West Francia | History, Events & Timeline | Study.com
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West Francia | History, Events & Timeline

Instructor Joseph Cataliotti

Joe Cataliotti holds a Master of Arts degree in World History from Northeastern University. He earned a B.A. in History and Political Science from the same university and wrote his senior thesis on the history of radical right-wing movements in the United States.

Study West Francia, or the Kingdom of the West Franks. Learn about Charles the Bald's kingdom after the Treaty of Verdun and how West Francia became France. Updated: 01/17/2023

West Francia, also known as the Kingdom of the West Franks, was a Medieval European kingdom. It represents an early stage of the Kingdom of France.

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In the second half of the 400s CE, many Frankish people (who were part of the larger Germanic cultural family) moved into Gaul, which the Roman Empire then ruled. Rome saw the influx of these new people as a threat to their rule, and the two factions clashed. In 486 CE, King Clovis I of the Franks defeated Roman forces in the Battle of Soissons.

After 486 CE, Clovis unified Gaul into what is now called the Kingdom of the Franks through a series of military campaigns, then placed the capital in the city of Paris and converted to Christianity. However, after his death, his empire was divided between his sons, as was tradition. Upon their deaths, their realms were, in turn, divided as well. This continued to be the case in the 500s and 600s CE, with the various Frankish kings competing for power and influence. Clovis's dynasty is called the Merovingian Dynasty.

The Reunification of France

In the 700s CE, however, northern France was unified by Duke Pippin II. His son, Charles, expanded his dynasty's control over southern France by warding off invading Muslim armies (a victory which earned him the title "Martel," meaning hammer). When Charles died, his authority was divided between his two sons. But one, Pippin III, pressed his brother into a monastery and had himself crowned King of the Franks in 751 CE. This marks the beginning of the Carolingian Dynasty.

King Pippin III died in 768 CE, and his empire was divided between his two sons: Charles and Carloman. However, Carloman died in 771 CE, giving Charles control of the whole Kingdom of the Franks. King Charles expanded the Frankish empire through a series of conquests, though he gave political power in central Italy to the Pope of Rome. For this, he was rewarded in 800 CE with the title of Emperor of the Romans. For this reason, King Charles is generally known as Charlemagne, or Charles the Great. Charlemagne is commonly known as Charlemagne, King of France, but his actual title was King of the Franks, and he preferred the title Emperor of the Romans since it was more prestigious.

The Division of France

Charlemagne died in 814 CE. His son Louis followed him as King of the Franks, while his nephew Bernard became King of the Lombards in Italy. In 840 CE, Louis died, and his empire was divided between his three sons:

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The following is a timeline of the important events, as well as the reigning monarchs, of West Francia:

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West Francia was a Medieval kingdom in France which lasted from 843 until 987 CE. It originates from the conquest of Gaul by the Franks, a Germanic people. Under King Clovis, Gaul was unified by the Merovingian Dynasty. However, Frankish custom divided a father's land between his sons, so after Clovis's death, his kingdom was divided. This allowed the Carolingian Dynasty to rise to power in the 700s CE through men like Charles Martel, who beat invading armies. The first Carolingian king was Pippin III, who was crowned in 751 CE. The realm was reunited by his son Charlemagne, who was crowned Emperor of the Romans in 800 CE.

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Frequently Asked Questions

When did West Francia become France?

Historians mark 987 CE as when West Francia became France. The true picture is much more complicated in actuality, but 987 CE marks a significant year in the process.

Is Francia same as France?

Francia was the Medieval term for France. It technically referred to the realm of the Franks, which included parts of Germany.

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