1. She Acted Arrogantly and paid the Price. Humility and Submission are a womans Crown. Not her Beauty. God used this to the Favour of His People. The Book of Corinthians states a Woman was made for Man. Theres nothing wrong or Sinful for man to show off his Womans Beauty. Queen Vashti paid the Price of Her Arrogance

  2. Queen Vashti was freed from being under her husband’s expectations to parade herself as if she was a possession instead of a respected human, She was free to be herself no matter how it came about, similar to how Joseph journeyed to becoming Ruler second in command. Riches and castle living means less when your dignity is crushed and you are not valued as a person but a possession to be displayed like a trophy wife.
    God created Vashti just like you and me and whatever decision we make like she made HE always Love and takes care of us as we allow HIM just like she did, and her decision made the way for Esther and the Jewish people. AMAZING GOD

  3. My name is Vashti and most Christian shun me or say to me you are a disobedient queen, but I ask God to lead me in Vashti life let me see what she had been through, most of all I just wants to say queen Esther had to do all that queen Vashti did, and she also said if I perish I perish, but queen Vashti rule was different she took a stand for women in those days they had no rights, she knew what pride she was going to pay, but as women we must say no when it come to our body, she just got fed up of the humiliation infront of her husband being the king and being drunk that other men grab at her, but one woman had to go to bring in the other, the lord heard Queen cry, and help her by giving her the courage to leave, and give Queen Esther the opportunity to save her people, well I plan to be both queen, and go into India and get some soul saved, pray for me, and thank you for this wonderful article

  4. Ok. God used Vashti in His plan to save the Jewish people, but what of Vashti? How did her terrible circumstance turn out for her good? I don’t see, honestly, how Romans 8:28 applies here. Can you help me to understand?

    1. I enjoyed reading some of the valuable lessons to learn from the life of Vashti, who many look at in a different way. Thank you for this beautiful insight.

  5. Angel, this is really good. I just started Beth Moore’s Bible study at church about Esther and we were discussing Vashti last time we met. Thank you for sharing this! I got a lot out of the perspectives here!

  6. What an eye-opening perspective on a familiar story. I’ve read this story in the book of Esther several times but have never looked through vashti’s eyes in this manner. Indeed, God’s plan is always bigger and broader than we can see!

  7. I love deep dives like this. Very informative. I am always fascinated by history. Always knew about xerxes the king but not his wife very well written. Thanks for this

  8. Thank you!! I love historical and cultural insights with the Bible. This was so encouraging. I’ll have to look more into the book of Esther now

  9. Thanks for this guest post. Vashti doesn’t often get much of a mention, so it’s great to see her discussed here and the lessons we can learn from her and how God used her situation.

  10. I love the book of Esther and the way it showcases God’s sovereignty over all things. Hadn’t thought about it from Vashti’s perspective before, but I can see that her trial had the purpose of greater good for many others – this is something I can consider when going through my own trials, that possibly it is for the benefit of somebody else. Always encouraged by bible based posts, so thank you 🙂

  11. Wow … I always wondered what happened to Queen Vashti, whether she was killed or not, and felt bad for her. Her punishment seemed extreme. But God did use Esther to save His people. It’s so cool how you chose to write about Vashti and wrote such an amazing post on her! Thank you for sharing this! ❤

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