GIRES - Commemorating the 80th Anniversary of D-Day: Reflections, Legacies, and Lessons

Commemorating the 80th Anniversary of D-Day: Reflections, Legacies, and Lessons

Commemorating the 80th Anniversary of D-Day: Reflections, Legacies, and Lessons


International Conference
13-14 April 2024
(Zoom sessions: 2 days/Virtual platform: 5 days)

Thematic Approach

GIRES, the Global Institute for Research Education & Scholarship commemorates the Commemorating the 80th Anniversary of D-Day. The Conference aims to commemorate the historic Allied invasion of Normandy during World War II and honor the bravery and sacrifice of those involved. This conference proposal outlines key topics for discussion, emphasizing the significance of D-Day in shaping history, its impact on global affairs, and the lessons learned for future generations.

The anniversary of D-Day provides us with an opportunity not only to remember the valiant efforts of those who participated in the Normandy landings but also to delve into the broader historical, strategic, and human dimensions that have shaped our world.
We propose various thematics which can offer useful insights and interdisciplinary approaches.

1. Remembering Heroes: Honoring the Sacrifice: In this segment, we wish to remember and pay tribute to the individuals who participated in the D-Day operations and through personal narratives, archival materials, and testimonials, we will meet with the brave people who participated in the D-Day.
2. Unveiling Historical Context: Strategic Significance of D-Day: Delving into the geopolitical and strategic intricacies that underpinned the planning and execution of the Normandy landings hope to provide insights into the decision-making process, the role of intelligence, and the implications of D-Day on the course of World War II.
3. The Power of Alliances: D-Day and Global Cooperation: D-Day exemplifies the power of international cooperation and alliances, thus we hope to discuss the enduring lessons that D-Day offers, highlighting the importance of collaborative efforts in tackling contemporary global challenges.
4. Liberating Nations: The Impact of D-Day on Nazi Occupation: We hope to explore the immediate and long-term consequences of D-Day in liberating occupied territories in an effort to examine the experiences of those liberated from Nazi rule and the restoration of freedom to Europe.
5. Strategy and Technology: Innovations of D-Day: Wishing to highlight the technological innovations and strategic brilliance that paved the way for the success of D-Day in order to understand the significance of amphibious warfare, air support, and intelligence tactics during the operation.
6. Memory Across Generations: Commemoration and Preservation: We hope to reflect on the ways in which D-Day is commemorated, remembered, and preserved through memorials, museums, and collective memory and underline the role of education and public awareness in ensuring that the sacrifices of D-Day continue to resonate through time.
7. Tales of Resilience and Human Spirit: Individual Stories of D-Day: Oral history is always of great interest for GIRES. Thus, we wish to present human stories of resilience, courage, and survival emerge from the tumultuous landscape of D-Day hoping to hear firsthand accounts from survivors, their families, and historians, as they share the individual narratives that collectively define this historic event.
8. Lessons for Our World: D-Day’s Enduring Relevance: As we navigate the complexities of our modern world, we wish to examine the lasting relevance of D-Day. Engage in conversations that bridge the gap between historical understanding and contemporary global issues, seeking insights to shape a more peaceful and secure future.

This conference proposal seeks to create a platform for scholars, practitioners, activists, and artists to delve into the profound intersections of collective memory, oral history, history of violence, racism, colonial history, war history and identity along with the interconnected disciplines.

Topics for presentations and discussions may include, but are not limited to:

Proposed Topics 

-Historical Context and Strategic Significance of D-Day
-Remembering the Heroes: Personal Stories and Testimonies
-Lessons from D-Day: Leadership, Strategy, and Innovation
-International Alliances and Cooperation in D-Day
-Liberation and Impact: Post-D-Day Occupied Territories
-Technological Innovations in Amphibious Warfare
-Intelligence Operations and Decision-making in D-Day
-D-Day in Art, Literature, and Popular Culture
-Commemoration and Memory Preservation of D-Day
-Resilience and Courage: Human Stories of Survival
-The Global Legacy of D-Day: Implications for Peace and Security
-Education and Teaching About D-Day
-Challenges and Ethical Considerations in Remembering D-Day
-D-Day’s Impact on Diplomacy and International Relations
-Remembering D-Day’s Unsung Heroes: Medical Personnel, Engineers, and Support Staff
-Lessons from D-Day for Modern Military Strategy
-D-Day’s Effect on Shaping Post-War Europe
D-Day’s Role in the Context of World War II
-Remembering D-Day: Museums, Memorials, and Sites of Remembrance
-Media’s Role in Shaping Public Perception of D-Day

Proposed Formats (Lingua franca: English)
-Individual papers (GIRES will included it in a panel)
-Panels (up to 4 presentations-chaired by one of the presenters or appointed by GIRES)
-Roundtable presentations (chaired by one of the presenters or appointed by GIRES)
-Poster presentations
-Student presentations (one paper presented by up to 3 young scholars)
-Keynote speech (depending on the time availability)
-Pre-recorder presentation (s) (Asynchronous Platform)
-Pre-recorder presentation (s) (Synchronous-live- Sessions: live participation of presenter (s) during the Q&A sessions)

Publication Opportunity 
The Organizing Committee and GIRES Press will publish the most powerful and dynamic presentations of the conference and include them
in a collective volume in the form of short articles and/or long essays. For more information please contact us

Live Sessions Recording
All participants have the option to have their presentations recorded (during live sessions) in HD quality. The recordings will be uploaded to GIRES media for unlimited access and dissemination.

Asynchronous Options
All participants have the option to have their presentations (video/audio/text) uploaded to our Virtual Platform. All  registered participants will have access to the material for 5 days.

Our proposed topics & formats are not restrictive and we invite additional germane ideas
Due to the restrictions of Corona Crisis our event (for the time being) will take place VIRTUALLY

  • Date of Conference

    GIRES Headquarters(Dutch Time)
    13-14 April 2024

  • Deadline for proposals

    1 February 2024

  • Acceptance notification

    3 days after general submission deadline

  • Publication

    Collective Volume

  • Registration fee

    Regular=80 Euros
    Students (BA-MA-PhD)= 60 Euros

    Regular=40 Euros
    Students (BA-MA-PhD)= 30 Euros

  • Accreditation

    Official Certificate issued by GIRES



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