words of demonstrators in Limoges

words of demonstrators in Limoges

words of demonstrators in Limoges
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Traditional parades on May 1st, in our three departments of Limousin. Fewer people than in 2023, but in the processions, young people, employees or retirees were there to defend work, wages, and a few other causes. An anthology of demands heard in .

1er May 2023 had not broken records, but after the major mobilizations in defense of pensions, the figures were still impressive in Limousin.

It was not the same this year, perhaps the fault of the weather, but in Limoges, Saint-Junien or Bellac in Haute-, in Brive, Tulle or Ussel in Corrèze, and in Guéret in Creuse, we still mobilized. A little less than 2,000 people in total according to the police, more according to the unions, who estimated the Limougeaud procession at 2,000 people.

In the Limousin capital, the demonstration was led by a broader inter-union organization with, at the head of the procession, this banner: for social progress, solidarity and peace.


The banner at the head of the procession in Limoges, this May 1, 2024

© Isabelle Rio/ Télévisions

A summary of what our team, which covered the event, was able to collect in terms of testimonies, from participants of all ages and from all backgrounds. Anthology:

We are demonstrating for pensions, for working people, a little bit for everyone, because I believe that today, nothing is going well, unfortunately, everyone is a little under pressure. I don’t really believe it, but hey, we always hope.“Patricia, retired

We are here to mobilize for our rights, workers’ rights. I think it’s important to come, to march on May 1st, it’s symbolic!

I am here to defend workers, and given the situation, we must be reactive. Everything is going bad, health, purchasing power, people are depriving themselves, they are not living, they are surviving. We must be united.

I’m here like every year, on the 1ster May, a union celebration, it was important to be there. We are not resigned, we fight to advance our demands, and we try to make ourselves heard“. Joëlle, CGT union activist

“The world of work has become excessively difficult to navigate. We can particularly talk about the number of deaths at work, the end of CHSCT which is a catastrophe, working conditions which are becoming more and more difficult, with less and less surveillance, ultra liberalization, all this in the public as well as in the private sector.er May, it may be a tradition, but a tradition that must be kept.” Céline, private sector employee.

It’s International Workers’ Day. 1er May, it’s strikes, it’s workers who raise their heads, who say that they make the whole of society run, and who should lead it. It’s internationalism, it’s the same working class, whether you’re from any country. We are all exploited in the same way, we all have common interests.“Élisabeth Faucon, Workers’ Struggle

We are here to defend values, those of the world of work, we are here to commemorate. I don’t know if young people are sensitive to it, but I am! The question is to have a decent life worthy of the name.

Maroussia, young employee

It’s a family tradition, and I, who am not yet in the job, to honor those who are there and allow it to continue, it is important to demonstrate.“Valentine, student.

Defend the rights and value of work, and the human side. Today, all this is flouted. People are no longer recognized.” Olivier, civil servant

Other causes were also invited into the procession, mobilizations that were more or less followed or understood, but which were expressed, such as that of solidarity with the Palestinian people.

This is also the 1er May, the opportunity to talk about the situation of the Palestinians, because it is a real genocide that is taking place there, with more than 34,000 people killed. These are doctors, students, babies who are dying there, and Western states continue to export weapons… It is a solidarity expressed for the two peoples, the Palestinians of course, but also the Israelis, who are many are against this violence. We want a just and lasting peace between these two peoples.“Isabelle Jauberteau, spokesperson for Limousin-Palestine.

It’s super important to be there, there are lots of subjects on which we would like to raise questions: ecology, Palestine, but also the world of work… It’s happening quickly, it’s like a truck heading straight towards us, and which distresses us.



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