boss lady quotes

75 Boss Lady Quotes that Will Make You Feel Ready to Take on the World

Women are fierce, strong, and inspiring.

We are passionate, intelligent, and determined.

Above all else, we are boss ladies who know exactly what they want out of life.

And that’s why these boss lady quotes that will help you feel empowered to take on the world.

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How do you become a boss lady?

To become a boss lady, you must first believe that you are one.

You must already possess qualities like creativity, resilience, bravery, and intelligence to be considered a boss lady.

For these quotes to make you feel like the strong woman that you are, start by believing in yourself.  

Believe that you can do anything; no obstacle is too great and no goal is too high.

This is your time to shine, and you won’t let anything get in the way of achieving greatness.

So sit back, relax, and enjoy these boss lady quotes that will make you feel ready to take on the world.

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75 Boss lady quotes that will help you feel ready to take on anything that comes your way

If you are looking for some inspiration, look no further than these quotes to get you through your day.

1. “No matter how big the mountain is, don’t stop climbing.”

2. “Never apologize for being a woman who knows what she wants.”

3. “The only thing stopping you from getting what you want is the will to do something about it.”

4. “Keep going. There’s no substitute for persistence.”

5. “If you want to fly, give up everything that weighs you down.”

6. “I’m a woman with thoughts and ideas and plans to do things, and I will not apologize for my ambition.”

7. “Don’t wish it was easier; wish you were better.”

8. “Never give up on what you really want to do, and don’t be afraid of failure.”

9. “Life is too short not to be happy every single day.”

10. “If we’re going to achieve our dreams, we need to be prepared for the hard work, determination, and courage it will take.”

11. “Don’t let anyone make you feel less than who you are.”

12. “We all have to do hard things in life, but we can still make a choice to be happy, every day if we want to be.”

13. “Don’t wait for someone else to make your dreams come true.”

14. “The only limits you have are the ones you set on yourself.”

15. “It’s never too late to do anything that you’ve always wanted to do and dreamt of doing.”

16. “Sometimes life gets hard, it’s okay to not be okay.”

17. “You have to play big in order to win big.”

18. “Her mind is a weapon that fires on all cylinders when she needs it most.”

19. “Grow stronger, not bitter.”

20. “If you want something different than what everyone else is doing, it’s going to take hard work and determination.”

21. Action always beats intention.

22. “It feels so good to accomplish something that others told me I couldn’t do.”

23. “Why do I need to prove myself to the world? I already proved it to myself.”

24. “Don’t be afraid to give up the good, in order to go for the great.”

25. “When a woman is convinced that she deserves to lead and be heard, she will find a way.”

26. “No matter how loud they yell or how much it may hurt, you don’t have to let other people’s words affect what you think of yourself.”

27. “There will always be people who want to take you down, but it’s up to you if they succeed or not.”

28. “Don’t make your every move about trying to win over the haters. Be too busy working on making your dreams come true for that.”

29. “Never let someone else define you.”

30. “This is your life, so go and live it.”

31. “If you don’t at least try to fight for what you want, then why are you even here?”

32. “The best things in life rarely come easily or without hard work behind them.”

33. “Sweat and blood and skin in the game.”

34. “There is no such thing as luck, just hard work and preparation.”

35. “Know that you’re stronger than whatever challenges you might face along your path to success.”

36. “We learn from our mistakes rather than our successes, so don’t be afraid to get back up when you fall.”

37. “It’s not the strongest or the fastest that survive, but those that are the most adaptive to change.”

38. “You can do whatever you want to if you’re willing to work hard enough for it.”

39. “The harder it gets, the more you need to believe in yourself.”

40. “Go beyond what is familiar, comfortable and easy… Step into the unknown.”

41. “I’m not here to prove anyone wrong. I’m here to prove myself right.”

42. “A woman at her best is a woman unconquered.”

43. “You’re never too young or too old to achieve any of your dreams.”

44. “If the path is easy it probably doesn’t lead anywhere.”

45. “When I am fearless, truly fearless nothing is impossible, no magic exists that can stop me from getting to my dreams.”

46. “So many people wait for the perfect moment, but don’t realize it’s actually right now.”

47. “Don’t be afraid of your ambition or what you want from life. You have every right to them.”

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48. “In order to succeed you must first believe that you can actually achieve something great and beyond what anyone else has said you can do.”

