The Protestant Reformation Flashcards | Quizlet
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What was the Protestant Reformation?
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What was the Protestant Reformation?
Religious movement that split the Christian church in western Europe and led to the establishment of a number of a number churches.
pardons issued by the pope that people could buy to reduce a soul's time in purgatory
a government ruled by religious leaders who claim God's authority
the belief that at the beginning of time God decided who would gain Salvation
to declare a marriage invalid
Name three criticisms that were made of the Catholic Church in the 1500s.
Sale of indulgences. Heavy taxation. Abuse of power.
Which Protestant reformer preached the doctrine of predestination?
John Calvin
What were the Ninety-five Theses?
Document written by Martin Luther and posted on a church door in Germany that listed 95 things that Luther saw wrong with the church
What criticisms did Martin Luther have of the Catholic Church?
Insisted God's grace cannot be won by good works. Faith alone, he said, was needed. Declared the only head of the Christian Church was Jesus, not the pope. Insisted that Christians should interpret the scripture themselves not with help from a clergy.
What led to Henry VIII's break with the Catholic Church?
The pope denied to annul his marriage with Catherine and took matters into his own hands when he fell in love with Anne Boleyn.
Who nailed a list of ninety-five complaints against the Roman Catholic Church in a public place and, in effect, began the Protestant Reformation?
Martin Luther
The Holy Roman emperor handed down the___which declared Martin Luther to be an outlaw and condemned his writings.
Edict of Worms
John Calvin taught the doctrine of ___a belief that nothing humans can do, either good or bad, will change their end.
Who believed that people are sinful by nature, that strict laws regulating people's behavior are necessary, and that only the "elect" were chosen for salvation.
John Calvin
Protestantism came to England because King_____ wanted to annul his marriage to Catherine of Aragon and marry another woman.
Henry VIII