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by Oleg1975

"Warsaw's river"

The Wisla river (Vistula) begins its seaward journey in the far southern mountainous region of Poland. It runs (appropriately) through Krakow, up to Warsaw, where it divides the city in two, and on to spill into the Baltic, just east of Gdansk. The best views of the river are from the bridges, particularly from the Slasko Dabrowski bridge (beside the Old Town). There are several rowing and yachting clubs located along the rivers' banks.
Moscow Berlin Road, Warsaw, Poland, 00-001
"Warsaw's river"
The Wisla river (Vistula) begins its seaward journey in the far southern mountainous region of Poland. It runs (appropriately) through Krakow, up to Warsaw, where it divides the city in two, and on to spill into the Baltic, just east of Gdansk. The best views of the river are from the bridges, particularly from the Slasko Dabrowski bridge (beside the Old Town). There are several rowing and yachting clubs located along the rivers' banks.
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