49. “Don’t ever let someone’s words affect your thoughts about yourself and the plans you have for your life.”

50. “Set big goals that make you feel a little uncomfortable.”

51. “Your potential is unlimited, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.”

52. “Judge a man by what he does, not what his title reads on paper.”

53. “Dreams are achievable when we have the courage to pursue them.”

54. “Preparation happens when opportunity meets hard work.”

55. “It’s okay if there are days that suck—know that you will move forward regardless.”

56. “The only person you should try to be better than is the person you were yesterday.”

57. The worst thing you’ll ever have to face is fear of failure, so keep pushing through it no matter what.”

58. “The fear of fear should never stop you from trying something new.”

59. “Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.”

60. “A woman’s happiness doesn’t depend on who she’s with or what she has. It depends solely on what she thinks of herself.”

61. “You can do anything you put your mind to, just remember that.”

62. “The greatest power is the power to shape your own reality.”

63. “The reason why we struggle with insecurity is because we compare our behind-the-scene with everyone else’s highlight reel.”

64. “You are enough just as you are, stop doubting yourself and go get what you want.”

65. “You can’t make positive choices for your future if you’re still stuck in the bitterness of the past.”

66. “Trying to find happiness outside of yourself is like searching for sunshine on a cloudy day.”

67. “Quitting is not part of my vocabulary, and neither is giving up.”

68. “Never stop learning how to be the best version of yourself for you and only you.”

69. “I’ve learned that sometimes when things are too much, it’s okay to walk away for a little while.”

70. “Your past made you who you are today, don’t forget about it or try to run away from it.”

71. “Often times, people are so busy trying to avoid pain that they end up causing themselves much more suffering than if they just faced the pain head on.”

72. “I think one of the biggest things that hold people back is that there are so many naysayers out there, and they make it their mission to tell you that you can’t.”

73. “You might feel like quitting but the only way out is through.”

74. “Never let someone take away your inner sparkle and glow, because then you will never know how bright you can shine.”

Need motivation to keep going on a tough day? Here are 75 boss lady quotes that will make you feel ready to take on anything!

75. “It doesn’t matter where you are or what your past looks like. You can always start over and become anything you want right now if you’re willing to work for it.”

These are the best Boss Lady quotes to motivate you daily, so make sure that you keep this article on hand, even if you have to bookmark it.

Boss lady gears to help you take on the world

Being a boss lady means that you have a goal you’re trying to achieve and a vision for what your future looks like.

The only way to achieve those goals is if you take the first step, so gear up with these boss lady essentials to help keep you going strong every single day.

Here are a few boss lady gears to help you achieve your goals:

1. Inspirational Journal

When you write down the things that inspire you, it has a way of putting everything into perspective and reminding you why moving forward is important.

Boss Lady Notebooks for Women

This journal will help to keep your head in the game when everything else seems like too much to handle.

2. Business Casual Tote Bag

Toting your things around in a tote bag is so much easier than trying to carry them all in your arms.

Embroidery Initial Canvas Tote Bag

Tote bags are also great for when you’re on the go and need to head straight into a meeting.

Plus, you can fit just about everything in there, which will save you time and space—something that we could all use more of!

3. Water Bottle

Drinking water is essential for your health, but did you know that it can help fuel your productivity levels too?

Boss Lady Tumbler 

Water helps with mental clarity and improves the functionality of our brains, so make sure to keep some on you at all times (and fill it up using filtered water).

4. Bluetooth Headphones

There are so many podcasts out there with valuable information, so why not listen to them when you have the time?

Wireless Earbuds occiam Bluetooth Headphones

Podcasts are a great way to learn more about your industry and they will also soak up any downtime that you might have.

You can check out our founders podcast The Offbeat Life, to help you get inspired to live a remote lifestyle.

5. Fuzzy Socks

You can never have too many fuzzy socks.

They are super comfy and perfect to slip on when you get home from work.

Wine Tumbler + Cupcake Socks Gift Set

These ones are especially cute, making them a great investment worth considering.

So there you have it, a few boss lady essentials that you can use to stay motivated and continue chasing your goals.

You got this, so push yourself to the max and go after what you want.

You’ll be glad that you did!


We need to empower and encourage women, and that’s exactly what these quotes do.

They’re there to remind us that we can get through anything with the right amount of determination and perseverance.

So, next time you feel like giving up, think about these inspiring words and definitely don’t give up because anything is possible.

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