New Psychology: Definition, History & Wilhelm Wundt - Lesson |
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New Psychology: Definition, History & Wilhelm Wundt

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Instructor Natalie Boyd

Natalie is a teacher and holds an MA in English Education and is in progress on her PhD in psychology.

New psychology was a movement in the 19th century that sought to organize and systematically categorize the human mind into different processes. Find out how its founder, Wilhelm Wundt, first made this leap from philosophy to science.

Have you ever thought about how you think, perceive, and feel? How does it differ from other people? These are just some of the questions that are asked by psychologists, scientists who study the human mind.

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  • 0:04 New Psychology
  • 1:05 Historical Roots
  • 1:58 Wilhelm Wundt
  • 2:57 Wundt's Theories
  • 4:55 Lesson Summary

Imagine that you could jump into a time machine and go back to the 18th century. Back then, a lot would be different. No running water, no cell phones, and psychology was a philosophy instead of a science. What does that mean? Psychology before the 19th century was about ideas and suppositions. It was about how human minds work but was based on the principles of philosophy, such as reason and argument.

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Wundt did something revolutionary in the 19th century: he formed the first experimental psychology lab in the world. In his lab, he gathered tools and budding scientists together to do experiments on how the mind worked. Most of Wundt's research was based on two observational tools. Introspection involved having a subject talk about what he was experiencing as he was doing something, like giving a running account of his thoughts as he put together a puzzle. Introspection has a lot of technical issues and is not used very much today. For this reason, many people like to criticize Wundt's practice.

However, these critics forget the second observational tool that Wundt's research was based on: reaction time, or how long it takes to react to stimuli. For example, if someone throws a ball at you, how long does it take you to move so that the ball doesn't hit you? Or if you're asked a question, how long does it take you to come up with a response? Reaction time is still widely used today and is an important tool in understanding the complexity of mental processes.

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Let's go back to your dream of being the next Picasso. Painting is a very complex task: you have to think about what you're going to paint, imagine how you want it to look, plan the style of the painting, figure out what tools and processes you need to paint the piece... And all that's before you even begin to paint!

Wundt called the process of controlling and organizing thoughts into higher-level processes (like painting or thinking about hypothetical situations) voluntarism. You're able to voluntarily control your thoughts to accomplish something difficult. One way of doing this is through apperception, or the way a person uses his or her previous knowledge and experience to understand what he or she is perceiving. If you see a dog, you can use your previous understanding about dogs to recognize that it's a dog and to figure out if it's friendly or hostile. Likewise, you can use your previous understanding about painting to help you assess your own painting.

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New psychology was a movement of the late 19th century which turned psychology into a science instead of a philosophy and focused on mental structures and the way they're organized in the mind, especially hierarchies of mental processes. New psychologists applied the principles of the physical sciences (such as forming hypotheses and observing and recording data) to the study of the human mind.

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