Anne Frank Remembered ?'s Flashcards | Quizlet

Anne Frank Remembered ?'s

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On what day was the group in hiding taken away from the Annex?
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Terms in this set (25)
On what day was the group in hiding taken away from the Annex?
August 4, 1944
Who was not taken away with the group in hiding?
a. Henk Gies
b. Mr. Kraler
c. Albert Dussel
d. Peter Van Daan
a (Henk Gies)
Of the members of the group taken away, who escaped the camps?
a. Margot Frank
b. Karel
c. Henk
d. Mr. Koophius
Which camp were Anne and Margot sent to?
Bergen- Belsen
What was the original title of Anne's manuscript?
The Annex
Of the four possible people who betrayed the Franks, who is the least likely?
Why did Miep go to the Gestapo headquarters?
To try and buy the freedom of her imprisoned friends
Of all the captured residents of the Annex, who did survive?
List the items that Miep was holding until the original Jewish owner?
Berry (the cat), the diary, the Shakespeare book
How did the Germans punish the Dutch for the railway strike?
Shut down the transportation system
Mrs. Samson's grandchildren are brought to Miep's door. What happened their parents?
they are captured by the Green Police
Besides being caught by the Nazis, what do the Franks and van Daans fear most?
getting sick and having no doctor
for the jews who are still living openly in Holland, what two choices are presented by the Nazi party?
Deportation or sterilization
Why do the hiders consider letting Anne go out of hiding?
to get her eyes checked at the doctor
What happens that causes Miep to yell at two soldiers?
They almost hit her on their motorcycle