Three periods of Kiev Rus - презентация онлайн
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Three periods of Kiev Rus


Three periods of Kiev Rus
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
Moscow 2017


Three periods in history of Kiev Rus
Second period
First period
The time of the new rulers.
Period of state formation,
expansion of territories. The
period of trade development.
The Golden age of Kievan Rus.
Further expansion of territory,
centralization of government
management. Spreading
Christianity as official religion.
Third period
Significant decline of Kievan Rus. The
problem of political fragmentation
returned. The power of the great
prince of Kiev became nominal, the
growth of internecine debates among
the princes, the emergence of
sovereign principalities. All this leads
to the collapse.


First period of Kiev Rus (879-972)
The Regent of Prince Igor
In 879 After Rurik’s death Oleg began served as regent for Rurik’s young son Igor
In 882, Oleg conquered Kiev, capital of all Rus countries
In 883 Oleg conquered the Drevlians imposing a fur tribute on them.
By 884 he managed to subjugate the Polians, Drevlians, Severians, Vyatichs,
and Radimichs while at war with the Tivertsi and the Ulichs
In 889 made a contract with the Varangians
In 898 he concluded a peace with nomadic hordes of Ugrians
93 years
Prince Oleg
Princess Olga
Prince Igor
Prince Svyatoslav


First period of Kievan Rus (879-972)
True Heir
Rus grew as both a trading empire and a military power, with Oleh’s
armies attacking Constantinople and gaining a favorable trade treaty from
the Greek rulers of that city in 911 Igor (912–945) was less successful in
his military campaigns against Constantinople and also had to contend
with rebellions among the Slavic tribes who did not want to pay tribute to
the rulers in Kiev.
93 years
Prince Oleg
Princess Olga
Prince Igor
Prince Svyatoslav


First period of Kievan Rus (879-972)
Princess Olga took revenge for her husband’s death.
Olga served as regent (945–962) for their son, Svyatoslav. She is favorably
portrayed in the old chronicles, perhaps because of her
conversion to Christianity, but also because she reestablished control over
the various tribes and put the realm’s financial standing in good order.
93 years
Prince Oleg
Princess Olga
Prince Igor
Prince Svyatoslav


First period of Kievan Rus (879-972)
The warrior
Svyatoslav (962–972) was an outstanding warrior who defeated competing Slavic tribes,
Volga Bulgars, and Khazars and extended his realm to the Volga River, the Caspian Sea,
and the northern Caucasus Mountains. In 968, he formed an alliance with
Constantinople and captured rich cities to the west, along the Danube River in modernday Romania and Bulgaria. He even wanted to move his
capital to Bulgaria. His success, however, turned Constantinople against him,
and the Greeks forced Svyatoslav to withdraw back to Kiev.
93 years
Prince Oleg
Princess Olga
Prince Igor
Prince Svyatoslav


Second period of Kiev Rus (980-1054)
Vladimir The Great
In 980, Vladimir, assisted with military force from the Varangians, overthrew his brother
Yaropolk and consolidated power in his hands. His rule (980–1015) would usher in a new
epoch in the history of Rus. Internal conflict among the members of the Rurik’s dynasty ended.
Economic and cultural development took center stage and over time Rus expanded its borders
to become, territorially, the largest state in Europe.
Vladimir was an ardent follower of paganism, but then he actively began to promote
Christianity as a state religion since 988.
Yaroslav The Wise
Culture glory
Yaroslav became the sole ruler of Rus and moved to Kiev to assume the throne.
Yaroslav’s reign as prince of Kiev (1036–1054) is usually considered the high point in the history of
Kievan Rus, earning him the moniker Yaroslav the Wise.
Like his father, he successfully fought off foreign enemies and expanded the borders of the realm from
the Baltic to the Black Sea. He ordered the construction of churches and monasteries, modern schools.
74 years


Third period of Kiev Rus (1113-1132)
Peace or nothing
Vladimir Monomakh (1113–1125), a grandson of
both Yaroslav the Wise and the Byzantine Emperor
Constantine IX, restored of Kiev’s glory. Before
assuming the throne, he defeated the Polovtsians
in several campaigns and when his father died, he
ascended the throne because his popularity would
help prevent another bout of social unrest among
the citizens of Kiev. He managed to unite most of the
fragmented Rus lands and made legal reforms to
expand the rights of the lower classes. By 1130 all
descendants of Vseslav the Seer were exiled to the
Byzantine Empire by Vladimir Monomakh. The most
fierce resistance to Monomakhs posed Olegovichi
when the izgoi Vsevolod II managed to become the
Grand Prince of Kiev.
The Great
19 years
The last ruler to maintain some sort of united state was Mstislav
the Great. Mstislav continued father's policy of maintaining the
unity of the country. He subdued Polatsk princes are sent as
hostage to Constantinople. Power of Mstislav was so strong that
he decided himself to make his brother commanded Kyiv.
However, his successor could not preserve the unity of the state.


After Mstislav's death wars between princes
broke out with a bang and is quickly Rus split into
a dozen lands and principalities, whose rulers
continuously competed among themselves for
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