William Pitt "The Younger". British prime minister - La fragata Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes Patrimonio subacuático recuperado | Ministerio de Cultura
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William Pitt "The Younger". British prime minister


British politician and prime minister between 1783 and 1801 and between 1804 and 1806. He was called "The Younger" to distinguish him from his father, William Pitt "The Elder"' (1708-1778), who also served as prime minister. His first term was marked by the recent loss of the American colonies and the outbreak of revolution in France. His second term – replacing the government of Henry Addington – started on 10 May 1804, a few months before the sinking of the frigate Mercedes. This period was more politically unstable than the previous one due to the refusal of George III to permit Pitt to form a broad coalition government that included Charles James Fox, a politician towards whom the monarch felt great animosity. Pitt encouraged the joining of the Third Coalition with Austria, Russia and Sweden against France. A few months before his death, he received the news of Britain's naval victory at Trafalgar Pitt "The Younger" has also gone down in the history of Great Britain for his reformist spirit and efficiency, as well as being the architect of the formation of the Acts of Union of 1800 that merged Great Britain and Ireland to create the United Kingdom.
