kievan Rus was based.  Muscovy declared itself the Russian Empire and the Muscovites – Russians based on these falsifications in October 22, 1721.  Thus historical name Rus was stolen from legitimate heirs of Kievan Rus – Ukraine.

Peter I brought from Europe a large number of experts, including professional historians who were involved in writing and falsification of the history of Russia.

For this purpose every foreigner who entered the civil service gave an oath not to disclose the secrets of state and pledged never to leave Moscow State.  The question arises, what may state secrets be in the process of “cooking the Russian history” of ancient times?  All archives get declassified in any civilized European country after 30-50 years.  The Russian Empire is very afraid of the truth about its past. Fearfully is afraid of!

After the times of Peter I, who turned Muscovy to the Russia, the Muscovy elite began to think about the need to create a coherent history of their own country. Catherine II (1762-1796) carefully undertook this case; she did not tolerate the idea that in the tsar’s family she might happen among ordinary Tatar Mongol nobility.  Catherine II, European-educated Lady acquainted with archival primary sources, noticed that the whole history of the state is based on verbal epic mythology and had no evidence base.


So, Catherine II issued a decree in December 4, 1783 to create “the Commission for the preparation of notes about mainly of Russian ancient history” under the direction and supervision of Count Shuvalov A.P., made up of 10 prominent historians.  The main task was set for the Commission to review Chronicles and write new list of chronicles and other fraud documents to justify the Muscovy’s “legitimate” right to appropriate the Kievan Rus historical legacy and create the historical mythology of the Sate of Russia.  The Commission was working for 10 years.  “Catherine’s Story” was released in 1792.  The commission’s work conducted in the following areas:

  • the collection of all written documents (chronicles, archives, etc.). This work had partially been done by Peter I. The collection of materials was carried out not only from their country but also from other countries – Poland, Turkey, etc.;
  • the study, falsification, rewriting or destruction of historical materials.  Thus chronicles were rewritten: “Tale of Igor’s Campaign”, “Tale of Bygone Years”, “Laurentian Chronicle” and many others.  Some chronicles were rewritten several times, and the originals were destroyed or classified.  “Scythian history” of Lyzlova A.I. was classified that was published in 1776 and 1787, «Russian history from ancient times” of Tatischev V. M. was issued in 1747.  It was indicated in the “Scythian history” of Lyzlova A.I. that Muscovy residents were unique individuals and isolated nation that had nothing to do with Rus (Kiev), Lithuania, Poland etc;

  • the writing of new “Great Russian chronicle”, which were written in the XVIIIcentury, but submitted so that they were from XI, XIII, XIVThe chronicle propagated “Great Russian idea”. And that referred to a timewhen Slavic tribes (polyans, drevlyans, siveryans, etc.) lived in Kiev land and were already Christians, and Finnish tribes (moroma, merya, ves, moksha, etc.) lived in “Zaleschanskiy” land who were in the semi-savage state and had nothing to do with common historyuntil the XVIcentury.;
  • there were written thousands of different chronicles to justify theunityof Kievan Rusand Finns. All these collections and chronicles, as referred to the novel-research of Bilinsky V.were in onlyrewrittenform, none of its original existed.  No a single one!  All thispoints to theenormousscaleshamelessnessandarrogance,fraud in thehistory onthe creationof the Sate of Russia.

Lies cannot dominate our life forever!

The time has come for Ukrainian historians to write the true history of Ukraine which is based not only on falsified  Catherine’s II chronicles and rewritten in the XVIII century “Lists of Great Russian chronicles”, but also on the historical facts recorded in the documents, including countries such as Poland, Turkey, Greece, Iran and others.  People should know the truth.


Translated by: Alexey Knyazhnitskiy

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